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Borough of Chambersburg

Office of the Mayor

Darren Brown

116 S 2
Street, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201-2512
Telephone (717) 261-3243 Fax (717) 261-3263
Thursday 18 September 2014
Public Opinion Newspaper
77 North Third Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Dear Editor,
On Monday, September 8th the Chambersburg Borough Council voted to defund the
SWAT team in a 6-4 vote. A major distinction between this vote and the two previous votes is
that this is the only time that all elected borough officials were present to participate in this
decision. I am in agreement with Borough Councils decision and I would have voted this way
had it been a split vote. My three primary reasons for doing so are as follows:
1. The SWAT team diverts the Chambersburg Police Department away from its primary
focus of standard law enforcement within the community.
2. It is a redundant effort that is already provided by the Pennsylvania State Polices SWAT
3. It will increasingly expand our budget through comp time that is generated by overtime
due to SWAT training.
The Chambersburg Police Department is composed of outstanding officers. They are
professional and diligent in enforcing the law. However the Chambersburg community does not
see them enough to see it. The publics primary interactions with them are negative ones such as
when an officer cites a citizen for violating the law or reporting to an officer after the citizen has
been a victim of a crime. Of course these practices must continue but I am implementing a plan
that is supported by this departments vision statement, which begins by stating, The
Chambersburg Police Department will work hand-in-hand with members of the community in
order to improve and enhance the richness of our quality of life...
The goal of this plan is to make the Chambersburg Police Department an integral part of
this community with familiar interaction among the public. In essence it is the concept of
Winning Hearts and Minds. In other words our officers are out among the citizens of
Chambersburg in a strategic and intentional approach. There are four specific activities that I am
establishing as priorities. None of them are actually new because they have all been done, to
some extent, in the past by this department. The difference is that they will all be enacted
together as a unified community outreach. They will act as the four points of a compass as they
function together in this effort.
Letter to the Editor: Direction for the Chambersburg Police Department page 2

The first and most important point of this compass is reestablishing the Crime Impact
Team as an active unit. The Crime Impact Team is primarily responsible for conducting drug
investigations within the Borough of Chambersburg. It also works together with the Franklin
County Drug Task Force, the Pennsylvania State Police, and the Drug Enforcement Agency in a
combined effort to stop the illegal distribution of drugs in our community.
During the late 1990s and early 2000s, a satellite police station was established in the
Southgate Shopping Center for the Crime Impact Team. The Chief of Police and I are looking to
use either this same location or another one in the south end. Reestablishing the Crime Impact
Team at a satellite station in this area of Chambersburg will increase police visibility as well as
lend to increased time for bike patrols.
The second point is increasing the part-time foot patrol. A dedicated walking presence
downtown would also aid in police visibility in the more heavily populated areas of
Chambersburg. As the officer goes about town then he or she gets to know individuals who live
and work in that area. This leads to regular interaction with and trust of this police officer. This
transformation ultimately produces vital information being given over to this foot patrol officer
that is then beneficial for investigation. He or she can also patrol in hot spot areas as the need
The third point is to have police officers teaching programs in our schools. When young
people interact with police officers in a classroom setting, then there is a positive attitude about
law enforcement that remains with the students.
One of our officers was recently certified to teach Impact Teen Drivers. It deals with the
biggest killer of teens in the United States of America, which is automobile collisions. This
program deals with aspects of distracted driving such as texting and talking to friends. The Chief
of Police and I are hoping that Impact Teen Drivers can be fit into CASHS schedule as early as
this school year.
The fourth point is to have police officers available at community event for the purpose
of connecting with the public. For example, events where tables are set up, such as Old Market
Day, we can have a table set up with pamphlets about safety for adults and coloring books for
children. I would even be glad to do free face painting at the booth in order to attract families.
These events are huge community outreach opportunity.
In order to move forward with this plan, the Chief of Police and I must work closely with
the Borough Council as well as the school district. I am very optimistic about this new direction.
I also ask for the support of the citizens of Chambersburg as we explore this endeavor.

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