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Ancient Hunters of the Far West

. . . a mysterious people
who flourished
thousands of years ago
and vanished.

I I id
Reconstruction of head Crude stone tools
of La Jo I la Man from Strange "sleeping circles" of prehistoric people indicate age of the early
evidence of burials. found in desert. San Dieguito People.

AN AUTHORITATIVE AND READABLE BOOK Foreword—A Journey into Man's Past.

It brings together most of what is known of An introduction by Richard F. Pourade, editor
Early Men in the Far Western United States emeritus of The San Diego Union and a Cali-
as well as in all of North America, and is the fornia historian, describes the White Man's
first complete presentation of the pioneering original indifference toward the Indians and
archaeological work of Malcolm J. Rogers. the belated realization of their antiquity in
From the stone tools and weapons found America.
mostly on the surface of the American Desert, When Did Man Come to North America?
which at one time was a land of grass and Dr. H. M. Wormington, curator of Archaeology
water, and the evidence of strange rock "writ- at the Denver Museum of Natural History and
ing" and enigmatic "sleeping circles" on rocky one of the world's foremost authorities, pre-
terraces, Malcolm Rogers drew a picture of an sents a comprehensive summary of all that is
aboriginal people, now known to have existed known about Early Man in North America.
at least 10,000 years ago. How Did They Live and How Long Ago?
The simplified and large format,with 50 full Dr. E. L. Davis of the University of California
pages of illustrations, 16 pages in full color, Archaeological Survey in Los Angeles describes
makes this one of the most unusual books the latest methods of establishing the pattern
published in its field. of Man's arrival and survival in the Great
The Ancient Hunters—Who Were They? How Stones Became Tools and Weapons.
Malcolm Rogers, late director of the San Diego A presentation of artifacts, many with full
Museum of Man, spent 40 years accumulating color treatment, heretofore available only to
evidence of the existence of three Early a few archaeologists. A unique display of evi-
Peoples. To the first, the Ancient Hunters, he dence that may help to throw light on Man's
gave the name San Dieguitoans. To those who early existence in South as well as North
seemed to have followed them, he gave the America. Prepared by Clark W. Brott, curator
name La Jollans and Amargosans. of collections, San Diego Museum of Man.
Sponsored by James S. Copley, Chairman of the Corporation, The Copley Press, Inc. Published in
cooperation with the San Diego Museum of Man by the Union-Tribune Publishing Co. Only $9.50. Please
address: Book Dept., Union-Tribune Publishing Co., 940 Third Avenue, San Diego, California 92112.
Volume 30 Number 3 4 New Books for Desert Readers
6 Fig Tree John

8 Black Gold

JACK PEPPER, 10 A New Hold on Heritage


12 Palms to Pines Adventure

14 It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Desert
Executive Secretary 17 Mr. Van Tassel and the Time Machine

MARVEL BARRETT 19 The Brain Behind the Line


20 Desert Crosses
22 Gorgeous Gorges
Staff Artist 26 Travel the Back Roads

28 Anyone for Hounding Rocks?

EDITORIAL OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea, Palm Desert, By JACK DELANEY
California 92260. Area Code 714 346-8144.
Unsolicited manuscripts .and photographs not 29 When It Comes to Dates
accompanied by self addressed, stamped and zip By JACK DELANEY
coded envelopes will NOT be returned.
31 Prehistoric Pop at Coyote Hole
ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea, Palm
Desert, California 92260. Area Code 714 346-
8144. Listed in Standard Rate & Data. 32 Guide Map to Coachella Valley
CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT: 74-109 Larrea, Palm 34 Twin Buttes, Arizona
Desert, California 92260. Area Code 714 346-
8144. DESERT MAGAZINE is published monthly;
1 year, $5.00; 2 years, $9.50; 3 years, $13.00. 36 DESERT Cookery
Foreign subscribers add 75 cents for postage. By LUCILLE CARLESON
See Subscription Order Form in back of this issue.
37 Hints for Desert Travelers
DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine,
Palm Desert, Calif. Second Class Postage paid at
39 Subscription Coupon
Palm Desert, Calif., and at additional mailing 40 Back Country Travel
offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Title regis- By JACK PEPPER
tered NO. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and
contents copyrighted 1967 by Desert Magazine. 42 Letters from Our Readers
Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs cannot
be returned or acknowledged unless full return THE COVER
postage is enclosed. Permission to reproduce con-
tents must be secured from the editor in writing. Just 120 miles south of Los Angeles and 100 miles from San
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $5.00 per year in U.S., Diego, the Coachella Valley is surrounded by fascinating moun-
Canada and Mexico. $5.75 elsewhere. Allow five tains. Where the mountains meet the desert there are dozens of
weeks for change of address. Be sure to send picturesque coves with winter walking and picnicking an ideal
both old and new address. pastime.

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 3

Unusual Books
of Interest
The Colorful Butterfield Overland THE NEVADA ADVENTURE,
a History Books reviewed may be ordered
Stage reproduces 20 stage coach from the DESERT Magazine Book
paintings by Marjorie Reed Creese, By James W. Hulse Order Department, Palm Desert,
world famous painter of horses and California 92260. Please include
While tracing man's experiences and
stage coaches. Text by Richard F. 25c for handling. California resi-
experiments in Nevada's rugged moun- dents must add 4 % sales tax.
Pourade, author of five volumes on
tains and desert regions from prehistory Enclose payment with order.
the history of San Diego County.
to the atomic age, this book covers pre-
Both have personally traveled over
historic Indians and their search for sub-
much of the famous route and bring
sistence in the challenging land, the
vividly to life the story of the But-
earliest explorers who blazed trails across CALIFORNIA'S UTOPIAN COLONIES
terfield Stage and its dramatic his-
the Great Basin, the early Mormon pio-
tory. 81/2*11 Album Format, Heavy By Robert V. Hine
neers and the colorful miners who fol-
Art Paper, 4-color Dust Jacket, 48 Although California's history is ram-
lowed them and gave Nevada its greatest
Pages. Just published. $6.75 (plus pant with utopian idealists, this is the
impetus. Also included is an account of
27 cents tax for California residents.) first book to deal exclusively with their
the state's achievements in the modern
era—ranching, tourism, and atomic test- stories. Some of them fell close to the
Photo Album of Yesterday's South- ing.Maps and photos illustrate the book's lunatic fringe, but all had stalwart fol-
west compiled by Charles Shelton. fifteen chapters and the material is well lowers who tried to live the good life ac-
Covering the period from 1862 to developed and presented with a fair cording to the edicts of their chosen
1910 this simulated embossed black amount of sparkle. Nevada has been leaders, and all enjoyed a short period of
leather 9 x 1 2 188 page volume con- somewhat neglected by historians and apparent success. None lingered long
tains one of the finest collection this is a welcome volume for admirers of enough, however, to make a lasting im-
of historical photographs ever col- the Silver State. Hard cover, 306 pages, pression upon California society today.
lected. An excellent gift for anyone. $7.50. For the most part they were based upon
$15.00 (plus 60 cents tax for Cali- socialistic ideas for a communal economy
fornia addresses.) or upon various interpretations of theo-
sophy. California provided an ideal phy-
Lost Desert Bonanzas by Eugene sical climate for such endeavors because
Conrotto. A compilation of a quarter living was less costly here than in colder
of a century of lost mine facts and climes and many of the complexes were
ARIZONA, a Guide to the Grand
maps from the pages of Desert developed with an eye open to agricul-
Canyon State
Magazine. $6.50 (plus 26 cents tural possibilities in order to feed the
for California addresses.) This revised edition of the famous work "flock." This is paperback, a Yale West-
originally prepared by the WPA has been ern Americana selection, 208 pages,
Three Paths Along a River by Tom updated by Joseph Miller. Here are iden- $1.45.
Hudson. A history of Indian, Spanish tified and described locations and activi-
and American cultures and conflicts ties of man from the time he built stone
along the San Luis Rey River of San houses in the shelter of cliffs to the pres-
Diego County in southwestern Cali- ent day. Followed are trails of Spanish
fornia. A former newspaper pub- explorers, prospectors for gold when
Tombstone and Bisbee were frontier BOBBED WIRE
lisher, Tom Hudson spent years gath-
ering the material and presents it in towns, and those of modern health seekers By Jack Glover
vivid form. $6.00 (plus 24 cents tax to the spas and cities of Arizona. Trans- This sounds like a sort of unimportant
for California addresses.) portation facilities, accommodations, thing to write a book about, but when
sports facilities, annual events, hunting you get into it, it is astonishing how in-
Send orders for the above and fishing and an excellent thumbnail interesting bobbed wire is. This is an illus-
listed books to: history of each community is included, trated guide to the identification and clas-
including spots of interest, historic build- sification of bared wire with over 150

Best-West ings, important mines, dams, and even

customs of native Indians as they pertain
to individual locations. Illustrations show
illustrations. The first types of wire were
crude boards hung lengthwise in the
fences with nails driven through. Other

P. 0. Box 757
the rugged terrain of off-beat areas, the
flora and fauna of the desert, industrial
developments and the changing facades
of growing cities. An excellent and highly
types were of flat ribbon wire with short
spikes on both sides. When the idea of
barbed wire caught on, several inventors
patented products for displays in country
Palm Desert, California 92260 recommended book. Hard cover, 532 fairs. With its merit proven, millions of
pages, $7.95. miles were strung. The unusual types

4 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

succumbed long ago and our present A FIELD GUIDE TO WESTERN
fencing materials are basic, but this book
with its dated illustrations is a handy one
By Robert Stebbins
to have when you are attempting to recommended by the
arrive at a date for certain old ranches, A Peterson field guide series sponsored
by the National Audubon Society and the Desert Magazine Bookshop
mines and so forth. The book has been
produced in a limited edition and is only National Wildlife Federation, this vol- TERRIBLE TRAIL: the Meek Cutoff, 1845 by Clark
and Tiller. Narrates the tragic tale of the Meek
of specialized interest. Paperback, 49 ume answers a great need for a concise, emigrant train and lays the groundwork for a
pages, $5.00. illustrated pocket guide directed to field solution to the Blue Bucket lost gold. $4.00.
identification in western North America.
Included are all the species of reptiles CREATIVE ENAMELLING and Jewelry-making /
Katharina Zechlin. Wonderful hobby book packed
and amphibians west of the eastern boun- with smart ideas and instructions. Hardcover,
daries of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyo- $3.95.
WM. B. ROOD ming, Montana and Saskatchewan north
By Harold and Lucile Weight of the Arctic Circle. Condensed descript- Bennett. Folk lore with maps about turquoise
ions point up major characteristics of tur- mining, both Indian and Spanish, in the West.
In this small paperbook, containing tles, lizards, snakes, etc. for identifica- $5.00.
Rafael Pumpelly's 1869 map delineating tion and give significant details of habi- HIDDEN VALUE IN COINS by Burton Hobson
the West of Rood's time and historical tat and range. Many illustrations are in tells the stories behind valuable coins and iden-
photos, the authors have compiled copies color and there is a fine series of range tifies many from all over the world. Hardcover,
of personal letters and published early $3.95.
maps to graphically illustrate what kind
articles pertaining to the life of this of a monster you may expect to find BOTTLE RUSH U.S.A. by Lynn Blumenstein. An
Death Valley 49er, Arizona pioneer, and where. Hardcover, 279 pages, $4.95. excellent book for identifying old bottles with
photographs of over 700 items and current price
Apache fighter and Colorado River ranch- list. Background bottle information. 184 pages,
er. It is a fascinating assemblage of ma- paperback, $4.25.
terial, slanted mainly toward the treasure
of the Los Yumas, believed to be con- Michael Boland. Tells of Phoenicians, Romans,
cealed among the ruins of Rood's ranch. MISSION PAINTINGS Chinese, Irish, Viking, Scotch and Welch pre-
This is often referred to as the Cibola By Edwin Deakin, edited by Ruth Mahood Columbian discoverers of America. Interesting
and controversial. Hardcover, illustrated, 384
Treasure and there is an old superstition These fine, full color reproductions of pages, $4.95.
that whoever spends a night in the ruin, mission paintings by Edwin Deakin, a
pursuing the treasure, is pursued in turn ANCIENT HUNTERS OF THE FAR WEST based
native of England who settled in San upon forty years of research by the late Mal-
by the ghostly spectre of Rood charging Francisco in 1870, depict California's colm Rogers. Brings together what is known of
across the land on a white steed. twenty-one missions as they appeared be-
Early Man in North America. Illustrated in full
color. Large format. $9.50.
A number of rumors revolved around fore the turn of the century and before
the death of this popular pioneer, some restorations projects began. The originals SIX FACES OF MEXICO edited by Russel Ewing.
In the textbook tradition, covers the history,
questioning the fact that it was accidental. are now owned by the Los Angeles Coun- people, geography, government, economy, litera-
This little book sorts fact from the fiction ty Museum of Natural History. Miss Ma- ture and art of Mexico, each aspect covered by
and is entertaining to read. $1.50. an authority in that field. Large format, illus-
hood, chief curator of history at the mu- trated with photos and maps. Very up-to-date.
seum, has included with each reproduc- $10.00.
tion a brief but interesting summarization Please include 25c for handling and
of the history, individual problems, poli-
4 % sales tax if a California resident.
tical intrigues, local disasters, seculariza-
tion and restoration of each mission. Order from
There are also chapters discussing Edwin
By Peter Odens Deakin's artistic stature and a text on the Palm Desert, California 92260

Third in a series of his paperback his- history of the mission period. This is a
tories of desert areas, this one covers the fine, beautiful book for collectors of Cali-
country along the lower banks of the foriana. Hard cover, 58 pages, $7.50.
Colorado River. Starting with the prehis-
toric Indians who pecked their myster-
ious marks on towering rocks, the author WHEN BUFFALO RAN
moves up in time to the arrival of the
Spanish, their troubles with the Mohave
By George Bird Grinnell €f 1Raja
and Yuma tribes of Indians, the steam- First published in 1920 and long out SP E C I A L
boat era along the river when great of print, this narrative recounts true in- 6 ISSUES
mines brought wealth and colorful charac- cidents and experiences in the life of a (JUNE to DEC. 1 966)
ters, both honorable and dishonorable, to Plains Indian boy. It describes his growth Containing Choral Pepper's
the area, and finally the day when mining into a warrior and his relationship to his
Exclusive Report on
was dead, but cross-country travel kept family and his tribe. It tells of lessons
things popping while plunderers ran- learned on the prairie and of the natural Baja California
sacked ranches and highway robbers held beauty of the land before the white men ONLY $3.00
up stages. It is a fine contribution to col- came, when these Indians lived together, SEND CHECK or MONEY ORDER to
lections of stories relating to the Cali- hunted buffalo and deer and developed a DESERT Magazine
fornia-Arizona border. Illustrated with unique philosophy to fit their own simple
Dept. MB, Painn Desert, Calif. 92260
photos, 59 pages, $1.00. existence. Hardcover, 114 pages, $2.00.

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 5

Figtree John W a s a Bluffer
he valley sun beat down straight ahead, never batting an eye. His strangers. His word was law for many
with its ultraviolet rays features, in repose resembled the un- years.
on the 136 year-old head bending texture of the granite rocks of But time passed. As members of his
of Fig Tree John and his the hills among which his life was spent. tribe learned the white man's ways, he
fat wife, probably his His thoughts? Who can know? withdrew even from tribal members. Fig
third of fourth, as they Perhaps he thought of his past glories, Tree John's suspicions of the white man
traveled the desert road by buckboard. when acting as scout and guide to the never were completely allayed. His dis-
Ahead of them lay the Indian village famous explorer, General Fremont. Again like, however, did not prevent him from
which is now the thriving city of Palm his mind may have reverted to the days saving the life of a hereditary enemy.
Springs. when the Indian was lord of all the land The man had made a trip into the desert
John and his wife were dressed in their west of the Rockies, long before the in mid-summer and almost perished from
best for it was fiesta time. John wore an white man came. Mayhap he looked at heat and lack of water. Staggering into
old blue army uniform with large brown the palefaces and thought, "We beat one Fig Tree John's ranch more dead than
buttons, a cast-off from some northern off and always two more came to take alive, the Indian succored him and nursed
soldier during the Civil War. On his his place." him back to life. Usually, though, he
head, at a precarious angle, perched a resorted to threats of violence to keep the
In his attitude to the white man, he white man from his place, enforcing his
tall, stove-pipe hat, his most highly prized
never unbent. His domain was vast, commands with a show of a 44-49 Win-
possession. Leaning against the seat was
the cane he affected as part of his "for- limited only by the distant horizon of chester. The gun was never loaded, but
mal" costume and beside him sat his mountains. Any infringment on what he trespassers didn't know that.
squaw, fat, sweaty, reeking of garlic and considered Indian territory, he bitterly In the deluge of 1905-7, when the
dressed in bright calico with a red ban- resented. The spring at his ranch was Colorado River jumped its channel and
dana about her head. fenced. His friends were permitted the formed the Salton Sea, Fig Tree John's
This is a picture of Fig Tree John and use of his blue, clear waters, but no original ranch was covered by the rising
his wife, both now gone to their Happy
Hunting Ground.
One hundred and thirty-six years is a
long, long time for a man to live, but
Fig Tree John was that age when he died
in 1927. Most of his life was lived in
the vicinity of Palm Springs and he knew
it when not a single white man lived there.
He had acted as guide and scout for Gen-
eral Fremont; a fact which entitled him
to more prestige than his fellow tribes-
His real name, as far as one can learn,
was Juanita Rayon. When ending with
an "a," a word such as his first name de-
notes the feminine gender, but John in-
sisted it be spelled that way as that was
the name bestowed upon him by his
parents and it would be disrespectful to
change it. His nickname, Fig Tree John,
was bestowed upon him because he was
the first man to plant fig trees in Coa-
chella Valley and there were many about
the rancheria near Salton Sea where he
I recall seeing him once when the In-
dians held their annual pow-wow at the
home of Mrs. Eliza Tibbetts, in River-
side. He sat at the end of a long table in
her shady yard. The table was heaped
with barbecued meat and delicacies en-
joyed by the natives, but not even at the
table would he remove his "topper."
This was his emblem of dignity. When
Mrs. Tibbetts said grace, he looked

6 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

by Retta Ewers Pig That Crazy Grasshopper!
The ONLY way to explore as proven in rugged tests from Oregon to Baja
waters. He then moved to Agua Duke
Springs. He could bluff the white man VW engine and chassis
off his property but he couldn't stop the Build Your Own
Precision made
waters! Grasshopper!
Needs no water
All Indians love to trade and John Complete Blueprints Easily trailered
was no exception. He took keen delight ONLY $10.00
No terrain too tough
in concluding a sharp horse trading deal
and it was seldom anyone got the better Completely equipped model in photo only
of him. He could tell the approximate age $1750. Models without bodies from $950.
of a horse by the way it walked or trot- Parts also available.

ted. If he needed any further proof, he J. W. BLACK, PARADISE MOTORS, 5 6 5 1 Skyway, Paradise, Calif.
propped its mouth open with a short
mesquite stick and examined its teeth.
If its teeth were unworn and sound, it
was probably a two-year-old, but beyond
that, their molars began to show age by
the manner in which they were worn
down. You couldn't fool Fig Tree John.
If food were scarce, Fig Tree John
traveled to the different settlers' homes
and told them he needed food. Usually
they divided their own meager supply
with him. When he was flush with a
few extra dollars, he went to a store and
bought his produce, buying one article
at a time and paying for it before de-
ciding on the next. That way he figured
he wasn't spending so much.
Fig Tree John spent much time in the
Indian village which is now Palm Springs.
He took part in the council of the Cahuil-
la and offered his advice, but that was be-
fore the white man had learned of the
health-giving quality of desert waters and
desert sunshine.
Tourists often asked to take Fig Tree
John's picture—rigged out in his old
army uniform, top hat and cane, but he
didn't grant the favor without extracting
a price. By this he maintained his dignity
and his sense of not giving anything of
himself for nothing.
He was not a "Bad Injun" as fictionists
have pictured him, but he most certainly
did hold resentment toward his white
brothers—and perhaps he had reason.
Other members of the tribe accepted the le, sd£i££s-Jfia<ut'^tP-'
restraints imposed upon them with much
complaint, but Fig Tree John was of a
different caliber. He would not accept
the fate dealt to his tribe. He wanted no
change in his way of life. He feared only
one thing—that the white man would
run him from his home. Instead, flood
waters did it. ~ *
Fig Tree John is gone, but his memory,
like the fig trees he was the first to plant
in the valley, lingers on—a colorful part
Santa Fe Federal Savings
A W n L O
M A * = ; c ; n < ~ . I A T I I OO M N
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of Coachella Valley's history. • C H A R T E R E D 1 8 9 0

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 7

By reader request DESERT Magazine will reprint a series of
FROM articles written by the dean of lost mine yarns, John Mitchell,

GOLDAK which appeared originally in 1940 and 1941.

with the All New


Treasure Locator!
The 'Commander' 720
by John Mitchell
unsurpassed for locating
buried treasure, coins, Civil omewhere in the Bul-telling anyone where he found a large
War relics and for beach- lion mountain country black gold nugget found in his posses-
combing, features the on the desert between sion. It is possible Smith may have found
"Tell-Tone" Signal. Locates Bagdad and Twentynine the nugget by the skeleton of another
any metal object under dirt, Palms, California, in the prospector who had reached the mine and
sand, mud, rock, etc. No center of one of the many died of heat and thirst on the way out.
cumbersome cords — dry lakes known to exist there, stands For many years after the death of Peg-
completely transistorized, a small black mountain in which there Leg Smith, strange stories continued to
battery powered. is said to be located, in the form of a come out of the desert telling of dead
chimney, another of the many lost mines. Indians and large quantities of black
The outcrop of this chimney has been gold scattered over the desert at the foot
(Under Normal Conditions)
broken down by erosion over a period of of a small black mountain in the center
many thousands of years, scattering great of a dry lake bed somewhere northwest
quantities of gold nuggets over the bar- of Cottonwood springs.
3" Bullet ren ground around the foot of the moun- Many years later a white man arrived
7" Penny tain and among the rocks upon its sides. in San Gorgonio pass and stated he was
8-12" Silver The nuggets, like the rocks and chunks going to seek the lost deposit of black
Dollar of brown hematite of iron with which gold.
18" Pistol they are found, are worn smooth. The Enlisting the aid of a partly civilized
24" Jar of old nuggets are covered over with a thin Indian who was less superstitious than
Coins film of manganese oxide and can be dis- other tribesmen he cached food, water
30" Kettle
tinguished from the hematite only by the and grain for animals at intervals across
36" . . . Placer Gold
darker color and greater specific gravity. the desert. After many months of prepara-
48" Metal Chest
While many men, most of whom were tion the two men set out across the desert
60" Urge Metallic
Indians, are reported to have seen this in a buckboard pulled by two small Mexi-
Object deposit, few of them have returned from can mules. They camped each night at
the desert to tell the tale. Among the few the stations where food and water had
said to have reached the mine and re- been stored and after several days arrived
turned were two Indians and one white at rim rock where the mesa dropped off
man. One of the Indians traded some of abruptly almost a hundred feet and then
the black nuggets in Yuma. Peg-Leg sloped to the floor of a valley stretched
1544 West Glenoaks Blvd., Smith was in Yuma at the time and im- out into the distance as far as the eye
Glendale, California 91201 mediately started out to search for the could see.
Gentlemen: Please send free literature on Goldak mine. Whether Smith ever found the
treasure locators.
deposit is problematical. He lost the In- A narrow crevice was found in the
G I enclose $1.00 for my American Treasure
Hunters' Guide (reg. $2.00 value). dian's trail somewhere near Cottonwood steep wall and through this the mules
Name springs, in San Bernardino county. Some were led down to the valley below. The
time later Peg-Leg was found unconscious buckboard was then dismantled and
from hunger and thirst. He died in a lowered over the cliff by the use of a
coast hospital several days later without windlass and long rope that had been
State Zip Code brought along for the purpose. After

• / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

loading the buckboard with food and
water they again set out across this lower PROSPECTORS Uncover the history of the desert
plain. After traveling two days their Take along the new
progress was halted by drifting sand $169.50 GOLD-MASTER Model S63
dunes that blocked the progress of the COMPLETE Mineral, Metal, and Treasure Finder.
mules and the wagon.
As the chimney-like mountain was now It can delect gold and silver
nuggets. Rings, Coins, Veins,
looming in the distance, it was decided to and treasures. x
unhitch the mules and ride them the bal- • No cumbersome Earphones, a powerful s p e a k e r ^
is used • Two highly sensitive loops—one for , —
ance of the way. As they approached their detecting small nuggets, one for treasures and =
destination they came upon a skeleton veins • Simple to Operate • Complete instruc-
tions . . . and fresh batteries • A small natural
near which was an empty water gourd and gold nugget which it will detect is included.

a small pile of black gold nuggets. Easy terms available Send today for FREE literature

5% Discount For Cash

Gathering the nuggets they continued WHITE'S ELECTRONICS
to the foot of the black butte. $29.50 Down 1011 Pleasant Valley Rd.Room 121
Bal. $10.57 Per Mo. Sweet Home, Oregon
The igneous intrusion which formed
the mountain was a jumbled mass of
black heat-seared rocks interspersed here DESERT BACK ISSUE SALE
and there with large and small chunks of ENTIRE 1964 Volume ENTIRE 1965 Volume
brown hematite of iron. Scattered around Only $3.50 Only $4.00
the foot of the mountain on the hard Send Check or Money Order to
ground were thousands of small nuggets DESERT MAGAZINE, Dept. B.I.D.
all worn smooth like the rocks and iron PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260
with which they were found. When the
film of manganese was scraped off, beau-
tiful yellow gold was disclosed. Make Your Outings More Fun
Near the base of the mountain were
thick beds of a yellowish powder that
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valley in which the pinnacle stood. The • Detectron
Western Artifacts, Indian Collection, Jewelry
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Get the Best . . .
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tite of iron. The hot rays of the sun beat Top Guarantee . .
Lost Mines . . . and other items of fun for Easy to Operate
down into the little valley and, reflected
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Old Coins
to or call:
like an oven. As the mysterious yellow $165.00 Treasures
dust settled on their perspiring bodies COMPTON ROCK SHOP
it burned like fire, and when breathed Ph. 632-9096 1405 South Long Beach Blvd. Compton, California 90221
into the lungs it almost choked them.
Since it would be impossible for them
to remain for any length of time in such
a place, the two men gathered as many of
the gold nuggets as they could pack and
after several hours arrived at the buck- ALL STEEL FRAME
board with gold they estimated to be
worth $65,000. Before reaching the outer
edge of the desert again their throats and
lungs were parched from breathing the
poisonous yellow powder and the skin of
their hands and arms began to peel off.
They finally reached civilization more
dead than alive. It was many months be-
fore they recovered. A SOLID FAVORITE FOR
The proceeds of the trip were divided
Other Luxury Features: Alu-
equally between the two partners. The
minum Exterior - Beautiful
white man purchased a small ranch in
Interior Paneling - Heavy 1 " , MACDONALD CAMPER CO. AC 213-442-5301
California. Neither of them ever made
Fiberglass Insulation - 8 4 11015 E. Rush St., EI Monte, Calif. |
another trip to the valley of gold, but
Inches Wide Adjustable Send me FREE information and brochure on your i
upon his deathbed a few years ago the ' Campers and also the Camper Kit.
white man told two old friends the secret Roof Vents - Three-Burner
Stove with Oven • Formica NAME I
of the black gold that is said to be guard-
ed by the mysterious yellow powder and Counters . . . and More! I ADDRESS I

by the fierce heat of the desert itself. • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK | CITY ZONE PHONE I

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 9

Cooking and
Camping on the
by Choral Pepper
with a chapter on
Driving and Surviving
on the Desert
by Jack Pepper

on the DESERT

Cooking and Camping on the Desert" is

more than just a book on preparing for a
desert outing or making meals that will
appeal while in camp. This book is a brief
manual on how to survive in the desert .
the book is a must for anyone making a
trip to the desert, whether it is his first or
fiftieth. BILL HILTON, Santa Barbara News- A NEW HOLD ON HERITAGE

ONLY $3.95
by Nancy Bercovitz
Plus 25 cents mailing charges. California
addresses add 1 6 cents tax. Send check or veryone talks about how gan to collect artifacts and enlist members
money order to Desert Magazine, rich they are, but how with the express purpose of "preserving,
Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 many residents and visi- protecting, and enhancing the Indian cul-
tors to the Palm Desert
area know who they are?
We're talking about the
Cahuilla Indians—a tribe that is now
preserving their cultural heritage for you
BOOKS in the Malki Museum located on the
Fields Road tumoff, U. S. Highway
60-70, between Banning and Cabazon.
Aware of the rapid demise of their
culture, a small group of Cahuilla In-
dians began in 1964 to establish this
Order FREE Catalogue public museum on the Morongo Reser-
DESERT MAGAZINE vation. A board of directors composed of
BOOK STORE three Indians and six white volunteers, Diegueno granary, three feet tall, was
Palm Desert, California 9 2 2 6 0 representing a variety of occupations, be- used to store acorns.

10 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

ture of Southern California" and, in addi-
tion, providing a source of research for
The museum now has a membership
numbering over 300 persons and a col-
lection of over 3000 artifacts, many
donated by Indian families. The basket
collection is especially fine. Two bro-
chures of an historical nature also have
been prepared.
One wall in the museum is devoted to
the display of baskets and materials used
for basket weaving. This is an art in
which the skill of the Cahuilla was rarely
equalled. As the eminent anthropologist,
A. L. Krober stated: " . . . their baskets
excel those of most other tribes, in fact
are probably preeminent in the continent,
if not in the world . . . " The baskets under the title "Project California Herit- involves employment for the youth in
were of varying shapes and designs. The age." The proposal plans call for a "vocational crafts" such as the manu-
shape was determined by the function, model village with running stream, a facture of adobe and artifacts, and in the
such as flat tray-shapes for sifting, small terraced well and a sampling of different cultural construction of the village.
globular shapes for storing personal aboriginal structures. Once completed, the So, Twentieth Century man, on your
items, and large truncated cone shapes village will be landscaped with an ethno- way between Los Angeles and Palm
for storing foods. The designs, taken botanical garden containing the native Springs take a break—step back into the
from nature, were conceived by the plants utilized by the early Cahuilla. An space of another century and view your
weaver. A star pattern and the waterdog extremely important phase of the program cultural heritage! •
symbol were especially popular.
The art of pottery making was intro-
duced much later from the Colorado River
people. The Cahuilla pots were made by
coiling ropes of clay, patted smooth be-
tween a round stone and a wooden pad-
dle. The pot was then baked in the sun
for a day and burned on a fire for one
day. The finished object is a light, thin
walled, fragile porous pot. Designs used
were usually linear and painted on the
jar with hematite or a black material;
others were decorated by making incis-
ions around the mouth of the jar. Items
manufactured from clay were cooking
pots, water jars, parching trays, storage
jars, ladles and pipes. Examples of most
of these items are on display at the Malki
Of cultural interest is an exhibit of
native plant foods used by these people.
From the lower desert came such staples
as mesquite and screwbean, from slightly
higher came agave and yucca, and from
the San Jacinto Mountains came the acorn
and pinon.
The new museum's first fund raising
project was an Indian fiesta held in May
of 1966. The program included Indian
games and a group of Plains Indians
performed traditional Indian dances. The
association served a barbecue to over 5000
visitors. Encouraged by this enthusiastic
support, the group on the Morongo Reser-
vation has drafted an elaborate 12-month
building program published as an appeal
to the Office of Economic Opportunity

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 11


oint your car toward the summit. Because of the abrupt change sion Indians, first citizens of the region.
Palm Desert, the start of in altitude, a wide variety of vegetation Locked in the heart of this strange can-
a highway to the clouds, is apparent. Desert cacti are replaced at yon is a forest of 3,500 palms, left behind
if you want a two-hour intervals by ocotillo, yucca, mountain some believe when Lake Cahuilla receded
motoring adventure. mahogany, scrub oak and, eventually, the hundreds of years ago. This area encom-
Your doorway to enchant- giants of the forest—ponderosa pine. passes one of six reservations which cling
ment is Highway 74, the Palms to Pines Picking its way along the rim, the high- to the skirts of the San Jacinto range.
Highway. way continues east through miles of scrub The next reservation Highway 74 passes
The first landmark is Seven Level Hill. oak and manzanita forests intersperced is just beyond the turnoff for Mt. Santa
Movie fans will recognize this as the lo- with yucca, agave, Spanish bayonet, Rosa in Vandeventer Flat, marked by a
cation for the opening scenes of It's A prickly pear cactus and related growth. large stand of oak trees. A mail box in
Mad, Mad, World in which Jimmy Dur- Above the pavement, jabbing the very front and an open gate with a cattle guard
ance literally "kicked the bucket." The heavens with her bulk, lies Mt. Santa on the south side of the highway provide
builders of the road, by intent or by acci- ingress to a startling discovery—an adobe
Rosa. A side trip down a trail across from
church nestled under the spreading arms
dent, provided motorists with a mountain- the Standard Station at Spring Crest to of an oak grove. The chapel is .3 of a
side of views. Each turn of the grade View Point provides a startffng view of mile from the gate. This is reservation
offers a better view of the lush country famed Palm Canyon. Twisting north for land, so ask the family who lives across
below. The hill derives its name from the 15 miles, Palm Canyon is the ancient the road for permission to stop and wan-
fact that it takes seven switchbacks to top home of the Agua Caliente Band of Mis- der about the grounds. The Church of

Hidden chapel Overlooking Palm Desert Idyllwild village

12 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

Saint Rose of Lima is administered to by Jacinto, highest of all the San Jacinto
the Catholic Fathers at Pala, 60 miles range. Framed in this setting are green
away. With the exodus of families from meadows, tall pines and roving bands of
the flat, it has fallen into disuse. Hardly cattle. The grass is splashed with color
more than two remain where this bucolic from wild flowers which grow in bright
region once provided farm land and homes patches everywhere.
for almost an entire tribe. Behind the Continuing along Route 74 to Moun-
church is the old cemetery. The most in-
tain Center, take Riverside Route 1 to the
teresting head stone reads: Captain Man-
right and start the steady climb to Idyll-
uel Tortes, 1798-1928. The title "Captain"
reveals the reverence this man earned wild, a village tucked under the shadow of
from his tribe when they gave him the San Jacinto. This is the back door to the
honorary name. Services are held the fifth camping and recreation area of San Ja-
Saturday of the month only. The old bell cinto State Park. From the other side, it
in the tower chimes the occasion. Inside, is reached by the Palm Springs Aerial
light filters through the stained glass win- Tramway. At Idyllwild you will find
dows, illuminating the interior with a soft smart shops and a very fine restaurant.
glow. Simple pews and a plank floor com- In the summer it provides an active cam-
plete the furnishings. During the winter pus for the University of California (see
months a wood burning stove provides DESERT, March'66).
The Santa Rosa summit is reached fur-
Beyond Idyllwild, the grade drops in
altitude from 5,308 to 2,349 "at Banning,
ther up the highway, marking the en-
trance to Garner Valley—another Palms
a gentle descent accomplished in about 40
minutes by auto.
to Pines surprise. First settled by Charlie
Thomas, an early homesteader, it is head-
From the junction of Riverside 1 and No.1 Scenic
the freeway, U. S. 10-60 at Banning, you
quarters todav for the Garner Cattle
Rinch. Paradise Valley stands at one end may go south to Palm Springs and Palm Attraction
of the valley, Mountain Center guards
the other. The tallest peak on the left, as
Desert, your starting point, or north to
Los Angeles and beyond. If you are visit-
the TRAM
vou enter the valley from the south, is ing the Palm Springs area, this trip to PALM SPRINGS AERIAL TRAMWAY
Mt. Thomas, named for the pioneer. To the clouds will reward you with two hours OPERATES 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY
the north stands the backside of Mt. San of constant beauty and variety. • WEDNESDAYS 11 A.M. to 10 P.M.


The unique hydraulic mechanism which raises the onds. Enjoy

camper top can be safely operated even by a small roomy walk-
child. Locks prevent accidental lowering. The top is in living quarters, weather tight, high ceiling, "home
lowered quickly by the simple turn of a valve. Drive away from home," complete with three-burner stove,
safely at any speed with minimum drag and sway. sink, cabinets, ice box, beds and many other luxury
Sit or recline on comfortable couches while travel- features.
ing with top down. Alaskan camper top raises in sec- 6 FACTORIES TO SERVE YOU

Write today to the factory nearest you tor free folder describing the most advanced camper on the road.
R. D. HALL MFG., INC., 9847 Glenoaks Blvd., Sun Valley (San Fer- MOBILE LIVING PRODUCTS (B.C.) LTD., (Sales Office Only) 500 - 20th
nando Valley), California 91352, Dept. D. St., New Westminster, B.C., Dept. D.
ALASKAN CAMPERS NORTHWEST, INC., 6410 South 143rd Street, R. D. HALL MFG., INC., Texas Division, 5671 Cullen Blvd., Houston,
(Tukwila), Seattle, Washington 98168, Dept. D. Texas 77021, Dept. D.
PENNECAMP, INC., 401 W. End Ave., Manheim, Penna., 17545, Dept. 4. FORT LUPTON CAMPERS, INC., 1100 Denver Ave., Fort Lupton, Colorado
MOBILE LIVING PRODUCTS (B.C.) LTD., 5124-47A St., Lacombe, 80621, Dept. D.
Alberta, Dept. D.

March, 1967 / Desert M a g a z i n e / 13

It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Desert

by Jack Delaney
f it were possible to roll
up a section of our fas-
cinating desert, insert it
into a time capsule, and
label it: Do not open
until Christmas 2067; or
to wrap a generous portion of it in foil
and place it in a deep freeze for a hun-
dred years, what a pleasant surprise would
greet the moon commuters of that time!
Since this isn't possible, the Palm
Springs Desert Museum decided several
years ago to hold a part of our Colorado
Desert "as is" for present and future
generations to enjoy. The project, origin-
ally consisting of 235 acres of desert ter-
rain, complete with many species of native
plants and animals, has been known as
the Native Desert Reserve. Recently, the
United States Bureau of Land Manage-
ment approved a cost-free lease of 50 ad-
ditional acres adjacent to the property
already leased by the Desert Museum. The
total area, 285 acres of virgin land, run-
ning from Palm Desert toward La Quinta,
California, will be developed into a
unique desert exhibit.
To clarify a point of confusion, this is
not the Deep Canyon Desert Research
Area, which consists of 10,000 acres of
federal government and University of
California land. The Deep Canyon region
is fenced, with a locked gate at the en-
trance. Signs reading: No Trespassing,
Closed To The Public, and Do Not En-
ter, lead one to feel that he is not wanted
here—the locked gate at the entrance
further reinforces this feeling. Obviously,
this research area is not for the week-end
outing crowd to explore.
On the other hand, the Native Desert
Reserve, which is being renamed the

14 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

Living Desert Center of the Desert Mu- for arrow shafts, baskets, and other need- one back to the starting point. Adjacent
seum, is being held and developed especi- ed items, and Emory Dahlia whose flower to Levee Trail is a blind with an artificial
ally for the benefit of residents and visi- heads, when crushed, yield a saffron-yel- pond where photographers may shoot
tors to Southern California's Coachella low dye used by Indians in art work. animals which come along for a drink of
Valley. At the present time, the site of Also growing here, and identified, are water—with cameras, naturally.
the Living Desert Center is only a nucleus a number of plants that might be called This is a typical Coachella Valley en-
of the grand setting that will prevail in Nature's supermarket. The seed pods of vironment. To the biologist, it is known
the not too distant future. However, it Honeypod Mesquite served as a staple as the Lower Sonoran Life Zone, and is
rates high with art classes, scout groups, food for the Indians years ago, as did the part of an average elevation of 500 feet
and many individuals as an enjoyable spot seeds of the Border Palo Verde. Catsclaw to 4000 feet above sea level. The animal
for one-day or part-day outings. It is lo- and Desert Lavender are delicious bee and bird populations are composed of
cated in Palm Desert and is easily acces- food, and therefore are good sources of typical desert creatures, such as road-
sible by a short drive up Portola Avenue people food—honey; Sweetbush flowers runners, Gambel quail, cactus wrens,
about a mile and a half from Highway are relished by Chuckawalla; Burrobush kangaroo rats, the pocket mouse, grey
111, to the entrance sign on the left side is a preferred food among donkeys and foxes, coyotes, jackrabbits, diamondback
of the street. At the entrance is a garden sheep; and the seeds of Desert Mistletoe rattlesnakes, sidewinders, and many other
with various plants of the desert, identi- simply send the birds. Evidently, Nature non-household pets.
fied by marker stakes. is a. good provider—there are at least 20 In the late spring, summer, and early
Identified plant life includes the Brit- other varieties of native plant life in the autumn, when desert atmosphere is a bit
tle Bush, which was burned as incense by Reserve. toasty, the native creatures burrow under-
the early padres and chewed by the In- The three main trails, forming a tri- ground in the heat of the day where only
dians, the Creosote Bush, a widespread angle, total about a mile and a half in a foot below the surface the temperature
and successful desert plant, the Sandpiper length. Guzzler Trail leads to Quail Guz- may be 50 degrees cooler. At night, how-
Plant with short rigid spines on the stems zler where rainwater is stored for use by ever, they freely cavort, or whatever ani-
and leaves of a sandpaper texture, Desert quail, other birds, and small animals. mals do at night. The mountain slopes
Willow from which medicinal tea has Occasional Lake Trail leads to Levee above the Center extend almost to the
been made, Arrowweed, used by Indians Trail. A short hike along this path brings summit of the Santa Rosa mountains.

The living Desert Center will be constructed on the Desert Museum's 230-acre tract near Palm Desert, California
This area has been designated by the fact and did something about it. Philip L. in a small auditorium within the build-
State of California as a refuge for desert Boyd, a member of the Board of Trustees ing. An adequate parking area for auto-
bighorn sheep. of the Desert Museum and a regent of the mobiles will be provided at the entrance.
In order to fully appreciate the poten- University of California, was concerned Visitors to the Living Desert Center of
tial of this unique project and the am- with the changing face of the desert and the Desert Museum will view live mam-
bitious plans for its future, one must con- decided that it was high time that a por- mals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and
sider the man who is dedicated to its de- tion of it be labeled, "do not disturb." plants in natural outdoor settings. Bighorn
velopment. In this world there are many He was responsible for the Native Desert sheep, coyote, deer, foxes, mountain lion,
dreamers, and many doers. Each serves a Reserve, with its nature trails and native and other animals common to this region,
purpose, but the ideal situation is where plant display. At present, Philip Boyd and the adjacent mountains will be shown
an individual possesses both attributes. heads a special committee within the in their native environment, with the illu-
Such a person is Frederick W. Sleight, board of directors of the museum in dir- sion that they just happened to stroll
director of the Palm Springs Desert Mu- ecting the development of the new con- down to the water hole. Retaining barri-
seum and its leader in the development cept of desert conservation. cades will be camouflaged in such a way
of the Living Desert Center. The Living Desert Center of the Des- that the visitors will feel that the animals
The Museum was started in 1938 on a ert Museum will be an integrated, total are free to roam the area, or even depart
small scale by a group of interested, civic- display of the Colorado Desert's living to the mountain top at will.
minded citizens. About five years ago it situation as it is today. Its purpose will be A paved road will lead to the entrance
was expanded into a two-story building to preserve and interpret a typical portion of the Living Desert Center. From here,
with an art gallery on the second floor,
and the Marcuse Memorial Auditorium
for the presentation of films, lectures,
etc. It is now a $650,000 contemporary
cultural-resource center devoted to the
Arts and Sciences, affording a stimulating
variety of exhibitions, film series, lectures,
field trips and school services. The Palm
Springs Desert Museum's field of interest
covers practically the full range of aca-
demic subjects, offering the participant
refreshing experiences in beauty and
The temples of the Egyptian priests
around 3000 B.C. were museums and
treasure houses. Whatever there was of
value in the life of the community was
sheltered there. A museum can be a dark,
dull, musty resting place for mummies;
or a light, interesting, living institution
that serves as an exhibition place for ob-
jects of lasting interest. Mr. Sleight is in TO PALM SPRINGS
accord with the latter definition. He feels
that visual education adds enjoyment and
interest to the satisfaction of learning and of the native environment. Dramatic hiking trails and equestrian paths will
that the recent trend in this direction is stories of sand dunes and giant alluvial provide the visitor with an opportunity
a break-through in the problem of impart- fans will form a portion of the geologic to tour the Center on foot, on horseback,
ing knowledge. interpretation, while at the same time the by bicycle or tricycle, or even by surrey,
role of ancient man in this arid region The most important restriction will be
Thus far, all that has been discussed will be displayed. Also, dynamic exhibits that the desert animals must not be dis-
actually exists and may be enjoyed by and programs in the interpretation build- turbed, frightened, nor distracted from
Coachella Valley residents and visitors. ing will explain the origin of the desert, regular living habits. After all, this is
However, plans for the future are so im- the "how" of our mountain creation, and their land, and we will be their guests.
pressive and exciting that they warrant the strange role of weather in controlling
mention here. They are concerned with Mr. Sleight says, "We must move now
the desert scene. to preserve a portion of Nature's gifts,
conservation of natural resources, which
Native materials will be used in the together with man's achievements in art,
is defined as the prevention of waste of
construction of the Center's main build- music, and science in order to realize a
man's physical environment, including
ing. These will blend into the surround- total result of the good things in life.
wildlife. One of the outstanding leaders
ings. An effort will be made to keep the Through this aggregate of cultural in-
in conservation of natural resources was
structure from appearing that it was fluences we may look forward to a better
Theodore Roosevelt. Even though one- life ahead." When the Living Desert
"placed" on the site. It will actually be a
fifth of the world's land is desert, our part of the desert. This building, to be Center of the Desert Museum is com-
own region is in a class by itself and located at the Center's entrance, will fea- pleted it will be truly a living institution.
should be preserved. ture exhibits, dioramas, and displays The question won't be "have you seen
About a dozen years ago, a well-known keyed to the area. Also, films and slide it" — but rather, "do you see it fre-
desert-minded individual recognized this presentations of the desert will be offered quently?" •

16 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

| This is a true story about
Mr. Van Tassel who lives in a rock
Flying saucers land here.
and has a
by June Pearson
his is a rock to make a
bad little boy stop and Time Machine
think a bit. It is located
on the high desert,
about sixteen miles north
of Twentynine Palms
Highway or Highway 62, between Yucca Inside the rock.
Valley and Joshua Tree. It weighs more
than the Los Angeles City Hall. It is far stands. Many have tried to learn his
enough from Hollywood to keep it from secret, but he worked and lived alone,
being colossal, but it is a giant and it is almost as uncommunicative as the rock,
properly named Giant Rock. offering nothing, asking nothing, and
George Van Tassel, who has been its telling nothing. With his underground
companion for the past 18 years, said, dwelling completed, he was cool in the
with a kind of quiet pride, "It is seven summer, warm in the winter and with
stories high." The events which have tons of granite overhead, he didn't have
transpired since it was thrust through to worry about the roof leaking when it
to the surface of the earth make a person rained.
wonder what it withstood in the past. It Freed of the upkeep that goes with an The Time Machine.
is like a glacier; a lot of it is under ordinary home, he turned to his outer sur-
ground. roundings. By building some remarkably when they told him they were taking him
Our knowledge begins in 1929 when straight roads and creating an airport on into Banning, he touched off 200 pounds
Frank Critzer, an American of German the naturally smooth, dry lake nearby, he of dynamite and blew himself to bits. The
descent, left the fishing fleet in Santa provided himself with an income. Seeing blast set off some ammunition which
Monica and went to the high desert for his windsock flying, pilots began to land started a fire that burned for hours.
his health. In his search for a site on there for one reason and another. Soon According to newspaper accounts at
which to settle, the jutting rock caught he was servicing and repairing planes. the time, the law enforcement officers
his attention. So large a rock is interesting, but a sustained cuts and bruises and some tem-
Most persons coming upon such an rock with a human tenant is a definite porary deafening caused by being in the
oversized boulder would have granted it attraction. People around the high desert confines of the stone cavern when the
a right to sole occupancy of the land, but began to padc picnic lunches and drive explosion occurred. There was no evidence
Frank thought differently. His plan was out to visit Frank and marvel at his ideas found to indicate the "mystery man" of
not to live within its shadow, but to pene- and accomplishments. the desert was guilty or innocent of the
trate it, and for him it became a haven This phase in the existence of the rock charges that might have been levied
and a grave. lasted for 13 years. It ended abruptly and against him. What was once a cozy shel-
He opened up a mining claim there tragically on July 25, 1942. Three deputy ter became an empty cavity and the rock
and tackled the solid stone with chisel sheriffs from Riverside County arrived to stood, ignored, for five years.
and dynamite. He hollowed a home out investigate the allegations that the 59-year In 1947 George Van Tassel left the
of its very heart, down underground. He old man had either stolen gasoline, tools busy Los Angeles area and went, with
had to haul water from a neighboring and dynamite from Garnet, Banning and his wife and three daughters, to the des-
well, but he made concrete steps down Palm Springs, was a German spy, or had ert. He had been employed for 27 years
into his primitive shelter. In the hot des- failed to register for the draft. The depu- with Howard Hughes and Lockheed as
ert summer cement cracks and buckles, ties said they followed Frank into his a flight test engineer. He leased 2600
but Frank managed to mix an especially underground home and questioned him acres, including the rock, from the gov-
fine, hard, cement and his work still for 30 minutes. They further stated that ernment. The three rooms down-under

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 17

with their piped air ducts were no longer
deserted. The rock rang with the sounds
of children.
There was no electricity there then,

After 11 Years of Research Our Map Makers Have Located
but Van Tassel built a cafe and installed
a light plant. The girls attended school
in Twentynine Palms and by the time
Sandra, the youngest, had graduated from
high school, she had traveled a distance
1. Forgotten Ghost Towns 4. Gold and Silver Mines
equal to three times around the world on
2. Old Indian Villages 5. Gem Areas the school bus.
3. Lost Gold Caches 6. Indian-Military Battlegrounds
Mr. Van Tassel built a cafe and now
ever increasing numbers of people come
ONE OLD COIN OR RELIC Will More Than Pay for Your Trip! by plane and car. They are from all sta-
Tell us where you are planning your trip in California and we will send tions in life, both military and civilian,
and they come for varied reasons. Some
you maps of that specific area. Each of the 6 categories is a separate
love the quiet of the open desert. These
map so designate which categories you want.
come in cars and campers to stay a few
days or weeks. They pay nothing for the
ANY THREE MAPS $4.00 ALL SIX MAPS $6.00 space they take, but usually give something
Postage and Tax Included for the water they use and the facilities
that are provided. There are others who
Maps Division of Border Limited Company are rock hunting and here they find gar-
P. O. BOX 3987, TORRANCE, CALIF. 90510 nets, copper sulphate, agate and jasper.
These can be picked up from the surface,
but for those who are willing to dig,
Crazy-Mixed Up there are ruby, amethyst and striated
quartz specimens. It is a great place to go
dotted, with just a tent and a passenger car be-
cause the way in from the highway is a
This Polaris snowmobile sports a set of good, bladed road. There is, however, a
wheels up front where the runners should be
and suddenly has become the most versatile stiff penalty for any over zealous rock-
fun vehicle ever created. We've tested these hounder trying to haul off the Giant
on the Salt Flats at speeds over 45 MPH;
we've out-climbed mountain scooters, run Rock.
them through water and over sand, and we
think they're great. Remember . . . comes
Within the area of the Van Tassel do-
snow you can put the skis back on and have main are startling contrasts. Close to the
America's greatest snowmobile. Get the full big rock are mountains of smaller rocks
piled one on top of the other which ap-
DISTRIBUTED BY pear to have been dropped from the sky
ARRCO Industries, Inc. 1859 S. 8th West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
10762 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., 90024
by a lordly spaceship. Nearby are the
hardened deposits of volcanic action.
Here, on one occasion, astronauts came to
practice for a manned landing on the
moon. Struggling over the black, jagged
terrain, they could easily believe that they
had been suddenly transported to our
satellite. Their maneuvers completed, they
the distinctive desert resort... ate at the Van Tassel cafe and visited
while the residents of the high desert
thought they were on the carefully guard-
&LML del ed Twentynine Palms Marine Base.
BORREGO SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA* In addition to tourists viewing the
rock and rock-hounds looking for gem
• Superb food • Fine accommodations stones, there are those who come because
of their interest in unidentified flying
• Diverse recreational activities, including the use objects. Giant Rock and George Van Tas-
of the De Anza Country Club's lush 18-hole
sel have been hosts for years to the world
golf course. Complete facilities for seminars and
renowned Flying Saucer Convention.
business meetings.
George's knowledge of aircraft led to a
• Area Code 714. Telephone 767-5323. natural interest in the phenomenon and a
desire to solve the mystery of their source
ta Casa del Zorro is located in San Diego County's beautiful
desert playground. Arriving by private or chartered
and motive power. The clear atmosphere
plane? The Borrego Airport is equipped with a paved and open space make observation easy,
3,500-foot runway, left-hand pattern, unicorn.
so every fall, usually in October, between
Brochures available on request.
6,000 and 15,000 people from all over

16 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

the world converge on the plains around
the rock.
For two days the wind-swept desert
The Brain BehindtheLine
is aswarm with chuck wagons selling by Arnold Marquiss
food and drink to believers and curiosity-
seekers alike. Portable rest rooms are stra-
tegically located and the company who
provides them is somehow able to state
exactly how large a crowd has graced a
particular gathering.
Mounting the high podium, authorities
on U.F.O. lecture on the subject and
those who have written books on the sub-
ject discuss their publications. The effort
to find a true answer to what thousands
of reliable people have reported seeing
has occupied many serious students. As
evidence of this is the continuing interest
of the huge audiences Mr. Van Tassel
has lectured before during the past nine
years, in the United States and Canada.
He has also appeared on more than 300
radio and TV shows and uncounted ar-
ticles have been written about the con-
Upstaging the rock as a landmark is
the "Dome" at the entrance to the con-
hose idea it is, is a little about wider roads but a little later, on
vention grounds. In front of it is a sign
like who's on first, but the road to Kane Springs, she noticed
which reads:
out here in California we something. Here the road was constructed
THE INTEGRATRON think the person who of two sections, separated in the middle
A TIME MACHINE originated the idea that by a joint. Doc June noticed that at this
FOR BASIC RESEARCH OR today virtually circles the point the passing cars had no trouble
REJUVENATION earth was a woman—a young woman who staying on their own side. That joint in
ANTI-GRAVITY brought her ailing husband to the Im- the middle was the line of demarcation.
TIME TRAVEL perial Valley just after the turn of the If there was a definite line down the
A science fiction fan must feel that century. center of all roads, she reasoned, it would
here fantastic stories have been turned
She was Dr. June McCarroll and she be easier for motorists to stay on their
into scientific fact. Prejudging and hasty
gave up a promising practice to live in own side, and it would promote safety.
condemnation has put the general public
the desert of Coachella Valley. To be She took the idea to the County Board
in the humiliating position of hat-eating
near her husband, she became a govern- of Supervisors. They tabled it. She took
too often in the past century of techno-
ment doctor for five Indian reservations. it to every civic body that would listen to
logical advancement. Now, wise-nodding
When she arrived from the East, friendly her. They gave her lip service, but nothing
and patient waiting is in style. Investiga-
Indians warned her about mingling with more. She presented the idea to her own
tion brought out the facts that the "Dome"
the Indians and about the opposition of women's club, and she was invited to ad-
is a four story building put together with
the medicine men. She strapped on a six- dress other women's clubs in the area. The
no nails, screws or metal of any kind. At
shooter big enough to blow a man to women got up a petition and sent it to
the time it was built, there were only three
kingdom come, carried it in a holster in Sacramento.
companies in California capable of this
plain sight and conveyed the idea that she The state highway department jumped
kind of construction.
would not hesitate to use it. at the idea. Without waiting for legislat-
The reason for the building being with-
out metal is because Integratron generates Doc June became known all over the ion, they painted a white line down the
an electrical field that encompasses the valley, chugging over the desert roads in center of the road five miles long on
entire structure. The Integratron is not a a Model T Ford. One day, between Indio Highway 99 in front of Doc June's house.
healing device, but it is said to retard and Palm Springs, a truck-driver bullied That was the first white highway line
aging. Its purpose is to re-energize living her little Model T right off the narrow in California. Today the white line, and
matter by recharging cells. The "Dome" concrete pavement. lines of many other kinds, are used on
is the College of Universal Wisdom, a Stuck there alone, she had some ideas highways all over the world. •
branch of the Ministry of Universal
Wisdom. Religion and Science merged, is reported to be six times stronger than spots which testify to the explosion that
G. W. Van Tassel, presiding minister. an ordinary building, it would still be rocked the rock. In the family of rocks,
This is a non-sectarian and non-profit pitting a puny strength against the solid from pebbles to boulders, this giant is
organization for religious and scientific stability of the rock. unique. Without sound or movement, it
research. They print a bi-monthly booklet In the Giant's largest room, with its has attracted thousands of interested and
called the Proceedings.While the "Dome" rough-hewn walls, there are blackened interesting people. •

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 19

Borrego Springs boasts this cross. Situ-
ated high above the tiny community on
the bare hills, it marks the end of a rough
trail pursued by rock hounds. Coyote Can-
yon may be seen to the north, the Salton
Sea to the east, and the vast Borrego des-
ert to the south.

Sunset at Thousand Palms is punctuated by the rough

hewn cross on the low hill above the oasis. The oasis,
ivith its hidden lake and home of desert philosopher
Paul Wilhelm is one of the desert's most photogenic
spots. The cross was built by Wilhelm's sons before
they left home. "We're leaving paradise," they told
their father. "We want this cross to remind us of
what we left."

by Frank Taylor

Dead Indian Wash at the foot of Seven Level Hill,

less than four miles from Palm Desert is the location
of this rough cross. Using a chunk of Palm frond with
a burning iron, the builder inscribed a protest to
"Bombs and civilized man." A tiny shrine is located
next to the cross. The wash may be found on the
right hand side of the road by turning off Highway
74 just before the first small bridge. The cross is on
the right about one block up the wash.

20 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

A natural stone cross lies high on the slopes of Chino
Canyon, next to the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway
route. It was caused by what geologists term a "dyke."
It is the highest of all desert crosses—over 7000 feet
above sea level.

Erected by horseback riding clubs, this A lonely cross high on the hills above
cross presides over Highway 111 at the Ransburg, California stretches its arms
southern city limits of Palm Springs. A in the sun. Natures offering of hot sand
graded road approaches it, but becomes and desert wild flowers graces its foot. Be-
impassible half way up the incline. It is a hind the cross is the empty cabin of a
good hike, as the view in three directions miner who never returned. Who built the
is dramatic and exciting. cross? Nobody knows.
Cor^/ Point, directly behide Travertine
Rock at the Imperial, Riverside County
lines is the site of Easter sunrise services
each year. It commands a view of the
Coachella Valley and Salton Sea. The
point is doubly interesting because of the
tufa deposits encrusted on the rock, which
were mistaken for travertine by an early
explorer. Prehistoric petroglyphs, and
some unfortunate historic ones, may be
seen on these rocks.

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 21

Photo opposite page: Andreas Canyon is
one of nature's many beauty spots near

any moons ago, when vation is located at the south end of Palm
the moon was an inspira- Springs, in the Coachella Valley of South-
tion rather than a destina- ern California. Many visitors to this des-
tion, small bands of ert land of sunshine and fun are unaware
Cahuilla Indians struck of the rugged attributes and artistic charm
out in various directions hidden away in the recesses of the San
from the mountain top, seeking the end of Jacinto mountains. They should take ad-
the rainbow. The group that is now vantage of these unusual opportunities
known as the Agua Caliente tribe of Mis- for recreation. The reservation is open to
by jack Delaney sion Indians found it in the canyons
adjacent to Palm Springs. Incidentally,
the public from mid-October to mid-May
each year.
they also discovered that the "pot of Remarkable Tahquit2 Canyon is only
gold" story is true! about a mile and a quarter south of
Tahquitz Canyon, Andreas Canyon, Ramon Road, along the base of the San
Murray Canyon, and Palm Canyon were Jacinto mountains. It is on Indian land
designated as permanent tribal reserves but not within the reservation, so the
by the Congress of the United States in season schedule and admission fee do
1959. The Agua Caliente Indian Reser- not apply to this bit of heaven. Anyone
who can walk a short distance over an
easy hiking trail may experience the
thrill of Tahquitz, winter or summer,
without even a token charge for the de-
lightful treat. He should park his car on

22 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

Ramon Road, west of Palm Canyon Drive at the end of South Palm Canyon Drive Upon reaching the mouth of Murray, he
(toward the mountain) and plan on a and pays a small entrance fee, he should will discover that it is far more imposing
hike of about one hour each direction. drive a short distance ahead to the An- than the entrance to Andreas. Its rocky
Starting on what might be called a dreas Canyon directional sign, then turn sides are far apart and the space between
rough road, he will reach a path in a few right. A drive of about a mile on this is a wilderness of cacti, flowering shrubs,
minutes that leads toward the canyon. road will bring him to the mouth of the and rocky boulders. A placid mountain
Upon arriving at a fork in the path, the canyon. If he feels like hiking along a stream and many glorious palms add to
south side of the stream should be taken. winding trail he will find a picturesque this attractive setting. It is wild and mys-
Suddenly, an "out of this world" scene waterfall about a mile up the canyon. terious and one of the largest of the In-
appears a short distance ahead. Tahquitz dian canyons.
Should he not be disposed to hiking
Canyon represents one of the area's most the trails, he can still enjoy the entrance This rugged, interesting spot was named
spectacular sights—the phenomenon of a area by relaxing on a picnic bench beside for Dr. Welwood Murray who was a
roaring 60-foot waterfall on the desert! the vigorous stream that courses through rugged, interesting pioneer. He started a
It is an unbelievably beautiful and inspir- the canyon. In addition to picnic facilities trend by building the first hotel in Palm
ing lost world of privacy and serenity. and a wading pool, there are numerous Springs, in 1886. It has been rumored
Because of its natural beauty this can- hiking and riding trails and a tremendous that a band of wild ponies has been seen,
yon was selected as the Shangra-La loca- display of cottonwood, sycamore, and na- on occasion, in Murray Canyon. Perhaps
tion for the motion picture, Lost Horizon. tive Washingtonia palm trees. At some they are descendants of some of the In-
In one scene, the heroine rode a white time in the past, great granite stratifica- dian ponies that traversed this land in
horse into the pool below the waterfall tions were upthrust from the yielding the early days. The canyon offers many
and then appeared, still on the horse, at sands to produce some of the most drama- picnicking spots, but no comfort or other
the top of the falls. With no intention of tic rock effects in any of the canyons. convenience facilities are provided. It is
spoiling a motion picture illusion, it must One of the famous rock ledges was used an ideal area for hiking, exploring, and
be stated that the horse received major by the Indian women over 100 years ago bird watching, with perhaps some wild
assistance in his ascent to the top of the to grind mesquite beans and seeds for pony watching for those who like to
falls. In fact, hikers are warned that the family supper. Mortar holes can still watch wild ponies.
climbing above the falls is dangerous— be seen in the rock ledge and remnants Fascinating Palm Canyon is one of the
the rocks are slick and stretches are of old Indian pictographs are present outstanding attractions in the Palm
treacherously loose underfoot. near the foot of the cliff. Upstream a Springs area. In fact, it is the best known
The name Tahquitz is a magic word short distance are modified rock shelters of the Indian canyons and the most popu-
to the Indians—many legends abound which housed the Indians long ago. lar palm oasis of the entire Colorado
around it. The most popular is that Tah- A legend that could be related to this Desert. It is a 15-mile-long desert gorge
quitz was a powerful but bad leader who canyon concerns a very fine young woman, through which courses a stream of icy
lived in the canyon. He feasted on little the Moon Maiden. She taught the people, snow water running off the mountains,
children! The tribe caught him and dis- especially the girls, to dance and play with small pools of natural hot mineral
posed of him, but he returned in spirit games. She taught the girls and women water bubbling up through the sand. The
to cause the people trouble—he is still to rise early and bathe in the pool before fact that hot and cold running water was
up the canyon. He is responsible for the men arose. She was good and every- available probably appealed to the Indians
train wrecks, automobile accidents, and one loved her. One night she went up when they discovered Palm Canyon years
all sorts of disasters. To this day, when in the sky where the people couldn't find ago.
he is irritated, he sends a "Tahquitz her. They were very sad. Then a few To reach this ancient and delightful
Twister" roaring down the canyon, a evenings later they saw her in the pool place, just drive along the main road of
wind that whips the palm trees and stirs smiling up at them. They thought she the reservation to its end. Ample park-
up the sand, to notify the people in the was in the water until they looked up to ing space is available and a little trading
village that he is upset! the sky. According to the legend, this post is operated for the benefit of sou-
was the "first time of the new moon." venir hunters. From this point, the visi-
Majestic Andreas Canyon, named for tor may hike down a short trail to the
old Chief Andreas of the Cahuilla In- Primitive Murray Canyon is just south canyon floor and into a forest of 3000
dian tribe, is within the Agua Caliente of Andreas Canyon, but is less accessible wild Washingtonia Palms, some of which
Indian reservation and can be reached by by road. However, the visitor may leave are 50 to 60 feet in height. These range
a paved road all the way. After the visi- his car at the Andreas parking area and in age from seedlings to 300 years,
tor passes through the reservation toll gate hile over a good trail to this canyon. with a few as old as 2500 years. This
is a beautiful canyon. The palms are
COWBOY BOOTS magnificent, the geology is impressive,
and birdlife is abundant.
fifancy Western jf<w/weati The visitor will also see trees which
are typical of California's lower eleva-
Located in "The Center" (across from the Desert Inn), The Moccasin Shop offers one of the largest tion: willows, sycamores, alders, and
selections for foot comfort this side of anywhere. Moccasins with beautiful bead work, velvety-
soft imported deerskin, rugged rawhide, durable full-grain cowhide—some for riding, some for tamarisk. Looking higher on the canyon
flying, all for just plain walking comfort. Look for us on your next desert trip. slopes he will see mesquite and catsclaw,
WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG which often have desert mistletoe en-
twined in their branches. Also, there are

Imcum creosote bushes and various types of

cactus. Many of the palms are clothed
in ground-sweeping "skirts."

24 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

Palm Canyon was a special source of spirit of the Indians, created the canyons (both are tan men on the desert). If the
food supply for early Indians. There especially for their enjoyment. At inter- proposed projects, mentioned above, and
were at least 60 varieties of edible wild vals since, various earth movements have other ideas which might develop, open
plants and seeds. The Cahuilla women, changed the canyons, but these changes this beautiful region to a greater number
in searching for food, carried baskets have been in the direction of grandeur and of appreciative people, it is likely that
suspended from the top of their heads charm. The red man has generously Um Naw will rejoice in his teepee in the
by a net made of yucca fiber. They shared his blessings with the white man happy hunting grounds up above. •
gathered acorns, mesquite beans, and
palm seeds which were later ground into
flour. Though no longer a source of
food, Palm Canyon provides the camera
fan with unlimited photographic material
and the visitor with a sight that is not
easily forgotten.
A recent promising project involving Service
portions of Indian land is the proposed
highway from Palm Springs through in the
Palm Canyon and other virgin terrain to
Highway 74, intersecting around the
Pinyon Flats area. The road, about 15 Community's
miles in length, will feature an absence
of sharp curves and turns, and will cut Interest
driving time to Idyllwild and the coast
about 20 minutes. Two approaches
from Palm Springs are being considered— CALIFORNIA
Palm Canyon Drive and Sunrise Way. WATER & TELEPHONE
The Agua Caliente Indians, who have
COMPANY ( | g ?
an interest in the project, are not offering
A member of the General System
opposition to it, but appear to favor the
Sunrise Way approach. Palm Springs 324-1451 • Indio 347-2711
Francis Crocker, popularly known as
the "Father of the Tramway," has been
the sparkplug for this idea from its incep-
tion. His contagious enthusiasm rubbed
off on so many other civic leaders and
businessmen that success of the project
is practically assured. Senator Cologne
proposed it as a state highway some time
ago, but after a preliminary survey of
traffic, etc., the state decided against it.
Riverside County is now sponsoring a
new detailed survey which should be
completed soon. The next stop will be
to obtain the necessary rights-of-way.
When completed, it will be part of our
county road system.
This thoroughfare will open up six
townships for recreational activity,
mountain cabins, and permanent homes.
Several mesas along the route would lend
themselves ideally to residential develop-
ment. The weather is perfect. There is
no windy situation such as exists in some
of the pass regions and, since the whole
area is part of the Desert Water Agency,
water is available throughout for future
development. The road will go from
400 feet up to 4000 feet elevation, pass-
ing through many life zones, permitting COACHELLA VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT
future residents to choose the level they
Leon Kennedy, President; Raymond R. Rummonds, Vice President;
prefer or the elevation that is best for
Directors: A. Harold Bromley, Jack Frost and George Leach.
their health. It will expand the desert
area in livability, beauty, and accessibility. P. 0. Box 1058, Coachella, California
In the beginning Um Naw, the good

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 25

If you really want to see the desert
Travel the Back Roads


Top photo: Camping areas are well-

planned in the Joshua Tree Monument.
Bottom photo: Bill Keys engraved this
stone for grave of early miner.

Ryan Mountain on the paved road be- a free trip to the United States Commis-
tween Jumbo Rocks and Hidden Valley sioner who may give a choice of a fine or
by Bill Barnard Camp Grounds. The towns of Twenty- jail.
nine Palms and Joshua Tree are not far Lost Horse Mine is a well preserved
away. mine site three miles east of the paved
ortions of Joshua Tree Our method for exploring the Monu- Salton View Highway. The road is primi-
Monument are accessible ment and its environs is to park the tive, but easily traversed on trail bikes,
by paved roads, but much trailer at one of the camp grounds and four-wheel drive vehicles, or pick up
of the park remains rela- go forth from there with trail bikes or trucks. There are several versions about
tively untraveled. Unac- our four-wheel drive truck. For safety's the discovery of this mine. The most
customed to driving des- sake, when riding bikes we never ride credulous goes back to the 1890s when
ert trails, most motorists hesitate to leave alone. Regardless of mode of travel or horse thieves used the area for re-brand-
the pavement for the unknown. This is time of year, we take water and, when ing stolen animals.
regrettable, for the real beauty and soli- possible, extra gas and oil. The locations Three prospectors were camped by a
tude of this area is best appreciated from described in this article are sites which I spring adjacent to the present mine site
"back roads." enjoy seeing time and again; they are when their horses disappeared. While
The Monument is open year round and representative, but by no means the only searching for them, one of the men found
the roads are clear. Summer temperatures places to see. To locate these, and other a vein of gold. He did not tell his com-
are warm, but not unbearable. Winter points likely to be interesting, we use panions about the discovery, but took an
nights may be freezing with day tem- U.S. Geodetic Survey Maps, which are ore sample. When the three reached town,
peratures pleasant. The advantages of the detailed and complete. Places within the the prospector sold the mine site to a
off-season visit is the probability of com- Monument boundaries must be reached John Lang. Lang included the other two
pletely unoccupied camp grounds. via marked trails and roads. To attempt a prospectors in a partnership and they
Though no firewood nor supplies are cross-country route in a conventional commenced mining operations. The mine
available in the Monument, water may be drive vehicle is impossible and in any was profitable. A man named Ryan
obtained at Cottonwood Spring and near case, would virtually guarantee the driver bought out the two original prospectors.

26 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

Operations continued with Ryan and Lang only faint tracks remained to remind the
as partners until Ryan supposedly caught visitors of travelers of years ago. The TAKE YOUR BEST FRIEND
Lang in the act of hi-grading the mine. sign has been removed and all that now
Lang was forced to sell to Ryan and Lang remains is an outline of the rock founda- ALONG ON EVERY
moved into a shack elsewhere in the Val- tion where the cabin once stood. The ce- \ TRIP!
ley. Later, Lang died in the desert, desti-ment foundations for mine equipment
tute. His body was found by Bill Keys have withstood the ravages of time. The
who buried him in a grave next to what horizontal shaft is only about 50 feet
is now the Salton View Highway, near deep. The mining operations terminated
the turnoff to the mine site. The head- in part, due to the low grade ore. Caution
stone was hand chiseled by Keys and should be exercised, as next to the trail •UCTMC
only recently put on the grave. Those and near the mine is a poorly marked WINCH
visiting the mine might be interested in Now you can have 6,000 lbs. of
vertical shaft of unknown depth, into OPERATES ON pull power available whenever you
the 42nd State Mineralogist Report of which a car could fall. 12-V BATTERY
need it, wherever you go. You know
you can get your vehicle or others,
1945, which advises the shaft is about 500 The Dale District, of which the Vir- out of a jam! Does all your heavy
feet deep at an 85° angle. Horizontal work around camp, home, job, too.
ginia Dale Mine is a part, is mentioned Easy, one-woman operation. Thou-
shafts radiate at 100 foot intervals to for those who cannot reach the Lost sands in use for sports, business.
Fits any 2 or 4-wheel drive. At I-H,
the 400 foot level. The vein varies from Horse Mine. This area has good dirt other truck dealers or write:
several inches to several feet wide. Ap- roads and the Virginia Dale is within
5120-DM S.E. Milwaukie Avenue
proximately $350,000 in ore was pro- easy walking distance from the main dirt Portland, Oregon 97202
duced through the 10-stamp mill at the road. Hoist and winch structures are still
mine. Lack of water and increased opera- standing, as well as the old bunk and Send for FREE Catalog of our
ting costs were prime factors in the de- cook houses. The mine has had intermit-
cision to abandon operations. tent operations from the 1890s, with the Recommended Books
The Gold Coin Mine is located in the latest in 1937. Ore removed from the
misnamed Pleasant Valley and is one of mine was treated by amalgamation and
my favorite sites. It is reached via Squaw cyanidation. The large volumes of water
Tank, with the road entering the Valley required for the ore processing was
from the northwest. The trail past Squaw pumped from a well several miles dis- Magazine Bookshop
Tank is posted, indicating infrequent tant. A State Division of Mines Report PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260
patrols by Monument Rangers. It is an estimates the gold concentration at con-
easy road to drive. When I first visited temporary value is about $12 a ton.
this site, the cabin had fallen down, but Words and pictures cannot describe the
the wood was still there. Nearby was an feeling for the desert; they can only
old Auto Club sign (naturally, shot up excite the imagination and stimulate the Mitch
by vandals) which indicated distance desire. So, with maps in hand, drive off
and direction to Indio, Banning, etc. Al- the pavement and see beauty on the back Williams
though the sign showed the directions, roads of Joshua. •
Relics of old Virginia Dale Mine are still intact.
Let's Go to
This winter. That's right! I'm
running two big 30-day trips thru
Baja California, in old Mexico in
my air conditioned station wag-
ons. Write for details.

National Park
at Moab, Utah
in comfortable 4-wheel-drive sta-
tion wagons. 1-day trips to 6-day
trips and river float trips.

156 North Firtt West Moab, Utah 84532
Phone 253-4346

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 27

start a whole new series in DESERT
Magazine entitled, "It's A Secret, Only
Twelve Of Us Know It!" However, my

Anyone for efforts resulted in no finds that would

justify a yell of "Eureka."
A field trip or two with an expert can
be enlightening to the non-rock hound.
For instance, he wonders why his friend
pounces on innocent little rocks and
smashes them with his hammer. He may
think of the Chinese restaurant gourmet
who pounces on a fortune cookie, and
after crushing it is rewarded with a hand-
ful of crumbs and a tape reading, "Better
to have crumbs in hand than rocks in
head!" His rock hound friend has per-
sistence—he'll continue to smash rocks
until he finds a gem that will repay him
for the effort expended.
When the learner finds a beautiful
specimen and is convinced that it is the
real thing, the expert will rule it out as
"not gemmy." When, after an intensive
search, he comes up with what he knows
is petrified wood, his friend examines it
and agrees it is wood, and it is petrified,
then he always adds, "but it isn't aga-
tized." The newcomer to the rock pile
soon learns that in order to properly
judge a stone, the surface must be wet.
Here again, he can learn the most effi-

Hounding Rocks cient technique from the old timer.

The mark of the pro is in the method
by which he conducts the saliva test. The
novice drops the saliva from his mouth
and rubs it around the stone with his
thumb! The pro picks up the stone and
by Jack Delaney licks it with his tongue! On our trips,
we saw many rocks on the ground with
an you tell a fire agate, while they are sleeping—or rather, while a gloss, or sheen, on the upper surface.
imbedded in milky we are sleeping! It was explained that this covering is
desert varnish caused by the elements,
white chalcedony, from My slight exposure to the hobby con- but I wondered if the lifting and licking
a fried egg—sunny side sists of a couple of recent outings with a of these rocks through the years had some-
up? Do you know the couple of rock hounds. Ventures into the thing to do with their glossy appearance.
difference between a realm of rocks is a popular activity in
geode and a hard-boiled egg with a dirty and around the Coachella Valley of The first formation of rocks occurred
shell ? Can you distinguish a conglomerate Southern California. Our trips took us before there was any life on earth. Ac-
from a chunk of fruit cake? Do you en- to Pebble Terrace (about 10 miles to- cording to H. G. Wells, in The Outline
joy abusing the tires of your car, and ward the mountains from Palo Verde, in of History, the oldest rocks must have
even the car itself, on occasion? Do you the Blythe region) and to an area along been formed before there was a sea, when
feel exhilarated upon arising before day- highway 78, about 13 miles west of the earth was too hot for a sea to exist.
break? If so, why not buy yourself a highway 99, near the Borrego Badlands. He also stated that the markings and fos-
rock hammer and a "booty" sack, and The first location yielded some inter- sils in the rocks, and the rocks themselves,
strike out after some of the "gemmy" esting stones, including fire agates, and are the first historical documents; and
stuff. the second rewarded us with a generous that it has been only within the last couple
supply of petrified wood. of centuries that man has begun the
Personally, I struck out on the "arising serious and sustained deciphering of these
before daybreak" bit. To me, any time Actually, it was the hope of finding long-neglected pages of his world's
arrowheads that attracted me to these history.
before 8 a.m. is still midnight. After
hunting grounds, but none were seen. My
slight exposure to rock hunting, I ser- collection of three, found more than 20 During the Neolithic stage of our
iously question the need to rise at 5:00 years ago at the base of Mt. Konocti in culture, about 10,000 or 12,000 years
a.m. The rocks aren't going anywhere, Lake County, is still a collection of three. ago, there were polished stones and
they have been resting for centuries; so Also, I entertained a secret hope that I arrowheads. Jade and amber, and even
why is it necessary to sneak up on them might stumble onto some black gold and Continued on Page 37

28 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

When it comes to dates,

It's the end-product that counts

by Jack Delaney

ndustry — shmindustry-— had confided, proved to be a snake in the cooperate. In spite of this fact, offshoots
who cares ? I came here to grass and informed on his new-found from the finest varieties were obtained;
relax, s w i m , sunbathe, friends. In the darkness of the night the though some of them had to be taken out
play golf, and guzzle a Americans managed to escape with their in the dead of the night. One date impor-
few date shakes. This is lives, and a few of the precious off- ter left a civil war raging in his wake!"
the reaction you may re- shoots." If he is still skeptical, just launch into
ceive upon advising a new arrival to the Don't be disturbed if your friend another story for him to doubt, this time
Palm Springs area that he will have an doubts the authenticity of this story. So with a romantic tinge. Hand him a Khal-
opportunity to learn all about the date did the author, until he learned the fol- asa or two and explain that this date, the
industry. Certainly, no fault can be found lowing from another source: "Because the quintessence of delight in the days of
with his outlined program; but it could date is sacred to all Mohammedans, per- King Solomon, was conceded to be the
be pointed out that date-shakes are not haps sensing a new competitor in the mak- very finest the world had ever known. At
made with avacadoes. ing, the Arabs were not too anxious to that time it was grown only in the royal
Quite often a visitor to this sunny sand-
pile loves fresh dates, but has no interest
in the details or problems of the industry.
His attitude is that, whether dates or yo-
yos are produced, the end-product is all
that matters. Naturally, the desert dweller
is proud of this important industry, but it
would be a waste of time to try to impress
every tourist with facts, such as: more
than 90% of all the dates in the United
States are grown in the Coachella Valley
of Southern California, or that there are
220,000 healthy palms here that produce
in excess of 48 million pounds of fruit
A better idea might be to start with
the end-product by sweetening him up
with a few Deglet Noors, the light brown
date with a firm, chewy texture; then ease
into a story related to the introduction of
the industry into the United States. It is
known that the Department of Agricul-
ure sent horticulturists on exploratory
journeys to the flip-side of the world for
scientific snooping around the beginning
of the century. They brought back off-
shoots of the finest varieties of dates, but
not without some difficulties. The fol-
lowing episode, supposedly true, sounds
like an action scene from a late-late movie
on television:
"Suddenly, in the middle of the night,
the Arabs swooped down on the camp of
California date importers with blazing
rifles and flashing scimitars. The im-
porters had gone to the Persian Gulf area
of Arabia to obtain offshoots from a well-
protected garden in which a rare variety
of date was being grown. All went well
until a native in the palms, in whom they

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine f 29

gardens of Sheba, on the Persian Gulf of dates are stored in very crude fashion by
Lowest Photo Print Prices Arabia. When the Queen of Sheba of- merely burying them in sand. A hole
fered a gift of Khalasas to King Solo- about four feet in depth and width is
Highest Quality mon, he was so impressed that he blessed dug, filled with dates to within about a
Dev. & print 8 Jumbo prints the seed of this rare date that it should foot of the ground level and then covered
from Kodacolor film $1.78
never fail to bear fruit so long as time with sand." This primitive method is not
Dev. & print 12 Jumbo prints
from Kodacolor film $2.42 should last. used in the Coachella Valley.
Dev. & print 12 Jumbo prints and This moving story should move your If your tourist friend is reaching the
new roll of Kodacolor film $3.30 out-of-towner, especially when he bites stage where he is "feeling his dates,"
Reprints from Kodacolor negs $ .16
into another Khalasa. A relatively small push him along a bit with a Barhee, the
Send foyprice sheets quantity of this luscious gem is produced unique date that is round in shape with
and envelopes in the Coachella Valley. It is too delicate a rich delicate flavor—the equivalent of
A^j Ither for commercial handling so, in order to a palm tree fig. The quality of this vari-
Photo^prices are
experience the taste treat that impressed ety is the standard by which other dates
comparably low
King Solomon, it is necessary for one to are judged. While under the influence
live in, or visit, the locality where it is he might sit still for a few details on the
MARKET BASKET PHOTO CO. grown. Sometime in the past, offshoots of industry, such as: there are male and
P. O. Box 370, Yuma, Arizona or this variety were obtained from the royal female palm trees; the average garden
P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, California gardens of Sheba for our present day en- is laid out with one male tree to 49 female
joyment. If your friend does not respond trees per acre; the hand pollination of
to the romantic aspects of the industry, the female blossoms is necessary because
An entirely why not try factual points as outlined in the birds and the bees ignore the palm
new history. trees.
Hand him a Thoory, the rather large If he brightens up from all of this
in Books grayish colored date which is the best of sexy detail, why not push sex a little
Birders the so-called dry dates in the United further. Give him a Dayri, the almost
States, and try to impress him with the black, long, slender date with a distinc-
Pocket-Sized Alphabetical Check-List of tive taste, and continue. The proper sex
statement that dates are man's oldest cul-
Over 300 Birds of the Southwest
tivated fruit. Sun-baked bricks, made more balance is controlled by use of offshoots
• A quick and easy timesaver • Where to rather than seeds. An offshoot from a
locate the birds you're looking for.
than 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia,
7 terrific short scenic trips whare over 90 % record directions for growing the palm male tree grows into another male tree,
of the various species of biros in southern tree. Date palms were so valuable in many and the female offshoot develops into a
Arizona are to be found. parts of the Old World that they passed female tree. The use of seeds jvould re-
FOR YOUR COPY as wealth from father to son, and even sult in a random selection of boy and girl
Mail $1.00 to formed a daughter's dowry. In other trees. Since the female trees produce
Southern Arizona words, a young man could enjoy a few the fruit and the male trees are needed
Bird Life Publishers dates with an Arab's daughter and wind only as servicemen, it is 'economically
P.O. BOX 5355 — TUCSON, ARIZONA up with the whole tree! important that the proportion of gals to
After the laughter subsides, if the guys be maintained. *•
visitor is in a receptive mood, tempt him If your tourist friend has been atten-
GIVE with a Khadrawy, the delicious mahogany
colored inverted sugar date that can be
tive he has now absorbed many facts
about the date industry in this Colorado
Subscriptions as Gifts enjoyed even by diabetics, and launch Desert area, along with several samples
into another serious fact related to the of the end-product. Even though the in-
history of the date. The Koran, sacred formation was administered by a tricky
book of the nearly 400-million men and osmosis process he should be willing to
women who follow the teachings of Mo- admit that the end-products are tops. An
hammed, states (in reference to the birth appropriate slogan for the Coachella Val-
of Jesus), "And the pains of childbirth ley date industry would be: "The way to
came upon her (Mary) near the trunk a tourist's heart is through his taste buds."
of the palm tree." A voice told her, As a grand finale, give him a Medjool
"Shake the trunk of the palm tree and it or two. This is the clincher! It is dark
shall let fall ripe dates upon thee, ready brown in color and is the largest in size
DESERT NOTES by JO gathered." of the imported varieties grown in the
Exquisite, full color scenes by America's fore- While your guest is in a serious mood, United States—it sometimes weighs as
most desert painter. Generous pack of 18
beautiful notes in a handsome gift box. give him a Halawy, the amber colored much as two ounces each and is the unti-
Handy 4 x 5 size. Only $1.25 per box. soft date that is frequently used in cook- mate in delicacy of flavor and softness
Order "HILTON NOTES" today or send 10c
for sample and catalog showing notes, ing, but delicious in its natural state. Tell of texture.This is the supreme treat of the
prints, stationery and our famous Christmas him about horticulturist Roy W. Nixon's date world. The only other suggestion
cards. Dealer inquiries invited. Our 17th year
of same day service. Money-back Guarantee
observations when he represented the that could be offered is that he take his
and postage free from the Leanin' Treel United States at a meeting on date cul- wife to one of the attractive shops along
The LEANIN' TREE Ranch ture in Libya in 1959, sponsored by the Southern California's Highway 111, or
Box 1500 Boulder, Colorado United Nations. He noted that, "In the Interstate 10, and—have a date with
Fezzan (the southern province of Libya) an angel! •

30 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

by Frank Taylor
Although once blasted by road builders, fine examples of petroglyphic art may still
be seen at this remote site near Palm Springs.
ome of California's aged by flying chunks of stone,. Desert road is the Community Building. Turn
finest petroglyphs had varnish on others was shattered by the left here and follow the paved street as
been preserved for cen- force of the explosions in the tiny can- it curves southeast to a big turnaround,
turies in a dry wash yon. where it ends. A number of small trees
near Joshua Tree, Cali- Tipped off by a local resident who have been planted here and some grass is
fornia, known locally as stopped at the site, the Southwest Museum trying to survive in the hard ground. A
Coyote Hole, until a flood control project asked an amateur archeologist, Mrs. Vic- short distance away is the leeve bank you
nearly destroyed them. Today only a few tor Kingman of Twentynine Palms, to will have to cross before reaching the en-
of these marks and figures remain. investigate Coyote Hole and try to stop trance to Coyote Hole.
Coyote Hole is a strange combination the contractor. At first the contractor The best signs are about 1/6 of a mile
of gully and canyon. Centuries ago, when refused to believe he was hurting anything up the wash on the right hand side. The
the Pinto Basin was a headquarters for of value. When Mrs. Kingman produced rocks here are covered with marks and
local Indians, Coyote Hole was an import- photographs taken before the blasting and you will have no trouble finding plenty
ant water hole. The site borders present then showed him what had actually been of petrolyphs to study. Take care in
day Joshua Tree National Monument, but blasted away, he moved his men to an- climbing. Some of the rock disturbed by
for some unexplained reason was left other part of the canyon where no petro- blasting is likely to slide. As you walk up
out of the boundaries set by President glyphs would be molested. the bottom of Coyote Hole, follow the
Roosevelt in 1936 when he saved the Still unprotected by the government, east side, as the finest engravings are
giant park for future generations. Yet, the petroglyphs now suffer another fate— here. They appear in unlikely places, but
even without the federal government that of wandering marksmen who use the it is fun to poke around the boulders
protection there seemed to be little likeli- area for target practice. Where distinct where you might make a fresh discovery.
hood the petroglyphs would be disturbed. figures of men, animals, plants, snakes There seems to be no particular method
Army engineers studied the area and de- and ritual engravings could once be for placing symbols and drawings. The
cided a flood control dyke was needed to found, only ugly scars remain in many entire area is a potpourri art gallery
protect Joshua Tree from winter rain run- places. Those in places not easily reached which defies interpretation by archeolo-
offs by diverting the water to other loca- are still relatively safe, but each year the gists. No one can determine their age,
tions. After consulting with park rangers, precious symbols grow fainter. Eventually either, nor who the artists were.
the work was put up for bid and a con- Nature will erase the signs in Coyote Hole It is hoped that future legislation will
tractor hired to blast the rock and erect with blasts of wind and rain and hot rays protect Coyote Hole by including it in
the new levee. No mention was made of of sun. There are still enough visible to the present boundaries of Joshua Tree
the petroglyphs, as it was not anticipated make a trip to see them rewarding, how- National Monument. It is hardly more
that they would be disturbed. However, ever, and it is a wonderful place for a than a whisper outside the borders now.
the contractor selected one of the best secluded picnic or solitary walk among Few trips are more rewarding for
walls of engravings and began system- silent reminders of the past. those who want to absorb some interest-
atically blasting it to dust. What hun-
To reach Coyote Hole, take the main ing archeology within a short drive of
dreds of years of weather and exposure
road leading to the entrance of Joshua Los Angeles or the Palm Springs area.
to the elements had been Unable to do—
Tree National Monument from the center There are few of these picture libraries
destroy the priceless works—dynamite
of town (Joshua Tree). About three left anywhere in the world. We are for-
accomplished in seconds.
blocks from the intersection of Twenty- tunate to have this one so close to our
Those not ruined outright were dam- nine Palms Highway and the monument doorsteps. •

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 31





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Bookshop is located on the
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32 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

19 2O



1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O
March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 33
A monthly feature by the author of Ghost Town Album, Ghost Town Trails,

Ghost Town Shadows, Ghost Town Treasures and Boot Hill

Twin Buttes, Arizona BY LAMBERT FLORIN

See your 4-w.d. dealer or write W A R N Mfg. Co.,

9050 Empire Way S.. Seattle. Wash. 9811R


Locale Buried Treasure, Explore Ghost
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Detect Gold Nuggets, Find Lost Jewelry,
Enjoy Beachcombing, Spot Coins.

Philtron Electronics
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We Honor BankAmericards
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Lapidary — rockhounding — jewelry making.
add up to a fascinating creative art!
World's largest selection - over 10,000 items
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STONES—JEWELRY MATERIALS opper mining began in Near the turn of the century "The
M O U N T I N G S — B O O K S — C R A F T TOOLS what was locally called Three Nations" began wide scale opera-
the Borracho Mines some tions in the mines. American John G.
time in the early 1870s. Baxter, Irish Michael Irish and Scotch
GRIEGER'S, INC. John Ellis, seeing what they called "an 30 -1633 t. Wolnuf—, Calif. Located in the mountains
26 miles south west of inexhaustible supply" of copper ore, be-
Tucson, Arizona, miners named the town gan by prospecting both old and new
that developed Twin Buttes for a pair of workings. Results were so encouraging
New Transistor Models Detect and news releases so enthusiastic that a
Buried Gold, Silver, Coins, nearby peaks. Mining there was sporadic
group of Milwaukie financiers bought
Ancient Firearms for the first three decades, as little money out the whole thing, incorporating the
Fir land or underwater
exploration. Explore beaches,
was available to small-time Mexican oper- Twin Buttes Mining and Smelting Co.
Ihost towns, walls i f ators and dogging was done mostly by with assets of $1,000,000 under the laws
abandonel shacks
Work through
pick and shovel methods. When the cop- of Arizona Territory. Before incorpora-
mud, water, M Q8B per veins thickened, activity increased tion was fully accomplished, the new
concrete, wood ' ^ up
until the deposit pinched out. Then company's prospectors made a happy dis-
Writ* for FREE Catalog everybody indulged in a siesta. covery. The Morgan Mine had an ore
RELCO Dept. D-1 8 Box 10563, Houston 18, Texas


TURQUOISE nugget key chain plus 175 page
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If you have completed a book-length manu-
script, you may be interested in our special
publishing plan. Under this program, many
lawyers, executives, teachers, scholars and
mountings, gemstone rough from around the even housewives have seen their work pub-
lished, promoted and marketed on a digni- Contains 36 full page maps showing the way to 90
world and all supplies necessary to make ghost towns in California's deserts and mountains with
jewelry for profit or fun. It's easy! Gemex fied, professional basis. All subjects con-
sidered — non-fiction, fiction, poetry, etc. mileage to the tenth of a mile. 36 photographs show
Co., Dept. DM, Hwy 7 6 , Pala, Calif. 92059 Send for our free 40-page illustrated bro- the old town sites as they appear today, not as they
chure today. Ask for Booklet, D. did 50 or 100 years ago. Collect old bottles, western
relics, antiques, buried treasure.
VANTAGE PRESS. INC. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back

GEMEX 120 W. 31st St.. New York 1. N.Y.

In Calif.: 6253 Hollywood Blvd., L.A.
In Wash., D.C.: 1010 Vermont Avc, N.W.
Ord.r Nowl Only $2.95
Dept. D - 13
1313 West Romneya Drive — Anaheim, Calif.

34 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

body 95 feet deep, 25 feet wide and 300 milk, cream and meat, the latter three
19 6 7
feet long, with ore assaying 10%. items, it was stressed, at "shipper's risk."
That same year, the company made For the first few years, the railroad was CATALOG
plans to build a 500-ton smelter and con- a huge success. Twin Buttes Mines
struct a railroad from Tucson to the now
roaring copper camp. The railroad would
supplant transport by wagon and team
shipped large quantities of ore of types
not handled at the local smelters, freight
and passenger business was good, and
and the new smelter would handle the some of the spur extensions were actually HI-FLOTATION
huge amounts of ore pouring from the constructed.
Morgan Mine and that royal trio, the Then, around 1907, the line unaccount-
Copper King, Copper Queen and Copper ably laid off employees and some freight
Prince. shipments were "lost." Dissatisfied cus- TIRES WHEELS
By this time, Twin Buttes had acquired tomers complained of poor service and
a newspaper, but it wasn't printed in high rates. In a few months both mine
town and it wasn't intended for local and railroad companies were overdrawn
consumption. The Twin Buttes Times, at the bank. About this time, a Twin DICK CEPEK
edited and printed in Milwaukie, was Buttes Mining and Smelter stock offer DISTRIBUTOR FOR ARMSTRONG
aimed at stockholders. Bubbling with en- was made of 250,000 shares at 60 cents, P.O. BOX 1S1-D |_O 9-BO41
thusiasm and carrying the Twin Buttes the offer almost immediately moderated SOUTH GATE. C M . . 9O28O [_O 4-3478

dateline for authenticity, it delivered the to 40 cents. There were few takers. Bad
glad news that not only would the new times had hit Twin Buttes.
railroad carry ores and supplies for Twin
Buttes itself, but already applications were
being received from other mining districts
with requests for spurs. Among these, the
By 1910, the original company was
pretty much disbanded. John Ellis, one
of the "Three Nation" men who had
gone along with the Twin Butte setup,
That thief with "LOCK STRAP"!
Times said, were the Helvetia Mines married in Tempe, then returned to Scot-
in the Santa Ritas and the Lincoln Mining land, where he died in 1909. Michael A revolutionary new design
attaches to front and
Company, which consisted of 31 claims Irish married in Tucson, then took his
rear slot. For all G.I. cans
in the Sierrita Mountains. The paper con- new bride and copper wealth to the old
and all 6" high rear
tinuously stressed forthcoming benefits country. But the other member, John C. panels. All steel construc-
of the railroad because under territorial Baxter, stepped in when the company tion and electric welded.
law, the Twin Buttes Mining and Smelt- closed down operation of the Twin Buttes TYPE E ONLY $5.00
ing Company had to establish a second properties and together with Ed Bush, Calif, residents add
corporation, The Twin Buttes Railroad, reopened the Morgan. The start of World 4 % sales tax.
in order to build the railroad. So stock- War I gave their new company a big SEND FOR FREE BROCHURE SHOWING FIVE
holders, traditionally dazzled by an aura boost and the railroad once again carried OTHER MODELS TO FIT ANY VEHICLE.
of rich paying mines, had to be infected by a car of ore every week. This boom was DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED.

railroad fever, too. temporary, however. After the war, things LOCK STRAP
Contrary to dire predictions, the pro- again declined at the Buttes. 329 Wttt Lomlti A M , Dtpt. D, Qlmdala, Ciflf 91204

jected railroad was actually built. The As deposits grew thinner, general
new Twin Buttes Railroad, connecting econimic conditions grew steadily worse
with the Southern Pacific in Tucson, ran and soon Twin Buttes became a ghost
in a southerly direction through Santa town. The railroad also faded into a
Clara Valley to Sahhuarita. Then, swing- shadowy spectre. Of the town, little is
ing westerly in easy grades and curves, it left, and this unreachable behind barbed
ascended to Twin Buttes. Shortly after wire. Some "exhibits," such as our old
leaving Tucson, travelers on the railroad passenger car, may be seen from the road,
were treated to a close-up view of Mis- although we risked a close approach for
sion San Xavier, that dazzling "White photographic purposes. Seen in front of
Dove of the Desert." The railroad adver- the railroad relic is a large opuntia plant
tised that it was prepared to accept gen-
eral freight such as hardware, machinery,
that was colored a brilliant rose-violet
at the time of our visit. D
Celebrates a century of singing
Join in the 100th anniversary celebration of the
unique Tabernacle on Temple Square. Pianissimo
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WITH METAL & MINERAL OPALS and SAPPHIRES famed Mormon Tabernacle Choir and organ. Mail
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FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western Send personal cheque, international money CITY STATE ZIP

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Australian Gemstones.
9322CaliFornia Ave., South Gate, Calif. DIFFERENT
294 Little Collins Street
Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30, closed Sunday WORLD O F . . .

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 35

Salt and pepper inside of hens and 1 fryer cut up or 4 to 6 chicken y2 cup bread crumbs
place in broiler pan or flat pan. Make breasts 1 cup milk
a sauce of the following: Salt and pepper, flour to dredge 3 cups uncooked white meat of
V2 can frozen orange juice con- chicken chicken put through the grinder
centrate thawed, but undiluted Vi cup margarine or salad oil 1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons honey 1 small can sliced mushrooms V2 teaspoon chopped parsley
IV2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon 2 eggs slightly beaten
IV2 tablespoons vinegar Soy sauce % teaspoon salt
Bring this to a boil to blend, cool % teaspoon ground ginger 1 cup slivered blanched almonds
and add a pinch of ginger and % 1 small can Mandarin oranges Soak crumbs in milk and mix with
cups Sherry. and juice chicken, butter, parsley, eggs, salt
Spoon about % of this over hens 1 cup dairy sour cream and a pinch of nutmeg. Chill well
and let stand for an hour or so. When V4 cup toasted sliced almonds and shape into balls 1 inch in di-
ready to bake, spoon the rest of Season chicken with salt and pepper, ameter. Roll in slightly beaten egg
glaze over hens, and bake for about and coat lightly with flour; brown on and blanched almonds. Place in but-
l ! / 2 hours. They will brown nicely in all sides in margarine or oil in skillet. tered skillet with V4 cup chicken
about half the baking period, so turn Mix Mandarin orange juice, Soy broth. Cover and cook at low heat
them over when the tops are brown sauce, honey, ginger and mushrooms for 20 minutes. Mix 1 tablespoon
in order to have both sides browned. with juice. Pour over chicken in skil- corn starch with 1 cup cream and
Oven should be 350 degrees. These let and simmer for about 50 minutes, V2 teaspoon lemon juice and cook
are really delicious. Rather than stuff or until chicken is tender. If neces- until thick. Pour this sauce over
them, I make a wild rice casserole, sary, add a little water as it cooks, chicken balls and sprinkle with
to which I add % cup raisins. You so that it will not become too dry. sliced almonds to serve.
may cook chicken breasts the same Remove chicken from pan and keep
way. warm. Mix sour cream with juices in
pan and heat slowly but thoroughly. JERUSALEM PUDDING
Place chicken on platter and pour 1 envelope gelatin
Cook 2 packages of frozen broccoli sauce over it, then sprinkle with V2 cup cold water
for a few minutes, until barely ten- almonds. 1/2 cup powdered sugar
der. Drain and place in a shallow,
1 cup cooked rice
buttered casserole or baking dish.
Cover with 2 cups cooked sliced 1 pint whipping cream
chicken, preferably white meat. Com- ESCALLOPED CAULIFLOWER V2 cup chopped figs
bine 2 cans cream of mushroom Clean one large head of cauliflower, 1/2 cup chopped dates
soup with i y 2 teaspoons lemon but do not cut up. Place in a thin V2 cup blanched, slivered almonds
juice, % cup mayonnaise and Vfe white cloth and lower into a kettle V2 cup chopped candied almonds
teaspoon curry powder (optional). of boiling salted water. Cook in open Soak gelatin in cold water for 10
Pour over the chicken and cover with kettle for 20 minutes. Remove from minutes, then set in pan of hot water
V2 cup grated cheese and V2 cup water and place in buttered baking until dissolved; add powdered sugar,
bread crumbs. Dribble 1 tablespoon dish, careful to keep whole. Cover salt and a teaspoon vanilla and add
melted butter over this. Bake at 325 with white sauce to which has been to rice and fruit. Whip cream until
degrees for 30 minutes. Serves 8. added 1 cup grated cheese. Sprin- stiff and fold into mixture. Chill.
Sometimes I use canned artichoke kle with bread crumbs and grated This may be placed in a long loaf
hearts in place of the broccoli, cut- cheese and bake in oven until pan and sliced to serve, topped with
ting them in half if they are large. browned. whipped cream.

36 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

Anyone for Hounding Rocks?
Continued from page 28
gold, were swapped by the people of
Hints for Desert Travelers
that era. Around 2500 B.C. the gem and by Bruce Barron
ivory work of the people of Crete were
as fine as any that mankind has ever pro-
duced; as far back as the sixth century
B.C. fossils were known to the Ionian
Greeks; and around the same period
Carthage sold precious stones to the Medi-
terranean people.
In our fourth century B.C. the men of
Damascus could have put our present-
day rock hounds to shame. It is recorded
in history that there was hardly a variety
of precious stone in the world that had
not been found and cut and polished.
Special techniques were well-guarded se-
crets, handed down from father to son.
Moving on to the beginning of the 16th
century A.D., Leonardo da Vinci was
one of the first Europeans to develop an
interest in, and to realize the historical
importance of fossils.
It should be stated that the serious -
minded rock hound of today is doing his
bit toward deciphering the mysteries of
history through study of the evolution
of certain gem-stones. His objective is
to acquire the knowledge needed for
recognizing them, and a key to where
they might possibly be found. He soon
learns that a trip to the opal mines of
Australia is not necessary. Frequent
jaunts to beaches, the desert, gravel pits,
river beds, quarries, glacial deposits or
even somebody's backyard will probably
bring rewards.
Why should rock hounds hound rocks?
For the same reason that shutter bugs
bug the scenery. There is therapeutic
value in spending hours in the sunshine
and fresh air, exploring out-of-the-way
places. Also, there is satisfaction in dis-
playing a collection of stones and arti-
facts while entertaining friends during
the "happy hour." The expressions of
interest and enthusiasm which result are // you carry a book on desert flora ajid fauna while you travel, it will enhance your
gratifying to the host rock hound—after desert trips.
all, they are usually "over the rocks!" •
YOU CAN enrich your travel experi- you may want to visit. Anticipation builds
ences by allocating more time to advance enthusiasm as your planning gets under
planning. Start with a sectionalized coun- way.
ty map, or a topographic map (usually The desert is especially unique in its
MOVING? available at stationers, book stores, or flora, fauna, geology and history. By aug-
sportmen's store). Plot your itinerary with menting your travel equipment with a
a colored pencil. Be copious with annota- small library of reference books, you can
tions on the points of interest. If the area make fascinating new friends by getting
There is a change of address form
is entirely new to you, spend a little time acquainted with the unusual plants, ani-
in your current on research at the library, or at your local mals, and reptiles which have undergone
book store. Talk with people who have such strange evolutionary changes to adapt
DtAtnJL been there. A letter to the city or county to the terrific climatological extremes.
Chamber of Commerce in the area will Many excellent references are available at
reap generous rewards on places or events the Desert Magazine Bookshop. •

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 37

•fc Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,

CLASSITIEDS Palm Desert, California 92260. Classified

rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
per insertion.
BAJA CAR BADGE—Status symbol for conquis- "GUIDE TO Old Bottles, Contents & Prices." 250
tadores and veterans of "the road. " Free illustrations, ads, labels plus price list, $2.75.
illustrated brochure. R. Cepek, Box 1 8 1 , South Valuable cross reference to "Handbook for the • EQUIPMENT - SUPPLIES
Gate, California 90280. Bottleologist;" 1000 bottles, description and ENJOY BACKPACK camping. Free booklet tells
'HOW TO INSTALL 1 1 " Brakes on a J e e p " — $ 1 . rarity, $2.75. Richard Fike, 1135 Maxfield
how. Gerry, Dept. 15, Boulder, Colorado
Also, "How to Install 283 Chev. in CJ-5" Dr., Ogden, Utah 84404.
without moving steering, brakes, clutch ar- A BOTTLE COLLECTOR'S Book and "The Past In ONE DOLLAR FOR California gold areas, geo-
rangement—no cutting front crossmember or Glass" by Pat and Bob Ferraro—two most logical information. Dust poke $1.50; Pans
f i r e w a | | — $ 1 . 0 0 . Lloyd Novak, Box 1324, complete sources available for novice and ad- $3 and $3.75. Haskell Walker, Box 606D,
Whittier, Calif. 90604. vanced bottle collectors. Illustrations, check-
Oakview, Calif. 93022.
CAR WON T START? Genco ignition tester test- lists, explanations. $3.25 each postpaid. The
Little Glass Shack, 3161 -B 56th St., Sacra- QUALITY CAMPING and mountaineering equip-
battery, points, plugs, coil, condenser. No
mento, Calif. 95820. ment. Down sleeping bags, lightweight tents,
tools needed. No parts to remove. Requires
INTERESTED IN Nevada's History? Here's t w o boots. Free catalog. Highland Outfitters, P.O.
no knowledge of wiring. Doesn't run down
dandy books of Nevada's yesteryears. "Mem- Box 1 2 1 , Riverside, California.
battery. Carry in glove compartment. Send
$15 today to Reed Engineering, 620 S. Ingle- oirs of an Old Timer"—$1.50, and "Review-
wood Ave., Inglewood, Calif. 90301. ing Nevada's Legacy"—$1.95. Both for $3. • FOR WOMEN
Several photographs in each. Write: Sage-
brush Dan, P. O. Box 901-D, Tonopah, Ne- NEW BEAUTY SET, battery operated". Scalp vibra-
• ART vada 89049. tor: beautiful, healthy hair; Facial Patter:
massage, easing wrinkles! $5.00. Internation-
RANCHO ENVIRONMENTAL EMPHASIS: Point en- NEVADA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide. al Shopping Service, Box 965, Joplin, Mis-
largement of Leonardo de Vinci's swipe at Large folded map. 800 place name glossary. souri 6 4 8 0 1 .
Botticelli for landscape triviality! Twentynine Railroads, towns, camps, camel trail. $1.50.
LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest Beautifier."
Palms. (Call 367-6124 for directions). Theron Fox, 1296-C Yosemite, San Jose 26,
Complete beauty treatment in one jar. Write:
BLYTHE TRAVELERS visit Grandmother Beer's Art Lola Barnes, 963 North Oakland, Pasadena,
Gallery of nostalgic oil paintings, 521 N. GHOST TOWN MAPS—New book titled "Califor- California 91 104.
Broadway, Blythe, California. nia Ghost Town Trails" has pictures, maps to
California ghost towns. $2.95. A Abbott,
1513 West Romneya Drive, Anaheim, Calif. • GEMS
• BOOKS - MAGAZINES "GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA. We hove everything
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.00 for the rock hound, pebble pups, interesting
name it—we find it! Western Americana, year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone, gifts for those who are not rock hounds.
desert and Indian books a specialty. Send Calif. 92359. Minerals, slabs, rough materials, lapidary
us your wants. No obligation. International "ASSAULT ON BAJA," E. Washburn, 3934 supplies, mountings, equipment, black lights.
Bookfinders. Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif. Cortland, Lynwood, Calif. $2.00 tax included, Why not stop and browse? Shamrock Rock
OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" in minerals and gem "zest of dicsovery" writes Belden; "wide- Shop, 593 West La Cadena Drive, Riverside,
stones; here are a few of the 300 or more eyed experience'" says Powell USC. Calif. OVerland 6-3956.
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium, TREASURE MAPS to Jade! Ten detailed charts
GHOST TOWN GUIDE: Complete guide to over
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nickel, to unclaimed lodes and placer deposits of
100 ghost towns in California, only $1.95.
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryl- W. Abbott, 1513 West Romneya Drive, Ana- jade in California. Also large hand specimens
lium, emeralds, etc. Some worth $1 to $2 a heim, California. of twelve different jades for ease of field
pound, others $25 to $200 per ounce; an identification by comparison. Treasure kit of
emerald the size of your thumb may be FRANK FISH—Treasure Hunter—said Gold fs maps and raw jade chunks for $10.00. (Add
worth $1000 or more; learn how to find, where you find it. His book "Buried Treasure 40c in Calif.) Wilderness Originals, Canyon,
identify and cash in on them. New simple & Lost Mines" tells how and where to look, California 94516.
system. Send for free copy "Overlooked For- 93 locations, photos and maps. 19x24
colored map pinpointing book locations. Book POCKET GOLD, $2. Plac^rcjold, $2. Gold dust,
tunes in Minerals," it may lead to knowledge $ 1 . Attractively displayed. Postpaid. Money-
$1.50. Map $1.50. Special: both $2.50 post-
which may make you rich! Duke's Research back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 1125D, Mt.
paid. Publisher, Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton
Laboratory, Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences Shasta, California.
Drive, Chino, Calif. 91710.
New Mexico 87901.
"1200 BOTTLES PRICED"—well illustrated, com- CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma-
WYOMING COLLECTOR'S GUIDE. Most complete terial, machinery, lapidary and jewelers sup-
plete description, covers entire field, 164
rock collector's guide for Wyoming yet pub- plies, mountings, fluorescent lamps, books.
pages, by J. C. Tibbitts, first president of
lished. Latest information, maps, etc. $2.00 Sumner's, 21108 Devonshire, Chatsworth, Cal.
Antique Bottle Collectors Association and edi-
ppd. Eloxite Corporation, Wheatland, Wyo.
tor of the "Pontil," $4.25 post paid. The
Little Glass Shack, 3161 -B 56th St., Sacra- • HOME STUDY
ARIZONA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide, mento, Calif. 95820. ,
large folded map 1881, small early map, LEARN OIL painting by mail. Also casein or
BOOK HUNTING is our business, service is our acrylic. Amateur, advanced. Easy, fascinating,
1200 place name glossary, mines, camps,
product. No charge for search. Satisfaction naturalistic. Easy payments. Art, Box 486,
Indian reservations, etc. $1.50. Theron Fox,
guaranteed. D-J Book Search Service, P. O. Montrose, Colorado.
1296-E Yosemite, San Jose, California. Box 3352-D, San Bernardino, Calif. 92404.
SURVIVAL BOOKS! Guerrilla Warfare, Wilder-
ness Living, Medical, Guns, Self Defense, • INDIAN GOODS
Nature. Books—Vital, Fascinating, Extraor-
dinary; Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda, DESERT LIVINGCOLOR portraits, notecards. 69 jewelry. Large selection of old pawn and
Route 3, Box 5 1 7A, Glendale, Arizona 85301. assorted $6.90. Roadrunners, wildflowers, Kachina dolls now in stock. Many fine old
GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali- cactus, dozen assorted, $1.50. Free brochure. baskets, moderately priced, in excellent con-
ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng- Artist Henry Mockel, Box 726, Twentynine dition Navajo rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo
lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid. Palms, Calif. 92277. blankets, pottery. A collector's paradise! Open
Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359. daily 10 to 5:30, closed Mondays. Buffalo
FREE 84 page catalog on detectors, books and • DUDE - GUEST RANCHES Trading Post, Highway 18, Apple Valley,
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238 California.
C-BAR-H GUEST Ranch—Rest or Play—a r«ol
Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif 90706. western holiday. American plan includes WANTED: OLD Indian basket collections in good
NEW 7TH EDITION: "Ghost Town Bottle Price three delicious meals each day, horseback condition. Indian Baskets of Tucson, 2225
Guide"—redesigned, revised, enlarged. Lead- riding, comfortable cottages, swimming pool, East Blacklidge Drive, Tucson, Arizona.
ing western price guide on antique bottles, $3 ranch lodge activities, hay rides, sports SELLING 20,000 Indian relics. 100 nice ancient
postpaid to Wes Bressie, Rt. 1, Box 582, Eagle galore. P.O. Box 373D, Lucerne Valley, Calif. arrowheads $25. Indian skull $25. List free.
Point, Oregon 97524. Area Code 714, CH 8-7666. Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas.

38 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

SUCCESSFUL INDIAN relic mail-order business. 400,000,000 ACRES government public land in NEW TRANSISTOR instrument detects buried
Owner retiring. $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 — $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 yearly. 25 states. Some low as $1.00 acre. 1967 coins, firearms, treasures, gold, silver. $19.95,
How to buy, what to buy, what to pay, where report. Details $1.00. Public Land, 422DM up. Free catalog. Relco A-18, Box 10563,
to sell. Work home, full time, part-time. Our Washington Building, Washington, D.C. Houston 18, Texa^
experience, sources of supply guide you.
40 ACRES in Newberry, Calif. The land of lakes.
$1500 capital required. Be your own boss. If
sincerely interested write: Blackhawk, Uma-
Total price $2950. Raw land $100 down, • WESTERN GOODS
$35 per month. Owner, Box 304, Hesperia,
tilla 8, Oregon 97882. ANTIQUES, BOTTLES, purple glass, primitives,
Calif. 92345.
TWO INDIAN WAR arrowheads, scalping knife, relics. Frontier Trading Post, Bullhead City,
FOR INFORMATION on real estate in or near
flint thunderbird, two perfect bird arrow- Arizona. On Clearwater Drive, north of Rivi-
this high desert community, please write or
heads, all for $5. Catalog free. Arrowhead, visit Ralph W. Fisher, Realtor, 73644 29- era Club House. Open Saturdays, Sundays
Glenwood, Arkansas 71943. Palms Highway, Twentynine Palms, Calif. only, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
92277. GHOST TOWN items: Sun-colored glass, ame-
AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi-
STR-KEGIAN GEM BEDS for sale. 20 acre parcels thyst to royal purple; ghost railroads ma-
mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector':,
items. Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian or entire 296 acres, $750 an acre and up. terials, tickets; limited odd items from camps
Trading Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East Open to offer. Owner, Box 3 1 , Acton, Cali- of the '60s. Write your interest—Box 64-D,
Woodland Hills, Calif. Open Sundays. fornia 93510. Phone 805-947-4945. Smith, Nevada.
OWNER'S EQUITY in 3-bed, 1 '/, -bath house,
• MAPS private beach area, Salton Sea. Full price • MISCELLANEOUS
$16,500. I. Smith, Box 1 2 1 , Salton City,
MARINE COLONEL Retiring Summer 1967 inter-
SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San Bernardino Calif. 92274.
ested at 47 in starting second career in South-
$3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $ 1 , largo
west desert country. 26 years mainly industri-
$2; San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25,
other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada
• TREASURE FINDERS al operations in data processing, supply, pro-
curement, transportation, storage, depot main-
counties $1 each. Include 4 percent sales tax. FIND LOST or hidden treasures with new tran- tenance, and operation of base facilities.
Topographic maps of all mapped western sistor metal detector, underwater metal de- Equipped with beautiful wife, no in-house
areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third tectors, scintillation counters, etc. Free litera- children, truck camper and Mustang, college
Street, Los Angeles 13, California. ture. Gardiner Electronics, Dept. 5 1 , 4729 grad in statistics, GCT of 1 5 1 , and an acute
North 7th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona. interest in outdoor life in Southwest. Less in-
OREGON BOOMS and busts map now available.
Complete showing of ghost towns on either FIND BURIED coins, treasures, relics. New super- terested in stipend than in location, challenge,
folded field map $1.00 or parchment suitable sensitive, low-priced detectors for land or and opportunity to be hewer of wood and
for mounting $2.00. Whites Electronics, Inc., underwater use. Free information. Sensitronix, hauler of water in environment of Desert
Sweet Home, Oregon 97386. 2225-L Lou Ellen, Houston, Texas 77018. Southwest. 2727 Duke St., No. 4 0 1 , Alexan-
dria, Va. 22314.
PROVEN SENSITIVE M-Scopes locate coins, relics,
MINING gold, silver, etc. Guaranteed. Terms. Free fas- PURPLE BOTTLE? Instructions for purpling glass
cinating booklet. Fisher Research, Dept. DM7, indoors, much faster than sunlight—no dan-
UTAH ASSAYING Co., gold and silver specialists. Palo Alto, Calif. 94302. ger of breakage. $1.00. Ann Brown, 6233
Gold, silver, leod, copper: 1.50 each. Spcc- Warwood Road, Lakewood, Calif. 90713.
POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil-
trographs $5 each. 172 North 9th West, Salt
ver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. Terms VINYL PLACEMENTS embedded with beautiful
Lake City, Utah 841 16.
free information. Underground Explorations, plants and butterflies, 1 8 " x 12"—set of
GRUBSTAKING FOR PROSPECTORS and explorers. Dept. 3A, Bax 7 9 3 , Menlo Park, California. four: $5.95. F. Richardson, Box 5292, St.
Write: John Gronek, Box 6675, Chicago, III., TREASURE-METAL and mineral locators. Free 24 Louis, Mo. 63115.
60680. page booklet. GeoFinder Co., Box 37, Lake- WANTED: LAWMEN, SHERIFF, marshal, ranger,
ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High- wood, Calif. 90714. Indian police and police badges, old or re-
est quality spectrographic. Only $5.00 per NEW 1966 Goldak treasure, coin, gold, silver cent. For personal collection and research. G.
sample. Reed Engineering, 620-R So. Ingle- locators. Goldak, Dept. DMC, 1544 W. Glen- Virgines, 454 Highview, Elmhurst, Illinois
wood Ave., Inglewood, California. oaks, Glendale, Calif. 9 1 2 0 1 . 60126.


DOLLARS—1878 CC Mint $3.50, very good.
1878-79-80-81-82 S. Mint, 1883-84-85-99- BSCRI PTION SERVICE -•-
1900-01-04 O Mint uncirculated $3 each. PALM DESERT,
100 page catalog, Coins, 50c. Shultz, Salt D ENTER A NEW SUBSCRIP noN •

CUSTOM FILM finishing by mail since 1932. ADDRESS ZIP CODE
Morgan Camera Shop "The complete photo-
graphic store," 6262 Sunset Blvd., Holly- D SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO:
wood, California 90028.


WE NOW OFFER: The ruff, tuff, sassi, Rosa . . .
a "lil of off-spring" of "Rubra Silique'' as NAME
consequential contrast to the wonder of our
wonderful Hi-Desert Flora. Rancho Environ-
mental. Phone 367-6124 Twentynine Palms.
CHIA SEED, with story: 12 ounces, $1.50; 3 ' / , NAME
pound $5.00; 18 pound $21.00. Pollen Chia
Commerce, Box 2151D, Prescott, Arizona.
CACTUS PLANTS from the Southwest, in assort-
ments of 5 and 10 different varieties. Five Sian Gift Card: "From
p l a n t s — $ 1 . Ten plants—$2. Postpaid in
One Year $5.00 Two Years $9.50 Three Years $13.00
U.S.A. Cactus, 2528 E. Madison, Phoenix,
Arizona 85034. (Or 2 One Years) (Or Three One Years)
EL RANCHO Galapagos Cactus Growers. You
are invited to visit our greenhouses and cactus • ALSO SEND DESERTS 12-ISSUE HANDSOME BROWN VINYL BINDER FOR $3.50
gardens on the east slope of Copper Moun- (includes tax and postage)
tain. Star Route 1, Box 7 1 0 , Twentynine Date Binder(s) with Year) .) • Undated
Palms, California. Phone 362-4329.

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 39



Do you have any information you want
Organized outings and meetings of 4-wheel drive, camper, trailer and gem and to share with other Back Country Travel-
mineral and boating clubs in the 11 western states will be listed every month in this ers? Do you have any questions about
column. Be certain to include the following information: complete name of organiza- how or where to obtain an item, how to
tion, place, hour and day or days, how to get there, and if restricted to members or get somewhere, condition of terrain, is
open to everyone. Send information as soon as meeting has been definitely scheduled. a certain area restricted? Then write to
Desert, Calif. 92260
EVENT. Send material to Out of This World, Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Cali-
fornia 92260.

I would like to secure plans for a dry-

TIERRA DEL SOL 4WD CLUB OF SAN DIEGO. Feb. 25-26, 1967. Fifth Annual washer to use in some of the gravel
Two Day "Desert Safari" in Borrego (San Diego County) Badlands. All 4-wheelers washes near here. I am a very fair me-
invited. For information write Tierra Del Sol Club, 5083 Conrad Ave., San Diego, chanic and believe I can build a small
Calif. 92117. washer, mounted on a two-wheel trailer,
powered by a gasoline engine to be taken
to the site by pick-up.
AVION TRAVELCADE CLUB. Feb. 6 through March 23, tentative dates for Eastern
Mexico Travelcade and February 13 through March 11, Western Mexico Sports Tour. Harley L. Reiter,
Phoenix, Arizona.
Must be the balmy desert weather as we
VENTURA GEM & MINERAL SOCIETY. March 4 & 5, Ventura County Fair have received several requests for dry-
Grounds, Seaside Park, Ventura, Calif. Admission free. Camping facilities available. washer plans. For those like myself who
are not mechanically inclined there are
several good and light dry washers you
CA of 4WD 7th ANNUAL GENERAL ELECTION DINNER-DANCE MEETING. can buy, such as the one sold by Compton
Feb. 4-5. For details write CA of 4WD, P. O. Box 5001, Sacramento, Calif. Rock Shop. However, anyone knowing
where readers can get plans let us know
and we'll publish the information next
NATIONAL 4WD GRAND PRIX, Riverside, Calif. March. For details write N4WD
Grand Prix, P. O. Box 301, Fullerton, Calif.

KERN COUNTY MINERAL SOCIETY 9th Annual Gem and Mineral Show, April There was a lost mine story in the Febru-
15 & 16. Kern County Fairgrounds, Bakersfield, Calif. Admission free. Saturday 10 ary, 1966 issue . . . the Lost Hungarian
A.M. to 10 P.M. Sunday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Mine. Has this mine ever been found?
Harold Sims,
San Jacinto.
AVION TRAVELCADE CLUB Western International Rendezvous of 1967. April
5 through 9. Holiday Isle Trailer Park, Tucson, Arizona. OWNERS OF AVION To our knowledge . . . and to the know-
ledge of finder-loser Mike Kovacs . . .
his lost gold bonanza is still lost.

PHOENIX JEEP CLUB JAMBOREE, Phoenix, Arizona. April.

I am an avid reader of DESERT. I am
AVION TRAVELCADE CLUB, Spring Rally of California Unit. May 4 through especially interested in lost mine stories.
May 7. Rancho Oso, near Santa Barbara, Calif. OWNERS OF AVION CAMPERS I think your new section will be very
AND TRAILERS ONLY. For information write Williard Young, P. O. Box 744, interesting. I would like to see an article
Vista, California. 92083. on core drilling. Some device a man could
carry and would go down about 20 feet
and some HrMl nr device thot would fit
TNDIO SIDEWINDER 4WD CRUISE, May 6-7. A family 4WD event open to the on a 4-wheel drive vehicle and go down
public where four wheel drive enthusiasts are led on a cross country trip. See Erie around 100 feet!
Stanley Gardner's "The Desert Is Yours" for description. For complete information Robert Walton,
write to Sareea Al Jamel 4WD Club, P. O. Box 526, Indio, Calif. 92201. Vandenberg, Calif.

40 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

TRAVEL Remember the old Jeepster?

Dig That Crazy Roadrunner!!

Well, Myrtle, you see the reason Pete and I were late in getting back
It's back again, but all dressed up and
with 4WD on a 101-inch wheelbase
with a choice of the standard 75 h.p., 4
cyl. Hurricane or the new 160 h.p. Daunt-
less V-6 engine.
from our prospecting trip was we were heading back home when this Kaiser Jeep Corporation announced its
bird . . . he was at least eight feet high . . . suddenly ran in front of new line of Jeepster models on January
our rig and we . . . yeah, I said eight feet and he was running like the 3 for the growing four-wheel drive fun
blue blazes . . . no, Myrt, honest, we only had a couple of beers . . . and recreation and utility markets. Models
now wait a minute, let me finish . . . okay, so if you don't believe me include convertible, station wagon and
call Pete, he'll tell you . . . okay so we are prospecting buddies and others.
have spun a few tales, but I swear . . . now dammit, let me finish . . .
I was watching the road when Pete yelled "Dig that crazy Roadrun-
ner." I looked up and there he was, beady eyes and oily looking
feathers . . . no HE was oiled and it was his eyes that were beady . . .
aw, Myrt, now you know anything can happen in the desert . . . re-
member the time you and I saw that mirage and we thought it was
your old Aunt Tillie, but it turned out to be nothing but an old Sa-
guaro . . . okay, so Aunt Tillie isn't so old . . . well, anyway, this giant
roadrunner. . . you know, maybe a roadrunner and a burro got cross-
ed . . . okay, okay . . . but anyway this big old bird ran down a wash Another new back country desert ve-
so we naturally jumped out and started following but when we stop- hicle is a maverick from the snow coun-
ped there was nothing but these giant two-toed tracks and . . . okay try. Manufacturers of snowmobiles which
so a roadrunner tracks aren't two toed . . . but these were and . . . have proven so popular in the north have
now listen Myrt, I'm telling you . . . that's the trouble with you replaced the front skiis with small wheels
women, you never believe anything . . . you're just like an old ostrich and utilizing the power cleat belts for
who sticks his head in the sand and never sees or hears anything . . . power in the back are invading the des-
erts. I recently drove one model, the Pol-
aris Mustang, manufactured in Salt Lake
City, and found it very manueverable.
Even smaller than my Grasshopper, they
are easily towed on a small trailer and
should be great for family fun.
Front mount winches for Ford's Bron-
co have been introduced by Koenig Iron
Works, Inc. of Houston, Texas. The
older six-cylinder winch and the all new
specially engineered winch for the Bronco
V-8 have been approved by Ford and are
available at their dealers. Koenig also
manufactures a heavy-duty power takeoff
for the Bronco. Free brochures are avail-
able by writing to Koenig Iron Works,
P. O. Box 7728, Houston, Texas 77007.
For information on roads . . . good,
bad and indifferent . . . and where to go
and what to see in our area be sure to
stop by DESERT MAGAZINE when you
are in the area. In connection with this
new Back Country Travel Section we now
have a Back Country Travel Headquarters
Editors Note: According to the Riverside Daily Enterprise of January at Desert Magazine for exchange of ideas
15, 1967 an 8-foot ostrich being used by a film company near Palm and just plain jam sessions. We are open
Desert, Calif, escaped from its cage and disappeared for several six days a week and most Sundays. See
hours before being captured. On-the-spot Photo by Warren Johnson. directions on back cover of this issue.

March, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 41

Letters requesting answers must
include stamped self-addressed

More on the Mushroom . . . Santa Isabel Theory . . . Enchanted . . .

To the Editor: As a geology major at the Uni- To the Editor: Houck's theory on the Santa To the Editor: Thank you so much for your
versity of California I feel qualified to clear up Isabel (DESERT Jan. '67) is based on Kino's great magazine. My grandparents say they read
a point about Death Valley's Mushroom Rock. 1702 map which shows a mission where no it cover to cover, and so do we. Because they
I am in perfect agreement with DESERT'S mission exists. This map is a notoriously bad spend their winters in Brawley, Califonia,
policy toward fences. Now in regard to the Gil- guide to missions of Pimeria Alta because it your magazine helps them to find new areas
lette letter (Feb. '67), the rock's worst enemy omits virtually all of the established missions. to explore. We're pleased there is something
is the forces which created it, not vandalism. It is not really Kino's but an adaptation of his we can give them which contributes so much
Prior to 1956 the rock did have a true mush- sketch in which the German engraver either pleasure to their lives. We, in Nevada, are also
room shape. Due to the nature of the basalt misinterpreted or embellished certain symbols happy that you devote so much space to us. We
of which the rock is formed, bits of water and on the original. According to Ernest J. Burrus. have discovered a wealth of material through
salt are blown into the rock's pores. When the S. J., "The whereabouts of the originals of the the pages of DESERT Magazine which has in-
salt crystallizes from solution, bits of rock are 1701 and 1702 maps is unknown." Thus it is creased our interest in the history of our own
flacked away. Even a fence couldn't save the impossible to tell what symbols Kino had used. state. Thank you again for publishing such a
rock from natural destruction, unless it were A further source indicates that the pioneer wonderful magazine.
a solid concrete vault. Then who could see it? Jesuit employed a circle surmounted by a cross BEVERLY SCEIRINE,
STEVEN LAMBERT, to indicate Indian settlements which had been Yerington, Nevada.
Riverside, California. partially Christianized, whether or not a mis-
sion had been established there. San Dionisio,
near present Yuma, was simply one of these
villages. It is unlikely that Jesuit missionaries
would have chosen a place on the very perime-
ter of their explorations to cache a treasure—
or that they ever had such riches to hide.
More on the Rocks . . . C. R. APPLEBY,
To the Editor: Two items in your January Escondido, California.
Letters column prompt a reply. First, Mitty- Editor's comment: Mr. Appleby's point is well
lene Burross wrote concerning clear ruby red taken. However, it might be pointed out that Disenchanted . . .
obsidian. This may refer to the so-called ame- the inset at the top of the map, translated, reads
thyst obsidian from northern California, which that this map contains the "new missions" of To the Editor: Please cancel my subscription.
is a deep, clear reddish-purple. This "obsidian" the Jesuits, which explains why the familiar My field of specialization is desert plant ecol-
is amethyst-colored glass, introduced among the ones are absent from the map. It also expressly ogy and the results of my work are in the
Indians by early Russian traders. The red glass states that missions are indicated, not villages. library of USC and of the Hancock Foundation.
was quickly adopted as a substitute for obsi- C.P. I am disenchanted with DESERT because of
dian, notably in the manufacture of large, chip- its present editorial policy. In former years, the
ped blades up to three feet long. Perhaps the editor maintained a rigorous authenticity in
arrowheads of ruby red obsidian were of the the material presented to the reader. This is
sam; material. no longer true. Repeatedly, I have discovered
Second is the letter from David McCarroll, that if two versions of a story are possible, one
who is woefully ignorant of Southern Califor- authentic but a little dull, the other artificially
nia archaeology, for the rock studded with bed- Six Fingers . . . romanticized, the latter is given preference. I
rock mortars, as in the picture referred to in cannot abide this. I have a deep and lasting af-
To the Editor: Re your June 1965 article on fection for the desert. I have found there some
the letter, is one of the most common features the six-toed people, I ran across some linguistic
of aboriginal campsites in the area. The holes of the most stirring spiritual experiences of
evidence that will interest you. See entries my life. There are many ways to despoil the
in the rock are mortars, and acorns—not corn under cinqueno, chicuace, chicuaz, chincuace,
as stated—were ground in them by pounding. desert. The printed word is one.
and chincuas (chincuaz), in F. J. Santamaria's
There is ample ethnographic documentation, Diccionario de Mejicanismos (available LA PETER J. REMPEL,
including photographs, of the use of these mor- City and Univ libraries.) All are used in Mexico Ventura, California.
tars. Granted, it would be difficult to remove to refer to persons with six fingers or toes. An
the pulverized acorns from the mortars, since informant from southern Sinaloa has told me
some of them are a foot or more deep, but they are seen occasionally there and referred to
nevertheless, it was done. There are similar as cuate (estar cuate or fem. cuata) or as "el
"hominy holes" in Kentucky where corn was cuate", "la cuata." Evidently the phenomenon
ground, and some of these are over three feet is still present in the Mexican gene pool.
KEN HEDGES, Montebello, California.
Springs Valley, California.
Happy Readers . . .
To the Editor: The quotation at the bottom of
page 4 of the current issue of the NVRC (Nor-
thrup Ventura Recreation Club Bulletin) will
show you that we are thorough readers of DES-
More About Cibola Treasure . . . Yellow Ocotillo . . . ERT Magazine. W e believe it is the most en-
To the Editor: In the January issue a reader tertaining and the most beautiful publication
To the Editor: It was nice of the finder to we have ever had the pleasure of reading.
write you and let me know what the treasure asked about a yellow ocotillo. There is a yellow
was that 1 missed finding in Cibola by not get- ocotillo in the rock garden in the southeast BENSON R. SUMNER, editor,
ting there first. I wonder if this man knows corner of the park in Holtville, Calif., and I Newbury Park, California.
that the treasure was far more extensive than have one located near Middle Camp on the Editor's comment: DESERT'S editor is quoted
this one cache. It was hidden in small portions road into the Hauser geode area. I do not know in the above publication as follows: "It is more
by Wm. Rood and there is much, much more. whether they bloom consistently or not, but exciting to have an exchange of ideas than to
If the map he recovered mentioned a burial I am watching this one. be right."
ground or small peaks, my partner and I know I have been a DESERT subscriber since 1937
where they are. We have a lot of fun here and we feel aw-
and still like it. fully good when we hear that readers like M.r.
WILLIAM BALLENTINE, ROBERT RUSSELL, Sumner are participating in the desert adven-
Hinkley, California. Brea, California. ture right along with us. C.P.

42 / Desert Magazine / March, 1967

Best Areas: Holtville, Algodones Dunes, south of Hwy. 80 between
Calexico and Ocotillo.
Dominant Species: desert lilies, evening primrose, lupine, phacelia. SOME YEARS the desert is spec-
tacular with wildflowers; other years
. . . ANZA/BORREGO (lower elevation) . . the blossoms are almost nonexistent
Best Areas: base of Superstition Mountains, west of Imperial, (but never totally absent). A "good"
Borrego Valley. wildflower year depends on three
Dominant Species: desert lilies, lupine, verbena, primrose. things: well-spaced rainfall through
winter and early spring months; suffi-
. . . . D E A T H VALLEY (lower elevation) . . . . cient warmth from the sun; and the
lack of desiccating winds.
Best Areas: Jubilee Pass, Hwy. 190 near Furnace Creek Inn, base
of Daylight Pass.
Dominant Species: desert star, blazing star, geraea, mimulus, en-
celia, poppies, verbena, evening primrose.

Best Areas: North shore of Salton Sea, Box Canyon, Del Sol Road.
Dominant Species: verbena, evening primrose, geraea, hairy-leafed

Best Areas: Quartz Hill, east and west of Palmdale, Fairmont, Hi Vista.
Dominant Species: poppies, phacelia, coreopsis, desert aster, gilia, primrose.

ANZA/BORREGO (higher elevation)

Best Areas: Anza, Julian, Warner Springs.
Dominant Species: poppies, buttercups, lupine, penstemons, mallows.

Best Areas: along Twentynine Palms Hwy., Old Woman Springs.
Dominant Species: encelia, poppies, blazing star, yucca, Joshua.

DEATH VALLEY (2000-4000 foot elevation)

Best Areas: Panamints.
Dominant Species: paintbrush, desert rue, lupine.


Best Areas: along Hwy. 66 from Barstow to
Needles, Joshua Monument.
Dominant Species: desert sunflower, sage, asters,
poppies, verbena, yucca, Joshua.

. . DEATH VALLEY (above 4500 feet) . .

Best Areas: High Panamints.
Dominant Species: wildrose, golden rabbitbrush, Pana-
mint daisies, mariposa, lupine.

Best Areas: Lone Pine, Alabama Hills.
Dominant Species: gilias, phacelias, daisies.


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