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Bader's Textbook Analysis Chart

EDUC 556
Book Title
Grade Level
Content Area


+ Excellent (Evident Throughout)

Average (Evident Somewhat)
- Poor (Not Evident)

Linguistic Factors:
___Generally appropriate to intended grade
level(s) according to _________ formula


___Linguistic patterns suitable to most

populations and fit intended level(s)


___Vocabulary choice and control suitable


___New vocabulary highlighted, italicized,

in boldface, or underlined


___New vocabulary defined in context


___New vocabulary defined in margin

guides, glossary, beginning or end of chapter


Conceptual Factors:
___Conceptual level generally appropriate
to intended grade level(s)


___Concepts presented deductively


___Concepts presented inductively


___Major ideas are highlighted, italicized,

in boldface type, or underlined


___Appropriate assumptions made regarding

prior level of concepts


___Sufficient development of new concepts

through examples, illustrations, analogies,


___No evidence of sexual, racial, economic,

cultural, or political bias


+ Excellent (Evident Throughout)

Average (Evident Somewhat)
- Poor (Not Evident)

Organizational Factors:
___Units, chapters, table of contents, index
present clear, logical development of subject


___Chapters of instructional segments

contain headings and subheadings that
aid comprehension of subject


___Introductory, definitional, illustrative,

summary paragraphs/sections used as


___Topic sentences of paragraphs clearly

identifiable or easily inferred


___Each chapter/section/unit contains a

well-written summary and/or review


Writing Style:
___Ideas are expressed clearly and directly


___Word choice is appropriate


___Tone and manner of expression are

appealing to intended readers


___Mechanics are correct


Learning Aids:
___Questions/tasks appropriate to conceptual
development of intended age/grade level(s)


___Questions/tasks span levels of reasoning:

literal, interpretive, critical, values clarification,


___Questions/tasks can be used as reading guides


___Suitable supplementary readings suggested


___Clear, convenient to use


___Helpful ideas for conceptual development


+ Excellent (Evident Throughout)

Average (Evident Somewhat)
- Poor (Not Evident)

___Alternative instructional suggestions given
for poor readers, slow-learning students,
advanced students


___Contains objectives, management plans,

evaluation guidelines, tests of satisfactory quality


___Supplementary aids available


___Size of book is appropriate


___Cover, binding, and paper are appropriate


___Typeface is appropriate


___Format is appropriate


___Pictures, charts, graphs are appealing


___Illustrations aid comprehension of text


___Illustrations are free from sexual, social,

cultural bias


___+ ___ ___- Totals
The strengths are:


The weaknesses are:


As a teacher, I will need to:


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