Old Testament Survey Test 2 Study Guide-1

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Old Testament Survey Test 2 Study Guide

Memory Verses:

• Genesis 50:19-20
o But Joseph said to them, ”Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You
intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now
being done, the saving of many lives.”

• 10 Commandments
1. I am the Lord your God…you shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
10. You shall not civet your neighbor’s wife or anything that belongs to your

• Moses- son of a man of the house of Levi who married a Levite woman, brother of
Miriam and Aaron, husband of Zipphorah, father of Gershom and Eliezer, when he
was born the Pharaoh had ordered for all newborn boys to be thrown in the Nile,
Moses’ mother hid him for 3 months, she then sent him down the Nile in a basket,
his sister Miriam followed along to see where he was going, Pharaoh’s daughter
found him and raised him as her son, Moses’ mom was paid by Pharaoh to take
care of her own son but the Pharaoh and daughter didn’t know it was her son,
Moses was a Sheppard of his father-in-law’s sheep at age 80 when God called for
him (burning bush), God told him to go back to Egypt to free the Israelites, Moses
questioned God many times unlike Noah and Abraham, Moses leads to Israelites
everywhere (crossing Red Sea, miracles, dessert)

• Zipphorah- wife of Moses, mother of Gershom and Eliezer, daughter of Jethro (the
owner of the sheep that Moses was the Sheppard of)
• Aaron- oldest sibling of Moses (brother), he accompanied Moses on all of his
journeys while freeing the Israelites, he built a golden calf idol while Moses was on
the mountain talking to God for 40 days, God made him and his tribe priests, Aaron
being the high priest.

• Eleazar- son of Aaron, priest

• Priests & Elders- went with Moses to many different places so that the people
would believe what Moses was saying was true, trustworthy by the people so they
made good witnesses.

• Miriam- sister of Moses and Aaron.

• Jethro- father of Zipphorah (Moses’ wife) and he owned the sheep that Moses was
Sheppard of.

• Gershom- first son of Moses and Zipporah, name means “an alien there”.

• Eliezer- second son of Moses and Zipphorah, name means “ my father’s God was
my helper, he saved me from the sword of Pharaoh.
Places of Significance:

• Mt. Horeb- same mountain as Mt. Sinai, the burning bush occurred here, and God
spoke to Moses and gave him the 10 commandments.

• Red Sea- Moses used his staff to part this sea so that the Israelites could escape
from Egypt and the water would then fall on the Egyptian soldiers.

• Marah- means “bitter”, one of the stops on the Israelite’s journey where the water
was so bitter and the people gave Moses a hard time, God then told him to throw a
piece of wood in the water which made it sweet.

• Elim- God led them here, 12 springs of water (12 tribes) and 70 palms (70 elders)

• Mt. Sinai- same things as Mt. Horeb, the burning bush occurred here, and God
spoke to Moses and gave him the 10 commandments.

• Massah- means “testing”, the base at Mt. Horeb where the rock made water was
named this and Meribah because the Lord was tested and quarreled against.

• Meribah- “means “quarrelling”, the base at Mt. Horeb where the rock made water
was named this and Massah because the Lord was tested and quarreled against.

• Rephidim- the Israelites arrived here and there was no water so they tested and
quarreled with God, so Moses and the elders went to base of Mt. Horeb (Meribah/
Massah) and made water from a rock.
Vocabulary Words:

• Manna- This actually means “what is it?”, the Israelites had never seen it before, it
was the bread that fell from heaven (prefigure of Jesus) they ate it for 40 years until
they reached Canaan, white like coriander seed, flaky, tastes like wafers made of
honey, sweet, ate every morning.

• Courtyard- the area surrounding the tabernacle, barrier of sin between Holy ground
and a sinful nature.

• Tabernacle- a moveable tent where a presence of God dwelled with his people.

• Burnt Offering- animal sacrifice for atonement for an individual’s sins, the animal
must be perfect with no blemish, and a male
o Rich/Wealthy- young bull

o Middle Class- lamb (sheep or goat)

o Lower Class/Poor- dove, young pigeon

• Atonement- forgiveness


• 10 Plagues: (don’t memorize the 10 plagues)

Plague Were the o The plagues were placed on Egypt after

Israelites Pharaoh won’t let the Egyptians go.
Blood ? o Reasons for the 10 plagues
Frogs ?
 To manifest God’s power, to show
Gnats No
that he is the one true God.
Flies Yes
Livestock Yes  He is making fun of the Egyptian
Boils ? gods.
Hail Yes
Locusts ?  He wants to win back the hearts of
Darkness Yes his own people, show them that he
Firstborn Yes is there to free them.
• Passover-

God’s instructions for Meaning/Significance: Symbolism of Christ

each Passover element:
Lamb- on the 10th day of God wants them to make We were saved by Jesus,
each month each man is the best sacrificial a lamb’s, blood
to take a lamb for his offering that they can.
family. Small families
could share (no
leftovers), the lamb must
be male, yearling, not a
Time of day they are to They didn’t want the This was the time of day
sacrifice the lamb- Egyptians to see them when Jesus was
twilight, when the sun is and try to copy them. crucified.
going down.
Blood- Put it on the sides So that the angel of Blood is the covenant of
and tops of the death would Passover Jesus, when Jesus was
doorframes with a hyssop thirsty they put wine
branch. vinegar on a hyssop
branch and gave it to
Prepare the lamb- roast This was faster than Jesus’ bones were not
over a fire with bitter frying or boiling. It broken on the cross
herbs, don’t break any of showed the escape from because he was already
its bones. Egypt would be quick. dead.
Bread- made with no It didn’t need time to rise Bread symbolizes Jesus;
yeast. if there was no yeast. body (last supper)
Jesus=bread of life
Bitter Herbs- put on the Bitter herbs symbolized Bitter wine vinegar was
lamb how “bitter” the Egyptians offered to Jesus on the
made the lives of the cross. Shows how bitter
Israelites he was treated.
Leftovers- burn all It was sacred and God Empty tomb (nothing
leftovers but try not to wanted it to be only for “leftover”)
have any. the Israelites, God will
provide there is no need
for leftovers.

• 10 Commandments-
o I am the Lord your God…you shall have no other gods before me.

o You shall not make for yourself an idol.

o You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

o Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

o Honor your father and mother.

o You shall not murder.

o You shall not commit adultery.

o You shall not steal.

o You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

o You shall not civet your neighbor’s wife or anything that belongs to your

• Tabernacle, Courtyard, and Furnishings:

Purpose/Significance Symbolism of Christ

Courtyard The area surrounding the Jesus would break this
tabernacle, barrier of barrier of separation.
separation between Holy
ground and a sinful
Tabernacle A moveable tent where Jesus becomes the true
the presence of God God in the flesh.
dwelled with His people.
Altar of Burnt Offering/ Where the animal Imagery of the cross,
Brazen Altar sacrifice was made. Jesus’ blood and body
was shed for us.
Basin for Washing/ Where the priests Jesus washes/cleans our
Laver of Bass washed the blood of the sins, imagery of baptism
sacrificial animal off their (the representation of
hands because the blood washing away our human
represented sin and God sin)
can’t be in the presence
of sin, made of brass
Table of Bread of Inside Holy Place, on the Jesus is the bread of life,
Presence/ Table of table were 12 loaves of if you come to him you
Shewbread bread (12 tribes), shows will not go hungry
that God feeds his people (literally and you will live
(remembrance of eternally)
manna), this bread fed
the priests
Lamp stand/ Golden Inside Holy Place, it was Jesus is considered to be
Candlestick kept lit 24/7, oil and wick the light of the world,
(no wax), job of the Christians are also
priests to kept it lit. “lights”
Altar of Incense Inside Holy Place, hot Symbolizes Jesus rising
coals, always burning, from dead and up into
special recipes of heaven, Jesus broke the
incense were put on top, barrier between God, and
the smoke “carried” up us now anyone can pray
special prayers to God. to God.
Vail/ Curtain Covered with Angels Death of Jesus allowed
(same type of angels that anyone to pray to God,
kept Adam and Eve out broke barrier, we are now
of Eden, now they’re united with God.
protecting God),
separated Holy of Holies
with the Holy Place
Ark of the Covenant In Holy of Holies, Jesus is God in the flesh,
treasured chest of the no longer just a spirit.
Israelites, represented
God’s presence, the
chest had 3 things in it (3
represents trinity): jar of
manna, Aaron’s staff, and
the tablets with the 10
commandments on them.

• Feast of Unleavened Bread- also known as Passover, it was the celebration feast
in remembrance when God spared all the Israelites when the angel of death passed
over and killed all the first born sons, it us unleavened bread because no yeast was
used to make the bread.

• Feast of First fruits/ Weeks/ Harvest- ************

• Feast of Ingathering- **************

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