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Poesies of THE TEXAS R.A.T.

(volume one)

Mused by Robin,
a Sugar Land Cutie thats a Bona Fide Texas Beauty

For as the dawns array glistens in the dew
like the stars awake by the moon charm too
so her lucent beauty inspires me through and through

And whenever she sings into the heavens it rings
with a beat so neat YHWH says
Oh Now Thats Sweet

This song bird
came into my life one day
I in awe as she flew away
oh one day that it might be
flies back to me

Cause just the presence
of her poise and grace
makes me aware
of each breath I take
as passion swells
from deep inside
like the shores over took
by the oceans tide

But living in the past is not for me
for in the present is where Ill be
as I live each day one at a time
in hopes shell in time want to be mine
For never a moment in time goes by
that thoughts of her are not aria
as she mused me muddlely
to mutter and mull muzzily
amidst my mad mind

Always & Forever,

P.S. with what time is left in store
from the essence of eternitys core
this day I before the Lord
vow to love you for evermore
for as when this life on earth is ore
and Ive passed through heaven door
there I shall love you
upon it celestial shore

Poesies of THE TEXAS R.A.T.
(volume two)


One day as a young lad
I was sittin on a stump looking so sad
confounded by the troubles I was having with the girls
for tryin ta figure em out had twisted my mind in twirls
when suddenly swooped a picturesque bird
asking why are you crying, just what had occurred.
As I told him of my disturbing alarm
laughing he replied no foul no harm,
boy what you need is a lucky charm.
Then he in one quick motion
poured upon my glasses a purple-red potion
saying now as you travel around this world
youll be able to discern all about these girls
by unveiling their natures right from the start
revealing clearly your true sweet heart.
I then went on my way living day to day
and as time past by, but no women had yet caught my eye,
I gazed into the Heaven above
asking truly is there such a thing called LOVE,
if so please send unto me the sign of a dove.
But the answer instead given before my eyes
was a lovely lady to my surprise.
And the fluttering of a doves wings is not what Id heard
but the shuttering of my heart while my emotions stirred.
As I was peering through my pince-nez prism
fixed with the phoenixs philter
that by physics penetrates past all facade piercing the physique
opening this phillis soul for a pleasing peep,
as her spirit illuminated a photo-electric display
mesmerizing me unto its brilliant array
hence upon whence the presence of she I did see
twas then that there until eternity I twill be
imbued with an ambiguous babbling ability
rhythmically rambling radical rhymes
craftily clicking clever chattery chimes
proficient poems progressing
profiling plentiful puns professing
thoughtfully thinking to talk turkey
hoping so of she that it twill be
to fondly dream of me.
As I wish not to presume
upon this story end
until it preludes
Ill rest my pen,

P.S. Asta La Luego
Poesies of THE TEXAS R.A.T.
(volume three)

[first song]

Well I aint never gonna be Nobody
if I donts writes me a #1 SONG
cause even with all my schooln
my plains keep coming out WRONG
but maybe with the FORTUNE of it ALL
I might be able to dirrect this WRONG
No I aint never gonna be Nobody
if I dont writes me a #1 SONG

Yeah -No I aint never gonna be Governor of Texas
if I cants writes me a #1 SONG
EVERYBODY tells me
that my minds just to FAR GONE
but maybe with the NOTIRIETY
I might fool em into thunkn theys WRONG
Yeah I might just be GOVERNOR of TEXAS
if I can writes me a #1 SONG

And I aint never gonna be Your Baby
till I writes me a #1 SONG
cause somehow with my charmen personality
I cant seem to WOE YOU ON
but maybe with the FAME of it ALL
when I writes me a #1 SONG


P.S. May the years fall upon us
gentle as the autumn leaves
in all their glorious colors
supply embraced within a breeze
and the memories flow
like a river through time
lofting our spirits
to heights
as I thank YHWH
you choose to be

Poesies of THE TEXAS R.A.T.
(volume four)


In your presence a rose has no essence
For as your spirit blossoms and emits a glow
each pedal eminently an aroma bestows
quit a sight to behold as the layers unfold
as the story is told about such beauty
that far surpasses and pales a rose

And you can tell em I said so,

P.S. ( The goldenest of the golden rules )
Theres two things upon One should know - naw three.
In Common as
One Two Three
All forth these shall cling

1) You can all day long 2) But as for unto
do Yourself wrong. this that of
thought so not wise Another yould do,
though! be Yea it known
as Etched-In-Stone
aint right
3) And last but not least
never to None
claim bad having done
until against You or Another
Theyve come

P.S.- [for] in addition
YHWHs Judgment
Holy accounts One to three,
yeah / naw? See!

Eternally ,
Celestial Gov,
Texas RebelAgainstTyranny

Poesies of THE TEXAS R.A.T.
(volume five)


About the time the sun goes down
I begin to scamper around
through the country and about the towns
carrying on like a clown
as if in a maze filled with fun
cruising the roads
playfully playing with puns
stopping therefore to turn on a dime
just to quote some silly rhyme
of again straight up into the night
turning left then right
by the moons bright
do the stars my pathway light
come by dawn
Im long gone
just like that
quotes I,
Texas R.A.T.

P.S. Eloah made Us a Diamond
within a chunk of coal
and through Yehoshua
He will help Us to Glow
so as if inlaid in a Ring of Gold
he who remains
the Splendor of The Anointed One will Show
for Others to see
and come to Know

P.S. of P.S.s I as the Poster Child
for Walking Dead Men
long to be
way back when
before the time
I began dabbling in Sin
in hopes there
a New Life to Begin
The Anointed One
Savior & Friend
please come unto Me this day
that I might be Born Again
in Your Consecrated Name, comes My Salvation Awmayn

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