Intestinal Worms

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(4)Home Remedies for Parasites

-Take about twenty drops of the juice of the raw turmeric and put a pinch of salt in
it. This must be taken early in the morning. It is a good remedy to expel the worms
while passing stools.
-Extract the juice of a fresh radish. Add a pinch of salt to it. Drink this juice twice
eeryday! once in the morning and once in the eening. "ontinue this for four days.
This will #ush out all the wastes in the stomach along with the parasites.
-$uttermilk is a good remedy for curing intestinal parasites% especially if they are
ery persistent and do not go despite other treatments. Add some roasted cumin
seed in the buttermilk% and some salt and ground black pepper. This must be drunk
in a glassful &uantity three to four times in a day. 'ithin a week% een the most
resistant of intestinal parasites will be remoed from the guts.
-(ix e&ual parts of bitter gourd leaes and coriander and keep them soaked
oernight in twele parts of water. )ilter this water in the morning. Diide the
*ltered water into three parts and drink them at e&ual interals throughout the day.
'ithin a few days the worms will be expelled from the digestie system.
The human body acts as a host to a large number of parasites. These parasites are in the form of
roundworms and flatworms, and they are found in both adults as well as children. However,
children have a greater chance of getting these intestinal parasites. Some of the common worms
that are found in human intestines are:-
a)Roundworms - pinworms, threadworms
b)latworms - tapeworms
!n "yurveda, parasitic infestation in the digestive system is called as #rimi Roga. $ifferent
worms cause different problems with the digestive system. %onstipation, diarrhea, abdominal
cramps are all common complications. !n some cases, bronchitis, anemia, urticaria and fevers
may also occur.
(1)Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Parasites
-"sh &ourd '(enincasa hispida)
"sh gourd can promote tissue growth within the digestive system. )hen ta*en with coconut mil*
it helps to e+pel tapeworms and other such *ind of intestinal parasites from the human body.
-(amboo '(ambusa bambos)
The leaves of the bamboo plant are effective in the removal of threadworms. They are ta*en in
the form of a decoction when there is a threadworm complaint.
-(elleric ,yrobalan 'Terminalia belerica)
The belleric myrobalan is popularly *nown as behera in "yurveda. !t is a component of the
Triphala choorna. !n case of worm complaints, it is ta*en in mi+ture with the ground seeds of the
palash. (ehera with palash forms an e+cellent anthelmintic, i.e. a medicine that helps fight
-(utea '(utea monosperma)
The butea is also *nown as palash in !ndian language. !ts seeds have anthelmintic properties.
They are ta*en mi+ed with behera. -ven otherwise, they can be ta*en as a paste with honey. The
seeds of the butea are e+cellent for removal of roundworms and tapeworms.
-%hirayata 'Swertia chirata)
The chirayata herb is remar*able for its properties in the removal of all *inds of intestinal
worms. "n infusion of the herb is prepared and ta*en regularly during parasitic infestations.
--ast !ndian Rosebay '-rvatamia coronaria)
The -ast !ndian Rosebay is *nown as chandi, meaning silver in "yurvedic medicine. (oth its
root and its mil*y white sap possess anthelmintic properties.
-!ndian "calypha '"calypha indica)
The .uice of the leaves of the !ndian acalypha ta*en with a little garlic has good properties to
e+pel intestinal parasites.
-!ndian "loe '"loe barbadensis)
The !ndian aloe is used especially in children to *ill and e+pel parasites in the intestines due to its
mild action. The .uice of the leaf is used for it purpose. !t is condensed by boiling in water.
(2)Dietary Treatments for Parasites
)hen there is a worm infestation, light diet must be preferred which can be digested fast. !f the
food remains in the bowels for longer time, then the worms get a chance to breed more. Hence,
all spicy and oily foods must be avoided. The diet should be *ept vegetarian and perfectly
natural, i.e. no synthetic substances must be consumed. Sweet foods promote the growth of the
worms/ hence they must be avoided. Try to eat as many bitter foods as possible such as bitter
gourd, bitter drumstic* and neem. (itter foods can e+pel the worms from the bowels. asting for
a day is recommended.
(3)Ayurvedic Treatments for Parasites
There is a host of "yurvedic preparations that can be used to get rid of intestinal worms. These
are #rimi #uthara rasa, #rimi ,udgara rasa, #rimi #alanala rasa, #rimi Hara rasa, 0idanga
arishta, etc. These preparations are available at any "yurvedic shop, but you must ta*e it in
consultation with a physician so that the medicine specific to your cause can be given.
The human digestive system 1 especially the stomach and the intestines 1 is a host to a large
number of parasitic worms such as hoo*worms, roundworms, flatworms, etc. ,ost of these
parasites are essential to the digestive process, and hence are beneficial to the body. (ut
sometimes, these parasites can produce several problems also, such as abdominal cramps, belly
aches, constipation, diarrhea and even fevers, etc.
Home Remedies for orms
The ma.or cause of worm problems with the digestive system occur because of the food that we
eat. The following is a list of causes of infestation of worms in the human body:-
'i) -ating a lot of gassy foods which are difficult to digest
'ii) -ating a lot of foods that are too thin in their consistency
'iii) -ating a lot of sugary foods such as .aggery. )orms breed better in sweet environment.
'iv) -ating stale foods, or eating foods at the wrong time.
'v) 2ac* of e+ercise
'vi) Sleeping in the daytime
'vii) -ating foods that are not compatible with each other. The following is a list of incompatible
a) )arm foods with honey
b) &hee and honey
c) Honey and buttermil*
d) Honey and radish
e) )ater and ghee or oil
f) &hee and oil dissolved in it
g) ,ango pic*le and curds
h) )arm foods with curds
i) Rice gruel and honey
.) )atermelon and mil*
Home Remedies
&astric and intestinal worms need not be such a ma.or issue, because there are several simple
home remedies available which can help deal with the issue. The following is a list of the most
effective home remedies in case you ever become a victim of the problems caused due to gastric
and intestinal worms:-
Home Remedy 3 4
$ry the peel of an orange and add vidanga '-mbelia ribes) to it in e5ual proportion.
&rind them to a very fine powder. )hen you have a worm problem, ta*e three grams of
this powder and dissolve it in water. %onsume this thrice every day. This procedure must
be continued for three days. !n this time, the worms will be *illed within the stomach.
Then one tablespoonful of castor oil must be consumed. This will help to e+pel the dead
Home Remedy 3 6
&et some vinegar made out of sugarcane .uice. "dd to this 67 grams of (engal gram.
#eep this overnight. !n the morning, ta*e the grams and eat them, chewing them
thoroughly. "fter this procedure, do not eat or drin* anything for eight complete hours.
The worms will definitely be *illed and will get e+pelled the ne+t time stools are passed.
Home Remedy 3 8
-+tract the .uice of a radish and add some salt to it. $rin* this salty .uice twice in a day
for four consecutive days. This consumption will eradicate all the worms from the
intestines along with the accumulated waste products within the intestines. Though bitter,
this is a very good remedy for e+pelling the gastric and intestinal worms. !t must be
remembered that bitter tastes wor* very effectively in solving endoparasitic problems.
Home Remedy 3 9
Ta*e a portion of the root of the banyan tree 'icus religiosa) and ma*e a fine powder of
that. "dd some .aggery to it. Then add some fennel seeds 'enneliculum vulgare) to the
powdered mi+ture. This must be had twice a day 1 in the morning and in the evening 1 in
5uantities of five grams each time. )ithin three days of continuous consumption of this
powder, all gastric and intestinal worms will be *illed and will get e+pelled from the
rectal cavity.
Home Remedy 3 7
The following is a very good remedy for people who are suffering from continuous worm
problems and are not getting relief despite trying several treatment methods. :repare
buttermil* freshly. !n this buttermil*, add some roasted cumin seeds '%uminum
cyminum), some roc* salt and some blac* pepper ':iper nigrum). ,a*e a good mi+ of
the powders in the buttermil*. Have this buttermil* three to four times in a day, and *eep
the treatment continuous for a wee*. "t the end of the wee*, all worms will be e+pelled.
This treatment is effective in even removing the worms that remain hidden within the
Home Remedy 3 ;
The following remedy wor*s for children who are suffering from intestinal and gastric
worms. "dd some vidanga '-mbelia ribes) in buttermil* and give them to drin* once or
twice in a day. The remedy helps to e+terminate and e+pel the worms hidden within the
digestive system of children.
Home Remedy 3 <
=ne very simple remedy that can be tried out is to drin* one glass of boiled water with a
tablespoonful of roc* salt dissolved in it early in the morning, before eating anything else.
%ontinue this for a few days and try out. "ctually, this remedy is not very effective if the
worm infestation is too chronic. !t can cure only mild 5uantities of worm infestations.
Home Remedy 3 >
This is yet another remedy that is especially effective in children. Ta*e a piece of ginger
and some vidanga. ,a*e a pasty mi+ture of the two. Then add some honey to this paste.
%onsuming this paste helps to e+pel the worms out in .ust two or three days.
Home Remedy 3 ?
Ta*e the leaf of a bitter gourd ',omordica charantia) and coriander '%oriandrum
sativum) in e5ual measures. %rush these two items to a powder and then put them in
water. #eep this standing overnight. !n the morning, filter and discard the water. To the
residue, add some honey. %onsume this with the diet thrice in a day. $oing so will e+pel
out all the worms in a few days.
Home Remedy 3 4@
Shell some seeds of the ash gourd and put them in a glassful of coconut mil*. $rin*ing
this once a day will help to e+pel worms such as tapeworm from the digestive system.
Home Remedy 3 44
&et some leaves of bamboo shoots and boil them in water for about half an hour. This
decoction should then be cooled and drun*. This gives good relief from threadworms.
Home Remedy 3 46
Ta*e the fruit of the belleric myrobalan 'Terminalia belerica) and mi+ it with the seeds of
the butea '(utea monosperma). These should be blended thoroughly and then consumed
in 5uantities of one teaspoonful thrice in a day. This treatment helps to remove all the
worms that are housed within the intestines.
Home Remedy 3 48
Ta*e about one gram of the seeds of the butea and mi+ them with an e5ual proportion of
honey. ,a*e a good blend of the two, and consume the mi+ thrice a day. )ithin three
days of continuous consumption, the worms will be *illed within the body. =n the fourth
day, ta*e a tablespoonful of castor oil. This helps to e+pel the dead worms from the body.
Home Remedy 3 49
or treating gastric and intestinal worms in children, an infusion of the !ndian Spi*enard
'.atamansi, Aardostachys .atamansi) is provided to them. This acts li*e an enema and
helps to *ill and e+pel the worms along with the fecal matter.
Home Remedy 3 47
,i+ the .uice of the leaves of the aloe in an e5ual 5uantity of water. Then boil this
mi+ture till it gets concentrated to half the 5uantity. This is to be drun* twice a day. This
remedy is considered to be one of the simplest and the best remedies for the treatment of
gastric and intestinal worms.
Home Remedy 3 4;
or infants and toddlers, this is a good remedy to get relief from intestinal worms. The
seeds of the !ndian mallow are ta*en. These are burnt so that they begin to smo*e. Then
the rectum of the child is brought in contact with the smo*e. The gastric and intestinal
worms, especially if they are threadworms, get *illed on contact with the smo*e and are
e+pelled out when the child passes stools.
Home Remedy 3 4<
%arrot is good remedy for treating inestinal and gastric worms in children. !f nothing else
is available, you can use carrot, and that too with great positive benefits. :repare a bowl
of grated carrot each morning and give it to the child. Bou will have to continue this
therapy for a wee* or so. The worms will all get *illed and will be e+pelled from the
Home Remedy 3 4>
"dd a teaspoonful of honey to a tablespoonful of papaya .uice. Have it early in the
morning without eating anything else. Then follow it with a glassful of mil* to which a
teaspoonful of castor oil has been added.
Home Remedy 3 4?
%oconut is used in most houses as effective remedy for all *inds of gastric and intestinal
worm problems. %oconut is grated and a tablespoonful of it is had in the morning. This is
then followed by about forty milliliters of castor oil. Three hours after this, a glassful of
mil* is to be consumed. This must be done everything till the worms are fully
e+terminated from the system.
Home Remedy 3 6@
%homping on a few cloves of garlic each morning helps to *eep the body free from
Home Remedy 3 64
Scoop out the seeds of a ripe pump*in and then allow them to dry in the hot sun. )hen
they are perfectly dried, split them open and discard their outer hulls. %rush the seeds into
powder, ta*e about a tablespoonful of it and put it in a cup of water. :repare an infusion
of the seeds in the water. $rin* this infusion. This therapy will help get rid of worms such
as tapeworms. (ut, for better results you must fast for a day before this treatment.
Thereafter, you need to continue the therapy for a few days to allow the worms to die and
flush out completely.
Home Remedy 3 66
)ormwood is ta*en in several ways to get freedom from parasitic worms in the body.
-ight to ten grams of the powder of its bar* can be ta*en on a daily basis. "nother
method is to consume the oil of this plant, mi+ed with olive oil ta*en in eight-fold
measure. "bout fifty milliliters of this oil can be drun* at a time without any problem.
Home Remedy 3 68
Simply eating a raw potato continuously for three days can also help to treat the gastric
and intestinal worms.
Avoidin' (astric and )ntestinal orms
&astric and intestinal worms cannot be completely eliminated from the human digestive system
because they do play and important in helping us to digest food. (ut their infestation can
definitely by avoided by ta*ing a few simple measures. The following are some of the
precautions that can be ta*en to prevent worms:-
'i) "lways eat food that has been washed properly before coo*ing, and then coo*ed properly.
'ii) (e very particular to bring the water to a proper boil when coo*ing any *ind of food that
re5uires the addition of water. The same applied to mil*.
'iii) $o not consume meat that is stale, which can be found out by its offensive odor.
'iv) "lways put proper footwear when wal*ing outside the home, especially in places li*e
gardens. Some *inds of worms can enter into the human body by clinging to the soles of the feet
and then wor*ing their way upwards.
'v) "lways *eep food covered. $o not eat food that has been unhygienically prepared, especially
at roadside food stalls.
'vi) $o not consume too many sugary foods.

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