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Curriculum vitae

M SANDEEP Mobile No: +91-9494958490

Profession: RF Engineer Email id: Experience: 1! "ears
#areer $b%ec&i'e:
Dynamic, creative, motivated and goal-oriented telecom professional with experience in RF
Drive Testing of GSM&!DM" #etwor$, is see$ing an opport%nity to %tili&e my extensive
experience with an organi&ation'
To wor$ as an effective team mem(er to contri(%te the company)s growth (y hard wor$ and
To enhance technical and managerial s$ills and efficiency in con*%nction with company)s goals
and o(*ectives'
Professional Experience:
( )a'e 1! "ears of experience as RF Dri'e *es& Engineer in NE$*E+ NE*,$R-S
P'& +&d
Pro%ec&: NSN. (dea /0SM 1 2M*S3
4ob responsibili&ies+
!0 Exper&ise:
,hysical a%dit of site for physical implementation consistency chec$s'
S", !hec$ing d%ring SS- & RF ,hysical .ptimi&ation & Drive Test'
Drive Test and .ptimi&ation for GSM /00, 1200 M3& cell sites %sing T4MS'
,roposing antenna a&im%th, tilt, !hannel, "d*%sting handover etc
"naly&ing and ,ost ,rocessing of 5og Files'
Maintain and improve the 6ey ,erformance 7ndicators of the networ$ in terms of
!all 8loc$ing, Dropped !alls etc'
7dentifying site re9%irements for vario%s cl%sters in the networ$ and planning
sol%tions for them'
,reparing ,ower,oint ,resentation of ,re & ,ost .ptimi&ation Rx level & Rx
:%ality plots'
RF optimi&ation ; drive for cell sites'
7dentify poor coverage;9%ality areas and provide recommendations for improving
the same'
7dentifying site re9%irements for vario%s cl%sters in the networ$ and planning
sol%tions for them'
RF "cceptance testing for (oth :oS <Rx:%al, R=5ev> and :oS <4sta(-fail%re,
Drop call rate and 3andover fail%re>'
!ond%cting <S!FT& !5?ST4R DR7-4> Drive Test with T4MS 7nvestigation
drive test tools'
"nalysis of RF Drive Test generated thro%gh log files'
50 Exper&ise:
,erforming SS- drive, !l%ster ,re-drive, !l%ster .ptimi&ation and !l%ster Final drive
for the newly implemented sites'
.ptimi&ing and analy&es ,ilot !overage, RS!,, 4c;7o, ,ilot ,oll%tion, "ccessi(ility and
Mo(ility for -oice, ,S Services'
"naly&e all the @G parameter regarding Data and 7-R"T'
Defining Softer;Soft;3ard;7R"T handoverAs to respective neigh(ors
Dynamic drive to o(serve coverage parameters li$e ,S!, RS!, and 4c;7o'
To perform !l%ster Data and Scanner Drive on T4MS 7nvestigation and ,ost
,rocessing of 5og Files'
Swap testing and ,hysical .ptimi&ation'
"ttend !%stomer !omplaints'
Sof&6are . *ools 2sed+
Map info 2'B
T4MS 10'0'B,1@'1'C
T4MS Report for report generation'
Google 4arth
G,S <Garmin 1D, ED & EC channels>
(* S7ills:
.perating System + inE, in2, 57#?=, =,'
Data(ase + .racle <11g>, .racle D8"'
,ac$ages + MS .ffice, MS 4xcel'
3ave clear motive & goal'
Sincere and relia(le'
or$ with f%ll concentration & devotion'
7nnovative, intelligent, hard wor$ing'
Professional 89alifica&ion:
8'T4!3 in Elec&ronics : #omm9nica&ion Engineering d%ring the academic period
!;;9 -!;15 from F'#'T'?, 3ydera(ad
Event coordinator for TEXELLENCE2k12 at Anurag Engg College in
#artici$ated in the event %&TE 42nd ANN%'E(&A() conducted at C'&(
organi*ed +, Anurag -rou$ of %n.titution./'enkata$ur/0arch/2!12"
Personal (nforma&ion:
1ather. Na2e 3 0ALA'AT4 -O#AL"
5ate of 6irth 3 14!71889"
Nationalit,/ (eligion 3 %ndian/ 4indu"
Language. kno:n 3 Engli.h/ Telugu/hindi"
Addre.. 3 4"No3 212/ #andi2adugu ;vi</.irikonda
7 here(y declare that the a(ove information f%rnished in my c%rric%l%m vitae is tr%e
to the (est of my $nowledge'
Date+ <S"#D44, M>

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