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Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form

Adapted from Evaluation of a Short Form of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale
by Betz, Klein & Taylor, 1996.
Instructions: For each statement below, please read carefully and indicate how much
confidence you have that you could accomplish each of these tasks (as of NOW) by rating
each statement on a scale of 1 (No confidence at all) and 5 (Complete Confidence).
Scoring table is at the end of the document.
No Confidence at
Very little
1 2 3 4 5

______ 1. Find Information about occupations you are interested in
______ 2. Select one major from a list of potential majors you are considering
______ 3. Make a plan of your goals for the next five years
4. Determine the steps you take if you are having academic trouble with an aspect of
your chosen major
______ 5. Accurately assess your abilities
______ 6. Find out the employment trends for an occupation over the next 10 years
7. Select one occupation from a list of potential occupations you are considering
joining or switching
______ 8. Determine the steps you need to take to successfully complete your chosen major
______ 9. Persistently work at your major or career goal even when you get frustrated
______ 10. Determine what your ideal job would be
______ 11. Find out about the average yearly earnings of people in an occupation
______ 12. Choose a career that will fit your preferred life style
______ 13. Prepare a good resume
______ 14. Change majors if you do not like your first choice
______ 15. Decide what you value most in an occupation
16. Talk with a person already employed in a field you are interested in joining or
______ 17. Make a career decision and then not worry whether it was wrong or right
______ 18. Identify employers, firms and institutions relevant to your career
19. Resist attempts of parents or friends to push you into a career or major you believe
is beyond your abilities
______ 20. Figure out what you are and are not ready to sacrifice to achieve your career goals
21. Find information about graduate or professional schools in-line with your career
______ 22. Choose a major or career that will fit your interests
______ 23. Successfully manage the job interview process
24. Identify some reasonable major or career alternatives if you are unable to get your
first choice
______ 25. Define the type of lifestyle you would like to live

Scoring Table:
Fill in the rating given corresponding to each question in the table below.
Sum up the tally for each column accordingly.

Rating Question
Rating Question
Rating Question
Rating Question
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Occ Info
Prob Slv
Self App

Interpretation: 3.5 and above = Approach Behaviour
3.0 and Below = Avoidance Behaviour

Betz, N. & Klein, K. (1996). Relationships among measures of career self-efficacy, generalized self-efficacy, and global self-esteem. Journal
of Career Assessment, 4, 285-298.
Betz, N.E., Hammond, M., & Multon, K . (2005). Reliability and validity of response ontinua for the Career Decision Self-efficacy Scale.
Journal of Career Assessment, 13. 131-149.

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