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Mud logging is the creation of a detailed record (well log) of a borehole by examining the

cuttings of rock or brought to the surface by the circulating drilling medium (most
commonly mud). Mud logging is usually performed by a third-party mud logging company.
This provides well owners and producers with information about the lithology and fluid
content of the borehole while drilling. Historically it is the earliest type of well log. Under
some circumstances compressed air is employed as a circulating fluid, rather than mud.
Although most commonly used in petroleum exploration, mud logging is also sometimes
used when drilling water wells and in other mineral exploration, where drilling fluid is the
circulating medium used to lift cuttings out of the hole. In hydrocarbon exploration,
hydrocarbon surface gas detectors record the level of natural gas brought up in the mud. A
mobile laboratory is situated by the mud logging company near the drilling rig or on deck
of an offshore drilling rig, or on a drill ship.
1 The service provided
2 Scope
3 Details of the mud log
4 See also
5 References
6 Further reading
7 External links
The service provided
Mud logging technicians in an oil field drilling operation determine positions of
hydrocarbons with respect to depth, identify downhole lithology, monitor natural gas
entering the drilling mud stream, and draw well logs for use by oil company geologist.
Rock cuttings circulated to the surface in drilling mud are sampled and analyzed.
The mud logging company is normally contracted by the oil company (or operator). They
then organize this information in the form of a graphic log, showing the data charted on a
representation of the wellbore.[1]

Well-site geologist mudlogging
The oil company representative (Company Man or "CoMan") together with the tool pusher,
and well-site geologist (WSG) provides mud loggers their instruction. The mud logging
company is contracted specifically as to when to start well-logging activity and what
services to provide. Mud logging may begin on the first day of drilling, known as the "spud
in" date but is more likely at some later time (and depth) determined by the oil industry
geologist's research. The mud logger may also possess logs from wells drilled in the
surrounding area. This information (known as "offset data") can provide valuable clues as
to the characteristics of the particular geo-strata that the rig crew is about to drill through.
Mud loggers connect various sensors to the drilling apparatus and install specialized
equipment to monitor or "log" drill activity. This can be physically and mentally
challenging, especially when having to be done during drilling activity. Much of the
equipment will require precise calibration or alignment by the mud logger to provide
accurate readings.
Mud logging technicians observe and interpret the indicators in the mud returns during the
drilling process, and at regular intervals log properties such as drilling rate, mud weight,
flowline temperature, oil indicators, pump pressure, pump rate, lithology (rock type) of the
drilled cuttings, and other data. Mud logging requires a good deal of diligence and
attention. Sampling the drilled cuttings must be performed at predetermined intervals, and
can be difficult during rapid drilling.
Another important task of the mud logger is to monitor gas levels (and types) and notify
other personnel on the rig when gas levels may be reaching dangerous levels, so
appropriate steps can be taken to avoid a dangerous well blowout condition. Because of the
lag time between drilling and the time required for the mud and cuttings to return to the
surface, a modern augmentation has come into use: Measurement while drilling. The MWD
technician, often a separate service company employee, logs data in a similar manner but
the data is different in source and content. Most of the data logged by an MWD technician
comes from expensive and complex, sometimes electronic, tools that are downhole
installed at or near the drill bit.

1" (5 foot average) mud log showing heavy (hydrocarbons) within the green line, in the
sand (large area of yellow)
Mud logging includes observation and microscopic examination of drill cuttings (formation
rock chips), and evaluation of gas hydrocarbon and its constituents, basic chemical and
mechanical parameters of drilling fluid or drilling mud (such as chlorides and temperature),
as well as compiling other information about the drilling parameters. Then data is plotted
on a graphic log called a mud log. Example1, Example2.
Other real-time drilling parameters that may be compiled include, but are not limited to;
rate of penetration (ROP) of the bit (sometimes called the drill rate), pump rate (quantity of
fluid being pumped), pump pressure, weight on bit, drill string weight, rotary speed, rotary
torque, RPM (Revolutions Per Minute), SPM (Strokes Per Minute) mud volumes, mud
weight and mud viscosity. This information is usually obtained by attaching monitoring
devices to the drilling rig's equipment with a few exceptions such as the mud weight and
mud viscosity which are measured by the derrickhand or the mud engineer.
Rate of drilling is affected by the pressure of the column of mud in the borehole and its
relative counterbalance to the internal pore pressures of the encountered rock. A rock
pressure greater than the mud fluid will tend to cause rock fragments to spall as it is cut and
can increase the drilling rate. "D-exponents" are mathematical trend lines which estimate
this internal pressure. Thus both visual evidence of spalling and mathematical plotting
assist in formulating recommendations for optimum drilling mud densities for both safety
(blowout prevention) and economics. (Faster drilling is generally preferred.)

1" (every foot) mud log showing corrected d-Exponent trending into pressure above the
Mud logging is often written as a single word "mudlogging". The finished product can be
called a "mud log" or "mudlog". The occupational description is "mud logger" or
"mudlogger". In most cases, the two word usage seems to be more common. The mud log
provides a reliable time log of drilled formations.

Details of the mud log
The rate of penetration in (Figure 1 & 2) is represented by the black line on the left
side of the log. The farther to the left that the line goes, the faster the rate of
penetration. On this mud log, ROP is measured in feet per hour but on some older,
hand drawn mud logs, it is measured in minutes per foot.
The porosity in (Figure 1) is represented by the blue line farthest to the left of the
log. It indicates the pore space within the rock structure. An analogy would be the
holes in a sponge. The oil and gas resides within this pore space. Notice how far to
the left the porosity goes where all the sand (in yellow) is. This indicates that the
sand has good porosity. Porosity is not a direct or physical measurement of the pore
space but rather an extrapolation from other drilling parameters and therefore not
always reliable.

(Figure 3)
Sample of drill cuttings of shale while drilling an oil well in Louisiana. For reference, the
sand grain and red shale are approximately 2 mm. in dia.
The lithology in (Figure 1 & 2) is represented by the cyan, gray/black and yellow
blocks of color. Cyan = lime, gray/black = shale and yellow = sand. More yellow
represents more sand identified at that depth. The lithology is measured as
percentage of the total sample, as visually inspected under a microscope, normally
at 10x magnification (Figure 3). These are but a fraction of the different types of
formations that might be encountered. (Color coding is not necessarily standardized
among different mud logging companies, though the symbol representation for each
are very similar.) In (Figure 3) you can see a sample of cuttings under a microscope
at 10x magnification after they have been washed off. Some of the larger shale and
lime fragments are separated from this sample by running it through sieves and
must be considered when estimating percentages. Also, this image view is only a
fragment of the total sample and some of the sand at the bottom of the tray can not
be seen and must also be considered in the total estimation. With that in mind this
sample would be considered to be about 90% shale, 5% sand and 5% lime (In 5%
The gas in (Figure 1 & 2) is represented by the green line and is measured in units
of ppm (parts per million) as the quantity of total gas, but does not represent the
actual quantity of oil or gas the reservoir contains. In (Figure 1) the squared-off
dash-dot lines just to the right of the sand (in yellow) and left of the gas (in green)
represents the heavier hydrocarbons detected. Cyan = C
(ethane), purple = C

(propane) and blue = C
(butane). Detecting and analyzing these heavy gases help to
determine the type of oil or gas the formation contains.
Qu es Mud Logging?

Si se busca en los manuales, estos nos dirn que es una parte
integral de los procesos que van desde la definicin inicial de un potencial
yacimiento hasta la produccin optimizada del petrleo o gas del mismo. Tambin
dirn que tiene lugar durante la fase de perforacin y a menudo dura hasta la fase
temprana de produccin. En esta definicin posiblemente aadan que su ejecucin
aade valor a estos procesos mediante la captura de importante informacin del
yacimiento que podra perderse de no llevarse a cabo. Esta informacin de la que
hablamos tiene su origen principalmente en los ripios o muestras perforadas
(cuttings), en el gas liberado de las formaciones geolgicas atravesadas durante la
perforacin y en varios parmetros fsicos medidos durante estas operaciones.

En otras palabras es un servicio (uno ms de los muchos que hay como se puede
ver en la imagen) que es contratado por las compaas petroleras durante las
distintas operaciones que se llevan a cabo para la posible explotacin de un depsito
de hidrocarburos. Pero...

Para qu contratar este servicio?

Las razones principales por las que las compaas petroleras (que no petrolferas)
como Repsol o Cepsa se gastan una buena cantidad de sus beneficios en incluir este
servicio dentro de las operaciones de perforacin son que adems de incrementar
la seguridad durante las mismas, mejora la eficiencia y permite una evaluacin
fiable de las formaciones perforadas permitiendo a su vez una adquisicin
continua de datos en tiempo real. Si traducimos esto al idioma de la calle, las
compaias invierten un poco con el fin de obtener unos mejores resultados tanto en
lo referente a la seguridad como en la ejecucin de las distintas operaciones, o lo
que es lo mismo, unos mayores beneficios. Pero...

Cmo se estructura este servicio?

Simplificacin de la informacin obtenida.
Para hacernos una idea bastante simplificada, imaginemos que en un primer lugar
tenemos toda la recoleccin de datos, de la que se obtienen cientos de parmetros de
perforacin gracias a multitud de sensores instalados por todo el rig. Sumado a
todos estos parmetros tenemos la deteccin y anlisis de gases junto con las
muestras de perforacin (cutting samples). Una vez que tenemos todos estos datos
adquiridos, a continuacin tenemos que procesarlos para su posterior anlisis e
interpretacin. Todo esto quedar almacenado en una enorme base de datos y
finalmente se reflejar en diferentes informes y grficos segn los requerimientos de
cada cliente.

Creo que los valientes que habis llegado hasta aqu ya tenis un poco ms claro en
que consiste el mud logging a travs de estas definiciones ms o menos simples
pero al fin y al cabo os seguiris preguntando...

Que hace un mud logger?

Cuando se intenta definir un
yacimiento, el mud logging juega un papel fundamental en la descripcin de la
naturaleza geologca de las distintas formaciones a travs de distintos anlisis de
laboratorio. Tambin es muy importante el rol que ocupa este servicio dentro del
control en la seguridad en el pozo (well control) basndose en los parmetros
analizados y en los anlisis e interpretacin de datos (gas, presin, hidrulica....)
Todo ello con el objetivo primario de asistir con eficacia y eficiencia en la ejecucin
de pozos de exploracin, desarrollo y explotacin de hidrocarburos.

Los mud loggers ayudamos a asegurar esta eficiencia proporcionando a la compaa
cliente con un registro detallado y analtico de la geologa de las formaciones
perforadas, de las muestras de gas o petrleo, de los parmetros de perforacin, y de
cualquier problema relacionado durante la ejecucin de las distintas operaciones.
Este trabajo lo realizamos con la ayuda de los Sample Catchers (SC) y bajo la
supervisin directa de los Data Engineers (DE). Pero vayamos punto por punto...
En lo referente a la geologa:

Dentro de estos anlisis geolgicos, mi trabajo comienza en recolectar (o supervisar
la recoleccin de las muestras si tenemos SC) en el correcto lapso de profundidades
(lag depth) y en los intervalos adecuados. Adems los mud loggers nos encargamos
de preparar los diferentes sets de muestras segn los requerimientos del cliente para
su posterior anlisis en distintos laboratorios. Estos sets pueden contener muestras
lavadas, sin lavar, secadas al horno, geoqumicas, de gas... En algunas ocasiones
tambin ayudamos en la recuperacin y descripcin de testigos y en las operaciones
de test del pozo si as se requiere.

Tambin nos encargamos de examinar y describir usando microscopio y otras
tcnicas de anlisis estos cutting samples, evaluando la posible presencia en las
mismas de hidrocarburos. A partir de estos anlisis debemos definir la columna
estratigrfica, y representarla de manera adecuada y comprensible en un registro
grfico, denominado masterlog.

Tambin tenemos que proveer a todas las partes interesadas con informes basados
en los datos geolgicos, notificando al personal adecuado (Company Man, Driller,
Well Site Geologist...) sobre cualquier problema que observemos o al que nos
anticipemos relacionado con la geologa.

En lo referente al Well Control:

En este apartado se recogen todas las tareas relacionadas con el monitoreo y control
de los distintos parmetros que pueden afectar a la seguridad durante las
operaciones de perforacin de un yacimiento. Para las mismas nos sustentamos en
la fiabilidad de los sensores y equipos distribuidos por el rig y de los que somos
responsables de su instalacin, calibrado, mantenimiento y reparacin en el caso de
ser necesaria. Gracias a ellos podemos obtener un elevado nmero de parmetros
fsicos cuyo anlisis e interpretacin nos permiten tener una visin global y en
tiempo real de cualquier operacin que se este llevando a cabo.

Alguno de los parmetros...
Nos encargamos de controlar muy de cerca los niveles de gas, el lag time, y los
parmetros de perforacin, en especial el ROP (radio de perforacin), el WOB &
WOH (Weight on bit y weight on hook), las RPM, es decir las revoluciones a las
que gira el drill string (sarta de perforacin), parmetros relativos a las presiones
(SPP, WHP, CUP...), parmetros relacionados con el bombeo y las condiciones del
fluido de perforacin...

Una de nuestras principales funciones es llevar a cabo un control exhaustivo en el
comportamiento hidrulico del sistema de circulacin del pozo, monitoreando
(ver fotos abajo) los cambios en los niveles de los distintos mud pits (tanques de
fluido de perforacin) en relacin con las distintas operaciones que se estn
llevando a cabo en cada momento (Drill Ahead, POOH, RIH, Wiper trips...).

Adems de entregar todos los informes y registros concernientes a los parmetros de
perforacin que el cliente requiera, nuestro trabajo consiste en detectar cualquier
comportamiento anormal en dichos parmetros y determinar la naturaleza e
importancia de un determinado evento (kick, presiones anormales, perdidas o
ganancias en el sistema activo de circulacin...) y dar la voz de alarma al equipo de
perforacin y a los supervisores...


Como habis podido observar un Mud Logger, aunque se suele traducir por analista
de lodos, no analiza lodos stricto sensu (o al menos no analiza la composicin de
los mismos). El nombre tiene su origen en que este mud o lodo juega un papel
fundamental en las operaciones de perforacin y muchos de los datos que
analizamos y parmetros que registramos (logging) estn relacionados
estrechamente con dicho fluido de perforacin.

Como ya adverta al principio, muchos de los aspectos que he tratado en esta
entrada, bien merecen un anlisis detallado y en profundidad pero no voy a
extenderme ms all de este prrafo final. An as tengo la esperanza de que ahora
entendis tan solo un poco mejor en que consiste el trabajo, mi trabajo, de Mud

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