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Assignment M&R



Name and surname(s):
Dennis Villalobos
Noelia Fuentes-Rivera
Lorena del Aguila


Group: 2014-02
Date: August 2014

Assignment M&R


This assignment has to fulfil the following conditions:

- Length: between 8 and 10 pages (without including cover, index or appendices if
there are any-).
- Type of font: Arial or Times New Roman.
- Size: 11.
- Line height: 1.5.
- Alignment: J ustified.
The assignment has to be done in this Word document and has to fulfil the rules of
presentation and edition, as for quotes and bibliographical references which are
detailed in the Study Guide.
Also, it has to be submitted following the procedure specified in the Study Guide.
Sending it to the tutors e-mail is not permitted.

In addition to this, it is very important to read the assessment criteria, which can be
found in the Study Guide.
The assignment mark is 100% of the final mark, but the participation in the activities
performed during the tutorials can improve this mark.

Assignment M&R




Assignment M&R


Let us begin by explaining who our students are and what the education setting
is in which their learning is conducted. The group of students involved in this
assignment is composed by learners belonging to an upper basic level in the adult
program in a binational center located in Lima, Peru. Students receive 1 and hour of
class on a daily basis. They belong to different socio economic groups and their ages
fluctuate basically between 14 and 28 with some students older than that and some
belonging to the senior citizen group, which are the least. The learners we are
discussing is certain a varied group of people. Their motivation in learning English is
mainly because of job promotion, majoring in college, traveling abroad and in some
cases a hobby.
The English program is composed by teachers whose command of the
language is close to native and who are much compromised in establishing a
supportive atmosphere, where the affective filter is very low and students feel
comfortable in their learning process. This starts from the very first day of class, when
teachers approach students in a very affable way, allowing rapport with all the class.
Work in class is done in pair or group work so the more skillful students work with the
weaker ones. Also, lessons are presented using the many resources a class offers:
board, realia, videos, flashcards, Internet, etc. These resources are complemented with
the use of clear instructions and comprehension checks that allows teachers to sense
that the class is following instructions and tasks. Despite all the advantages that the
program offers, the contact with English outside the class setting is very limited for
students. And it is a constant task among teachers to encourage students to take

Assignment M&R


advantage of all the resources that are offered such as library, video room, and self-
access center.

One negative aspect is the attitude of learners in class. Learners are very
passive in their attitude towards active participation in class. Their overall personality in
a class setting is of total shyness and lack of willingness to participate actively.
Students have to be drawn out and it usually takes much work and patience to get a
class going. Most of them lack enough knowledge of current events as to engage in
discussion. Considering these characteristics, it would seem to be very difficult to work
with this group of students. However, since they are motivated to learn and they are
willing to learn, we have come to know that speaking is an activity that they are always
interested in developing. Following Jeremy Harmer (1998), speaking is an activity that
teachers should encourage in students and there are several ways we can achieve
this: rehearsing through free discussion or taking part in role plays are activities that,
according to Harmer, provide students of a sensation on how communicating in a
foreign language is.
With this information, the first factor that we identified is the clear need of our
students of performing accurately. We come to realize that our students weakest spot
is to use grammar structures accurately in oral communication. Our students have an
average performance in reading and listening activities, however related to speaking,
clear understanding of grammar structures can be a problem and when trying to use
these in accurate spoken communication, most students find an obstacle in achieving
communication. Students become unable to use grammar structures accurately in
conversation and they fail to communicate accurately as upper basic students would do
according to their level. This becomes a problem since communication is sometimes
achieved but accuracy is not.

Assignment M&R


The second area that was identified is the exploration of language that offers
problems for our students to overcome. Following McDonough and Shaw (1993:86),
we agree that in general the grammar coverage of certain topics in language learning is
not enough but also an accurate communicative outcome is not present among our
There are several structures that offer problems to our students, however one of
the most difficult to handle is using correctly modal verbs. For these reasons, we
consider that developing a kit of materials that can guide our students within a more
accurate oral communication using grammar structures that they find somewhat difficult
to understand will be very beneficial to them. We have planned our approach in terms
of balancing grammar and vocabulary and providing students with an integrated
practice that can lead them to successful oral accurate communication, which they are
lacking now. As Tarver & Wisniewska (2013) state accurate speech is necessary for
successful acquiring of a language and making students focus on a single structure is a
way to encourage accurate speech.

Considering that it is very important for teachers to adapt the course materials
according to the needs, interests, ages and learning styles of students and bearing in
mind the weakest spot of this group of students involved; we have opted to create
materials that really work out and help learners to improve grammar structure
accurately in oral communication.
First, we are using stories to start with the warm-up to make learners feel
engaged with the topic, which is the second conditional. These stories also use
questions that will make the learners discuss and tell each other their own experiences.
Learners are asked: what would you do if? in different situations. The effect of this

Assignment M&R


activity is that learners start to think carefully about imaginary situations, getting
engaged with the grammar of second conditionals.
Another material we have built up is a conversation where the learners will work
in a role-play and/or practicing the conversation to give them the opportunity to think
about what they would do in these situations.
For the grammar activity, we have taken into account a very useful grammar
chart from a well-known textbook, which presents the second conditional with different
results using the modals could, might and would in affirmative as well as in negative.
Then, the learners complete the different conversations making use of the grammar
Also a speaking activity is provided to the learners to reinforce the grammar.
Learners work in groups in order to develop the questions about imaginary situations.
The last material we have considered for the speaking is the presentation of some
slides (power point) which contain interesting questions with their own images to make
clear understanding so they feel ready to answer them. Providing all these materials to
this group of learners, they make of the new lesson very communicative and the most
important they will improve their speaking skill.

Having chosen the right material on second conditional for upper-basic
students, we start with a warm-up activity to activate schemata, and introduce the topic
of the lesson, so we ask the class: Have you ever lost something valuable and had it
returned? What happened? Students discuss in pairs. It is for sure that we encourage
them to ask their partner follow-up questions in order to engage in the topic. In this
case students discuss imaginary situations so they may work with the usage of second

Assignment M&R


conditional which is the main topic. The idea is to familiarize students with the topic and
activate any knowledge or previous experience they might have.
Afterwards, we introduce four short stories that refer to unusual events related
to money and the issue of honesty, and we explain any new vocabulary, the aim is that
students read the information, then they talk about which story they find the most
interesting and give further information about it; thus, they might work in groups and
share ideas. Also, students are introduced to the structure that will be taught, since the
question what would you do is constantly repeated.
After the warm-up has leaded students into the topic, we will use a conversation
between 2 people discussing unusual events concerning money and the attitude of
people. The objective of this activity is to present students with real communication in
which the topic is discussed in a colloquial way between two people also students will
see the second conditional used in real communication. After listening, students will
practice the conversation for pronunciation and intonation and they have to answer the
question: what kinds of things were the people talking about? To provide a break from
sitting and involve students in their own learning, we must let them write their answers
and brainstorm ideas on the board (Jim Scrivener, Learning teaching 2009). We play
the audio again, so learners listen and take notes, and then they work in pairs to
compare their notes with those on the board. It is a good idea to help with some
meanings of new words and expressions, but we should bear in mind that students
must be autonomous; therefore we encourage them to check their dictionaries. Finally,
they have to practice the conversation in pairs and model it to the whole class.
Once students have spoken and have experienced the topic through real
communication, the grammar structures are presented. Now students will develop
exercises to understand how the grammar structures are used. This is an individual
task in which students engage in practicing the structures and after they compare with

Assignment M&R


a partner. Jack C. Richards (2013) highlights that we should use dynamic activities like
moving dialogue and disappearing dialogue to practice grammar structures. To start,
grammar is introduced inductively since some sentences are written on the board, so
learners have to fill in the blanks, then they will check answers by referring to the
previous conversation. Once the students have finished, we may continue deductively
going on with an explanation of the rules for forming unreal conditional sentences, here
they will get a further knowledge about the structure itself and how it is formed.
Students have to work on some practice, so they must work individually to complete
the task, compare their answers in pairs and finally practice this structure with their own
information. Learners take turns asking and answering the questions.
Finally, two speaking activities are presented to students. These activities are
directed to wrap up all the previous activities into accurate oral communication. First,
several situations are presented and students ask questions about what they would do
if they were in that situation. Students answer with their own opinions. This activity is
closely monitored by the teacher who is in charge of keeping students within the
parameters of accurate communication, which is using the structure correctly
throughout the activity. When this activity is finished a second activity is presented to
students. This is a power point presentation that opens interesting questions that
students have to answer in pairs. Again, students should focus on using the structure
of the second conditional as much as possible and the teacher has to closely monitor
the use of it.
In relation to the evaluation of the kit of materials, we have chosen to follow
what Jolly and Bolitho state as to examine whether our materials have met the
objectives we have established. These materials have to encourage meaningful
production among students and be evaluated against the goal that is established in the

Assignment M&R


activity. In the first activity which is directed to activate schemata in students, and it is
the introductory activity, the objective is to read and talk about examples of honesty
related to hypothetical situations. The next activity which introduces the structure that is
being taught has an objective as to practice a conversation about honesty and unreal
conditionals and see the structure used in a real context. The next activity is the
grammar introduction and the objective is to identify unreal conditionals and engage
students in a controlled practice of the structure. The final activities are directed to
practice the usage of unreal conditionals in an accurate way, and these activities will
encourage students to use the tools and elements accurately. With the objectives in
mind, we will be able to clearly evaluate if our students have achieved the objective of
oral accurate communication.

Language is considered a system for the expression of meaning and the
primary function of the language is interaction and communication. (Richard Rogers:
1985). In terms of teaching, we believe that a teachers role is to facilitate the tools and
create the appropriate atmosphere where a learner can be autonomous and
communication can be promoted. To do this, a teacher must always have a clear
understanding of their learning objectives and decisions should be made thinking about
the impact they will have on student learning and development. In terms of language
learning, we believe students are responsible for their learning; yet, learning is the
result of a complex interaction among many factors associated with the student, the
teacher, peers and others, the content, and the situation or context. However, learning
should be in the center of what teachers and students do, which is a key to the best
teaching and learning. These reasons support our belief that we, as teachers, must
offer our students as many elements and tools as possible to improve their use and
understanding of a foreign language.

Assignment M&R


However, tools are not enough if teachers do not establish congenial relations
and create a rapport with students, according to Stevick (1980) success depends less
on materials, techniques, and linguistic analyses, and more on what goes on inside and
between people in the classroom.

Assignment M&R



J . and T. Rodgers. (1985) Method: approach, design, and procedure in J. Richards
the Context of Language Teaching
Cambridge University Press (1985)

J olly, D., & Bolitho, R. (1998). A framework for materials writing. In B. Tomlinson
(Ed.), Materials development in language teaching
Cambridge University Press.

McDonough, J ., & Shaw, C. (2003). Materials and methods in ELT (2nd edition).
Oxford Blackwell

Harmer, J (1998) How to Teach English An introduction to the practice of English
language teaching
Pearson Education Limited

Richards, J . C. & Hull, J & Proctor, S. (2005) New Interchange Third Edition
Cambridge University Press

Richards, J . C. & Hull, J & Proctor, S. (1991) Interchange English for International
Cambridge University Press

Richards, J .C. (2013) Creativity in language teaching

Scrivener, J (2009) Learning teaching

Tarver Chase & Wisniewska (2013) Pathways Teachers Guide Listening,
Speaking and Critical Thinking.
Heinle Cengage Learning

Assignment M&R


Joe: Hey Marie! What are you up to? Are you reading anything interesting?
Marie: Joe! Hi! Well, Im just spending time here.and Im solving a quiz its called What Would You Do.wanna try?
Joe: Well, Im not much into magazine quizzesbut, ok..lets have fun!
Marie: Aha, listenfirst question: If you could be a super hero, what super power would you have?
Joe: Super power? MmmmI would be invisible! Yeah!
Marie: questionif you could be an animal, what animal would you be?
Joe: I would be a bird! I could be able to fly all over the world.with no flight being delayed!....jajaja!!
Marie: Next questionIf someone invented a time machineWhere in time would you go and why?
Joe: Ohhthats a tough one! I would travel to ancient Romenoto ancient Peru! I would discover who built Machu Picchu!
Marie: Thats a great answer! I would too! Ok last oneWhere would you take a beautiful girl who likes magazine quizzes?
Joe: A beautiful girl that likes magazine quizzes?..mmmoh!! Marie! If I had money I would take you anywhere in the

Appendix 1 Kit of Materials

Assignment M&R


Assignment M&R


If you could be an animal, what
animal would you be?

If you only had 24 hours to live,
what would you do?

Assignment M&R


If you could be a super hero, which
super hero would you be?

If you could be invisible for a day what
would you do and why?

If there was a time machine and you could travel
back in time, where and when would you go and

If you could change one thing
about your country, what would it

If you could sail around the
world, who would you
invite to go with you and

Think about one topic and ask a
partner a question like this:
What WOULD you do if

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