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Republic of the Philippines

A.M No. P-04-1925 December 16, !!"
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT-San Carlo C!"#$ complainants,
OSCAR LLAMAS$ respondent.

% E C I S I O N
Public ser#ice re%uires inte&rit' an( (iscipline$ )or this reason, public ser#ants must
e*hibit at all times the hi&hest sense of honest' an( (e(ication to (ut'$ +' the #er'
nature of their (uties an( responsibilities, &o#ernment emplo'ees must faithfull' a(here
to, hol( sacre( an( ren(er in#iolate the constitutional principle that a public office is a
public trust, that all public officers an( emplo'ees must at all times be accountable to
the people, ser#e them -ith utmost responsibilit', inte&rit', lo'alt' an( efficienc'$
T&' Ca'
This case ori&inate( from a .omplaint lo(&e( b' the court emplo'ees of the Office of
the .ler/ of .ourt 0O..1 of the Re&ional Trial .ourt 0RT.1 of San .arlos .it',
Pan&asinan, a&ainst Oscar T$ 2lamas, cash cler/ II of the same Office, char&in&
respon(ent -ith (iscourteous, (isrespectful an( unbecomin& con(uct$
The .omplaint ha( initiall' been referre( for in#esti&ation, report an( recommen(ation
to Da&upan .it' RT. 3u(&e 2uis M$ )ontanilla, -ho pra'e( for an( -as &rante(
inhibition from hearin& the case

on the &roun( that t-o of the si&natories of the

.omplaint -ere close to him$ The case -as thereafter referre( to Vice45*ecuti#e 3u(&e
Sil#erio 6$ .astillo of the same RT.,
-ho li/e-ise pra'e( for an( -as &rante(, on
8ustifiable &roun(s, inhibition therefrom$
The case -as finall' referre( to 3u(&e .rispin
.$ 2aron of the Da&upan RT., +ranch "7$
T&' Fa("
In a letter a((resse( to .hief 3ustice Hilario :$ Da#i(e 3r$ (ate( 3anuar' 9, !!!,
herein complainants,
all of -hom are emplo'e( in the Office of the .ler/ of .ourt of
the RT. of San .arlos .it', Pan&asinan, labele( respon(ent as a ;troublesome an(
arro&ant court emplo'ee$<
Respon(ent Oscar 2lamas is a brother of 3u(&e Victor T$ 2lamas, -ho use( to presi(e
o#er +ranch 96 of the San .arlos RT.$ =nimosit' bet-een 3u(&e 2lamas an( the O..
personnel starte( -hen the latter, hea(e( b' =tt'$ Ome&a 2$ Moises, testifie( in an
immoralit' case file( a&ainst the former$ Respon(ent s'mpathi>e( -ith his brother an(
sho-e( hostilit' to-ar(s his co4emplo'ees$
Durin& the hearin& of the instant a(ministrati#e .omplaint, :emma )$ =(riano ? one of
the complainants ? testifie( that -hile insi(e the office, respon(ent sho-e( si&ns of
belli&erence to-ar(s the other emplo'ees b' slammin& his (ra-er, the -in(o-
8alousies, as -ell as the stapler an( the puncher$ There -ere occasions -hen he -oul(
loo/ at them -ith a hostile e*pression that -oul( cause an*iet' to three female
emplo'ees -ho happene( to be in the office at the time$
=ccor(in& to =(riano, respon(ent also became (isrespectful to =tt'$ Moises b' actin&
belli&erentl' e#en in the latter@s presence$ He -oul( also fre%uentl' lea#e the office
-ithout permission, onl' to be seen (rin/in& -ine -ith his brother48u(&e (urin& office
hours$ Aith the risin& tension in the office, complainants finall' (eci(e( to file a
.omplaint a&ainst respon(ent$ )rom then on, he refuse( to tal/ to them$
M'rna (e la .ru>, a utilit' -or/er, testifie( that sometime in Ma' of 1BBC, she ha(
loo/e( for Oscar 2lamas -ithin the court premises, because a person -as as/in& for
him in connection -ith some ca(astral cases$ Ahile &oin& (o-n the stairs of the Hall of
3ustice, .ru> spraine( her foot$ She finall' foun( him (rin/in& li%uor at =nnie@s
.anteen, -here he alle&e(l' ha( the habit of (rin/in& -ith other court personnel an(
-ith liti&ants$ She thus felt relie#e( -hen he -as transferre( to the Da&upan RT.$
Manuel (e :u>man corroborate( the testimon' of his4co4complainants$ He sai( that on
3anuar' 19, !!! 0a Satur(a'1, -hile on (ut', respon(ent challen&e( the brother of
=tt'$ Moises to a fistfi&ht$ On the same occasion, respon(ent calle( her 0=tt'$ Moises1 a
traitor for causin& the -ithhol(in& of his 3u(iciar' De#elopment )un( 03D)1 allo-ance
for the last %uarter of 1BBB$ =pparentl', she ha( in(icate( his fre%uent absences in his
Dail' Time Report 0DTR1, thereb' pre#entin& him from recei#in& the allo-ance$
=tt'$ Moises a((e( that respon(ent ha( been the cash cler/ of the Office of the .ler/ of
.ourt from 1BBD to !!1 until his transfer to the Municipal Trial .ourt in .ities 0+ranch
11 of Da&upan in Ma' !!1$ She corroborate( the testimon' of the other complainants
b' sa'in& that his attitu(e -as probabl' (ue to the fact that some of her frien(s at the
RT. 0+ranch 9D1 ha( file( char&es a&ainst his brother, 3u(&e Victor T$ 2lamas, for
immoralit' an( &ra#e miscon(uct$
=tt'$ Moises repeate(l' -arne( respon(ent about his unprofessional attitu(e in no less
than three Memoran(a$ The first Memoran(um calle( his attention to his (rin/in&
sessions (urin& office hours an( his hi&hl' hostile attitu(e$ She -oul( al-a's re%uest a
member of her staff to call him -hene#er he -as (rin/in& outsi(e the 3ustice Hall$
The secon( Memoran(um, (ate( December !!!, calle( the attention of respon(ent to
his tar(iness an( fre%uent absences$ =tt'$ Moises intro(uce( in e#i(ence se#eral
(ocuments sho-in& that (ue to his absences an( tar(iness, he (i( not recei#e his
pro(ucti#it' bonus for t-o 'ears, from 1BBD to 1BBB, his 3D) allo-ance for the last
%uarter of 1BBB, an( his salar' for )ebruar' !!!$ He -as also re%uire( to refun( the
sum of P9,!!! for the month of March !!!$ The pa'roll sho-e( that, for the separate
perio(s 3ul' 1 to 19 an( No#ember 1 to 19, the sums of P7,C"9$B an( PC!1$!7,
respecti#el', -ere (e(ucte( from his salar'$
=tt'$ Moises testifie( further that on No#ember , 1BBB, respon(ent altere( his lea#e
form b' ma/in& it appear that he ha( applie( for a lea#e from No#ember to
December , 1BBB, actuall', his application -as onl' for No#ember 7 an( ", 1BBB$
Epon (isco#erin& the alteration, she issue( forth-ith the thir( Memoran(um (ate(
December C, 1BBB$
Respon(ent (i( not appear (urin& the hearin&, but submitte( his .ounter4=ffi(a#it -ith
Position Paper,
basicall' (en'in& the alle&ations le#ele( a&ainst him$ He asserte( that
he -as a %uiet, humble, har(-or/in& an( cooperati#e emplo'ee, -ho performe( an'
tas/ assi&ne( to him$ He e*plaine( his absences b' sa'in& that he ha( to (ri#e his
brother, 3u(&e 2lamas, to Manila -here the hearin& of the immoralit' case -as bein&
Respon(ent (enie( e#er (rin/in& alcohol (urin& office hours, alle&in& that the char&es
a&ainst him -ere bereft of e#i(ence an( ha( no basis -hatsoe#er$ He also attache( an
=ffi(a#it e*ecute( b' 3ose P$ .abu&ao, one of the complainants$ .abu&ao sai( therein
that he ha( been (ecei#e( into si&nin& the 2etter4.omplaint a&ainst respon(ent$
=lle&e(l', complainants ha( been con#incin& other court emplo'ees to 8oin them in
their effort to (estro' the reputation of 3u(&e 2lamas$
Respon(ent also attache( his letter to .hief 3ustice Hilario :$ Da#i(e 3r$ (ate(
No#ember 1C, 1BBB, re%uestin& that the former be (etaile( to Da&upan .it' because of
the hostile acts of some of herein complainants ? =tt'$ Moises, 5mmanuel 2acan(ola,
Manuel Mar%ue> an( =n&elito Dispo$ Such acts alle&e(l' inclu(e( repeate(l' spittin&
on the (es/ of respon(ent, placin& his chair on top of his (es/ upsi(e (o-n, carr'in&
firearms insi(e the office, ma/in& threatenin& remar/s a&ainst him, starin&
pro#ocati#el', an( slammin& (oors or (es/ (ra-ers -hen he -as aroun($
Respon(ent pointe( out that the pra'er for his (etail or transfer ha( become moot in
#ie- of his transfer to the Metropolitan Trial .ourt of Da&upan .it' an( his subse%uent
resi&nation from the 8u(iciar'$ He a((e(, ;:rantin&, -ithout necessaril' a(mittin& that
FheG is &uilt' of miscon(uct, the ma*imum penalt' imposable -oul( be (ismissal from
ser#ice F-hichG -oul( not be possible for the reason that respon(ent ha( alrea('
resi&ne( from his position$<
E)al*a"!on an+ R'(o,,'n+a"!on o- "&'
O--!(' o- "&' Co*r" A+,!n!"ra"or
The Office of the .ourt =(ministrator 0O.=1 foun( the acts attribute( to respon(ent
supporte( b' substantial e#i(ence$ It opine( that ;FaG cash cler/, bein& a 8u(icial
emplo'ee, is e*pecte( to act -ith pru(ence, restraint, courtes' an( (i&nit'$ De#iation
from these salutar' norms un(eniabl' constitutes miscon(uct pre8u(icial to the best
interest of the ser#ice$<
The O.= as/e( the .ourt to a(opt the recommen(ation of
In#esti&atin& 3u(&e .rispin .$ 2aron that respon(ent be (ismisse( from ser#ice$
T&' Co*r". R*l!n/
Ae a&ree -ith the fin(in&s of the O.=, but mo(if' the penalt'$
A+,!n!"ra"!)' L!a0!l!"#
The acts (escribe( in the .omplaint, the testimon' of complainants, an( the O.=@s
fin(in&s of fact can be lumpe( into the follo-in& cate&oriesH 11 (iscourtes' an(
(isrespect to superiors an( co4emplo'ees, 1 alcohol (rin/in&, (urin& office hours, 71
tar(iness, "1 absenteeism an( 91 falsification of the lea#e form$
The .ourt notes that respon(ent ne#er successfull' (ispute( an' of the fore&oin&
char&es a&ainst him$ His =ns-er containe( mere blan/et (enials an( counterchar&es
a&ainst complainants$ Ahile he (ismisse( the .omplaint b' alle&in& that it -as onl' a
malicious plot to (iscre(it him, the .ourt cannot turn a blin( e'e to the stron& e#i(ence
the' ha#e pile( up a&ainst him$
In her December , 1BBB Memoran(um a((resse( to respon(ent, =tt'$ Moises calle(
his attention to the number of absences he ha( incurre( since 3anuar' 1BBB, totalin&
"C as -ell as to ! instances of his tar(iness$
In another Memoran(um (ate( Ma' 6,
1BBC, she remin(e( him that (rin/in& li%uor (urin& office hours -as consi(ere( an
offense un(er the .i#il Ser#ice 2a-, thus, she (irecte( him to obser#e -or/in& hours
an( official time$
=s re&ar(s the char&e of (run/enness (urin& official time, its #eracit' is (ifficult to
(etermine un(er the circumstances$ Respon(ent attache( to his =ns-er the =ffi(a#its
of (enial e*ecute( b' the canteen4o-ners
in -hose stores he alle&e(l' ha( his
(rin/in& sprees$
Nonetheless, he coul( not e*plain a-a' the (e(uctions in his salar' or his failure to
recei#e his 3D) an( pro(ucti#it' pa', -hich ha( alle&e(l' been cause( b' his fre%uent
absences an( tar(iness$ =s a result of these an( of his loiterin& aroun( the premises of
the Hall of 3ustice e#en (urin& office hours, his co4-or/ers ha( to ta/e o#er an(
perform his (esi&nate( tas/s$ His e*planation that he incurre( his absences -hile
(ri#in& for his brother48u(&e (eser#es short shrift$ =s a public ser#ant, the former o-es
his lo'alt', not to his brother or to an' other famil' member, but, rather, to the institution
of -hich respon(ent is a part an(, ultimatel', to the public he is s-orn to ser#e$
In the thir( Memoran(um (ate( December B, 1BBB, =tt'$ Moises further calle( the
attention of respon(ent to the unauthori>e( alterations or erasures in his lea#e
He -as ne#er able to refute the fore&oin& char&es$ Ho-e#er, his alle&ation that
he applie( for a lea#e (urin& the (ates specifie(, -hen in truth an( in fact he (i( not,
(oes not amount to serious (ishonest'$ He ma(e the alterations to reflect the number
of absences he ha( actuall' incurre(, albeit -ithout the appro#al of his imme(iate
super#isor$ Ne#ertheless, such act constitutes miscon(uct$
Public ser#ice re%uires inte&rit' an( (iscipline$ )or this reason, public ser#ants must
e*hibit at all times the hi&hest sense of honest' an( (e(ication to (ut'$ +' the #er'
nature of their (uties an( responsibilities, the' must faithfull' a(here to, hol( sacre(
an( ren(er in#iolate the constitutional principle that a public office is a public trust, that
all public officers an( emplo'ees must at all times be accountable to the people, ser#e
them -ith utmost responsibilit', inte&rit', lo'alt' an( efficienc'$
Neither (i( respon(ent (en' his brash beha#ior bor(erin& on (iscourtes' an(
(isrespect for =tt'$ Moises$ +' ban&in& (oors an( -in(o-s, slammin& office supplies,
an( starin& at e#er'one -ith belli&erence, he (ispla'e( con(uct unbecomin& a court
emplo'ee, it (e&ra(e( the (i&nit' of the 8u(iciar' an( un(ermine( the people@s faith an(
confi(ence in it$ =t all times, emplo'ees of the 8u(iciar' are e*pecte( to accor( respect
to the person an( the ri&hts of another, e#en a co4emplo'ee$ Their e#er' act an( -or(
shoul( be characteri>e( b' pru(ence, restraint, courtes' an( (i&nit'$ :o#ernment
ser#ice is people4oriente(, hi&h4strun& an( belli&erent beha#ior has no place therein$
Ru(e an( hostile beha#ior often translates a personal conflict into a potent pollutant of
an other-ise peaceful -or/ en#ironment, ultimatel', it affects the %ualit' of ser#ice that
the office ren(ers to the public$ 2ettin& personal hatre( affect public performance is a
#iolation of the principle enshrine( in the .o(e of .on(uct an( 5thical Stan(ar(s for
Public Officials an( 5mplo'ees, a principle that (eman(s that public interest be uphel(
o#er personal ones$
Improper beha#ior especiall' (urin& office hours e*hibits not onl' a paucit' of
professionalism at the -or/place, but also &reat (isrespect for the court itself$ Such
(emeanor is a failure of circumspection (eman(e( of e#er' public official an(
Thus, the .ourt loo/s ;-ith &reat (isfa#or upon an' (ispla' of animosit' b'
an' court emplo'ee<
an( e*horts e#er' court personnel to act -ith strict propriet' an(
proper (ecorum to earn public trust for the 8u(iciar'$ .ollea&ues in the 8u(iciar',
inclu(in& those occup'in& the lo-liest position, are entitle( to basic courtes' an(
In (ischar&in& its constitutional (ut' of super#isin& lo-er courts an( their personnel,
this .ourt cannot i&nore the fact that the 8u(iciar' is compose( essentiall' of human
bein&s -ho ha#e (ifferin& personalities, outloo/s an( attitu(es, an( -ho are naturall'
#ulnerable to human -ea/nesses$
Ne#ertheless, the .o(e of 3u(icial 5thics
man(ates that court personnel must not onl' be, but also be percei#e( to be, free from
an' impropriet' ? -ith respect not onl' to their (uties in the 8u(icial branch, but also to
their beha#ior an'-here else$

Sufficientl' pro#en -ere the follo-in& char&esH 11 fre%uent unauthori>e( absences,

loafin& or fre%uent unauthori>e( absences from (ut' (urin& re&ular office hours an( 1
&ross (iscourtes' in the course of official (uties$ En(er .i#il Ser#ice Rules an(
Re&ulations, the first carries -ith it, upon its first commission, the minimum penalt' of
suspension for si* months an( one (a', the secon(, the minimum penalt' of
suspension for one month an( one (a'$
That respon(ent consi(ers himself resi&ne( from the ser#ice is of no conse%uence to
the char&es a&ainst him$ The 8uris(iction of the .ourt -as ac%uire( at the time of the
filin& of the .omplaint, it -as not lost b' the resi&nation of respon(ent from his office
(urin& the pen(enc' of the case$
In our Resolution (ate( 3ul' 1", !!7, -e hel( thusH
;.onsi(erin& the .ourt =(ministrator@s Memoran(um (ate( 3une 1C, !!7, on the letter
of respon(ent statin& that he ha( alrea(' resi&ne( as .ash .ler/ II in the Office of the
.ler/ of .ourt, Re&ional Trial .ourt, San .arlos .it', Pan&asinan 0(etaile( in Municipal
Trial .ourt in .ities, Da&upan .it', +ranch I1 effecti#e September 7!, !! an(
in%uirin& amon& others, -hether the instant a(ministrati#e case shoul( still be
in#esti&ate(, reportin& as follo-sH
;Section 1, Rule III of the Omnibus Rules on =ppointments an( other Personnel
=ctions 0.S. M$.$ No$ "!, s$ 1BBC1 pro#i(esH
;=n officer or emplo'ee un(er in#esti&ation ma' be allo-e( to resi&n pen(in& (ecision
of his case -ithout pre8u(ice to the continuation of the procee(in&s until finall'
;)inall', -hile in(ee( respon(ent ten(ere( his resi&nation on September 7!, !!,
#erification from the =(ministrati#e Ser#ice, Office of the .ourt =(ministrator, in(icates
that the resi&nation of Mr$ 2lamas has not been accepte( or acte( upon$<
Since respon(ent has not been reportin& for -or/ an( consi(ers himself resi&ne( from
the ser#ice, the penalt' of suspension is no lon&er #iable$ Thus, in lieu of suspension,
the penalt' of fine e%ui#alent to his salar' for a perio( of si* months ma' be
This rulin& is in line -ith Section 1B of the Omnibus Rules Implementin&
+oo/ V of 5*ecuti#e Or(er No$ B, -hich pro#i(esH
;The penalt' of transfer, or (emotion, or fine ma' be impose( instea( of suspension
from one month an( one (a' to one 'ear e*cept in case of fine -hich shall not e*cee(
si* months$<
1HEREFORE, Oscar T$ 2lamas is foun( GUILTY of fre%uent unauthori>e( absences,
loafin& or fre%uent unauthori>e( absences from (ut' (urin& re&ular office hours, an(
&ross (iscourtes' in the performance of official (uties, for -hich he is
hereb' OR!R! to P=J a fine e%ui#alent to his salar' for si* 061 months$ This sum
ma' be ta/en from -hate#er sums ma' be (ue him as retirement, lea#es or other

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