DesertMagazine 1968 May

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Desert Magazine BOOK Shop

Books. A revised and up-dated practical guide WHEN ORDERING BOOKS AMPHIBIANS by Robert C. Stebbins. A Peterson
to California's Mother Lode country. Divided Field guide. 207 species, 569 illustrations, 185
into geographical areas for easy weekend trips, PLEASE in full color, 192 maps. The best book of this
the 8 x 1 1 heavy paperback new edition is pro- type. Hardcover. $4.95.
fusely illustrated with photos and maps. Special
Add 50 cents PER ORDER
features and anecdotes of historical and present (Not Each Book) RETIRE TO ADVENTURE by Harrison Karr. Author
day activities. 4-color cover, 96 pages, $1.95. writes about trailer living problems and ad-
for handling and mailing vantages. Paper. $1.95.
MAMMALS OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERTS by California residents add 5 percent
George Olin. Newly reviled edition describes 1200 BOTTLES PRICED by John C. Tibbitts. Up-
sales tax, regardless of whether you dated edition of one of the best of the bottle
the mammals of the deserts with artist illustra- are a Republican or Democrat.
tions of the animals and their footprints for books. $4.50.
Send check or money order to Desert Maga-
easy identification. Paperback, 112 pages,
zine Book Shop, Palm Desert, California CALIFORNIA, A Guide to the Golden State.
92260. Sorry, but we cannot accept charges Edited by Harry Hansen and newly revised, it
100 ROADSIDE FLOWERS by Natt N. Dodge. A or C.O.D. orders. contains an encyclopedia of facts from early
companion book to his 100 DESERT WILDFLOW- days up to the Space Age. Mile by mile de-
ERS, this book lists 100 flowers growing in the scriptions to camping spots and commercial ac-
HISTORIC SPOTS IN CALIFORNIA Revised by commodations. Maps. Hardcover, $7.95.
4,500 to 7,000 foot levels. Like the companion William N. Abeloe. Only complete guide to Cali-
book, every flower is illustrated in 4-color fornia landmarks with maps, photos and lively THE MYSTERIOUS WEST by Brad Williams and
photographs. Excellent to carry in car during text covering both historical and modern eras.
weekend trips for family fun. Paperback, 64 Choral Pepper. Rare book examines legends that
639 pages, $10.00. cannot be proven true, nor untrue. New evi-
pages, $1.50.
dence presented in many cases which may
OFF THE BEATEN TRACK IN BAJA by Erie Stanley change the history of the West. Hardcover.
DESERT GARDENING by the editors of Sunset Gardner. About people and places in enchant-
Books. Written exclusively for desert gardeners, $5.95.
ing Baja California of Mexico. Colored photos,
this book is climate zoned with maps pinpoint- 368 pages, $8.95. ANZA-BORREGO DESERT GUIDE by Horace Par-
ing five diverse desert zones. Calendar pre-
ker. Second edition of this well-illustrated and
sents plans for care of plantings throughout HANDBOOK OF CRYSTAL AND MINERAL COL- documented book is enlarged considerably. Tops
the year. Illustrated, 8 x 1 1 heavy paperback, LECTING by William Sanborn. Describes environ- among guidebooks, it is equally recommended
$1.95. ment typical of collection sites and physical for research material in an area that was crossed
properties of minerals and crystals. Paper, 81 by Anza, Kit Carson, the Mormon Battalion,
by Robert L. Brown. Written by the author of '49ers, Railroad Survey parties, Pegleg Smith, the
Jeep Trails to Colorado Ghost Towns this book Jackass Mail, Butterfield Stage, and today's
REDIGGING THE WEST for old lime bottles by
deals with ghost towns accessible by passen- adventurous tourists. 139 pages, cardboard
Lynn Blumensrein. Photographs of over 7 0 0
ger car. Gives directions and maps for finding cover, $2.95.
bottles with articles that tell the story and a
towns along with historical backgrounds. Hard- photograph of each. $4.25. ON DESERT TRAILS by Randall Henderson, foun-
cover, 401 pages, $6.25.
THE LIFE OF THE DESERT by Ann and Myron der and publisher of Desert Magazine for 23
Sutton. Covers desert creatures, perennial water years. One of the first good writers to reveal
HAPPY WANDERER TRIPS by Slim Barnard. Well
problems and how animals and plants survive. the beauty of the mysterious desert areas. Hen-
known TV stars Henrietta and Slim Barnard
231 pages, $4.95. derson's experiences, combined with his com-
have put together a selection of 52 of their
ments on the desert of yesterday and today,
trips through California taken from their Happy
ANOTHER WILDERNESS CONQUERED by Grady make this a MUST for those who really want
Wanderer travel shows. Has excellent maps,
Setzler. An informal history of the Blythe-Palo ot understand the desert. 375 pages, illustrated.
history, costs of gasoline consumption, lodging,
Verde Valley in Southern California. Hard- Hardcover. $5.00.
meals plus what to wear and best time to
make trips. Can't be beat for families planning cover. $5.50.
weekend excursions. Paperback, large format, Series I includes three maps, Arizona, California
iZ? oages, $2.95. EXPLORING JOSHUA TREE by Roger Mitchell.
Excellent guide to Joshua Tree National Monu- and Nevada. Series II includes New Mexico,
ment in Southern California. Paper. $1.00. Utah and Colorado. Reproduced on fine paper.
RETIRE TO ADVENTURE by Harrison M. Karr. They show old towns, mines, springs and trails
Instead of retiring to an armchair the author FABULOUS MEXICO Where Everything Costs now extinct. Each set of three, $3.75. Be sure to
and his wife retired to a travel trailer and Less by Norman Ford. Covers investing, vaca- state series number with order.
visited Canada, the United States and Mexico. tioning and retiring prospects in Mexico. Pa-
Pactical approach to trailer living problems and perback. $1.50. THE DESERT LAKE by Sessions S. Wheeler. The
trailer clubs. After reading this book you'll story of Nevada's intriguing Pyramid Lake, its
want to retire to adventure even though too A GUIDE TO WESTERN GHOST TOWNS by Lam- ancient history, archeological finds, geology,
young to retirel Paperback, 121 pages, $1.95. bert Florin. Includes maps and mileages of ghost fish and bird life. Paperback. $1.95.
towns in 15 western states. Large format, card-
ANTIQUE BOTTLES by Marvin and Helen Davis. board cover, $2.25. NEVADA'S TURBULENT YESTERDAYS by Don Ath-
Paperback, full color, 62 pages, $3.00. baugh. The best book about Nevada's ghost
towns and the rugged individuals who built
Choral Pepper, Foreword by Erie Stanley Gard-
ner and special section on desert driving and Published by the Death Valley '49ers these SKY ISLAND by Weldon F. Heald. Informative,
surviving by Jack Pepper. A book to read cover- four volumes have been selected by '49ers first-person narrative about the climate, wild
to-cover for anyone who travels back country as outstanding works on the history of Death life, unusual guests, terrain and vegetation
roads. Up-to-date cooking ideas which bring Valley. All are durable paperback on slick found only in the remote Chiricahua area where
gourmet fare into camp with little effort. 12- stock. the author lived. $5.95.
page section of exclusive desert camping photos A NATURALIST'S DEATH VALLEY (Revised edi-
with lots of ideas for places to go. Beautiful tion) by Edmund C. Jaeger, ScD $1.50 ROCK ART OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN by
hardcover book, $3.95. MANLY AND DEATH VALLEY. Symbols of Des- Campbell Grant. First reliable, well-illustrated
tiny, by Ardis Manly Walker $1.25 book written about American Indian petro-
CAMPING AND CLIMBING IN BAJA by John glyphs and pictographs. $12.95.
W. Robinson. Guide to the Sierra San Pedro GOODBYE, DEATH VALLEYI The story of the
Martir and Sierra Juarez of upper Baja Cali- Jayhawker Party, by L. Burr Belden $1.50 EXPLORING CALIFORNIA BYWAYS from King*
fornia. Paper, $2.95. CAMELS AND SURVEYORS IN DEATH VALLEY Canyon to the Mexican Border by Russ Leoda-
By Arthur Woodward $2.00 brand. Maps for each trip with photographs,
ALL OF MEXICO and Guatemala at low cost by DEATH VALLEY TALES by 10 different au- historical information, recreational facilities,
Norman Ford. Excellent guide for do-it-yourself thors $1.25 campsites, hiking trails, etc. Paper, 165 pages,
traveler. Paper. $2.00. $1.95.

2 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

Volume 3 Number 5


4 Book Reviews
Publisher 5 New Partner for DESERT Magazine

CHORAL PEPPER 6 Sails on the Desert

7 Oldest and Newest Capitols
Executive Secretary
8 Discovery Shows Desert Once Verdant
10 Rocks in My Head
12 Adobe Renaissance
14 Gold Under Red Bluff
Staff Writer
16 Come Back Alive

Back Country Editor 20 What's in a Name

Staff Artist 22 The Jackpot Town

EDITORIAL OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea, Palm Desert, 26 Pegleg Logic

California 92260. Area Code 714 346-8144. By J. A. LENTZ
Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs not
accompanied by self addressed, stamped and zip 30 Exploring the Pinacates
coded envelopes will NOT be returned. By ROBERT TOWNSEND
ciates Inc., 1709 West 8th Street, Los Angeles, 32 Mountaineering on the Desert
California 90017, HUbbard 3-0561—115 New By BUDDY MAYS
Montgomery, San Francisco, California 94105,
34 Bingham, Utah
DOuglas 2-4994. Listed in Standard Rate & Data.
Desert, California 92260. Area Code 714 346- 37 Lee Oertle's page
8144. DESERT MAGAZINE is published monthly; By LEE OERTLE
1 year, $5.00; 2 years, $9.50; 3 years, $13.00.
Foreign subscribers add 75 cents for postage. 38 Back Country Travel
See Subscription Order Form in back of this issue.
42 DESERT Cookery
DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine,
Palm Desert, Calif. Second Class Postage paid at 43 Letters
Palm Desert, Calif., and at additional mailing
offices under Act of March 3, 1 879. Title regis-
tered NO. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and MAY COLOR PHOTOS
contents copyrighted 1968 by Desert Magazine.
Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs cannot
Spring time is flower time in the West so the two sons of
be returned or acknowledged unless full return photographer Don Valentine headed for Antelope Valley, Cali-
postage is enclosed. Permission to reproduce con- fornia to frolic through the poppies and owl clover. With the
tents must be secured from the editor in writing. recent rains, flowers are popping up all over giving photo-
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $5.00 per year in U.S.,
graphers a field day. The inside photograph by Kenneth L.
Canada and Mexico. $5.75 elsewhere. Allow five
weeks for change of address. Be sure to send
White, Long Beach, depicts the scenic beauty of Hidden Valley
both old and new address. in Joshua Tree National Monument in Riverside County, Calif.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 3

New factual

on the By Mildred de Stanley

The author traces the history of the
Books reviewed may be ordered
from the DESERT Magazine Book
Order Department, Palm Desert,

legends Salton Sea area from several million

years ago when it was a giant inland sea
to a later date when prehistoric Indians
California 92260. Please include
50c for handling. California resi-
dents must add 5 % sales tax.

of the West lived and hunted around a fresh water

lake. In turn this fresh water lake evap-
Enclose payment with order.

orated and it was not until the mighty discoveries. Other sections include a
Colorado broke its banks and filled the chronology of events, methods of min-
area to create the present Salton Sea. ing and even a vignette on "Lola and
She then describes the present day pro- Lotta . . . A Flashy Pair of Queens." The
gress and attractioins of the area and regular 8 x 1 1 Sunset Books size on good
takes readers on tours of the area. Illus- stock, profusely illustrated, 96 pages,
trated, maps, 125 pages, paperback, paperback with 4-color cover, $1.95.
$1.00. Highly recommended for both active
and armchair travelers.
By the editors of Sunset Books MAMMALS of SW DESERTS
This practical guide to travel in Cali- By George Olin
fornia's Mother Lode country has been Published in co-operation with the Na-
revised and up-dated to give an accurate tional Park Service by the Southwestern
account of the gold rush communities Monuments Association this newly re-
By Brad Williams and as they exist today. vised edition gives complete and detailed
Choral Pepper It is divided into convenient geo- descriptions of the mammals of the
graphic areas for easy traveling from southwest deserts including art illustra-
This book examines many little-
south to north—the Mariposa area, Son- tions of the animals and their foot-
known stories and legends that
ora area, Jackson area, Placerville area, prints for easy identification. Written for
have emerged from the western
Auburn area, Grass Valley area, Oro- the laymen it also describes the mam-
region of North America.
ville area and the Downieville area. Each mals' habits and environment. Excellent
Included are such phenomena as
the discovery of a Spanish galleon section is vividly described in text and to carry in the car for family outings.
in the middle of the desert; the photographs along with a detailed map Paperback, 112 pages, $1.00.
strange curse that rules over San of the area. They are also arranged so a
Miguel Island; the discovery of old family can schedule a weekend of enjoy-
Roman artifacts buried near Tuc- 100 ROADSIDE FLOWERS
son, Arizona; the unexplained be- able exploration.
heading of at least 13 victims in Throughout the book there are also By Natt N. Dodge
the Nahanni Valley; and many special features and anecdotes of the fas- A companion book to the author's
other equally bewildering happen- cinating history of the area such as wild popular "100 Desert Wildflowers in Na-
ings. Elaborate confidence schemes west robberies, political happenings and
and fantastically imagined hoaxes tural Color" this book is for flowers at
are documented, along with new 4,500 to 7,500 feet above sea level. Like
factual evidence that seems to cor- its companion book it is richly illustrated
roborate what were formerly as- with 4-color photographs of all the flow-
sumed to be tall tales. BOOK: ers along with descriptions and when
Hardcover, illustrated, 192 pages. they bloom. One hundred wild flowers
$5.95 are described in detail. For photographers
there is a page on how to shoot good
Send check or money order to
flower photographs. Perfect to keep in
Desert Magazine Book Shop,
Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 the glove compartment of your car.
Slick, 64 pages, $1.50, the same price as
Add 50 cents for postage and Order FREE Catalogue "100 Desert Wildflowers" which can
handling. California residents Palm Desert, California 92260
additional 30 cents tax. also be obtained at Desert Magazine

4 / Desert Magazine / April, 1968

We are happy to introduce a new is with a sense of loss that I give up for DESERT and other travel publi-
partner with Jack Pepper in the own- these stimulating contacts and my cations. It will always be a pleasure
ership of DESERT Magazine. William association with DESERT readers, to hear from readers and I hope that
Knyvett is not new to the the desert, many of whom have become warm my adventures with DESERT Maga-
however, nor to this publication. His personal friends. zine in the past have enriched your
firm has been setting type for DES- My plans for the future are indef- experience as much as having the
ERT for three years and he has been inite, but until they become firm, I privilege to share them with you has
a desert dweller for over a decade. will remain in Palm Desert to finish enriched mine.
Improvements in the readability and a book and to write free-lance articles Choral Pepper
appearance of DESERT in recent
years have been due largely to his
personal attention. He has now pur-
this writer, Choral Pepper, and his
For the Jeep Enthusiast . . .
vitality will influence further im-
by Robert L. Brown.
With this, my last issue as editor An illustrated guide to the mining camps deep in the almost inac-
of DESERT Magazine, I want to cessible Colorado Rockies. Important during the gold and silver rushes,
thank our loyal readers for their won- the camps now stand deserted on forgotten back trails passable only by
four-wheel drive vehicles, foot, or horseback. 103 photographs and end-
derful letters, their encouragement sheet map, 245 pages $5.50
and their help through the five years
I have held this position—years dur- For a Family Outing . . .
doubled. This kind of progress, of by Robert L. Brown.
course, has not been due to our ef- Now, for the person who doesn't own a four-wheel drive vehicle, here
is a guide to 60 easily accessible ghost towns in the Colorado Rockies.
forts and those of our staff alone. Accompanied by a unique collection of early and contemporary photo-
Friends like Erie Stanley Gardner graphs of the sites to aid in identification, and with explicit travel
directions. 154 photographs and endsheet map, 401 pages $6.25
who invited readers through these
pages to share in his back-country
explorations, and our anonymous Mr.
Pegleg whose discovery of the black Caldwell, Idaho 83605
gold nuggets proved that the Old
West isn't entirely dead contributed
colorful bonanzas to the editorial de-
partment. Rockhounds and Hunters Will Enjoy
Other writers, like L. Burr Belden,
Sam Hicks, Dorothy Robertson, Lu-
cille Carleson, Dr. William Osborne,
Ken Marquiss, Raye Price, Jack De-
laney, Lambert Florin, Harrison
Doyle, Eugene McAllister, Janice
Beaty, and many, many others upon
whom we have depended to keep the
By John Sinkankas
copy coming in and the quality going
up have made possible this success. It A carefully compiled reference of prices of gemstones,
rough and cut, including carvings and other ornamental
objects such as pearls.1 Its detailed treatment of quality,
size, color, rarity, hardness, fashion enables the user to
analyze and evaluate good and bad features. Complete
Be sure to mention with tables, diagrams and a wealth of precise information
from the author's vast experience. 386 pages. Illustrated.
$7.95; $5.95 paper.
WHITEWINGS: The Life History, Status and
Management of the White-winged Dove
when you patronize our advertisers Edited by Clarence Cottam and James B. Trefethen. 80
drawings, photos, and color paintings. 320 pages. $7.50.
120 Alexander St.
Princeton, N. J. 08540

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 5

Clyde Forsythe's Famous . . .
Sailing on the Desert
Gold Strike by Gary Moore

Four Mining Camp Scenes
LL desert travelers at
one time or another
have seen a mirage,
I rode abreast of these buggies and it
was quite a thrill watching the desert
skippers, hands busy with sails and feet
usually of water on a busy with the steering rails while riding
All In 4-Color dry l a k e . I'll bet on two of three wheels.
though, you've never A number of the drivers are also sail-
Each 1 4 " x l 7 " with white margins
seen sails floating across that water. I boaters, but sand sailing is deceptive and
on high quality paper suitable for
have. As you approach a mirage it usu- not handled in the same way. Many a
framing. ally disappears. Not so my sails—be- seafarer has taken a lesson from the
No lettering or folds. cause they were real; not attached to a land lubber.
hull, but to wheels. So don't be amazed if you spy sails on
These modern-day wind-wagons are the desert. They are real, not a mirage!

becoming a popular sport on the South-
ern California deserts.
As I crossed the dry lake I took a
A SET heading toward an armada of sails flock-
ed around a converted bus. From the
Postage & Tax included
shade of a parachute covered shelter, I
Send Clieck or Money Order ro was greeted by friendly shadows. "What
Desert Magazine Book Shop, time do you start sailing?" I queried.
Palm Desert, Calif. 92260
"As soon as the westerly come up-—
No Charges Please.
about 4:00. See that haze near the buttes?
In about half-an-hour we'll have our

While men, women, and children
readied their sails, markers were set up
and a figure-eight course plotted on a

GATEWAYS blackboard. Soon the wind grew steady

and the dry-land regatta began.
Magazine of the Golden Circle
These unique, three-wheeled vehicles
are accelerated from a dead stop faster
WESTERN GATEWAYS IS A QUAR- than a good-sized motor bike. Their
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ARTICLES, AND PICTURES OF wind governs all, of course. They usually
THE INDIAN COUNTRY, UTAH'S travel two-and-a-half times wind speed. Desert sailors at play.
Join us in time for the
Summer issue, featuring

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• Up-to-date Map of the Lake

Western Gateways • P. O. Box 478

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6 / D3sert Magazine / May, 1968

ANTA Fe, New Mexico, co. It is a Number One tourist attraction cated not far from the original Palacio
now has the oldest and and houses many significant archaeo- Real. The architecture is Middle Terri-
newest capital build- logical exhibits. torial, with portals, brick copings and
ings in the United Late in 1966, a five million dollar four levels. Its unique design makes it
States. The structures circular structure for legislative cham- as symbolic of its time as the Old Pal-
were built 356 years bers and the governor's office was dedi- ace was in New Mexico's early days. •
apart. The Palacio Real (Royal Palace),
which dates from 1610, still stands on
the north side of the city's plaza. It was
the residence of Spanish colonial gover-
nors, appointed by the viceroy in Mexico
City, till 1821. After independence from
Spain, Mexico sent its own governors to
live in the palace.
When the American occupation took
place in 1846, the first military govern-
ors lived there, followed by a procession
of Territorial chief executives. Lew Wal-
lace, governor of New Mexico Territory
in the early '80's, wrote portions of the
novel Ben Hur while a resident there.
Since early in the century, the Old
Palace, as it is now called, has been ad-
ministered by the Museum of New Mexi- New State Capitol is in center. Old Palace is at upper left.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 7

HE graceful Catalina with its caves, extinct volcanoes, hot
ironwood tree with its springs and other features, attest to cata-
fern-like foliage now strophic conditions in other ages.
grows naturally only on Then, too, western Nevada is distin-
channel islands off the guished for its animal life. Their very
coast of Southern Cali- uniqueness evokes interest. Here one

Discovery fornia, such as Santa Catalina. At one

time, however, groves of Catalina iron-
wood stretched from Southern Califor-
finds the pronghorn antelope, the mule
deer, the spotted skunk, the wandering
shrew, the marmot, the pika and the
nia to northeastern Washington. Dr. Vir- cacomixle, to single out a few. Finally,

Shows ginia M. Page, paleobotanist of Stanford

University, recently discovered petrified
trees in Nevada's arid and desolate Fish
western Nevada is noted for its flora,
much of which embellishes other desert
regions, such as the saltbush, the grease-

Desert Lake Valley which offer evidence of

During the early Pliocene epoch, about
wood, the iodine weed, the samphire and
the ocotillo.
Paleontological explorations in Nevada
11 million years ago, the Catalina iron- occurred as early as 1870. Found here

Once wood flourished throughout the western

Great Basin that separates the Sierra
Nevada and Rocky Mountain ranges. No
have been mollusks and fresh-water
shells, probably 25 million years old; ex-
tinct horses, cameloids, large cats and

Verdant one knows for certain what great climate

change took place to cause its extinction,
but most probably the advance of the
rhinoceroses; hedgehogs, bison, mam-
moths, mastodons and sloths. On the
whole, however, field trips for fossils
continental glacier from the north and in Nevada have lacked orderliness. Dr.
the rising Sierra Nevadas cut off the Page, with her Catalina ironwood finds,
by Weldon Woodson moist coastal winds. Narrow growth unlocked the door to a wealth of botan-
rings suggest a fairly dry climate, but ical possibilities.
contemporary faunal beds show that the The Catalina ironwood is one of many
surrounding vegetation supported a wide trees or shrubs with unusually hard,
variety of animals such as camels, horses, strong or heavy wood. An evergreen, it
dogs, cats, beavers and rhinoceros. It is is classified as Lyonothamnoxylon neva-
interesting that the trees all fell in the densis. The existing species, Lyonotham-
same direction as if overcome by a flash nus floribundus, family Rosaceae, thrives
flood or northwest wind. Subsequently on Santa Catalina and adjacent islands.
the wood tissues became infiltrated with Today, the Southwest abounds with a
silica-bearing water and the process of desert ironwood, Olneya tesota. This is a
preservation—or fossilizing—was begun. spiny, multi-branched, wide-crowned tree
Later, when the whole area was up- of the hot, sandy canyons and washes on
lifted, soft sediments offered little re- stream-dissected alluvial fans.The young
sistance to the erosion, which resulted in trees show some semblance of symmetry,
the interesting sculptured effects that can but not so the older ones, with their
be observed there today, together with blackish trunks contortioning in cork-
the stumps and fragmented logs now screw fashion. Foliage is dense and ever-
turned to stone. Many petrified tree green. When young leaves first appear,
stumps, complete with basal roots, rest they are relished by browsing animals,
high on sandstone columns which rise such as the burro. Later, these same crea-
15 feet above the valley floor. tures feed upon the seed.
Historically, western Nevada is recog- The desert ironwood parades fragrant,
nized for its silver mines and borax violet-purple, wisteria-like flowers in late
beds, its stagecoaches and freight trains, May or early June, along with new, dark
its desperados and vigilante committees.
green leaves. The seed-pods, fat and en-
Its valuable mineral resources created
veloping little brown seeds, mature in
prosperous communities, many of which,
with the workings petering out, today are late summer. In early years the seeds
not even on maps. This part of Nevada were roasted and eaten by Indians, who
is renowned also for its geological forma- prized them for their tasty, peanut-like
tions. Lying within the Great Basin, its flavor.
metallic deposits and alkali flats, along The Indians also relied upon the iron-

8 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

wood's heavy, hard wood for arrow
points and tool handles. When thorough-
ly dried, the branches make high-quality ONE OF AMERICA'S FASTEST GROWING SPORTS !
firewood which endures for hours. Easy Outdoor Adventure that is
Campers shun it, however, because of a Budget both profitable and fun
peculiar pungent, misty stench it gives Terms for the entire family.
off when it burns.
Despite its solidity, the boring beetle S63 Metal-Mineral Detector
larvae, armed with powerful jaws, can detects Coins, Guns, Jewelry,
reduce smaller branches to powder in a Gold and Silver nuggets,ore
deposits, mineral floats a d
few months. Another plague is the mistle- veins...Seperates magnetic ir
toe, which stunts or kills its host branches from non-magnetic metals.... SEND F ° R F R E E
and often has an adverse effect beyond Two Year Guarantee CATALOG
the site of infection. Moreover, the Room 121 WHITE'S ELECTRONICS, Inc.
growth produces grotesque, tumor-like I0II Pleasant Valley Rd. Sweet Home,Oregon 97386
swellings with malformations as much
as three feet in diameter and weighing
up to 800 pounds.

A Wesie/in jootweat
And now the desert has the Catalina
ironwood, thanks to Dr. Page. To be
sure, our awareness of it comes from its
fossilization. Nevertheless, evidence that
it flourished as far east as western Ne-
Deerskin moccasins and moccasin boots . . . men's and women's sandals . . . Rachel Brown
vada stimulates the imagination to dip T and capes^. . ^. men's, women's and children's leather jackets . . . authentic Indian
beaded moccasins . . . Kaibab buckskin molded sole moccasins . . . Guilmox, Minnetonka,
into the geological past. Recreating the Taos, Lazar, Bass moccasins.
floral and fauna splendor then, we add WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE
a new dimension to our appreciation of THE MOCCASIN SHOP, 174 North Palm Canyon Drive
Palm Springs, Calif. 92262 AC 714 325-6425
the desert. •


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Write today to the factory nearest you for tree folder describing (he most advanced camper on the road.

R. D. HALL MFG., INC., 9847 Glenoaks Blvd., Sun Valley (San Fernando Valley) California 91352, Dept. D. PENNECAMP, INC., 401 W. End Ave., Manheim, Penna., 17545, Dept. 4.

ALASKAN CAMPERS NORTHWEST, INC., 6410 South 143rd Street, (Tukwila), Seattle Wash. 98168, Dept. D. G. R. Grubbs Manufacturing, Inc. d / b / a
ALASKAN CAMPER SALES, 5761 Cullen Blvd., Houston, Texas 77021, Dept. D
ALASKAN CAMPER SALES, INC., (S.F.Sacramento area) Intersection of Interstate Highway 80 and State 2 1 .
Route 1, Box 332, Suisun City, California 94585, Dept. D. FORT LUPTON CAMPERS, INC., 1100 Denver Ave., Fort Upton. Colorado 80621, Dept. D.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 9

I no longer have . . .
Rocks In
My Head!
OR years I have been ordinarily housed in the garage had been ienced rockhound from the club who has
tramping over the des- temporarily placed outside the entrance spent several days, preceding our week-
ert picking up one pret- door. end collecting trips, going into an area
ty rock after another Dexter took more than a half hour to and scouting the best places to find
and carting them home. gradually go through the collection, samp- agate, Apache tears or other semi-prec-
Finally it got to the ling one piece after another, as I waited ious stone.
point where there was no room in the and watched for a sign of approval. A typical trip was our recent excursion
garage for either my car or more rocks. None came. After inspecting the final into the Old Dad and Providence Moun-
When I started bringing them into the rock, he smiled and suggested I build a tains in California's San Bernardino
house my wife rebelled. bird bath with my collection. County. Prior to our weekend jaunt,
Being a very diplomatic woman she That night I told my wife that Dexter Harold Haskell, trip chairman, spent
did not say either the rocks go or she had rocks in his head, but the next day I three days locating the best areas for the
goes home to mother. Instead she called joined his Shadow Mountain Rock and members to visit. We met and made
a friend who belongs to the local rock- Mineral Society. camp Friday night on a gravel road ten
hound club. After serving Dexter Woods miles north of Amboy.
Today I not only have a pretty rock
an excellent dinner and mellowing us Eleven vehicles carrying people from
bird bath but I also have some excellent
with vino, she sweetly suggested I show the ages of six years to 65 were ready to
semi-precious stones neatly piled on
him "your excellent rock collection." roll at daybreak the next day. Before the
shelves in the garage which also once
Modestly protesting that I was only convoy started, Haskell explained where
again houses the car and the garden tools.
an amateur, but with inward visions of we were going and what we expected to
Dexter heaping me with praise for my I am still just an amateur collector, find. Heading north we traveled through
collection, I took him out to the garage. but at least I know what I am looking washes with picturesque sandstone for-
We had some difficulty getting in since for and where to go because I follow the mations and abounding in smoke trees
the lawn mower and other garden tools leader. The leader is always an exper- and bleached wood worn into fantastic

Tom Stonick, of Palm Springs, is a happy W^B^'.- " * • j ^ l ^ a K S H H H H H H H H H H M H B H H H M

youHg rockhound as he holds a giant Using all types of vehicles, members of the Shadow Mountain Rock & Mineral Society,
piece of seam agate Palm Desert, Calif., leave camp for a successful rock hunting trip.

10 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

shapes by flash floods.
During a brief stop for lunch, the
members showed each other pieces of
their individual collections, which they
had cut into bolo ties, rings and other
display pieces.
"You know, the people who are al-
ways looking for gold or lost mines love
the desert like we do," Dexter said as he
put a piece of exotic driftwood in his
vehicle. "But if they have only one goal
in mind and are blinded by gold they
are missing a great deal of what the des-
ert has to offer.
"If they would broaden their vision
by learning how to recognize semi-prec-
ious stones they could still look for gold
and at the same time find new adven-
tures and enjoyment in discovering na-
ture's other rocks and minerals."
We didn't find gold that weekend.
Maybe we even walked over some veins
without knowing it. Instead, we returned
to camp in vehicles loaded with Apache
tears, all kinds of beautiful agate, chal- Checking rock specimens are Mary Flagle and George and Alma Stevens, of La
cedony, red and scenic jasper, opal and Quinta, California. Rock collectittg is enjoyed by people of all ages.
obsidian. And we only scratched the
I still have an empty space on my
shelf in the garage for the gold I may
some day find, but in the meantime I
have discovered a new world of semi-
precious stones. If you want to find that
world, don't load your garage with
pretty rocks—instead, just follow the
leader. •

Dexter Woods and Harold Haskell, right, Charles and Elsie Wilder, of Antwerp, New York, display Apache Tears found near
check pieces of bacon agate which they Aniboy. The eastern couple spend their winters at Ouartzite, Arizona and their time
cut after recent rock collecting trip. collecting and cutting semi-precious stones.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 11

! on the DESERT
Adobe Renaissance
by Donald Foster


by Choral Pepper

with a chapter on

Driving and Surviving

on the Desert
by Jack Pepper

"Cooking and Camping on the Desert" is

more than just a book on preparing for a
desert outing or making meals that will
appeal while in camp. This book is a brief
manual on how to survive in the desert . . .
the book is a must for anyone making a
trip to the desert, whether if is his first or
fiftieth. BILL HILTON, Santa Barbara News-

ONLY $3.95
Plus 25 cents mailing charges. California
addresses add 20 cents tax. Send check or
money order to Desert Magazine,
Palm Desert, Calif. 92260


Desert Magazine and Uncle
Sam can handle your orders
a day faster if you will in-
clude your zip code in ALL
correspondence. And when
MOVING please inform us as o matter how humble frontier settlers—had at least one aspect
or grandiose or how in common. All were constructed of mud
soon as possible and include
varied in style, the des- bricks, adobe.
both OLD and NEW ZIP ert homes of our first Centuries before Coronado and his
CODES. Americans — be they followers journeyed up the Rio Grande
Pueblo Indians, Span- in search of the fabled seven cities of
ish Indians, Spanish Conquistadores, or gold, Indians of the Southwest were con-

11 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

rtructing two, three and four story apart- For instance, the traditional concept with paintings, prints, Indian rugs, or
ments of mud and stone in what we now of the flat roofed adobe which grows wall hangings, according to personal
call pueblo style architecture. With the and expands with the changing family tastes. Corner fireplaces can be construct-
arrival of the Conquistadores came the size and income is now being viewed as ed and wall niches and book cases are
Spanish influence and the picturesque a solution to a new consumer need. An easily cut into the walls, completely re-
adobe hacienda. Still later, settlers from interest in the requirements of all in- making a room to reflect the owner's
the East blended their New England come groups, coupled with soaring con- personality.
heritage with adobe building practices to struction costs, has caused builders to Architecture, more than any other art,
evolve the Territorial adobe. seek a type of dwelling which can begin belongs to the place and must be con-
All were functional, artistic homes ful- as a small nucleus and continue to grow ditioned by it. Environmental and cli-
filling the needs of the inhabitants. Each over the years and even generations. In matic needs combined with the tradition-
reflected the owner's heritage and the the Southwest, the adobe home, which al use of local building materials will
environment from which it grew. Un- employs local and easily obtainable ma- always result in an honest, practical and
fortunately, however, over the centuries terials, a home in which doors and win- artistic creation. Being simply a mixture
modern technology gradually displaced dows can be opened and rooms added, of mud and straw, many attempts have
adobe construction skills until, by mid- best answers this need. been made to improve adobe through the
20th century, the only remaining vestiges Timeless adobe lends itself to interior introduction of various additives. All
of this noble building art were to be design in almost any period and style. have failed. Adobe remains the most
seen on Indian reservations, in a few All styles are adaptable to adobe walls: natural and logical building material for
renovated haciendas, and in an occasional contemporary, early American, provincial, the desert.
do-it-yourself project. and especially the Mediterranean style Realizing this fact, a new breed of
Times have indeed changed. South- so popular today. builders and architects have taken a bold
western home builders are once again Because of its unpretentiousness and backward step toward tradition. Once
giving this ancient style of construction its basic artistic makeup, the adobe home again, adobe houses are literally rising
the serious consideration it has so long easily reflects the individuality of its from the earth in mud bricks on the very
deserved. owner. The white, hand molded walls ground where, generations ago, arose
Modern adobes now range from cus- may be left plain or may be adorned the dwellings of our desert ancestors. •
tom built homes designed to the owner's
specifications to economy tract houses.
All architectural styles are represented,
from contemporary ranch to ancient pue-
blo. Like their brick and wooden counter-
parts, these mud brick dwellings are lo-
cated on small city lots as well as on
a large country acreage.
Th? adobe revolution, while basically
a desert phenomenon, is, nonetheless,
symptomatic of a world-wide renaissance.
Architects in all parts of the world are
returning to styles deeply rooted in the
soils of their respective environments.
A particularly fervent leader in to-
day's return to traditional architecture is
the internationally known Constantino
Doxiados. "I came to the conclusion that
I had no right to be different where the
conditions themselves compelled me to
remain the same," says the Greek-born
architect. "We should not be afraid to
express ourselves in the same way and
repeat something that is good. After all,
the doctor is not afraid to prescribe a
medicine simply because it has been used
In the deserts of the Southwest, as in
other parts of the world, it is no longer
new and unusual solutions that architects
and builders are seeking but right solu-
tions, even if these solutions lead back TOO MUCH !"
to tradition.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 13

The Gold Under Red Bluff
by Harrison Doyle

HE years are fast pil- Here is the story as told me as a child not. Like all kids would, I looked all
ing up on me. In fact, by my grandmother, Elizabeth Jane over the woods behind the barn, but
they are weighing me Sweetman: never saw any place where there had
down until I'm as thin been digging. I believe he had it in or
"We came across the Oregon Trail in
as a sour dough tortilla. around the barn or stables.
1852," she said, "when I was 15. We
It will soon be too came right after the Donner Party and "When I was just under 17," she
late—and no one knows it better than continued, "I met Charles H. Sweetman,
went by Mountain Meadows.
I—to lucidly and accurately pass along a mining scout and assayer. He had in-
"My father was John Ellison True-
the old treasure story that was told me vented an ore roasting furnace widely
blood. We were from Indiana, by way of
by my Grandmother Sweetman. used around the mines, and for a young
Illinois and Independence, Missouri. I
I am the only one of the half dozen man, was pretty well fixed. He was
walked most of the way, because those
grandchildren of Elizabeth Jane Sweet- scouting a mine up our way for a large
old wagons had no springs and they
man (nee Trueblood) still living, who concern in San Francisco.
jounced your insides to jelly when you
has done any research whatever on the tried to ride. "Charles was a Secesh, from Tennes-
"Trueblood Treasure," but because of see, and father hated him like poison be-
"After several months of Indian
the advancing years, to prove, or find it cause of it. They had a big row, and
scares, mud, flies and mosquitoes, we fin-
at this late date may now be beyond my father started after him with his muzzle-
ally got into Eastern Oregon, where our
reach, co I am passing the story along to loading shotgun, yelling that if he ever
party turned off and went down to
anyone who wishes to make the try. came around again he would fill him full
Scott's Valley, in Northern California.
I have often wondered why I just of buckshot.
"After a short stay in Scott's Valley,
didn't drop everything and have a go at "A short time later, I eloped with
we went to Redding, where father took
it years ago, but reasons kept cropping Charles, and we went to Ft. Jones, at the
up a piece of land. A little later he sold
up to prevent it. Perhaps I have kept the foot of Mt. Shasta, where your mother
this. With money he had brought from
information to myself all these years, was born. Captain Jack's Modoc Squaw
home and with what he got from the
hoping some new gadget would be in- was her nurse.
sale, we went down to Red Bluff where
vented that would pinpoint gold alone, he took up 160 acres. It was on one "I heard once in a while from my
feeling that without such an instrument, corner of this that he met his death, and haJf-sister, who told me that father would
it would be useless to try to find this the railroad station at Red Bluff was not allow my name mentioned; and that
100-year-old gold cache, especially where built there some years later. he had 'disinherited' me.
a fair-sized city may have arisen over the "The years went by. Charles and I
once-wooded hiding place of the fabul- "In those days the nearest bank was
in San Francisco, so father, like other went to Petaluma, then on down to the
ous hoard. Now it is possible a myriad San Gabriel Placers east of Los Angeles.
of pipes and other underground metallic men of substantial means, buried his
money in an old iron pot with a lid on We were there when the news came that
objects would complicate the search. father had been killed trying to stop the
it. He bought and traded land, cattle
At any rate, the lost hoard consists of and horses, and did quite a business with railroad from going over his land.
somewhere between 100 and 200 fifty outfits going to the mines. "It seems the railroad company had
dollar gold pieces, many of which were started laying tracks across his land with-
"Quite often I saw him go out in the
octagon-shaped, a few, of course, round. out any warning, and he took the shot-
woods back of the barn and bring in
They were buried or hidden, probably gun out to run the Chinese tracklayers
the pot, put it on the kitchen table, and
underground, on my great-grandfather's off. There was a terrible fight. He killed
count money into or out of it. Most of
farm on the outskirts of the village of several of the Chinese before the balance
the coins he stacked up were the larger,
Red Bluff in Tehama County, California, of them killed him with picks and
$50 pieces. Once he said, as he toted the
during Civil War times. shovels.
old pot out the kitchen door, Til bet this
If the hoard is still intact, it probably thing weighs over 50 pounds!' "My sister wrote that they had search-
has in it individual gold pieces worth ed high and dry for the hidden gold, but
"When he went into the barn, or
now from $2000 to $10,000 each. As a through it and out into the woods behind hadn't found it. Only the day before he
whole, it would be worth upwards of with the pot, he was never gone more was killed he had sold a large piece of
$400,000 proportionately to the distribu- than 15 minutes. We never watched land and had put more money in the
tion of dates and types of the rare coins him, because he had a read bad temper pot."
it contains. and he would just as soon slap you as So ended the first part of Grand-

14 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

mother's story about the lost gold. to the case. I would place the killing at long time. I've been through Red Bluff
About 1893 we lived in Los Angeles, right after the end of the Civil War. a few times and the way it has built up
on San Julian Street, and while there The grand old lady, my grandmother, changed my mind about spending a
were visited by my "Aunt Thenia lived to be 96 and died in Los Angeles month or two there looking for what
Brooks," of Chico, California. I can't when I was a young man. I talked to her might be a needle in a haystack. But
remember just what relation she was to many times about the treasure and her good luck to anyone who would like to
Grandmother, but believe her to have story never varied. She was sure it was
make the try.
been a daughter of my Grandmother's still there.
With all the changes the years have If anyone does uncover it, please re-
half-sister. At any rate, Aunt Thenia
made in and around Red Bluff, it may member me with just one of those old
had been a child in the Trueblood home
in Red Bluff and she knew all about the or may not be. A hundred years is a $50 octagon slugs! •
story of the lost gold. She had two boys
about my age, around four or five, and Lowest Photo Print Prices
the boys and I played in the back yard OCELOT
A new Highest Quality
making mud pies.
Evenings the folks would sit in the in Dune DEVELOPED & PRINTED
Buggy 8 Jumbo Prints $1.78
parlor while Aunt Thenia played the design & 12 Jumbo Prints $2.42
organ and sang some of the old Gospel styling. 1 2 Jumbo Prints and
The "Ocelot"
songs. She was fond of one in particu- New Roll of Kodacolor (except 126 ....$3.30
12 Jumbo Prints and
lar, "Flee as a bird—. " After the sing- New Roll of Kodacolor 126 $3.50
ing, and a ghost story or two, the talk ™- BRUSH BUGGY Kodacolor Neg reprints $ .16
New design, 20 sq. ft. pick-up bed,
would invariably turn to the lost gold. hard or soft top avail, utilizes VW or Send for price sheets
Thenia insisted that it amounted to at Corvair engine. and envelopes
Send $1.00 for brochure price list
least $10,000. She said she just might and info, on speed and power equip- All other
go back there and look for it herself. ment for VW engines, Ocelot and Photo prices are
Brush Buggy. comparably low
Ten thousand dollars was a lot of
money in those days, but the years, with
inflation and the scarcity of such coins 505 E. Walnut, Dept. H P. O. Box 370, Yuma, Arizona 85364 or
Fullerton, Calif. 92632 P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, Calif. 92112
now, would make those in the old iron
pot worth upwards of $300,000 to $400,-
000. Some of the pieces could be worth
a fortune alone.
The reason I have never gone up there
to search for it is a simple one. In the
old days there were no such things as
today's modern electronic treasure finders
and a lot of people have undoubtedly
honey-combed the ground there over the
years. Another reason, the town had pos-
sibly grown over the old farm lands and
someone in the course of building a cel-
lar or grading a street might have un-
covered it years ago.
Then again, by waiting, there was al- A Fireball travel trailer is a take-along home, built for families that want to
ways the chance that some instrument spend their weekends and vacations adventuring. It is designed for easy
would be invented that would pinpoint living, no matter what the location. You can travel off the beaten path and
gold alone. Anyway, the years have still enjoy all the comforts of home — ice cubes, hot showers and com-
flown, and I am far too busy and too far fortable beds. A Fireball trailer follows your car like a shadow and it is
carefully constructed of top quality materials to provide many years of
toward the Sunset to go skyshooting now. carefree use.
But if some younger man cares to try for
it, there is a chance he might find it.
One thing is sure: this lost treasure is Please send brochure to:
certainly an authentic one—as near to Dept. D T
being authentic as they come. The area
should be on the maps and it shouldn't FIREBALL Name
be too hard to find some record of the TRAILER MFG., INC.
killing around the date the railroad was Address
1 2 0 8 7 N . LOPEZ C A N Y O N R D .
built into Red Bluff. The Title Company
there should have information pertinent PHONE: 899-2546 Area Code 213
City State Zip

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 15

Come Back Alive

by Al Pearce
What would you do if you ivere stalled in an area like this?

HIS article has only one sible does your body no good whatsoever. is good for about 10 miles for every gal-
purpose—to help keep To illustrate the truth of this theory, lon of water you drink. If you walk at
y o u alive. Survival pour a quart of water into a pan and night, the same gallon will take you 20
specialists have a long bring it to a boil. After it is boiling, add miles. With no walking at all, one gal-
list of persons who a few drops of water frequently. You'll lon of water will keep you alive for about
have died needlessly on notice that it makes little difference in two days, assuming that the body is in
the desert; persons who thought that just the evaporation process. Pour in a half average physical condition.
because they spent many weekends play- of a canteen full, however, and the boil- What all this boils down to, is don't
ing beneath a burning sun they didn't ing an devaporation process is immedi- walk unless you know where you are go-
have any problems. ately retarded; therefore, appreciably ing and unless you know you have
Two years ago, a man died a scant 100 lengthening the time it would take the enough water to make it.
yards from water; he was a desert pros- pan to boil dry. Let's say, for example, that you became
pector. Last summer, two women were The body is much like the pan of stranded in the middle of the area shown
found dead about one mile from their water; death comes when the water has in the above photo. If you know which
automobile; they, too, had spent "lots of boiled away. The difference is not, as direction to walk towards safety you'll
time on the desert." About four years people have believed for years, in how need at least two gallons of water to
ago, a man was found dead with a half you can stretch your water, but, rather, mawe it. The odds of guessing the right
canteen of water lying by his side. Why? in how wisely you use it. direction to safety is about three to ten.
Because he,' like nearly everyone else, Think of your body as an automobile If you have two gallons of water and are
thought that preserving water would pre- and of water as the gasoline it takes to absolutely sure of your directions, you
rerve his life. keep the motor running. So many gallons have no problem. But if you don't have
This is not true. are good for so many miles. The same two gallons of water and you are not
And that is the thesis of this article. maxim is true regarding the body; so sure of your directions—you're dead if
There are too many fallacies that need much water is good for so many miles. you start walking.
correcting. Too many persons have died If you remember nothing else, this The next logical question is, of course,
because of popular beliefs, formulated one thing will contribute more to saving "What if I don't have enough water and
by some outdated movie or by fiction your life than anything else. "Your body what if I don't know which direction to
writers who didn't have the faintest idea is like an automobile. When it is run- travel?"
what they were talking about. ning, it burns much more fuel than when This one question brings home the
For example, you may as well be com- it is only idling." importance of always telling someone
pletely without water as to sip it gradu- According to Naval experts, if you where you plan to go and what time you
ally. Trying to preserve it as long as pos- start walking in daytime heat, your body expect to be back. That's the reason all

16 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

airlines travel on flight plans. They are
due at such and such a place at a given
time and if they are not, search parties
are immediately organized.
You're a lot easier to find if someone
knows where you are. And this brings
up another important fact to always re-
member: an automobile, a tent, a big
"X" in the sand is a lot easier to spot
from the air than is a body lying in the
shade of a small mesquite.
Let's examine the problem as seen by
Naval survival experts. Instead of an air-
plane crash, however, let's say that you
were having one heck of a good time.
You're chasing butterflies or something
A couple of hours pass happily and
suddenly you decide it's time to go back
to where you started. You look about
you and become shocked by the know-
ledge that you don't know where you
are, much less the direction of your
starting point.
You look around you and see nothing
but a few desert plants, a few rocks and
a whole bunch of sand. The sun is a
bright yellow and it's beating on your
forehead with all the fury at its com-
mand. Off in the distance, you can see
a myriad of heat waves bouncing off
the desert floor.
At this very moment, you'll begin to $ TREASURE HUNTING $
make a decision that will either kill you PROVES TO BE LUCRATIVE HOBBY!
or save your life. The thinking process
gets all loused up by panic and you're
subject to do a million and one things
that simple logic would vote against.
The thing to do is sit down, light a
cigarette and relax, momentarily forget-
ting your predicament. If you're worried
about cigarette causing cancer — good.
Think about this for awhile. It is the
least of your problems at this particular
moment and if it will keep your mind oc-
cupied, so much the better—I might add
that I've never heard of anyone dying of
cancer while perishing from thirst. This
doesn't mean it has never happened, but
no one has ever complained. Ernest J. Clark writes; "In three weeks since I received my Gardiner
The point is: Get your mind off your Model 190A Metal Detector, I have found a total of approximately
$685 worth of miscellaneous coins, jewelry and artifacts. Some of
problem until you're sure you can analyze the coins dated back to 1802. I think the features of this metal
it rationally. detector are really way ahead of all the other makes, especially in the
fact that it will distinguish bottle caps and other worthless items."
Think of the pan of water, think of
Free catalog of our patented metal detectors gives comparison tests of different makes.
the automobile and then inventory your
"fuel" supply. Chances are you have
only one canteen and this is not enough
Dept. 51 4729 N. 7th Avenue • Phoenix, Arizona 85013
to take you more than a couple of miles.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 17

If your water supply is limited, you'd one finds you. This is really all you can
better start thinking of other means of do under the circumstances. By noon, if
survival. The canteen of water, plus the you still haven't been found, your prob-
water you have in your body is good for lems are beginning to multiply by leaps
about two days if you remain calm, col- and bounds and your chances of sur-
lected and do not waste yourself. viving are being reduced dangerously.
This means simply that you have a But, still, the one basic factor must
minimum of two days for someone to prevail. How far can you get on the
find you. This compares to only a couple water you have. Just like the automobile,
of hours if you grow impatient and set you are not going a foot further than
out to find someone. you have "fuel" to take you.
Now that this has been settled, take Obviously, however, if you haven't
a look around you. Find a shady spot, off been found by this time, you strayed
the desert sand if possible. It can be as further than you thought and finding
much as 30 degrees cooler one foot off you isn't going to be easy. So, with the
the ground. idea in mind that your water is the most
Inventory the plants around you. Many precious possession you have, think care-
of these contain moisture. Stay in the fully before making your next move.
shade until the sun begins to set and You can light your second signal fire
then start cutting into these plants until with a minimum of effort. There is not
you find one that has more moisture much need to do this before noon unless
than the others. If they give off a milky, you have a lot of fuel and like to watch
oo2y substance, don't, under any circum- fires. Search parties are sometimes pain-
stances, make use of them. Move on to fully slow in organizing and chances are
other plants. authorities were not called until late the
If you find a good plant, and there evening before. When the sun came up,
are quite a few on the desert, fill your they were only beginning to prepare for

canteen and drink all the water you can the search.
hold. Then, gather as much of the plants By noon they should be close enough
as possible for two signal fires. One for to see smoke from a fire. But, remember,
tonight and one for tomorrow afternoon if you are not immediately found, you
if you are still not rescued. still have approximately 24 hours—as-
When darkness sets in, you may as suming you found no water-bearing
well try to get some sleep. This should plants—so don't panic. If you found
A NEW COMMANDER720 not be too difficult, knowing that by water in plants, your only problem is
GOLDAK now someone is looking for you. At
least they should be, if you told them
hunger and you can go several days with-
out food. In fact, if you're like a lot of
METAL LOCATOR where you were going and when you
expected to return.
us, it might be good for you.
I have been on numerous search parties
by If you still haven't been found the conducted by Southern California Sher-
next morning, you should start drinking iff's Departments and experience tells
DAY • WEEKEND • OR LONGER water as you need it, remembering that me that the person who stays put when
LOW COST the only way to conserve it is to control he realizes he is lost is usually found
NO DEPOSIT your sweating. within 48 hours. Rescue units are usually
quite proficient. The person who dies,
RENTAL CAN APPLY Do not remove any clothing. Cloth-
is the person who decides to walk out
TO PURCHASE PRICE ing helps to control sweating by not let-
ting perspiration evaporate so fast. Do and starts off in the wrong direction.
Only $149.50 not lie on the ground, even in the shade.
This only puts him further and further
$16.00 down $16.00 month away from rescue. I've also gone through
If possible, sit a few inches above the
Your BANKAMERICARD Welcome the Naval Survival School at Warner
ground. If you have to move, move Hot Springs and, believe me, these peo-
slowly. An Arabian does not survive on ple have survival down to a science. And,
the desert, he lives there and you never they, too, caution against trying to walk
see him get in a great big hurry. Some very far on the desert.
5426 RESEDA BLVD., TARZANA, CALIF. people think he might be lazy, but he Let's take another common situation:
When in Palm Springs rentals can be obtained
at the Sun & Sands, 568 Warm Sands Drive, isn't. He is living the way the desert You run out of gas or get stuck on a
Palm Springs 714/327-8112 makes him live. lonely abandoned road. Basically, the
CALL QVIO OKKn By following the above advice, all situation has not changed one iota, ex-
(213) O T O " t U O U NG
you're doing is staying alive until some- cept that a large automobile is larger to
Hours — Daily 10:30-9 p.m. — Sunday 12-9 p.m.

!• / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

spot than a small person. part to dry up. Do not waste your energy
Several persons have died because of by digging more than three or four feet. FROM
If you haven't found moisture in this
the mistake of trying to dig out a car
stuck in the sand, and not having
enough water to keep the body from
dehydrating. The same warnings hold
distance, the odds are that you won't.
As I've already mentioned, nearly all
desert plants have some degree of mois-
true here. "You have to have water if ture. The roots are usually the best bet
you're going to move." in the average plant. Cacti holds water
Don't drink radiator water. If your
situation becomes desperate, you might
pour this water on your clothing to re-
in its prickly arms.
Next to a water shortage, the sun is
your most dangerous enemy. It can kill
tard the evaporation process, but don't you a lot quicker than you may suspect, with the All New
drink it under any circumstances. Don't or, at least, render you helpless. The
sun can .cause three types of heat col-
Heat Cramps. You become flushed,
sweat profusely and get cramps in your
legs or stomach muscles. If you're alone,
take all the water you have and find a
shady spot if at all possible. Take salt if Treasure Locator!
you have it. The 'Commander' 720
Heat Exhaustion. Symptoms are much unsurpassed for locating
the same as in heat cramps, except that buried treasure, coins, Civil
the skin becomes cold to the touch. The War relics and for beach-
person may even shiver. To combat this, combing, features the
lie flat on your back, cover up as much "Tell-Tone" Signal. Locates
as possible and again, take salt if avail- any metal object under dirt,
sand, mud, rock, etc. No
cumbersome cords —
Heat Stroke. This, of course, is the completely transistorized,
deadliest. Heat stoke can come on sud- battery powered.
denly with little, if any, warning. All
sweating stops, there is severe headache EFFECTIVE DEPTH RANGE
and pulse starts beating fast and strong. (Under Normal Conditions)
Unconsciousness may result.
When stricken with heat stroke, there 3" Bullet
is little you can do for yourself. If pos- 7" Penny
sible, lie down flat on your back off the 8-12" Silver
ground in the shade. If you have plenty Dollar
of water—and you should have or else 18" Pistol
you shouldn't have been walking in the 24" iarof
sun in the first place—pour it on your 30" Kettle
clothing. Do not take stimulants. 36" . . . Placer Gold
According to the Navy, the above ad- Deposit
Flash storms in the desert can be danger- 48" Metal Chest
vice has saved the lives of hundreds of
ously wild. 60" Large Metallic
service men. The failure to follow this Object
drink urine either, it is just like saltwater. advice has cost many lives.
If you're only stuck, you can attempt In closing one of the lectures at the
to dig your way out after dark when it survival school, a commander had this
is cooler. If you're out of gas, relax. In to say, "If you're lost, just think of it
enther case, it won't hurt to leave your as an unplanned leave, a holiday, and THE GOLDAK COMPANY, INC.
lights on. They can be spotted from a remember always that those stupid bosses 1101A Air Way Avenue
Glendale, Calif. 91201
distance. you've always complained about are not
Gentlemen: Please send tree literature on Goldak
Now a few words about finding water. now trying to tell you what to do. You treasure locators.

In many parts of the desert water can be are on your own." G I enclose $1.00 fur my American Treasure
Hunters' Guide (reg. $2.00 value).
found only a few feet beneath the sur- If this is not enough to make you Name
face. Always dig on the concave side of happy, think about the weight you are
a stream bed. This is where most of the losing and how much fun it will be to
water flows. If it's a dry lake, dig near put it back on as soon as you are rescued.
the center, this was probably the last • State Zip Code

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 19

by William Thornton
OMBSTONE, Charleston, judgments about the value of the land. names; that is, names honoring persons,
Galeyville — names al- Nor did they name places in honor of places or events.
most certain to bring people. Arizona Indians did not honor a It was common practice for a Spanish
to mind the colorful single one of their chiefs. To be sure, exploring party to name a place in honor
days of the wild West! several places in Arizona are named for of the Roman Catholic saint whose day
The fascinating history Indian chiefs—the town and county of it was when the party arrived at that
of Arizona has left a rich heritage on its Cochise, named for the famous chief of place. Such names actually served a two-
maps, names which tell us much about the Chiricahua Apaches, and Massai fold purpose, they honored the saints
the activities and the people of its earliest Point named for the last surviving mem- and served to record the fact that a certain
days. ber of the Chiricahua tribe—but these person was in a particular place on a par-
What's in a name? To answer this names were applied by the white man ticular day. Missions were named for the
question we must travel back in time and and not by the Indians. Today original saint on whose day the mission was be-
attempt to see the land through the eyes Indian names are common in only two gun
of the people who made Arizona history. parts of the state—one in the south-cen- Some names that are now Spanish are
Indians were the first residents of tral part, the other in the northeastern actually Indian names changed or trans-
Arizona, and the first to name places part, both areas contained in Indian re- litterated into Spanish. Often times such
within the state. As a group, the Indian servations. a name takes on an entirely different
place names are the oldest. Most of them With the entry of Spanish explorers meaning through this process. An inter-
have their origins in a period before and missionaries in 1539, a new era of esting example is Ajo. The original Pa-
the coming of the white man. Arizona Arizona place names arose. Santa Cruz pago name for this place was au-auho,
Indians gave names to places that were and Agua Duke serve as reminders that meaning paint, indicating that the In-
important to them, such as water holes, Arizona was once Spanish territory. dians found rocks in the area from which
villages, mountain peaks and other geo- Often Spanish names were descriptive. they made paint. Mexicans in the area
graphic features. Rio Colorado, literally red river, was first pronounced the name without the double
given by the explorer Onate to the Little pronunciation of the au, resulting in a
Although several tribes named places
Colorado River in 1604 and in 1699 name sounding like Ajo. This, along
in Arizona, nearly all of the Indian
given by Father Kino to the larger river. with the coincidental fact that the ajo,
names have one feature in common; they
More popular, however, were honorary wild garlic or lily, grows abundantly
describe their locality. Typical examples
are the Navajo Keet Seel and the Papago
Gu Vo. Keet Seel means empty houses
and is the Navajo name for a cliff dwell-
ing that is now preserved in the Navajo
National Monument. Gu Vo is a Papago
name meaning big pond, indicating that

9 '"it i S
this village has a large pond which may
fill with water in the rainy season. In-
dian place names may tell us something
about a conspicuous geographic feature, •
like the Papago Ahe Vonam, a moun-
tain that looks like a hat from either
end. They may tell us something about Wr ' ml?* ¥ i
plant life or animal life, like the Hopi
name Shungopovi which indicates a place
where a certain type of grass or reed was
abundant, or the Papago Pan Tak, a
watering spot for coyotes.
The Indian names were practical ones
and did not imply what the Indians con-
sidered the worth of the place named.
Their names were objective and made no &r J
Keet Seel was named by the Navajos to describe its empty houses.
20 / Dosert Magazine / May, 1968

in the area led to the common belief that Early post offices were commonly determine the origins of some place
the place was named for wild lilies. associated with general stores, as mer- names in Arizona.
English place names are the most re- chants wanted it to help attract custom- Always names are not what they ap-
cent in origin and are the most abundant ers. Such post offices often were named pear to be. The name Snowflake, for ex-
and widespread. Many are descriptive, for the postmaster or the proprietor of ample, would appear to give a rough
the general store. Proposed names for description of winter conditions in the
such as Camelback Mountain near Phoe-
post offices were sometimes rejected by area, but the name was actually given to
nix, but the majority are either honorary
authorities, however. In such cases the honor Erastus Snow and William J.
or possessive. Some English descriptive
applicant was forced to select another Flake, co-founders of the community.
names are direct translations of Indian name, or the postal authorities arbitrar-
names. Red Rock in Apache county is In Arizona's recent history a profit
ily substituted one. The town of Casca- motive has influenced the naming of
Tse ichii dah ajkani in Navajo. Settle- bel provides an interesting example of a places. A rapid spread of real estate de-
ments were most frequently named for name that was changed in this manner. velopments since the end of World War
the founder or for someone else who Alex Herron had a ranch and store there II has resulted in a whole series of new
figured prominently in the early life of and wished to establish a post office. He names, usually selected to attract cus-
the settlement. An example is Spring- proposed to name it Pool, after Joseph tomers. Indeed, a real estate developer
would never name his development
Tombstone or Death Valley! Often an
emphasis is placed on the topographical
elevation of the new developments —
Shadow Mountain and Suffolk Hills
from the vicinity of Tucson, for exam-
ple. Such names are thought to suggest
social elevation.
Some of these new names will prob-
ably become permanent, others will fade
from the scene as have so many in the
English descriptive names often give
us an idea of the way in which the
namers viewed the land. Some names in-
dicate favorable conditions—Paradise in
Cochise county—others indicate a harsh
In its early days, Tombstone seemed a lively name for a town. Today it would be environment—Hell Canyon in Yavapai
considered deadly! county. Indian descriptive names did
ville in Apache county, named for Harry Pool, a neighbor. The name was turned not do this; they often described a no-
Springer who had operated a store near down by postal authorities. On his way table feature, but made no judgment
the site of the present town. Arizona to Benson, Herron met a Mexican carry- as to the value of the place.
also has places named honoring presi- ing a large dead rattlesnake. When he It is interesting to note that the term
dents, such as Coolidge and Roosevelt asked the Mexican the name for the desert, used to describe areas in Arizona
Lake. The desire to preserve a person's snake, the reply was, "Cascabel." Herron such as the Yuma desert, Painted desert,
name by naming a place for him seems to decided to call his new post office by Sonoran desert and Mojave desert, seems
have been strong among English speak- that name. to be taking on a new meaning. As ori-
ing pioneers. Unlike the Spanish, re- Postal authorities influenced the nam- ginally applied, it suggested a harsh, hos-
ligion did not have a strong influence ing of places in still another way. The tile place where travel was difficult;
on English place names. experience of a Captain Tuley in Wash- a place to be avoided. But soon the
Another interesting influence in terri- ington D.C. is interesting. Tuley had healthful properties of clear, dry air
torial Arizona and other parts of the charge of the establishment of new post were discovered and it was realized
West was the authority of the Post Office offices throughout the United States for that the desert isn't all bad. Today
department in Washington D.C. In the 30 years, beginning in the early 1880s, the Southwestern desert resorts are cele-
days before rapid transportation and and all applications for new post offices brated and many people even choose to
communication, postal service was the passed across his desk. Often these fail- live in them the year 'round.
settler's only link with the outside world. ed to specify a name so Captain Tuley The names on the Arizona landscape
A large number of post offices, spaced had to select one. Sometimes he honored will continue to change as Arizona's
at close intervals, seemed to be the only a fellow postal clerk, and he named post population grows and changes. New
way to provide communication. Accord- offices for practically all of the children names will appear and old names will
ingly, nearly every application for a new and babies in his immediate neighbor- fade. Place names will always fascinate
post office was approved. Many had hood in Washington. This may help to travelers who like to delve into what
brief lives. explain why it has not been possible to went on in the past to develop a state. D

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 21

Jackpot Town
by Jack Delaney

UST pick a town at

random — any town - -
and you'll be amazed
at the number of at-
tractions it has to offer.
By exploring nooks and
crannies off the beaten path, you will dis-
cover interesting spots missed by the
average tourist. For our experiment in
"geographical pot-luck," we picked
Twentynine Palms. In our opinion we
hit the jackpot!
Try this area for an enjoyable one-day
trip in southeastern California. Drive the
Freeway (Interstate 10) to the Twenty-
nine Palms offramp; turn north on State
Highway 62, popularly known as the
Roadrunner Route; and continue about
50 miles to Twentynine Palms. This
high desert setting is located on the bor-
derline between the Mojave and Colo-
Among the many interesting attractions at Twentynine Palms, California, is the El rado deserts.
Rancho Galapagos Cactus Nursery featuring every variety of cacti and other fascina-
ting desert plants. For an interesting interlude, before
reaching Twentynine Palms, stop to visit
El Rancho Galapagos Cactus Nursery.
Watch for the sign (on the left) about
8l/2 miles north of Joshua Tree on High-
way 62. Turn left on Mantonya Road and
BELLERUE drive to the foot of Copper Mountain.
«-AMBOY RO. You will be welcomed by Al and Mary
Bellerue, the owners, and will spend a
delightful hour or two viewing a unique
TWENTYNINE PftLMS HWV TWENTYNINE assortment of cacti, some of which are
8.S MILES part of their private collection and not
for sale.
Among the many varieties that you
may purchase are my favorites, the Old
Man of Mexico and his female counter-
part, the Old Woman of Mexico. Cover-
ed with scraggly white "hair," they may
be shampooed when soiled. The Old

22 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

and Cahuilla Indians also were in the
area at one time. Around 1900 there were
60 graves here.
Indians reported living at Twentynine
Palms in 1879 were identified as Paiutes.
These probably were Chemehuevis, who
are a southern branch of the Paiutes,
most of whom lived along the Colorado
River adjacent to the Mojaves. One of
the best known Indians buried in this
sand-lot cemetery is Chief Jim Boniface,
known to whites as Old Man Jim, who
was respected by the early miners and
For a combination of the past and
present, drive along Highway 62 about
a half mile east of the business district,
to Utah Trail, then about four blocks
south to the Visitors' Center at the head-
quarters of Joshua Tree National Monu-
ment. Allow plenty of time to fully cover
this attraction. The spacious, modern
building at the entrance offers museum
exhibits, botanical displays, art work,
and information service—all related to
this region. After viewing the display of
items indoors, be sure to stroll the half-
miJe Oasis Nature Trail. This is a fea-
ture of the Center.
Along the Nature Trail you'll see many
interesting reminders of the past—some
of which are still a part of the Southern
California desert scene. In a short dis-
tance the trail leads from the sparseness
of the desert into the abundance of the
oasis. This location was known, original-
ly, as the Oasis of Mara (mara is an In-
Exotic trees from all parts of the world, such as this Canary Island Pine, can be seen
at the Rancho Environmental Nursery. dian word, meaning "much grass and
little springs") and was the birthplace
Woman has a Phyllis Diller hairdo. The tortoises. The Bellerues are proud of 105 of the present community.
Old Man has been known to grow a pound Ferdinand and his mate, 45 You'll see an old well which served
height of 40 feet (you should live so pound Isabella. (She's the friendly one.) the early settlers, miners and home-
long), but the Old Woman stays short They are giant Galapagos Tortoises. Also fteaders who hauled water for many
and, as might be expected, roundish. on exhibition are representatives of the miles from this single supply. It was
Also available for viewing, or pur- four species of gopherus tortoises. These carried in barrels loaded on horsedrawn
chase, are Little Redheads with cute red are native to California, Texas, Florida, wagons. During years of normal precipi-
topknots; Bishops' Caps that really look and Mexico. You'll enjoy a visit to El tation, the well overflowed into a sump-
the part; Cigarette Cactus, long slender Rancho Galapagos and find it difficult hole, forming a small pond for which
uprights whose blossoms grow parallel to break away. the animals of the area were grateful.
to the stems, appearing to be the lighted Upon leaving, drive back to Highway The pond is now dry.
end of a king-sized cigarette; Grape 62 and proceed about 61/2 miles to Twen- A strand of Arrowweed Pluchea will
Cactus with grapelike fruit that is dried tynine Palms. A few blocks south on be feen. The straight stems are still im-
and sold like raisins in Mexico; and per- Adobe Road, near Sullivan Road, is one portant in parts of the Southwest as a
haps a hundred other large and small of the landmarks of this desert area—the construction material for the walls and
specimens from North and South Ameri- one-acre Chemehuevi Indian Cemetery. roofs of mud huts. Basket weaving and
ca. Cacti are native only to the Western No one knows how many Indians rest the fabrication of animal cages are other
Hemisphere. in this little plot, nor whether they repre- uses for these stems. Pima Indians even
In addition to a wide assortment of sent two or more tribes. Although it is brewed tea from them, which they used
cacti, you'll see an assortment of wide called the Chemehuevi cemetery, Serrano as an eyewash. In arrow making, the

24 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

shafts were straightened by being slowly striking series of floral correspondence vice versa. Don't be disturbed if he tells
drawn through grooves in a heated cards, available for purchase at DESERT you that: "Adaption of plants to cold
stone arrow-straightener. (You'll see ex- Magazine and other shops in the West. consists of seasonal increase in proto-
amples of this tool on display in the You can meet the Mockels (Henry plasm and metabolic capacity in the
Visitors' Center.) and Beverly) by driving to the Pioneer cells," or, "Adaption of plants to heat in-
Another useful plant is the Western Art Gallery in the Plaza, along Two volves plant pathogens and the manipu-
Honey Mesquite. The sweet-meated pods Mile Road just west of Adobe Road. lation of thermolysin and heat-sensitive
served as a source of flour for the In- On exhibition are excellent examples of enzymes." Just smile as if you under-
dians and for white pioneers. Believe it etching, watercolor, serigraph, and acry- stand and reply, "I'll take one of these
or not, the Indians processed the bark lic painting. Mr. Mockel, who has a keen and two of them there!" This nursery
for babies' diapers and women's skirts. appreciation for wild flowers, told us, of exotic trees is worth seeing.
Bush Seepweed was used by the Cahuilla "Most people come to the desert to see Twentynine Palms is a comparatively
Indians to make black dye for use in art- uninterrupted views of up to a hundred narrow strip with the world's largest
work. Willow Trees are not native to miles or more of scenery, but the land's Marine Corps Base along its northern
this oasis. However, in the old days a real beauty, lying right at their feet, goes boundary and the tremendous Joshua
teamster pushed his whip handle into the unseen." At times the desert floor is Tree National Monument to the south.
moist earth and it eventually grew into a covered with colorful blooms. He cap- Each of these developments is composed
tree! It just happened that the whip tures their beauty without disturbing of more than a half-million acres. The
handle was a branch of a willow tree. them. site of the Base served the Army as a
When Col. Henry Washington, who glider training center for 5 years, start-
Before leaving Twentynine Palms, one
conducted a Government survey party ing in 1940; then the Navy took over,
more unique spot should be visited. This
through this area in 1855, first came using it as a rocket training center for a
is the Rancho Environmental Nursery at
upon the Oasis of Mara, he found ample short time. In 1952 the Marines landed.
71554 Samarkand Drive. Here you will
evidence that only Indians had lived They have the situation well in hand.
meet Mr. McClure, a scientist who mani-
here. About 20 years later, white settlers Frequent events are staged with the pub-
pulates the growing habits of trees to
started moving in and, according to lic invited to attend, and the Base band
the point where it could be said that he
rumor, counted 29 palm trees around is well known in Southern California.
has made Nature his slave. In addition
the oasis. It is quite likely that this had I'm sure you'll agree that our random
to Smoke Trees, Joshua Trees, Palo Ver-
something to do with the naming of the selection of a town for a one-day jaunt
de, Cat's Claw, etc., the nursery features paid dividends, especially after you fol-
present community. Fortunately, the old-
Carob Trees, Australian Desert Willow, low our trail and see the fascinating peo-
timers were good counters — otherwise
Aleppo Hallipensis Pine, Canary Island ple, products and places that we enjoyed.
the town might have been named "Lotsa
Pine, and many other specimens that are Next time, you might want to spin the
Palms" or "Palms Galore!"
uncommon to this area. wheel of fortune and let it select a loca-
At one time in its history, Twentynine
Palms was identified almost entirely with The magic of Mr. McClure's "ex- tion for an outing. 'Round and 'round
gold mining and prospecting. More than tended habitat" process adapts high al- she'll go, and where she stops—you go!
a hundred mines were scattered through- titude trees to the lower desert areas, and
out this region, some of considerable
size, all contributing to an important
gold production. Until recently, a popu-
lar attraction for visitors was the daily
conducted tours through the Golden
Egg Mine. Karl Chappel, the owner, was
happy to show his "diggin's" and mill
to all who were interested. He passed
away last August and the mine tours are
no longer available.
Among the many artists who make
Twentynine Palms their home is one who
paints tiny wild flowers, lying in a prone
position in order to properly view them.
He calls them "belly-flowers," but per-
haps the designation "belly-artist" could
be applied to him. Henry R. Mockel is
widely regarded as one of our foremost
wild flower painters. Twelve of his
paintings, commissioned by the National
Park Service, are on display at the Visit-
ors' Center in Joshua Tree National
Playing yith the tortoises at the El Rancho Galapagos Nursery is a favorite pastime
Monument. His art also appears on a with the children. The nursery also has two giant Galapagos Tortoises.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 25

A Logical Look a t . . .
the Pegleg Gold
by J. A. Lentz
o THEY exist? There near Picacho or Yuma, or somewhere be-
are many supporting tween the two. They proceeded westerly,
factors that they do. presumedly on horses, intending to travel
One such factor stands to Warner's Ranch. On the third day
above the rest — as out, about three quarters of the way to
numerous as they are, Warner's, they were caught in a sand-
separated by years, race, and creed, al- storm. The previous night they had
most all accounts of the location point camped somewhere east of the New
to two general locations. Only those River.
stories relating to the first Pegleg Smith Partially blinded by the storm, they
discovery around 1829 will be discussed veered somewhat north of their course,
here. The other location is on the east went around a marsh with bubbling mud
side of the Salton Basin where, by coin- and ascended a long, low rise in the
cidence, one discoverer of a later date desert terrain. When the storm cleared,
was a pegleg named Smith. Pegleg climbed one of three buttes con-
Our first known account is from the nected by hogbacks or saddles. Near or
original Pegleg himself. Later on one of on this butte he found his black gold
his partners, reportedly named Price, nuggets. He may have proceeded onward
filled in some missing details. It goes to a spring near a mountain, or back-
something like this; he and his partners tracked around some badlands he saw,
left the Colorado River from a point depending upon which story is true, but

J6 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

let us concern ourselves only with where
he found the gold, not with where he
went later.
The key here is the New River and
"bubbling mud marshland." The Salton
Sea did not exist in 1829, but the mud
pots near the south end of the Sea did
exist. So let us proceed westerly and
somewhat north of these mud pots, keep-
ing in mind that in those days there were
no roads, highways, nor civilization of
any sort in this God-forsaken place.
The first long, low rise in the terrain
is a group of low hills just north of
Hwy. 78 and partially west of Hwy. 86.
(Old Hwy. 99). There are three main
hills from one to one-and-a-half miles
apart. Their elevation averages only 200
feet. They are covered with small buttes,
hogbacks and saddles. Due to the sheer
simplicity of their location, could this
be the home of gold sought for so many Jack Pepper finds cairn in the area, which indicates mining activity.

Writer believes the black buttes in photo were once littered with Pegleg's gold.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 27

years by hopeful prospectors? This lo- her husband. Having no water, she head- the large body of water acted as a buffer,
cation used to be difficult to reach, but ed for the lights at Glamis. She was cared slowing down the moving material and
not today—which could be the reason for by railroad employees there and allowing it to settle. The heaviest mater-
it has been passed over. had found black gold nuggets along the ial would settle first; and that would
We now come to the story of the Doc- way. Her route from the south end of consist of the gold and mineral-laden
tor's befriended Indian at Warner's the Santa Rosas to Glamis would have pebbles.
Ranch. He took the Doctor to Pinyon taken her directly through those same Now if this great river flowed from
Mountain and pointed east saying, low hills mentioned above. northwest to southeast, as the terain
"When wind blow, Indian pick up An elderly Indian, Fig Tree John, who now appears that it did, it seems that the
gold." once resided near Travertine Rock, told best place to look for the gold would be
There are three Pinyon Mountains. One of a low gray hill to the south of his in the hills at their northwest end, where
is Pinyon Ridge, closer to Warner's. An- home where Indians picked up gold the river dumped its heaviest load first.
other is Pinyon Mountain Area to the after a desert cloudburst. Guess what It would also make good sense not to
south. Between these two is North Pin- hills are south of Travertine Rock? wander too far from the old beach line.
yon Mountain. Pointing easterly from A prominent mineralogist answered a More stories of gold found in and
any of these mountains is to point al- request by DESERT Magazine concern- around the mouth of San Felipe wash
most directly toward our low range of ing the existence of black gold nuggets exist, but not many concern black gold
hills north of Highway 78 and west of on the low desert. He stated that they of the original deposits. Very probably
Highway 86. did exist and possibly there are concen- the yellow, rewashed and recleaned gold
Then along came the Indian woman trations of them in old river channels that was found came from deposits of
gold tarnished black due to its content
of copper and silver.
Now we have progressed to our latest
information concerning black gold nug-
gets. This information has been given
us by a man who claims to have found
over $300,000 worth of these nuggets
within 30 miles of the Salton Sea. I
have personally examined them in the
DESERT Magazine bookshop and they
sure look and feel like the real thing. He
did not give us the location of his find,
but he sprinkled his articles to DESERT
with plenty of clues. By comparing those
clues with the low hills north of High-
way 78 and west of Highway 86, the fol-
lowing information may be reasonably
Nugget circled is gold ore among rocks at site of modern Pegleg.
1. The hills are within 30 miles of the
who was nursed to health by Mrs. Wil- which flowed east from Vulcan Moun- Salton Sea.
son, wife of a storekeeper at Warner's. tain. Now just what is the main drain- 2. They are within the circle of an
She, referring to gold, simply stated, age east from Vulcan Mountain into the early map reprinted by DESERT Maga-
"Go down to the end of San Felipe, and decert? You guessed it, San Felipe Wash zine with his first articles.
on the mesa look north and see three and Creek. What is at the lower end of
3. There are pebbles on the hills that
buttes." this wash ? Our hills again!
look like his photograph of the nugget
Now the San Felipe creek, wash, val- These hills are all that remain of an area.
ley or canyon, which ever you prefer, eroded delta. They contain well-rounded
4. There is a dirt road from a wash
tends to end only after it starts eastward stream- and tide-worn stones and peb-
bles. What causes these stone and pebble back to a main highway just as he men-
from a generally north-south course.
deposits? Our mineralogist friend tells tioned. To wit: up Tule Wash off of
This "appearing end" of the San Felipe
us that thousands, perhaps millions, of Highway 86, which is north of the hills
is near where it would have flowed into
years ago a mighty river ran through and north of Highway 78.
the ancient ocean, which is clearly mark-
ed by the ancient beach line. Looking this area. 5. From the end of this road and on
north from here, upon the mesa, you If he is correct, then during each and up Tule wash, a large portion of the
will see our same three low hills and every storm (or heat wave which melted hills lie within a two-mile hike, the dis-
numerous buttes. the glaciers) this great river carried mil- tance he walked to the gold.
Another Indian woman traveled from lions of tons of earth, rocks and debris 6. This walk would be over uneven
the south end of the Santa Rosa Moun- into the ancient sea. The minute the ground, as he also stated.
tains after her boyfriend was killed by rushing torrent struck the surface waters, 7. No mountain exists nearby, as ex-

28 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

pounded in his theory of the origin of
the nuggets. He said he believed that
the mountain which originally held the
Make Your Outings More Fun
gold had eroded away.
8. Near the ancient beach line there
could exist Indian rock rings two to two- Stop By And See Our . . . METAL DETECTORS
and-one-half-feet in diameter, as he said Western Artifacts, Indian Collection, Jewelry
• Detectron
he found in his nugget area. To wit: Display, Lapidary Equipment, Tumblers, Gold • Rayscope Find
Prehistoric fish traps were built just be- Pans, Dry Washers, Books on Treasures and Get the Best . . .
low the high tide line. The fish came in Lost Mines . . . and other items of fun for T
°,P G u a r a " t e e • ; Gold
easy to Operate
with the waves at high tide. Then out the entire family. For information just write From Old Coins
$75.00 to
again with the next wave, but were trap- $165.00 Treasures
ped on the sand by small rings of rock.
The fish may have been grunion, which COMPTON ROCK SHOP
Ph. 632-9096 1405 South Long Beach Blvd. Compton, California 90221
always pick the highest tide waves to
carry them to spawn in the sand.
9- He found a Spanish buckle with
his metal detector and suggested the
SIIX STILL Survival Kit
nuggets could be on an old Spanish trail. NEW PROCESS PRODUCES 1 TO 2
Our hills area is very near an old Span- QUARTS OF PURE WATER DAILY
ish trail. Los Puertecitos Historical Mark- IN DRIEST DESERT
er lies a few miles to the west. A Reusable kit for Survival and a
10. Our modern Pegleg discovered Fascinating Experiment for the Young
his gold in 1955, but did not publicize Scientist. Easy to install and operate.
the find until 1964. When he returned
Complete Kit $2.74
to the site after the find was published LINER
(POLLUTANTS) Send Check or Money Order to:
he found vehicle tracks in the wash he DROPS
had driven up and footprints leading
Palm Desert, California 92260
away from the side he had taken. California residents add 12c sales tax
Away from the side of the Tule wash
from the hill is a popular deposit of con- . _ .. ^ftMMMMMkjfc. AVAILABLE MID
APRIL 1968
cretions. This may explain the tracks he
DIFFERENT U.S. PAT. MO. 3,188,034

11. He also mentioned approaching DICK CEPEK'S "BAJA-PROVEN'

the nugget area from a roundabout way.
In one article he wrote, "Now that I
know exactly how to get there . . . " This ONLY $4.95
statement suggests that an easier approach MAIL ORDERS"POSTPAID" JT
other than the route he had taken on his
accidental discovery, was found on a sub-
sequent date. The hills may be approach-
FREE• page

ed from either Highways 78 or 86. UNIVERSAL MOUNTING CATALOG!

12. Another important clue is that
he thoroughly searched the area for sev- HOLDS ALL G.I. TYPE
eral miles in all directions with a metal UNBREAKABLE
detector. The location, then, must be GUARANTIED 5 TEARS

easily traversed on foot. Our hills area LOCKABLE

is just such a place.
With less circumstantial evidence than WITH HARDWARE

this, men have been convicted of crime RATTLEPROOF

and others have built empires. Perhaps ZINC PLATED
now a reader will find gold. A dream,
a good metal dector, a jeep or sand bug-
gy and enough time and patience to care- DEALERS WANTED
fully search are all that is needed.
Any comments by the man who found
Pegleg's black gold nuggets would be SOUTH GATE, CALIFORNIA
appreciated. • Closed Sun. A I

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine I 29

by Robert Townsend

HE Pinacate Mountains distance west of there. When we turned Sykes Crater is almost equal to Ele-
of northwestern Son- off the highway and onto the dirt road gante, being 750 feet deep but not quite
ora, Mexico are inter- that led into the Pinacates, we felt like as large in diameter. Its rim circumfer-
esting and challenging an astronaut must feel when he scans ence is three miles. In the bottom of the
to explore. They cover the surface of the moon. Vegetation con- craters, growing inside a large circle, are
500 square miles of sisted of ocotillo, cholla, mesquite and saguaro cactus and other desert vegeta-
some of the most desolate volcanic land creosote and the road was coated with tion. These circular gardens are called
in Mexico. When Glenton Sykes offered cinders. The only animals we saw were botanical enclaves.
to guide our party there for a four day rabbits, although later we heard coyotes Molina Crater is the most unusual in
trip, we didn't hesitate to accept. Glenton at night. shape of the group. When it belched out
Sykes' father was on the first recorded The craters are probably the most fas- its molten lava some 1000 to 2000 years
exploration trip into the Pinacates in cinating feature of the Pinacates. About ago, it took the shape of a cloverleaf. The
1907 and Glenton had been there more 10 of the main ones are named. Of these, crater is 250 feet deep with a circumfer-
times than he could remember. the most spectacular is Elegante, located ence of one mile.
We left from Tucson, Arizona early on the east side of the mountains. It is McDougal Crater is 400 feet deep and
one morning and crossed the border at 4800 feet in diameter and 800 feet deep. on its floor, 50 feet above sea level, grow
Sonoyta. The northern edge of the vol- At one time this crater housed a fresh desert plants of several varieties. To get
canic beds reach to the border a short water lake. an idea of the immensity of these craters,

This desert botanical garden thrives on

the sandy soil at the northwestern edge
of the Pinacate volcanic mountains in
Sonora, Mexico. It is a mystery how the
ocotillo, saguaro and other desert plants A view of the southeast rim of Sykes Crater, the largest crater in the Pinacates. Its
grow on the lava covered ground. circumference at the rim is three miles.

JO / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

compare them to Meteor Crater in North- other places, the Pinacates were again lava out of the top, it sometimes had
ern Arizona. Sykes Crater is about the unpopulated and for the most part un- such great force that another vent was
same size as Meteor Crater, except that known to anyone else. necessary and lava spewed out the side
Sykes Crater is 200 feet deeper. The Gulf of California is only 10 to of the cone. Most of the caves are only
Cerro Colorado is the most recent of 15 miles away, but it is an extremely dif- a few hundred feet deep because, as the
the volcanic eruptions in the Pinacates. ficult few miles since most of the dis- pressure decreased, the lava blocked the
Some say it may have formed only 200 tance consists of sand dunes and saw- opening it had previously made. A num-
years ago, others say 1000 years. tooth granite mountains, although the ber of narrow tunnels at the end of the
mountains are slowly being buried by 200 or 300 foot lava caves were formed
the dunes. Appropriately, they are called when the lava cracked and segmented.
the Buried Range. There is an Indian legend about one
An interesting insect which inhabits of these lava caves in the Pinacate Peak
the Pinacates is a beetle named the "Pina- which tells about an Indian who did not
cate" beetle (Eleodes armata). The beetle want his woman to ever see another man
instinctly stops in its tracks at any for- so he took her through the lava tunnel
eign sound and tries to bury its head in to Consag Rock, which ejects into the
the sand. Often it is referred to as the sky from the Gulf of California. Com-
beetle that stands on its head. pletely surrounded by water, he felt sure
she was safe and could only be his.
Cinder cones protruding from the
Whether there is any truth to this story
rough terrain are noticeable in every dir-
or not has never been proven. However,
ection. The peaks of Pinacate and Car-
Consag Rock is of volcanic origin and
negie are the highest and most easily could have been conceived at the same
recognized cones in the area. Rising time as the Pinacate volcanoes.
approximately 4200 feet is Pinacate. Car-
The Pinacates are truly an interesting
negie is about 100 feet lower. Having area to explore. With a guide as well-
withstood over a thousand years of ero- informed as ours, we knew what to look
sion, the Pinacate namesake has no doubt for and could better understand what we
been worn away and changed in many saw. We didn't see the big horn sheep
ways since its fiery birth. Lava caves he has seen on other trips several differ-
are plentiful on the lower portions of ent times, but then we didn't climb quite
the mountain range where they served as to the top of Pinacate Peak, as he has
valves when the hot lava was spewing often done. Next time that will be our
out. As the pressure built up to push the goal. •
Tule Tank is a refreshing resting place.
This natural water reservoir in the heart
of the lava beds is filled with water in
the spring.

An interesting feature of the Pina-

cates is the tanks or water catchments
which are the only watering holes in the
area. Papago, Tule, and Emilia are three
of the best known. Lava rocks form the
walls for these natural reservoirs. Their
formation is interesting. Lava-covered
ground surrounding them, especially at
Tule Tanks, is flat and level, then ab-
ruptly a portion of the ground is re-
moved like a piece of cake with one slice
removed. The walls are straight up and
down with the water perhaps 20 to 30
feet below, depending upon when the
last rain fell. The tanks provide water
for the few animals that live in the Pina-
Primitive Indian tribes once had set-
tlements near the water holes. Pieces of
broken pottery tell us of their existence. Climbing the slope of Sykes Crater in the Pinacates is a challenge. The crater is 750
When the Indians moved their camps to feet deep with a diameter at the bottom of 1400 feet.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 31

on the
by Buddy Gene Mays
The mountain range the author climbed.
joyed by both young and old when cau- prefer a low-cushioned shoe with vibram
o many residents of tion is employed by the individuals. Be- lug soles. These are comfortable and
our great Southwest, cause of their iron-hard granite and easy light and will last for years, with proper
the barren desert moun- access, mountains of New Mexico, Ari- care. Boots, like any sporting equipment,
tains with which most zona, Colorado and California offer must be chosen for the user only. Prices
of us are acquainted some of the best rock climbing in the range from $6.00 for a pair of European
have been in the past world. climbing shoes to $40 for cold weather
few years offering more than just Basic necessities for mountaineering mountain boots and purchases may be
beauty. They have become a breeding include a sense of balance and confidence made from any of the mountaineering
ground of adventure to daring men and in yourself and your fellow climber. suppliers scattered across the country.
women who have deserted their easy Skiers usually make good climbers be- Let me interject one personal note here.
chairs and Saturday afternoon football cause of their cat-like balance, but as Beginners who climb in slick-soled boots
games to take up an inexpensive and important as balance is the trust that may very soon discover a quick way to
popular sport—mountaineering. must be interchangeable between you the bottom of the mountain.
A desirable feature of this activity is and your belayer. A good climbing rope is also a neces-
that you needn't be a millionaire nor a A good pair of climbing boots is also sity. Climbers should, when attempting
teenager to participate. It is a sport en- a must. Most experienced rock climbers anything that might be dangerous, be

Driving a piton into rock. A good climbing rope is a necessity. Dick Ingram takes a long step around

32 / D=sert Magazine / May, 1968

roped together and the leader "belayed." Basic techniques taught in most clubs have been organized solely for the pur-
This simply means that each end of a are few and simple. Beginners are taught pose of training beginning climbers.
7/16 or 3/8-inch nylon rope is secured to stay low and close to the rock and to Several rules which should be fore-
around the waist of the respective climb- use one and two fingered holds instead most in the mind of a climber when he
er by means of a bowline knot. The sec- of the whole hand or palm. Learning to is preparing for an ascent are as follows:
ond man on the rope, or belayer, then use one's legs for push instead of the Don't climb alone.
seeks a place where he can tie in to the arms for pull is also a necessity on long
Notify someone as to where you are
rock by means of a sling or climbing climbs. And again, when searching for
going and when you will return.
rope or both. This protects the first man holds, confidence that a hold will be
on the rope (leader) from a fall of more found must be in the mind of the Climb with an expert, if possible.
than the length of the climbing rope. climber. Don't use cheap or faulty equipment.
The belayer's end of the rope is passed Let me stress that mountaineering, like Go prepared.
around his hips and grasped in both all active and strenuous sports, must be If you learn the right way to climb
hands, creating friction and a slowing learned correctly and be fully under- and obey these rules, you will discover
flown action in case of a fall, but yet stood before being undertaken. A num- a new and exciting way to live right at
can be fed out easily as the leader climbs. ber of clubs throughout the Southwest your doorstep. •
Pitons, carabineers, and slings are
also important pieces of equipment, but
these can be dangerous without proper
handling. Pitons are steel wedges of var-
ious sizes, shapes and angles which are
driven into cracks and fissures in the
rock. A piton should fit at least 1/3 of
its length into the crack before being
touched with a rock hammer, and once
it has been driven, should be tested care-
fully before trusting it with your weight.
Into the secured piton is clipped a cara-
bineer or steel snap ring with the snap
opening inwards. Into this the climbing
rope is hooked and the leader is ready
to climb on. Distance between pitons is
left up to the leader, but too much pro-
tection is always better than too little.
Enough pitons should be carried so as to
fit any crack encountered, since a piton
on your belayer's belt will do you no
good if you are 70 feet above him.
A light climbing pack is used to carry
water, a first aid kit, and a lunch. These
come in various sizes, shapes and colors
and the choice is left up to the prospec-
tive buyer.
Over the years a group of short word
signals have been developed by moun-
taineers to signify what must be done
when a pair of climbers cannot see each
other. Most are self explanatory and
should be taught as basic climbing tech-
nique. Slack, uprope on belay, off belay,
and tension are words which must be
understood by all members of a team to
protect themselves from what might be
a fatal error. As a famous mountaineer
once said shortly before he was killed,
"When you lose, there is no next time."
Once the basics are understood, skill
is developed by each individual accord- Mountaineering is a dangerous sport and must be learned correctly. A number of
ing to his own taste and imagination. clubs have been organized to serve this purpose.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 33

A monthly feature by the author of Ghost Town Album, Ghost Town Trails,

Ghost Town Shadows, Ghost Town Treasures and Boot Hill

That thief with "LOCK STRAP"!
A revolutionary new
design secures all
G.I. fuel cans to it-
Bingham, Utah
self and locks your BY LAMBERT FLORIN
gas filler cap - at-
taches to back of
carrier. A l l steel
construction - zinc
Model D $ 7.50
Dealers inquiries invited

329 West Lomita Ave , Dept. D, Glendale, Calif 91204
California residents add 5 % sales tax

Just Published

How 88,648
Heavy Smokers
Stopped Smoking
NEW YORK — The Anti-Tobacco Center of
America has just published a booklet which
explains how 88,648 heavy smokers (of whom
many are physicians) have stopped smoking
without straining their will power. This book-
let is available free of charge to smokers. All
you need to do, to obtain it, is to send your
name and address to The Anti-Tobacco Cen-
ter of America, Dept. A-63-w , 276 Park Avenue
South, New York City, 10010. This offer is
open while the supply of these booklets lasts.

Prospecting and Hiking Equipment
Books — Tope Maps
FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western
states, each state has index.
Author made last minute check by phone with Bingham Police to discover whether
JACOBSEN SUPPLIERS projected plans for modernization had been completed. They have not, though all
9322 California Ave., South Gate, Calif.
Phone 569-8041 90280 buildings shown here have been removed and fire hydrants and poles are moved back
of sidewalks, only partially alleviating the crush of traffic at shift changing time.
Civic structures remain at turn-around at upper extremity of road.
MEXICO HEN Brigham Young
first looked westward
mon leader was correctly prophetic on
the first count, grievously wrong on the
ARIZONA from the Wasatch he second.
CALIFORNIA gazed in silence. Then Within two years the valley was criss-
he made the statement crossed by a maze of trails painfully worn
LEISURELY, that stands as a classic by the tired feet of Argonauts seeking
escorted rail, auto, in simplicity, "This is the place!" His the gold they believed lined all creeks of
trail trips. Delight to
nature lovers. Photogra- forward looking eyes saw past the dreary the California Sierra. Many of Brigham's
pher's dream! <rBy rail to
Grand Canyon, Mexico City, waste of barren flats; they envisioned Saints would have joined the westward
etc. 'frGypsy motor tours to cultivated fields, burgeoning trees, sub- moving throng gladly, but to these he
Spring, Fall: best of Arizona. *Pack trips
in California High Sierra. stantially built houses. The spot would preached, "We cannot eat gold and sil-
MUIR TRAIL be a haven and for a long time free from ver, neither do we want to bring into
RAIL TOURS WANPLER fours invasion by harassing gentiles. The Mor- our peaceful settlements a rough fron-
Box 45-D, Berkeley 94701

34 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

tier population to violate the morals of covered loose lumps of gold along one
There is still time to be a
our youth, overwhelm us by numbers and of the deeper gulches. Much excited,
drive us again from our hard won they rushed to show the nuggets to the of
homes." boss. If they expected commendation and
That a number of the faith defected, permission to begin mining instead of
nevertheless, is shown in a scanning of logging they were disappointed. As
any detailed map of the California gold might be expected, President Young
country. Still shown are such place names thoroughly squelched any thought of such
as Mormon Bar, Mormon Trail, Mor- deviation. Gold was a curse to man, he
mon Island. The astute Brigham Young said, and if the news of its discovery so
was well aware of increasing gaps in the near the Mormon settlements should leak National Off Road Racing Association
ranks of his young men, the very ones out, there would be the devil to pay. The
Sponsors of the Mexican 1000 Rally and
who should be digging in the soil of expression wasn't a mere figure of the Las Vegas 7-11, NORRA was formed
speech; it was meant to apply literally. last year to sanction and promote off-road
Deseret rather than the gravels of Sierra motor contests. For special advantages for
creeks. In the late summer of 1849 he During the following decade, activity members write:
made clear to those still faithful to his in Bingham's canyon was confined to NORRA. Inc.
cutting and sawing of trees. It speaks 19730 Ventura Blvd., Suite 6,
edict how their wandering brethren
Woodland Hills, Calif. 91364
might fair in the hereafter. "Do not any for the powerfully inhibiting force of the
of you suffer the thought to enter your man in Salt Lake that Bingham and his
minds that you must go to the gold mines sons kept quiet about the gold, attend-
in search of riches," he said. "That is no ing strictly to the business at hand. But
place for the Saints. Some have gone others less obedient to the Church made PLEASE ZIP!
there and returned; they keep coming the discovery on their own. One of these
and going, but their garments are spotted was a cavalryman under Mormon-hating Desert Magazine and Uncle
almost universally . . . The man who is General Patrick E. Connor, who had Sam can handle your orders
trying to gain for himself the perishable been sent out to subdue any Saints still a day faster if you will in-
things of this world and suffers his af- practicing polygamy. The soldier brought clude your zip code in ALL
fections to be staid upon them may des- a chunk of ore that held gold, silver and correspondence. And when
pair of ever obtaining a cross of glory." lead to Connor, saying that some of the MOVING please inform us as
Many of those Mormon men who men had been melting the stuff to make soon as possible and include
went to the California gold fields hap- bullets for firing at game in the canyon. both OLD and NEW ZIP
pened by chance to be already on the Connor, already interested in metals CODES.
scene in 1848. The "Mormon Battalion" and mining, recognized the material as
had been organized to assist in the war a bonanza. More, he saw a chance to
with Mexico. Arriving in San Diego after aggravate Brigham Young by bringing
an epic march over rough, unknown in large numbers of gentiles to begin a
country, the soldiers found the war al- huge mining operation. He began his
ready finished. Many, not desirous of campaign by issuing a bulletin in March
immediately returning to Salt Lake City, of 1864, this to the effect that all pros-
found jobs in California. Nine members pectors and miners would receive ample
of the famed Battalion were actually on military protection from "any vicious at-
the scene when James Marshall picked up tacks by Mormons, gradually overpower-
that piece of gold in the tail-race of Sut- ing the Mormons by sheer force of num-
ter's Mill. These Saints, faced with a bers, and thus wrest from the Church,
difficult choice between far-away Church disloyal and traitorous to the core, the
and yellow metal under foot, took up absolute control of temporal and civic NEW VACATIONLAND!
shovels and gold pans. affairs." In a very few years the whole LAKE POWELL

The passing of the next few years mountainous area surrounding Salt Lake RAINBOW BRIDGE
City was being exploited. GLEN CANYON DAM
dulled the glamour of California gold,
slowing the exodus in that direction, but As always in mining history, early in- SPECIAL ONE DAY TRIP to RAINBOW BRIDGE
a new threat was fermenting closer to terest was confined to gold, silver being Fishing unexcelled. Water Sports. Finest
home. A few miles southwest of Salt noticed later. The richest placers were photography. Complete Marina. Boat
and Motor Rentals. Accommodations.
Lake City the hills attained a sufficient at Clay Bar, which produced $100,000 New Motel. Trailer Park.
elevation to support a bounteous growth in 1863. It was in the tailings there that Write for Information
of pine and scrub oak—trees valuable Dan Clay found what was reported to ART GREENE
for lumber and fuel. In 1848 Young sent be Utah's largest gold nugget—a chunk CANYON TOURS, INC.

Thomas Bingham to survey the situation WAHWEAP LODGE and MARINA

weighing to a value of $128. Placer
and if possible to start r "ing trees. Bing- P. O. Box 1 597 Page, Arizona
mines played out in 1870, the fortuitous
Phone 645-244B
ham and his four sons Immediately dis- arrival of rails spurring interest in more L
May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 35
permanent hard-rock mining, especially girl. At least that was what Lopez claim-
at Bingham Canyon. ed. After serving a jail sentence for his
By 1900 there were 30 saloons in the "good deed" he became more than a
gulch. Miners, who in the beginning little resentful towards the law and be-
amused themselves with sports of a vir- came involved in one act of violence
Lapidary — rockhounding ile nature, like boxing, gradually turned after another, finally shooting to death
-jewelry making... add up to
a fascinating creative art! to the softer sport of gambling. Faro, one Valdez who had drawn a knife.
craps and roulette took precedence over Tracked and apprehended miles from
Worlds largest selection — over 10,000 it
offered., imports from all parts of the world drilling contests. When movies came to town, Lopez turned on the posse and
STONES — JEWEIHY M A T E I I A I S - MOUNTINGS Bingham the more affluent saloons used killed three officers. He then backtracked
GRIEGER'S, INC. free films to draw customers while pa- to Bingham where he forced a friend
Dept 52 —1633 E. Walnut — Pasadena, Calif named Stefano to outfit him with clothes,
trons stood in darkened cubicles to watch
the flickering miracle. weapons and bedding so he could hole
THINKING OF up in the Apex Mine. Stefano informed
BACKPACKING? As population grew from a few hun-
Get your free dred to a couple of thousand, the town the police, who subsequently set up
b r o c h u r e on expanded, but of necessity was restricted blockades all around the entrances to the
to the narrow V-shaped gulch. Business mine. When officers attempted to enter
Find out why Kelty buildings and residences vied for space the tunnel, three shots rang out from in-
Pack is preferred by along the one crowded street. A few side. One man fell dead, another was
practiced backpack-
ers. Write for free lit- scattered, unpainted shacks strewed them- badly wounded.
erature and back-
packer's checklist. selves up and down the steep slopes, In an effort to dislodge the unwilling
Dept. D, P.O. Box 3453 these connected by stairways. Residents Lopez, police set up smudge pots at the
1807 Victory Blvd.
Glendale. California hailed from many lands, but found no openings. Loaded with sulphur, cayenne
space in which to be clannish, propin- pepper and damp gunpowder, the vile
quity breeding a certain camaraderie. fumes should have done the job. Two
As featured on T.V. the experts agree:
With class distinctions lacking, every- hundred miners waited, out of work for
body spoke to everybody else and girls five days, while the heavy smoke pene-
CUSTOM MADE METAL DETECTORS from the red-light houses mingled freely trated. After enough time had elapsed
ARE THE BEST with respectable housewives. General to clear the mine, all galleries were thor-
Detect Gold Nuggets and Coins amiability was only occasionally punctu- oughly searched. Found were clothing
Interchangable Loops ated by quarrels. and bedding of the fugitive, but Lopez
Lightweight • Waterproof
4 Years Warranty - Free Literature
By this time gold mining was almost himself had vanished.
forgotten, as silver had been the main Around 1907 shafts and tunnels had
MIKE KOVACS product for some time. Although every- penetrated so deeply that further mining
4118% Verdugo Road one observed the permeating presence of became impractical. It was then that a
Los Angeles, Cal. 90065 Phone 255-1129 copper sulphides in the predominantly brilliant young engineer named Daniel
lead-silver ore, the red metal was largely C Jackling devised a system previously
ignored. A silver panic in 1893 changed
Authorized all this and led to a tremendous expan-
unknown—the "open pit" method. Be-
cause of its head start, the Bingham
JEEP sion as the mining of copper took over. Mine soon became the largest open pit
In 1899 some $12,000,000 changed mine in the country. A few years later
Sales and Service hands. John D. Rockefeller became the
LARGEST SUPPLY OF the vast Kennecott industries took over.
NEW A N D USED JEEP PARTS main stockholder in the Utah mine. A Crowded conditions in Bingham Can-
smelter was built at Murray and a tram yon became so intolerable that the com-
Looking for a Jeep—Try us! run extended to link another near Tooele.
pany started a town just below, the new
Copper, so long a stepchild, was found center named Copperton. Here were built
Dept. DM 1625 S. Harbor Blvd. to be averaging from three to forty per- attractive cottages along wide boulevards
Fullerton, California cent in the ores. Prices were high and which offered every attraction to workers
ore reduction easy. and business. Many were reluctant to
Just when Bingham should have been leave their old homes and buildings,
HELLS enjoying undisturbed prosperity, the town though, and the one narrow thorough-
-^CANYON became torn by labor troubles, long
strikes and violence. Attracting more na-
fare up the canyon to the mines became
plugged with traffic, particularly during
by JET BOAT tional attention than these plagues, how- shift changes. At last the company re-
DEEPEST GORGE IN NORTH AMERICA ever, was the never-determined fate of solved to wreck the old town and pave
A safe— thrilling family excursion on the fabulous
Snake River. Deep into the primitive area of Idaho Rafael Lopez. Lopez came to Bingham as the canyon floor. Hearing of the im-
and Oregon —magnificent scenery—abundant wildlife
and comfortable quarters at journey's end. Fully li- a strikebreaker, then stayed on as a miner pending change, this reporter hurried to
censed and bonded guides.
Write or Phone for Descriptive brochure and after the trouble subsided. One night on the canyon in 1961 to make a series of
the street he beat up a Greek worker photographs or the city that soon would
Lewiston, Idaho • Phone (208) SH3-7701 caught in the act of assaulting a young be no more. •
36 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968
Here's a handy side-view mirror This widely respected old com-
for those who tow boats, trailers, or pany, which has produced all those
all-wheel-drive vehicles. Just insert thousands of rock-hammers, has now
the twin bracket-legs into the wind- announced a new Trim Square for
owsill, where glass is recessed in Desert Handymen. It eliminates the
door. A tension-spring and lower use of a mitre-box, lets the home
cupport-arm keeps it steady in a craftsman make square or angle
three-point suspension that won't cuts with precision using his own
vibrate, can't fall off—yet it's in- saws. Building a desert cabin, camp-
stantly removable by just lifting it er coach, or boat? Then you'll ap-
off. No need to drill holes or deface preciate this little gem. It's only
your new car or pickup, the usual OPERATE TABLE RADIO OFF $2.98, from Estwing Mfg. Co., 2647
problem and the usual drawback CAR BATTERY 8th Street, Rockford, III. 61101.
with ordinary side-view mirrors. The This new device is a compact NEW FUEL & WATER CAN CARRIER
Velvac is the wide-angle type, which power inverter, which simply takes
gives a larger view and covers more A workable method of attaching
the 12-volt battery in your vehicle
of the rear area. At a cost of $11.95 jerry cans to the back or side of a
and steps it up to 110-volt current.
a pair, from Velvac, Inc., 2081 So. vehicle has eluded many inventors,
Use it in car, boat or coach with
56th Street, Milwaukee, Wis. 53219. even though some other devices are
equal success—anywhere you have
being marketed. This new idea is
a storage battery. This means that
PLASTIC TOOL CARRIER from Dick Cepek, a well-known Baja
you can take along your favorite
It's the slickest idea since the in- adventurer. The new Jerry Can Car-
home-type table radio and play it in
vention of non-rusting tool kits. This rier is made of unbreakable mater-
camp. Just plug it into cigarette re-
new tough plastic tool container is ials, so the cans won't get lost. In
ceptacle. Thats' all there is to it.
built like a cut-away bucket, with a the past, some kinds of fasteners
Costs about $14, from J. C. Whitney
handle on top. Tools, nails, bolts, crystallized under the severe vibra-
& Co., 1917 Archer Avenue, Chi-
pliers, brushes, and a score of other tions such Baja roads produced. The
cago, III. 60616.
small handy items can be inserted carrier mounts to any flat curface,
through top-holes, where they ride SOLID-STATE FIRE STARTERS complete with mounting brackets.
firmly and can't fall out—yet re- Now they've done it. They've de- It is lockable with any standard pad-
main convenient for quick usage. veloped a handy new material re- lock, and it won't rattle or rust. You
The Tool Caddy is priced at $3.95 sembling rocket fuel which is made can get more info from Dick Cepek,
from Recreational Products Divi- of petroleum distillate. These pure- P. 0. Box 181, South Gate, Calif.
sion, Rubbermaid, Inc., Wooster, white 1 Vi-inch cubes, 24 to the 90280.
Ohio 44691. package, are absolutely dry to the
touch, unlike those sticky fire-start-
ers you've seen before. Even after
15 minutes submersion in water the
new Fire Starter cubes burst instant-
ly into flame at the touch of a match.
Each cube has the equivalent of one-
half cup liquid petroleum in it. One
observer said that flames held up
to 18-inches in height for over nine
minutes before the cube burned
out. No bad tastes are passed along
to foods cooked over a fire started
with these solid-state s t a r t e r s ,
either. For only 98 cents, you can
get a package of 24 of these amaz-
ing little Fire Starters. They're sup-
posed to be available through all
sporting goods stores after March,
1968. They're made by Burnzomatic

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 37

by Bill Bryan
How I love these winters with so
much jeepin' time. I took in the Tierra
Del Sol Safari and what a turnout . . .
over 500 vehicles were in camp. The San
Diego group had a real well laid out
camp with lots of trash bins and rest-
rooms. They initiated something I hope
other clubs will think about; a large
registration fee to cover the club ex-
penses and only allow one door prize
ticket per entry. Only a few said they
thought the registration fee of $5.00
was a bit stiff—but for value received
it was a good buy.
While there Ron and Pat Parkinson
of Fallbrook, Harold and Dot Haw-
thorne from Phoenix, Doc Ahlene from
Kingman, Jim Teague, Han Hamilton,
Vern and Flo Slankard and Carol and
I from Indio invaded the Boondockers
Jeep Club campsite where singing stars
Jack and Ginger Nunnely and Bob
Smith entertained us by singing the
Jeepers Song. Tony Argento, president of the Grass Valley 4-Wheelers, receives Desert
Magazine's Conservation and Preservation Award from Bill Bryan during the
We returned to Indio via Coyote Can- recent convention of the California Four Wheel Drive Clubs in Fresno, Calif.
yon from Borrego Springs. Three of us
were towing G. I. trailers but we had Something that did not get into last little harm done to either people or
no problems even though there was month's column because the editor says equipment . . . which shows once again,
flowing water in the creek beds. I hope I write too much was our meeting with always have some type of strong roll
the plans to pave this route never evolve. the Chuckwalla Jeep Club having their bar and seat belts if you are going to
This is one of the finest areas in the des- annual outing near Plaster City. After challenge those hills.
ert for people to get out and enjoy na- having a barbeque on them . . . led by
ture and hike through the desert hills. Trail Boss Bill Bedwell . . . we woke up
Other weekend jeepin' I have been Sunday and had an unexpected air show Dune Buggy Rentals
doing lately was a trip to the southern when we watched Navy planes coming For those back country enthusi-
Borrego area (not in the state park) into the adjoining bombing range . . . asts who don't have time to trail-
where we followed an old wagon trail. by the way, be sure and watch for those er their 4WD or dune buggies to
Our mission was to try and find the re- restricted signs and stay out when it says the Coachella and Imperial Valley
mainder of the Spanish sword found by stay out as early morning bombs don't areas they can now rent Volks-
Mr. Pegleg and sent to Desert Magazine mix with scrambled eggs for breakfast. wagen dune buggies in Indio at
by this mysterious person (see Desert, Later we saw another sponsored rac- A-l Rents. For information call
Dec. 1967). We had been told someone ing event and helped a couple who had Area Code 714 DIAMOND 79448
had found some Spanish metal in this turned over their 4WD. Fortunately they or just stop by. This is a public
area. Although we spent the entire day had a Rockett Products Roll Bar which service announcement since many
criss-crossing, the only thing we found saved them from injury. Bill Morrison, people have asked at Desert Ma-
were some Indian potsherds, but I think Earl Hughes and Frank Robinson among gazine if back country vehicles
there is something we missed. others put the 4WD back on its tires with can be rented in the area.

38 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

Calendar of
TRAVEL Western Events
Information on Western Events must be
received at DESERT six weeks prior to sched-
uled date.
FLOWER SHOW, Riverside Armory, 2501
Fairmount Blvd., Riverside, Calif. Adults 57
cents, children under 12 with adults free.
ERAL SHOW, Helix High School, 7323 Uni-
versity Ave., La Mesa, Calif. No dealers.
JAMEL 4 WD Cruise. A family outing and
fun event. For details write P. O. Box 526,
Indio, Calif. 92201.
TLE CLUB SHOW & SALE, Scottish Rite
Memorial Center, 1895 Camino Del Rio, San
Diego, Calif. Free admission.
The Fast Camels Four Wheel Drive Cruise sponsored by Indio's Sareea Al TION OF 4WD CLUBS annual convention.
Jamel will be held this year May 3 through 6 in the Orocopia Mountains near Write to Tucson Jeep Club, P. O. Box 4127,
Tucson, Ariz. 85717.
Indio, Calif. All 4WD enthusiasts are invited to attend the popular event. In
addition to many other activities the two main runs will be held Saturday; MAY 11-26, 42ND ANNUAL JULIAN
one for the rough and rugged drivers wanting to test their vehicles, and the WILDLIFE AND ART SHOW, Town Hall,
Julian, Calif. Fresh mountain and desert wild-
other for families who will be taken on an all-day scenic tour through the flowers gathered daily.
area. For details write Dick Orson, P. 0. Box 526, Indio, Calif. 92201.
fin Forest, junction of Harmony Grove and
Questhaven Road, near Escondido, Calif. Lim-
ited to Avion trailer & camper owners.
ERAL SOCIETY'S 9th annual show, Retail
Clerks Union Auditorium, 8530 Stanton,
MECHANIC Buena Park, Calif. Free admission, free park-
ON DUTY ing, prizes.
AND MINERAL SHOW, Grange Hall, 13365
EMERGENCY Second St., Yucaipa, Calif.
TLE SHOW & SALE, Santa Clara County
Fairgrounds, San Jose, Calif. Write Doris
Sekevec, 677 N. Central Ave., Campbell,
Calif. 95008.
AND MINERAL SHOW, Rancho Cordova
Community Center, 2197 Chase Drive, Rancho
Cordova, Calif. Open to public, no admission.
MAY 30 & 31, LAS VEGAS JEEP IN fam-
ily 4WD fun and events. Write to Las Vegas
Jeep Club, Inc., P. O. Box 1874, Las Vegas,
Nevada 89101.
CLUB'S annual Gold Country 4WD Classic.
Write Sacramento Jeepers, P. O. Box 9201,
Ft. Sutter Station, Sacramento, Calif.
& GEM & MINERAL SHOW, Oakdale, Park,
Glen Rose, Texas. Write Doyle Cooper, Box
398, Glen Rose, Texas 76043.
ERAL SHOW, Torrance Recreation Center,
3341 Torrance Blvd., Torrance, Calif. Free ad-
mission and parking. Experts and beginners.
Write Ron Wood, 944 S. Eucalyptus Ave.,
Inglewood, Calif. 90301.
7-11 RACE, Las Vegas, Nevada. For back
country vehicles. Write NORRA, 19730 Ven-
tura Blvd., Suite 6, Woodland Hills, Calif.
"Does that sign mean you're open twenty jour hours or the job takes that long?" 91364.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 3 *

Trading Post •^
Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,

CLASSITIEDS Palm Desert, California 92260. Classified

rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
per insertion.

OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You "GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to
name it—we find itl Western Americana, gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.50 • GEMS
desert and Indian books a specialty. Send year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone,
DESERT ROCKS: Each specimen large enough to
us your wants. No obligation. International Calif. 92359.
cut. Chalcedony rose, petrified palm, petri-
Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif, "OLD MINES AND Ghost Camps of California," fied wood, turquoise, chapenite, rose quartz,
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" in minerals and gem (statewide for 1899], by Ekman, Parker, Horse Canyon agate, rhodonite, dumortierite,
stones; here are a few of the 300 or more Storms, Penniman, Dittmar; 148 pages, idocrase. More than 10 pounds for only $10
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium, $3.50. "Old Arizona Treasures," by Rascoe, plus postage. American Gem Shop, 74-271
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nickel, from the old archives, $3.00. "Old Mines Hwy. I l l , Palm Desert, Calif. 92260.
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryl- and Ghost Camps of New Mexico," by Jones,
reprint of 1904, 214 pages, $4.00. Post- SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Cadena
lium, emeralds, etc. Some worth $1 to $2 a Drive. Riverside, California 9 2 5 0 1 . Parallel
pound, others $25 to $200 per ounce; an paid. Frontier Books, Fort Davis, Texas 79734.
to Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956.
emerald the size of your thumb may be COMPLETELY NEW — Excitingly different! "101 Come in and browse; jewelry mountings,
worth $1000 or more,- learn how to find, Ghost Town Relics"—Beautiful color cover, chains, supplies, minerals, slabs, rough ma-
identify and cash in on them. New simple lists over 140 relics, over 100 relic photos. terial, equipment, black lights, metal de-
system. Send for free copy "Overlooked For- Article on restoring, utilization of relics. A tectors, maps, rock and bottle books.
tunes in Minerals," it may lead to knowledge price guide included. $3 ppd. Wes Bressie, POCKET GOLD, $2. Placer gold, $2. Gold dust,
which may make you rich! Duke's Research Rt. 1, Box 582, Eagle Point, Oregon 97524. $ 1 . Attractively displayed. Postpaid. Money-
Laboratory, Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences
FRANK FISH—Treasure Hunter—said Gold is back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 1125D, Mt.
New Mexico 87901.
where you find it. His book "Buried Treasure Shasta, California 96067.
NOW A BOTTLE BOOK with color. "Antique & Lost Mines" tells how and where to look,
Bottles," by Marvin and Helen Davis, is 93 locations, photos and maps. 19x24 • HOME STUDY
loaded with beautiful photos, many in full colored map pinpointing book locations. Book
color. A very beautiful and informative book. LEARN OIL painting by mail. Also casein or
$1.50. Map $1.50. Special: both $2.50 post- acrylic. Amateur, advanced. Easy, fascinating,
All bottles are priced. Send $3.00 to Old paid. Publisher, Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton
Bottle Collecting Publications, P.O. Box 276, naturalistic. Easy payments. Art, Box 486,
Drive, Chino, Calif. 91710. Montrose, Colorado.
Ashland, Oregon 97520. Dealers Inquiries
Invited. FREE TRAVEL NEWSLETTER: GO—the adventure
"A GUIDE For Insulator Collectors" (with prices!. newsletter tells the unusual, unique, exciting, • INDIAN GOODS
127 pages, 168 insulators described, sketched out-of-the-way places for vacation travel FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi
and priced, 4 group photographs, copies of throughout the world. Introductory offer— jewelry. Large selection of old pawn and
10 patents, copies from old catalogs—and only $3.50 a year. We'll send your first ex- Kachina dolls. Navajo rugs, Yei blankets,
more. An exciting new collecting field, start citing issue free. Write GO, Box 5 7 1 , Bar- Chimayo blankets and vests, pottery. Kaibab
now and don't be sorry later. By J. C. Tib- rington, Illinois 60010. moccasins. A collector's paradise! Open, daily
bitts, order from me at "The Little Glass BIG! 170,000 word book; $2.50. "America 10 to 5:30, closed Mondays. Buffalo Trading
Shack," 3161 56th Str., Apt. B., Sacramento, by Car" names best places to eat, stay, his- Post, Highway 18, Apple Valley, Calif.
Calif. 95820. $3.00 (plus 5 % tax for Cali- torical sights. Includes Mexico and Canada. AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi-
fornians) plus 25c for mail orders. Ohio residents add 4 % sales tax. Daugh- mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's
LOST DESERT GOLD, legendary and geological ters, Inc., 229 Canal St., Antwerp, Ohio items. Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian
history of the southern California desert, with 45813. Trading Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East
photos and maps to pinpoint locations. $2.50 "THE OLD BOTTLE EXCHANGE,"—Bottle collec- Woodland Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.
postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co., Box 67, Bell - tors own monthly publication. Subscribe to-
flower, Calif. 90706. day, $4 year, receive free 50 word ad credit. • MAPS
NEVADA" TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide". Sample 25c. OBX, Box 243, Bend, Oregon
Large folded map. 800 place name glossary. 97701. SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San Bernardino
Railroads, towns, camps, camel trail. $1.50. $3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $ 1 , large
WILD & WOOLLY WEST books: Narrow Gauge $2; San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25,
Theron Fox, 1296-C Yosemite, San Jose 26,
Trains, Twain's Jumping Frog, Service's Yu- other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada
kon Poems, Uncle Jim's Pancakes, $1.00 counties $1 each. Include 5 percent sales tax.
ARIZONA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide, each. Zuni Indians $2.00. Send stamp for Topographic maps of a l l mapped western
large folded map 1881, small early map, illustrated catalog. Filter Press, Box 5-D, areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third
1200 place name glossary, mines, camps, Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133. Street, Los Angeles 13, California.
Indian reservations, etc. $1.50. Theron Fox,
1296-E Yosemite, San Jose, California. JOB APTITUDE/INTELLIGENCE TESTS! Increase COLLECTORS' ITEM: T87l geographical map
I.Q. score 25 % plus on any aptitude test print, rare issue, Los Angeles, Kern, Ventura,
SURVIVAL BOOKS! Guerrilla Warfare, Wilder- and land that job. Results guaranteed 1 0 0 % . San Bernardino areas. A l l old stage, freight
ness Living, Medical, Guns, Self Defense, Self-scoring tests. The complete, on-target, stops, trails, roads, towns, etc. 18" x 2 4 "
Nature. Books—Vital, Fascinating, Extraor- booklet, $1.00. Thumbnail Books, Box 888- rolled. Oma Mining Co., P.O. Box 2247,
dinary; Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda, E7, San Jose, Calif. 95106. Culver City, Calif. 90230.
Route 3, Box 517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301.
RECREATION MAPS—Kym's Guides, Colorado
GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali- • EQUIPMENT - SUPPLIES River, High Sierra, Salton Sea, Baja Califor-
ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng- nia, northern California, Sacramento River
lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid. HELICOPTER, BUILD easily for $600, usin^ and many others. Send for fee list. Book:
Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359. automobile, outboard motor, motorcycle parts. "The Salton Sea—Yesterday and Today" by
FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and Ideal for prospecting. Drawings, specifica- Mildred de Stanley, $1.25 p.p. Triumph Press,
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238 tions, information, $2. Helicopters, Box 1117, Inc., P. O. Box 75445, Sanford Station, Los
Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif. 90706. Leesburg, Fla. 32748. Angeles, Calif. 90005.
"ASSAULT ON BAJA," E. Washburn, 3934 GOLD DRY WASHER plans, portable hand oper- UTAH TREASURE, relic hunters ghost town map.
Cortland, Lynwood, Calif. $2.00 tax included, ated, recover gold from gold diggings from Mining camps, forts, stage and railroad sta-
"zest of dicsovery" writes Belden,- "wide- dry river beds, etc., by air principle. $2.00. tions, Pony Express, emigrant, Spanish trails.
eyed experience" says Powell USC. R. Brown, P. O. Box 7 9 1 , Arcadia, Calif. $1.00. George Thompson, 105 Whitesides,
91006 Layton, Utah 8 4 0 4 1 .
BOOK FINDING is our business. Service is our
product. No charge for search. Satisfaction
guaranteed. D-J Book Search, Box 3352, San • GEMS • MINING
Bernardino, Calif. 92404. CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma- UTAH ASSAYING CO., gold, lead, silver, cop-
FOR SALE: First six years Desert Magazine, terial, machinery, lapidary and jewelers sup- per, mercury, $1.50 each; platinum $3 each.
complete and in good condition. Make offer. plies, mountings, fluorescent lamps, books. Spectographs $5 each. 172 North 9 west,
Box 834, Desert Hot Springs, Calif. 92240. Sumner's, 21108 Devonshire, Chatsworth, Cal. Salt Lake City, Utah 84116.

40 / Desert Magazine / May, 1968

Letters and Answers
Letters requesting answers must include stamped self-addressed envelope.

Where's the Smelter? . . . Darwin Alive . . .

After reading "Head For Pioneer Pass" by After reading a letter in DESERT about
Jack Pepper in the January, 1968 issue, we Darwin, I would like to say that it is very
headed for the pass. The road at the cross- much alive. We have two lots up there with
roads at the stand of Joshuas was like a Los a trailer and all of the other lots in Darwin
Angeles freeway. Every third driver waved are sold. A store and the Rock House Cafe is
us to stop, brandishing a copy of Desert and open and the school is about to reopen, if it
asking "How do you get to the Spanish smel- hasn't by now. Right in Darwin there are
ter?" We never did find it and I am sure no moon-shaped caves first the Indians, then the
one else did or there would have been a Chinese lived in. We found opium bottles and
waiting line to the highway. We want to try colored glass in them. We took our 4-wheel
again so could you be a bit more explicit? We drive within ten miles of the town and found
owe many pleasant desert hours to Desert. an old mine. All of the houses are open, with
furniture and newspapers dating back to 1920
In the February, 1968, issue I was pleased A. S. LILLY, and 1951 just as they were left. In one house
to read in "Back Country Travel" of the work Whittier, California. the table was set. We hope it stays that way.
done by the Los Paisanos Four-Wheel Drive Many readers have made the same inquiry. SHIRLEY WOODY,
Club to enhance the cleanliness of the Santa It is extremely difficult to find the Spanish Riverside, Calif.
Rosa Mountains. If only others were as con- smelter. I did not know it existed until a
cerned about the out-of-doors, California friend showed it to me. Unfortunately the
would certainly be cleaner and more enjoyable. VW buggy I was driving did not have a
The "Idiots Billboard" at Travertine Rock is mileage gauge. After leaving the intersection
a public disgrace and a permanent mar on the of the road to Mound Spring, keep left. After Pinpoint Plexus Proposal . . .
landscape. going through one or two washes you will More than 50 letters have been received in
climb a hill; near the top on the left is a answer to the proposal by Robert S. Plexus in
The photo shows desecration of the histor- turnoff where you park under several trees.
ical marker commemorating the Juan Bautista Walk down a steep road to the creek bed, Letters and Answers in the March, 1968
de Anza Expedition through the Ocotillo then left down the creek bed about a block. issue. Mr. Plexus said he would give the lo-
Wells area enroute to the foundings of the There it is. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB cation of what he believes is a gold deposit
City of San Francisco. As you can well see, THE SMELTER, LEAVE IT FOR OTHERS in the San Bernardino County Cady Moun-
some sick person used this publicly owned TO ENJOY. Jack Pepper. tains providing the person who worked it
plaque to display his Citizen Band radio call would give 10 percent of the proceeds to
letters. charity.
Another painting on rocks was the work Since publishing his letter Mr. Plexus has
of a San Diego family. Fortunately, we came Mystery... sent us the location of the alleged gold de-
upon them while the father was taking pic- A rancher took me to see a rock carving posit. Desert Magazine is not stating the gold
tures of his boys painting the rocks. The near Boulevard, California, which has on it a deposit exists. Mr. Plexus believes it does. To
family spent the following Sunday on another small cross above the date 1792. About three publish the location he gave would start a
outing, removing the paint from the recks. miles away is another carving on a rock seven minor gold rush, so we have selected the
In addition to donating the day's labor, a fine feet tall with a concave front. In the concave name of the person we feel is most qualified
of $56 was paid in the Ramona Justice Court. is-the date 1874 with figures below it which to check out the claim and have sent him the
Keep up your excellent articles and re- resemble cattle brands. I wonder if a reader location. A charity will be selected if the gold
minders that the California landscape is not would know about them? is produced. To others who sent queries we
expendable. want to express our thanks here since there
We are avid relic hunters for Indian ollas are too many letters to answer. We will con-
WESLEY E. CATER, in this area and have found them in the tinue to keep our readers informed on this
Park Sup?rvisor Davies, as Ted Haney wrote about in the Feb- project.
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. ruary issue, but ours had been patched with
pitch or bee's wax rather than with tar, as
Mr. Haney described his.
LA VERN McCAIN, We've Been Framed . . .
Paging Mr. Pegleg . . . Boulevard, California. Would you belive? I have a gripe about
In reply to William Deane's question in the Desert Magazine? I love the big 2-page
the February, 1968 Letters regarding the More on Arrowhead Springs . . . colored pictures you put in the center of the
water worn rocks in my letter in the Novem- magazine but could you manage to put some-
ber, 1967 issue in which he states these water In March "The Mystery of the Arrow" at- thing of no interest on the backs—you see I
worn rocks have not been mentioned in pre- tracted my attention because I am acquainted snitch them out when my husband isn't look-
vious Pegleg articles, it is due to information with some of the operations of the present ing and frame them.
I have had for many years regarding the owner of Arrowhead Springs. A statement in F. P.,
black nuggets that I was able to determine the article is in error. The ownership was Anaheim, Calif.
the wash and where Mr. Pegleg parked his transferred to Campus Crusade for Christ In-
jeep. From there I knew which direction he ternational in the summer of 1964. This or-
had to walk the two miles. After I had walk- ganization is spreading the Gospel of Jesus Donation Appreciated . . .
ed the approximate two miles I am certain Christ on college and university campuses This is to express the heartfelt thanks of the
that I was in the vicinity of the hot spot. The throughout the world. While the organization Junior Class of White Pine High School for
water worn rocks are a clue which, like Mr. welcomes visitors to its headquarters, it is an your donation of a subscription of your fine
Pegleg, I do not want to pinpoint. inter-denominational Christian activity dedica- magazine to our local nursing home. Your
Incidentally, to Mr. Pegleg—I am still wait- ted to reaching the soul of man for salvation, fine articles on the American West will pro-
ing for an answer to my questions in my letter not merely to providing pleasant, entertaining vide many hours of enjoyment for the patients.
to you in the November, 1967 issue. Also, I activities for visitors. There are, however, var- You may be interested to know that we
was out in the area a few days ago and noticed ious training courses, meetings, conferences are now visiting these people regularly. The
a fresh track in the area. I assume you have and so on held throughout the year, open to Junior girls are also planning a fashion show
been checking recently? their staff and/or the general public. to be held in the home in the near future.
Sun Valley, Calif. Riverside, California. White Pine.

May, 1968 / Desert Magazine / 43

Travel Guides
Plus Other
Fascinating Articles on the West
The back issues of DESERT MAGAZINE are as alive today as the day they were printed. Packed
with information and detailed maps on out-of-the way places of the West, the articles are also
historically informative for both adults and students. Here are 10 back issues to enrich,
enlighten and entertain you and your friends.

All TEN Issues for only $2.00

To make room on the shelves for summer inventory we are making this special
offer which is good only as long as they last. Not only do they contain the sub-
ject matter listed below but are also filled with other exciting articles and
stories on the West.


1965 1966

3.50 4.00

Only 3.50 Including Tax and Postage

Mail all orders to: Dept. D , Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260
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