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Chapter 3: Public Sector Labor Relations: History and Laws

1. Which of the following are the three main branches of the federal government?
a. operational; legislative; evaluative
b. judicial; evaluative; executive
c. legislative; judicial; executive
d. evaluative; legislative; judicial
(c; Easy; p.83
2. Which of the following is the legislative branch of the federal government?
a. the President
b. Congress
c. the Department of State
d. the Supreme Court
(b; Easy; p.83
3. Which of the following statements is !"# of the federal government?
a. he federal government is divided into three main branches$ the legislative% the judicial%
and the operational.
b. he Supreme Court is the legislative branch of the federal government that passes the
c. Congress is the judicial branch of the federal government that interprets the laws.
d. &ederal executive departments handle the da'(to(da' administration of federal laws.
(d; Hard; p.83
4. he federal court has three levels% district court% ))))))))% and the Supreme Court.
a. famil' court
b. state court
c. court of appeals
d. executive court
(c; Easy; p.83
5. *Dual sovereignt'+ refers to )))))))).
a. the sharing of collective bargaining power between the executive and legislative branches
of the federal government
b. the sharing of governmental power between the federal and state governments
c. the sharing of collective bargaining power between the union and the management
d. the sharing of governmental power between the local government and companies in the
private sector
(b; Easy; p.8!
6. Which of the following statements is !"# of state government?
a. he executive branch of a state consists of the state level courts.
b. he legislative branch is headed b' the chief justice of the state.
c. he majorit' of states have a bicameral legislature.
d. he judicial branch is t'picall' headed b' an elected governor.
(c; "oderate; p.8!
7. Which of the following is the onl' state in the ".S. that has a unicameral legislature?
a. -ri.ona
b. /ebras0a
c. 1ndiana
d. 2regon
(b; Easy; p.8!
8. Which of the following terms refers to the flexible grant of powers from the state to
municipalities to determine their own goals without interference from the state legislature or
state agencies?
a. home rule
b. dual sovereignt'
c. preemption
d. injunction
(a; Easy; p.8#
9. he governmental authorit' most commonl' exercised b' municipalities is the exercise of
)))))))) powers% that is% the power to enact laws governing health% safet'% morals% and
general public welfare.
a. referent
b. preemption
c. coercive
d. police
(d; Easy; p.8$
10. he Pendleton -ct )))))))).
a. put into place a re4uirement that emplo'ers with federal contracts should pa' time and a
half to an' emplo'ee wor0ing more than eight hours per da'
b. restricted the federal courts from issuing injunctions in labor disputes% except to maintain
law and order
c. re4uired emplo'ers to give emplo'ees up to ,3 wee0s of unpaid leave for famil' reasons
d. provided for open competitive examinations to determine the fitness of appointees to
federal office
(d; "oderate; p.8$
11. Congress enacted the )))))))) of ,5,3 with the intention of conferring job
protection rights on federal emplo'ees and a restriction on the authorit' of the executive
branch of government to discharge a federal emplo'ee for tal0ing to Congress.
a. Wagner -ct
b. 6lo'd(6a&ollette -ct
c. Sarbanes(2xle' -ct
d. 6ill' 6edbetter -ct
(b; Easy; p.8$
12. he ))))))))was chartered b' the -merican &ederation of 6abor 7-&68 in ,5,9. 1t is
the oldest noneducation nationall' affiliated state or local union.
a. Wor0ing Women:s -ssociation
b. Wisconsin State #mplo'ees -ssociation
c. 1nternational -ssociation of &ire &ighters
d. Women;s rade "nion 6eague
(c; Easy; p.8%
13. Which of the following doctrines was presented as a basic reason for not allowing
federal emplo'ees to have collective bargaining rights or the right to stri0e?
a. severabilit' doctrine
b. eminent domain doctrine
c. internal affairs doctrine
d. sovereignt' doctrine
(d; Easy; p.8&
14. #xecutive 2rder ,=599% which was signed b' President >ohn &. ?enned' in ,5@3%
a. re4uired emplo'ers to give emplo'ees up to ,3 wee0s of unpaid leave for famil' reasons
b. restricted the federal courts from issuing injunctions in labor disputes% except to maintain
law and order
c. recogni.ed the rights of federal emplo'ees to join or to refrain from joining labor
d. limited the political activities of federal emplo'ees to shield wor0ers from political
(c; "oderate; p.8&
15. Which of the following entities was established under #xecutive 2rder ,,A5,?
a. /ational 6abor !elations Board
b. &ederal 6abor !elations Council
c. Bureau of 6abor Statistics
d. #mplo'ees: Compensation -ppeals Board
(b; Easy; p.&'
16. he )))))))) gives federal emplo'ees the right to join or not join unions and to
engage in collective bargaining; it places central authorit' with the &ederal 6abor !elations
-uthorit' to oversee laborCmanagement relations within the federal government.
a. Civil Service !eform -ct
b. Classification -ct
c. Datch -ct
d. #4ual #mplo'ment 2pportunit' -ct
(a; Easy; p.&'
17. Which of the following entities is a panel appointed b' the president of the "nited
States to oversee the creation of bargaining units% conduct elections% decide representation
cases% determine unfair labor practices% and see0 enforcement of its decisions?
a. Bureau of 6abor Statistics
b. &ederal 6abor !elations -uthorit'
c. Benefits !eview Board
d. &ederal 6abor !elations Council
(b; Easy; p.&'
18. he Civil Service !eform -ct is also 0nown as the )))))))).
a. &ederal 6abor !elations -ct
b. #4ual #mplo'ment 2pportunit' -ct
c. Comprehensive #mplo'ment and raining -ct
d. Whistleblower Protection -ct
(a; Easy; p.&'
19. Which of the following statements is !"# of the &ederal 6abor !elations -ct?
a. 1t is also 0nown as the #4ual #mplo'ment 2pportunit' -ct.
b. 1t created the /ational 6abor !elations Board.
c. 1t ma0es it mandator' for federal emplo'ees to join a union.
d. 1t excludes wages and benefits from the scope of negotiable issues.
(d; "oderate; p.&'
20. Which of the following came about as a result of the *Davenport v. Washington
#ducation -ssociation+ case?
a. Public sector unions are not allowed to stri0e.
b. Public sector emplo'ees are allowed to ta0e up to 3= wee0s of unpaid leave for famil'
c. Public sector unions are re4uired to obtain written consent from nonmembers the'
represent in a bargaining unit before spending fees collected from them for electioneering
d. Public sector emplo'ees are protected from being fired for failure to ma0e political
contributions and certain emplo'ees are forbidden to engage in political activities.
(c; "oderate; p.&!
21. Which of the following public sector unions is the largest professional organi.ation in
the world?
a. /ational !ural 6etter Carriers -ssociation
b. /ational #ducation -ssociation
c. /ational reasur' #mplo'ees "nion
d. /ational Weather Service #mplo'ees 2rgani.ation
(b; Easy; p.&!
22. he 1nternational -ssociation of &ire &ighters 71-&&8 is affiliated with the ))))))))
in the "nited States.
a. "tilit' Wor0ers "nion of -merica
b. "nited Steel% Paper and &orestr'% !ubber% Fanufacturing% #nerg'% -llied 1ndustrial and
Service Wor0ers 1nternational "nion
c. -merican &ederation of 6abor and Congress of 1ndustrial 2rgani.ations
d. &raternal 2rder of Police
(c; Easy; p.&#
23. Which of the following is an example of a public(sector onl' union?
a. Service Employees International Union
b. he /ational #ducation -ssociation
c. he -merican &ederation of State% Count'% and Funicipal #mplo'ees
d. International rot!er!ood o" #eamsters
(c; Easy; p.&#
24. Which of the following is an example of a mixed union?
a. he -merican &ederation of eachers
b. he -ssociation of &ederal Government #mplo'ees
c. he -merican &ederation of State% Count'% and Funicipal #mplo'ees
d. 1nternational Brotherhood of eamsters
(d; Easy; p.&#
25. Which of the following is !"# of bargaining in the public and private sectors?
a. &ederal emplo'ees can bargain over the number of wor0 hours but private(sector
emplo'ees cannot bargain over the number of wor0 hours.
b. &ederal emplo'ees cannot bargain on wages but most state and local emplo'ees can
bargain over wages.
c. &ederal emplo'ees can bargain on pension benefits but most private(sector emplo'ees
cannot bargain over pension benefits.
d. &ederal emplo'ees cannot bargain over paid leaves but most state and local emplo'ees
can bargain over paid leaves.
(b; Hard; p.&%
26. ))))) bargaining in the private sector refers to national or international unions% such
as the "nited -uto Wor0ers% entering into agreements that set the bar for pa' or benefit
increases across the industr'.
a. Distributive
b. -ssociative
c. 1ntegrative
d. Pattern
(d; Easy; p.&8
27. 1f an emplo'er bases its bargaining position on an inabilit' to pa' increased wages%
then that emplo'er must )))))))).
a. allow the /6!B to ma0e the final decision in a dispute
b. increase the number of paid holida's or the emplo'ees
c. allow a union to examine the compan';s boo0s to verif' the claim
d. provide higher pension benefits to its current emplo'ees
(c; "oderate; p.&8
28. Which of the following terms generall' refers to negotiations in the public sector
where the authorit' to commit to a collective bargaining agreement ma' be shared b' the
executive and legislative branches% and thus three parties are involved in negotiations?
a. integrative bargaining
b. multilateral bargaining
c. pattern bargaining
d. distributive bargaining
(b; Easy; p.&&
29. Sunshine laws )))))))).
a. control the procedure followed b' courts and parties to legal cases
b. define legall' enforceable rights and duties% and what wrongful acts amount to violations
of those rights and duties
c. re4uire that the official business of government be conducted in public
d. cover an' civil action between private parties arising from wrongful acts which amount to
a breach of general obligations imposed b' law and not b' contract
(c; Hard; p.&&
30. -ccording to the )))))))) shop provision% an emplo'ee is re4uired to support a
union financiall' even if the emplo'ee is not a union member.
a. union
b. agenc'
c. open
d. closed
(b; Easy; p.'('
31. )))))))) are emplo'ees who are covered b' a collective bargaining agreement but
cannot be re4uired to become union members. Dowever% the' are re4uired to pa' something
to the union for the bargaining and representation services the' receive.
a. &ree riders
b. Boundar' spanners
c. Cheap riders
d. #arl' adopters
(c; Easy; p.'('
32. #mployees $!o are covered %y a collective %ar&ainin& a&reement
%'t are not re('ired to %ecome 'nion mem%ers) are re('ired to pay
a*n+ ,,,,,,,, to t!e 'nion "or t!e %ar&ainin& and representation
services t!ey receive.
a. activation fee
b. ro'alt'
c. fair share
d. retainer
(c; Hard; p.'('
33. "nder which of the following circumstances in the public sector is an emplo'er
allowed to ta0e unilateral action?
a. he emplo'er is unable to meet the financial demands of the union due to insufficient
b. he emplo'er proves that the union has demonstrated bad faith bargaining.
c. he union and the management are unable to reach an agreement after negotiating for a
d. he union declares an impasse and declines the emplo'er;s offer to meet again.
(d; "oderate; p.'($
34. )))))))) allows a third part' panel to ma0e a final and binding decision on a
negotiation dispute.
a. Fediation
b. 1nterest arbitration
c. Conciliation
d. -dvisor' arbitration
(b; Easy; p.'(%
35. )))))))) refers to a process in which governmental emplo'ees are replaced with
other wor0ers through a contract with a non(government emplo'er for the purpose of
reducing overall costs.
a. Globali.ation
b. /ationali.ation
c. Privati.ation
d. 6iberali.ation
(c; Easy; p.'(%
36. he /ational 6abor !elations -ct gave public sector emplo'ees substantive rights to
organi.e into labor unions.
(+alse; "oderate; p.8(
37. Both the public sector and private sector received labor relations rights simultaneousl'.
(+alse; Easy; p.8(
38. he federal government is divided into three main branches$ the legislative% the judicial%
and the executive.
()rue; Easy; p.83
39. he Supreme Court and all other federal courts have legislative authorit' vested in them
b' the Constitution.
(+alse; "oderate; p.83
40. Congress is the judicial branch of the federal government% and interprets the laws passed
b' the legislative branch.
(+alse; "oderate; p.83
41. - ruling from a district or court of appeals that is not challenged is legall' binding; if it
is challenged and heard b' the Supreme Court% then that decision is legall' binding.
()rue; Easy; p.83
42. "nder the ".S. Constitution% all powers not granted to the federal government are
reserved for the states.
()rue; "oderate; p.8!
43. -ccording to the ".S. Constitution% the actions of the federal government are considered
supreme whenever its constitutional use of power clashes with the legitimate actions of
the states.
()rue; Easy; p.8!
44. Fontana is the onl' state in the ".S. that has a unicameral legislature.
(+alse; Easy; p.8!
45. - municipal corporation is the legal term for a state government.
(+alse; Easy; p.8#
46. Funicipal corporations are considered sovereign entities.

(+alse; Easy; p.8#
47. 1n man' local government structures% the legislative bod' also serves as an executive
bod'% directing the da'(to(da' operation of its activities.
()rue; Easy; p.8#
48. Dome rule powers allow municipalities to act on issues of local concern because the' do
not have to see0 approval for their actions from the state legislature.
()rue; Easy; p.8#
49. he power of a state government to enact laws governing health% safet'% morals% and
general public welfare is 0nown as police power.
()rue; Easy; p.8#
50. he Cla'ton -ct provided for a bipartisan three(member Civil Service Commission to
draw up and administer competitive examinations to determine the fitness of appointees
to federal office.
(+alse; Easy; p.8$
51. he Pendleton -ct protected federal emplo'ees from being fired for failure to ma0e
political contributions and actuall' forbade political campaign contributions b' certain
()rue; Easy; p.8$
52. he Classification -ct provided a pa' structure for federal emplo'ees based on the
4ualifications of the person holding the job rather than the duties assigned to a job.
(+alse; "oderate; p.88
53. he Datch -ct restricted the federal courts from issuing injunctions in labor disputes%
except to maintain law and order.
(+alse; Easy; p.88
54. Sovereignt' is defined as *the supreme% absolute% and uncontrollable power b' which an
independent state is governed.+
()rue; Easy; p.8&
55. #xecutive 2rder ,=599% signed b' President >ohn &. ?enned' in ,5@3% recogni.ed the
rights of federal emplo'ees to join or to refrain from joining labor organi.ations.
()rue; Easy; p.8&
56. "nder #.2. ,=599% stri0es were specificall' denied to the public labor organi.ations.
()rue; "oderate; p.&'
57. #xecutive 2rder ,,A5, made the ".S. Postal Service 7"SPS8 an independent agenc' of
the executive branch.
(+alse; Easy; p.&'
58. he &ederal 6abor !elations -uthorit' was created b' the /ational 6abor !elations -ct.
(+alse; Easy; p.&'
59. he &ederal 6abor !elations -ct excludes wages and benefits from the scope of
negotiable issues.
()rue; "oderate; p.&'
60. he &ederal 6abor !elations -ct does not cover supervisors and members of the armed
()rue; Easy; p.&'
61. here is no federal law currentl' governing the collective bargaining relationship
between states and local governments and their emplo'ees.
()rue; "oderate; p.&3
62. Public sector unions are re4uired to obtain written consent from nonmembers the'
represent in a bargaining unit before spending fees collected from them for electioneering
()rue; "oderate; p.&!
63. Collective bargaining in the public sector is largel' shaped b' mar0et forces% while
political forces shape bargaining in the private sector.
(+alse; Easy; p.&$
64. &ederal emplo'ees under the &ederal 6abor !elations -ct are re4uired to either become
union members or pa' an' mone' in the form of fees or dues in support of the union;s
(+alse; "oderate; p.'('
65. he &ederal 6abor !elations -uthorit' has jurisdiction in all the arbitration awards
appealed to it% regardless of the issue involved.
()rue; Easy; p.'(%

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