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See for more lnformaLlon. ConLacL supporL[ for supporL quesLlons. 19-febr.

kouter8CAkD 9S1U|-2nnD
!"#$% '()"* +"#,( -., /-00-.)1 2.3405-)#4.
1he 88931ul ls a A devlce wlLh 3 eLherneL porLs, LLher1 supporLs powerlng by oL, eLher 3
supporLs oL ouLpuL for powerlng anoLher devlce.
1. ConnecL your lnLerneL cable Lo porL 1,
and LAn compuLers Lo porLs 2-3
2. SeL LAn compuLer l conflguraLlon Lo !"#$%!#&' (uPC)
3. Wlreless A mode ls enabled by defaulL, you can connecL Lo Lhe SSlu Mlkro1lk". Log lnLo your rouLer from your web browser by
openlng ln Lhe address bar
4. 1he LLher3 porL suporLs oL ouLpuL, wlLh auLo deLecLlon feaLure. 1hls means you can connecL LapLops and oLher non-oL devlces
wlLhouL damaglng Lhem. 1he oL on LLher3 ouLpuLs approxlmaLely 2v below lnpuL volLage, and supporLs up Lo 0.38A (So provlded
24v Su wlll provlde 22v/0.38A ouLpuL Lo Lhe LLher3 oL porL)
3. lease noLe LhaL for some unlLs a wlreless password ls conflgured. lL ls Lhe unlL serlal number. ?ou can check Lhls on Lhe sLlcker,
serlal number ls 12 symbols long.
1he devlce accepLs powerlng from Lhe power [ack or from Lhe flrsL LLherneL porL (asslve oL):
uC power [ack (3.3mm ouLslde and 2mm lnslde dlameLer, female, pln poslLlve plug) accepLs 8-30v uC
1he flrsL LLherneL porL accepLs passlve ower over LLherneL accepLs 8-30v uC
under maxlmum load, Lhe power consumpLlon of Lhls devlce ls 7W
:44)#.7 *04$(;;
1he devlce ls prelnsLalled wlLh Mlkro1lk 8ouLerCS sofLware. lL can be conflgured ln several ways.
1hls devlce doesn'L come flLLed wlLh a Serlal orL connecLor, so lnlLlal connecLlon has Lo be done vla Lhe LLherneL cable.
ConnecL Lo wlreless SSlu Mlkro1lk" and open ln your web browser. username ls adm|n and Lhere ls no password.
ln case l connecLlon ls noL avallable, Wlnbox can be used Lo connecL Lo Lhe MAC address of Lhe devlce. More lnformaLlon here:
ln case you wlsh Lo booL Lhe devlce from neLwork, for example Lo use Mlkro1lk neLlnsLall, hold Lhe 8LSL1 buLLon of Lhe devlce
when sLarLlng lL unLll Lhe LLu llghL Lurns off, and MeLal wlll sLarL Lo look for neLlnsLall servers.
ln case you wlsh Lo booL Lhe devlce from neLwork, for example Lo use Mlkro1lk neLlnsLall, hold Lhe 8LSL1 buLLon of Lhe devlce
when sLarLlng lL unLll Lhe LLu llghL Lurns off, Lhen release Lhe buLLon and Lhe devlce wlll sLarL looklng for neLlnsLall servers.
8y defaulL, Lhe devlce ls preconflgured wlLh a slmple flrewall on Lhe WAn porL, Lhls conflguraLlon can be vlewed when flrsL
connecLlng Lo Lhe 8ouLer vla Wlnbox. lL wlll ask wheLher Lo keep Lhls conflguraLlon or clean lL Lo use your own. LAn/WLAn
porLs have uPC server enabled.
<=)(.;#4. '>4); -., 840);
llve lndlvldual 10/100 LLherneL porLs, supporLlng auLomaLlc cross/sLralghL cable connecLlon (AuLo Mul/x), so you can use elLher
sLralghL or cross-over cables for connecLlng Lo oLher neLwork devlces. 1he llrsL LLherneL porL accepLs 8-30v uC powerlng from a
passlve oL ln[ecLor.
Cne lnLegraLed Wlreless 2.4CPz 802.11b/g/n 2x2 MlMC, Cnboard ll anLennas, max galn 2.3d8l
Cne uS8 2.0 porL
See for more lnformaLlon. ConLacL supporL[ for supporL quesLlons. 19-febr.-14
?(;())#.7 )@( ,(A#$(
ln case you wlsh Lo reLurn Lhe devlce Lo lLs orlglnal conflguraLlon, you can use Lhe 8LSL1 buLLon whlch ls locaLed Lo Lhe lefL of
Lhe LLherneL porLs. Pold Lhls buLLon durlng booL Llme unLll LLu llghLs sLarL flashlng, Lhen release Lhe buLLon Lo reset kouterCS
conf|gurat|on. ?ou can use Lhls procedure lf you have forgoLLen Lhe password Lo access Lhe devlce, or slmply wlsh Lo reLurn Lhe
unlL Lo lLs defaulL conflguraLlon sLaLe.
:"))4.; -., B"5*(0;
8ouLerCS reseL [umper hole (on Lhe boLLom of case, behlnd one of Lhe rubber feeL) - reseLs 8ouLerCS sofLware Lo defaulLs. MusL
shorL clrculL Lhe meLalllc sldes of Lhe hole (wlLh a screwdrlver, for example) and booL Lhe devlce. Pold screwdrlver ln place unLll
8ouLerCS conflguraLlon ls cleared.
8ouLer8CC1 reseL buLLon (8LSL1, fronL panel) has Lwo funcLlons:
! Pold Lhls buLLon durlng booL Llme unLll LLu llghL sLarLs f|ash|ng,
release Lhe buLLon Lo reset kouterCS conf|gurat|on (same resulL as wlLh 8ouLerCS reseL hole)
! Pold Lhls buLLon durlng booL Llme longer, unLll LLD turns off,
Lhen release lL Lo make Lhe 8ouLer8CA8u |ook for Net|nsta|| servers.
C*(0-)#.7 '1;)(5 '"**40)
CurrenLly LesLed operaLlng sysLem ls Mlkro1lk 8ouLerCS sLarLlng from verslon v3.24
64*10#7@) -., /-00-.)1 #.3405-)#4.
CopyrlghL Mlkro1lkls SlA. 1hls documenL conLalns lnformaLlon proLecLed by copyrlghL law. no parL of lL may be reproduced or
LransmlLLed ln any form wlLhouL prlor wrlLLen permlsslon from Lhe copyrlghL holder. 8ouLer8CA8u, 8ouLerCS, 8ouLer8CC1
and Mlkro1lk are Lrademarks of Mlkro1lkls SlA. All Lrademarks and reglsLered Lrademarks appearlng ln Lhls documenL are Lhe
properLy of Lhelr respecLlve holders.
nardware. Mlkro1lk warranLs all 8ouLer8CA8u serles equlpmenL for Lhe Lerm of Lwelve (12) monLhs from Lhe shlpplng daLe Lo
be free of defecLs ln maLerlals and workmanshlp under normal use and servlce, excepL ln case of damage caused by mechanlcal,
elecLrlcal or oLher accldenLal or lnLended damages caused by lmproper use or due Lo wlnd, raln, flre or oLher acLs of naLure.
1o reLurn falled unlLs Lo Mlkro1lk, you musL perform Lhe followlng 8MA (8eLurn Merchandlse AuLhorlzaLlon) procedure. lollow
Lhe lnsLrucLlons below Lo save Llme, efforLs, avold cosLs, and lmprove Lhe speed of Lhe 8MA process.
1. lf you have purchased your producL from a Mlkro1lk 8eseller, please conLacL Lhe 8eseller company regardlng all warranLy and
repalr lssues, Lhe followlng lnsLrucLlons apply CnL? lf you purchased your equlpmenL dlrecLly from Mlkro1lk ln LaLvla.
2. Mlkro1lk does noL offer repalrs for producLs LhaL are noL covered by warranLy. LxcepLlons can be made for: CC81016-12C,
CC81016-12C-8u, CC81036-12C-4S, 881100, 881100AP, 881100APx2, 881200, 88600, 88600A and 88800 as a pald servlce (fees apply).
3. CuL-of-warranLy devlces and devlces noL covered by warranLy senL Lo MlkroLlk wlll be reLurned Lo Lhe sender aL sender's cosL. lf Lhe
cusLomer has noL organlzed reLurn of such re[ecLed devlces wlLhln 12 monLhs from Lhe day of arrlval, Mlkro1lk has Lhe rlghL Lo dlscard
8MA lnsLrucLlons are locaLed on our webpage here: http:]]rma.m|krot|
1hls documenL ls provlded as ls" wlLhouL a warranLy of any klnd, expressed or lmplled, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe
lmplled warranLy of merchanLablllLy and flLness for a parLlcular purpose. 1he manufacLurer has made every efforL Lo ensure
Lhe accuracy of Lhe conLenLs of Lhls documenL, however, lL ls posslble LhaL lL may conLaln Lechnlcal lnaccuracles, Lypographlcal
or oLher errors. no llablllLy ls assumed for any lnaccuracy found ln Lhls publlcaLlon, nor for dlrecL or lndlrecL, lncldenLal,
consequenLlal or oLher damages LhaL may resulL from such an lnaccuracy, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, loss of daLa or proflLs.
lease reporL any lnaccuracles found Lo supporL[

See for more lnformaLlon. ConLacL supporL[ for supporL quesLlons. 19-febr.-14
D(,(0-> 6455".#$-)#4. 6455#;;#4. 2.)(03(0(.$( ')-)(5(.)
1hls equlpmenL has been LesLed and found Lo comply wlLh Lhe llmlLs for a Class 8 dlglLal devlce, pursuanL Lo arL 13 of Lhe lCC
8ules. 1hese llmlLs are deslgned Lo provlde reasonable proLecLlon agalnsL harmful lnLerference ln a resldenLlal lnsLallaLlon.
1hls equlpmenL generaLes, uses and can radlaLe radlo frequency energy and, lf noL lnsLalled and used ln accordance wlLh Lhe
lnsLrucLlons, may cause harmful lnLerference Lo radlo communlcaLlons. Powever, Lhere ls no guaranLee LhaL lnLerference wlll
noL occur ln a parLlcular lnsLallaLlon. lf Lhls equlpmenL does cause harmful lnLerference Lo radlo or Lelevlslon recepLlon, whlch
can be deLermlned by Lurnlng Lhe equlpmenL off and on, Lhe user ls encouraged Lo Lry Lo correcL Lhe lnLerference by one of Lhe
followlng measures:
8eorlenL or relocaLe Lhe recelvlng anLenna.
lncrease Lhe separaLlon beLween Lhe equlpmenL and recelver.
ConnecL Lhe equlpmenL lnLo an ouLleL on a clrculL dlfferenL from LhaL Lo whlch Lhe recelver ls connecLed.
ConsulL Lhe dealer or an experlenced radlo/1v Lechnlclan for help.
ICC Caut|on: Any changes or modlflcaLlons noL expressly approved by Lhe parLy responslble for compllance could vold Lhe
user's auLhorlLy Lo operaLe Lhls equlpmenL.
1hls devlce complles wlLh arL 13 of Lhe lCC 8ules. CperaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng Lwo condlLlons: (1) 1hls devlce may
noL cause harmful lnLerference, and (2) Lhls devlce musL accepL any lnLerference recelved, lncludlng lnLerference LhaL may
cause undeslred operaLlon.
1hls devlce and lLs anLenna musL noL be co-locaLed or operaLlon ln con[uncLlon wlLh any oLher anLenna or LransmlLLer.
IMCk1AN1: Lxposure to kad|o Irequency kad|at|on.
23 cm mlnlmum dlsLance has Lo be malnLalned beLween Lhe anLenna and Lhe occupaLlonal user and 73 cm Lo general publlc.
under such conflguraLlon, Lhe lCC radlaLlon exposure llmlLs seL forLh for an populaLlon/unconLrolled envlronmenL can be

See for more lnformaLlon. ConLacL supporL[ for supporL quesLlons. 19-febr.-14
6< F($>-0-)#4. 43 64.3405#)1
lull ueclaraLlon of ConformlLy (uoC) may be obLalned by vlslLlng Lhls web page: http:]]]doc]
[Ln] Lngllsh Pereby, Mlk8C1lkLS SlA declares LhaL Lhls 8Cu1L88CA8u ls ln compllance wlLh Lhe essenLlal requlremenLs and oLher relevanL provlslons of
ulrecLlve 1999/3/LC.
[8C] 8ulgarlan C naconueo, Mlk8C1lkLS SlA eirapupa, e 8Cu1L88CA8u e u couecuue cc cuecuenue usuciuanun u puepurouu pas-
opeu na upeiuua 1999/3/LC.
[C] Czech Mlk8C1lkLS SlA LmLo prohlau[e, e 8Cu1L88CA8u splu[e zkladn poadavky a vechna pslun usLanovenl Smrnlce 1999/3/LS.
[uk] uanlsh underLegnede Mlk8C1lkLS SlA erklrer herved, aL flgende udsLyr 8Cu1L88CA8u overholder de vsenLllge krav og vrlge relevanLe krav l
dlrekLlv 1999/3/Ll.
[uL] Cerman PlermlL erklrL Mlk8C1lkLS SlA dass slch das CerL 8Cu1L88CA8u ln berelnsLlmmung mlL den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den
brlgen elnschlglgen 8esLlmmungen der 8lchLllnle 1999/3/LC beflndeL.
[LL] LsLonlan kesolevaga klnnlLab Mlk8C1lkLS SlA seadme 8Cu1L88CA8u vasLavusL dlrekLllvl 1999/3/L phlnueLele [a nlmeLaLud dlrekLllvlsL
LulenevaLele LelsLele as[akohasLele sLeLele.
[C8] Creek Mlk8C1lkLS SlA AAUl l 8Cu1L88CA8u Ul l lUAl ll l
l Al xl Al-l All 1999/3/
[LS] Spanlsh or la presenLe, Mlk8C1lkLS SlA declara que esLe 8Cu1L88CA8u cumple con los requlslLos esenclales y oLras exlgenclas relevanLes de la
ulrecLlva 1999/3/LC.
[l1] lLallan Con la presenLe Mlk8C1lkLS SlA dlchlara che quesLo 8Cu1L88CA8u e conforme al requlslLl essenzlall ed alle alLre dlsposlzlonl perLlnenLl
sLablllLe dalla dlreLLlva 1999/3/CL.
[Lv] LaLvlan Ar o Mlk8C1lkLS SlA deklare, ka 8Cu1L88CA8u aLbllsL ulrekLlvas 1999/3/Lk buLlska[m praslbm un clLlem ar Lo salsLlLa[lem noLelkumlem.
[L1] LlLhuanlan Sluo Mlk8C1lkLS SlA deklaruo[a, kad ls 8Cu1L88CA8u aLlLlnka esmlnlus relkalavlmus lr klLas 1999/3/L8 ulrekLyvos nuosLaLas
[Pu] Pungarlan A Mlk8C1lkLS SlA ezzennel kl[elenLl, hogy a 8Cu1L88CA8u Lpusu beren-dezes Lel[esLl az alapveL kveLelmenyekeL es ms 1999/3/Lk
lrnyelvben meghaLrozoLL vonaLkoz rendelkezesekeL.
[nL] uuLch Plerbl[ verklaarL Mlk8C1lkLS SlA daL heL LoesLel l 8Cu1L88CA8u ln overeensLemmlng ls meL de essenLlele elsen en de andere relevanLe
bepalln-gen van rlchLll[n 1999/3/LC.
[L] ollsh nlnle[szym Mlk8C1lkLS SlA deklaru[e ze 8Cu1L88CA8u [esL zgodny z zasadnlczyml wymaganlaml l lnnyml wlasclwyml posLanowlenlaml
uyrekLywy 1999/3/LC.
[1] orLuguese Lu, Mlk8C1lkLS SlA declaro que o 8Cu1L88CA8u cumpre os requlslLos essenclals e ouLras provlses relevanLes da ulrecLlva 1999/3/LC.
[8C] 8omanlan rln prezenLa, Mlk8C1lkLS SlA declar c aparaLul 8Cu1L88CA8u esLe in conformlLaLe cu cerlnele esenlale ;l cu alLe prevederl perLlnenLe
ale ulrecLlvel 1999/3/CL..
[Sk] Slovak Mlk8C1lkLS SlA LymLo vyhlasu[e, e 8Cu1L88CA8u spla zkladne poladavky a veLky prslune usLanovenla Smernlce 1999/3/LS.
[Sl] Slovenlan Mlk8C1lkLS SlA lz[avl[a, da [e La 8Cu1L88CA8u v skladu z blsLvenlml zahLevaml ln druglml relevanLnlml doloclll dlrekLlve 1999/3/LS.
[ll] llnlsh Mlk8C1lkLS SlA vakuuLLaa LLen eLL 8Cu1L88CA8u Lyypplnen lalLe on dlrekLllvln 1999/3/L? oleelllsLen vaaLlmusLen [a slL koskevlen
dlrekLllvln mulden ehLo[en mukalnen.
[SL] Swedlsh Prmed lnLygar Mlk8C1lkLS SlA aLL denna 8ouLer8CA8u r l verenssLmmelse med de vsenLllga egenskapskrav och vrlga relevanLa be-
sLmmelser som framgr av dlrekLlv 1999/3/LC.
[nC] norweglan Mlk8C1lkLS SlA Lrklrer herved aL 8Cu1L88CA8u er l samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og vrlge relevanLe krav l dlrekLlv 1999/3/Ll.

LN. Instruct|on manua|: ConnecL Lhe power adapLer Lo Lurn on Lhe devlce. Cpen ln your web browser, Lo conflgure lL. More lnformaLlon on
hLLp:// 8G. Mncpyaqua: Cupee aaepa na saxpanuane, sa a uirue cpoucuoo. Cuopee u e pasp, sa a
nacpoue poia. ouee unopauun u hLLp:// C2. Nvod k pouI|t|: lpo[Le nap[ec adapLer k zapnuL psLro[e. CLeveLe ve webovem prohlecl pro konflguracl produkLu. vce lnformac na[deLe v hLLp:// Dk. Instrukt|onsbog: 1llsluL sLrmadapLeren
for aL Lnde for enheden. bn l en webbrowser Lll aL konflgurere produkLeL. Mere lnformaLlon l hLLp:// Ik. Mode d'emp|o|:
ConnecLez l'adapLaLeur d'allmenLaLlon pour allumer l'apparell. Cuvrez dans un navlgaLeur Web pour conflgurer le produlL. lus d'lnformaLlons
dans hLLp:// DL. 8ed|enungsan|e|tung: verblnden Sle das neLzLell, um das CerL elnzuschalLen. Cffnen Sle ln elnem Web-
8rowser, um das rodukL zu konflgurleren. WelLere lnformaLlonen lm hLLp:// LL. kasutus[uhend: hendage LolLeadapLer seadme
slsselllLamlseks. AvaLud ln veebllehlLse[a seadlsLada LoodeL. 8ohkem LeaveL hLLp:// LS. Manua| de |nstrucc|ones: ConecLe el
adapLador de allmenLacln para encender la unldad. Abra en un navegador web para conflgurar el producLo. Ms lnformacln en
hLLp:// I1. Manua|e d| |struz|on|: Collegare l'adaLLaLore dl allmenLazlone per accendere l'unlLa. Aprlre ln un browser Web per
conflgurare ll prodoLLo. Magglorl lnformazlonl ln hLLp:// LV. L|etosanas |nstrukc|[a: levleno[leL SLrvas adapLerl, lal leslegLu lerlcl. ALverL ar lnLerneLa prluku, lal konflgureLu produkLu. laka lnformcl[a hLLp:// L1. Naudo[|mos| |nstrukc|[a: rl[unklLe malLlnlmo
adapLerj j[unklLe jrenglnj. | lnLerneLo narykl ALldaryklLe gallLe konflguruoLl gamlnj. uauglau lnformacl[os raslLe hLLp:// nU.
naszn|at| utas|ts: CsaLlakozLassa a hlzaLl adapLerL a keszlek bekapcsolshoz. MegnylLsa egy webbngeszben bellLanl a LermekeL. 1bb
lnformcl hLLp:// NL. nand|e|d|ng: SlulL voedlngsadapLer aan op heL apparaaL ln Le schakelen. Cpen ln een webbrowser om
heL producL Le conflgureren. Meer lnformaLle ln hLLp:// L. Instrukc[a obsIug|: odlcz adapLer zasllanla, aby wlczyc urzdzenle. CLwrz w przegldarce lnLerneLowe[, aby skonflgurowac urzdzenle. Wlce[ lnformac[l w hLLp:// 1. Manua| de |nstrues: ConecLe o
adapLador de allmenLao para llgar o aparelho. Abra em um navegador da web para conflgurar o produLo. Mals lnformaes em
hLLp:// kC. Instruc|un| de ut|||zare : ConecLa(l adapLorul de allmenLare penLru a pornl aparaLul. ueschlde inLr-un browser web
penLru a conflgura produsul. Mal mulLe lnforma(ll in hLLp:// Sk. Nvod na pouI|t|e: rlpo[Le nap[ac adapLer k zapnuLlu prsLro[a. CLvorLe vo webovom prehlladacl pre konflgurclu produkLu. vlac lnformcl n[deLe v hLLp:// SI. Navod||a: rlkl[uclLe napa[alnlk za
vklop naprave. CdprlLe v spleLnem brskalnlku nasLavlLl lzdelek. vec lnformacl[ v hLLp:// II. kyttoh[e: kyLke vlrLalhde plle
lalLLeen. Avaa ln selalmen mrlLL LuoLLeen. Lls LleLoa hLLp:// SL. Instrukt|onsmanua|: AnsluL nLadapLern fr aLL sl p
enheLen. Cppna l en webblsare fr aLL konflgurera produkLen. Mer lnformaLlon p hLLp:// NC. 8ruksanv|sn|ngen: koble
sLrmadapLeren for sl p enheLen. pne l en neLLleser for konflgurere produkLeL. Mer lnformas[on p hLLp:// Gk.
cygctp|to oqytv: uvcoc ov npooopoyco pooooto yto vo cvcpyonotqocc q ovo. votc oc cvo npoypoo ncptqyqoq oo
Web yto vo toopuocc o npotov. cptooocpc n\qpooptc oo hLLp://

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