Curriculm Vitae: Gurkirat Singh

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Name- Gurkirat Singh,

S/o.: S. Harbhajan Singh,

H.NO. 1423, ST.NO. : 2,
Sharifura, Near ! " S #ank,
$mrit%ar, !unjab,
'ob-&(3&(4-)4&42, &**143443++

H, 'anager,
S.#/01T: $N $!!231$T3ON 4O, TH0 !OST O4 0201T,31$2 0NG3N00,
,e%e5te6 Sir / 'a6am,
7ith a 8i%ion to grab an oortunit9 to :ork at 9our e%teeme6 organi;ation. 3 am in%ire6 to for:ar6
m9 5an6i6ature for the aforementione6 o%ition. 3 ha8e 6one <3!2O'$ 3N 0201T,31$2 0NGG.
4rom GO=T. !O2>T01HN31 1O220G0, $',3TS$,.
'9 1= :ith a5a6emi5 " er%ona- 6etai-% :ith rofe%%iona- e?erien5e i% atta5he6 here :ith. 3 hoe
9ou :i-- gi8e me a 5han5e to ro8e m9%e-f b9 :orking :ith 9our e%teeme6 organi;ation.
2ook% for:ar6 :ith o%iti8e re%on%e from 9our %i6e.
>our% tru-9,
Gurkirat Singh.
1@ 1= A 1 age
2@ $5a6emi5 1ertifi5ate%
Gurkirat Singh
(Diploma in Electrical Engineering)
Career !"ecti#e
To :ork :ith a55ura59, har6:orking, %tamina, 6e6i5ation% an6 5on%i6er m9 er%ona- %trength to in5-u6e
a6atabi-it9, f-e?ibi-it9 an6 abi-it9 to -earn Bui5k-9. 3 ha8e :e-- 6e8e-oe6 interer%ona- %ki--%. 3 am ab-e
to make 6e5i%ion in6een6ent-9 " 5onfi6ent of m9 abi-itie% to %u55ee6 a% a goo6, effe5ti8e, tutor%hi
$ather% &ame'
S. Harbhajan Singh
Date o( )irth'
$ug 1**3
Contact &um!er'
*ermanent A++re%%'
H.No. 1423, ST. No. 2,
Near !. " S. #ank,
Sharifura, $mrit%ar,
!unjab D143&&1@
*er%onal Data'
Se?: 'a-e
'arita- Statu%: Sing-e
1uriou% Nature, 2ea6er
Shi an6 1ommuni5ation
%ki--%, 0nthu%ia%ti5,
Strong <eterminant

E+ucational ,uali(ication
Diploma in Electrical Engg- ./0. 12 3
DGo8t. !o-9te5hni5 1o--ege, $mrit%ar@

Matriculation- - .//4 1. 3
DS.S.S.S. Eha-%a Sen. Se5. S5hoo-, $mrit%ar@

Training% 5 E6perience +uring Diploma
#H02, Hari6a:ar D.ttran5ha-@ one month training e?erien5e in manufa5turing
of h96ro " turbo gen. of 5aa5it9 F&&'7.
2ar%en " Toubro 2t6.-0$O1, D0-e5tri5a- $utomation " Oerating 1oman9,
$hme6nagar@ ha-f month training e?erien5e in the manufa5turing " te%ting of
2= " '= %:it5hboar6%.
!unjab State !o:er 1ororation 2imite6, $mrit%ar D!unjab@ $5ti8e arti5iation
in three 6a9% Nationa- Training !rogram for ,ura- 0-e5tri5it9 <i%tribution
7ork E6perience
7orking in <ata:in6 3nno8ation !8t. 2t6. a% Te5hni5a- Suort 0?e5uti8e an6
Tab-et Te%ting 4rom 4eb.,2&13 to $ug.,2&13.

Computer Literac8
7in6o:% G!, :in6o:% (, 'i5ro%oft offi5e too-%.
Achie#ement% 5 e6tracurricular acti#itie%
7on Si-8er 'e6a- in 3nter %5hoo- ba%ketba-- 1ometition
To -a9 ba%ketba--, 5ri5ket, ba6minton, -i%ten mu%i5, :at5hing T=, 5hatting
0ng-i%h, Hin6i, !unjabi.
I here!8 +eclare that all the a!o#e9(urni%he+ in(ormation i% true to the !e%t o( m8 kno:le+ge-
*lace' Amrit%ar (*un"a!) Gurkirat Singh

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