Love Heals

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By. E.J Macklin

Prolog: March 4th 2000.
Nobody ever thought such a thing would happen on that
peaceful day, some things just happen. It all started on a
windy March day. The Lewis family had finally settled in there
spacious beach side New Jersey home. The youngest of the
family, Ronnie was standing on the back deck that over
looked the beach. Ronnie was a 5-year-old girl with alabaster
pale skin, and long wispy blonde hair and big almond shape
chocolate eyes that were filled with joy and hope. She stood
there on the back porch. The gusting wind made each loose
strand of hair fly all over the place.

She was leaning over the edge of the porch hoping to see
something interesting. It was sunny, but clouds hovered over,
looking as if rain was going to threatened the day. As she
stood there, she hard the back door open. She looked behind
her and saw her older brother Jared. He had just turned 14 2
earlier, and was in the middle a growth spurt that sent him
from 5’1 to 6’1 in a few short months. He’s face was covered
in zits and black heads. He’s ash brown hair was extremely
greasy. Glasses covered his beautiful blue-gray eyes, his
teeth covered by braces. Let’s just say he wasn’t the best
looking kid on the block, or the nicest. Teenage hormones
made him bitter and short tempered.

He rapped his boney arms around his body; trying to keep

him self warm on the chilly March Day. “What the heck are
you doing here? It’s freezing?” He asked. Ronnie smiled up at
him and replied, “I don’t know. I just wanna see if something
interesting is going to happen.” He rolled his eyes and
groaned. “Ronnie, when are you going to learn to grow up?!”
Jared yelled. Ronnie frowned, and pouted her full lips. She
crossed her arms around her little chest. “When are YOU
gonna learn to grown down?” She replied back.

Jared growled at her and threw his hands in the air. “And by
the way, stop copying me, stop taking my things and… just
stop it!” He cried. Ronnie looked down at her feet, trying not
to let Jared see her up set face. “Jared… I just do it because I
love you and I look up to you.” She whispered. Jared groaned
in frustration and yelled “JUST GO AWAY! I NEVER WANT TO
SEE YOUR FACE! I HATE YOU!” He yelled stomping in the
house slamming the door behind him. Ronnie looked up at
the door in shock. She loved her brother and cared about him
deeply. She didn’t want him to hate her.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the gate door and walked
down the stairs. She took off her little pink converse and
stepped on to the cool sand. It squished through her toes,
sending a good familiar feeling of the sand back in
Connecticut. The warmth, the feeling of each little grain
getting stuck in her toes, she loved it.

She continued to walk along the beach, humming “Some

things are meant to be”. It was her favorite song. Her mom
would sing it to her to put her to sleep, or when she couldn’t
sleep, or when she was scared. The song brought her joy. It
brought a sense that even though she was scared, everything
would be ok.

As she continued to walk, she could see her house gradually

growing smaller and smaller. She knew it was time to turn
around and head back. As she began walking back towards
her house, she noticed a man and woman were fallowing her.
Oh boy, strangers! I’d better ignore them and maybe they’ll
leave me a lone. She thought. Ronnie kept walking home,
trying not to look behind her shoulder. However, she looked
once and saw them fallowing closer. Alright, it was time to

Ronnie began walking faster, and slowly began running.

Then, with a burst of fear she sprinted as fast as her little
legs could carry her. The two people began running after her,
faster. She kept running and running, her heart pounding
every lung she took. Her legs were beginning to feel like
stumps on her body. She wanted to call for help and she
tried. Nothing would come out. She just kept running towards
the house. She was less than a foot away from the house.

Ronnie lunged for the porch to try and climb over. She
gripped it with her tiny hands. She tried to pull her self on to
the porch, but she could feel someone pulling on her feet.
The man and the woman were pulling her feet. She
screamed, but no one could hear her. She kept gripping for
dear life. “Come on you little twit! Just let go!” The man
yelled, seaming to have a Mexican accent. She didn’t answer.
Ronnie tried to kick her feet, but it was no use under there
grip. She cried and screamed. Her hands were slipping, she
wasn’t going to be able to hold on much longer.

Just as her hands were about to give way, Jared opened the
door. He stood there frozen in fear. “JARED! HARED HELP ME!
PLEASE!” She begged. He ran to her, and tried to take her
hands. However, just as he was about to save her, he felt a
blunt force on the back of his head knocking him out cold.

Jared opened his eyes to a bright light and an unfamiliar

room. He looked down, he was in a hospital gown. He was in
the hospital. He looked towards the left, feeling a sharp pain
in his head as he turned. “Mom? Dad?” He crooked. He’s
mother looked at him, with eyes that looked just like
Ronnie’s. “Oh thank god!” She cried running over to him in
the hospital bed. She hugged him gently. “Mom, dad. Ronnie.
She I don’t know. I tried to save her butt…” he trailed off.

He’s mother sniffled and shook her head. “I know. I know. But
don’t worry. Who ever took your sister is going to pay. And
she will come back.” She vowed.

From that moment on, Jared regretted saying what he said to

her. It didn’t matter if he tried to save her. He would have
done that even if he really DID hate her, just so he didn’t
have to see mom and dad depressed and worried sick. It
didn’t matter anymore. He said he hated her and never
wanted to see her again. He regretted that what he said had
come true.

Chapter 1: Jared.
Jared Lewis was young, and a paralegal at the biggest law
firm in New Jersey. He made a decent salary. Enough to pay
for food, clothing and the moorage on the house. The same
house on the beach in New Jersey. He’s parents left him the
house after they died in a car accident 8 years ago.

Jared should be happy. He was successful and far as

paralegals went. He had a good home, and grate friends.
Granted he was single, but he didn’t care about that. Still,
there was something missing. He didn’t even need to think
about it. All he had to do was look at a small picture frame on
his desk. Ronnie. She was so small. Her big brown eyes
seamed to be staring at him, and constant reminder of what
he had failed to do. Maybe if he had heard her scream the
first time, or had stopped her she would still be in his life.
Every birthday since that day, he’s only wished for Ronnie to
come back. I know it’s sounds weird, a grown man talking
about his younger sister like that. However, Jared wanted
nothing to more than to see her face, to say he was sorry.

The date was March 4, 2010. It had been exactly 10 years

since she had been kidnapped. He just turned 24 two days
before. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling, replaying the
moment he looked into his sister’s eyes right before she was
taken away. He shook his head and continued to do his work.

He was in the middle of a big case. He had to get all of the

information that he’s boss needed. A kidnapping case of a 5
year old. A case, that was all too familiar. All right, what was
it he needed to do? Right! He had to write down all the
suspects . Granted, who would ever want to hurt a innocent 5
year old girl? No one. No one he decided. Still, there was a
motive and he was going to find it. The reason he went to law
school, and wanted to become a layer was because of what
happened 10 years ago. He wanted to put monsters like the
person who took his sister away.

He wrote down the names he needed. He went through the

list of names one last time, to make sure he got everything
he needed. He knew he shouldn’t be wasting time like this.
But on a day like this… he tends to double check things or
takes his time. It took what ever he had on his mind. Today,
he had a lot on his mind.

As he starred blankly at the piece of paper, he began thinking

about all the good times they had together. Like the time
they went for a walk on the beach the first day they moved to
New Jersey, and saw a baby turtle. He was lost on it’s way to
the sea. He remembered how she picked up the baby turtle
and placed it at the cost line. He could have sworn, he almost
felt tears in the back of his eyes. He shook his head and
stood up.

“Hey Jared. Ummm, how you holding up? I know… what

happened 10 years a go. Everyone dose.” His friend James
asked. He looked over at him, trying not to show how upset
he really was. “I’m alright.” He said. Total lie. For all these
years, he wanted nothing more than to make up for what he
said to Ronnie. He wanted to tell her that he loved her. That,
he didn’t care that she could be annoying. She was his sister,
and he never meant what he said. Now as the years got
longer, and she hasn’t been found dead or alive, he began to
think that he would never get the chance to take it back.

James nodded at put his hand on Jared’s shoulder. “Well don’t

worry. Who knows. Maybe they’ll find her.” Jared didn’t
respond. He didn’t want to. Every single minuet of every
single day he thought Maybe today’ s the day I get to see
Ronnie. Maybe they’ve found her. And each day he would
only be disappointed.

“Maybe James. Maybe. Speaking of… that situation do you

know where Willis is? I need to give him these names.” He
said. James shook his head. “Of all cases he had you work on
this one? I mean seriously she even looks the picture of your
sister on her desk, but with blue eyes. How hard must that be
for you to” He’s friend began rambling. Jared walked away
about that point, going to see if Willis was in his office.

He knocked on the giant glass door. “Come in. Come in.” A

booming voice called. Jared clutched the golden doorknob
and walked inside. Sitting on a huge spinning chair was a
man. This man was a little chunky. He had ruff olive colored
skin and prompt Roman nose. He’s eyes were a shade of
green that could break glass when he was mad enough. This
man, was Jared’s boss. The lawyer he worked for.

“Ahhh Jared! You got the information I needed.” He

exclaimed. Jared nodded handing him the list of names and
phone numbers. Wills looked at the names. He’s face was
neutral. Then, he’s face grew into confusion, and then it
looked like to seam he recognized a name. “That’s strange.”
Wills exclaimed. Jared got a puzzled look on his face. He
wondered what made him think something was strange about
a list of names. “What is sir?” He asked trying to keep his
voice from showing his confusion. He looked up at Jared and
replied “The named, Eduardo Ramerz. He’s been questioned
a number of times for kidnappings, but never came up guilty.
The last time we interviewed him was in 2000. The case of
Ronnie Hope Lewis. Still unsolved for 10 years, to the day.”
He said pausing. Jared tried to keep his expression neutral as
Willis looked at him.
“This is just a question Jared. This girl, you two have the
same last name. This might sound strange but is there any
relation?” He asked. Jared took a deep breath and nodded.
“Yes. She’s my sister. I saw her get taken. I tried to save her
but they hit me with something that knocked me out cold.”

Willis just looked at him for a moment, then cupped his hands
together and put them on his desk. He leaned forward to
Jared and said “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off.”
Jared’s eyes grew big. No one has ever gotten the day off
who hasn’t’ gotten fired or deadly ill. “Mr. Willis, I-I couldn’t.”
Jared said. “Jared, just do it or you will never get your day in
court.” And that was all it took. “Alright. I guess I’ll see you
tomorrow.” He said walking out of the office.

Jared walked back to little cubical and grabbed what needed.

His lap top, his cell phone, and a bunch of files. Just because
he was leaving early, doesn’t mean he couldn’t squeeze in a
little work right? He walked out of the building with eyes
glued on to him, as if he were a celebrity. He ignored them
and walked to his car.

He turned the car on and drove out of the parking lot and on
to the street. Jared turned on the radio, thinking music would
take his mind off of things. By some chance, “Some things
are meant to be” happened to be playing. Jared shook is his
and muttered “Of cores. It had to be THAT song.” He turned
the radio off. Deciding music wasn’t really the best thing on
the planet at the moment. Music sometimes made him think
of Ronnie and they’re mom. She was just like mom. She loved
music and was singing before she could talk. She probably
was amazing, just like mom, and she would never get to
show the world.

He shook those thoughts out of his head, only to realize that

he was about to hit a very expensive car. He slammed on the
brakes just in the knick of time. The person in front of him
didn’t hold back and gave him the finger straight up. Jared
just honked the horn and continued driving.

He drove until he came up to a stone driveway. He pulled in

and shut off his car. Jared got out and walked into the house.

When you walked into the house, it looked like a typical

house. The floors were wooden, and there was a big fire place
in the living room. However it was very different. The walls
were painted cream yellow, making the house have a country
feel. He liked that.
He looked around, and then slowly walked outside to the
back porch. He stood there, picturing Ronnie the last time
she saw him. The vision of her leaning over the porch, a
smiling happy little five year old pained him. That was last
time he saw her smiling and happy. The last time he saw her,
her eyes were huge with fear and panic and filled with tears.
He remembered how he was just about to grab her hand,
when one of them hit him with something. Till this day, he’s
never been able to get that vision of her out of his mind.

At that moment there was a pricing ring that made Jared

jump. It was the phone. He went inside and answered.
“Hello?” He asked. “Is this Jared Lewis?” A husky voice asked.
“Yes.” He replied. “We need you to come down to the station
right away.” He ordered. Jared paused for a moment,
wondering for a spilt second why they would want him at the
police station right away. Then it hit him like the titanic
hitting the iceberg. “Why?” He asked, stupidly.
“Mr. Lewis save the questions for later. Just get down here.”
The voice said hanging up.

Jared put the phone back on the hook, grabbed his keys and
rushed out the door. He jumped into his car and drove as fast
as he could, with out braking the speed limit. He drove until
he saw a medium sized building with a sign stating “Police
Station”. He pulled in the parking lot and stopped the car. He
got out and walked inside, not knowing what to except.

Chapter 2: Ronnie
Ronnie was sitting there, going over what had just happened
in the past half hour. It all happened so fast. She was locked
inside a cold damp basement. There was not much light, only
one dimly lit bulb. She had her arms rapped around her to
stay warm. It was years since she had been in the outside
world. Even though she went to school under the name of
“Jamie Andrews”, she wasn’t free. As her hair got darker and
redder, they made her wear a black wig and blue contacts so
they couldn’t know who she was. The one thing they could
identify her by was her big chocolate brown eyes. She wasn’t
wearing them now. She didn’t have to when she was locked
inside the basement.


She was trapped like a helpless wild animal. And all she
wanted was to be free again. She started humming “Some
things are meant to be”. It was the only thing that made her
feel sane. That maybe one day she would be free and see her
mother, father, and Jared. Jared. She missed him the most.
Even though she’ll never forget the last thing he said to her,
he tried to save her. He was so close. Just about to grab her
hand, when the woman Rosalita hit with a baseball bat. She
remembered the relationship they had had before he turned
13. It was close. They trusted each other with everything.
They were as close and brothers and sisters could be, best
friends. Even though she was so young, when you haven’t
had a chance at a normal life in exactly 10 years, you never
forget those precious moments that she was free.
Ronnie could here foot steps coming towards the basement.
She stopped singing and just sat there. The door swung
opened, and then slammed. She could hear the swish of
Eduardo’s alcohol drink. He stomped down the stairs and
stared at her. He’s black eyes were bloodshot, and glazy.
Figures. That son of a bitch drank all of the time.

“Well. Is someone cold?” He asked. Ronnie didn’t answer.

She couldn’t find her voice, she couldn’t for 10 years. “Well
let me warm you up.” He said walking closer to her. Oh no!
He was going to do it! He was going to rape her again. No!
Not this time! Eduardo was not going to get away with it.
Even if it was the last thing she did, she wasn’t going to let
this happen again.

“No.” She said. He stopped, just as he was about to undo her

shirt. “What do you say?” He asked. She stayed there,
hugging her knees to her chest, trying not to look up into his
evil eyes. “You heard me. No.” She whispered. He growled,
and grabbed her neck. She started gagging, trying
desperately to get air. He lifted her off the ground. It wasn’t
that hard, she was only five one. But she wasn’t a Barbie doll.
She had a normal body, but he was strong enough to life her
off the ground.

He brought her close to his face, and growled. Then, he

tossed her over. She slide and her hit head on the wall. The
pain was horrible, like a really bad head ache. She put her
hand behind her head, no blood. She stood up, a little dizzy.
“I don’t want to be raped again.” She yelled. Whoa! Where
did that come from? She felt so, a live! She was finally yelling
at him! Then, the good feeling went away. In anger, Eduardo
chucked in empty beer bottle at her. She ducked, but fell in
her attempted. She fore head scraped on of she shattered
pieces. She screamed. Ronnie sat up and put her hand on her
fore head. She could feel warm liquid oozing down her face.
Grate. This was going to need stitches. Witch she wasn’t
going to get. He was going to let her bleed to death. So this is
how it was going to end? Oh well. At least all of her pain and
suffering is going to end.

Then, she heard someone kick in the door. There were a lot
of voices, and foots steps running down the stairs. “STOP!
POLICE!” She hard. At that moment, Ronnie wanted to start
crying. But she couldn’t. She just sat there as she watched
Eduardo get hand cuffed and taken away. While all of that
was happening, someone walked up to her. It was a woman.
Though she was wearing a hat, she could see the soft blonde
hair underneath. She could her eyes were a beautiful shade
of blue, and her skin was pale a smooth. She was absolutely

“Are you ok? You got a pretty nasty cut there.” She said in a
soft soothing voice. At that point, Ronnie began sobbing. The
woman rapped her in her arms and began to sooth her. “It’s
alright. You’re free now. You’re going to be alright. Now, let’s
go get that cut fixed and when we get back to the station
how would you like a cup coco?” Ronnie nodded. It was weird,
she was acting like a little kid. But, she really couldn’t help it.
She was so happy. She was free and going home.
Now the next thing Ronnie knew she was sitting in a police
station, with a blanket rapped around and cup of hot coco in
her hands. They had stitched her up out of Eduardo’s house.
The nice lady’s name was Anna. She stayed with her the
whole time. The first thing she had asked her was when were
her parents coming.

Anna got a somber look on her face. She placed her hand
gently on Ronnie’s shoulder, once again making her feel
more like a five year old then 15 years old. “Sweetie, your
parents, I hate to tell you this but they died in a car accident
eight years ago.” Ronnie could only hear the thumping of
heart. Her parents were dead? She was never going to see
them again? This couldn’t be happening. She started
hyperventilating. Anna quickly gave her a paper bag to
breath in. Ronnie grabbed it and hyperventilated until it
turned to tears. “They’re dead?” She corked. Anna nodded.
Ronnie looked down and her hands, they were trembling.
“Who’s coming to get me then?” She asked in a shaky voice.

With that Anna smiled. “Your brother Jared.” Ronnie looked

up at her. Her eyes growing big with excitement. “Jared? But
he told me that they killed him when Rosalita hit him with a
baseball bat!” Anna shook her head. “No. Just gave him a
really bad concussion.” Ronnie couldn’t help but to smile a
little. Jared was alive! He was alive! And he was coming to
get her and bring her home!

“I have a picture of him.” She said. Ronnie gave her confused

look. “Why do you have a picture of my brother?” She asked.
Anna laughed and reached to take out a photo. “When I
started working here, about 4 years ago I took a picture of
him every year. So if we ever found you, you would know
what he looks like.” Ronnie stared at her, not believe that
someone was this nice. She slipped the folded picture into
her hands. Ronnie carefully unfolded it and looked at it.

She wanted to gasp! He didn’t look anything like the

awkward teenager she remembered. He’s braces were off,
glasses gone, skin zit free. He’s hair was no longer greasy all
thought it was messy. It had always been naturally messy.
She never noticed how stunning he’s eyes were. They
reminded her of dad’s. She opened her mouth to speak but
nothing came out. She tried again. “Are you sure this is my
brother? Because the last I remembered he wasn’t this
ummm, handsome.” Anna couldn’t hold her laughter.
“Ronnie, he was a teenager. Just like girls, boys go through
an awkward stage. I’m sure you’ve gone through yours.”

Ronnie rolled her eyes, trying not to think about turning into
a woman with out her mother.

Chapter 3: Jared.
Jared couldn’t believe he’s ears. Ronnie was alive! And she
was here! As Detective Huston was telling him what
happened, he pictured the scene. He pictured the man the
took her in handcuffs. He liked that. Then, her pictured
Ronnie, bleeding from a beer bottle throw at her, covered in
burses. Small and helpless. He didn’t want to think about

“Are you listening to me Mr. Lewis?” Detective Huston asked.

Jared nodded. “So you’ll know I said that she’s in a fragile
state. She just found out about your parents, and an officer
told us she was under the impression you were dead. So,
take it easy.” He said. Jared nodded. “Of cores sir. I just, I
don’t know how I could thank you.” He replied. Detective
Huston put a strong hand on his shoulder and said “Don’t. It’s
my job. I’m glad when these thing work out. All right. We’re
here.” He said.

They stopped at a door. It seamed to be an interrogation

room. He couldn’t see or hear anything. All he saw were
shades. Jared tried to keep his face neutral.

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