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September 2007 [Lab-K ]journal

Alexander Soleny, Geologist
diameter - nearby 58 (with flows to 60-61
sm), weight - about 300 kg. A material - a
stone. Geologists of a shallow initial ver-
sions that a sphere - “concretion”. At
all experts who have examined a find, has
not caused doubts, that the sphere is made
is artificial (it is improbable, but prob-
“METEORITE”, OUR LAB CAME FOR IN 2006... ably even is cast from any cement weight).
Age - probably thousand years. On one side
Andrew Jdanov, witneses: a sphere the traced (sawn through) slanting
“In the beginning the burning body flied as a normal meteorite in a smoke and a flame, but then cross in the size 45õ20 sm, depth of a crack
(has spent on drink, cracks is visible?)
when to water there were some hundreds metres, the body has stopped in air and has slowly
from which the cross - to 10 mm is traced.
fallen vertically downwards to water. Considering, that all occurred literally near to eyewitnesses,
they have been amazed by an event. Discussing seen, all have converged that «meteorites so do
not fall». Next morning all our group has left by train to Moscow, only me handed over in advance
bought ticket, has got from the collected suitcase a mask with a tube and has gone on searches.
Thanks to accurate reference points, a place has at the bottom found at once. As well as the
Leonid Gav, Archeologist:
strange artefact which has amazed it even more, than night falling. It was the pipe of the T-shaped
form with 2 branches, a material - «as though metal».” As we know at the moment these orbs like
Malta megaliths temples concern to neo-
This strangest - “pipe” was shone! The diver was afraid to it to touch from safety reasons (it is lith epoch, and date of building of old-
suddenly radioactive!)” est of them, defined by the radio carbon
analysis,-3600 a year BC Is there and such

Crest at the under water orb 120 x 60 degrees artefact - reminding gun kernels the stone

Wednesday 3 rd spheres found at excavation of one of

megalithic temples. And at the stand the
technics of building is represented: the
plate is put on 8-10 stone spheres, ties
round cords, and two its persons pull, as
the cart on castors, and 4-5 more person
enclose under a plate following balls and
push all construction. Delivering a plate
thus to a place, it is lifted by means of
a long pole by the same four persons. It
is absolutely correlate with orbs, founded
near dolmens, that is just 2 km from site.

Same orb(with poluses) was founded in 1997 by russian

explorer Yuri Senkevich and Thor Heyerdahl during Ra
Stone orb from dolmen at river Jane
136 137
May 2006 May 2006
Serbia/Montenegro is recovering rapidly. production in Egypt’s West Obayed desert area, totaling 1,840 square kilometers, the company said in a
Greece is highly appreciated in the Arab countries and there is a wish for closer liaisons with statement. HELPE had submitted bids for two of the 13 areas in the round of concessions opened for bid-
ding by the Egyptian Petroleum Corporation last year. The company’s contractual obligations for the
Greece. Taking into account the difficulties of many countries to penetrate the region, Greek
first three years of the exploration period include the conducting of seismic tests and three drills.
businesses have the potential of becoming peripheral channels through which western products and
The first is expected in June 2007.
services can reach these markets.
Development Minister Dimitris Sioufas and the chairmen of HELPE, Timos Christodoulou, and of Public
Source: Hellenic Center for Investment e-News Gas Corporation, Asimakis Papageorgiou, have also been discussing energy issues with officials in Saudi
Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain while accompanying President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias on his visit
to these countries.
Thursday 4 th
Adventure Sports Suit in Greece
South East Europe: A Great Leap Forward Greece is seeking a place among nations hosting adventure and extreme sports competitions. The mountain
bike race Thasos Cup on the island of Thasos with, in which athletes rode 53 exhausting kilometers to
“Impressive progress was made within the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) framework
the peak of 1,204-meter-high Mount Ypsari. On May 6 and 7, the World Mountain Bike Marathon Cup is
while the ongoing summit constitutes a qualitative and quantitative leap,” Foreign Minister Dora
to be held in the foothills of Mt Vermio, in northern Greece under the auspices of the International
Bakoyannis told a press conference after member-states’ foreign ministers met in Thessaloniki on
Wednesday. Cycling Federation.
Greece’s Chairmanship-in-Office of the SEECP was characterized as very positive, and in passing The number of competitors in the third Olympus Marathon, to begin on June 25, is expected to be double
the chairmanship to Croatia, Bakoyannis said that during its six-month presidency Greece moved along that of last year. It is one of the most difficult races of its kind, over 43km, of which 36 are on nar-
two axes: the strengthening of regional cooperation as well as the European prospect of the SEECP row, rugged paths at heights of 2,780 meters. Mountain marathons on the island of Alonnissos and in
countries. A decision on the signing of a free trade agreement concerning the SEECP non-EU members Nemea ancient site are to follow.
was reached to replace a complex network of 31 bilateral free trade agreements. The foreign minis-
ters also concluded that implementation of the Thessaloniki agenda for the Western Balkans, should
become more productive. Eurovision 2006
Bakoyannis stressed that the institutional upgrading of the SEECP is necessary and underlined that Over 2000 journalists will cover the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest in Athens (18-20 May). The
the European Union should offer this opportunity to the SEECP, given the imminent changes in the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) reports that a record number of media applications
Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe. The establishment of a SEECP Secretariat is placed within have been approved this year.
this framework. According to the Declaration signed by the foreign ministers, a formal liaison is to Greece’s representative Anna Vissi is currently touring Europe to promote her song “Every-
be established between the SEECP and the EU. thing”. She continues to score well in fan polls and many bookmakers seem to offer ever-
On the Kosovo issue, Bakoyannis stressed that the desirable solution should be one that will promote shorter odds on Greece winning for a second consecutive year.
regional stability and security and that efforts will continue so that the SEECP views will be taken
into consideration by the international community when decision time arrives. The SEECP heads of
state and governments summit is due to convene today.
Friday 5 th

What is European Corridor X?

Transport and Communications Minister Michalis Liapis and his Former Yugoslav Republic of South East Europe: A Bird’s view by the Greek Premier
Macedonia (FYROM) counterpart Xhemali Mehazi met Wednesday ahead of the meeting of the SEECP trans- The heads of state and government of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) mem-
port ministers. Liapis and Mehazi discussed the construction of the European Corridor X’s road and ber countries commenced their summit meeting Thursday morning in Thessaloniki, with an opening
rail network and particularly those segments that will be located in FYROM and to which Greece will address by Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis, who outlined the progress and significant successes
contribute. Liapis and Mehazi will sign a protocol facilitating cross-border passage on the Corridor achieved during Greece’s year-long chairmanship of the group, which was coming to a close.
X in June. Greece, he said, continued to fully back the European prospect of the region’s countries, and
Info: Greece’s Transport Policy in South East Europe was working consistently in that direction. However, he noted that “European principles and val-
ues must be respected, and all the criteria and prerequisites that have been put forward by the
Gas Concession in Egypt EU must be fully implemented.” Karamanlis further said that a uniform free trade agreement among
Greece’s biggest oil refiner, Hellenic Petroleum (HELPE), has won a concession for oil exploration the SEECP countries would give new impetus to trade, referring to a proposal adopted Wednesday at
and the SEECP foreign ministers’ assembly in Thessaloniki.

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May 2006 May 2006
Regarding Kosovo, Karamanlis stressed that “the negotiations process for the future status of Kosovo
must contribute to the stability and security in South East Europe”. Happening In Greece
On the sidelines of the summit, Karamanlis and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan reviewed Two internationally distinguished leaders in management, Dr. Tom Peters and Professor Richard
Greek-Turkish relations yesterday, and expressed the desire for further improvement of relations. The po- Boyatzis, will speak at the Greek Leadership Congress, organized by the Association of Chief
litical leaderships of the two countries have been encouraging entrepreneurship and the strengthening of Executive Officers on Tuesday, May 9 2006. The Greek Leadership Congress has been established
trade and business relations, in the framework of economic diplomacy. as the most important event on management in Greece. It is addressed to businessmen and com-
With respect to Turkey’s EU prospect, which Greece backs, Karamanlis said that EU membership was depen- pany executives.
dent on the specific commitments set out by the EU. Ankara needs to proceed in fulfilling the commitments
it has undertaken towards the EU, such as matters concerning religious freedoms.

Connecting People by Rail Monday 8 th

Transport ministers from SEECP member-states signed a rail agreement in Thessaloniki yesterday, laying
Marine Tourism Plan
out a framework that will allow the creation of an upgraded regional network. The agreement foresees the
development of a total of 16 rail axes in the Balkans. The most recent regional rail agreements in the Tourism Minister Fani Palli-Petralia on Sunday announced a new programme to boost marine tourism.
region inaugurated a Thessaloniki-Istanbul and Thessaloniki-Sofia route. Under the plan, a map will be drawn up linking areas of historical and cultural value that will
be provided with yachting access, the minister told a meeting of the National Tourism Council held
Rise in Agricultural Exports on the island of Poros. She noted that priority would be given to 16 sites classified by UNESCO as
According to provisional data from the National Statistics Service, exports of agricultural products in world heritage, including Mycenae and the old city of Rhodes.
January-February 2006 totaled 562.2 million euros, up 23% from the same period of 2005. Citing the In addition, a specialized publicity campaign for marine tourism would be slotted into the minis-
Hellenic Foreign Trade Board, the Agriculture and Foods Ministry reports that the product bringing the try’s overall drive to promote Greece abroad, the minister added. According to ministry data,
highest revenue out of 150 products was olive oil, up 107.1%, followed by cotton, which rose by 74.6% Greece holds a 5% share of the cruise market in Europe, which the government hopes to increase.
against the first two months of 2005.
Greece - Egypt: Gas and Oil
Tourism Panorama 2006 Trade Fair Greece and Egypt on Sunday sealed a cooperation agreement in the natural gas and oil sectors that
places emphasis on research and exploration. “This is a historic agreement. The two countries,
“Tourism Panorama 2006”, an exhibit which highlights regions and presents special kinds of tourism,
which are laying the foundations for a new era and opening new avenues in their energy ties, have
opened its gates in Anthoussa, Athens on Thursday. Launching the exhibition, Tourism Minister Fani Palli-
high expectations of it,” visiting Development Minister Dimitris Sioufas said in Cairo.
Petralia noted that the promotion of tourism investment, coupled with a dynamic publicity campaign, has
ensured that growth in internal tourism will be increasingly strong. This year, the fair will focus on Under the terms of the two-year pact, a joint committee will be set up to assess the viability of
the healing-wellness tourism sector, in cooperation with the Association of Greek Municipalities and Com- selling and transporting Egyptian natural gas to Greece by means of a pipeline, and from there,
munities with Hot Water Springs and with related businesses. to other European countries. Greece is being transformed into a natural gas transportation chan-
nel from output countries in the wider region to major European consumption centres.
Info: Travelling Around Greece
European Social Forum’s Anti-war Pledge
European Social Forum in Athens
The 4 European Social Forum that took place in Athens renewed its pledge on Sunday to mobilize

The sessions of the 4th European Social Forum got under way in Athens on Thursday and will conclude on for a complete withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and avert a new war in Iran. At the
Sunday with the movement’s assembly. According to the organizers, approximately 10,000 people from Euro- end of its four-day meeting, the alter-globalization Forum repeated its opposition to the occupa-
pean countries have come to take part in the events. The forum is an annual conference held by members tion of the Palestinian territories and its backing for nuclear disarmament, also calling for
of the movement against “neoliberal globalization” that allows social organizations, NGOs, and peace the elimination of military bases in Europe. The Forum announced a week of action from 23 to 30
groups to come together and discuss global issues. September 2006 and appealed for a international day of action on October 7, 2006 in Europe and
Info: Daily program of activities Africa.

A Gold Medal for Greece

Vlasios Maras on Sunday won the gold medal for horizontal bar in the men’s European gymnastics
championships held in Volos. Maras’ routine gained the top mark of 15.725. Taking the silver was
Russian Sergei Khorokhordan and the bronze, Christoph Schaerrer of Switzerland.

140 141
May 2006 May 2006
7th International Venture Capital Forum economic growth will reach 3.5% this year. Minister of Economy and Finance Giorgos Alogoskoufis high-
lighted the progress achieved in the economy during the previous years, noting that the moderate fiscal
The “7th International Venture Capital Forum” is a two-day event that will be held in Athens,
policy will continue, as weight will be given to restricting expenses by the public sector. He stressed
on June 28 and 29 for entrepreneurs, researchers and technology-based firms in Southeast Europe,
that there will be continuing efforts for preventing tax evasion, adding that the government’s goal
particularly from Bulgaria, Cyprus, FYROM, Greece, Israel, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro and Turkey.
was to bring its fiscal deficit to 2.6% this year. The minister also announced a government program for
The event also provides a forum for institutional and other investment professionals to meet with
the unemployed in areas affected by high unemployment rates.
policy makers, entrepreneurs and academics for an open exchange of views and ideas. This forum is
now the largest international private equity forum in Southeast Europe. Ministry of Economy and Finance: Fact Sheet on the Prospects of the Greek Economy

Summer Courses on Crete Iranian Visit to Athens

DIAS International Academic Studies is a non-profit organization dedicated to offering students from Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis is meeting today with Secretary General of Iran’s Supreme National
all over the world the opportunity to attend accredited summer courses at the University of Crete in Security Council, Ali Larijani, at the foreign ministry in Athens. The meeting will come in the wake
Rethymno, or the Technical University of Crete in Chania. Students are given the opportunity study of a surprise development on Monday, as Tehran announced that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had
modern Greek culture, as well as the influence of Hellenism on other histories and cultures.a conveyed a letter to US President George Bush proposing “new solutions for getting out of internation-
al problems and the current fragile situation of the world.”

Must See In Greece EasyCruise to Build Vessels in Greece

Not surprisingly, the island of Hydra in the Saronic Gulf has gained the title of the artists’ EasyCruise and Neorion Holdings S.A. on Monday announced the signing of a letter of intent for the
colony. building of four cruise vessels at Neorion Holdings’ two shipyards in Elefsis and Syros. EasyCruise
The gracious stone, white and pastel mansions of Hydra town are stacked up the rocky hillsides said the ships, with a capacity of 500 passengers each, would be used for cruises to Greek islands.
that surround the fine natural, steep-sided port. After a meeting with Stelios Hadjioannou, chairman of easyGroup, Economy and Finance Minister George
The first foreigners to be seduced by its beauty were the film makers who began arriving in the Alogoskoufis told reporters that the economic environment in Greece is attractive for large invest-
1950’s, using the island as a film location. The artists and writers moved in next, followed by ment plans. The specific investment will strengthen tourism and the country’s shipyards industry with
the celebrities, and nowadays it seems the whole world is welcomed ashore. The absence of motor- a positive impact on the economy. According to the plan, easyCruise’s vessels will operate weekend and
ized transport, its unique architectural beauty, taken together with its proximity to Athens and four-day cruises from the Faliro marina to the Cyclades islands.
its important history have gradually raised the island to the level of an international tourist
Greece Partner Country in Bulgarian Fair
Greece is the partner country in Plovdiv’s 26th International Fair of Consumer Goods and Technologies,
Tuesday 9 th
Bulgaria. Taking part are 60 Greek companies under the aegis of the Thessaloniki International Trade
Fair, and chambers of commerce and trade groups from northern Greece. Greece is Bulgaria’s second-
Europe Day: A Silver Jubiler for Greece largest foreign investor.
Ahead of Europe Day celebrated today, Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis said on Monday that through
systematic efforts in recent years, Greece paved the way for other countries in South East Europe
Turkey and the Greek European Experience
aspiring to become members of the European Union: “25 years since it joined the European family, The Hellenic Centre for European Studies in cooperation with the Institute of European Integration
Greece possesses the experience, plays a part and has a say in European developments,” Karamanlis and Policy, University of Athens, in the framework of European Commission’s “Plan D” for Democracy,
said, adding that the European Union represents today roughly 450 million citizens and a unique mo- Dialogue and Debate, is organizing a conference on: “Decoding Modern Turkey and the Greek European Ex-
saic of peoples, which constitutes its strength. “This strength gives Europe a greater voice on the perience.” It includes lectures on the “Dynamics of the EU Accession Process”, the “Kantianization
international stage,” he stressed. The premier concluded that the objective is to focus efforts on of Turkish foreign policy,” and the “Europeanisation of Greek - Turkish Relations.”
bringing Europe closer to citizens, and work together with them in building a Europe they envision.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: FAQ on the EU

Fiscal Deficit is Falling Down

In its spring forecast on Greece’s economic prospects, the European Commission said on Monday that structural measures will be needed to maintain a fiscal deficit below 3
% of the country’s GDP, while

142 143
May 2006 May 2006
Federations and the World Confederation of Messinians Abroad have organized Greek language summer les-
Must See In Greece sons for students (aged 14 to 23) and teachers.
The Sporades islands complex stretches out into the Aegean, east of the Pelion peninsula. On the
serene Sporades, life still continues along its old rhythms. Tourism has brought prosperity to Thursday 11 th

these islands without affecting much of their traditional lifestyle, especially on the island of
Alonissos ( Competitiveness of Economy Rises
The National Marine Park of Alonissos - unique in Greece - has been created for the protection of
the Mediterranean “monk” seal and protects several other rare species of sea life. Greece’s standing in the world competitiveness table rebounded last year for the first time since
2001, the International Institute for Management Development says in its World Competitiveness
Yearbook 2006. Greece climbed to 42nd from 50th place in 2005 among 61 states and regions. The
country recorded improvements in the government efficiency index (climbing from 52 to 46), business
Wednesday 10 th
efficiency (to 47 from 49) and infrastructure (to 33 from 37), but the economic performance index
remained unchanged, ranking 49 .th

Tourism Investment a Top Priority Development Minister Dimitris Sioufas said that Greece managed to improve its position in the
The government has set priority on attracting tourism investment to Greece and boosting business world competitiveness ranking, reversing a five-year decline. He added that this year’s report
activity in the sector, Tourism Minister Fani Palli-Petralia said on Tuesday. “Already we have was the first to solely present figures from the current government’s tenure and Greece surpassed
‘unblocked’ investment efforts that are linked to the development law and the (EU) Third Community countries such as Portugal, Turkey, South Africa and Jordan, while it recorded the third biggest
Support Framework. Concerning the investment law, five-start hotels will be financed throughout annual improvement after China and India.
Greece, except Athens and Thessaloniki,” she noted. The use of funding from the Fourth Community Tourism, exports and portfolio investments by foreign funds were the country’s main advantages,
Support Framework includes plans for the creation of a reception center for investment proposals and the IMD said in its report. Greece ranked eighth among 61 countries in tourist activity as a per-
business plans at the tourism ministry. centage of GDP, and ninth in export of services, while also ranked 15th in foreign investments’
reserves in equities.
The government has forged a long-term policy to tone up demand in tourism products, strengthen sup-
ply, and improve services. Legislative bills on spa tourism and agro-tourism are in their final phase FM Met with Iran’s Nuclear Negotiator
and a call centre is being created to answer visitors’ queries in several languages.
Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis met with Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani on Tuesday, who
The Iranian Nuclear Issue reiterated that his country does not seek to develop nuclear weapons or include such weaponry in
its defence dogma. Bakoyannis stressed that Greece, a non-permanent member of the UN Security
Following a meeting with Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Lari-
Council - backs both the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Security Council’s processes
jani reiterated in Athens yesterday that his country does not seek to develop nuclear weapons or
to defuse the ongoing crisis.
include such weaponry in its defence dogma. Bakoyannis stressed that Greece - which is currently a
non-permanent member of the United Nations’ Security Council (UNSC) - backs both the International Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Dora Bakoyannis Statements
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Security Council’s processes to defuse the ongoing crisis. She
emphasized the government’s “sincere expression of its positions” revolving around the need for Donation to the UN World Food Program
nuclear non-proliferation. She also said Athens believes the UNSC and IAEA have a “crucial role” Deputy Foreign Minister Evripides Stylianidis signed a memorandum of cooperation on Thursday with
to play in the matter, while underlining that the Greek government is aligned with the positions of the UN’s World Food Program, and announced an additional 1.1-million euro donation, thus in-
its partners. creasing Greece’s contribution to international aid efforts, which total 1.7 million euros.

International Distinction for Hellas Sat Greece to host OECD conference on SMEs
Managing Director of Hellas Sat, Christodoulos Protopapas, has been elected as vice president of the
Development Minister Dimitris Sioufas and Economy and Finance Minister George Alogoskoufis are
European Satellite Operators Association (ESOA). According to the company, the election constitutes key organizers in a program promoted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Develop-
“confirmation of the strengthened position” held by Greece in European space technology. The ESOA ment (OECD), in cooperation with New Zealand. The conference will focus on approving actions and
plays an important role in shaping European space policy and represents the interests of satellite recommendations to abolish hurdles facing small and medium-sized enterprises in efforts to expand
organizations in decisions on regulations, political and commercial issues in the space technology activities in international markets. A total of 500 representatives from around 80 countries are
sector. expected to participate in the conference.
The Peloponesse University in Kalamata in cooperation with the American, Canadian and Australian

144 145
May 2006 May 2006
“Thrace 2006” Exhibition in Komotini Council of Europe Awards Olive Initiative
The 15 “Thrace 2006” Exhibition will open in Komotini, northeast Greece, on May 25-28 with the
The “Routes of the Olive Tree” cultural itinerary will be awarded the “Major Cultural Route
participation of over 100 exhibitors. It is organized by the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair of the Council of Europe” title on May 13, 2006, by Council of Europe General Secretary Maud
with the support of the Eastern Macedonia-Thrace Region International Exhibition Center. The goals de Boer-Buquicchio. On the occasion of the award ceremony, an International Forum on the Euro-
are to attract dynamic enterprises and foreign exhibitors (mainly from Bulgaria and Turkey). pean Cultural Routes will be held at the European Cultural Centre at Delphi. The events are under
the auspices of the Culture Ministry within the framework of the “Olive Year 2006.” An inter-
nationally recognized initiative carried out in cooperation with other Mediterranean and European
Happening In Greece countries, the “Routes of the Olive Tree” was declared in 2003 2nd World Cultural Itinerary by
The Ecocinema 2006 film festival opens in Athens today and continues until May 17; screenings
take place at Apollon filmcenter. The films cover a wide range of vital issues facing the world Alecos Fassianos Exhibit in Beijing
today - man and the environment, globalization, societies in crisis, and war – and the creative
One of Greece’s most acclaimed contemporary painters, Alecos Fassianos, is exhibiting his work in
ways that people have found to deal with them.
Beijing. The display, entitled “Vivid Myths,” features 50 works in mixed media - paper, card- boards, oil and bronze - along with a 2004 commemorative edition of stamps, as well as paint-
ings and installations the artist designed on the occasion of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. The
exhibit opens at the prestigious Jin Tai Art Museum on May 11, and runs through May 21, 2006.
Friday 12 th

Greek Sale at Sotheby’s

Premier in Vienna for EU-LAC Summit Works by notable Greek artists will be on sale in two auctions planned by Sotheby’s in London,
Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis arrived on Thursday afternoon in Vienna, where he is attending the on May 22 and on May 24. The sale will feature the “Naughty Grandchild” by Nikiforos Lytras and
4th EU - Latin America /Caribbean (LAC) summit organized by the Austrian EU presidency. five works by the creator of Greece’s finest seascapes, Konstantinos Volanakis. Greek art in the
Participants include the heads of state and government of 60 countries in total. 20th century is represented with Michalis Economou and works by Nicos Hadjikiriakos-Ghikas, and
The issues to be discussed include democracy and human rights, multilateral cooperation for peace,
stability and respect for international law, terrorism, drugs and organized crime, the environment
and energy. On the sidelines of the summit, Karamanlis is meeting with his Turkish counterpart Re- Eurovision 2006 Counting Down
cep Tayyip Erdogan, and Cyprus President Tassos Papadopoulos.
Eight days before the final Eurovision 2006 Song Contest, rehearsals are underway.
Proposals for Constitutional Revision A Press Center located in the southern part of the Athens Olympic Indoor Hall, the largest
indoor venue in use at the 2004 Athens Olympics, is already in operation to assist all jour-
Substantial changes that focused on seven main areas, including the sanctioning of private universi-
nalists covering the event. The staff will keep accredited journalists and fans updated by
ties and the easing of an absolute ban on members of parliament engaging in professional or business
providing news and information.
activity while in office, were included in a set of proposals outlined yesterday by Prime Minister
Kostas Karamanlis for revising the Constitution. The changes placed emphasis on modernizing educa-
tion, independent justice, environmental protection, protection of property (including intellectual
property), strong local government, and laws that guaranteed transparency. Several of the proposed Monday 15 th

changes also concern Parliament and party finances.

Karamanlis Meet Erdogan
GDP Up by 4% in First Quarter of 2006
Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis met with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday
The country’s GDP increased by 4% in the first quarter of 2006, compared to the corresponding quar-
in Vienna, on the sidelines of the summit meeting of the EU, Latin American and Carribean coun-
ter in 2005, and contributed to an increase in the final demand of the economy by 3.9%, according to
tries, and discussed mainly economic and business issues, particularly in view of the commence-
the National Statistical Service (NSS). Moreover, the economy’s growth rate increased by 2.7% in
ment of the tourism season. Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis and Turkish minister of State Ali
the first half of 2006, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. The NSS reported that investments
Babacan were also present. The discussion was held within the framework of the two PMs’ policy
also increased by 5.3% and contributed to an increase in the economy’s final demand by 1.1%.
of frequent bilateral contacts. Karamanlis said that the main focus of his talks with Erdogan on
Friday had been economic, particularly on tourism and cooperation in the tourism sector. Discus-
sions also encompassed Greek-Turkish cooperation in the energy sector.

146 147
May 2006 May 2006
Greece to Chair OECD Meeting
Greece In South East Europe
This year’s Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ministerial Council
Meeting will be held at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris on May 23 and 24 under the The South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Summit meeting has taken place in Thes-
chairmanship of Greece, with the main theme of “Delivering Prosperity”. The Meeting will bring to- saloniki on May 3 and 4 under Greece’s Chairmanship-in-Office. SEECP constitutes the only
gether ministers of economy, finance and trade to discuss ways to increase growth and employment and indigenous cooperation forum that stems from the countries of South East Europe.
achieve a successful conclusion to the Doha trade talks. Selected emerging and developing economies Now available online:
have been invited to send representatives to some sessions of the meeting. SEECP Thessaloniki Declaration (May, 4 2006)

Journalists are invited to media briefing in advance of the annual Ministerial Council Meeting, given Action Plan on the Institutional enhancement of the SEECP
Economy and Finance Minister George Alogoskoufis and OECD Secretary-General Donald Johnston today at
OECD headquarters. Tuesday 16 th

Premier meets with Pakistani Counterpart
OECD Ministerial Council Meeting:
Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis met on Monday with visiting Pakistani premier Shaukat Aziz, while
New Momentum for Cyprus Issue the tourism ministers of the two countries signed a cooperation agreement.
Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis was quoted on Sunday in an interview with the “Ethnos” news- Karamanlis called Aziz a “good friend of Greece”, noting that the Pakistani prime minister had
paper as stressing that “history does not forgive missed opportunities”, although she noted that lived in Greece for many years. He told reporters after the meeting that bilateral relations
there was “new momentum on the Cyprus problem” following Cyprus President Tassos Papadopoulos’ were on an “upward course,” adding that his talks with Aziz covered a wide range of topics, in-
meeting in Paris with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in late February. Bakoyannis said progress was cluding regional issues, as well as the challenges faced by the international community, such as
already being made in the direction of setting up “technical committees” that will discuss certain terrorism. Both leaders expressed their interest in further developing bilateral relations in the
issues of common interest. sectors of commerce and investments.
Karamanlis also noted that the Greece-Pakistan Joint Ministerial Committee, which coordinates such
Athens Music Forum 2006 efforts, would meet soon, and added that there was also cooperation in the sector of culture, cit-
A conference dedicated to the music industry in Greece is taking place for the 2nd year in Athens. ing more specifically the program for the Kalash ethnic group, whose roots trace back to Alexander
The “Athens Music Forum” is a meeting place for representatives from all professional areas di- the Great. Also discussed were developments in the European Union, Turkey’s EU prospects, Balkan
rectly or indirectly involved with in the music industry, where they obtain information and dis- issues,
cuss topics that affect the particular sector. The conference is taking place at the Dais Center in Cyprus, the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Maroussi, northern Athens, from May 15 to 16, 2006.
“Battle of Crete” Commemorated
Art Project to Support New Toys Museum Events commemorating the 65 anniversary of the Battle of Crete began in Sfakia, on the island of

Fifty Greek artists willingly responded to an invitation issued by the “Lacoste Project 12.12“ Crete, and will culminate on Sunday, May 21 with the reenactment of the battle at the historic
exhibition curator Iris Kritikou and created fifty unique works of art, inspired by the renowned Maleme airfield.
Lacoste polo shirt with the little green crocodile. During the exhibition, all of the revenues Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Prime Minister of New
will be donated for the creation and support of the new Benaki Museum Annexe, the Museum of Child- Zealand Helen Clark, and British MP for Islwyn and former UK defense secretary Don Touhig sent
hood, Toys and Games. messages to mark the anniversary and referred to the role and significance of the Cretan and allied
Santorini Vineyards Trace Back to 1700 BC The Battle of Crete began on May 20, 1941 when Nazi forces launched an unprecedented airborne in-
For centuries, the Aegean island of Santorini has been producing renowned wines. Christos Doumas, vasion of Crete, code-named “Merkur.” The operation was successful in that it wrested control of
Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at the University of Athens and head of the excavations at the the island from Allied forces, although the victory was so costly due to the stiff resistance by
Akrotiri archaeological site, says that the Cycladic island’s famous vineyards go back at least ANZAC troops and local Cretans that the Wehrmacht never again attempted a major airborne opera-
to 1700 BC. tion.
“The excavation at Akrotiri on Thera (modern-day Santorini) has given us more information about vi-
ticulture in the Cyclades in the Bronze Age. Thanks to modern methods and techniques now used in ar-
A Distinct Shipping Chair
chaeology, and drawing information even from the humblest finds, we have concluded that Akrotiri had Spyros Polemis has been elected Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping / International

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May 2006 May 2006
Efthimios Mitropoulos is serving as Secretary-General of the UN’s International Maritime Resources’ and revitalization of the wider public sector.
Organization. Ministry of Economy and Finance: May 2006 - Fact Sheet on the Prospects of the Greek Economy
Archaeological Research in Egypt
ekathimerini daily: “Energy in for recharge”
“1998-2005: 13 archaeological researches in Alexandria.” is the title of a lecture today at Athens’
Center for the Acropolis Studies by the head of the Hellenic Institute of Ancient and Mediaeval Greece-China: Business Partners
Alexandrian Studies, Harry Tzalas. A second lecture will be given by the renowned archaeologist, Jean- A business forum for Greece and China as economic and trade partners will be held in Athens on May
Yves Empereu, with the theme: “Underwater and land research of the French mission in Alexandria”, 23. The meeting is arranged by the Hellenic Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industries and the
The event takes place on the occasion of the 29th Book Fair, which is focusing this year on the theme Greece-China Business Council. The meeting coincides with a visit to Athens by the President of
“Greece-Egypt: Crossroads of Cultures.” China’s parliament, Wu Bangguo and the country’s Deputy Minister of Trade, Yu Guangzhou.
Underwater Archaeology in Greece:
Congress on Artificial Intelligence, Crete
Anglo-Hellenic Review: New Issue The 4th Hellenic Congress on Artificial Intelligence takes place at the Atlantis Hotel in the
The 33rd edition of the biannual Anglo-Hellenic Review, out in spring 2006, covers a variety of topics. city of Heraklion, Crete between May 18 and 20. The congress is organized by the Hellenic Ar-
In 1990, the Anglo Hellenic League began the publication of the Review, with the purpose to inform all tificial Intelligence Society in collaboration with the Institute of Computer Science at FORTH
those who are interested in Greek affairs both past and present. Its contributors, British and Greek, are (Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas) and the Department of Computer Science at the
experts in their respective disciplines. University of Crete.

eKathimerini: “Greek history through the ages with AHR” Getty Museum to Return Antiquities
Culture Minister George Voulgarakis met yesterday with visiting director of the J. Paul Getty
Museum, Michael Brand, and discussed the solution of pending matters for the return of antiqui-
Happening In Greece
ties to Greece in the near future. “The satisfaction of Greece’s requests will render possible
The International Writing Program at the University of Iowa is holding “The New Symposium,” a fruitful cooperation which will include long-term loans of works of art” a Culture Ministry
which will convene writers, artists, and thinkers from around the world, to focus on “The Com- announcement said. The Museum’s representatives agreed to recommend to the Foundation’s board
mons - what we hold in common.” The group will gather from May 17 to 23 on the island of the return of part of the contested antiquities.
Paros, and is co-sponsored by the Fulbright Foundation in Greece, the European Center for the
Translation of Literature and the Human Sciences and the Mayor of Paros. The program is direct- Greek Lace - Special Exhibitions
ed by Christopher Merrill, whose books have been translated into sixteen languages. Greek lace from the Victoria & Albert collections is the subject of an exhibition held at the
Benaki Museum (May 17 - June 18) offering a comprehensive sample of the techniques used in Greece
from the 16 to the 20 centuries. The exhibition is organized within the framework of the OIDFA XII
th th

Wednesday17 th International Conference (International Bobbin and Needle Lace Organisation) that takes place in
Athens (26-28 May). Another exhibition of the same kind is presented at the Museum of Greek Folk
Improving Economic Climate Art, from May 24 to June 24, 2006. The exhibition under the title “Laces: Conjectural Meeting of
Tradition with Contemporary Art” features laces from the Museum’s collections as well as pieces
“There is tangible evidence that the climate is improving. Greece is winning its daily battles, of art made by the German artist Gabrielle Grohmann.
and has achieved major victories,” Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis told a general meeting of the
Federation of Greek Industries.
“Over the past two years, basic innovations have been advanced, bold reforms, and substantive
changes that guarantee safe but brisk growth in a sound fiscal environment.” Changes include a new
Exploring Greece
development law, strong confidence in the capital market, and an objective and transparent framework Nisyros, one of the most unique of all Greek islands - an unspoiled haven of peace and tran-
for public works, Karamanlis explained. Competitiveness had improved according to a recent report quillity - is located on the Hellenic volcanic arc, a curved-line of volcanoes stretching from
by the International the Methana peninsula in the east to Kos island in the west.
Institute for Management Development, the absorption rate of European Community funds had risen, The nucleus of Nisyros is one of the most fascinating volcanic places in Greece, combining lush
exports had surged, unemployment had declined, and tourism had increased, the prime minister said. vegetation with dramatic moonscapes. This creates a curious rarity whereby the island, although
Among priorities for economic policy were a national zoning plan, privatization focusing on banks,

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May 2006 May 2006
waterless, is nonetheless fertile. The mineral-rich earth holds moisture and yield olives, vines, International Philosophy Conference, Crete
figs, citrus fruit and almonds. The City of Heraklion and the University of Crete Department of Philosophy & Social Studies are
The island is the perfect place for walking tours and discoveries off the beaten track. Here, one hosting an International Philosophy Conference on “Ethics and Politics” from May 24 to 28. Par-
still experiences an unspoilt part of Greece at its best: despite its beauty, mass tourism has not ticipants are from 20 countries and include some of the world’s leading scholars in philosophy,
yet discovered the island, probably due to its relative remoteness and limited size. Nisyros pos- humanities, and social sciences. The event will include plenary lectures, workshops and paper
sesses the clear water quality of the Aegean sea coupled with a small village atmosphere. presentations. It will be held in the Venetian Basilica of St. Mark, situated in Heraklion old
city centre.
Keynote speakers: Noam Chomsky, Edgar Morin, Agnes Heller, Richard Wolin, Martin Jay, Ernesto
Thursday18 th
Laclau and Claus Offe.

Greek President on EU’s Future

President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias addressed a formal session of the European Parliament on
Exploring Greece
Wednesday, to mark the 25th anniversary since Greece joined the European Union.
Papoulias appealed for a return to the founding principles of freedom, equality and social solidar- There are approximately 6000 islands in Greece, of which 227 are officially inhabited. The
ity, with humane policies centered on people and against unemployment. He stressed that the demo- Greek Archipelago takes up 7,500 km of the country’s total 16,000 km coastline (Greece is 2 in

cratic participation of Europe’s citizens in decisions regarding its future was essential - and the world in coastline/area ratio).
that the European Parliament had a key role in bringing this about. He included references to the EU Travel writers have tended to concentrate on specific island chains but none has ever traveled
as a “superpower of humanitarianism,” EU enlargement, Turkey’s accession to the EU, the division from Corfu in the West to Crete in the South to the Eastern edges of the islands in the Aegean
of Cyprus, and international terrorism. and on to Thessaloniki in the North. Travels in the Dolphin’s Wake is a tale and a blog of
The last Greek president to formally address the European Parliament was Konstantinos Karamanlis in just such a journey, taking in every island chain and traveling to at least 40 of the Greek
1983, when Greece took over the rotating presidency of the EEC for the first time since the country islands. The first leg of Harry Bucknall’s trip “looking for the perfect Greek Island” began
joined the Community on January 1, 1981. on May 15 when he departed Venice for Corfu by ship. Over the next six months, he wants to
European Parliament: “Greek President calls for citizens to drive the future of Europe” create a vibrant tale with vignettes of the Greek islands as they are now.
Minister of Foreign Affairs: The course of Greece in the European Union Harry Bucknall’s Blog:
Hellenic Centre for European Studies Newsletter: European Developments - The Greek View A book + a collection of links:
Sailing in Greece:
Russian Ombudsman in Athens Matt Barrett’s compilation of various info:
The social problems of daily life, but also corruption and the abuse of power by police are the basic
matters which preoccupy the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Vladimir Lukin,
as he himself described in a lecture he delivered on Wednesday at the office of the Greek Friday 19 th

Ombudsman in Athens.
Lukin is currently on a visit to Greece, in the context of the “Eunomia” project for the promotion Surge in Public-Private Sector Projects
of ombudsman institutions in south-eastern Europe, carried out by the Greek Ombudsman under the
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), which involve the construction on public projects with private
auspices of the Council of Europe. The Greek Ombudsman Giorgos Kaminis said that he would brief his
capital, with the investors also managing the projects for a pre-determined period, have already
Russian counterpart on all issues of importance to the Ombudsman authority in Greece.
drawn proposals for projects worth 850 million euros, Economy and Finance Minister Giorgos Al-
Giorgos Kaminis is the Greek Ombudsman elected on April 2003, as successor of Nikiforos
ogoskoufis said on Thursday.
Diamandouros who is serving as European Ombudsman.
The projects proposed involve, state agencies’ facilities, tourism and environmental infrastruc-
ture, healthcare and others. Private operators can invest their capital and transfer their know-
Eurovision 2006
how to the public sector. The PPPs would play a decisive role in the development of the economy
The Eurovision Song Contest final takes place on May 20 in Athens. Internet users may have ac- over the next few years. “By attracting funds, know-how and the dynamism of the private sector
cess to related news and events through: Greek contestant Anna Vissi’s we ensure better quality, lower costs and the speedier completion of projects,” Alogoskoufis em-
personal website: phasized.

Defence Minister in Berlin

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