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November 2009 Simona Caba Afrika Wa Yesu - Inhaminga

Living a dream: a generation that is free is rising up in Mozambique

Isaiah 59:13 says: “When the enemy comes in like a flood, discouraged, there was one thing that kept us so grateful
the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him”. and peaceful inside: to see this young Mozambicans
preaching about, teaching and sharing what is their own
There is a battle and there is an army prepared to fight. In dream now – to see and train their own generation to
these last days I believe that God is rising up a special stand in righteousness before God, passionate and alive
army which is described in Joel 2 formed by young for Jesus. Santo and Paulo
people. A generation that is hungry for God’s Word and (part our youth group from
desire more than anything His manifested presence, out of Inhaminga) were giving their
a normal life. Not all of them will be part of it; many will best in everything was
hear this call but not everyone will answer. It is needed: serving, preaching
something beyond emotions; this group of solders is and ministering. The Word
taking God serious and all they want is to give themselves was first for them, it brought
to Him. They are set apart to proclaim The Word of God, change in them as they were
to cry out and intercede for their generation. They know listening or preaching. Abdul and Josias (two of our
the enemy’s strategy and they all listen to their One youth evangelists), Agostinho and Valentin (two of our
Commander. Mozambican teachers trained by Susana) have been an
Some of our team received this vision for Mozambique a example of serving and taking leadership in all the 3
year ago during youth conferences. It was a call that we conferences. They are trained to lead a church, to
had to answer first and since then that is what we dream evangelize, to teach and preach, play with the children, to
and desire more than anything. work hard, to cook and to fetch water. And if I forgot
This time, at the youth conferences we are having at the anything else, I believe they can do that too☺.
end of each year we didn’t have the privilege to have all
our team. It is just me and Susana (we learned one more Magiga – Testimonies of changed lives
time how precious is the great gift of friendship). The 5 years ago, in 2004 we have been to a village Pebane,
others are taking their very deserved vacation being with which is 20 km away from Magiga. I remember the
their families. We were not alone: it was a great oppression and lack of respect we found there. For one
opportunity to take a team of young Mozambicans with month we faced a lot of resistance; majority of the people
us. All month of November we were traveling thousands living there were muslims. I remember that was the only
of km, ministering to youth that lives in the northern part one place where we didn’t have anyone coming for
prayer after the altar call; not even one child would come.
I desired for long time to go back, but
it wasn’t the time.
In 2007 two of our evangelists stopped
in Magiga, a village with no christians
at all. There was a young man there,
Jamilo, praying for help. He is one of
the many sons of a muslim leader but
of Mozambique, among muslims. In was a marathon of 3 he received Jesus when he was living
youth conferences in: Magiga (Zambezia Province), in another village. Since then, through
Macomia (Cabo Delgado Province) and Nampula a lot of persecution a church is arising in that place.
(Nampula Province). We had a great time together as a Through the blood of Jesus and the testimonies of the
team knowing each other better, and sharing the same muslims that received Jesus, the church is growing. They
vision and plans we have to reach this young generation. are all young muslims that had a life of misery and
Through many circumstances that we could get nothing could change them. But when they met Jesus,
a miracle happened which changed their lives. They are front of their house. The family
so thirsty to know more of Jesus. The worship took us to cannot morn their child because
the throne of God. The theme at this conference was: they might upset “the spirits”. We
“Taking God serious”. got in Macomia exactly when they
Abdul was a muslim before but now he is completely started the ceremonies. We found
dedicated to serve God and his greatest desire is to take out that when a group of people
the Gospel to all his brothers. Besides that, he has an were passing through the village
amazing ability to work with children and young adults running and making a lot of noise
brining a change wherever he goes. Joaquim, our in the same time. The boys were
evangelist that planted the church in Magiga is one of the leading in front with everybody
most amazing young man I met here in Mozambique. else following (see the picture). The Saturday night
Everywhere he goes he rises up youth to stay strong for before we left - was the beginning of the ceremony.
Jesus. Somehow with his gentle spirit he can train them Nobody slept. There was so much oppression and noise,
with so much authority. After these 2 men taught about drinking and
evangelism, we split in groups and went hut to hut, to sadness. In
practice what we’ve learned. It was a great difference in many cases
how they received us compared to 5 years ago. Many of the family is
them never heard about Jesus. They listened carefully, not happy to
and some took the decision to follow Him. We showed let their little
Jesus film in the market. Just few months ago there was a boy leave, but
group of muslims that tried to disturb one of the church the fear and
meetings bringing confusion. There were more than 300 the tradition is
people in the market. It was for many of them the first much stronger
time when they were exposed to the complete Gospel, the than anything. Those days something happened inside of
majority never knew that Jesus was crucified, died and me. I want to make it as one of the goals of my life: to see
rose again. During the film I was holding a little girl these children free. I know that looking as humans is
Anima. She was crying seeing Jesus suffering - saying impossible but I believe God has a plan and a strategy. I
that if she could be there she would take the nails from just need to know what it is.
His hand, take Him to her house and give Him a bath. As you travel more into North the strongholds of islam
When Jesus was put on the cross she was trying to and tradition are much stronger. Last year we had a
comfort me telling that I have nothing to get worried problem when we wanted to show Jesus film in one of
because God will not let Him die taking Him from the their muslim villages. This year it was almost happening
cross. That is what they learned at the mosque but now again.
she saw that the truth was that He was crucified. When we One day I was driving to a place Matchova where we
left that place, we were encouraged. Jesus is reaching out could get grass and poles for the church. While our
to this tribe of people and He is reaching trough the youth. evangelist there Lucas was dealing with the men, I started
to play with the children. While playing, adults were
Macomia – a place to return to
coming starting to gain trust. When we were leaving we
Macomia is a place where
had already a deal: to come back and show the “Jesus
few tribes of people live
film”. They are makua tribe and all muslims so I saw as a
together. The main ones
great door to bring the Gospel to a place where it was
are makonde (usually
never before.
catolics) and makua
It was amazing when we started to sing with the kids and
(muslims), two tribes that
they would not know how to answer not even one of our
still not like each other.
songs. While I was busy setting up the screen and the
There is one thing that
equipment for the film some drunken men started to
both tribes agree, though: circumcision and initiation
scream that they don’t want to hear anything about Jesus
and that we needed to leave. Abdul told them that we
Boys at 5 – 8 years old get in an awful ceremony of
were not there to covert them but to show the story of a
circumcision mixed with lot of witchcraft demonic
man named Jesus that changed our lives and can change
tradition. The girls are initiated at a very early age also in
theirs too. After the film started, we had more attention
a similar demonic ritual where they are “taught” how to
and silence than in any other place. They were quite,
please a man. These ceremonies long usually 2 months.
listening to every word, living every moment of the film.
The girls usually cannot get out from their house during
One man asked in silence: “How come this white people
this time and the boys are taken to the bush, away from
from the movie know our dialect?” Again the fact that
their families. During this time some of the boys die and
Jesus “was speaking” their language open up their hearts.
are buried there. Nobody from the family will know until
I could see like in the other place that this was their first
the time when all other boys go home. As a signal that the
encounter with the life, suffering, death and resurrection
boy is not coming back anymore they leave a big jar in
of Jesus. They were happy with His miracles, sad with
the injustice and angry with the unfair death. It never
happened before what happened there: that at the end
nobody wanted to leave. They were ready to watch one
more time the film and many of them came with
questions. Few young men came in front and they wanted
to receive Jesus. They said that they are thieves and
drunkers; they tried to change and never could and now
they wanted Jesus to change them. For the Youth Conference we were blessed with a nice
The seed was sowed and it will bring fruit. building of another church. There were around 60 young
Last year the evangelists started the people participated. Our theme was: “Christian
work there so when we visit it was Character”. In 3 days we were able to do so much. We
just the beginning of their work. could easily build on a foundation that was already there.
Now there is a little church of few They have wonderful pastors that already did that. Also
young people coming out from the fact that majority of them are encouraged to study it
their shame, fear and oppression. makes a difference in the way their minds think. We
The theme of this conference was spook about love versus selfishness, humbleness vs pride,
“Knowing God”. We knew that truth vs lie, unshakable vs shakable, etc. They liked the
they needed to build a fundament in most when we split in small groups and we talk. We
their relationship with God. Some talked about the purpose of and in marriage, how to live
of them were very receptive and so as single for God, how to keep yourself pure and how to
hungry. The girls were mostly shy choose your partner. They had so many questions and
and very hard to share their they were so open.
testimonies. At the end there was Everyone preached with so much anointing. I would say
one girl that actually with the help of Susana spoke some that Santo was at his best. He was testifying after, that
few words. I would say that was a breakthrough☺. when he saw the hunger for God in this group of young
I believe that like in Magiga also in Macomia the people, he was like exploding. Their desire to know more
breakthrough starts through real testimonies of great and to change compelled and encouraged him to preach
change and through the amazing power of the blood of freely and with courage. They were also encouraged as
Jesus. they listen and answered the
call for repentance and
Nampula – “Christ like character”
humbleness. Santo is only
Nampula is a city in the north of Mozambique and
20 years old.
majority of its habitants are muslims. Pastor Armando and
Even Pastor Armando is not
his wife Mae Lurdes moved there months ago to lead
everyone’s pastor; all the
from there our “Church Planting Project”. Lots of our new
young men there - look at
churches are in that area. Since this wonderful couple got
him with so much
there, the little group of people that was meeting for
admiration and all they want
prayer in that city has multiplied. Through their testimony
is to be like him. We left
and commitment they have been such a great example for
that place encouraged and
so many. Actually the conference we had there it was a
we know that we will go
vision that was born in both our hearts. We knew that the
back. It is worth it!
majority in the church is youth so we desired to be able to
impart into their lives. Our Nampula Afrika Wa Yesu
Dearest friends, brothers and sisters, my dear family in
Church still doesn’t have a building. They rented a place
Christ - your prayers and love cover me everywhere I go.
that actually is too small for them already and for sure
But also you have to know that I am taking you with me
HOT! We had our Sunday morning service there. It
in any place I go. I keep you in my heart and prayers as
reminded me something that I forgot which I lived years
we are passing in a New Year of new challenges, and
ago: home meetings during the communist time, with the
new promises of God! We are together in this for His
doors and windows closed; even the walls were
glory and I love you very much!
“sweating” because of the condense air. But in both cases
the presence of God was so real. It was an honor to
Simona Caba
participate with our brothers and sisters, worship together
and share our heart and vision with them.

For those who would like to help support me, your tax-deductible donation can be send to:
Christ for the Nations(MAPS Program)
P.O.Box 769000, Dallas, TX 75376 – 9000 (Include a note stating: For Simona Caba in Mozambique)
For those who would like to write to me: Simona Caba, a/c Afrika Wa Yesu, P.O.Box 67, Beira, Mozambique

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