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Alexandre Despatie : Personal Growth

Canadian Olympic School Program

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Canadian Olympic School Program
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Teaching Values Through Olympian Stories
Canadian Olympic School Program
Canadian Olympic School Program
The Olympic philosophy of education is about a balance of intellectual instruction,
cultural development and physical education. It is about participation, efort, and
knowing you have given your all in the pursuit of excellence.
Olympism is a philosophy of life; exalting and combining in balanced whole qualities
of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks
to create a way of life based on the joy found in efort, the educational value of
good example, and respect for universal, fundamental ethical principles. - Olympic
Charter, Fundamental Principles.
Olympian stories of triumph and disappointment can engage learners in
discussions about important value issues. Through the stories and challenges of
Olympic athletes, children and youth can explore and connect values to their lives,
and perhaps begin to see their world in new and diferent ways.
Teaching Guide for Educators
Current curriculum theory emphasizes the importance of reinforcing value
messages through narratives, storytelling, art, posters, drama, and physical
movement. Activities based on the stories, events, ceremonies and symbols of the
Olympic Games stories have school-wide relevance.
The Olympic Values
The Canadian Olympic Committee identifes seven Olympic values: excellence,
fun, fairness, respect, human development, leadership and peace. The narrative
that follows highlights one of these values. When you engage your learners with
this narrative, you will have the opportunity to expand their understanding of this
value and to expand their moral capabilities.
Principles of Learning
The following principles of learning are highlighted in order to actively engage
students in the values education process:
Learning is an active and not a passive activity. Students need to be actively
engaged in discussion, sharing their ideas in small groups and exploring difering
points of view.
People learn in diferent ways. Some people learn best by reading; some people
learn best by listening; some people learn best by moving around. The activities
associated with these narratives present diferent ways of learning.
Learning is both an individual and a cooperative activity. Young people need
opportunities to work together as well as independently. They also need to practice
cooperative behaviours in order to learn competitive behaviours.
Stages of the Learning Sequence
Successful learning is built upon a carefully scafolded series of steps that connect
to students prior understanding, actively process or practice new information, and
fnally transform their understandings into powerful demonstrations of learning.
Each Olympic athlete story is presented at three reading levels: bronze (grades 2/3),
silver (grades 4/5), and gold (grades 6/7). The accompanying activities are sufciently
open-ended to address a diverse range of learning styles and profciencies. They
focus on six main facets of understanding: explaining, interpreting, applying, taking
perspective, empowering, and developing self-knowledge are critical thinking skills
that are woven into all three stages of the learning sequence in order to promote
deep understanding of the values and concepts.
Alexandre Despatie
Personal Growth
Suggested Learning Sequence for
Teaching Values Through Olympian Stories
Canadian Olympic School Program
Showing understanding in a new way
Using strategies to acquire and use
Building a foundation for new learning
Gold grades 6-7
Silver grades 4-5
Bronze grades 2-3
BRONZE Canadian Olympic School Program
Alexandre Despatie
Kids need to fnd some sport or
some activity that they like. If
you like the sport it wont matter
how good you are.
Alexandre Despatie steps onto the diving board at the
Olympic National Aquatics Centre in Beijing.
His feet tingle. He takes a deep breath.
Alexandre is one of the best divers in the world. He
wants to win another medal at the Olympic Games but
he knows that will be hard.
The Chinese divers are the best in the world. Beijing is their
Personal Growth
BRONZE Canadian Olympic School Program
His next dive needs to be his very best.
To be his best, he has to use every part
of his body, will and mind. He needs
balance in his body to stand up straight.
To help his body learn, he has studied
ballet for the last few years.
Ballet helps you keep your body straight
and strong.
Alexandre feels his muscles prepare for
the dive. He thinks of all the exercise he
has done to keep his body strong. He
also knows that hes prepared his mind.
He has balance in his life.
If diving was the only thing I did, then
I would be tired all the time. I have lots of
other interests too.
That attitude helps Alexandre stay calm.
Thousands of fans hold their breath
waiting for his fnal dive.
Alexandre is used to the pressure. He
has been diving since he was just a
little boy. A smile crosses his face as he
remembers how he fell in love with his
I started in my backyard pool. I jumped of
a little board and asked my grandmother to
give me scores. She always gave me perfect
His grandmother doesnt give him
scores any more, diving judges do. They
like his dives too.
The judges are watching him now,
ready to score his dive.
Alexandre calms himself. Hes been in
this position before.
Alexandre grew up as a star athlete. He
won his frst big event when he was just
Hes always had eyes focused on
him. He is not just as a diver, but also a
public personality.
I was in a movie last year. People really liked
the movie. That was great. I love acting. I
also make sure I spend lots of time with my
family and friends.
Acting helps Alexandre be a better diver.
It helps him present his artistic dives to
the judges and fans. Acting also helps
him focus on other things in his life.
Now he needs to focus on this dive.
It will all be over in less than a few
Win or lose, he will feel good about
Alexandre says diving is a part of his life.
Its not his whole life.
I do have to watch what I eat and how
much rest I get. What makes me a better
diver is the way I deal with all these things
It was not always easy growing up as a
public personality. Alexandre says he
needed to have fun.
Kids need to fnd some sport or some
activity that they like. If you like the sport, it
wont matter how good you are..
Alexandre steps to the end of the diving
board and then jumps into the air.
He twists and turns as he falls toward
the water.
Alexandre has had many twists and
turns in his life as well.
Im not saying that it was always good.
I was hurt sometimes and that was not
fun. Its not always about competing and
results. Its about fun, and if you enjoy it,
then maybe you will succeed.
Alexandre tucks his arms and legs
against his body.
He enters the water with barely a splash.
The crowds cheer loudly.
Will the dive win Alexandre gold?
Maybe. He knows he will enjoy life no
matter what the judges say.
Alexandre Despatie
Personal Growth
BRONZE Canadian Olympic School Program
Teaching Values Through Olympian Stories
Canadian Olympic School Program
Suggested Learning Sequence for Alexandre Despatie
Bronze Level
Key Concept: Personal Growth
Building a foundation for new learning
Kinesthetic Balancing Activity
Teacher instructs students to close their eyes and balance on one foot.
Class discusses challenges of this activity.
Teacher instructs students to now balance on one foot, with their eyes open,
looking at a focal point.
Class discusses how the focal point helps their balance.
Teacher expands the discussion to other examples of balance:
E.g. Balanced diet and physical activity, balanced work and play, balanced
sleep and awake time.
Using strategies to acquire and use knowledge
Working with Quotes
While reading the story, teacher introduces the three categories of Personal
Growth: body, mind, and will.
While reading the story teacher draws attention to quotes by Alexandre,
and asks students to categorize the example as body, mind, or will.
Teacher records student responses on chart paper.
Showing understanding in a new way
Personal Shield
Graphic Organizer: Body, Mind, and Will
Students complete their own Coat of Arms using pictures and words to
show how they take care of themselves.
Use Graphic Organizer
Canadian Olympic School Program BRONZE
Personal Sheild
Canadian Olympic School Program BRONZE
Olympism is a philosophy of
life, exalting and combining in a
balanced whole the qualities of
body, will and mind.
Olympic Charter
Alexandre Despatie
Personal Growth
Suggested Learning Sequence for
Teaching Values Through Olympian Stories
Canadian Olympic School Program
Showing understanding in a new way
Using strategies to acquire and use
Building a foundation for new learning
Gold grades 6-7
Silver grades 4-5
Bronze grades 2-3
SILVER Canadian Olympic School Program
Alexandre Despatie
Kids need to fnd some sport or
some activity that they like. If
you like the sport it wont matter
how good you are.
Alexandre Despatie steps onto the diving board at the
brand new National Aquatics Centre in Beijing. His feet
tingle. He takes a deep breath.
Alexandre is one of the best divers in the world and he
wants to win another medal at the Olympic Games, but
he knows that will be hard.
The Chinese divers are the best in the world. Beijing is their
Personal Growth
SILVER Canadian Olympic School Program
As Alexandre prepares for his fnal dive
he knows he will have to be at his very
best to beat them. To be his best, he
has to use every part of his body, will
and mind.
Alexandre is only 23, but he is used to
the pressure. Beijing is his third Olympic
To me, its never been about the age. I got
to the elite level when I was 11 so from that
point on, I realized its how well you can dive
that matters.
Alexandre calms himself by
remembering that he has grown up
with this pressure. He has been doing
this since he was just a little boy.
It all started in my backyard pool. I
would jump of a little board and ask my
grandmother to give me scores. She always
gave me perfect TENS. Then I hit the real
The judges watch Alexandre, getting
ready to rate his latest dive. Theyve
liked him in the past and he has won
multiple World Championships and
Olympic medals.
Alexandre breathes deeply.
Hes been in this position before.
Alexandre grew up excelling at diving,
winning his frst big event when he was
just 13. It seems hes always had the
eyes of the world focused on him.
However, growing up as a star can be
tough. Alexandre says he always needed
to have fun while he worked hard.
As long as you fnd some sport or some
activity that you like, it doesnt matter what
level youre at. Theres no danger of the
pitfalls of success if you love what you are
Alexandre relaxes his muscles and
begins to step toward the end of the
platform. Diving at this level takes
tremendous balance: physical balance,
and balance in his life.
He needs balance in his body to stand
up straight, so he has studied ballet for
the last few years.
Ballet helps you keep your body straight
and balanced on the diving platform.
It will all be over in less than a few
seconds. Win or lose, he will feel good
about himself.
Being a whole person is the most important
thing in my life. If I only practice diving all
the time I would be burnt out. Its important
to have other interests in your life just to
keep your mind away from all the travel, the
training and the competing. It keeps you
Alexandre excels at diving because he
knows its a part of his life, not his whole
I have to have discipline outside of the
pool. I have to watch what I eat and how
much rest I get. What makes me a better
diver is the way I deal with all these things
In a fash Alexandre leaps of the diving
board and into the air. He twists and
turns gracefully as he falls toward the
water. Hes had numerous twists and
turns in his life as well.
Im not saying that it was pink and pretty
the whole time. There were a couple of
years with injuries and it wasnt as much
fun. But its not always about competing
and results. Its about fun, and if you enjoy
it, then maybe you will succeed. But thats
not the important thing.
The twists and turns are also the part of
his routine that judges watch the most
closely. Alexandre knows his artistic side
is as important as his physical ability.
I acted in my frst movie last year in Quebec
that got really good reviews. It was fun and
a great new experience. Interests like acting
or ballet bring out my artistic side, and this
leads to a well rounded life and better diving
Alexandre tucks his arms and legs
against his body as he enters the water
with barely a splash.
The dive gets a huge roar from the
As he resurfaces the cheers are
deafening. Will this dive win him gold?
Alexandre hopes so but he knows
he will enjoy life no matter what the
judges say.
Alexandre Despatie
Personal Growth
SILVER Canadian Olympic School Program
Teaching Values Through Olympian Stories
Canadian Olympic School Program
Suggested Learning Sequence for Alexandre Despatie
Silver Level
Key Concept: Personal Growth
Building a foundation for new learning
Kinesthetic Balancing Activity
Teacher instructs students to close their eyes and balance on one foot.
Class discusses challenges of this activity.
Teacher instructs students to now balance on one foot, with their eyes open,
looking at a focal point.
Class discusses how the focal point helps their balance.
Teacher expands the discussion to other examples of balance:
E.g. Balanced diet and physical activity, balanced work and play, balanced
sleep and awake time.
Using strategies to acquire and use knowledge
Working with Quotes
Teacher introduces the three categories of Personal Growth: body, mind,
and will.
Students work in pairs to choose quotes from text that represent the areas
of development.
Students categorize the quotes into a three column organizer.
Showing understanding in a new way
Personal Shield
Graphic Organizer: Body, Mind, and Will
Students complete their own Coat of Arms using pictures, words, and
symbols to show how they take care of themselves. Examples for symbols:
Body: soccer ball, feld hockey stick, ballet shoes Mind: books, pencil,
computer screen, numbers Will: music symbol, two friends, religious
Use Graphic Organizer.
Canadian Olympic School Program SILVER
Personal Sheild
Canadian Olympic School Program SILVER
Olympism is a philosophy of
life, exalting and combining in a
balanced whole the qualities of
body, will and mind.
Olympic Charter
Alexandre Despatie
Personal Growth
Suggested Learning Sequence for
Teaching Values Through Olympian Stories
Canadian Olympic School Program
Showing understanding in a new way
Using strategies to acquire and use
Building a foundation for new learning
Gold grades 6-7
Silver grades 4-5
Bronze grades 2-3
GOLD Canadian Olympic School Program
Alexandre Despatie
Kids need to fnd some sport or
some activity that they like. If
you like the sport it wont matter
how good you are.
Alexandre Despatie makes his way gracefully to the end
of the diving board. He is standing high above the pool
in the neon blue Water Cube, the nickname for Beijings
brand new National Aquatics Centre.
Alexandre is one of the best divers in the world. He
desperately wants to win another medal at the Olympic
Games but he knows that will be tough.
The Chinese divers are the best performers in the world.
Beijing is their home turf.
As Alexandre prepares for his fnal dive he knows he will
have to be at his very best to beat them. To be his best,
he has to use every part of his body, will and mind.
Personal Growth
GOLD Canadian Olympic School Program
Even at the relatively young age of 23,
Alexandre is used to elite competition.
Beijing is his third Olympic Games.
To me, its never been about the age. I got
to the elite level when I was 11, so from that
point on, I realized its how well you can dive
that matters.
Standing on the board, Alexandre
calms himself by remembering that he
has grown up with this pressure. He has
been doing this since he was just a little
It all started in my backyard pool. I would
jump of a little board and would ask my
grandmother to give me scores. That was
the period of my life when I got the most
perfect TENS.
The judges watch Alexandre, getting
ready to rate his latest dive. Theyve
liked him in the past and he has won
multiple World Championships and
Olympic medals.
Alexandre breathes deeply as a hush
descends on the crowd.
Hes been in this position before.
Alexandre grew up as a world class
athlete, winning his frst big event
when he was barely a teenager. It seems
hes always had the eyes of the world
focused on him.
Alexandre relaxes his muscles and
begins to step toward the end of the
platform. Diving at this level takes
tremendous balance: physical balance,
and balance in his life.
He needs balance in his body to stand
up straight, so he has studied ballet for
the last few years.
Ballet helps you keep your body straight
and balanced on the diving platform.
It will all be over in less than a few
seconds. Win or lose, he will feel good
about himself. Alexandre excels at
diving, because he knows its a part of
his life, not his whole life.
Being a whole person is the most important
thing in my life. If I only practice diving all
the time I would be burnt out. Its important
to have other interests in your life just to
keep your mind away from all the travel, the
training and the competing. It keeps you
Scoring a dive is complicated because
there are both technical and artistic
marks to consider. His love for the arts
makes Alexandre a better diver because
it helps him present his artistic dives to
the judges and fans. Alexandre knows
his artistic side can be as important as
his physical ability.
I acted in my frst movie last year in Quebec.
It got really good reviews, and it was a
great new experience. Interests like acting
or ballet bring out my artistic side and this
leads to a well rounded life and better diving
Now, Alexandre is completely absorbed
in the coming dive.
The hush at the Water Cube intensifes
until he can hear his own heart beating.
Alexandre closes his eyes and visualizes
his next moves. He feels the dive in his
body, mentally preparing for each twist
and turn. He cant help but think of the
numerous twists and turns in his life as
Im not saying that it was pink and pretty
the whole time. There were a couple of years
with injuries and it wasnt as much fun. But
its not always about competing and results.
Its about fun and if you enjoy it maybe you
will succeed. But thats not the important
Growing up as an elite athlete can
be challenging. Alexandre says that
focusing on the fun and not the results
has been his salvation.
As long as you fnd some sport or some
activity that you like, it doesnt matter what
level youre at. Theres no danger of sufering
the pitfalls of success if you love what you
are doing.
Alexandre jumps forcefully of the
diving board, tucking his arms and
legs against his body as he twists in the
air. He enters the water with barely a
splash. The dive gets a huge roar from
the crowd. As he resurfaces, the cheers
are deafening. The judges quickly enter
his marks into the computerized scoring
Will this dive win him gold? Alexandre
hopes so but he knows he will enjoy life
no matter what the judges say.
Alexandre Despatie
Personal Growth
GOLD Canadian Olympic School Program
Teaching Values Through Olympian Stories
Canadian Olympic School Program
Suggested Learning Sequence for Alexandre Despatie
Gold Level
Key Concept: Personal Growth
Building a foundation for new learning
Kinesthetic Balancing Activity
Teacher instructs students to close their eyes and balance on one foot.
Class discusses challenges of this activity.
Teacher instructs students to now balance on one foot, with their eyes open,
looking at a focal point.
Class discusses how the focal point helps their balance.
Teacher expands the discussion to other examples of balance:
E.g. Balanced diet and physical activity, balanced work and play, balanced
sleep and awake time.
Using strategies to acquire and use knowledge
Working with Quotes
Teacher introduces the three categories of Personal Growth: body, mind,
and will.
Students work in pairs to choose quotes from text that represent the areas
of development.
Students categorize the quotes into a three column organizer.
Showing understanding in a new way
Personal Shield
Students complete their own Coat of Arms using symbols to show how
they take care of themselves. Examples for symbols: Body: soccer ball,
feld hockey stick, ballet shoes Mind: books, pencil, computer screen,
numbers Will: music symbol, two friends, religious symbol
Use Graphic Organizer
Students compose a personal motto that addresses the concept of
balance in their life. (e.g. Higher, Faster, Stronger)
Canadian Olympic School Program GOLD
Personal Sheild
Canadian Olympic School Program GOLD
Olympism is a philosophy of
life, exalting and combining in a
balanced whole the qualities of
body, will and mind.
Olympic Charter
Canadian Olympic School Program
Canadian Olympic School Program
The Canadian Olympic School Program wishes to thank and acknowledge the
contributions of the following people. Without their eforts and creativity, this
project would not have been possible.
Alexandre Despatie Featured Olympian
Kevin Sylvester Story Writer
Peter Eller Graphic Artist
Andrea Hunter Writing Team Member
Denise Beck Writing Team Member
Juanita Hewitt Writing Team Member
Shirley-Ann Rubis - Writing Team Member
The Olympian Stories were feld tested in Canadian classrooms by the following
teachers and educators.
The Canadian Olympic School Program was developed by:
Bruce Deacon -
Manager, Education and Community Relations, Canadian Olympic Committee
Lisa Wallace -
Program Manager, Education and Community Relations, Canadian Olympic Committee
Ayisha Karim
Education Program Assistant, Canadian Olympic Committee
Adrienne Coletto-Keith
Aiisha Kublinskas
Beth Pye
Bill Day
Bill Harrington
Bonnie LAbbe
Bruce McNicoll
Cathy Grifn
Cheryl Rabbitt
Dave Pickard
Denise Beck
Erika Black
Gayle Wannop
Hilary Tomlin
Jan Smith
Janice Perry
Jennifer Johnson
Jodee Sayle
Jody Wilson
Judith Wright
Kimberly Engelbrecht
Lisa Ferguson
Mario Iozzo
Mark Bomba
Mary Wright
Pat Dennill
Patrick Doyle
Rob Grantham
Russ Winters
Shane Wray
Sonja Hansen-Chunik
Susan Kelly
Susan Peeters
Tim Worthy

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