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China Seeks Global Rules to Govern Internet

Zhang Chunyan, China Daily/ANN | World | Tue, September 10 2013, 8.36 AM

All Nation should work together to build a multilateral, democratic and transparent
international order for internet governance within the United Nation framework, the top official
of Chinas regulation body on Internet information said on Monday. Minister of the State
Internet Information Office Lu Wei made the remarks in a keynote speech in London at the 5

China-UK Internet Roundtable, an annual event co-hosted by the State Internet Information
Office and the British Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
Lus remarks came amid mounting accusations against Beijing over its Internet
administration and alleged hacking attacks. He said, Where there is no order, there is no
liberty. We should respect cyber sovereignty, discard hegemony and avoid putting our own
countrys interest above those of others. We should join hand to build order for the development
of the Internet on the basis of mutual respect and equal treatment, Lu said. No country is
immune to such global challenges as cybercrime, hacking and invasion of privacy, Lu said
during the meeting, noting that China is also a victim of hacking. Lu said the Internet has
become a new platform for many Chinese entrepreneurs. Edward Snowder, a former contractor
for the US National Security Agency, provided documents in June revealing that the US
government has been hacking Chinese mobile operators networks, as well as all the operator of
a fiber optic cable network, to intercept information. China firmly opposes all form of Internet
attacks, Lu noted, and said, We hope to deepen exchanges and cooperation with other countries
in online cyber security, anti-terrorism, law enforcement and privacy protection.
Although China is latecomer in Internet-related technologies, the sector has seen
tremendous development in recent years. According to the Internet authority, China now has
almost 600 million Internet users, 44.1 per cent of the population, and the number is still rising.
Lu said that Britain has advance experience in Internet content management,
technological support, industry self-regulation, laws and regulation. He also suggested that the
two countries should strengthen cooperation by establishing a regular exchange and
communication mechanism, and collaborate on Internet innovation, research and consultation,
cybersecurity and information sharing.
This year, the roundtable had four discussion session called Digital Technologies,
Social Responsibility of the Internet, The Internet of Things and Accessible Technologies,
concerning resources for people with disabilities.

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