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Co-ordination of the Group of Notified Bodies
for the Construction Products Regulation
Issued 28 March 2014
$or%ing &ocu'ent
P(A) N*+,
To facilitate the 35
Advisory Group meetin on 10 April 2014! if "ational Mirror Groups or others #ish to
comment on this document! they are $indly as$ed to for#ard their comments in #ritin %efore the AG meetin&
'omments should %e su%mitted to '() Tech*ec +tech,sec-dti&d$.
!se of facilities outside the testing la-orator. of the notified -od./
This paper replaces the document NB-CPD 03/005r2.
1/ )cope
Article 4/ of '() allo#s under certain conditions notified %odies to carry out tests usin facilities
outside the la%oratory of the notified %ody&
0ne of the conditions is that the notified %ody shall be specificall desi!nated as competent to "or#
a"a from their o"n accredited facilities.
This paper aims at ivin uidance to notified %odies #hich have %een desinated as competent
accordin to article 4/+1.&
The desination of notified %odies accordin to '() article 4/ is the responsi%ility of the notifyin
authorities of the mem%er states& This paper is not intended to provide uidance to notifyin
authorities on the desination of %odies as competent accordin to article 4/&
2/ 0ustification
'() article 4/+1. mentions possi%le 1ustifications for conductin tests outside the testin la%oratory of
the "23
0n re4uest of the manufacturer
1. Technical reasons
2. 5conomical reason
3. 6oistic reasons
(ae 1 of 4
)eardin technical and loistic reasons! sector roups may define uidance for assessin reasons
that may ive sufficient 1ustification& *uch uidance should %e made specific to particular products
and7or methods&
The notified %ody shall $eep records of the manufacturer8s re4uest and the reasons 1ustifyin use of
facilities outside the testin la%oratory of the "2&
3/ +er'inolog.
'() article 4/+1. uses the term facilities outside the testin! laborator of the notified bod& 9or the
purpose of this uidance the term e$ternal facilities is used to cover the same! i&e&3
3.1. The manufacturin plant+s. usin the test e4uipment of the internal la%oratory of the
3.2. An e:ternal la%oratory! usin the test e4uipments of that la%oratory&
"/ Responsi-ilities
;se of e:ternal testin facilities does not chane the responsi%ilities for the tas$s descri%ed in '()
anne: <&
The relevant clauses of '() Anne: < are3
*ystem 1=3 '() Anne: < clauses 1&1 +%. +i. and 1&1 +%. +iv.
*ystem 13 '() Anne: < clause 1&2 +%. +i.
*ystem 33 '() Anne: < clause 1&4 +%.
The notified %ody ma decide to use facilities outside the testin la%oratory of the "2& "2s are
ho#ever not o%lied to use facilities outside its o#n testin la%oratory&
"otified %odies remain solely responsi%le for the correctness of the tests irrespective of the location
at #hich the testin is conducted&
5/ +echnical co'petence
The use of e:ternal testin facilities must not in any #ay reduce the credi%ility of the results of the
Testin should %e conducted in accordance #ith 5" I*07I5' 1>025&
The use of facilities testin la%oratory of the "2 must not in any #ay compromise the "28s
compliance #ith 5" I*07I5' 1>025&
'lauses of #hich the %ody should %e particularly a#are #hen usin facilities outside the testin
la%oratory of the notified %ody are3
?4&1&4 +identification of conflicts of interest.@
?5&2&1 +competence of personnel.@
(ae 2 of 4
?5&2&3 +supervision and competence of additional personnel.@
?5&3 +accommodation and environmental conditions.@
?5&5 +e4uipment.! and@
?5&/ +measurement tracea%ility.&
1/ General conditions
If usin testin facilities outside the testin la%oratory of the "2! the "2 shall follo# any conditions for
doin so that may %e set out in the harmoniAed standard& ;nless the harmoniAed standard specifies
other#ise! the use of e:ternal testin facilititesis dependent on the follo#in conditions3
3.3. The facilities are appropriate for the tas$ and all e4uipment cali%rated to the re4uired level1
3.4. The tests are performed in strict conformity #ith the testin procedure of the relevant test
standard! and@
3.5. A competent representative of the "2 shall %e in control of all testin! and the
representative shall have unannounced immediate access to the applica%le testin facility at
any time durin the testin period&
3.6. Appropriate measures are ta$en to avoid others +e&& the manufacturer. to interfere #ith the
test+s. or the specimen+s. durin the testin period&
2/ )pecific conditions guidance fro' )ector Groups
Bhen *ector Groups +*Gs. consider it necessary to ensure consistency! e4uivalence of operation
and7or credi%ility for a particular test or roup of tests! *Gs may ive uidance on usin e:ternal
testin facilititesmade specific to particular methods and7or products&
'ases #here supplementary uidance may %e necessary to maintain the credi%ility include3
3.7. Technical reasons that for specific products and7or tests may or may not 1ustify the use of
testin e:ternal testin facilitites
3.8. 6oistic reasons that for specific products and7or tests may or may not 1ustify the use of
testin e:ternal testin facilitites
3.9. tests that may %e particularly sensitive to the testin environment! etc&! and@
3.10.tests #ith a lon duration! re4uirin special provisions to ensure that others +e&& the
manufacturer. does not interfere #ith the test or specimen #hilst testin is under #ay&
"2s shall follo# any approved *G uidance applyin to all testin they underta$e& Co#ever! "2s
may perform testin usin the manufacturer8s facilities! in accordance #ith the a%ove uidance! in
the a%sence of a specific *G position paper&
3/ &isclai'er
The use of the manufacturerDs testin facilities does not3
In order to ensure that the manufacturer8s facilities remain #ithin cali%ration throuhout the testin procedure! it may %e
necessary to verify the cali%ration immediately precedin and follo#in the testin! or to cali%rate the facilities %efore
and after testin&
(ae 3 of 4
3.11. mean any su%,contractin of tas$s to the manufacturer
3.12.ive the manufacturer the status of a notified %ody! and@
3.13.mean the "2 merely #itnesses the testin&
"otified should ensure that manufacturers are a#are of the a%ove&
(ae 4 of 4

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