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(For the Students Studying in Class - X)

State Level 12 digit Roll Number
Class X Code State Code Year Center Code Serial No (!""i#e to "ill) Class $ate o" %irth

$ate &onth Year
1 Name o" the Candidate ($o not 'rite &iss(&aster)

2 Father)s Name ($o not 'rite &r($r(*ro")

+ &other)s Name ($o not 'rite &s($r(*ro")

, Se- . /rea to 'hi#h #andidate resides 0 Category o" #andidate 1 $isability status

&ale Female Rural 2rban 3eneral SC S4 !rtho5edi# 6earing 7isually None
8m5aired 8m5aired
(Pl ease enclose a co! o" #$e %ele&an# %ese%&a#'on ce%#' "' ca#e ' n s(o%# o" ' n"o%)a#' on a# S%.No. * + + ,. -
9 *ostal address "or #orres5onden#e ($o not 'rite "ather)s or your name)

*in Code
: Name and address o" the s#hool( institution in 'hi#h studying at Class X level

*in Code

1; 4y5e o" the institution in 'hi#h studying at Class X level (see de"inition overlea"<)11 /rea in 'hi#h the s#hool is lo#ated


12 &edium o" e-amination (a) at the State level (b) at the NC=R4 Level 1+ Father)s edu#ation 1, Father)s o##u5ation

1. &other)s edu#ation 10 &other)s o##u5ation 11 No o" "amily members living in the

19 Number o" brothers 1: Number o" sisters 2; /t 'hat number is the #andidate
among his(her brother and sisters
21 *arental annual in#ome

25 to .;>;;; .;>;;1 to 1;;>;;; 1;;>;;1 to 2>;;>;;; 2>;;>;;1 to .>;;>;;; &ore than .>;;;;;

22 4ele5hone

S4$ Code *hone 2+ =-mail address

To .e "'lle/ 'n .! #$e Hea/ o" #$e Ins#'#(#'on01a2e##e/ O""'ce%
Certi"ied that?
(1) &aster(&iss is a regular student o" this S#hool(8nstitution and he(she has(se#ured @ marAs in the
Class 8X annual e-amination ie 'hen he(she 'as 5romoted "rom #lass 8X to #lass X 6e(She has se#ured marAs out o"
(2) 4he 5arti#ulars given by him(her in the a55li#ation "orm have been veri"ied and "ound in order
(+) &aster(&iss belongs to S#heduled Caste(S#heduled 4ribe #ategory as 5er the re#ords maintained in the 8nstitution (4o be "illed "or
S4(SC #andidates only)

Countersigned by Signature o" the 6eadmaster(6eadmistress
=!($=!(/=!(B!N/L !FF8C=R Cith Seal
Signature o" the #andidate
*age 1 o" , (See 8nstru#tions overlea")

Coding *lan

Read the instru#tion #are"ully given on the ne-t 5age be"ore "illing the a55li#ation "orm You
may taAe the hel5 "rom your tea#her(5arent "or "illing u5 the a55li#ation "orm

$ate o" =-amination ? 1
No&e).e%, 2013.
Name D address o" the /gen#y ? $ire#tor> State 8nstitute o" =du#ation
"or #ondu#ting State Level N4S =-amination ShiAsha Sadan> LinA Road *ort %lair

Name o" the State(24 ? /ndaman D Ni#obar 8slands
('here the #andidate is studying in #lass -X as a regular student)

Name o" the =-amination Center <
('here the #andidate is studying in #lass X or liAely to a55ear in =-am)
S5a#e "or the 5hotogra5h
(*ass5ort siEe)

4he *hotogra5h should
be endorsed by the 6ead
o" the
2 1 : 1 ,
1 2 1 2
1 2 + 1 2 + ,
1 2

1 2 + , .

2 1 : 1 . 1;

Rea/ 'ns#%(c#'ons ca%e" (ll! .e" o%e " 'll'n4 ( #$e Al'ca#'on Fo%).

1 2se only %lue or %la#A %all *oint *en CR84= 8N C/*84/L L=44=RS $o not marA or 'rite outside the bo-es
2 Leave one bo- blanA bet'een t'o 'ords L')'# !o(% na)e an/0o% a//%ess 5'#$'n #$e sace %o&'/e/ " o% '#. *lease see e-am5le as given
+ Cross () only one o" the a55ro5riate bo-es in item nos ,> .> 0> 1> 1;>11 and 21
, *lease 'rite #ode number in item nos 12> 1+> 1,>1. and 10 as given overlea"
. 8t is the res5onsibility o" the #andidates and the *rin#i5al o" the s#hool to de5osit the "illed in "orm 'ith the State #on#erned !""i#er be"ore the
last date No %e6(es# " o% con/on'n4 /ela! 'n s(.)'ss'on 5'll .e en#e%#a'ne/ 5$e#$e% '# 's /(e #o #$e " a(l# o" #$e can/'/a#e o% #$e
Hea/)as#e%0 P%'nc'al o" $'s0$e% 'ns#'#(#'on.
0 8n#om5lete or de"e#tive a55li#ation are liable to be reFe#ted

E7a)le " o% 5%'#'n4 Na)e an/ A//%ess
! * 3 2 * 4 /

*ostal /ddress ? $o not try to 'rite #om5lete address in one line %reaA it a55ro5riately as sho'n belo'
1 , . ( 0 & ! 2 N 4 R ! / $

C 6 = N N / 8 *8N 0 ; ; ; 1 .

Me/'() o" E7a)'na#'on
(Re"er to item 12)
E/(ca#'on o" Fa#$e% o% Mo#$e%
(Re"er to item Nos 1+ D 1.)
Me/'() o" E7a)'na#'on
E/(ca#'on Co/e
/ssamese 11 No "ormal =du#ation 1
%angla 12 25 to *rimary 2
=nglish 1+ 255er *rimary +
3uFarati 1, Se#ondary ,
6indi 1. Senior Se#ondary .
Gannada 10 3raduation 0
&arathi 11 *ost 3raduation 1
&alayalam 19 $o#toral 9
!riya 1: *ro"essional $egree (=ngineering>
La'> &edi#ine> &C/> &%/> et#)
*unFabi 2;
4amil 21
4elugu 22
2rdu 2+

Fa#$e%8s0Mo#$e%8s Occ(a#'on
(Re"er to item Nos 1, D 10

Occ(a#'on Co/e
*ro"essional 1
=-e#utive and &anagerial 2
Cleri#al +
%usiness ,
/gri#ulture> Fishery .
*rodu#tion and 4rans5ort 0
!5erators and Labourers 1
Not em5loyed 9

9T:PE OF SCHOOL0INSTIT;TION (Re"e% #o '#e) No. 10-

3overnment / 3overnment S#hool is that 'hi#h is run by the State 3overnment or Central 3overnment or *ubli#
Se#tor 2ndertaAing or an /utonomous !rganisation #om5letely "inan#ed by the 3overnment

Lo#al %ody / Lo#al %ody S#hool is that 'hi#h is run by *an#hayati RaF and Lo#al %ody institutions su#h as Bila
*arishad> &uni#i5al Cor5oration> &uni#i5al Committee> Noti"ied /rea Committee and Cantonment %oard

*rivate /ided / *rivate /ided S#hool is that 'hi#h is run by an individual or a 5rivate organisation and re#eives grant
"rom government or lo#al body

*rivate 2naided *rivate 2naided S#hool is that 'hi#h is managed by an individual or a 5rivate organisation and does not
re#eive any grant either "rom government or lo#al body

S#(/en#s El'4'.'l'#! "o% aea%'n4 'n Selec#'on Tes#<

T$e s#(/en#s s$o(l/ $a&e )'n')() 55= )a%>s o% e6('&alen# 1%a/e 'n class IX e7a)'na#'on "o% aea%'n4 'n selec#'on #es# "o%
a5a%/ o" sc$ola%s$' (Rela7a.le .! 5= "o% SC0ST-.

*age 2 o" ,

Father) s Name
E7a)'na#'on Cen#%e99 Co/e
3SSS> %oys> *ort %lair ;;;1
3SSS> S#hool Line S#hool ;;;2
3SSS> 3ara#harma ;;;+
3SSS> CimberlygunF ;;;,
3SSS> !ralAat#ha ;;;.
3SSS> 6avelo#A ;;;0
3SSS> Neil ;;;1
3SSS> Long 8sland ;;;9
3SSS> Rangat ;;;:
3SS> Cebi - &ayabunder ;;1;
3SSS> Galighat ;;11
3SSS> $igli5ur ;;12
3SSS> 6ut %ay ;;1+
3SSS> La5athy ;;1,
3SS> Gamorta ;;1.
3SSS> Ga5anga ;;10
3SSS> %engali> 4eressa ;;11
3SSS> Cam5bell %ay ;;19

(Fo% #$e s#(/en#s s#(/!'n4 'n class X-

Na)e o" #$e S#a#e0;T < An/a)an + N'co.a% Islan/s
(Chi#h 'ill #ondu#t the =-amination)
/$&8SS8!N C/R$

To .e "'lle/ 'n .! #$e al'can#

o" (S#hool)
o" ($istri#t(Centre)
is 5ermitted to a55ear "or the above said e-amination
Full *ostal /ddress?

*8N C!$=
*hone No (8" any)

She(6e is allo#ated 12 digits Roll Number?
Class X Code State Code Year Center Code Serial No ( to be "illed by the !""i#e )

@a#e o" E7a)'na#'on < 1
No&e).e%, 2013 T')e 10 A.M. #o 1 P.M.

7enue o" =-amination Centre

Signature o" the 6ead o" the S#hool
Cith o""i#e seal
S#rutiniEed by
(o""i#e sta"") !""i#e seal

Signature o" Nodal !""i#er
/uthorised "or State Level N4S =-amination
Signature o" the invigilator
at the e-amination #entre

Signature o" the
#andidate in the 5resen#e o"

&/4 ?

S/4 ?


(*4! "or instru#tions)
*age + o" ,

2 1 : 1 .

/""i- 5ass5ort
siEe 5hotogra5h
attested by the
6ead o" the

1 &aAe sure that the /dmit Card is not deta#hed "rom the a55li#ation "orm /dmit #ards 'ill be sent to
the Centre Su5erintendent o" the e-amination #entre a"ter allotting the Roll Numbers Candidate #an
#olle#t the /dmit Card "rom the Centre Su5erintendent o" the e-amination #entre a# leas# one 5ee>
be"ore the e-amination

2 Rea#h the e-amination #entre at least hal" an hour be"ore the #ommen#ement o" the e-amination and
o##u5y the seat that bears your Roll No

+ $! N!4 taAe mobile 5hones> #al#ulator> mathemati#al D *hysi#al table or any other Aind o" ready
re#Aoner to the e-amination hall

, 4he e-amination 'ill be #ondu#ted in three sessions on the same day

. You have to taAe the e-amination as 5er details given belo'?

- &ental /bility 4est (&/4) "or :; minutes
- S#holasti# /5titude 4est (S/4)> 'hi#h in#ludes tests in language #om5rehensive and /5titude

4est 4y5e &arAs Noo" 8tems $uration
(in minutes)
&ental /bility .; .; ,.

Com5rehensive 4est



/5titude 4est :; :; :;

4he a55li#ants are reHuested to re"er(#onsult State Liaison !""i#er "or the #om5osition o" test

0 =a#h Huestion #arries 1(one) marA

1 Crite your Roll Number> as given in the /dmit Card> on the /ns'er Sheet and on the #over 5age o" the
Iuestion %ooAlet in the s5a#e 5rovided

9 /ll Huestions in the booAlets are obFe#tive ty5e For ea#h Huestion F!2R 5ossible ans'ers are given>
but only one is #orre#t Your tasA is to "ind out the #orre#t ans'er and marA your #hoi#e in the /ns'er
Sheet against the #orres5onding Huestion number

: Re#ord your ans'er J using %all *oint *en only You have to indi#ate your ans'er on the ans'er sheet
as advised by the State(24

1; $uring the =-amination "ollo' the instru#tions o" the invigilator stri#tly

11 6and over your Iuestion booAlet and /ns'er sheets to the invigilator be"ore you leave the =-amination

12 6and over #$e a/)'ss'on ca%/ #o #$e 'n&'4'la#o% .e"o%e lea&'n4 #$e e7a)'na#'on $all.

F(ll Pos#al A//%ess o" #$e can/'/a#e "o% /'sa#c$ o" a/)'ss'on le##e%<




*age , o" ,

(For the Students Studying in Class J 7888 o" 3ovt(Lo#al body(3ovt /ided S#hools)

State Level 12 digit Roll Number
N&&SS Code State Code Year Center Code Serial No (!""i#e to "ill) Class $ate o" %irth

$ate &onth Year
1 Name o" the Candidate ($o not 'rite &iss(&aster)

2 Father)s Name ($o not 'rite &r($r(*ro")

+ &other)s Name ($o not 'rite &s($r(*ro")

, Se- . /rea to 'hi#h 0 Category o" #andidate 1 Religion 9 $isability status
#andidate resides

&ale Female Rural 2rban 3enl SC S4 !%C &uslim siAh %udhist Christian others !rtho5edi# 6earing %lind Lo' None
8m5aired 7ision
(Pl ease enclose a co! o" #$e %ele&an# %ese%&a#' on ce%#' "' ca#e ' n s(o%# o" ' n"o%)a#' on a# S%.No. * + B. -
: *ostal address "or #orres5onden#e ($o not 'rite "ather)s or your name)

*in Code
1; Name and address o" the institution in 'hi#h studying at Class 7888 level

*in Code
11 4y5e o" the institution in 'hi#h studying at Class 7888 level (see de"inition overlea"<)

3ovt 12 /rea in 'hi#h s#hool is lo#ated

1+ &edium o" e-amination at the State level 1,Father)s edu#ation 1. Father)s o##u5ation

10 &other)s edu#ation 11 &other)s o##u5ation 19 No o" "amily members living in the

1: Number o" brothers 2; Number o" sisters 21 /t 'hat number is the #andidate
among his(her brother and sisters
22 *arental annual in#ome

25 to .;>;;; .;>;;1 to 1;;>;;; 1;;>;;1 to 1> .;>;;;
2+ 4ele5hone

S4$ Code *hone 2+ =-mail address
To .e "'lle/ 'n .! #$e Hea/ o" #$e Ins#'#(#'on01a2e##e/ O""'ce%
Certi"ied that?
(1) &aster(&iss is a regular student o" this S#hool(8nstitution and he(she has(se#ured @ marAs in the
Class 788 annual e-amination ie 'hen he(she 'as 5romoted "rom #lass 788 to #lass 7888 6e(She has se#ured marAs out o"
(2) 4he 5arti#ulars given by him(her in the a55li#ation "orm have been veri"ied and "ound in order and #erti"ied that he(she is belonging to e#onomi#ally 'eaAer
se#tion and his(her 5arental in#ome is less than Rs. 1,50,0000A (One la>$ "'"#! #$o(san/ onl!-
(+) &aster(&iss belongs to S4(!%C #ategory as 5er the re#ords maintained in the 8nstitution (4o be "illed "or S4(!%C
#andidates only)
Countersigned by Signature o" the 6eadmaster(6eadmistress
=!($=!(/=!(B!N/L !FF8C=R Cith Seal
Signature o" the #andidate
*age 1 o" , (See 8nstru#tions overlea")

Read the instru#tion #are"ully given on the ne-t 5age be"ore "illing the a55li#ation "orm You
may taAe the hel5 "rom your tea#her(5arent "or "illing u5 the a55li#ation "orm

$ate o" =-amination ? 1
November> 2;1,
Name D address o" the /gen#y ? $ire#tor> State 8nstitute o" =du#ation
"or #ondu#ting State Level N&&SS =-amination ShiAsha Sadan> LinA Road *ort %lair

Name o" the State(24 ?/ndaman D Ni#obar 8slands
('here the #andidate is studying in #lass 7888 as a regular student)

Name o" the =-amination Center <
('here the #andidate is studying in #lass 7888 or liAely to a55ear in =-am)
S5a#e "or the 5hotogra5h
(*ass5ort siEe)

4he *hotogra5h should
be endorsed by the 6ead
o" the
2 1 : 1 ,
1 2 1 2 1 2 + 1 2 + , .
1 2
1 Rural
2 2rban

+ 1 : 1 . 9
1 2
+ , .

Coding *lan

Read instru#tions #are"ully be"ore "illing u5 the /55li#ation Form

1 2se only %lue or %la#A %all *oint *en CR84= 8N C/*84/L L=44=RS $o not marA or 'rite outside the bo-es
2 Leave one bo- blanA bet'een t'o 'ords Limit your name and(or address 'ithin the s5a#e 5rovided "or it *lease see e-am5le as given belo'
+ Cross () only one o" the a55ro5riate bo-es in item nos ,> .> 0> 1>9> >11>12 and 22
, *lease 'rite #ode number in item nos 1+> 1,>1.>10 and 11 as given overlea"
. 8t is the res5onsibility o" the #andidates and the *rin#i5al o" the s#hool to de5osit the "illed in "orm 'ith the State #on#erned !""i#er be"ore the
last date No reHuest "or #ondoning delay in submission 'ill be entertained 'hether it is due to the "ault o" the #andidate or the 6eadmaster(
*rin#i5al o" his(her institution
0 8n#om5lete or de"e#tive a55li#ation are liable to be reFe#ted

E7a)le " o% 5%'#'n4 Na)e an/ A//%ess
! * 3 2 * 4 /

*ostal /ddress ? $o not try to 'rite #om5lete address in one line %reaA it a55ro5riately as sho'n belo'
1 , . ( 0 & ! 2 N 4 R ! / $

C 6 = N N / 8 *8N 0 ; ; ; 1 .

Me/'() o" E7a)'na#'on
(Re"er to item 1+)
E/(ca#'on o" Fa#$e% o% Mo#$e%
(Re"er to item Nos 1, D 10)
Me/'() o" E7a)'na#'on
E/(ca#'on Co/e
/ssamese 11 No "ormal =du#ation 1
%angla 12 25 to *rimary 2
=nglish 1+ 255er *rimary +
3uFarati 1, Se#ondary ,
6indi 1. Senior Se#ondary .
Gannada 10 3raduation 0
&arathi 11 *ost 3raduation 1
&alayalam 19 $o#toral 9
!riya 1: *ro"essional $egree (=ngineering>
La'> &edi#ine> &C/> &%/> et#)
*unFabi 2;
4amil 21
4elugu 22
2rdu 2+

Fa#$e%8s0Mo#$e%8s Occ(a#'on
(Re"er to item Nos 1. D 11)

Occ(a#'on Co/e
*ro"essional 1
=-e#utive and &anagerial CorAer 2
Cleri#al +
%usiness ,
/gri#ulture> Fishery .
*rodu#tion and 4rans5ort 0
!5erators and Labourers 1
Not em5loyed 9

9T:PE OF SCHOOL0INSTIT;TION (Re"e% #o '#e) No. 11-

3overnment / 3overnment S#hool is that 'hi#h is run by the State 3overnment or Central 3overnment or *ubli#
Se#tor 2ndertaAing or an /utonomous !rganisation #om5letely "inan#ed by the 3overnment

Lo#al %ody / Lo#al %ody S#hool is that 'hi#h is run by *an#hayati RaF and Lo#al %ody institutions su#h as Bila
*arishad> &uni#i5al Cor5oration> &uni#i5al Committee> Noti"ied /rea Committee and Cantonment %oard

*rivate /ided / *rivate /ided S#hool is that 'hi#h is run by an individual or a 5rivate organisation and re#eives grant
"rom government or lo#al body

*rivate 2naided *rivate 2naided S#hool is that 'hi#h is managed by an individual or a 5rivate organisation and does not
re#eive any grant either "rom government or lo#al body

S#(/en#s El'4'.'l'#! "o% aea%'n4 'n Selec#'on Tes#<

1.T$e s#(/en#s s$o(l/ $a&e )'n')() 55= )a%>s o% e6('&alen# 1%a/e 'n class VII e7a)'na#'on "o% aea%'n4 'n selec#'on #es#
"o% a5a%/ o" sc$ola%s$' (Rela7a.le .! 5= "o% SC0ST-.
2.T$e a%en#al ann(al 'nco)e s$o(l/ no# e7cee/ Rs.1,50,0000A
C.Enclose 'nco)e ce%#'"'ca#e "%o) Re&en(e A(#$o%'#! no# .elo5 #$e %an> o" Te$s'l/a%0@@O conce%n (Fo% 1o&#.E)lo!ees-.
3.F'lle/ 'n al'ca#'ons 5'#$ s(o%#'&e /oc()en#s 5'll .e acce#e/ (#o C1
A(4(s#,2013 onl!.

*age 2 o" ,

Father) s Name
E7a)'na#'on Cen#%e99 Co/e
3SSS> %oys> *ort %lair ;;;1
3SSS> S#hool Line S#hool ;;;2
3SSS> 3ara#harma ;;;+
3SSS> CimberlygunF ;;;,
3SSS> !ralAat#ha ;;;.
3SSS> 6avelo#A ;;;0
3SSS> Neil ;;;1
3SSS> Long 8sland ;;;9
3SSS> Rangat ;;;:
3SS> Cebi - &ayabunder ;;1;
3SSS> Galighat ;;11
3SSS> $igli5ur ;;12
3SSS> 6ut %ay ;;1+
3SSS> La5athy ;;1,
3SS> Gamorta ;;1.
3SSS> Ga5anga ;;10
3SSS> %engali> 4eressa ;;11
3SSS> Cam5bell %ay ;;19

(For the Students Studying in Class J 7888 o" 3ovt(Lo#al body(3ovt /ided S#hools)

Na)e o" #$e S#a#e0;T < An/a)an + N'co.a% Islan/s
(Chi#h 'ill #ondu#t the =-amination)
/$&8SS8!N C/R$

To .e "'lle/ 'n .! #$e al'can#

o" (S#hool)
o" ($istri#t(Centre)
is 5ermitted to a55ear "or the above said e-amination
Full *ostal /ddress?

*8N C!$=
*hone No (8" any)

She(6e is allo#ated 12 digits Roll Number?
N&&SS Code State Code Year Center Code Serial No ( to be "illed by the !""i#e )

@a#e o" E7a)'na#'on < 1
No&e).e%, 2013 T')e 10 A.M. #o 1 P.M.

7enue o" =-amination Centre

Signature o" the 6ead o" the S#hool
Cith o""i#e seal
S#rutiniEed by
(o""i#e sta"") !""i#e seal

Signature o" Nodal !""i#er
/uthorised "or State Level N4S =-amination
Signature o" the invigilator
at the e-amination #entre

Signature o" the
#andidate in the 5resen#e o"

&/4 ?

S/4 ?

(*4! "or instru#tions)
*age + o" ,

12 /rea in 'hi#h the s#hool is lo#ated

+ 1 : 1 .

/""i- 5ass5ort
siEe 5hotogra5h
attested by the
6ead o" the


1 &aAe sure that the /dmit Card is not deta#hed "rom the a55li#ation "orm 4he /dmit #ards 'ill be sent to
the Su5erintendent o" the e-amination #entre a"ter allotting the Roll Numbers Candidate #an #olle#t the
/dmit Card "rom the 6ead o" the institution at least one 'eeA be"ore the e-amination
2 Rea#h the e-amination #entre at least hal" an hour be"ore the #ommen#ement o" the e-amination and
o##u5y the seat that bears your Roll No
+ $! N!4 taAe #al#ulator> mathemati#al D *hysi#al table or any other Aind o" ready re#Aoner to the
e-amination hall
, 4he e-amination 'ill be #ondu#ted in t'o sessions on the same day
. You have to taAe the e-amination in 4C! */R4S?
(i) *art 8? &ental /bility 4est (&/4) "or :; minutes
(ii) *art 88? S#holasti# /5titude 4est (S/4) 4he S/4 'ill #onsists items "rom S#ien#e> So#ial Studies
and "rom &athemati#s
4he a55li#ants are reHuested to re"er(#onsult State Liaison !""i#er "or the #om5osition o" test
0 4ime "or *art 8 is :; minutes and *art 88 is :; minutes
1 =a#h Huestion #arries 1(one) marA
9 Crite your Roll Number> as given in the /dmit Card> on the /ns'er Sheet and on the #over 5age o" the
Iuestion %ooAlet in the s5a#e 5rovided
: /ll Huestions in the booAlets are obFe#tive ty5e For ea#h Huestion F!2R 5ossible ans'ers are given> but
only one is #orre#t Your tasA is to "ind out the #orre#t ans'er and marA your #hoi#e in the /ns'er Sheet
1; Re#ord your ans'er Jusing %all *oint *en only You have to indi#ate your ans'er on the ans'er sheet as
advised by the State(24
11 $uring =-amination "ollo' the instru#tions o" the invigilator stri#tly
12 6and over your Iuestion booAlet and /ns'er sheet to the invigilator be"ore you leave the =-amination

1+ Han/ o&e% #$e a/)'ss'on ca%/ #o #$e 'n&'4'la#o% .e"o%e lea&'n4 #$e e7a)'na#'on $all.

Full *ostal /ddress o" the #andidate "or dis5at#h o" admission letter

*8N Code

*age , o" ,

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