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Global and China Online Tourism

Global and China Online Tourism

Industry 2012-2015
Industry 2012-2015
Published by : Sino Market Insight
Published : Oct-2012
Single User License : $1!!
Multi User License : US $2!!!
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In accordance with Global and China Online Tourism Industry Report, 2012-2015 released
by ino !ar"et Insi#ht, the mar"et si$e o% China&s online tourism industry is predicted to hit
R!' (1)*+ billion in 2015*
Chinese online tourism mar"et si$e reached R!' 1(1*() billion in 2011, and the %i#ure is
e,pected to be up to R!' (1)*+ billion in 2015 with a C-GR o% 2.*)2/, hi#her than the
world&s 10*0./*
-s %or the mar"et se#ments o% the online tourism industry in China, the re1enue %rom %li#ht
tic"ets, hotels and 1acation trips contributed 01*2/, 25*0/ and 10*)/ respecti1ely to the
total re1enue o% the industry in 2011* In the %our years to come, the share o% re1enue %rom
%li#ht tic"ets will su%%er a sli#ht decline, while the re1enue %rom hotels and 1acation trips will
en2oy a risin# proportion*

-ccordin# to the ran"in# o% the world&s 1. ma2or online tourism players by re1enue in 2011, the
top %i1e were OT-s, while 1ertical search and media type enterprises only too" . seats* !oreo1er,
in terms o% multiple indicators li"e pro%it and #ross mar#in, the media and search enterprises
represented by Trip ad1isor and 3unar*com ha1e not made #reat impact on OT-s represented by
4rice line and Ctrip*
OT- will still maintain its pi1otal position in the online tourism mar"et and its pro%it model is
becomin# increasin#ly mature* The 1ertical search and media model may ma"e brea"throu#hs in
user 1isits, but its de1elopment will be a%%ected to some e,tent #i1en that it %ails to render an
e%%ecti1e pro%it-ma"in# mechanism*
The report co1ers 5 chapters and 1+0 charts, and underscores the mar"et si$e o% #lobal online
tourism industry, the mar"et si$e, competiti1e landscape and related sectors 6tra1el, hotel,
a1iation and internet7 o% Chinese online tourism industry, habits o% Chinese online tourism
consumers, and 11 #lobal and 1. Chinese online tourism enterprises, etc*

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Online Tourism
1*1 O1er1iew
1*2 Classi%ication
1*( Industrial Chain
2. Global Online Tourism Market
2*1 8orth -merica
2*2 9urope
2*( -sia
2*. :atin -merica
3. Online Tourism Market in China

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
(*1 'ac"#round
(*2 !ar"et i$e
(*( !ar"et tructure
(*. Competiti1e :andscape
4. Online Tourism Related Industries in China
.*1 Tourism Industry
.*1*1 Inbound Tourism
.*1*2 ;omestic Tourism
.*1*( Outbound Tourism
.*1*. Tra1el -#ency
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
.*2 ?otel Industry
.*( -1iation Industry
.*. Internet
". #abits o$ Online Tourism Consumers
%. &e' Global Online Tourism (nter)rises
0*1 9,pedia
0*1*1 4ro%ile
0*1*2 @inancial ;ata
0*1*( Re1enue tructure
0*1*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*2 4riceline

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0*2*1 4ro%ile
0*2*2 @inancial ;ata
0*2*( Re1enue tructure
0*2*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*( Tra1el$oo
0*(*1 4ro%ile
0*(*2 Operatin# ;ata
0*(*( @inancial ;ata
0*(*. Re1enue tructure
0*(*5 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*. Tripad1isor
0*.*1 4ro%ile
0*.*2 Operation

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0*.*( @inancial ;ata
0*.*. Re1enue tructure
0*.*5 Clients
0*.*0 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*5 ?ome-way
0*5*1 4ro%ile
0*5*2 @inancial ;ata
0*5*( Re1enue tructure
0*5*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*0 Aaya"
0*0*1 4ro%ile
0*0*2 @inancial ;ata
0*0*( Re1enue tructure

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0*0*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*) Boti%
0*)*1 4ro%ile
0*)*2 @inancial ;ata
0*)*( Re1enue tructure
0*)*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*5 Orbit$
0*5*1 4ro%ile
0*5*2 @inancial ;ata
0*5*( Re1enue tructure
0*5*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*+ Tra1elport
0*+*1 4ro%ile

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0*+*2 @inancial ;ata
0*+*( Re1enue tructure
0*+*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*10 -madeus
0*10*1 4ro%ile
0*10*2 @inancial ;ata
0*10*( Re1enue tructure
0*10*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
0*11 !a"e!yTrip
0*11*1 4ro%ile
0*11*2 @inancial ;ata
0*11*( Re1enue tructure
0*11*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
*. Ma+or Online Tourism Com)anies in China

)*1 Ctrip*com International, :td
)*1*1 4ro%ile
)*1*2 @inancial ;ata
)*1*( Re1enue tructure
)*1*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.
)*2 elon#*com
)*2*1 4ro%ile
)*2*2 @inancial ;ata
)*2*( Re1enue tructure
)*2*. 4rospects and 4er%ormance 4rediction in 2012-201.

List Of Figures
List Of Figures
Operators and Aey 9nterprises o% China Online Tourism Industry
;ia#ram o% China Online Tourism Industry
Global Online Tourism !ar"et i$e, 200+-20159
Online Tourism !ar"et i$e in the C**, 200+-20159
4enetration Rate o% Online Tourism in the C**, 2005-2012
Online Tourism !ar"et i$e in 9urope, 200+-20159
4enetration Rate o% Online Tourism in 9urope, 2005-2012
4enetration Rate o% Online Tourism in -sia, 2005-2012
4enetration Rate o% Online Tourism in :atin -merica, 2005-2012
;e1elopment 4ro#ress o% China Online Tourism Industry
!onthly 8umber o% Csers Co1ered by Online Tourism in China, Dan* 2011-Dun* 2012
Total Re1enue o% Tourism Industry and Online Tourism 4enetration in China, 2005-20159
Transaction i$e o% China&s Online Tourism !ar"et, 2005-20159

List Of Figures
List Of Figures
Re1enue o% OT-s in China, 2005-20159
!ar"et i$e o% Online Tourism earch er1ice in China, 200)-2012
Csers o% Online Tourism earch er1ice in China, 200)-2012
Online Tourism !ar"et tructure in China, 2011
8umber o% Customers 'oo"in# ?otels Online in China, 2005-20159
Re1enue tructure o% OT-s in China&s Tra1el Reser1ation !ar"et, 2005-20159
Re1enue o% OT- ?otels in China, 2005-20159
Growth Rate o% Re1enue %rom OT- ?otels and @li#ht Tic"ets in China, 2005-20159
hare o% Re1enue %rom OT- ?otels in Total Re1enue o% ?otels in China, 2011-?1 2012
hare o% Room 8i#hts o% OT- ?otels throu#h Online ;istribution in China, 2012
!onthly 4a#e Eiews 4er Cser o% !ain Online Tourism Bebsites in China, 2011
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List Of Figures and Similar Market Studies
List Of Figures and Similar Market Studies
!onthly 9%%ecti1e Eiewin# ;uration 4er Cser o% !ain Online Tourism Bebsites in China, 2011
In1entory o% ;omestic ?otels on !a2or Online ?otel 4lat%orms, 2011-?1 2012
In1entory o% O1erseas ?otels on !a2or Online ?otel 4lat%orms, 32 2012
Inbound Eisitors in China, 200+-2012
-imilar Market -tudies

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