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Desert Magazine Beck Shop
.1. ROSS BROWN: Confidential Agent in Old MINES OF THE HIGH DESERT by Donald Dean
California. Satirical observations and rare ad- Miller. Good account of the high desert's his-
ventures of this 19th-century writer produce tory and lore. Paperback, 63 pages, photos,
lively fodder for history buffs. Hardcover, 218 Send for Free Catalog of our $1.95.
pages. $5.95.
Recommended Books LOST DESERT BONANZAS by Eugene Conrotto.
FIESTA TIME in Latin America by Jean Milne Brief resumes of lost mine articles printed in
is a rewarding contribution to below-the-bor- back issues of DESERT Magazine, by a former
der travel and lore. Hardcover, 236 pages. editor. Hardcover, 278 pages. $6.75.
OLD FORTS OF THE FAR WEST by Herbert Hart. Ernie's timeless word pictures describing his
Maps are included with remarkably lively and wanders through the Southwest. Hardcover.
accurate accounts of Western forts back to Civil Magazine Bookshop $5.00.
War times. This volume covers the Southwest.
Large format, good photos. $12.95. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 THE TRAfLS OF PETE KITCHEN by Gil Proctor.
The adventures of Arizona's most famous pio-
HAWAII COOKBOOK is a worthy collection of neer, Pete Kitchen, make for exciting reading.
popular Hawaiian dishes which are presented Include 25c for postage and handling. Treasure seekers will find meat in his account
with easily available substitutes for native Ha- of the Treasure of Tumacacori and history buffs
waiian foods. Paperback, illustrated. $2.00. California Residents add 4 % sales tax. will relish this unusual book. Hardcover. $4.95.

Stanley Gardner. As fascinating as one of his First in his series of excellent ghost town
Perry Mason mysteries, the author takes you books. More than 200 superb photos of boom
into Arizona's Superstition Mountains looking camps and gold towns as they appear today.
for the Lost Dutchman mine and into the Trigo STANDING UP COUNTRY by C. Gregory Cramp- Large format, hardcover. $12.50.
Mountains in search of Nummel's lost bonanza. ton. Best book ever written about Utah-Arizona
Hardcover, color photos. $7.50. canyon country Superb color. $15.
GHOST TOWN ALBUM by Lamber Florin. A
vivid, lusty writer gives a good account of the
ZODIAC PARTIES, MENUS AND RECIPES by Choral GEMS, MINERALS, CRYSTALS AND ORES by Old West's boom camps with excellent phots
Pepper. The editor of DESERT Magazine comes Richard Pearl. This collector's encyclopedia is
of the way they look today. $12.50.
out with a different kind of cookbook. Accom- the best of its kind. Brilliantly illustrated with
panying chapters devoted to characteristics of full-color photos. Arranged in alphabetical order SHADY LADIES OF THE WEST by Ronald Dean
persons born under each of the zodiac signs from Agagte to Zircon, it tells where to find Miller is a lively account about lively women.
are unusual menu and recipe suggestions with them, how to identify, collect, cut and display. Hardcover, 224 pages. $6.95.
exciting party ideas. Hardcover, $4.95. Hardcover, 320 pages, $6.95.
PLANTS IN HIS PACK by Janice Beaty. The ad-
WARRIORS OF THE COLORADO By Jack Forbes. GHOST TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS OF CALI- ventures of Edward Palmer, first botanist to ex-
Covers all Indian tribes of the Colorado River FORNIA by Remi Nadeau. The only good, hard- plore remote Guadalupe Island of Baja and to
and is especially recommended to readers pur- cover book on the California ghost towns. We dig into ancient ruins of Utah and Arizona. Long
suing the early history of Southern California recommend it highly. $5.95. forgotten, a quirk of fate finally brought his
and Arizona. Illustrated with historic photos. remarkable career to light. Recommended for
$5.95. REMNANTS OF THE OLD WEST by Harriett young readers as well as adults. Hardcover,
Farnsworth. The old West's last living characters illustrated. $3.75.
THE OLD ONES By Robert Silverberg. Good were interviewed by this author and the book
book to introduce the Anasazi—ancestors to the is filled with never-before published tidbits that SILVER THEATER by Margaret Watson. Terrific
Pueblo Indians—to readers newly interested in deserve recording. An attractive book that makes book for history buffs who appreciate the lusty
cliff dwellings and ruins of Arizona and Utah. a surprisingly inexpensive and worthwhile gift. theatrical events that shook the early West.
Recommened for young adults (14 or over) as Hardcover. $2.95. $9.50.
well. $4.95. WILD BUNCH AT ROBBER'S ROOST by Pearl
DESERT ANIMALS IN JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL Baker. Famous hideout country in southeastern
THE LAME CAPTAIN By Sardis W. Templeton. MONUMENT by Miller and Stebbins. Excellent
A book eagerly awaited by Pegleg "aficio- Utah described by author who lived there and
book and first of its kind with thorough text was steeped from childhood in firsthand know-
nados" who seek documented information re- and good illustrations. Color plates. $10. ledge of Butch Cassidy and other renegade
garding his life and trails across the desert.
activities. $7.50.
Hardcover, 239 pages. $7.50. PIMAS, DEAD PADRES AND GOLD by Paul V.
Lease. The author provides fodder to the idea
GOLD! By Gina Allen. How gold since cavemen
that the Black Robes hid amazing amounts of PHOTO ALBUM OF YESTERDAY'S SOUTHWEST
days has incited murder and war, inspired poets
treasure in Pimeria, which is now Arizona. compiled by Charles Shelton. Early days photo
and artisans and borne the commerce of the
Paperback. $3. collection dating from the 1860s to 1910 shows
world is told in such an exciting fashion that it
reads like fiction. Recommended for everyone. prospectors, miners, cowboys, desperados and
GHOST TOWN TREASURES by Lambert Florin. ordinary people. High quality of printing, hand
S5.95. Fifth in a series of ghost town books by the set type, 195 photos. Embossed black and gold
best ghost town writer and photographer of hard cover. Fine gift item. $15.00.
ON DESERT TRAILS by Randall Henderson, foun-
them all. Large format. $12.95.
der and publisher of Desert Magazine for 23 THE DESERT IS YOURS by Erie Stanley Gardner.
years. One of the first good writers to reveal ROCK PAINTINGS OF THE CHUMASH by Camp- In his latest book on the desert areas of the
the beauty of the mysterious desert areas. Hen- bell Grant. The only definitive work relative to West, the author again takes his reader with
derson's experiences, combined with his com- Indian pictographs in the Santa Barbara region. him as he uses every means of transportation to
ments on the desert of yesterday and today, Beautifully illustrated in color and interesting, explore the wilderness areas and sift the facts
makes this a MUST for those who really want informative text. 163 pages, hardcover. $10. and rumors about such famous legends as the
to understand the desert. 375 pages, illustrated.
Lost Arch, Lost Dutchman and Lost Dutch Oven
Hard cover. $5.00. HOSTEEN CROTCHETTY by Jimmy Swinnerton. mines. 256. pages, illustrated Hard cover. $7.50.
A 2000-year-old Indian legend dep cted for
JEEP TRAILS TO COLORADO GHOST TOWNS by children by one of the West's outstanding art- HUNTING THE DESERT WHALE by Erie Stanley
Robert L. Brown. An illustrated, detailed, infor- ists. Large format, lots of color. $7.50. Gardner. Among the first Americans to ever
mal history of life in the mining camps deep in camp at Scammon's Lagoon in Baja California,
the almost inaccessible mountain fastness of the HILTON PAINTS THE DESERT by John Hilton. if not the first, Gardner learned, while hunting
Colorado Rockies. Fifty-eight towns are included Collection of 12, 16x19 inch Hilton prints ade- the great grey whale with a camera that they
as examples of the vigorous struggle for exist- quate for framing, or bound in plastic cover don't sit graciously for portraits! Whale hunting
ence in the mining camps of the West. 239 tied with leather thongs for viewing. Interesting and beach combing for rae treasures make for
pages, illustrated, end sheet map. Hard cover. text explains Hilton's painting technique. State exciting reading. Hardcover, 208 pages, illus-
$5.50. whether bound or unbound. $65. trated with photos. $6.00.

2 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

Arizona National Livestock Show, Veterans Memorial Coli-
seum, Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 4-8; Lost Dutchman Days, Apache Junction,
Ariz., Jan. 22; Annual Tubac Art Festival at Tubac, Ariz., Jan. 27;
CONTENTS Dons Club Travelcade rock hunt, Phoenix, Jan. 30; Pima County

Number 1
Sheriff's Posse Horse Show, Tucson, Jan. 29-30.
Volume 29

EVENTS DEADLINE. Information relative to forthcoming
events in the West must be received TWO MONTHS
This Month's Photo
prior to the event. Address envelopes to Events Editor,
Century Plants Abloom
Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California 92260.

4 Books for Desert Readers

6 Temecula Today JACK PEPPER, Publisher CHORAL PEPPER, Editor

By MARIE VALORE Elta Shively Al Merryman Rose Holly Marvel Barrett Lois Dougan
Executive Secretary Staff Artist Circulation Business Subscriptions
8 Maps of Mexico Bruce Kerr
Advertising Director
Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 Telephone 346-8144
10 Owls That Don't Hoot
By EDNA EVANS DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. Second Class Postage paid at
Palm Desert, Calif., and at additional mailing offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered
No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1965 by Desert Magazine. Unsolicited
13 Land of Knobs and Ridges manuscripts and photographs cannot be returned or acknowledged unless full return postage is
By BETTY MACKINTOSH enclosed. Permission to reproduce contents must be secured from the editor in writing. SUBSCRIPTION
PRICE: $5.00 per year in U.S., Canada and Mexico. $5.75 elsewhere. Allow five weeks for change
of address. Be sure to send both old and new address.
17 The Dream Flower, a Nightmare

19 The Town With a Past UWUy^. s u B sc R

21 Old Plank Road photo


23 Safari in Your Own Backyard ADDRESS ZIP CODE


27 Along the Border

29 Weaver, Arizona NAME


3(1 Quicksilver Mines Revived

37 Desert Dispensary
By SAM HICKS Sign Gift Card: "From

One Year $5.00 Two Years $9.50 Three Years $13.00

38 DESERT Cookery (Or 2 One Years) (Or Three One Years)
39 Letters from Our Readers (includes tax and postage)
Date Binder(s) with Year(s) • Undated

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 3

Lowest Photo Print Prices
Highest Quality
Dev. & print 8 Jumbo prints
from Kodacolor film $1.78
Jvew &wfts I(M y)0gefif fteade/is
Dev. & print 1 2 Jumbo prints
from Kodacolor film $2.42
Dev. & print 12 Jumbo prints and
new roll of Kodacolor film $3.30 HUNTING LOST MINES when we accompanied Gardner's expedi-
Reprints from Kodacolor negs $ .16
BY HELICOPTER tion into the Trigo Mountains which lie
Send for price sheets By Erie Stanley Gardner along the Colorado River north of Yuma,
and envelopes Arizona. After that story was printed,
0 Y/\ All other Many books have been written about
Gardner conducted further explorations
Photo prices are the famous Lost Dutchman Mine in Ari-
into the area and came up with some
comparably low zona's Superstition Mountains, but this
mighty hot clues.
book will be a hard one to follow. It is
Gardner's best desert book by far. Here Hunting Lost Mines by Helicopter is
MARKET BASKET PHOTO CO. a book we enthusiastically recommend to
P. O. Box 370, Yuma, Arizona or is the suspense expected by the famous
mystery writer's Perry Mason fans. Here all lovers of the desert and its lore. Well-
P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, California
is first hand adventure described so illustrated, hard cover, 287 pages. $7.50.
vividly that you, the reader, are right
there. Here is mystery, excerpts from a
highly-charged court scene in which a wit- Books reviewed may be ordered
ness accuses a prospector of murder; and, from the DESERT Magazine Book
Subscriptions as Gifts here are splendid nights around camp- Order Department, Palm Desert,
fires accompanied by the whir of heli- California 92260. Please include
copter blades and old friends. 25c for handling. California resi-
Gardner and his cohorts had three ob- dents must add 4 % sales tax.
Enclose payment with order.
jectives when they undertook this mission
into the Superstition Mountains. One,
they wanted to separate the wheat from
the chaff that legend ascribes to the Lost THE JOURNEY OF THE FLAME
Dutchman. They wanted a good first
By Walter Nordhoff
hand look at terrain too rugged to ac-
commodate foot travelers. And they One of the best books on the Cali-
wanted to investigate a cliff dwelling fornias ever written, this book is now
Attention Pool Owners
they'd heard was so inaccessible that it reprinted by popular demand. Originally
Do away with drab, dull plaster. Erase un- published in 1933 under the name of
sightly slime, accumulated dirt. Lessen pool could only be reached by helicopter. The
cleaning drudgery. Paint your pool with Superstition Mountains have been pro- Fierro Blanco, its true author was not
Nelsonite Pool Coating for beauty, clean- claimed a wilderness area, so vehicles revealed until after his death.
liness tile-like smoothness, ease of main-
tenance. Will not support growth of algae there are not permitted. To explore this The Journey of the Flame tells of an
and molds. Nelsonite Pool Coating is a incredibly rugged terrain by horse or foot epic passage from the tip of Baja Cali-
natural chlorinated rubber coating made in
California since 1945. $9.50 per gal. ppd. would take a lifetime. Gardner is the fornia up to San Francisco which took
Free booklet at dealers or write Nelson first person to explore it by helicopter and place about 150 years ago. Although fic-
Technical Coatings Co., Dept. DM, 2147 write about what he found. He found tionalized, the author's deep understand-
N. Tyler, El Monte, California.
plenty, too, but we don't want to spoil the ing of early Spanish rulers, their Indian

m book by telling it here.

In this book the Lost Dutchman legend
is splendidly researched, both historically
and first hand. Part of our Western
lore, this particular lost mine has played
a vital role in Arizona's past as well as
subjects and his familiarity with Baja's
jagged land is so authentic as to class
this book as authoritative. One of the
famous legends to arise from its pages is
that of the Spanish pearl ship swept into
the Salton Sea region of upper California
its present. Its mysteries have intrigued by a tempest in the Gulf of California.
adventurers the world over. Hunting Lost Whether or not the author repeated an
Mines by Helicopter is more than just an ancient legend told him by natives or
DESERT NOTES by JOHN HILTON invented the incident himself is unknown,
adventure book. It's worthy of a promin-
Exquisite, full color scenes by America's fore-
ent place among collections of Western but like the rest of his book, it bears so
most desert painter. Generous pack of 18
beautiful notes in a handsome gift box. Americana. heavily toward historically proven mater-
Handy 4 x 5 size. Only $1.25 per box. ial that it may well be true.
Order 'HILTON NOTES" today or send 10c The second part of the book is about
for sample and catalog showing notes, a relatively unknown lost mine which The ]ourney of the Flame is a great
prints, stationery and our famous Christmas
Gardner considers even better authentica- reading experience and anyone interested
cards. Dealer inquiries invited. Our 17th year
of same day service. Money-back Guarantee ted than the Lost Dutchman, and equally in Baja California will find it among the
and postage free from the Leanin' Tree! adventurous. This is the Nummel lost most rewarding books ever written on the
The LEANIN' TREE Ranch gold ledge. DESERT readers will recall subject.
Box 1500 Boulder, Colorado our story about it in the April 1965 issue Hardcover, 295 pages. $4.95.

4 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

PATHWAY IN THE SKY even begun. However, during the dry
The Story of the John Muir Trail season—from March to May—it is pos-
By Hal Roth sible to ford this river and drive to BORED WITH THE SAME
Puerto Vallarta. Once the highway is
Another book about the Sierra Nevadas OLD PARTIES?
completed, this glamorous, yet primitive
of California, this one is authored by a
resort will be entirely changed and no
crack photographer who has made the
doubt the surrounding conutry will reflect THEN BE DIFFERENT
trek along the John Muir Trail a number
the advent of increased tourism. If you
of times. No worn shoe or soggy saddle AND HOLD A
have adequate transportation to negotiate
blanket pocketbook, this is a spectacular
the trip, the sooner you plan this trip the
account of California's primitive area
better. Mr. Gulick's book alone is enough
written with vitality. With chapters on
the history, geography, geology, meteor-
ology, flora, fauna and people of the
to start you packing—and should be the
first thing to go into your valise!
region, it's a point-by-point guide to be Hardcover, 168 pages, splendid maps
enjoyed by those who contemplate the and illustrated with photos. $5.50.
trip as well as by those who have already
shared the experience. Beautifully illus- DRAMA IN THE SUN with
trated with black and white and some By Peter Odens
colored photos, it is 231 pages, hardcover,
and $8.50. In recounting tales from Imperial
Valley, California, the author does a fine
job. He writes about the treasure ship of
Salton Sea lost in an area where you can
SIERRA NEVADA see the famous Crown of Thorn or gather
By Francis P. Farquhar rock concretions while you search for it.
Written by a man who has personally He tells the history of the Tumco mine
walked the trails of this great snowy and he describes courageous treks through
range, the author vividly recreates events hot desert sands which came to tragic
following the Spaniard's first sighting of ends. Well known old-timers of Imperial
the range to the intensive exploring and Valley play a role in this Drama in the
mountaineering of today's John Muir Sun—Bill Duflock and Hal Biers of El
Trail. In re-examining these events, the Centro and Brawley, Mike Dowd who
author has corrected errors which cast knew the Colorado River better than any-
new light upon such figures as John C. one else, Hugh Osborn who sponsored
Fremont, J. D. Whitney and Clarence the Glamis Road, novelist Harold Bell
King. From the paths of early trappers, Wright, and many others.
the author observes Yosemite's Big Trees.
He (delves into the Sierra's economic and Of more than local interest, this little
recreational features, and he reappraises paper back with 64 pages is a good hu-
Government surveys. man-history of a region as exciting as any This unique party book by Choral Pepper,
on the desert. Illustrated with photos editor of DESERT MAGAZINE, shows how the
Illustrated with both historic and mod- and drawings. $1.00.
stars can make a successful hostess . . . how
ern photos, the book contains 262 pages,
astrology can bring together the right guests
is hardcover and costs $10.00.
a very amateur guide to and reveal their preferences in food . . .
and finally, how a gourmet touch may be
NAYARIT, MEXICO ANTIQUE BOTTLE COLLECTING added to each dish on a variety of menus.
A Traveler's Guidebook By Bea Boynton
The author plans a different party for
By Howard E. Gulick After finding her 39th bottle, the every month in the year. Her suggestions on
The author, who co-authored Lower author launched upon this book. With the guests to invite and the food to serve
California Guidebook, the "Bible of great enthusiasm, she offers suggestions, are based on astrological analyses of the
Baja," has accomplished another splendid procedures and very pertinent information tastes and interests of those born under each
of the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
book in this one. With chapters devoted for those who are just beginning to dig.
to the historic and scenic state of Nayarit, Most of her finds have occured near Vir-
Hard Cover, 130 Pages, Illustrated.
along Mexico's west coast, he delves into ginia City, Nevada, but she has dug up
the manners and mores of the people, the lots of amusing lore along with her bot-
archeology and pre-Columbian art of the tles and what she says in the book would Only $4.95
region, flora, fauna, and geographical apply to bottle hunters everywhere. (Autographed Copies on Request]
aspects. She explains what makes bottles pur-
One of the highlights of this book is ple and opalized and how to tell at a A Gift That's REALLY Different!
a mile-by-mile description of the road glance whether your find is worth haul-
from Tepic, capital of Nayarit, to the ing home. Only $1.00, paperback, illustra- Order from
popular resort town of Puerto Vallarta. ted with good, distinct drawings and Desert Magazine Book Shop
Until recently it was only possible to highly recommended to amateurs by this Palm Desert, California 92260
reach Puerto Vallarta by air. Even today, reviewer. Those who are already collec- California residents add 20 cents sales tax.
while a highway to it is under construc- tors will be amused, perhaps, but this No C.O.D.'s please.
tion, a bridge across the Rio Ameca is not book is not for them.

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 5

Preserve Your Issues

For Travel Guides and

Reference in a
Each library-style brown vinyl binder FACTOR FURTHERING RELATIONS BE
holds 12 issues of Desert Magazine. CALIFORNIA INDIANS' AND EMIGRANT! ADOBE WAS
stantly refer to Desert as a source AND ARIZONA DURING CIVIL WAR LATER BUTTERFIELD
of information on all of the West. STAGE STOP.



(Includes Tax and Postage)




Temecula Today
By Marie Valore
EVENTY MILES from crowded,
Palm Desert, California 92260
S smog-filled Los Angeles County lies
the quiet picturesque community of Te-
metates, ollas, and Indian arrowheads,
have been found by both archaeologists
and weekend hikers.
mecula. The miniature town lies between Rolling outward toward the purple
March Air Force Base in southwestern tinged San Jacinto Mountains in the east,
Riverside County, and Escondido, on Temecula lies like a sleeping child, her
Highway 395. Temecula is part of early fascinating secrets hidden from the un-
California's colorful history, dating back

wickenburg to 1769 when Juan Bautista de Anza, the

famous Spanish explorer, first marched
over the hills and valley surrounding the
present town. The community derived its
observing highway traveler who passes
hurriedly by her door. But time has
caught up with Temecula, and sale of
the surrounding land, owned by the Vail
m Arizona s Valley of the Sun Ranch, has prophesied change.
name from the original Indian rancheria
America's dude ranch capital that was once the town site. The fertile land became a part of
Ride the high desert
Mission San Luis Rey de Francia after
In recent years archaeologists have ex- the mission's dedication in 1798. The
Tour historic ghost towns cavated an ancient Indian village near the neighboring Pechanga and Pauba In-
Rest, relax in sun-tan warmth Temecula River, proving that many of the dians that inhabited the region, came
Enjoy chuck-wagon cookouts, legends are true. Artifacts, such as under the influence of the Church.
square dancing, rodeos
Historic Hotel Temecula is being restored by well-known publisher Horace Parker.
An hour's drive from Phoenix
Pan for gold

For Free Folder write:

The Round-Up Club
Wickenburg, Arizona

Gold Rush Days-Feb.11,12,13

6 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

Father Antonio Peyri, who directed his cherished violin to obtain money for
mission activities for 33 years, was their Ramona. The trading post, about two
guardian. He built the region into a rich miles north of the Pechanga Indian burial
empire unsurpassed by any other mission grounds, is not fiction. It was owned by
in California. Thousands of head of the Wolf family and today is used as a
cattle, sheep and horses grazed on the bunk house on the Vail Ranch.
emerald green hills. The neophytes were In 1858 the sound of grinding wheels
trained to ride horseback and became signaled the approach of the Butterfield
accomplished vaqueros. Stage carrying both passengers and the
But just as the mission was at its U. S. Mail. The Wolf Trading Post was
zenith, Mexico won her independence used as a way-station between Los An-
from mother Spain; and a foreshadowing geles and the Colorado River. The But-
of doom fell over the mission system. terfield Stage ran from St. Louis to San
Francisco, but was abandoned about the
time of the Civil War. Soon after, it re-
opened as a military road between Cali-
fornia and Arizona.
In 1904 a gangling Arizona cattleman
named Walter Vail purchased the land
grants and built a cattle empire that has
remained in his family for 60 years.
Recently his descendents sold the sprawl- Picture
ing ranch to the Kaiser Corporation for
many millions of dollars. According to
published accounts, the Corporation in-
tends to develop the property into a mod-
ern community populated by some 400,- at CANYON
000 people and complete with paved
Bunkhouse on Vail ranch was once tra-
roads, schools, homes, orchards, and CLUB INN...
light industry. The sale of the land,
ding post with romantic history. which does not include the town of Te-
mecula, is reputed to be one of the largest PALM SPRINGS' ONLY
Wealthy Mexican land owners gazed land transactions in recent California his- HOTEL WITH ITS OWN
enviously upon the coveted lands. The tory. Over 87,000 acres are involved, and 18 HOLE CHAMPIONSHIP
result was secularization of the missions they have named it Rancho California. GOLF COURSE
in 1832 through 1834. The property was The master development plan is geared to
divided. A year later Jose Antonio Estu- ...enjoying a round of golf on
span some 15 to 40 years.
dillo, a man of wealth in San Diego, re- 7,000 challenging yards of undulat-
So far there has been little change. ing fairways and impeccable greens.
ceived a large land grant encompassing
Cattle can still be seen grazing along the
the Temecula area. . . . relaxing at the colorful cabana
fenced off highway. The hotel, bank,
The land was to change hands again and grocery store in Temecula, of nine- area after a refreshing dip in the
after the Mexican-American War. Pio- teenth century vintage, still dominates pool.
neers, those advance soldiers of Manifest the rustic town. The artists, writers and . . . luxuriating in the facilities of
Destiny, crossed the region in ponderous philosophers who still call Temecula the spa and health club.
creaking covered wagons pulled by sweat- home have not yet packed their suitcases. . . . sipping cool pre-dinner cocktails
ing teams of oxen and horses. They Neither is there a For Sale sign tacked to in the CANYON Lounge.
squatted wherever and whenever it the ranch of Erie Stanley Gardner, adven-
pleased them. turer and author of Perry Mason, who . . . savoring a superlative dinner in
lives there. the elegant L'Escoffier Room.
In the 1880s a determined matron from
Massachusetts, Helen Hunt Jackson, came But time is measured for everything, And having a Vacation Ball!
to the county to fudy the plight of the including the woodrats that inhabit the Meeting and Ballroom facili-
Indians. Her remarks were hardly compli- fields and the lizards that sunbathe un- ties suitable for groups from
mentary. She was appalled by the apathy observed on granite boulders. The prim- 20 to 200.
and contempt the white man showed what roses, ghost flowers, maidenhair fern
he called "digger Indians," and her femi- 2850 South Palm Canyon Drive
and wild apricot have not yet felt the Palm Springs, California (714) 327-1181
nine wrath exploded in verbal indignation
steel blades of a road grader. And, at
that eventually shook Washington D.C.
day's end the western rose-colored sunset
After her departure she wrote a stirring
spreads its fingers over a land that has
book that was to become a best seller and
bring her great fame. The novel, Ramona, changed little fro: l the days of the an-
is the fictionalized life of a half-Indian cients. Yet, you can't but wonder what
girl called Ramona who falls in love with the sale of the old Vail Ranch will mean
a handsome Indian, Alessandro. In the to the unspoiled land surrounding the
book the Hartsel Store is mentioned as historic town of Temecula. It is hoped
the place where Alessandro goes to sell that much of it will remain the same. •

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 7

Where to Get Mexican Maps
By Roger K. Mitchell

S ANY seasoned desert - country minal cost of these two series (25c per maps is $1.87 per sheet to Society mem-
A traveler knows, detailed and accur-
ate maps are an essential item to have be-
sheet) makes ordering them, sight unseen,
worthwhile if you're not sure you can use
bers and $2.50 per sheet to non-mem-
bers. The 26x32-inch sheets are mailed
fore stepping off into the backcountry. them. in sturdy tubes. The maps and a free
This is true all over the world, and par- The Coast & Geodetic Survey publishes index sheet are available from:
ticularly true for our own Southwest. one other map of interest to the Mexico American Geographical Society
Good maps can not only save you much aficionados. That is the 1:2,000,000 Rio Broadway at 156th Street
valuable time, but in certain cases might Grande JN-46 USAF Jet Navigational New York, N.Y. 10032
even save your life. Chart. This giant 411/2" x 57!/2" sheet A third source for Mexican topo-
Good topographic maps are generally covers all of Mexico except the eastern graphic maps is the Mexican Govern-
available for all parts of the United tip of Yucatan. The price is only 50 ment itself. The Secretaria de Agricul-
States, but it's a common complaint of cents. tura y Ganaderia publishes a 1:500,000
rockhounds, bottle collectors, and assorted Coast & Geodetic Survey maps may be series which covers all of Mexico in 47
other types of desert enthusiasts that good purchased from their authorzied agents sheets. Contour intervals are 200 meters
maps are not available for the back- in most large U. S. cities or by mail from: with shaded relief. While these are rela-
country of Mexico. Oil company maps tively new, 1958, something is left to be
are lacking in detail for all but the main desired in the showing of cultural fea-
Distribution Division
roads. Auto club, commercial, and tour- tures, particularly secondary roads. Settle-
14th and Constitution Ave.
ist maps are often erroneous (one notable ments as small as individual ranches are
Washington, D.C. 20230
exception is the Automobile Club of Sou- often shown, but the roads to them are
thern California's map of Baja Califor- Another publisher of Mexican topo-
omitted. Their great advantage is in
nia). graphic maps is the American Geographi-
size. At a scale of 1:500,000, they are
cal Society. This organization publishes
There are three sources for Mexican four times more detailed than others.
a 1:1,000,000 series covering all of His-
maps, however, that many people over- This is helpful in locating small hills
panic America. In this series, Mexico is
look. All three will send you a free and features which wouldn't show on
covered by 13 sheets, four of which are
catalog and welcome orders by mail. the 500 meter contour intervals of the
out of print. Contour lines are at 500
While these maps may not tell you which 1:1,000,000 maps.
meter intervals and closer at elevations
fork of the road to take, they are far below 50 meters. Relief is illustrated by The price for each sheet is 20 pesos,
more detailed than most. different colored contours and submar- or $1.60. Mexican money orders should
The best known is the U. S. Coast & ine depths are also charted. While the be used when ordering. These are avail-
Geodetic Survey which publishes the same scale, the maps are often far more able at most large banks. An 18-page
1:1,000,00 (1 inch equals 15.78 miles) useful than the Aeronautical Charts. This catalog of publications is sent free upon
World Aeronautical Charts. About a is mainly because most cultural features, request. Orders should be addressed to:
dozen maps are required to cover all of like roads, ranches and villages, are in- Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia
Mexico, and while they are cluttered up cluded, whereas in the Aeronautical Direccion General de Geographia y
with various navigational aids, they do charts only the main roads and towns are Meteorologia
illustrate some important features for the shown. Ave. Observatoria No. 192
earth-bound traveler. Physiographic fea- Their chief disadvantage is that many Tacubaya 18, D.F. Mexico.
tures are indicated with 1,000 foot con- sheets are 20 or 30 years old. This fac- In addition to these maps, there are
tours, and each contour level has its own excellent guidebooks to the states of
tor of obsolescence is overcome in part
shade of color. In addition, all heights of Baja California, Nayarit and Yucatan
by the fact that the maps were compiled
the larger mountains are indicated in feet which contain detailed back-country maps.
above sea level. In some areas, particu- by professional geographers who knew
If you have had trouble in the past find-
larly the states of Sonora and Chihuahua, their business and produced a good pro- ing good maps of Mexico, try these
these maps have been replaced with the duct. A smaller map of relative reliabil- sources. They may not fill your particular
beautifully shaded 1:1,000,000 USAF ity is usually included in the margin. need, but, they are far superior to what
Operational Navigational Chart. The no- The price of the Hispanic America is generally available. •

8 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

Your Multi-Pur pose ' Station Wagon
For Camping Fun at its Best!

• All-steel construction Included as standard equipment:

revolutionary new pharmaceutical
• "No-sag" springs
Polyethylene water system. Completely free
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• Washable vinyl cover
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E-Z to own . . . E-Z to enjoy. See it at your local Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford or GMC Dealer
for information call or write: EL ~ Mm* \ ^ / \ I V I lr EL PC
35460 North 82nd Street East, Littlerock, California
SAN DIEGO - 4401 Twain Ave. SAN FRANCISCO - 4000 Industrial Way, Concord, Calif. CHICAGO - Bldg 1-1-9 Kingsbury, Ordnance Depot.
MESA, ARIZONA - 454 No. Temple. HOUSTON, TEXAS - 2111 McCarty.
DENVER - 2405 Hampden, Inglewood, Colorado. SALT LAKE - 165 S. 100 W., Salt Lake City, Utah. KANSAS CITY - P.O. Box F, Drexel, Missouri.

7.uni owl, Hopi kachina and Acoma owl A trio of ceramic owls from south of
make interesting group. the border.

Owls That don't Hoot

By Edna Evans

HE LITTLE OWL figures are not

T listed in any text on ornithology nor
mentioned in any bird watcher's hand-
but they boast a high gloss or polish,
plus any number of delightful and whim-
sical painted-on floral decorations.
book, but a variety of them can be found From admiring and collecting owl
for sale in any shop that features authen-
ISLAND IN THE DESERT tic products of the Southwest and Old
figures, I have advanced to collecting
stories and legends about them. Indians
A mountain island in a sea of grass, the Chiri- Mexico. And jolly little fellows those
cahuas rise so sharply from surrounding desert today do not tell their tales freely to
rangeland that Apache warriors held out here owls are. strangers—probably Indians never did.
long after other tribes were pacified. Deep in a Zuni owls first appeared on the scene In some cases the reason is a religious
wooded box canyon in these rugged mountains
is the fantastic "Wonderland of Rocks." Here, in in appreciable numbers six or seven one, closely tied with beliefs and heritages
volcanic stone carved by Nature, you'll see years ago. At least that is when I first from the past. In other cases the barrier
cathedral spires, balancing rocks, weird figures
and startling likenesses of giant beasts and became aware of them. Not a one is is a language one. Then, too, there are
men. Well kept forest trails lead to viewpoints scientifically accurate nor ornithologically definite times for tale-telling. Winter, for
and campsites all the way from the valley floor identifiable, but each has its own charac-
to the 9,795 foot peak. Chiricahua National example, has been story telling time in
Monument is a fascinating place to visit in teristics and pedigree. They are roly-poly, the pueblos and desert villages for gener-
white clay figures with brown and orange ations. To tell them at other times would
AMAZING decorations. Acoma owls are also pottery, be unlucky, if not completely taboo.
ARIZONA while Hopi owl kachinas are carved from
wood. This trio represents the more nor-
The first owl I ever saw was a Zuni
owl in a Scottsdale, Arizona, shop but
SEND FOR FREE LITERATURE therly of the Southwestern owl tribe.
They are produced by Indian artisans all I could learn was that that it was a
ARIZONA DEVELOPMENT BOARD, Dept. 1670 "sacred owl" and came from the village
1500 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Ariz. 85007 classed as pueblo dwellers. To the south,
from desert areas where adobe villages of Zuni in western New Mexico. My
shimmer in the heat, come owls woven next bit of owl information came from
1 as designs in baskets and trays, plus an
occasional owl-shaped basket woven "in
the keeper of the curio shop adjoining
ADDRESS the archeological site at Aztec, New Mex-
1 the round." ico. The Zuni owls, he said, were all
- • From still further south, across the made by one Indian lady in Zuni. She was
STATE ZIP CODE border into Old Mexico, comes another very old and when she died there would
group of owls. They are ceramic again, be no one else to make them.

10 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

I must see that old lady, I told myself, baskets are rare. in kachina ceremonies in the Hopi villages.
and I'd better do it soon. The Hopi name for this figure is Mon-
In Santa Fe, a curio shop proprietor ga, the Great Horned Owl kachina.
elaborated on this information. It was There is also an owl woman, Mongwa
not one old lady, he said, it was three Wu-uti, a screech owl, Hotsko, and a
old women who made the owls. But one spruce owl, Salap Mongwa.
of them had gone blind, the sight of the As for the Hopi tales about owls—one
second was failing, and the third, who of my college students (she was Miss In-
could still see, was the potter. The other dian Arizona a few years ago) told the
two painted on the decorations by "feel." following tale. Her grandfather had told
Determined to see that trio before any- it to her, she said, when she was a little
thing more went wrong, I headed for girl living in Shongopovi village on Sec-
Zuni, located south of Gallup and west of ond Mesa.
Grants in western New Mexico. There,
A long time ago a little boy lived in
I did not find any old women making
one of the Hopi villages. Most Hopi
clay owls. I did find a long-established
children are well-behaved, but this little
trading post facing the plaza with a with darker brown markings. The San
Ildefonso potters make small animal and boy was different. He was bad. So his
trader's wife who smiled when I asked
about the old women and their owls. bird figures in the shiny black finish mother had to punish him. One after-
There are no elderly Indian women so characteristic of that pueblo's ware. There noon, after he had been especially bad,
specialized, she said. The clay owls came are some owls among these figures, but his mother closed the door to the house
from the vicinity of Zuni and a number they are not as numerous as those from and made him stay outside.
of potters made them. They were sacred Zuni or Acoma. The bad little boy pretended not to
in the sense that the owl has a firm place care, but when night came, he was afraid
The Hopi owl kachina is an impressive
in the legends and folklore of the Zuni- and began to cry. He cried and cried,
figure carved from cottonwood root. He
ans. But just what the stories might be, but his mother would not open the door.
wears a mask that has a sharp curved,
the trader's wife either did not know or black-and-yellow beak and big yellow An owl flew down and alighted on the
would not say. wings on either side of his head. The owl ground beside him.
Since then, I have learned that owls kachina's body is painted white and he "Why are you crying, little boy?" she
come from Acoma pueblo, too. These carries a bow and arrows in one hand and asked.
are more realistic than their Zuni cou- a yucca whip in the other. This kachina "Because my mother will not open the
sins, and they are made of whiter clay represents the owl dancers who take part door and let me in," the boy answered.


The unique hydraulic mechanism which raises the The Alaskan Camper is quickly transformed from the comfort and convenience of a weathertight,
camper top can be safely operated even by a small its compact low silhouette on the road to roomy high ceiling, home away from home complete with
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Write today to the factory nearest you tor free folder describing the most advanced camper on the road.
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CAMPERS, INC., 6410 South 143rd Street, (Tukwila), Seattle, Washington, Dept. D 500 - 20th St., New Westminster, B.C., Dept. D
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CANADIAN CAMPERS, 77 Pelham Ave., Toronto 9, Ontario, Canada, Dept. D FORT LUPTON CAMPERS, 420 Denver Ave., Fort Lupton, Colorado, Dept. D
'ATENT NO. 2879K

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 11

"Come home with me," said the owl. in a certain village with his mother and
And she picked him up with her wings, three elderly aunts. He married a woman
put him on her back, and flew away who had three sisters, a mother, and a
with him to a nest high up on the cliff. grandmother. The couple had only one
But the little boy's mother loved him, child—a happy little girl. With so many
even though he was bad. When she de- unmarried aunts, plus two grandmothers
cided he'd been punished enough, she and a great-grandmother, the little girl
opened the door and told him to come always had someone to look after her.
inside. There was no answer. She looked But one day when she had grown to be
out and did not see him because the owl almost as tall as a greasewood bush, the
had carried him away. little girl became ill. Her mother and
Next morning the mother set out to aunts and grandmothers and great-grand-
find her son. She searched and searched. mother took turns caring for her. They
She asked everyone on the mesa if they even built her a special hut away from the
had seen her son, but no one had. adobe house in which the family lived.
At last, one day when she was going One night, while the great-grand-
down to work in the corn field in the mother was watching her, the child lay
so still and quiet that the old woman
Explore the West valley, a voice called to her. She looked
up and there, in the owl's nest on the thought she was dead.
at its best in an cliff ledge, was her lost little boy. "Ow, oow," she began to cry, as very
old people do.
AVION Travel Trailer owl.
"Please return my son," she asked the
The grandmothers joined in the wail-
Find new fun at unspoiled spots in a "Very well," the owl answered, "but ing, and so did the aunts and the girl's
go-anywhere Avion. This travel trailer
you must do exactly as I say for three mother.
likes to tame back trails. Its riveted
aluminum construction is tough, days and three nights." "Ooow, oow," they all cried. "Our
featherlight and Lifetime Guaranteed. "I will," the Hopi mother promised. child is dead. Oow, oow!"
Highest rated by test reports. The owl told her she must put her The Great Spirit heard their cries and
Inside, enjoy deluxe accommodations: son in the dark storeroom at the back of came to see what was the matter. He
hot and cold running water, heat, her house. She must keep him in the knew that the child was not dead, and
lights, complete kitchen, modern bath. dark for three days and nights, and dur- the women's wailing disturbed him.
Many self-contained conveniences ing that time she must not look at him "Can't you make them stop?" the
available. nor let him see the light. She was to feed Great Spirit said to the sick child's father.
Choose from 5 him bits of raw meat, nothing more. "I can, if you give me the life of my
models — family After that she could look at him and let child," the father answered.
engineered b ^ him out.
America's travel "I will give you the life of your child,"
Write for travel The Hopi mother promised to do just the Great Spirit said. "Your child will
vehicle specialists. trailer catalog " D "
what the owl said and for two days and not die. These old women will not die
NEW Avion Camper Coach nights she did. But on the third day either, but at night they will wail like
she could wait no longer. She opened the birds in the light of the moon."
storeroom door and peeked in. But a The child got better and time passed.
ray of light peeked in, too. There was a First the great-grandmother, who was
soft noise, a flutter of wings, and some-
very old and who sat all hunched up,
thing flew out through the crack in the
turned into an owl and flew away. Then
door. When the Hopi mother opened
the two grandmothers found that the white
the door wide and looked in, the store-
hair on their heads had turned into fea-
room was empty. There were some owl
thers and they flew away. The aunts went
feathers on the floor, but her little boy
had flown away forever. to get water from the spring, but never
World's lightweight champion camper for returned. They, too, turned into owls
easier hauling, better gas mileage. Same Avion The Papagos and Pimas of southern and flew away.
quality construction and superior features. Arizona use the owl in their basketry
Completely self-contained. For those who At night, when Papago children hear
appreciate the finest. designs, weaving the figure in black or an owl calling, "Oow, oow!" in the dark-
red - brown. Tho these southern desert ness, they can say, "There is great grand-
dwelling people, the owl is a mysterious mother, or grandmother, or one of my
Send for camper •
coach catalog "0 2" creature associated with the spirits of dead aunts." And they are not afraid.
tribesmen. The appearance of an owl The Mexican owls may or may not have
a b o u t o u r exclusive Travelcade
seems to mean that someone is about to stories. I have never run across any, but
lie C ul)
' P r °8 ram - F un ' fellowship and die or has already died; if the latter, the they are cheerful looking little fellows
fcSUINUb adventure for Avion owners.
owl is actually the spirit of the dead per- and blend well with their Indian-made
son. The Papagos call the owl Choo-choo- relatives north of the border.
kutt and they have a tale that explains And so, elusive though the little owls
the reason for the bird's rather mournful may be, my collection and the stories
SAN JACINTO, CALIFORNIA cry. about them make an interesting hobby.
BENTON HARBOR, MICHIGAN Once upon a time a Papago man lived •
12 / Desert M a g a z i n e / January, 1966
Land of Knobs and Ridges
By Betty Mackintosh

N EASTERN Imperial County there

I are two interesting old roads—one
from the west, one from the south—to
site, where gold was discovered around
1780. He also describes a chalcedony-
collecting area 16.8 miles from Winter-
The window is still there, top center.
It is not unscalable, though, as DESERT's
founder, Randall Henderson, can testify.
points on the Colorado River only six haven. Near the peak is the road to the Pi-
air-line miles apart—six miles of rough After crossing the All-American Canal, cacho Mine, now closed to the public.
country where the Chocolates are cut by the road takes a comparatively level course J. Wilson McKenney, in the March '39
the river. Once a road along the river over desert plain and follows washes in DESERT, gives a detailed account of the
connected the two, but the filling of Im- which large Palo Verde and Ironwood
perial Dam (post 1939) caused the water grow. Little Picacho Wash, or Burro
level to rise enough to make it impassable. Wash, depending upon your mapmaker,
Now there is again a road. The water is lined with walls of cocoa-colored rock.
level has lowered in the last two years These are the Chocolate Mountains. In
and a state park is established at Picacho Lt. Ives' Colorado Survey reports (1858)
with a good dirt road leading to it. they are referred to as the Purple Hills.
If you turn off Highway 80 at Winter- The color depends upon the time of day.
haven and go north across the base of an Peaks to the east look like pointed ice-
arc made by an eastward bend of the cream cones, while on the left Picacho,
river, you'll find remnants of a route cut the peak, dominates the landscape. Pi-
by the mule teams that hauled gold out cacho inspired Zane Grey's book "Wan-
of Picacho and supplies back from derer of the Wasteland, whose hero de-
Yuma until 1908, when Laguna Dam pre- scribes the peak as, ". . . standing magni-
vented water transportation down the ficently above the bold knobs and ridges
Colorado. around it . . . (with a) ray of sunlight
Harold O. Weight's article, Gold and that shone down through a wind-worn
Roses on Garces' Trail (DESERT 12/50), hole . . . grand, towering to the sky,
telLi of the building and destruction of a crowned in gold, aloof, unscalable, a
mission on the Colorado near the dam- massive rock sculptured by the ages."
Ancient Indian campsites are

mine's discovery, value, various owners,

and the history of the town which was
the mill site and shipping point. At the
time he wrote, the town was expected to
be flooded. The federal government, un-
able to get permission from the dead of
Picacho to cover them with water, moved
the whole cemetery to higher ground.
Today, with the water partially receded,
private camps, landings on the old town-
site, and those of the Picacho State Park
make up the fishing and boating resort.
The present nine-mile stretch continu-
ing north through the ridges and washes
of the Imperial National Wildlife Refuge
touches the river only occasionally. The
scenery here is closer, perhaps more color-
ful, than that between Highway 80 and

mm Picacho. As the road crosses White Wash,

the rock cliffs, contrarily, are red. A
series of mud hills varies from yellow to
Backwater from dam and its evaporation frosted vegetation with alkali.
green to lavender. From the ridge above
Bear Gulch eroded sandstone columns,
towering above very green Palo Verde
trees, look like landscaped castles in con-
trast to the desert-varnished scape along
the road.
Near the river again, a fox crossed in
front of us and we saw trails where other
desert animals had come to drink. Dead
trunks of bushes and trees shone with a
frosting of alkali crystals formed by the
rise and fall of the water along the bank.
Where the road joins Indian Pass road
at the 4-S Ranch, the river is narrow,
passing between two rocky bluffs. At one
Ancient footpath through desert rocks. A Chinese grave lies beside the road.
time a cable-ferry crossed from here to
the Hoge Ranch Road on the Arizona
side. Campsites a short distance upriver
may be reached by conventional car, but
there the maintained road ends and the
old wagon trail along the river is for 4-
wheel drive vehicles only. We went on
about another seven miles in our Land
Rover, accompanied by two dune buggies,
the latter showing their special merit on
steep hills of soft dirt and loose rock.
On our return to the 4-S Ranch, now
',. * • ' * ' '•' •'- " ' . • " 'Rj< 3
a Boy Scout Camp, we stopped to photo-
graph a rock about 21^ feet high covered
with rough petroglyphs which one of our
companions had discovered.
The road up Gavilan Wash to Indian

11 in
Pass, while not as wide as that from the
Pass on over to the Ogilby-Blythe road,
is traveled by all types of cars. It is a
good road-bed, but it is in a wash, and
washes can change. It might be well to

14 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966



FITTINGS GAL VAN I ZED—for protection
(and cheaper than brand X!)
HEAVY BOX FRAME— (look at it) -for strength
HIGH GEAR RANGE and REAR WHEEL DRIVE-for open road cruising
LOW GEAR RANGE—for climbing, descending, or going through slush, etc.
4- WHEEL DRIVE- for still more traction
The Land Rover has a great deal of equipment as standard and at no extra charge because The Rover Company thinks you need it.



"Let's Go To Baja!"

See the Last Frontier of the North
American Continent — Baja Cali-
fornia in Old Mexico. Come with
me and see this mysterious and
fascinating land. There will be two
one-way trips in special air-condi-
tioned vehicles planned especially
for senior citizens, although every-
one is welcome. A leisurely 30 make inquiry of cars coming from the Tree-lined washes provide campsites.
opposite direction. We would recom-
days each way.
mend that a regular passenger car not get
SAN DIEGO TO LA PAZ Jan 10 to Feb. 8
LA PAZ TO SAN DIEGO....Feb. 18 to Mar. 16
off the road in any sand or gravel. Vege-
3ide down and fly back or fly down and ride tation in the wash is luxuriant for desert
back. Write to me for details: country. Trails lead into side washes to-
MITCH WILLIAMS ward the rugged peaks of the Choco-
156 North First West Moab, Utah 84532 lates where petrified palm root is still
Area Code 801-253-4346 found.
On up at Indian Pass, the clear foot
1965 MODELS trail, pottery shards, rock circles, and
METAL DETECTORS oddly incised lines on rocks definitely
mark the spot as a main route of Indian
FROM $75.00 TO $165.00
travel. Mr. Weight (Rock Hound Trail
to Indian Pass, DESERT 2/49) tells about
Top guarantee. these Indian signs. Also about the blue makes it colorful. The Walkers, who live
Sensitive and stable. desert lapis and agate to be found west there, told us about Tumco, the old gold
Easy to operate. mine and ghost town in the foothills of
Light and compact. of Indian Pass. John Hilton, too, has re-
ferred DESERT readers to this area. We the Cargo Muchachos two miles east of
RAYSCOPES the main road. This was one of the larg-
and are told by rockhounds that even though
DETECTRONS the country has been worked, it's big est gold mining operations of the region
Write for country and wind and an occasional rain in the early part of the century. The
free brochures continue to uncover good polishing pieces name comes from the initials of The
BOOKS ON LOST MINES of float in the broad washes sloping United Mine Co., which took over from
AND BURIED TREASURE the earlier Hedges. Partial walls, mine
gently westward. Fine campsites lies in
Arizona Treasure Hunters Ghost shafts, foundations of mine buildings,
Town Guide, Fox $1.50 the Ironwoods not far from Indian Pass.
Buried Treasures and Lost Mines, A 4-wheel drive trip cross-country to tunnels, and tailing piles tell some of its
Fish $1.50
the west side of Picacho made us even story. Mr. Walker came here to rework
Lost Mines of Old Arizona, Weight..$2.00
Lost Mines of Death Valley, Weight $2.00 more aware of what a wonderful guide- tailings, but his family liked the desert
Ghost Town Directory of the West..$1.00 post this peak must have been for ancient so he stayed to dig a well and establish
Lost Desert Bonanzas, Conrotto $6.75 a home.
Nevada Treasure Hunters Ghost people. Single file, we crossed a trail
Town Guide, Fox $1.50 those people had made along the base of Ogilby is another ghost town, but
Lost Mines and Buried Treasures the hills. Cleared of rocks, it was visible hardly a respectable one, only two graves,
of California, Pierce.. $2.50
Superstition Treasures, Marlowe....$2.50 for miles toward Picacho. A small herd a few pieces of fence, and a bath tub
Please add postage. of burro deer watched us a few seconds remain of what was once a water stop
California residents add 4 % sales tax then bounded over rock and cactus into for the railroad.
Also Lapidary Equipment, Gems and the protection of an arroyo. Back on Highway 80, our thoughts re-
Minerals, Books, Jewelry, Tools.
On toward home, the following day, traced the 60-mile circuit we'd taken from
For Information Write
we turned south onto the Ogilby-Blythe Winterhaven. We know that another day
COMPTON ROCK SHOP road. Five miles brought us to the Gold and another light, will reveal an entirely
1405 S. Long Beach Blvd , Compton, Calif.
Telephone: 632-9096 Rock Ranch where we bought specimens different facet of this wildly wonderful
of native gold-bearing rock—copper country. •

16 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

The Dream Flower is a Nightmare
by William Klette

Long, long ago, when the world was the upper world, wearing a garland of
still very young and people lived deep in
the darkness of the earth, a little boy and
flowers on their heads, when they found
themselves face to face with the Twin
T HIS ANCIENT story-teller could
well have added, ". . . and to this
day, whosoever eats of the plant called
his sister found their way up to the out- Sons of the Great Spirit. tanai shall see wonderful and strange
side world of light. "How do you do?" said the Twin Sons. things, even as did the young boy and
And that day, and on the day after, "We are happy," said the children, and his sister." For the white flower is the
and on the day after that, they would they went on to tell, chattering like two common Jimson weed, Datura meteloids,
walk in wonder in the sun and they saw little squirrels, of all the wonderful things a large bushy annual usually found grow-
and heard many things that the others, that they had seen. ing along old roadways and on waste-
still dwelling in the darkness, never Now when they heard this, the Twin land. To the Indians of the American
dreamed about. Sons decided that the children knew too West it is the toloache, an important
When they would return home at night much, and so they caused the earth to drug used by them for centuries in their
they would tell their parents of all the open wide and swallow them forever. secret rituals and in their puberty initia-
wonderful things they had seen and, And behold, a beautiful white flower tions.
as children often do, they talked so much appeared upon the spot where the two Somehow, and just like in that old
that the Great Spirit of the Underworld children had stood. And when the Twin legend, "a long, long time ago," some
heard about them and became angry. Sons saw this, they called the flower brave aboriginal culinary expert found
Now one day the boy, whose name was tanai after the boy, and so it is called out that a decoction made from this near
Tanai, and his sister, whose name I have today. relative of the potato not only acted as
forgotten, were walking hand in hand in Indian Legend a narcotic, but could produce visions.

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 17

This latter effect was the chief reason for A Diegueno shaman in the standard rior or chief to the world beyond. It
all the supernatural powers attributed to costume used for Jimson weed puberty helped to keep these unlucky victims of
the plant, and from this there spread out ceremony. the old practice of suttee quiet until
any number of organized cults and secret they could be safely buried. And the
societies, each with the drinking of the Aztec priests were reported in the chroni-
drug as its chief feature. cles of Bernal Diaz to have used the
Often as not, what an initiate might toloache to deaden their senses for the
see in his dreams would have a definite arduous task of skinning alive their sacri-
relation to his later life. For example, a ficial victims.
vision of beads or rich furs could well The name Jimson weed is a contracted
be taken as a sign of impending wealth. version of Jamestown Weed, and is
In the same vein, an animal seen in a named after a troop of soldiers stationed
dream might be adopted later as a family in Jamestown, South Carolina, in 1676,
totem, or, as in some cases, it could be who cooked and ate the plant without
considered dangerous, to be avoided. knowing of its narcotic effects. The re-
Among many of the California tribes, sult was startling enough to be reported
especially those who lived along the sou- in the old h torical records and resulted
thern coast, feats of endurances were all in its present common name.
a part of the drinking of the datura. The Roots, stems, flowers, or leaves; every
young men would be blistered with hot part of the plant is deadly poisonous.
coals, whipped with bundles of nettles, Young children have died just from suck-
and sometimes staked out over the nearest ing the nectar from the flowers. The
ant-hill. This was supposed to harden principal properties are two different and
them and those who failed, that is, those powerful alkaloids related to those in
on whom the narcotic properties of the belladonna. In fact, datura poisoning
Jimson had no effect, were looked upon symptoms are almost the same as bella-
as unfortunates, woman-like, and an easy donna with its resultant dilated pupils,
prey to the enemy in battle. hallucinations, delirium, and convulsions.
The fairer sex were not to be left out First comes a thirst which can't be
either. Most tribes had some sort of pu- quenched. The vision becomes impaired
berty rites when the girls entered adoles- because of the enlargement of the pupils.
cence. As a part of the ceremony, they The victim becomes excited, incoherent,
sometimes swallowed little balls of datura and apparently insane. A common symp-
mixed with wild tobacco. Only those who tom is to pick at imaginary objects on
mon practice among California tribes wr*
did not vomit were considered virtuous. themselves or in the air. Some even
to boil the leaves of the datura in salt
While there is no record of how many imagine bugs crawling over themselves.
water, with the resultant potion guaran-
failed, or what might have happened The staid Pacific Coast Manual of
teed to give its user strength in battle,
later to these unlucky maidens, today's Drug Plants list datura as ". . .a sedative,
immunity from bear and snake bite, and
Indians have all admitted that this was a anodyn, deliriant, depressant, and mydri-
good luck in the hunt.
mighty hard test to pass. atic." This, in more common words,
But the Jimson weed was not alone the
But in almost every case where the use means that it soothes pain, causes delir-
property of the North American Indian.
of the plant was a part of a sacred or ium, lowers vital activities of the body,
The name datura comes from India,
esoteric ritual, the toloache god was con- and dilates the eye. Quite a mouthful for
where for centuries it was known and
sidered too lofty and all-pervading to be just one lowly weed growing in a vacant
used by thugs and assassins as a poison.
impersonated. Sand paintings, ritualistic lot or along some back alley.
In ancient Greece the temple priests of
sandstone carvings, or dance costumes Apollo and the woman oracle at the In today's world of LSD and morning-
might be used, but never, as it was in the Temple of Delphi used the weed to in- glory seeds, of peyote and mushrooms, it's
case of many of the other gods and spirits, duce the ravings that produced their fa- strange that the "beat" world of the
would he be imitated. mous prophecies. Egyptians knew it as bearded and unwashed haven't as yet dis-
Those who lived along the Mojave and the thorn apple, and it was mentioned in covered the datura. But it is a good
the Colorado deserts were a bit more the report of Mark Anthony's campaign thing. Outside of the chemical labora-
sophisticated in their approach. These against the Parthians in Asia Minor in tory, there is no way for anyone to safely
individuals would drink a broth boiled A.D. 36: "The troops had to resort to isolate its hallucinogenic properties. The
from the leaves of the west side of the roots and plants which they did not step from visions to convulsions and death
plant (the east side was considered poi- know. As a result, they also ate of one is a short one, and every plant carries
sonous) to acquire luck in gambling. plant that killed men after driving them enough of the deadly alkaloids to kill
Whatever was seen in the visions that mad. Whoever ate of it forgot all that he several full-grown adults.
followed, and dreams of some sort were had hitherto done and recognized All modern drug manuals state flatly
bound to occur, would have a direct nothing . . .". that its use should only be by skilled
bearing upon the betting. If the gambler herbalists and that it is absolutely unsuit-
The Inca's knew of it and used it as
lost, it was only because he didn't inter- ed for domestic use. And this is as it
an anesthetic in surgery. The Indians of
pret his dream correctly. should be. The toloache is an important
Columbia used it to cause a stupor in the
According to Kroeber's Handbook of wives and slaves who were elected to part of our aboriginal past. Let us leave
the Indians of California, another com- accompany the body of some great war- it there. •

18 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966



By Jack Delaney

H OW WOULD you like to receive

free meals every day the sun doesn't
shine? This was possible in Yuma, Ari-
an enjoyable week-end trip from the Coa- back to the 1500s when the Spanish Con-
chella Valley area, it is recommended that quistadors were exploring the area. Pio-
the motorist drive Highway 86 (to El neers of the gold rush days who chose
zona many years ago, where a local Centro) and 80 to Yuma; and return via this route for their trek to California had
hotel made such an offer. The policy is no Highway 95 (to Quartzite) and 60-70 to many sad experiences in the Yuma region.
longer in effect—neither is the hotel Indio. This round trip of about 250 miles They found the Territory of Arizona
that featured it. However, Old Sol is offers the maximum in travel appeal and wide open, with no law except that of the
still, blushing overhead, evidently em- interest. man with the fastest draw. Their belong-
barrassed by the enthusiastic claims made The history of Yuma is overloaded with ings in camp were pilfered and their
by the local citizenry. Slogans, such as unpleasant episodes. If all of the record- mules were stolen; thievery and treachery
"On the Sunny Side of the West" and ed events of this area were listed in were practiced by the lawless white set-
"The Sunniest Spot in the Nation," chronological order, the reader would give tlers, as well as by the Indians.
might be challenged by some Califor- up the whole mess midway and com- By 1875 flagrant and widespread crime
nians, especially the desert dwellers who pletely miss the happy ending. For this had grown to the point where small value
live where Nature's oven door is fre- reason, only a few of the highlights (or was placed on human life. The situation
quently left open! should they be called lowlights) of the was so serious that an editor expressed the
During my visit to Yuma no free past will be presented for their comparison wistful hope that "a few of our citizens
meals were mentioned; but Sandy Mont- value with the present. There is no point might live until they die a natural death
gomery (Miss Arizona of 1965) pro- in a lengthy examination of the dirt under so as to show the world what a magnifi-
mised a good performance by the weather the rug when one drops in for a visit in cent healthy country this is."
service and presented me with a Sunshine a friend's home. About this time politicians, the honest
Credit Card. This card is good for 307 In the 18th century the Spaniards came ones, agreed that the Yuma area was
days of sunshine yearly and is valid only with no regard or respect for the property ready for an "anti-crime" program. As
in Arizona. Old Sol performed beauti- of the Yuma Indians. The Indians show- a result, the nation's most notorious and
fully, Sandy beamed knowingly, and I ed no regard or respect for the physical hated territorial prison was built here.
was convinced that with a beautiful gal well-being of the Spaniards. In 1781, Ironically, most of the cells were dug out
like this around, the state would be safe soldiers and colonists from Spain arrived a rocky hill by the hapless convicts who
in promising continuous year-round sun- at the local mission and were soon vic- were to occupy them. The exterior walls
shine. tims of the Yumas. Nearly all, including were made of adobe blocks. The cells
Yuma is located in the southwestern- the priest, were massacred and the mission were cold in winter, unbearably hot in
most county in the United States. It is was destroyed. This was only one of a summer, and the rough adobe walls
served by the shortest, all-year low level, series of tragedies encountered by immi- appealed to scorpions and other "wild
coast-to-coast route: U.S. Highway 80 grants to this Indian country. life." Some of the most desperate outlaws
(the Old Spanish Trail). Highway 95 The Old Spanish Trail is one of the of the Old West were incarcerated here.
bisects Yuma from North to South. For oldest roadways in our country, dating Before slamming the door on Yuma's

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 19

Right: Remants of the famous,
road between Yuma and El Centro still
lie alongside the modern highway.

shady past, a few more milestones of his-

tory should be mentioned. The Butter-
field Stage Line was established through
this area in 1858, with more relief horses
stationed along the route than there are
standby automobiles at present-day rent-a-
car services; the Colorado and Gila rivers
had a tantrum in 1891 and swept Yuma
away, but the good die young so this
town lived on; and the Territorial Prison
was abandoned as a "home away from
home" for the badmen and badwomen of
the West in 1909. The turning point for
Yuma came in 1912, when the United
States adopted Arizona as the 48th state.
Today, Yuma is a modern city of 33,-
000 residents, definitely slanted toward
the tourist trade. About 56,000 motorists
drop in for a visit each week, and more
than 6000 spend the winter here. Ac-
commodations include 28 motels, five
hotels, and an adequate supply of trailer
courts. While house trailers to rent are
difficult to locate in most areas, several
mobile home parks here offer this rental
service. A survey of the city and surround-
ing region will reveal 44 parks for those
who prefer to live on wheels.
When entering Yuma from California
Above: Hundreds of Indians come to Yuma in March for the annual Southwest Indian Pow Woiv. Below: Yuma Territorial
Prison is big tourist attraction.

20 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

(on Highway 80), the principal tourist grounds and gardens are well maintained clude motel and trailer park accommoda-
street is Fourth Avenue (straight ahead); and parking space is provided. tions, and restaurants. Here one tan play,
a residential section is to the right; and boat, or fish—Arizona maintains open
Activities of this city are keyed to
the Territorial Prison and Main Street are season year-round on all fish. Only 18
various times of the year, so the visitor
a few blocks to the left. Main Street, the miles northeast of Yuma is Imperial Dam,
should plan his trip accordingly. The
city's business district, is definitely a mix- which diverts water from the Colorado
Greyhound dog racing season runs from
ture of old and new—with an accent to- River into the Ail-American Canal (the
January through March at the beautiful
ward the old. Fourth Avenue (Highway angel of Coachella Valley farmers).
multi-million dollar air-conditioned Grey-
80) offers an impressive assortment of hound Club; the Silver Spur Rodeo is The Sonoran desert surrounding the
modern motels and restaurants. About held in February; the annual Southwest metropolitan area is a rich hunting ground
three miles out this thoroughfare, an at- Indian Pow-Wow is featured in March; for rock hounds seeking semi-precious
tractive spread of swank homes and apart- the Yuma County Fair is an early April stones, ancient fossils, and petrified wood.
ment can be seen along Arizona Avenue event; a Flower Show is also offered in (Maps are available at local rock shops.)
and Palo Verde Street, surrounding the April; and a horse racing program at the Several interesting old ghost towns, aban-
Golf and Country Club. This is also Fairgrounds is scheduled for November. doned gold mines, and remains of stage
coach stations exist in this general area.
Ancient Indian camp sites and trails can
be seen, along with some petroglyphs on
the rocks.
A jaunt to San Luis, Sonora, Mexico is
a must for the visitor to Yuma; only about
25 miles south on Highway 95. Once a
sleepy little village of adobe huts, it is
now a modern town of about 30,000
people. The many shops display tinware,
basketry, pottery, silver jewelry, and
countless other items typical of this crea-
tive country. For the stouthearted, bull-
fights are presented during the winter
months at La Plaza de Toros. San Luis is
a charming, friendly town; and is more
representative of Mexico's interior vil-
lages than most border towns.
Here are a few bits of information re-
lated to a California-Arizona trip that
might be helpful to the traveler. Border
inspectors of both states love each other's
Boating on the Colorado River. tourists, but dislike their plants—so leave
your potted petunias home. Speed limits
where Yuma's International airport is There is also a Dog Show in November on Arizona highways are different for
located. for pooch lovers. daytime and nighttime driving. The
So-called retirement centers that are so The Silver Spur Rodeo parade is led maximum is 65 during the day and 60 at
popular elsewhere are not found here. by the Quechan-Yuma All-Indian Band night. Move your watch ahead one hour
The feeling is that the whole city is some- in bright red blouses and feathered head- to Mountain Time entering Arizona.
what of a retirement center. Three active dresses. This band has been in existence (This does not apply in the summer be-
senior citizen organizations, one under for 55 years. The annual Indian Pow- cause they do not observe daylight saving
supervision of the City Parks and Recrea- Wow brings together many tribes of time.) And, when you hear that the aver-
tion Department, provide a variety of the Southwest. Some of the groups are age monthly temperature at Yuma is 75
activity, including crafts, movies, and the Apache Crown Dancers, Pima Basket degrees, remember that two weeks at 25
dancing for the many thousands who Dancers, Mohave Bird Dancers, Navajo degrees and two weeks at 125 degrees
spend the winter here. Also, there are Hoop group of Parker and Tucson, Hopi would average 75 degrees for the month.
nine city parks and three city swimming Dancers, Cocopahs of Mexico, Paiutes
Yuma today, plus all of the surround-
pools for public enjoyment. from Nevada, and the Plains Indians
ing points of interest, offers many pleas-
Visitors, both senior and non-senior, from Oklahoma. It would be difficult to
who come for a short stay, are frequently find a more colorful group of ceremonial ant hours to the motorist who likes to go
performers—and none on the warpath! places and see things. The old story about
interested in sight-seeing. In Yuma, the the goose that swam backwards because
important "sight" to see is the old Ter- For the roaming type of traveler, who it was more interested in where it had
ritorial Prison, which is the leading tour- likes to use his motel room as "home
ist attraction in the State. This notorious been than where it was going should not
base" and investigate the surrounding
institution of the Old West is now a country, there are a number of interesting be used as an example of this community's
museum, with artifacts on display. Visi- side trips within a short driving distance thinking. When a city is transformed
tors may climb a stairway to the top of the of this city. Martinez Lake, about 35 from an ugly duckling into a beautiful
guard tower, if they wish, and enjoy a miles north, has two recreation areas open swan in a comparatively few years, it's
spectacular view of the river and country- to the public; Fisher's Landing and Mar- worth seeing—so why not give it a gander
side. As an Arizona State Park, the tinez Lake Marina. Modern facilities in- soon ? •

22 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

Larry Spain
T HE TWO MEN wait motionless in
heavy brush cover, movie cameras
with long-range lens carefully aimed. A
Their film record was indeed of an
oryx, a mean-tempered animal that won't
shy from combat with a lion, and has
flash of motion up ahead telegraphs the been known to slay the big cat. They
Not many Americans
presence of their quarry. Then suddenly, would have been perfectly content with
around an outcropping of rock, appears "shooting" a kudu, the handsome spiral-
a head with pointed ears stiffly alert and horned antelope which can live where no
are aware of it,
two ramrod-straight horns jutting wicked- other creature can survive.
ly upward, like twin spears. The oryx was a prize; especially grati-
but desert-bred exotics
The head twitches almost impercep- fying, since earlier that day they had
are being imported tibly and the animal's heavy body, half missed getting footage of a huge, hairy-
exposed, starts to wheel for some nearby legged Barbary ram, denizen of North
from foreign lands rocks. One of the men shouts. The animal Africa's Atlas Mountains.
takes two stiff-legged jumps, and disap- This may sound like a safari into the
to supply an pears. barren Sudan or the backways of Kenya;
The men lower their cameras. an expedition into the jagged mountains
African Strip, U.S.A. "I think we got beautiful shots of that of Morocco or the blazing desert reaches
jump," one of them exults. of the Kalahari.
"Yeah," the other replies, "and we got It's not. Such an expedition could be
something better than a kudu. That chap taking place in our own Southwest
was a bull oryx with a real trophy head. today. Nature lovers and wildlife photo-
Come on!" graphers with a yen to "bag" such exotic

Family of Barbary sheep, New Mexico's first import of

• ' ••»
exotics, launched the growing craze for importation.

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 23

animals as kudu, springbok, ibex, sambar, Several big Texas ranches maintain pri- of conservation and careful game manage-
blackbuck, eland, oryx, nilgai, mouflon, vate preserves where all such animals ment ended. The entire country is in a
axis and red deer may do so by going no may be seen, as do a few other states. state of outlawry. An indiscriminate
farther than Texas, and some other states. The revolutionary plan for importation slaughter of animals by natives goes on
The importation of African, European was launched by the game commissioners uncurbed. It is feared that with the easy
and Asian game animals has been quietly of New Mexico 15 years ago when they acquisition of firearms, once denied them,
going in in the Southwest over the last liberated 52 Barbary sheep in the wilds native tribesmen, with no knowledge of
few years. Yet comparatively few peopleof their Canadian River country, an area or desire to conserve anything, may soon
too rough for deer and elk. It was excel- shoot out the enormous game herds.
know that it is possible to "go on safari"
for these strange animals without the lent terrain for the Barbaries, who love Africa as an animal kingdom is doomed.
huge outlay of an African trek. the rugged life. In 1962, twelve years A few years ago, there were literally
after the release, the Barbary count was millions of Barbary sheep in the arid
The female kudu is docile and even tem- estimated at 1,500. These animals are mountains of North Africa. Today, a sin-
pered, but not the male. just as hard to spot in New Mexico as gle animal is rarely sighted. The spring-
they are in their native North Africa. bok, Africa's national animal, once seen
At the time the Barbaries were set free, on the veldt in countless numbers, is
there was much speculation and even almost gone.
alarm about what would happen. Many In Arizona, the Phoenix Zoo recently
people thought the sheep would multiply acquired a small herd of Arabian oryxes,
and become a nuisance by spreading of which only about 10 still exist in
across the country and perhaps "tainting" freedom. The situation in the animal
other species. Arizona, then waging a des- world, especially among the larger species,
perate battle to save its native bighorn is grave, and a few men with vision are
sheep from extinction, feared the Barbary doing something about it. A wealthy
would crowd the bighorn out of its home, Florida landowner is creating a huge
or worse, cross-breed with it. Game de- game park for the preservation of the
partment officials of the state threatened white rhino, the giraffe and the chee-
to shoot any Barbary that crossed her tah—all three of which are seldom seen
borders. on their native heath.
Oddly, perhaps, the Barbaries never Foreign animal importations are her-
strayed from their wild canyons. The suc- alded by big game hunters, naturalists,
cess of this experiment led Texas ranchers conservationists and wildlife photogra-
and one large planter in Hawaii to import phers, but great care and close observation
Barbaries. are necessary with all such imports. There
Aware of the controversy their sheep is no way of knowing, short of a study
release caused, the New Mexico officials over a long period, how a foreign animal
waited more than 10 years to see how will react to American animals of even
things worked out. Meanwhile, they had the same family, and vice-versa. There are
been conducting an extensive study to two schools of thought on this: those for
learn what other foreign animals they imports and those against. The "purists"
might bring in which would adapt them- among naturalists feel that foreign im-
selves to the climate and terrain. Their ports will upset the balance of North
prime goal was a sort of "African American wildlife, produce cross-breeds,
Strip" stretching from West Texas to or even crowd out our native species.
California—a more or less barren area The other school points out that in
populated by a few valuable animals, the 1880s several "foreigners" were
but having a good potential as a habitat brought into the U. S., among them the
for warmth-loving animals of Africa and Chinese Ringneck pheasant, the Hun-
Asia. garian and chukar partridge, and the
The plan was not designed wholly to European brown trout. Today these are
create better and more varied hunting found all over the country and for
for American sportsmen; it is an attempt more than half a century have provided
to save several species of foreign animals sport for Americans—with no black
from total extinction, a probability of marks against them. This clean record,
the near future. however, doesn't keep the pessimists
from voicing alarm at further imports.
If the states involved fall in with the
plan, The Strip may become one of the In I960, the New Mexico game people
few places on earth where various species authorized the importation of s e v e r al
of exotic game still exist. The day of the other African animals. For their second
big safari is rapidly passing. Consider experiment they chose the Nubian ibex,
what has happened in Kenya, with Bri- ancestor of the domestic goat. Several
tish influence removed. Then consider varieties of ibex are found in the moun-
what has happened all over Africa. When tains of Europe through North Africa
the colonial powers pulled out, a century into Central Asia. The Nubian, a desert

24 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

variety, seemed the best suited to the to be held in quarantine for 60 days in ence between survival and extinction of
barren country of the American South- the place of their origin. several species.
west. Upon arrival in the States, the animals The New Mexicans decided upon two
But capturing crews found an alarming must spend an additional 30 days in other African animals as being in immi-
shortage of these animals, even in the holding pens near Clifton, N. J., for nent danger of vanishing in their native
Sudan, where they had once been found final disease testing purposes. land. These are the greater kudu and the
in greatest numbers. The crews shifted But these were not the only delays. southern oryx, or gemsbok.
operations to Ethiopia, but here too the The planners came up against another In 1962, a capturing crew rounded up
Nubian nanny had all but disappeared. regulation that had gone into effect just 14 kudu and oryx. The kudu is a grace-
No American 200s had any one species prior to the ibex imports. All cloven- ful creature about the size of our elk. In
in large enough numbers to permit with- hoofed animals brought into the country the early days of colonization, South Afri-
drawals for breeding purposes. must go to approved zoos only. None may cans slaughtered millions of these ante-
Arrangements were made with a wild ever be released. However, the offspring lope in the mistaken idea that the source
animal importer in New York to supply, of these animals may be set free when was endless. Some varieties were entirely
instead, the Siberian ibex from the des- they are old enough to shift for them- wiped out. Remnants of the great herds
erts of Mongolia. This species is as well were belatedly saved on preserves and in
adapted to the climate and terrain of game parks but today, in these areas,
southern New Mexico as the Nubian, About a dozen Siberian ibex now re- native poachers are fast killing them off
and is far more plentiful. side in the Albuquerque Zoo, where it is since there is no longer any protection.
This was the beginning of a series of hoped their progeny will be numerous. The kudu, with meat which gourmets
delays. In its efforts to prevent the spread The ruling that makes only the young claim is tastier than elk or beef, can live
of foreign animal diseases, the U. S. De- eligible for release will slow down the in terrain where few other animals are
partment of Agriculture set up a ruling program somewhat, yet these animals have able to survive. They can go for weeks
that requires all cloven-hoofed animals a vital destiny: they may mean the differ- without water. Once they roamed from
Cape Town to the Sahara, but in recent
These oryx or gemsbok arewell-equipped for battle. years they have been driven to a last
stronghold around the borders of the
terrible Kalahari Desert. Even here they
are rapidly being shot out by the bushmen
who have exchanged their poisoned
arrows for guns.
The capturing technique is interesting.
A fleeing kudu, which can outrun a race-
horse for a short distance, is forced onto
the open plain, where a speeding car
takes over. A noose at the end of a long
pole is dropped over the neck of the rac-
ing animal. The captured kudu is crated
and hauled by truck to Okahanja, in
South-West Africa, where, after its 60-
day quarantine period, it is put aboard a
The South African gembok is the
largest of the oryxes. It was selected by
the New Mexicans because it can endure
extremely cold weather, but primarily be-
cause it's becoming very rare. The oryx
will weigh up to 600 pounds. Both sexes
have long, straight horns, much coveted
by trophy hunters.
Unlike the kudu, which is docile and
easily raised in captivity, the oryx is a
mean and formidable fighter. Its javelin-
like horns make it a deadly adversary.
Camera hunters will do well to bear this
in mind when going after this unpredict-
able animal. His defense tactics are
worth mentioning. A herd of females,
yearlings and young, upon sighting a
leopard or wild dog pack, are said to
let out a great bellow—which hunters
say sounds like a lion's roar, and is cal-
culated to have the same paralyzing effect.
Presenting a bristling front of lowered

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 25

horns, the animals launch the attack and including the vast King spread, got in more important animals, game and other-
any unfortunate animal that remains in on the ground floor, so to speak, bring wise, are evident in many places, in Sovrth
their path is gored and trampled to death. ing in their animals immediately after ern California, a member of the Inter-
The oryx and kudu endure the violent New Mexico released its Barbaries. One national Shikar-Safari Club is working to
changes of desert climate easily. Oddly, of the first was the Eddie Rickenbacker establish a huge game-breeding farm
they stay fat no matter what time of year Ranch, near Hunt, Texas. One of its where African animals may be bred for
they are taken; yet their present habitat specialties is the sambar deer, a very wild release on that state's desert areas. Cali-
in the Kalahari is seemingly devoid of creature. But it also has moulon, black- fornia possesses vast areas of desert well
food, and rain may not fall for stretches buck, axis and sika deer (the latter from suited to tropical animals—areas which
of two or three years. Japan,) besides native species. now support little wildlife, if we except
These animals, and others that may be On the famed 70,000-acre YO Ranch, the horned toad and sidewinder.
imported by New Mexico, will be held near Mountain Home, Texas, you will There is interest elsewhere in the im-
at Albuquerque's Rio Grande Zoo, while see all the above, plus wild turkeys. Other portation of foreign species. Venezuela,
their offspring accumulates. The young ranches provide kudu and oryx. Game Brazil and Argentina have plans to bring
will then be moved to huge holding pens experts in Texas believe the blackbuck in certain species that can adapt to the
at Redrock, southwest of Silver City. (India) is as fine a game animal as ever climates of their countries. Canada and
There are several young kudu there lived and perhaps the most beautiful of Australia have enormous areas where
now. the world's antelopes. It may become as there is a dearth of wildlife except for
It may be about four years before common as the state's native deer. predators.
enough young are collected to begin the Don't expect to have an easy time find- Recently the Department of the In-
New Mexico releases, but whatever time ing this fleet antelope. He's one of the terior, pressured no doubt by private and
it takes, nature lovers are eagerly awaiting most difficult to spot. One of the rea- state interest in exotics, began a study to
the day when they may go afield in their sons for this is the remoteness of these determine what types of foreign animals
own "backyard" and see such strange ani- ranches and the comparatively few people would survive in wild regions of North
mals. who actually do see them. It is somewhat America. The government has no plans
The African Strip is a sound idea, different on the preserves of New Jer- to import them, although it is presumed
viewed from the ecological standpoint sey, Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida, that part of their concern is to rescue
and that of preserving fast-vanishing where most of the above-mentioned ani- dwindling species.
species. The states vitally concerned mals may be seen. Their more limited The imports in Texas and elsewhere
should approach the matter with open space and more frequent contact with have done well, but, as Secretary of the
minds, and act quickly. people have tended to make the animals Interior Stewart L. Udall said not long
The several Texas ranches where these somewhat less wild—but far from tame! ago: "Little is known as to how these
animals, and many others, are to be found, Efforts to save the world's larger and animals may compete with native wild-
life and domestic livestock for available
The Siberian ibex is a fleet, elusive animal that requires keen sight to spot. forage and water. More information is
needed on the questions of disease and
parasites which may be carried by exotic
animals. And we must study the effects
on land and water resource programs of
the present and future."
Interior officials emphasized that the
study in progress will not be concerned
with any one specific animal, broadly
speaking. Rather, it will evaluate the
basic questions to be asked and answered
concerning habitat, animal competition
and similar questions whenever a pro-
posal is made to introduce an exotic ani-
mal to public lands.
It is hoped that these findings will
favor broad importations of rapidly-van-
ishing species so that future generations
will be able to see how such animals
looked and lived when the great animal
kingdoms teamed with wildlife—without
having to look up pictures and descrip-
tions in encyclopedias.
This is the nature story of the century,
but it must end on a note of warning.
Any individual, county or state interested
in securing exotic animals and thus sal-
vaging them for posterity, had better act
at once . . . for soon it will be too late.
26 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966
Along the Border
By Thetford Le Viness
T WAS ICY cold when we left Santa our trip. The road has a built-in desert- in use and others in ruins, date generally
I Fe that December day, but sub-freez-
ing temperatures wouldn't bother us for
scape over every rise, and for miles it
parallels a rail spur from Naco, another
from the last decade of Spanish colonial
rule and the first years of the Mexican
long. We were off on a wintertime ad- Arizona border town. republic—roughly, 1775-1850.
venture in Mexico, in a semi-desert area Cananea, a mining center in a setting The first site we visited was Coco-
certain to be mild. of low sierras, is both progressive and spera, a majestic ruin up a steep escarp-
We were investigating the eastern por- picturesque. It has some of the best ment visible from the road about half-
tion of a unique experience in North hotels, restaurants and stores to be found way to Imuris. Luis Santiago, our capable
American travel—the Padre Kino mis- in the states of Mexico which face the driver who also helps me with my wheel-
sion trail, south of Arizona and Califor- U. S. frontier. There is no "tourist at- chair, scrambled up the rugged cliff to
nia. We would go as far as Caborca, in mosphere;" it is a city attractive for this take pitcures. He got some dandies. Luis,
north-central Sonora. reason. And, it is the gateway to the born in Mexico, inquired in Spanish and
Designated Mexico's Route 2, the full mission trail. Many of the most impres- was told the old building would crumble
itinerary is from Agua Prieta, across from sive relics of Padre Kino's missionary if restoration isn't begun soon. Already
Douglas, Ariz., to the Pacific coast. The efforts are in towns and villages along the roof has collapsed; services are held
total distance of 618 miles to Tijuana in Route 2—paved from Cananea on. in a new chapel built a few feet away. We
Baja California is dotted with teeming Fr. Eusebio Francisco Kino, a Jesuit, journeyed on, hoping some historical
cities, historic shrines, and desert vistas. arrived in 1687, an apostle to natives of society would become interested.
The road is paved, except for the first 53- the Pimeria Alta—the upperland of the At Imuris Route 2 joins Route 15, the
mile stretch, to Cananea; this is now Pima Indians. This comprised what is highway from Nogales to Hermosillo,
under construction. Nowhere along the now Sonora and southern Arizona. The Sonora's capital. Imuris is another Kino
entire journey is the traveler more than chain of missions he established reached site, but hardly anything remains today.
75 miles from the limits of the United as far north as Tucson and his work ex- We continued on the converged routes to
States. tended west to California. One of the Magdalena where the famous priest died
Warmer weather greeted us just south greatest of early geographers in north- and is believed buried.
of Albuquerque, and in Deming we peel- western Mexico, he was first to describe Magdalena's church is a magnificent
ed off some of our wraps. We took U.S. Baja California as a peninsula rather than example of early 19th-century Christian
80 through Lordsburg and Rodeo to an island. architecture. In daily use, it is much re-
Douglas and Agua Prieta. None of the structures erected under stored, with a recently modernized inter-
We celebrated our arrival in Mexico his supervision still stand, but a few ior. Its tower and dome not only domin-
with aperitifs of tequila, then had tacos foundations and walls are thought incor- ate the city's main plaza, but may be seen
de gallina for supper. We stayed over- porated in several built later at the same from the countryside for miles around.
night at a modern motel, and breakfasted sites. Fr. Kino died in 1711. The mis- There is a record of Fr. Kino's burial in
the next morning on huevos rancheros, sions he founded lasted till the Jesuits Magdalena, but the exact site of his grave
tocino, and pan frances. We were south were expelled from Spain and her pro- is a mystery. A monument near the
of the border, and we wanted the full vinces in 1767. church recalls his deeds and accomplish-
flavor of being there—with appropriate It was chiefly laymen who kept the ments.
salsas pi cant es! Faith alive in Sonora for the next quarter We spent the night in Santa Ana,
The necessary permits for ourselves and century. Then Franciscan and secular twelve miles to the south. Our hotel was
our car were a matter of minutes from padres took up the work, and another in the Mexican tradition—a one-story
courteous officials at the aduana, and we wave of Sonora church building began. structure with rooms along both sides of
set out early on the unpaved portion of The structures along Route 2 today, some an oblong patio. We slept well, and after

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 27

breakfast in a cafe near the railroad sta-
tion, we headed west. Route 2 branches
in that direction at Santa Ana, while
Route 15 continues south.
Mexico, apparently, has no bypass
problems. With fewer cars and more
pedestrian traffic than in the United
States, the urban population actually
wants to be bypassed. Route 2 system-
atically misses the business districts of
the towns and villages it serves. It's a
mark of the easygoing tempo of life south
of the border—and part and parcel of the
matchless charm of travel there.
Access roads to the settlements are
usually well maintained. Altar, 52 miles
from Santa Ana, is north of the highway;
Pitiquito, farther on, is off to the south.
Both were thriving Fr. Kino sites. We
photographed the old white-coated church
at Pitiquito. This edifice, like Magda-
lena's, has been repaired and altered many
times through the years; it reflects little
today of its early 19th-century vintage.
We next reached our destination. Ca-
R/iin of Cocospera, just east of Imuris, was once a Fr. Kino mission site. Below: borca is a bustling cattle town with ex-
Beautiful, historic mission of Caborca. Continued on page 34

28 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

A monthly feature by
the author of
Ghost Town Album,
Ghost Town Trails,
Ghost Town Shadows and
Ghost Town Treasures.

That night all hands slept so soundly

that several of the pack animals slipped
away undetected. Early next morning the
Mexican packers trailed them to a hollow
on the side of a hill. Returning to camp,
the wranglers brought not only the burros
but several chispas, gold nuggets the size
of pebbles. Then followed the frantic
rush to the site even before partaking of
more antelope steak.
News of this sort traveled fast, even in
that early day of primitive communica-
tions, and in no time a settlement grew
up at the base of the hill. The raw camp
was named Weaver, although the guide
had already moved on, not being cut
out to be a miner. His name was also
given to the smaller stream emptying into
Antelope Creek.
Some fantastic stories were told by tra-
velers returning to civilization after a
visit to Weaver. One of these reported
that he watched several men scratching
the surface of the ground with no more
tools than butcher knives and gathering
up gold by the handsfull. He said that
while he looked on, the men took out 10
pounds, and that a day's digging would
easily net $1500. When all the gold
"scratched up with butcher knives" was
gathered, that was it though, none being
found much more than six inches deep.

WEAVER, ARIZONA Before the camp folded for good it was

reported that a man was lucky to make
$1.50 a day, and only rarely was chispa
of any size found.
BY LAMBERT FLORIN During Weaver's lusty days the camp
was infested with characters of all sorts
HE NEXT morning the party Bradshaws. The guide, though called and little effort was made to seek them
went up the top of the hill Pauline Weaver, was no second Saca- out. It was said that at one time when
where innumerable chunks and nuggets gawea. His given name was properly Prescott and Weaver were contenders for
of gold were found in the sort of slop- Paulino, a common enough Indian name the Territorial capital, Prescott won easily.
ing basin. Peeples picked up $7,000 The denizens of Weaver failed to show
confered on the half-breed by his mother.
worth before breakfast." Thus does his- up at the polls when the deciding election
Arriving at camp beside a stream in was held. They were too busy in the
torian Fish describe the discovery of
the foothills, the party found plenty of saloons and brothels.
what came to be known as Rich Hill.
antelope meat awaiting them. After sup-
It was the year 1862. A large party Our photo shows what was likely the
of prospectors headed by Abraham per several of the men panned a little powder house, safely secluded from the
Peeples had joined their guide at a pre- gravel in a tributary creek and found town behind a rocky ridge. In the back-
arranged spot on the Colorado River, some color, but not enough to get excited ground is an area now termed "Rattle-
then headed for central Arizona in the about, but encouraging. snake Heaven." •

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 29

Ancient Quicksilver Mines Revived

LL THAT glitters may not be gold;

A today it might well be quicksilver.
For the market value of the shiny, liquid
metal has increased, and production has
lagged. The soaring economy of the
United States, coupled with that of West-
number of nuclear reactors in which mer-
cury is being put to work. Indeed, with
the continued expansion of today's num-
metal has skyrocketed to an all-time ern Europe, has created an almost insati- erous technologies, one can, without be-
high. And with this phenomenal price able hunger for the ancient metal, well ing facetious, predict a "bright and shin-
rise has come a rebirth of more than one illustrated by U. S. production of 13,000 ing" future for quicksilver.
of the ancient mercury mines of the West flasks in 1964 against a national consump- Down through the centuries, quicksil-
—a rebirth whose feverish activity re- tion of 70,000! ver has brought a gleam to man's eye.
minds one of 1849 and the Gold Rush.
Though mercury may no longer serve The metal has even been found in an
Men are crawling about the old diggings,
as the backing for vanity mirror, or as Egyptian tomb dating back to 1500 B.C.!
shoring up fallen timbering, greasing up
the "bearing" upon which floated the Though we know nothing of its extrac-
the rusty old mills, removing the dust of
giant revolving lenses of early light- tion in those ancient days, know
years. In their eyes is the sure gleam of
houses, its uses today are legion. Large that at Almaden, in Spain, mercury has
a newday El Dorado.
quantities, for example, are consumed in been mined continuously for more than
With a container of quicksilver you the manufacture of insecticides and fungi- 2500 years. And long before the time
can hold in the crook of your arm bring- cides. Mercury is called for, too, in the of Christ, the Chinese and the Hindu
ing well above $700, another bit of lore making of explosives, as it is in the amal- mystics of India included quicksilver
reminiscent of the Old West has been gams that go up to make up the mundane among the "seven metals of the world."
reborn: the stagecoach holdup, although tooth filling your dentist so unpleasantly Returning to the present, though, per-
today the stage takes the form of a truck. plies you with. And the paint industry sistent rumors of unusual activity in the
In one recent hijacking, masked bandits gobbles up large amounts. Still more goes Santa Ynez mountains—the range that
made off with a half-million dollars into electrical devices of various sorts, in- forms a towering backdrop for Califor-
worth of the shiny loot. Other nefarious cluding the silent light switches in our nia's beautiful and Riviera-like Santa Bar-
characters are smuggling the precious newer homes and the ultraviolet lamp we bara—brought this writer to hunt down
metal across international borders; less employ for that homemade suntan.
the famed, century-old "Gibraltar" quick-
than-honest miners are secreting little
The new electronic watch you gave as silver mine.
containers within their clothing, peddling
a graduation present uses a mercury cell You don't get into the Gibraltar easily.
the stuff on the newly risen and thriving
as its power source. These magical little In fact, during the long forest-fire season
black market.
batteries have gone into our satellites, you need a Government permit, issued by
Behind the mercury bonanza lies a too, powering transistorized equipment the Department of Agriculture's Forest
manifestation of the age-old "law of for "telemetering" information back to Service, and a key to the locked gate pro-
supply and demand." Demand for the Earth. And let's not forget the growing viding access to the all but impassable

30 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

PROSPECTORS Put your grubstake »» t t a . . .
Mineral, Metal, and Treasure Finder.
By John Desha Pavies
It can detect gold and silver
nuggets, Rings, Coins, Veins,
and treasures.
little entry road that threads its treacher- • No cumbersome Earphones, a powerful speaker
ous way, mile after primitive mile, over is used • Two highly sensitive loops—one for
detecting small nuggets, one for treasures and
the mountains and through the canyons veins • Simple to Operate • Complete instruc-
tions . . . and fresh batteries • A small natural N O W ONLY
toward the mine and its more recent gold nugget which it will detect is included.

neighbor, Gibraltar Dam. To come by Easy terms available Send today for FREE literature * '_„

that key requires a reason stronger than 5% Discount For Cash

mere curiosity, for not only will you be WHITE'S ELECTRONICS

. *?.9-P, O o w n u 1011 Pleasant Valley Rd. Room 121
treading within the closed fire-hazard Bal. $10.57 Per M o . Sweet Home 0regoJ

areas of Los Padres National Forest,

When in the Gold Country — You Need this
you'll be trespassing on the property of
the Gibraltar Mining Company, parent
company of Sunbird Mines, Ltd. The For Concentrating in Dry Placer
Sunbird people are the latest group to EXCELLENT RECOVERY
lease the old mine, and the way things PORTABLE — POWER DRIVEN
look, they've got a "tiger by the tail."
Breaks Apart for Easy Hauling or Carrying
flushing in where angels fear to tread, 1 1 0 lbs.
an intrepid young photographer named $10.00 for Blueprints
Rardle joined your scribe in a trip back [Calif. Res. Add 40c Sales Tax)
to the mine—a trip that no one in his We Build 'Em Too!—$345.00
right mind would write home about lest
he be roundly ridiculed for his foolhardi-
ness. Especially when it is confessed that 1675 Wilson Avenue
compounding our folly was the fact that Upland, California 91786
we ventured in with an ordinary automo- Phone (714) 982-2554 for Demonstration

bile, following a trail blazed by bull-

dozers and kept open only by the occa-
sional passage of a hardy little Jeep.
After what seemed a rock-stabbed,
jolting, man-defying eternity, we rounded
a bend and below us lay the structures de-
noting our goal.
The noise of the mine's mill came up to
us loud and clear in the surrounding
silence, as did that of a bulldozer push-
ing great gobs of red slag off to the side
of the operation. Far below, too, a pair
of figures in "hard hats" pushed a mine
car along a narrow, rickety, wooden
trestle connecting a cut in the mountain-
side with the machinery of the mill. Here
on the hillside we paused, unloaded our
photographic gear, and took some over-
The Family Vehicle for Year-Round Fun!
all shots. Exclusive Sliding Canopy Top
Only Pullman Camper features this exclusive and patented Canopy Top which adds 36 square
The Gilbraltar property, though well feet of area and can be completely enclosed with special fitted curtains. It takes only a
within the Los Padres National Forest, minute to unsnap the tension latches and roll out on rugged nylon rollers. Guaranteed not
is what is known as a "prewithdrawal COMFORTABLE WITH THE PATENTED PULLMAN CANOPY.
area," meaning that it was privately Other Pullman Features
owned long before the national govern- STRONG LIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTION. Tubular aluminum framework provides greater
ment took over the region. Today the strength yet reduces over-all weight and gas costs. Safety glass in all stationary windows.
government's chief interest in the mine LOADING MADE EASY. Extra-wide four-foot rear door.
SPACE SAVING. Door table cabinet provides storage space and doubles as table or work area.
operation is one of forest fire prevention,
CLEAN, DRY INTERIOR. Water-tight and dust proof Neoprene gaskets around all windows,
and takes such forms as setting the stan- doors and underside.
dards for blasting operations and control- Prices Start at Only $375.00
stacks of the mill's furnaces. PULLMAN CAMPERS, DEPT. DM, 8211 PHLOX ST., DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA
TELEPHONE TOpaz 2-7968 or SPruce 3-5686.
We found Darcy and Adkins, the two

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 31

mands of the employees' living quarters.
It's been a year since the mine had a
SINCE 1 9 3 1 " telephone. The old crank phone on the
wall, which used to connect the Gibral-
Ifttkile Horn tar people with the Forest Service people,
has been without wires since the disastrous
Travel Trailer Stye forest fire of 1964. But they do have
emergency communication, for which a
f ELEVEN MODELS 16 FT. TO 3 5 FT. radio transmitter can summon a helicop-
ter from Santa Barbara.
PROTECT YOUR HEALTH The diggings under way when we were
MODEL 21 with WATER-GARO purifier;
there were of the "open pit" variety. One
Write for free literature SELF-CONTA.NED MODELS
reason for sticking with above-ground
TRAVELEZE TRAILER CO., INC. D.P. D mining is a purely monetary one: insur-
11473 Penrose Street Sun Valley, California TRiangle 7-5587
ance rates double the moment you go
underground! On the day we went in
"working" partners of Sunbird Mines' continents, pursuing the career to which
several backers, in an old trailer thathe has devoted his life. Raised in the
serves as the mine's "on location" office.
business, too, Darcy is a man who seem-
They emerged unshaven, but smiling, ingly knows all there is to know about
excusing their appearance with the infor-
quicksilver mining. To him must go a
mation that the mine's water supply hadgreat part of the credit for converting
gone out two days earlier with the failure
the ancient Gilbraltar into the whirring
of a pump. A man had been dispatched enterprise it is today. The two men,
to Santa Barbara to look for repair parts,
along with their "financial" partners,
but hadn't returned. From a creek some are determined to make Sunbird's lease
miles distant, drinking and cooking water
from Gilbraltar Mining pay off. And
was being dragged, bottle by bottle, to be
with the 2est for life their outdoor years
chlorinated and doled out sparingly. have given them, it's a sure bet their
Bringing water up out of the nearby plans for updating the old workings
Gilbraltar reservoir was impossible be-will come to a profitable fruition.
cause of the almost vertical drop to the
water's edge. The old saying that a place is so far
back in the hills that sunshine has to be
Adkins, whose youthful vigor belies piped in doesn't hold for the Gilbraltar.
his 50-odd years, has been mining for In fact, there's so much sunshine they
longer than he cares to recall. He has could profitably pipe it out of the hills.
traipsed through canyon and over moun- But there's no electricity, except what
tain in a thousand remote spots in the they make themselves—and the workings
North American and South American need a lot of it, not to mention the de-

two of the open pits were being worked.

The entire operation is composed of four
' ^ ' • • •

levels not counting the tunnel, which was

w* • well down the mountainside from where
• ^ ^

- •
we were perched. Here and there bron-

zed, dust - covered Mexican - Americans

drilled into massive boulders, preparing
to blast away portions of the hillside
ffl which would expose the yellow rocks with
) 1^, - the telltale red splotches of mercury sul-
fide—better known as cinnabar. From
f .
these remote points the ore would find
its way down a variety of chutes to the

*•&*&&%€%".£. ••:
m !


man-powered mine car waiting far below.
How do they know where to dig?
They've got a map that shows the path of
the big vein through the area, and even
some of the offshoots, though most of
the latter are located through the twin
processes of "eyeballing" and "samp-
ling." A man with an eye for the ore, a
Closed by a recent cave-in, old Gibraltar tunnel penetrates 450 feet. good prospector, can look at a cut in the

32 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

mountainside, walk right up to it, lay his

hand on the rock, and estimate the per-
centage of return in less time than it
takes to tell it—that is, men like Darcy
and Adkins can. Time and again, as we ALL STEEL FRAME
rode and strode over the diggins, Adkins
would pick up a piece of loose rock, break
it on a nearby boulder, and point out a
streak of cinnabar the blow had exposed.
Atop a peak dominating the diggings,
stood an old wooden cross. This is the
Mexican miner's way of asking the
Almighty's protection as he goes about
his dangerous calling. As if to drive home A SOLID FAVORITE FOR
the point, two laborers wrestled with a FASTER, SAFER GOING! -
jackhammer on the bare edge of a 75-
foot precipice not far off; below, in a OTHER LUXURY FEATURES: Aluminum Exterior - Beautiful Interior Paneling - Heavy 1 "
rocky shale, lay one of the men's hard Fiberglass Insulation - 84 Inches Wide - Adjustable Roof Vents - Three-Burner Stove with
hats, blown off by the gale that whistled Oven - Formica Counters . . . AND, MUCH, MUCH MORE!
across the narrow promontory on which see t h e m a t . . .
they balanced.
After slipping and sliding down from MACDONALD CAMPER KIT CO.
the open pit sites we threaded our way
11015 E. Rush St., El Monte, California
across the old wooden trestle for a look
at the mill. As some of the boys at the the refining of gold and silver at his-
Later, as a full-grown buck, the deer
mine put it, they're running a "still" back toric Virginia City; of long periods of
would return to the mine and his bene-
in "them thar hills," for the pure mercury inactivity when the Gilbraltar lay all but
factors, often bringing with him other
is literally distilled from the raw ore by forgotten; of bursts of activity during
deer who'd stand off at a safe distance
condensation. two world wars; of endless legal hassles
as he paid his call. But one hunting sea-
After the "dirty" quicksilver is ladled son he disappeared; today the miners will over ownership, featured not only by
out of condenser wells into pails, it's change the subject if you bring it up. "squatters rights" battles, but by suicides;
carried to a "hoe table" where the mer- Over coffee we spoke also of the tur- of 40 days of rain when 11 men piled
cury is stirred into powdery quicklime. bulent history of the mine — of Jose into a Jeep to escape being cut off by
Quicklime separates impurities from the Moraga, who in Civil War times stum- landslides; of a day the "Feds" found
pure metal, enabling the latter to be fun- bled into an outcropping of the vein as their way in and pulled out a handful of
neled through the opening in the table, he hiked across the old Spanish land grant Mexicans using forged citizenship papers.
from where it drops through a cloth known as the Rancho Los Prietos y By comparison, all is calm today—except
strainer into a waiting pail. Here the boys for the Gibraltar's fabulous promise of a
Najalayegua; of the early 1870s, when
pulled one of their favorite tricks out of
200 Chinese clawed at the mine's "glory pot of mercury at the end of its silvery
the bag: they floated a heavy iron weight
hole," pouring out mercury needed in rainbow. •
on top of the mercury!
The final operation is that of pouring
the heavy, now pure, metal into iron
flasks for its trip to market. The flasks,
weighing a bit over seven pounds apiece,
tip the scales at 76 pounds when filled
(Pat. applied for)
d for) *>KJ
with their precious cargo, yet are little FABULOUS NEW GOLD CONCENTRATOR
more than the size of an ordinary quart-
size milk container. Their weight when • HIGH EFFICIENCY—Recover ALL the colors from
filled is that of the ancient Spanish any dry sand
"hundredweight. • HIGH CAPACITY—Up to three tons per hour
Following our tour of the Gibraltar's TRULY PORTABLE—Weighs only 42 lbs.
roaring, hammering, and clanging opera- ONE MINUTE SET-UP—Easy operation
tions;, we stopped for a cup of ink-black
coffee at the "Mexicanos" living quar-
ters. Here we found Marina, cook for the MINIATURIZED
mining camp, and the only female within INCLUDING THE PRICE
more miles than the men care to think $349.50
Interesting is a story they tell of a lost MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!
Mix the included sample of placer gold with dry sand and run thru
fawn raised by Marina—a little fawn
machine. ALL colors must be recovered or return the machine,
who'd hide in the back of a TV cabinet undamaged, within 10 days, for refund. KEEP THE GOLD!
whenever a stranger dropped in, but that AQUAPPLIANCES, INC. 16242 PINEVIEW RD. SAUGUS, CALIF.
relished flapjacks and cigarette butts!

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 33

Along the Border This mission, an imposing structure of
Continued from page 28 Sonora's classic period, sMl shows ib
battle scars. All the houses of a century
If you have completed a book-length manu- cellent accommodations for tourists. We ago—indeed, most everything constituting
script, you may be interested in our special
publishing plan. Under this program, many took some more "patio hotel" rooms, and the old plaza itself—have disappeared
lawyers, executives, teachers, scholars and
even housewives have seen their work pub- found a 24-hour restaurant next door. since the town's relocation. The Crabb in-
lished, promoted and marketed on a digni-
fied, professional basis. All subjects con- Actually, there are two Caborcas. There cident is related in eloquent Spanish on a
sidered — non-fiction, fiction, poetry, etc
Send for our free 40-page illustrated bro- is the place we stayed, and there is la plaque placed on the church in 1926. In
chure today. Ask for Booklet, D. placita vieja—"Old Town," as a similar 1958 a monument to Capt. Lorenza Rod-
VANTAGE PRESS, INC. section is called in Albuquerque. The riguez, killed when he questioned Crabb's
120 W. 31st St.. New York 1, N.Y. new Caborca has wide streets and spacious motives in Caborca, was erected out front.
In Calif.: 6253 Hollywood Blvd., L.A.
In Wash., D.C.: 1010 Vermont Ave., N.W. parks and at night the fountains are il- Every year on April 6, anniversary of the
luminated in color. Sanitation seems al- siege and surrender, a fiesta is held to
New guide to over 100 California ghost towns
Unique and authentic guide to over 100
ghost, towns in California's deserts and moun-
tains with complete directions on how to
reach them. Shows you the way to little-
known and intrigue-filled towns that provide
hours of interest for those seeking buried
treasures, old guns, western relics, purple
bottles aged by the sun, and antique objects.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money back.
Order Now! Only $1.95
Dept. D-l 1
151.1 West Komneya Drive — Anaheim, Calif.


FREE 6 pages « » • " " •
Lapidary — rockhounding — jewelry making. Cananea is a progressive mining town.
add up to a fascinating creative art!
GET CRAFT'S BIGGEST CATALOG most a city-wide neurosis; metal trash recall the events. This, of course, extends
World's largest selection - over 10,000 items cans line both sides of every thorough- to the new Caborca, where one of the
offered...imports from all parts of the world. fare, with garbage collection a "big busi-
main arteries bears the official name:
MOUNTINGS — BOOKS — CRAFT TOOLS ness" of municipal government! Avenida 6 de Abril.
MACHINERY—SUPPLIES—ETC. "Old Town" has one of the historically Inside Caborca's mission there's a
important missions still in use. In 1857 musty smell—it's authentically old! It
Henry A Crabb, a former California state was here that many of the townsfolk went
30 - 1 6 3 3 E. Walnut — Pasadena, Calif
senator, led a group of about 100 fili- to pray during the Crabb episode—and
busters, all U. S. citizens, to Caborca. couldn't get out to go home. Once dur-
They tried a sort of soldiers-of-fortune ing the conflict the filibusters tried to
OPALS and SAPPHIRES "power-grab" of Sonora by helping un- blow up the church with dynamite, but
This Month's Best Buy seat the incumbent governor. The rebels miraculously the charge didn't ignite.
SPECIAL OFFER succeeded, but promptly repudiated We stayed a second night in Caborca,
3 Ounces Andamooka and Coober Pedy
Opal. All Colours, All sizes to cut from
Crabb. He and his party held out for then returned home by way of Nogales,
this colourful lot. several days in some adobe houses across Tuscon and Salt River Canyon. Route 2
$18.00 Free Airmail the plaza from the church. Mexican continues to the U.S. border in Sonoyta,
Ssnd personal cheque, international money troops besieged them; in the fighting then parallels the boundary to Mexicali
order, bank draft. Free 16 page list of all which followed, gunfire damaged the and the coast. The entire itinerary, and
Australian Gemstones.
church's facade. Forced to surrender, many portions of it, are becoming ever
Australian Gem Trading Co.
294 Little Collins Street Crabb and 56 other survivors were exe- popular since so much of the paving has
MELBOURNE, C.I. AUSTRALIA cuted the next day without trial. now been completed. •

seoH. Scouts, historic U. S. Army, Mission

Father s and Explorer s accounts, as far back
as Pliny, at the dawn of Christianity, and
current hardy habitues of the deserts, remark on Chia as
an unusual energy-sustaining cereal. Chia is a food
found to be especially agreeable to the digestive system
Fran's Gem Shop
and to the stomach. The humble Chia is the recently re-
discovered food of our tireless Indians, and standby of • Mineral Specimens • Jewelry Findings
prospectors and miners. • Abrasive Grits • Stones in the Rough
AZTEC KAPS 3'/, lbs. $5: trial 20 oz. $2, postpaid
Hardly a foodstuff exists in either the
• Diamond Saws • Finished Stones
New laminated construction
Lightweight & insulated POLLEN /egerable or animal kingdom in which
10 many essentials of life are so com-
pletely united as in the case of Pollen. Pollen is a food
• Sanding Cloth • Polishing Compounds
3 7 5 7 West Rosecrans
INSTALLED AT FACTORY $250.00 that is rich, one of the richest without doubt existing in
27134 Furnivall Ave., Saugus nature. HAWTHORNE CALIF.
One Ib. $5; trial % Ib. $2, postpaid
Calif. (805) 259-3673 POLLEN CHIA Commerce
Phone: OSborne 5-7328
Dealer Inquiries Invited Box2151-D, Prescott, Arizona 86301 Open 9:00 to 6:00 (except Sunday)

34 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

This concludes a series of articles
concerning the uses primitive people
have made of native plants. A book
on the subject, by Sam Hicks, will be
announced upon publication.

by Sam Hicks

I N THE INAJA dialect of the Mission

Indians of Southern California, the
tall, tubular grass which, in expert hands,
is split evenly into three long uniform
strands for basket making, is called Kua-
naya.. I have never heard this plant
called by any other name, although I'm
sure sufficient research would show it
has been scientifically classified. Basket coil-binding process characteristic of which ornament their work. For certain
makers lose no time in splitting these much Southwestern basketry. designs where a great deal of solid color
tough stalks while they are fresh and Each stalk of the long grass has a dan- is required, some basket makers dye their
pliable. About one-third of the top of gerously hard stiletto point which probes Kuanaya strands with berry juices and, in
each pointed stem is cut off and thrown at hands, wrists and eyes while it is being more recent years, with water colored by
away because it lacks strength. Then the pulled from the damp earth where it rusty nails and bits of iron.
square-cut end of the hollow stalk is This tall, fibrous grass, which grows
grows. A few inches at the base of each
carefully divided into three parts with only in mountains near the source of
the point of a knife, the end of one stem are colored deep brown. Higher up,
fresh water, is rapidly disappearing. Due
strand held in the teeth while the other the stalk is dark green, but soon after
to persistent drought conditions in the
two are pulled outward with the hands. picking this color fades and by the time Southwest and the diminishing number of
The strands after being separated, are the strands are ready for use they graduate mountain streams, Kuanaya is hard to
next tied in neat coils and stored until in color from tan to brown. These vary- find. However, it is still unselfishly
needed. They are soaked briefly in water ing colors enable the basket makers to shared in the handicraft by those who
just before they are used in the ancient weave into their art the unique designs carefully gather it. •

A wonderful gift for someone.
The original Thumler's Tumbler polishes
rocks to a fine, gleaming finish. Produced by
the largest manufacturer of small tumblers in
the country. Guaranteed for one year.
Model B4 7SO COMPLETE POLISHER only $19.95
Motor, barrels and all as illustrated. PREPAID
CANS TO YOUR PRESENT HOLDER (1 set for each 1 qt. barrel) STAR DIAMOND
ALSO LOCKS GAS FILLER CAP. Rubber tumbler liners, pair 89
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Victor's Tumbling Manual $2.00 1 4 2 1 W E S T 2 4 O S T R E E T
LOCK STRAP Cash, Check or Money Order only HARBOR CITY. CALIFORNIA 9O71O
329 W. Lomito Ave. Dept D. Glendale 4,Calif
P. O. Box 609 Monrovia, California
Add 4 % Solas Ton for California

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 35

Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,

Palm Desert, California 92260
Classified rates are 25c per word, $5
minimum per insertion.


OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest pricesl You READ "BURIED Treasure and Lost Mines" by TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, Western states. Stamp
name it—we find it! Western Americana, Frank Fish, 93 bonafide locations, photos and appreciated for each state index. Mortar and
desert and Indian books a specialty. Send Pestle for grinding ore samples, 'A pint size,
illustrations. Research done by Fish, treasure
us your wants. No obligation. International durable cast iron, $5.95 postpaid. Jacobsen
hunter who made it pay. Large 19x24" color-
Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif. Suppliers, 9322 California Avenue, South
ed map, pinpointing book locations. Book
Gate, California.
•OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" in minerals and gem $1.50, map $1.50. Special: both $2.50 post-
stones; here are a few of the 300 or more paid. Publisher: Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium, Drive, Chino, California. • FOR WOMEN
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nickel, EARLY CALIFORNIA Gun Catalog. 1 884 N. Curry LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest Beautifier."
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryl- & Bros., San Francisco. Full 9 " x 1 2 " facsim-
lium, emeralds, etc. Some worth $1 to $2 a Complete beauty treatment in one jar. Write:
ile, 60 pages. $2.50 postpaid. Paradox Press, Lola Barnes, 963 North Oakland, Pasadena,
pound, others $25 to $200 per ounce; an Box 3 0 5 1 , Berkeley, California. 94715.
emerald the size of your thumb may be California 91104.
worth $1000 or more; learn how to find, "GEMS & Minerals Magazine," largest rock
identify and cash in on them. New simple hobby monthly. Field trips, " h o w " articles, • GEMS
system. Send for free copy "Overlooked For- pictures, ads. $4 year. Sample 25c. Box 687J
tunes in Minerals," it may lead to knowledge Mentone, California. RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA. We have everything
which may make you rich! Duke's Research for the rock hound, pebble pups, interesting
MEXICO'S GEMS and minerals, a guide to lo- gifts for those who are not rock hounds.
Laboratory, Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences
calities, mines; maps, directions, contacts. Minerals, slabs, rough materials, lapidary
New Mexico 8 7 9 0 1 .
English-Spanish glossary, too. Gemqc, Box supplies, mountings, equipment, black lights.
LEARN ABOUT gems from Handbook of Gems 808J, Mentone, California. Why not stop and browse? Shamrock Rock
ad Gemology. Written especially for ama- ARIZONA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide, Shop, 593 West La Cadena Drive, Riverside,
teur, cutter, collector. Tells how to identify large folded map 1881, small early map, Calif. OVerland 6-3956.
gems. $3 plus tax. Gemac Corporation, Box 1200 place name glossary, mines, camps,
808J, Mentone, California. GEM ROUGH or mineral specimens. Either list
Indian reservations, etc. $1.50. Theron Fox, free. Fine quality, absolutely guaranteed. We
"GHOST TOWN Directory of the West"—Jve~r 1296-E Yosemite, San Jose, California. are hobbyists too and would enjoy hearing
340 sites in ten western states. Pictures and from you. Velma & Charlie Ozment, The Vel-
maps. Price $ 1 . Pierce Publishing Co., Box lor Company, P.O. Box 2344(D), St. Louis,
5 2 2 1 , Dept. A-9, Abilene, Texas. • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Mo., 63114.
NEW BOTTLE book "Handbook For the Bottle- MAKE SPARE time pay. "Mail Order Profits and
ologist," 1000 bottles, Great Basin Survey, POCKET GOLD, $2. Placer gold, $2. Gold dust,
Pitfalls" shows how. No obligation. Webster's $ 1 . Attractively displayed. Postpaid. Money-
rarity and illustrations. $2.75. Richard Fike,
Box 3878-E, Long Beach, California 90803. back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 1125D, Mt.
1135 Maxfield Drive, Ogden, Utah.
ROCK SHOP and tourist business on busy high- Shasta, California.
"SUN-COLORED GLASS, It's Lure and Lore,"
way, beautiful log building, open summer CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma-
50 pages, illustrated, $2.75 postpaid. Mary
season only, ideal for retired couple who terial, machinery, lapidary and jewelers sup-
J. Zimmerman, Dept. D., Box 2 6 4 1 , Amarillo,
want to keep partly busy, will sell at cost. plies, mountings, fluorescent lamps, books.
Kurio Kabin, Route 1, Cashmere, Washington. Sumner's, 21108 Devonshire, Chatsworth, Cal.
LOST MINES and Buried Treasures of California,
POTTED LIVING Monkey Puzzle tree (Araucaria
1964 edition; 160 locations, $2.50. R. A.
B.) Bonsai guaranteed, $1.50 ppd. Access- • GEMS, MINERALS - FOSSILS
Pierce, P.O. Box 3034, Berkeley 5, California. ories, 1 24 miniature trees catalog, 1 0c. West-
GHOST TOWN GUIDE: Complete guide to over arbor, Box 486-BB, La Canada, Calif., 9 1 0 1 1 . DIAMONDS, GENERAL Electric man-made 4 0
100 ghost towns in California, only $1.95. mesh cubo-octahedron crystals, largest com-
W. Abbott, 1513 West Romneya Drive, Ana- mercial size, 2 dozen, $1 ppd. Pacific Test
heim, California. • DESERT STATIONERY Specialties, 7160 W. 93rd Place, Los Angeles,
DESERT WILDLIFE, Flowers, Scenics living-color California 90045.
NEVADA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide.
Large folded maps. 800 place name glossary. notes, 59 varieties $5.90. Dozen assorted
$1.50. Illustrated brochure. Artist Henry
Railroads, towns, camps, camel trail. $1.50.
Mockel, Box 726, Twentynine Palms, Calif.
Theron Fox, 1296-C Yosemite, San Jose 26,
California. DOCTOR OF Divinity, Bachelor, Theology, de-
grees or a High School Equivalency Diploma
BOOK HUNTING is our business, service is our • DUDE GUEST RANCHES by correspondence. Postage 1 Oc. Write to Rev.
product. No charge for search. Satisfaction C-BAR-H GUEST Ranch—Rest or Play—a real Dr. Herman Keck, Jr. President, Faith Bible
guaranteed. D-J Book Search Service, P. O. western holiday. American plan includes College & Seminary, P. O. Box 1674, Fort
Box 3352-D, San Bernardino, Calif. 92404. three delicious meals each day, horseback Lauderdale, Florida.
1 riding, comfortable cottages, swimming pool,
"1200 BOTTLES PRICED '—well illustrated, com- LEARN OIL painting by mail. Also casein or
plete description, covers entire field, 164 ranch lodge activities, hay rides, sports acrylic. Amateur, advanced. Easy, fascinating,
pages, by J. C. Tibbitts, first president of galore. P.O. Box 373D, Lucerne Valley, Calif. naturalistic. Easy Payments. Art, Box 486,
Antique Bottle Collectors Association and edi- Area Code 714, CH 8-7666.
Montrose, Colorado.
tor of the "Pontil," $4.25 post paid. The REMUDA RANCH, "Arizona's Riding Ranch"
Little Glass Shack, 3161 -B 56th St., Sacra- established 1925. Fine ranch facilities spiced
mento, Calif. 95820. with outcamps, jeep trips, swimming, golf
ORIGINAL "GHOST Town Bottle Price Guide" and exploration. A 43,000 acre playground. FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi
80 page, 5th edition revised. Bottle sketches, Dana Burden, Wickenburg 8, Arizona jewelry. Old pawn. Many fine old baskets,
photos, color plate, current values, $2.25 moderately priced, in excellent condition
postpaid. Discount to dealers. Wes Bressie, Navajo rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo blankets,
Rt. 1 , Box 582, Eagle Point, Oregon.
• EQUIPMENT - SUPPLIES pottery. A collectors paradisel Open daily
KEEP WARM. Gerry down insulated clothing 10 to 5:30, closed Mondays. Buffalo Trading
WANTED: OLD books, clippings, maps, photos, Post, Highway 18, Apple Valley, California.
gives warmth without weight. Free catalog.
circulars, magazine articles, posters news-
papers, etc. of Death Valley, Rhyolite, Skidoo, Gerry, Dept. 90, Boulder, Colorado 8 0 3 0 1 .
AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi-
Bullfrog, Harrisburg, Panamint City, Gold- QUALITY CAMPING and mountaineering equip- mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's
field, Goldpoint. Send list, full description, ment. Down sleeping bags, lightweight tents, items. Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian
and asking price. Lloyd Cooper, 2520 Chicago boots. Free catalog. Highland Outfitters, P.O. Trading Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East
St., San Diego, California. 92110. Box 1 2 1 , Riverside, California. Woodland Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.

36 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

Food Editor cK^^- JUJb
1 cup white corn meal y 4 cup dried apricots V2 cup chopped onion
4 cups milk Cover with cold water and let stand 2 tablespoons butter
2 cups canned whole kernel corn for V2 hour. Drain and cut in pieces. 1 beaten egg
1/2 teaspoon salt 1 large orange, squeeze juice from V2 cup milk
IV2 teaspoons sugar it and reserve peel. Add enough IV2 cups Bisquick
1 quarter Ib. butter or margarine water to juice to make 1 cup 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese,
3 eggs, yolks and whites beaten y2 cup seedless raisins or mixed firmly packed
separately fruit 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups flour 2 or 3 tablespoons melted butter
Bring 2 cups of the milk to a boil. 1 teaspoon soda Cook onion in 2 tablespoons butter
Add corn, cornmeal and salt and 2 teaspoons baking powder until soft. Combine egg and milk.
stir over heat until thick. Remove 1 cup sugar, y2 teaspoon salt Add to Bisquick and stir only until
from heat, add beaten egg yolks, y2 cup chopped almonds ingredients are just moistened. Add
butter, sugar and rest of milk. Beat 1 egg onion and half of grated cheese.
well. Let cool. Fold in egg whites. 2 tablespoons melted butter Spread dough in a greased round
Place in large baking dish or cas- 1 teaspoon vanilla baking dish. Sprinkle top with re-
serole, which has been greased, and Put orange peel, nuts and raisins or maining cheese and poppy seed.
bake for 1 hour in 325 degree oven. fruit through medium blade of Drizzle melted butter over all. Bake
grinder. Add to mixed dry ingredi- at 400 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.
CINNAMON BREAD ents with orange juice. Add butter Cut in pie-shaped wedges to serve.
1 package yeast and beaten egg and vanilla. Bake in Serve hot.
V4 cup warm water greased loaf pan at 350 degrees for
V2 cup scalded milk 50 minutes. Serve hot or cold. TALAMEE
y3 cup sugar 2 cups warm water
V2 teaspoon salt 2 packages dry yeast
1 egg 1/2 cup shortening V4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons butter or margar- 3 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
ine 1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons melted margarine
3 cups flour y2 cup boiling water
1 tablespoon peanut oil
Dissolve yeast in warm water, add 1 package yeast
About 5V2 cups flour
to milk, sugar and salt, cool to room V2 cup warm water
Measure warm water into large warm
temperature. Beat in egg and butter 1 egg, beaten
bowl. Sprinkle yeast in and stir until
and about I V i cups flour. Add re- 2 to 21/2 cups flour
dissolved. Stir in sugar, salt, mar-
maining flour and continue to mix Place shortening, sugar and salt in
garine, peanut oil and about 3 cups
until dough pulls from sides of bowl. large bowl. Add boiling water and
stir until shortening is melted. Add flour. Beat until smooth, then beat
Turn out on floured board and knead in enough additional flour to make
until smooth and elastic, about 5 oatmeal and cool to luke warm.
Soften yeast in warm water and add stiff dough. Knead until smooth and
minutes. Round dough into ball and elastic, about 8 minutes. Place in
beaten egg, then stir into oatmeal
place in well greased bowl, turning greased bowl, turning to grease top,
mixture. Stir in 1 cup flour and
several times to grease on all sides. cover and let rise in warm place free
beat well. Add rest of flour and beat
Cover and set in warm place until from draft, until doubled in bulk,
well. Let rise to double its bulk, work
doubled in bulk. Punch dough down about 1 hour. Punch dough down,
down. Take portion of dough and roll
and divide into two parts. Roll each out into circle. Cut pie-shaped turn out onto lightly floured board.
part into roll the length of bread pan wedges from circle, spread with melt- Divide into four pieces and shape
and widen until it is fairly thin. ed butter, and roll up, starting with each into a smooth ball. Place on
Spread generously with butter, sugar wide side. Bend into crescents and greased baking sheet; cover and
and cinnamon and roll like jelly roll. place on buttered baking sheet. Al- let rise for 30 minutes. Flatten each
Put joined side down in greased low to double in bulk and bake in ball to about 1 inch thickness. Let
bread pan and let rise until doubled 400 degree oven for about 15 min- rise again for 45 minutes. Bake in
in bulk. Use rest of dough for another utes. If desired the dough may be 450 degree oven for 15 minutes, or
loaf. Bake in 350 degree oven for placed in refrigerator, covered with until done. This bread is crusty and
about 35 minutes. These make small foil. When ready to bake, form into of somewhat coarse texture, on the
loaves and are wonderful toasted. rolls and let rise. order of French bread.

38 / Desert Magazine / January, 1966

Metal Detector Kits"
America's biggest and
lowest priced line of
fully guaranteed Detector Kits.
Will react to all kinds of metal
objects including gold, copper,
silver, lead, guns, cannon balls, etc.
Letters requesting answers must include stamped self-addressed envelope Free literature, budget terms,
trade - in accepted.

Black Magic . . . White Magic . . . BONANZA ELECTRONICS

To the Editor: Your special sale of 10 back To the Editor: I read DESERT Magazine with P. O. Box 246, Dept. DM
issues is a delight. The story of the lost gold great interest but have never yet written to you. Sweet Home, Oregon
ledge of Picacho, Dec. '58, brings to mind a In regard to the Mystery of the Hohokams in
story my grandmother told me. An Indian man, the November issue, if author Stan Jones
in the 1920's, would come into Yuma to sell would read the Book of Mormon he would
raw quartz gold to Mr. Sanguinetti. This gold find the answer to his lost civilization and their
came from the same area mentioned in your architecture and irrigation systems.
article and could be the same lost gold ledge. JOEL C. BALLARD,
Quien sabe? El Cajon, California
Occasionally my grandmother and a group
of friends went to the ruins of the old mission Ghost Town Chaser . . . on these amazing Lock-O-Matic selec-
of the Yuma Indians at Pot Holes, near where tive drive hubs that automatically
the old Indian lived. Among this group was a To the Editor: We have certainly enjoyed your engage the front wheels in 4-w.d.,
fine magazine over the past several years. To automatically disengage them for 2-
pregnant woman and a sorceress. Their object w.d. They stop ftont drive drag,
was to have a seance and ask the spirits to re- us one of the most interesting articles appeared save gas, gears, tires in 2-w.d.—auto-
in the recent August-September (1965) issue matically! For ;::Lock-O-Matics—or
veal the secret of the gold lode. Aboard a popular Warn® Locking Hub;
wagon drawn by a horse, they arrived at this by Raymond Hillman titled "Nine Bridges
Has Toiyabe". We have journeyed to more
place late at night. When they called to the
than 100 Neveda ghost towns and camps and
spirits to reveal the secret, they heard, out of Toiyabe City is the best yet. The setting of WARN MFG. CO., INC.
the darkness, a voice and a thump. "Aqui esta," the ruins on the floor of a basin at the end of 9050-DM Empire Way South
thump! it went, "aqui esta," thump! "aqui a very steep canyon is simply beyond descrip- Seattle, Washington 9 8 1 1 8
esta," thump! Three times. tion. Unfortunately, Toiyabe City has met
Well, you can bet that scared h— out of
everyone, including the sourceress. They
started to yell and scream and run for the
with vandalism. The smelter stack, as des-
cribed by Mr. Hillman and plainly visible in
his photo on page 48 is no longer standing.
wagon and the poor pregnant woman almost
had her baby on the spot. They took off for
Large piles of brick at the mouth of Ophir
Canyon might suggest what happened. Also a
cable was found stretching from the site of
home like a bat out of hades. And, you can the stack, back up the road for about 50
also bet a sly old Indian is in his "happy hun- yards. Later we heard through friends that
ting grounds" still laughing up a storm! people were indeed wrecking structures in
Thank you for "heap much good reading". Toiyabe City for the brick. I suppose in time EO
Oh yes, "Aqui esta," thump! is Spanish for
"Here it is," thump!.
the elegant hotel overlooking the city will also
be torn down for some reason or another. hINDER
Mr. Hillman is correct in that only 4 wheel
C. BARROS, drives should travel the road, although a good ALWAYSBETTER ALWAYS
Indio, California 2 wheel drive properly loaded could make
the grade. We counted the bridges both going 'LITERATURE
in and coming out and all we could count is BOX 3 7 , LAKEWOOD, CALIFORNIA

Late Item . . . eight, but there is another bridge above the

city. However, "Nine Bridges" sounds much
To the Editor: After my article on Datura was better than "Eight".
sent to you (see page 17), a UPI news item A. L. LESPERANCE, New Transistor Models Detect
from Ojai, California, told of three teen-agers University of Nevada Buried Gold, Silver, Coins,
found screaming in the streets late one night. Ancient Firearms

According to Ojai Police Chief, James Alcorn, For land or underwater

exploration. Explore beaches,
they were hysterical and imagined multi-colored Ardent R e a d e r . . . ghost towns, walls ot
bugs crawling all over them. Later, in the abandoned shacks
To the Editor: Keep up the good work with
hospital, the boys told officers they had been your wonderful magazine. When I get finished Work through
chewing seeds from the spiny pods of the jim- with each month's issue, there's nothing left mud, water, £-4 Q 9 5
son weed. because I read every word, even the ads and concrete, wood •^ up
WILLIAM KLETTE, page numbers!
Write for FREE Catalog
North Fork, California ERNIE COWAN,
San Diego, California RELCO Dept. . Box 10563, Houston 18, Texas

BOOKS Metal Detectors
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Rayscope, GeoFinder, Metrotech log is packed with detailed facts and prices
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Repair Service manufactured. To really make your 4 wheeler
Write for FREE 32-Page Booklet tops in performance and appearance send
Order FREE Catalogue on Detectors, Books and Maps one dollar for catalog to
BOOK STORE 15502 So. Paramount Blvd. 1625 S. Harbor Blvd.
Palm Desert, California 9 2 2 6 0 Paramount California Fullerlon 7, California

January, 1966 / Desert Magazine / 39

ome in an J 8,rowde






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