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Desert Magazine Book Shop

ker. Third edition of this well-illustrated and Leslie L. Haskin. A completely revised and en-
documented book is enlarged considerably. Tops larged edition, this guide gives a broad scien-
among guidebooks, it is equally recommended tific basis for a definitive identificaton of wild
for research material in an area that was crossed flowers. With descriptions are more than 100
by Anza, Kit Carson, the Mormon Battalion, full-color photographs, plus black and white,
49ers, Railroad Survey parties, Pegleg Smith, the describing 332 flowers and shrubs. Hardcover,
Jackass Mail, Butterfield Stage, and today's 450 pages, $595.
adventurous tourists. 139 pages, cardboard
cover, $3.50.
of Sunset Books. Just published, this book lists
EXPLORING CALIFORNIA BYWAYS by Russ Lead- more than 5000 private and public camp-
abrand. There are two separate books under grounds in the 11 western states and British
this title. Volume 1 covers the area from Kings Columbia and Western Alberta, including hun-
Canyon National Park, near Bishop, to the dreds of new campsites to care for the ever
Mexican Border. Volume 2 covers one or two- increasing amount of people taking to the open
day trips around Los Angeles. Both books con- road. Just right for planning a vacation. Large
tain maps for each trip with photographs, his- format, slick paperback, illustrated, 128 pages,
torical information, recreational facilities, camp- $1.95.
sites, hiking trails, etc. Excellent travel guides.
Both volumes are slick paperback, 180 pages,
STATE WHICH VOLUME NUMBER. electronic physicist "bitten by the gold b u g , "
BY THE EDITORS OF SUNSET BOOKS the author has written a concise and informative
book for amateur prospectors telling where and
THE WEEKEND TREASURE HUNTER by A. H. Like other Sunset Books, this newly re- how gold is found and how it is separated and
Ryan. A companion book to his Weekend Gold vised edition is beautifully illustrated and tested, all based on his own practical ex-
Miner, this volume is also concise and packed gives complete information, including his- perience. Paperback, 40 pages, $1.50.
with information on what to look for and what tory, description, campsites, availability of
to do with your treasure after you have found space, recreational facilities, etc., of the
it. Subjects range from Beach Combing to Sunk- state and national parks in California. HAPPY WANDERER TRIPS by Slim Barnard.
en Treasures. Paperback, 76 pages, $1.95. Ideal for vacationers. Large format, slick Television travel personalities Henrietta and
paperback, 80 pages. Slim Barnard have produced two separate vol-
umes on the hundreds of trips shown on their
BEACHES OF BAJA by Wall Wheelock. The au- $1.95 popular television series. Volume 1 has 52
thor has personally explored the beautiful trips in Southern California, and Volume 2 lists
beaches of Baja, which, unlike those of Upper 41 trips in Arizona, Nevada and Mexico. All of
California, are uncluttered and uncrowded. He the trips are illustrated with excellent maps and
tells how to reach the beaches and what type of METAL DETECTOR HANDBOOK by Art Lassagne, give prices of lodging, etc. Highly recommend-
transportation is needed. A companion book to 2nd edition. Includes history, operating tech- ed for family weekend excursions. Both are
Gerhard and Gulicks Lower California Guide niques, interpretation of signals, and Directory large slick paperback with 4-color cover. Price
Book. Paperbook, illustrated, 72 pages, $1.95. of Manufacturers. One of the most complete is $2.95 each. WHEN ORDERING BE SURE AND
handbooks of its kind. Paperback, 65 pages. STATE WHICH VOLUME NUMBER.
Although a system of paved roads covers Death ROCK DRAWINGS OF THE COSO RANGE by
Valley National Monument, there is even a ROUGH RIDING by Dick Cepek and Walt Wheel- Campbell Grant, James Baird and Kenneth
larger network of back country roads leading ock. Two veteran travelers have compiled an ex- Pringle. Authors use the petroglyphs found in
to old mining camps, stamp mills and other cellent book on how to drive and survive in the California's Inyo County to piece together the
little-known areas of interest. The author has back country. Although based on driving habits and activities of prehistoric people. Al-
provided a guide to these places for explorers through Baja California, the information is ap- though using the Coso Range carvings and
with back country vehicles. Paperback, illustra- plicable to all areas of the West. Strongly paintings, the hieroglyphics are similar to those
ted, 36 pages, $1.00. recommended for both amateurs and veterans. found throughout the Americas. Soft cover, slick
Paperback, 36 pages, $1.00. paper, more than 100 photos, maps and draw-
ings. 145 pages, $3.95.
Robert L. Brown. An illustrated, detailed, infor- REDWOOD COUNTRY by the Editors of Sunset
mal history of life in the mining camps deep in Books. A comprehensive travel guide and his- CAMPING AND CLIMBING IN BAJA by John W.
Colorado Rockies. Fifty-eight towns are included tory of the giant Redwood trees of Northern Robinson. Contains excellent maps and photos.
the almost inaccessible mountain fastness of the California, plus a complete description and A guidebook to the Sierra San Pedro Martir and
as examples of the vigorous struggle for exist- guide to the newly published Redwood National the Sierra Juarez of upper Baja Calif. Much
ence in the mining camps of the West. 239 Park. Accurate maps and more than 1 00 photo- of this land is unexplored and unmapped still.
pages, illustrated, end sheet map. Hardcover. graphs. Large format slick paperback, 96 pages, Car routes to famous ranches and camping spots
$5.50. $1.95. in palm-studded canyons with trout streams
tempt weekend tourists who aren't up to hiking.
Paperback, 96 pages, $2.95.
C. Tibbitts. Long time collector and author of WHEN ORDERING BOOKS
several bottle books, the author has written two A GUIDEBOOK TO THE SOUTHERN SIERRA
volumes on insulators, covering 90 percent of PLEASE NEVADA by Russ Leadabrand. Illustrated with
the field. Insulators in Vol. 1 (127 pages) are good photographs and maps, this volume covers
different than those in Vol. 2 (119 pages). Add 50 cents PER ORDER the Sierra region south of the Sequoia National
Paperbacks, well illustrated. $3.00 each. OR- (Not Each Book) Park, including most of the Sequoia National
DER BY VOLUME NUMBER. Forest. Paperback, $1.95.
for handling and mailing
set Books. Mexican recipes for American cooks, ADD 5 PERCENT SALES TAX lished by Sunset Books, this well illustrated
thoroughly tested and suited for products avail- book separates fact from fiction and shows
able in the United States. Includes comprehen- Send check or money order to Desert Maga- where faults are located, what to do in the
sive shopping guide, all cooking techniques and zine Book Shop, Palm Desert, California event of an earthquake, past history and what
recipes from soups to desserts and drinks. Large 92260. Sorry, but we cannot accept charges to expect in the future. Highly recommended for
slick paper format, well illustrated, 96 pages, or C.O.D. orders. all Californians. Large format, slick paperback,
$1.95. 160 pages, $2.95.


JACK DELANEY, Staff Writer

BILL BRYAN, Back Country Editor




Sheer walls of Angel's
Landing tower 1500 feet GHOSTS OF TEM PAH UTE by Roberta M. Starry
above the Virgin River -—
one of the many points of BAKER LAKE
interest in Utah's Zion by Dorothy Robertson
National Park. Photograph
by David Muench, Santa BOULEVARD BONANZA by Ken Marquiss
Barbara, California.
PALMETTO, NEVADA by Sally Lindman


BOOK REVIEWS by Jack Pepper


LETTERS Readers' Comments

ELTA SHIVELY, Executive Secretary MARVEL BARRETT, Business

EDITORIAL AND CIRCULATION OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea, Palm Desert, California 92260, AC 714 346-8144. NATIONAL ADVER-
TISING OFFICES: 8380 Melrose Street, Los Angeles 90069, AC 213 653-5847. Listed in Standard Rate and Data. Subscription rates:
United States, Canada & Mexico, 1 year, $5.00; 2 years, $9.50, 3 years, $13.00. Other foreign subscribers add $1.00 currency for each year.
See Subscription Order Form in this issue. Allow five weeks for change of address and send both new and old addresses with zip codes
Desert Magazine is published monthly. Second class postage paid at Palm Desert, California and at additional mailing offices under Act of
March 3, 1879. Contents copyrighted 1969 by Desert Magazine and permission to reproduce any or all contents must be secured in writing.
Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs WILL NOT BE RETURNED unless accompanied by a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
by Jack Pepper
By Michael fenkinson with Karl
Kernberger By Clair Martin Christensen
The history of New Mexico is remin- Whether you are an avid treasure hunt-
iscent of the ancient sagas. The conquis- er with a metal detector and other equip-
BOTTLES AND RELICS tadors, the gunmen, the miners and ment or merely a casual explorer you may
freighters, the merchants and the poli- someday find a valuable "treasure trove."
By Marvin and Helen Davis
ticians—all these moved west and carved Would you be able to keep it? Are you
This is the fifth book by Marvin and a home, a territory, and, finally, a state in violation of Federal laws when you
Helen Davis, veteran bottle collectors out of mountains and plains that were pick up an Indian arrowhead ? What is
and treasure hunters. Among the many hostile and harsh. lost property?
outstanding features of their newest book The Treasure Hunter's Guide to the
These pioneers were men of honor as
is more than 30 pages of color illustra- Law answers these questions and dozens
well as low, mean creatures, and a length
tions of bottles. Instead of photograph- of others which vitally affect finders of
of rope and a cottonwood limb often
ing the bottles against a plain background valuables. The author also provides his
promptly solved what the quick flash of
they used imagination and set the items interpretation of the controversial Fed-
a barroom gun left unfinished.
in natural settings. eral Antiquities Act of 1906.
Ghost Towns is not just a tourists'
In addition to the color photographs Among the many other subjects covered
guide to exotic places. The book spans
there are dozens of pages of black and are Mining Claims, Income Tax Aspects,
the history of New Mexico from the past
white photographs showing more than Gold Regulations, Trespass and Salvage,
to the present. Tales of Russian Bill and
500 bottles with descriptions and cur- and Marking and Recording of Claims.
Billy the Kid are set off against the first
rent prices.
atomic explosion; the unsolved murder This concise and factual book should
The book also includes a special sec- of Colonel Albert Fountain and his son be carried by anyone who is exploring
tion on the collection and display of is recounted; and, coming to the present, the West and who might someday be
relics such as guns, horns, cooking uten- the reader visits a deserted town in which lucky enough to find a treasure trove—
sils and other items found in the West a lone astronomer studies the sky for his whether it be an Indian arrowhead or
which are considered collector's items. own pleasure. gold bullion. Paperback, 46 pages, $2.75.
Another interesting part of the book
is on treasure hunting and the use of The book is exceptionally well written
metal detectors. Slick paperback, 155 and Karl Kernberger's photographs could
pages, four-color cover, $4.50. be hung in any gallery. Hardcover, high
quality paper, large format, 153 pages.
Makes an excellent gift. $7.50. NEW MEXICO PLACE NAMES
Edited by T. M. Pearce
Published by the University of New
Mexico, this book lists all of the places,
By Harry C. Lawson towns, former sites, mountains, hills,
Written for the amateur, this book NOTICE mesas, rivers, lakes, arroyos etc. in New
tells how to plant, care for and identify Unless otherwise stated in Mexico including those settled by the
cactus found in the West. Whether you the review, all books re- early Spaniards.
plan to plant just one cacti in a pot, or viewed in DESERT Maga- In addition to listing the places and
start a cactus garden, it will assure you of locations it provides a concise history of
zine are available through
successful planting. the subjects. Persons traveling through
the Desert Magazine Book
Using his own cactus collection, the or in New Mexico will find their trip
Shop. Please add 50 cents is much more interesting if they know
author has included 409 photographs and
descriptions of the plants. As the author per order (not per book) the history of the places they visit.
states: "The person who starts a cactus for handling and postage. It is also a valuable guide for back
garden will never cease to marvel how a California residents must country explorers, including treasure
dusty looking little blob of green, all also add 5 percent sales hunters, bottle collectors and those in-
bristles and defiance, can produce such terested in seeing Indian settlements and
tax for the total amount of
u n i q u e and breath-takingly l o v e l y artifacts.
blooms." Paperback, illustrated, 36 pages, books.
Paperback, 187 pages with more than
$2.00. 5000 individual names, $2.45.
D URING THE course of a business

A Peek day a volume of mail crosses

my desk with requests, regrets and
kudos from our family of readers.

in the The degree of variety of these letters

staggers the imagination. From the
East coast will be a missive from an INBOW'S
Publisher's avid herpetologist inquiring where and
when is the best time to organize a END...
snake-gathering expedition. From a
begins with a
reader in the Midwest is a query as to
the authenticity of a tribe of albino
Indians that apparently inhabited an
area near San Bernardino. A subscriber from Northern California wrote in to say that TREASURE LOCATOR'
somehow she had received four copies of DESERT Magazine and didn't know what
to do. I had to admit on that one it was a clear-cut case of too much of a good thing.
I will not attempt to infer that all the mail is congratulatory, either. Some border
on being nasty. The policy of this magazine is to introduce people to the desert areas
of the southwest and at the same time add historical facts to make a pleasing combi- "COMMANDER" 720
This Go Ida k T r e a s u r e
nation for all to enjoy. The tranquility of the desert has to be discovered first hand. Locator is unsurpassed for
Its calming influence is known to all of its lovers and the following letter is testimony locating buried treasure,
enough for me that the policy is a good one. coins. Civil War relics and
for beachcombing. Features
Dear Desert Magazine: "Tell-Tone" Signal. Locates
I want you to know how very much I appreciate your magazine. any metal object under dirt,
sand, mud, rock, etc. No
It has actually restored my mother's good health. Your interesting cumbersome cords-com-
articles have so fascinated her that she bought a dune buggy. She has pletely transistorized, bat-
spent days roaming and exploring. To her the desert is an intriguing and tery powered.
When it comes to find-
exciting place, a friendly enchanted place, full of golden sunshine. ing your pot of gold, go
The physical exercise and mental outlook was a therapy no doc- with the leader—go with
tor had ever recommended. She got so she could walk long distances
in the soft sand; scramble up and down hills and even carry loads of EFFECTIVE DEPTH RANGE
rock. (Under Normal Conditions)
An arthritic victim for years, she was partially resigned to her
wheel-chair at the age of sixty years. Before the arthritis she had been
a very active person who enjoyed walking and was an enthusiastic
mountain climber.
Your magazine started her to thinking, wanting to be able to
"go" again. Pictures and stories of old-timers gave her hope. If they did
it, so could she. So she tried and won out!
The golden sunshine; the clean, clear air; walking in the soft
sand, strengthened and straightened her bad leg. It also brought her
a whole new interest in life. She is now due for surgery, but you can
bet that after that she will be back out there following the Desert
Magazine trails!
Thank you,
L. L. R.
Thank you, L. L. R. and it would be a banner day for me to meet your mother
on one of our "golden sunshine" trails. Start out right-send $1.00 pre-
paid for authentic gold-plated
replica of a Spanish doubloon
found off Cape Kennedy.
Glendale, California 91201
• Please send free literature on GOLDAK trea-
sure locators.
D I enclose $1.00 prepaid for my gold-plated
doubloon replica with pouch.

Publisher's Note: Due to a mechanical breakdown of the new wrapping machine Name.

last month's issue was not wrapped as specified. I was heartened by the amazingly Address -

few books that were reported damaged. All damaged copies have been replaced City

and my apologies for any inconvenience. State - -Zip-


by Marian Harvey

H IGH ON THE eastern slope of

the Sierra Nevada ridge in
California lies the town of Bodie
houses with one layer of wood and
one sheet of wall paper between
them and the gnashing winds that
Governor left, presumably never to
The Bodie Bluff Consolidated
where chilling blasts drop the tem- swept the mountaintops and the high Mining Company fell into the hands
perature to 20 degrees below zero plateaus. of four men. Out of the four, one be-
during the winter which usualy lasts During these years between 1860 came a state legislator, one died in
nine months of the year. and 1874, intermittent, hopeful min- a mining accident, and the remain-
The miners in those days were a ing continued on the 9000-foot Bo- ing two later let the mine go by de-
robust lot, braving the chilling die bluffs. fault to pay their $950 food bill at
blasts of winter and the scorching California's Governor Leland Stan- O'Hara's boarding house. Food was
sun of summer to follow the con- ford, one of the "Big Four" of trans- not cheap during the gold rush days.
stant rumors of new "excitements" continental railroad fame, came one A loaf of bread could be $4 to $6
day to look over the Bodie Bluff Con- and one egg, $1.50. A pound of
of the gold and silver country.
solidated Mining Company. He had butter was $14. The high cost of
The first "excitement" in Bodie just become its president. Since the food certainly must have been
was played out early, or so the min- consolidation had called for capital, passed on to the luckless boarders.
ers thought. But beneath their shal- the Governor was going to supply it Meat was scarce, so were fruit and
low mining, lay one of the history's to the tune of $1,000,000. But his vegetables. No one had much time to
most fabulous veins of gold ore. It bombastic "expert" was so sure hunt or to grow food. They were too
would not be discovered for 14 more gold could not be found more than busy mining. All that was to come
years, and then it would be discover- 200 feet below the ground, he pro- later.
ed by accident. nounced, "If any gold were found When the two remaining owners,
The exodus from Bodie had be- deeper, they could hang him in the Essington and Lockberg, drifted on
gun. Some later worked their way shaft."
to other "excitements" thoroughly
over the top again looking still for The Governor and his party were disgusted with their Consolidated
new bonanzas, living the life of the standing at that moment within 10 Mine, O'Hara reluctantly took it over
one-blanket prospector or renting a feet of millions and millions in gold. to pay their debt. Vainly, O'Hara
bed used by one or two others in a Governor Stanford left in disdain. offered to sell the mine. All he want-
regularly-scheduled 24-hour period. "I wouldn't give $500 for the whole ed was $950 for it, but there were
They slept in hastily built boarding district," he said. Whereupon the no takers.
In 1874, Essington and Lockberg Because of this condition, not
returned to Bodie. They had found enough timber was used to buttress
nothing more promising than the the diggings and the Bodie Bluff
mine they had left behind, so they Consolidated Mining Company was
decided they might as well return to supported no differently.
it. Making a deal with the relieved Essington and Lockberg had be-
O'Hara, they worked out their $950 gun digging again. One day while
debt and thereby rebought their they were down at the boarding
mine. house—presumably working off their
debt—a great rumble set in. It
Timber was scarce in those days.
could be heard throughout the
• - ff "%• ,• Bodie is above the timberline. Lum-
bluffs. Some thought it was an earth-
ber was rolled down one side of the
quake. Each involved, thought it was
mountain and hauled up the other
his mine. Essington and Lockberg
by mule and by pulley. The pulleys
ran to theirs, as all the others did,
often broke under the strain, send-
^ • * *'«i -."- — ,
•'•-B.-4. * * > in despair, afraid to look, knowing
ing the timber crashing down the
something devastating had happen-
mountainside again. It often took as
ed. It had.
long as 16 hours to raise the lumber
up one slope. Some lumber was There in front of their eyes, was
hauled from the Mono Mill, across the Great Bonanza Ledge—a fortune
the brackish, lifeless Mono Lake on in gold. The shattering collapse of
barges. From the northeastern cor- of their shaft had unearthed this
ner of the lake, the timber was load- great deposit of gold.
ed onto waiting mule teams and It was said the gold was so pure,
taken the arduous sixteen miles into each pound was worth thousands of
Bodie. Wood was not only scarce, it dollars. Though it is also said most
was expensive. of the gold in the Bodie Mining Dis-
Continued on Page 36


The unique hydraulic mechanism which raises the onds. Enjoy

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Sit or recline on comfortable couches while travel- features.
ing with top down. Alaskan camper top raises in sec- 6 FACTORIES TO SERVE YOU
Write today to the factory nearest you for free folder describing the most advanced camper on the rood.
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ALASKAN CAMPER SALES, 904? Longpoint Rd., Houston, Texas 77055. Dept. D.
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Tijuana has many smart shops

with goods imported from
throughout the world. Tourists
should explore the side streets
as well as the main Avenida
Revolucion. The Benito Juarez
Monument (above) is typical of
the many monuments along
the highway.

Mexico today
has many fine
This is the
Motel Lucerna
"*^=- "S in Mexicali.

A TOURIST IN one of the Mexican

border towns was happy because he
had just purchased Pancho Villa's skull
never driven Mexican Highway 2 be-
tween these cities. Our trip lasted three
days, with overnight stays in each major
for only 100 pesos. Later, while brows- community, to enable us to snoop around

by Jack Delaney
ing through other curio shops in search
of bargains, he saw a smaller skull on
display with a placard reading: "Pancho
Villa's skull—only 100 pesos!" He ap-
proached the shopkeeper and informed
behind the tourist curtain and absorb
the thinking and attitudes of the local
After obtaining Mexican automobile
insurance on the U.S. side of the border
him that there must be a mistake because (a three-day policy cost us slightly over
he had just purchased the authentic item $5.00) we entered Tijuana through the
in another shop. The shopkeeper replied: grand international gate around noon
"Oh, that's all right, senor, this is the on Thursday. A right turn onto 2nd
skull of Pancho Villa when he was a Street for about four blocks brought us
boy!" to the main street, called Avenida Revo-
lution. The first half-dozen blocks of
If this infers you are likely to be
this thoroughfare are jumping "go-go"
cheated in the Mexican border towns,
places, complete with sidewalk barkers
the answer is that anyone who tries hard
who assure the passersby that they'll
enough can be "taken" anywhere on
miss something if they pass by!
earth—even in the United States! In re-
cent years, town officials along the Baja However, even along "go-go row" all
California border have done a wonderful is not sex. At 4th Street we visited the
job of upgrading their communities in sidewalk Tourist Information Bureau and
order to attract tourists. You can now found the personnel to be courteous and
visit Tijuana, Tecate, Mexicali, and nu- helpful. Also, a variety of tourist attrac-
merous small settlements between these tions are available in this section. Several
principal cities, with confidence you will arcades display native handcrafts and im-
be welcomed by our Latin friends and ported items. One of the best is the For-
not be considered as "pigeons" for ne- eign Club Arcade, located near the Tour-
farious schemes. ist Bureau booth. In this area visitors
have an opportunity to be photographed
In order to prove to ourselves that
astride, or beside, a striped burro! This
this is true we took the above-mentioned
animal is native only to Tijuana—no
trip and had a safe, interesting, and
other place in the world has striped bur-
thoroughly enjoyable experience. Mrs.
ros, according to local authorities.
Delaney and I had visited Tijuana, Te-
cate, and Mexicali before, but we had Between 7th and 8th Streets is one of
RHSI&: 9
the most interesting exhibits south of the co, and other countries. It is a version of tion plate and enjoyed all of them. The
border. This is the Inco Glass Factory. the Basque sport called "pelota." price for this delicious spread was $1.50
Here, while resting in comfortable seats We stayed at the Motel Leon on 7th each.
on a visitor's grandstand, we watched Street, near Avenida Revolucion, because On the way to Tecate the next morn-
master craftsmen form objects of glass. of its central location and its typical ing we stopped at Rodriquez Dam, which
This is not a small glass blowing opera- Mexican design. A ground floor court was constructed in the early '30s. It was
tion. There are a half-dozen large blast used for parking guests' automobiles is dedicated to General Abelardo Rodriquez,
furnaces, using diesel fuel, which attain surrounded by the motel units on the who was the governor of Baja California
a temperature of 2500 degrees. Helpers 2nd and 3rd floors, with balconies at the time. A few miles before Tecate
draw globs of molten glass from the fur- around the court. It was fun watching we passed Rancho La Puerta, a well-
naces and pass them on to the craftsmen maids drop bed linens, etc., over the rail- known health resort that draws many
who form the finished product by cut- ings to the parking area below. When clients from the United States. It has ac-
ting and shaping it like dough, with hand one emptied a jug of water over the rail- commodations for 400 guests and offers
tools. ing and barely missed a man walking be- a reducing program featuring exercise
Tijuana has grown from a population low, we realized how carefree life is here. and a strict diet routine. Don't stop here
of 500 in 1911 to its present size of close The room was comfortable, the setting for a juicy steak—you would probably
to 250,000 residents. It is the most visited interesting, and the cost was only $8.00 be served a meat substitute covered with
city in the world—more than 12 million per night. a delicious gravy substitute!
people cross the border each year! Most We enjoyed a delicious dinner at the We found Tecate to be a quiet, pleas-
come for the city's spectacular attractions motel's excellent eating place, the Coron- ant, family town with an absence of
—horse racing, dog racing, bull fights, et Restaurant. This establishment features night clubs, race tracks, etc. Although
and Jai Alai games. The Caliente Race many tempting dishes, including abalone it is on the United States border, it has
Track is famous, with its luxurious ap- steak, Guaymas shrimp, lobster, wild managed to retain its Mexican flavor.
pointments, restaurant, cocktail lounge, game (in season), and flaming desserts, Downtown Tecate has several motels and
and penthouse (Top O' The Grand). A at reasonable prices. Native specialties restaurants, and a number of curio and
special feature is the evening conversion are also offered. souvenir shops. A feature here is the
from a horse track to a dog track for sparkling spring water that is safe to
Another enjoyable dining experience
greyhound racing! drink directly from the bathroom tap.
occurred at the Hosteria Polios del Cas-
Two bullrings accommodate the man tillo, the new establishment of Senor Also, this is the home of an excellent
versus beast sports fans—the centrally Ricardo Castillo. The building, which beer that bears the town's name.
located Toreo de Tijuana, and the Plaza appears to be a castle, is the most artistic Our choice among the local motels
Monumental which is about five miles and impressive restaurant structure in was the El Dorado which is modern, has
out of town near the Pacific Ocean. This the state of Baja California! It is located a swimming pool, and an adjacent restau-
is the second largest ring in the world— at number 130 Boulevard Agua Caliente, rant (the Venecia Dorado). The rate for
the only larger one is Plaza Monumental which is a continuation of Avenida Revo- our twin-bed room was $10.00. We dined
in Mexico City. Jai Alai is reported to be lucion. This showplace is Senor Castillo's at the Venecia Dorado where a delicious
the fastest moving sport spectacle. It is contribution to the new, greater Tijuana. meal, including Margaritas, cost about
presented in the colorful Fronton Pal- The menu includes many tempting $5.00 for two. This restaurant offers an
ace—with pari-mutuel betting. Jai Alai dishes: chiles rellenos, tacos, tamales, en- international cuisine — everything from
has been played for years in Spain, Mexi- chiladas, etc. We settled for a combina- tacos to pizzas!

While having dinner, we observed a Just before entering Mexicali we saw
group of 12 or 14 women seated at a a long stretch of shacks along the high-
large table next to ours. Their plates were way, built of scrap wood, cardboard, and
overflowing with food and they were any other material that could hold them
digging into the goodies with a ven- together. This might be called "poverty 3 MODELS AVAILABLE

geance. We asked the waiter if this was row," the counterpart of which can be
a local women's club, and received the found in any country in the world. Two
answer: "No, these are guests of Rancho points that attracted our interest were
La Puerta where they are on strict diets!" the apparent happiness of the children
who were frolicing around their meager
In the border cities of Baja, the U.S.
abodes, and the fact that many of the
dollar is used freely for purchases and
return change. However, prices in shops
residents had flowers growing in front of
PO BD< 3 Tennenf. Hew Jersey 07763
9v binary.
their places! Even in poverty, the Mexi-
are frequently shown in pesos (the Mexi-
can people's love of beauty is evident.
can dollar). A simple formula for con-
verting pesos into U.S. dollars is to mul- We continued on Highway 2 to its
tiply the pesos by 8, and point off two junction with Highway 5 (the San Felipe
places. (Example: 20 pesos times 8 road.) At this point we turned left for
equals 160; pointed off this is $1.60 in about a mile to a highway circle where
in U.S. money.) the choice is a left turn to the industrial Order FREE Catalogue
section, or straight ahead on a divided DESERT MAGAZINE
Since speed limits along highways are highway, labelled "Aeropuerto." This is BOOK STORE
posted in kilometers, a simple conver- Benito Juarez Boulevard, and is the best Palm Desert, California 92260
sion formula came in handy while we route into the Mexicali business district.
were driving. Just multiply the kilometers After a couple of miles we passed Juarez
by 6, and point off one place for an ap- Monument where the street name changes
proximate figure. (Example: 100 Km. to Justo Sierra Boulevard. Another mile
times 6 equals 600; pointed off this is or two brought us to Reforma Boulevard.
60 miles per hour.) A left turn here led us to the center of
Throughout our entire trip we found Mexicali.
everyone friendly and helpful. It was This city has a population of more
early March when we planned to drive than 300,000, including the Valley, and
over the mountain from Tecate to Mexi- is the center of a vast cotton producing
cali, and were concerned about road con- area. Mexicali Valley has been called:
ditions, the possibility of heavy snows, "The cotton ginning capital of the world"
etc. A quick check at the tourist bureau —because of its large concentration of
and the police station, both located at cotton gins. You will find the city to be
the city hall across from the town plaza, a wholesome and hospitable community.
brought assurances that no difficulties There are no horse or dog racing tracks
would be encountered. These offices are here—participation sports are favored. 5 - 10 - 20 - 40 ACRES
notified within an hour when dangerous Boxing, wrestling, basketball and foot- FOR PEOPLE WHO
weather conditions develop around the ball are popular, with buildings and out- LOVE THE LAND
mountain summit. door parks provided for them. Swim- A PIECE OF WILDERNESS
After leaving Tecate, Mexican High- ming and tennis are offered at the swank TO PRESERVE FOR
way 2 took us through miles of beautiful Casino de Mexicali, and golfing at the YOUR OWN FOREVER
In Northern Idaho, Northeastern Washing-
scenery; more rolling hills and more beautiful Club Campestre. ton, and Western Montana. In the heart
olive groves. We saw many farms, and The central business section of town of lakes and big game country. All cov-
ered with growing timber. Access, Title
cows everywhere—even on the highway. is slanted toward the tourist trade, with insurance with each tract. This is select
Suddenly we realized why the setting curio stores featuring native items and land with natural beauty, recreational and
investment values. We have tracts of
was so enjoyable mile after mile—there imports. Here, we were fascinated with many types and sizes from which to
were no billboards marring the land- the colorful pottery, pinatas, Mexican choose, including beautiful Northwest Wa-
terfront property on the Pend Oreille.
scape! At the summit we stopped at the dresses, silver, jewelry, leather goods, Priest and Kettle Rivers; and property on
town called La Rumorosa for a rest per- and a wide array of other handcrafted Pend Oreille Lake. Your inspection wel-
comed. Write us for free list, maps and
iod, then proceeded along a stretch of merchandise. Also, there are numerous complete information. Write to: Dept. 3H.
downgrade offering tremendous vistas of fine restaurants, an assortment of motels,
the desert about 5000 feet below. Upon and an adequate number of nightclubs
reaching the desert, the road continues for a bit of evening celebrating. The
to the Mexicali Valley, with its green Mexicali Turf Club, on the main street,
fields and farms spread out for many
miles. Continued on Page 37 P.O. Box 8146. Spokane. Wash. 99203

by Elizabeth Beeb

*-•*• ••(»•"»•.•

•--^.-* I
Sierra Campsites
URING THE winter the snow-covered mountain retreats, the Bureau of Land This campground is so scenic one va-
D Eastern Sierra Nevadas, towering
thousands of feet into the sky, are in
Management has established five new
campsites along U.S. 395 from Lone Pine
cationer remarked from the depths of
her camp chair, "I could just sit here all
sharp contrast to the desert floor below. to Crowley Lake which are now ready for day and do nothing but look at the
As spring turns into summer the melting summer use. mountains." However, the young fry
snows cascade down the mountains, form- Driving north on U.S. 395, the most were exploring nearby trails while father
ing hundreds of creeks and filling the southerly of the five new sites is Tuttle was fishing in Tuttle Creek and pulling
lakes for the enjoyment of fishermen and Creek Recreation Area. In Lone Pine take in some rainbow and brown trout for
vacationers. the Whitney Portal Road for three miles dinner.
To accommodate the ever increasing and follow the signs to the campground. Mountaineers will be interested in
number of people seeking solace in these There are 85 family units and the camp driving back to the turnoff and follow-
can accommodate 496 people. At an ele- ing the paved road to Whitney Portal.
vation of 5200 feet you are in the sha- Park your car there, for hiking now takes
dow of Mt. Whitney, the highest peak over if you want to climb to the top of
in the United States, rising 14,496 feet Mt. Whitney and sign the register in the
above sea level. hut on the mountain's peak. Many peo-
ple accomplish this during the summer
months. The round trip may be made in
a day.
Tuttle Camp adjoins the Alabama
Hills; gigantic and fantastically eroded
outcroppings of granite. A great place
to hike and take pictures, this site has
been used many times as a locale for the
Campsites in the latest movies. There is a natural amphitheatre
Bureau of Land Management here called the Deepest Valley Theatre,
areas offer ample space for situated in a spot which was found to
privacy. Many are near fishing possess naturally fine acoustics. Outdoor
streams and lakes. concerts featuring nationally known art-
ists are held here usually late in the
Fifteen miles north of Lone Pine on
U.S. 395 is the town of Independence.
Here you will see the dark redwood sign
used by the Bureau of Land Manage-
ment to designate all the campsites,
this one by the curb near the post office
says Symmes Creek. Follow the road
leading through Onion Valley westward
a few miles to a designated turnoff and ward road leading through a rather deso- Night concerts are held
a little over two miles farther. late lava-strewn area does not look too under the summer skies in the
Four hundred and forty people can be attractive. The campsite however, like the natural amphitheater in the
accommodated here as the camp contains other new areas, is inviting with its plant- Tuttle Creek area.
55 family units. It is situated in rather ings of poplar trees and the High Sierras
open country so that great expanses of for a background. There are 62 family
the Sierra Nevadas are breathtaking. units here with accommodations for 496
Underfoot, wild flowers bloom undis- camp vacationers.
turbed creating a colorful carpet over the Goodale Creek, like the others, is well
there are two fish hatcheries, the Black
entire area. And this enjoyment will be stocked with rainbow trout and has the
Rock and Mr. Whitney. Good roads go
enhanced by trout limits from well unique feature of winding right through
to both hatcheries and visitors are always
stocked Symmes Creek. the center of the campground. One visitor
welcome to go through them.
While in Independence visit the East- there experimented by dipping his bait
into the stream in the midst of camp Still farther northward is the Horton
ern California Museum, a treasure house
activities and to his delight pulled out a Creek Recreation Area. To reach it stay
of Indian artifacts, pictures and relics of
twelve-inch rainbow. Flushed with suc- on the highway through the towa of
early life in the Owens Valley. Near the
cess he tried again and this time landed Bishop. About seven miles north of the
Museum is the house of the famous
a thirteen-incher. This is a true story, al- Tonopah Junction there is the familiar
author, Mary Austin. This house, con-
though a repetition of such a happening red sign along with one reading Inyo
taining much olden time memorabilia of
is not guaranteed. Mono Conservation Camp. Follow this
the area, will be open for visitors this
paved road for three miles passing the
summer. On a prominent corner on Besides such reports of good fishing,
Conservation Camp entrance. A short dis-
Main Street stands the Commander the country toward the Sierra is wild
tance further, another sign reads Horton
House. It was brought here from Fort enough and unpopulated enough you may
Creek Recreation Area and driving to-
Independence where it had been occu- see various types of wild life. You may
ward the mountains eight-tenths of a
pied by several of the commanders of have to chase away Tule Elk who love to
mile you'll come to the entrance to the
forces during Indian uprisings in this browse on the poplar's new growth or
area. Relics of operations carried on at graze along the roadside.
the Fort can be viewed on the grounds This campsite, located almost at the
As an added convenience to campers
back of the house. here the Aberdeen Resort is close by of- base of the High Sierras, affords a mag-
fering a store and facilities for storing nificent view of the great slopes of
Driving north from Independence to
trailers. mountainside and an uninterrupted view
a point about 13 miles, the distinctive
of the wide valley below, clear across to
sign appears again to announce Goodale For an interesting side trip drive back
the long range of the White Mountains.
Creek Recreation Area. At first the west- south a few miles along U.S. 395 where
There are 55 campsites here accommo-
dating 424 people. Lombardy poplars
are growing briskly while Horton Creek
babbles merrily by. Some of the campsites
are as near as 80 feet. The creek is well
stocked and while fishing is good here,
it is possible for ardent fishermen to
follow the creek to a higher level.
An exciting aspect of Horton, aside
from the fishing, is the fact this area was
once the home and hunting grounds for
the Paiute Indians. A bit of scrounging
around will probably yield an arrowhead
or two.
Farthest north of the five campsites
is the Crowley Lake Recreation Area.
Follow U.S. 395 northward as it climbs
up the long Sherwin grade. Once on to

A creek runs by the campsite

in the Tuttle Creek area. Scenic
Sierra Nevadas are in the

1207 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, California 95050

Subscribe to

you'll see an old landmark on your right, before you reach the recreation area, you
Tom's Place. About five miles past this
the big redwood B.L.M. sign directs you
pass the wide entrance to the Crowley
Lake parking area and boat docking
1 Year S5.OO
to the camp one-half mile from the high- facility. The Lake is so large that even
way. though there may be thousands of fish- 2 Years $9.50
This, campsite contains 47 camping ing boats on it, you can, in all likelihood,
units and some features not to be found catch the limit from some promising
shoreline spot.
3 Years $13.00
in the other camps such as pull-through
trailer spaces, a group trailer parking Although there are many other camp-
area and fire pits. The elevation is 7000 sites, both public and private along U.S. Send check or
feet. 395, these are the newest, so take your money order to
While this site is one of tremendous pick and forget the cares of the world as
beauty, the emphasis is on fish. A mile you fish and relax in the Sierra Nevadas.
Desert Magazine
• Palm Desert,
California 92X60
One dollar per day car fee is c o m m o d a t e c a m p e r s , pickup Lowest Photo Prints Price
charged. The purchase of a Gold- campers and small trailers. Highest Quality
en Eagle Passport is recommend- Each family unit is equipped KODACOLOR FILM
ed. This costs $7.00 and permits with redwood table and benches.
8 Jumbo Prints (rectangular) $1.78
entrance into any Federal recrea- Some have a charcoal stove. The 12 Jumbo Prints (square) $2.18
tion area, at no additional charge. Tuttle Creek Area has nine sani- 12 Jumbo Prints and
tary cinderblock toilets. The other New Roll of Kodacolor except 126 $2.98
An official will visit the camp 12 Jumbo Prints and
camps have five. Running water New Roll of Kodacolor film, 126 $3.07
daily to collect fees as well as Kodacolor Neg reprints (square) $ .14
is available at all sites during the
perform necessary camp chores. All prices comparably low.
season. Price sheets and envelopes
He will also be happy to answer available.
pertinent questions of visitors. In case you wish for more infor- No gimmicks
mation of any kind write to Rob- No lies
The normal season is from May 47 years of continuous
ert Springer, District Manager, service guarantees your
1st to October 31st. At present Bureau of Land Management, 800 quality.
no reservations are necessary. Truxtun Ave., Room 3 1 1 , Bakers- MARKET BASKET PHOTO CO.
P. O. Bex 370, Yuma, Arizona 85364 or
All sites are designed to ac- field, California 93301. P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, Calif. 92112
Although less than an inch long,
the Missouri Brown Spider
is as deadly as a rattlesnake.
Photo by Buckey Reeves
shows enlarged spider
and pebbles.

spidERS by Dennis L. Bostic

I N THE United States, the black widow

spider is considered by most people
to be the only species of spider danger-
contrast, the poison of the Missouri
brown spider is cytotoxic, causing cell
degeneration and death of healthy tissue.
diana; and in 1966 from Southern Cali-
fornia. Is the Missouri brown spider
"hitchhiking" west via the household
ously venomous to man. Yet, for over a Frequently, an ugly ulcer appears at the effects of westward travelers ?
decade the Missouri brown spider. Loxos- site of the bite, and if not treated may Southern California medical men, how-
celes reclusa, a small, innocuous looking become gangrenous. ever, have not ruled out the possibility
spider, known also as the violin-backed The bite of the brown spider is fol- that many of the serious "insect bites"
spider, or simply brown spider, has lowed by moderate to intense pain de- may have been caused by other species of
shared this dubious distinction. pending on the length of time the fangs brown spiders that occur naturally in
The Missouri brown spider is one of remain in the skin and their depth of California.
the more than 20 species of six-eyed, penetration. After penetration of the Brown spiders are rather secretive and
brown spiders occurring in the United fangs, a blister-like reaction generally non-aggressive, seldom venturing out dur-
States, but only the Missouri brown occurs. ing the daytime. They spin small, irreg-
spider is known with certainty to be To date, the Missouri brown spider ular webs in undisturbed places as stor-
dangerous to man. has not been positively linked, in a cause- age closets, garages, and other household
Potentially the venom of the Missouri and-effect relationship, with the symp- sites commonly used for storage. They
brown spider is more lethal than that of toms of spider-bite victims in Los An- hunt at night, and as one might expect
the black widow, the femme fatale of rteles and San Diego. However, the ul- many reported bites have occurred in bed.
the spider world, which claims seven to cers which resulted from bites were The Missouri brown spider is small,
nine percent of its untreated victims. In typical of those recorded in Missouri less than three-eighths of an inch long.
fact, volume for volume, the brown spi- and adjoining states, following bites of The female is slightly larger than the
der's venom is more virulent than that of the Missouri brown spider. male. The entire body, yellow-brown in
the rattlesnake. The black widow's venom In 1957, the first reported case of color, is covered with hair. They are
is neurotoxic; that is, a poison which Loxosceles bite was from Missouri; by characterized by having six eyes and
affects the nervous system and may cause 1962 cases were reported from Kansas, simple, external reproductive organs. A
respiratory paralysis in small children. In Texas, and Oklahoma; in 1964 from In- further distinguishing feature is a purple-
Highway. Hide away.
This new 'Jeep' Gladiator is the first 4-wheel drive
truck specially built for campers. Takes most any
Jeep 4wheel
4-wheel drive
drive ^
camper—even big, cab-over rigs up to 2,500 lbs.
8,000 Ib. GVW. 132-inch wheelbase. On the
highway, the going's a cinch. (V-8 engine
The2-Car is standard.) All the options. Then flip into
i —head
'Jeep' 4-wheel drive h d off
ff the
th h ih
You've slept in your last crowded campsite!
fjc |j|Test drive the 2-Car Cars at your 'Jeep' dealer.
'Jeep' 4-wheel drive. You've got to drive it

YOUR Treasure Chest of riches is waiting

. . and the COINMASTER IV points the way!
brown, violin-shaped mark on the top of
the cephalothorax (the fused head and
mid-body segments).
Most spiders, although venomous by
nature, are considered harmless since only
the bite of a few produce symptoms con-
sidered dangerous enough for man to seek
medical attention. However, if more vic- Everyone enjoys
using this lightweight,
tims of "insect bites" would consult a ultra-sensitive, easy-to-
doctor, and bring along the creature for operate metal detector
. . . for locating gold,
identification, perhaps the list would copper and silver coins,
grow. In fact, recently added to the list jewelry, and relics.
of potentially dangerous spiders in the So sensitive it will readily
United States, the widows and brown spi- detect a silver dime through
over 3" of solid quartz rock.
ders, were the familiar black-and-yellow There is no finer or more
garden spider and the running spider. sensitive instrument manu-
factured at any prict.
So next time you are rummaging
around old deserted buildings, sifting Budget Terms Available
Upon Request—Use of Your
through the rubbish of a past era, or just Bankamericard or Master
spending some leisure time in the wide ONLY Charge Card will enable us
to expedite your purchase
open spaces, exercise a little caution. $199.50 TWO-YEAR GUARANTEE
And remember, any animal bite treatment
is more effective if the culprit in question Send for FREE catalog.
can be positively identified, so spend a WHITE'S ELECTRONICS, INC., Room 1 2 1
little extra time and effort in rounding I 10)1 Pleasant Valley Rd., Sweet Home, Oregon 97386
up the critter. •
L OCAL RESIDENTS refer to them as
"The Caves" and the official Na-
tional Park Service name is the "Oregon
Caves National Monument." Poet Joa-
quin Miller was so inspired he called
them "The Marble Hills of Oregon."
Those who have visited this phenomenon
of natural beauty agree in calling it one
of Nature's true works of art.
The city of Grants Pass, Oregon, loca-
ted on Interstate 5 is the gateway to the
caves and everything in the city informs
the visitor that the local citizenry is proud
of this monument. The sign of the "Cave-
man" is everywhere, from the "Caveman
Bridge" which crosses the Rogue River
in the downtown section, leading the
traveler onto U.S. 199 and to the caves,
to the major industry of the town, Cave-
man Campers, Inc.
To reach the monument from Grants
Pass, U.S. 199 leads to Cave Junction,
then the last 20 miles are by State 46 for
a total of just under 50 miles. For those
traveling the coast route, the same U.S.
199 leaves U.S. 101 at Crescent City,
California, providing a scenic drive
through tall timber. Cave Junction is just
12 miles from the California-Oregon
border. Easy driving conditions prevail
from either highway.
by Jim Woodard
The monument is located at the 4000
foot level of 6400 foot Mount Elijah.
The last eight miles of State 46 climb
with continuous curves, although the
road is good, to the entrance of the caves
and the Chateau.
The mountain is named for Elijah
Davidson, who discovered the caves in
1874, while pursuing a bear. When his
dog chased the bear into the entrance,
Elijah made torches of pine splinters
and followed. I have not been able to
learn whether or not he got his bear.
Elijah told his friends of his find A young couple (above)
and during the next few years the more kneel before the altar of
adventuresome of the local inhabitants stalactites and stalagmites in
explored the caves, opening additional the underground Joaquin Miller
passages. In 1887, Frank Nickerson, of Chapel. The Chateau (right)
Kerby, Oregon, discovered four distinct provides lodging and dining for
levels of floors and opened several overnight visitors. Camping
rooms and galleries which had been facilities are available eight miles
blocked by stalactites. from the caves.

It was not until Joaquin Miller, after the process was reversed. Where a slow
his visit in 1907, wrote of the caves they dripping of water from the ceiling oc-
became well known. On July 12, 1909 curred and clung to the rock, some of the
the National Monument was established water was lost to the air and the minute
and now nearly 80,000 visitors a year deposit of carbonate remaining was added
tour the two miles of caverns and corri- to the stalactite. The water falling to the
dors. floor also evaporated, in part, and the de-
Guided tours are conducted all year, posit left here formed a stalagmite. This
although during the off season only process is still going on, and as you leave
one noon tour is conducted daily. Dur- the exit tunnel your guide will point out
ing the season, April 1 to October 30, a fledgling stalactite less than a quarter
tours are conducted hourly, from 8:00 of an inch in length, which the Service
A.M. to 5:00 P.M. for groups of 12 to 16 has been watching for over 30 years.
persons. The fee is $1.10 for adults and There are many interesting hiking
75£ for children, ages 6 to 12. No child- trails throughout the Monument which
ren under the age of six are permitted to the student of botany will find most in-
make the tour. A baby-sitting service and teresting. All the plants, shrubs and trees
nursery are provided at a cost of 75£ have identification markers. These trails
per child. range in length from an easy one hour
The tour takes about one and a half walk to a two-day camping trip.
hours and your guide will point out the For those traveling by automobile, ac-
many points of interest. He will also commodations are available at the Monu-
ment. There is the Chateau near the en-
trance to the cave, as well as cottages

located on the mountain nearby. The
Chateau is open from approximately the
last week in May until September 10. It
operates on the European style and rates
are as would be expected at any popular
give you historical and geological data resort. The cottages do not provide for
concerning the caves. The pathways are housekeeping as there is the dining room
lighted by electrical lights and the stair- and also a coffee shop. No pets are
ways and many of the galleries have hand allowed.
rails. For those who decide to spend a few
The geological history of the caves days, evening campfire programs are pro-
goes back an estimated 150 to 180 mil- vided. These programs include brief
lion years. It is believed than an ancient talks by members of the National Park
ocean covered the area, containing a Service.
thick deposit of calcium carbonate which Although there is a picnic area, camp-
hardened into limestone. As the moun- ing is not permitted in the Monument.
tains thrust upward, the heat and pressure However, Greyback Campground is just
generated turned the limestone into mar- eight miles from the entrance on State
ble. The marble, in turn was fractured 46, in the Siskiyou National Forest. For
by the uplifting, allowing the passage of those camper and trailer enthusiasts who
water. Rainwater, charged with carbonic carry trail bikes, I would suggest making
and other acids derived from decaying base camp here and using the bikes for
vegetation passed through the fractures the trip to the caves. There are also pri-
dissolving the marble. vate campgrounds located in and around
When the water level dropped, allow- Cave Junction, for those who desire full
ing air to enter the now formed caves, hook-ups. Whether you come by automo-
evaporation began. Wherever water drop- bile or camper, you'll find the Oregon
lets formed, the evaporation process left Caves one of Nature's true works of art.
deposits of calcium carbonate, so that now •

a russian stronghold
by Pat Holmes

O N A ROCKY headland in northern

California where the fog sifts
through the hills and the ocean thunders
conditions. Perhaps one supply ship a
year arrived, and then, maybe none for
three years. When Count Rezanov, the
As Rezanov sailed north, he decided
Russian power should be extended to the
south, and California could be the an-
on the beach below, there is a fort called court chamberlain, visited the colony in swer to both a steady food supply for
Ross. 1806, he found the people starving so he Alaska and new hunting grounds for sea
More than a 150 years ago a Russian sailed to San Francisco for food. otters and fur seals which were disappear-
sentry stood guard in the blockhouse Spain had banned trade with foreigners ing in the north. Off the coast were thou-
watching for any hostile move from the in California. Although Rezanov's party sands of the animals, they knew this from
natives. In the year the Company had was politely received, Governor Arrillaga the years of partnership with the Ameri-
been here, there had been none. The In- said it would be an act of disloyalty to can Captain O'Cain.
dians were friendly enough and so were Spain to furnish the Russians with sup- To explore this new territory along
the Spaniards — not that the Spanish plies. However, the Count and Maria de with hunting sea otters and fur seals,
really wanted the Russians — with their la Concepcion Arguello, the Coman- Ivan Kuskov led an expedition in 1808.
small garrison there wasn't much they dante's daughter, had fallen in love. The Returning to Alaska seven months later
could do about it. differences in their church and country with over two thousand pelts, he con-
The light fog drifting in covered every- didn't matter. After the betrothal was an- firmed that the land was indeed unoccu-
thing with a fine mist. The sentry shiver- nounced, the governor relented—for an pied. On his third trip he found, 30 miles
ed. The dampness penetrated a man's Arguello relative to be—he would allow north of Bodega Bay, a site impregnable
very bones. But living was better here trade. to attack. It was several miles long and
than up North where hunger gnawed at a half mile wide with the coastal moun-
your belly all the time. If he never ate tains on one side and the ocean a hun-
another devil fish or crow again, it would dred feet below on the other.
be fine with him. The Russians began the felling of tim-
A shout rang out and an answering ber, all redwood, in the summer of 1812.
voice bawled an order. Below the sentry, Soon a stockade 250 by 300 feet was
heavily loaded figures appeared out of erected. The walls, almost a foot thick,
the mist. The Aleuts were back with were 12 feet high and topped with sharp-
many fur pelts. With catches like this, it ened stakes. Double doors called "sally
looked like the Company would be here ports" were in each of the four walls.
a long time. In the north corner, they built a seven-
The Company was the Russian-Ameri- sided two-story blockhouse with port-
can Fur Company organized many years holes for cannon and in the corner oppo-
before to exploit the sea otter and fur site, an eight-sided one with 16 portholes.
seal in Alaska. As the furs of these ani- These portholes could be closed by a
mals were avidly sought for markets from wooden block that when shut was flush
China to Europe, the harvest ran into with the wall and could be fastened on
thousands of pelts a year. the inside with an iron bar. At first there
A major problem in the Alaska settle- were only 12 cannon, but through the
ment was the lack of food. Very little Russian sentries with cannons once years the number increased to forty.
was grown because of climate and land stood guard in this blockhouse. Near the stockade, the Russians con-
structed houses for the Aleutians; shops hunters off—wounding and killing some settled and no one wanted to sell. The
for the blacksmith, carpenter, and cooper; —or capture them—to languish in a Mexican government would though—for
a tannery, bakery, and flour mill. On the prison for months. Later, the Mexican a price. Czar Nicholas would have to
beach at the bottom of the cliff, they government tried to control the slaughter recognize the independence of Mexico.
built a pier, blacksmith shops and sheds by granting seasonal hunting permits. The price was too high.
to be used in boat building and storing Trade was important to Fort Ross. Because Ross was neither producing
the baidarkas (skin boats) and lumber. They sold articles of leather, wood, and enough furs or food for Alaska now, the
In August of 1812, "Colony Ross" iron they made and goods they imported, Russian-American Company considered
was dedicated and Ivan Kuskov became such as silks, tools, and utensils, to the selling the outpost. But Alaska needed
the first company manager. A party of Californians who needed them because the food. An agreement with the Hud-
95 Russians and 80 Aleutians settled of the forengn trade ban and slow supply son Bay Company to regularly supply
down to the business of hunting furs and ships. Food was also supplied to ships food to the northern colony solved the
raising wheat. that stopped at Bodega. problem. The fort was ordered sold.
While the native Indians worked as No formal permission to trade had The Californians viewed the sale quite
servants and laborers, the Aleutians did been given to the Russians. It was all un- differently. No formal permission had
the hunting. And hunting was good the official. And whether a governor blew been given the Russians to settle the land
first few years. In their baidarkas, they warm or cool toward the "trespassers," and since the buildings were made from
sailed hundreds of miles in good weather trading continued. trees that grew on the land, the Com-
or bad. A baidarka was made of seal or And so it went. The Spaniards kept pany owned neither the land nor the
sea lion skins sewed together and stretch- asking them to leave; the Russians kept buildings. The property would revert to
ed over a light wood frame; then oiled stating they were waiting to hear from the Spaniards when the Russians left.
to make it waterproof. The Aleuts at- their superior. But both of them knew— The Company's answer was the Indians
tached their skin clothing to the boat to that in spite of the Viceroy's order—the ceded the land and it could be sold. Ross
keep out of the water. They hunted off Spanish garrison was too small to force was offered to the Hudson Bay Company,
the coast from Cape Mendocino to the them to go. Uninvited and unwanted they headed by General Vallejo of Sonoma,
Farallones Islands; then as far south as stayed. and Captain John Sutter of New Hel-
Baja. Thousands of animals were killed By the 1830s, only a few hundred pelts vetia. The price was $30,000; one half
and the pelts stored at Ross until shipped were being taken where years before in drafts on the Hudson Bay Company
to markets in China and Europe. thousands were. The hunters had done and the rest in produce of the country.
In an effort to discourage the hunters, their job too well. The farming had prob- The discussions went on and on.
the Spaniards sent out armed patrols lems too. The yield from the crops was Finally, Sutter bought the Ross and
who would wait for them to land for not enough; there was a lack of trained Bodega properties including livestock,
water and dry and oil their boats; then farm workers; and more land was needed. arms, equipment and buildings. After 30
they would shoot and either frighten the However, most of the land had been years in California, the Russians left.
The property changed hands several
times and in 1906 the California Histori-
cal Landmarks Committee of San Fran-
cisco bought the fort and presented it to
the state. Today, the state historic park
consists of 356 acres with the fort sitting
squarely across Highway 1 in Sonoma
County with the road passing through
two openings in the stockade.
The buildings — the chapel, block-
houses, and manager's house have been
authentically restored and furnished. The
manager's house is a museum where
among articles on display is a silver Sam-
ovar. Russian folk music (recordings)
are heard. There is a small fee. The build-
ings are open 8 to 5 daily (the museum
10 to 5 weekdays.) Summer hours are
8 to 6.
If you visit Fort Ross and the fog lies
thick upon the hills and it is quiet ex-
cept for the roar of the surf, it's not hard
to imagine heavily loaded figures appear-
Built about 1825, the chapel at Fort Ross was called Trinity Church. The former ing out of the mist, the shouting of or-
Russian stronghold is now a historical monument on U.S. 1 in Sonoma County. ders in Russian, and the answering cry. •
The beauty of Canyon de Chelly
is shown (opposite page) in the
panoramic view of the valley and
cliffs. All photos by Herb
and Dorothy McLaughlin.


by Ruth Molthan

EGEND SAYS on the first night of the Mountains to the north. Monoliths and birds, human figures and the inevitable
L full moon, you can stand on the rim
of Arizona's Canyon de Chelly and peer
towering cliffs that strike a thousand feet
skyward form a rock maze where Nava-
small handprints splashed on sandstone
into its depths and see the Anasazi, or jos and their ancestors have lived for The canyon's silence was broken inter-
Ancient Ones as the Navajos call their more than ten centuries. mittently during the next few hundred
ancestors, leave their cliff dwellings. Fit- But it is also something else. Something years by small bands of Hopis. They
ting hands and feet into grooves chipped indescribable. Tn this great silent slot, planted the first peach orchards and re-
in the sandstone, they follow the hand centuries hang lightly on its pinnacles claimed the long-abandoned fields, but
and toe trails down to the bottom, cling- and time has lost all meaning. Yet its their occupation was short lived. Around
ing like spiders to the sheer walls before ghosts speak as plainly as the hawk over- 1700 a party of Navajos, searching for a
dropping onto the canyon floor. Some head. new place to settle, stumbled onto the
say you can also hear old tribal chants, canyon and the Hopis fled.
and, if the moon is just right, glimpse It all began nearly 2000 years ago. Into
this world of sun and silence came the Thus began the Navajo domination.
shadowy figures clustered around a camp-
Anasazi. They made baskets and raised The area is now a national monument
fire as the Indians feast and dance until
squash and corn, and by the time of the and is actually three canyons, Canyon del
great drought in the 13th century, their Muerto, Monument Canyon and Canyon
Visit here and you will believe the primitive pithouses had evolved into the de Chelly.
legend. Many canyons fringe the mesas storied ruins seen today and their pottery An unknown artist, responsible for
of Arizona's high country, but de Chelly into an exquisite polychrome of black on the Indian pictographs in Canyon del
(pronounced de Shay) is the loveliest. white. But the canyon was no protection Muerto showing Spanish soldiers on the
It is a geologic marvel, cut and carved by against the drought so they moved on, march, may have been a witness to the
ancient rivers that broke from the Chuska leaving behind their paintings of animals, massacre that gave the canyon its name.
sides and leaving no foothold available. mud and bricks into a home that remains
The visitor is unprepared for his first intact 700 years later.
glimpse of the canyon. Its entrance is Some of the ruins do not look aban-
both casual yet dramatic. A weapons car- doned at all. When the sun picks out
rier, the official tour vehicle, passes the windows in the walls, amid the sha-
through a nondescript neck of land, dows, you brush your eyes to make sure
rounds a corner, and a beautiful valley you do not see a half-naked man climb-
opens up, bordered by cliffs with walls ing up a ladder or a sleek-haired woman
as unbroken as if sliced by a mighty glide gracefully through a doorway, bal-
sword. This is Canyon del Muerto. The ancing a basket on her head.
driver shifts into low gear and the carrier The drive continues up the beautiful
tackles the heavy sand. canyon, past Antelope House, with the
Many small, isolated ruins are visible. color of its prehistoric paintings still
As far as archeologists can determine, bright, past Standing Cow Ruins, where
the canyon reflects a cultural backwater high, fragrant bee balm begins to crowd
of sorts which has never supported a the road. Now and again the driver stops
population greater than today's. From all to hand candy to Navajo children, who,
evidence it appears to have served pri- invisible a moment before, wait gravely
marily as a sanctuary for the weaker beside the road.
tribes. Clumps of cottonwood extend mile
Its architecture reflects this. Cliff after mile. Rocks, like cathedrals, stand
houses cluster near the top of walls that guard at every turn, so close together at
dip from the plateau in dizzy plunges. It times that the sky is held prisoner in a
is neckbreaking merely to stare up and wedge of blue. A few acres of corn with
search them out and impossible not to beans and melons between the hills,
One version is a party of Spanish horse- experience a feeling of awe or admira- planted in the Navajo manner, lie at the
men entered the canyon in the winter of tion from the courage of the craftsmen base of the cliffs. These are the same
1804, possibly on a slave raid, which who hung far out in space and daubed little farms that supported the Hopis in
would not have been inconsistent with
past practices. The Navajos had been
warned of their approach, and after hid-
ing their women, children and aged in a
cave high on the walls of del Muerto,
scattered for parts unknown. The cave
was well fortified and had been used
many times in fending off Ute raids. As
the column of cavalry wound its way up
the canyon, an old woman, who had been
mistreated as a Spanish captive in the
past, was unable to control her hatred.
Her insulting screams disclosed the In-
dians' position. The soldiers fired into
the cave and destroyed the entire group.
It is still possible to see the bullet marks
on the roof of the cave and the bones of
the victims scattered on the floor.
Today only Navajos live in the can-
yon. Thunderbird Lodge arranges tours
and travel is limited to four-wheel-drive
vehicles, but only when accompanied by
an authorized guide. Regulations are for
your own safety. The canyon floor is a
dry river bed and hazardous, filled with
fine, water-borne sand which reaches
depths of 40 feet and turns "quick" when
saturated. Occasional flash floods have
taken more than one vehicle, and in the
spring the Rio de Chelly brims up to the
walls, hemming the canyon in on both
the 16th century. While the driver points tacked Ft. Defiance and nearly captured
out the wattled huts of willow, which it. For the next three years, they had
are the summer hogans of the Navajo, things very much their own way and de-
few Indians are seen. It is as if they have fied any attempts to pursue them back
politely withdrawn for the day, after into their strongholds, which centered
turning over the beauty and solitude of around the fabulous Canyon de Chelly.
their canyon to you. In 1863 Kit Carson was given a free
After lunch at Mummy Cave, a splen- hand to bring them in. Orders were sent
did ruin which has seen 10 centuries of out to all Navajos to report for transfer
desert sunsets, the driver wheels back for to Ft. Sumner or be treated as hostiles.
Canyon de Chelly, passing Spider Rock, Few responded.
the legendary lair of a great spider that
carried bad Navajo children to the top By mid-October, cold and hunger aided
and ate them. the campaign against them. It was not a
war. Carson's men saw few Navajos.
Not far from the impressive White Whole bands fled in every direction, join-
House ruins, the weapon carrier halts be- ing other tribes or hiding in some remote
fore a red monolith large enough to bury vastness to the north. Behind them, the
a city under. It is a shrine. A handful of soldiers systematically burned their houses,
Navajos refused to surrender to Kit Car- killed their sheep and destroyed their
son and fled to the sanctuary of this rock fields. In a snowstorm on January 6,
and died here. In the driver's low tones, 1864, with a force of 375 men, Carson
you sense something of their nameless moved against Canyon de Chelly. The
valor while they waited through a freez- Navajos were in a complete state of star-
ing night for the next bloody day. vation. Many of their women and child-
Proud, independent, unloved by other ren died. Canyon de Chelly, which they
Indians and feared by Mexicans, the Na- had considered impregnable, was unable to the top of the great rock and leaped
vajo had few friends and lived to them- to guarantee security from Carson. Hope- to their death. The war with the Navajo
selves. In the spring of I860, they at- lessly outnumbered, a handful climbed was over.
In the spring of 1864, they began the
journey they will never forget. The Na-
vajo call it the "Long Walk" for only
the old, sick and babies rode the 400
miles. Old people still tell their age by
saying they were born so many years
after the Long Walk. Near Ft. Sumner,
New Mexico, the army tried to settle
8000 of them, and the Indians spent
four heartbreaking years in a treeless,
flat land to which they could not adjust.
The experiment did not work and on
June 1, 1868, a peace treaty was signed
Antelope House Ruins (left) and the Navajo started home. They
is one of the many cliff fought no more.
dwellings where the Anasazi— The weapons carrier pulls away and
The Ancient Ones—lived you pay a silent tribute to the Navajos
in pre-historic times. who died here long ago. It is growing
Little Navajo children who dark and time to leave the canyon whose
live in Canyon de Chelly (above) walls have echoed to the tread of so
shyly pose for photographer. much history. You glance back for the
Always ask permission before last time. The shadows are deeper. The
taking photographs of Indians. cliffs, blood red in the sun, have turned
purple in the twilight. It is then you
realize that they are eternal and nothing
has changed. It is as it always has been
throughout the centuries, from the first
Anasazi down through the Spanish con-
quistadores, Kit Carson and the Long
Walk. Just the same as when it all hap-
pened—just the day before yesterday. •
UTE Jade-type gems tones (above)
can be found along the road
to the Tempiute mining area.
There are also
Indian arrowheads along the edge
of the dry lake in the valley.
by Roberta M. Starry Well-built roads, flumes,
hoppers, narrow gauge tracks
and trestles (below)
have withstood years of
abandonment and appear to be
waiting for another boom.

I HE PLACE and the name have under- crumbling walls spark the imagination.
gone a number of changes since Untrimmed fruit trees, garden flowers
1868, only the pronunciation has remain- gone wild, a once fancy slipper now
ed the same. Present day Indians of curled and green, and remains of a rag
southeastern Nevada say it meant "sick doll sinking into a long unused path,
Indian," but to prospectors 100 years ago lend atmosphere.
it meant lead and silver—and later it
stood for a booming tungsten camp. Tempiute, north of Las Vegas or east
For off-the-highway explorers this once of Tonopah is just five miles off Nevada
busy mining camp, high in the Tempiute State 25. From the south a good road
Mountains, offers an ideal camping spot used by hunters has no identification for
with scenery and comfortable tempera- the first-time visitor. From the west U.S.
tures from May through October. Most 6 to Warm Springs then State 25 south-
of the buildings have been removed, but east is marked. At Warm Springs a sign
parts of picket fences, streets leading no- reads "Next Gas 140 Miles." It means
where, wooden steps without a house and exactly that. The road winds through 4»
changing desert and mountain scenery small sign points east to Tempiute. A
without noticeable habitation, but there newly developed ranch is to the left as
are ranches far back in the mountains at the road heads for a clump of buildings
the end of narrow dirt roads. Now a on the rim of a dry lake. One mile from
smooth and well maintained road, this the highway a narrow and less used road
once was a dusty and rutted trail used turns south to the mountains and the old
by ore freighters and covered wagons. Tempiute diggings. Although no longer
Forty miles from Warm Springs Junc- maintained it is not steep or winding; the
tion the road climbs out of a long valley, climb is gradual and can be negotiated
through foothills looking like the wrin- by car, camper or vehicle with a small
kled hide of an elephant. Queen City trailer. The road ends in a scenic basin
Summit, at an altitude of 5960 feet is where remains of the tungsten mining
usually windy and cool. For the hardy and milling operation assures the explor-
there is a point of interest just off the er that here is Tempiute. Parking and
highway to the east; a dim dirt road carmping areas range from wide open
right at the summit drops down to the spaces, shelter under pine trees, or near
ruin of a one-room house and a dump roofless buildings that provide wind-
and cinnabar retort. About 30 years ago, breaks.
partners mining here quarreled over the Day hours are warm. From the camp
fortune they expected. One shot the the colors and view of the dry lake and
other and was sent to prison. The mine distant mountain range changes with the
operation ceased and the elements wiped angle of the sun. Nights are cool and
out the scars created by man. the stars seem very close. Sunrise is slow
Fifty-eight miles from Warm Springs in coming, climbing the mountain peaks
there is a good graded road where a before warming the sheltered camp. Sun-
sets linger in undisturbed peace and The mountain had a mild boom with in activities but 1950 prices brought the
beauty. over 150 mines located and 50 miners camp back to life. The Wah Chang Trad-
Recorded history has a way of over- seeking a bonanza that would put them ing Co., largest tungsten buyers in the
rating some places and leaving others vir- on easy street. But before prosperity United States, negotiated for the proper-
tually unsung; Tempiute received little really got a foothold on Tem Pah Ute ty and the settlement became Tempiute.
recognition. Earliest references call it the stamp mill at Crescent moved away, Modern five-room family houses lined
Tern Pah Ute Mountain where three and the nearest mill was 180 miles north the streets and along the narrow canyon
white men were attacked by an Indian at Tybo. Only 20 miners hung on, haul- toward the diggings. A post office, store
party belonging to Tem Pah Ute Bill's ing their ore by long-teams over the dirt and school served the growing commun-
tribe. road. They produced thousands of dol- ity where a 100 men worked under-
Peter Dawson and Charles Olsen were lars in silver despite the hardships, mill- ground, 60 men on topside jobs and 1000
killed, William Hannan was wounded ing problems and low prices. tons of ore a day was processed.
but managed to escape and report the In 1916, two brothers discovered tung- In this modern mining camp there was
ambush. The settlers at Hiko, a few miles sten where others had searched only for only the lack of telephone service. The
east, formed a scouting party and chased silver, but the development costs at that Wah Chang Company took care of that
the Indians who disappeared into the time were too great, so it wasn't until by radio service through their base office
mountains. The mountains were named the 1930s that activity really started. Wes- in Bishop, California. Messages to and
after the elusive Indians. ley Koyen and his wife, in an effort to from the residents were relayed all over
The range received additional atten- escape the depression, came to prospect Nevada and California and proved one
tion in 1868 when W. Plush and D. Ser- with hand tools, an old one-ton truck means of communication.
vice discovered silver. The 10 to 12 and credit for food extended by a mer- Tempiute today offers the explorer and
inches thick vein appeared on the sur- chant in Caliente. From local timber they collector a challenge; Indian artifacts
face at several places and was rich fashioned a crude mill to process the along the dry lake shore in the valley,
enough to warrant hauling it 15 miles tungsten. Stockpiled concentrates brought pink and gray jade for the gem collector,
to Crescent for milling. A brief item in them $3200 in 1936 and the attention of and a road winding up the mountain to
Nevada's Lincoln County records of 1871 large mining concerns which leased and diggings that date back to the late 1800s.
reads: "William McMurry killed by F. D. developed adequate milling equipment. Construction and materials still at the
Chase and Alex Fraser at Tem Piute. Dis- Tem Pah Ute now became Tem Piute on mine date the period of development.
pute over mining claims; acquitted." the records. Company homes were built, Newer methods are evident at the 1950
Others were finding profitable ore and housing for single men developed, tun- workings which came to a halt 12 years
staking claims where silver, copper and nels and shafts were blocked out and a ago when Tem Pah Ute, Tem Piute and
lead was assaying $874 per ton at the 75 ton mill ran full time. Tempiute was not only a sick Indian but
going price. After World War II there was a slump turned into a ghost. •

Picturesque rock and tree forms follow the good dirt road up the mountain to the Tempiute mining area.
SPECIALS The back issues of DESERT Magazine are as alive today
as the day they were printed. Packed with information
and detailed maps on out-of-the-way places
of the West, the articles are historically
informative for adults and students.

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Summer Travel •9


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September 1956—Icicle Agate at Silver Peak
July 1957—Camper's Tour of New Mexico
February 1962—Caving Enters Its Golden Era
NAME April 1963—Utah's Wilderness Wonderland
May 1963—Crystals at Wrightwood
ADDRESS April 1965—Condor, Sovereign of Calif. Skies
May 1965—Elder Ezekial's Golden Trail
June 1965—Ghost Town, Broken Hills, Nevada
October 1965—River, Relics, Rocks, Recreation
NAME November 1965—Lost Bullion Ship of Owens Lake


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A Sierra Gem

by Dorothy Robertson

OULD YOU like to find a quiet turnouts on the way up so you won't all made it to the top without meeting
W campsite high in a mountain
meadow, or in some cool alpine valley
have to worry about immovable confron-
tations !
another driver.
From the top-country we discovered
where you have limitless outdoors all to When we visited the Baker Lake area we were on a tableland with a fantastic
yourself and where the fishing is superb the first time, our party of two campers panorama spreading away on all sides.
in little-fished waters and where you do and one pickup took the road south of Owens Valley was a golden haze far be-
not have to fight for camp space? Then Bishop heading westward through the low; northward and eastward White
look to Baker Lake country in the High outskirts of a fairly new housing develop- Mountain Peak humped above the White
Sierras. ment, then followed the power line past Mountains, and southward glinted the
In the Baker Lake highlands you are the town dump to wind in a southwester- Inyos, a soft, golden pink. The magnifi-
in the shadow of the glaciers where ly direction through some low, rounded cent pinnacles of the Sierra south and
sparkling waterways lace each lovely al- brown hills that appeared to pile up westward spired into the blue heavens,
pine meadow to its neighbor, and where against the steep access road to the moun- the nearer peaks unfolding in blue-hazed
the shimmering lakes stair-step into tain top. The Standard Station in Bishop valleys and ridges silhouetting themselves
climbing country. willingly gave directions. against the deep azure backdrop in magni-
Baker Lake is an early-July-to-early- Looking up toward the mountainside, ficent splendor.
September region. Here you will find the road seemed like a burro-trail. This The chilly winds were delicious after
snowbanks along the trails, and the hardpan road is on the north side of the the heat below; aromatic sun-heated
winds will be deliciously cool after low eastern Sierra that lies south and west of whiffs of pinyons and sage engulfed us.
rountry heat. Access into this isolated Bishop. Our road was rocky and bumpy, arrow-
area is over a cattlemen's road into the Our first two vehicles, both with four- ing ahead only to turn sharply around a
sky-country and is for four-wheel-drive wheel-drive, made the ascent like lum- mountain side, then climb steeply to
vehicles only. bering elephants. The third vehicle, a wind up and down over the meadows.
The switchbacks are steep and nar- regulation drive pickup without much We stayed on this road all the way,
row and the first mountian grade is a weight in the back, had to be loaded with splashing across the spring-fed source of
one-way road. There are several wide rocks, then gunned up the grade. We Rawson Creek, and bouncing over Coy-
ote Flat, a long grassy area where 11,188-
foot Round Mountain dominates the flat.
The meadows were cattle-free for the
grass and flowers were only just begin-
ning to appear. Snows were melting and
running off everywhere, for it was late
July. A warning: DON'T try to take a
short-cut across the meadows! They're
boggy, so stay on the road. Occasionally
you'll come across a few side-roads, but
the Baker Lake road goes due south until
you're about parallel with Big Pine.
When we came to a fork in the road
that turned east, we kept right on the
main road, still going south. From this
juncture we saw 11,026-foot Sugarloaf
Peak east and south of us. Then we
crossed Sanger Meadow where fat gold-
en-brown marmots were sitting on sun-
warmed rocks like sleek little bears in-
quisitively eyeing us as we rattled by.
Aspens, bright green with young leaves,
stood in gossipy clumps. As we rounded
a slope, Owens Valley blazed through
a deep canyon down which flowed spark-
ling Baker Creek. At the bottom of the author and her friends found a beautiful and uncrowded camping area in the
canyon is Big Pine and Tinnemaha Reser-
valley below the glaciers. They used trail bikes for exploring. Uncrowded Baker
voir, overlooked by the scenic Inyos.
Lake (opposite page) is called the "Sapphire Gem of the Sierra."
Ahead of us rose the ramparts of the
Palisades, austere in icy aloofness.
Our trail ended at Baker Creek. It had would join them later in the morning at Unspoiled by human clutter, wind-
taken us several hours to drive the 20-odd Baker Lake, several miles due west of carved pine trunks were etched against
miles from Bishop to Baker Creek. We the camp. Our camp spot was quiet and the landscape — this was how a lake
could drive no farther, so we camped beautiful; the only sounds were the wind should look. And no boats were on the
under the towering pines. Beyond the in the pines and the songs of birds and lake; what Hercules would portage his
short grade that climbed over the slope running water. boat along that long, rocky hike! The
from our camp was a beautiful meadow water sparkled and trout were playing
On our way over the slopes and ridges
crisscrossed by little creeks, with tumb- on the surface, for the lake was ice-free
to Baker Lake we came across a patch of
ling water falling down the hill-slopes. and full-flowing.
obsidian chips. I found a perfect two-
No other campers were here. and-one-half inch deer-point. What else These snow-fed lakes are strung
It was late afternoon by now and the could it be up here in deer-country? The throughout this top-country. And the
ice-peaks across the canyons glittered ruby Indians, a century ago, used to come up to rainbows in these water are large and
and gold in the late sunlight. Deep pur- this high country during the summer very delicious. The fishermen had caught
ple-blue shadows darkened the glaciers months, spending their time hunting and their limits and were just lazing, waiting
and snowy-folds of the fissures that fishing; the women and children harvest- for us to arrive.
knifed between the pinnacles and joining- ing pinyon nuts on the lower slopes. We camped up there by the springs
ridges of the magnificent Sierran canvas. Each time we hiked over a ridge and of Baker Creek for three wonderful days,
When Tommy built a campfire for veni- saw sparkling water we thought it was and saw only two other campers. We did
son steaks, the mouthwatering combina- Baker Lake, but each body of water not mind that rough cattlemen's road
tion of pitch-pine and dripping fat re- proved the wrong lake. There are a num- bounced over to reach this heavenly
minded us we were starving. ber of these small lakes. We did not mind place. We welcomed it, for it was truly
The night winds blew down from the the long hike—in fact it was fun, for a crowd eliminator.
high peaks, rustling the pine needles, the country is so beautiful and peaceful. If this is the kind of country you've
whooshing across the meadows. The Finally we rounded a ridge and looked been hoping to find—a blend of magni-
campfire twinkled and flickered, while down on a shimmering sheet of sun- ficent scenery, snow and pines—a region
above us the stars pulsated red, green, flecked waves, the shoreline edged with of crystal clear pure air and sunshine
flaring gold and huge, like lamps in the emerald pines, the towering, dazzling where the only sounds are those of rush-
velvet sky. white of snow-shadows mirrored in the ing water and rustling pine trees, then
By dawn the fishermen were gone. We water from the peaks above. head for Baker Lake—and heaven. •
by Ken Marquiss
A VIRULENT infection of the lost
mine fever is particularly hard on
anyone of a scientific or analytical bend,
During his 50-odd years Ken Marquiss because there is no logic, rhyme or reason
to the course of events in the mining
has packed into his life most of the
adventures we dream about—and he is still
Any prospector who woos Lady Luck
going strong! He will soon leave for a (or tries "hanky panky with Miss For-
gold project in Ecuador. He spent his tune" as my practical minded wife flip-
pantly refers to it) had better be pre-
childhood in India where his father was a pared for anything; for Fate seems in
missionary; led hunting parties in Africa; her most capricious mood when dealing
searched for hidden fortunes in South America, the cards that cover the gold bets.
The richest, most luscious gold ore I
and prospected throughout the western
ever saw in my whole life was found
United States—and he still found time "within spitting distance" — and just
to obtain a degree from the University of above the present smog line — of what
is now one of the major traffic arteries
Redlands and raise a family.
out of California's San Bernardino
A former contributor to DESERT Magazine, valley.
he has once again resumed writing It was a big, heavy hunk of rock—
about his adventures. so it didn't drop out of some prospec-
tor's pocket—and it was found in thick
manzanita near a mountain top by an
old Kansas wheat farmer out hunting
deer. I got cut into the deal because of
fig jam. If that isn't whimsical, fatalis-
tic hanky panky, I don't know what is.
The sequence of events started about
the time of the birth of the "alphabet"
syndrome of bureaucracy — C. C. C ,
N. R. A., T. V. A , W. P. A. ad nauseum.
A couple of years prior to that we had
moved to Redlands, California, and Dad
had bought a big old white square house
with plenty of shade and conveniently
located to schools and stores. It also had
another prerequisite demanded by my
mother—" a nice chicken yard"—for
which we were mighty grateful when the
misery fog of the depression later settled
over us.
In this chicken yard grew a great big
Mission fig tree. In season it bore liter-
ally buckets of big, black-skinned, sweet,
luscious fruit. Out of this fruit my little
Irish mother—who didn't take her apron
off to anyone when it came to cooking—
used to concoct great quantities of an am-
brosia she called "figgy jam." This nee-
tar contained various tasty spicy com- promptly sized them up as "nice people" He wasn't spectacularly successful as
ponents; but its prime ingredient was —so I was immediately dispatched over a hunter—his idea of stalking was to go
stirring (to keep it from scorching) as there carrying a jar of her jam in each look in the next canyon—but he sure
it bubbled in the big flat cauldron she hand as welcome to the neighborhood covered a lot of ground and spooked a
used. Being the oldest of the offspring gifts. lot of deer. So the per pound ratio of
I invariably got stuck with the job— The head of the house was a wiry, venison was about par with fig jam.
since my younger sisters always devel- sunbrowned crusty individual well past One bright Saturday afternoon in late
oped "sore hands" from peeling the middle age whom I'll call Old Man
fruit! fall I was in the back yard working on
Dunnaway. We soon became very good
what was then known in adolescent ver-
From a slab of clear white pine Dad friends—helped no doubt by his frank
had carved out a wide stirring paddle fondness for fig jam! He had been a nacular as my "woo-wagon"—a rig of
with a short handle, sort of like an elon- lifelong Kansas wheat farmer, and sens- which I was vastly proud.
gated hoe, and I had to work that con- ing that "something was wrong with the It was a Model T roadster, modified
traption until I used to think my arms weather" he had sold out just ahead of with a Ruxtle axle, and with the turtle
would fall off before the batch was done the drought for enough to retire in mod- back and rear frame cut off. The drive
to my mom's satisfaction. It was really est comfort in California. shaft was shortened so that the rear wheels
worth the work, however, because when He told me that all his life he had were up under the front seat. It required
it was done that mouth-watering goody had to work in the flat lands of Kansas extensive maintenance—but it could turn
enhanced anything from breakfast hot —and all his life he had dreamed of on a dime, go almost anywhere, and
cakes to Sunday supper ice cream. hunting deer in forested mountains. So made impressive inroads into the campus
Just prior to the midwest tribulations as soon as the family was settled and date hunting grounds supposedly re-
of the Dust Bowl, new neighbors moved deer season opened, he went hunting served for the rich undergrads who had
in across the back fence. My mother with zest, zeal and total disregard of shiny Franklins, Packards, and Willys
watched from the kitchen window and boot leather. Knights.

Back in the 1930s the author made the forerunner of the modern dune buggy. Used for dates, he called it his "woo-wagon."
Some people go to "It's bonanza rock; we would have to
any lengths looking for gold. assay it to know exactly how much it will
Author describes this San Bernardino run—but I can tell you right now it will
mountain road as "not exactly a go thousands of dollars to the ton!"
highway." Search area was in He paused. "How much do those
mountain in background. assay things cost?"
"I can do it for free in the lab at
school—but we would have to grind up
the rock to assay it; and you can't break
up a specimen like that!" Up to that
time I didn't even know such rock exist-
ed; it was a veritable museum piece; and
Right in the middle of the ticklish the idea of smashing it to powder ap-
problem of trying to anchor the ears palled me as unneccessary sacrilege when
of the reverse clutch band, I heard old any fool could see it was spectacular
man Dunnaway calling me. I wiped my bonanza ore.
hands and went over to the fence to see
The old man remained adamant. If
what he wanted. He came right to the
there was one hunk of rock up on the
point. "I hear you're learning mining
mountain, there had to be more around
in school."
somewhere; and he wasn't taking a step
I admitted to a marginal struggle with until he knew for sure it was worth
an advanced geology course, but con- hunting.
fessed I was still pretty green as to my
practical experience. We finally compromised by breaking
off the pointed end to save as a small
Apparently satisfied, he related that
comparison sample; and I sacked the
on a hunting trip several weeks prior he
rest to assay the next Tuesday when we
had found something he thought was
made the first of the bi-weekly furnace
gold ore. Being unable to find any more
firings in the lab.
he had a proposition for me. If I could
help him find it, would I "go halvers" You could not put the end of your thumb Since I was half owner of the ore,
with him? on it anywhere without touching a little nothing was left to chance, and I ran
curlicue, a thin wire, or tiny button of four assays, as getting a truly accurate
Since I was head over heels in debt
raw yellow gold! report on really rich ore is never easy.
for books, tuition and laboratory fees,
When the first white-hot button "blink-
and school boy jobs were like hen's Neither of the flat sides showed any ed" on the cupel, I was sure I had some-
teeth, it was an unnecessary question. So trace of the striated gloss of a slicken- how salted myself—but the three buttons
I casually agreed, as I figured he prob- side, so by rule of thumb the sample had that followed blinked out even bigger!
ably had found an outcropping contain- come from a treasure ledge at least three
ing pyrite, marcasite, or yellowish mica times its own thickness—perhaps even a After they were "parted" with acid,
occurring occasionally in the local moun- full foot wide! 1 weighed out the buttons on the deli-
tains. cate beam balance in the lab office. I
It was like being handed the key to
He said, "I know durn well it ain't the U.S. Mint. I didn't see Dunnaway, couldn't believe what I read, so I called
fool's gold; it's either soft gold or brass the ore, the fence, anything—because I in my geology prof to check my figures.
in that rock!" and I twitched my ears. was already mentally ordering the red He thought I was tinkering with a bul-
Morocco leather upholstery for a shiny lion assay, was unimpressed, and gave
Not wishing to embarrass the old man
black, sparkling new, Auburn Straight-8 me heck because he had found I was
I didn't quote him the current annual
coupe; and the tweed plus-fours and $17.50 under. The average of the four
production figures of the California
Bobby Jones type gqjf socks befitting the assays was $81,747 per ton !
"brass mines"—but it was a good, illus-
tration of what he knew about mining. driver of such a rig. At daylight the next Saturday (like
So I suggested we look at his sample. He Faintly from far away I heard the old the dozens of weekends that followed)
went to his car, and by the time he was man angrily say, "For the last time, I'm the cockpit of the Model T was loaded
back within ten feet of the fence my eyes asking you, is it any good?" to over-flowing with tools, grub, can-
began to pop. I told him, "We're rich, we're rich," teens, coats and blankets; with only room
and I must have been shouting because for Dunnaway's head to protrude so he
The spear head shaped slab of rock
he dragged me half across the fence and could give directions.
he handed me was about 15 inches long,
a full hand-span wide, about three inches told me to quiet down. We headed out through Cajon Pass,
thick and very heavy. It was a dirty, blue- After I had gained some measure of and turned right off the highway about
gray quartz, slightly granular in texture control he said, "O.K., it's good, but opposite where the Forest Service's Cajon
(but not as fine grained as quartzite). just how good is it?" Campground is now located. We pro-
ceeded up the barely passable track in to eat lunch, and in kicking out a place
the bottom of Cleghorn canyon to where to sit down, had uncovered the piece of Authorized
a San Bernardino man had a summer treasure rock.
cabin called (according to a sign over Looking back, it is still painful to con- JEEP
the door) "The Hideout." sider the sweat, blisters, dreams and Sales and Service
We parked there, and loading our wasted work marked by that lousy sar- LARGEST SUPPLY OF
pack sacks, headed straight up the south dine can! We trenched, dug and crawled IN THE WEST.
side of Cleghorn. It was so steep in for seeming circular miles around that Looking for a Jeep—Try us!
places we had to crawl, and after about place, but never could we find one other BRIAN CHUCHUA'S
an hour of puffing and sweat, my respect piece of the ore. FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CENTER
for Mr. Dunnaway's physical prowess Depl. DM 1625 S. Harbor Blvd.
Years later, when I bought my first Fullerton, California
increased vastly, even if not for his choicemetal detector I spent six weekends up
of hunting ground. there. The angle was so steep I could
About 200 yards directly down hill not walk with it, so I snaked a 50-foot
from the peak of the ridge—where a line around my waist, hooked to the near-
fire lookout station now stands — he est tree trunk and—like a shingler on a The Fabulous Land
stopped in a little gully masked in man- roof—bugged the area in decreasing arcs.
for hunting, fishing and retirement
zanita. "Here we are," he said. To clinch I found a narrow ledge of greenish ser- is just being discovered. Proper-
it, he pointed at the east bank of the pentine-like ore, that ran about $12.50 ties of all kinds are available from
gully to his "monument"—four head size per ton, but no bonanza. one acre to 1000 and the prices
rocks piled teeteringly one atop the other. are low. Write for complete listing
And now the years have passed me by. sheets. No obligation.
On the other rim of the gully, above a I am blessed with more wisdom, weight
little wash basin-like excavation in the and width; and I wouldn't fight that D. W. CORRY REAL ESTATE CO.
bank, and tied to a bush with a shoe vertical hillside again for a jeep load of Box 966 Cedar City, Utah 84720
string, was an empty sardine can gently the ore! So the information is all yours.
swaying in the breeze. There was no As for me, I'll spend my time sniping
doubt we had come back to the right on a Mother Lode river—the "take" is FREE CATALOG
place. less, but the odds are a whale of a lot FUN & PROFIT
He related that he had stopped there better! • WITH
Prospecting and Hiking Equipment
Books — Topo Maps
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Ken Marquiss finds panning for gold in the Yuba River with modern equipment Addr«s>
today much easier than "the good old days."
Continued from Page 7
by Sally Lindman
trict was heavily alloyed with silver
and was rarely worth more than $12
an ounce, or $144 a pound.
The Bodie rush was on. News of
the Great Bonanza Ledge traveled
fast. People came in stage coaches,
dead-ax wagons, buggies, lumber
teams, any way they could get there.
Prospectors came on foot, walking
beside their laden burros. Governor
Leland Stanford came too, declaring
he had lost a fortune by listening to
his confounded "expert." But, no
doubt, remembering his foolhardy
statement, the "expert" was far on
his way to other diggings.
The town was wide open. Life
went on around the clock. The sky
was the limit and Bodie became the
wickedest as well as one of the rich-
est and one of the most spectacular
bonanza towns in the West.
Twelve thousand people came to
Bodie; miners, speculators, gamb-
ALMETTO SPORTED a business district ness district vaults still laden with mon- lers, wild women—they all came.
P a mile long during its thriving
boom. Now only the stone ruins of the
ies and the days receipts, which as yet
remain to be found.
Later, "good" women came, judges,
doctors, and even preachers. A large
12 stamp mill, a toll station and a unique From Big Pine go east via Westgard Chinatown grew with tales of opium
two story boarding house are all that re- Pass, through the ancient Bristlecone and slavery, lorded over by the high-
main amidst various "dugout" houses Forest and continue to the fork near the binder tongs, whose sinister word
which are scattered along the stubby California-Nevada border taking the was law.
hillsides of Nevada. right branch, indicating Lida, Nevada as Bodie didn't have much time to
The original town was located on the the next town. The ruins are along the settle down—only a few years. Then
south side of Highway 3A, established paved road before Lida, on your left side. it dwindled again. Its remaining 150
in the 1860s. The mining district was Part of the route follows an old toll or so weathered buildings and hun-
discovered in 1866 by H. W. Bunyard, road built in the 1870s by Sam Piper of dreds of abandoned shafts became
Thomas Israel and T. W. McNutt for its Fish Lake Valley, Nevada. When com- lonely sentries on the high, windy
rich vein of silver ore which played out ing through Westgard Pass you eventu- bluffs, guarded by a protective State
after two months. ally pass the burned remains of the old Park Monument to wild and wicked
Piper Toll Station, which caught fire in da'ys gone by.
The miners moved on and Palmetto
1966 due to careless campers. Resting still, on more gold than
prepared herself for years of sleep. It
The route was also established earlier ever was taken out, the remains of
wasn't until the early 1900s that Pal-
by an emigrant wagon train and then Bodie stand. It is estimated that
metto again awakened to life. Before she
used by freight teams coming from Gold- $100,000,000 was taken out of the
knew it, 200 tents were pitched, a town-
field, Lida, and Silver Peak, Nevada on Bodie mines after the Great Bonanza
site surveyed and 40-foot lots sold up to
their way to the Owens Valley. The toll and that $150,000,000 remains.
$500 each.
road connected the busy mining centers But it is too expensive to get it out.
However, Palmetto was plagued with of Gold Mountain, Tule Canyon and Perhaps the ghosts of the "ex-
bad luck. The chips were against her. Palmetto. Fresh vegetables and honey pert" O'Hara, and Governor Leland
Fate dealt her a doomed hand and the were brought to Gold Mountain and Stanford linger still, bewailing their
town's complete existence became hidden Oriental from Owens Valley ranches. loss as the wind groans through the
from the face of earth, as it still is today. deserted town. At the Bodie Bluff
One word of caution. This is a well
A gigantic flash flood erased every paved road, yet sometimes narrow, so be Consolidated Mining Company, Es-
trace of the town. According to a few sure to use your horn at the blind curves. sington and Lockberg were the two
local veterans, there were stories of busi- There are approximately 10 of these. • who came out ahead. •
Continued from Page 11

provides an opportunity for placing bets service, cannot be matched anywhere.

on any horse, or dog, racing in the Uni- Rates are reasonable by U.S. standards—
ted States or Mexico — all tracks are our spacious twin-bed unit cost only LAKE-POWELL
covered! $14.00.
In order not to miss seeing some of We enjoyed dinner in El Acueducto AMERICA'S
the outstanding new buildings and attrac- Restaurant, overlooking the pool and NEW VACATIONLAND! '
tions in this city, the visitor should drop waterfall. It started with a large bowl of
in at the Tourist Bureau (on Alfabetiza- steamed clams with lemon and melted
cion, near Reforma) and seek informa- butter (compliments of the house). Cost GLEN CANYON DAM
tion from Senor Eliseo Garcia Araujo. of the meal, including cocktails, was TRIPS from ONE HOUR to FIVE DAYS
He'll gladly provide directions to the only $8.50 for two. Another fine restau- SPECIAL ONE DAY TRIP to RAINBOW BRIDGE
Social Security Building (with its own rant, with music for listening or dancing, Fishing unexcelled. Water Sports. Finest
theater within the structure); the Casa is Los Candiles. These two eating places, photography. Complete Marina. Boat
and Motor Rentals. Accommodations.
de la Juventud (House of Youth), where plus an attractive coffee shop with in- New Motel. Trailer Park.
Mexican young people learn trades and door and outdoor tables around an ar- Write for Information

enjoy YMCA type activity; the exclu- tistic fountain, provide facilities for the ART GREENE
various desires of the guests. CANYON TOURS, INC.
sive Casino de Mexicali; the beautiful WAHWEAP LODGE and MARINA
new Cetys College, an excellent institu- Tf you decide to follow our footsteps, P. O. Box 1 597 Page, Arizona
tion of learning; and several other im- and tire tracks, through northern Baja, Phone 645-2761
pressive points of interest of which Mexi- here is a tip that might be helpful. Al-
cali is justifiably proud. though most of the people you'll meet
Our decision to select Mexicali's new- speak English, you'll find that it's fun ZIP CODE YOUR MAIL
est and finest motel for the last night of to use whatever Spanish you know. Even
our trip was a wise choice. Motel Lu- if you have only a smattering of the lan- FOR FASTER SERVICE
cerna, at 2151 Benito Juarez Boulevard, guage, which is our situation, the natives
is excellent in every respect. The luxury will appreciate your efforts and help you
and elegance of its bungalow units, the to learn more. So enjoy your trip and
beautiful grounds, the large swimming while in Mexico do as the Mexicans do— Make Your
pool with a waterfall, and the courteous relax, have fun and take a siesta! •
Scenic vista along Hwy. 2 east of La Rumorosa with desert floor in background.
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1405 South Long Beach Blvd.
Ph. 632-9096 Compton, Calif. 90221
Hill Billy Jeep Club Wins
DESERT'S Conservation Award
by Bill Bryan

The big family event of the past month

was the California Association of Four Hill Billy Jeep Club of Manhattan Beach, California, as a result of a conference
Wheel Drive Club's Randsburg Roundup. with the ranger station at Fawnskin in the San Bernardino Mountains, scheduled a
The four-wheel-drive rally and campout run to clean up a hunter's camp before the opening of deer season.
in the Randsburg, California area was The ranger station at Big Pine Flats Campground provided the trash barrels, and
attended by about 1400 people on a 20- we provided the 4-wheel-drive pickup to carry out the trash, along with elbow-grease
acre site provided by Mrs. Pearl Kelly of and 12 vehicles. A special merit badge went to Mrs. Dotty Stevens who drove her
Randsburg. Jeepster for the first time over a hairy jeep trail to reach the camp, because her better
The weather was ideal and with so half was attending the state association meeting and couldn't be present.
many planned events to keep you busy all We filled the back of the truck with litter in disposable paper sleeping bags,
day, including games and activities for commonly used by fire-fighters, forest rangers and hunters, and carried them all back
the kids, when night fell you were almost to the ranger station at Big Pine Flat since the fire danger prohibited any burning.
too tired to attend the dance.
The campsite was laid out by the Four
Wheelers of Orange County. They were
justly complimented, as they laid out
streets and lots which made it easy for late
arrivals to find other members of their
Chairman Jim Bond asked me to ex-
press his sincere gratitude to the Rands-
burg Museum, Constable John Turner,
Mrs. Williams, the building attendant
where the dance was held, and to all of
the people of Randsburg and Red Moun-
tain for their warm reception afforded our
There are still some commemorative
Randsburg plaques available. If you did
not get one send $1.00 to Jim Bond, 8111
E. Garvey Blvd., Rosemead, Calif. 91770 The successful Randsburg Roundup of the California Association of Four Wheel
—and tell him you got the word from Drive Clubs wasn't just for the adults. There were many children's activities,
DESERT Magazine, such as this boys' sack race, to keep the kids busy.
Little Litter News and Views From :t

is Less Bitter Other Publications

A new prescription for hardening of
the muscles and reducing the waistline A recent article in the Lancaster Led- If you have your sleeping bag cleaned
is offered by Keep America Beautiful. ger-Gazette by Larry Grooms was illus- be sure and give it a good airing before
The proposal is that you can keep Ameri- trated by candid photographs showing using it again. The Good Outdoors Man-
ca beautiful by taking walks to pick up adults and children picking California ner Association (GOMA) sounded the
litter. golden poppies and then dashing madly alarm and stated a 16-year-old boy died
toward their cars so they could take them after sleeping in a bag that had been
"Medical authorities agree that walk-
back home. cleaned in perchloroethylene in a coin-
ing is one of the best exercises there is,
Evidently the adults condoned the operated unit. You should also guard
and every calisthenics routine includes
actions of the children. We ask: Is this against chemical burns due to home-ap-
fome form of bending down from the
any way to raise children? In the first plied water-proofing compound. Several
waist," Allen H. Seed Jr., executive vice
place, the poppies will not survive the cases of severe rash from such burns
president said. "So why not combine the
trip back to Los Angeles, and, in the have been reported. — The treasure
two in a daily walk to pick up litter?"
second place, anyone picking wildflowers Hunter.
America's highways and byways would
in the State of California is subject to a
be a lot cleaner if "litter walking" be-
$500 fine and/or six months in jail. For two years Ensenada officials have
came half the fad that jogging is today,
he concluded. _____ Maybe the parents didn't have enough adopted a policy of arresting misbehaviors,
guts to pick the poppies on their own so cutting their hair, charging them two
Hell will be a clean place to live this
they sent their unsuspecting kids to do dollars, giving them the hair in a paper
the criminal act. Or, and we think this is sack and pointing the way to the border.
A spring litter campaign in Hell, —Reporter Almon Lockaby in an article
the case, they were merely ignorant of
Michigan is producing great results, ac- on the Newport to Ensenada Boat Race
the law. But when yqu get before the
cording to Judge Mel Reinhard, presi- in the Riverside Daily Enterprise.
judge, he says ignorance is no defense.
dent of the local chamber of commerce
and a litter-fighter. And to give the cam- So remember in California and most
paign an added incentive Judge Rein- of the other western states it is against A great leader is one who never per-
hard is giving litterbags as wedding pre- the law to pick wildflowers. Admire mits his followers to discover he is as
sents to couples getting married in Hell. them, take photographs of the plants, dumb as they are. — The Treasure Chest,
The bags are inscribed: "Don't throw but leave them so others may enjoy the official publication of the Treasure Hunt-
your trash all over Hell." beauty of nature. ing Club.

The most rewarding litter package we

have heard about for some time is that of SALES SERVICE
a California state ranger. He found a
heap of trash left by ungrateful park
visitors. Among the debris was an envel- WINNEBAGO
ope with the names of the litterbugs. He
carefully collected all the trash, put it
in a cardboard box and mailed it back CONDOR
to the owners. It's too bad he couldn't HOLIDAY
have mailed it collect!
1421 E. Truxton 3433 E. Belmont

Fantastic New Compact Drywasher! (805) 327-9341 FIELD & STREAM (209) 233-6681

Folds to
45 lbs. total weight & TRAVEL CENTER
Guaranteed to recover gold and other
valuable minerals Trailers Motorhomes
NICK'S NUGGET Pick-up and Camper Combinations
P. 0. Box 1081, Fontana, California

The Trading Post Classified Ads ^ Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,
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rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
per insertion.
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You WILD 8, WOOLY WEST books: 3 0 # Rails on GEMS
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CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma-
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identify and cash in on them. New simple information on California's most fabulous GOLD FOR SALE. Piute Mountain placer nuggets,
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tunes in Minerals,'" it may lead to knowledge Box 67, Bellflower, Calif. 90706. $5.95 postpaid. Oma Mining Co., P.O. Box
which may make you rich! Duke's Research FOR SALE: Desert Magazines, October 1940; 2247, Culver City, Calif. 90230.
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Richard Hinton, (1877), 64pp, $2.00. " 1 0 0 0 Box 12, El Cajon, California. 92202.
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(1893), 96pp, $2.50. ((All softbound, post- dinary; Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda, rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo blankets and
paid.) Frontier Book Company, Fort Davis, Route 3, Box 517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301. vests, pottery. Kaibab moccasins. A collector's
Texas 79734. paradise! Open daily 10 to 5:30, closed Mon-
GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali- days. Buffalo Trading Post, Highway 18,
"AMERICA BY CAR" names best places to eat ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng- P.O. Box 697, Apple Valley, Calif. 92307.
and stay. Scenic routes, parks, historic sights. lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid. AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Nava|0 rugs, Chi-
170,000 word book, only $2,501 Sterling Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359. mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's
Mail Order, Dept. DM-8, 141-35 85th Road,
PLAYBOY MAGAZINES—buying and selling all items. Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian
Jamaica, New York 11435.
dates. Jerald Daily, 2901 Oak, Evansville, Trading Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East
LOST DESERT GOLD, legendary and geological Indiana 47714. Woodland Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.
history of the southern California desert, with CEDAR CITY, UTAH. Stop at "The Indian House"
photos and maps to pinpoint locations. $2.50
postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co., Box 67, Bell- • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — 1 2 1 North Main Street, for authentic In-
dian jewelry, rugs, baskets, moccasins, sou-
flower, Calif. 90706. MAKE MONEY on government surplus. How and venirs.
NEVADA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide" where to buy. Directory of Surplus Offices.
Large folded map. 800 place name glossary. Sales Terms, Mail order items. Send $1.00, re- • JEWELERY
Railroads, towns, camps, camel trail. $1.50. fundable. Crawfords DM-79, 363 Poppy,
Long Beach, California 90805. FREE CATALOG: Make jewelry for fun or profit.
Theron Fox, 1296-C Yosemite, San Jose 26,
Write: Liberty Gem & Supply, Box 127C,
Liberty, Illinois 62347.
large folded map 1881, small early map, • MAPS
CAMPERS, TRAILERITES—Now, fully isolate your
1200 place name glossary, mines, camps, COLLECTORS ITEM: TW\ geographical map
second battery with new Power-Saver. Auto-
Indian reservations, etc. $1 50. Theron Fox, print, rare issue, Los Angeles, Kern, Ventura,
matically charges but doesn't let camper
1296-E Yosemite, San Jose, California. San Bernardino areas. All old stage, freight
lights or accessories discharge vehicle system.
PAN YOUR OWN GOLDI Complete kit includes Details: Power-Saver, Box 158, Lomita, Calif. stops, trails, roads, towns, etc. 1 8 " x 2 4 "
placer concentrates with over 50 pieces real 90717. rolled, $2.95. Oma Mining Co., P.O. Box
_ 2 2 4 7 , Culver City, Calif. 90230.
gold! Large gold pan, illustrated booklet. GOLD DRY Washer plans, portable hand opera-
Educational — kids, grown-ups. Great gift ted, recover gold from gold diggings, from ANNOUNCING! "The Road Map to California's
item. Only $4.95 postpaid. Box 4 3 1 , Mid- dry river beds, etc., by air principle. $2.00. Pioneer-Towns, Ghost-Towns and Mining
way City, Calif. 92655. R. Bown, P.O. Box 7 9 1 , Arcadia, Calif. 91006 Camps." A 3 color map with over 400 place
names superimposed and identified. A spec-
"DEAD MEN DcTTeTi Tales" By Lake Erie SchaT- ial index classifies and describes town or
fer. Facts about Frank Fish's mysterious death, • GEMS site, 38 x 25, two-sided, scale 1 inch to 20
still unexplained. Sequel to "Buried Treasure miles, folded or rolled, $2.95—Calif, resi-
& Lost Mines" the Treasure Hunters manual. SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Cadena dents add 5 % sales tax. Still available—
$3 postpaid. L. Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton Drive. Riverside, California 92501. Parallel "The Road Map to Lost Mines and Buried
Drive, Chino, Calif. 91710. to Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956. Treasures of California," 127 locations with
Come in and browse; jewelry mountings, text providing best available clues, 38 x 25,
FREE 1 28 page catalog on detectors, books and chains, supplies, minerals, slabs, rough ma-
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238 two-sided, scale 1 inch to 20 miles, folded
terial, equipment, black lights, metal de- only, $4. California residents add 5 % sales
Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif. 90706. tectors, maps, rock and bottle books. tax. Both maps for $6.50. The perfect com-
GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to POCKET GOLD,' $2. Placer gold, $2. Gold dust, panions for travel fun! Available from your
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.50 $1. Attractively displayed. Postpaid. Money- favorite shop, or order from: Varna Enter-
year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone, back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 237D, Mt. prises, P. O. Box 2216, Dept. A, Van Nuys,
Calif. 92359. Shasta, California 96067. Calif. 91404.
SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San Bernardino BAJA SAFARIS—regular and special trips in 1000 GOLD STRIPE personalized name and ad-
$3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $ 1 , large Baja for adventure, exploring, fishing, beach- dress labels, 2 " by % ', use on letters, en-
$2; San Diego $1.25: Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25, combing, etc. Everything furnished. Wes velopes, postcards, books, records, $1.00.
other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada Reber, 2160 W. Rialto Ave., Space 128, Koch Mail Order, Cabazon, Calif. 92230.
counties $1 each. Include 5 percent sales tax. San Bernardino, Calif. 92410.
Topographic maps of all mapped western
JEEP RENTAL—rent by day or weekend, no
areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third
mileage fee. Free brochure. Canyon Jeep

Gold Strike
Street, Los Angeles 13, California.
Rental, 19203 Newhouse, Saugus, California
• MINING ___
deed to mining claim and dry wash machine,
and you are in business. Can get rich and
you will own it all. $1000 required. Box 3,
Dolan Springs, Arizona 86441.
NEED FINANCING for working found "lost"
mine described in Desert, June 1967, page
famous Goldmaster metal-mineral locators,
$69.50 up. Discount for cash. The Book Man,
622 Orange St., Kedlands, Calif. 92373.
Phone (714) 793-6112. Closed Tuesdays
and Sundays.
Four Mining Camp Scenes
28. Percentage offered. R. L. Hoy, 505 Las
Casas Ave., Pacific Palisades, Calif. 90272. GOLDAK TREASURE Locators—new for '69! A
hobby you'll enjoy for fun and profit. Find
Phone 213 454-5428.
coins, gold, silver. Goldak Dept. DMC, 1101A
All In 4-Color
ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High-
Air Way, Glendale, Calif. 9120K
est quality specfrographic. Only $5.00 per Each 14"xl7" with white margins
sample. Reed Engineering, 620-R So. Ingle- METAL DETECTORS: Detectron, Fisher, Goldok,
wood Ave., Inglewood, California 90301. Metrotech, Precision, Rayscope. Send for free on high quality paper suitable for
information. Aurora Prospector Supply, 6286
GOLD! GOLD! GOLDI Arizona placer gold —
Beach Blvd., Buena Park, Calif. 90620. (714) framing.
jewelry specimens, 1 pennyweight $6.
Mined by Golden Nugget Mining Co., Box No lettering or folds.
3, Dolan Springs, Arizona 86441. FIND BURIED TREASURE with new revolutionary
analytical metal detector. Features push-but-
ton tuning, automatic tuning, loudspeaker,
OLD COINS, STAMPS negligible ground pickup, greatest range.
SILVER DOLLAR $2.50; Ten different dates

$25.00. New coin catalogue 50c. Shultz, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84110.

Free catalog. Gardiner Electronics, Dept. 5 1 ,
4729 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. 85013.
Famous Goldmaster metal-mineral locators,
$99.50 up. Discount for cash. Baker's Hand
Crafts, 819 W. Vernon Drive, Upland, Calif.
NORTHWEST TIMBERED Acreages as low as 91786. Phone 714 982-3574. Postage & Tax included
$950. Total Price $50 Down $25 Month. GOLD, SILVER, RELICS! Located with powerful
5-10-20-40 acres for people who love the Detectron Metal Locators. Free information. Send Check or Money Order ro
land—A tract of Recreation Land to have for Terms. Detectron, Dept. 8-D, Box 243, San
YOUR own! In Northern Idaho, Northeastern Desert Magazine Book Shop,
Gabriel, Calif. 91778.
Washington, and Western Montana. In the Palm Desert, Calif. 92260
heart of lakes and big game country. All POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil-
No Charges Please.
covered with growing timber. Access, Title ver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. Terms
insurance with each tract. This is select land free information. Underground Explorations,
with natural beauty, recreational and invest- Dept. 3A, Box 793, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025.
ment values. We have tracts of many types I HAVE TIME and equipment to check out treas-
and sizes from which to choose, including ure leads on a percentage basis. Write: Tom
beautiful Northwest Waterfront property on Day, 127 Robert Ave., Oxnard, Calif. 93030.
the Pend Oreille, Priest and Kettle Rivers; and
property on Pend Oreille Lake. Your inspec-
tion welcomed. Write us for free list, maps
FISHER DETECTORS! Treasure fun and profit
with new professional quality solid-state
models. Unsurpassed sensitivity, reliability.
and complete information. Write to: Dept.
3HC, Reforestation, Inc., P. O. Box 8146,
Spokane, Wash. 99203.
Guaranteed. Free literature. Fisher Research,
Dept. D8, Palo Alto, California 94303.
TREASURE-METAL and mineral locators. Free 24
FOR INFORMATION on Arizona Real Estate
near Lake Havasu, write or visit Action
Acreage, Box 1148, Arnold Plaza, Lake Ha-
vasu City, Ariz. 86403.
page booklet. GeoFinder Co., Box 3 7 , Lake-
wood, Calif. 90714.
FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238
Lakewood Blvd., Bellfiower, Calif 90706.
acres) in 25 states. Low as $1.00 acre. 1969
report. Details $1.00. Land Information, GHOST TOWN EXPLORERS: Over 400 Mother Westernlore Ghost Town Series
422DM Washington Building, Washington Lode locations in "California Pioneer Towns, "
D.C. 20005. $2.50 postpaid. Goldbug, Box 588-D, Alamo,
Calif. 94507.
GOVERNMENT LANDS—low as $1 acre. Mil- Factual in every detail yet as exciting as a
lions acres! For exclusive copyrighted report— novel, Nevada's Turbulent Yesterday is
plus "Land Opportunity Digest" listing lands • WESTERN GOODS
available throughout U.S., send $ 1 . Satis-
tops in its field. For 10 years as Sunday
faction guaranteed! Land Disposal, Box 9091- FREE CIRCULAR: Hard to find old-time country editor of the Review Journal, the late Don
59G, Washington, D.C. 20003. "hoe-down " fiddle records. Uncle Jim O'Neal, Ashbaugh collected material for his book.
Box AD, Arcadia, Calif. 91006.
FOR INFORMATION on acreage, home or lot in Now back in print, this excellent book is a
or near this desert area, please write or must for arm chair adventures as well as
visit Ralph W. Fisher, Realtor, 73644 29- • MISCELLANEOUS
active explorers. Hard cover, 349 pages, 67
Palms Highway, Twentynine Palms, Calif. GUMMED NAME AND address labels: 1 0 0 0 —
92277. priceless historical photographs. Price: $7.50
$1, 3000—$2.25. Two week delivery. C.
Friday, 4705 Adam Road, Santa Susana. plus 50 cents for mailing. Calif, residents
ROOM TO LIVE. Pleasant, peaceful, Southern add 38 cents sales tax. Send check or money
Calif. 93063.
Utah mountain valley. Hunting country. 40
acres level rich soil, $1600, $50 down, $31 RUBBER STAMP—Your name and address or any order to DESERT MAGAZINE BOOK
month, 6 % interest. West Lands, Dept. wording, $1.35. Guaranteed. Supler Rubber SHOP, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260. Please
Desert, P. O. Box 17407, Holladay, Utah Stamps, 1108 Gunlock Ave., Compton, Calif. include your zip code.
84117. 90220.

Woman's Calendar of
Viewpoint Western Events
Information on Western Events must be
received at DESERT two months prior
to their scheduled date.
2750 It would be quite difficult to improve
on your wonderful magazine and Wo- JULY 25-27, SAN DIEGO CABRILLO JU-
R O T H INDUSTRY BILEE OF GEMS sponsored by the Califor-
BOX 2548-DM, HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90028 man's Viewpoint is a real life saver. With
nia Federation of Mineralogical Society, San
the help of this new section women in Diego Community Concourse, San Diego,
the desert won't find all their time on Calif. Admission $1.25, children under 12.
camping trips being wasted by cooking free.
complicated meals and having messy
clean-up jobs. I think it could also be EARTH, sponsored by the Santa Cruz Mineral
improved by a few handy hints like: and Gem Society, Civiic Auditorium, Santa
1. Storage tips for desert rats. Cruz, Calif. Admission free.
Lapidary — rockhounding
"—jewelry making... add up to 2. Packing tips. AUGUST 9 & 10, THIRD ANNUAL
3. Any helpful ideas which would NORTHERN SIERRA TREK of the Califor-
World's largest selection-over 10,000 items give more time to the wife and mother nia Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs.
offered...imports from all parts of the world.
on camping trips. For information write to Robert Gemignani,
BOOKS- CKAFT TOOLS - MACHINERY— SUPPLIES — ETC Grass Valley 4-Wheelers, Mtr. Box 78, Ne-
Also, being a new subscriber, I have
GRIEGER'S, INC. vada City, Calif. 95959.
D«pt 53 -1633 E. Wolnul — Poiodeno, Calif. missed out on many rockhound articles.
I would like to see some articles of this
CEREMONIAL, Gallup, New Mexico. A
type, especially in Imperial and San showcase of traditional Indian Culture includ-
Diego counties, and maybe a monthly ing crafts, rituals, dances, rodeo and a myriad
column on rockhounding. of other entertainment. For brochure write to
SO YOU WILL NOT MISS AN ISSUE Ceremonial Association, Box 1029, Gallup,
New Mexico 87301.
Alpine, California.
Be sure to include old address
Editor's Note: We have several good AUGUST 16 & 17, ANNUAL TEHACHAPI
as well as the new
rockhound articles on the above areas, fornia. Family fun, mountain style with par-
but will hold them until the weather ades, rodeo, airshow, dances, etc. Camping and
cools in the deserts. We also are starting trailer parking.
a mottthly rockhound column this fall. AUGUST 16-17, SIXTH ANNUAL JEEP
FOR ONLY $4.95 POSTPAID ROAD-EO sponsored by the Sierra Ground
YOU GET: Rescue, Carson City, Nevada. Competition and
I appreciate all the Skillet Bread re- a historical tour of the area. Write to Sierra
10" STEE1 GOLDPAN! cipes and many thanks. Here's one of my Ground Rescue, Box 1192, Carson City
• ILLUSTRATED IN- favorite "quickies" that leaves time for Nevada 89701.
• QUARTER-POUND exploring and digging. It can be pre- AUGUST 30, CENTENIAL 4WD SAFARI,
CONCENTRATES WITH pared ahead of time and heated up Ely, Nevada. Tour of ghost towns. Write to
quickly. Mrs. Lloyd Phillips, P. O. Box 571, Ely, Ne-
OVER $2,000/rON!
I large can New England style beans LEY ROCK CLUB SHOW in connection
l/2 onion minced with Solvang Danish Days, Solvang, Calif.
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard Admission free.

GOLD! You find it with

1/4 cup of chili sauce (optional—catsup
is good)
1 pound frankfurters
sponsored by the Fresno Gem and Mineral
Society, Kearney Park, Fresno, California.
KOVACS CUSTOM MADE Mix the first four ingredients and put SEPTEMBER 27 & 28, GAMBLERS RODEO
METAL DETECTORS layer in skillet. Fry the franks in butter sponsored by the Lake Tahoe Hi/Lo's 4-
Detect Placer Gold, Lode Veins, Coins, and put a layer of franks on beans— Wheel Drive Club, Tahoe Valley, California.
Interchangeable Waterproof Loops Excellent spectator event. Participants and
then continue until beans and franks
4-Years Waranty—Free Literature public invited. Write to Hi/Lo Club, South
are used up. Simmer on top of stove
Lake Tahoe, Calif. 95705.
MIKEKOVACS about 30 minutes or heat in oven. Serve
10123 Stonehurst Ave. Phone 768-0114 with grated cheddar if desired.
Sun Valley, Calif. 91352
AL SHOW sponsored by Motherlode Mineral-
A YUCAIPA READER ites of Auburn, Calif. Admission free.
A Tick-lish Situation . . . Kokoweef Mountains . . .
Where in the world is Tick Canyon? I am
referring to the article in the June issue Trip to
Tick Canyon. It states it is a "mere 45 min-
Letters My friends and I enjoy reading Desert Maga-
zine very much—a job well done.
1 have explored the Kokoweef Mountains
utes by freeway from downtown Los Angeles."
Have you looked at a freeway map of Los
Angeles lately. There are dozens of freeways to south of Mexican Wells and have found some
very interesting diggings in what seems to b -
natural caves. I am sure there is more than

going in all directions. Which one do you what meets the unfamiliar desert explorer in
take? It states "Tick Canyon lies off the Mint this area and I am really interested in the
Canyon Freeway." Why that's easy! But where history of what went on in these caves.
is Mint Canyon Freeway? Why it's "just a RONALD GONSCH,
few miles west of the historic pile of fascina-
ting rocks known as the Vasquez Rocks."
Where are the rocks? "From the freeway take
the Escondido Canyon Road to where Daven-
port Road cuts in." That's just peachy dandy
Letters requesting answers must include
stamped self-addressed envelope.
Whittier, California.
Editor's Note: Kokoweef Peak is located in
the Ivanpah Mountains in California's San
Bernardino County. According to some stories
(as related by Walter Ford in An Old Fort
—but how does one go about finding these
Road, Nov. '68) two men in 1927 allegedly
roads? Oh, well, San Diego County has more
found an underground river with gold bearing
to see anyway, so I'll just stay here. Hard Cash Saloon . . . black sand and the cave was later blasted
AUDREY JUSTICE, shut. Today the caves could be dangerous and
San Diego, California. Regarding your letter of April 1, I am the
author and owner of the Hard Cash Saloon some of the land is private property, so be
Editor's Note: We certainly did Desert readers (Feb. '68). careful when exploring the area.
and Mr. Justice an injustice by not printing We are in the process of moving the entire
a map of Tick Canyon. As we said in the reply collection to a more satisfactory location in
to Mr. Grey's letter on this page we have been Nevada. Upon completion of the move, I will
invaded by Map Termites. However, I would An Author Replies . . .
give you a followup and advise you of visitor
like to point out that Desert Magazine takes accommodations. I am grateful to you for your I read Richard S. Smith's letter in the June
its readers to unusual and interesting places interest and happy to know that people do issue. I would like to know his source of in-
not covered by other magazines of the West. want to come and share the collection with us. formation. He stated that my botanical name
Space prohibits printing detailed maps of many for Smoke Tree was not correct. He said that
of the trips. H. C. HENDERSON,
it should be Dalea spinosa, I said it was Rhus
Canoga Park, California.
There are many excellent county maps which cotinus.
show off-roads for both passenger cars and I obtained my information from Webster's
four-wheel-drive vehicles. These maps are Dictionary. That is a correct source to go by
much larger than could be printed in Desert Where's El Golfo . . .
isn't it? Well anyhow, he did say that my
and show more detailed roads, all of which Having been to El Golfo, I enjoyed read- description was excellent, that's nice.
would lead to interesting places and new ad- ing Erie Stanley Gardner's adventures in the I just thought that you should know that I
ventures—and the majority of these roads are charming Mexican village. But other readers always try to be correct in my factual manu-
easily traveled in passenger cars. For instance, may not be familiar with how to get there. scripts.
the Los Angeles County map of the Automo- Why not let them know? DOROTHY W. DIAL,
bile Club of Southern California shows the
HARVEY GRAY, Yucca Valley, California.
exact location of Tick Canyon. This is not an
Palm Desert, California. Editors' Note: Dorothy Dial is not only a
excuse for leaving out the map of Tick Can-
Editors' Note: Desert Magazine seems to have good writer, but she is known for her accur-
yon, but rather a suggestion for those who
been invaded by Map Termites. In the June acy. Like most of us in the business, she used
like to explore so they can have greater ad-
issue a map for the article on Trip to Tick Webster's Dictionary for her source for the
ventures while following the trips printed in
Canyon was left out and in the July issue the botanical name of the Smoke Tree. In an at-
Desert. Who knows, you may discover a new
map showing how to drive to El Golfo fell tempt to determine the true definition of the
canyon, lost mine or some other interesting
by the wayside. Smoke Tree—and its familly—/ spent two
place and write an article for our readers—
but be sure to enclose a detailed map with hours going through our library. After trying
your adventure story! CALEXI
to associate Rhus, Cotinus, Dalea, Spinosa
and other Latin and Greek names, plus those
named after plain people who discovered var-
ious species of plants, and then putting the
Respect Private Property . . . Latin and Greek names together (and trying to
remember what my Latin professor told me
We are happy to find that the town of
25 years ago) I decided the best name for the
Cerro Gordo is open to the public, thanks to
beautiful desert plant as so ably described by
Richard Smith's information in the June issue. Dorothy Dial is fust plain Smoke Tree. After
We wrote the letter he referred to (Feb. all, the tree doesn't care what it is called as
69) at which time we enclosed the picture long as people enjoy its beauty.
showing the "Closed to the Public" sign. Sorry
we didn't know at the time that we could have
gone up to the town, but we'll try and get
back in the near future.
Vandalism and littering the mining towns
Back Cover: Utah is a land of spectacu-
by the public is a sad thing and if it keeps up,
we are going to find that many more of these lar scenery and changing moods. Typi-
towns will be closed to the public. cal of the contrasts is this photograph
MR. & MRS. HARRY LIVESAY, by Frank Jensen taken on the flank of
San Jacinto, California. the Markagunt Plateau.

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