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When configuring OZEKI SMS Gateway to work with your system; The following steps

should be followed:
on the Drivers:
1. Download mysql ODBC 5.1 driver and install it on yr machine
2.Goto to start button on yr machine menu, type data, or jus search for data so
urce ODBC.
3.Goto to system DSN and add a driver. Name it correctly, and make simmilar conn
details to that matches your database connections and configurations eg. usernam
e, port,
password. Check on the connection pooling if your driver is now added
on OZek:
1. create a database interface user, name it whatever
2.Connection string type: choose odbc, not default oledb
3.On the connection String:
Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=vat;User=root;
--make sure all databas connection references meet the standard db configuration
s already in place
4.Jus check for sql for sending and receiving if they connect to ozeki tables in
the local database
5. Plug in yr modem and start Service provider configuration
6.on port of connection to yr device, autodetect, and check down to see the actu
al name of your device, it should give a positive confirmation for the connectio
n of ISP configured
7. Go to the SMS center number:
enter smsc # for yr GSM line,
and tick override
8.On telephone # put the number that will be used for sending the sms
9. on ISP name, jus place any like Econet
10.connect automatically on start-up
11. Go to management tab and choose the inbound and select your DB User interfa
ce user as the add added new route
click on edit on the tab and put:
provider: select yr user
destination user, choose yr user interface user
source provider, you can select yr econet ot isp already created
Go to outbound rules and do the same.
12. back to management tab and check on the left top side, on Service Providers,
yr connection should be seen, either waiting to be connected or idle or connec
13. try to compose a message.
On yr Application:

create a table called ozekimessagein n ozekimessageout.
14. Queries: copy and paste into yr sql editor
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `ozekimessagein`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ozekimessagein`;
CREATE TABLE `ozekimessagein` (
`sender` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`receiver` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`msg` varchar(160) DEFAULT NULL,
`senttime` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`receivedtime` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`operator` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`msgtype` varchar(160) DEFAULT NULL,
`reference` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `ozekimessageout`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ozekimessageout`;
CREATE TABLE `ozekimessageout` (
`sender` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`receiver` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`msg` varchar(160) DEFAULT NULL,
`senttime` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`receivedtime` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`reference` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`status` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`msgtype` varchar(160) DEFAULT NULL,
`operator` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
in your code:
download jdbc driver for mysql from
- get ozec at
it will enable the ozec db to onnect to yr db app,
in yr database create a table called ozekimessageout , rowas & columns:
receiver- which is the number
msg- which ahppens to be the message
send - this is the status to be checked by ozec engine to determine action
example of a query:
$query =mysql_query( "insert into ozekimessageout (receiver,msg,status) values (
All the best in your dream coding:
COncepts and design by PMuchini,... Peter Togara....

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