English Lance

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1. You're coming to the party, ___?

a. aren't you
b. isn't you
c. shouldn't you
2. It wasn't very difficult, ___?
a. wasn't it
b. isn't it
c. was it
. !om is getting something for "ue, ___?
a. wasn't he
b. isn't he
c. was he
#. It won't be anything e$pensive, ___?
a. won't it
b. isn't it
c. will it
%. !here's some mil& in the refrigerator, ___?
a. isn't there
b. isn't it
c. wasn't it
'. (e don't need to go to the store today, ___?
a. don't we
b. do I
c. do we
). "usan can bring some food, ___?
a. won't she
b. will she
c. can't she
*. !he party starts at eight o'cloc&, ___?
a. isn't it
b. doesn't it
c. does it
+. !he movie was very long, ___?
a. isn't it
b. wasn't it
c. was it
1,. !here's a dictionary on the shelf, ___?
a. isn't it
b. isn't there
c. aren't there
11. !here's a lot of noise outside, ___?
a. aren't there
b. isn't there
c. is there
12. -rs. "mith is sic&, ___?
a. isn't she
b. is she
c. wasn't she
1. !he dishes are dirty, ___?
a. weren't they
b. isn't they
c. aren't they
1#. "teven won't be at the party, ___?
a. won't he
b. isn't he
c. will he
1%. !he math test was very difficult, ___?
a. wasn't it
b. isn't it
c. weren't they
1'. (e can go tomorrow, ___?
a. won't we
b. can we
c. can't we
1). I'm early, ___?
a. isn't I
b. aren't I
c. are I
1*. !his shirt is too big for me, ___?
a. isn't it
b. doesn't it
c. does it
1+. .mily plays the piano well, ___?
a. isn't it
b. does she
c. doesn't she
2,. Your neighbors went on vacation, ___?
a. isn't they
b. didn't they
c. aren't they
Sentence Structure: Simple, Compound, Complex, And Compound-complex
Identify each sentence below as either a simple sentence, compound sentence, complex
sentence, or compound-complex sentence.
Compound Complex Sentences Practice
Practice Exercise 1
Combine the following simple sentences to create a compound sentence.
1. It rained for three days. The streets in my neighborhood fooded.
2. I got to ball practice late. I forgot to set my alarm.
3. Kyle completed his homework. He pt it in his binder.
4. !ke mowed the lawn. He earned ten dollars.
5. I stayed p late last night. I am tired today.
6. "eil doesn#t like seafood. He doesn#t like cabbage.
7. $y pencil was broken. I borrowed one from %ake.
8. I like apples. I like pears more.
Eight people got into the ele&ator. It was crowded. Three people got
(eorgia gathered the pictres. )he cold arrange them in a special
albm for her family.
1. **********************************************************
(In each case, only one possible answer is shown.)
1. It rained for three days, so the streets in my neighborhood fooded.
2. I got to ball practice late for I forgot to set my alarm.
3. Kyle completed his homework and he pt it in his binder.
4. !ke mowed the lawn and he earned ten dollars.
5. I stayed p late last night so I am tired today.
6. "eil doesn#t like seafood, nor does he like cabbage.
7. $y pencil was broken so I borrowed one from %ake.
8. I like apples, bt I like pears more.
Eight people got into the ele&ator, bt it was crowded, so three people
got o'.
(eorgia gathered the pictres so she cold arrange them in a special
albm for her family.
Practice Exercise -
Identify the independent (underline) and subordinate clauses (box) in the
following sentences and determine whether they are complex or compound-
complex. You can check your answers below.
1. %ason decided to stay p late becase he had a lot of homework to do.
2. If yo hrry, we might get to school on time.
3. +lthogh $onica had a cold, she went to school becase she had a test.
4. .hile washing the car, Todd slipped on the soap and he fell.
5. /ad takes the train to work e&en thogh he has a car.
+fter $om arri&ed, she pt the disk in the /0/ player and we watched a
great mo&ie.
E&en thogh his heart ponded with dread, 1en bolted p the stairs, and he
checked ot the strange noise.
8. $olly baked brownies since she had nothing else to do.
Karen made a list of what was needed, and she doble2checked it so she
woldn#t forget anything.
0. 3rank had a good sense of hmor, so he laghed a lot.
(he independent clauses are boldfaced, the subordinate clauses are italic,
and con!unctions are "oman.)
Jason decided to stay up late because he had a lot of homework to do.
2. If you hurry, we migt get to scool on time. 4complex5
Although Monica had a cold, se went to scool because she had a test.
While washing the car, !odd slipped on te soap and e fell.
5. "ad ta#es te t$ain to wo$# een though he has a car. 4complex5
After Mom arried, se put te dis# in te "%" playe$ and we
watced a g$eat mo&ie. 4compond2complex5
Een though his heart pounded with dread, 'en bolted up te stai$s,
and e cec#ed out te st$ange noise. 4compond2complex5
8. (olly ba#ed b$ownies since she had nothing else to do. 4complex5
)a$en made a list of wat was needed, and se double*cec#ed
it so she wouldn!t forget anything. 4compond2complex5
0. +$an# ad a good sense of umo$, so he laughed a lot. 4complex5
Identify the correct possessive form.
1. Select the response from the list that best completes the sentence.
2. Compare your response to the feedback by clicking the "check" button.

The passport was lost. He'll hae to apply for a new one.
child's childs' children's
The lunches are on the table. Tell them to sit down.
child's childrens' children's
3. The mother will pick her up.
girl's girls'
4. The fathers will coach the game.
boy's boys'
5. The pacifier fell on the floor.
baby's babys' babies'
6. The mothers will pay you for babysitting.
baby's babys' babies'
7. !y wife is named Helen.
bos's boss' boss's
8. Could you tell me if date is the 21st"
today's todays todays'
This parade will start at noon.
year's years years'
!r. class meets in building 1.
#one's #ones' #ones's
!y house is located in the countryside.
parent's parents'
The clothing was pretty wild and colorful.
1$%&'s 1$%&s'
't's a (ourney )trip* from here.
day's days'
' bought fie worth of walnuts.
dollar's dollars'
Complete the following sentences using a demonstrative
or interrogative pronoun.
1. is that boy sitting next to Peter?
2. was a horrible experience.
3. are our children.
4. is the road that leads to the railway station?
5. told you this story?
6. . do you mean?
. .. shall we in!ite to preside o!er the "unction?
#. is your phone?
$. %re the people li!ing in a !illage happier than .. li!ing
in a town ?
1&. is your "ather?
11. . is the house that belongs to my grand"ather.
12. shall we contact?
13. . can answer this 'uestion?
14. .. bag is this?

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