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the Only Specially Designed Western Magazine fa

A provocative, informing and entertaining publication devoted to the West, ijiAtAJL~ is more than
pest a magazine — it is a Way of Living you can share with friends and relatives both in the West and
in the East. And what better time than Christmas to share this Way of Living with your friends.

To make your Christmas richer, Desert Magazine's Book Order Department joins with its Sub-
scription Department in a Spatial d l d s t l M S %HtV — an outstanding Western book with
every three Gift Subscriptions at a special reduced price. The book will be sent directly to you
for your own enjoyment or you may send it to a friend as a Gift. See page 7 for Book Reviews.

lasting Christmas #ifts!l

I Three Subscriptions | | Three Subscriptions 1 | Three Subscriptions | I Three Subscriptions §
By Erie Stanley Gardner Ig $^ By Edmund C. Jaeger By Randall Henderson By Nell Murbarger
All for Only $17.50 | I All for Only $15.95 | 1 All for Only $15.00 | 1 All for Only $16.00

Special Offer Prohibits Billing — Please Send Check or Money Order

Vepp&twuM . . . fctj &ack
DtAvxL DEATH VALLEY DAYS. Death Valley, the beautiful, spectacular and
sometimes deadly basin lying below sea level between California and
Nevada, is featured in this issue. During the 1800's untold numbers of
prospectors and Easterners seeking gold and a new life in California
CONTENTS perished in a vain attempt to cross the burning, summer sands of
Death Valley. Today, however, the area is a National Monument with
a fascinating new museum, paved roads to scenic areas, hotels and
Volume 27 Number 10 motels, and complete facilities for the thousands of tourists who visit
the area during the winter season.
November, 1964
This special issue coincides with the 15th Annual '49er Death
This Month's Cover Vally Encampment, November 5-8, when more than 10,000 people from
Zabriskie Point by GARY MOORE all parts of the United States gather to celebrate and participate in the
special activities or just renew old acquaintances. In nearby Beatty,
4 Books for Desert Readers Nevada the three days of Nov. 6, 7 and 8 will be jammed packed with
events also, including "The World's Championship Wild Burro Race."
6 Dichos
Magazine has carried hundreds of stories on Death Valley by now
8 The Gruesome Elncore celebrated writers such as Randall Henderson, Nell Murbarger, John
By MYRTLE MYLES Hilton, L. Burr Beldon, Ed Ainsworth, Dr. Edmund Jaeger and others.
Although these writers continue to contribute to DESERT, they are all
10 Rise and Fall of a Man Named presently occupied with writing books, columns, painting or lecturing.
Smith As a result, we are introducing some new Death Valley authors who,
in the years to come, will no doubt be busy writing books, columns,
12 Singing Sands painting and lecturing. . .

13 The Lazy Reptile BYGONE BODIE BREATHS. Following ceremonies during which the
By PETER ODENS "Ghost Town of Bodie" was dedicated a s a National Historic Site and
State Historical Landmark, California State officials said the once-boom-
15 The Case of the Octagonal Coins ing gold mine community of the mid 1800's will be kept "in a state of
studied neglect." By this they mean that whereas neglected ghost
18 Catacombs of Calico towns eventually fall apart, Bodie's weathered timber and relics will
/be maintained, but only in so far as they continue to look like a
"ghost" town. Located 10 miles off U.S. Highway 395 between Bridge-
21 Desert Faces port and Mono Lake, on the California-Nevada border, the area is
By IRENE BRENNAN well worth visiting.

22 Hello Death Valley

NOVEMBER CALENDAR. Last day of Gems and Minerals Show at
26 They Chased the Moon Imperial, California, Nov. 1. Imperial Valley Rodeo and Cattle Call at
By LYMAN NASH Brawley, Calif., Nov. 2-8. Death Valley Encampment, Nov. 5-8. Wild
Burrow Race at Beatty, Nevada, Nov. 6-8, with special events on the
29 Scenes Behind the Scenes 6th. Salton City 500 Mile Boat Race, Salton Sea, Calif., Nov. 6-8. Fiesta
By GARY MOORE de la Cuadrill, Balboa Park, San Diego, Nov. 6-8. Phoenix Don's Club
Trek to Canyon de Chelly and Zuni Villages. Nov. 6-8. Swiss Boys
33 Death Valley Poem Wrestling, Holtville, Calif., Nov. 7-8. Mission San Antonio de Pala Fiesta,
Pala, Calif. Nov. 7-8. Montebello Annual Gem and Mineral Show at
34 The Yellow Aster National Guard Armory, Montebello, Calif., Nov. 7-8. Twentynine Palms
Annual Gem and Mineral Show, Hayes Auditorium, Twentynine
Palms, Calif., Nov. 14-15. Dune Buggy Show at Brawley, Nov. 29. Imper-
36 Ballarat ial Valley Kennel Club Dog Show, Imperial, Nov. 29.
DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Colif. Second Class Postage paid at Palm Desert, Colit,, ond at additional mailing
offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No, 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1964 by Desert Magazine. Un-
37 Monsters in Miniature mujt be secured from the editor in writing. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $4.50 per year (12 i the U.S.; $5 elsewhere. Allo eks for change
of address, ond be sure to send the old as well as new address.

38 DESERT Cookery JACK PEPPER, Publisher CHORAL PEPPER, Editor

Elta Shively Al Merryman Rose Holly Marvel Barrett
39 Desert Dispensary Executive Secretary Staff Artist Circulation Manager Business Manager
Address Correspondence To:
42 Letters from our Readers
Desert Magazine. Palm Desert. Calif. 92260 Phone: FI 6-8144
43 Photo Contest
1QR4. / Tino /
Beds floi ^esebi fteae
THE STORY OF INYO by W. A. Chalfant. New
5th printing of authentic history of Owens
Valley. How L.A. got its water. . $5.95 DESERT BONANZA Then, once you've found your nug-
GHOSTS OF THE ADOBE WALLS by Nell Mur- By Marcia Rittenhouse Wynn gets, the author proceeds to tell you
barger. Chronicles of Arizona mining camps, how to stake a claim, examine your
army posts, ranches and amazing human This new, enlarged edition of one ore deposit, and how to develop pits
characters. $7.50 of the desert's best selling books in- and shafts and stockpile your ore.
MASKED GODS by Frank Waters. Unique, cludes double its former number of
autographed, numbered first edition of popu-
photos and a new folding map with This is a valuable book for week-
lar book on Navajo and Pueblo ceremonial-
inset of an old detail map of Mojave end and hobby prospectors. It in-
ism _. $6.50 cludes information in regard to re-
COMSTOCK MINING AND MINERS by Eliot mines. searching old mines, acquiring geo-
Lord. Reprints of 18EI3 edition of outstanding
history of Virginia City. _ $8.50
Little has been written of the great logical mining reports and maps, and
DESERT IS YOURS by Erie Stanley Gardner.
Mojave Desert. The author grew up even covers SCUBA diving for un-
Spirited account of adventures in the present in the Randsburg boom period, which derwater gold and mineral hunting
day American desert — _ $7.50 she faithfully records, but her lively with a black light.
VOICE OF THE DESERT by Joseph Wood narrative extends back to the begin-
Krutch. Noted desert philosopher explores ning of Death Valley history as well. Published by Harper and Row, it
the variety of desert life. —,$5.00 is hardcover with 305 pages and good
THE PLACE NO ONE! KNEW by Eliot Porter. One colorful incident she recalls is illustrations. May be ordered from
72 beautiful color photos of Glen Canyon the day a nude woman came to call DESERT Magazine Book Order De-
on the Colorado. $25.00 on her mother. It seems that the partment for $6.25, including postage.
TIME AND THE RIVER FLOWING, GRAND caller, who lived with a saloon owner,
CANYON by Francois Leydet. Latest in Sierra grew lonely for feminine companion-
Club Exhibit-Format Series. Price until Christ-
mas $20.00 ship, and having noted the author's
MANY OTHERS. Write for complete list.
mother going about her business in
Randsburg, decided this was just the THE LONG WALK
Postage prepaid if payment enclosed with sort of friend she'd like to have. To By L. R. Bailey
order. In Calif, add 4% sales tax.
give herself courage before making
Although brief accounts of the
PINON BOOK STORE the formal call, she imbibed a jolt
in excess and enthusiastically skipped Navajo Wars have been written, for
206 North Main St. Bishop, California
off without her clothes. But she did the first time we have a full account
In the Heart of the Eastern High Sierras of the complicated factors that led to
remember to protect her hair with a the tragic attempt to end the Navajo
scarf! depredations and slave raids against
Give an interesting gift Humorous occurences and the fan- the Pueblo Indians and white men
Give DESERT tastic characters who participated in of New Mexico and Arizona.
only |4.50 a year them contribute greatly to the early
history of Randsburg and Johannes- Only one chapter of The Long
burg. Mrs. Wynn has remembered Walk is devoted to the actual en-
them all. forced emigration of the Navajo from
the lands they had made their own in
GHOST TOWNS Published by the Arthur H. Clark northern Arizona and New Mexico
Company, this hardcover book con- to the flat alkaline-impregnated
AND GOLD sists of 275 pages and may be ordered lands of the Bosque Redondo. The
LEARN ABOUT THE COLORFUL GHOST from the DESERT Magazine Book earlier chapters of background ma-
TOWNS OF THE WEST - DIRECTORY CON- Order Department for $8.75, includ- terial are very necessary to an under-
TAINS INFORMATION ON OVER 340 GHOST ing postage. standing of this forced exodus, still
INSTRUCTIONS ON PANNING GOLD. referred to by the Navajo as the
PRICE!: $1.00 "long walk." What an epic eccount
A RANGE GUIDE TO MINES AND of bureaucratic bungling the whole
DEPARTMENT R By Jay Ellis Ransom
BOX 2312
Some of the best prospecting, the As a result of painstaking research,
author claims, is in abandoned mining young Bailey is able to narrate in ex-
districts where valuable mineral ores cellent detail the hopeless and pa-
are present and man is absent. These thetic plight of the Navajo at Bosque
Order a Redondo and Brigadier - General.
he enumerates, from the largest to the
FREE smallest, in addition to specifically James H. Carleton's well-meaning and
Desert-Southwest Book Catalog locating them as to state, county, tenacious attempts to settle the semi-
More than 75 Southwestern titles. His- township and geologic range. All U.S. nomadic Navajo into a grandiose,
states are covered. pueblo-like community to which he
tory, lost mines, Indian lore, adventure, was totally unsuited. Even more hope-
gunmen, nature subjects, art of the area,
guide books, travel, ghost towns, desert For easy identification, the book less were the superhuman struggles
legends. provides a listing of 400 mineral spe- of the Navajo, through forced labor,
For your free Desert-Southwest Book cies with comprehensive descriptions. to grow corn, wheat, and other food
Catalog, send your name and address to: Directions are given on assembly, plants in a soil and a climate un-
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4 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

Just mosei^irV over... IN ¥UU COLOR

Just moseyin' over—to wist y all Merry The Story ol Christmas in Sign Language— •tree in the West-Best Wishes at A Christmas Kindness—Greeting is a beau-
Christmas and a Happy New Year May the Spirit of Christmas abide with you hnstmas and Happiness through all the tiful 4 line western verse
throughout the Coming Year | Coming Year

H o w d y . . . from the two of us!—With Best Christmas Morning on the Desert-May Thfnkin' of you at Christmas— Best Wishes Candles ol the Lord-May the Peace and
Wishes at Christmas and through all the every happiness be yours at Christmas and for the Holidays and Happiness throughout Happiness of the Christmas Season abide
New Year 1 throughout the New Year I the New Year with you through all the Coming Year


Christmas Chores—Christmas Greetings and Cowboy's Christmas Prayer—This fa- " . . . (air and open lace ol heaven.. ."— Winter Friends—A friendly wish for a Merry
Best Wishes for all the Year mous 26 line prayer is inside the card in May every happiness be yours at Christmas Christmas and a Happy New Year
addition to a greeting and throughout the New Year


Season's Greetings—With Best Wishes at Christmas Visitors—May the meaningof the Greetings from our outfit to yours—With Spurs an1 Pine-Merry Christmas and
Christmas and Happiness through all the Season be deeper, its friendships stronger Best Wishes for Christmas and all the New Happy New Year
i Coming Year and its hopes brighter, etc. Year

Christmas Handouts—Greeting is a warm Headin' West to Laramie- Best Wishes for Roadrunning Santa—Merry Christmas and ristmas Thanks-Inside is a sentimental
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Your Pictorial Guide, Death Valley. 48 natural DICHDS
color scenes of main scenic and historical death finally convinced the bureau-
attractions. Maps showing where to go; what cratic powers that the Navajos must By Ricardo Castillo
to see. The dramatic story of this spectacular be allowed to return to the very lands "Dichos" are the pungent Spanish
land. Travel information. Only 75c. from which they had been so ruthless-
Note Stationery. 10 notes, each with a differ- proverbs which add so much color
ent natural color scene of Death Valley or ly driven. and logic to the conversation and
surrounding desert. Envelopes. Gold box. For L. R. Bailey has made a most valu- thinking of our Mexican neighbors.
those who like to share the beauty of the
desert when they write a friendly note. A
able contribution to the historical
literature of the Southwest. There are "El dinero se paga, pero el favor
thoughtful gift. Only $1.00.
Color Slides. Sets of 35mm slides of Death many fine books about the Navajo, no."
Valley scenery, animals, flowers. Set of 4 but this is the first one to present an You can pay back the money, but
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Valley and list of :>ets available.
of what is without doubt the most "Todas las cosas se parecen a su
Buy these and other quality color pro-
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significant chapter in the history of dueno."
near Death Valley, or send mail order to this great tribe. Notes at the end of
each chapter make for easier reading All things look like their owner.
P.O. Box 5454, China Lake, California and ready reference. "Mas te vale causar temor, que
(Include 4 % on California Orders.
Published by Westernlore Press, lastima."
Postage Prepaid. Satisfaction Guaranteed) It is better to cause fear than pity.
the volume is 252 pages, illustrated
with photographs, hard cover. Price "Donde no hay voluntad no hay
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If you have completed a book-length manu-
script, you may be interested in our special
New postal regulations make it important
that you send your change-of-address notice
to us promptly. And please remember to list
Where there is no will, there is
is no strength.
"Es mejor ser cabeza de raton,
que cola de leon."
your old address as well as your new and
publishing plan. Under this program, many
lawyers, executives, teachers, scholars and your Zip Code. It is better to be a mouse's head
even housewives have seen their work pub- DESERT Magazine-Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 than a lion's tail.
lished, promoted and marketed on a digni-
fied, professional basis. All subjects con-
sidered — non-fiction, fiction, poetry, etc. "No por mucho madrugar, aman-
Send for our free 40-page illustrated bro- 1200 BOTTLES PRICED ece mas temprano."
chure today. Ask for Booklet, D.
By John C. Tibbitts By getting up earlier, the sun
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120 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. won't come up any sooner.
In Calif.: 6253 Hollywood Blvd., L.A. classification system comprised by Mr.
In Wash., D.C.: 1010 Vermont Ave., N.W. Tibbitts, first president of the An-
tique Bottle Collectors' Association,
is an attempt to stabilize prices and
establish fair comparative value for
Death Valley Books
Published by the Death Valley '49ers.
MODERN a fast-growing, new hobby. All are durable paperback on slick stock.
Other good bottle books describe A NATURALIST'S DEATH VALLEY (Revised
popular and rare examples popularly Edition) By Edmund C. Jaeger, ScD. _ $1.50
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Over 100 flowsheets well-illustrated, paperback, 164-page Destiny, by Ardis Manly Walker . __ $1.25
-data on over 200 important book is no exception. However, in GOODBYE, DEATH VALLEY! the Story of the
minerals—mill design;., metallurgical summaries.
A one-volume encyclcpedia! Year's most useful
addition to fine photo illustrations Jayhawker Party, by L. Burr Belden $1.25
book! Available in two editions: Deluxe edition and helpful editorial comments, its CAMELS AND SURVEYORS IN DEATH VAL-
$10.00; student's edition $6.60 per copy (plus post-
age). Unconditional money-back guarantee. Book
practical system for classification and LEY by Arthur Woodward $2.00
sent postpaid anywhere in the world, if payment current retail price list fill an impor-
accompanies order. Mail order to: tant gap for both professional and DESERT Magazine Book Dept.
Technical Publication Dept. D M amateur collectors. May be ordered PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA
Denver Equipment Co. A dd 25c for postage and handling.
1400 - 17th St., Dunver, Colorado 80217 from DESERT Magazine Book De-
partment for $4.25. Check or Money Order Only.

New guide to over 100 California ghost towns By Katherine Pugh
Unique and authentic guide to over 100 A New, yet Practical Approach to Loss of Hair
ghost towns in California's deserts and moun-
tains with complete directions on how to The Nutritional Approach $4.00
reach them. Shows you the way to little- Hard cover — Nearly 200 Pages — Highly Illustrated.
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treasures, old guns, western relics, purple
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Satisfaction guaranteed or money back.
Order Now! Only $1.95
A. L. ABBOTT 1524 Brook Road, Richmond, Virginia
Dept. D-lll Sorry, No C.O.D. Not Responsible for Cash. If Desire Book Insured, Add 10c
1513 West Romneya Drive — Anaheim, Calif. Extra. Not Responsible for Books after they have been Placed in the Mails.

6 / Desert Magazine! / November, 1964

Bods Jtd
ker Second edition of this well-illustrated and solutely essential for travelers into Old Mexico
documented book is enlarged considerably. Tops or Baja who want to know the names, uses and
among guidebooks, it is equally recommended To Insure a Real habits of flora that grows along roads and
for research material in an area that was crossed highways. Well illustrated with lively text. 278
by Anza, Kit Carson, the Mormon Battalian, '49ers,
Railroad Survey parties, Pegleg Smith, the Jack-
Merry Christmas pages. Hard cover. $6.00.

ass Mail, Butterfield Stage, and today's adven- THE DESERT IS YOURS by Erie Stanley Gardner.
turous tourists. 139 pages, cardboard cover. Order these books by mail In his latest book on the desert areas of the
$2.95. May be ordered from DESERT Magazine West, the author again takes his reader with
Book Dept.
today from DESERT Magazine. him as he uses every means of transportation to
explore the wilderness areas and sift the facts
DESERT WILD FLOWERS by Edmund C. Jaeger.
See Information Below and rumors about such famous legends as the
Revised edition of this authoritative, best selling Lost Arch, Lost Dutchman and Lost Dutch Oven
book contains a key to aid in identification and mines. 256 pages, illustrated. Hard cover. $7.50.
a list of name changes. This books is a "must"
for desert travelers and botanists. Well illustrated THE HIDDEN HEART OF BAJA by Erie Stanley
with a text understandable by amateurs, DESERT THE NORTH AMERICAN DESERTS by Edmund C. Gardner. The noted creator of the best-selling
particularly recommends it. 322 pages, hard- Jaeger. A long-time authority on all phases of mysteries of our time has written several books
cover, published by Stanford University Press. desert areas and life, Dr. Jaeger's book on the on Baja California and the desert areas of the
$5.00. Order from DESERT Magazine Book Dept. North American Deserts should be carried West. With his talent of combining adventure
wherever you travel. It not only describes each and mystery with facts, the author takes you
of the individual desert areas, but has illus- with him as he probes the mysteries of "The
trated sections on desert insects, reptiles, birds, Hidden Heart of Baja" and tells how he dis-
land Lovelace. Authoritative and exact accounts
mammals and plants. 315 pages, illustrated covered an archeological find of major impor-
give locations and fascinating data about a lost
photographs, line drawings and maps. Hard tance thus opening up a new concept regarding
lake of gold in California, buried Aztec ingot
Cover. $5.95. cave paintings. 256 pages, illustrated with color
in Arizona, kegs of coins, and all sorts of excit-
photos of Indian paintings. Hard cover. $7.50.
ing booty for treasure seekers. Hardcover, $4.00.
GHOST TOWN TRAILS by Lambert Florin is third
in a series that ranks among the best ghosttown THE DINOSAUR HUNTERS, Othneil C. Marsh
DIG HEREI by Thomas Penfield. Facts are sifted
books ever written. Excellent photos and stories and Edward D. Cope, By Robert Plate. A dual
from fiction for over 100 lost mines. Mapped
cover an area that stretches across the entire biography of the first dinosaur hunters whose
ed sheets and illustration add interest. $3.95.
west from Alaska to New Mexico. Large format, bitter rivalry split the scientific world for about
THE CAHUILI.A INDIAN BY Harry C. James. Here 192 pages. Hardcover. Price $12.50. 25 years but whose exploits of the 1870s and
is the real story about the almost forgotten tribe 1880s excited the public imagination and made
that once owned the mountains towering above dinosaurs a household word. Easy reading, the
Palm Springs as well as its desert oasis. The few book is packed with action resulting from the
beautifully illustrated and well-written roundup
remaining members of the tribe still own valu- intense feud between Marsh and Cope, both
of 13 of the desert's outstanding artists—Dixon,
wealthy men who exhausted their fortunes in
able property. Answering many questions about Forsythe, Swinnerton, Fechin, Eytel, Lauritz, Buff,
the arduous hunt for the creatures of the past.
these remarkable people, the book is hardcover, Klinker, Perceval, Hilton, Proctor, McGrew, and 281 pages. Hard Cover. $4.95.
184 pages, lavishly illustrated, and limited to Bender. Folio size, gold-stamped hard cover.
only 1250 copies. $7.50. Full color reproductions. 125 pages. $11.00.
GHOSTS OF THE GLORY TRAIL by Nell Mur- CORTES, By Francisco Lopez de Gomara, secre- ertson. An American Colony in Mexico. Half
barger is a fast moving chronicle of Western tary to the famous conqueror of Mexico. A vivid a century ago some 2000 Americans, pioneers,
boomcamp and bonanza. Rich in human interest narration of the exploits of Herman Cortes who idealists and adventurers trekked into north-
as well as authentic history, this book covers combined diplomacy, cunning and military might western Mexico intent on forming a cooperative
ghosttowns of Nevada, western Utah and eastern to overcome his adversaries. 480 pages, illus- colony. The author (reared among the colonists)
California. Hardcover, 291 pages. Price $6.75. trated. Hard cover. $8.50. tells of the trials, failures and successes of
colony life. This book, describing the people
NEVADA'S TURBULENT YESTERDAY by Don Ash- and life in Mexico's Sinaloa will be enjoyed by
THE OREGON DESERT by E. R. Jackman and
baugh. Illustrated with a fine collection of old those who dream escapist dreams. 266 pages.
R. A. Long. This book is a hard one to define.
photos and throbbing with exciting tales of Hard cover. $5.95.
A single paragraph may be a mixture of geo-
Nevada's robust past, this an authentic ghost
logy, history, biography and rich desert lore.
town history written by one of Nevada's favor-
The only complete book about the Oregon desert, THREE PATHS ALONG A RIVER By Tom Hudson.
ite authors. Hard cover. 346 pages. $7.50.
the material applies equally well to other des- Illustrated by Ralph Love. Once a river, the
JEEP TRAILS TO COLORADO GHOST TOWNS by erts of the West. The humor and fascinating San Luis Rey is now only an intermittent
Robert L. Brown. An illustrated, detailed, infor- anecdotes coupled with factual background and stream. History marched beside the river, and
mal history of life in the mining camps deep in unusual photos, including color, make it excel- in a sense the Valley of San Luis Rey can
the almost inaccessible mountain fastness of the lent reading material even for those who may called the Gateway to California. The earliest
Colorado Rockies. Fifty-eight towns are included never visit Oregon. 407 pages, illustrated. Hard overland travelers coming from Mexico and
as examples of the vigorous struggle for exist- Cover. Third printing, $6.50. west from the States traveled the Carrizo Cor-
ence in the mining camps of the West. 239 ridor leading inland through Temecula to the
pages, illustrated, end sheet map. Hard Cover. LOWER CALIFORNIA GUIDE BOOK by Gerhard Mission of San Gabriel and the Pueblo of Los
$5.50. and Gulick. The authors have revised the third Angeles. The Butterfield Stage route crossed
edition to bring it up to date. Veteran travelers the river near its headwaters. 245 page. Hard
ON DESERT TRAILS by Randall Henderson, foun- in Baja California would not venture south of cover. $6.
der and publisher of Desert Magazine for 23 the border without this authoritative volume. It
years. One of the first good writers to reveal combines the fascinating history of every loca- GHOSTS OF THE ADOBE WALLS by Nell Mur-
the beauty of the mysterious desert areas. Hen- tion, whether it be a town, mission or aban- barger, the well known "roving reporter of the
derson's experiences, combined with his com- doned ranch, with detailed mileage maps and desert." The author's just-published book is an
ments on the desert of yesterday and today, locations of gasoline supplies, water and other intimate chronicle of Arizona's once-booming
makes this a MUST for those who really want needed information on Baja. 243 pages with mining towns, stage stations, army posts, mar-
to understand the desert. 375 pages, illustrated. three-color folding map, 16 detailed route maps, auding Indians and fantastic human characters.
Hard Cover. $5.00. 4 city maps, 22 illustrations. Hard cover. $6.50. 380 pages, illustrated. Hard Cover. $7.50.

Send check or money order to DESERT MAGAZINE BOOK ORDER DEPARTMENT, Palm Desert, California 92260.
Include 25c for postage and handling. California residents must add 4% sales tax. Please do not ask to be billed.
Old Skidoo in its heyday.


by Myrtle Nyles

S KIDOO CAME to life because of

a log. When Harry Ramsey and
a man called One-eye Thompson
lost their way on a road leading to
with the fact that a Rhyolite man
named Bob Montgomery had success-
fully piped water from Telescope
be accompanied by an 87-year-old
gentleman named George Cook. The
interesting thing about Mr. Cook was
Peak 23 miles away and suggested the that it was he who pulled on the
the new boom camp of Harrisburg, name Skidoo. So it became. rope at the lynching. His participa-
they stopped to rest against an out- tion had only recently been divulged
Oldtimers say the camp produced
cropping of rock. When the fog lifted, to a few intimate friends—after all
over a million dollars worth of gold
the rock turned out to be gold. others involved had passed on to their
ore between its discovery and its de-
mise some 20 years later. Skidoo's rewards, or whatever.
This was back in 1905. In deciding
upon a name for the town that sprung chief claim to fame, however, was not "Joe Simson," Mr. Cook told us,
up, a numerologist associated a popu- its riches. Rather, it was an infamous 'was a would-be villain who had kill-
lar expression of the day, 23-Skidoo, lynching of a scoundrel named Joe ed a man at Keeler after shooting-up
Simpson in 1908. Jack Gun's Saloon in Independence
On a tour to the ghost town of the preceding year. He'd somehow
Skidoo in 1962, we were privileged to gotten off and drifted to Skidoo
where he became a partner with Fred
Oakes in the Gold Seal Saloon.
Across the street was Jim Arnold's
Skidoo Trading Company.
"Arnold was a friendly, well-liked
man and had always been on good
terms with Simpson, but Simpson be-

The Mill at Skidoo

Photo by Gary Moore

8 / Desert / November, 1964

came drunk and abusive one April
morning and decided to hold up a Direct From Australia
bank situated in part of Arnold's OPALS and SAPPHIRES
Skidoo Trading Company. Appre-
hended, his gun was taken away and
This Month's Best Buy Christmas iift
hidden by the deputy sheriff, but a
little later Simpson found his wea- MINE RUN SAPPHIRES ^e wilt
Blue, Green, Parti-colours, Black Stars
pon and returned to the store to Blue Cabochons
shoot Jim Arnold. He then turned
on two other men who had come to
Mixed Lot
Ungraded 1 Whole Pound
Free Seamoil
Send personal cheque, international money
Metal Detectors
the rescue, but his aim was poor and order, bank draft. Free 16 page list of all BOUGHT - SOLD - TRADED
Australian Gemstones.
both escaped. Eventually Simpson Dealer For
was overpowered and placed under AUSTRALIAN GEM TRADING CO.
294 Little Collins Street Detectron, Fisher, Goldak,
guard in the deputy sheriff's cabin. MELBOURNE, C.I. AUSTRALIA Rayscope, GeoFinder, Metrotech
Unfortunately," Mr. Cook lamented, Repair Service
"the popular Jim Arnold died that dentally been murdered. Because WRITE FOR F R E E 2 4 - P A G E BOOKLET
night." Cook was the only oldtimer around ON DETECTORS, BOOKS AND MAPS.

Skidoo went wild with indigna- at the time, he was consulted. In- BILL'S SERVICE CENTER
tion. After Arnold's funeral, which deed a crime had been committed
15502 So. Paramount Blvd.
the entire camp attended, a group sometime, he agreed, but of the de- Paramount California
went to the improvised jail, led the tails he had conveniently forgotten.
prisoner out at the end of a rope and Last year George Cook passed away.
hanged him to the nearest telephone Small in stature, religious, mild-tem- JflrVfLRy CRAFTS CATALOG
pole. When Sheriff Nailor from In- pered and giving to writing sentimen-
dependence arrived, after a hazardous tal verse, he was the antithesis of our FREE ^6 pages
trip over rough roads via Tonopah Western idea of a vigilante. The role Lapidary — rockhounding — jewelry making.
and Rhyolite, he made the now fam- forced upon him by his acute anger add up to a fascinating creative art!
ous statement, "It's the best thing over the murder of a friend bothered GET CRAFT'S BIGGEST CATALOG
that ever happened to Inyo County; this good man to the end of his days. World's largest selection — over 10,000 items
it saved us $25,000!" His belief that Simpson did not ex- offered...imports from all parts of the world.
But this wasn't the end. Several pire at his hand appeared to be a MOUNTINGS —BOOKS —CRAFT TOOLS
spectators had forgotten their cameras real comfort. And, perhaps he was MACHINERY—SUPPLIES—ETC.
and wanted pictures of the hanging. right. We cannot disagree, for George SEND FOR FREE CATALOG
So, Joe Simpson's body was obligingly Cook was there.
strung up again, this time from the Much interesting history is con- v Dept 30 - 1 6 3 3 E. Walnut —Pasadena, Calif.
ridgepole of the tent where he was nected with the now defunct Skidoo.
"laid out." News of this gruesome Following its early boom, the town
encore spread and the lynching won was deserted for a period, then, under
everlasting fame. new management, the mine and mill
In his private narrative of the reopened during the 1930s and a
event, George Cook added a factor period of production occured. The
never before related: "Joe was dead old wild days never returned, how-
before we got the rope around his ever, and its fame as a mining camp
neck; he died of a heart attack (from still rests upon the lynching incident
fright) and was already gone when —to which we add, "Joe Simpson did
dragged to the telephone pole scaf- not die because of a rope and a tele-
fold." phone pole. He died of a heart
attack!" ///
It was also he, George Cook con-
fessed, who assisted Dr. Macdonald in
removing the head from Simpson's
corpse. The doctor, it seems, had
once performed an operation on
Simpson s nose and wanted to make
a further medical study of the case.
Going at night, they performed the
severence at the lonely prospect hole THE SILVER STREAK
where Simpson's body had been toss- Great fun for everyone.
A wonderful gift for someone. A low priced, featherweight, highly sen-
ed. (No one in Skidoo would give
The original Thumler's Tumbler polishes
him a decent burial, so great was the rocks to a fine, gleaming finish. Produced by
sitive, all metal locator for ghost towns and
indignation at his senseless crime). the largest manufacturer of small tumblers in beachcombing. To locate small gold, copper,
The skull was exhibited for a period the country. Guaranteed for one year. silver coins, rings, etc. Price only: $79.50.
in a showcase at Wildrose, but later COMPLETE POLISHER ... only $19.95
Motor, barrels and all as illustrated. PREPAID Terms available: $29.50 down and $5.00
2 SETS OF 3 ABRASIVES .... $2.40 per month. 5% discount for cash. For free
(1 set for each 1 qt. barrel)
The remainder of the skeleton re- Rubber tumbler liners, pair .89 folder write to:
sisted oblivion, however. Years later Victor's Tumbling Manual $2.00
when George Cook returned to Skidoo Cash, Check or Money Order only WHITE'S ELECTRONICS
to work in the mill, an agitated pros- THUMLER'S TUMBLER
pector appeared one day to report a P. O. Box 609 SWEET HOME, OREGON
headless skeleton of a man who'd evi- Monrovia, California

November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 9

RISE and Fall of a man named
retail. The value of the deposit at- too, laid out the route for the mule
tracted squatters, but after appealing teams.
by Harry Barbei to courts, clearing up adverse claims The wagons were built in Mojave
and buying out over 100 locators, for $900, had rear wheels 7 feet high
Smith finally had his location secured.
n p H E AMBITION of every miner and front wheels 5 feet high, each
is to find and develop a mine. Uniting with his brother, he or- with steel tires 8 inches wide and one
Francis Marion Smith was no ganized a Chicago firm, erected a inch thick. The hubs were 18 inches
exception. Having acquired the pros- small plant and went into production, in diameter and 22 inches in length.
pecting mania early in life, the Fall of hauling the borax by mule teams to
1872, found him in the wood camps the nearest railroad. As soon as the
about 10 miles from Columbus, Ne- profits accumulated, he built a rail-
vada. Like thousands of others, he road to connect his plant with out-
had been engaged in teaming—con- side transportation.
tracting for the delivery of wood to
the mills and timber to the mines. Borax Smith, as he was known, pur-
His worldly goods consisted of several chased all of the existing claims filed
wood ranches, a band of pack animals by William T. Coleman, a prominent
and the usual variety of wildcat California businessman, on the rich-
claims. est field of borax yet discovered-
hundreds of glistening, isolated acres
His lucky star twinkled the day in formidable Death Valley. With a GOOD LAUNDRESS
a terrific earthquake shook Teel's growing demand for borax and an USES

Marsh. From his cabin in the timber

lands, Smith could see the Columbus
apparently unlimited reserve of crude
ore, a quick, sure way had to be found Iff® 20 MULE TEAM (If
marsh, even then a modest producer to move the product out of Death
of ulexite, and Teel's Marsh, glisten- Valley and across 165 barren miles of
ing like beds of snow in the desert. California desert to the nearest rail- BORAX
Accompanied by two of his woodchop- road junction at Mojave. CLEANSES AND WHITENS
pers, he set out to examine cracks left
in Teel's Marsh by the quake. Test- Wagons pulled by multiple mule
ing proved them to be solid deposits teams were not unknown, but until
of borax. So impressed was Smith J. W. S. Perry, the local superintend-
that he sent one of his men to Colum- ent, and a young muleskinner named
bus to have a sample assayed while Ed Stiles set to work on the problem,
he remained to move provisions and a 12-mule team was the maximum. It
pack animals from his wood camp to was Perry and Stiles who thought of
the new location on the dry desert hitching two mule teams together to
lake. form a 100-foot long, 20-mule team.
Perry designed wagons massive and
Borax was then worth 30c a pound sturdy enough to carry the borax and
by the carload and 25c an ounce withstand the rugged journey; Perry,

10 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

The spokes, of split oak, measured number of uses—for digestion, keep-
bVi inches wide at the hub. The axle- ing milk fresh; as a complexion aid
trees were made of solid steel bars, (Don't wash your face in ordinary
3Vi inches square. The wagon beds
were 16 feet long, 4 feet wide and 6
lake water); for removing dandruff;
and for bathing (use half a pound of
Jet VedcUf
feet deep. Empty, each wagon weigh-
ed 7,800 pounds. Loaded with borax,
powdered borax to the ordinary fam-
ily bath of 12 gallons of water). Bor-
Christmas Gift Certificates
it weighed 31,800 pounds. Two such ax was also "excellent for washing CERTIFICATE ON THE CHRISTMAS TREE
loaded wagons, plus the water tank carriages" and useful, it said, "in cur- AND GIVE HIM THE FUN OF SELECTING
(which held 1,200 gallons and weigh- ing epilepsy and bunions." HIS OWN CHRISTMAS PRESENT.
ed 9,600 pounds) made a total of To expand his borax business, Certificates from $1.00 to $500.00
73,200 pounds or 36V2 tons. Smith looked abroad for new mar-
kets and in 1896 amalgamated with
a British chemical firm to form Bor- METAL
ax Consolidated, Limited. Formation DETECTORS
of the new company satisfied Smith's
need for new outlets. All models of
Datectrons and
The company continued to develop Rayscopes from
the colemanite properties in the Cali- $119.95 to $165.00
co Mountains where a calcining plant For All Needs
and a railroad—the Borate & Daggett
RR—were built, to make borax and
carry it down the mainline of the GOLD BUG
Santa Fe. Smith next turned back to Dry Concentrator.
Hand operated. Ideal
the colemanite deposits in the Funer- for prospecting,
al Mountains near Death Valley. Here pocket hunting or
he built another calcining plant and sampling.
two more railroads—the narrow gauge 12V2 lbs. $99.50 {
Production models
Death Valley R.R. and the standard available.
gauge Tonopah & Tidewater R. R. Also Lapidary Equipment, Gems and
The D.V.R.R. carried ore from the Minerals, Books, Jewelry, Tools.
mines to the calciner at Death Valley For Information Write
Junction; from there the T & T took COMPTON ROCK SHOP
the borax to the mainline of the 1405 S. Long Beach Blvd., Compton, Calif.
Telephone. 632-9096
Santa Fe at Ludlow.
In 1910 Smith settled in Oakland,
California. There, investing his
profits in public utilities, he brought
about a merger of all street car lines
in Alameda and Contra Costa coun-
Helpful brochure
From 1883 to 1889, the 20-mule ties, which with the addition of the for rock hobbyists!
teams hauled borax out of Death ferry system from Oakland to San
Valley, over the steep Panamint This new brochure,
Francisco, became the key route sys- fresh off the presses, is
Mountains and across the desert to tem. He also opened up large tracts available without
the railroad. Despite the heat—temper- of land for residential and industrial charge to rock hobby-
atures often rose to 130 degrees—the uses in East Bay cities. Smith took an ists and readers of
teams pulled their heavy loads along active interest in sports and was a Desert Magazine. Spe-
the rough trails, traveling 15 to 18 devotee of yachting. In 1906 he won cial sections on sharp-
miles a day. It was a 20-day round the cup offered by King Edward VII ening, reversing and
trip. Springs of water were far apart in the national race off Newport, R.I. installation of diamond
and each journey was but a repeti- blades for better lapi-
tion of hardship and adventure. In these new activities, he soon met dary cutting ... also
Tragic tales are told of fights between financial disaster With heavy borrow- includes useful tips on
teamsters and tramps of the road; ing on short term notes and extended coolants, lubricants,
of heat prostration and insanity from speeds and feeds, and
litigations his $20 million fortune other suggestions on
thirst. During the six years they were dwindled into bankruptcy. Between how to get longer and better wear from
in constant use, the 20-mule teams 1921 and 1925 he strove to recoup your cutting equipment. Compact and
carried 20 million pounds of borax through the acquisition of a newly easy-reading, well-illustrated. Write
out of the valley—a considerable tri- discovered deposit of colemanite in today for your copy.
bute to the ingenuity of the designers Clark County, Nevada. Borax Smith
and to the stamina of the teamsters, was believed to be on the way to new Please mail me your free brochure, "Do's
swampers and animals. wealth at the time of his death in & Don'ts for Lapidary Cutting."
Oakland on August 27, 1931. Name-
The 20 - mule teams — the dra-
matic solution of a transportation Today borates are used in hun- Address
problem—soon became a world fa- dreds of industrial applications rang- City, State
mous symbol. Through hard work ing from nuclear shields to soaps and Dept. D-ll MK DIAMOND PRODUCTS
and a lively imagination, Borax Smith cosmetics. Borax has come a long way 12600 Chadron,
made his 20-Mule Team Borax a since a man named Smith wondered Hawthorne, Calif.
household staple. One of his first ad- what was in a crack made by a quake. M K DIAMOND • SINCE 1866
vertising booklets recommended a ///
November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 11
Custom Made Auto Sun Shades

Daniel L.
"Take the sizzle out of the Sun." Your car up
to 15 degrees coder. Blocks the sun's rays
yet gives excellent visibility and ventilation.
and Palestine. When the sand is in
Ideal for campers, travelers, and every day
driving. Greatly improves air conditioning
efficiency. Custom made for cars 1955
nature is the phenomenon of
"singing" sands, " m u s i c a l "
motion the sound commences with a
weird, indescribable effect which
swells to a roar, then gradually rolls
through 1964. Easy to install with enclosed sands, "humming" sands, and "bark-
simple instructions. Write for Free catalog ing" sands. away like the moaning of a far-off
and prices. Give make of station wagon, bell.
sedan or hardtop, 2 or 4 door. Prompt ship- Marco Polo, in the 13th century,
ment. SIDLES MFG. CO., Box 3537D, Temple, encountered them in the Great Gobi The barking sands of the Hawaiian
Texas. Desert, but, not knowing the strange Islands (Barking Sands) are between
instrumental sounds he heard were Makaha Point and Nohili Point on
caused by sand, believed the desert to the isle of Kauai. When clapped and
be inhabited by spirits. rubbed together between the hands,
they produce a sound like a barking
TREASURE FINDERS According to another traveler who dog. The dunes here are of white
Supersensitive new tran-
sistor models detect
studied singing sands in the Arabian coral sand with particles of shells and
buried gold, silver, coins, Desert, the phenomenon appeared to lava.
ancient firearms. Explore
beaches, ghost towns, be of frequent occurrence, the music
parks. Locate Indian
varying from the "high-pitched twang- Why certain sands emit such spooky
burial grounds, loot hid-
den in walls of shacks. ing of harp strings to the rumble of noises has yet to be completely in-
Works through mud, vestigated. Exhaustive studies have
water, concrete, rocks, distant drums."
wood. Fascinating, profit- been made without definitive results.
able year-round adventure.
Important new features
Singing sands are also found among According to one scientist, sand sings
not found in other models. the dunes along the southern shore of only when the grains are of a certain
$19.95 up. FREE CATALOG.
Lake Michigan. size, uniformity, and shape. Another
Dept. A - 1 8 , Box 10563, In Churchill County, Nevada, about theory holds that dry sand under the
Houston, Texas 77018
28 miles east of Fallon, there is a long influence of heat and friction has
shifting sand dune known as Sing- resonance. Still another postulates
ing Mountain which occasionally electrical influence.
hums like telegraph wires. Musical Where the singing sands are near
sand dunes in southern California salt water, the "Salt Water" school
gave rise to a legend that a monastery
METAL & MINERAL lies buried under the sand.
believes that the sound is due to a
thin layer of salt coating the grains
which rasps when the sands are dis-
LOCATORS by . Naturally, near the Great Sahara
Desert, we would expect to find the
strange occurrence. In the western
turbed by persons walking or by the
Sahara between Timbuktu (Tom- The best explanation ascribes the
bouctou) in Mali and Morocco they rare nature music to the moisture
EO have been found as well as in the content of the sand. If the sand is
FINDER region west of the Nile. In South
Africa, singing hills have been ob-
too wet or too dry, no concert. But
if the capillarity (attraction of mois-
ALWAYS BETTER ALL WAYS served west of the Langberg Moun- ture and sand) is just right so that the
tain, near Griquatown. And down grains of sand will rub against each
"LITERATURE THE EEC HINDER CO. in South America, in Chile, there is other when agitated, ah, then you
the Rumbling Mountain, to which the have Nature's Philharmonic, conduc-
Indians give a wide berth. ted by Maestro Wind!
Most famous of singing sands ;s But perhaps it is all just sympa-
the Hill of the Bell, or Jebel Nakus, thetic vibration—Nature's response to
in the Sinai Peninsula between Egypt "the Beatles." ///

the going's great! 1965 Four Wheel Drive
Parts and Accessories Catalog
Insert heads in plas~ic hose, connect to gar-
WARN HUBS Most complete publication ever printed, this
34-page, illustrated, 8x11, slick paper cata-
den faucet. Low pressure penetration, mini- ON YOUR log is packed with detailed facts and prices
mum run-off. Proven by 12 years of agricul- on every part, accessory and safety device
tural usage, ideal for slopes, problem areas, 4-WHEEL DRIVE manufactured. To really make your 4 wheeler
in mobile home gardens. 4 Head Kit for use These famous hubs save gas, gears, >ires, engine, tops in performance and appearance send
with your 25-foot hose $4.95, includes all 4 improve performance, reduce maintenance costs, one dollar for catalog to
increase vehicle life by disengaging the front drive
half heads, stakes, tool and hose cap. Order in 2-w.d.—automatically, or with manual controls. BRIAN CHUCHUA'S
ppd. PIPCO SPRINKLERS, Box 609, Dept. D, To get (he most from your i-w.d. under all condi-
tions, install Warn Hubs. Thai's what the majoricy FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CENTER
MONROVIA, CALIF., brochures or the dealers of 4-w.J. owners do. Write, or see your dealer.
1625 S. Harbor Blvd.
name in your area. (Add 4 % tax in Calif.) WARN MFG. CO., INC. Fullerton 7, .California
9050-DM Empire Way S.,
Seattle, Wash. 98118
12 / Desert Magazine) / November, 1964
Caliche dugout a
Darwin miner called "home:

Lazy Reptile
by Peter Odens
TORIES OF GOLDEN bullets, of the ore-bearing rock again, but in in which he had traveled, his first
S a murder for $8 and a lazy rattle-
snake — these were the tales we
carried away with us one morning
This was one of the stories Dr. Dar-
name was given to the town which
sprang up on the southern slopes of
the Argus range, as well as to a
after a visit to Darwin, California, win French, a popular physician of canyon, a waterfall and a spring.
population 15. Oroville, California had been told.
One day in March, 1860, he locked Hundreds of men worked in the
The story of this once booming up his office, gathered a group of mines and mills of Darwin, which
mining camp and the man after whom friends and set out to find the Lost boasted of a weekly newspaper and a
it was named goes back more than 100 Gunsight Mine. For days, weeks and fine school. It was a lawless, violent
years. Even while the first gold rush months the group traveled across the camp. Over 100 men and women
was in full swing, rumors of fabulous Panamint Range and into Death Val- buried in its cemetery died with their
wealth began to be heard. Among ley looking for the skeletons of Fish boots on.
those legendary mines were the Lost and Isham, the two Jayhawkers who
Gunsight Mine. When a group known Today, the town is all but deserted.
had died on the trail, in order to re- Situated some six miles off State
as the Jayhawkers crossed Death Val- trace their route. But they found no
ley in 1849 in their search for gold, a Route 190 which leads from the Pana-
Lost Gunsight Mine and returned mints into Owens Valley, the road is
man named Towne stumbled on the home disappointed.
trail. His gunsight was knocked off graded and easy to travel. The old
and he began to look for it. Instead, post office, long abandoned, still
he found a piece of fabulously rich Then, within a short time, a story stands and across the street from it
silver ore. of golden bullets used by an Indian is the first school house of Darwin, a
tribe was heard in the mining camps popular subject for ghost town artists.
Overtaking his companions, he tried of California. The indomitable doctor
to persudate them to return to the set out to check the report. With eight Looking for someone who could tell
spot where he had found the rock, but companians he criss-crossed the Mo- us about the town, we knocked on the
instead they hastened ahead. They had have desert, exposing himself to In- door of a charming cabin and met its
had their difficulties—had lost two dians in the vain hope that they owners, Mr. and Mrs. Black, who
men, destroyed their wagons and on might shoot at him with golden bul- came to the area in 1906 driving a
the weary trek across the burning lets, but no Indian showed up near the mule-drawn wagon. We were hospit-
sands, had resorted to their skinny Darwin French group. After staking ablv received by the retired couple
oxen for food. No, the Jayhawkers a claim to an antimony mine above and Fox Black offered to take us to
were in no mood to listen to Towne's Wildrose, Dr. French and his party the old cemetery.
rambling about a fabulously rich returned home. Nevertheless, in 1874 "But we can't go in your car," he
mine. Later on, Towne tried to find when mines were found in the area said. "Too low, you know. We'll take

November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 13

slain by two young men whom she be-
friended. The men believed she had
CALL HIM A ROADRUNNER, PAISANO OR CUCKOO BIRD... a large amount of gold stowed away,
but all they found was about $8.
HESTHE CRAZIEST BIRD YOU EVER SAW!! Also in the cemetery we found the
Our Roadrunner shows his colors on a tray grave of Jack Stuart, a prospector
beautifully worked in inlays of veneer, brass known for his wit. Many a story is
and enamel on satiny black. Impervious to told about Jack, but Black's favorite
alcohol, boiling water and cigarette burns.
concerns the time Stuart explained
LARGE SIZE 12'/2xl8 $13.50 to a city slicker about the heat in
SMALL SIZE 103/ 4 xl5'/ 2 $11.50
CANAPE SIZE 6x7 $3.00 Darwin.
(All Prices Include Postage. "It really isn't too hot there, is it?"
Calif. Residents Add 4% Sales Tax) that young worthy asked.
Send Check or Money Order "Well," Stuart said, scratching his
(No C.O.D.s Please) To: head, "you're wrong there. Sun beats
THE ROADRUNNER down on you in Darwin—makes you
P. 0 . Box 984, Ecsondido, Calif. mighty lazy. Yes, sir, mighty lazy. Why
my pickup. .Otherwise we won't get Back we climbed into the pickup.
across the wash." Black turned the starter switch and
The old pickup chugged down the away we rumbled, across the wash
dusty street and manfully tackled a and on to the old cemetery. This was
deep wash between high caliche walls. divided into three parts, a Chinese
Black stopped the truck in the cen- section to accommodate the corpses
ter of the wash and we got out. of the large Chinese population who
worked in the mine; a second section
"See these caves?" He pointed to containing the graves of military men
dark holes in the caliche walls. "Dug- stationed in the area; and a third for
outs they are, really, dug by miners the civil population. There we saw a
who lived here when the town was large marker erected "To the memory
afire." There were door frames of Nancy Williams, died September
around the entrances and, inside, old 13, 1877, aged 45 years." A story of a
tables and iron bed frames. Warm in murder is connected with this.
winter and cool in summer, they
looked surprisingly comfortable. Miss Williams, a hotel keeper, was

A Murder Victim of Darwin

only the other day I was walking
along a trail to the Coso mountains
and came upon a big diamond back,
know what that is, young man?"
The city slicker nodded. "Of course
I do. A rattler, right? But what hap-
THE FAMILY VEHICLE FOR YEAR-ROUND FUN.' "Well now, I wasn't afraid of the
Exclusive Sliding Canopy Top rattler. Because, you see the heat
made the rattler so lazy I just knew
Only Pullman Camper features this exclusive and patented Canopy Top which adds 36 square
feet of area and can be completely enclosed with special fitted curtains. It takes only a he wouldn't attack me. He was so lazy
minute to unsnap the tension latches and roll out on rugged nylon rollers. Guaranteed not that . . ."
"Yes?" the young man urged.
Other Pullman Features "that he he hired a little rattler to
shake his rattles for him. That's how
STRONG LIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTION. Tubular aluminum framework provides greater
strength yet reduces over-all weight and gas costs. Safety glass in all stationary windows.
lazy he was!" Triumphantly, Jack
LOADING MADE EASY. Extra-wide four-foot rear door. Stuart ambled away, leaving the
SPACE SAVING. Door table cabinet provides storage space and doubles as table or work area. young dude with his mouth agape.
CLEAN, DRY INTERIOR. Water-tight and dust proof Neoprene gaskets around all windows, We felt a bit like the dude as we
doors and underside. heard the story, but we were still
Prices Start at Only $375.00
chuckling when we said good-bye to
PULLMAN CAMPERS, DEPT. D M , 8211 PHLOX ST., DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA away from the yesterday-streets of
TELEPHONE TOpaz 2-7968 or SPruce 3-5686.
Darwin. ///

14 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

By DOROTHY ROBERTSON prospector and although he didn't the boy Toski witnessed. Years later,
find the lost gold pieces, he did lo- during the rush of prospectors into
cate a rich deposit worked by an old the area, the children overheard the
T HERE WILL always be incurable
romantics seeking lost treasure.
And why not? Didn't Wayne
Winters of Tucson, Arizona stumble
miner whom he grubstaked for a per-
centage of the property. When I
talked to Dr. Hemry, he substantiated
Indians planning to kill them because
they feared the children might re-
member too much, talk to the white
upon the Jesuit's fabulously rich Dan's story about the coins. Another men, and incur revenge. The boy
Planchas de la Plata silver mine while link came from Burdette Fox, son of took his sister and fled to the distant
hunting javelina? Indian Wells Valley pioneer, Joe Tehachapi Mountains. After reach-
Fox. Burdette had known the orig- ing manhood, Toski was never able to
In our own neighborhood—the inal source of the story, a Mexi- remember which of the many can-
Panamints—a story has been quietly can named Toski, and his version was yons in the 49-mile-long Panamints
circulating about a lost cache of oc- essentially the same as Dan's and Dr. held his family's fortune.
tagonal gold pieces. Minted in 1851 Hemry's.
and 1852, these gold pieces are re- After finally tying down this story,
putedly worth ONE THOUSAND Substantially, the story is as fol- we were elated when George Suther-
DOLLARS EACH! But the story was lows: In the late 1860s a Mexican len of China Lake invited us to join
hard to pin down. I have never seen wagontrain through Death Valley was a 4-wheel drive caravan to Tucki
it in print, yet some of our most ambushed by renegade Indians. All Mountain. As we rolled through
solid citizens are prowling the Pana- adults in the train were massacred, Trona, the potash town on the shores
mint country looking for clues. but a boy and his young sister were of dry Searles Lake, I remembered
taken captive to the renegade's secret Burdette telling me that he had
I first heard the story from Dan camp somewhere in the Panamint worked with the old Mexican, Toski,
Thomas on the NOTS Base at China Mountains. Fear of discovery caused right here in 1941.
Lake. Dr. James Hemry, well-known the Indians to throw gold pieces plun-
Ridgecrest chiropractor, was my next dered from the wagons down a deep Midway through Panamint Valley
lead. Dr. Hemry is an ardent Sunday fissure in an enormous rock. This, we came to a small sign pointing east

November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 15

across the dry lake bed to Ballarat.
Spread out on an alluvial fan below
MOC CAS IN S COWBOY BOOTS the high mountains, the old supply
camp for the silver boom towns of
Wesie/in over half a century ago had all but
melted into the sand, although a few
Located in"The Center", long a Palm Springs landmark (across from the Desert Inn), the Grone's
MOCCASIN SHOP offers over 100 choices for foot comfort. Moccasins with beautiful bead work, of its adobe houses are still presided
velvety-soft imported deerskin, rugged rawhide, durable full-grain cowhide—Some for riding, over by Seldom Seen Slim. In early
some for flying, all for just plain walking comfort. Look for us on your next desert trip. days the road to Ballarat teemed with
stage, freight wagon, foot and burro
MOCCASIN SHOP North of Ballarat, Hall Canyon is
174 NORTH PALM CANYON DRIVE a rock-smudged defile. Indian George
PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA PHONE 325-6425 (one of the original old Indians of
the area) once lived at the mouth of
this canyon at Indian Ranch, now
part of the Indian Reservation. Hall
Canyon is of great interest to the
octagonal coin seekers because here
there is a huge rock with a large fis-
sure. It was also an ideal place for
an Indian camp, with springs, mes-
quite trees, grass, and at higher ele-
vations, pinon pines — the nuts of
which were important to Indians for
both food and barter.
The Panamint entrance to Death
Valley winds on up Wildrose Canyon,
once called Windy Canyon by old
burro-men, but later named Rose
Springs by Dr. S. A. George of the
Darwin French exploratory party of
1860 because of its profusion of wild
Hold it! A new freeway is coming through here." roses. Wildrose Station, rebuilt now,
was the halfway stage-stop in the roar-
ing days of old Skidoo. Today it is
(Formerly a modern service station and tourist
camp with an interesting cache of old
Starline) photographs.
TELESCOPIC CAMPERS A few miles beyond the highway
turn, fascinating country opens up.
Wildrose's historic charcoal kilns
which once supplied charcoal for
Hearst's Modoc Mine across Pana-
mint Valley march along the north
side of the road. A highway sign on
the saddle of Emigrant Pass points to
Skidoo, the site of Harrisburg and
Aguerreberry Camp, and Boothill
Cemetery. Emigrant Canyon is an
historic one, with Indian petroglyphs
pecked into its red sandstone eastern
wall. The Park Service has piped
spring water from Emigrant Springs
THE ALL NEW FR€" WAY TELESCOPIC CAMPER for the modern traveler's convenience,
U R Y ! . . . WHERE YOUR TRUCK CAN GO, YOUR CAMPER WILL GO! Starting at $995.00 almost a century ago, would watch
EXPANDS FROM 54 INCHES TO 6 FEET 4 INCHES IN ONLY 20 SECONDS!! incoming white strangers from a hid-
den vantage point that many believe
OPEN SEVEN was located somewhere in Emigrant
The Greatesl Variety of Campers in the West — Starting at $185.00, F.O.B. El Monte
Stopping for a drink at the springs,
KITS MODELS CUSTOM BUILT George Sutherlen briefed us on an
All campers made with steel tubing framework and heavy aluminum, yet lighter than wood. approaching stretch of bad trail where
Send for Our FREE Brochure or Stop By and See Our Models we were to turn east towards Tucki
MACDONALD CAMPER COMPANY, 11015 E. Rush, El Monte, Calif, Mountain, just two miles or so down
lust off the S<m Bernardino Freeway. Call GI 25301 or CU 35201 the canyon. The trail turned out to
be a humdinger which w^und errati-
16 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964
My husband, Allan, and I separated
in order to cover more territory in
the short time we had. I heard some-
one shout that he'd found a purple
bottle, but we had more pressing
business on Tucki. We hoped to find
the golden coins!
There were so many fissures—the
whole region was one huge rockpile
—that we hardly knew where to start.
As Allan disappeared around a high
ridge, I started down Tucki Wash to
see if an Indian could reach Death
Valley from this side. He could.
A bighorn sheep leaped ahead of us. Photo by Tom Murray Steep, almost sheer in places, it pro-
vided perfect access and exit points
for marauding Indians, in addition
cally up and down bouldered washes bilities of this Tucki heartland to an excellent vantage point for spot-
and over crumbling boulders where (Tucki means sheep in Indian) as ting pioneers' wagons. Far below
our vehicles canted at an alarming perhaps the secret camp. It was cer- alkali flats shimmered under a glar-
degree. This is a trail to be taken tainly not accessible, it furnished ing sun and charcoal ribbons of high-
only by experienced boondockers in game for food and, from the shoul- way tied together the distant civiliza-
high-centered vehicles. The narrow- der of the mountain just under tions of Furnace Creek Ranch, Park
canyoned country now opened its Tucki's peak, it opened onto an un- Headquarters, Furnace Creek Hotel
rockstrewn flats with ragged cliffs obstructed view of the entire Death and Stovepipe Wells—outposts that
that seemed to lean over our heads Valley! make today's Death Valley less deadly.
Caves pocked the rocky ridges and
stream-beds were deeply grooved We parked our vehicles by the Allan came down the rise to join
through the rocky mass. Bunch grass Tucki Gold Mine and scattered to me. "There isn't time to explore
and red-stemmed filaree rustled with explore. The Tucki Gold Mine was properly," he said "We'll have to
Whispering Bells and Pepper-grass; operated from the early 1900's until come back when we have a few days."
blue, lavender and purple desert 1938. Water had been piped all the
heliotrope contrasted with Dalea, way from springs on the west side And that's the way it always is with
brilliant yellow Panamint daisies and of Tucki, for the gold-bearing mat- octagonal coin hunters. We keep
sweet evening primrose. erial was cyanided right on the prem- coming back to play the game of seek
ises. This I could understand, for and find—and what we find, even
Suddenly the lead Jeep stopped. A that gouged trail up which we had when nothing tangible, is more valu-
herd of mountain sheep bounded out climbed would have been a terrific able than the golden coins we seek!
of view. My eyes assessed the possi- hazard for ore wagons. Ill
We crowded close to the pock-marked ridges.

November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 17

BY ROYCE ROLLINS hotel, school house and other build-
ings line the streets. Autos are pro-
It is difficult to restore a ghost
town and avoid commercialism. Cal-
hibited, but transportation is pro- ico is no exception. But the country

W HEN I WAS a child there was

a sign beside an offshoot of
the Las Vegas - Los Angeles
Highway that read "Calico." None
vided by a cable tram and the reacti-
vated Calico-Odessa Railroad. The
famous Maggie Mine is open and vis-
around it remains untouched. It was
our exploration of Mule, Phillips,
and Odessa Canyons in the Calico
itors may explore some of the 35 miles Mountains that for us resurrected the
of our family knew what or where of tunnels that brought forth as much excitement of the past.
Calico was, but my childish mind silver as any single mine in Western
associated it with calico cats, calico history. Named for brilliant patches of red,
tea, and my own calico quilt back green, blue and gold, the Calico hills
home. During a recent conversation with gave birth to a silver rush in the '80s
Calico manager Henry Fitzpatrick, we when a general store operator on the
This stretch of terrain has enchant- learned of a jeep trip inaugurated by Mojave River chased an Indian horse
ed me ever since. On subsequent prospector Cliff Zarley. Mr. Zarley thief into their midst and noted likely
trips I watched the old sign weather owns an onyx mine and for | 5 per signs of ore. Darkness called off the
away and years later I saw it re- person will transport you to the site pursuit, but months later Lafayette
placed with a fresh one announcing where you may collect as much as Mecham recalled the incident and his
Walter Knott's restoration of the 30 pounds of prize onyx. Tickets memory sparked the discovery of sil-
ghost town. are sold at the Calico Leather shop, ver.
Today the town stands in better and, except for Mondays and Tues- The most celebrated and beautiful
condition than during its ghoulish days, trips leave every two hours from of the Calico canyons, Odessa, may
occupancy. A general store, saloon, the first of October to June. be entered a short distance north of

Desert prospector left jar of grease and fire set up for The Calicos are honeycombed with mines. Inside the
camp's next occupant. dark tunnels it's spooky—and dangerous!

18 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

trip of the

the entrance to the town of Calico.

The sign post to it reads Doran Road.
Near the mouth of the canyon there
is a road-closed sign. It's advisable
to leave your car here. A short hike The restoration of Calico is the finest of any ghost town in the West.
will reveal why.
is now outside—thousands of tons of by geologists because some of the
Originally a mere crack in the can- gravel held aloft by a wooden retain- most typical aspects of the ancient
yon's lava walls, water eroded an ing wall. In places the wood has land mass are found near its center.
opening that revealed a wealth of rotted and fallen away and slides of Three-toed horses and prehistoric
silver tucked into the mountains be- gravel form thick layers between the camel roamed its verdant plains, until
yond. Excited miners blasted a wider canyon walls. At any moment the ancient upheavals changed the lay
passage so twisted and narrow that in slightest tremble of the earth, or even of the land by throwing up moun-
certain spots its sides almost touch the crackle of a jet smashing the sound tain ranges which prevented silt from
above your head. But clearance isn't barrier, could loosen the avalanche passing to the Pacific. This accumu-
the greatest danger. High on the and send it pounding into the tight lated into gravel beds thousands of
canyon walls hangs the great Odessa canyon road. There would be no feet deep. Then volcanos erupted and
Mine that made millionaires of a time for escape. buried everything—forests of palms,
gentleman named John Daggett, who yuccas and locusts—under a thick
wound up as a Lt. Governor of Cali- Safer, and actually more fun to ex- layer of tuff. Kneaded together with
fornia, and his partner W. S. Stow. plore, is Mule Canyon and Phillips lava and folded into multi-colored
This mountain is almost entirely gut- Drive. The mouth of this canyon is stratas, this geological stew is called
ted and what used to be inside of it located in a dry lake called Mohavia the Rosamond series and is one of

Bill Wessel digs among debris in Tin Can Alley, hoping Our only shade atop Mule Canyon where we paused for
to find a purple bottle. lunch was under the canopy of Frank's Pullman Camper.


November, 1964 / Desert Maaazine / 19

Texas—anytime a prospector lights a
campfire, he leaves a fresh supply of
« wood set up for the next traveler. It
was gratifying to learn that the cus-
tom lives on.
Rockhounds report the area as
pretty well picked over, but, of course,
each seasonal storm brings forth a
new bonanza. Specimens of opal,
malachite, jasper, turquoise, borax,
fossil wood and chalcedony have been
One item that to our knowledge
hasn't been found is the famous Kra-
mer Arch. Noted on maps and men-
tioned in a number of articles, in-
cluding several in back issues of
DESERT, the authors never include
photos of it nor in their articles do
they describe it or give directions. All
we have been able to find is a mention
that it exists. Major Bill Wessell,
who's a pretty good explorer, tramped
Bill Wessel thought he had hit a wad If you must throw tin cans around the countryside with a topographical
of gold with his metal detector, but the Calicos, please throw them here. map, but couldn't find a natural arch
digging produced a wad of lead foil! This suggests a likely spot to dig for in the area where Kramer's Arch
purple bottles, as bottles usually is designated. Nor could we.
Below: Phillips Drive is rough, but travel with cans, but a short distance
Mule Canyon roads are safe for pas- away we hiked back from the road
senger cars. This is our challenge for future
along another trail and found a size- treks to the Calicos. Is there is, or
able mine where Frank picked up is there isn't an arch? Tops of arches
the most colorful desert areas of pieces of purple glass from the sometimes cave in or erode away.
ground. There were no signs of re- Could this have happened to Kra-
North America. cent digging here and it is probable mer?
Almost totally catacombed with that under the surface whole bottles
mines, Mule Canyon may be traveled could be found. It has been a long time since, as
by passenger car. Phillips Drive is a child, we chugged through this
slightly rougher, but we had no Although we didn't pass a single wonderful Calico land in a model T.
trouble with our VW bus and Frank vehicle, there were indications that Today I know that its lairs are empty
Fey, Jr. of Downey easily followed latter day prospectors have visited the of calico cats and if its waterless ter-
us all of the way in his Pullman area. Marine Capt. Bill Wessel, who rain boasts of any tea, it's ephedra
Camper. One of the tempting side also accompanied us, pointed out a tea, but the mad patchwork of its
roads is named Tin Can Alley and number of fires set up in caves along colorful quilt remains as exquisite
is easily recognized by its motley ac- the road. This is an old Western cus- to an adult as it was to me as a child.
cumulation. tom that reaches from Alaska to

20 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

/ thought I could lick the world. Then rigor mortis set in.

If I had any horsesense, I wouldn't be here

Back in those days, I was

Queen of the Line.
Golden badlands seen
from Zabrinski Point.

D EATH VALLEY, isolated from the

world by mountain ranges and endless
miles of barren land, is much the same
now as it was over 100 years ago when a group
of pioneers arrived there one Christmas Eve
by mistake. It was 1849, the year of the Cali-
fornia Gold Rush. After finding a way out
26 days later, miraculously, only one person
had lost his life. When safely on a pass
through the Panamint Mountains, one of the
women turned and said, "Good bye, Death
Valley." The name has stuck.
People have called Death Valley many
things: vast, desolate, bleak, forbidden, strange,
fantastic, compelling, weird, intriguing, beau-
tiful, and the ultimate in desert scenery. From
the peaks of Dante's View to the salt encrusted
badlands below sea level, there is an endless
view of multicolored and one-toned moun-
tains, sand, gravel, volcanic rock, and an occa-
sional deserted mining camp or ghost town.
There are good black top roads now, im-
proved dirt and gravel roads, walking and
saddle trails. There are five lodging places:
the luxurious Furnace Creek Inn, the Furnace
Creek Ranch complex which includes cabins,
a new motel, a trailer site, a camping site, res-
taurant, theatre, recreation facilities, post
office, museum and nearby Ranger Station
and golf course. There is a hotel in connection
with Scotty's Castle, a hotel and motel units
at Stove Pipe Wells, and one at Wild Rose
Station. Only Wild Rose Station and Scotty's
Castle have been open in summer.
The famed Borax companies, which be-
gan in the 1880's, evoke pictures of 20-mule
teams pulling high-wheeled creaking wagons
over agonizing miles of hot desert. But borax
Ruins at Rhyolite
mining in Death Valley was aban-
doned early and moved to the high
desert of the Mojave, where borax is
still mined; not only because the
Mojave had a higher grade ore, but
also because it was just too hot below.
Death Valley's temperature has been
as high as 134° in the shade.
All-year accommodations may be
found outside E'eath Valley at Pana-
mint Springs and Shoshone in Cali-
fornia and Beatty, Nevada. For the
hardy, there are secondary camping
grounds at high elevations in the
summer. The desert is as treacher-
ous today as it was when the pioneers
came through and summer travel in
Death Valley is not recommended.
The winter visitor, too, can find him-
self alone on des.erted roads which are
not patrolled all the time. The Park Golden Canyon offers outstanding scenic splendor.
System issues rules for the visitor
which may save his life. The season lated from one another by faulting,
is from October 15 to May 15, but folding, tilting, and ancient lava flow
the Monument is open all year. By and erosion. From the valley and
April or May, it is apt to be hot various viewpoints a visitor can see
already. the rivers of sand and gravel called
fans—the alluvium which appears to
Death Valley became a National flow onto the valley floor from naked
Monument in 1933. Lying along the mountains.
eastern edge of Southern California
bordering Nevada, part of the Park The Indians in the valley today
is in Nevada. The valley is 150 miles claim to know nothing about the an-
long and ranges from 6 to 20 miles cient lake-dwellers believed to have
wide. In geological times, the Amar- lived in prehistoric times along the
gosa River (Bitter Waters) and the rim of Lake Manly (now dry). The
Mojave River joined before they Panamint Indians, an off-shoot of the
reached Death Valley. Death Valley Shoshone Nation, drifted in some
was, and is, a natural trough, but time later, stayed, but made only a
the Mojave River never reaches the bare living. They called the valley
valley any more and the Armagosa Tomesha, Ground Afire. Their sub-
River seldom. sistence consisted mostly of cactus
seeds, grass seeds, mesquite beans, and
Death Valley contains rocks of all pine nuts from the Pinon trees of
the great geological time divisions higher elevations. A few Indian
and earth movements have been so families winter in Death Valley today,
great that rock masses form compli- occupying adobe houses the Federal
cated patterns of crustal blocks, iso- Hot spring pool at Furnace Creek Inn Government built for them near Fur-
nace Creek Ranch. They no longer
Horseback riders explore floor of Death Valley follow the Indian rituals or customs
and they are there for their own en-
A brief resume of trips which may
be taken on a three - day stay in
Death Valley are as follows. In addi-
tion, there are a number of others.
Rhyolite, Nevada (three hours
from Furnace Creek Center), was
abandoned 60 years ago and a more
forbidding looking ghost town would
be hard to find. All that is left are
slabs of stone walls, an ugly Victorian
railroad station, the gate to the town
and a house made of bottles. From
Rhyolite the visitor can drive through

' - -
fl*i*^ite Titus Canyon and stop to explore
Leadville where a crafty speculator
began a boom 40 years ago that burst
within a year because the lead was low
grade. It is reported that miners built
houses along the edge of the canyon,

24 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

so narrow there was room for only
one row of buildings on each side
of the street. None of the buildings
remain, but the mine does.
Beyond Leadville, there are miles
of canyon road, with just enough
room for one-lane traffic, then sud-
denly the visitor emerges into the
valley again and, looking back, can-
not see from whence he came. There
is still time to see Scotty's Castle, if
you left the Center before noon.
The enigma of Death Valley Scotty
will not be answered at the castle,
which is now managed by the Gospel
Foundation, but it will be answered
at the Rangers Museum where the
rangers hold nightly film lectures on
Death Valley.
Golden Canyon, a short drive from
the Center and a short walk beyond,
is one of the most beautiful canyons
we have ever seen and well worth the
easy walk. A daily pack trip is made
through this area. For those who do
not wish to ride so long, it is possible
to rent a horse and guide's services
for a shorter time and rendezvous
with the party as it returns at dusk. Titus Canyon Road leads to ghost town site of Leadville.
Also near the Center are Zabriskie
Point, Artist's Drive, 20-Mule Team
Canyon, and the Harmony Borax dunes, will allow the hiker the plea- suddenly, when the sun disappears
Works. The first and the last should sure of making the only footprints he behind the Panamints, the dunes are
especially be seen. can see in any direction. The setting dead, except where reflections from
sun creates a weird spectrum of bril- the sinking sun turn the Funeral
A walk on the sand dunes, if one liant lights and deep shadows which Mountains ablaze with a last salute
drives far enough beyond the first play over the wind-swept sand. Then to the end of a wondrous desert day.

Author's daughter climbs dune near Stovepipe Wells. Photos by Tom Murray

November. 1964 / Desert Maaazine / 25

down the Death Valley side of the Days later they found Jake Brey-
by Lyman Nash Panamint Range. One night they fogle struggling barefoot along the
camped by a small waterhole over- old Mormon Trail, nearly dead from
PALE SLIVER of moon rides looking the valley's maw. The two exposure and out of his mind. The
high over the distant moun- Irishmen sacked out close together, top of his bald head was blistered to
tain. There is a nip in the air but Breyfogle spread his bedroll sev- the bone, and his enormous feet re-
and the prospector inches a little eral hundred yards away, down the sembled raw hamburger. In his hand
closer to the fire. slope. he clutched the blue bandana cram-
med with the chunks of pink quartz.
'It won't be long now," he tells Around midnight he was awakened
himself, "not long at all and I'll be by a scream. A war party of Paiutes And the pink quartz was rotten
on Easy Street. Yes, sir, tomorrow or had murdered his companions and with gold!
the next day I'm sure to find that were rifling their bodies. Despite his It took Breyfogle a long time to
ledge of quartz." huge size Breyfogle wasn't a brave recover his health. His feet were
Out of the rising smoke laughs the man, but he turned out to be an ex- slow to heal and six months passed
ghost of fake Breyfogle, laughing as ceedingly tough one. Crazed with before his bald head once a g a i n
he laughed through the smoke of fear, he grabbed his shoes and fled shined like a waxed honeydew. Then
countless fires on countless nights like barefoot down the mountain. Day- he headed back to the Funerals to
this. But the prospector knows that light found him on the floor of Death claim his fortune. In the Panamints
Jake can't go on laughing forever. So Valley. he located the skeletons of O'Bannion
he lights his battered corn cob pipe You no longer hear of people dying and McCleod. From there he re-
and dreams his golden dream. there, but Death Valley came by its traced his steps across Death Valley,
name rightly. In those days to cross saw the three white patches and start-
It was Breyfogle who first discover-
it at any time was dangerous. To ed toward them. But the ledge of
ed the ledge, stumbled upon it in
cross it during summer was suicide. If pink quartz, worth a fortune to the
1862, quite by accident. He wasn't
the sun didn't get you, thirst would, ton, had disappeared.
too interested at the time, being more
concerned with eluding Indians, find- or maybe a sidewinder. Breyfogle looked for it the rest of
ing water and getting back to civiliza- Somehow Breyfogle made it. With- his life and never found it. Neither
tion. Later, when he recovered from out a hat. Without water. Alone. did the thousands of others who fol-
his ordeal, Breyfogle went back to lowed in his wake. Men are still
stake his claim. Only the mine wasn't Reaching the foothills of the Fun-
erals, he was sick from the sun and hunting it today.
where he left it, or thought he left
it, and no one has seen it since. in an agony of thirst. Then, high on Now there are some who claim the
a brooding slope, he saw three white Lost Breyfogle is actually the Bull-
Until he tripped over a fortune, patches. The white meant limestone. frog mine at Rhyolite, while others
Breyfogle's life never came under close Limestone meant water. He began to maintain it is the Jumbo X at Gold-
scrutiny. Nobody cared much where climb. field. But a sample of gold heavy
he came from or what he did. He may quartz, said to be Breyfogle's, is in
have been a blacksmith or possibly a Toiling upward, half delirious, he
came to a ledge of pink quartz. It the courthouse at Austin, Nevada,
prospector, but by all accounts he and it doesn't match either of those
was a massive pillar of muscle with a was mighty fine looking pink quartz
so he lopped off a few chunks and two ores.
shiny bald head and a pair of enor-
mous feet. In the summer of 1862 wrapped them in a blue bandana. The most popular theory is that
Breyfogle and two Irishmen, O'Ban- Finally he reached one of the white one of the violent thunderstorms that
nion and McCleod, set out from Los patches and found water. He drank, occasionally shake the area covered
Angeles to walk to a silver strike rested, filled his shoes and started on, the ledge with tons of stone and dirt.
along the Reese River, near Austin, still heading lor Austin. Coming to Or perhaps Breylogle got mixed up
Nevada. a young mesquite tree, he ate some on his bearings and the ledge is right
of its green beans and drank a shoe- where it always was, the gold glinting
By late June the trio had crossed ful of water. After that he blanked in the sun, waiting to be rediscovered.
the Mojave Desert and were coming out. Perhaps the prospector drawn up to

26 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

his fire is right—Jake can't go on the streams and mountains, men once burro walked out of town and dis-
laughing forever. more started thinking of silver. But appeared forever. With him went the
Other ghosts dance above other no one ever found the Lost Gunsight. secret of his bonanza.
campfires. Not far away another pros- Legends like these live in the smoke And as the smoke curls upward
pector throws a blanket over Bessie, of a thousand campfires. Hunker you can almost see Pegleg Smith beck-
his burro, and returns to dream of a down by the embers after the beans oning you to come look for his mine,
mountain of silver. are gone and the flames have burned perhaps the most completely lost of
In a wagon train moving west was low and the night wind murmurs in all. They called him Pegleg because
an immigrant who had broken the the pines, and you'll hear about these one of his legs was sturdy oak and on
sight from his gun. To replace it he lost mines. About the Chicken Craw it, in the year 1837, he was stumping
dug a piece of malleable metal from mine in Nevada where nuggets were from Yuma, Arizona to Los Angeles.
the side of a hill, twisting it around found in chicken craws. About the When he got there he was weighted
the barrel. When he reached the next Blue Bucket up in Oregon where chil- down by $10,000 in gold nuggets.
settlement, he took the gun to a gun- dren collected gold nuggets in a toy
blue pail. Or was it in Idaho? Where- "Found 'em on three hills near the
smith, asking him to fashion the raw Colorado River," he said. "The tops
metal into a proper sight. ever it was, the mother lode still
waits. are loaded with gold. All you gotta
"Why, this is pure silver," said the do is bend over and scoop it up.
astounded gunsmith. Almost certainly you'll hear about Those hills are easy to spot. They
White's Lost Cement Mine. Nobody stand by themselves between Walker's
"It is?" gulped the even more as- knows if White had a front handle to and Warner's Pass and are sort of
tounded immigrant. "Well, I ran his name or not, but in 1858 he ar- yellowish at the bottom and black on
across a whole mountain of the rived in Horse Head Gulch, Colorado, top. You can't miss 'em."
stuff." with a burro load of hard clay con- But miss them you could and miss
"Where?" taining gold. The clay assayed at them he did. Pegleg's oaken limb
"I don't know for sure. Back along $15,000 to the ton. punched holes all over that country
the trail somewhere. Shouldn't be At gunpoint White was forced to and he never saw those hills again.
too hard to find." lead the rest of the camp to the source About the time of the Gold Rush he
It was harder than he thought. of his clay. Instead, he led the camp dropped out of existence and his mine
News of the silver mountain spread on a wild goose chase before he was was forgotten. But shortly after the
like wildfire, attracting prospectors able to escape. Half the expedition Civil War another gent arrived in
like moths to a candle. They were perished in a blizzard. The other half Los Angeles with .$7,000 in nuggets
still looking for it when Jim Marshall gave up in disgust. and a story very similar to Pegleg's.
picked up an ounce of yellow dust at He'd found the nuggets on three black
In 1861 White showed up in Salt hills just west of the Colorado.
Sutter's Mill and changed the history Lake City with more of the "cement,"
of the United States. As soon as all even richer in gold than the first So Pegleg beckons through the
the free gold had been looted from batch. A few days later he and his smoke; and to the lonely prospector

aivcr t f v e ncvooiv xai Cl6 C l O l GT

November, 1964 / Desert Maomitio / 27

sitting by his fire, the riddle of the Peralta organized a last great expedi- "Under my bed, in a chest, you'll
vanished hills will be solved tomorrow tion into what are now Arizona's find some nuggets and a map to the
or the day after tomorrow. Superstition Mountains. There were mine," he gasped to a friend. "The
There are other ghosts appearing in 400 men and 600 pack animals. For mine is near a sharp peak called
the smoke. There's Jesse Ewing up weeks ore was dug, smelted and cast Weaver's Needle and close by is a
Utah way and Adams down in Grant into ingots. Finally the expedition palo verde tree."
County, New Mexico, both with for- started homeward, to Sonora in Old
Mexico. The friend searched for years and
tunes for the finding. Yes, the old- was never able to' find the entrance
timers had a knack for losing mines. Meanwhile, in the surrounding to the shaft. As time marched the
Some they even lost twice, like the hills, the Apaches were massing, ready legend of the Lost Dutchman became
Lost Phantom in Colorado. When last to wreak blood vengeance on the deadlier and deadlier. Over 100 men
seen, in 1881, the ore assayed at more Mexicans for violating the home of have met death hunting it, mostly by
than $40,000 per ton. the Thunder Gods. As the heavily murder. The list is still growing.
Not that mine losing was a particu- laden pack train wound out of the
larly difficult pastime. Most were mountains, a shrieking army of In 1931 Adolph Ruth arrived in
lost when the West was still in its Apaches swept down on it, killing the Arizona from Washington, D.C., with
brawling infancy, unsurveyed and men and slaughtering the animals. a map to the mine and bursting with
pretty largely unexplored. If a man Two small boys who had hidden in confidence. Six months later his
wandered too far from the beaten a bush were the only survivors. skull was found near Weaver's Needle,
trails, he stood a good chance of being Years passed. The boys grew to neatly punctured by a bullet. The
skewered by an Indian spear, and manhood and returned to work the rest of his body was found a half
more than one partnership was mine. It was then that bearded Jacob mile away with all his personal be-
quickly and permanently dissolved Walz entered the scene. Crossing Ari- longings. The only thing missing was
the map.
James A. Cravey met a similar fate
17 years later, but this time there
were two bullet holes. In October,
1960, an Austrian exchange student
at the University of Arizona fell
under the fatal spell of the Lost
Dutchman. A coroner's jury returned
a verdict of "murder by a person or
persons unknown." And just last year
a Denver research chemist was killed
by a .38 slug as he stood gazing up at
Weaver's Needle.
Who is responsible for the killings
none can say. A fanatic? A maniac?
Perhaps a man who has found the
gold or expects to find it and wants
to be sure no one will beat him to
it? All we know for sure is that the
gold is there, hidden somewhere near
that sharp peak in the Superstition
Mountains, less than 50 miles east of
. **« '•% Phoenix. Until the mystery is solved,
men will continue to be lured by its
Old grubstake prospector Pete Daily wandered Death promise of fabulous wealth, and prob-
Valley for over 30 years. ably continue to die in the quest. But
to the lonely prospector, asleep after
with a ball of lead. So a man wasn't zona, he was set upon by Indians and the ghosts have departed, that is all
apt to spend too much time studying in fleeing discovered a trail winding part of the golden dream. Gold never
landmarks. high into the Superstitions. did come easy and never will.
Across the West fires burn and the Walz followed the trail and even-
ghosts come out, to mock and jeer tually came to where the two men So, as the pale moon chuckles to
and lure you on and on. But brightest were working the old Peralta diggings. the grey dawn, he crawls from his
of all, and laughing fit to kill, is the It was the richest ore he had ever seen, blanket and prepares for another day,
shade of Jacob Walz, the Dutchman. nuggets big as walnuts that shimmer- a day that might put him on Easy
It wasn't his, mine to begin with. ed in the light of a lantern like mini- Street. It's a wonderful dream that
He stole it from two Mexicans who ature suns. Walz claimed the mine never comes true. For it is not the
took it from Don Miguel Peralta who, by shooting the Mexicans and obli- gold that fascinates the prospector-
in turn, had taken it from the terating all traces of the entrance. it is finding the gold.
Apaches. Don Miguel had been grow-
ing rich on the mine for years when He worked the mine for fifteen That's why, should you ever make
the United States acquired the terri- years in secret. During that time at a sharp turn onto Easy Street, you'll
tory through the treaty of Guadalupe least eight men shadowed him into look in vain for prospectors. They'll
Hidalgo. the Superstitions and never came out. be off chasing their lonesome dreams,
In 1884 "Snowbeard the Dutchman" with only the ghosts of Breyfogle,
Knowing the gringos wouldn't tol- lay dying in his shack on the outskirts Pegleg and Jacob Walz to share their
erate his working the mine, Senor of Phoenix. solitude. ///
28 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964
by Gary Moore
NTIL ONLY a few years ago, ted 90 miles north of Baker, Califor-
U death wasn't hard to find in
Death Valley. Too little water,
nia on Highway 127.
At Death Valley Junction, we stop-
too little experience, and too much ped to collect wood for our campfire.
lust gave the valley its name. In spite of its reputation, autumn
Changed today, Death Valley means nights in Death Valley can be cold.
renewed health for many people and Supplied with wood, we backtracked
a pleasurable vacation spot for desert south for approximately one and two-
explorers. tenths miles. You have to keep your
eyes open for the turnoff here as it
Our route through this intriguing has been hidden by grading on the
country differed from the usual ones, shoulder of the road. Even so, the
as we traveled in 4-wheel drive ve- road is barely discernible and should
hicles that carried us to the scenes be- not be attempted in a passenger car.
hind the scenes. After one mile, we stopped to make
Our back-country trek started at our first night's camp.
Death Valley Junction, known as the
"Gateway to Death Valley," and loca- Dawn came early and soon the
coffee was gone and we were off on
the second leg of our journey. Five
miles on the trail brought us to the
Lila C. Mine. The town of Ryan was
once located here, but later moved
to its present location on the west
side of Greenwater Mountain.
The Lila C. Mine covered most of
the mountain on which it was located
both above and below ground with
tunnels, tailings shafts, and buildings.
A generous litter from bygone days-
shovels, canteens, cooking utensils-
remained undisturbed by modern
relic seekers and we left it as we
found it. In a dugout near the mine
were found an egg carton dated 1920,
a 1923 newspaper and a tobacco
wrapper with a 1901 tax stamp.
Exploration over, we journeyed
westward towards Greenwater Can-
yon. Taking a chance, we crossed
Rare relic at Panamint City is this
150-foot stack. Slowly crumbing, it
will not last much longer.

November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 29



a rotted wooden bridge. Fortun- within a year had a population of promising ore deposit here. The only
ately it held up better than it looked 2000. The proud possessor of a §100,- problem was, it was copper and every-
like it would. Alter two miles we en- 000 bank, two newspapers, and a one hungered for gold.
tered Greenwater Canyon. magazine called the Death Valley In 1906 the railroad at Rhyolite
Greenwater Canyon is about 11 Ghuckwalla, Greenwater was one of brought the valley closer to civilza-
miles long and not the most scenic the wildest camps in Death Valley— tion. Kunze struck paydirt and sold
drive, but interesting. An old railroad probably due to the fact that it was out. Charles Schwuab, President of
used this canyon at one time. Almost the farthest outpost of desert mining Bethlehem Steel, was among the mag-
all signs of it are gone now, but a during the J 900s. Claims were made nates who bought shares. What hap-
slight bit of roadbed is evident here that here existed the world's largest pened to Kunze after that is a mys-
and there. There were other signs of copper deposits. tery, at least to me.
occupation along the canyon, such as At this time gambling was illegal in Leaving Kunze, we drove past the
rock foundations and piles of rusty California, but not in Greenwater.
cans. site of Furnace, equally void of re-
Reaching its peak in 1907, it was the mains, and continued north on the
From the canyon, we proceeded in- first mining area in California that main road toward Furnace C r e e k
to Greenwater Valley. Two miles could be reached by auto. Gasoline where we stopped to buy supplies.
brought us to the main dirt road sold for .151.00 per gallon. Then, on the road again, we headed
leading from Highway 190 into Death Although the town had a spring, north to the Keane Wonder Mine,
Valley. One-half mile north on the from which it received its name, water about 14 miles.
main road is a sign which reads was hauled 30 miles and sold for 15c
"Water 5 Mi." with an arrow point- The sun had already set when we
a gallon. A panic in 1907 brought pulled into our campsite for a short
ing up a dirt road. trouble to the camp when the mine night. Barely had the morning sun
This is also the road to the old ran out of ore at 200 feet and invest- peeked over the mountain when, full
town of Greenwater. Anxious to see ment money was suddenly gone. Its of bacon and eggs, we started our
water flowing from the dry desert demise was complete. hike to the Keane Wonder Mine.
floor, we postponed exploring the site All lumber in the town was hauled
of the town and passed through it in This was the highlight of our trip.
to Shoshone, which explained why A tramway and engine house was al-
the direction of additional signs indi- there is nothing there now. However,
cating the spring. This was a mistake. most perfectly preserved with cables
we uncovered several old bottles. still in place and ore buckets hung
The road ended in a small box can-
yon where another sign read "Water Our next destination was Kunze, here and there. The tramway span-
100 ft." After dashing up the gully, but it isn't much of a town anymore, ned a vast canyon to the mine on
we found our spring dry as dust. even for ghosts. Mines are numerous, the opposite side. At least a half-
Moral: when traveling in the desert, but dwellings few. We found only dozen ore buckets still dangled in
don't trust signs! one—a stone shelter built snug against mid-air.
From here we retraced our trail a hill. The walk down was easier than
to Greenwater. Like most mining Kunze was founded by a miner, the walk up. When we returned to
towns, it was born overnight and Arthur Kunze, who discovered a our vehicles the sun was high in the

30 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

east and it was time to be on our
way. A drive through Boundary Can-
yon led to Daylight Pass where we
had a beautiful view of the Amar-
gosa Desert. Continuing to Beatty,
we purchased gas and supplies and
then back-tracked six miles to the
Leadfield turnoff.
Leadfield is at the head of Titus
Canyon. It was founded by a quack
promoter by the name of C. C. Julian.
Julian was under investigation by the
government and wags of the time
said, "Leadfield mined more stock-
holders pockets than mountains." To-
day only two structures stand among
the many foundations and mines.
The road out, through Titus Can-
yon, is murder on late model autos—
much worse than it is entering. With
4-wheel drives we had fairly easy go-
ing, but we passed car upon car feel-
ing a way down the canyon.
After leaving the canyon, we turn-
ed south toward Stovepipe Wells. It Cave hut at the Lila C Mine indicates the hard life of
was about 4:00 and shadows folded its early occupants.
dramatically around the dunes. Nine
miles south of Stovepipe Wells, on Early the next morning we reached Leaving Skidoo, we curved down
the Emigrant Canyon Road turnoff, Skidoo. Skidoo is one of the most the winding road to Harrisburg. This
we drove until slightly after dark. famous of the Death Valley towns and town is still slightly inhabited and
After setting up camp atop a hill a popular tourist attraction. After mining operations continue on a
overlooking Emigrant Canyon and reaching its peak in 1907, it met the small scale. Harrisburg was discover-
Harrisburg Flats, we explored the same fate as other overnight mining ed by Shorty Harris and Pete Aguerre-
surrounding area and uncovered an towns. Skidoo did not die fast though, berry. Pete and Shorty hurried to file
old claim marker. Inside the cairn it struggled downward for 10 years. their claim, but the rush came sooner
we found a tobacco can with a scrap The grand finale came when the than usual and the Flats were covered
of paper inside which located boun- pipeline that carried water 23 miles by miners in less than two days.
daries of a claim. I can't recall the lor Telescope Peak was sold during Nevertheless, Pete and Shorty ousted
name, but it was dated February 3, World War I. Without water, Skidoo most of the claim jumpers. Popula-
1913. didn't have a chance. It died of thirst. tion didn't reach more than 300, but

November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 31

it was one of the few camps that paid
for itself.
Stove Pipe Wells Hotel Back on the highway we turned off
onto the dusty Indian Ranch Road
In the heart of
Death Valley National Monument which connects with the road to Pan-
amint. The drive through Surprise
* Trading Post Featuring Finest Canyon was beautiful, with a blue
Navajo Rugs, Indian Jewelry sky overhanging a tight squeeze of
* Dancing Every Evening to a gray cliffs.
Real Old Time Western Trio
Chris Witches' Camp is the first
* Newly Furnished Attractive sign of civilization on this route. In
Rooms. Swimming Pool. the Autumn, trees blanket the camp
* Women Cooks Who Prepare with vivid reds and yellows. Build-
Real Home Meals ings are in poor condition, but a me-
* Death Valley Movies. andering spring emptying into a pond
* Park Naturalists Lectures gives the desert camp a lush charm.
To Make a Fantastic Desert Mirage Surprise Canyon ends at Pana-
a Reality Write to: mint, one of the roughest camps in the
STOVE PIPE WELLS HOTEL old West. Although it was one of the A lush spring runs through
DEATH VALLEY. CALIFORNIA colorful towns, it rose and died with- Witch Camp.
In the Los Angeles Area for reservations in three years. Roads led to it from
call MAdison 2-2937 all at once. The last working mine
all points in California and it boasted closed in May, 1877. Most of the
a population of 2000. Prices were dwellings were swept away by floods,
high; eggs sold for $2 a dozen and but the jailhouse has withstood the
DESERT BINDERS hay sold for more than $200 a ton. weather fairly well. A tall chimney
Panamint fostered more saloons than on the old smelter is beginning to
Keep your Desert Magazine for anything else, but it also supported fall. By next winter it may not be
years as a reference and guide to a bank, brewery and even a meat there.
future trips. Special 12-issue bind- market.
ers only $3.50 (inc. tax & postage). As a big moon rose over Panamint
Silver ore assayed out as high as Mountains we drove to Trona to
DESERT MAGAZINE S3000 a ton, but didn't last long. make our last camp—in a comfortable
Palm Desert. Calif. 92260 When the panic hit California, Pana- hot-and-cold-water motel! T h e n ,
mint's entire population disappeared early the following morning we turn-
ed toward home, bidding a reluctant
goodbye to this Valley called Death.

San Juan
. . . your headquarters for a
Southern Utah vacation
22 Modern Motel Units . . . Guided Scenic
Tours to Monument Valley and Fabulous San
RJHWt Juan County . . . Curio Shop, Navajo Rugs,
Indian Jewelry . . . Cafe . . . Film, Camping
luxurious American Plan Supplies . . . Service Station . . . Licensed
Hunting Guides . . . Accommodations For
CRFEK RANCH Hunters During Deer Season.
Phone: 42, Mexican Hat, Utah
modest European Plan
Make reservations at either of these fa-
mous Fred Harvey Resorts for a memo-
rable winter vacation. Swimming, golfing,
A New Way to See S.E. Utah!
riding, tennis, sightseeing or just plain
relaxing in a desert paradise. See your
Tag-A-Long Tours
travel agent or write Furnace Creek Inn, Offers you two ways to see spectacular
P. O. Box O, Death Valley, California. Southeastern Utah. Drive your own 4-
wheeler or ride with us in comfortable Jeep
In Los MA 7-8048 station wagons. You'll love our chuck
San Francisco; EX 7-2717 wagon chow cooked over an open camp-
Seattle; MA 3-1177 fire. Let us show our our beautiful wild
land of Moki ruins, Indian writings, arches,
deep canyons, spires and rock in every
form imaginable. For a NEW experience
•write today to:
156 North First West
Moab. Utah 84532 Phone 253-4346

32 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

Drive Back
A Century!
Ease your car on to the open road
and head for a day at Knott's. In a
single day, you'll be driving hack a
century in time and see more of the
Old West than you could on a week's
Here you can turn hack the clock
to an almost forgotten era of high
Photo by Tom Murray adventure and excitement. You'll see
priceless relics from old mining towns.
You can pan for real gold , . . ride an
ore car through the Calico Mine . . .
Night winds are rising and their fiery breath climb aboard the old narrow gauge
Denver-Rio Grande train that once
Shrieks through the moving sand dunes bleak and drear, served the mining camps. You'll enjoy
a talk with Sad Eye Joe, notorious
The chanting Shoshones tremble at your death outlaw still in the calaboose at Knott's.
In these burnt wastes. Prospector, can you hear Bring the whole family. You'll
have fun!
The Funeral's ridge wings, beating downdraf ts, spill
Stone clouds on your sepulchuric hill Mrs. Knott's
Off Panamint, where barking foxes slink CHICKEN DINNER
The blowing greasewood with the hunters's tread RESTAURANT
Open Daily
And screeching owls, defying storm, are led
To rune drifts; off Zabriskie where the sink The STEAK HOUSE
Open Daily
Of Death Valley traps travelers too long
With silence? One coyote's muted song 42 UNIQUE SHOPS
Alerts a couching hare. Winds move the sand,
Prospector, hunting you, and the teeth slash
At: the winds throat and wring it in the clash
Of midnight in this graveyard where the band
Of Shoshones chant their old friend's bones On Beach Blvd. (Hwy. 39)
2 miles South of Santa Ana Freeway
Lost now by wind's wings beneath the moving stones.
—Paul Wilhelm
November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 33
mant giant overlooking its offspring,
At one time Randsburg boasted of
a population of "500 children." Re-
cently it was forlornly stated that the
population now stands at "about 100
men, women and children and those
who died only the other day." New
parts of town suggest confidence in
the future, with freshly painted
houses and short, clean streets. But
in the old part of town skeleton
abodes harass the landscape and
abandoned rust-ridden auto frames
polka-dot its fringe, their prayer
wheels challenging the strongest of
men to give them a quarter turn.
From the time of my initial visit
to Randsburg, I was hooked. Within
a period of three months I had re-
T THE CLOSE of the 19th cen-

THE A tury a dull explosion reverber-

ated throughout the California
Mojave desert. Its momentary shock
turned as many times. It intrigued
me—its Post Office with a sign that
read 1896, its White House Saloon
with a long bar of carved African
rocked ticker tapes of Wall Street mahogany shipped from around the

3000 miles away. Horn and unpatched bullet holes
A cry of "Gold" gave birth to the still pocking its adobe walls.
fantastic Yellow Aster Mine, the The Yellow Aster Mill high on the
mother of the town of Randsburg. hill needed no introduction. Nor did
From the day of her discovery in 1895 the towering half-mountain behind

ASTER by Mooers, Singleton and Burcham

up to the war year of 1942, she spew-
ed, at current gold prices, over $60
million worth of bullion from 50 miles
it, rising some 4000 feet above its gut-
ted golden base. But that was only the
outside. I wanted in.
It was Billie Blue who opened the
of entrails and half of her mountain- door. Billie is the oldest living resi-
ous body. Today, unscrupulously rob- dent of Randsburg—84-years-old and
bed of gold-bearing quartz, this half- once an engineer for the fabulous
by mountain with its timber-rotted,
water-filled tunnels stands as a dor-
Yellow Aster. It was his stories that
fired my desire to explore further.
The "Sesame" that eventually made
Carl Macur this possible came about through an
introduction to Stewart Fraser, cus-
todian of the mine.
My tour began.
From a 3500-foot elevation, we
climbed to 4000 feet on the sharp dirt
road. Already I dreaded the treacher-
ous return. Our destination was the
50-stamp mill. Upon entering it, I
was surprised to find the equipment
in perfect condition. "All it takes is
the word and I can have this mill
operating within two months," Stew-
art claimed. And I believed him.
From the engine room we walked
between blasted canyon walls for
about 50 yards to the half-body of
the Yellow Aster herself. As we stood
low in the deep bowl of what had
once been a fat mountain of gold ore,
I felt as infinitesimal as a button.
"Don't get to close to the edges,"
Stewart warned. "We have a lot of
slides down here when some of those
boulders shake loose." As we explor-
ed tunnel after tunnel, he'd frustrate
me with "That's far enough now,
Carl. Let's get out while it's still
As time went on, I visited Rands-
burg frequently. When stories of the
Yellow Aster mine were recounted, I "SINCE 1 9 3 1 "
edged closer. My interest grew almost
into a phobia. Then, one day—bon-
anza! Ifletj/e
Stewart invited me to visit his stor-
age place—a basement in an old build-
ing. All of the documents, papers and
jfn Travel Trailer
statistics pertinent to the Yellow Aster ELEVEN MODELS 1 3 FT. TO 3 5 FT.
were stored there. Would I like to
rummage around, he asked? I sure PROTECT YOUR HEALTH
MODEL 21 with WATER-GARD purifier;
would! The combination concrete installed as standard equip-
and dirt floor was literally covered Write for free literature ment in models 16 ft. to
with dusty crates, cartons, machinery, 35 ft.
and newspapers. Stewart left me to TRAVELEZE TRAILER C O . , I N C . D.P,. D
myself and I went to work. 11473 Penrose Street Sun Valley, California TRiangle 7-5587

In the first carton I found dated

manila packets stamped with a red tained $956,590 of cancelled gold
wax seal. The first was dated Janu- stock certificates. Best of all, I found
ary, 1898 and enclosed were receipts one signed by Singleton with the
number of shares and the owner's Happiness is a box with POWER to spare
for purchases made by the mine- Corvair engines fit a l l VW's,
owners. An anvil and block cost $12, block unlisted, so I had Stewart quill Karmann Ghia and Porsches
a pick $1, coal 3c per pound, room my name for 100,000 shares. Now I'm with "VolksVair" kit. If you

and board $1 per clay. a cancelled gold certificate million- need more POWER for that
otherwise perfect vehicle,
aire! 'send 50»! for descriptive liter-
A collect telegram to John Single- ature and catalog to:
ton, president of the Yellow Aster Monthly time books listed the Crown Mfg. Co.
read, "My son still alive. No hope for names of all mine employees. Muck- 651-D W. 17th Street
him. Will wire again in a day or two. ers were paid $3 a day and miners Costa Mesa, Calif. LI 8-0221.

Signed S. P. Mahan." What stories my $3.50. There were no Sundays at the More power to you, with a 'VolksVair" conversion!

mind conjured! Yellow Aster.

A written directive from Burcham Perusing this material and its infor-
to pay the bearer of this note a sum mation, I revisited the Boothill Ceme-
of $20 to be deducted from the tery at Johannesburg, sister town of prices render it unprofitable to mine.
monthly pay check of a gentleman Randsburg, and I haunted the Silver Nevertheless, I'd give a lot to stand
named Ben Strug was signed received Dollar Museum in Red Mountain, on the rumbling ground as her 100-
by MRS. Ben Strug! In another box which holds relics of the mine. I can stamp mill capacity furiously ground
I found cartons of the Yellow Aster's now state that within a period of the gold to dust.
cancelled checks—beautiful checks im- three months, my imagination has Senior citizen Billie Blue once re-
printed with gold leaf lettering and lived 69 years of the Yellow Aster's marked, "It was about two in the
the yellow aster insignia of the mine. life. morning, some years back. For some
One batch had 2c documentary stamps Throughout that 69 years, three reason I awoke from a deep sleep.
affixed. Other cartons held receipts million tons of gold ore had been pro- Something was wrong. It was quiet.
from the old Wells Fargo and Com- cessed. Its dumps still hold an addi- Too quiet. The ground no longer
pany. These, too, carried documentary tional million tons that were too rumbled. Then it struck me. It was
and U.S. postage stamps dated from costly to process even in those days. the Yellow Aster mill. She had
1898 through 1902. stopped."
Someday she may live again. In
I uncovered a stock certificate book only one body of blocked-off ore there How I'd like to see things sound
of cancelled shares with gleaming gold is an estimated $15 million of gold. right for Billie again, while he's still
seals. At $10 a share, the book con- However, labor costs and present gold around to know what's going on! / / /

The unique hydraulic mechanism which raises The Alaskan Camper is quickly transformed ience of a weathertight, high ceiling, home away
the camper top can be safely operated even by from its compact low silhouette on the road to from home complete with three burner stove,
a small child. Locks prevent accidental lower- roomy walk-in living quarters. Drive safely at sink, cabinets, ice box, beds, and many other
ing. The top is lowered quickly by the simple any speed with minimum drag and sway. luxury features. EVERY NEW ALASKAN
turn of a valve. Moments later, enjoy the comfort and conven-. CAMPER CARRIES A WARRANTY.
Write today to the factory nearest you for free folder describing the most advanced camper on the road.
R. D. HALL MFG., INC., 9847 Glenoaks Blvd., Sun Valley ( S « H Fernando Valley), MOBILE LIVING PRODUCTS (B.C.) LTD., P.O. Box 548, Red Deer, Alberta, Dept. D
Calif., Dept. D MOBILE LIVING PRODUCTS (B.C.) LTD., 500—20th St., New Westminster, B.C., Dept. D
R. D. HALL MFG., INC., Texas Division 5761 Cullen Blvd., Houston, Texas, Dept. D
CAMPERS, INC., 6410 South :143rd Street, (Tukivila), Seattle, Washington, Dept. D FORT LUPTON CAMPERS, 420 Denver Ave., Fort Lupton, Colorado, Dept. D
PENNACAMP, INC., 401 West End Ave., Manheim, Penna., Dept. D
CANADIAN CAMPERS, 77 Pelham Ave., Toronto 9, Ontario, Canada, Dept. D LJ. S. PATENT NO. CANADIAN PATENT NO. 637-343

November, 1964 / Desert Maaazirm / 35

"Come with me
and see..."
Southeastern Utah
Northern Arizona
Every Monday—May through November
Round Trip from Salt Lake City
All Expense—Six Days—Five Nights
Includes Two Boat Trips—Two Jeep Trips
Ride in Air-Conditioned Buses and stay in Air-
Conditioned Motels as you thrill to MONUMENT
Y O N D A M . . . LAKE POWELL . . . and dozens
of other spectacular attractions.
We take care of everything. You're never tired
• :
from driving . . . your only worry is if you
brought enough color film to photograph the
most colorful and brilliantly contrasted area in B AL L A R AT BY LAMBERT FLORIN
the world. For details and brochures on this
new exciting tour, write: A monthly feature by the author of Ghost Town Album,
Ghost Town Trails and Western Ghost Towns
HOST TOWN lore has many steeply rising Panamints. These cul-
84101 G facets. One of these is the un-
earthing of facts leading to the
bestowing of their odd names. Balla-
minate in Telescope Peak, 11,045 feet
above the townsite. Trees are com-
pletely lacking, except near the sum-
B U R T O N S ' H I S T O R I C T R O P I C O
rat, Tor example. About two years mits of the mountains. With no lum-
GOLDMINE MILL alter the discovery of gold in the
Mother Lode of California, the yel-
ber, nor even logs, Ballarat was liter-
ally created out of the adobe clay it
stood upon. Rather than "construct-
Go Underground on Guided Tours low stuff was also found down under
900-ft. Shaft—Open Stopes—Glory Hole— in the southern section of Australia. ed," you might say that its buildings
Gold Ore In Vein — Mining Drills and
Tools in Place. That mining camp was called Balla- were "mixed" on the spot!
I/* *« Southern California's Largest Gold Mill.
rat and in 1869 a nugget was un- Actual mining was carried on in
fig i\Mgm Milling Process explained. See where earthed that weighed an incredible several nearby canyons. One of these
If f *## C Millions in Gold have been recovered.
2,284 ounces. Fame of this appropri- cradled Panamint City, notorious even
Through Early Day Collection of
Mining Relics and Antique. ately named "Welcome" n u g g e t in those wild days as one of the most
spread around the world, reaching lawless in the entire West. Panamint
PAN FOR GOLD even to a tiny, unnamed gold camp was too cramped to accommodate a
IN ANTELOPE VALLEY in the sizzling desert at the edge of dance floor in its narrow defile so
Five Miles West of Rosamond, California the Panamints in Southern California. when its citizens wanted room to
Hopefully, the founders of the dig- spread out they came down the draw
Weekdays - 10:30 A.M. and 2 P.M. gings christened it (with whiskey, of to Ballarat. Several of the fairly ex-
Sat. and Sun. - Continuous 9:30 A.M. lo 4 P.M.
course) Ballarat. Perhaps another tensive ruins remaining today are
such chunk of gold would be found those of saloons and dancehalls.
Many of Ballarat's adobe buildings
ROSAMOND, KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA The Panamint Valley, a glaring are melted away, but those still stand-
white, dry lake bed, butts against the ing make a visit worthwhile. ///


10 a.m. NOV. 7
2nd THRU 8th emd. RODEOS 2 p.m.


36 / Desert Magazine / November, 1964

in Miniature


I N THIS ATOMIC age there is per-

haps nothing more suggestive of
the pre-historic past when reptiles
ruled the earth than to witness a
maturity with delicate nails on his
toes and fingers. He has a head as
big as a hangover fitted with eyes
fear them as they would venomous
snakes, considering even their touch
poisonous! Curiously, too, the gecko
is sometimes referred to as the "Father
that express the sheer, wide-eyed
gecko running in an upright position. innocence of a man who's income tax of Leprosy," even though he has ab-
While he usually adopts this posi- return has been questioned. His basic solutely no connection with the fear-
tion only when frightened, he has color is yellowish-gray with broad, ed Hansen's disease.
the the courage of a poker player transverse brown bands on his smooth A western variety does have the odd
bluffing with a four-flush. With skin. designation of the Leaf-footed or
mouth open, the gecko looks like a It may be the seemingly scaleless Tubercular Gecko and one Southern
miniature Tyrannosaurus rex (one texture of the gecko's skin w h i c h California type has small wart-like
of those creatures the movies recreate makes him principally a nocturnal tubercules on its skin, but they are
in horror films) , standing ready to wanderer. Though he loves rocky simply characteristic of the lizard,
devour anyone who touches him. But crevices, mesquite, cactus and the des- such as a human may have a mole
it is quite another thing when you ert hills generally, he eschews the des- or a birth mark.
capture him. Then he emits squeaks ert sunlight and spends his day hid-
like a frightened mouse, something Geckos are friendly, harmless and
den beneath flat rocks which are make fine pets for the youngsters.
quite a bit less terrifying than the warm by the sun, but offer protec-
threatening posture he had assumed Regardless of what anyone says, they
tion from its direct rays. are enduring friends of man: nothing
to scare off his enemy.
The gecko family boasts of a num- pleases them more than termites.
Widely distributed through t h e ber of species—some with sticky, adhe- They thrive on and relish these little
Southern California, Nevada, Utah, sive pads on their feet which permit wood pirates. So, if geckos are com-
Arizona and Mexican deserts, the them to walk upside down on ceilings mon in your area, leave them alone.
gecko is a slender and elongated liz- and similar places. In primitive areas These miniature throwbacks to the
ard of about five or six inches at where geckos flourish, natives often past may be guarding your house!

Fourth Annual
Veteran's Day



2 cups ground cooked ham 2 tablespoons butter I fully cooked ham (8 or 10 lbs.)
Vi cup finely chopped onion I teaspoon curry powder % cup brown sugar
Vi cup India Pickle relish I cup diced celery 6 tablespoons apple juice or cider
Vz cup mayonnaise I medium onion chopped I tablespoon dry mustard
I tablespoon prepared horse- I green pepper cut in thin strips Whole cloves
radish mustard I tablespoon cornstarch Place ham on rack in shallow roast-
3 English muffins, cut in half and 1 9-oz. can pineapple tidbits ing pan. Insert meat thermometer in
toasted Vz cup orange juice center, away from bone. Bake in
6 slices cheese 2 cups cooked ham, cut in thin 325 degree oven until thermometer
6 thin slices tomato strips registers 130 or about 3 hours. In a
Combine ham, onion, pickle, mayon- Vi cup slivered blanched almonds small bowl, mix to-gether the brown
naise and mustard and spread about Melt butter in large heavy frying sugar, apple juice or cider and mus-
1/3 cup of mixture on toasted side pan. Add curry powder, celery, on- tard. About 40 minutes before ham
of muffin half. Eroil 3 inches from ion and green pepper. Saute over is done, remove from oven. With a
heat for 5 minutes. Place a slice of low heat for 10 minutes, or until vege- sharp knife, remove remaining skin.
cheese on top of each sandwich and tables are almost tender, then blend Make diagonal cuts in fat layer,
broil for 2 minutes. Place slice of in cornstarch. Drain syrup from pine- about I Vz inches apart to form a
tomato on each and broil about 3 apple, add water to make one cup; diamond pattern. Brush on some of
minutes longer, or until heated add this, orange ;uice and pineapple the brown sugar mixture. Stud with
through. to mixture in pan. Cook, stirring con- cloves and return to oven. Baste sev-
stantly until sauce thickens and boils eral times with remaining brown
for I minute. Add ham and almonds sugar mixture.
HOT SANDWICHES and simmer a few minutes to heat
4 hamburger buns through. Serve with hot cooked rice
Sliced ham for 4 sandwiches and sprinkle shredded coconut over
1 can cream oi chicken soup top. BANANA HAM ROLLS
1/3 cup milk Vz cup sliced celery
2 hard boiled eggs Vi cup sliced onion
Butter bun halves and toast. Heat I tablespoon salad oil
baked ham with a little water in a MUSTARD SAUCE I 9-oz. can pineapple tidbits
skillet, covered. Heat soup with Vz cup water
milk. Stir in sliced eggs. Place ham Vz cup whipping cream 1 tablespoon vinegar
on toasted buns and spoon sauce IVz teaspoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons brown sugar
over top. 2 tablespoons prepared mustard Vz teaspoon salt
Vz teaspoon sugar Vz teaspoon monosodium gluta-
HAM WITH SWEET POTATOES Chill cream and whip until stiff. Add mate
lemon juice slowly, then sugar, -still VA teaspoon garlic salt
1 No. 2 can sweet potatoes. whipping. Fold in mustard. Dash pepper
2 tablespoons butter 8 medium-size, green tipped ba-
2 tablespoons brown sugar nanas (must not be very ripe)
I teaspoon nu:meg 8 sliced boiled ham
pepper Cook celery and onion in heated oil
I Vz lbs. raw or baked ham, diced MUSTARD RING until crisp and tender, about 2 min-
I No. 2 can pineapple rings 4 eggs utes. Drain pineapple, reserve Vi cup
Arrange sweet potatoes in bottom % cup sugar syrup. Combine syrup with all in-
of shallow buttered casserole. Dot Beat well, and add 3 tablespoons gredients except bananas and ham
with butter, and sprinkle sugar, nut- mustard and 2/3 cup vinegar. Cook slices. Wrap bananas in the ham
meg and pepper on top. The add in double boiler until thick. Remove slices. Arrange in rectangular bak-
the ham in a thick layer and top and add I tablespoon gelatin, which ing pan. Pour sauce over rolls and
with pineapple rings. Pour pineapple has been dissolved in lA cup cold bake in 375 degree oven for 15 min-
juice over all. Bake in 350 degree water. Cool and fold in Vz pint utes. Baste occasionally. Serve with
oven for 35 minutes. Serves 4. cream, whipped stiff. hot rice.
PortaWe Heaters

A monthly series featuring the SPORTSMEN—YOU MUST TASTE

The Heater Everyone is Talking About! age-old uses of desert plants by
primitive people everywhere. SALLY'S VITALITY 8Aft


Radiant |
NEW Space AgcTfonccntrared Confection!
Cookless - Sugarless - Salt Free
SALLY'S VITALITY BAR is just the Confection
by Sm Hicks everyone's been looking for! Few calories, high
protein, vegetable assimilable calcium, unpro-
cessed fresh honey, nuts, wheat germ, and
SAFE (Non Pressure) famous Chia. (See Oct. '63 DESERT story on
from $31.95 Chia). Makes wonderful Christmas Gifts . . .
6 Models & Sizes Flame especially for Sportsmen!
to Choose From Inquiries ORDER NOW!
Great for Camping — Hunting—Patios and
to heat that extra room. Send for FREE
Brochure and Name of Nearest Dealer.
(Each bar IV2 oz.)
Box 24 Bars $5.95
6 Bars $2.00
Calif, buyers add 4 % F O O D I C
sales tax. Postpaid, 24629 No. Arch St.
THE CA M P C O 222 S. GILBERT ST. Kitchen-fresh to your Newhall, California
658-9421 Each slender leaf has three points.

Ideal Christmas Gift

Lowest Photo Print Prices
is one of the most common
aromatic shrubs of the South-
west used for concocting medicinal
Dev. & print 8 Jumbo prints
from Koclacolor film _ ___ .$1.78 tea. The tea is bitter and unpalatable Hummers Love 'Em
Dev. & print 12 Jumbo prints if cooked too strong. As an effective Bee Proof
from Koclacolor film - __ __ $2.42 antiseptic for bathing wounds, brush Can't Drip
Dev. & print 12 Jumbo prints and Easy to Clean
tips and leaves are boiled vigorously Money-back Guarantee
new roll of Kodacolor film - $3.30
until the tea is deep green in color. It
Reprints from Kodacolor negs _ __.$ .16 $2.95, plus 28c postage
is especially recommended for wash- Calif, residents add 12c
ing and healing wire cuts on horses,
Send for price sheets but when made weak, the tea is DARLENE NOVELTIES
and envelopes taken as a spring tonic by many 1883 Pasadena Ave. Long Beach 6, Calif.
All other people in the Southwest and Mexico.
Photo prices are Seed
- Historic, U. S. Army, Ex-
comparably low
Mescaha, or Sagebrush, grows at plorers and Mission Fathers data,
elevations of from 2000 to 10,000 feet. with M.D.s in botanic accounts, and as far
back at Pliny, at the dawn of Christianity,
Its wood burns hot and it has always with current hardy habitues of the deserts,
MARKET BASKET PHOTO CO. been a popular fuel for branding-iron remark favorably upon the value of Chia as
an unusual and sustaining energy food, while
P. O. Box 370, Yumci, Arizona or
P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, California fires. An identifying factor is the absorbing toxics and chronic fatigue.
snubbed-off end of each leaf, which These reports while repetitive on the store
Give an interesting gift appears to have been cut with pink- of energy in Chia, equally retell its virtues
GIVE DESERT ing shears, leaving three rounded as a gastro-intestinal corrective, as an accept-
able food when other foods are not tolerable
only $4.50 a year points. Slate gray in color, the tips to the stomach, real friend to abused stom-
achs, (and recently as a redress to beer and
of the brush and leaves are always cocktail stomachs), alkali and other water con-
cooked together and when boiled,
turn green. PIAI I r i l I pound, $7.00. First time
I K N at this low, low price.
CHRISTMAS DECOR At higher elevations where the * * l « f c t a l l This is unground 100
percent clean whole Pollen pellets. A
brush grows rank, its tips and leaves spoonful a day makes this food a most
Ranch - Grown worthy complement to Chia. Laboratories,
are broken off by the handful and domestic and world wide, pronounce Pollen
as the one most complete nutrient among
bound with string to pre-formed, cir-
CUT cular wire coat hangers to make thick,
silver - colored, aromatic Christmas

Desert wreaths. ///

ditioner, thirst assuager, and as an ideal sur-
vival food.

HOLLY Recent comments on Chia go over this more

up to date, thus: ". . mostest with the Icastcst
. . .efficiency, gets more done . . . tranquil,

Unique long-last- desert -southwest satisfying natural food . , . more energy with
least cereal bulk for pacifying weight control/'
In any case the imponderables of each indi-
ing festive foliage vidual determine its merits.

for a true desert Christmas

art gallery Spoonful more or less daily proves the
virtues of the humble Chia for day long
Featuring Western and energy. Its other additional amenities have
. . . GIFT BOX 18x6x4" been found subtle but factual, or pronounced.
$2.50 Contemporary Art Great mixed in baking in aroma and flavor.
tax, postage included 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays Our Chia is real Chia, clean food Chia, not
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily just "seed" grade. Generous 11/1 pounds, $4
ORDER BY MAIL FROM: postpaid, with story, anywhere, all year
around. Also wholesale.
DESERT LAKESHORE RANCH Desert Magazine Building,
Box 183, THERMAL, CALIF. Palm Desert, California POLLEN CHIA Commerce, 854 Ninth St.,
Santa Monica, California. 90403.
• Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,
Palm Desert, Calif.

CLASSIFIEDS • Classified rates are 20c per w o r d , $4

minimum per insertion.


DESERT HIKING, lightweight camping and moun-
BACK COUNTRY traveler? Investigate National BOOKS: "Old Bottles and Ghost Towns," many
taineering equipment: An excellent selection
Four Wheel Drive Association. Find out what sketches. See Desert, February '63 issue. $2.15
of quality equipment and food at reasonable
it can do for you. National Four Wheel Drive prepaid. Mrs. Adele Reed, 272 Shepard Lane,
prices. Efficient, personalized service. Write
Association. Box 527, Indio, Calif. Bishop, California.
for free catalog. Sport Chalet, 951 Foothill
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" in minerals and gem Blvd., P. O. Box 186, La Canada, Cahf _
stones; here are a few of the 300 or more
Vehicle, 1960 GMC Suburban V6, 4 speed, QUALITY CAMPING and mountaineering equip-
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium,
FWD, low mileage', wide rims, 3 spare wheels ment. Down sleeping bags, lightweight tents,
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nickel, co-
with tires, 3 gas tanks, power brakes, hy- boots. Free catalog. Highland Outfitters, P.O.
balt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryllium,
draulic clutch, front winch, refrigerated with Box 121, Riverside, Calif.
emeralds, etc. Some worth $1 to $2 a pound,
2 units, heater, HD alternator, 250 watt trans-
others $25 to $200 per ounce; an emerald
former 110V, trailer hitch, electric brake con-
trol, radio, 3 seals with seat belts, and num-
the size of your thumb may be worth $1000 FOR WOMEN
or more; learn how to find, identify and
erous other custom features. Ralph T. Irwin,
cash in on them. New simple system. Send LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest Beautifier."
728 Sixth Ave., v uma, Ariz. Phone 783-3614.
for free copy "Overlooked Fortunes in Min- Your whole beauty treatment in one jar.
FORD CONDOR motor home rentals. House- erals", it may lead to knowledge which may Write: Lola Barnes, 963 North Oakland, Pasa-
keeping equipped, 8 sleepers, toilet, shower, make you rich! Duke's Research Laboratory, dena 6, California.
generator, air conditioned. Travel Lease, 520 Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences, New
West Colorado, Glendale, Calif. 245-2836. Mexico. • GEMS, DEALERS
"THE PAST In Glass" Newly revised. Identify the
• BOOKS-MAGAZINES unkown bottles in your collection with this RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA. We have everything
for the rock hound, pebble pups, interesting
complete book on bottle collecting. Utilize
the hints on how to collect, identify, and gifts for those who are not rock hounds.
"SUN-COLORED Glass, Its Lure and Lore." Care-
categorize your bottles, $3.25 from authors Minerals, slabs, rough materials, lapidary sup-
fully researched facts on the hobby of Old
Pat and Bob Ferraro, 465 15iii Street, Love- plies, mountings, equipment, black lights. Why
Purple Glass, 50 pages, illustrated, $2.75
lock, Nevada. not stop and browse? Shamrock Rock Shop,
postpaid from author, Mary J. Zimmerman,
593 West La Cadena Drive, Riverside, Calif.
Dept. D., Box 2641, Amarillo, Texas. 32 PAGE pictorial record of exciting Jeep-O-
OVerland 6-3956.
Rama Jeep Races at Boulder. Send $2 to:
OUT-OF-print books at lowest prices! You name Trailwise, 2707 De La Vina, Santa Barbara, CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma-
it—we find it! Western Americana, desert and California. terial, machinery, lapidary and jeweler's sup-
Indian books a specialty. Send us your wants. plies, mountings, fluorescent lamps, books.
FOR SALE: Desert Magazines, Volume 1 through
No obligation. International Bookfinders, Box Sumner's, 21108 Devonshire, Chatsworth, Cal.
1957. In binders to 1953. $35. Lucile Kullrich,
3003-D, Beverly Hills, California.
Route 3, Box 440 B, Shelton, Wash. 98584.
LEARN ABOUT gems from Handbook of Gems " 1200" BOTTLES PRICED"^eirTllustrated, com- • GEMS, MINERALS-FOSSILS
and Gemology. Written especially for ama- plete descriptions, covers entire field, 164
pages, by J. C. Tibbitts, first president of An- CARVED ONYX animals, natural colors, artisti-
teur, cutter, collector. Tells how to identify
tinque Bottle Collectors Association and editor cally fashioned. IV2" donkey, elephant and
gems. $3 plus tax. Gemac Corporation, Box
of the "Pontil," $4.25 postpaid. The Little horse, $1.50 set. 2 " donkey and elephant,
808J, Mentone, California.
Glass Shack, 3161 56th St., Sacramento, Calif. $1.75 pair. 3" turtle, $1.25 each. All ppd.
READ "BURIED Treasure and Lost Mines" by 95820. Check or money order. No C.O.D.s. Desert
Frank Fish, 93 bonafide locations, photos and Novelties, Box 1045, Las Vegas, Nevada.
illustrations. Research done by Fish, treasure
hunter who made it pay. Large 19x24" color-
• BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POCKET GOLD, rare, crystalized, $2. Placer gold
$2. Gold dust $1. Goldbearing black sand $ 1 .
ed map, pinpointing book locations. Book START EXCITING, profitable gift shop. Step-by- Attractively displayed. Postpaid, guaranteed.
$1.50, map $1.50. Special: both $2.50 post- step guide, $1 postage paid. May, 68 River Lester Lea, Box 1125-D, Mount Shasta, Calif.
paid. Publisher: Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton Route, Dept. K-4, Kingman, Arizona.
Drive, Chino, California. FOSSILS: New 1964 catalog now ready, 8 plates,
3000 species, $ 1 . Largest stock anywhere. We
• CLOTHING supply schools, museums, collectors, rock
NEVADA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide.
Large folded map. 800 place name glossary. DOWN-FILLED clothing for the winter sports- shops, retail, wholesale. Buying, exchanging
Railroads, towns, camps, camel trail. $1.50. man designed by the leading manufacturer of fossils, too! Malick's Fossils, 5514 Plymouth
Theron Fox, 1296-C Yosemite, San Jose 26, lightweight, cold weather clothing. Free bro- Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21214.
California. chure, Gerry, Dept. 90, Box 910, Boulder,
BOOKS: "PANNING Gold for Beginners," 50c.
"Gold in Lode," $3. Frank J. Harnagy, Box • DESERT STATIONERY FOR SALE: 59-year rock collection of agate,
105, Prather, California. wood, bone, turquoise, crystal specimens of
DESERT, CACTUS flowers, roadrunners notecards different kinds. Will sell all. G. H. Lobato,
GHOST TOWN Guide: Complete guide to over on vellum. Dozen assorted: $1.50. Free bro- Route 1, Box 413, Durango, Colorado.
100 ghost towns in California, only $1.95. A. chure. 100 Desert Christmas: $10.75. Choose
Abbott, Dept. 211, 1513 West Romneya Drive, from 67 originals by artist Henry Mockel, Box • HOME STUDY
Anaheim, California. 726, Twentynine Palms, California.
LEARN OIL painting by correspondence. Ama-
"THE BOTTLE Trail." 1, 2, 3, 4. Pioneer bottle • DUDE-GUEST RANCHES teur or advanced. Easy, fascinating, natural-
histories, $1.65 each postpaid. May Jones, istic. No time limit. Easy payments. Free de-
Box 23, Nara Visa, New Mexico 88430. DESERT HILLS Guest Ranch, Lucerne Valley, Cali-
tails. Walker School of Art, Box 486, Mont-
fornia. Housekeeping cottages, single units
rose 1, Colorado.
"GEMS & Minerals Magazine," largest rock hobby with bath, meals available, beautiful view,
monthly. Field trips, " h o w " articles, pictures, heated pool, quiet, ideal for honeymooners, LEARN REAL Spanish fast, actual living conver-
ads. $4 year. Sample 25c. Box 687J, Mentone, writers, artists, etc. Write for brochure. Joe sation, not grammar. Free sample lesson. Ray,
California. and Janice Horst, owners, P.O. Box 444, 68 River Route, Dept. K-4, Kingman, Arizona.
Lucerne Valley, California. CH 8-7444.
ARIZONA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide, REMUDA RANCH, fun for desert fans, 4-wheel • INDIAN GOODS
large folded map 1881, small early map, 1200 drive expeditions to ghost town and wilder-
place name glossary, mines, camps, Indian ness areas, trail rides, pack trips, "Arizona's SELLING 20,000 Indian relics. 100 nice ancient
reservations, etc. $1.50. Theron Fox, 1296-E Riding Ranch" since 1925 with complete re- arrowheads $25. Indian skull $25. List free.
Yosemite, San Jose, California. sort facilities. Wickenburg 3, Arizona. Lear's, Glen wood, Arkansas.
GENUINE INDIAN artifacts bought, sold, traded. UNCIRCULATED SILVER dollars, 1878-79-80-81-82 FOR RENT: 3 units approximately 500 square
5 birdpoints $1. 25 arrowheads $8. Send S mint or 1883-84-85 O mint $2.50 each. 1878 feet each, in Palm Desert's most beautiful
wants. Stinson, P.O. Box 5253, Lubbock, Texas CC mint VF $7.50. New 100-page catalog 50c. building, 73-700 El Paseo. Also 4000 square
79408. Shultz, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110. feet air conditioned factory building on Dillon
Road, 4 miles east Desert Hot Springs. Con-
WANTED COLLECTIONS, authentic pieces only, tact: P. K. Nichols, P.O. Box 641, Palm Desert,
Indian baskets, pottery. Artifacts from South • PHOTO SUPPLIES Calif., or SYcamore 5-2131, Pasadena, collect.
Americo, Mexico. Give description and realistic
price. Box 93, Kanab, Utah. RAPID, CONVENIENT mail service for quality HOMESITE, ASH Meadows, Nevada near Califor-
black-white or color film finishing. Write for nia line, 2'/2 or 5 acres, shallow water, elec-
FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi tricity available to property. Iris Slingsby, Box
our free bargain brochure. The complete pho-
jewelry. Old pawn. Many fine old baskets, 32, Death Valley Junction, California.
tographic store since 1932: Morgan Camera
moderately priced, in excellent condition
Shop, 6262 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. 180 ACRES, Boron area, $100- per acre. All or
Navajo rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo blankets,
pottery. A collector's paradise! Open daily part. Cash, terms or trade. 11102 Lindblade
10 to 5:30, closed Mondays. Buffalo Trading Street, Culver City, California.
Post, Highway 18, Apple Valley, California. • PLANTS, SEEDS
AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi- CHIA SEED. Completely cleaned Chia, real Chia, • TREASURE FINDERS
mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's items. food Chia, not just "seed" grade. Calming,
Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian Trading gastro-intestinal friend. Trial 8 ounces, $2. Also EXCITING ADVENTURE locating hidden loot,
Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East Woodland Pollen, trial 8 oz. $4. First time at this low treasure, relics, etc., with powerful, electronic
Hills, Calif. Open Sundays. price. Pollen Chia Commerce, 854 Ninth M-Scope locator, lightweight, guaranteed, very
Street, Santa Monica, California. easy terms. Send for free booklet, interesting
customer reports. Fisher Research, Dept. JY,
• JEWELRY CHIA (SALVIA columbariae), plant now for next Palo Alto, Calif.
year's harvest. Sent $1 for seed packet with
GENUINE TURQUOISE bolo ties $1.50, 11 stone planting instructions. Rt. 4, Box 439A, Escon- GEO-FINDER METAL and mineral detectors, super-
turquoise bracelet $2. Gem quality golden dido, California 92025. sensitive with power to spare. Detects gold,
tiger-eye $1.75 pound, beautiful mixed agate silver, coins, relics. Free literature. The Geo-
baroques $3 pound. Postage and tax extra. CHIA SEED. 'A pound, $1.75. 1 pound $4.95.
Finder Co., Box 6035, Lakewood, California.
Tubby's Rock Shop, 2420V2 Honolulu Ave., Free recipes. Organic Herb and Seed Com-
Montrose, California. pany, 3645 Main, Chula Vista, Calif. 92011.
FIND LOST or hidden treasures with new tran-
SMOKE TREES, Desert regulars $1 each. Desert sistor metal detector, underwater metal de-
tectors, scintillation counters, etc. Free litera-
• MAPS evergreens $2 each. Hard work is done, a child
ture. Gardiner Electroncis, Dept. 5 1 , 4729
can grow them from here on out! Plant any-
SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps - San Bernardino time, most any place. Rancho Environmental North 7th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona.
$3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $1, large $2; Nursery "extant! beyond the call of privilege
San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25; and responsibility" 71554 Samarkand Drive, FINEST TRANSISTOR metal locators, $34.95 to
other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada Twentynine Palms, California 92277. $275. Find coins, souvenirs, treasure. Informa-
counties $1 each. Include 4 percent sales tax. tive folder, "Metal Locating Kinks," 25c.
Topographic maps of all mapped western 1965 WILDFLOWER AND Wild Tree Seed Catalog, IGWTD, Williamsburg, New Mexico.
areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third lists over 700 choice varieties including many
Street, Los Angeles 13, California. bonsai. Scientific name, common name. In- POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil-
formative; artistic; trade secrets revealed. 50c ver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. Terms,
• MEXICAN AUTO IINSURANCE Clyde Robin, Collector of Wildflower and Wild free information. Underground Explorations,
Tree Seeds, P.O. Box 2091, Castro Valley, Dept. 3A, Box 793, Menlo Park, California.
DRIVING TO Mexico? You must have approved Calif. For early spring blooms plant wildflower
seeds before December. NEW—FLUORESCENT mineral detector that de-
Mexican Auto Insurance, Mex-I-Plan, Com-
tects boron, fluorine, lithium, molybdenum,
plete Protection, 8344 Melrose Avenue, Los
strontium, tungsten, uranium, zinc, zirconium
Angeles 69. OL 3-6380. • REAL ESTATE and other minerals. Cigarette pack size, day-
GET INSURANCE in Mexico's largest casualty light operation, requires no batteries. Price
FOR INFORMATION on desert acreage and par- $12.50. Free brochure. Essington Products &
company through Sanborn's—by mail or at
cels for sale in or near Twentynine Palms, Engineering, Box 4174, Coronado Station, Santa
affiliated service offices in El Centro, Yuma,
please write to or visit: Silas S. Stanley, Realtor, Fe, New Mexico.
Nogales, El Paso. Write for daily insurance
73644 Twentynine Palms Highway, Twenty-
rates—and ask for free Mexico Travel-Aid
nine Palms, California. SUPERSENSITIVE TRANSISTOR treasure, coin
packet, very helpful in planning your Mexico
detectors. Important new features. $19.95 up.
motor trip. Sanborn's, McAllen, Texas 78502. ROGUE RIVER Valley, Oregon ranch sites near Kits available. Free catalog. Relco—A-18, Box
Grants Pass and Medford, 5 to 80 acres low 10563, Houston 18, Texas.
• MINING as $99 down and $29 monthly. Free catalog.
Cal-Ore Ranches, 1054-DX South Riverside, DISCOVER BURIED loot, gold, silver coins, battle-
AMATEUR PROSPECTOR wants partner for pros- Medford, Oregon. field and ghost town relics, with most power-
pecting and hunting lost mines. I can carry ful, sensitive transistorized metal detectors
full share of expense. Robert Ritchie, 16850 "INDIAN SPRINGS," spectacular view ranches available. Two year warranty. Free literature.
Seville, Fontana, California. among fantastic rock formations of the Ala- Goldak, Dept. D - l l , 1544 W. Glenoaks, Glen-
bama Hills, "Nature's Movie Set." 12 minutes dale, Calif. 91201.
PROSPECTING EQUIPMENT. Everything for the from town of Lone Pine, California. Size—
prospector, mineralogist and rock hound. Send from one acre to over 20 acres. Underground
25c for 44 page catalog. Inquiries invited. electricity, paved roads. Unsurpassed desert • WESTERN MERCHANDISE
Miners & Prospectors Supply, 1345 E. Fire- and mountain scenery. Look up at snow-cap-
stone, Goleta, California. ped Mt. Whitney, highest in 49 states. Riding GHOST TOWN items: Sun-colored glass, amethyst
hiking, fishing, exploring. For brochure, write to royal purple; ghost railroads materials,
ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High- R. F. Oyler, Dept. A, 124 Main St., Lone Pine, tickets; limited odd items from camps of the
est quality spectrographic. Only $4.50 per California. Phone TR 6-2052. '60s. Write your interest—Box 64-D, Smith,
sample. Reed Engineering, 620-R So. Ingle- Nevada.
wood Ave., Inglewood, California. FOR SALE: Beautiful view lot at Salton Riviera,
bargain $2950. Cash preferred. V. L. Clithero, GHOST TOWN Bottle Price Guide, now in second
17212 Westbury Drive, Granada Hills, Calif. printing. Designed to help the collector evalu-
• MISCELLANEOUS ate his bottles. Research compiled from dealers
FOR SALE: Near Agua Caliente Springs, in Valle- in Western states. An interesting guide, nicely
NAME AND address, three line rubber stamp, $1. cito, 3.88 acres. Good well, and submersible illustrated. $2 prepaid. Wes Bressie, Rt. 1,
Pocket stamp, 75c. Postpaid, guaranteed. AB pump. Electricity, septic tank in. Highway S.2 Box 582-A, Eagle Point, Oregon.
Rubber Stamp Co., 1446 Devore Road, San frontage. W. P. Zornes, Agua Caliente Star
Bernardino, Calif. 92407. Route, Julian, Calif. 92036.
POSTMARK COLLECTORS, postcards remailed 400,000,000 ACRES government land available
from any desired United States point, 25c in 25 states, some low as $1 acre, 1964 report. DtAtfBL
each—or double your money back. Trav-L- Send $1 to National Land, 422T1 Washington
Post, Box 131, HemetT California 92343. Building, Washington, D.C.

November, 1964 / Desert Magazine / 41"

Priced vnth the Lowest FROM OUR READERS
4-Wheel Drives
Sales — Parts — Service Letters requesting answers must include stamped self-addressed envelopes
Nevada Sage at Stake? . . . What's the Road-Shrine? . . .
Hall Motors To the Editor: It is our understanding that To the Editor: Along the Colorado River
Cypress and Van Buren the U.S. Forest Service plans to spray and north of Yuma, on the Arizona side, I saw
Riverside — Arlington kill sage brush, pinon, and juniper trees in an old sign which read: "The Shrine of Ee-
Nye County, Nevada, so that more grass Vee Tau-Ash." Can any DESERT reader
Phone 68-98440 will grow to feed more cattle. We who love help me on that? It was across from the old
the sage and the trees think it a pity to Fort Yuma site.
kill them. There isn't enough moisture in E. H. CAMERON,
NIMROD CAMPERS Nevada to grow grass anyway. We hope San Diego, California
something can be done to preserve the
beauty of the desert.
HAZEL STANTON, Serpent Similarities . . .
Paradise, California To the Editor: Your large serpent picto-
Light. Easy to
Editor's Comment: Mr. Ray Downs, repre- graph in the August issue may be one of
tow. Saves up sentative for Nye County on Nevada's Board many of this type found around the world.
to $30 day on of Economic Development, has this to say: The Bible mentioned the "firy flying ser-
trips. Sets up "It is true in some areas north of Tonopah, pent," and a Swedish book I translated for
in three
but the acreage involved is so infinitesimal the Southwest Museum mentioned similar
that it is no different than clearing a few rock carvings in caves in Sweden. It is
minutes. acres to plant potatoes. Where there is somewhat like the reptile-dragon myths of
water and good soil, they are trying to Japan and China. The Aztecs called it
make use of it. For information regarding awanya; the Toltects named it quetzal-coatl
1110 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana future plans, you might contact the U. S. and associated it with Venus, the morning
Ph. 531-7534 Forest Service in Reno." star. In our Southland, the symbol is often
likened to lightning and called "the lightning
Sunland, California
Reader is Right...
To the Editor: I have never seen a ghost
town and 1 doubt that I ever will, but I Ghost Town Chaser . . .
have a very nostalgic and strong feeling for
them. You people who live near them To the Editor: Lambert Florin's September
should invoke the aid of your state govern- feature on Kingston, New Mexico was in-
For a lightweight coach with all facilities for
ments to protect these relics of our Ameri- teresting to me because I had never before
enjoyment in the outdoors, it's the TRAVE-
can history. Human pack rats who destroy heard that particular anecdote. His accom-
LITE. Equipped with all the features found
and deface should be prosecuted the full panying photo is of the old bank building,
in full-size units, yet the compact size makes
extent of the law. which in more recent years housed the Post
it easy to handle on the highway and desert.
JUSTIN D. JUSNEY, Office. The bell was used to warn towns-
Available in 9 models, sleepers, half-cab-
Dimondale, Michigan people of impending attacks by hostile In-
overs, full cabovers. Write for brochures and dians. It was last used by the Postmaster
nearest dealer. KAMPERS KABIN, 15154 to announce the arrival of daily mail.
Bell Gardens, California
Eastern Artist Digs DESERT . . .
To the Editor: Enclosed is a cartoon which
Stop That Thief you might get a kick out of. I liked the Editorial Blunder . . .
With A September issue of DESERT and remarked To the Editor: In Kenneth Marquiss' lost
that, for me, there was more of interest to mine story in the September issue, he wrote
Lock Strap! read in it than in any of the other ten maga- that Dr. Susan's map was without compass
zines I subscribe to orientation, yet at the top of the one printed
$4.00 GARRETT PRICE, it says "East." Also, if that '51 jeep in the
Mystic, Conn. photo is a La Salle, I'll eat it in front of
Fits all G.I. cans, holders or carriers, steel Editor's Comment: Mr. Price is famous for your office!
constructed. Electric welded and bright zinc his hundreds of cover paintings and car- WINCH PARKER,
plated. toons published by the NEW YORKER. Blythe, California
Add 4 % sales tax for California. No. C.O.D.s Recently he illustrated a children's book, Editor's Comment: We had the right idea;
No Magic, Thank You, for Little-Brown just the wrong photo. Below is the La Salle
LOCK STRAP and is currently working on two more. The that should have gone with the caption.
329 W. Lomi'ta Ave., Glendale 4, Calif. cartoon referred to in his letter appears in Also the word "East" was misinterpreted by
this issue of DESERT Magazine. C.P. our artist. It should have ready "easy." C.P.


110 pages, illustrated, showing a method of relief for many common ailments
by applying compression massage on the nerve reflexes in the feet.
Price, $2.50 — Cloth Binding, $3.50 — German translation, $3 paperbound
107 pages, illustrated, $3.95 — Cloth Binding, $4.50 — Illustrated Chart, $1.
SET COMPLETE WITH CHART $6.45 Send NOW for FREE Circular giving details
EUNICE D. INGHAM Post Office Box 948 Rochester 3, New York

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