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China Large Bus Industry Report, 2013-2017

Published by : Sino Market Insight

Published : May -2014
Single User License : $1!!

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According to China Large Bus Industry Report, 2013-2017 released by ino !ar"et Insight,
China#s output o$ large buses is e%pected to reach &2,000 units in 2017, 'ith the gro'th rate
being in a stage o$ slo' gro'th a$$ected by (ar"et de(and)

In 2013, the production and sales o$ large buses in China a(ounted to 7&,200 units and
7&,100 units respecti*ely, rising +),- and +)2- $ro( a year earlier but a separate drop o$
,). percentage points and ,)7 percentage points $ro( last-year gro'th rates) In /1 201,,
the production and sales o$ large buses in China sho'ed a respecti*e year-on-year decline
o$ +)+- and +)0- to 1,,+00 units and 1,,.00 units)
As $ar as *ehicle (odel is concerned, the production and sales o$ ne'-energy bus has
presented a $airly high gro'th rate bene$itting $ro( the policies by Central and local
go*ern(ents $or *igorously pro(oting ne' energy *ehicle in recent years) In 2013, the sales
proportion o$ large ne' energy bus in large bus rose $ro( 23)0- in 2012 to ,0),-, a surge
o$ 10). percentage points)

In ter(s o$ co(petiti*e landscape $or sales *olu(e, the top $i*e large bus co(panies are
1inglong !otor 2roup, 3utong 2roup, 4hong 5ong Bus, 67578, and 9inhua 3oung(an
Auto(obile, a(ong 'hich 1inglong and 3utong en:oy absolute superiority, 'ith their sales in
2013 hitting 2+,&30 units and 2+,+., units respecti*ely and accounting $or 32),- and 32).-
o$ sales *olu(e, a total share o$ 0+)2-)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Industrys Macro Environment
1)1 ;ecelerated 2ro'th in Chinese <cono(y
1)2 A ;rop in 2ro'th Rate o$ 6i%ed Assets In*est(ent
1)3 Re(ar"able lo'do'n in I(port and <%port
1), teady Increase o$ ocial Consu(ption

2. Overview of Commercial Vehicle Industry
2)1 ;e$inition and Classi$ication
2)2 Industrial =olicy

3 ;e*elop(ent o$ China Co((ercial >ehicle Industry
3)1 =roduction
3)2 ales
3)3 I(port ? <%port

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
4 Develoment of China !ar"e #us Mar$et
,)1 =roduction and ales as a @hole
,)2 =roduction and ales by 6uel
,)3 I(port ? <%port
,)3)1 <%port
,)3)2 I(port
,), Co(petition =attern
,)+ ;e*elop(ent 6orecast

% !ar"e #us Incomlete Vehicle Mar$et
+)1 =roduction and ales as a @hole
+)2 =roduction and ales by 6uel
+)3 Co(petition =attern

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
& !ar"e 'ew(ener"y #us Mar$et
0)1 Industrial =olicy
0)2 !ar"et tatus /uo
0)3 ;e*elop(ent =lanning

) *ey Enterrises
7)13utong 2roup
7)1)1 =ro$ile
7)1)2 6inancial Aighlights
2et 6ull Access 7$ Report >isit B-

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
7.1.3 Main Business Structure
7.1.4 Production and Sales
7.1.5 Key Customers
7.1.6 R&D Strent!
7.1.7 Cost Structure
7.1." De#elo$ments
7.1.% Business Pros$ects
7.& Kinlon Motor 'rou$
7.&.1 Pro(ile
7.&.& )inancial *i!li!ts
7.&.3 Main Business Structure
7.&.4 Production and Sales
7.&.5 Key Customers
7.&.6 R&D Strent!
7.&.7 Cost Structure
7.&." +$eration o( Key Su,sidiaries
7.&.% De#elo$ments
7.&.1- Business Pros$ects
7.3 .!on /on Bus
7.3.1 Pro(ile
7.3.& )inancial *i!li!ts

7)3)3 !ain Business tructure
7)3), =roduction and ales
7)3)+R?; trength
7)3)0 Cost tructure
7)3)7 ;e*elop(ents
7)3). Business =rospects
7), 67578
7),)1 =ro$ile
7),)2 6inancial Aighlights
7),)3 !ain Business tructure
7),), =roduction and ales
7),)+ R?; trength
7),)0 Cost tructure
7),)7 ;e*elop(ents
7),). Business =rospects
7)+ 9inhua 3oung(an Auto(obile-!anu$acturing Co), Ltd)
7)+)1 =ro$ile
7)+)2 =roduction and ales
7)0 Anhui An"ai Auto(obile
7)0)1 =ro$ile
7)0)2 6inancial Aighlights
7)0)3 !ain Business tructure
7)0), =roduction and ales
7)0)+ R?; trength
7)0)0 Cost tructure
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
7)0)7 1ey Custo(ers
7)0). Business =rospects
7)7 hanghai un'in Bus Corporation
7)7)1 =ro$ile
7)7)2 =roduction and ales
7). ;andong Auanghai Auto(obile Co), Ltd
7).)1 =ro$ile
7).)2 =roduction and ales
7)& ChongCing Aengtong Bus Co),Ltd
7)&)1 =ro$ile
7)&)2 =roduction and ales
7)10 3angDhou Asiastar Bus Co), Ltd)
7)10)1 =ro$ile
7)10)2 6inancial Aighlights
7)10)3 !ain Business tructure
7)10), =roduction and ales
7)10)+ R?; trength
7)10)0 Cost tructure
7)10)7 Business =rospects
7)112uilin Bus Industry 2roup
7)11)1 =ro$ile
7)11)2 =roduction and ales

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
7)12 6A@ 2roup
7)12)1 =ro$ile
7)12)2 =roduction and ales
7)13 Bei:ing 8orth Auade 8eoplan Bus Co), Ltd
7)13)1 =ro$ile
7)13)2 =roduction and ales
7)1, hanghai henlong Bus Co), Ltd EunlongF
7)1,)1 =ro$ile
7)1,)2 =roduction and ales
7)1+ B3;
7)1+)1 =ro$ile
7)1+)2 6inancial Aighlights
7)1+)3 !ain Business tructure
7)1+), =roduction and ales
7)1+)+ ;e*elop(ents
7)1+)0 Business =rospects
5o =urchase ;etails B-

Contact Us
Contact Us
Cathy >iber
+&33 8< @in i*ers ;ri*e,
G20+, =ortland, 7R &7220
Hnited tates
;irectB I1 E017F 07,-,1,3
5oll 6reeB I1 E.++F 711-1+++
6a%B I1 E.++F ++0-+&7+

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