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Classification Tests for Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives

Mary Catherine Sarte, John Emmanuel Sy, Allurie Umel,

Franklin Yap, Mary Christine You
Carboxylic acids derivatives are simply roups
o! compounds that contain a carbonyl roup but
"ith an electroneative atom attached to the
carbon# $he di!!erence in the structure leads to a
ma%or chane in reactivity# $he reactions o! these
roups o! compounds involve nucleophilic
substitution# Althouh there are abundant kinds
o! carboxylic acid derivatives, the experiment
only !ocuses on the common ones& acid halides,
acid anhydrides, esters and amides#
Carboxylic acids and their derivatives are
usually seen in industrial processes and most
bioloical path"ays# Esters can be seen as !ats
and "ithin the cell membrane# Esters are also
present in pleasant smellin li'uids that are
responsible "ith the !rarant odor o! !ruits and
!lo"ers# Amides are also present in animal
protein and also in industrial products such as
nylon# Acid chlorides and acid anhydrides are
used in the synthesis o! carboxylic derivatives#
$hese are not usually !ound in nature because o!
its hih reactivity property#
(ne property o! carboxylic acids is that they
are acidic# )ecause o! these, carboxylic acids are
mostly made to react "ith bases such as *a(+ to
yield a "ater soluble metal carboxylates#
Carboxylic acids and their derivatives react
"ith nucleophiles "hich yields a !ormation o!
alcohol# $he initially !ormed intermediate product
expels one o! its substituents "hich is oriinally
bonded to the carbonyl carbon !ormin a ne"
carbonyl compound# $he reaction is called
nucleophilic acyl substitution reaction#
$he procedure !or acyl halides, acid anhydrides,
esters and amides is hydrolysis# +ydrolysis is
simply the reaction "ith "ater to yield a
carboxylic acid# Also !or acetyl chloride is
alcoholysis& Schotten,)auman -eaction# .t is the
reaction "ith an alcohol to yield an ester# $he
alcohol used here "as ethanol# Aain !or acetyl
chloride and acetic anhydride, the reaction used
"as aminolysis& anilide !ormation# Aminolysis is
the reaction "ith ammonia or amine to yield an
amide# .n this case, aniline "as the ammonia and
anilide, an amide, "as produced# +ydroxamic
acis test "as used !or ethyl acetate and
$hrouh this experiment, students are able to
visuali/e, throuh the di!!erent reactions, the
necleophilic acyl substitution reaction !or
carboxylic acids and it derivatives# $he di!!erent
classi!ication tests !or such are also observed#
A. Hydrolysis of Acid Derivatives
Acyl halides and Acid anhydrides
0 ml o! "ater "as placed in a test tube# 01
drops o! the sample, in this case acetyl chloride
and acetic anhydride, "as added in a drop "ise
manner# A "armin e!!ect "as noted# $he !irst
resultin mixture "as divided into t"o portions#
$o the 0
, 0 ml o! 23 A*(4 "as added#
5recipitation "as observed# $o the second
mixture, 0 ml o! saturated *a+C(4 "as added#
An evolution o! as "as observed#
2ml o! 263 *a(+ solution "as added to 0 ml
o! ethyl acetate# $he mouth o! the test tube "as
covered and the test tube "as heated in a boilin
"ater bath !or about 6 minutes# $he mixture "as
then neutrali/ed "ith 013 +C7 solution# 8ith a
"a!tin motion, the odor o! the solution "as
0ml o! ben/amide "as treated "ith 6ml o! 013
*a(+ solution# $he solution "as then heated to
boilin# 8hile heatin, the test !or the reaction o!
as evolution "as done by holdin a piece o!
moist red litmus paper over the heated test tube#
B. Alcoholysis: Schotten-Baumann Reaction
A mixture o! 01 drops o! acetic acid, 0ml
ethanol and 6 drops o! conc# "as "armed
over a "ater bath !or 2 minutes# $he odor o! the
ester !ormed "as noted#
Carboxylic acids are mainly oranic compounds containin at least one carboxyl roup# .ts eneral !ormula
is represented by the !ormula -,C((+# .ts derivatives, on the other hand, is de!ined as oranic compounds
containin a carbonyl roup "ith an electroneative atom 9oxyen, nitroen or haloen: attached to the
carbonyl carbon# Amon these carboxylic acid derivatives, acyl halides are the most reactive and amides
the least# -eactions o! carboxylic acides also yield esters, salts and acyl chlorides# $he experiment done is
to test "hether the substance is positive !or carboxylic acid and derivatives# $he reaents used are acyl
chloride representin acyl halides; acetic anhydride representin acid anhydrides; ethyl acetate
representin esters and acetanamide and ben/amide representin amides# Speci!ic tests "ere per!ormed to
speci!ic compounds# Yieldin a positive results indicate the presence o! the carboxylic acid roup#
.n another test tube, a mixture o! 1#6ml
ethanol, 0ml "ater, and 1#2ml o! acyl halide or
acid anhydride "as prepared# 2ml o! 213 *a(+
solution "as then added# $he test tube "as
covered "ith para!!in "ax and "as shook !or
several minutes# An odor o! the !ormed ester and
a !ormation o! t"o layers "ere noted#
C. Aminolysis: Anilide Formation
A !e" drops o! acetyl chloride or acetic
anhydride "as added to 1#6ml o! aniline# $he
mixture "as trans!erred to a ne" test tube
containin 6ml "ater# $he !ormation o! a
precipitate "as noted#
D. Hydroxamic Acid est
$he preliminary test "as done by mixin 2
drops o! the sample, 0 ml o! <63 ethanol and 0M
+C7# A drop o! 63 FeCl4 solution "as added to
the mixture and the color produced "as noted# .!
a color other than yello" "as obtained, the test
cannot be used# (ther"ise, another test "as
conducted as !ollo"s&
2 drops o! the sample "as added to 2ml o!
alcoholic *+2(+ +C7 and 0ml o! =(+# $he
solution "as heated in a boilin "ater bath !or 2
minutes# $he mixture "as cooled# 0ml o! 36
FeCl4 "as then added# A deep burundy
precipitate "as observed#
Results and Discussions
A. Hydrolysis of Acid Derivatives
8ith the addition o! A*(4 to acetyl chloride, a
"hite precipitate "as !ormed and there "as no
evolution o! as# For acetic anhydride, there "as
no precipitate but there "as an evolution o! as#
8ith ethyl acetate, an alcoholic scent "as
observed "hen added "ith *a(+ and then the
odor "as one "hen neutrali/ed "ith +C7# For
ben/amide, in the addition o! *a(+ and "hen the
mixture "as heated, an evolution o! as "as
noted and the red litmus paper tested turned to
blue, indicatin that it "as a basic solution#
B. Alcoholysis: Schotten-Baumann Reaction
8hen 1#6ml o! ethanol, 0ml o! "ater and 1#2ml
o! acetyl chloride "as prepared, "ith the addition
o! 213 *a(+ solution, a !ruity odor and a
solution "ith layers "as noted#
C. Aminolysis: Anilide Formation
8hen1#6ml o! aniline "as added to the sample,
a "hite crystalline precipitate "as observed,
indicatin the presence o! acetanilide#
D. Hydroxamic Acid est
$he preliminary test "as no loner per!ormed
because the reaents used in this experiment
"ere already iven# >oin a preliminary test "ill
surely yield a positive result !or the t"o reaents#
For the actual test, both ethyl acetate and
acetamide yielded a deep burundy precipitate
"hich "as an indication o! a positive result#
As said, carboxylic acids and derivatives, "hen
reacted "ith a nucleophile, the reaction is termed
as nucleophilic acyl substitution reaction# .t is
similar "ith the reaction o! aldehydes and
ketones but their di!!erence is that in the
product# An intermediate product normally !orms
and it expels one o! its substituents oriinally
bonded "ith the carbonyl carbon, leadin to a
ne" carbonyl compound#
$he usual nucleophilic acyl substitution reaction
beins "ith the addition o! a polar bond to ive
an intermediate, the alkoxide ion# $he
intermediate !ormed is protonated to ive an
alcohol# .n carboxylic acid derivatives, the
intermediate !orms expels a livin roup to ive a
ne" carbonyl compound# $hese di!!erent
behaviors to"ards the reactions are because o!
the di!!erence in structure# Carboxylic acid
derivatives have an acyl carbon bonded to a
roup ?Y that can leave as a stable anion# 8hen
the addition o! nucleophile occurs, the roup
leaves and a ne" carbonyl compound is !ormed#
$he di!!erence o! carboxylic acid derivative
substitution and aldehyde addition is that
aldehydes don@t have leavin roups, there!ore,
no substitution takes place but only addition#
$he rate o! the overall reaction involves the
addition step and the elimination step# )ut the
addition step is usually the rate determinin step#
$he more the electron poor the CA( is, the
more readily it reacts "ith nucleophiles# +avin
said this, usually acid chlorides are the most
reactive compounds because o! its
electroneative ion, chlorine# Amides, on the
other hand are the least reactive compound#
$hese di!!erences in reactivity usually result to
the conversion o! a more reactive acid into a less
reactive one#
-eactions involvin carboxylic acid derivatives
include hydrolysis, alcoholysis, aminolysis,
reduction and Brinard reaction#
+ydrolysis is the addition o! "ater to !orm
carboxylic acids# $his is seen in the reaction&

$here is an intermediate product in "hich
underoes loss o! +C7 to yield the product# $his
is seen in esters, amides and acid chlorides#
Alcoholysis is the reaction "ith an alcohol to
yield amides# $his is seen in acyl chloride
reactions# $he best kno"n method is
the Schotten,)aumann reaction, "hich involves
conversion o! the acid to the acid chlorides&

Aminolysis is the reaction o! amines to yield
amides# $he amine used in the experiment is
aniline and the product !ormed "as anilide# $he
reaction is as !ollo"s&
-eduction is the reaction "ith hydride reducin
aent to yield an alcohol# Esters are usually
involved here "hich has a primary alcohol as a
product# $he reaction is as !ollo"s&
Brinard reaction is the reaction o! an
oranomanesium reaent to yield an alcohol#
Esters are also the ones involved here convertin
them into tertiary alcohols# $he reaction is as
$hese are the reactions involve in the
experiments !or the classi!ication o! carboxylic
acids and derivatives# 5ositive observations in
these tests are usually in the !orm o! precipitates#
Some exhibit evolution o! as#
)ay'uen A#C#, Cru/ C#, >e Buia -#, 7ampa
F#, 5ena B#, Sarile A#, $orres 5# 9211D:
!a"oratory #anual in $r%anic
Chemistry. Manila 5hilippines& US$
5ublishin +ouse#

McMurry J# 92101: Foundations of $r%anic Chemistry.
Cenae 7earnin Asia 5te# 7td#
5avia >#7#, 7ampman B#M#, =ri/ B#S#, 92116:
&ntriduction to $ra%nic !a"oratory echni'ues(
A Small Scale A))roach. *
ed. Australis&

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