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China Pump Industry Report, 2013-2016

Published by : Sino Market Insight

Published : Apr -2013
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China Pump Industry Report, 2013-2016
Report overReview
China Pump Industry Report, 2013-2016 of Sino Maret Insi!ht fore"asts that China#s
pump and va"uum e$uipment industry maret si%e wi&& rea"h RM'2() *i&&ion in 2016,
with a "ompound annua& !rowth rate of 12+2, in 2012-2016+
'enefitin! from the impa"t of hi!h investment in water - e&e"tri"ity and industry -
a!ri"u&ture, the pump industry has seen rapid deve&opment over the past de"ade+ In
200(-2012 operatin! revenue and tota& profit of China#s pump and va"uum e$uipment
industry !rew at C./Rs of 20, and 31,, respe"tive&y+
1ith the a""e&eration of China#s industria&i%ation and ur*ani%ation pro"ess as we&& as the
introdu"tion of water, e&e"tri"ity and industry re&ated po&i"ies, the pump maret demand
wi&& *e further *oosted+ 2herefore, forei!n pump "ompanies 3su"h as I22, /rundfos,
Su&%er, 4S', 1i&o, et"+5 have a&so set up produ"tion *ases in China, and e6panded
produ"tion "apa"ity+
7or e6amp&e, Swit%er&and8s Su&%er founded Su&%er Pumps Su%hou 9td+ and Su&%er
Pumps So&utions 34unshan5 Co+, 9td+ in 2010 and 2012, respe"tive&y: /ermany8s 1i&o
set up 1i&o 3China5 Pump System Co+, 9td+ in 2000, and then invested RM'200 mi&&ion
to *ui&d a new produ"tion *ase of China head$uarters in 'ei;in! in 2012+

For example, Switzerland's Sulzer founded Sulzer Pumps Suzhou Ltd. and Sulzer Pumps
Solutions (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. in 2! and 2!2, respe"ti#el$% &erman$'s 'ilo set up 'ilo
(China) Pump S$stem Co., Ltd. in 2, and then in#ested ()*2 million to +uild a new
produ"tion +ase of China head,uarters in *ei-in. in 2!2.
To Get The Detail Information About Report Visit :-

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1+ Ma"ro-e"onomi" <nvironment in China, 2011-2013
1+1 China8s /=P
1+2 Industria& .dded >a&ue
1+3 Investment in 7i6ed .ssets
1+0 Consumption to Maintain Steady /rowth
1+? Import and <6port
1+6 Pri"e 9eve&
1+( Ma"roe"onomi" 7ore"ast, 2012-2013<
2+ @verview of Pump Industry
2+1 =efinition and C&assifi"ation
2+1+1 =efinition

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
3. Market Operation of Pump Industry
3+1 @vera&& .na&ysis
3+1+1 @peratin! Revenue
3+1+2 2ota& Profit
3+1+3 /ross Mar!in
3+2 Produ"tion and =emand
3+2+1 Produ"tion
3+2+2 Sa&es

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
3+0 Competitive 9ands"ape
3+0+1 @vera&& Situation
3+0+2 Re!iona& Competition
3+0+3 Competition *y Produ"t
0+ Maret Se!ments of China Pump Industry
0+1 Stain&ess Stee& Pump
0+1+1 Industry @verview
0+1+2 Maret Si%e
0+1+3 'usiness Mode&
0+1+0 Maret =emand
0+2 .!ri"u&tura& 1ater Pump

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
/.0.! 1ndustr$ 2#er#iew
/.0.2 1mport and 3xport
/.0.0 )ar4et Pattern
/./ 2ther Pumps
/./.! Sewa.e Pump
/./.2 5i.h6pressure 7esalination Pump
Do A Inquir !efore !uin" A Report :-

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