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2 Vol.

XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Look Both Ways Before You Cross the Road
for this very same reason. Chernow campus before, but not in front of the Relations, was reluctant to give any fur-
By Raina Bedford said she fears that students may be in Student Union. On Dec. 8, 2005 a car ther information on the proposed plans
danger of being hit by vehicles on that struck and killed Simona Grabocka on to close John S. Toll Drive to traffic.
road. Circle Road in front of Roosevelt Quad The plan is still in the development
Any student who’s crossed the street Farooq Zafar and his three friends near the bike path. A black silhouette stage and many of the details have not
between the Student Union and the know that fear all too well. Zafar said cutout remains at the corner where she yet been planned. It is also unclear
Melville Library during campus lifetime that two years ago while crossing John died. when the university plans to close the
knows what a pain it is to get cars to S. Toll Drive near the Physics Building, Since her death the University has road to traffic if they ever do.
stop at the crosswalk. he and three friends almost got hit by a increased the number and visibility of So it remains a brainchild of Cher-
“I feel bad you have to make the car. stop signs, and in 2006 even hired Wiley now, one proposal pending among
cars just start and stop and cut them “She stopped for us and then just Engineering P.C., a consulting engi- many. Maybe they will close of John S.
off,” said Victoria Goldenberg, a third started going again,” he said. “We came neers firm, to study pedestrian and Toll Drive to vehicular traffic, maybe
year student from Brooklyn. really close to getting hit.” driver habits on campus. The firm an- they won’t. Or maybe they’ll just build
“Maybe they can build a small For this reason Zafar said that clos- alyzed campus roads at peak hours and a small bridge instead.
bridge so we don’t have to stop cars, we ing the road to vehicular traffic is a found several areas of campus to be es-
can just walk over them,” she said. good idea but Goldenberg is not so pecially dangerous.
While this would solve the prob- sure. The intersections of
lem, Barbara Chernow, the Vice Presi- “I don’t really think they should Circle Road and
dent of Facilities, has an alternative close off a road,” she said. “What are John S. Toll Drive,
solution. She has proposed a plan to they going to do with the space instead? Circle Road and
close John S. Toll Drive to vehicular They should just build a small bridge Campus Drive, Cir-
traffic and instead only allow delivery for us.” cle Road at Roth
trucks to access the six loading docks Goldenberg’s opinion stems from Quad, Circle Road
located near the food centers at Jasmine her concern that campus traffic may at Engineering and
and the Student Union. worsen if John S. Toll Drive is closed. Circle Road at the
“I felt years ago that this was an area She said that the streets are already con- Kelly bus stop were
that perhaps pedestrians weren’t cross- gested with traffic, especially around all identified as
ing and looking as best they could,” peak times, and that closing off a street areas of concern by
Chernow said. like John S. Toll Drive may cause more the consulting firm.
Last year the university stopped problems than it solves. Lauren Shep- Pedestrians crossing Abbey Road
routing busses down John S. Toll Drive Vehicles have struck students on row, Head of Media

Students Go Gay for Marriage

presented to Stony Brook University New York Public Interest Research movement,” said Peck, the Editor-In-
By Najib Aminy President Samuel Stanley.
The vote, 38-24, marked the end of
Group. Senator John Flanagan, a repub-
lican of the 2nd district, had voted
Chief of Think Magazine. “There wasn’t
a time for the civil rights movement but
what looked to be a promising year for against the bill, despite receiving an es- it happened. These kind of movements
One week after the New York State same-sex marriage proponents, espe- timated $4,000 from similar groups. always happen in the middle of what
Senate voted against a same-sex mar- cially when gay rights organization LaValle, the republican incumbent of people say is not the right time.”
riage bill, Stony Brook students joined spent roughly $1 million in 2009 to the 1st district since 1977, also received Just hours after the state senate
together in front of the Kenneth P. $4,000 according to the NYPIRG re- voted, Newman created a Facebook
LaValle stadium in protest of Senator port. group that called for support of equal
Kenneth LaValle’s vote opposing the the LaValle’s office was contacted but rights and motioned for the removal of
bill. Students argued that LaValle’s vote would not comment on both the sta- LaValle’s name. Newman said he was
is one against equality and that the uni- dium protest and his position on the surprised by the reaction and feedback
versity should not honor someone marriage-bill. A statement was made the movement has gotten on the Face-
against equality. available on his website regarding the book page.
“History does not excuse purveyors bill and his stance which said that the “I have no expectations for how this
of hate because they built football stadi- support for gay marriage is equally di- fight will end up, but I think the ad-
ums or made the trains run on time, nor vided. ministration and Sen. LaValle may be
should it,” said Doug Newman, founder “I believe the next transitional step surprised how much passion there is in
of the Stony Brook Students for Equal- for gay and lesbian couples is civil it and how many people care about it,”
Carolina Hidalgo
ity. “It may, shamefully, still be accept- unions,” LaValle said in the statement Newman said. “I didn’t really see this re-
able to many in this country to deny on his website. “I believe this would be action coming and I doubt they did ei-
equality to people on the basis of their accepted by society and would provide ther.”
sexual orientation, but if we accept that, lobby for the bill, according to The New same sex couples equality of rights The stadium, which hosts a number
we will never change it.” York Times. under the law.” of Stony Brook athletic teams and com-
Members of the Stony Brook Of the three state senators in Suf- For Adam Peck, an organizer of the munity championship games, was com-
LGBTA, College Democrats, and the folk County, only freshman senator protest and petition, the notion that so- pleted in 2002. The stadium was named
student body came out last Monday Brian Foley, a democrat representing ciety is not ready for the change of after LaValle for his work in securing
calling for the University to change the the 3rd district, had voted in favor of the same-sex marriage, strongly resembles funds to construct the $22 million proj-
name of the stadium. The group of stu- bill. Foley had received roughly $17,500 the civil rights movement. “That argu- ect.
dents has started a petition that will be from gay rights groups, according to the ment could be made for any social
The Stony Brook Press News 3

Will There be Continental Breakfast?

research because I have a campus field
By Andrew Fraley site,” she said. “Many students tell me
that they didn’t even know salamanders
were on Long Island, let alone Stony
Caitlin Fisher-Reid is a PhD stu- Brook.” The area is also used by other
dent at Stony Brook in the department biology labs, such as BIO 352. Marvin
of Ecology & Evolution. The subject of O’Neal, course director for the Biology
her dissertation research has been the Department, urged the Administration
behavior of indigenous salamanders on to reevaluate their priorities. “I encour-
Long Island, from the red variety in the age Stony Brook to invest our current
west near Oyster Bay, to the black vari- resources into educating our students
ety in the east near the Pine Barrens. and supporting the teaching mission of
Right in front of the Main Entrance to our institution,” O’Neal said.
the University, in an 11-acre stretch of Other professors have attributed
forest, is a rare place where both vari- this controversy to the administration,
eties are numerous and active. “It’s one their priorities and practices. Jeffery
of my best sites,” she said. Unfortu- Levinton, distinguished Professor in the
nately, all of that will be destroyed with Ecology & Evolution department,
the planned construction of the new claimed that this has been a problem
hotel in that forest. since the previous administration.
The controversy surrounding the “Over the past 15 years, with regards to
plans for a hotel on campus have at- sustainability, landscape considerations, Roman Sheydvasser
The red tailed hawks, which reside in the forest, will soar no more once the area’s integrity is destroyed.
tracted a much larger audience than the and even ecology education on campus,
University Senate had originally antici- our administration has ignored two frey Levinton. “If you would have asked vironmental Conservancy. Some of
pated. The Town Hall meeting held Fri- basic actions: ask and listen,” explained a single ecologist on campus we would these alternative locations were even
day, December 4, had more attendees Levinton. Bowman and others have also have told you, it’s not just a spot you can proposed by a few speakers, including
than could fit in the originally sched- been actively involved with preserving clear out that has the effect, but it’s the several parking lots around campus,
uled SAC 302. The SAC auditorium that area and the rest of the Green Belt effect of noise pollution and distur- with displaced parking being made up
held over 150 members of the univer- for nearly 10 years. A motion passed by bance of the things surrounding it.” for with a new parking garage or un-
sity and surrounding community, many the University Senate in 2001, denotes Others brought up the questionable derground parking. Levinton, to much
of them outspoken in their opinion on the forests around campus as University action of the university in promoting it- applause from the audience, proposed
the new Hotel’s plans. Living Treasures, and resolves that the self as a sustainable university—by even building the hotel near the train station,
The Town Hall meeting, moderated University President must comply with going so far as to open an sustainable to encourage the use of mass transit.
by Michael Schwartz, President of the the State Environment Quality Review campus at Southampton—but not act- The location, however, is where the
University Senate, consisted of a debate Act. SEQRA requires an environmental ing on it. Michelle Pizer, a senior at ultimate problem lies. The ground lease,
between Barbara Chernow, Vice Presi- impact assessment before a state agency Stony Brook and president of the Envi- acquired 20 years ago by the university,
dent of Facilities & Services, and Mal- can proceed with any planned projects ronmental Club on campus, was the specifies the 11-acre woods. Both Cher-
colm Bowman, a Professor in the or activities. Chernow asserted that the first of several students to express con- now and University President Stanley
School of Atmospheric and Marine Sci- university has so far complied with cerns about the university’s preroga- have asserted that it would be virtually
ences and president of the Stony Brook SEQRA, and will continue to do so. tives. “As a school that claims to be part impossible. The current climate of the
Environmental Conservancy, followed Construction has yet to be under- of the solution, why are we contributing state legislature, according to Chernow,
by comments and questions from the taken until SEQRA is complete, but to the problem?” Pizer asked. “Stony would never allow for a new ground
audience. Chernow has stated that ground tests Brook should stop thinking green...and lease somewhere else. Bowman, on the
The primary issue at stake is the need to be made beforehand. Bowman, really act green.” Levinton also men- other hand, insisted that, according to
tract of land on which the hotel is set to however, began and ended his presen- tioned the hypocrisy involved with Senator Kenneth LaValle, instead of ac-
be built. The 11 acre stretch of forest in tation with the claim that no action may Stony Brook and Southampton. “Maybe quiring a new ground lease, the current
front of the main entrance is a small be taken before the SEQRA is complete. Southapmton will be Dorian Gray, and ground lease could be relocated with
part of the Green Belt, the area of forest According to SEQRA’s rules and regu- we will be the portrait that will gradu- relative ease. Any further action should
surrounding the university that acts as a lations, “A project sponsor may not ally deteriorate,” he quipped. be held off until all the options have
buffer it from the surrounding commu- commence any physical alteration re- Not every speaker spoke out against been sufficiently explored, according to
nity. It is by no means an insignificant lated to an action until the provisions of the plans, however. Representatives and Bowman.
part of the green belt, however. In addi- SEQRA have been complied with.” heads of the University Hospital, the “If we walk away from this devel-
tion to creating a buffer, the forest en- Other concerns include the envi- Long Island State Veteran’s Home, the oper, what we are saying is there is not
forces Nicolls Road’s tradition as a ronmental impact to the area, and Stony sports department, and the Center for going to be a hotel,” Chernow said. “Be-
non-commercial area. “It was designed Brook’s perceived commitment to sus- Excellence in Wireless and Information cause they’re not going to wait many
that way,” explained Bowman. “From tainability. Chernow asserted that the Technology all spoke of the hotel’s ne- many years after we have to wait many
Highway 25A to Route 347, there are footprint to the area will be minimal. cessity for visitors to the campus. Even many years for a new ground lease.”
places of worship, of school administra- Only 3.7 acres of the 11 are to be used those against it all recognized the hotel’s Stanley has said that he remains com-
tion, a firehouse, but there are no com- for the hotel. The rest will be kept to importance to the University, given the mitted to moving forward with the
mercial properties.” maintain the buffer, which will be a current economic crisis. The hastiness project. Bowman and others remain
The forest acts as an educational minimum of 175 feet from Nicolls with which the plan has proceeded and committed to convincing them that
area for biology undergraduates as well. Road. Several Biology and Ecology pro- the unfortunate location are the com- there are feasible and suitable alterna-
Fisher-Reid, who also teaches biology fessors insisted that the impact would plaints brought up by those who spoke tives, and have sent a letter signed by 43
undergrads, remarked that students are be greater than just the amount of forest out against it. Several alternatives have professors sent to the president.
surprised that she works so locally. “ I’m cleared. “It’s not just the footprint that been explored by members of the Uni- In the meantime, the red and black
able to include more undergrads in my’s the spillover,” described Jef- versity Senate and the Stony Brook En- Salamanders await their fate.
4 Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Editorial Board
Executive Editor
Andrew Fraley
Managing Editor
Najib Aminy
Associate Editor
Natalie Crnosija
Save the Red Tailed Hawks!
The university administration has the taxpayer. In our case, we’re losing an Because this is the fastest and easiest
Business Manager been pushing for the new hotel since important historical, educational, and way to get it done.
Erin Mansfield
they announced it, rushing headlong aestheticly forested area for a financial Several alternative locations have
Production Manager into its planning and development quick fix. already been proposed to the adminis-
Tia “Quark Ate My Soul” Mansouri without regards to the vocal opinions of Without giving the rest of the com- tration, but allow us to propose one.
News Editors others. Last Friday there was a mostly munity ample time to consider and dis- There is an undeveloped area of land at
Raina Bedford symbolic Town Hall meeting, in which cuss the plans, and to deliberate on the back of the South Parking Lot where
Laura Cooper
Vice President of Facilities & Services them, the university administration de- you could build it. Hotel patrons could
Features Editor Barbara Chernow calmly listened to the cided that this had to happen, and the take the express bus to get onto campus,
Ross Barkan grievances of students, faculty, and local only way it was going to happen was if it and then take it to get back. After all,
Arts Editor community members—with the occa- happened immediately. Apparently, this this is what commuter students, who
Doug Cion sional expression of support—before hotel cannot be built anywhere else, be- pay $5,000 a year, have to do 5 days a
Sports Editor telling them that she understood and cause a new ground lease at a different week. Seems fair to us.
Jason Wirchin agreed with them, but unfortunately location would be virtually impossible Several professors have been ac-
this was still happening. We’re re- to obtain, according to the administra- tively involved in a letter writing cam-
Photo Editor
Eric DiGiovanni minded of the Bush Administration’s tion. From what we’ve heard from sev- paign to Chernow and President
Roman Sheydvasser pushing for the Bank Bailouts at the end eral faculty and community members, Stanley, and we encourage students to
Copy Editors
of 2008; they both used a budgetary cri- there are a dozen feasible alternatives, get involved too. Let them know your
Kelly Yu sis to convince everyone involved that and relocating the current ground lease, opinion on this matter. They can be
Katie Knowlton this was absolutely necessary for the not getting a brand new one, is also a reached via email at barbara.cher-
Iris Lin
community’s survival, as disagreeable as possibility. If that’s the case, then why is and samuel.stan-
Webmaster it may seem. The end result of the the university pushing so hard for this, respectively.
Roman Sheydvasser bailouts was $800 billion wasted to keep hotel project, and not holding off for
Audiomaster the big banks afloat, all on the backs of other possibilities or further discussion?
Josh Ginsberg
James Laudano

Minister of Archives
Alex H. Nagler
“I Thought This Was America”
The decision by New York lawmak- wrong this was. We are now faced with As for the argument that marriage
Layout Design by ers to vote against same-sex marriage a similar dilemma. So how can we truly is a union under the holy teachings of
Jowy Romano goes against the principle that the say that America boasts equality when the major three monotheistic religions,
United States was founded on, and ig- Americans are being denied the right to the response is simple—there is a sepa-
Staff nores the successes and hardships of the marry? ration of Church and State. So when
Civil Rights movements of the 1960s. We pledge allegiance, at least from State Senator Ruben Diaz has been
Kotei Aoki Matthew Maran
Vincent Barone Chris Mellides The notion that this country is not kindergarten to high school, to the known for going on the record to vote
Laina Boruta Justin Meltzer
Matt Braunstein James Messina ready to deal with lawfully married American flag for which it stands…in- in the way of the bible, we must ask,
Michelle Bylicky Steve McLinden same-sex couples ignores the fact that divisible with liberty and justice for all. where is the separation between this
Tony Cai Samantha Monteleone
Alex Cardozo Roberto Moya society has already accepted this style of How is it that a matter like same-sex elected official and the church?
Lionel Chan Daniel Murray
Mike Cusanelli Frank Myles living. One’s sexual preference does not marriage has left us divided, with the Either you have marriage become
Caroline D’Agati Chris Oliveri
Krystal DeJesus Ben van Overmeier
make one right or wrong, human or in- liberty and justice of many Americans uniform and honor all unions, such as
Joe Donato Laura Paesano human. Rather, it should not be an in question? Iowa has done, or honor no marriages
Brett Donnelly Grace Pak
Lauren Dubinsky Tim Paules issue, period. One argument behind the vote and keep it equal, like Texas, only that
Nick Eaton Rob Pearsall
Michael Felder Kelly Pivarnik There was a time when being dif- against same-sex marriage claims that was unintentional.
Caitlin Ferrell Aamer Qureshi ferent meant you had to sit in different this isn’t the right time to introduce this In the end, one is entitled to their
Vincent Michael Festa Kristine Renigen
Joe Filippazzo Dave Robin sections, sip from different water foun- social change. This is a cop-out. Law- belief and should not be harassed for
Rob Gilheany Jessica Rybak
David Knockout Ginn Joe Safdia tains, and be subjected to a number of makers should not determine the right that. Similarly, one should be entitled to
Evan Goldaper Henry Schiller other discriminations. It took years of time for equality, liberty and the pursuit marry and should not be harassed for
Jennifer Hand Natalie Schultz
Stephanie Hayes Jonathan Singer protests and social action to realize how of happiness; the populous should. that.
Andrew Jacob Nick Statt
Liz Kaempf Rose Slupski
Jack Katsman Marcel Votlucka
Samuel Katz Alex Walsh
Yong Kim Brian Wasser
Rebecca Kleinhaut Matt Willemain
Frank Loiaccono Mari Wright-Schmidt
Kenny Mahoney Jie Jenny Zou

The Stony Brook Press is published fortnightly during

the academic year and twice during summer session
by The Stony Brook Press, a student run non-profit or-
ganization funded by the Student Activity Fee. The opin-
ions expressed in letters, articles and viewpoints do not
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The Stony Brook Press 5
E-mail your letters to letters
RE: “Maybe They Should’ve Aborted iCare…” / 20091119 / Samuel Katz / The Stony Brook Press

The Long Island Coalition for Life partnered with Human Life Alliance to insert the advertising supplement iCare into
The Statesman. Not surprisingly, this elicited some student complaints. Most notably from Ms. Meghan Shalvoy who is
offended by the pro-life supplement, complaining that it is “clearly promoting an agenda.”
Let’s take a look at Ms. Meghan Shalvoy’s neutrality on this issue. Ms. Shalvoy is involved with the Feminist Major-
ity Leadership Alliance (FMLA). FMLA is part of the Feminist Majority Foundation which, according to the FMF web-
site, has a campus program “to inform young feminists about the very real threats to abortion access... posed by
right-wing extremists.“ The website further states that the FMLA works “on a range of feminist issues, with reproduc-
tive rights as the cornerstone of the Choices Campus Program.”
Finally, Ms. Shalvoy’s brief bio on her MySpace page says, “Interning at Planned Parenthood.” That would presum-
ably be an affiliate of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation’s largest abortionist, which commits more
than 300,000 or nearly a QUARTER OF ALL U.S. ABORTIONS in 2007 (PPFA’s annual report).
One can go to to see the undercover tapes of Planned Parenthood employees ignoring state laws to
report possible statutory rape of minors. Or learn from the latest Planned Parenthood defector, Ms. Abby Johnson, about
the drive to do more abortions at the Planned Parenthood office where she worked. So, is Ms. Shalvoy’s blatant pro-choice
agenda acceptable while our pro-life agenda is not? Are we to blindly believe her “fact” sheets while dismissing pro-life
information as just mere “propaganda” (a description attributed to The Statesman editor-in-chief Bradley Donaldson)?
Ms. Shalvoy says iCare is “not science.” What exactly is it in the supplement that is false? We welcome a debate.
Quite frankly, we don’t understand why people think pro-lifers need to lie. If women did not suffer physical and emo-
tional pain from abortions, abortion would still be wrong because it kills an innocent human being (biology 101). If
there were no link at all between abortion and breast cancer we would still speak against abortion because it denies the
fundamental human right to life. And finally, if abortion doesn’t kill preborn infants, why would we even be bothering
with this issue. We have nothing to gain by pretending life begins at conception, only to spend our time arguing with an
individual who proudly proclaims a right to kill her very own flesh and blood offspring within her very womb.
Ms. Shalvoy calls the ad insert “biased and sensational” and is concerned that it is “potentially harmful to the health
of its readers.” However, Ms. Shalvoy’s biased and inaccurate attack on ads like iCare and her attempt to block them
from publication are harmful to the health of Stony Brook University students.

Peace begins in the womb.

Celeste Broyles, PhD
Jerome B. Higgins, DVM
Long Island Coalition for Life, Inc.

Celeste and Jerome,

Since your letter is mostly directed at Ms. Shalvoy, we’ve decided to let her respond directly to your criticisms, especially
since you make some pretty bold attacks on her credentials. If you have anything more to say to us, by all means do. We
would love to hear from you again. We can respond to you ourselves then. In the meantime, it appears we’ve run out of

Peace begins in your mom’s womb

e Stony Brook Press

Re: Long Island Coalition for Life LTE

If you have even the most basic understanding of the abortion debate, it’s clear that it has been one of the most di-
visive issues of the last half century, with little consensus to be had between the two sides. The Long Island Coalition
for Life—a network of anti-choice organizations and crisis pregnancy centers—has the express right to promote their
agenda to protect life, just as I do to defend access to comprehensive reproductive health care for women. Their letter
to the editors of the Stony Brook Press attacks a neutrality on the subject that I never claimed to represent. Better than
neutrality, the campaign aims to spread awareness of fact-based information that assists our community with making
important personal decisions. Instead of simply standing behind their position, however, the Coalition has taken the po-
sition to personally attack me for mine. I did in fact intern at Planned Parenthood a year ago because I believe in their
mission, yet I don’t see how this makes my position less valid in any way. Furthermore, the Coalition is not a part of our
campus community, and yet questions my right to organize within it. Also missing from the Coalition’s letter is any di-
rect defense or validation of any of the information from “iCare.”
If the Coalition were members of the Stony Brook campus, they would easily have access to the information I have
been distributing over the past several weeks. I would simply like to spread awareness to the Press’ readers that all of the
services offered by crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) like the Long Island Life Centers are available on campus. As part
of the comprehensive medical care offered at the Student Health Center, the Women’s Center offers a range of women’s
health services including pregnancy testing and counseling. Both the University Counseling Center and the Center for
Prevention and Outreach provide an open and free counseling resource for a variety of issues including sexual health,
pregnancy and relationships. The Interfaith Center provides a spiritual resource for the campus, representing the major
religious perspectives in our community, and students can receive religious counseling from clergy representing the
faith of their choice, as opposed to the volunteers that staff CPCs.
If you are interested in more information or want to get involved, please contact me at
Request an ad packet:
Meghan Shalvoy
Senior, Women and Gender Studies
6 Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The Great Debate

the current reform is puzzling, the de- “Neither you or your doctor can penditures have increased faster than
By Najib Aminy bate is nothing new.
do anything without the approval of
insurance companies,” Robbins said.
the rate of inflation since the 1960s,
according to Dwyer.
Since the administration of Presi- “We are naïve to believe that insur- “It really takes people to feel the
dent Harry Truman, health care re- ance companies are this benevolent pain before they realize they need
When Judit Castello came to form has been brought up time and organization looking out for our own change,” said Dwyer, a former senior
Stony Brook University as a visiting time again. Because of the business good. They are looking for their own economist in the Social Security Ad-
researcher, she had done her studying. and political interests that come along profit and their own shareholders.” ministration. “The culture is that we
Only, it wasn’t for any related course- with healthcare, any true reform has Ultimately, what Robbins argues only embrace government interven-
work that Castello studied. It was the been limited at best, says Dr. Charles that is the current system of health tion when we realize we need them.”
United States healthcare system that Robbins, Associate Dean of the care, which is driven by market forces, Because healthcare is market
she looked into before leaving from School of Social Welfare at Stony is not working. The profits of one based, in that the majority of care
her native country of Spain. Brook University. company will determine who gets providers are through private insur-
“I was never worried about these “Healthcare is big business. what coverage, what rates are offered, ance companies, much of the avail-
things because I know the other Eu- Healthcare is money. It is the largest and most of all, the affordability. ability and efficiency is determined by
ropean countries have universal sector of our gross national product,” *** profits. If insurers find that they are
healthcare,” said Castello, a 30-year- Robbins said. “There’s an incredible At the core of this reform lies pol- taking too many demanding highrisk
old PhD student who attends Maas- pressure on elected officials to main- icy, a term that Dr. Sabatini Dwyer, patients premiums for the average,
tricht University in the Netherlands. tain the status quo, to tweak it a little chair of healthcare policy and man- healthy American would increase to
“But here, even if I am covered and bit, to make people believe that you agement at the School of Health Tech- maintain a profit.
everything is fine, I still have to know are changing something, but not nology and Management, says is both But in the past, there have been
who is my insurer, what I have to do, changing it fundamentally.” overlooked and ignored. Policy, as times where the government set up
that was kind of difficult to get into The Washington Post reported Dwyer defined during a healthcare programs to help deal with the higher
this healthcare world.” that the insurance industry has spent seminar for students, is the deliberate risk patients and work towards in-
For Castello, who is nearing the roughly $1.4 million a day attemptong plan to guide decisions to achieve a creasing availability, easing the bur-
completion of her research on serv- to influence the outcome of health- rational outcome. This simple defini- den from the private sector and
ices to help the disabled in find jobs, care reform. This, according to Rob- tion, Dwyer says, goes a long way into providing care to those in need. The
the United States’ system of healthcare bins, is just one part of the problem. understanding the core of the health- implementation of programs such as
may seem foreign, but even to Amer- The other falls in line with a cul- care debate. Medicare, which provides funding to
icans, the current debate of health tural belief to keep that government According to this definition, ra- those 65 and over as well as residency
care reform is just as puzzling. In a re- should stay away from business. “Peo- tional outcomes, as Dwyer discussed training; Medicaid, government fund-
cent 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair poll, ple don’t want to be told what to do, in her lecture, was to be determined ing for low-income households; and
roughly 70 percent of Americans they don’t want anyone getting in by society through, in America’s case, employer tax incentives have been key
polled could not explain what the their business,” Robbins said. With elected representation. At the end of components of what Robbins calls so-
“public option” was. healthcare reform, Robbins says that this all, the point Dwyer emphasized cialized health care.
Part of the reason why the debate many Americans fear that the govern- was that behind every policy is a clear But when arguements against re-
over healthcare reform is so complex ment will get in the way of their objective, and in the case of health- form are brought forth, such as, that
is because of varying interests, com- health and their doctor, but that they care reform, is to lower costs. This the government is seeking to have full
parisons to international systems, and fail to realize the involvement of these comes after the fact that since 2000, control over healthcare, Robbins says
differing policies within the reform insurance companies in the same sce- premiums have increased at a rate that these are inaccurate and mis-
currently on the Senate table. While nario. faster than before, while health ex- guided.
The Stony Brook Press Features 7
“These are scare tactics going Dwyer suspects that,
back to the Clinton reform, the reality given the public option, those
is what they are describing is what the who are currently insured, ei-
Medicare program is or Veteran As- ther independently or
sistant programs,” Robbins said. “To through their employer, will
call the health reform socialism likely remain unaffected if
wouldn’t make sense.” the health reform were to
*** pass. “The way the law is
Roughly one month ago, the written, large employers are
House had passed their version of the discouraged to participate in
health care bill, 220 to 215 votes. All the public option,” Dwyer
but one republican had voted against said.
the legislation while 39 democrats The Senate is currently
had voted against the bill. debating whether to drop the
Currently, there are revisions public option and replace it
being discussed to H.R. 3962. Ini- with a government moni-
tially, a “single-payer” system was tored, private-run, non-
thrown around in the beginning of profit system.
the summer. However, that has now ***
been reduced to a public option that Having experienced a
critics now say has been watered universal healthcare system
down. in Spain, Castello, who also
“The public option is for people has private insurance, finds it
have no other way of getting insur- confusing that people would Najib Aminy
Judit Castello
ance,” Robbins said. “Whether they be against a universal system.
can’t afford it, don’t qualify for Med- “I cannot possibly understand is that we want to make insurance af- of what’s going on in France. We
icaid, or have a condition that would why people would be against having a fordable, to have a balance of private want the plans at the top of the list.
have them paying high expenses at a public sector. Some people want it and public,” Ramanathan said. “We We are not choosing that,” Ra-
private insurer, it’s a pool of last re- private, fine, sure why not? Why are not doing that by increasing the manathan said. “It’s misguided to
sort.” should it prohibit someone from hav- tax on Cadillac [high premium] think we are going towards a Euro-
This would free up, according to ing public insurance?” Castello asked. healthcare plans. These taxes increase pean model. We are going towards a
Robbins, the demanding patients that “I am also willing to pay taxes so cost on private insurance.” very strange, different, absolutely cat-
were once covered by the private in- someone, not as fortunate as me, can Ramanathan argues that with the astrophic model, as far as I see it.”
surance companies resulting in prof- have access to health care.” increase of this tax, private insurers ***
its for these insurance companies. Stony Brook junior Aditya Ra- will be looking to charge more, be- The question that remains unan-
“Initially, the public option was to be manathan believes, having a govern- come less likely to cover high risk pa- swered is how the American populous
done in a manner that was cheaper ment-run healthcare option would tients, and have employers drop from views healthcare. Is it a right or a
than the insurance companies,” said severely limit insurance companies, private coverage to a public-run op- commodity? Other issues that factor
Robbins, who was involved with the and is a misguided attempt at true re- tion. into this debate also range from the
Clinton healthcare reform of the early form. “The public option is not just cultural aspects of health in America.
1990s. “But if your people are high “The public option won’t make going to cover 40 million uninsured,” Should there be an increased focus on
demand, to run it at a cheaper cost is the healthcare costs go away,” said said Ramanathan, a Biochemistry preventative care to avoid chronic
highly unlikely and just about impos- Ramanathan, a member of the Stony major. “It will be covering a lot more diseases and illnesses? As of now, the
sible.” Brook College Republicans. “The idea high risk patients and be a lot more support and opposition amongst the
expensive than imagined.” American people for health care re-
The alternative to form is roughly the same. Some are
taxes on the higher-priced worried by the price it may cost the
plans would be to open country.
competition rather than re- Independent research by the
strict business with taxes. Congressional Budget Office done in
Private insurance compa- early October found that the Senate
nies, for the most part, op- healthcare bill, at the time, would cost
erate at a state level. They roughly $850 billion over 10 years and
are faced with competition cut the federal deficit by $81 billion,
only in that region or state. all while expanding those who are in-
This competition does not sured in America to 94 percent.
cross over state borders It remains unclear as to what will
and allows companies to happen with the House version of the
essentially run premiums health care reform bill and what the
with less competition. Senate will do.
Ramanathan argues As for Castello, who will return to
that, by opening competi- the Netherlands to continue her stud-
tion and freeing up the ies, the differences of healthcare be-
market, the system of tween the United States and Europe
health care wouldn’t need were part of her educational experi-
the giant overhaul that is ence at Stony Brook.
being proposed, and prices “Its very interesting to see how all
would lower due to the in- these different systems work,”
creased competitiveness Castello said. “I think it’s all due to
among companies. culture.”
Najib Aminy “We want the model
Dr. Charles Robbins
8 Features Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Call of Foody: Modern Warfare

The surveys and interactions with students that

By Laura Cooper
took place with representatives of the Faculty Student
Association found that Stony Brook students had
three main concerns regarding the new campus food
Emma Backfish, a Stony Brook University senior, provider on campus. These concerns included having
winced as she dropped a plate covered in tortilla chips, a more “hands on” customer service atmosphere, ad-
sour cream and crumpled napkins into the garbage vancing environmental concerns and lowering prices
during lunch time on a Tuesday morning in early Oc- on campus. A Meal Plan Resolution Committee was
tober. also created as a forum with the hopes that the new
“I can’t believe I even ate that,” she said. “I know provider could fix problems right away.
it’s bad, but we really don’t have a choice.” “Students had many concerns but obviously, due
Backfish’s concerns echo those of fellow Stony to the economy, their ability to stay on budget was a
Brook students – many feel that the food on campus is huge issue,” said Villacci. “They’d either have many
both disgusting and expensive, but they have no meal points left at the end of the semester or none at
choice but to eat it. all. There was very little in between, and this made
Stony Brook University has had problems for students upset.”
years with student unrest regarding food prices, qual- According to both Bikkani and Villacci, one of the
ity and variety of food available on campus. main reasons Lackmann was chosen was because it
Chartwells, which had provided Stony Brook with provided the soundest plan to help students stay on Roman Sheydvasser
campus food for years, was infamously known by stu- budget. Lackmann is providing combination meals
company providing money to Chartwells.
dents for charging high prices for its food, such as the daily for a fixed price as well as displaying signs sug-
“We are two separate, independent companies,”
price of salad by the ounce. It was clear that students gesting meals that are “budget friendly.” In addition to
said Rudolph. “Compass allows us to do what we
were dissatisfied with the service. When there was a the signs there are placards by the register describing
want, they don’t interfere. They manage $20 billion in-
new contract opening for food services at Stony how many points students should have at this week in
ternationally. They told us ‘Do your business, we’re
Brook, it was not Chartwells, but Lackmann Culinary the semester to stay on track with specific meal plans
here to support you’.”
Services that won an excruciating bidding process to until the semester’s end.
Many students couldn’t even tell that there was a
provide dining services in the campus for the coming Both Villacci and Bikkani praised Lackmann for
new provider on campus. While it was evident when
years. its work in crafting a budget for its students. However
the campus switched from Coca-Cola to Pepsi a year
Officials said that the bidding process itself took the small signs by the register that provide insight into
earlier, students seemed to believe the campus was just
months and involved meetings with potential campus meal point usage are eclipsed by boxes of candy, are
adding new concepts and not really changing anything
food providers, trips out of state and drafting detailed outdated or are falling off. The signs are so small that
plans. “The bid took place to be fair to all the compe- when asked if they had seen them, six out of ten stu-
Living on campus, Frank Loiacono, a senior En-
tition,” said Dawn Villacci, Faculty Student Associa- dents said they hadn’t and out of the remaining four,
gineering student from Manhattan, said he had no
tion representative and customer advocate in charge two said they hadn’t read them.
choice but to eat campus food. “Seven dollars for a
of organizing the bid committee. “We wanted to offer Lackmann and the committee prided themselves
sandwich is ridiculous,” he complained. Though Loia-
new programs because we knew students were un- on its program known as “three under three,” meaning
cono has a car, he said it is often hard to get off cam-
happy with the quality of dining on campus.” that the meal was under $3 and 300 calories. These
pus on breaks between classes and that trekking back
The bid committee was made up of 14 stu- snacks include small wraps, fruit and desserts in on-
to his dorm in Kelly is both time consuming and
dents, including undergraduate chair Abhi Bikkani. the-go containers.
pointless to make his own food in such a short amount
These students took visits to other state schools in- Villacci said another aspect important to the com-
of time.
cluding University of Massachusetts at Amherst, the mittee was the availability of “grab and go items.” After
“I asked for ham and turkey, so they gave me half
University of Rhode Island and the University of Con- the research revealed that students had to be able to
of each,” he said of his sandwich purchased from the
necticut, said Bikkani. The committee tasted food and take the food with them to their dorms or activities
Union deli. “They used to give me double the size of
interacted directly with each other to draft a contract on or off campus, the idea of fresh grab and go food
what a regular sandwich would be.”
before it was presented to Lackmann. The intent was was central to Lackmann’s plan.
Rudolph was optimistic about how students
to see if Stony Brook could house an “all you can eat According to Joseph Rudolph, the Stony Brook
would react to Lackmann’s performance during its
style service,” which each of these colleges had. Sur- representative for Lackmann, the main idea was keep-
first year at Stony Brook University. “We encourage
veys Villacci conducted among students suggested ing all the food and production local in order to lower
feedback with comments,” he said. “We have manage-
that a buffet style was something students wanted. prices overall.
ment photos posted and encourage that if there is an
Chartwells, had its contract extended—much “Our motto is that we are fresh, local and fo-
issue, to take it straight to the manager. It is very im-
to the students’ dismay–to let the bidding process play cused,” Rudolph said. “We have moved the production
portant to use to bring higher level service, service
out. “It was very important to explore all the options, of many things that used to be outsourced on campus.
with a smile and to provide an eating facility that re-
we needed more time,” Villacci said. Grab and go is all manufactured here, and we began
flects these values.”
After visiting schools around the Northeast and two fresh bakeries on campus, one in the Union and
Lackmann is in the process of retraining the staff
meeting with several culinary providers, the bid com- one in Kelly Quad.”
to provide “hospitable service” to the student body,
mittee found that Stony Brook did not have a large Though the idea was to bring higher quality at a
Rudolph said. The entire staff that worked under
enough facility to have hundreds of students eating at lower price by baking bread buns, cookies and snacks
Chartwells was hired under Lackmann. “We have to
once. on campus, students are not impressed.
create a consumer-friendly culture in our facilities,”
“At Stony Brook University, our students are used “The food is not exactly good,” said Maria Del
Rudolph said. “It will not happen overnight, but it will
to flexibility,” Villacci said. “You can’t bring things out Mar Piedrabuena, a senior Women’s Studies and jour-
of all you can eat. Our students need to be able to take nalism major. “The other day I got chicken pot pie at
For now, students say prices are high, food qual-
things on the go.” In an all you can eat buffet style din- the Student Activities Center and it had one piece of
ity is low and food even runs out in certain places on
ing hall, leaving the hall with food is not permitted. chicken and one carrot. It was six dollars! It was so dis-
campus during the weekend. When Rudolph was
As a result, the months of visits and meetings with gusting, I had to throw it out.”
asked about this he said, “I did not know about that. It
buffet style culinary providers became useless. The Lackmann also provides food to Adelphi Univer-
is important that students keep us involved and tell us
committee decided it was more practical to stay with sity, Hofstra University and SUNY New Paltz. The
about these things. We want to know what you think.”
a full retail plan to provide more flexibility. company is supported by Compass, Inc, the same
The Stony Brook Press Features 9
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Submitted For The Approval Of The Midnight Society

5 More Suitable Locations for a Hotel on Campus

1. On Top of South P Lot 2. Ashley Schiff Park Preserve

Just build the hotel on the South P Lot, sillies! It’s fucken’ huge! The Ashley Schiff Park Preserve is another obvious choice. It’s not
Any displaced parking could be relocated to the Good Steer, protected by any law, so it’s a sure thing! And who’s gonna put up a
over in Lake Grove. They’ve got plenty of parking. Commuter fight? Those hippy dippy Ecology professors? A judicial application
students can utilize the Suffolk County transit system to get of pepper spray and stun guns will take care of that nuisance! Then
back to campus. It only costs a dollar with your Stony Brook ID. you can name it the “Ashley Biff Park Preserve”! Get it?
What a brilliant idea! Why didn’t you guys think of that?
4. Roth Pond
3. Planet Hoth

A well fortified secret hotel on the remote ice planet Hoth. You Go Atlantis style with this one. An underwater hotel would be a
could easily evade the Imperial Starfleet, and the rebels have an smash hit! And think of all the diverse ecology in that pond you could
energy field strong enough to deflect any bombardment. display through the viewing areas!

5. The forest in front of the main entrance

It’s perfect! Patrons could come with their tents and sleeping
bags, and just simulate a campout and stuff. Get in tune with na-
ture and all that. You could house salamanders, and hawks, and
all sorts of other wildlife there as well. Exploit that untapped mar-
ket! This is the best idea yet!
10 Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Journeying to the Heart of the Hungry Soul
We are a hungry writing. Hunger saps all strength. Hun- pain of living meal to meal. His narrator starvation. The study aimed to discover
nation. We are gry people cannot fight back, combat wanders the city of Oslo without money the best ways to feed survivors of
hungry for suc- injustice, or even laugh at the world or comfort, moaning in the mire of famine, especially those in Europe in
cess, for honor, for around them, perhaps the most impor- dreadful, soul shattering poverty. His the wake of World War II. Thirty-six
wealth and tant thing of all… hair falls out, his body shrinks, and his men volunteered for Keys’ experiment.
for…food. Yes, the Let’s imagine hunger. Let’s imagine world fills with blood, vomit, and nau- As the participants found their rations
United States— starvation. There are the obvious ills: sea. Hunger destroys him. He can’t drastically cut, they first lost their li-
Ross still the wealthiest weight loss, depletion of vital nutrients, think. He can’t act. bidos. Extreme weight loss destroyed
Barkan nation on planet and a faltering immune system. Pro- While the trials of this narrator sexual desire. Strength dissipated. Men-
Earth—is strug- longed starvation is detrimental to the might be more extreme than the battle tal concentration wavered. Bob
gling to feed millions of its own citizens. mind. Months of semi-starvation re- impoverished Americans wage against Willoughby, one of the test subjects, de-
Hunger is far from dead in this new scribed the genesis of a new outlook,
century. “We were no longer concerned about
According to a report by the Depart- the problems of the world. We weren’t
ment of Agriculture, the number of as concerned about helping others. Our
Americans in households that lack con- thoughts were dominated by food.”
sistent access to adequate food skyrock- When coffee and tea were eventually
eted in 2008 to 49 million. This is the the only luxuries they were allowed,
highest number since the government some participants resorted to chewing
began tracking “food insecurity” 14 gum madly. One consumed 18 packs in
years ago. About a third of this 49 mil- a single day.
lion struggled with “very low food se- Behavior grew increasingly irrational,
curity,” meaning a lack of resources especially when food was nearby. One
forced families to skip meals, eat smaller participant shoplifted potatoes, carrots,
portions, and forgo future meals. The and onions, the basis of the prescribed
other two thirds had enough to eat but diet in the study. When the starvation
only by eating a cheap, unbalanced diet stage finally ended, the rehabilitation
and relying on foods stamps and food stage began. For some of the men, it was
pantries. the most psychologically trying time.
Even more upsetting is the 506,000 One participant, Sam Legg, chopped off
households containing children who three of his fingers with an ax. He was
face “very low food security.” The trou- never sure if it was accident or not.
bling figures are the result of rising food Many other participants were despon-
prices and a souring economy. No dent about their ongoing hunger, even
wealthy industrialized nation should when salvation was so close. They could
have to struggle to feed its own citizens. think of nothing but food.
In a time when science and technology The experiment led to a far greater
can make almost anything seem possi- understanding of human starvation on
ble, the dinner plate should not still be both a physical and psychological level.
empty. The two volume, 1,385 page report ti-
At the most basic level hunger, next to tled The Biology of Human Starvation
thirst, is what drives human beings. opened the eyes of a nation to the vis-
When we are fed, we are productive. ceral nature of starvation. Today, we
When we are not fed, we are angry, de- should remember the experiment. The
pressed and weak. And then we die. American Hunger participants eventually recovered and
Though people will try to rationalize lived healthy lives. They were lucky.
what politicians, economic systems, and Their hunger was only temporary. For
institutions they believe are just, all that sults in depression, hysteria, and severe hunger, the point of the novel remains the millions without access to consis-
truly matters is who or what is best at emotional distress. The mind and body valid. We give too little attention to the tent, nutritious meals in this harsh eco-
putting bread on the dinner table. are burning away. problem of hunger and the effects it has nomic climate, hunger is perpetual.
Everything comes down to bread. We “I clenched my fists madly, started on society. The sufferings of third world There is no reprieve.
are nonequilibrium thermodynamic crying from sheer helplessness, and countries are acknowledged, though Congress and President Obama
systems in need of energy. The average gnawed like a man possessed. I cried so not alleviated. Living near starvation is should make alleviating hunger a top
voter could care less about Republicans much that the bone became wet and thought to be impossible in the mod- priority. Federal nutritional programs
and Democrats as long as the money messy with tears. I vomited, swore, and ern, industrialized state. Those who are should be expanded. Stimulus money
exists to buy food. chewed again, cried as if my heart well-fed struggle to understand the should ensure that virtually all citizens
Hunger! Nothing is as physically and would break, and threw up again. Then physical and psychological hell that are able to earn a living wage. A living
psychologically debilitating as hunger. I swore aloud and consigned all the hungry people deal with daily. They wage is not just enough to scrounge to-
If only every individual could under- powers of the universe to hell.” These struggle to even understand the possi- gether a meager meal to feed a teeming
stand how horrific hunger can be. If are the words of the unnamed narrator bility of such hunger. household. A living wage is much more.
only they could know what people in Nobel Prize-winning Knut Hamsun’s In 1944, physiologist Ancel Keys led No American should have to fret about
across the nation and earth endure 1890 novel Hunger. Perhaps no writer an experiment at the University of Min- where their next meal is coming from
every single day. In a world of hunger, ever captured the sickening sensation of nesota to study the effects of starvation or when they will eat again.
there is no time for philosophical re- hunger—that great death spiral—better on the human body. Before then, little Deliver every citizen from hunger,
flections, comedic musings, whimsical than the Norwegian Hamsun. Once an scientific research had been conducted Mr. President, and you will actually be
reveries, and essays such as the one I am impoverished writer, he understood the about the penetrating torture that is changing something.
The Stony Brook Press 11
Afghanistan: A Kafkaesque Nightmare
As Gregor tragic tale. He is the
Samsa awoke one protagonist who
morning from un- drives away his own
easy dreams he demons by occupy-
found himself ing himself with
transformed in his other people’s prob-
bed into a gigantic lems. Gregor is frus-
Sam Katz insect.” These fa- trated with his job,
mous words that yet he spends his
begin Kafka’s mas- time thinking about
terpiece, ‘The Metamorphosis’, are what how he can get his
kept on crossing my mind as I was sister, an amateur vi-
watching the president’s speech on olinist, to attend a
Afghanistan, his “New Way Forward.” conservatory. As he
As I was listening to the President lay- awakens from his
ing out his plan for an escalation of sad dreams he dis-
troop levels in Afghanistan and how he covers that he has
was struggling to present it to a skepti- become a creature
cal nation and hostile region, one thing who is appalling to
was clear, “As America awoke one all. Note how he
morning from uneasy dreams she didn’t become a
found herself transformed into a gigan- creature that people
tic insect.” avoid because of the
That morning was June 1st, 2002 threat it might pose,
when then President George W. Bush but rather one that is
laid out what would later come to be avoided due to its grotesque appear- scream. What she sees in front of her is ing of Democracy” talk. Samsa diverts
called “The Bush Doctrine”, the idea of ance. not the brother who looked after her for his thoughts from his own troubles with
justifying preventive war with nations Towards the end of the story, Gre- so long, only a giant insect covered in the corporate world he so desperately
that pose no immediate threat to us. gor decides that he wants to join his dirt. Sobbing, she begs her parents to re- depends on by focusing on how he can
Since then we have had that interna- parents in listening to his sister per- move the “thing.” Upon hearing that, help his sister get what she needs. The
tional “Insect” status. Two wars, high forming on her violin. Gregor knows Gregor retreats to his room and let’s out United States under the Bush Adminis-
debt, and demonstrated incompetence that his appearance would scare his his last breath. So ends the life Gregor tration sought to brand their reflexive
on issues such as climate change has family, yet “he felt hardly any surprise Samsa. policies with the nobility of different
turned us into a political insect, one that at his growing lack of consideration for Our country was a Gregor Samsa. pursuits. Beneath all the democracy
other nations want to avoid interactions the others; there had been a time when We were successful and prosperous, talk lies hidden a series of rash actions
with at any cost. he prided himself on being considerate.” liked and admired. Then trouble hit us. few wanted to admit to. And now its
Watching our current President ad- As he advances to the room where his And as we desperately struggled to policy and conduct have come to be
dress the world, I began seeing what we sister is playing, he remembers who he drive away the demons that have come seen as repulsive.
can perhaps call the American Ecdysis. used to be, how he was the one they all to haunt us in the wake of the 9/11 at- It is against this backdrop that Pres-
(Ecdysis is the process by which the rep- looked up to, how he once had plans for tacks, we have embraced actions that ident Obama took to the podium last
tiles shed their skin. It comes from the his sister. Blissfully, he remembers how caused us to lose those qualities. Now, week. We are not yet in the Obama era
Latin word ekdyein meaning to strip an he “had the firm intention of sending in the international community, our as much as we are in the post-Bush era.
outer layer. ) I think Kafka’s tragic novel her to the Conservatory, he would have standing is at an all-time low. We are the The challenge for the President was not
of the downfall of successful salesmen insect that many avoid. only to outline a satisfying strategy for
can perhaps be a guide as to what not to On June 1st 2002 George Bush gave the way forward in the war. What he
his now famous speech outlining our had to prove that night was that he can
do when you have “insect status”. I
know the analogy is weird, but bear
“Now, in the interna- new approach to the war on terror. As shed the skin we have grown over our-
with me. tional community, our his administration outlined it in their selves. Such a challenge was by no
strategy report later that year: means easy because there are two
Kafka’s Metamorphosis tells the
story of Gregor Samsa, a successful, yet
standing is at an all- “The security environment con- camps to please: the national commu-
unhappy, young salesman who provides time low. We are the in- fronting the United States today is rad- nity and the international one. And they
ically different from what we have faced were both looking for very different
for his aging parents and younger sister.
The story begins as Gregor wakes up
sect that many avoid.” before. Yet the first duty of the United things.
one day to discover that he has mor- States Government remains what it al- In The Metamorphosis, a crucial
phed into a giant insect. The mere sight ways has been: to protect the American moment comes when Grete decides to
of him causes disgust in people, espe- people and American interests. It is an move out the furniture in her brother’s
cially his parents. The first to come to announced it to everybody without al- enduring American principle that this room. After all, she reasons, he is an in-
terms with him being an insect is his lowing a single objection. After this duty obligates the government to antic- sect now and doesn’t need them and
sister Grete. Gregor struggles to get his declaration his sister would be so ipate and counter threats, using all ele- would even benefit from the additional
family to acknowledge who he has be- touched that she would burst into tears, ments of national power, before the space he now has to run around. His
come, something his mother is unable and Gregor would then kiss her on the threats can do grave damage.” mother doesn’t like the idea. Gregor
to do. And he struggles to get his family neck, which, now that she was a young The paragraph reads like the re- wants his sister to still think of him as a
to still treat him as he once was, some- working woman, she kept free of any sponse you might expect from a para- person and he attempts to keep her
thing his sister can’t do. ribbon or collar.” noid Shakespearean character that has from moving his furniture. As he tries
Gregor appears as the likeable Yet, as his sister notices him she lost his sense of proportion. Along with to do so, his mother sees him dangling
enough guy at the beginning of every stops her playing and lets out a great this hyper paranoia came the “Spread- from a picture frame on the wall as the
12 Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ARTICLE continued from page 11
grotesque form he has become.
And there is Gregor’s mistake. He
tries to get his sister, who has come to
accept his status as an insect, to see him
as the human being he once was. He
forces his mother, who still thinks of
him as the Gregor she once knew, to see
him as an insect. In doing that he loses
them both. He allowed his own sense of
self to dictate how others will see him
as. This backfires terribly.
Intuitively we think that it is with
those close to us that we can confide in
our shortcomings and to those distant
to us we need to portray a sense of self-
worth. But perhaps the opposite is true.
Those close to us have that same desire
as ourselves to believe in our imagined
self-worth, and therefore what fuels
your sense of being is what fuels their
image of you as well. The same think-
ing that convinces us of our magnified
status is what leads to the reluctance of Samsa on the a dormroom
the ones close to us to acknowledge that
those beliefs are self-serving, because want to-I don’t want to kill these folks. to be reconsidered. Not like in the past President had to follow Johnson’s advice
we share the need for self-validity. To He said, I don’t give a damn. He said, I when we had pretended that we are all of showing strength to the American
force them to confront that truth would didn’t want to kill ‘em in Korea, but said, about spreading democracy in the re- people, to feed the image of ourselves
be like Gregor Samsa forcing his mother if you don’t stand up for America, gion, a story those in that region had no we so desperately cling to. And so he
to see him as the insect he has morphed there’s nothing that a fellow in Johnson reason to believe. The President was did.
into. She can’t and won’t. City-or Georgia or any other place- trying to get those people to see us as “Our cause is just,” he said in a voice
Amongst those more distant to us they’ll forgive you for everything except the struggling nation we are, trying to that rang across the room filled with en-
the reverse might be true. While we being weak.” protect our self-interest. “America is thusiastic cadets and decorated gener-
would like them to think of us in a cer- “They’ll forgive you for everything your partner, and never your patron.” als, “Our resolve unwavering.  We will
tain way, they have nothing that would except being weak.” Russel responded, What was strong about that statement go forward with the confidence that
fuel such illusions and hence are reluc- “Well there’s a lot in that. There’s a was not its revelation; the Afghan’s right makes might, and with the com-
tant to accept such stories. Our personal whole lot in that. “ know that already. What was powerful mitment to forge an America that is
conceit has nothing to feed on amongst The question before the about that statement was that the safer, a world that is more secure, and a
those who do not share our aspirations. Afghanistan speech was: can he do United States acknowledged it. future that represents not the deepest of
Gregor’s sister saw him as an insect. She both? Can he channel that sense of The speech was full of requests for fears but the highest of hopes.”
has no reason to convince herself that strength Americans so desperately need We have become the insect of for-
her brother is more than that and so she to see from their president while simul- eign relations and the President knows
gets frustrated with his insistence on taneously appearing to the international that. Many oppose our ideals and some
still being treated as a human. community as humble and modest? resent our sense of right. If there is hope
Such was the challenge the Presi- I think he partially succeeded. “‘They’ll forgive you to get out of this mess it would be by not
for everything except
dent faced in his address to the world. Halfway through the speech, the repeating the mistake Kafka’s Gregor
For America, he must show his resolve. President addressed the Afghan people. made, forcing those who want to see us
Whether our sense of superiority and
strength is justified or not, Americans
He lowered his chin, bent down a bit being weak.’ Russel as strong as being weak, and pretending

responded, ‘Well
and looked straight into the camera, to be perfect to those who see our faults.
have a strong desire to believe it, a de- “Tonight, I want the Afghan people to Like Gregor begging his sister to let him
sire that would make them refuse any
other interpretation of their status. Yet
understand,” he said, “America seeks an
end to this era of war and suffering.  We
there’s a lot in that. have his room, or confronting his
mother with his misshapen insect body,
the international community wanted to have no interest in occupying your There’s a whole lot in both are bad. Both lead to inconsistent
see the United States owning up to who
they have become, the mistakes they
country.  We will support efforts by the
Afghan government to open the door to that.’” relationships and fracture of communi-
cation. The President’s speech at West
have made, and where they have ar- those Taliban who abandon violence Point tried to avoid that. The president
rived. and respect the human rights of their needed to appear strong to the nation
Former President Lyndon Johnson fellow citizens.  And we will seek a part- reevaluation. “For unlike the great pow- and humble to the world. To tell the
already realized the first part of this nership with Afghanistan grounded in ers of old,” the President said, “we have world that we know our mistakes and
challenge when he was deciding on his mutual respect — to isolate those who not sought world domination.  Our flaws as well as the geopolitical status we
strategy in Vietnam. In a phone call destroy; to strengthen those who build; union was founded in resistance to op- have gained. And to allow Americans to
with his friend from the Senate, Richard to hasten the day when our troops will pression. We do not seek to occupy continue to live with the comfort of
Russell, he recounts what a friend from leave; and to forge a lasting friendship other nations.  We will not claim an- knowing that we are still a superpower
Texas told him. “A.W. Moursund said to in which America is your partner, and other nation’s resources or target other like we once were. If he succeeds, per-
me last night,” Johnson tells Russel, never your patron.” peoples because their faith or ethnicity haps we will begin to see the American
“damn, there’s not anything that’ll de- Evidently absent from this part of is different from ours.  What we have Ecdysis, where we begin to shed the in-
stroy you as quick as pulling out, pulling the speech was the Roosevelt-like re- fought for — what we continue to fight sect skin we are so deeply embedded in.
up stakes and running, that America solve with which most of the speech was for — is a better future for our children
wants by God, prestige and power. And given in. What you heard was a nation and grandchildren.”
they don’t want-I said, yeah, but I don’t begging to be seen in a different light, Towards the end of the speech the
The Stony Brook Press 13
The Very Best Moments of the Next Decade
With the
By Ross Barkan decade com-
ing to a close,
10. The Mets are contracted: In 2016, Major League
Baseball finally put to sleep the dying antelope that
the time has was the New York Mets. 5 consecutive 120-loss sea-
come to discuss what a wild ten years it’s been. There sons sealed the fate of the Flushing franchise. Signing
have been some hysterical highs, some tragic lows, the HIV-positive Matt Holliday was certainly a blun-
and a whole lot of ennui. Overall, it’s exciting to finally der. Letting the withered corpse of Luis Castillo man
be entering the roaring 2020’s. Here are some of the second base for the entire 2013 season was a tragedy.
moments to remember from the ‘teens. Huzzah, huz- God rest your soul, Luis.
9. Facebook forms its own republic: 2017 will always
11. Kanye West’s untimely demise: Who can forget be remembered as the year Facebook, everyone’s fa-
when rapper Kanye West piloted his helicopter into vorite social-networking site, finally seceded from the
the Chrysler Building back in 2014? The nation wept union. With over 5 billion users worldwide and a
for its fallen hero, a true spokesman of his generation. standing army, Facebook erected a citadel in the
Indeed as he burned to death in the exploding fuse- Bronx and systematically obliterated New York City. brunette. You didn’t think they would but then
lage of his private helicopter, he was on “the hottest All hail Facebook, our lord and savior! whoaaah it happened, bro, I was there and me and my
rap label around.” buddy Anthony high-fived the whole ride back. It was
8. MC Lil’ Nastyfuck elected President: sick man, yeah, best night since the chick with the
Everyone knew Barack Obama had no weird nipples put a whole VCR up her…
chance against independent MC Lil’ Nasty-
fuck, the most powerful entertainer on the 3. Everything is a reality show: A 2014 bill ensured
planet. His soulful electronica, hard jazz, everything in America would be some sort of reality
and love of gerrymandering swayed the show. While Rite Aid Whores became a huge hit,
masses of America who were tired of a pres- Timmy McPherson’s 9th Grade 7th period Masturba-
ident who just wasn’t enough of a celebrity. tion Hour tanked in the ratings, partially due to the
fact that McPherson would always try to hide the fact
7. Goats outlawed: In 2012, goats were out- he was masturbating in Ms. Lipmann’s 7th period
lawed. No one knows why. world history class.
6. Someone read a book: Americans 2. The Avatar sequel bankrupts mankind: James
cheered across the land in 2018 when Flint, Cameron’s 735 trillion dollar sequel to 2009’s Avatar,
Michigan accountant Mitch Conway actu- Avatar: Fuck You, successfully bankrupted everyone
ally read a whole book from front to back. everywhere. Critics lauded the film for its realistic
The book, Cannery Row by John Steinbeck, portrayal of blue alien sexual intercourse but won-
was described as “sorta cool and trippy” but dered why over 400 trillion dollars were poured into
“not nearly as good as the live action movie, animating a furious, gay octopus monster that added
you know, the one where the chick what’s- nothing to the plot.
her-name Naomi something shows her tits.”
1. Terrorists miss Statue of Liberty in hilarious mishap:
5. Health Care: Nope, still ain’t universal. Awkward, misguided Al Qaeda terrorists attempted
But hey, “Free Band-aid Friday” was a hit to fly a commercial airliner into the Statue of Liberty
until a 2011 riot outside CVS killed 955 on the morning of September 10th, 2011. Instead of
people. Everyone loves those fucking band- smacking Lady Liberty in the face like they intended,
aids. the bumbling, daffy terrorists flew the plane straight
into the heart of the sun, triggering a solar flare that
4. Hot chick hooked up with another hot thankfully eradicated mankind in 2012, just like those
chick: That hot chick at the party sitting shitidick Mayans said it would. impoverished
next to that other hot chick, the one with
the sick cans, totally made out with the
14 Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ian night), being perhaps the best of
these early paintings.
The human form goes through sev-
eral drastic changes in Kandinsky’s ca-
reer – while it rarely takes center stage
in his early work, it is almost absent
from his work in the 1910s. When it
does appear it is in an oddly juvenile
fashion, full limbs and features being re-
placed with suggestive curves and im-
plied action. By the 1920’s, humanity
has all but disappeared from Kandin-
sky’s work in any immediately recog-
nizable form.
Many of the early 20th century
pieces (particularly 1911-13) have a sort
of wine bar aesthetic that makes them
easy to overlook – Kandinsky’s oil and
tempera pieces from this period stand
out from the oil ones, many of which
were sort of schmaltzy. The painting
Lyrical (1911) stood out to me as some-
thing one might find in some sort of
OTB parlor or in the opening credits of
Frasier, although this style of simple ab-
straction may just have been appropri-
ated from the work of Kandinsky and
his peers.
One of the difficulties with nonob-
jective painting is that the pieces are
firmly aware of the fact that they have
no objective connection to the real
world. It is a forced and forward think-
ing conclusion to expressionist thought,
but one that often yields incredible re-
When Kandinsky eventually
ditched tempera for good (1920s) this
abstraction translated into nearly geo-
metrical art which is amongst Kandin-
sky’s best and certainly most succinct.
The style then shifts from the geometric
to what one might look at as a decade
long ode to micro-flagellum – pieces

K a n d is k y begin to resemble the cross sectioned

drawings of cell components that might
be found in a biology textbook.
The museum’s walls are lined with
facts about Kandinsky’s life and influ-

@ t he ence including how the importance of

music to Kandinsky but many of his
later pieces seem to have a literary or
historical component to them as well –
there is a deconstruction of form first to

G u g g e n h e im B y Hen ry
geometric and then to organic parts.
Perhaps Kandinsky was himself lashing
out at different supposed fundamental
truths; are mathematical constructs the
a prior basis for all human knowledge?
Or is even something so fundamental as
S c h il l e r geometry just another product of our
The Guggenheim Museum is a ter- Kandinsky, a retrospective on the ab- the different phases of Kandinsky’s own biology? That said, the pieces also
rible place. Less a museum than an stract artist’s entire career was excellent. artistic career. There is likely no artist have a coolness to them, a swank de-
overpriced gallery, as expensive as the Vasily Kandinsky (1866-1944) is in- who loans himself more readily to this meanor one might find in the lair of
Whitney and the MOMA, the Guggen- trinsically linked to the museum’s his- treatment than Kandinsky, and one can some 60s superspy but one far more in-
heim also has rarely more than a hand- tory; he pioneered a style of painting tell that the paintings at the top of the teresting than James Bond.
ful of artists featured at one time. It’s full known as nonobjectivity, inspiring museum and those at the bottom were It is certainly difficult to appreciate
of so many despicable hipsters that you Solomon R. Guggenheim to open the done by the same man, let alone in the an artistic retrospective for all that it
would swear you were nestled cozily in Museum of Non-Objective Painting, same century. may be worth when one has almost no
Williamsburg, not on east 89th street in which showcased the work of Kandin- Kandinsky’s early work is more or background in the subject; the Kandin-
Manhattan. The spiraling building, the sky and his peers. As the exhibition is a less impressionist, with pointillism sky exhibition at the Guggenheim is,
one that alien jumped off of in the be- career retrospective, it covers Kandin- playing a large role in many of the however, a fantastic place to start build-
ginning of Men In Black, has made a sky’s work from the earliest years of the pieces on the first floor. These earlier ing an artistic repertoire. To appreciate
name for itself as one of the leading in- 20th century to his death in 1944. The pieces are not daunting in the least, and art is to be able to appreciate the diver-
stitutes of pretension in New York City. museum’s interior spiral is utilized per- as a result only a few stand out, Riding sity of human creativity, and no artist
So in defeat, begrudgingly I must say fectly for the exhibition – as one as- Couple (painted in 1907 and offering a embodied this diversity more than
the Guggenheim’s presentation of cends the spiral one is taken through highly figurative take on a dreamy Russ- Vasily Kandinsky.
2 Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December, 9, 2009

Editorial Board
Fuckmeister Supremo
Andrew Fraley
Minister of Editing
Najib Aminy
Associate Editorisky
Natalie Crnosija
The Day the World Cries
In the coming weeks, the World will the ban of lip synching during concerts,
Business Venture Capitalist grieve over the third anniversary of the the limit of one dog or cat in the great
Erin Mansfield
death His Excellency Saparmurat Niya- Ashbagat City, and banning the use of
Production Fucktion Manager zov, the first president of Turkmenistan make up on television arguing that
Tia “Quark Ate My Soul” Mansouri and Chairman of the Cabinet of Minis- Turkmen women were already beauti-
Nudes Editors ters. Turkmenbashi, leader of all Turk- ful enough appear on television.
Raina Bedford men, is most remembered as the Father What made Niyazov stand out was
Laura Cooper
of all the Turkmen people. his emphasis on the social aspect of
Truth Editor While western propaganda tainted government, from living to even dying.
Ross Barkan Turkmenbashi’s legacy as a self-loathing His Excellency ordered all the hospitals
SmArts Editor dictator, Niyazov worked on sharing the to close so the sick would come to the
Doug Cion peace and love he enjoyed in his life by capital to seek care—he was a clear vi-
Sports Editor City renaming the months of the year to sionary of what healthcare should be. In
Jason Wirchin family members and changing the term fact, the great father had such an influ-
bread with the name of his mother. ence on the state of medical affairs that
Photo Manipulators
Eric DiGiovanni Truly, His Excellency’s goal was to bet- doctors took oath under him and abol-
Roman Sheydvasser ter the Turkmen people by sharing the ished the Hippocratic oath.
koppi Editurs
people he loved with everyone. The list of accomplishments can go
Kelly Yu Niyazov had become more than a on and on, but with his auto-biograph-
Katie Knowlton leader in modern times, but a figure, ical book, the Ruhnama, and his style of
Iris Lin
revolutionary, and father for all future governing, Turkmenbashi is a figure
Webmeister Supremo rightists. He had targeted all the impor- that all rightists should look to.
Roman Sheydvasser tant things that troubled Turkmenistan It is because of this that on every
and introduced bold initiatives such as The Supreme December 21, the world cries.
Audiomeister Supremo
Josh Ginsberg
James Laudano

Minister of Archives
Alex H. Nagler

Layout Design by
Jowy Romano Unionize Stupid!
Workers of the World….unite? was common and shared. They, there- workers without consequence.
Kotei Aoki Matthew Maran United States’ unemployment rate fore, needed to work together to solve Unions have lost the political might
Vincent Barone Chris Mellides
Laina Boruta Justin Meltzer pushed passed 10 percent this month. the problems of their age. The first step that put them in American homes.
Matt Braunstein James Messina
Michelle Bylicky Steve McLinden Where were the unions, keeping mem- was realizing that in order for a worker Unions no longer are able to battle for
Tony Cai Samantha Monteleone bers in their homes? In the shadows of to work to save himself, he would have its members’ rights without prompting
Alex Cardozo Roberto Moya
Lionel Chan Daniel Murray an America where unionization has be- to save his fellow workers as well. a McCarthy-esque knee-jerk rejection
Mike Cusanelli Frank Myles
Caroline D’Agati Chris Oliveri come a foul word and being named a Though it may have seemed ridicu- from corporate America.
Krystal DeJesus Ben van Overmeier
Joe Donato Laura Paesano
union member has become a crude ep- lous to the leaders of that era to listen to How bad does life in America have
Brett Donnelly Grace Pak ithet... demands of blue-collar workers, those to get before people turn to unions to
Lauren Dubinsky Tim Paules
Nick Eaton Rob Pearsall In the glorious days of grimy prole- captains of industry were forced to give fight for them? Do we need mass home-
Michael Felder Kelly Pivarnik
Caitlin Ferrell Aamer Qureshi tarian struggle in America, unions mus- into the demands of their workers for lessness, unemployment, drought and
Vincent Michael Festa Kristine Renigen cled through and demanded higher fair treatment. famine? Americans need to unlearn
Joe Filippazzo Dave Robin
Rob Gilheany Jessica Rybak living standards for their workers. It was Perhaps if American workers had their anti-unionism and realize that if it
David Knockout Ginn Joe Safdia
Evan Goldaper Henry Schiller the Great Depression that brought such a strong, united voice just a few worked for their grandparents, it could
Jennifer Hand Natalie Schultz workers together to fight for their col- years ago and were able to argue for fair work for them too.
Stephanie Hayes Jonathan Singer
Andrew Jacob Nick Statt lective benefit. Then, workers realized treatment from CEOs, corporations
Liz Kaempf Rose Slupski
Jack Katsman Marcel Votlucka that each individual worker’s struggle would not be able to coldly eliminate
Samuel Katz Alex Walsh
Yong Kim Brian Wasser
Rebecca Kleinhaut Matt Willemain
Frank Loiaccono Mari Wright-Schmidt
Kenny Mahoney Jie Jenny Zou

The Stony Brook Comrade is published fortnightly dur-

ing the academic year and twice during summer ses-
sion by The Stony Brook Comrade, a student run
non-profit organization funded by the Student Activity
Fee. The opinions expressed in letters, articles and
viewpoints do not necessarily reflect those of The Stony
Brook Comrade as a whole. Advertising policy does not
necessarily reflect editorial policy. For more information
on advertising and deadlines call (631)632-6451. Staff
meetings are held Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. First copy
free. Additional copies cost fifty cents.
Write for e Comrade!
The Stony Brook Comrade
Suites 060 & 061
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SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3200
(631) 632-6451 Voice
(631) 632-4137 Fax
Meetings Every Wednesday at 1PM, Union Building 060
The Stony Brook Comrade 3
Local Duma Fails People
than Mother Russia herself could pos- except for one taint of injustice. warehouse employees without work.
By Piotr Lambroski sibly raise. Cities would be overrun with
breast milk and placenta, society would
The USSR always strives to fight for
the workers, yet the state of New York
Through additions to the law the foolish
lawmakers have not only put fudge
crumble below the weight of dirty dia- has left us torn. By insisting on using a packers out of business, but the clam
In a historic decision by the state of pers. Not to mention the dangerous language as inferior as English, the state diving industry is reporting record
New York Duma, a bill that would have precedent this sets for the future. Just as of New York has both struck a blow to losses and the competitive carpet eating
not only allowed but actively encour- when Stalin took us to war it led to the the homosexual community and simul- industry is facing a massive decline. Just
aged gay marriage has been struck murder of thousands of comrades, it taneously stifled workers. The bill what their economy needed, another
down. A forceful attack on the commu- was as if a lesbian mother bear had de- strictly prohibits the packing of fudge, win for communism!
nity of homosexuals, which makes up cided to eat her young. Should the ho- leaving many hard working chocolate
an embarrassingly large portion of the mosexuals begin marrying then what is
liberal constituency, New York has sym- next? Will people begin to marry ani-
bolically stepped down from its position mals? Probably. Will the homosexual
as a friend of the Western Left. The marriages lead to more and more ho-
USSR stands behind them proudly, for mosexuals infiltrating the homes of
limiting the rights of the workers is a western civilization? Definitely. But
sign that the United States is one step there is still the greatest danger of all,
closer to true socialism. Besides, who genocide. Stalin will rise from the dead
knows what horrors would truly be and once again begin systematically
faced should the homosexuals begin to decimating our fellow socialists.
marry. Premiere Patterson may be blind,
In a two man household, there but he had the foresight to allow this bill
would be no spouse to do cooking or to reach the duma and be denied. His
cleaning. The home would be dirtier enhanced senses of hearing and touch
than the filth ridden hovel called Eng- aid him in guiding New Yorkers
land. The stink would rise high into the through these dark times of potential
air, a stink we would not have experi- social progress. After the historic Cali-
enced since the time of Churchill, a fornia vote last year, only 48 more states
man with most infamous hygiene must deny the homosexuals, then we
habits. In a two woman household, even can finally be safe. It won’t be long be-
more problems would arise. There fore Comrade Obama sees this and
would be no income and with their joins our righteous cause as a fellow so-
weak womanly desires the couple would cialist. The decision would be perfect Provincial Governor Paterson is blinded by the truth. And literally. Seek socialized health care.
raise too many children. More children

The Eighth International Has Found a Home

to discourse on the pressing issues of propagandists is the most utilitarian
By Natalia Markovna the day. Too long has it been since we usage of the space. The displaced ani-
Chernoshovsky had rousing speeches, propelling us into mals should be caught and processed
the glorious future. Too long has it been into nourishment for the students, our
The University Senate held a prole- since we made plans as a united corps soon-to-be indoctrinated leaders of to-
tarian meeting on December 4 regard- of true believers in the movement. morrow.
ing the plans for a campus hotel. Now, we have a base. We have Stony Brook University has lost its
Professors and students questioned the roots. We have a mighty platform from strain of youth activism. There are no
wisdom of the establishment of a con- which to address the proletariat. We Young Pioneers and no youth groups
ference center on campus. Fools with have a place where we may form a foun- dedicated to the veneration of the glo-
their environmental concerns! Now, we tain from which a new era may spring. rious Stalin. The university adminis-
finally have a locale for the Eighth In- Brothers and Sisters, this is not the tration is clearly trying to inject this
ternational Socialist Labor Congress. In time to think of animals and greenery. impetus to promote utopian ideas into
these times, when doubt in the socialist These bourgeois predilections are rem- its students. The new conference cen-
system abounds, the administration, nants of the past. The luxury of green- ter will bring great thinkers to our hum-
like a crafty spider, has assured the cam- ery and natural landscapes, preserved ble campus so the age of progress many
pus that it will reap capitalistic benefits for the greed-glazed eyes of the aristoc- begin again.
from the building of a 135-room hotel. racy, left many a worker cold, without The glorious days of the Interna-
Seduced by the siren song of wealth and firewood. The enjoyment of wild ani- tional Socialist Labor Conferences will
prosperity, the bourgeois populace re- mals prancing about and the resulting be relived. The age will be recreated but
mains ignorant of Stony Brook Univer- semblance of Arcadian idealism are not repeated.
sity’s true red agenda. eternally selfish. The animals should be All this will be accomplished
Since 1935, the International So- converted into food for the masses. The through the hotel and its development
cialist Labor Congress has been without conversion of the forest into a confer- into the arena of new age socialism.
a home. Too long have we been unable Hotel Leningradskaya
ence space and lodging for orators and
4 Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December, 9, 2009
2 the stony brook PRESS

Kelly PivarNiK
at girl would fiddle her way through those fences almost everyday
To try and free the horse who only quieted himself for her

She took the little girl

Walked her to the ocean
Pushed her off the rocks
And almost let her drown

She walked alongside the road at night

Let herself sip the tears that streamed her face
en ran through the tall grass
Til he caught up with her

en smacked her right in the face

And yes
I took the whole stack of newspapers
To give to all my loved ones

J. NelsoN
I'll let you find your name
In the infinite tiles that paint your face eternity

And that night on the couch

So terribly violent Laughing behind you
Yet she found it so beautiful Weird red breasted
She almost even caught her breath Yellow tooth’d
And cloudy
Eternity's an awfully long time I didn’t know I could
And I've no clue how to spend the hours Steel-toe, open mouth bubble
Just stupid, sometimes
And you set your words on fire And cloudy
So they'd fall to pieces
And I've yet to catch my breath Something in my
Long Island congested
I'd love to be trapped in my old room Tskush, back of the nose
Sit for awhile New England accent
Trace the walls that bear eternity New York look
at bear the tears that once streamed my face Black body hair like
Elizabeth’s baby crying
I wish I knew what to look forward to Old recipes for brewing
But every once in awhile Sharp mint tea before work, 5am
My mind takes me back to those sirens
Back to the tall trees Rereading Grandma’s old love letters
Back to the river Dusty and romantic and losing interest
Calling me And I’ll later find
And it always catches my breath Smell like my supervisor in a yellow polo
So I'll let the leaves float in the wind Wet straw and careless step in spilled diesel puddle
And hope to never catch my breath A warehouse clerk
Under permanent fluorescent noon
I pay for college
Every day.
love candle time erase
DaN DePuy
I am taunted by the writing on the I am haunted by the memories
wall is candle still burning
Bringing back these memories Hoping to find this once again
Of something lost but not forgotten I wish that someone loved me
I liked it when she loved me.
e flame has been snuffed
is incense is stale as the words on And the wax all has dried
the wall And now it is cold
is candle burns slowly Cold and dead
Bright and strong Where once it was warm
Until time diffuses it But now it is empty
Sending it into oblivion
is candle burns no longer

pain, my old friend

DaN DePuy
e angel's protection is gone
A rapping is heard at my door
Boastfully, loudly
He bellows in mockery
"it's been a long time, my friend"

the cycle of
man’s heart
Life has lost wonder DaN DePuy
For I am stuck in a cycle
A cycle of grief
A cycle of sadness
A cycle of boredom which gives way to madness

Light bleeds through windows

Le open to show
e sorrow within
And the terror below
e spot in the corner where you used to be
A halo in darkness I no longer see

For how can man live with hope as his drink

Dripping from faucets of ill-cared for sinks?
4 the stony brook PRESS

editor’s note
hy do birds suddenly appear every time the Lit Sup is near?
Because I wish they wouldn’t – they get their business all over the
windshield and it’s really quite difficult to clean off. Shouldn’t they
have all flown south already? I blame the ice caps melting and the
sea level rising and the sudden mass hysteria over vampires. The
only vampire for me is Count Von Count, but that’s because he
does my taxes every year – for free.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand – the delightful array of poems
and short stories that you, Dear Reader, are about to embark upon.
In fact, I was so excited to just get to ‘em already that you’ll notice this Editor’s Note appears after the first
two pages! It’s really a reflection of the “theme” I’ve embraced for this semester’s version of the literary sup-
plement – the idea of a literary work being linear, or perhaps non-linear. You’ll flip through the pages and
notice lines dashing in and out, curving, swirling, contorting and melding into one another. All the best writ-
ers know how to fashion lines – lines of words, story lines – and twist and fold them together elegantly.
Therefore, I wanted to supplement your supplement (yes, I just said that) with some visuals that will hope-
fully give your mind some exercise just in time for finals week. Sit down with a cup of something warm and
splendid, kick your feet back, and enjoy. Just remember not to park your car beneath streetlights, because
that’s where all the birds hang out. Oh, and never invite vampires into your home. You’ll regret it.

-Tia Mansouri
featuRinG the talents of
Rabia Ghias alex h. naGleR
Joel MaleR Kat Knowlton
Dan DePuy J. nelson
CinDy liu stePhen GRottiCelli
Jon PlaisteD John aCoRn
bRonCo & Chutney saMuel Katz
eRiC DiGiovanni Daniel luKasCzyK
Kelly PivaRniK Paul Calhoun
liz KaeMPf faCebooK (see haiKus)
Feeling nostalgia for
a time I don’t know
Kat KNowltoN
the angel
DaN DePuy
ere’s a picture
of my grandfather
from when he wasn’t much older than me.
Standing, smoking,
e angel uncertain
canvas pants and a white t-shirt, A wound on his brow
looking like the person I wish I could be. Would he dare to return
Hardened and vaguely war torn In forgiveness somehow?
but with that soul
you can see in gray eyes. Another wound would be death
He is James Dean and Marlon Brando, ough he almost has healed
or everything they played in a movie.
e assailant still beckons
I never got to meet him
Towards her he staggers
and he probably wouldn’t understand why,
Behind her back he's looking now
but I want to try. Searching for a dagger
Make the memory in a black and white photograph

an atlas of sorts
ciNDy liu
I stumbled upon a dungbeetle the other day,
rolling heaps of assorted feces and sure it breaks my heart
twice his size to watch beauty consumed
and lovingly tucking them and turned, once again,
into the soil. into waste
Well, I asked him, but well,
Why do you do that? i can't help but do it
and he stopped, looked up at me, 'cause if i can't do what
and said, everyone else disdains doing, then
we may as well
it is not a matter be dead
of rolling shitballs
and burying them into the ground, and as the dungbeetle le me
it's about wading to plant the seeds of his labor,
through all the bullshit I wished then for a burden
for the sake as significant as his.
of creating
something necessary
6 the stony brook PRESS

One reason to love
the Greyhound
Kat KNowltoN
I’ve had thoughts
or extended trips into imagination
of running through the trees
on the side of the highway.
e hint of wild juxtaposed to
100,000 vehicles a day.
It’s not an original though,
but these are my thoughts anyway.
What did it look like 500 years ago?
at’s why I want to travel
through the sparse woods
pretend I’m part of the history I love so much.
en there’s a “Posted” sign
and I come back to consciousness.

Eternal Moon
DaNiel luKasczyK
Twist the frame, reverse the gilded days.
Life preserved and filled with pain.
Feelin’ cursed, so turn the drill and gaze
Into unearthly hills that pervert and spill new rage.
Find cover from the rain, turn and conceal your face,
Seek powders, needles, herbs, and pills to take
at burn until everythin’ that’s real escapes.
Sometimes that’s just how we deal with fate.

Some of us here can’t survive the storm.

Life is gone, the trial’s born.
Watchin’ time move on with no light or torch;
So how the fuck am I a child of God?
No sight to realize what’s wrong.
Unconscious, lost in dreams, can’t even find the cause.
Blind and lost, still divine, it’s odd.
Beaten down until the chests out screamin’
“Who y’all gonna try to harm!”

e clouded eyes that blur the view

Keep us wanderin’ and immersed in fumes.
e play’s been over and the curtain’s drew.
Wanna curl up and return to wombs.
No flower here can reach a perfect bloom.
ere’s no excuse, just worthless truth.
Sheddin’ tears and only concerned with doom.
Forever lost under our eternal moon.
the epic of adrian
DaN DePuy
He shouted out in frustration IV
ere once was an angel named Adrian. And the wind returned with a thrust
He was a fair angel at blew him straight out of the sky His time on earth he spent it well
He was honest and true And he plummeted towards the earth He fell in love with technology
But there was an emptiness in his heart He devised a plan to gain his flight
For although he was an angel He hit the ground with a thunderous crash rough artificial means
Adrian could not fly. On his back with at a blinding speed
And his wings were badly blistered He built himself two wings of steel
He tried his hardest to get in the air And atmosphere had torn at them And leather bound with bone
But his wings would not carry at he stole from carcasses
His body into the sky e coming times were painful He dug out from their homes
He tried to catch the wind in his wing He feared that he may die
But she would not come And the tears came out in rivers He strapped them to his back with haste
Adrian was alone. And the whimpers shook the clouds And they fit him far too well
If any knew what he had done
One day fate was good to Adrian And his wings were in such pain For sure he’d go to hell
He wasn’t even trying to fly And his body in such ruin
When a strong wind blew And his mind in such a panic But with these wings he’d fly away
Right into his waiting wings And his heart in such a state And better than before
And raised him in the air Because these wings were made by him
Adrian was flying! And never any more
Adrian was a loving angel Still he couldn’t fly too high
And he fell in love His wings how they ached Still he was a bit scared
With that gentle wind For many nights Still he stayed low in the sky
Which caressed him and brought him warmth How broken now To soar he wouldn’t dare
And the wind fell in love with him, too No gi of flight
For Adrian was beautiful.
e feathers fell out in clumps
He rode the wind as far as he could e skin beneath blistered and broke From rooop to rooop he would glide
Away from the earth below Attached to his back were breaking hinges Al bit higher if clear were skies
And escaped the harsh truths And never did he try too hard
at plagued him on the ground And they shed slowly But it sometimes made him cry
He stopped one day to take a look one day And he cried through the pain
Adrian was blinded. And one day he awoke to find them gone V

“Where is my home? Where are my friends?” Too afraid was he anyway He stared into the sky one night
he asked in disbelief Of soaring in the sky And yelled quite clear, with all his might
for he had been carried so far by the wind Too afraid to fall again “I will rule you when time has come!
“You are with me, my Adrian” Afraid that he would die I will be the only one!
the wind replied. And when I find the strength to soar
Adrian was lost. And for awhile he did not want the sky I will live in fear no more!
And the wind would blow to curse him No wind or sun or rain will stop
And torment him howling as the others flew My grand ascension to the top!”
II And with this hope he looked away
And one day it all changed to him In hope that on another day
e wind grew weary of his weight He began to miss the sky, the flight e fear would hold him back no more
And his home called to him He began to miss the wonder and began to And above the wind
And soon the breeze was not so gentle wonder Faux wings would soar
And soon the flight was not so graceful
When Adrian slept it rocked him. “Perhaps if I could fly again
And when it blew he closed his wings. e wind may leave me be
Sometimes it blew cold on him Perhaps if I just try again
And in flight the wind blew hot It might just be okay”

haiku e Jasmine Garden

Shady Man sits quietly
Naked in the sun

BroNco & chutNey

8 the stony brook PRESS

soliloquy raBia ghias
Fragile and keen presence thrust into the bewildering whirlpool that is this mundane reality.

Continually driing through vacant, vague recesses; empty anchors drag at your wispy hems.

Ascending from your haven, you become forsaken of bliss, draining yourself of your vitality

Desiring and longing for haphazard adventures, you expose yourself to the sinister abyss that is this world, a vulnerable gem.

Out to take risks, now out to seek security. Concerning yourself with the future, now dwelling on the past. Out to fulfill lust, now out to pursue love.

Continually emphasizing you didn’t choose to be thrust into this bewildering whirlpool, you already made your mark.

Past regrets distressingly linger, and you always yearn to run back to your ivory tower.

Feeble and spineless presence, grit your teeth and gather up your hems, there are more casual adventures on which we should embark.

e universe being your grand arena, star-crossed entities map out your stepping stones, you have a presence to empower.

United Talmudical Something

samuel Katz
I used to sit in UTA Abraham trying to kill but missed,
the United Talmudical something. and Isaac raped a three year old, My mind was touched in the most uncom-
I used to listen to what they had to say Jacob and Rachel french kissed, fortable places
Trust me at that age you could've told me don't look at me, it's what I was told. by those teaching freaks they paid
anything. I'm sure he wouldn't of hit me that day
Lot doesn't fuck with male angels if the night before he had gotten laid.
ey taught me all their crap but his virgin daughters, that shall pass
from A to Z Yehuda and Tamar, While other kids
except, in that crazy place they went to Amsterdam, I guess were watching condom covered bananas
they didn't even do it alphabetically. and flat maps of the spherical earth
en came Moses, the hero you know I was learning
I sat on their hard benches with laws about POW women what my teacher said I learned
listening to what they had to sell that make me think of Guantanamo before birth.
watching ticking clocks as a paradise of a prison.
eagerly awaiting the bell. I was just a kid
ose people listening to their voices
Aer a while even I really molested my mind. but, fuck it,
bought into the plot I was young and innocent they are just teachers
understand, I was just a kid just as they ordered my kind. I don't need their choices.
boiling in the pot.
While kids were learning I'll never forget you,
I learned there about algebra and hash United Talmudical something.
about I was being fed aer all we had a hell of a time together.
Snakes looking for female peers dark ages trash but, maybe it's not you just me
Noah getting drunk while knocked up teens that thinks people deserve better.
aer he lived 120 years were running for abortions
of getting all animals to have sex in his I was fed
trunk their stupid distortions.
rolling JohN acorN
I stand alone in a parking lot,
the November wind wraps my mind like a blanket,
Smoke dances off my lips like a gypsy stomach,
nicotine like novacaine gently sings a lullaby to my lungs,
I can see straight for days and weeks
and still my peripheral yields to her face,
wretched, and contorted, demon hands pull from all directions,
her bags have been packed to leave for years, to make an escape,
but she le them sitting underneath her eyes.
ey dont see what everyone elses do, but then again whos does.
Blessed in Jesus name I pray,
hypodermic words stab me as I pass,
they shake and wake me from the spectrum supernova of my sleep,
and leave me feeling somehow grey,
She weeps as she molests herself,
purity against a perversion,
she grasps and penetrates,
like her memory on the backs of my eyes,
the nurses fight, neither her nor themselves,
She calls out to Him, perhaps the last words of a
prayer to prevent the very thing that drives her repetition,
so many years, never getting to finish,
Saliva runs uncontrollably from trembling lips and
tissue paper skin,
varicose virtue throbs,
she weeps and repeats,
weeps and repeats,
Blessed in Jesus name I pray,
Blessed in Jesus name I pray,
pse words papercut, trying to turn this
page in my life, He wont let me forget,
She is His child, like any other,
a pearl before swine, the gi of her mind melting
away like a candle,
her soul trapped in the wax cage of confusion,
miles below sanitys sunlight,
rocking back and forth,
kneeling before the wailing wall of a hospital wing,
in metronomic syncopation with Israel,
Blessed in Jesus name I pray,
Blessed in Jesus name I pray,
all in the vanity of a psychological illusion,
Today I delivered her meal to an empty room,
the aroma of death and soup takes me to her,
and they say, in writing, its best to say
the most with the fewest words
Well, “Jesus wept”,
but somewhere in the parking lot,
the November wind whispered Amen.
10 the stony brook PRESS

Clear of
Opening Doors
ciNDy liu
In a sickly fluorescent subway car,
a musical laugh, inviting, offensive

swallowed whole
by dumb stubborn faces
reluctant to shed
stale tragedies, scared shitless
of a blip on a radar Leda and the Swan and
in so many words but in one word,
the Jack Russell Terrier
a bump on the tracks,
a flick in the lights. Joel maler
Perhaps, And then
A missed stop. Due to a Jack Russell Terrier’s A scream, a shriek,
Exasperated pace e sound of so feathers

Up to My Knees in
Moving while white wings beat
Aer having been Or not--
Confined to my unrefined

Broken Dreams
Environs, So I thought
Now recompensed e Terrier walked
And condensed upon A small, domesticated
e bark of a neighborhood Mammal, facilitating
DaN DePuy
Have you ever awoke and seen
Tree War.

I might have been

the shattered pieces of a dream? Preordained to distraction
For fear of my dog’s disdain
My dreams bleed and they drip through my eyes And doomed to allow
everytime I am reminded a piece of me dies Zeus to have his
what's in my head is distorted in silence Way.
my animal tendencies turning towards violence

I'm somber and sobered

a smile turns over
my spirit is dropped and nothing is accomplished

I bleed and I suffer

I sweat and I hurt
I lose one more piece of me
thrashing in the dirt

my head starts to spin

my dreams wash away
I pity myself and hope for a brighter day
Withered Bouquet
DaN DePuy
is is the story of a withered bouquet
Time and tide took it’s life away
is is the story of a dead old bouquet
ciNDy liu
I can’t bring myself to throw it away

And now I’m looking at this withered bouquet

I wish so much that I could throw it away “Minding my steps and narrowly avoiding the grasp of a supposed life size replica of the
What’s so special about this dried up bouquet? South American Chupra Cabra, I emerged into an open patio, the purple-orange sky sil-
It used to be so beautiful one day houetting the city.”
Max Rivlin-Nadler
I have to bury you deep in my heart
In a place I’ll never return to e current ebbs at Somewhere, a phone He had his help
If I can bury you deep enough shores across the continues to ring. running the place
en maybe I can forget you Adirondacks. and his no-frills love.
A warm, moist pillow.
Elusive Chupracabra
I stand here holding onto this old bouquet you're not a legend ... His.
I never thought that it would end this way but a myth.
So many hues and fragrance of a spring day ...
Now all wasted dried and withered away I wanted to A boy-man switched to
be you, thick black frames and I'm begging you--
Maybe I should have given them more water leaning in with was still a genuine genius. give me more time,
Maybe I should have given more sun starving eyes a chance to have
Maybe I should have allowed them to grow more telling me you're He could rhetorically con- my heart beat raw.
sorry. vince her
Maybe I should have given more love
I stared, face flushed she was happy take everything but
(bridge) extra hard with him. don't take the beating.
at my sandals.
Chorus: Logic holds a lighter, not a
All flowers are beautiful ... candle.
And you’d like to think they live forever I just wanted to be you.
But lesson learned they will all die in time He adores ...
And the only things le are the thorns dark hair ...
and cherry lips A man was almost 30
And these thorns will tear open your chest
paired with and wanted closeness
And these thorns will rake into your heart smart eyes but there was no time She is the Chupracabra,
And these thorns are so unforgiving anymore for wanting, today.
When the life of the rose has stopped as he adjusts no time anymore for
his tweed hat. flirting, no time She is the ugly Chupracabra
What can I do now with this withered bouquet? anymore for falling, for held fondly squeezed tightly
I wish it would come alive one day feeling. by their dreams.
Stabbed by the thorns of this dried up bouquet e style of the day.
I only want to put it away
... He had to be a man,
I turn my back now to this withered bouquet Ragged breathing,
I only hope it will go away a blue light murmurs.
I close the door and shut off all the lights He dies for a while She had to be a lady,
I must forget that I have it tonight beside a quick.
glowering dull gaze.
12 the stony brook PRESS


various DeNizeNs oF FaceBooK
Oh snap its haikus When it’s clearly not
The LitSup is upon us Excuse me good sirs,
Let the war begin but i thought haiku only? Heya, New York Times
rhymes not required. Alvin and the Chipmunks 2-
-Nagles next Citizen Kane?
-Fluffy Persian Kitty
I dont think I can Twilight pillows, yep
Shell shock from the last Great War listen, you bitches Choose between Edward, Jacob
Syllables scare me haiku’s pretty simple if Pedophile battle
you’re not a dumbass.
-Lowdown Jacob takes the crown
-Balls Edward stalks high schools for girls
It is quite funny Doesn’t fuck babies
That I am in Mexico The hot dog sonnet
And writing Haikus Fucking an infant
A meat bouquet of turkey, beef and pork Is way worse than eating one
-Eaton From off the grill, ‘ere fires should o’er do’t You lose, sir. Good day
Suspended pendulous upon my fork...
Mirror, mirror on the wall, Plate palette of horse radish—dog dragged through’t Werewolves are roguish
Tell me, mirror, what is wrong. A simple Apollonian ideal soaked in the blood of victims
Can it be my De La clothes? The meal reduced to these constituents not body oil
Or is it just my De La song? Stark contrast highlights radishes appeal
And speeds the dogs’ esophageal descents Werewolf legend says
-Dr. J Then in the still reflection of repose silver bullet to the heart
When naught is left but fork and grease and plate makes pretty rainbows
Public Option set on a wall, The gourmand’s heart can ponder what he owes
Public Option had a great fall, To Heav’n above for making hot dogs great It’s the new wolf clan
(While falling from the gate, Their providential origins assured Terrors of hairiness? No
PO also hit Roe V. Wade.) With hot dogs, hunger’s tethers are unmoored Chip n’ Dales models
All the 60 Democrats and congress’ 233
couldn’t stop PO -Knockout
from ending like Humpty Dumpty.
Really tired now
Dragon Age: Origins, ugh
Haikus-only is lame city
-Sam Katz It’s like crack for nerds
Limericks are fun and not so shitty
The public option They can be cool
Da diddy dadaaa
Was just corporate dog shit Unless you’re a tool
Daa da daa. Da di dadaaa
Made by lobbyists And like a poetry form that’s not witty
Indiana Jones
Don’t be such haters
-Eaton Red Bull Cola, whoa @ you, Emma and Tia
Way too much of a good thing Let people be free
The public option, Flava Flav, yeahhh boyyy!
like the one at SBU,
Oh snap! I previously hated
doesn’t cover shit. And I sing, I want My hypocrisy has not abated
I want Charles in Charge of me Forgive my crime
-Bearwrestler Because who doesn’t? Of preferring to rhyme
My disses be unsubstantiated
If I may, He’s in the basement
Churchil used to say, This show is kind of creepy -Fraley
That there is no good decision in foreign policy, What’s he in charge of?
Only the least bad.
Why was I not tagged?
As for health care the same can be said Time to stop bashing Because of my lazy eye?
I don;t know about the one at SBU, Blockbuster sold their whole stock Eye surgery STAT!
and I certainly can’t write a haiku. of Twilight pillows
-Sam Katz -Pete
Suck that, New York Times
Hope that fact haunts you at night
Pragmatism sucks
Sycophantic pricks
A result of our broken
political realm
Mania’s just fine
Until people think it’s good
stePheN grotticelli
I? en you're probably wondering
ome on. It's just a why he has to sell off my posses-
doll." sions. Well, inheriting a child he
never expected and having to en-
He was right. He tirely change the course of his life
usually was. But fuck it all, this was proved to be pretty stressful for him.
my doll. I had owned this thing since He needed to find a way to relieve
I was three. at is twenty-two years. the stress.
Did he really think I would not have
an attachment to it? "Don't you know how bad that stuff
is for you?"
"It's not like you even play with it
anymore. I mean, you're an adult, "Damn it, Izzy. It's my body. Ain't I
Izzy." got freedoms? I'll do what I please
with my own money so long as I'm
An adult with a childish attachment free to make my own decisions."
to her childhood toy, then. But I
would acquiesce to him. It always He never used to be like this, did he?
ended up that way. It was easier than It was all my fault, I knew it was. I
fighting him on the matter. was why he dropped out of school,
why he bought that disgusting stuff.
"Fine." I relented. "But if I bail you I was ruining his life. I can give you
out like this, you're going to owe me another example. Our mother never
this time." really cared for us much. She gave us
financial support well enough, but
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Izzy." beyond that she was mostly just a
figurehead. My brother was doing struggle until we were the richest expense, isn't it? So that's why I've
"I mean it! I don't have an unlimited most of my raising even then. He family in the world. I laughed at killed myself. You've likely noticed
supply of cherished childhood never had time to make other such a ridiculous jest, and he my body dangling near the ceiling
memories for us to sell off, you friends and struggled to gain strong laughed too. But I could see he was fan by now. I don't know who will
know. ere are going to have to be social skills. is, coupled with his just masking pain. read this, really. Probably just you,
changes." lack of even a high school diploma dear brother. But isn't it great? We're
le him without the ability to ad- I tried to find a job myself. But that free! You're free! By ending my own
"Is that so? Well then we'll talk all vance in his employment. He didn't damn psych evaluation they gave me life I have saved yours. is suicide
about it later." have the sort of money coming in in high school killed me every time. was the greatest form of gratitude I
that mother used to. He barely had ey weren't supposed to know could think to offer.
Later never actually comes. You'd enough to feed the two of us and about the results of those sorts of
think I would protest this, but I just keep us in our home, let alone things. ey weren't supposed to ank you for the twenty-five years
take it. It always goes this way. He enough to get his relief. And he discriminate against me because of of life you gave me. It was a wonder-
tends to get what he wants. If I could seemed to need more of that all the them even if they did. But fuck if ful experience. But it's time for you
just grow a damned spine and tell time. they didn't find out anyway and turn to finally have some time for your-
him off! But he was all the family I me down. I guess I would create far self. I don't want to be your obliga-
had, and I couldn't dare jeopardize "Come on, Izzy. We'll just be selling too much paperwork if something tion weighing you down, anymore.
that. And he had raised me, I sup- off a few things we don't need until I went wrong. And they can find more Aren't you happy now, brother? Your
pose. Aer our mother had been get that promotion. It's just like a where I came from without any of sentence is over and we both have
shot and died from her wounds, he garage sale." my problems. our release. I don't think two indi-
had to saddle the awkward role of viduals have ever had a moment
brother and father. It must be hard "And when is that promotion com- My brother blamed himself when he quite as cathartic and charming as
to raise a child when you're only a ing, anyway? Every time you talk heard about the diagnosis. Another this one.
year older than her. about it it seems to be just another weight I burdened him with. Now he
"soon" away." was ruining his life to support mine Loving you from beyond the grave,
He dropped out of school. He told and my lousy brain had gone and
me he wasn't going to "learn any of "Real soon now, Izzy. Come on." made it seem like he wasn't even any Izzy.
the real shit" there. I was sure he was good at that. Just can't stop fucking
just saying that for my sake. He had at was six years ago. "Soon" still things up for others, can you Izzy?
dropped out to better raise me. isn't here yet. He did get a small
Made me feel pretty guilty at the raise, though. It just helped combat So that's why I don't protest too
time. It still does, actually. inflation and rising taxes a little. He much when he does things like that.
told me that it was better than noth- I need him and I owe him. But it's
I make him sound responsible, don't ing. He said that this was just the selfish of me to expect him to placate
my desire for family at his own great
14 the stony brook PRESS


ross BarKaN
he motel settles in stels, caressing, communing, buil- out. She did. Either way, the twenty tice the man come through the door.
her blood. At least ding to an empyreal shudder, a is gone. She has two choices. Beg so- Her eyes are still tracing the room,
there’s a bed, a sho- sound, an image awash in ecstasy. meone for money or dine and dash. registering the colors, moods, and
wer, and a chance to They cradle the stars. In the autumn Begging is out of the question. tendencies. Flies of light and torpor
sleep. Moth-bitten calm she clutches a leaf and listens Laurel is terrible at asking for things. dot the pealing place. Gum smacks.
blankets are better to Jennifer’s breath. She talks about Even the most basic requests make Everything tics, from the tin counter
than bottle caps. astronomy and Michigan, the men her uncomfortable. She can remem- to the uneasy grill to the calk boots
Laurel makes Copperfield, Colo- squirming into her life, the sorrow ber her mother telling her to brown- cracking the linoleum bent upwards
rado her home. Has it been one leaking out. She wants an artist. Not nose the teachers in class. Talk to like a tentative grin. Flies of light,
week or two since she cut him? She a painter, not a writer, not even a them honey, get to know them, ask flies of…well flies. She can’t stop
can’t quite remember. The nights are thinker—a god damn artist. So- them about themselves. There’s not- screaming about the flies. They’re
wet on her memory, amorphous meone electrified, a soaring mon- hing worse than asking an empty everywhere, ducking into the soup,
bubbles popping in gray pools. Pin- ster, a creature bursting at the seams person about themselves. Men espe- over the counters, and through the
pricks of heat and memory burst with a light so manic and brilliant it cially. The male teachers prattled on hair gel. The world is flitting.
from the gray, burning under the renders further human creativity and on, leaking their banalities in When she yawns the sleep spills
sheets. It comes back. Newspaper useless. Someone who met the di- every crevice. out and chokes her. Shadows ossify.
blankets, overpass lies, the taste of vine and spat in its face. Laurel do- But that’s not the real reason, Lau- The grime becomes her, stale shreds
exhaust, the rubber’s thunder, a pla- esn’t dare interrupt. rel. Why do I hate asking for things? of eggs benedict and toast sticking to
stic shudder—the modern doom “I’ve never met a man like that,” I hate…extracting. Prying things the skin, to the brain, to perception.
beats through her waking sleep, bul- Jennifer says, dropping her head. from people. I can’t supplicate my- They could be truckers or prophets,
ging like a cyst. She hitchhiked with “Or a woman. Only in dreams.” self, that’s the problem. No one is the men drinking coffee, and she
too many types of people. Old, They’re nostalgic for the future. The worth it. No one is worth groveling wouldn’t know. One in a mesh hat
young, tired, dead, and everything in years spread over them like a new to. tries to light a cigarette in the corner.
between. They spoke with greased sky, raining stars of unborn memory. Or I’m afraid. Independence is He won’t go outside. A hoarse wait-
tongues and crusted eyes. Some paid Days on the veranda, nights in Vi- precious. To ask is to throw a hook ress rushes over and flaps her lips
the bills, some dined and dashed. enna, and the soft moments in bet- into the flesh of another and be joi- like sick little wings. He puts it out.
Some left her in the heat to sleep. ween are blooming under their eyes. ned indefinitely. Links are dange- And she still hasn’t noticed.
Days contorted and bled, fuming She is reading a paper by the rous. Once a favor is asked, disaster The heads turn because no one
minutes that could’ve been years, window, the pines waving outside. arrives. I used to ask Quillinger for enters Cal’s Morning Shack in Cop-
plastering a counterfeit sunshine on Jennifer floats in, juice in hand. They things. And he’d lie there like a viper, perfield, Colorado wearing a blazer
her scuttling limbs. What she wants share the unity of the stare, the on- lapping it all up, poisoning whatever and tie. No one. This is a world of
to do… tological kiss. What is a moment but charity is. Even the good people can’t Levi jeans, tobacco, toothpicks—a
…is watch the stars in a field. In a two people standing together, mer- be asked too much. Every relations- world fried and greased.  Ameri-
clean field, not the lots of filthy cans ging thought and beauty? Vivify me, hip based on favors, on god damn cana, if she existed, would spend her
and candy wrappers. Jennifer knew Jennifer. She slides from a solemn reciprocal altruism, is a lie. days here. And Americana doesn’t
all the constellations. She insisted on darkness to the eternal embrace. She still has no money. It wouldn’t dress up. He is utterly alone and
Jen but Laurel preferred Jennifer, Lips coalesce, soft as dust… be so bad to ask a stranger. The place proud. The tie is blazing red, bea-
preferred the crystal pleasure of the …the pillow has no answers. Lau- she’s in can barely be called a diner. ming from the rusty backdrop, glo-
name. Jennifer, oh Jennifer, my ton- rel rises from the ratty bed and gla- More of a hole with tables, a grease- wing above the 9 to 5 trifles. Loafers
gue can play with you like a harp. res at the window.  The view of the lined womb dug into the plains of click easily off the floor. Why isn’t he
Laurel couldn’t think of anything trashcan parking lot pushes her back nowhere. The people look friendly. ordering anything? What does he
else. The night in college, the night under the sheets. Everything spins. Flannel smiles and coffee breath fill want? Probably some rich developer.
before they first slept together, still She is somewhere between past and the space, warming the tin. The one Probably from the east. Probably a
rises above the muck of her exi- present, straddling the nauseating man picking at his toast at the co- son of a bitch. He smiles at them. A
stence. All the days on the road line. Crags fly at her from all ends, unter could be America’s grandfat- placating grin, a shiny enamel olive
(with Quillinger, cradling despair as smashing the foggy mirrors, scal- her. He’s plump, ruddy, and branch. He licks his finger and runs
if it was actually her own) are evis- ding the shards, and scattering the downright jovial. That goiter’s like a it through his young gelled hair.
cerated in the aura of this memory. last bits over her dream. She sees Christmas tree ornament. I could Maybe forty at most. They notice the
Laurel looks above. color become people, people be- ask him for money. Could I? gold ring on his left ring finger. They
Jennifer knew all the constella- come sound, sound become despair. No…not him. notice a clean face neither long nor
tions. Orion’s Belt, Saggitarius, Big Drums slam through her eyelids. Laurel rifles through the rest of the short, soft nor hard, average nor gro-
Dipper, Little Dipper, Canis Major, When she’s at breakfast she realizes faces. A blonde twenty-something tesque. Unremarkable yet comple-
Scorpius…She held her finger like a she is out of money. The waitress with oversized breasts sitting in front tely remarkable. He is the only one
wand to the sky and plucked every takes her order and Laurel feels in- of her might be willing to spare a with this face, no other molds exist,
form from the astral recesses. She side her own pocket. Somebody buck or two. Her tics seem harmless. no doppelgangers, no look-alikes.
would always whisper, air trickling must have taken the last twenty. It Purple lipstick, metallic and raw, is He isn’t handsome, not in any tradi-
from her delicate mouth, feeding the could’ve been that fucker Klecko, the smeared generously on her platypus tional way. Magnolias could be flo-
grass, tickling the wind, touching the one from Charlestontown. He was face. She is eating a biscuit. Crumbs urishing beneath his skin. An odd
sprawling body of a girl at home in shifty. Black hair, black eyes, thin dance down her chin. Laurel can’t hue, an odd man, struck like a flame
shadow. Their hands meet through ferret-like build, and spots of crust ask her either. from the roadside offal. In the right
the blades, blending like warm pa- on a thermal shirt told her to watch A bell chimes. Laurel doesn’t no- light he could be a god, in the wrong
light, a roach. a veined hand in the old threshold. rel notices that the twitch is replaced with vague accuracy over and over
When she sees the blazer mo- She doesn’t know what to do. It’s all with the yawn. None of these people again. The character can flub a line,
ving across the floor, she knows working too perfectly. Not supposed have anywhere else to go and aren’t run away, but the conclusion always
where the next meal will come from. to be this easy. When she squints she particularly perturbed; no one remains. The blood.
This man has the change. He will be sees the one is a ten. Ten dollars out yearns for transcendence. Their eyes Howling rhythms permeate all,
willing to give it someone, especially of the blue. He is coming closer, are milk toast and their breath is descending like screaming static,
a woman like Laurel. She knows the shattering all barriers. soft. Their hands are still, hearts lo- building seas of torrential agony.
game. She hates playing it but knows “I, um, thanks,” she says, taking ping to their next pre-destined beat. Schiller Marquard has arrived on the
it too well. The empty plates spur her the money. “I didn’t even know I had Unlike her, they have constructed stage. Alive, dead, or somewhere in
on. She’s on her feet, wheeling to- this.” warm niches to spend their lives in. between, he crawls over Jennifer’s
ward him, sprung like a marble to “I saw it come out of your pocket. They’ll go to their graves wrapped in ruined figure and takes his place at
the edge of a cliff. He is smiling. It’s yours.” home-made blankets, sipping cider the seat of the subconscious. She
Their elbows brush, flesh flicke- “Thank-you again,” and the idea under the watchful eyes of their co- loves him. If he could stand here
ring beneath cloth, pulses rapid and blooms in her head, toxic and allu- usins and children. Laurel swings right now, even with his tattered
ready. She exhales. ring. She promised not to trust her head to the window—who the mind and blood-streaked face, she
“Excuse me.” anyone, not a damned soul. The hell is going to mourn for me? The could feel a little better.
“It’s ok, miss.” truth, as hunger tells her, is that food question kills every other thought. Schiller wasn’t made for this
She is turning away, feigning the and trust are intertwined. If only Her father’s body hovers above, a world. She knows this is a cliché no-
escape. Almost there, almost to the Laurel didn’t have to eat, if only her new rope tied warmly around his tion—a person not “fitting in”—yet
door, and she stops. She is gambling. stomach didn’t shout, if only the throat like a ribbon… no one exemplified this more than
For the first time in countless hours acids didn’t stir, she could truly be he. He trod the land, too good for ot-
and days, Laurel can experience the free. Freedom is for the immortals. Another fragment hers, too holy, a figure sent from
sensation of control. This is a situa- To eat is to trust. She cannot feed another age. No one knew what age.
tion she understands. She knows herself and run, no matter how When she enters her room, the They’d call him wispy, sandy-hai-
men. The beasts of Quillinger and strong her convictions might be. Ot- nausea buzzes in. It jabs a greasy red—sand made the most sense. He
the cop are beyond her grasp; the hers will have to lend a hand from wing in her eye and laps at her skull, blew across the scenery like golden
well-dressed man in Cal’s Morning the shadows, extending their slimy gnawing at the skin beneath her ey- sand, whirling, ever-changing, po-
Shack is not. His calculus, from what tendrils into her sphere. They will elids. Everything is heavy. She rolls uring into her life until a certain
she gathers, is simple. He has the have to destroy her silence so she into the bed’s bosom, dropping sen- wind took him away. He was always
face of a man who wants to lend a can live. If anyone is going to be the ses along the way. She doesn’t want around to pick her up from school,
hand. As she pivots, she imagines he destroyer, it might as well be the to hear anything. The overhead fan clean her wounds, buy her ice
is the sort of lover who relishes a su- man in the suit with a timid smile won’t comply, beating steam-choked cream, and take her to the park.
nrise to deliver him from the nebu- and a readiness to dispense with ten air across the room. Rotors rattle How many late afternoons did they
lous pre-dawn, from the morphing dollars. from unseen crevices. A roach kicks spend on the mushy little fields play-
shadows. He likes to drink his lover What’s his game? Sex. If she has at the carpet. She tears off all of her ing softball? She plunges into the
in raw light without any surprise. to…I won’t. I won’t touch him. I’ll clothing until she is in nothing but a time
Ah, the proverbial straight-sho- take his ten and get the hell out. bra and panties. She’d like to tear off and steps out of the batter’s box.
oter… “Would you like to sit down for her skin. Schiller is sixteen, a small thin boy
I have no basis to assume this— some coffee?” he asks. “I don’t know The layers of the world are bury- with shoulders bathed in the breath
I can’t just ask him for money. Why anyone here and I would like to get a ing her. She is thrashing in a pocket, of sunset, haunted fingers cradling
is he any different? Because he has a local feel.” gasping beneath the moon, the sun, the ball. She holds the bat up and
suit? That’s dumb. No. I’ll walk out “Oh I’m not really from around the ages laid upon her like fossils. readies for the pitch. The blades are
of here. here, sorry.” Dreams dogfight for attention. The- still, the butterflies run, and liquid
Doubt wheedles through Laurel. “Neither am I. Ah, I guess I’ll take re’s one person she hasn’t thought sun spills slowly through her eyes.
Sunrises!  She laughs at herself. Ima- breakfast alone.” about yet. It might as well be his He rocks back to throw…she drops
gining that man naked—what an ab- “I suppose I could sit for a few mi- time. She doesn’t want to—it’s too the bat and races toward him. Ten
surd idea, he’s not even that nutes.” sickening. What they did to little years of glorious nothing is bo-
handsome. Just a well-dressed stiff. “You changed your mind pretty Schiller, big brother, the boy who co- unding to his waiting arms. I’m
She’s met a thousand of those in col- quickly. That’s good. You’re not too uld’ve been anything. He…he…lost. tired, Schiller, oh I’m tired, pick me
lege and beyond. stubborn.” He’s certainly alive, somewhere, and up and carry me home. She doesn’t
“But I need money, just a bit. I’ll “Yeah,” she mutters and follows will soon be dead. She can feel it. He yet understand the glory of not-
starve soon,” she tells no one. She is him to a table. They take a tiny isn’t someone who is meant to be hing—empty, boundless purity is
near the threshold. The door is ope- round table close to the counter and without others. Even if he was alone, not an abstract notion for her to
ning and the steam of morning is kitchen. Everything else is filled. The disturbed, fractured (as the doctors contemplate like a dead philosophy
crawling over her. The quiet street morning crowd is swelling, eager would say) he wasn’t the brother text. It is her. She flies to him. Ache
waits, parking meters aslant, ply- like exiled ants for contact with the who severed his ties. He craved a doesn’t exist. Suicide doesn’t exist.
wood piled oddly in the backs of colony, any contact at all, even if the connection with others. The destruction of an ego and the
revving trucks. She’s almost out. brushes and chatter and clanking are Why is she thinking about Schil- erosion of a reality are unborn, not
“Excuse me miss you dropped so- meaningless, the words dead, rid- ler now? Yes…why? she screams even half-thoughts. Carry me home,
mething.” dled with holes. The slander against through her bolted eyelids. Memory Schiller. I’m tired. To surrender into
He extends a hand with the dollar the weather or the mayor, the fo- is an odd creature. It can drop cha- his ashen arms is a feeling she’ll
bill, a bill she didn’t drop. Did she otball chatter, and the child-rearing racters from seemingly nowhere, never know again. No one cares
even have a dollar? Maybe. No, only platitudes all go down easy, mixing brightening the stage like a deranged about her like he does. Dad is an ap-
change. Laurel only had change. Yet like coffee and toast in their bellies. phantom and forcing the audience parition at dinner, dribbling on
here he is, the starch angel, dangling No one jumps. No one rushes. Lau- to watch as the scene is performed about work and the paychecks that
18 the stony brook PRESS


might not come. Mom is drained, al- time. She wrestles out of the haze, fast food joints. She forgets Quillin- The chicken place next door spills its
ways drained. She has headaches. slipping slowly off the bed. She stops ger, Jennifer, Schiller, and every hideous neon everywhere, blanke-
She cleans and sleeps. White tigers in front of the full-length mirror. other face that has sprung from her ting her back. The shadows are war-
dance around It extends to the floor, diving into subconscious. She embraces the em- ping, electric. Insects waltz out of
her toes and crackers crack in star the carpet like light through ice. Her pyreal and the wordless, the awe drainpipes. Insects crawl down the
bits, kites fleeing north, dirt caking body is bore in front of her like the beyond language and comprehen- curb, slime in shadow. Insects are
toes, childhood reeling on, on, the sun, horrifyingly unavoidable. Tho- sion. She, like a vessel plunged into thoughts broken, itching, twittering
sandbox with no bottom…carry me ugh every man and woman she’s the mist, has nowhere else to look. through her skull at crashing inter-
home, Schiller, I’m tired, and he ever slept with told her that her body Unlike the vessel, she doesn’t want to vals, thrashing antennae through the
does, he really does, dad won’t carry is beautiful, gorgeous, and sublime, look anywhere else. The sunset is a gloaming reveries. She hates the
her mom won’t carry her he does she hates the sight of it in a mirror. reason to divorce her mind and bloated sky, ash-purple, on the verge
Schiller who dad named after the There is something startling and body, to leave the rotten organ— of total dark. Where is this idiot
poem he liked the one Beethoven surreal about the complete body be- clogged with malodorous thought— Congressman? He’s probably a liar, a
put to music she’s heard many times hind the wall of glass. Laurel pets her on the window’s ledge and walk into cheat, nothing worth thinking
dozing on the living room carpet breasts and rubs her navel, trying to the world, free. The body walking about. I should go to the bank and
many…Ode to Joy…it surges thro- make sport out of this hushed rea- alone is her icon, her sublime perch, withdraw what little cash I have.
ugh them their bodies warm Schil- lity. She jiggles her smooth buttocks, the image and the place she strains There can’t be much. I don’t want to
ler’s arms wrapped around her little firm thighs, and imagines she is a to reach. To travel this lovely world use it—that’s my last ditch fund in
waist whistling something, a tune tree in a glade, her skin loam, her completely alone…beyond memory, there, what I need to start somet-
that pops like bubbles in the shells of eyes leaves. She tries everything to beyond passion, beyond even hing…new?
her ears and tingles her chest I’m make it better.  And then she springs love…to look upon the sun a virgin She knows she’s going east. East.
tired Schiller I wanna sleep he do- back, uprooted, fleeing her own in every sense of the word…to be What the hell is east? New York
esn’t say anything only dipping his body. She catches a small black glim- newly born…to share her nights maybe. The city. She’s never been
neck away laughing one bit spit pse of what used to be trimmed. with the sky and the sky alone there it doesn’t matter. There’s some
down the dirt she closes her eyes Quillinger insisted. He doesn’t mat- is of course impossible. The mo- opportunity there, a job maybe, she
mauve dreams unfolding like the ter—I hope I killed him. No fate is ment flees, her lids fall, and the light can work. Menial bullshit for a
flowers she read about in library bad enough for that man, who rui- dies behind mountaintops. She spits while, then maybe something better.
books long ago in another violet ned me and ruined Jennifer… at the transitory. Skies have nothing Maybe—everything is a fucking
hour, snoring dust— She stares at the wall clock. It isn’t else to offer. The room is stifling. It maybe! I’m living on maybe, suc-
She chokes. The stream gags her, even eight yet. Her damp palms rip has even less to give. She falls on the kling it like a god damn calf. I’m wa-
rolling the bare body across the bed. the curtains apart. Raw sunlight bed, exhales, and picks up her dis- ding in a nebulous…in nebula,
She is awake, completely awake, and blinds her. When the lids struggle carded clothing. In her fingers they running to nothing. I could open up
the dreams are out of her throat. free from the cresting, roaring light, feel like dead skin. The nausea a store. Grocery. That’s what I used
How many hours have past? She she is transfixed. She is home. swarms again, descending upon the to do, I practically ran the place back
never gave him a phone number. He Never has a sunset held her like quaking body. She can’t be inside in town. I could do it again, even in
could’ve left already, taking his free this. She presses her hand to the anymore. Her clothes somehow find the bad economy. Why not? I drove
meal and future free meals with him. window and beholds the mystical their way onto her skin and she bolts the knife through his mouth—  
What time is it? The lights are off, sun. Howling purples, savage oran- out of the room.
the shades are drawn. It could be ges, and a sky utterly alien overpo- The afternoon is dust. Night is
anytime. The digital clock is dead wers the petty civilization below. She here and she frets on the curb, tap-
and the wall clock is shrouded in too forgets that she has a view of the in- ping the rental cars with her nails
much shade for her to discern the terstate, the gas station, and the tepid because it’s simply something to do.
Joel maler
oday I’m hoping world a favor by imploding.  Row I receive a steady supply of victims. body is looking.  Sometimes I forget
for an electrical upon row of cheaply fabricated shel- Wage labor is poison to even the about this and when I ring up a cu-
fire.  This is not- ves from some impoverished nation modestly intuitive mind.  If I had to stomer I open the drawer and see
hing new to my packed with movies made by misc- restock the new releases, for exam- Washington, Lincoln, Hamilton and
employment here, reants acting out poorly written ple, I know this would take about fif- Jackson staring back at me, mo-
though to be honest it’s been weeks scripts in order to fuel my discon- teen minutes, fifteen minutes of my uthing my own words to me, as if
since I’ve expressly wished for such a tent.  I loathe this place, yet it confi- life costs Movie Mania $3.25.  One advocating the haikus I’ve written
demise.  More commonly sought are nes me, defines me.  It gives me a minute of my life is worth less than next to their faces.  It’s a guilty plea-
hurricanes, blizzards, and the occa- purpose and fills me with rage.  A 22 cents (before tax).  I try not to sure of mine, and each time I break
sional armed robbery, but I suppose red-carpeted rectangle of pain, suf- dwell on that, though.  It’s just a a twenty I’m able to distribute a little
any old calamity would suffice.  I fering, and obnoxious yellow wall- place for me to go, where I wither piece of my sorrow into the eco-
chalk it up to my broken spirit, but paper ugly enough to incite a riot, my life away an hour at a time, nomy.  The first day I did this, the
every time some gold bricking ba- with plate glass windows facing the blandly serving the mindless multi- DOW Jones dropped 400 points.  It
stard swipes his Master Card and highway.  Windows that I’ve shatte- tudes filing in as if summoned here had to do with the collapse of a
spends an egregious amount on his red at least a dozen times in my expressly to collect their drivel, load major utility in the Midwest.
ungrateful children, I wish that I had mind’s eye with tractor trailers, sport up on caramelized snacks, and But I briefly felt empowered.
the courage to walk away from this utility vehicles, and on one especi- shuttle themselves home in Arma- As another wasted night draws
place and find a new job. ally brutal night, a meteor. das and Escalades, while gas prices to a close I’m about to lock up when
But how could I, this job is the Presently, a line of about a dozen pe- rise like blood pressure, like adj- a man in a hooded sweatshirt pus-
crown jewel of my hapless existence. ople snakes its way around the pre- ustable rate mortgages, like everyt- hes the door in.  As this is happening
The benefits are scant; the hours viously viewed DVDs as I, the hing but my spirits. I think of the dank stockroom in the
long and inconvenient; the custo- manager and lone cashier, slowly Sometimes work for me is like back of the store.  A cheap card table
mers rude and inconsiderate; and drag the night out.  Becoming a ma- going to a human zoo.  I see families, sagging from the weight of the secu-
my coworkers each the personifica- nager seemed like a good idea at the that which I never truly had, because rity monitors with a tiny refrigerator
tion of idiocy. time, but has since proven a costly such things are the sum of their wedged between file cabinets and a
In short, I have inoperable cancer of mistake.  I am now charged with parts and parts don’t work when firing squad of folding chairs.  The
the paycheck. opening and closing the store each their incompatible, broken, or both. man reeks of sweat and in between
I’m in charge of a video store but not day in the absence of any consistent One day I help a mother find “The steps he jabs me in between the sho-
my life.  Executor of late fees, distri- supervision.  Being fired, my only Little Mermaid” for her daughter ulder blades with the gun.  I wonder
butor of paychecks, guarantor of the realistic chance of escape, is now a and I see my mother holding my si- how this looks on closed circuit te-
new releases to be in stock.  Recipi- near impossibility.  Gone are the ster’s hand, leading her along.  Then levision, playing to an audience of
ent of rudeness, lewdness, part-time days when I would simply move as I remember we were in a bar when empty chairs.  My very own contri-
excuses, and e-mails from corporate slow as possible on the register and that memory was made.  Memories bution to American Cinema.  Whe-
with the latest phone scripts.  Thank anticipate annihilation.  Now I lan- are troublesome in this way, and I res the money the money I need the
you for calling Movie Mania, where guish without a cause; a slave to re- am often jarred from them by the money, he says.  The time release
we’re crazy for new releases, how can petition.  It has long since ceased voices of customers or a passing am- safe doesn’t open until Friday, at
I help you? being a job to me, and has instead bulance, rushing to an emergency which point I’ll have already been
Kill me. become fused to the very essence of more apparent than mine. dead for three days. 
I loathe this place.  It’s a boil on my persona.  I live to be miserable, I write little poems on the
the face of a town that could do the misery loves company, and at work money in the cash register when no-
20 the stony brook PRESS


liz KaemPF
ut, really! Really! What if robots into his milk. He made sure he didn’t stay me- at dinner, but I can’t get a drink with the boys after
did take over the world?! What smerized for too long. He knew that if he put in work? Sounds unfair to me.”
if someone built gianormous too much his mother wouldn’t let him do it him- “I don’t get plastered around my son. That’s
robots and they all went bana- self ever again. So after a few seconds of magic, the difference, you moron,” she growled and tried
nas?!” he eased the flow before stopping it entirely. to wrench her arm out of her husband’s grip.
“Maybe. I guess it could “See, Mom! I told you I wouldn’t put in too “You know,” Dan started, “you could try being
happen,” Eileen mumbled distractedly. much! I told you!” a little nicer to your dear husband.”
“Mooommmooomm! You’re not even liste- His mother laughed appreciatively, “You’re “When pigs fly,” she retorted.”
ninggg!” right, Sammy. I should have trusted you,” then she “I don’t see why you gotta be so damn unrea-
“Huh? Oh geez, Sam!” stood up to get a straw from the kitchen drawer. sonable, baby.” Dan pulled Eileen in aggressively
“What, Mom?” he asked with his arms “Yep! You shoulda!” Sammy chirped gleefully. closer to him and grazed his cheek against hers.
outstretched. Eileen put the straw in her son’s cup and as he “Maybe it’s because you’re an alcoholic, Dan,”
“Oh, Sam, you got paint everywhere,” she an- slurped the milk up happily she returned to her she said straining to release herself from his grasp.
swered grabbing a towel from the counter and post at the kitchen sink to finish washing the dis- “I’ve already mastered being deaf when it comes
drizzling warm water from the faucet on to it. She hes, every now and then turning her gaze to her to you, I’m not going to be blind too.”
took hold of the small boy and wiped furiously at son and his unbridled joy. “Mom, I changed my shirt. Can I have a gril-
his messy paws, then halted before attending to She sighed and internally reminisced about led cheese sandwich for dinner, please? You make
the red and blue streaks on his face. “You know, when chocolate milk used to be a luxury. Her fat- them the best,” Sammy said on his way into the
Sam? You almost look like an Indian.” her barely allowed anything that wasn’t a neces- kitchen but looking down at the wrinkles in his
“Really, Mom? Do I? Coooool! Can I see? sity. “If we didn’t need it, then we didn’t have it,” shirt and trying to flatten them out.
Please? Can I?” she always said. They only got chocolate syrup “Sam! How’s my little guy?” Dan asked ent-
Eileen laughed and grasped the handle of a when Dad got a raise, or Grandma came to visit husiastically and turned his attention from his
stainless steel pot from the rack above the sink from South Carolina. wife to her son. He lifted him up from under his
and held it up like a mirror in front of her son’s Both events rarely occurred.              arms and hugged him.              
face. Eileen awakened from her memories only “Hi Daddy. I’m great. I painted some evil ro-
“Awesome!” he said in a gasp. He left his when the sound of a slammed car door from the bots and Mom even let me pour the chocolate
mouth gaping open as he turned his head from driveway reached her ears. “Shit,” she hissed and syrup into my milk. I didn’t even put in too
side to side. Eileen put the towel back on the co- grabbed the towel once again. “Sammy, I gotta much!”
unter, conceding that her son would be much wipe the paint off your face. Come here.” “That’s great, kiddo. Glad to hear it. You’re
happier to leave the war paint on for a little while “But why Mom?” shapin’ up to be just like your old man, huh?”
longer. She stood up and walked to the refrigera- “Because Daddy’s home and he won’t want to “Sure am! Eww, Daddy, your breath smells
tor, gazing into the open doors she called out, see you a mess like this.”              gross!”
“Apple juice or chocolate milk, Sammy?” “But Mom —-,” Eileen’s teeth clenched through her lips. Dan
“Chocolate milk!” he shouted with exube- “No buts!” and she wiped off the paint from laughed, “Sorry, kiddo. Musta been what I had for
rance. the disheartened boy’s face and sent him to his lunch.” Eileen scoffed under her breath as he put
Eileen laughed as she wrapped the fingers of room to change his shirt. She had the table shi- her son down. He turned to her but she was al-
her left hand around the handles of the Hershey’s ning when the key turned in the lock and had ready behind the refrigerator door pulling out the
syrup and the half-gallon jug of 1% milk. She let Sam’s finger paintings drying by the window by cheese and bread.
the doors glide shut and seal themselves as she the time Dan got up the steps to the kitchen. “Honey, why don’t you go wash your hands
turned to the cabinet and picked out a tall, clear “Hey Dan,” Eileen said to the dirty water in before dinner?” Eileen asked.
plastic cup with her free hand. the sink. “My hands are clean, El,” Dan answered.
“Mom, what about my Batman cup?” Sammy “Now that’s no way for my lady to greet me “I wasn’t talking to you,” she whispered with a
whined. when I come home!” he said tottering over to her. maliciousness that went unnoticed by her son.
“But I thought you like to see the chocolate “Where’s my kiss?” He nuzzled his unshaved face “Sammy, your hands?”
syrup swirl around in the cup?” into her neck and she tried not to cringe at the “You got it, Mom! Be right back. Don’t start
His mouth dropped open, “Mom, I forgot! I touch. cooking it without me!”
forgot about that!” and then a smile spread across “So, Dan, who did you meet up with on your Eileen turned on the electric stove to heat it
his face faster than the milk flowed into the cup. way home from work today? Jim, Jack, or Jose?” up and picked a small plate out of the cabinet and
His mother reached for the chocolate syrup next, He stepped back and the flush of his cheeks a frying pan off the hooks on the wall. Dan watc-
but he stopped her. “Mom, can I pour it in? darkened with an oncoming rage. “What the hell hed her with the eyes of a captive lion that had
Please? Can I?” is that supposed to mean?!” been fed vegetarian burgers for the last two weeks.
Eileen frowned slightly, “You’re going to put “It’s 4 o’ clock in the afternoon and you’re al- She could feel his eyes on her body. “Can I help
in too much.” ready drunk. What kind of father are you?” she you with something?” she questioned condes-
“No, no, no! I won’t! I promise! I just want to asked stepping away from the slovenly man she cendingly, not making eye contact with the beast.
pour it in! Please, Mom, Please?!” wished she had never married. “Yeah. How about you help me find a wife
She sighed, but then handed over the bottle “Now that’s no way to talk to your husband,” that’s not so much of a cunt?”
to her son who took it with both hands. “Just be he grunted grabbing her at the elbow and pre- Without a second’s hesitation Eileen’s hand
careful and don’t squeeze the syrup too hard, venting her from getting away. whipped across her husband’s face with the speed
okay?” “Get off of me, Dan! I don’t want you here if of a gazelle running from a lioness.
But Sammy was already ignoring her, too you’re not sober!” “You bit —-!”
busy watching the chocolate drizzle and spiral “Oh! So you can have some fancy pants wine “Don’t you dare ever speak to me like that,” she


liz KaemPF
hissed through her clenched teeth and came eye-to-eye Mommy.”
with the-sorry-excuse-for-a-man for the first time since Eileen smiled. “I think that will be perfect, Sammy.
he stumbled through the door. Thank you.”
“THIS IS MY HOUSE, DAMMIT! YOU DON’T Sammy went to the refrigerator and dug around for the
TELL ME WHAT TO DO IN MY HOUSE!” ingredients he needed. Fresh tears dropped from Eileen’s
He shoved her ruthlessly into the stove behind her, eyes as she watched her son try to carry everything over
his face swollen with blood and anger. Her back smashed to the table. The pain in her left hand was barely even no-
into the oven handle and her arms were sent flinging back ticeable now.
to the stovetop helplessly. “Mommy?” Sammy said quietly. Eileen’s gaze stole
“AHH!” Eileen cried, recoiling from the heat of the away from her hand and reappeared on her son. His arms
front burner and clutching her left hand in pain. Dan lo- wrapped around her tightly. “I love you,” he breathed into
oked at Eileen without pity or remorse and walked out of her stomach, and squeezed a little tighter than he had be-
the kitchen. Eileen heard the front door slam closed and fore.
Dan peel out of the driveway. She took a clean towel from Eileen put her free arm around the shoulders of her
the counter and soaked it in cold water while holding her son, “I love you too, Sammy.”
crippled left hand up to her chest. She wrapped her hand He was nothing like his father. Not even close. Ei-
in the towel and stared through the linen to trace out the leen felt a calm wash over her, and she was safe.
burn scars that would appear along her formerly flawless Sammy was going to protect her.
skin. Tears trickled down her cheeks and Eileen crum-
pled onto the kitchen floor.
“Mom, sorry I took so long. I brushed my teeth too.
Aren’t you proud? Where’s Daddy?” Sammy paused in the
doorway. “Mommy?” he asked nervously. The boy wal-
ked slowly up to his mother and fell down to his knees
next to her. “Mommy, are you okay?”
Eileen coughed a little, and choking on her words rep-
lied, “Yeah, Sammy. Mommy’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
But Sammy wasn’t convinced and he stood up and ran
over to the pantry. He came back out and stooped down
next to his mother with three chocolate chip cookies in
his tiny hands.
“Here, Mommy. You always give me cookies when I
get hurt and it always makes me feel better. It’ll make you
feel better too.”
Eileen gave her son a half-smile and picked one of the
cookies out of his hands and took a small bite. “You have
the rest, Sammy.”
The two of them stayed there quietly and chewed so-
lemnly on the cookies Sammy brought over. Neither mot-
her nor son made a sound other than that of their own
“Mommy, please don’t cry anymore,” Sammy whispe-
red suddenly. Eileen looked up into the glassy, blue eyes
of her son. “I know Daddy did this. I know Daddy makes
you cry every night, but don’t worry, Mommy. Because
when he comes back I’m gonna beat him up, and he’s
never gonna make you cry ever again. Okay, Mommy? I
Eileen laughed sheepishly. “I don’t think that’s necessary,
Sammy.” She placed her one delicate hand on the cheek
of her son and then swept it through his messy hair. She
gathered what was left of her strength and lifted herself
up off the ground with Sammy’s help. “How about that
grilled cheese, huh?”
Sammy shook his head. “I’ll make you dinner,
“But you’re not tall enough to reach the stove,” she la-
“That’s okay. I know you like ham and cheese sand-
wiches. I can make that. I don’t need the stove for that,
22 the stony brook PRESS

eric DigiovaNNi
my first year. It’s basically like a fat the parade was at nighttime. I also to ham it up as much as possible,
was feeling pretty trumpet, and has a lower pitch, but had experience teaching, mostly rather than show why they should be
buzzed when I left not by much. The fingerings and 101’s. But the experience was awe- representing our school as the em-
my lodging in Port such are still the same. some, once you’re done you could bodiment of spirit. It’s not like it
Jefferson; I stirred I was a geek in the band, but by no do anything” mattered anyway. Every candidate
my coffee that means a “band geek.” The aspect of On my way to the parade grounds, I had their own cheering section/vot-
morning with a leftover roach. Why school spirit never appealed to me actually saw a guy wearing the offi- ing block, so it all boiled down to
did I bother with such a thing? I re- that much. It was a way for me to cial douche uniform: headband, who brought the most people along.
ally don’t know. Thought it would continue performing music, after pink polo with the collar popped One of the candidates was someone
feel good, and if this was going to be playing the trumpet throughout and hair that actually needed work I see in every one of classes, since
a loose attempt at covering Home- high school. I still remember all the every morning. He wore it without a we’re both Senior year engineering
coming, then I figured sobriety practices in the freezing cold, but it hint of irony, like he wasn’t in on the majors. Now, he is a nice, easy going
would be a hindrance. To get into was worth it, because I got to see all joke. Or rather he was aware of it, guy, and has something really good
the spirit I had to be in the same the football and basketball games. It but he’s just brave. He was a cool guy for his Senior design project. How-
state of mind as the rest of them. got me out, and was a bit of an ego and all, a little cocky about us win- ever, seeing him bounding around
Matched the weather, too. Cloudy in boost when John Leddy, the man- ning, but it was just weird seeing and trying to teach us cheers that
the sky, cloudy in my head. ager of the band kept saying “Oh, someone wear that. Like the one night made me lose just a bit of re-
I was starving by the time I got off they love you guys! You’re doing so time I saw a guy in one of those In- spect for him. Nothing serious, more
the bus and headed to Wang for much!” This all took place during volvement Fairs wearing fox ears like “I saw you piss drunk singing
some free breakfast. All they had the inaugural year of the band, when and tail. I don’t remember what club ‘Dayman’ with your pants off ”. It’s
were bagels and muffins. Hardly it seemed like we were Stony Brook’s he was with, but even with that, harmless, he was having fun, but
substantial for a long day of photog- sign that it has arrived. everyone still ignored him. still, you know?
raphy and reporting, but fortunately, One of the drummers I knew and I I started taking some pictures of the One of the drum majors for the
they had The Almighty Life Blood, talked to a bit. floats as they were preparing for the marching band rushed over to me,
coffee. It kept my head buzzing for “Everyone still as gung ho about the parade. There was no middle jumping up and down. We used to
another good hour. There was no band and spirit and all that since I ground with regards to quality. It play mellophone back when I was
one there really, which makes me left?” was either so well done that you’d still in the band. “Hey!” he yelled,
question why The Statesman de- “Oh yeah. Leddy still goes ‘Every- think the creators thought such a running up to me, shaking my hand,
voted a whole article to it that next body loves you!’ But we’re not really thing mattered to their futures as “How are ya, man?” If he weren’t
Monday. Then again, if they dedi- that good. I guess we’re good at hav- human beings, and some were being part of the marching band and just
cate a photo spread to a Farmer’s ing spirit, I mean, if we wanted to be slapped together last minute with excited for the halftime show, you’d
Market, then nothing is too inane good we’d have auditions, but they duct tape and spray paint, like a swear he was on something. “You
for them. want to be able to say we have the twisted version of the Roth Regatta. taking pictures?”
I did, however, talk for a while to a fastest growing band anywhere.” I got to talk to a couple of the Home- “Yeah, for The Press,” I replied, look-
friend of mine, who’s an editor for I went inside, and got right into the coming candidates while I was wait- ing for more photo-ops. “So, what’s
The Patriot and the VP of the Col- bustle, as everyone was getting ready ing for the parade to start. the half-time show like this year?”
lege Republicans. I met him on the for the parades and halftime show. “Do you guys really expect to do “Oh, you’re going to be surprised,
train home back to Bayside one Everyone was going in and out of anything as Homecoming King or man. You’ll like it.”
weekend. He had a laptop chock full doors, and the sounds of everyone Queen?” The parade started and the familiar
of Batman: The Animated Series and practicing all resounded in to one “Well, I mean, I’ll probably have to cadences of the marching band-
we shared in the nostalgia. single rush of noise. It was depress- come out to certain events. Boost Sorry, I mean, the familiar cadences
He noticed my camera. “Taking pic- ing, but it felt good to not have to be school spirit,” said one of the nomi- of The Spirit Of Stony Brook Red
tures “I’m writing something for wrapped up in the hype. Some kids nees for Home Coming King. Hot Marching Band DS 64 2000
The Press,” I said. in the back of the auditorium were “You walk out onto the field, that’s echoed amongst the buildings. It was
“Cool. Ever think of doing some- playing keep away with a balloon. about it,” said one of the queens. a nostalgic sight, but it wasn’t what I
thing for The Patriot? We’re not as Luck was on my side, and Alumni “So then if that’s all you do, then why was looking for. I met up with the
polarized as The Press. Or maybe we breakfast was miles better; it actually bother running?” new photographer, Ezra, who I e-
are. I’m not sure.” had hot food. Only downside was “To get more involved, I guess.” She mailed about covering the event. He
Seemed interesting, but not some- that there weren’t any alumni. There said. was taking pictures of floats.
thing I wanted to discuss right there. was a former employee, and this was Neither of them was too sure about “So glad you e-mailed me,” he said.
I had a job to do. I changed the sub- her story (as transcribed through a the actual duties. Hell, they just I then ditched him for the WUSB
ject. “Think we have a chance crappy Olympus Digital Voice cared about winning. However, I table, where they were holding a
today?” Recorder): now had the focus of my Home- trivia contest. I won a Stone Roses
“Eh, I don’t know.” “I went to Illinois State for my Bach- coming article: CD. I went back to find Ezra, but to
He went back to his dorm to rest, as elor’s and My Masters. I worked here Why school spirit? no avail. I wanted to show him the
I considered his offer. Only problem for three years, and I still felt strong I went to the Homecoming Selection real story of the hour: the tailgate
is I wouldn’t know what to write. enough to still come back. They that Wednesday, where the candi- parties. Here was where I would find
I was on my way to the ITS center to work your ass. By the time you’re dates had to answer some questions my answer: These people didn’t have
see if the Alumni Breakfast would done here, you’re ready to supervise and show off a talent. The entire to be here. They didn’t build a float,
have anything more substantial, an army, run for the presidency of thing can be summed up like so: The or paint a banner, or were part of the
when I saw the good old marching the United States. They made you do girls listed off all of their extracur- band. Given the choice, they came
band. I used to play mellophone for everything. We ran the parade and ricular activities, and the guys tried out of their dorms and got psyched

for the game in style. The

smell of fermented hops and
charred meat filled the air,
and didn’t care about
being healthy, just
about being good.
Lots of little
canopies were
s c a t t e r e d
throughout the
parking lot. How-
gave an
ever the one
ap p r e h e n s i v e
thing that caught
look around before from
my eye was a giant sil-
shrugging me off, but his drinking The Stony
ver painted school bus. It was some
became more discrete. Brook Independ-
project where they drove from Con-
Everyone else however, was more ent. We were the only
necticut to Stony Brook all on veg-
than happy to welcome me. Once young guys up there. The
etable oil. One of the crew members
they heard I worked for The Press, other was from some football
was eating Wendy’s. I guess that’s
they wanted pictures to be taken. specific publication and the other
where they refueled.
One group wanted me to take a pic- guy was from Newsday, if I remem-
Going from tailgate to tailgate, I no-
ture of the steak they were cooking ber correctly. One day, I thought to
ticed they all had one thing in com-
later. I also took the “family photo” myself, one day these people would
mon: a PR guy. He’s the one of the
for the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. “What?” know me, and bow in my presence.
group responsible for introductions
“Brothers! Brothers!” the PR guy “You need to The marching band came out for
and asking you if you want a beer. I
yelled as he rallied the troops to take talk to us 24 hours in advance.” their pre-game show, a rendition of
always accepted. He was also able to
the photo. “I got them, but the thing is, I was The Who’s “Pinball Wizard”. I always
recommend similar parties going on
“Say, are we gonna be in The Press supposed to pick them up this feel a little tingle in my chest when
later that you might also enjoy.
now?” morning at the office, but the office one of my favorite rock songs is
There are two sorts of responses
“Not up to me. It’s up to the layout is locked right now and I can’t find blared through horns in a 100 piece
people give when they see you with
editor.” them.” band. Thank God they didn’t play
a camera: pose or get suspicious. If I
He made a reminder to e-mail him “We don’t have a pass back here for- “Freebird” or I would have broke
had Ezra with me, my journalistic
the picture. ” down and cried. Only problem was
outfit would look more official, but
The game was starting soon. I knew “Damn it, I am a journalist!” I was that everything was muffled due to
since I was alone at the time, I had
I had a job to do, but most of the about to go Spider Jerusalem on his the glass and the height. I looked out
trouble getting anywhere. One guy
people at the parties stayed. I headed ass and headbutt him, but he caved the back as the game was starting,
actually called me a “narc.”
toward the stadium and tried to get in. and saw that there were still throngs
“Oh no, I’m not one, but there are
into the press box. “All right, I’ll let you up now, but for of people at the tailgate parties, liv-
guys snooping around.”
“Hello, I’m from The Stony Brook future reference, call 24 hours in ad- ing it up. If I didn’t have to cover the
“Yeah? Fuck him!”
Press.” vance.” game. I’d go back and try that steak.
“I’m serious! I talked to one of the
A confused looking kid was holding “Got it. Thanks” The Seawolves faced off against the
officers before I came back here, said
down the gate. I’ve only been up once before for Presbyterian College Blue Hose, a
he was on the lookout. He then
“Uhh…” something with the marching band. team that virtually no one has heard
changed his shirt and left.”
“It’s one of the school newspapers…” Once I got up there, I could see why of. That makes them “indie.” All the
“Yeah, uh…” He spoke lower. “Any
“Oh, right.” He got on his radio. people became sports writers. They hipsters will inevitably root for
idea what he looks like?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a guy from the Stony had a spread of sandwiches and them, and ironically follow them,
“Bah, I don’t know. It was one of the
Brook Press here.” sodas, and separate rooms for radio like my editor Andrew Fraley fol-
fraternities, I don’t remember
Then another man came down. “Yes, people, TV people, and us print lows the Colorado Rockies. From
do you have your press credentials?” jockeys. I sat down next to someone
24 the stony brook PRESS


DaNiel luKasczyK
o there came a question: where do we go from here? plenty of their own time.  Casimir allowed his eyes to become blurred, dark,
After one has reached this point what direction should and cloudy.
he move?  When will it all come to an end?  When does They watched as the group dispersed and carefully followed behind
everything stop turning?  When… when… can I get Casimir.
off?  At the moment this point is reached a magnificent Casimir walked alone through the streets without a fear.  He was
realization begins to take place. walking on a cloud.  Then in front of him he saw the signs.  These were new
That moment had been filled with the sounds of fists crunching, flashing lights.  These were the flashing lights that no man wanted to see in
knuckles splintering, and the wonderful feeling of skin being torn off of the front of him.  They were coming for him.
body piece by piece.  It seemed that everything was leaving his body.  Sinew, The doors to the car opened and the men walked up to Casimir.
blood, life, all of it was leaking, and what was the reason? Two new lights were now being shone in his face.  Blinded and confused he
It could look to experienced eyes that there seems to be none any- saw the predicament he was in.  He knew at that point that
more.  Maybe there was just something built inside of the human race.  It there was nothing protecting him.  He remembered
would be something that exists inside the deepest part of our minds, sitting the last sentence that he heard, “Identification,
and waiting to come into full view.  It would be something that should so- please.”  After he heard that it all became a
meone be scouring his mind and come upon it darkness would fall.  But gushing stream of misplaced images.  There
maybe it’s the oldest part of us.  So when darkness falls and one sits and were skips between each scene and the enti-
dwells in that part of his mind the question comes up: so where do we go? rety of the footage could not be completely
Men go back to the original state of animals, but still we come out on top. registered.  But there was enough to build off
Sometimes it isn’t just out of fear.  Sometimes it all went so much of.
deeper.  It can all be played down in the simplest of scenarios. That moment had been filled
The feral cat keeps its distance at the first sight of a human.  The cat with the sounds of fists crunching,
does not understand that which stands in front of it, so it gains a feeling of knuckles splintering, and the won-
anticipation; what will the next move be?  The towering giant stands over derful feeling of skin being torn off
the cat with a complete understanding of what a cat is.  Maybe the claws of the body piece by piece.  It se-
won’t come out.  Or maybe the cat will advance in full stance and go for the emed that everything was lea-
strike.  Fear sometimes gives reason to attack.  No understanding, fear, at- ving his body.  Sinew, blood,
tack; that’s how the chain goes.  But then it all went on in nothing but a blur. life, all of it was leaking, and
So maybe the fearful will conquer the feared and the feared plants the hate what was the reason?
for that which it cannot conquer. He knew exactly why.
But let us pause.  Let’s rewrite the screenplay.  Let death ring as fury Other people had tried to warn him about such
builds.  It has become evident that man’s cycle never stops.  Destroy in fear, situations.  But now he sat alone in the dark.  Bloody,
destroy in hate for not knowing and for not controlling, and then let us bless half naked, and feeling that the world
this time. around him was made of nothing but
But it is in Casimir to transcend through those wounds and move dusty coal.  There was utter confu-
through those memories to see where it all went wrong.  He sat there by sion and a sense that movement
himself in the darkness and spoke out loud, “Don’t try to hide it, I know.” from that point on was futile.  Life
He had been moving deep through those flashing lights with not had been desecrated.  He sat their
one minute to stop.  He had to be prepared because everything that made nursing his knuckles trying to make as much sense of the
his essence was held close to him, so he had to grasp it tight.  He had to let broken sections of memories that he could conjure up.
the world know who he was and what he was.  He had to have the light flas- He thought back to who the men were.
hing on him.  He had everything that does not last in life, so he had to keep He understood exactly who they were and knew
it close to him. what they stood for.  They didn’t even bother to
There were others who observed him and saw what he was to them. say anything to him.  They decided to play the
They sat there and made their statements.  So they had to let him know the game and take the first shots to leave him lying
way the game is played.  They had to tell him who’s on top.  They had watc- on the ground.  There was no hesitation in their
hed for long enough. eyes.  But what he knew was that they didn’t he-
Afterwards Casimir came to a new conclusion: this can’t be con- sitate because they understand the rules.  They
quered, then let them hate me.  Let them see a monster. knew that if they hesitated their fates would come to
He walked alone that night.  The small entourage that normally fol- a quick and abrupt cut.  But they had no reason to approach him.
lowed him had dispersed in its own direction.  They had been among him The entire situation seemed absurd and ridiculous.  But it wasn’t.
all night and added to the show of whom they were and who he was.  They From that point on there was nothing but hatred.  There
passed items amongst each other and traded ciphers as the tradition went. was nothing but a rising burn inside his stomach that told him
Down the street the others had been watching.  They had seen eve- what he had to do.  He followed his first instinct. He let the ani-
rything and knew that they had the power to stop it.  But they didn’t like the mal out.  He went back to the oldest form of man.
scene. They didn’t want to be a part of that act.  The ratio of people in the As quickly as he could he got dressed and grabbed the only
two groups greatly favored Casimir.  They had no way of getting to him, thing he would need to take with him off of his shelf.  He ran down
because they knew they would wind up dead.  They needed him to be alone. the stairs and exited the house.  He took the final steps that led to the dense
They had to corner him to get those scratches in.  So they waited. darkness of the frozen streets of Eluna City.  Casimir had stepped into Saq-
Casimir spent the time enjoying everything that was around.  He qara with a voice bouncing back and forth through his head saying, “They’ll
had no fear at that time.  There was only one thing that could change that say shame on me.”  But then another voice came in that repeated, “Never
atmosphere, but it seemed that the coast was clear.  So they relaxed and took discriminate, but this is only in vengeance.”  Casimir continued his trek.
the looks of it, they weren’t a strong team either, coming into this game “White Rabbit” and “Don’t Fear The Reaper.” The music selection has got-
with a 0-4 record. ten better, but the talent is still of variable quality. Then they went into
Kickoff went off to the side at 50 yard line, and the Hose scooped it up, but “Thriller,” and actually did the zombie dance. Just when you’ve thought
out of bounds. Not even five minutes into the game, the Seawolves scored something could never happen, there it is. The drum major was right, I was
on a big drive, led by a 30 yard rush by running back Edwin Gowins, very surprised. Then they ended with “Disturbia.” Interesting to hear from
and finished with a 5 yard carry by Conte Cuttino into the endzone. a marching band, but sadly, having it played at least three times at every
On their second drive, Presbyterian answered the touchdown on a social gathering had already ruined the song for me.
91-yard, 7 play drive, finished by a mini-rush by Trenton The second half started up again, but there was no conflict, no dramatic
Dendy. nail-biting tension like the 2007 Homecoming game, where they scored a
Yet, with all this action, it was eerily silent inside the last minute field goal to go into over time, then won.
press box. Everyone else was pecking away at their In fact, the most impressive touchdown of the day was on a fake pass to QB
laptops and iPhones, and all I had was an on-loan sneak by Coulter was when he was flipped head over heels into the end zone
camera, a notepad, and an fuzzy by an incoming tackle. Then some men in red full body suits came along
memory. The Stony Brook In- and danced for the crowd. Unfortunately, none of them were aware of how
dependent guy was online much those things showed off. After the game was over, everyone rushed
waiting for a live stream play- the field in a roaring sea of red and flesh. I thought I saw one guy almost get
by-play of the game to boot trampled. Despite that, he still had a big smile on his face, got up and kept
up, and instead had settled for running.
the machines in the press box The Seawolves plowed through the Blue Hose’s piss-poor defense to win
that give all the stats. 52-14. You can tell a team is bad when the quarterback gets just as much
I didn’t belong up there on any sense. rushing yards as the running backs. It was a slaughter for the sake of school
If I needed to write about Home- spirit. “If our football team kicks this much ass, then that means this school
coming, I couldn’t be cooped up in does, too!”
here, no matter how much free food The notion of “school spirit” is bull. There is no such thing, and to love a
they had. I needed to be with the bunch of buildings is just foolish. There is nothing inherently special about
cheering, screaming throngs, covered Stony Brook University. All the discoveries in medicine, all the friends we
in body paint and “Woo!”ing their make, all the wins the sports teams get are due to the people themselves. All
asses off. the school can provide are opportunities.
At the end of the first quarter, (14-7, Stony Brook) I Homecoming is nothing more than an opportunity, and it’s not exclusive
took my leave. to Stony Brook. It’s an opportunity to catch up with old friends. It’s an op-
“I needed to be with my people” I said. “The walls are closing portunity for free food. It’s an opportunity to party. It’s not “school spirit”
in on me!” The weed was starting to take ef- we should be celebrating on this day, but human spirit. Human spirit is
fect. I rushed downstairs, and came out to the field. The what gives us a reason to wake up in the morning, and keeps us going. That
air was crisper, the horns were louder, and you could smell the spirit can’t be created or boosted by a staged event, it’s the little things, like
fresh cut grass. The clouds had parted, and you just barely see the actually giving a damn about others, sharing and just being together.
sunset over the walls. I crashed on my bed when I got back home. I’d crash for about an hour,
Halfway through the second quarter, quarterback Michael Coulter wake up, and fiddle around on my laptop for a few minutes, then crash
hit Donald Porter for a 59 yard touchdown. Presbyterian managed to again. I had the earphones plugged in when my RSS Feed program gave its
score another touchdown and a recovered fumble brought Stony Brook loud DING!
within range to score a field goal before the half went out. I saw the headlines:
With the score 23-14, Presbyterian was feeling the hurt. The crowd “1000 dead in Indonesia Quake”
added insult to injury. As I was taking a picture of the Blue Hose “China Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Communist Rule”
heading back into the locker room, a kid next to me yelled with a “Walruses Suffer Substantial Losses as Sea Ice Erodes”
booming voice “Boooo! Presbyterian, you suck!” Then he singled out indi- Suddenly, the event felt pretty small.
vidual players, like Oprah was giving away cars: “You suck! And you suck!
And you suck! You, you’re OK, but you suck!”
The marching band came on the field. The show started off great, with


He searched through the darkness until he found them.  He could simir’s picture and knew the monster that he was, others knew the hero
see them so clearly when everything else around them was blurred and con- that he was.  The newspapers were filled with all the information that eager
torted.  They were in perfect sight.  Casimir moved quickly in a straight line readers wanted to know.  So they read and rejoiced singing, “If the past be
towards the door of the corner store where they were stirring their coffees. known at last we know.”  Now they knew that they could sit there and re-
They weren’t the same two who ripped apart Casimir, but they might as cite the fact that the fatality shot had entered through the right temple.
well have been. Others could sit back and see the event as something completely
He stood there in front of them with his eyes firing directly at them. different and have complete understanding of the archetype that built the
They stared back at him with their eyes shaking strangely.  At that moment situation.  They look back at an old prophet who in passing told us, “Nig-
they realized that all exits are final.  Casimir lifted his right arm and the ac- gas fear what they don’t understand, hate what they can’t conquer.  I guess
tion was complete. it’s just inferior man.  Became a monster.”
The next day it was all available to the general public to view and Amen.  
entertain those around them by retelling the story.  Some of them saw Ca-
26 the stony brook PRESS


JoN PlaisteD
hat day in November, Jack the twisted brass to his face; his mouth by this seemed eight times as large as
had already welcomed in eight time was set and red, for as Jack started humming life. The father’s look was un-
autumns, and clocks and dates the tune, his father had been preparing a ritual dulant, elusive, beyond
and deadlines had not yet mar- with his lips, which now disappeared into the mo- reach. In those few mo-
ked his life. Memories grow uthpiece. Something heaved within him and ments, as his
sparser with every year and he- notes came out with a lugubrious wail, as the father stared at
artbreaks and aspirations, our very souls a tho- booze and hate, sweat and drone went into every his jazz idol, he
usand miles long, start to fade. We forget the major note he played. also seemed to be
meaning of what happened. Young Jack was lear- Thump, thump, thump went his foot on the glancing at him-
ning about life without intention as his tiny trans- driveway while three strong fingers moved up self beneath the
istor radio blurted the ballad “You’ll Never Know,” and down on golden keys. Jack stood there with skin of his own
by Harry James and his Orchestra. It might have eyes wide open as his father, who rarely even image, nerves,
been unusual for a young boy in 1963 to be liste- spoke to him, was playing some old piece of muscles, that face of
ning to big band tunes, but he had been weaned magic discovered in the attic just moments ago. urgent
on the sounds of jazz and swing his short life. He was droning syncopation to a song and was blood,
Jack was humming in the attic over old photo making it his own as each tone moaned with me- the face
albums and athletic equipment, boxes and chests, lody. The man looked drowsy as he played, his of a musi-
pages of large unread books, Christmas lights and foot thumping and his fingers straight as they cian, a
tin canisters, when he stumbled over an old trum- fluttered on the keys. Jack watched and listened mind secret,
pet laying secretly muffled beneath some old bri- as his father’s eyes grew red and seemed to open disciplined,
efcases. His father had played in a big band as a and close, while soft but strident notes of an old generous
teenager and had spied a lady’s legs out on the Harry James ballad came one by one from an in- a n d
dance floor. The story goes...that in the middle of strument that seemed to grow out of his hand. un-
a song, his father hopped down from the stage to Jack was so proud, that that became his proudest fatho-
cut in on a dance with her. The rest becomes hi- moment. mable.
story. The lady became Jack’s mother. Jack won- It was the first and last time Jack ever heard Over and
dered if this was the trumpet that his father had him play. The family kept nothing the boy had over his
played that night. stepped over in the attic that day. Nothing rema- dream
What Jack picked up in his hands was rusty ins. Not the trumpet, not anything. Keeping hid it-
and tarnished and the mouthpiece was stuck in things and not throwing things away, is not quite self
so hard that he couldn’t pull it out. He crawled the same thing. Memories work the same way, be- and
down from the attic to find the owner, who had cause like lost possessions, sometimes the past,
just that second pulled into the driveway and was the days of the week lose their meaning, as do the
pulling work samples out of the trunk. Jack didn’t weeks of the month and the months of the
know what his father did for a living. Jack just year.              
knew he was a salesman and was gone for days at ***
a time. He drove a nice car and wore a fancy suit Jack visited his parents many years later. His
to work and he recalled being proud of him just father was working in Florida at the time, and then
for that. He ran to his car and thrust the trumpet Jack was just drifting, so he stopped down to see – a smile on his face appeared.
into his chest shouting, his old man and to look for work. It was one of He looked around the roped
“Play something Dad!” those Saturdays again, in autumn, middle of the area, and his eyes settled on a
He looked at Jack and then the trumpet, and afternoon. This time the two were sitting around dark-haired woman with a gardenia
said, “Where’d you get this?” and “Not now.” a pool side, placed behind one ear, her hips and
As Jack moped away, he turned to watch as “You want to head over to press an eye on shoulders swaying to every erratic riff.
his old man grabbed the horn in his strong left Disney World and have a drink with the ol’ man Without hesitation or forethought, he gra-
hand and extend it to inspect the instrument sus- at the Polynesian?”  cefully moved beneath his broad, burlesque
piciously, as if it were some foreign object. He Jack was twenty two and there was nothing energy, extending his hand toward her to
brought it back to his chest, closer this time to his he’d rather have done, so both of them hurried to dance. She smiled as they glided out
heart, then fingered the three keys, extending it the amusement park early that evening. After a onto the dance floor to, apparently,
again from his body and admired it as a smile couple of drinks, father and son entered the the last song of the evening for the
played across his face. His breath started to be- Magic Kingdom, deep into the heart of Saturday song came abruptly to an end and
come fast as he yelled, night. Both heads jolted when they heard the soul Harry James announced over the
“What do you want me to play?” of a trumpet playing off in the reappearing shades mike,
“Play anything,” Jack demanded. of people and night. “Thank you and good night,
“I don’t know anything,” he replied, Serendipity. everyone.”
Jack thought for a second, “Play ‘You’ll Never There was a sign next to the entrance to the Jack’s father whispered something in the la-
Know’.” dance floor that read, “Harry James and his Orc- dy’s ear, then hopped up on the stage like a tee-
He looked surprised that his son knew the old hestra.” nager and spoke a few words to the frail old jazz
tune and asked him, with a wink, to hum the me- Jack said, “Dad, It’s Harry James! Is it really great. His dance partner in the meantime had
lody. As Jack accommodated him in a hurried but Harry James, the trumpet player!?” taken out a little mirror from somewhere and
accurate rendition, the father looked down and He didn’t seem to hear, he was just looking at hurried a comb through her hair and a lipstick ac-
smiled right through the young boy and pulled the frail old man in the white suit who somehow ross her lips. He came back to her just as she was
finishing and took her hand on the spot, whis- holy moment. And Etta, the blues singer, whose mething about love and night and intention.
king her away across the dance floor, both willing mouth was like the shining moon, remembered The next day Jack didn’t linger long; for some
to submit to the night and the music as all the too: reason, he had decided to look elsewhere for a
other couples joined in. Jack recognized the tune job. He knew it was his turn to make a living just
right away. His dad had requested “You’ll Never You went away and my heart went with you, I like his father probably had done when he was
Know,” the song he had played fourteen years speak your name in my every prayer, Jack’s age years ago. No hugs, no sad good-byes.
ago, the day Jack had found his trumpet in the If there is some other way to prove that I love you, It wasn’t their style. And the young man didn’t
attic. It was Harry James’s signature I swear I don’t know how, see his father for many years after that as his old
song and the old trumpeter was You’ll never know if you don’t know now. man’s drinking got worse and, in ten thousand
accompanied that night by an shades of blue, so did his health and happiness.
up and coming female vocalist When the song was over, the woman did not Jack’s father is gone forever now, except of course
named Etta. She was a large speak and neither did Jack’s father. She took the in Jack’s reveries when he call him back to answer
black woman with a gardenia from behind her ear and placed it in his some questions, to talk jazz, to play that trumpet
voice a half an acre in size coat pocket. He just bowed and she smiled again, one more time.
and a heart like a lost boat. and I they glanced secretly at each other’s hands. They had made a silent pact that night in the
The song did not seem to Then he scratched his nose and mumbled some Magic Kingdom. Jack had come to him that night
last very long. But like a sad moist words and turned away, the words melting in Florida as a grown child, old enough to make
musical fool, Harry James on the tip of his tongue, forever. As he headed friends, from which struggles music and me-
played a raggedy tune in the back to his life and his son, Jack turned his cram- mory. The same weary jazz echoed through both
depths of that night.  His father was ped face away. heads that night. Father and son.
dancing with a beautiful woman and The night became a blur. The father asked Now, every fall, Jack pulls those memories
James was playing their favorite song. Jack to drive home. Not a whisper, not a thought out of storage. They circle and blow past like so
The beautiful woman was smiling was spoken. He had two fingers draped over his many autumn leaves, like notes from an old horn.
broadly and his father was fox trot- coat pocket. But not a look was lost upon his son Jack sees him in broad daylight as his father holds
ting like nobody’s business. either. Once or twice Jack looked over at the ref- that trumpet to his lips to play his heart out for
And Jack stood there watc- lection of his father’s face in the passenger side him. He sees him as he dances with a dark-hai-
hing in the chilly winds that rose window to see it staring blankly into the night, at red lady in a pale moonlight.
and realized that he had never some inexplicable time and place where dreams
known his father, nor his father were not dreams. And as he looked over at him But the song never ends.
– him, as all the sadness of this night, and as a white ooze seemed to begin
that realization poured seeping, spreading darkly, thickly, slowly down
out in one melanc- one of his cheeks, he realized his father was so-


JoN PlaisteD
round the campus, it is strange and sed about looking for work. And he tried to find it,
rare to encounter beings like Elvis. but why deny it? Work was hard to come by on the
Drunk vagabonds rarely haunt the north shore. There were few places that still used
prison-like buildings and grounds. live music, and one of them, Tuts (named for the boy
You won’t find them sleeping behind pharoah), had just that day hired a female rock sin-
bushes either. You won’t find anyone ger, “and this chick is heavy dude. Sorry.” In fact,
passed out in front of the Student Union, waiting for none of the clubs were interested. They all said to
security or oblivion to take them away. EP, “You look too much like the King.” His attempts
Whichever comes first. at explaining were useless.
Yet....Elvis, fat and gold-plated, diamonds in this He thought of singing on the LIRR but was silen-
belt and on his fingers, appeared suddenly, asking ced on the first train he tried it on. The passengers
which streets he should take to get back to his pent- preferred their own cell phones or IPODS over fat
house in Las Vegas. Poor guy, he didn’t know the guys with sideburns singing rock-and-roll. What did
show was over. This is the End, My Only Friend, The they know? Furthermore, his bad luck led him to
End, Jim Morrison once said. Elvis approached a take the Jamaica-Brooklyn route, where the riding
student and said, “I’ve been so lonely, I’ve been so public tends to be more hard-assed than is custo-
lonely I could die.” But she continued her walk mary. Maybe on other routes. Who knows?
along the Zebra Path without responding... Due to so much disillusionment, Elvis slipped
Then Elvis spotted a Security Officer. He shouted, back onto Stony Brook’s campus where the trees and
“Oh, let me be (Oh, let me be) your teddy bear.” The flowers had grown more abundant since he had last
policeman did not appear moved or amused. So poor passed through. He stopped combing his hair and
EP was thrown in the campus clink and stripped of lost weight to a grotesque degree, while his clothes
the diamonds which adorned his clothing and fin- turned to rags. And it was in this state that—so-
gers (taken to cover his bail), and was then thrown meone said that he had no other choice— he began
back on the street with a few bucks in change. to panhandle the students as they walked around
Though already fortyish, Elvis wasn’t embarras- Roth Pond to get to their classes. That didn’t work
28 the stony brook PRESS


out either. the winds are already carrying her away. She was addiction, about how to win at Blackjack in cer-
You and I know the King was born to sing. the only one in the dorm who watches soap ope- tain casinos in Vegas, and about making movies.
Nothing more. ras and finds consolation when one of the prota- She told him about her classes, her old cat at
Elvis had already given up on explanations; he gonists was named Ann and lived in happiness home, about her grades and how she had a dorm
was too lonely for that. One day Elvis walked with her boyfriend. It was the other students’ in- room to herself. Then she also gave him an in-
into the filth which is Roth Pond and remained difference that made her stop caring about them. tensive course in shorthand, using some dirt as a
there for hours, baptizing himself, it seemed. Nobody was saying, “How ya doin?” to her, so blackboard. They fell immediately in love. That
When he got out, his appearance was still disa- she decided that she, too, would say it to no one. Elvis had been divorced, was a fact that did not
greeable, but his smell was like that of a fishing And that was fine. interest her. Together they began a journey thro-
port, sweet to this writer, but unpleasant to most Due to the circumstances (Ann always ill-hu- ugh the campus and over to Kelly Quad where a
of the students passing by. A solitary student was mored), her roommate opted for another ro- storm had left the sidewalks soaked and bitten
spending her time on a park bench, contempla- ommate and left Ann alone again and happy as a like a big fried banana and peanut butter sand-
ting Elvis with neither sadness nor joy. They were street cat. Amen, to scorn people also was good wich, and the Quad in pieces, instantly decayed
the only two people at the pond now. The sun once in a while. She discovered that many of the as though victims of time and not of the heavy
moved a few fractions of an inch closer. Her students who wander by are actually a lot like her. rains and high winds.
name was Ann. She grows accustomed to watching them. All The sun had gone down and helicopters were
She’s had a cat in high school, her only com- with their own style and at the same time identi- hovering around the campus–everywhere. Elvis
panion, but now she’s alone again. She has a cal. and Ann looked up and wondered what all the
dorm roomy, but they don’t speak to each other. Like Ann. fuss was about. All the stop lights were down.
She has the room to herself every weekend, and Amazing. The quads had no corners. Reporters and televi-
never leaves. She speaks to no one in class. It was on one of these days that she saw the sion crews arrived as University Police and Suf-
Nobody greets her. King for the first time. One could watch lots of folk County authorities were shouting for the two
Nobody says, “Who you got for Psych?” or guys like Elvis passed along Roth Pond, maybe to halt. Elvis felt on stage again!
just “What’s up?” talking to themselves about a possible date or ho- Soon . . . the officers just began shooting. Elvis
Rock-and-roll never got to her. Nobody invi- mework, or shouting out that they were the King, and Ann went on walking. She experienced rock-
tes her for a coffee at SAC, or a drink at night, each one a distinct king. Strangely she seemed to and-roll for the first time. He sang his greatest
nor takes her to dance, not to have dinner, nor see understand him as he began bathing himself in hits beneath the intense light of the choppers.
a movie. Her life has come to be one, two, the black water. He reached his hand out natu- There was in all of it, something much better than
three...she awakens, takes a shower, gets dres- rally to Ann, and filled with emotion, the King Las Vegas. The fools never understood that ne-
sed....She hasn’t understood that variations exist: told her about Buddy Holly, Priscilla, and the na- ither they nor their guns existed for Elvis and his
one, three, two, two, three, one.... tural rhythm that just might exist in all human friend. You see, these two had disappeared a long
Ann was eighteen years old, and little by little hips (he didn’t say Pelvis). He told her about drug time ago.

LAByRINTH DaNiel luKasczyK

he sky was overcast when I was Truth be dat we’s fucked up.  An’ wha’ we doin’? powa kin be ‘feated by doze in control.  Revolu-
sober last.” Tain’t nuffin’!  People be ot dare tokin’ lie dis da tion.  Dat be it: Revolution.  Buh no madda who
-Black Thought way ta be.  People thank dat dis be sumthin’ worth in control it gone come down ta da same dangs.  It
“Clock With No Hands” godin’.  Why god dis.  Ain’t nuffin’ hea worth pro- all fall down ta da fact tha’ ya got freedom.
tecin’ lie dat.  Da mo’ eyes look at it da mo’ eyes fea Buh wha’ is freedom then?  Wha’ gone sep’rate
Lis’nin? it.  Da mo’ eyes wan ge’ ‘way from it.  Is lie, why? da freedom from asepted akshuns dat one takes.
Ite.  Put in yo work.  Buh dare’s dangs been Why put muhsef up dare on top to protec su- Move ‘long ta anofa name… sin.
bodrin’ me.  I seen it all clarly.  I seen dangs.  Buh mthin’ dat ain’t dat impo’tant ta me?  Why shou’ Jus’ pass tha’ ta me.  Won’t be long.
mah mine dun unnastand.  Dare’s too much hea. ah pu’ mahsef in da line to protec Hell? An’ than ya gots ta continya wit’ da idea dat
Dis swam’ done got the bes’o’me.  Is lie a trap.  Fell Buh ya gotta thank ta yasef ‘bout dis hea really dare’s an angel.  An’ dat angel kin sin.  Dat angel
lie I cand move down hea.  Dis maze worked me Hell.  Eyes dunno if dare cou’ really be somethan’ kin sin, an’ fall to earth.  So den wha’ earth?  God’s
‘round.  I wan leave buh I cand.  I wan see dangs lie Hell.  Wit da ways dey splain it all it don’ make gabage dump.  Whea he drop da sinnas.  Buh it
difrin.  Is lie dare’s somethan’ hea.  Someone dun no sense.  Dare really ain’t no need fo’ it.  Seem lie all becomes pa’t da worl’ nonedaless.  Dare’s gotta
wan Gabriel to move nowhea.  Eyes kna tha not all dat we need is dis hea itsef.  Afta all dis, wha’ be somethan’ lef ’ afta all dis.  Deys give us hea-
erbody see da way I do.  Na erbody kin look out the sense in Hell?  Even if dare cou’ be such a dang ven.  Dat’s wha deys give us.  Deys promise us dat
ta dem streets an’ vis’un dangs lie me.  Is a curse. as dat eyes don’ alieve dat it is wha’ dey says it is. if we’s live goo’ hea an’ folla da rules dat we get ta
Is lie I kin look ot dare an see dat man wokin’ ta Gotta be somethan’ complatly difrin.  ‘Cause wha’ heaven.  Buh we gotta die first.  Neva knowin’ if it
me, black robe an’ all: Death.  I seen ‘im ot dare. it is befo’ da fall of man?  Dare’s wha’?  That great rally dare.  Dese da dangs the worl’ don’ need.
He wadin’! Dare’s some ole mashick o’er hea. War.  The war between God and Lucifa.  Dat gotta Loo’ a’ it all.  Dis hea is wicked.  Dis hea is all evil.
Some ole sorsa’ah lay ‘is wand down on dese show somethan’ to someone.  Is all ‘bout powa. Dis hea is da expear’ence of da worl’.  Dis rah
blocks.  Bu’ is wha’ he ralase that mo’ impo’tant. Who got da powa?  Who in control?  All dat we’s hea… dis breath.
Rah in da middle he put it.  Thi’ grea’ beast. gots ta folla is da word of God.  Dat’s wha’ we’s An’ the focus of all dis hea is from one thang:
Rah dare in da centa he let ou’ the beast.  A mon- got.  Buh den ya thank ‘bout who da one in cont- sight.  Open yo eyes an’ vis’un da beast.  Behold
sta.  Buh wha we do fo’ it.  We’s movin’ in salence rol.  Maybe is dat God ain’t nuffin’ mo’ than a ty- the beast.  Buh dare still people dat gots dey eyes
‘round ‘im.  We gots are dings ta ge’ ‘round an’ ge’ rant.  From da way dat eyes kin see it, dat’s how it close.  Dey ignare da beast.  Dey see it.  Dey speak
by.  We gets are on mashick.  So lot it up.  Do wha’ is.  Buh if someone kin brang war to God… then ta it.  Dey move wit’ it buh neva along sod it. Dey
chu gots ta do.  Cuz ah unnastand dat.  Buh da he mussa been pow’fa.  ‘Most pow’fa as God don’ agree wit it, or praise it, or do nuffin’ fo’ it.
dang be dat we got dese pi’tus of wha’s ‘round us. ‘imsef.  Buh dare comes a time when doze wit da Dey jus’ move on wit’ life.  Den life’s good.  Buh
DaNiel luKasczyK
he television had been on stop that night it would certainly stop during the “Nothing, Lisa,” Angela answered.  “What’s up?”
for hours, entertaining an audi- day. “Just calling to check up on you.  You freak
ence that had no interest in it. Would it? me out sometimes,” Lisa said to her.
The glow from the screen was The phone that she held in her hand became “Sorry,” Angela replied, “I’m just waiting for
the only light left in the room. a piece of her.  Angela never let it go, and when it him to call.”
The voices that came out of the wasn’t in her hand it was somewhere on her.  Her “At three o’clock in the morning?” Lisa asked.
speakers might as well have been muted.  There eyes moved to the phone in her hand.  She focu- “Yeah.  He said he would call.”
was no space for the show in Angela’s mind.  She sed on the phone with a look of power, a look that “Angie,” Lisa said, “Why do you torture yo-
stared blankly at the T.V.  All she knew about the commanded the phone to ring and answer her urself?”
show was that some guy did something to some- questions for the night.  But there was no ring. “I don’t.  I just need to talk to him about so-
body’s house.  After that her mind left the room. She held no power over it. mething,” Angela said.
Angela’s eyes were wide open and shining. He had told her that he wouldn’t be out too “About what? Did you guys get into another
She was lying on her side in her bed with half of late.  She thought that maybe she should call him. fight?” Lisa asked.
her face dug into her pillow.  She held her cell No. Angela sat up on her bed and sighed.  “Yeah,
phone in her hand.  After a few minutes she lifted She knew that if she called him and disturbed we did.”
the phone and made sure that the ringer was tur- him he would get mad and yell at her. “What happened?”
ned on.  She put it back down for a second and Maybe he had gotten home earlier and sim- “Nothing,” Angela answered, “It was my fault.
then checked again. ply forgot to call.  Maybe he was sleeping. Don’t worry about it.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Her eyes weren’t even focused on the T.V. any- No. “Fine,” Lisa said to her. “Just try to get some
more.  She was staring at the floor while rubbing She knew where he was. sleep tonight.  You know Erica’s going to kick you
her phone with her thumb.  The last time she “I love you,” repeated a voice in her head.  She out if you nod out at work again.”
checked the clock it was 3:17 A.M., now it was rewound and played that clip as many times as “Yeah, I know,” Angela said and then hung up
3:19.  The night was eternal for Angela.  Those she could; it kept the bad thoughts from getting the phone.  She lay back down on her bed and dug
two minutes that had passed could have easily in.  Each time her eyes began to fill she would re- her face back into the pillows.  She couldn’t sleep.
been a week to her and it would not have made a member that and everything would wash away. There was no time for sleep.  What if she fell as-
difference.  She just would have kept waiting. The phone rang.  It only took half a second leep and he called?  He would be expecting her to
Now and then she would look at the clock and see for her to throw her arm to her ear and answer. pick up the phone.  He would question her as to
the same time that she saw only a few seconds “Hello,” she said frantically. why she didn’t pick up.  He would blame it on her.
ago.  She would curse the clock, ordering it to “Wow!” came a girl’s voice from the other end Blame what on her?
move forward faster.  She wanted that night to be of the phone. “What the hell is the matter with Something.  It would all be her fault.
over.  She wanted the day to return so that the you?” she asked. But then when was there time to sleep? 

waiting would stop, because if the waiting didn’t Angela grew disappointed.  It wasn’t him.

den dats why life so bad hea.  Dat’s why life so eternity shoved inta da darkness.  An’ when insod Da crickets…
bad fo’ me, ‘cause eyes see it.  An’ eyes scared of da darkness I can hea everythin’.  Is when eyes Da crickets…
it.  Thankin’ dat life’s gotta change.  Need ta relax kin hea da clock tickin’.  I kin hea da gears movin’ Too much smoke.
now an’ then from it all.  So eyes come back wit ‘round.  Eyes kin feel da movement.  It burns.  So Cold.
lungs blackened, eyes red.  So I need dem stacks An’ wha’ insod dat movement? Cold breath, huh.  HA!
to go an’ wok dis maze an’ gets mo’.  Eventaly HA! Look up tho.  No sigh’.  Nuffin’ fo’ Gabriel.
eyes kna dis maze, an’ kna da turns.  Dats when I Da loss, da hope, da sight, da ligh’, da nigh’, Buh den I look out in da mornin’, ‘an wha’ I
gain da powa.  Conqa da maze an’ move above da an’ ev’rithan’ else.  Buh da mos’ impotant is da see.  Dey live.  Not me.
streets. hope.  Thank ‘bout it.  Wit’out hope wha’ you Dey live.  Eyes lay.  Dey live.  Eyes lost.  Dey
You hea’ da crickets. got?  Nuffin’.  Buh we abandond her.  We left her live.  Eyes see da beast.
Ya hea’ dat noise?  Buh wha’ brings dat whea she was: blinded an’ wokin’ da same path Eyes no live.  Gabriel… who dat.  No man….
noise?  Salence. in one big circle while we toss rocks at her.  Left ….
Ya feel dat?  Ain’t it a way ta thank?  It jus’ her blind.  No sigh’ wah so eva.  Buh even she still ……….
depresses ya.  Ta thank that ya stuck somewhea hope.  An’ dat’s wha we can’t believe.  We only …………..
whea da loudest noise at nigh’ is only thea ‘cause believe da loneliness an’ da darkness.  Da beast. …..huh…..
ain’t nuffin’ else makin’ noise.  The crickets. An’ I can hea da tickin’.  Stop da tickin’. ……hm…
Na one ‘round. Is so cold.  Da flame’s burnin’ me tha’ is cold. …..dare….
Nuffin’ness.  Dare ain’t nuffin’ ‘round ya. Da cold burn.  It hurts.  Buh it feels so good. …..
Dare comes da need to have othas ‘round you. Buh is all so close.  People all so close.  Buh we all ……….humph….
Buh ya gotta thank dat thru dis swam’ dares so trapped.  We in dis maze hea foreva it seems.  An’ …………………………………… Le’s go
many people.  Deys all so close, buh dey so dis- the funny thang is dat I kna how to get out.  HA! insod.
tant.  So close ta ya, buh so fa’ away dat is quiet. I kna it all.  Ev’rithan’ connected.  Ev’rithan’ is se- …Ite…..
An’ da crickets come out. prated buh connected.  Dey all lead ta da same ………………
An’ in the depths uh da nigh’, wit’ no ligh’ point.  We jus’ don’ wan’ ta go dare. x                       …x     
a’all dare’s still shadows.  Still darkness darived Migh’ as well go back ta da dark from da
from darkness.  An’ wha’s insod dare?  Look lie dark.
30 the stony brook PRESS


Paul calhouN
D ear reader:
By popular(ie. 1) request, I con-
trustworthy may be too much.”
Victor grinned and shrugged modestly.  “It
tinue this series with a separate did wonders for his social life.  They never found
idea I had that could easily be out.”
integrated. “Yes,” Nora replied flatly.  “He’s almost as good
about that.”
Mike said, “It’s just a con.  A quiet one at that.
I won’t be Jamina the entire time, and I have no
interest in doing anything that would worry you
apart from what you already know about.”  He co-
at acting normal when he has to as you are.  If I lored.  “I just... well... I thought a girl would be ac-
Chapter 1: Getting Out the Door didn’t love you, I think I’d have to consider you a cepted more quickly.”
Nora watched Victor pack, her stance sho- bad influence.” Nora got up and hugged Mike.  “I don’t think
wing her disapproval as much as her words. It was Victor’s turn to kiss his wife on the cheek. you have to worry about that.”
“I just don’t think he’s ready.” “See you in a couple of days.” Mike smiled as Nora went back to her seat.  “I
Victor continued to stuff the orange fur into Nora put her hand on his chest.  “Not before I give know, but it’ll still be fun.  If it makes you feel bet-
its case.  “He’s more than twice as old as I was my son a few words of warning.  Going to a con ter, I’ll slip a metal plate into one knee.  If any boy
when I first went to a con.” as a teenage boy with only a few females is one gets too fresh, he’ll spend the rest of the con bent
Nora smiled softly.  “Your parents were thing.  Going as a girl in a sea of sex-starved men over.”
strange.” is another.” Nora laughed.  “That’s all I can ask.  Fine.
“Parent.”  Victor corrected.  “Only one ever “You’re going to give him a stern talking to?” Don’t spend too much time as someone else, tho-
took me.” “At least as stern as you did when he asked for Ja- ugh.  You’d do well to have people know you as
Nora continued the argument.  “I didn’t mean mina.  I may not have experience as a transvestite well as Jamina.  I’m glad I can trust you, kiddo.
age, I meant in maturity.  Mike’s too innocent. fursuiter, but I do have experience as a teenage Your dad’s responsible enough on his own, but
You’ll scandalize him.” girl.  I think some wisdom from both sides is re- you know he’s a scatterbrain and has a short at-
Victor did look up at that, his expression re- quired.” tention span.  I’d rather know that you’ll keep an
gistering his incredulosity.  “Innocent?  Our son? Victor replied, “You know me too well.” eye on yourself.  Not that he won’t be doing the
He’s fifteen.  At age ten, he was already giving me Nora’s lips met his as she said, “I do indeed.” same.”
a run for my moral money.  Accepting? Yes.  In- Victor smiled as Nora pulled back a moment. Mike got up and kissed his mother on the head.
nocent?  Not at all.” “Are you sure you don’t want me to get you a suit? “I’ll be good and virtuous and knee in the nad-
Nora put her hands on her hips in only parti- You could come to cons with us.” gers anyone who tries to do anything you’d di-
ally manufactured outrage.  “Mike is a sweet, dar- Nora embraced him again. “I think I like the sapprove of.”
ling little boy and I’ll not hear you speak of him feel of warm fur on my skin more than I’d like the Mike walked into his parents’ room to find
like he’s some sort of-” feeling of having the fur.” Victor just finishing putting Saliaven into the su-
“Adult?”  Victor asked.  “He’s your little boy, “There’s where we differ.” itcase.  “Almost finished?”
but he learned adult behavior earlier than most. Nora whispered, “I prefer to think of it as not Victor snapped the case closed.  “Please.  I’ve
Besides, it’s not like everyone there will be as having to compromise.” only done the fursuits.  Unless you want to be full-
strange as me.” “What about talking to Mike?” suited for three days straight, I’m not done.”
“As if that kind of concentration of odd is Nora pushed Victor onto the bed.  “I’d prefer Mike laughed.  “As tempting as the idea is, I
even possible.”  Nora muttered. to do that alone, and if I delay you packing for a think I’ll pass.  Mom was slowing you down?”
“Most of them are weirder.” few minutes, you’ll be too busy catching up to try Victor smiled lazily.  “Yeah.”
“Thank you very much,” Nora replied, “that to follow me.” Mike threw a pair of rolled-up socks at Vic-
really sets my mind at rest.  I note that the only *** tor.  “Ew!  I may be enlightened, but don’t push it.
suit you’ve packed so far is Jamina.” Mike sat quietly as his mother tried to find the I meant holding you up by giving you some last
“Oh, that’s not for me.”  Victor smiled misc- right words.  After a few seconds of silence as she minute advice.”
hievously.  “I’m taking Saliaven.  No, that’s for attempted to think of a way to begin properly he Victor’s smile softened.  “That too.  She’s very
Mike.” said, “You’re worried about me going to the con as concerned about you.”  He changed to a mock-
Nora sighed.  “If you get my little man knoc- Jamina.” whisper, “Just between you and me, I don’t think
ked up-” Nora’s smile was wry.  “I thought you’d be em- she entirely trusts me to keep you from going to
Victor’s smile widened.  “You’re learning.” barrassed to talk to me about it.” bed with the first good looking tomcat that catc-
“Five years with you is a true education.  In Mike shrugged.  “I’m trying a new tactic.  I’m hes your eye.”
all seriousness, you will keep an eye on him?” going to try to understand your position and be Mike replied, “Only marginally further than
“Inasmuch as I need to.  This isn’t like some reasonable, frank and open.  After all, it doesn’t she can throw you.  Luckily she trusts me.”
cons, you know, it’s very quiet.  Panels, the mas- serve either of us for me to get indignant or you to “Good.  It saves me having to be the one who
querade, maybe some low-key parties.  He’ll be get flustered.” gets eviscerated if something goes wrong.”
fine.  I wouldn’t take him to a really off-the-wall Nora replied, “Sometimes I worry that you’re Mike helped him fold shirts.  “Oh, I don’t
con first.  Haven’t I always been trustworthy?” growing up too fast.” think you’re off the hook.  More likely she’d turn
Nora kissed him on the cheek.  “Mostly.”  She Mike smiled, “Of course you are, mom.  All us both into haggis.”
rolled her eyes for his benefit.  “I guess since I’d al- parents to, and I am growing up faster.  Living in Victor sighed dramatically.  “Minced up and
ready told Mike he could go, I can’t take it back. such an enlightened household does that.  Is it so stuffed into my own stomach.  If only I was that
Even if he does decide he’d rather go as a girl than wrong?  It’s only a recent historical development kind of masochist.”
as a boy.  I wonder sometimes if I should have that kids of my age are still considered real child- “The suicidal kind?”
been more involved in teaching him values.  Five ren.  In any period prior to this one, I’d already be “I could go dirty, but since I’m your father and
years with you and he’s a crossdressing furry who doing something productive.  Even the nobility, that would be wrong, I’ll just admit defeat.”
goes to conventions and has his father,“ she gave well, especially the nobility, tended to marry their Mike tossed him some more clothes.  “Here
Victor a dirty look, “show up at a party dressed as kids off by sixteen.” is de sock.  Let it admit de feet.”
a teenage vixen and claim she’s his date.  Mostly Nora choked.  “I’m not sure I want to think Victor zipped closed a suitcase.  “Ah, puns.

The con will teach you much, cricket.” ding in groups or alone waiting for later arrivals there.  You?”
“What happened to grasshopper?” or sitting on the chairs and couches that were Mike looked at his schedule grid.  “There’s a
“You make too much noise to be a grasshop- spread out in the lobby and along the halls lea- welcoming session in one of the ballrooms for
per.  Watch it or I’ll call you locust.  You eat eno- ding out towards the con rooms and guest new furs and a place for previous members to
ugh.” rooms.  Compared to them, Victor and Mike in catch up with each other.  I think I’ll take Jamina
Mike laughed, “I’m a teenager!” their T-shirts and shorts looked positively mun- down and see who’s here.”
Victor put the second suitcase next to the dane.  Not for long, though. “Not wasting any time, I see.  It’s a good thing I
first.  “A likely story.”  He looked around.  “I Victor took a deep breath of fandom and set things up so your badge wouldn’t have your
think we’ve got everything.  Let’s get going.” took Mike to stand in line to check in.  They were real name on it.  Well, have fun.  I actually think
Mike took the big case with the fursuits while behind a guy in giant goggles and a red cape. I’ll skip Saliaven for the weekend.  I’m feeling like
Victor took the small one with their clothes. “Cory Doctorow, I presume.”  Victor said. this is going to be more of a fen sort of con for
“Don’t pretend I didn’t see you slip in some clot- “To the blogosphere!”  The red-caped man me.”  He stayed long enough to help Mike into
hes for Jamina.  Thanks.” called gamely. the suit, then hurried to his panel while his son
“Just making sure, son.  Jamina was never a Mike was still looking around with awe that was still trying to find the right dress or skirt for
nudist.” he was attempting to disguise behind a veneer of the occasion.
Mike replied, “Thanks again for letting me nochalance.  Victor said, “You’ll be learning ***
borrow her.” about true punning soon.”  He held up five fin- Jamina floated down the hallway, luxuriating
Victor said, “It’s a good thing you’re a little gers and counted down silently.  When his thumb in the feeling of her multilayered skirts swishing
smaller than I am.  Too big and nothing can be hit his palm, someone said, “I always celebrate about her legs as her large fluffy tail bounced.
done.  Too small-” Fox Guy day by wearing a tail.  Why?” The dress she’d chosen had been intended for this
“And I can always stick something in to fill “Every one minute, forty-seven seconds.  The use and had a hole in the rear that allowed her tail
the gap.”  Mike laughed.  “I know, I know.  Mom shortest time between puns that is safe.  Other- to bob freely behind her.  She’s brushed her black
may not let me go out wearing Jamina, but I’ve wise a pungularity forms and we end up with tresses and light ochre body fur until she was sure
borrowed some of the others, you know.” pundark everywhere.” that she looked as good as possible for this first
Victor smiled, nostalgia in his eyes.  “Oh the Mike looked askance at his father.  “Pun- appearance.  The voice modulator turned Mike’s
Halloween parties.  I wish I’d had the times you dark?  You’re making all of this up.” quiet chuckles into a light giggle as Jamina tho-
did.” “Oh yeah?”  Victor said.  “One moment.”  He ught about how she’d wow everyone there.  She’d
Nora met them at the door.  “Have a good started counting down on his fingers again and thought about using the braced tail with elastic
time now, but not too good.” at the end someone said, “Fear my awesome spine, but since she didn’t know how much room
Victor pecked her on the cheek.  “Any last electrical power.  It is useless to be a resistor.” there would be or whether she’d have to sit, she’d
words of wisdom?” Victor sighed, “Electrical puns.  This is going gone with the large one that hung all the way
Nora’s tongue probed one cheek.  “Always to cause a chain reaction but-” he shouted back down.  Besides, Mike didn’t quite trust the pad-
read the fine print; and beware of cheap imita- across the room, “Some people don’t have the ca- ding on his butt to hide the necessary support for
tions.” pacitor for that kind of pun!” the tail, and he wanted Jamina to look as real as
“Ah, an obscure reference,” Victor called. “Then they should be more current!” possible.
“An auspicious start to a fun weekend.” “There’s certainly the potential for diffe- Despite knowing that she’d done everything
rence!” possible to make herself presentable, Jamina still
Chapter 2: Friday Afternoon “Wire we arguing?” found herself checking in every mirror she pas-
For Victor, there was an ineffable quality to “Because someone has to provide impedance sed, and the hotel had many.  She never stopped,
a convention that started during packing and got of this horrible conversation!” but she did slow down a couple of times when she
stronger as he got closer to the hotel.  The first “Socket to me!” noticed some of her raven-colored hair falling
jolt of that feeling came as he tried to find a par- As the last pun was thrown, the lights dim- over her eyes and muzzle.  She’d brush it back
king space and read the bumper stickers and cu- med, almost going out.  “Pundark!”  Victor sho- self-consiously and wonder if she should go back
stom plates.  Where else would a car van with a uted. for a hairbar.  Then the still-active core of Mike
plate reading DRGNLDY be parked next sedan When the lights flared back to their proper would smile inside the shy-eyed Jamina and keep
with a sticker claiming that the owner’s other ve- luminescence, Mike asked, “What was that?” going.  His confidence wasn’t entirely in charac-
hicle is a TARDIS?  Victor replied, “That was a pungularity.  It pro- ter for the young vixen, but it was necessary if she
Victor could see that unique aura sinking duced the pundark effect you just saw.  You see, was going to meet anyone.
into Mike as they walked into the lobby of the when too many puns are thrown all at once, they Jamina’s first reaction when she walked into
hotel.  Victor had stayed here at times other than collapse the pun field into a pungularity.  This the ballroom was the thought that perhaps she
con weekend, but it had seemed almost like a produces the effect of pundark, which causes all was overdressed.  There were very few people su-
shell or a ghost of what it was when the con hap- the puns involved to cease to be funny.  A lot of ited and those who were weren’t wearing clothes.
pening.  For one thing, the people inhabiting the puns were lost to produce the minute and forty- Well, except for that dashing wolf near the snack
lobby were either nonexistent or certainly not- seven second rule.  Anyway, it’s our turn to check table who was wearing a leather vest and a wide-
hing like those that were there now.  The big men in and hopefully there won’t be too many more brimmed hat.  Yum!
with bigger beards and all manner of hats.  Large incidents like that.” The lustful reaction made Mike flush inside
women in gowns and corsets, small women in After getting their key cards, picking up their of Jamina, who felt pretty embarrassed herself.
even tighter corsets.  Buttons everywhere and if badges and materials, they went up to their room Still, the grey-furred, yellow-eyed dish seemed to
someone wasn’t wearing glasses it was ten to one to get settled.  Victor sat down in the armchair in be the most animate person there.  Though Ja-
they had contacts.  Already there were fantasists the corner and opened the program booklet. mina’s innocent green eyes were made to look at
with cloaks and staves, furries with ears and tails, “Usually the really interesting stuff happens on whoever looked back, the blue irises behind them
steampunkers covered in brass and cyberpunkers Saturday, but I’ve rarely had an hour slot with kept glancing at the wolf even as Jamina went
with scouters and black tubes.  There were even nothing I wanted to see.  Yup.  Next slot has a dis- over to the welcome table. 
one or two otaku with their bright hair and al- cussion on the construction and proper use of The girl behind the table, wearing only a pair
most unreally colored clothing.  They were stan- doomsday weapons.  That’s my afternoon right of ears for comfort’s sake, gave Jamina a warm
32 the stony brook PRESS


welcome and complimented her on her suit. king animatedly to anyone who approached him I am Wortag.  Big Mad Wortag.”
“One of the best constructions I’ve seen at this near the food table.  No one seemed to know who Jamina stifled a laugh.  This reference she knew.
con.”  She said. he was, though, and eventually Jamina decided “Big...Mad...Wortag.”  She replied with exaggera-
Jamina inclined her head, brushing her black she’d had enough.  Though such presumption ted skepticism.  “Is that what’s sewn on your
hair back before it could fall too far.  “Thanks!” wasn’t exactly in character, she reminded herself vest?”
She said brightly.  “I wish I could tell you who she was a Resonating Node, a Mage First Class in “As a matter of fact,” Wortag said, his voice
made it, but it’s not mine originally and I’ve for- rank and no lupine with a hat was going to cow showing the rakish grin that must lie under his
gotten.  My dad made some alterations, though. her. suit.  “It is.”  He pulled back one side of the vest
Victor Falkner?” She crossed the room over to where the wolf to show ‘BMW’ on the side.
The girl smiled.  “I didn’t know Victor had a da- was drinking a soda through a long straw.  Jamina Jamina countered, “And how do I know you’re
ughter.  Tall?  Tends to have odd equipment on picked one up for herself and said, “Hello.” not just a car lover?”
his person at all times?” The wolf, who was taller than she’d realized rep- “Ah, a wit to match my own!”  The wolf cried.
Jamina laughed.  “That’s dad, alright.” lied, “Hi.”  In a voice that seemed artificially Jamina did laugh at that.  “I see that we have
The girl said, “He doesn’t show up at our deep.  Like someone with a higher pitched voice similar tastes.  Perhaps I’ll be seeing more of you
functions too often, but he’s big on felines as I re- who was trying to seem throaty.  Considering his at the con.”
call, and the Chronicle.”  She looked at Jamina’s choice in suit, it seemed likely to Jamina that he The wolf bowed again, sweeping his hat off.
nametag.  “You too?  Well, it is a favorite in the was trying to go for the kind of voice his fursona “I can only hope so, and that I’ll see more of you
fandom.  I’m sure you’ll be recognized by plenty would have. as well.”
of people.” Jamina tried to think of a way to continue Jamina knew that no one else in the room was
Jamina turned as if to leave, but decided she had when the wolf said, “I see from your badge that going to top that introduction, and she felt justi-
to ask.  “Do you know who that wolf is?”  She you’re Jamina.  From the crossed-staves on fied in leaving to let Mike see a panel or two be-
asked, pointing with a short black claw. bronze sticker, would it be too presumptuous to fore dinner.  As for Saturday...  Well, Jamina fully
The girl leaned to the side to look.  “Him? guess your last name to be Karia’tur?” intended to seek Wortag out if she didn’t run into
New as far as I know, or at least the fursona is. Jamina leapt at the opening.  “Not at all,” she him by lunch.  This looked to be an interesting
He didn’t come over here, so perhaps it’s one of replied.  “Your name, however, seems more of a weekend for both her and Mike.  She thought
our regulars with a new aspect.” mystery.  Your badge is flipped the wrong way about Wortag’s over-the-top behavior as she wal-
“Thanks.”  Jamina talked with a few of the other and so you have the advantage of me.” ked back to the room and giggled to herself.  She
new members, and one or two regulars who were The wolf bowed.  “If only I could keep such didn’t look once at the mirrors as she went.
there to help welcome them, but she continued an advantage.  But for such a lovely young lady, I
to be drawn towards the wolf, who was still tal- could hardly be so rude as not to identify myself.
oose!” moving body of people the lookouts observed the most curious thing yet.
The archers responded to the command and released Those dead that were left behind picked themselves up and with a great ef-
their arrows, the shafts soaring skyward with a mighty fort pushed themselves back to their feet.
roar. Reaching a forward point against the clear night sky When this news reached the Captain Carwen he furrowed his brow and
they turned menacingly toward the earth, plummeting in glared at the lookout, a poorly armed conscript. His brigandine was in tat-
a rain upon the forthcoming mob. The missiles fell like ters and the spear he carried was knicked about the head. His beard was pa-
hailstones, piercing flesh and mail. Some of the intruders fell, others stood tchy and his graying hair hung shaggy about his thin and angled face.
protected by heavy plate. “What are you on about, yeoman?” He asked. “Have you gone mad with
The troops looked down from the battlements at the horde that was fear? We have no room in our ranks for those who would become so deli-
shuffling forward. The throng seemed unaware. They moved without ur- rious. The enemy comes over the border poorly armed, poorly organized
gency, dragging their feet toward the city walls. As the mass clambered for- and clearly fatigued. You would have me believe our volleys have had no ef-
ward they left the scattered bodies of their dead behind them. fect on them at all?”
“Knock!” shouted the commander. Archers took arrows from their qui- The tall and broad-shouldered captain gazed over the high stone batt-
vers or from the ground around them. Lined up two men deep they knoc- lements down to the great breadth of lands in front of the city walls. He
ked their arrows, pointing them toward the ground. Each man handled his could see almost to the spot where the forest began, where the enemy was
longbow as though it were an extension of his arm. In uniform, they raised first spotted. He could see the path they had taken toward the city, leaving
their bows and pointed them toward the shining silver moon. farms and villages deserted and ruined. His jaw hung slack when he follo-
“Pull!” the commander shouted again, and each man drew back his wed the path with his eyes. Behind the oncoming waves of enemies were
arrow to the corner of his mouth. They focused their tips on points in the no bodies laying dead. A few shafts peppered the landscape, but the arrows
sky above them, measuring the distance from the walls to where the enemy had claimed no man.
was moving. Upon hearing the loose command, the archers released the The purpose of the archer’s volley has always been to thin the enemy’s
hold on their bowstrings. A great sound of arrow heads cutting air rose up rank, weakening their forces and giving one’s own cavalry and infantry units
high over the city, the broad points slicing a line into the sky and coming a battlefield advantage. In the case of a siege like this one the volleys would
down in a storm of wood and metal. be used to harass the enemy, to disrupt their march and to demoralize them.
The lookouts, posted on the end of each battlement, watched as more Under these circumstances he had been certain that the volleys would yield
enemies fell. Still they moved at a shuffling walk. It was not a charge, but a sufficient casualties to cause a retreat. He could only stand aghast as he watc-
steady march. Among them were not just soldiers, but peasants as well, hed the slow-moving crowd shrug off volley after volley, their fallen get up
many unarmed. After the last volley came cascading down upon the great again, shafts sticking out of them, continuing their march.             

OCCUPATO alex h. Nagler

he following in- they had witnessed the announce- lar things they did. Our seizing of our demands being met, we will
cident may or may ment of the first student occupation the most frequently published ne- trash a classroom.”  
not have actually of a building since the 1980’s. Soon, wspaper was actually seen as a posi- We were put on hold and trans-
happened. To pro- they would all be witness to our oc- tive thing by everything but the ferred between five different depart-
tect the identities of cupation. We would broadcast our advertisers, who were upset that ments before finally being hung up
those who might message over the airwaves, siege the their ads weren’t being run. No one on by someone in the bursar’s office.
have been involved, all names are television studio, and blanket the other than the SLF realized the SLF We trashed a classroom in retalia-
changed.  campus with our leaflets declaring was now in control of this building. tion, but an hour later, custodial had
There I was, standing there on who we were and what we deman- restored it to its pre-trashing status.  
the roof and being told to unfurl our ded.   Even our attempts to gain atten- Three days later, we called the
banner. The students who had been Those working with me were ex- tion weren’t notice. We refreshed the media to inform them of the fact
entering and exiting the building cited that the occupation had for- slogan on the massive banner that this building was under siege
completely unaware of our activities mally been declared. We knew this outside the building daily. Some pe- and that our demands had yet to be
finally looked up when they heard building held enough food in its sto- ople assumed it was in regards to a met. They sent a reporter to cover
the fwhoosh of fabric being unfur- rerooms to see us fed for a month. football game or a study abroad pro- our strife, but his editor didn’t seem
led. With sixty pairs of confused eyes There were areas we could use for gram. The fire that was supposed to interested in our plight. Further re-
on me, I gripped the megaphone we sleep, full bathrooms, and access to engulf a truck instead burnt a tree, quests for media were denied.
had unearthed in a supply closet and both Internet and TV. In short, the and people assumed it to be a bon- The next day, everything chan-
introduced those observing us to the building was perfect. fire. The subsequently made smores ged. Our demands had been met!
movement.  Now, if only we could get eve- were delicious.   The occupation was successful! Our
“My fellow students! We are the ryone else to realize we were occu- Finally, we took drastic measu- objective had been met and we were
SLF, Student Liberation Front! We pying it.   res. A week into our occupation, we able to proudly remove our banner
occupy this building in our name Classes held in our occupied called the administration with our from the roof of the building and
and in your interests to protest the building continued as usual. The di- demands. knew we had done our job. We re-
gross injustices done to us by this ning hall, which utilized the store- “We are the SLF! For the past turned the building to the authori-
university! We are now in control of room of food, operated at full week, we have occupied a building ties and released a press release
this building and will not cede our functional capacity. Despite the fact on campus to ensure that our de- announcing the victory of the SLF
hold until our demands are met. We that we had turned the television mands are met. That has, to this over its oppressors and our success-
shall release a list shortly. Viva la studio into a 24-hour loop of our point, failed. We now call on you, ful endeavor.  
SLF!”   propaganda films and were regularly the Gestapo of an administration to The occupation was over. We
Those below us were confused making broadcasted demands from meet our demands or there will be had won. Chicken Caesar salad was
and partially indifferent. They con- the radio station, no one seemed to consequences. For every hour that back on the menu.
tinued on their way, unaware that notice any difference from the regu- goes by between this phone call and
The Stony Brook Comrade 5
6 Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December, 9, 2009

The Thorn in Every Empire
By Alex Nagler
The pathetic Americans seek to dig
up the bones of the Graveyard of Em-
pires to move the massive boulder that
crushed Darius, Alexander, Britannia,
and my own beloved Mother Russia.
They seem to have learned nothing.
This idiocy amuses me, thinking they
can “win” Afghanistan. Afghanistan is
an unwinnable quagmire, the death
knell of many an empire before this im-
perialistic youngling. Whether they
send 30, 40, 50, or 100,000 troops, noth-
ing is winnable in that part of the world.
It has been eternally cursed to suffer the
ignominies of faltering plan after fum-
bling crusade.
Let us look at it this way: the Soviet
Union, when it attempted to take
Afghanistan, was far more prepared to
take on the problem. It was at the zenith
of its power. We did not know at the
time that we would soon be declining, plies, and everything they would need What would happen when an organiza- way when Uncle Sam’s tombstone
but then we had everything. to halt the oncoming Soviet advances. It tion trained and armed by a major emerges from the poppy fields.
Afghanistan would be another jewel in worked. Too well. When we fell, the Tal- power decided they felt they had There is no escape from the death-
the crown of our expansion and allow iban turned on their American backers enough experience to forage out into trap. Once you have entered, you can-
us access to further resources and a and attempted to govern the ungovern- the world on their own? Disaster hap- not leave. Even immediate withdrawal
gateway to contest the American influ- able through the strict moralistic codes pens, that is what. Look at what has will not stop the disaster that is to come.
ence on a sphere they had no rightful of Sharia. Who would have thought happened to the former Soviet territo- The Americans can only hope that their
claim to be involved with. only a decade later, they’d become ries when we have left. Disaster, that’s own jingoistic propaganda is true and
Subsequently, in a measure to de- America’s enemy? what happened. that they are the favorite of the creature
feat us, the United States created its own I did. I know too well what happens Nothing can ever flourish in they call God and the natives refer to as
worst enemy. As Americans have seen when cells are planted and left to their Afghanistan. It is as if the land’s soil has Allah. Maybe that creature will allow
in their film Charlie Wilson’s War with own devices. Do you think I did not try been permanently sewn with salt. America to succeed where absolutely
the impeccable Philip Seymore Hoff- to warn Stalin of what would happen Afghanistan is the Grave of Empires. everyone else has failed. Insh’Allah.
man, the United States clandestinely when all of the international cells he You go in, but you do not emerge the
funded the Taliban with weapons, sup- planted were left to their own accord? same. Obama will learn this the hard

Dear Capitalist Pigs, Welcome to the Healthcare Party

dies, mother Russia knows we do not
By Piotr Lambroski need fancy pills. Capitalist pill poppers
are making the west weak like sick oxen.
And a sick ox must be shot for the glory
Dear Yankee Dirt Eaters, of the motherland. So Comrade
Obama, you may think yourself a so-
It has come to the attention of the cialist, but the Soviet Union laughs at
mighty USSR that your freedom loving your false socialism. Ha! You will never
lawmakers have decided to reform your live up to the great Lenin’s legacy. Lenin
backwards healthcare system. Finally, single handedly provided healthcare to
for years the glorious Union has looked every Soviet citizen, one at a time. His
upon your weak nation with eyes of health services changed society and rev-
pity. Your citizens pay tens of thousands olutionized our people’s lives. Of course
of rubles for your health services. While this is not surprising to me and should
here in the everlasting Republic our not be to you either. For as we both
people have known the wonders of free know, in Soviet Russia, healthcare re-
healthcare for years upon years. You forms you.
capitalist fools may brag about your sur-
geries and antibiotics, but at what cost? Sincerely,
In this great motherland any citizen can Piotr Lambroski, CCCP
get the finest in herbs and leech reme-
The Stony Brook Comrade 7
Guide to the World’s Remaining Communist Nations!!!
We’ll let the FAQ from North Korea’s of- unduring [sic] hostilities by the US who
By Professor Laudano Main Exports: ficial webpage do the talking: continually to this day try to stifle and
isolate the DPRK. Since the end of the
1) Shrimp. Q: Can I travel to North Korea as a 1990’s and around year 2000, the coun-
Cuba 2) Shrimp cocktail. backpacker? try has completely recovered from the
3) Fried shrimp. A: No. You must travel as a group only, “Arduous March” and has survived as a
Motto: “Come visit our giant island par- 4) Coconut shrimp. even if you are the only participant you country which has now become even
adise, located just a few miles south of 5) Gumbo shrimp. must be with Korean guides at all times. stronger and more independent [sic]
Florida. PSYCHE! Haha, you will never 6) Prostitutes. than before.
know the beauty and grandeur of our Q: I hear that North Koreans are very
beaches, forests and massive fleets of Fun Facts: poor. Is this true? Q: Can I work in North Korea as a
1950’s American-made cars.” teacher/interpreter/(other)?
1) The currency is called a Dong A: By international standards, DPRK
Main Exports: citizens enjoy a very high standard of A: No.
2) The currency is called a Dong. living. In Socialist Korea, the state guar-
1) Cigars. antees all citizens the right to quality
2) Superior baseball players. 3) The. Currency. Is. Called. A. Dong. healthcare, education, stipends for the Laos
3) Phoned in socialist Che Guevarra t- disabled, retirement pensions and ac-
shirts worn by Williamsburg hipsters. 4) Literacy rate in Vietnam is 94 per- cess to recreational facilities, as well as a Motto: “Ha! Bet you forgot about us.
4) Bananas. cent. wide array of other state-supported But, yep, we’re still communist!”
5)Banana boats carrying desperate mi- services. Indeed, DPRK citizens are
grants. 5) The currency is called a dong. guaranteed many provisions that are Main Exports:
uncommon in many developed capital-
Fun Facts: 6) In 1985, the dong experienced seri- ist societies, which are home to real 1)Wood.
ous inflation leading to the now popu- poverty. Unlike in many countries of 2) Heroin. Lots of heroin.
1) Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro lar Vietnamese folk saying, “If your the capitalist world, the DPRK is a state
tried out, unsuccessfully, for the Wash- dong experiences inflation for more free of homelessness, unemployment, Fun Facts:
ington Senators in the 1950’s. Appar- than three hours please contact your prostitution and starvation.
ently he isn’t as good as Cuban doctor immediately as this may be the 1) There is nothing fun about Laos.
expatriates Jose Contreras, Rafael sign of a more serious side-effect.” Q: I’ve heard that everybody starves in
Palmeiro, Orlando Hernandez, and, of North Korea. How is the food situation?
course, Rey Ordonez. Side Note: The Chinese are phonies.
North Korea A: It is no secret that there was a crisis They aren’t true Communists. Not only
2) Contrary to popular belief, Bad Boys during the mid 1990’s in the DPRK. Be- are they too timid to do what must be
2 was not filmed here. Motto: [Censored by People’s Organi- cause of the collapse of the Socialist done about Taiwan and the Americans,
zation for the Protection of National In- market, and due to the isolation caused but they are also quickly becoming the
3) Cuba has many underground lime- formation] by US embargo and sanctions, the richest country in the world. Yet still
stone caves! Fun! country suffered a difficult period. A they claim to uphold the banner of the
Main Exports: natural disaster caused floodings, and great Chairman Mao. C’mon guys, you
combined with the other factors, it cre- cant have your bubble tea and drink it
Vietnam 1) Diplomatic Tension ated a period which we now call the too.
“Arduous March” where the DPRK had
Motto: “We won. You lost. It wasn’t a Fun Facts: to recover from this situation, and the
tie. Get real” collapse of the Soviet union while still
The Stony Brook Press 15
Chasing Hamburg is the sopho-
more full length from Upstate New
York post-hardcore band, Polar Bear
Club. It’s an album that I want to
like and that I know I should like,
but all its combined elements end up
creating a mediocre album that just
doesn’t manage to capture the fire
their first EP and full length did.
Musically, Polar Bear Club
takes cues from hardcore and pop-
punk, and melds them in a way that
makes their stuff appealing to fans
of both. It’s an impressive feat,
given the very specific tastes of
most upstate hardcore kids, and for
that I commend them. On the sur-
face, there does not appear to be
much to their music. It sounds like
power chords layered with some
vaguely interesting riffs. Upon
closer inspection, however, they
manage to sneak in interesting pro-
gressions and chords that give a
uniqueness to their music that’s not
immediately recognizable, giving
them room to be creative without
alienating their fanbase. This aspect
”You Don’t Have to Be An Asshole
of Polar Bear Club is one of the
things that I truly enjoyed about
Chasing Hamburg, they surprised
me, but not so much so as to take me
to Be an Artist”
out of the song in order to analyze
their musical decisions.
Most of the talent resides in the By Katie Knowlton
two guitarists, Chris Browne and
Nate Morris. At the very least, they listener and performer, even when songs are proof the familiar does not It is hard to really have a con-
are given the most to do. Slower the words bordered on being silly. have to be boring and stereotypical. crete opinion on this album. On the
tracks like “Song To Persona” and His clean singing voice is good, but Stadt has done away with the more one hand, there has been some pro-
“Chasing Hamburg” showcase their used sparingly, and generally with awkward and hilarious lines that gression of both music and lyrics,
abilities the most, with great lines no real rhyme or reason. It seems as popped up on their earlier releases, despite vocals taking a hit. On the
over strong progressions. On faster though he just used it whenever the and the improvement is more than otherhand, all these elements that
songs, the technicality fades a bit, hell he felt like it and that was that. welcome, but unfortunately, the lyri- are great on their own just don’t fit
but there is nothing necessarily It worked for the most part. On cal upgrade does not do enough to together with the same consistency
wrong with that. The rhythm section Chasing Hamburg however, he uti- help this album. as they did on their previous work.
does their job very well, but they are lizes this clean vocal style more and The best songs on this album are There are a couple of stellar tracks,
definitely nothing to write home with more discretion, and to me it those that sound most like they but almost everything else is miss-
about. They keep everything to- just doesn’t work. The more contrast could have been on their first LP ing something that keeps them from
gether, driving the songs forward available, the more it makes his Sometimes Things Just Disappear. being truly great.
and perhaps being the band’s gruff vocals sound forced, and to “Living Saints,” “Light of Local
strongest root in both hardcore and me, that is one of their trademarks Eyes,” and “One Hit Back” are all
pop-punk, making the band more and one of the reasons I really began hard hitting and catchy tunes perfect
accessible to a wider range of music listening to them in earnest. By for singing along. The music and
fans. using it less and making it sound vocals fit together nicely, and the
Vocalist Jimmy Stadt is an inter- forced on top of that does them no lyrics are mature and unique. The
esting case to me. He utilizes both a favors. main improvement from that last
clean and more gruff/shouting style, Lyrically, Polar Bear Club is album is the level of production is
which is not uncommon, but the smart, but not obtuse. Stadt sings much higher; it’s better recorded and
way it is utilized is confusing and about the familiar: friends, the better mixed. Overall it brings out
fascinating. On previous releases, he scene, the music industry, but does the best of this band. Signing to a
predominantly uses the gruff style, so in such a way that it doesn’t label (in this case, Bridge 9) has ru-
shouting his lyrics with passion, giv- sound clichéd. It’s refreshing to hear ined some acts, but for Polar Bear
ing them a deeper meaning and in- new ways of saying your best Club, it’s been a relatively good
creasing the connection between friends are pretty awesome. These move for both the band and fans. Fun fact: Polar Bears are going extinct!
16 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

White People Still Love Wes Anderson

By Nick Statt
If you think Wes Anderson is aim-
ing to deliver something new with Fan-
tastic Mr. Fox, think again. It is, like
every Anderson film, a feel-good movie
with a twist. What it does accomplish is
an interesting throwback to the days of
stop motion, blended with the artsy wit
and complexity of textbook Wes An-
derson. The result is a film that will
make up for every piece of cinematic
trash that you’ve wasted money on this
In the eyes of Hollywood, Wes An-
derson is an infamous perfectionist. He
strives to make each project a seamless
representation of his literary-driven
script and will go to great lengths to do
so, even if it means spending months
constructing a soundtrack or being in-
sultingly picky about letting a new- pregnancy, while facing possible death but then revs up in action scenes in- and bitter lines of Ash, the confused and
comer into his inner circle of actors. at the hands of an infuriated farmer. volving running and quick escapes to “different” son who strives to live up to
But Fantastic Mr. Fox is the first Years later, Fox has a hilariously awk- create a nice contrast. his father’s wit and popularity. Everyone
time we get to see Anderson make the ward son, voiced by Jason Schwartz- The animation also allows Ander- else, from the stingy badger lawyer with
step off his soapbox and take the back man, and makes a living as a newspaper son to employ some juvenile, but highly Billy Murray’s unforgettable voice to the
seat. The film is based off of Ronald columnist. But during a fit of a mid-life entertaining, slapstick humor. After a purposely over-done bodyguard rat
Dahl’s 1970 book of the same name. Al- crisis, Fox makes the decision to live his heart-felt expression of his mortality played by William Defoe, make the film
though he does co-write the script, it’s dream and move his family out of their and desire to finally live out of a hole, F. easily rival the likes of Pixar for voice-
his first film based wholly on someone hole and into the fresh air above F. Fox then devours a stack of pancakes acting prowess.
else’s idea as well as his first venture into ground. The complications arise when in a truly vicious animal fashion. An- Fantastic Mr. Fox really is one of the
animation. It would be typical of An- Fox discovers that his new home is other great example is the game of only good films that have graced
derson to make his dialogue and themes perched right between a group of whack-bat, which Owen Wilson as screens in 2009. Wes Anderson, even
paramount given the fact that he’s fa- famers and his instinctive desire to out- Coach Skip, explains in one huge rush though he stingily sat in his apartment
mous for utilizing both of those artistic wit and steal boils to the surface. of breath that hilariously underplays the in Paris looking at the animation work
tools beautifully. But this time around, Mr. Fox, cinematically, breaks down complicated nature of the game. More done by 20th Century Fox in solidarity,
Anderson plays nice with the other as- quite nicely - the animation and voice harmless fun is thrown in the mix when made a noticeable effort to let his work
pects of filmmaking and lets the true acting act as the cake of the film, while Ash, Fox’s awkward son, is completely blend in with others’. The payoff is a
appeal of Mr. Fox – its animation and Anderson’s writing and the accompany- embarrassed by the athletic abilities of great team effort that really shines in
voice acting – to shine through. ing feel-good glow are the frosting. his cousin Kristofferson, who is forced modern cinema. If you’re a Wes Ander-
The film’s plot is simple, which The stop-motion animation is in a to stay with the family while his father son fan, you probably didn’t read past
means that Anderson’s hand, now invis- delicate and deliberate balance between gets over pneumonia. my first paragraph, either because you
ibly working behind the scenes in the shabby and fluid. At times, you’re eyes The voice acting in the film will thought I didn’t have any worthwhile to
animated world, is that much more no- are straining to follow the motions of most likely be overlooked, but it really say about such a director or you have al-
ticeable. F. F. Fox, excellently voiced by each character because of the lack of deserves enormous attention. The sur- ready seen the film and love it. If you
George Clooney, is introduced as a Hollywood-accustomed CGI, but after prising newbies to voiceacting, Geroge had no idea what this film was about,
witty and risk-loving animal who makes 15 minutes you’re able to watch without Clooney and Meryl Streep (Fox’s wife), then pay the money and see it immedi-
a living stealing chickens from dim-wit- disruption and truly enjoy a filmmak- do so well in fact that I completely for- ately because The Twilight series, 2012,
ted farmers. But when he almost gets ing technique that has long since cooled got the comical anthropomorphic ex- and The Fourth Kind rank on par with
himself and his wife killed, he promises on the backburner. At times, the motion changes between a husband and wife straight-to-DVD time wasters when
to retire from the dangerous hobby. Es- slows down to emphasize how imper- weren’t human beings. Jason Schwartz- compared with the truly fantastic Fan-
pecially when he learns of his wife’s fect and nostalgic stop-motion can be, man absolutely embodies the awkward tastic Mr. Fox.
The Stony Brook Press Arts & Entertainment 17

Sadly, Huge Explosions Leave Cusack Alive

unfunny end of the
By Vincent Barone world puns, and de-
plorable dialogue.
After we undra-
I’m a lazy, apathetic asshole. If the matically find out
alien gods from the planet Ufraton that the world is
came down to me and asked me to write going to pieces, the
a tell-all story about my encounter, I film jumps to 2010,
would say, “Sorry man, I just popped an then to 2011, and
Ellio’s pizza in the oven, and I can’t leave then finally 2012 in
that shit unattended”. But Director a couple of minutes,
Roland Emmerich has found a way to where we shift focus
inspire me to warn you about to John Cusack who
2012…the movie. plays struggling
My inspiration hit me early in the writer, Jackson Cur-
film when I wished that the prophecies tis. Curtis takes his
would come true right then and there in kids, who both hate
the movie theater. Oh, how I wished him, from his ex-
that the Earth would spit from under wife, who, naturally,
my seat and gobble me up into its boil- hates him, on a
ing mantle, or that a cataclysmic earth- camping trip to Yel-
quake would hit and bring the theater’s lowstone Park,
ceiling crashing down, ending my life where they meet
and the lives of the other, poor, tor- Charlie Frost
mented souls who thought it would be a (Woody Harrelson),
good idea to see this movie. the token absolutely
The film, based off the eschatolog- insane conspiracy Damn you, Mayans!
ical theories (and the beliefs of your 13- theorist who in-
year-old cousin who finds the Twilight forms them of the world’s impending Noah’s Ark that is docked in China in the longest 2 hours and 38 minutes of
series to be truly enthralling) that the destruction. hopes to weather the apocalypse. This your life, but if you must see this film,
world will end in 2012, was destined to Of course, Cusack rights him off as brings up themes about the ethics of bring your iPod, put on some destruc-
be another end of the world megaflop. a bearded psycho who lives in a trailer governmental secrecy and equal oppor- tive music, and just watch everything
But for any of you imbeciles who still in the middle of the woods, and goes on tunity. Many outraged people over- fall down; I’ll admit, the $200-260 mil-
had any ounce of hope for this movie, his merry way with his unbelievably crowded the dock and demanded (and lion dollar budget provides some nice
allow me to take a dull, rusty knife, and bratty kids. Only later does he realize succeeded) to be let in the vessel. special effects.
savagely massacre any intentions to see that this lunatic was right, and he goes Most of the movie revolves around
it. home to scoop up his ex-wife and her Cusack and his family’s uninteresting,
2012 actually starts in 2009, when boyfriend while California experiences far-fetched excursion to China, and yep,
Dr. Satnam Tsurutani (Jimi Mistry) dis- earthquakes and cracks like a stale you guessed it, the family bonds and
covers that Earth is in dire straights cookie. unites at the end. Oh, what about his ex-
when neutrinos from a massive solar All the while the richest and most wife’s boyfriend? He dies, but it’s not like
flare have raised the temperature its important people in the world are in- he, or any of the other characters are en-
core. Egads! We’re doomed with an- formed of this little conundrum and dearing anyway, so whatever.
other 140 minutes of a terrible script, buy tickets for an exclusive future-esque I’m trying my hardest to save you

18 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Batman’s Always Had A Cult Following

By Evan Goldaper
Since I was in third grade, there was
one fact I knew for certain: Batman is
the best superhero ever. Sure, he’s not
the most powerful, but one trait Batman
has is versatility. And I don’t just mean
the character; I’m also referring to the
franchise. Half of the time, Bats is
singing duets with Neil Patrick Harris
and employing Shark Repellent Bat-
spray. Other times, he’s stopping insane
anarchists and delusional lunatics from
blowing up innocent people. It’s impos-
sible not to love a character who works
on so many levels.
Speaking of those levels, the re-
cently re-released Batman: The Cult pa-
perback is one of those stories that push
Batman’s limits as a dark, mature char-
acter. Without a doubt, this is the
bloodiest, creepiest, most disturbing
Batman tale I’ve read in a long time.
The comic centers on a new villain,
Deacon Blackfire, a charismatic orator
who rallies Gotham’s sizeable homeless gory shootings, axe murders, drug-in- begun to consider. The plot occasion- The Cult. His sketchy lines coupled with
population behind his messages of hope duced hallucinations, and unsettling ally jumps around, dipping in and out Bill Wray’s coloring create a terrifically
and brutal vigilante justice. Of course, imagery as Batman desperately strug- of the past, the present, and the fic- gothic mood with great emphasis on
Batman is suspicious, but his investiga- gles to free himself and Gotham from tional, but this is appropriate given the light and shadow. He also draws plenty
tion plans fail when the Deacon force- Blackfire. fact that the protagonist spends most of of dramatic close-ups, all of which per-
fully pulls the hero under his It’s certainly an intriguing story, the story in a haze induced by drugs fectly emphasize the anguish, rage, and
mysterious control. What follows is a with lots of parallels to key historic mo- and fatigue. Plus, the brutality of the horror throughout the comic. I also feel
gruesome tale, filled with dozens of ments. Even Robin notes the Hitler con- story allows for Jim Starlin to explore a quite comfortable saying no one draws
nection that you’ve probably already new side of Batman—he really has better delusions and nightmares than
never been this vulnerable. The writing Wrightson—they are all incredibly dis-
also allows for the excellent use of small turbing.
panels to bolster tension. For example, a So of course, the bottom line is—
quick sentence can be spread out across would I recommend The Cult? If you’re
as many as 30 panels, forcing the reader a Batman purist, I might actually say
to take his or her time and focus on “no.” Batman does some things in this
each line of dialogue. In a story like this, comic that push even his ever-shrink-
a continuous sense of pressure is vital, ing boundaries, and if you’re the sort of
and I never once felt like it was forced. person who cringes whenever this hap-
Not everything about the plot is pens, don’t pick it up. Also, if it hasn’t
good, though. In particular, the fourth been made abundantly clear, this is not
chapter features a few too many ridicu- a comic to get your little cousin for the
lous moments and happy coincidences. holidays, regardless of how much he or
A handful of subplots are never really she likes Batman. For everyone else, I
developed to their full effect either. Still, would definitely give this book a try. It’s
I can’t complain. As a whole, the plot’s an excellent example of how to set a
worthwhile. mood in comic form, and has a story
A story like this needs good sup- that won’t make you lose your interest.
porting artwork, which Bernie Wright- If it piques your curiosity, you might
son definitely delivers. It took me a few want to pick it up before it sells out
minutes to get used to his art style, but again, as it’s gone through quite a few
once I did I can say that it’s perfect for printings already.
The Stony Brook Press Arts & Entertainment 19

Russian Accents, Men, and Winter. Nice.

Doubles are crossed, backs are stabbed,
By Kenny Mahoney and absolutely nothing is what it seems
to be. The ending will leave your head
spinning, but you’ll like it.
What better way to settle into the cold December Kalenov’s sense of crass and
weather with a comic that has the word “winter” in it?! straight-forward manner of speaking
Jesus, that’s an awful lede, my J-school professors perfectly characterizes his no-bullshit
would be ashamed. But like I was saying, The Winter Russian thug attitude. Each page has
Men, written by Brett Lewis with art by John Paul him making another clever remark or
Leon takes place in the frigid reaches of Russia, and is blunt insult that will leave the reader in
a post-Cold War memoir of a former “super soldier,” stitches (and more often than not, leave
Kris “the Poet” Kalenov. Kalenov literally in stitches as well).
For those unfamiliar, the Cold War (while not ac- Overall, the book has a very noir
tually a “war”) was the largest scale pissing-contest kind of charm about it. The earthly
ever recorded between the nations of the U.S. and Rus- color-palate, dark shadows, and bold
sia from 1950-1980’s. Think of it as having your penciling are a perfect fit for the gritty
neighbor buy a brand new television and you try to underbelly of Moscow. Anyone who
one-up him by getting an even bigger television. Re- has seen Eduardo Risso’s illustration in
place “television” with “nuclear missile” and you’ve got 100 Bullets will know what I mean. All
the gist of it. of your favorite noir tropes are present;
Most people think that all of those stories about both bullets and fists will be flying
Russian super soldiers and fancy weapons were just a (along with men in suits of rocket-
bunch of propaganda that the Soviet government used powered armor), and cryptic conversa-
to make themselves seem really awesome. Well, tions are a dime a dozen. The
Kalenov and his former unit, the Winter Men, would conversations never get stale though, as
beg to differ. Though after the Cold War was over, the each character, even the minor ones,
government didn’t have much use for that kind of bring their own unique personalities
thing, which left Kris and his unit out in the “cold.” that vary the mix.
(Oh boy, clichés abound in this one. You can stop The sheer amount of text in the
reading now if you like, I won’t take it personally). book can be a bit overwhelming for
Years later, Kalenov is running around Moscow some, and that fact, coupled with the So if you’re willing to put a little bit more time and
getting odd jobs from here and there trying to make intricacy of the storytelling, will lead to a lot of re- effort than your usual comic, Wildstorm’s The Winter
ends meet, until he gets a job trying to rescue a kid- reading. I found myself flipping back through to book Men is a solid read. Be forewarned though; if you’re
napped girl. It turns out that the case is way more to clarify facts on more than one occasion. I’m not anything like me, you’ll get so far into it, you will apply
complicated than it first seemed. I won’t get into de- saying there’s anything wrong with this or that it was your own made-up Russian accents to everything you
tail because that’s what makes up the meat of this book poorly written; just don’t expect to breeze through The read thereafter. It just makes everything else sound
and I’d hate to spoil it. “Plot twist” is an understate- Winter Men on one lazy afternoon and understand it so… so badass.
ment; I’d describe it more as a “plot cluster-fuck.” all.

Batman: The Bat and the Cat Review

headquarters of the Russian Mafia. Cat- the spirit of the characters.
By Eric DiGiovanni woman, in order to save a friend of hers
from servitude, steals the notebook to
Oh, and a shit ton of inner
use as a bargaining chip. Batman comes My only complaint is the
Don’t be fooled by the title, this is to help just as the mob takes the note- layout. Kevin McGuire’s art is
all about Barbara Gordon, the newly book and enlists the help of The Rid- really expressive, but when-
minted Batgirl, a baxom red-handed dler. The final issue takes Batgirl ever a fight scene took place,
spitfire. through the bowels of Arkham Asylum, things got claustrophobic and
The magazine collects issues 17 to where, and I’m not making this up, she hard to follow. Other than
21 of the series Batman Confidential. It avoids confrontation with The Joker by that, it was an enjoyable read.
opens with Gordon, a librarian trying to winning a riddle contest. Would I buy it? Not at the $13
decode a notebook that belongs to her What drew me to the book was recommended asking price.
father, Commissioner Gordon. The writer Fabian Nicieza. His previous Still, it got me interested in
book is stolen by Catwoman and she’s writing credits include X-Men and Cit- Batman Confidential, so at the
on the chase. What seems at first like a izen V, and was the editor in chief for very least that series has a new
case of petty theft soon turns into some- the short-lived Acclaim Comics from reader.
thing much deeper. which we get the Turok series of video As a side note, if you’re
We never find out what’s in the games. However, he is best known for expecting girl-on-girl action,
notebook, but it takes us everywhere co-creating Deadpool with Rob Liefeld. Batgirl and Catwoman totally
from a club, to a junkyard, to the So I went in expecting some witty, light wrestle naked in a hedonist If you look closely, there’s a building in this picture
rooftops of Gotham, all the way into the hearted adventure that remains true to club. I’m just sayin’.
20 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Santa Needs to Kill Some Terrorists

By Mike Cusanelli
During the holidays, it’s easy to be
buried under an avalanche of games,
most of them not worth your time or
money. However, this is the time of year
when, if you’re lucky, a whole mess of
awesome games comes out all at once
like a veritable Second Coming of
videogame awesomeness. I’ve sifted
through some of the crap to try and
help you have the most fragtastic, hid-
den blade stabbiest, cliff leapingest,
amazing holiday break ever. Here are
my picks,

you can duke it out online with nine hands on this masterpiece. As a proud for a world of sadness and pain unlike
Zombie Time!
other players. As a huge Tomb Raider veteran of the first Modern Warfare anything you’ve experienced since some
fan, this is one game that I can’t wait to (and all the WWII games before it) this of the early Wii games. Unless you des-
get my hands on. Now I just have to be game has me trembling with anticipa- perately need something large to toss on
friends with someone with a PS3… tion. Many are calling it The Second your fireplace during the cold winter
5. Left 4 Dead 2-multi Coming… of the Modern Warfare fran- nights, don’t bother.
Do you have friends? Do you 3. DJ Hero-multi chise, that is.
like zombies? Do you want to kill zom- If you’ve got the cash to plunk 2. Alvin and The Chipmunks: The
bies with said friends? This is your down on the super cool turntable pe- 1. Assassin’s Creed 2-multi Sqeakquel-Wii
game. Left 4 Dead 2 is the sequel to last ripheral for this game, this is one game If you want to experience escapism Words cannot describe my utter
years amazing zombie kill-a-thon from you’ve got to play for yourself. I thought at its very best in a multitude of ridicu- disgust for this game. No. Just…no.
Valve, makers of Portal, Team Fortress it looked pretty lame until I tried it my- lously convincing Renaissance cities in
2, and Half-Life. With a whole new self; before I knew it, I felt like Grand- Italy, then by all means, play this game.
group of survivors, new weapons (in- master Flash in the middle of Best Buy From scaling buildings and leaping
cluding sweet melee weapons like gui- no less. It’s one of those games that across rooftops, to knifing someone in
tars and machetes) and a promising looks dorky but turns out to be really the face with your hidden blades, and
array of new situations and environ- original and fun for almost everyone. If chillin’ with your boy Leonardo Da
ments to explore, this is your one stop you’re sick of Guitar Hero and Rock Vinci, this game has it all. The develop-
shop for complete and utter zombie Band games and you’re craving a new ers were sure to address all of the gripes
genocide. To top it all off, you can go music game, then check this one out. that fans had for the first game, and it
online and play four on four zombie vs. Just get ready to lay out a Benjamin and really shows this time around. If you’re
survivors mode so you can make some- then some for all the equipment. looking for a single player experience
one else’s holiday season a little more vi- that will keep you entertained for weeks
olent. So toss aside the fruitcake and get 2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2- and take your breath away with its vi-
ready to feast on some delicious brains multi sual beauty, brutal violence, and charis-
with your pals. This is without a doubt one of matic antihero, then look no further
the most awesome games to come than Assassin’s Creed 2. I didn’t know they made evil into a video game.
4. Uncharted 2- PS3 out…ever. The only reason it isn’t num-
This game is one of the few rea- ber 1 on this list is because it’s exactly Big Lump of Coal: What Not to Buy
sons beside God of War 3 that I really what everyone was expecting. There Unless you hate the people you’re
wish I had a Playstation. Uncharted 2 is isn’t much I can say about this game buying presents for, avoid these games 3. Just Dance-Wii
the sequel to the smash hit game that that hasn’t been said by so many others, like you would a person with the swine What’s the fun of flailing your arms
made so many Xbox gamers drool with so I guess I’ll mention the intense cine- flu. around in your living room if there’s no
envy. As Nathan Drake, you can climb, matic single player mode, the sweet two 3. Tony Hawk: Skate-multi fake instruments or flashing dance pad?
shoot, and leap through the lush jungle player co-op missions, and the unparal- I’ve only heard negative things All this game does is make you look like
environments of which Drake seems to leled online multiplayer. You’ll be frag- about this game so far. It looks boring, a spaz after one too many glasses of
be drawn. The multiplayer allows you ging and knifing fools in the back for clunky, and all around frustrating. As eggnog. I haven’t played this game nor
and two friends to play cooperatively or months to come once you get your soon as you boot up the game, prepare do I intend to, and you shouldn’t either.
The Stony Brook Press Arts & Entertainment 21

Collector’s Edition: Pre-Order Bonuses

By Kenny Mahoney
Over the next couple of months,
game companies are rolling out their
big holiday releases, many of which
will be released as special collector’s
editions offering trinkets and knick-
knacks to fill the shelves of your stu-
dio apartment/dorm room/parents’
basement. Retailers are also getting
in on the action, offering similar col-
lectible junk when you pre-order the
game from their store. Here’s a list of
just a few of the great titles coming
out of there next few months and the
treasure’s you’ll get with them – pro-
vided you either shell out an extra
threehundred dollars or, enter a
legally binding decision to purchase
the game seven months in advance.
One of the most anticipated
games coming out this year is the se- Boom, Boom, Pow!
quel to 2007’s Call of Duty 4: Modern
Warfare, Call of Duty 4 2. No wait, year-old boys who desperately desire to cash cow. Wait, no, sorry I got kind of an unfair advantage based on where
that’s not it. It’s um, Call of Modern sneak out into the bushes at night and confused there – it’s just Mass Effect 2. they bought the game. Game retailer
Warfare 4 Again? No, that’s not it either. spy on their neighbors in the shower. All of these sequels start to sound the LameStop eschews the norm of offering
Let’s just call it Modern Warfare 2. The Developer Infinity Ward has you cov- same after a while. You may or may not an exclusive level or in-game costume
game is being dumped on consumers in ered though, so in place of night vision remember the controversy surrounding in favor of a special code that will en-
three different versions. There’s the reg- goggles comes a long stick with a mirror the first game; it contained a love scene sure that a player will win every single
ular old it’s-just-the-game version, the taped on the end of it – perfect for look- (alright, it’s a sex scene) in which it was encounter they get into. Surrounded by
“hardened” edition, packaged in a steel ing up skirts and under bathroom stalls. possible for a human and an alien to do the zombie horde? You will magically
case for smuggling the game through Maybe it’s not so useful for covert spy the nasty. Don’t worry, it was a human- regain your health and smash through
insurgent infested territory, and last but work, but c’mon, what the hell else were looking alien, not a person humping an the undead like a plow through snow.
not least, the Prestige edition, which you going to do with those night vision Aliens alien. Of course, the great news Getting grief from some annoying 12
comes with everything the hardened goggles anyway, pervert?! organization Fox News fairly and bal- year-old? His Xbox Live account will be
edition has along with a set of night vi- Bioware’s latest game, Dragon Age: anced-ly reported on the issue, offering immediately banned, and all saved files
sion goggles. Unfortunately, orders of Origins, has already been released for game journalist Geoff Keighley an op- will be corrupted. The code will be a
the game ran too high and not enough this holiday. However, they’re really portunity to waste an afternoon getting unique, single-use scratch-off card that
night vision goggles were produced to banking on Mass Effect: Modern War- his ass chewed-out on cable television will work both on and offline ensuring
meet the overwhelming demand of 14 fare, the sequel to Mass Effect to be their by a pack of rabid, uninformed com- absolute dominance over other players
mentators. This time, Bioware is who clearly did not buy the game at the
making it easy for all of the news right place. LameStop – power to the
networks clamoring for another players those who can afford it.
excuse to make an example out of
videogames as a reason for cor-
rupting the youth of America. For
Mass Effect 2, they’re going to bun-
dle the game with a collector’s
DVD featuring a real life alien sex
tape. Straight from Area 51, the
DVD is jam packed with director
and cast commentary, deleted
scenes, and interactive menus so
good that I think staff writer Chris
Mellides is going to write about it
in the next issue.
Lots of stores are offering spe-
cial pre-order bonuses in exchange
for a down-payment on a future
release. Valve’s Left 4 Dead 2 is no
exception. However, many have
feared that these pre-order
Flame and death are fun on a video game console. bonuses will disrupt the balance of
the games, giving certain players
22 Comics & Games Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Stony Brook Press Comics & Games 23

“Vesectomy”? Let’s hope those aren’t reversible.

Stop that...
24 Opinion Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top 40 Radio Should Die A Quick Death

In this world,
there lives a strange
creature. Nobody re-
ally knows how it
came to be; or if it
can ever die. Mythol-
ogy has somehow
built up this beast to
a Godlike status
where the masses
hold it in utmost rev-
erence. The stories
say that the creature
sings a song, like the
sirens, and it is the
greatest song in the
world. However, all
that have seen the
“legend” know that
this is not the case,
yet many remain de-
luded. Its song is
nothing worthy of a
lineage, but its wail Ga Ga, oo la la!
drowns out all the
others. And it sings
in 1970 Casey Kasem hosted the first opinions. Yadira, who works at the main music players. I asked a couple girls on
American Top 40 show that counted desk said, “I like some of this music, the treadmills what they listened to.
down the top 40 singles from the Bill- some of the stuff I don’t like. Some of it’s “Sometimes rap, sometimes rock, you
“Top 40? The great- board charts. It is now hosted by Ryan not really appropriate for a gym, but it’s know, whatever’s on the radio,” said
est 40 songs ever? Seacrest. Today it refers to popular all right.” Maya, a sophomore.
music in general. Just then, Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” “Well, then why bring your music
Hardly, the top 40 format The name itself evokes a certain ar- came on. “So, is something like this ap- player? Why not just listen to the
only refers to the best rogance that is condescending to the lis-
tener. Top 40? The greatest 40 songs
propriate?” I asked.
“Yeah, it is.”
radio?” I inquired, as “Hey There
Delilah” came on.
selling…of that week” ever? Hardly, the top 40 format only “Why?” Coldplay was never really
refers to the best selling…of that week. known for rocking the fuck out.
Keep that in mind, as well as the fact “Well, the beat goes pretty fast.”

its tune everywhere, all the time. This

that someone made a shit ton of money
on Snuggies, which is a completely new
One employee actually submitted
a CD to play over the loudspeaker in-
“Coldplay was
creature I speak of, is Top 40. And it
needs to die right now.
and innovative idea for anyone who has
never thought of turning a robe back-
stead. “[The music] drives me crazy. I
gave them a CD; they said they’d look
never really known
For those unfamiliar with the term,
“Top 40” refers to the “Contemporary
wards. Also, it assumes that every other
song/band is not worth listening to.
over it for curses and stuff. That was
two months ago.”
for rocking the fuck
Hit Radio” format. CHR is mostly com-
prised of mainstream pop songs, but
Why would you want anything but the
“best” pop music? Let’s play it every-
Curses? The Wellness Center
management is concerned about
can also include softer rock songs, and where! curse words in a gym populated al-
R&B. The term originated in the 1950s For example, WBLI, a Top 40 sta- most entirely by college students?
from jukeboxes. At the time, the aver- tion, is the default radio station at the Even on classic rock stations I’ve heard “Well, sometimes you’ll get stuff
age jukebox could only contain 40 vinyl gym. “Bring your MP3 player then. Cri- maybe two objectionable phrases like this, [“Hey There Delilah”].”
singles. Todd Storz, Bill Stewart and sis averted,” you say. That’s true, but (“Who the fuck are you?” Once in The Allowing, “Hey There Delilah” to
Gordon McLendon capitalized on this what happens if you forget to bring it, Who’s “Who Are You?” and the word play all the way through in a gym, or
and built a radio format around this or the batteries crap out halfway “faggot” was used a couple times is Dire any other location, is a screw up. That
phenomenon, as opposed to original through? You’re stuck with the radio. Straits’ “Money For Nothin”). song has a maximum of four notes.
programming and news, which was the Also, the employees have no choice in Out on the floor, a few students did Most punk uses four notes (or chords)
norm of the era. Eventually it grew, and the matter. I asked a few of them their the smart thing and brought their own too, but at least they had the idea to
The Stony Brook Press Opinion 25

TOP 40 continued from page 24

speed it up. “Delilah” sounds like some- back. For “Love Story”, I want to slit Green Day or The Hold Steady, that
thing Bob Dylan would write if he did- Taylor Swift’s throat with a copy of would otherwise be sequestered solely
n’t have talent, integrity or balls. Are Band Hero while reading Romeo and to the Rock Stations. Even a few popu-
record companies just going around to Juliet. I want to destroy every acoustic “The Wellness Center lar metal bands like Mastadon and
college parties and handing out con- guitar ever made in the hopes that we
management is con- Atreyu can get a chance to catch on
tracts to the douche that’s playing “I with the public. Second, by limiting the
Gave My Love a Cherry” or “Wonder- cerned about curse run to only 30 days, it will encourage
wall”? Seemed to work for Jason Mraz. words in a gym populated ALL the songs on an album to be bet-
In the free weight section, things
are a bit different. A couple of guys
almost entirely by col- ter, because in order for an act to stay
on the radio, they would need to release
deadlifting don’t mind the music. “We lege students?” a new single every month. And because
usually don’t notice it and tend to focus songs that fall out of rotation are never
on the workout,” said one. However, heard again, listeners would have to
another in the group had a chance to during Christmas and summer breaks pick up the album.
listen to the radio while he rested. His so that it wouldn’t interfere with her The other day in the SAC Lobby I
thoughts were, “Actually, this music is schoolwork. Their music is far from the saw a table for a fledgling group on
pretty gay. It’s a little annoying.” worst I’ve heard. campus called “Extreme Music Appre-
Like their cardio machine com- Then why do I harbor this ciation Society”. The group looks to in-
rades, a few lifters had brought their loathing? Because they’ve been shoved troduce people to more metal and punk
music players as well. “I usually listen down my throat by DJs who say bands by encouraging the Student Ac-
to hip hop,” said Manny, a senior. “They’re the best! They’re the best!” and tivities Board to get more of those
“Have you noticed a difference naturally, everyone buys their songs on bands playing shows on campus. Need-
when you forget to bring you MP3 iTunes, thus shoving the same songs less to say I signed up. If you’ve agreed
Player?” even more in my face, and further lim- with me at all, even if you’re not a fan
“Yeah, I’m less motivated. [The This is Casey Kasem. iting the music palate of others. of metal, it’s worth it to give them a
music on the radio] doesn’t really pump And every song will be driven into look, if only to see the other side.
never get another “I’m Yours” or “Hey your skull. Think about it: each songs Better yet, turn off the radio, and
There Delilah”. lasts about 3 minutes. With 40 songs, turn on your mind. Get recommenda-
Want to know something really that’s about 2 hours of music, which tions from friends, strangers, Pandora,
“I’ve heard “Poker messed up? I actually respect these peo- means that, factoring in commercials, anywhere. Go to Wikipedia, find a
Face” so much I ple in a way. Lady Gaga went to NYU’s you’ll hear the same song 10 times a genre you like, and just start clicking on
Tisch School for The Arts and during day, give or take. random bands. If you like it, download
want to punch Lady her tenure there she wrote dozens of So what do I propose? First, adopt a
“Recent Music” format. Take all the sin-
it. If not, nothing’s lost. You should be
analytic papers and essays. She’s named the one deciding your own musical
Gaga right in the after a Queen song. Taylor Swift started gles (barring excessive swearing if that’s tastes, not some DJ. If we all have this
dick.” her own music career, going from open
mic to open mic, singing country songs
the thing you worry about) from all the
labels of every genre. Then take those
attitude, then maybe we can finally slay
the beast known as Top 40.
with a karaoke backing track. At 11, she songs, and play them on shuffle. After “You play the hits. You play ‘em to
went to Nashville with a demo tape, 30 days, take the song out of rotation. death. A lot of people object to that, but
you up. They also play a lot of the same hoping to be picked up. She was re- Why is it a better alternative? One, it the masses listen to it,” -B. Eric Rhoads,
songs.” jected, but started writing her own leaves a much bigger pool to choose publisher of Radio Ink, a radio industry
Even for those who like whatever’s songs and playing 12-string guitar at from. Yeah, you will still have Pink and trade publication.
on, the main complaint was hearing the the age of 12. Rihanna was an army Britney Spears, and every other pop
same song several times an hour. cadet in an ROTC program in Barba- artist, but then again you’ll also hear
But hey, it’s pop music, right? They dos, and only worked on her demo tape more acts that are strictly rock, such as
wouldn’t call it that if everyone didn’t
love it! The notion of “pop music” is
presumptuous. An entire genre of
music whose sole focus is based on
being popular? Lots of bands outside of
the “pop” genre have legions of dedi-
cated fans. What makes it popular?
Who determines all of this? Yes, you
can argue that record labels hire the
best songwriters and producers to get
behind “pop” music artists, making
sure that more people will like it. But
it’s not sincere. It’s not their own music.
It’s a product, not a song. Hell, in an in-
terview, Miley Cyrus states that, despite
what she says in “Party In The USA”,
she has never listened to Jay Z.
I’ve heard “Poker Face” so much I
want to punch Lady Gaga right in the
dick. I’ve heard “Disturbia” so many
times I want to thank Chris Brown.
Nickelback? Fuck, I want a full refund.
I also want the three minutes I had to
spend listening to your goddamn song
26 Sports Vol. XXXI, Issue 7 | Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hofstra Football Follows the Dodo to Extinction

scholarships. The program’s 84 players
By Jason Wirchin can keep their scholarships if they re-
main at Hofstra through graduation.
“We know it’s naïve to think they
After 72 years, Hofstra University will all stay, but the offer is there,” Rabi-
football is dead. nowitz said.
Citing high costs and fading inter- Hofstra became the second Colo-
est among fans, officials at Hofstra Uni- nial Athletic Association school to elim-
versity decided last week to cut their inate its football program within the
Division I football program. The move past two weeks, joining Northeastern
came after a two-year review of the University in Massachusetts, which
school’s budget by its board of trustees. ended its program November 23.
The university weighed several options The news came as a shock not only
to save the program, including a shift to the Hofstra crowd, but to athletics of-
from the Football Championship Sub- ficials at Stony Brook University, Long
division to the Football Bowl Subdivi- Island’s sole remaining Division I
sion, but Hofstra’s officials said they had school.
to pull the plug. “I was saddened to receive the
“The Southeastern Conference and sobering news that the University had
the Big Ten weren’t calling us,” Stuart decided to discontinue its football pro-
Rabinowitz, Hofstra University presi- gram,” said Jim Fiore, Stony Brook Uni-
dent, told The New York Times. “It versity director of athletics. “Hofstra set
proved to be impossible to justify the the bar on Long Island for Division I Administrators taking down the football budget.
money and upgrades that would be nec- college football and indirectly helped to
essary for that jump.” make the Stony Brook University foot-
With a stadium capable of seating [former New York Jet] Wayne Chrebet measures. “If they have to choose
ball program better.  We will miss the ri-
15,000, the Pride attracted an average of and I feel bad for that whole commu- whether to cut an athletic program or
valry and camaraderie that had
4,260 fans this season, according to the nity,” said Stony Brook University jun- funds from education, then this is the
developed between our respective foot-
Times. ior Patrick Jacques. “They lost more more obvious choice for an educational
ball programs.”
Rabinowitz said the $4.5 million than they probably realize.” institution,” Gomes said.
Stony Brook University students
spent annually on football would now Stony Brook University alumnus None of Hofstra’s other 17 athletics
and alumni echoed Fiore’s sentiments.
be fed into academics and student Fernando Gomes said he agreed, but programs were cut, according to the
“Hofstra has produced the likes of
admitted tough times call for tough Times.

Sweaty Men Punch, Kick. Yeah!

and there was a chance he would never ever meet, but he’ll kill you!” Marcus Jones came into his fight
By Matthew Maran fight again. Junk ended up being okay,
and Jones was held back from attacking
In the semifinal matchups Roy Nel-
son defeated James McSweeney by tech-
against Brendan Schaub with at least a
25-pound weight advantage and an
Mitrione. Marcus Jones would go on to nical knockout and Brendan Schaub edge in reach. Jones took Schaub down
On December 2nd, The Ultimate beat Darrill Schoonover in his quarter- scored a shocking victory over Marcus quickly and began the fight the same
Fighter featured the final four fights be- way he did in his previous matchup
fore the finale. In the final two quarter- against Schoonover. However, unlike
final fights James McSweeney beat Matt Schoonover, Schaub was able to ma-
Mitrione and Marcus Jones defeated neuver more effectively from his back.
Darrill Schoonover. When Jones moved to full mount,
Mitrione had been complaining Schaub pushed the massive Jones off
about his head hurting and possibly not and brought the fight back to their feet.
feeling well enough to fight, even going Then Schaub proceeded to knock down
as far as to claim that he might have the big man with a huge right hand and
swelling of the brain. It was rumored pounced on him to secure the upset
that Kimbo Slice would be the one to fill technical knockout win.
in if Mitrione canceled, but Kimbo On The Ultimate Fighter, there are
could not fight due to arthritis in his usually a few fighters who impress UFC
knees and Mitrione ended up fighting officials, and they are given a chance to
anyway, revealing that the head injury fight on the season finale—Matt Mitri-
was all a ploy to get into the head of his one fought Marcus Jones, and defeated
opponent, James McSweeney, who won him by knockout. Withstanding the en-
the fight by first round submission. final fight by first round knockout. Jones. Nelson grounded McSweeney tire crowd booing him, Mitrione ex-
Marcus Jones, who is a massive six- Marcus Jones has been referred to and crucifixed him, a position where posed Jones’ weak stand up game and
foot six-inch 265-pound former first as “Big Baby” by much of the other cast the opponent’s arms are pinned down knocked him out ten seconds into the
round NFL draft pick, was looking to due to him being extremely sensitive leaving the head exposed. Nelson then second round.
hurt Matt Mitrione when it was re- and being a very gentle giant. Jones’ dropped several unanswered blows, Kimbo Slice made his long awaited
vealed that Jones’ teammate, Scott Junk, coach Quinton “Rampage” Jackson said, similar to the way he beat Kimbo, lead- UFC debut in the finale against Hous-
was injured in his fight with Mitrione, “Marcus is the nicest person you will ing to the referee calling for the bell. ton Alexander. The fight was expected
The Stony Brook Press Sports 27

Fight Club: Thursday Night Nerf Fight

slightly. Not a soul around. I had visual tor would have at least intimidated or me, dying on the floor. Every little de-
By Eric DiGiovanni of my partner, and we bolted toward the
door. Neither of us got shot, but Alpha
something. Yet again, I heard the calls
of “Oh, shit!” and gunfire in the back-
cision I made, I immediately regretted,
because it brought me right here to this
team was long gone. ground. They looked over to me, I ran point: standing over a dead girl I don’t
It’s never easy being a soldier. “Perfect infiltration!” shouted my away. You might call me a coward, but even know for doing the right thing.
There’s a lot of “hurry up and wait”. The partner. “That was just like Call of hero would be more appropriate. The She got up and said, “That was a
waiting is the hardest part, especially Duty!” Poor sumbitch didn’t know what police left the girl out in the open to great game, guys!” I helped her pick up
when you know there’s going to be a he was talking about. Nobody has to deal with my teammates, so I came some of the Nerf darts off the floor.
siege. “Defend the base!” they say. Why? Everyone gathered around. We would
What’s so important about an empty have went another round, but most had
room that we just can’t give it to the to leave.
enemy? Why are they the enemy? Oh, This was more or less what hap-
right. Because they say so. pened Thursday afternoon in the Union
I was sent to the patrol the area, to basement. While these Nerf skirmishes
see where the enemy was coming from aren’t an official club, it will be as of next
Luckily, I listen to Green Day, so I knew semester. Tom, one of the combatants,
I needed to know my enemy. As I originally started a club two years ago,
crouched into position, I began to won- but it petered out after he graduated.
der if they knew why they were fighting. “Like a cancer that has gone into remis-
Just then, I heard clicks coming sion,” he says, “it came back.”
from the other hall. It was an ambush! As far as equipment goes, you can
Fortunately, or unfortunately, if you bring your own, and a couple guys
were a loved one of those poor bastards, brought a whole cache of guns. None of
we stopped them dead in their tracks. the weapons are modified, but I did see
My next mission had us turning the ta- a guy who made his own riot shield.
bles on them and infiltrating their base. There were guns modeled after Tommy
We were a squad of four, but we were guns, standard pistols, and even one of
the toughest, most unholy bastards the those new ones that start out as a rifle,
battlefield had ever seen. The plan went but also has a detachable pistol on top
This kid’s mom loves him very much
like this: Alpha team would head down for when you make your last stand.
first, and draw fire. Then, a minute later, This is just one of those examples
I would take the elevator downstairs, mourn a pile of polygons. around the other side, and pulled the where, if you’re an opportunist, you find
while my partner went down the stairs. Later, I was hired to assassinate the trigger. some really cool stuff. It was fun, and it
That minute felt like a lifetime. The el- sole witness in my contractor’s trial. We Pfft… really takes you back to the days of
evator came and my finger was getting a were to ensure that she saw Death’s cold My gun misfired. The only friend I being a kid when your gun was a meas-
little trigger happy. It was clear, and hard stare again. Once more, I was on had in the world betrayed me. I tried it ure of how much your parents loved
Bravo team began our descent. The ele- scout duty. I patrolled up and down the again. I shot her in the back as she ran you, and not a penis compensation de-
vator ride to hell left me off but a few empty hallways as they stood by the away. vice.
feet from our goal. As those doors room where she’d be secure. You’d fig- You should have seen the look of
opened, I stroked the trigger ever so ure a man as powerful as our contrac- sheer terror in her eyes, as she looked at

ARTICLE continued from page 26

to be a slugfest. However, in the first mously in favor of Kimbo Slice. The big Although I prefer not to be biased and blind him, but I don’t think I can
round Alexander stayed away from story of the fight was that Kimbo Slice in my mixed martial arts articles I must do any more damage to his already piss
Kimbo and ran around in circles only did not fight like a street brawler, he vent my frustrations for Steve Mazza- poor eye sight. This motherfucker must
engaging by throwing leg kicks from fought like a mixed martial artist. gatti. The UFC does not pick their ref- have been the lookout for Pearl Harbor.
afar. Jon Jones is considered one of the erees. They are chosen by athletic He makes me want to create a research
Finally, in the second round Kimbo rising stars in the UFC light heavy- commissions. Mazzagatti has a history department dedicated to discovering a
scored several impressive takedowns weight division. He is 22 years old and of making bad calls and being criticized way to conduct post-natal abortions.
showing a much-improved wrestling holds a 9-0 professional mixed martial by high profile fighters Brock Lesnar Steve Mazzagatti is proof that the Three
game. There were opportunities for arts record. He fought Matt Hamill and and Kenny Florian. The President of Stooges had an inbred illegitamate child
Kimbo to go for a submission, but it still appeared to win the fight by technical UFC, Dana White has said, “This fuck- and he is the most worthless person in
appears he needs to improve his jiu- knockout. However, when he had ing guy shouldn’t even be watching sports.
jitsu if he wants to be a complete Hamill grounded, he dropped an illegal MMA on TV, let alone refereeing it. I In the main event Roy “Big Coun-
fighter. elbow. Jones was warned by referee think he’s the worst ref in the history of try” Nelson defeated Brendan Schaub
The third round was more like the Steve Mazzagatti and deducted a point. any fight business, ever. He’s horrible.” by first round KO to become the newest
first round. There was not as much en- At this point it became clear that Well I think White is being too po- Ultimate Fighter winner and landed a
gaging, but Alexander landed a devas- Hamill was unable to continue and the lite. I am recommending for Jon Jones’ six-figure UFC contract.
tating leg kick that took Kimbo off his fight was ended. next fight, he gets locked in the octagon Nelson scored an early takedown
feet. Kimbo scored a takedown, but the This is were it got interesting. De- with Mazzagatti and no referee (which on Schaub, and Schaub impressively
referee stood them up when Kimbo was spite the fact that Jones completely is probably about as effective as if he got out of it and brought the fight back
not working. dominated the fight and had dropped were reffing). And if not, lock me in up to their feet. They were both trading
The fight was expected to end early numerous unanswered blows including there with him. I’d like to get my hands hands well until Nelson caught Schaub
with a knockout, but it went to a deci- several legal elbows, Mazzagatti dis- on this fucking idiot and rip him limb just behind the ear with a big right hand
sion and the judges scored it unani- qualified Jones due to the illegal elbow. from limb. I would gouge his eyes out the Season 10 Ultimate Fighter.
Death Egg Zone

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