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Independent Research

We will be dedicating a few class days (except test days) to conducting research on a
topic of interest to the student, NOT THE TEACHER. The aim is an obvious one:
1. Teach, practice, and hone sound academic research skills that is, sadly, missing from
the skill set of graduating students.
2. Bring us closer to reality by allowing ones interest to guide the investigation.
The research will be implemented in steps but extend outside the classroom. You will be
keeping Mr.V updated on your progress via online forms, during class sessions, and via
Schoology. There will be strict deadlines to meet, as in the REAL world, and they will be
recorded as part of your course performance. The end product will be a culminating piece of
academic work that will be your terms project. Dont let the deadline requirements deter you
from pursuing research into a topic of your choosing. The topic should be motivating for you.
Step #1: Identifying a topic and narrowing the focus. Gather sources.
In an attempt to simplify the process of choosing a research topic, Ive narrowed the field
of study in the following manner:
a. Time: Should fall within 3500 BCE - 1500 CE (Except for Native American topics,
which can date to 40,000 BCE).
b. Place: Native America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Southwest
Asia (Middle East, Mesopotamia, Fertile Crescent) North Africa, and SubSahara Africa.
c. Circumstances:
-Power and Authority
-Religious and Ethical Systems Revolution
-Interaction with Environment Economics
-Cultural Interaction
-Empire Building
-Science and Technology
d. In all of the items listed above, there have been pivotal historical figures. However, if
you choose to focus on a historical figure avoid pursuing a written biography of the
person. Our course has a greater scope than the relatively short life of an individual.
Instead, pursue your research of an individual through the events and changes they
contributed to.
Use the computer to perform a cursory search of historical topics on the Internet. Read and
ponder about these topics and then complete the Independent Research form found on this
Step #2:
-Begin analysis of sources.
-Refine the title and add, remove, replace sources.
-Outline/ Mindmap your thoughts.
Step #3:
-Finalize title.

-Finalize sources (3 sources)

-Construct an Outline in accordance with the MLA (Modern Language Association) standard.
Mr.V will provide resources. Must contain in-text citations.
-Construct a Works Cited page in accordance with the MLA (Modern Language Association)
standard. Mr.V will provide resources.
-Save the Outline and Works Cited documents within a single PDF file.
-Submit the PDF file by labeling it in accordance with the format shown below and depositing in
our shared Dropbox folder by the due date.

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