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Y2 Explorers

Y2 impressed Gilly and Miss Johnson with

their great noticing in the woods on
Wednesday. You can read all about it by
visiting the Y2

Forest School Dates
Forest School dates for this term
16th Sept year 1
22nd Sept CIRP
26th Sept Year 3
30th Sept Year 1
15th Oct year 4
16th Oct Year 5
21st October Year 1
22nd October year 6
Please can children bring appropriate
footwear e.g. wellies, boots or strong
trainers, and a warm coat when the
weather is colder.

Community Caf & McMillan
Coffee morning

The next Community Caf will be on
Wednesday 24
September from 9.00
10.30 am. Come and join us for a brew, a
chat and a bacon buttie. There is also
chance throughout the day to enjoy a
coffee and bun to raise money for the
McMillan charity.

Are you interested in
joining our PTA? The
PTA is a team of
parents and carers who
work with us to support
learning, activities and
fundraising. If you are
interested in finding out
more please see Lisa

Welcome Back!
Its great to be back and see you all again after the long
summer. Its certainly been a busy first week back! Many of you
have commented on how great the school, and in particular the
new extension, is looking and thats all thanks to the staff, who
worked incredible hard last week to ensure that the school was
ready for learning to begin again on Tuesday. Id like to thank
you all again for your patience and support this week as weve
tried to sort out some unexpected problems caused by the
building work it is really appreciated. If you noticed anything
that you think we need to change or look at please do come in
and let us know. Ive been really pleased and impressed by how
well all our classes have settled back into their learning this
week I think this could be the start of another great year!
Miss Dring
September 2014
Week 1
Contact us:
Bruce Avenue
Worsbrough Common
S70 4EB
01226 289989

Meet the Teacher
After school on Monday
is a chance for you to
meet your childs new
teachers. Drop into the
classroom from 3.30pm
to meet the teachers,
find out what to expect
for the coming year and
ask any questions you
have. Well also be
serving refreshments in
the hall.

Street Dance Fever
Dance fever has been sweeping the school this week Every
class has had a street dance lesson in the new sports hall with
Becky from Premier Team Coaching Heres a pic of Y5
perfecting their moves!

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