CMPE 131 Project Instructions

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CMPE/SE 131, CMPE 180-31

Fall 2014, Tarng

Project Milestone I - Tools

Each group will be assigned one topic from the following collection of tools to teach the class
for ~10 minutes (see bottom of assignment for due date). Present an overview of your topic on
the first 1-2 slides including how it compares to other tools of that section. Use screenshots to
demonstrate its use and use the notes section of power point on where to find the tool, how to
download it and any other tricks that would be useful for your fellow students to know.

Form a team of 6 people, pick a tool (see follows), and sign up on the google doc:
Deadline for sign up: 9/4, 2:59 pm, before the class
Presentation date: 9/18

Software Configuration Management (SCM) tools:

SCM is used to track and control changes in software. It answers the question Something did
something, how can one reproduce it? For more information, see
Popular current tools are: Perforce, Subversion, CVS, & Git. More information can be found at and (scroll
down to second chart)
Consider the benefits and drawbacks of these SCMs by describing the purpose, differences
(such as centralized v.s. distributed) source control systems, scalability, access control, and
normal patterns of usage.
Demonstrate how to track and control changes discussing the benefits and drawbacks of your
Topics: 1. Git, 2. Subversion

Software hosting facilities:

Popular hosting facilities include GitHub, Google Code, and SourceForge. For a more complete
list, see:

CMPE/SE 131, CMPE 180-31

Fall 2014, Tarng

Some projects prefer to self-host and use trac ( ) for their needs. It
provides a wiki and bug tracker, and you connect your own source control.
Give the class a walkthrough of how to start a new project, commit code to the project,
create/process/closing issues, and how to use any other interesting features that site provides.
Topics: 1. GitHub, 2. Tigris (Subversion), 3. Google Code, 4. SourceForge, 5, trac, 6. Launchpad,
and 7. GNU Savannah

Standalone bug trackers

A list can be found at
Give the class a walkthrough of how to start a new project, commit code to the project, create
process/closing issues, and how to use any other interesting features this offering provides.
Topic: 1. Bugzilla

Editors and IDEs

Vim, emacs, Xcode, Eclipse, Visual Studio fit in this category. As you probably know, an editor
deals only with editing text files while an IDE is a much larger environment that provides
features such as code completion, source control, build system, statistical analysis, and
interface design tools.
Include a demonstration of the features just mentioned above.
Topics: 1. Eclipse, 2. XCode, 3. Visual Studio

Project Management Tools

Project management tools are used to plan and execute projects (see Each project team will use Microsoft
Project as part of their deliverable for the 131/180 project.
Demonstrate how to create, track and modify a development project.
Topic: 1. Microsoft Project.
Groups formed and named: Wednesday August 29th
No less than 4 and no more than 5 per group

CMPE/SE 131, CMPE 180-31

Fall 2014, Tarng

Group skills must be C++ or Java

Topics Due: Wednesday August 29th, 16:00 via Signup Sheet at ENG 277
Presentation Due: Beginning of class, September 10th (PPT or PDF if needed by Mac Users)
Hardcopy to Instructor
Softcopy uploaded to Google Group Project Tools

CMPE/SE 131, CMPE 180-31

Fall 2014, Tarng

Milestone 1: Tools Signup Sheet

(This form will be available on google doc online sign up due 9/4/2014)
List all members names putting in brackets Grad and ISE for those representatives
Software Configuration Management
1. Git _______________________________________________________________

2. Subversion_________________________________________________________

Software Hosting Facilities
1. Github_____________________________________________________________


2. Tigris (Subversion)____________________________________________________
3. Google Code________________________________________________________


4. SourceForge________________________________________________________


CMPE/SE 131, CMPE 180-31

Fall 2014, Tarng

5. Trac_______________________________________________________________


6. Launchpad _________________________________________________________


7. GNU Savannah______________________________________________________

Standalone Bug Tracker

1. Bugzilla____________________________________________________________

Editors and IDEs
1. Eclipse____________________________________________________________


2. XCode_____________________________________________________________


CMPE/SE 131, CMPE 180-31

Fall 2014, Tarng

3. Visual Studio________________________________________________________


Project Management
1. Microsoft Project____________________________________________________


1. Specify: _____________ ____________________________________________


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