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Role: Defender. You are somewhat durable Necromancers say their minions pay for their sins
! yourself, despite wearing thin armor, but in your service, while others know that true power
! most importantly you defend your allies can come from death just as easily as other
! with your undead minions. Your !terrible routes. Although your foes feel your presence on
! diseases cause enemies to be unable to the battlefield is unbearable, you could just as
! ignore your minions and yourself. You are well be cheerful and witty outside of battle.
! also partial in the striker and controller ! The Shadowfell has touched your being,
! roles. and you have learned to use its power.
Power Source: Shadow. You siphon powerful Remember, only when an enemy falls can you
! forces from the Shadowfell to raise the make it your weapon.
! dead and power your own weapon
! attacks. Creating a Necromancer
Key Abilities: Constitution, Intelligence, Necromancers rely on their own durability, or
! Charisma Constitution, as well as their Intelligence for their
powers. A necromancerʼs Charisma also has a
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather playing role in their powers, but less so then
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple Constitution or Intelligence. Necromancers start
! ranged with two builds: the artillery necromancer and the
Implements: Emblems, Wands frontline necromancer.
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will
Artillery Necromancer
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5 You prefer letting your minions take the damage
Healing Surges per Day: 12 + Constitution for you, preferring to stay in the back. Intelligence
! modifier should be your primary ability score, many of the
ranged powers here key off of Intelligence.
Trained Skills: From the class skills list below, Charisma should be your secondary ability score,
! choose three more trained skills at 1st it improves the potency of your disease and
! level. powers in addition to your minions AC.
! Class Skills: Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering Constitution would be a wise choice for your third
! (Wis), Endurance (Con), Insight (Wis), highest ability score, this improves your number
! Intimidate (Cha), History (Int), Religion of healing surges, hit points, and you may
! (Int), Stealth (Dex) consider taking some Constitution based powers.
You should wield a wand, many implement
Class Features: Daunting Presence, Fell powers require it. Take either disease, but
Disease, raise minion, necromancerʼs command Ravenʼs Blood was built more towards this build.
Your secondary role is Controller.
Necromancers are living incarnations of the Suggested Class Feature: Ravenʼs Blood
Shadowfell. Just their presence can cause foes to Suggested Feat:
lose their edge and miss. Some necromancers Suggested At-Will Powers: Infested Ground,
prefer to scourge enemies from range with Plague Bolt
grasping skeletons or cold wraiths, while others Suggested Encounter Power: Wraithʼs
command their minions to strike as they attack. Embrace
Necromancers are adepts of undeath, giving new Suggested Daily Power: Storm of Souls
meaning to domination. When a person gives part
of themselves to the shadowfell, that person gains Frontline Necromancer
these powers. You boldly stand in the frontline along side your
! When a foe dies, you may raise him again minions and allies, swinging your weapon and
as your own servant. In this manner you use your taking some hits. Constitution should be your
enemyʼs might against his allies. It is your and main score, most of your weapon powers key off
your minionsʼ responsibility is to protect your Constitution, and you could use the hit points.
allies. You create impenetrable walls of flesh, Choose Charisma for your secondary score and
while you scourge foes with death, your blade Intelligence for your third highest score. Take the
swallowed up in the shadow. Some

biggest scythe you can find. You lean toward
striker as a secondary role.
Suggested Class Feature: Winterʼs Chill
Suggested Feat: Necromancer Class Features
Suggested At-Will Powers: Explosive Your sinister powers are easily the most important
Outbreak, Plague Strike tools of the trade. In addition, you have the
Suggested Encounter Power: Blow of following class features.
Suggested Daily Power: Unholy Tide Daunting Presence
While wearing light armor, you can use your
Implement Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or
Necromancers make use of emblems and wands Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. In
to help channel and direct their shadow powers. addition, you get a bonus to AC equal to the
A necromancer wearing or holding a magic number of minions you have under your control,
emblem, or a necromancer holding a magic wand but only while wearing cloth or leather armor.
can add its enhancement to the attack rolls and
damage rolls of necromancer powers, as well as Fell Disease
necromancer paragon path powers, that have the Your power from the Shadowfell can appear in
implement keyword. Without a emblem or a wand, several different ways. Whenever a power details
a necromancer can still use these powers, but he that the target is subject to your fell disease, the
or she doesnʼt gain the bonus provided by the effect you choose with this class feature is applied
magic implement. Some necromancer powers for a duration specified by the power. Whenever a
require the use of a wand because it takes target is marked by you, your minions count as
significantly more effort to channel and shape the you for the purpose of that mark.
energy. ! Choose one of the following options.
! Certain magic weapons, called Dread ! Ravenʼs Blood: The target is marked by
Scythes, can also be used as an implement for you. In addition, the target takes a penalty to
necromancer powers, as well as necromancer damage rolls against your allies equal to 3 + your
paragon path powers. Charisma modifier. Increase the penalty to 6 +
your Charisma modifier at 11th level, and to 9 +
your Charisma modifier at 21st level. While
targets are afflicted with your Ravenʼs Blood, the
Necromancer Overview targets veins bulge slightly and turn black. The
! Characteristics: You combine a number target shows signs of fatigue, and attacks half-
ranged and area powers in addition to deadly heartedly.
weapon attacks to draw attention to you and your ! Winterʼs Chill: The target is marked by
minions. Depending on the powers you choose, you. In addition, the target takes a -2 penalty to
you can spend more time in back behind your speed, it cannot shift, and it takes cold damage
minions, or right up close in the fight with your equal to your Charisma modifier the first time it
minions. makes an attack that does not include you as a
! Religion: Most necromancers are target before the start of your next turn. Increase
immediately drawn to the raven queen, since this damage to 3 + your Charisma modifier at 11th
necromancers are borrowing her host. A scant level, and to 6 + your Charisma modifier at 21st
few worship Vecna or Orcus instead. Other level. Targets do not take the penalty to speed
necromancers only give credit to the shadowfell while slowed. While creatures are afflicted with
for their powers, finding that the raven queen has your Winterʼs Chill, the targetʼs complexion turns
no dominion over the powers of the shadowfell. a light blue, and they move sluggishly.
! Races: Half-Elves have always made the
best frontline necromancers, combining their
charm and influence with their durability. Tiefling
and gnomes make excellent artillery
necromancers. Shardar-kai and humans are often
the most common necromancers.

Raise Minion Raise Minion" " Necromancer Feature
Using the raise minion power, necromancers can You speak a word, and a dead creature rises, awaiting
your command.
reanimate corpses to preform their wishes.
At-Will ◆ Shadow, Implement, Summoning
Unfortunately, such power comes at a price to the Minor Action" " " Close burst 5
necromancerʼs health. Many necromancer powers Target: One dead enemy within burst
have the minion keyword. A minion under your Effect: Spend a healing surge, but regain no hit points.
control must be present when you use such a The target disappears. You summon a minion
power. resembling the undead form of the target in the same
square occupied by the target. The target the same
Necromancer’s Command size as the target or a smaller size, and has a speed 6.
It gains the undead keyword. You can give the minion
Necromancers naturally command respect from
! ◆ Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one
their minions and using the necromancerʼs ! creature; Constitution + 2 or Intelligence + 2
command power lets necromancerʼs use their ! vs. AC; your Charisma modifier damage, and
minions as a terrible force in combat. ! the target is infected with your fell disease until
! the end of your next turn.
Necromancer Powers ! ◆ Standard Action: The minion gains a +2
! bonus to all defenses until the end of your next
Necromancer powers are called blights. In battle, ! turn.
necromancers fuse necromantic energies to their ! ◆ Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one
weapons, or channel dark power to significant ! creature; Constitution + 2 or Intelligence + 2
effect. ! vs. AC; your Charisma modifier damage, and
! the target is infected with your fell disease until
Class Features ! the end of your next turn.
Special: You may use this power once per day without
The necromancer has two class features that a target. When using this power this way, you may
work like powers: necromancerʼs command and summon the minion in any square within the burst. You
raise minion. may have a maximum of minions summoned by this
power equal to your Charisma modifier (whichever is
Necromancerʼs Command Necromancer Feature higher). Unlike normal summoned creatures, minions
You spit a command in a strange language, and one of summoned with this power last until the end of the day
your minions acts. instead of at the end of the encounter.
At-Will ◆ Shadow, Minion Special: This power can only be used once per round.
Minor Action" " " Personal Ravenʼs Blood: This power gains the necrotic keyword
Effect: You gain an additional standard action on this and the attacks deal necrotic damage.
turn that may only be used to give a summoned minion Level 21: The attacks deal an additional 1d6 extra
a command, or as a move action usable only by one of necrotic damage.
your summoned minions. Winterʼs Chill: This power gains the cold keyword and
Special: This power can only be used once per round. the attacks deal cold damage.
Level 21: The attacks deal an additional 1d6 extra
cold damage.

Level 1 At-Will Blights

Explosive Outbreak! Necromancer Attack 1

You clench your hand and the disease affecting an
enemy morphs and spreads to a second target.
At-Will ◆ Shadow, Implement
Standard Action"" " Ranged 5
Target: One creature infected with your fell disease.
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage and the target
is infected with your fell disease (save ends). Make a
secondary attack.
" Secondary Target: One creature adjacent to
! the primary target
" Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude

! Hit: The target is infected by your fell disease
! until the end of your next turn.

Infested Ground! Necromancer Attack 1 Level 1 Encounter Blights

The hands of the dead latch on to enemies over an
area. Blow of Suffering! Necromancer Attack 1
At-Will ◆ Shadow, Implement You strike a foe with your weapon, and a ripple of your
Standard Action" Area burst 1 within 10 squares disease emits from you.
Requirement: You must be wielding a wand Encounter ◆ Shadow, Weapon
Target: Each creature in burst. Standard Action"" Melee weapon
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Target: One creature
Hit: Intelligence modifier damage and the target is Attack: Constitution vs. AC
slowed. Hit: 1[W] + Constitution modifier damage. Each enemy
within 3 squares of you is infected with your fell disease
Plague Strike ! ! Necromancer Attack 1 until the end of your next turn.
Your blade becomes hazy, and as you strike your foe, it
becomes infected with your fell disease. Claws of the Dead! Necromancer Attack 1
At-Will ◆ Shadow, Weapon Skeleton claws out of the ground and latches on to an
Standard Action"" " Melee weapon enemy.
Target: One creature Encounter ◆ Shadow, Implement
Attack: Constitution vs. AC Standard Action"" Ranged 5
Hit: 1[W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the Target: One creature
target is infected with your fell disease until the end of Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
your next turn. Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage and the target
Level 21: 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage. is immobilized.
Ravenʼs Blood: This power gains the necrotic keyword
and the damage turns to necrotic damage. Minionʼs Icy Touch! Necromancer Attack 1
Winterʼs Chill: This power gains the cold keyword and An enemy disobeys your will and your minion corrupts it
the damage turns to cold damage. with fell cold.
Special: This power can be used as a melee basic Encounter ◆ Shadow, Implement, Cold, Minion
attack. Immediate Interrupt Melee minion 1
Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to your
Plague Bolt ! ! Necromancer Attack 1 minion or attacks an ally.
You raise your wand and a wraith flies at your target, Target: One creature
infecting it with your disease. Attack: Constitution + 2 vs. AC
At-Will ◆ Shadow, Implement Hit: Ongoing 5 cold damage and the target is infected
Standard Action"" " Ranged 10 with your fell disease (save ends).
Requirement: You must be wielding a wand. Winterʼs Chill: You may forsake the ongoing damage
Target: One creature to deal 2d8 + Constitution modifier cold damage
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude instead.
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target
is infected with your fell disease until the end of your Wraithʼs Embrace ! Necromancer Attack 1
next turn. You conjure a wraith, which embraces the target
Level 21: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.
causing it to grow weak.
Ravenʼs Blood: This power gains the necrotic keyword
Encounter ◆ Shadow, Implement, Necrotic
and the damage turns to necrotic damage.
Standard Action"" Ranged 10
Winterʼs Chill: This power gains the cold keyword and
Requirement: You must be wielding a wand
the damage turns to cold damage.
Target: One creature
Special: This power can be used as a ranged basic
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage and
the target takes a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls.
Ravenʼs Blood: The penalty equals 1 + your Charisma

target fails a saving throw against this power, make a
secondary attack.
! Secondary Target: One creature within 5
Level 1 Daily Blights ! squares of the target.
Death Strike" ! Necromancer Attack 1 " Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
With no minions left, you channel death itself to make ! Hit: Ongoing 5 acid damage and the target is
your strike incredibly devastating. ! infected with your fell disease (save ends
Daily ◆ Shadow, Weapon ! both).
Standard Action"" Melee Weapon
Requirement: You must have no minions under your Level 2 Utility Blights
Target: One creature Bring Out Your Dead ! Necromancer Utility 2
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitutide Oops. My mistake. Lets raise that one right back up.
Hit: 5[W] + Constitution modifier damage. If you reduce Daily ◆ Shadow, Minion
the target to 0 or fewer hit points with this attack, you Immediate Interrupt " " Ranged 10
may use raise dead as a free action. Trigger: One of your minions drops to 0 hit points or
Target: One minion that dropped to 0 hit points or
Deathʼs Chains ! Necromancer Attack 1 fewer.
Grasping skeletal claws emerge from the ground Effect: The target regains your healing surge value in
around you, impeding movement. hit points.
Daily ◆ Shadow, Implement
Standard Action"" Close burst 10
Target: Each enemy in burst Darkflight! ! Necromancer Utility 2
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex The shadows power your legs, you move at an unholy
Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). speed.
Miss: The target is slowed until the end of your next Daily ◆ Shadow
turn. Move Action" " Personal
Effect: You move at two times your speed. During this
movement you may climb without making athletics
Storm of Souls"! Necromancer Attack 1
checks with each square of movement letting you climb
Waving your wand, you weave a storm of souls,
up one square.
combining the power of the storm with the corrupting
power of the dead.
Daily ◆ Shadow, Implement, Necrotic, Zone Unholy Aura! ! Necromancer Utility 2
Standard Action" Area burst 2 within 10 squares Your presence becomes unbearable within your
Requirement: You must be wielding a wand enemies hearts.
Target: Each enemy in burst Daily ◆ Shadow, Fear
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Minor Action" " " Close burst 3
Hit: 1d10 + Constitution modifier necrotic damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone of fear that lasts until
Miss: Half damage. the end of the encounter. Enemies within the zone must
Effect: The area creates a zone of corrupting souls. leave the zone during their turn. If the enemy does not
The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Any leave the zone during its turn, the enemy gains
enemy who starts its turn in the zone is slowed and vulnerability to all damage equal to your Constitution
infected with your fell disease until the end of your next modifier. The zone follows your movements so you are
turn. always the center of the burst.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Whispers of the Dead ! Necromancer Utility 2
The spirits of the dead feed your knowledge.
Unholy Tide" ! Necromancer Attack 1
Encounter ◆ Shadow
One of your minions suddenly releases an toxic gas,
Minor Action" " Personal
infecting enemies near it. The plague spreads from
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to the next monster
person to person.
knowledge check you make during the encounter.
Daily ◆ Shadow, Implement, Acid
Standard Action"" Close burst minion 2
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitutide
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution modifier acid damage, and the
target takes ongoing 10 acid damage and is infected
with your fell disease (save ends both). Whenever the

Effect: If 1 attack hits, the target is knocked prone. If 2
attacks hit, the target is blinded until the end of your
Level 3 Encounter Blights next turn.
Explode Minion! ! Necromancer Attack 3
Eh. Who needs him. Level 6 Utility Blights
Encounter ◆ Shadow, Implement
Minor Action" " Close burst 10 Deathʼs Reach! ! Necromancer Utility 6
Target: One of your minions within the burst Your target is surprised when you slash him from so far
Effect: The target is reduced to 0 hit points. Make an away.
attack. Daily # Shadow
Target: Each creature within 2 squares of the initial Minor Action" " " Personal
target. Effect: Your melee reach increases by one for the rest
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex of the encounter.
Hit: 1d10 + Constitution modifier damage and the
target is knocked prone. Meat Shield! ! Necromancer Utility 6
Winterʼs Chill: The power gains the cold keyword and One of your minions gets in the way of attack against
the secondary attack deals cold damage. an ally.
Encounter ◆ Shadow, Thrall
Immediate Interrupt " " Close burst 10
Sinister Slash! ! Necromancer Attack 3 Trigger: You or an ally within the burst is hit by a melee
You swing your weapon and a wave of necrotic energy or ranged attack
comes forth and cuts open an far away enemy. Effect: Teleport one of your minions within the burst
Encounter ◆ Shadow, Necrotic, Weapon adjacent to the trigger and that minion is hit with the
Standard Action"" Ranged 5 attack instead.
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Unholy Grounds! Necromancer Utility 6
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence + Charisma modifier necrotic The ground around you glows an eerie blue which
damage. nurtures death.
Ravenʼs Blood: The target is infected by your Ravenʼs Daily # Shadow, Implement, Zone
Blood. Standard Action"" Close burst 3
Effect: The burst creates a zone that, until the end of
Level 5 Daily Blights the encounter, grants your minions within it
regeneration 5.
Deathʼs Summons ! Necromancer Attack 5
Black ribbons wrap around an enemy and draw him
toward you, then you lash out with a devastating strike. Level 7 Encounter Blights
Daily ◆ Shadow, Reliable, Weapon Shadow Smite ! ! Necromancer Attack 7
Standard Action"" Ranged 20 You disappear into the shadow, and reappear behind
Target: One creature within range an enemy with your weapon in his back.
Attack: Constitution vs. Will Encounter # Shadow, Weapon
Hit: Pull the target to a square adjacent to you. Make a Standard Action"" Close burst 10
secondary attack against the target. Prerequisite: You must be trained in stealth.
Attack: Constitution vs. AC Target: One creature
Hit: 3[W] + Constitution modifier damage and the Special: You may teleport to a square adjacent to the
target is slowed (save ends). target before the attack.
Miss: Half damage. Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage.
Ruthless Slaughter! Necromancer Attack 5
Fed up with your enemy, you command your minions to Warrior Surge! ! Necromancer Attack 7
gang up on the enemy. After theyʼre done, he is You raise your weapon over head, and your troops
powerless. surge forward.
Encounter ◆ Shadow, Minion Encounter # Shadow, Minion
Standard Action"" Ranged 5 Standard Action"" Close burst 10
Target: One creature Target: Three of your minions in the burst
Special: A number equal to your Charisma modifier of Effect: The target may take a move action and make a
your minions within movement range on the target may basic attack.
move adjacent to the target
Attack: The minions you moved for this power may
each make one attack.

Level 9 Daily Blights
Douse Life! ! Necromancer Attack 9
You swing you weapon at your foe and he falls
Daily # Shadow, Necrotic, Weapon
Standard Action"" Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit: The target is knocked unconscious (save ends).
The target takes a penalty to saving throws against this
effect equal to your Charisma modifier.

Minion Mitosis! ! Necromancer Attack 9

Your minion swings at your foe, and suddenly spawns a
minion from the targetʼs own flesh.
Daily # Shadow, Necrotic, Minion
Standard Action"" Minion 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Minionʼs basic attack.
Hit: Your minionʼs basic attack damage. The target
spawns another minion under your control and appears
in a space adjacent to the target.

Level 10 Utility Blights

Level 13 Encounter Blights

Level 15 Daily Blights

Level 16 Utility Blights

Level 17 Encounter Blights

Level 19 Daily Blights

Level 22 Utility Blights

Level 23 Encounter Blights

Level 25 Daily Blights

Level 27 Encounter Blights

Level 29 Daily Blights

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