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Linking Theories to Practice TSL 3110

Based on the tasks given, write a refe!tion on the e"#erien!e and va$e of the
va$e of the whoe assign%ent and give s$ggestions on how &o$ !an deveo#
#rofessiona& in a'o$t ()** words+ In!$de &o$r friend,s feed'a!k as referen!e+
If the trademark of a doctor is the stethoscope, the engineer is the calculator, the
teacher cannot be able to teach without his or her weekly plan and the most important is the
lesson plan. Lesson plans are actually very essential in inculcating pupils necessary skill,
knowledge and wisdom they need. A lesson plan also is vital in teaching, with lesson plans
the teacher will be able to impart the things they need to learn, to the best of a teachers
There are many approaches to writing lesson plans. Some teachers develop their
plans independently from scratch, while others borrow plans from a shared curriculum.
Some carefully write out all the details for their lesson, while others use a brief outline. our
approach to writing lesson plans will depend on various factors! how well you know the
material you"re teaching, how long you"ve been teaching, the kinds of teaching you"ve done,
and the pupils you e#pect to have in your class. There is no single formula for writing lesson
plans, but this guide will help you think through some of the processes that other teachers
have found valuable to their own lesson planning.
I have been teaching for the past $% years and teaching is not an easy &ob and
especially teaching young learners. 'y lecturer gave us a task where we must come up with
a lesson plan, e#ecute the lesson write about your own lesson plan I must also consider and
include my friends feedback on my lesson. So I have chosen to come up with a () minutes
grammar lesson plan I also have to prepare a scheme of work. *ne of the most difficult and
challenging part of teaching +nglish language is teaching grammar and I must say this, ,in a
fun way-. I really crack my head to think how to carry out my grammar lesson in a fun way.
/ays of thinking, reading and surfing the net I finally came out with a lesson plan. I have
planned a lesson on singular and plural nouns for year 0 pupils. The main problem which I
faced was time management as I have responsibilities in school as well. I am still learning to
&uggle the responsibilities that I have to shoulder. 1ut, as I love learning, I am taking this as a
challenge and with 2ods grace and also with the help of my lecturer and friends I hope I will
be able to complete my task successfully.
Linking Theories to Practice TSL 3110
3irst I make sure whether the pupils have already e#posed to singular and plural and
also irregular singular and plural nouns in year 4. I begin my lesson with a set induction by
playing guessing game. I called two pupils and gave them a container each with pictures of
apples the pupils were then asked to name the ob&ects in the containers. The pupils were
eager to participate in the game conducted. The pupils could identify the ob&ects correctly
and the teacher had encouraged the pupils to answer the 5uestions to activate their previous
knowledge and to prepare the pupils for the lesson. 'y partner 6uan Thamarai Selvi gave a
good comment as well as weaknesses. The good one of cause she mentioned the set
induction was interesting and it was able to attract the pupils interest and attention towards
the lesson. The game was successful and had been a good tool in developing the pupils
communication and skills. The weaknesses was the cut out of the apple pictures, 6uan
Thamarai Selvi suggested In future, if I plans to use cut out pictures, maybe the pictures
could be pasted on papers or simply held in hands to avoid confusion. *ther than this minor
problem, the set induction was interesting.
3or the presentation I use power point presentation in e#plaining about singular and
plural nouns. I list the different categories of plural nouns in different slides. This was a good
way to avoid confusion when learning the different forms of plural nouns. I also listed ample
of e#amples for each category and I had gone through the different forms of plural nouns to
enhance the pupils understanding. I also ask some 5uestions to test the pupils
understanding on pupils understanding on the singular and plural noun I also prepared some
e#amples of how the singular and plural nouns are used in sentences and I also asked the
pupils to give e#amples of sentences. This activity is also a form of test that will allow the
pupils understand the lesson in depth. 6uan Thamarai Selvi had commented my
presentation was innovative because I had used a 6ower6oint presentation, she also
mentioned that my presentation was good and this 6ower6oint presentation allow pupils to
learn the singular and plural noun better.
6upils were very eager for the practice part7 I did a group activity where I prepare a
group activity where I divided the class into two groups singular group and plural group.
Then I divide the white board into two sections. *ne is for singular and another one for
plural. I also have prepare some word cards on singular and plural the activity goes very well
most of the pupils participated and I can see that they en&oy the activity. The advantage that
I can see in this activity is the pupils actively involved in the activity. The teacher here plays a
role of a facilitator. I was glad that I took a risk to conduct this activity because the end result
was successful. As the lesson goes pupils are eager to participate in all the parts of the
lesson. This group work was the most successful. As I must say here my partner 6uan
Thamarai selvi had commented that my practice stage was interesting and yet simple
Linking Theories to Practice TSL 3110
enough for the pupils to follow without intimidating the pupils and she feels that this a very
good method as the teacher can test the pupils understanding as well as enhancing it.
The production part is an individual task where pupils are asked to complete a task
regarding the topic, but the worksheet I prepared for the pupils was really interesting
because all the words are &umbled up words and pupils must carefully pick the words
according to singular and plural nouns and write in the space provided. The main aim of this
activity is to test the pupils understanding of the topic taught. Somehow most of the pupils
able to answer the given task there are some slow learner who struggle all the way but with
the guidance and they manage to finish the task. 8e#t time I must always take into
consideration about the weak one and prepare task according to their level of ability. 6uan
Thamarai Selvi suggested I can have more challenging activity where the pupils are assisted
to develop their thinking skills. She feel that I should not have stopped the other pupils from
completing their task once the first three pupils had completes their task, she thinks I should
have allocated enough time for the pupils to complete their task. I will definitely take note
and will improve ne#t time.
3or the closure, I have planned a language game. The name of the game is 9Think
*n our Toes. I divided the pupils into two groups. *ne group is Singular 2roup and the
other 6lural 2roup. :hen the Singular 2roup name a singular noun the 6lural 2roup had to
give the plural form of the noun as fast as they can. If they delayed in answering or gave the
wrong answer then the other team will be awarded mark and they will lose their turn. The
game was very interesting and 6uan Thamarai selvi think that the pupils were participating
actively and paying their full attention to the game. The game was an interesting way of
recapping the lesson. The time allocated for the closure was dragged a bit too long but it
was compensated as the pupils had a ton of e#citement and they had used the knowledge
learned in a fun way. I really appreciate all the comments given by my partner because 6uan
Thamarai Selvi is much more senior than me in teaching and I really appreciate the
comments and suggestions given to me. I take note all the comments and encouragements
to conduct an e#cellent lesson in the future
6uan Thamarai Selvi also said I took initiative to correct the pupils pronunciations.
She feels that correcting the pupils pronunciation as they occur is very important as the
pupils will know the mistakes that they are making and they will correct their mistakes in the
future 6uan Thamarai Selvi also commented on my language usage, she noticed that at
one point I use 1ahasa 'elayu in my e#planation. She thinks it could be avoided. She also
suggested that I should simplify my language to make the pupils understand instead of using
the pupils mother tongue. 6uan Thamarai Selvi also mentioned that I have made a few
Linking Theories to Practice TSL 3110
grammatical mistakes in the language used. I will improve myself to correct my mistakes and
take every effort possible to make sure that the language that I use is correct as most of the
+nglish words learned from us as a teacher. I will improve myself speaking good language in
future thanks to 6uan Thamarai Selvi discover my mistakes and gave good suggestions.
6uan thamarai Selvi also thinks my pupils participation beginning of the lesson were
passive and reluctant to take part in the lesson. She also mentioned that as the lesson
progresses the pupils were more willing to participate in the activities carried out, and the
usage of the pupils name will have a sense of belonging and 6uan Thamarai Selvi also
thinks it will create a strong bond between the teacher and the pupils, and pupils will take
part in the classroom activities freely and actively. She also thinks my lesson as a whole was
successful and she thinks I had managed to achieve the ob&ectives stated in the lesson plan.
+ven though there are some loops in the lesson taught but overall my lesson was a
good one. Almost all the pupils in my class en&oy the lesson and participated. I en&oyed,
learnt and e#plored many new things while going through this whole process of teaching. I
will use each and every steps and knowledge which I had learnt in this course to teach my
pupils in future. Successful teachers are invariably good planners and thinkers. They didn"t
get that way overnight. The road to success re5uires commitment and practice, especially of
those skills involved in planning lessons, activities, and managing classroom behaviour.
6lanning lessons is a fundamental skill all teachers must develop and hone, although
implementation of this skill in actual teaching can, and usually does, take some time. So let"s
begin at the beginning.

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