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China Truck Industry Report, 2014-2017

Published by : Sino Market Insight

Published : June - 2014
Single User License : 1!""

Cathy Viber
5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,
#205, Portland, O 9!220
"nited States
#irect: $1 %&1'( &'4-414)

*oll +ree: $1 %!,,( '11-1,,,
+a-: $1 %!,,( ,,0-,"',

China Truck Industry Report, 2014-2017 by SinoMarketInsight orecasts that during 2014-
2017 China!s truck sa"es #o"u$e %i"" register a C&'R o ()7*, and reach +)2,+ $i""ion
#ehic"es by 2017) The truck, %hich en-oys the highest proportion in ter$s o output and
sa"es #o"u$e a$ong co$$ercia" #ehic"es, is high"y c"osed to the de#e"op$ent o $acro-
econo$y) In 201+, China!s truck output rose by +)+* year on year to 2)70. $i""ion,
co$pared %ith sa"es #o"u$e o 2)72, $i""ion, up 2)(* ro$ a year ear"ier) /uring 0anuary to
&pri" 2014, China produced 1)012 $i""ion trucks, edging up 1)(* year on year, and so"d
114,000 #ehic"es, do%n 0).* ro$ the sa$e period o "ast year)

The truck market is heading for a period of relatiely slo! gro!th, as China !ill continue to
restructure its macro-economyoer the upcomingsyears" #een from market segments,
heay-duty truck em$races the fastest gro!th rate" In the first four months of 2014, a total of
%1,000 heay-duty trucks !ere sold in China, increasing $y 14"4& year on year' $y
comparison, sales olume of light truck, !hich has the largest output and sales olume,
!ere ()0,000 during the same period, up only 0")& year on year"

In ie! of market pattern, the truck market features a farily high concentration ratio, !ith
)*"*& of the total sales olume

China Truck Industry Report, 2014-2017 $y #ino+arketInsight has 7 chapters and ,) charts,
including the follo!ing-
1" .efinition and classification of truck industry /mainly coering classification of and policies
a$out truck industry0
2" Commercial ehicle industry /containing production and sales forecast and imports 1
e2ports of commercial ehicle0
*" China3s truck market /em$racing production and sales forecast for 2014-2017,
competitie landscape in truck market and trend of truck industry0
4" Import and e2port market of truck /inoling import and e2port olume, import and e2port
alue, and imports 1 e2ports $y country0
)" Competitie landscape in market segments /ranking of heay-duty, medium-duty, light and
miniature truck companies $y sales olume and market share0
(" 4peration of 10 manufacturers /coering profile, financial indices, ma5or customers and
output and sales olume forecast0
Read A Complete Report With TOC:-!"-2!#-market

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Industrys Macro Environment
1)1 /ece"erated 'ro%th in Chinese 2cono$y
1)2 & /rop in 'ro%th Rate o 3i4ed &ssets In#est$ent
1)+ Re$arkab"e S"o%do%n in I$port and 24port
1)4 Steady Increase o Socia" Consu$ption

2 Definition and Classification of Truck
2)1 /einition and C"assiication
2)1)1 /einition
2)1)2 C"assiication
2)2 Industry 5o"icies

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
3 Commercial Vehicle Market
+)1 6utput and Sa"es 7o"u$e and 3orecast
+)1)1 6utput and 3orecast
+)1)2 Sa"es 7o"u$e and 3orecast
+)2 I$ports and 24ports

Truck Market
4)1 Truck 6utput and Sa"es 7o"u$e and 3orecast
4)1)1 6utput and 3orecast
4)1)2 Sa"es 7o"u$e and 3orecast
4)2 Co$petiti#e 8andscape
In9uiry :eore 5urchase & Report;-

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
4)+)2 Trend o Mediu$-duty Truck
4)+)+ Trend o 8ight and Mini Truck
! Im"ort and E#"ort of Trucks
.)1 I$port
.)1)1 Tota" I$ports
.)1)2 I$port by Country
.)2 24port
.)2)1 Tota" 24ports
.)2)2 24port by Country

6.7 and 8o8 6ro!th Rate in China 200(-2014
#hare of 9alue :dded of Three Industries in China 200(-2014
9alue :dded of Transportation, ;arehouse and 7ost and Their #hares in 6.7 in China 2001-
2014 /R+< 100mln0
=i2ed :ssets Inestment Completed and 8o8 6ro!th Rate in China 2001-2014 /R+< 100mln0
China3s Total Import and >2port 9alue, 6ro!th Rate of Import and >2port 9alue, 2001-2014
/?#. $n0
Total Retailing of #ocial Consumer 6oods and 8o8 6ro!th Rate in China, 2001-2014 /R+<
Classification of Truck
7roisions on the #tandards for Compulsory Retirement of +otor 9ehicles
Commercial 9ehicle 4utput in China, 200%-2014
Commercial 9ehicle 4utput in China $y +odel, 200%-2017>
Commercial 9ehicle #ales 9olume in China, 200%-2014

China!s Co$$ercia" 7ehic"e Sa"es 7o"u$e by Mode", 2001-20172
China!s I$port 7o"u$e o Co$$ercia" 7ehic"e, 2001-2014
China!s 24port 7o"u$e o Co$$ercia" 7ehic"e, 2001-2014
China!s Truck 6utput by Mode", 2001-20172
China!s Truck Sa"es 7o"u$e by Mode", 2001-20172
Top 10 &uto Manuacturers by Truck Sa"es 7o"u$e in China, 201+-2014
=ea#y-duty Truck Sa"es 7o"u$e in China, 2014-20172
Mediu$-duty Truck Sa"es 7o"u$e in China, 2014-20172
8ight and Mini Truck Sa"es 7o"u$e in China, 2014-20172
I$port 7o"u$e o So$e Truck Mode"s in China, 2001-2014
I$port 7o"u$e and 7a"ue o Truck in China, 2010-2014
Top 10 Sources o I$ported Truck in China, 0an)-&pr), 2014

24port 7o"u$e o So$e Truck Mode"s in China, 2001-2014
24port 7o"u$e and 7a"ue o Truck in China, 2010-2014
Top 10 /estinations o 24ported Truck ro$ China, 0an)-&pr), 2014
=ea#y-duty Truck 6utput and Sa"es 7o"u$e in China, 2001-20172
Market Share o =ea#y-duty Truck in China, 201+-2014
Mediu$-duty Truck 6utput and Sa"es 7o"u$e in China, 2001-20172

Contact Us
Contact Us
Cathy 7iber
.1++ >2 ?in Si#ers /ri#e,
@20., 5ort"and, 6R 17220
Anited States
/irect; B1 C,17D ,74-414+
To"" 3ree; B1 C(..D 711-1...
3a4; B1 C(..D ..0-.17.

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