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caUing yuvks to ^brist

APRIL 2004
Where I Spend Most Of My Time
What Would We Do Without Computers
And Sports Memorabilia?
"The book sales were tremendous." "The bookfair management did r^ give
permission to give out NTs for free, so we sold them for a minimal price."
"Abdullah, a teacher, bought NTs to give to all his teacher friends." "One
policeman got a NT for himself." "The tax collectors came and said that there
was a complaint. 'How could we sell NTs so cheap', and are we 'doing
something wrong'?" "One tax collector purchased a NT for himself." "Some
people came to the book stand to argue."
One of our worker families in Turkey filed the following report recently. "It
is with great rejoicing and thanksgiving that we write to you today. Our
prayers have been answered more abundantly than we could have asked for.
Elections were held, and the nezv mayor has agreed to give us a room to meet in
along with permission to have weekly Christian church-type meetings. Its a
very nice room with chairs and tables, and a smaller roomfor children. It is in a
great location. It is truly a miracle and really unheard of in the country."
The opening of the new school in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, has been
delayed again! Red tape, greed and propaganda (all the work of Satan) have
joined to cause the opening to now be scheduled for this fall. More
specifically, the school was inspected in February and it was discovered that
the wrong size doors had been installed!
This prayer letter is published and distributed by
Turkish World Outreach
508 Fruitvale Ct., Grand Junctioh CO 81504
caUin0 ywUs to ^bHst
>:ScAzi'n}cAjvjr3 ^w^j^,7y&?
FALL 2004
It was November of 1979 when the Holy Spirit led us to declare openly our
decision to "go into all the world" to make disciples, baptize and teach the lost
about Christ. In our case at that time it was Africa; now it involves Turkey.
This command of Christ (given to all of us) is as relevant today as it was in
1979 or 2000 years ago! We don't really have an option as to whether to obey
His command or not; we only have the option of deciding where we will do it!
Is it in the neighborhood where we live, or in the workplace, or is it
somewhere far away in the world? Where we will do it - not if we will do it!
As we made that decision years ago, we were convinced that it was the correct
decision and that it was also a long-lasting decision. Nothing has changed.
Yes, we did leave a comfortable life for some hard times, but never have we
felt that we should have done it any differently. We traveled widely and
asked many of you to help us financially in this endeavor. We asked also that
you pray for us "without ceasing". Many, many of you are still doing that:
praying and giving! We thank you sincerely for all you have done and
continue to do.
lu.i inr.*t!iu
'Jf "
Marti is
her classroom
for her
ninth year
of teaching
in the
school here
in Grand
We drove over 5000 miles and were in and out of eleven states on our extended
journey this summer. We stayed quite busy as we visited with friends,
interacted with family, had a couple of speaking engagements, worked on the
condo in Knoxville and, at the end, enjoyed a week on the beach with most of
the family.
Satan has reared his ugly head again! We have just learned that the Ministry
of Interior has appealed the recent court victory of the Batikent church (giving
it legal status) and are taking this fight to Turkey's Supreme Court. So, the
two year battle to become a legal entity has not ended! Let us pray that the
Supreme Court will not hear the case and that their legal status will be upheld.
We should all continue praying for the OASIS International SchooL located in
the capital city of Ankara, that the school will open on schedule. The building
is ready, the name is up and students (children of our workers) are enrolling.
A few things are still missing ... the work permits for the teachers and final
permission to begin instruction in September.
One of our workers recently wrote: In so many areas of our life we are under
attack^ but the mystery of Christ in us is that in every event we can see God at
work, and when it is not immediately obvious, we can still wait in faith to see
what wonderful things He will bringout of that situation." All of us would do
well to retain this attitude in our own lives every hour of every day!
The most exciting news of the decade involves Andrew and Carey. To
make a long story short, their first child (a little girl) is expected in
December! There aren't enough words to express our joy and thanks for
Stephen and Katherine (the twins) have already started school - the
sixth grade - in Stockbridge, Georgia. Stephen is a half inch taller than
Marti, and Katherine is within a half inch of Marti's height. Jeff has
been with Delta Airlines for nearly sixteen years, and Robbie is trying
to take care of all of them.
Russell, still with Community Tectonics Architects, has recently
relocated to middle Tennessee in their Nashville office.
Susan has started her eleventh year of teaching the fifth grade at Rocky
Hill Elementary School located in west Knoxville.
This prayer letter is published and distributed by
TURKisH World Outreach
508 Fruitvale Ct, Grand Junction, CO 81504

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