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The Geronimo Monument


This stone monument on U.S. Highway 80 in south- Travelers passing the lonely pillar with its legend,
eastern Arizona 10 miles from the New Mexico border, can hardly be expected to comprehend the difference
commemorates the end of all Indian warfare in the between the present peace of the region and what early
United States. A few miles east, in Skeleton Canyon, settlers tell of life with the Apaches apt to appear from
any clump of brush or hidden canyon mouth.
the Apache Geronimo surrendered to U.S. Army troops
on September 5, 1880. He and his followers were sent If it meant peace to the white man, the surrender
spelled to the Indian the cancelling of a 400 year oath
to Fort Pickens, Florida, for two years before being to keep his foes from the desert land with its rolling
allowed to join their families in Alabama. Geronimo hills and valleys, its mountains and freedom.
himself was later moved to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where
Old stone metates are imbedded in the monument
he remained for the rest of his life. shaft.

April 29-May 19—23rd Annual Jun-
ior Indian Art Show, Museum of
Northern Arizona, Flagstaff.
May 1—Annual Reunion and Picnic
of the Buckeye and West Gila
Valley Old Settlers Union, at
Buckeye, Arizona.
May 1 — Fiesta and Spring Corn
Dance, San Felipe Pueblo, New
May 1-4—Las Damas Trek, Wicken-
burg, Arizona.
May 3—Santa Cruz Corn Dance and
Ceremonial Races, Taos, N. M.
May 3-4 — Annual Regional Music Volume 20 MAY, 1957 Number 5
Festival, Tucson.
May 3-5—Cinco De Mayo Celebra-
tions (Mexican Independence Day) COVER Blossom of prickly pear cactus.
at Nogales and Gilbert, Arizona, By HARRY VROMAN
and other border towns. HISTORY
May 4-5—Saugus, California, Annual The Geronimo Monument
May 4-5—Desert Panorama Exhibits, CALENDAR
China Lake, California. May events on the desert 3
May 4-5, 11-12—30th presentation of PIONEERING
Pioneer Ranchers on the Yampa
the Ramona Pageant, Hemet, Calif.
May 5 — Colorado River Regatta, By NELL MURBARGER 4
Parker, Arizona. WILDFLOWERS Flowering Predictions for May 6
May 5—Blythe, California, Women's GARDENING Decorative Desert Hedges
Riding Club Stampede and Rodeo.
May 10 — Golden Spike Ceremony, By JESSIE CALLAN KENNEDY 9
Promontory, Utah. Plants that Thrive in Saline Soils
May 10-11 — Eastern New Mexico By EDMUND C. JAEGER 11
University Rodeo, Portales. CONTEST 12
May 10-12 — Lone Pine, California, Picture-of-the-Month Contest announcement . .
Stampede. PERSONALITIES They Harvest Desert Glass
May 11-12—Santa Barbara and Riv- By JANE ATWATER 14
erside Chapters of the Sierra Club CLOSE-UPS About those who write for Desert 16
joint trip to Joshua Tree National LOST MINE
Monument, California. Camp at Lost Silver in the Trigos
Hidden Valley. By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 17
May 11-26—31st Annual Wildflower POETRY
Yucca, and other poems 22
Show, Julian, California. PHOTOGRAPHY Pictures of the Month 23
May 12 — Desert Protective Council
meets at Lolomi Lodge, San Ja- EXPERIENCE How the Sun and a Tortoise Saved Little Denny's
cinto Mtns. Life, by HELENA RIDGWAY STONE . . . 24
May 12—Palo Verde Festival, Tucson. RECREATION
May 12-13—Industrial Days, Hender- Mountains Are for Everyone
son, Nevada. 25
May 14-15 — San Ysidro Procession By LOUISE WERNER
and Blessing of Fields, Taos, New Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley
Mexico. LETTERS 26
May 15-26—Spring Landscape Show,
Comment from Desert's readers
Tucson. A test of your desert knowledge
May 17-19—23rd Annual Elks Hell- FORECAST 28
dorado and Rodeo, Las Vegas, Ne-
Southwest river runoff predictions
vada. From here and there on the desert
May 18-19—Grubstake Days, Yucca MINING 32
Valley, California.
Current news of desert mines
May 18-19—Tucson Festival Events: Latest developments in the industry
Children's Parade on 18th; Fiesta HOBBY 35
de la Placita on 19th.
Gems and Minerals
JEWELRY "Solar Wrought" Jewelry from an Inexpensive
May 22-25 — Cotton Carnival, Cal-
exico, California. 35
Sun-Powered Kiln, by D. S. HALACY, JR. . .
May 22-26—Junior Chamber Circus, LAPIDARY 40
Lancaster, California. Amateur Gem Cutter, by DR. H. C. DAKE . . .
May 25-26—Fiesta de San Felipe de Reviews of Southwestern Literature
Neri, Albuquerque. COMMENT 42
May 26—Horse Show, Sonoita, Ariz. Just Between You and Me, by the Editor . . .
May 26—Pictograph Tour of White The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert,
Oaks — Three Rivers area, from California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948, at the postoffice at Palm Desert,
Alamogordo, New Mexico. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office,
May 27—Homecoming Day, Caliente, and contents copyrighted 1957 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
must be secured from the editor in writing.
May 27-June 21—Historic Map Ex- RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor EUGENE L. CONROTTO, Associate Editor
hibit, Museum of Northern Ari- BESS STACY, Business Manager EVONNE RIDDELL, Circulation Manager
zona, Flagstaff. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for
May 29-31, June 1 — Elks Rodeo, damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub-
Carlsbad, New Mexico. scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue.
May 31—Spring Jamboree, Valley of SUBSCRIPTION RATBS
the Sun Square Dance Festival, One Year $4.00 Two Years $7.00
Phoenix. Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra
May 31, June 1-2—2nd Annual Kids Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
Rodeo, Alamogordo, New Mexico. P. O. D. Order No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California

MAY, 1957
and how long they've been on the river
. . . and why."
Pioneer Rangers That was the reason I had driven to
the Mantle ranch—but it wasn't the

on the Yampa... reason why I took three days to cover

an assignment any good reporter could
have filled in a few hours. I stayed
three days because I liked the place—
and the Mantles! The moment I
stepped inside their home, it seemed
to enfold me, like a charitable mother
hen accepting a stray chick; and by
Life in the canyon country where the Green and Yampa rivers supper time that first evening, I was
meet near the Utah-Colorado border still is fraught with pioneer incon- a member of the family.
veniences, but here Charlie and Evelyn Mantle have made their home. For Charlie and Evelyn Mantle,
Their only access to the outside world is a jeep trail that took them 11 pioneering did not end with the ox-
years to build. But the Mantles live their full rich lives in an incom- team and Conestoga wagon. In this
parable canyon setting—and feel they are more fortunate than folks high tumbled - upside - down merging
who have to live in the more crowded places in the world beyond place of Utah, Colorado and Wyom-
their peaceful ranch. - > , ing, frontier conditions prevailed well
into the present century, and even to-
By NELL MURBARGER day, if judged by American standards,
Photographs by thes author the few folks living in this remote land
Map by Norton Allen still are pioneering in the truest sense
of that word.
FTER WANDERING for more' hop and grape vines tumbled over the Hearty plain-spoken Charlie Mantle
than 40 miles through dry log walls; and a dozen varieties of sees nothing glamorous about being a
broken hills and over wind- green vegetables grew in a well-tended pioneer, because he has never known
swept ridges, the little desert road garden. any other life save that prescribed by
scrambled down the side of a rock- A friendly black-and-white dog came the hard demanding world of the fron-
rimmed canyon to the green-and- wagging forth to meet me, and the tier. Born in the Yampa country,
golden cottonwoods on its floor. Stray- kitchen door eased open to frame the Charlie's earliest recollections are of
ing on through a crooked pole gate, slender figure of a woman. From the riding after cattle in the notorious
the sandy wheel tracks skirted an old questioning look on her face, I guessed Brown's Hole—a region then so far
fruit orchard and a thin crescent of that the truck-jeep trail to the Mantle removed from courts and organized
meadow hemmed on its far edge by ranch doesn't often deliver there lone law that it was still a haven for the
the brown waters of a sullen river; women strangers in old sedans; but fugitive renegades of three states.
and in the yard of a small log house after a brief moment, of hesitation, One day, while he was working as
the trail drew up and stopped. Evelyn Mantle smiled warmly and ex- a buckefoo, Charlie came upon a strip
Even in this tall wide world of sky- tended a firm tanned hand—and, all of bottom land a dozen miles west of
raking cliffs and color, it was the little of a sudden, I knew what sort of Brown's Hole, in what was known as
brown house that caught and held my folks lived in the little log house at "the Pat's Hole country." He figured
attention. It was the first house I had the end of the road! this land was just about what he
seen since leaving Jensen, Utah, 50 I h a d learned of the Mantles from wanted, and soon as he was financially
miles earlier. I was curious to learn Randall Henderson, editor of Desert able, he bought it from an old man
what sort of folks I would find in this Magazine. While making a boat trip who had claimed it under squatter's
far corner of Creation where Hell's down the Yampa river, he and his right. In. 1919 Charlie - began the la-
Canyon spills into the Yampa. Her- party halted briefly at the Mantle borious process of converting the raw
mits, one might suppose; yet, this ranch, and on his return he asked me acreage into a ranch. Seven years later
wasn't my idea of a hermit's home. It to get a story of the Mantles when he took another important step—one
was neat as a doll's house! Old-fash- next I was in their part of the country. that he readily admits was the wisest
ioned white roses and red poppies "I'd like to know who they are," in his life. >,
were blooming in the yard; bowers of he said, "and where they came from, He married Evelyn.

The marriage was disapproved by
both families. Life on a cattle ranch,
50 miles from the nearest town and
accessible only by pack-animals, is
scarcely the preferred setting for a 19-
year-old bride from New York who
hadn't set foot in the West until five
years before, and who knew almost
nothing of pioneering. But if love
laughs at locksmiths, there's no reason
why it can't chuckle at isolation, priva-
tion and hardship.
When Charlie Mantle and his teen-
age bride traveled home to his cabin
on the Yampa in 1926, it was over a
road distressingly bad all the way from
Vernal, Utah. But, barring broken
springs, broken axles, ripped-open tires,
washouts, landslides and other devel-
opments, it could be negotiated to a
point 11 miles from the Mantle ranch
—and there it ended! Beyond lay the
Land of the Pack-horse, without roads
of any sort or description—not even
rutted wheel tracks traversible by a
team of mules and a wagon!
While the use of pack animals for
a brief camping trip can be an enjoy-
able experience, such transportation as
a steady diet is both laborious and

The M


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MAY, 1957
time-consuming, and soon the Mantles of garden and orchard, canning fruit Throughout that entire period, from
realized that they would need a road and vegetables. But whenever came 1926 to 1937, the Mantles had been
into the ranch. Because such a road a day or week when other work was completely dependent on pack horses
would afford little benefit to anyone not too pressing, Charlie and Evelyn for every pound of goods brought in
but themselves, they couldn't expect worked on the road—blasting, moving from the outside—food, farm machin-
the state or county to assist with its rock, building retaining walls and ery, seed, medicine, kerosene, mail —
building; and since they were not in making fills. everything.
a position to hire help, the only solu- Time passed. Winters merged into "Our lives were completely geared
tion was for Charlie and Evelyn to do summers. A succession of Mantle to horses, 24 hours a day, and in all
the work themselves. babies came to be laid on their blankets those 11 years I can't remember riding
At first Evelyn did not think it to sleep in the shade of sagebrush a horse when I wasn't carrying a baby,
would take too long to do the job— while Charlie and Evelyn toiled at their or riding one or two babies on the
perhaps a few months, she guessed. self-assigned task. The "few months' saddle in front of me!" laughed Evelyn.
Other time-demanding tasks, however, work" stretched into an incredible "You don't do much trotting or gallop-
seemed always to crowd in — riding number of months—and before the ing when you're riding double, and
after cattle, branding calves, shoeing Mantle ranch road was in condition even today, when Charlie brings home
horses, repairing fences, building sheds, for the first wheeled vehicle to roll a new saddle animal, the first thing
cutting wood for winter, taking care over it, 11 years had passed! I ask is 'Can it walk?' "
When I asked Evelyn Mantle how

Colorful May Wildflower Displays she got to a doctor when her babies
were born, she looked at Charlie and
they both laughed.

Predicted fot High Desert Areas "Doctor?" remarked Charlie dryly.

"What's a doctor?"
"About a month ahead of time,
Focus on the 1957 wildflower sea- Joshua forests and hillside slopes of Charlie would begin urging me to go
son shifts to the high desert areas in the valley. to town so my baby could be born at
May as Desert Magazine correspond- Most of the wildflower blossoms on the hospital, but there was always so
ents make their final report on what the Colorado desert have passed their much to be done at the ranch I'd post-
has been a better-than-average year for peak. Dalton Merkel, district natural- pone the trip from day to day. Finally,
blossoms. ist at Borrego State Park, does not be- when I knew I didn't dare wait any
Lucile Weight says the Yucca Val- lieve many blossoms will be left by longer, I'd start for Vernal—on horse-
ley, Joshua Tree and Twentynine May, although indigo-bush, catalpa back. For some reason," Evelyn
Palms areas probably will see many of and agave may be flowering then. grinned, "the babies always arrived
the native shrubs such as cassia and before I did."
It is doubtful that the Coachella
indigo-bush, blooming in late April Valley's blossoms will last into May. The Mantles' four boys and a girl
and May. The Joshua trees, in their Severe sandstorms in early April dam- —all healthy, handsome youngsters—
greatest blooming display in years, aged many of the flowers then bloom- received their elementary education in
and Mojave yuccas should still be ing. a one-room log schoolhouse a pebble's
showy during the month. Smoke tree toss from the one-room log cabin
and chilopsis will bloom later, prob- M. B. Ingham, Jr., naturalist at where the Mantles lived during their
ably in June. East of Twentynine Death Valley reports a poor wildflower first 15 years on the ranch. Prior to
Palms, desert lilies may show bloom by display for the monument. What World War II, the school was supplied
late April along with other annuals. flowers there will be during May will each term with a teacher sent in from
be found above 1500 feet. outside, but with the war-bred teacher
Bruce W. Black, park naturalist at
Joshua Tree National Monument, pre- From Lake Mead National Recrea- shortage, isolated districts such as this
dicts a good May display, although tion Area, Naturalist Philip Welles were left unstaffed. Legally, Evelyn
dry winds in early April may have also has a discouraging report. Creo- was not qualified to teach in Colorado,
taken their toll of the flowers. Mari- sote, encelia, mallow and a few other but in view of the national emergency
gold, desert plume, desert dandelion flowers still were in bloom in early she was permitted to conduct classes
and other flowers will be conspicuous April. for their three youngest children—the
in the Pinto Basin. Encouraging news comes from the older two, by that time, being away
From Daggett, California, Mary Organ Pipe Cactus National Monu- at high school. After completing their
Beal reports that some areas of the ment near Ajo, Arizona. Chief Ranger first eight grades in the little log school
Central Mojave Desert already are John T. Mullady says generous rains house, all of the Mantle children at-
showing a profusion of bloom—the have brought up patches of small an- tended Wasatch Academy, a Presby-
Lockhart Ranch drive north of High- nuals throughout the area which were terian Mission boarding school at
way 466 (desert dandelion, marigold, expected to come into bloom in mid- Mount Pleasant, Utah, and from there
gold-field, coreopsis, evening primrose, April. He predicts at least a moderate went on to college. The youngest
blue and purple lupines, gilia and ver- display, with good chances for an ex- Mantle boy qualified for college entry
bena); the Black Rock Canyon area; cellent one. James N. Clancy of Casa at the age of 16.
and Bear Valley road. She believes Grande National Monument is expect- Although the isolation of the Mantle
some areas along highways 66 and 91 ing a good showing of wildflowers in ranch was improved by completion of
will come into bloom late in April. the Coolidge, Arizona, area. their access road, it is traversible only
In the Fairmont district of the Ante- From Tucson, Robert J. Heying, in summer months — the 8000-foot
lope Valley, Jane S. Pinheiro says mil- acting superintendent of Saguaro Na- plateau between the Yampa and U.S.
lions of golden poppy plants are show- tional Monument, says the desert there Highway 40 being buried deeply under
ing. Good displays also are expected is in good condition with some scat- snow generally from December to May.
along the Johnson Hill and Willow tered areas having fine stands of pop- Consequently the Mantles have no
Springs roads west of Lancaster. Many pies, bladder-pod, lupine, mallow, brit- regular means of receiving or dis-
larkspur and mariposa are up in the tle bush and many other annuals. patching mail during this five-month

period of winter isolation, and any
commodities not procured before the
passes close are done without until
the following summer. The actual
danger involved by such isolation,
however, has been greatly alleviated
by the recent construction of an air-
strip on the rim of the canyon, and
by installation of a two-way radio. In
case of a serious emergency, it now
will be possible for them to radio for
help and a plane dispatched from the
nearest point available.
"Sometimes, during the winter, one
of our flyer friends picks up our mail
at the postoffice, flies out here, and
drops it to us by parachute," explained
When I asked what they would have
done during those years when they
were so completely isolated, if one of
them had been taken seriously ill or
had been severely injured, Evelyn Man-
tle considered my question thought-
fully — almost as if it were the first
time the matter had occurred to her.
"I'm not quite certain," she said at
last, "—but I'm sure we would have
done the best we knew how!"
The Mantles do most of their trad-
ing at Craig, Colorado, 100 miles to
the east, with a quarter of that
distance over the sort of road one
might encounter in a bad dream. Their
nearest postoffice is at Artesia, Colo-
rado, 50 miles away. In view of these
circumstances, the Mantle ranch is
still not plagued by modern civiliza-
tion, nor overrun by tourists. Except
for an occasional jeep-borne prospec-
tor or archeologist, about the only
strangers who come to the ranch are
river runners.
Yampa Canyon at Castle Park, site oj the Mantle Ranch.
Each year, as long as water in the
Yampa is high enough to navigate,
dozens of outfits run the river from A knock at the kitchen door inter- had been perking on the back of the
Lily Park to Echo Park or Split Moun- rupted our conversation. stove, and put two more pots on to
tain; and since the Mantles have the It was one of the wettest men I brew, after which she turned her at-
only ranch on the river for a distance have ever seen! He and eight other tention to the injured man. He was
of 70 miles, many of the river parties officials of the Colorado State Fish and suffering from shock and weak from
break their journey at this point. To Game department were surveying wild- loss of blood—and since a plane could
accommodate these adventurers, the life along the river when they were not land before daylight Gil Hunter,
Mantles have equipped an attractive bucked out of their rubber life rafts leader of the party, thought it advis-
free campground in a grove of cotton- by the turbulent water at Little Joe able to rush him to a hospital at once.
woods with tables, stoves, toilets and Rapids, about a dozen miles upriver One of their vehicles, Hunter said, was
water. from the Mantle place. All were badly at Echo Park, where they had expected
"All sorts of folks make the run," chilled by their dunking in the icy to leave the river, and if Charlie would
said Charlie. "Most of them are good river, and one man's leg had been take them to that point — about 13
sportsmen, but now and then a bunch severly cut by the boat's propeller. miles—they would transport the in-
will leave trash scattered over the jured man to the hospital at Rangely.
Hastening to the river landing in
campground, and sometimes a party the ranch truck, Charlie picked up Without waiting to eat his supper,
will land and head out across our field, the injured man and the remaining Charlie Mantle helped to lift the vic-
50 or 60 abreast. You can imagine members of the party, and minutes tim into the ranch pick-up, and he and
what that does to our alfalfa crop! The later the entire dripping group swarmed two other members of the river party
best ones we get are members of the into the Mantles' warm kitchen. headed out through the night to Echo
Sierra Club. We never have any Park.
trouble with them—they don't leave Nearly four hours had elapsed since I had learned a little of what it
any trash behind, and never destroy the mishap and the men were chilled means to live in a house by the side
anything." to the bone. Evelyn hurried to divide of the Yampa, "and be a friend to
among them a pot of hot coffee that man."
MAY, 1957
As Pat grew older, he developed
certain marked aberrations—one being
an inability to decide whether his true
name was Pat Lynch or James Cooper.
The question seemed to worry him a
great deal. He also developed a pas-
sion for drawing, painting and chisel-
ing pictures on the canyon walls and
within his caves—his subjects invari-
ably being full-rigged sailing ships.
According to Evelyn, "Pat's ships"
still may be found throughout the area
and are executed remarkably well, with
all masts and rigging properly shown.
Pat lived in the canyon until he was
nearly 100 years of age. During his
last days he was cared for by a Good
Samaritan at Maybell, Colorado, and
upon his death, in February, 1917,
burial was made at Lily Park near the
head of the Yampa.
Toward the end of my visit with the
Mantles, I asked them why they re-
mained out in this isolated place.
Charlie seemed at a loss for an answer.
He mumbled something about it being
: a good place to raise cattle.
im> "The winters are mild," he went on,
hesitantly. "We don't have much snow
here on the river—sometimes the mer-
cury falls to 10 or 11 below zero, but
not too often—the summers aren't too
terribly hot — not much above 100
degrees . . ."
He was struggling to think of one
One-room log schoolhouse where the five Mantle children received their valid reason for remaining on the
educations through the first eight grades. Yampa, 100 miles from town, and 50
miles from a postofnce.
Identity of the first white man to in 1869 and 1871, it is presumed that "It's a good place to raise fruit,"
run the Yampa river is not fully estab- Pat located on the Yampa soon after he continued. "In all the 30 years
lished but it seems logical to suppose that time. we've been here, we've never had to
that he was one of the early beaver spray our trees for insects or disease."
trappers — a French - Canadian fur A typical hermit, Pat raised horses
"Why don't you just say, Charlie,
trader, Baptiste Brown, having settled for a living and owned several cabins that this is our home and that we've
on the Yampa in 1830 in the area along the river which he occupied at got everything here we want!" broke
later known as Brown's Hole, or his convenience. At various times he in Evelyn. "The soil is rich. We raise
Brown's Park. The first permanent also lived in several different caves. every sort of fruit that will mature in
white settler in the Pat's Hole-Castle One day, when Evelyn Mantle was ex- this latitude—cherries, pears, apples,
Park area, site of the Mantle ranch, ploring one of Pat's former cave dwell- crabapples, apricots, peaches, plums,
appears to have been Pat Lynch, who ings, a gust of wind circled through grapes. We have a big garden, too,
established himself there in the 1870s the place and brought out from under and we seldom go into a winter with
or 1880s. a ledge a collection of dry leaves and
debris. In the assortment, Evelyn saw less than 500 quarts of home-canned
Pat was an enigma-—perhaps even a sheet of folded foolscap, brittle with fruits and vegetables in our basement!
a fugitive. According to what Charlie age and warped like a potato chip. We raise chickens for meat and eggs;
remembers of him, and the stories told Opening it carefully, she found these we have a couple of jersey cows to
by other old timers, Pat had been born words: supply us with milk and butter; we
in Ireland. He had served a hitch in have our own cattle for beef, and there
the British Navy, and another in the To all whom this may Consarn are fish in the river and deer in the
British Army, during or after which, canyons. We have all the pure water
that 1, Pat Lynch, do lay claim to
we can use; the air is clear and clean,
according to rumor, he had killed this Botom for my Home and Sup- and we don't have to worry about
someone. Pat fled to the United States ort. Wrote this 8th month of 1886. freeways and traffic, and smog and fog,
and enlisted in the army under the P. Lynch. and getting in our neighbors' hair, and
name of James Cooper. After righting having them get in ours—"
in the Civil War he emigrated to the If in these caverns you shelter take
Yampa, "to see the country Major Plais do to them no harm. "Wait a minute!" I broke in, hold-
Powell wrote about." As Powell's two Lave everything you find around ing up my hand to stop the woman's
trips to the nearby Green River were eager flow of words. "That's enough
Hanging up, or on the ground. —you've made out your case!"


77ie pampas hedge supports a crown of pyramidal plumes of silky white flowering
of incredible beauty. Photo taken at the E. W, Adamson residence, Douglas,
A rizona, by Marty-Dess.

Decorative Desert Hedges . . .

If you want a touch of distinctive beauty for your home, choose
a hedge that compliments the desert setting. Most of the plants de- I live in Douglas in southeastern
scribed in this story and countless others available to gardeners give Arizona where the year-round hedges
both protection and privacy to your yard in addition to a dramatic and delight the eye with life and color. In
colorful impression that is typically Southwestern. spring the spiny ocotillo blooms; a
little later the bird-of-paradise covers
itself in a glory of blossoms. All sum-
By JESSIE CALLAN KENNEDY mer long oleanders put forth starry
flowers. By fall the pampas is lifting
<<7/EDGES IN THE desert towns tion of the desert. Even the windbreaks high its creamy silken plumage. In
YT °f the Southwest are friendly are decorative, for most of the desert winter the pyracantha, with its red
but protective barriers. hedge-plants bear either vivid fruit and berries, reminds visitors from the East
Here more than anywhere else, foliage, or they flaunt brilliant bracts, of Christmas "back home."
hedges combine strict utility with the blossoms or unusual flower forms of When I bought my old adobe house,
plumes, tufts, streamers or tassels. its desert garden was encircled by a
characteristically dramatic ornamenta-
ls A Y , 19 5 7
hedge of bird-of-paradise, aflame with den. Indeed, newcomers to the desert to light cream and then tan, remain
red and yellow flowers. It was May. often yearn for the close-cropped on the stalks for months.
hedges of the East and some garden
This hedge needed no care, and after lovers have tried various importations Pampas gets its common name from
the summer rains the exquisite gold such as the box, yew, arbor vitae and the vast, treeless plains of Argentina
cups again opened to spill out their privet. and southern Brazil where it grows in
red filaments. It acted as an effective thick rolling seas of silver. It thrives
barrier against dogs and straying bur- For those who insist upon a formal happily under cultivation in our sandy
ros and even the winds could only garden, the horticulturists have devel- soil.
deposit their cargoes of debris along oped several evergreen hedge - type
its outer side. plants. They highly recommend for Of the winter hedges the pyracantha
the Southwest, particularly southern is the most admired. An Eurasian na-
In the fall, after the bushes stopped tive, it has traveled across the world
Arizona, the euonymous. No matter
flowering, their fern-like leaves dropped to find a new home in the Southwest.
what the weather vagaries, this plant
off and I discovered that the tough and Its thorny twigs effectively barricade
will stay green all year with watering.
gnarled billious-yellow branches were any area to be enclosed.
It lends itself to clipping and shaping.
literally holding up a rickety fence.
The satin-shiny leaves grow out from
Summer foliage had hidden the broken The hardy pyracantha grows luxuri-
every limb to the very bottom of the
wire and rotting wooden posts. antly in the high desert country where
When I replaced the fence with an the nights are cool. The lower the
adobe wall, I had to uproot most of However, most of us eventually have temperatures, the more brilliantly col-
the hedgerow. "That is the end of my turned back with relief to the tried and ored are its berries. The heavy showy
bird-of-paradise," I said. But the fol- tested desert favorites. clusters of red or orange fruit attract
lowing spring a line of young shrubs the eye and warm the heart all winter
These strikingly representative desert
appeared and today I have an inside long. The short-stalked leaves remain
plants capture the imagination and
hedge. Every spring it spreads shoots the year-round and small white flowers
hold the interest of the winter visitors.
of tender green leaves and masses of appear during April and May.
When a friend built a home in a new
exotic flowers against the white wall. subdivision, he placed a living fence Hedges of pyracantha ask for no
Originally from South America this of ocotillo around his garden. This special care and may even be neglected,
desert bird-of-paradise is not to be lowly corral-type enclosure at first as long as they have full sun.
confused with the African Strelitzia of shocked his neighbors who were plant-
ing and nurturing imported hedges, but Commonly known as the fire thorn,
the same popular name. the Greek-named pyracanthas are vari-
soon they appreciated the pleasing
Its four-inch pods contain seeds as sense of fitness it gave to his western able in form and color. Those which
large and dark as those of the water- home. grow upright to a height of 15 feet
melon. When the pods split and curl, with clusters of red berries all along
they explode with such force that the The ocotillo, when used as a hedge- the branches, are particularly adapt-
released seeds bury themselves in the fence, will stand for many years with- able when a high hedge is required.
ground, where they lie dormant wait- out upkeep. Planted in a row and Some, growing generally prostrate and
ing for the warm April nights. The held in position by strands of barbed reaching not more than six feet with
plant requires little water. wire, the wands sprout green leaves orange to coral fruit, are among the
after the rainy seasons and their tips finest of ornamental hedges for town
Among the many shrubs not native burst into brilliant red tassels. It takes
to the Southwest but considered as use.
skill and patience to successfully handle
"belonging," is the oleander. This the long awkward thorny stems when Horticultural varieties of unknown
handsome plant of the East Indies building these living fences. The south- parentage have more recently been
found our desert heat to its liking west states prohibit the cutting or re- developed from a careful selection of
many years ago. moval of ocotillo and cactus from any seedlings by the growers. Fifteen of
It grows only under cultivation be- but privately owned lands. these have been named. Most can be
cause it must have water. The olean- used successfully as espaliers against a
der also is one of the best double-pur- To strangers the ocotillo might ap- wall, as well as hedges. Among the
pear to belong to the cactus family, best sellers is the patented Rosedale,
pose hedges. It not only is protectively but despite this likeness, paradoxically
thick and spreading, but reaches a a naturally upright shrub.
it is more closely related to both the
height of from 15 to 20 feet, more violet and the tamarix. Pyracantha has one additional ad-
than adequate for privacy. Large clus- vantage over all other desert hedges:
ters of fragrant white, red or pink blos- Pampas grass, eye-catching during it provides the traditional Christmas
soms may appear any time of the year. the fall and early winter, also lends its color scheme and offers winter-long
However, the principal flowering sea- unusual qualities to hedge planting. indoor decorations for the home. In
son extends from early spring well Growing in thick tussocks, its basal fact, cutting of the pendulous berry-
through the summer. The glossy ever- leaves are tough and tall, and thick covered branches for such use is all
green leaves make it an attractive hedge enough to give both privacy and pro- the pruning this plant needs to retain
at all times. tection. its arching habit and to keep it from
If enough moisture is present, this The heavy grass sends up stalks six becoming top-heavy.
shrub is easily rooted from cuttings, to 12 feet high which support crowns
of pyramidal plumes of silky white Fence-like or thick, tall or stunted,
and grows rapidly. Notwithstanding
down - like flowering of incredible thorny or smooth, cultivated or weedy,
its many good qualities, the oleander
beauty. The plumes measure from two flowering or evergreen, these six vari-
has one drawback. It is poisonous and
to three feet in height. Pampas reaches eties are only a very few of the many
children should be warned not to nib-
ble on its leaves. its spectacular full bloom in September. hedges which thrive in the Southwest.
Then, depending upon how much and A choice may be made from an end-
To many people a hedge is merely a how long the fall winds blow, the less selection as wide as the Desert
neat neutral background for a gay gar- feathery panicles, turning from white Southwest itself.


Plants That
Thrive In
Saline Soils
Some desert plants have so
adapted their root and leaf struc-
tures to salty soil and limited water
conditions that they thrive where
other plants could not last out the
day. This month Dr. Jaeger tells
about these specialized plants
which grow along the borders of
dry lakes and in alkali soils.

part of one of western Nevada's dry
lake basins that the place was named Salicornia
Curator of Plants Sarcobatus Flats by C. Hart Merriam
who planned the famous Death Valley the mixed clay and sand hummocks;
Riverside Municipal Museum Expedition of 1891. in fact, it probably is responsible for
This shrub, which is said to be the the hummocks. The dust and sand
NE OF THE characteristics of second most salt-tolerant of American drifts in among the branches and as
most desert areas is the presence shrubs, grows to a common height of the mounds build up the plants grow
of mountain - enclosed basins two to four feet and consists of num- upward with it. It is called pickleweed
which have no drainage outlet to the erous rigid interlocking spiny branches because the numerous leafless light
sea. In the centers of these basins are adorned with narrow fattish leaves green jointed fleshy branches have a
dry lakes into which water, running which are so full of sodium chloride somewhat sourish taste. It seems to
during storms from the surrounding and potassium oxalate laden sap that flourish in soils so salty and alkaline
hills and mountains, accumulates. when chewed there is a very unpleasant that it has few or no competitors. The
salt and acid taste. However, cattle burro is said to be the only animal that
Under the hot sun and frequent do not mind it; it may even add to the
winds, the water evaporates leaving a can stomach it and then only under
palatableness of the herbage. It is an starvation conditions.
residue of salts of several kinds includ- important range plant in Nevada and
ing table salt and salts of potassium, A most unattractive fleshy-leaved
Utah. Horses, goats and sheep browse
magnesium and potassium as well as shrub found in most places of high
freely on it, especially in winter.
sulphates. These form hard surface alkali-salt content is the inkweed
incrustations which gleam white in the Dry greasewood burns with a beau- (Sueda), its blackened stems and many
desert sun and can be seen from afar. tiful yellow and greenish hot flame and rusty brown to dirty green leaves giv-
Because of the high alkali and salt con- for this reason I always make my camp ing it a scorched and dead appearance.
tent of these dry lake clays no plants lire of it when available. The sap is full of tanic acid and this
can grow on the central surface of these The generic name Sarcobatus means gives it a sourish puckery taste. Few
"clay pans," but around their borders "flesh thicket"; the specific name ver- browsing animals will ever eat it, even
where the salt concentrations are less, miculatus means "in the form of though very hungry. It is called ink-
a number of salt-tolerant plants have worms" and refers to the green cater- weed because early settlers made a
developed a special root physiology pillar-like male spikelets which appear poor sort of ink from it by boiling it
that not only makes it possible for in numbers in spring and summer on in water with iron nails.
them to grow but to actually flourish the ends of the succulent - leaved Among the plants with peculiar
there. branchlets. The name, greasewood, stems the scrubby bush called iodine
Among the commonest of these, was given because of the general oily bush (Allenrolfia) is one of the big
especially on the wet-type dry lakes is appearance of the stems and foliage. surprises. The cylindrical elongate
the deep-rooted greasewood (Sarcoba- One of the commonest of the few joints appear like juicy green beads
tus vermiculatus), the "chico" of the shrubs that grow along the Amargosa strung on a cord. The plant is very
Spanish-speaking people. This plant River and the clayey salt marshes of tolerant of salt and alkali and sinks its
should not be confused with the wide- Death Valley, and about the borders long taproot sufficiently deep to get
spread Larrea or creosote, also known of Great Salt Lake is the hardy pickle- good supplies of water from beneath
as greasewood. So prevalent is sarco- weed (Salicornia), also called sam- the salty wet silts of dry lakes of many
batus on the clay dunes in the lower phire. Tn Death Valley it grows atop parts of our western deserts. There is

MAY, 1957 11
much Allenrolfia growing in the Owens presence there of cottontail rabbits and lizard or two doesn't come amiss either.
Lake area of the Mojave Desert and wood rats which also use the quail Often the roadrunner's nest of coarse
along the borders of Great Salt Lake. bush for hideouts. Both mammals are sticks is built in the bramble of
Many kinds of saltbushes (Atriplex) the rattlesnake's favorite food. branches.
are found growing in saline soils. The In late spring and summer these salt- Another resident bird quite often
largest and most luxuriant is the big bushes frequently are vibrant with the seen about the big saltbush is the pale-
quail bush (Atriplex lentiformis) that stridulations of millions of crickets; colored Le Conte Thrasher. You will
grows on the borders of the lower Col- both during the day and long after easily identify it by its near robin size
orado River and the mud flats of the sunset the big apache cicadas (Dicer- and long curved beak. In the pre-
lower Coachella and Imperial valleys. oprocta apache) make their frequent dawn hour its clear ringing whistling
It reaches a height of from three to rattling raspish sounds. Above and song can be heard—the sweetest most
eight feet and has an even greater amongst the bushes you may see flying easy to remember, it seems to me, of
spread. Often it forms intricate and by day the large cicada killing wasp all the desert bird songs. Especially
impenetrable thickets, "so dense and (Sphecius convallis) which hunts the appealing is the rich song during the
resistant that a person might throw his noisy bugs so that it may paralyze breeding season of late March and
whole weight against it only to be them with its sting and carry them off April.
hurled back by the elastic rebound." to provision its nest with fresh food Of the smaller quail bush residents
Several times when hunting for bird for the developing larvae. are the Abert towhee, phainopepla, the
nests I have had occasion to learn that Saltbush jungles are among the most melodious Salton Sea song sparrow
the thickets made by these big gray- favorite haunts of that lively and frolic- and the lively lead-colored gnatcatcher.
green hemispherical bushes offer good some bird prankster, the roadrunner. In winter a number of transient seed-
hiding places for rattlesnakes. They Often you see him darting across the eating birds frequent the quail bush,
probably like to live there not only road and into hiding. In the crickets among them the Gambel sparrow, des-
because of the summer shade the and cicadas found there he obtains ert song sparrow, the Say phoebe and
bushes offer but also because of the ample food for most of his needs; a the Nevada spotted towhee.
Several times I have crossed Death
Valley in late September and have
seen vast numbers of the beautiful
We Need Desert Photos.., Tidestromia in full flower or fruit.
This low-spreading annual that comes
up after the occasional summer rains
One of the surest ways to advance your photography hobby takes on beautiful shades of silver-
green and rose-purple. It is one of
with both added pleasure a n d cash prizes is to regularly enter the the odd but handsome plants of the
best of your desert pictures in Desert Magazine's monthly contest. desert which although often plentiful
Any subject will do so long a s it is related to the Desert Southwest— in alkaline soils, is little known to
the possibilities are a s unlimited and varied a s the land itself. Thou- the general public. I place it along-
sands of folks who share your interest in the desert are eager to share side desert holly in decorative value
and often make winter bouquets of it.
your photographic interpretations of this vast land. The plants long retain their beauty,
Entries for the May contest must be sent to the Desert Magazine both of form and color and are especi-
ally high on our list of choice holiday
office. Palm, Desert, California, and postmarked not later than May 18. decorations. If you don't know Tides-
Winning prints will appear in the July issue. Pictures which arrive too tromia by all means get acquainted
late for one contest are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; with it. Being an annual and prolific
second prize $5. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication $3 seed-bearer, you need not have com-
each will be paid. punctions about gathering it. It is
fairly common both on the Mojave and
Colorado deserts.
HERE ARE THE RULES Of our deserts' native deciduous
trees the white-spined tornilla or screw
1—Prints must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, on glossy paper. bean is best adapted to live in salt and
2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and alkali impregnated soils; in fact, in
place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day, etc. many places it appears to require these
soil constituents to grow to best ad-
vantage. Notable thickets of consider-
4—Entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest month. able extent of this peculiar leguminous
5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert tree are found in stream borders and
Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures. moist flats from Death Valley eastward
to Texas and southward to Baja Cali-
6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the fornia and Chihuahua.
desert Southwest.
Our native desert fan and blue palms
7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made
often grow in places where alkali and
immediately after the close of the contest each month.
salt is very evident, most of the moist
ground near their bases being white
Address All Entries to Photo Editor with salt encrustations. Water found
in palm oases often is so hard it is
IDm&tt 'TMafOfine PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA undrinkable. Salt grass (Distichlis),
with creeping scaly rootstalks and
leaves set in two distinct ranks, often

grows in the moist soils of these palm
oases because it too is specially adapted
to grow in such places. Frequently
associated with palms and salt grass is
the straight-stemmed silky-leaved ar-
row-weed (Phichea serricea) and the
yellow-flowered composite known to : • : • : • ' • • . ' ! • '*:•" • • ' • ' y
- - ' ' : . . - : /
• • ; • ' \ • ' • ' . ' • ' • • " '• " = - v ; • > • • " ' • • ' Z • • ' • • - . ' • "

botanists as Haplopappus acradenia.

When in flower it. scents the air with
its oily resins and perfumed nectar. In
Mexico a tea is made from this plant
and is used as a bath for the allevia-
tion or cure or rheumatic pains.
Desert holly (Atriplex hymenoly-
tra), widely distributed from northern
Death Valley and southern Nevada
and Utah to the deserts of northern
Mexico, seems to grow best in gypsum
soils. Sometimes it is about the only
plant that will flourish in such barren
vertical-walled canyons as found in the
Indio and Mecca Mudhills of the Col-
orado Desert. It sometimes profits
from the summer rains which occa-
sionally visit these areas. The leaves Greasewood (Sarcobatus) growing in pure stands in the alkaline flats of
may be succulent at a time when most the Escalante Desert of Utah near Enterprise. Photo courtesy U. S.
other plants may be suffering from Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, California.
long drouth. Persons desiring to grow
desert holly should plant the seeds in
gypsum soils brought in from the des- moist places on our deserts. One is barley and onions. Although nature
ert. the prickery Russian thistle (Kali sal- had never grown anything on this dry
There are two foreigners among sola), the other the slender-branched lake, here was produced a crop of
plants that have escaped and spread shrub of Mediterranean origin, the enormously large good quality onions
both rapidly and widely in alkaline flowering deciduous tamarisk (Tamarix that must have surprised even the
gallica), commonly called salt cedar. hopeful planter. The yield was simply
The latter has small seeds, each bear- enormous! The barley did almost as
A llenrolfia ing a tuft of hair on one end to aid in well!
their distribution by wind currents.
They have germinated in the soil of
almost every desert seep streamlet and Quail Bush
marsh from Death Valley southward
into the Sonoran deserts of Baja Cali-
fornia and mainland Mexico. Because
of its handsome pink to purple flowers,
its tolerance of poor soils, heat, frost
and drouth, it has been widely planted
around homes on the Mojave Desert.
The manna of Mount Sinai, which
consists of a mucilaginous sugar, was
produced by a variety of this tamarix.
Another tamarix, Tamarix articu-
lata, grows as a vigorous tall evergreen
tree. It is much planted as a wind-
break and ornamental in the Colorado
Desert. Although it is a quick grower
its wood is very hard and makes valu-
able fuel.
Of other cultivated plants date palm,
barley, beets, cotton, alfalfa and onions
seem most tolerant of alkaline and sa-
line soils. On the Mojave Desert near
Victorville I used to camp on summer
nights on a certain dry lake. By day
I would delight in racing my car over
its smooth hard surface;
One day, what was my utter sur-
prise to see that it had been plowed
up and planted to onions and barley!
Water had been developed beneath its
barren surface (very hard it was, of
course) and was used to irrigate the

MAY, 1957 13
They Harvest Desert Glass ...
Lonnie and Heie Spearman are
refugees from the big city living
the kind of life they have always
wanted to live on their 160 acre
Nevada ranch. Besides fishing in
the river which runs through their
property, painting, pottery making
and collecting ghost railroad items,
they tend a unique desert glass
garden where old fashioned glass
pieces are taking on beautiful hues
of blue and purple from the action
of the sun.

Photographs by Adrian Atwater

HELE and Lonnie Spear-

man found themselves sur-
rounded in Hollywood by
close neighbors, super-markets, drive-
in theaters, freeways and airports,
they searched for months until they
found a place which was the answer
to their dreams—160 acres of sand,
sagebrush and sunshine, a ghost town
and a river. Lonnie and Hele Spearman. Bell behind them was on the engine of the
Ten years ago they learned by Copper Belt Railroad train that passed their home each day before line
chance that the old township of Hud- was abandoned in 1948.
son, Nevada, was for sale. They drove
out to investigate this west-central mediately they fell in love with it. So taken were they with Hudson
Nevada tract straddling the Walker Here Lonnie would be able to fish they spent that first night there. Later
River, and through which the Copper and Hele to paint and make pottery in the evening, one of the worst thun-
Belt Railroad train chugged daily. Im- without the distractions of city life. derstorms in the state's history struck
and the Spearmans spent the dark
Visitors inspecting desert glass specimens in Spearmans' glass garden. hours moving sleeping bags about in
Shacks in background house ghost railroad relics. the old town's one remaining shack in
an effort to keep dry. Next morning,
not in the least discouraged, they pur-
chased the property and ordered ma-
terials for a new roof.
Through the years they have com-
bined modern conveniences with relics
of early Nevada to create a homesite
perfect for them in every detail. An
automatic self contained air-cooled
electric plant pumps water from the
well and supplies the house with lights,
refrigeration and indoor plumbing.
The original building has been re-
modeled and extended into a comfort-
able home and additional structures
have been purchased and moved to
the property for studios and guest
houses for friends and relatives. In
their arrangement the ghost town of
Hudson seems to live again. The resi-
dents of Smith Valley are accustomed
to seeing dilapidated old buildings
moving down Highway 3 to Hudson
to become part of the Spearmans' es-
Their's is not a working ranch so
far as stock or agriculture is concerned,
..-;- 'ft-


SC^ ;:V;S€:X 5:*


Walker River flows through the Spearman ranch. Copper Belt Railroad ran on
opposite bank.

but Lonnie has one of the most original while some has turned amber, misty room for more glass waiting to blue.
gardens in the state. On a half acre sea green and frosted green. The He and Hele make many trips to
surrounded by a high wire fence and chemical reaction responsible for the ghost towns in Nevada looking for
divided into small plots by railroad shades of blue and purple in old glass glass and have acquired much knowl-
ties desert glass is changed in color by involves oxidation of almost colorless edge of the state's history and topog-
the sun. manganic oxide. Shortly after World raphy. He also is an authority on
One section is devoted to two-bit War I glass making was modernized ghost railroads such as the Copper
and four-bit mickeys, small flasks that and most glass made in this country Belt which was discontinued in 1948,
are turned a blazing purple by the after that time will not change in color. the Virginia-Truckee and the Carson
ultra-violet rays of the sun. They de- European glass still is made by the old Colorado. Lonnie does a flourishing
rive their names from the prices and method and will take on a bright blue mail order business and his mail box
contents with which they were filled at color if left to the elements. (P.O. Box 64D, Smith, Nevada) is
the local saloon. Other plots are cov- When Lonnie first went into the constantly filled with orders for desert
ered with fish bowls, salad and cake desert glass business he was besieged glass, souvenirs of the old railroads
plates, glass door knobs, lamps, chim- with advice as to how to help the col- and information about them.
neys, ink wells, punch bowls, cande- oring along. He has tried most of the Hele has converted one of the old
labra, cruets and any other interesting suggestions, including placing the bot- buildings moved onto the ranch into
bits of glass that come this way. A tles on silica sand and on black tar a studio where she paints and exhibits.
separate part of the garden is lined paper, but after 10 years it is his In another building she turns out dis-
with old brown patent medicine bottles opinion that nothing works so well as tinctive pottery. On a table near the
that will not change color but add to just plain desert sand and the sun. door are unfinished cups, vases, lamps
the interest with such labels as "Dr. Some glass will show a change after and dishes. Her potter's wheel stands
Hottenstetter's Stomach Bitters" and a few months and some deepen in beside a window and just behind it is
"Cure for Consumption." color throughout the years. However, a gas-fired kiln capable of heat to 1850
Most of the glass ranges in color if a bottle shows no change in four degrees Fahrenheit in which she bakes
from pale lavender to brilliant purple years, Lonnie packs it away to make and glazes pottery. Shelves in the

MAY, 1957 15

Helena Ridgway Stone, author of

this month's "How the Sun and a
Tortoise Saved Little Denny's Life,"
is a grandmother who prefers writing
poetry and verse to prose. Usually,
she said, her poetic inspirations come
to her at three o'clock in the morning.
Many of these poems have appeared
in Desert and other publications.
She was born in Minneapolis, Min-
nesota, but moved to Denver, Colo-
rado, at an early age. She now resides
in Glendale, California.
s£ if; Hi

Roving Reporter Nell Murbarger

won four first, one second and one
third place awards in the 1956 com-
petition of the California Association
of Press Women. Ghosts of the Glory
Trail, Miss Murbarger's first book,
77ze Spearmans' choicest pieces of desert glass being turned by the sun was named best adult non-fiction book
into beautiful blue and purple shades. by a California woman writer; the
Navy landgrab story in Desert's Octo-
ber issue was judged top news story
back of the shop are covered with Smith on Highway 3 a sign standing in a magazine; first award for a feature
gay and colorful finished products.beside a cottonwood pole bearing the photo was won by Miss Murbarger for
word "Hele" points to a dirt road
Twisted cup handles are Hele's trade- her June Desert "At Rest" picture of
heading north across the desert, once
mark, a process which cannot be done an old freight wagon; and "Birds of
commercially. The red clay she usesthe bed of ancient Lake Lahontan, to Anaho Island" in the Natural History
Hudson. The Lahontan shore line is
comes from a hillside on their ranch Magazine won best magazine feature
and the white clay is imported frometched on the rugged, barren hillsides. story honors. In the daily newspaper
California. If generous rains are received here in feature story category, she took sec-
Another little building has beenearly winter, wildflowers and flowering ond place for an article in the Nevada
shrubs run riot. Squaw tea, grease-
made into a shop where she sells an- State Journal. Miss Murbarger's final
wood, hop-sage and Great Basin blue
tiques, Indian basketry, jewelry and award was third place in the historical
imported glass. sage wave their blooms proudly and article category for her story about the
purple mat and small flowered eucrypta
The surroundings are kept immacu- Old West's charcoal industry in the
lap at the sides of the road. Sego lilies,
lately clean and for bits of color, Hele June Desert Magazine.
sand verbena, desert primrose, loco-
has painted little wood stoves and milk
weed, hoarhound and Indian paint * * *
cans standing about the property, pink, Mrs. James L. Kennedy of Douglas,
turquoise and yellow. Each serves abrush add to the unbelievable color
display. Three and two-tenths miles Arizona, a librarian by profession and
purpose, such as an end-table or a a writer by avocation, is author of this
place to store bean poles. from Highway 3 is the gate house to
the Spearman holdings. month's "Decorative Desert Hedges."
Hudson flourished briefly as a pointThe Spearmans have a good life on She is a native of Pittsburg, Pennsyl-
of shipping and commerce when the their Nevada ranch. Breakfast often vania, but now an ardent Westerner.
Copper Belt Railroad was built in includes a fresh German Brown or She writes that she has succumbed to
1911. Supplies for Bodie and AuroraRainbow trout that Lonnie has caught Arizona's sunsets, mountains, canyons,
were brought here by rail and then in the river. Lunch on the patio is deserts, vegetation—and even the ab-
hauled the rest of the way by freighters.
an informal affair with two Siberian sence of vegetation in some spots.
The train picked up copper ore, agri-
Huskies and a little black dog of Mrs. Kennedy and her husband live
cultural products and passengers be-
unknown origin waiting hopefully for in an old but reconstructed adobe
tween Mason and Wabuska where it a handout. There are visitors to be house and she is a member of the
connected with the old Carson-Colo-shown about in the afternoon and Huachuca Writers.
rado line. Before the advent of thefriends and neighbors drop in too, and * * *
white man, an Indian trail crossed the
often stay on for a patio supper served Ruth Reynolds of Tucson, Arizona,
ranch, later followed by covered wag-
as the sun sinks behind the hills leav- who writes the home and garden page
ons of the settlers. When one of these
ing a blaze of color in the sky and on for Desert Magazine each month, is
men, a fellow named Hutson, was the river. in the hospital temporarily undergoing
thrown from his horse and killed here,With their work and their hobbies, treatment for a minor ailment. She
the area was named Hutson Pass in their home and their own private des- plans to resume her writing for Desert
his honor. Later it was corrupted to
ert, the Spearmans have realized an as soon as she is released from the
Hudson Pass and finally to Hudson. ambition most of us like to dream doctor's care. Desert's staff wishes her
Two and one-tenth miles east of about. a speedy recovery.


Through these low hills across the wash ran the old Cibola-Yuma cattle trail. The
fabulous lost silver ledge of the Trigos, which lay close to this trail and near the
north end of Clip Mountain, right background, should be somewhere in the area
of this photograph.

^o4t ScCvet C9t t&e *7*ty&4,.,,

By HAROLD O. WEIGHT During the past 75 years, four District, the legends say that it was
Photographs by the author men have found —and lost—.the not the richest one existing there.
Map by Norton Allen elusive ledge of silver thought to It is gospel in that country that
be only a day's journey north of somewhere to the north of the old
the lower Colorado River's most mine, but within a day's journey of it,
WAS NOT with Jose Maria famous lead-silver bonanza, the another fabulous vein lies hidden in
Mendivil when he went mine- Silver Clip Mine. Four men—des- a desolation of ridges and canyons,
hunting in Arizona's Trigo ert-wise and well aware that such buttes and washes. A ledge so elusive
Mountains in the early 1880s. He an outcrop could have meant that it has been seen and sampled at
found his mine, all right, while pros- wealth beyond their wildest least four times in the past 75 years
pecting an unnamed mountain slope dreams—saw it once, and never —but each time could not be relo-
30 miles north of Yuma. There he again. This is fitting testimonial cated.
discovered surface croppings so rich to the wildly broken country in
which this ore lies sleeping through Mendivil had his chance at the hid-
that chunks of silver ore lay like slag den treasure, vein while still at the
thickly scattered down the hillside. His desert storm and sunshine.
Clip. A Mexican prospector camping
strike — the Silver Clip — became the there lost his burro and by determined
greatest lead-silver producer ever and stubborn tracking, eventually over-
worked along the Colorado River. In Mendivil, says that he virtually gave took the animal. Naturally, he exam-
four years of glory—1883-1887—its it away. ined every likely outcrop he passed.
flooding torrent of ore was worth more And as though one such lost for- One was so promising he took samples
than a million dollars. tune were not enough, oldtimers along and later snowed them to Mendivil.
That was luck indeed—for some- the river insist that another bonanza He, too, thought they carried values.
one—but not for Jose Maria Mendivil. was within Mendivil's reach while he But lead-silver ore is deceptive. How
There is a story around Yuma that was in the Trigos. For while the rec- much was silver? Only an assay would
he received $200 in cash for the mil- ords bear witness that the Clip was the tell
lion dollar Clip. His grandson, Mike richest silver ledge mined in the Silver Mendivil, the prospector suggested,
MAY, 1957 17
Clip Mill Site to Cibolo
change Hubbard suggested. Often a
13.7 Ml.ti maker of grand gestures, he told the
mining man to go ahead and take the
Clip. Later they might see about the
Hubbard did develop the mine. By
1883 he had proven that the ledge,
more than 150 feet vertically, was at
least 300 feet long. Its width—all
high value ore—was from 18 to 27
feet between hanging wall and foot
wall. And this rich lead-silver ore was
so easy to work that four men could
take down 50 tons a day.
Down at the Colorado River, seven
miles away, Hubbard had a 10-stamp
mill constructed. It was built on a
point of mesa at the mouth of Clip
Wash, 500 yards from the river. (Clip
post office, Anthony G. Hubbard, post-
master, was established there in Febru-
ary, 1884.) Across the savage coun-
try from the mine to the mill, mostly
down the bed of Clip Wash, he worked
a freighting road. Soon, every day,
ore wagons and great teams crowded
the twisting miles of rock and sand,
and each day the thundering stamps
crushed another 25 tons of Clip ore—
the capacity of the mill's amalgamation
A boom through all the Silver Dis-
trict followed. The Black Rock, Red
Cloud, Engineer, Emma, Silver Plume,
Pennant, Princess, Papago and Rem-
nant were worked in that decade. But
from 1879 through 1889 the whole
district recorded a production of only
Red Cloud Mine to $1,696,000 in silver and lead. And
Martinez Lake-I7MI.
Yumo-55.7Mi. of that sum the Silver Clip alone pro-
duced $1,110,000.
Hubbard's superintendent at the
Clip mine was a man named Picken-
baugh. According to Ed Rochester,
who knew him later, "the people
around the country just called him
straight 'Pennybaker' for short." Pen-
nybaker was married to an Indian
woman. One day another Indian,
could afford to have the assay made. without guidance the search for the probably a relative, told the superin-
If the samples were good, they would silver ledge would be long and very tendent that not far to the north of the
go back together and file on the ground. likely fruitless. In the meantime, busi- camp was a big ledge like the Clip
Could he find it again? Certainly! Be- ness affairs at the camp of Picacho, that had never been worked. There
yond doubt! It was a big ledge. It was across the Colorado in California, de- are always such stories circulating in
within a day's journey of the Clip. It manded his attention. Mendivil was a mining country, and Pennybaker
looked richer than the Clip. (Only one of the most prominent figures in may have asked the Indian to guide
later were lost mine hunters to wonder old Picacho. He owned rich gold prop- him to the ledge out of simple curi-
if that "day's journey" meant one way erties and the townsite was developed osity, just to see what a native would
or both. By that time, there was no on his homestead. consider good ore. At any rate, he
answer.) It was this pressure, according to was not prepared to act upon what he
Mendivil accepted the proposition. grandson Mike Mendivil, that decided found. For the ledge was there, and it
He had the rock assayed. It was rich. him to let the Clip go. A mine opera- looked good. And Pennybaker knew
Silver rich. But for some reason there tor named Hubbard, one of the great what rich silver ore should look like
was a long delay between the agree- mine developers in Arizona during in that country.
ment and the receipt of the assay that period, offered to exchange valu- But he continued as superintendent
sheets and during that period, the able San Diego waterfront properties of the Clip and did not file on the
Mexican prospector had followed the for the silver claim. The worth of the claim or attempt to mine it. Ed Roch-
call of more distant ridges. No one Clip had not been proven, and Men- ester suggests that it was a matter of
knew where he had gone. No one has divil had too many irons in the fire to practical ethics. Pennybaker was an
since identified him. do anything about it. He was, in fact, employee of the Clip company, and
Jose Maria Mendivil suspected that too occupied to bother with the ex- in those days when a man was hired

full time, all of his time was considered
as belonging to the employer. The
company might say that he was, legally,
their agent when he discovered the
ledge. They certainly would want a
share of it, and would be unhappy if
they didn't get it. And Pennybaker was
well satisfied with his position as mine
superintendent—liking it better than
the idea of a mining venture of his
own which might or might not pay off.
So he filed the location of the silver
ledge away in his mind for a time when
he might need it.
With the passing years, the known
highgrade in the Clip was worked out.
Ore had to be rich to make its mining
profitable in such a difficult and iso-
lated location. How rich the Clip's ore
must have been by present standards v :
may be judged from the fact that it
paid handsomely although about 11
ounces of silver in each ton were lost
in the milling processes. That, at least,
is an engineer's estimate of the silver
content of the approximately 30,000
tons of tailings remaining at the mill
"I practically made a living sampling
these tailings for different outfits," Ed
Rochester recalled one day while we
were at the Clip mill ruins. "I even
came down once, about 1921, from
Blythe on Old Man Kirby's river boat.
The river was across on the California
side of the bottoms then, and we had
a difficult time packing 500 pounds
of samples on our backs through the
mesquite and arrowweed jungle." The
shifting river has carried much of the
tailings away, Ed says. The silver re-
maining is in amalgam and almost im-
possible to separate from the mercury.
The last attempt to work the tailings
was made by Joe Shiner in the mid-
Top — Looking from Clip mill site
across the Colorado River to Cali-
fornia. Some of the thousands of
tons of red tailings from the rich
Clip ore milled in the 1880s can be
seen, center, spreading down into
the bottomlands. Tailings contain 11
ounces of silver to the ton.
Center — George Converse, center,
traces for his sister, Helen Converse, 1.1
and Ed Rochester the route he and
Earl Kerr took in 1951 when Earl
may have rediscovered the lost silver
ledge of the Trigos.
Bottom—Clip mine on Clip Moun-
tain in the Trigos. Tank and wooden ' . ' " ' " : •

wreckage, center and right, are from,

the 100-ton cyaniding mill built in
the 1920s, when an attempt was
made to reopen the property. Part
of the open cut, marking the great
vein from which more than a million
dollars was mined in four years in
the '80s, can be seen upper center. • ' - . . ; • • -

MAY, 1957
1920s. Remnants of his adobe and different territory. Each time, the vein
sheet metal cyaniding plant still re- time, and had to get them to Yuma.
was not to be found. Finally he went But even a short examination excited
main. back to the coast and did not return. him. When he came back, he would
When the Clip ore values fell below In each of these cases, the location prospect the ledge out and file his
the cost of mining, Hubbard bought was given only as "north of the Clip" claims on it.
the Harquahala mine near Salome, and and not too far from it. The third
moved his operations there. After he He returned as quickly as he could.
man known to have seen the ledge The picture of the ledge was still sharp
left the Clip there was only one real narrowed the area in which it can exist.
effort to reopen it — 1925-1929. A in his mind. But he could not find it.
He was Santiago Lopez, the great cat- He never did find it, although each
100-ton cyaniding mill was built at the tleman of that country during the latter
mine, and water was pumped to it time he used the old trail, he searched
part of the last century. Until recently again.
from the Colorado. But the project the melted walls of his adobe home
did not pay. could be traced out near the boat land- The last man known for certain to
Over at the Harquahala, Hubbard ing at the southern end of Cibola Val- have seen the fabulous ledge also was
did very well indeed. And Pennybaker ley. the first to put a monument on it. He
remained witla him as superintendent was Julian Parra, son of Felisario
When Lopez drove cattle to Yuma, Parra who discovered the rich Mes-
of that mine. Finally, the Harquahala, he followed Clip Wash from the river
too, was worked out. By then Penny- quite Diggings in California's Choco-
to a point less than two miles from the late Mountains. A prospector and
baker, grown old, retired and moved mine, where a left fork entered. Here
out to the coast, somewhere near Los miner in the wild Colorado River
the cattle trail took the side wash, went country during most of his life, he,
Angeles. The memory of that ledge through a pass in low hills just to the
the Indian had shown him so many too, was following the old cattle trail
north of Clip Mountain and then en- on horseback, making a short cut from
years before in Arizona, began to tered a basin at the head of a west
plague him. Probably in the nourish- Castle Dome Landing to Cibola. Un-
branch of Yuma Wash. Lopez took doubtedly he was prospecting as he
ing environs of his imagination it had this branch down to main Yuma Wash,
grown even richer through the years. went. He found the silver ledge and
followed it to the Colorado River and recognized its richness and placed a
He returned to Arizona and went to went on down the river to Castle Dome
Cibola, by then the nearest inhabited little monument upon it to testify to
Landing (now Martinez Lake). his discovery, then went about his
spot to the Clip mine and 14 miles up
river from Clip mill site. This trail, avoiding rugged moun- business. When he came back, he
tains which reach to the river, was could not locate the ledge nor the mon-
The late Bert Hart was living at his used by all cattle drivers and by most ument. He, too, reported its location
ranch near Cibola then. Bert had pros- horseback and foot travelers who did was along the old trail north of Clip
pected and mined, and knew the Silver not have some reason to take the Mountain. To the end of his active
District since childhood. With Hart, rocky road past the Black Rock, Red days, he made hunts for the lost ledge.
Pennybaker set out for the ledge to Cloud and Clip mines. Of course, not Again and again he told his sons:
which the Indian had guided him. exactly the same path was followed "It is richer than the Clip."
But he could not find it. every time, and cattle drivers undoubt-
edly had to leave the trail from time I first heard the story of this most
Cloudburst country does change. But
to time to chase back wandering ani- elusive of lost ledges one spring eve-
even more does memory change and
mals. ning at Picacho, across the river from
fade and play tricks as the years pass.
the Silver District. When Ed Roches-
That fact Pennybaker would not ac- But somewhere in the pass area ter finished the telling, his partner,
cept. He came back from the coast north of Clip Mountain, or northeast Earl Kerr, looked pensive.
two or three times more. Each time, of it, on this trail or near it, Santiago
certain that he had remembered the "Put them all together," he said,
Lopez stumbled upon the great silver "and it narrows down to a pretty small
trail correctly at last, he went into a ledge. He was driving cattle at the area. I think I could find it."
Looking north from the Clip Mine to the area of the
lost mine. The old ore-freighting road, now impassable Today the route up Clip Wash, part sand and part rock
was built in J883 direct from the Clip to Clip Wash cascades, is shown on the U.S. Geological Survey quad
only as a trail. Four-wheel drive is advised

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In 1951, Earl made his hunt for the
Sedge. George Converse and Sumner
Farrar went with him. Earl told us
about it, with a smile of triumph,
when Lucile and I went down to Pica-
cho Christmas Day of that year.
"I found a big silver ledge in just
about the right area, and it had a little
old tumbled down monument on it."
"Was it richer than the Clip?" I
wanted to know.
Earl shrugged. "It looked good. I
just grabbed a sample off the top as 1
walked by. I had it assayed. It ran
two or three ounces of silver to the ton,
two or three percent lead."
Ed broke in: "It was the kind of
ore that assays better to the eye than
it is."
"But that was just a grab sample,"
Earl said, "and it's a big vein. It has
Did he have trouble finding it?
Earl shook his head. "It's on the
contact between the andesite and red
granite. You can see it from half a
mile away. Going over a small saddle,
it stands up in the air about four feet,
and it's about 15 feet wide and shows
up for about 30 feet. I don't think
they got in the right district hunting it,
because they didn't think there was
any ore on that side of the mountain.
But undoubtedly the vein is the same
as the Clip." Ed Rochester, in one of the glory holes of the Clip mine, examines rich
Was he going to do anything with lead-silver ore left in a supporting pillar of rock. The huge cottonwood
it? logs, left, were cut near the Colorado seven miles away, hauled to the mine
"Yes," Earl said. "We didn't pros- and put in place nearly 75 years ago.
pect it much. It was hot weather and
we let it go until next spring. Then ably, is just in or just out or in the "We returned by a fairly low pass,
we'll go in there again. It has the ear- buffer zone, and since the reservation slightly to the north of the place where
marks of something probably very is there at present, it must be reckoned we had gone in. A short narrow can-
good." with. So, too, must the normal dangers yon came down from the northeast on
But Earl never went back. He died of the country. It is not the place to a contact between the granite and the
suddenly before the return trip could prospect during the killing days of volcanics. Earl went up into it alone
be made. summer heat. Nor should its explora- and when he came back, in 15 or 20
Since that time Lucile and I have tion be attempted except with four- minutes, he said he might have found
been up Clip Wash to the Clip Mine wheel-drive. the ledge. He showed me samples he
and on to the Red Cloud, and all George Converse who, with his sis- had knocked off.
through that country of the lost ledge ter Helen, lives at Picacho, has not "It was almost supper time when we
with Ed Rochester. It is a wild, vivid, attempted to return to the ledge Earl got back to camp. We planned to go
rugged and lonely country, like much found. George loves the river-desert back next days, but a storm came up
of that along the lower Colorado. And country, but prospecting is only an that night. Thunder and lightning, and
lost mine hunters there today face one occasional hobby. Recently at his the rain poured down. The wash was
more problem than their predecessors home, going over the details of the no place to be in if we were going to
did. Go very far back from the river trip with him and Ed Rochester, I have a flash flood, so we broke camp
and you are in the Army's Yuma Test learned that Earl actually was the only at 2 a.m., drove all the way to the
Station. To me this is one of the most one of the three who saw the ledge. Red Cloud, and spent the rest of the
inexcusable of the military seizures, night in the old mess hall there. Next
"We followed the old road from the
since a great portion of the nearly- Red Cloud past the turnoff to the day we decided to go home and return
million acre reservation is seldom if Clip," George said. "A mile or two in better weather."
ever used. With most activities cen- farther on we camped in the wash by "It's been more than five years now,"
tered in the Imperial Dam area and the road. Next day Earl and I hiked I said. "Do you think you could go
across Highway 95 east of there, it through the pass north of Clip Moun- back to the canyon where Earl found
seems possible that a Congressional tain, between it and the main moun- the ledge?"
investigation would result in a drastic tains of the Trigos. There was a good "I could," George said.
reduction in area, without imparing the trail, apparently used by animals. We
function of the base. Ed Rochester, who has wandered
went into a basin at the head of the that confusing country much of his
The Clip mine lies either at the edge west branch of Yuma Wash. We pros- life, smiled his slow smile.
of the Test Station reservation or in pected for an hour or two, then started
its buffer zone. The lost ledge, prob- back. "You want to bet you can?" he
MAY, 1957
San Diego, California
Queen of the deserts' fragrant flowers
Tall Yucca boasts of ivory towers
Where butterflies and vagrant bees
Can whisper wind songs to the breeze.
Each wanton zephyr seems to knell
The soft sound of proud Yuccas' bell
While scudding clouds that pass her by
See Yucca holding up the sky.

Palm Desert, California
A busy friend came by this morn
While I was still in bed,
Just passing on her way to work.
"1 brought you these," she simply said.
Within her hands, three roses
Plucked for me to share;
Reflecting all the loveliness of dawn.
So quiet there . . .
Long after she was gone
I lay and thought,
"How sweet this gift
My friend to me has brought!
I'll write a poem!"
But my heart would not obey;
Above its throbbing
I could only think of God and pray.
Pink roses in a brown, thick jug
Their perfume wafting heavenward my
"God," I whispered, looking out across the
sand-dune hills—
Is everywhere!"

Desert Hot Springs, California
These joys I have:
(You city folk take note!)
Miles, miles of crystal air;
Blue skies where white clouds float;
SANCTUARY TEN-GALLON HAT! The sudden, brilliant springs—
When desert sings!
Denver Colorado Life here is rich:
This desert hacienda Los Angeles, California A meadow lark near by
Built of sun baked mud, Pours forth his haunting song.
Resting on a corner stone They called him "the homeliest man in What Diva's art can vie
Mixed with sweat and blood, town" With melody so true,
Is a happy little home, And brother, I must confess, Age-old! Spring-new!
In spite of what it seems, There wasn't a plainer guy around
With buzzards soaring up above When it came to looks and dress, Each day, each hour,
And lizards on the beams. Until, that night, by a Main Street store, The desert offers free
When he stood for the longest while Some treasure, spread to greet
Then finally ambled through the door Those blest with eyes to see,
There is laughter in this house With a real determined smile—
Evil spirits put to rout, And ears attuned to hear
Because my gate is painted blue, He spoke to a clerk, and then—yessiree— The silence clear!
To keep the devil out. He straightened that shiftless self
And pointed rather dramatically JEWELLED HEART-WOOD
To a big white hat on a shelf!
Soon he glanced in a mirror, his face aglow Santa Barbara, California
And his eyes shone blue and clean I hold in my hand a cabochon—
While he beckoned the clerk and said, real Once, bit of a mighty tree,
By TANYA SOUTH low, That lived, maybe, a million years
"Now I'll need new boots—and jeans—" Before the life of me.
There is purpose in our sorrow— A few minutes passed, then, smilingly,
There is purpose in each tear
That we weep. For thus we borrow A stranger stood by my side It holds in eternal fastness
Faith to overcome our fear, And proudly he whispered: "This is me— The warmth of sun and sea;
But my beat-up ghost is inside!" The glow of jewelled heart-wood,
Strength to lean on Higher Powers, So, brother, whenever you're broken down Entombed in mystery.
Love to kindle for the rest, And part of you feels like dead
Truth to light our darkest hours, Just give up the ghost and strut through What type of life was compatriot—
And the Will to do our best. town Who rested in its shade?
In this archive of stone, who knows
With a Ten-Gallon Hat on your head! The sword of that accolade?

Bat Close-Up . . .

Bodie, California


How the Sun and a Tortoise

Saved Little Denny's Life. . .
This is the story of a big lonely desert and a small lonely boy—
and what each brought to the other. And Godiva, the boy's pet
tortoise, played her part, too, for on her hard-shelled back the lad lad of 12 stooped down to pat a great
literally rode through the sun-filled days into a new life of health and hard-shelled reptile as it lay sunning
happiness. itself in the sand.
"Good-bye, Godiva," he said. "I'm
By HELENA RIDGWAY STONE going away for a while, but I'll be
back as soon as I can."
Denny's parents watched as the
YEARS ago in the days ing the desert and had put their cabin strong straight boy walked to the car
before miracle drugs and up for sale. with his suitcase. "He gave the desert
good desert roads, the parents In a matter of hours the house was his faith, and it has given him back
of a sickly lad of five made a big de- purchased. Then it was hauled to the his life," Denny's mother said to her
cision: they would leave Los Angeles new site—a three room home furnished husband with tears of happiness in
and their comfortable home and try in wicker, with grass-green fiber rugs her eyes.
to find a place in the desert where he on the floor and gay curtains on the And Denny did return many times,
would have a better chance to regain windows. And now Denny's new life and when he became an adult he went
his health. began. to live in the little green house in
The doctors had been kind and His father came every weekend to Lucerne Valley for a few months out
sympathetic to Denny, but none stay with his family. His arrival was of every year. His children love the
seemed to think there was much that a big moment for the child. Every desert home.
could be done for him. He had been week he brought Denny a gift-—a new It seems tortoises live forever, and
given tonics and good food but he book or a toy—but one Friday he Godiva still resides on Denny's place,
would spend most of his time lying arrived with the finest present Denny although she doesn't take as many
on a couch, looking at books or draw- had ever received. A tortoise! Not tours around the house as she once
ing pictures with crayons while other the coin-sized variety children play did.
children ran and played in the out- with today, but a huge fellow with a
doors. shell two feet in diameter.
After making up their minds to Denny named his new pet "Godiva."
seek out a warm dry climate for Denny, When the boy was feeling better than TOWNSITE FOR GLEN DAM
the parents spent many weekends look- usual, he would sit on the tortoise's TO BE BUILT IN ARIZONA
ing for a suitable place. They drove back and slowly — so very slowly —-
to the desert with army cots tied to Godiva crept around the house. The United States Interior Depart-
the top of their car and slept out ment announced its decision to locate
Denny's childhood was not a typical the Glen Canyon Dam townsite in
under the stars. One day they found
one, but it became a very happy one. Arizona on the southeast side of the
the property they had dreamed of.
After he made gains in health, he Colorado River.
It was on a plateau overlooking Lu- started his schooling with a visiting
cerne Valley east of Victorville. The teacher who thought him a wonderful To be called Page, Arizona, in honor
Granite Mountains threw their long student. In the evenings his mother of the late John C. Page, federal rec-
purple shadows across the desert to would light the oil lamps and help him lamation commissioner from 1937 to
the very point where Denny was to with his lessons. 1943, the town is expected to reach
have his new home. And there were a peak population of 12,00 during con-
Seven years passed before Denny struction. Its permanent population
trees on this land from which a ham-
returned to Los Angeles, and then, on probably will level off at about 2000
mock could be strung. Here the little
a bright desert-fresh morning, a tanned or 3000, the Department predicted.
boy would be able to rest in the sun-
shine. The site, almost on the rim of the
Time was becoming increasingly Colorado River gorge a half mile from
precious and Denny's parents turned the damsite, was ceded to the reclama-
their attention to getting a house built tion bureau by the Navajo Indian
on their land. They stopped at a gaso- Tribe, which received in return a
line station to have their car serviced promise of congressional approval for
and casually mentioned to the attend- an equal amount of land in Southern
ant that they had to put a house on Utah.
their property immediately. Guardian The location will become directly
angels were at their side, for a young accessible to Utah with completion of
man overheard the conversation and the bridge across Glen Canyon, ex-
told them of a couple who were leav- pected in 1959.—Phoenix Gazette

In May Boundary Peak (13,145 feet) in Nevada, sometimes affords snow climbing.
Photo by Niks Werner.

Mountains Are For Everyone

This Is a page for the mountaineering fraternity, and especially for our canteens and the next day noticed
those young people who would like to share in the exhilerating experi- a rather pleasant smoked flavor.
ence of camping and climbing where the air is clean and the beauty Rabbit Peak Ascent
of the natural landscape undisturbed by man's enterprise. Twenty-six Desert Peakers on a re-
cent ascent of Rabbit Peak (also in
By LOUISE TOP WERNER the Santa Rosa Mountains), found
the spring on the north flank of that
. , water! They furnished water for the early mountain flowing water. Not only
Springs in the desert mountains are Cahuilla Indians on their regular food- was the spring active but in the middle
likely to be quite unpredictable. When gathering treks from their winter homes of the night the whole sky became
you're climbing up a desert wash and in the desert to their summer homes active, deluging the knapsack campers
your topographic map indicates a in the mountains. with three hard showers. Newcomers
spring ahead, don't start drooling until We found both springs merely ooz- to Rabbit Peak are usually warned,
you see the sand getting wet. You ing mud puddles fouled by wild ani- "Carry plenty of water; Rabbit Peak
may have to dig for the precious fluid mals. We paused only briefly at Cac- is one of the driest climbs we sched-
then wait while your basin fills and the tus Spring, happy to note that it had ule." Few of the climbers had carried
water settles and clears. After that been given back to the wild animals. shelter, and some of them knapsacked
you may have to boil it for 20 minutes. When we visited it three years ago we back to the cars for breakfast. The
If you're thirsty the final product will found that some cattleman had piped rest went to the top the next day in
more than reward your patience. all the water into cattle tanks, making fine weather.
Such was our experience March 9 it inaccessible to the smaller wild ani- Sierra Club Scheduled
during a climb with the Desert Peakers mals. Climb for May 18-19
of the Sierra Club, a group that makes That night we camped at Agua Alta Boundary Peak (elevation 13,145
a hobby of exploring the desert moun- Spring, about 4300 feet. The spring feet) and Mount Montgomery (13,-
tain ranges of California. The topo is hidden among bushes in an arroyo 465), White Mountain Range. A
map showing the trail across Martinez north of a pinyon-covered flat where knapsack trip. Guests are welcome!
Pass in the Santa Rosa Mountains Indian pottery shards still lie scattered The White Mountain Range rises
south of Palm Springs, indicated two about. Bees swarmed about the mud along the central eastern border of
springs, Cactus Spring and Agua Alta puddle. With a tin cup we dug a California, its northern tip slipping over
Spring. These two springs, like so basin about a foot deep and wide. It the line into Nevada. Its elevation is
many of the waterholes we read about filled slowly and took an hour to clear. 14,242 feet.
in history, were once favorite gather- We filtered the water through fine Boundary Peak is the highest point
ing places for tribes on the march. cheesecloth, and boiled it. We filled in Nevada, while Mount Montgomery,

MAY, 1957 <•:

about half an airline mile to the south
of it, lies in California. This trip offers
the rare opportunity of crossing the
border into California (at an elevation
of about 12,800 feet) without a cus-
toms official asking you whether you're
carrying any citrus fruit.
The approach is from the Nevada
side, where the White Mountain range
presents a much more impressive Al-
Route: Highway 395 to Big Pine,
California. East over Westgard Pass
into Nevada, where road becomes 3A
(blacktop) to highway maintenance
station in Fish Lake Valley. Turn left
on fair dirt road, about 10 miles, or
as far as you can go. Watch for Sierra
Club arrows.
The climb (without packs) will start
at 5 a.m. Sunday, a 12-mile round-
Facts on Hole-in-the-Rock . . .

Salt Lake City

The article "The Hole in the Rock,"

pine facade than it does from the trip gaining about 4500 feet in eleva- in the April Desert gave me a surprise
Owens Valley in California, and most tion; class 2, no technical difficulties or two. Having spent a great deal of
of the climbing will be in Nevada. but rubber soles essential. time during the past half-dozen years
An ascent of these two peaks was Warm clothing is recommended. A digging out the facts regarding the fa-
described in the December, 1954, is- lightweight wool sweater or two worn mous Hole-in-the-Rock Expedition I
sue of Desert Magazine. Essentially under a hooded ski parka holds body feel qualified to make some corrections
the same terrain will be covered with heat and keeps out wind better than in the story. In the first place the
several important differences: a coat three times as heavy and bulky. Hole-in-the-Rock was the major wagon
(1) It's probable that in May there Most climbers prefer several thin lay- route from southern Utah settlements
will be enough snow and possibly ice, ers so they can peel off as they warm to the San Juan region for a whole year
to make an ice axe necessary for safety, up. A mummy-type down sleeping and many wagons were driven both
especially while traversing the ridge bag affords the knapsacker the most ways over that road—yes, up through
between the two peaks. The leaders warmth per foot-pound. the Hole as well as down it, impossi-
require that those who expect to com- Dehydrated foods are not weight- ble as that may seem today to the
plete the entire climb bring ice axes savers to the camper who has to carry casual visitor to the site.
and wear rubber lug shoes. water to cook them in. Canned foods
(2) The last few miles of dirt road are more popular, as are juicy raw Secondly, the first wagons were
is being torn up for a pipeline; this foods like carrots, celery, cucumbers, driven down through that notch on
may necessitate up to four miles of apples and oranges. January 26, 1880, not February.
back-packing to base camp, which will This trip is conducted by the Sierra Thirdly, most of the colonists of that
be at the spot where the road formerly Peakers, many of whom also belong expedition came from Iron County:
ended, in Trail Canyon. to the Desert Peaks Section. Leader Parowan, Cedar City, Paragonah, New
(3) The water in Trail Canyon has is Don Clarke, 383 E. Washington St., Harmony, etc., although a few were
been so badly fouled by wild horses, Pasadena 6. from Panguitch and two men were from
that each climber is requested to bring Strangers on these trips should make Kanab; there was no one from Henri-
enough water for the entire trip (up to themselves known to the leader so ville.
three quarts, depending on how liquid they can be introduced and made to Fourthly, the "Mormon Steps" were
your food is and how successful you feel at home. Say you saw it in Desert not cut by the original company of
are at ignoring thirst). Magazine. pioneers who were building a wagon
road, not a staircase. The steps were
cut approximately 20 years later by
miners and an outfit that was operat-
ing an Indian trading post at the base
Rock of the Hole. The steps were to enable
men to carry goods from the canyon
rim at the head of the hole to the trad-
of Death Valley ing post below, and back up again.
I realize that some of the ideas con-
tained in this article are quite com-
"Don't it ever rain here?" monly believed by some people; but
asked the tourist, who was wait- "Look'd as if we'd have an- they are not based on fact-—they are
ing in the shade of the Inferno other rain a couple months ago. just not true. I have written numerous
store while Death Valley's roust- Them black clouds came up over short articles on the Hole-in-the-Rock
about mechanic put a patch on the Panamints. About that time trek and now have a book completed
one of the tires. OF Pisgah came outa his shack —to be published during the present
Hard Rock Shorty edged his and took a squint at the sky. year.
chair over a few inches to get 'Looks as if I'm gonna git an- DAVID E. MILLER
more directly in the breeze that other bath,' he yelled. 'Ain't Professor of History
came from a squeaky fan. When had one since that last rain three University of Utah
he was comfortably settled in his years ago.' • • •
new location he glanced up at "Then he went back inside and Lost Pegleg Gold Exists . . .
the newcomer. used what water was left in the Willits, California
"Yep!" he said. "Three years barrel soapin' hisself up ready Desert:
ago last August it rained so hard fer a good shower. I should like to answer the question
some o' the lizards began to "But do yu know what hap- raised by the late James A. Jasper in
grow webs on their toes. An' pened? Them clouds busted up the March, 1957, Desert: was "Peg-
one o' them ducks Pisgah Bill without spillin' a drop o' water. leg's Mine—Fact or Fable?" Jasper
keeps in the pen with his chickens An' Bill had to walk 15 miles to claims "Fable." I claim "Fact." The
drowned 'cause it'd never learned the spring up in Eight Ball crick author, like so many others, evidently
to swim. to wash the soap offen hisself." did not know that there were two
Pegleg Smiths, and two mines.

First he has Pegleg's name wrong. plunder the camp, or perhaps the mis- LA. Up to Old Tricks . . .
Thomas L. Smith had a mine East of chief will be limited to breaking glass Blythe, California
the Chocolate Mountains, a real mine, and shooting holes in cans and other Desert:
either a tunnel in the side of a moun- objects about the place. Here we are trying to keep our
tain or a shaft, but in any event he H. GRAHAM desert beautiful when dear old Los
was underground. This story was pub-
lished, some years ago, in the Los
The more you know about the desert—its
Angeles Times, written by Joe Chis-
holm. The man who found gold nug- ifU1Z flora a n d f a u n a
> i t s m"story> g e o g r a P h y; li fe
a n ( j i o r e — t h e better you will like this vast
gets, not rich quartz, on the top of a
hill was John O. Smith. arid land. The Desert Quiz is published not only to test your knowledge
of this region, but as a source of new information. These are not catch
Furthermore, he was not a brother
questions. Rather, they are taken from the great store of common knowl-
of Jedediah Strong Smith. I got this
from a man who, some years ago, had edge of this region. Twelve to 15 is a fair score, 16 to 18 is good, a higher
thoroughly investigated Jedediah with score is exceptional. The answers are on page 33.
the view of writing a book on his life 1—Blossom of the ocotillo is—Red White.- Blue Lav-
and journeys in California. He told ender
me "neither of the Pegleg Smiths were 2—The Hopi Snake dance is a prayer for—Abundant game . Pro-
related to Jedediah." tection from snakes Rain . Peace with neighboring tribes-
Jasper's facts concerning the ampu- men
tation of his leg and his being a heavy 3—The name Peralta is associated with—The Lost Dutchman mine in
drinker are correct. The "prominent the Superstition Mountains in Arizona . The discovery of silver
Riverside resident named Couver" (act- at Tombstone Reclamation of the Imperial Valley . Ex-
ually spelled "Cover" but pronounced ploration of Grand Canyon
"Couver") only made one trip to the 4—The officer who led the Mormon Battalion to California in 1846-47
desert to search for the Pegleg Gold. was—Lieut. Emory Philip St. George Cooke . Brigham
His partner was Wilson Russell. In Young John Poston
1902 I interviewed Mrs. Tom Cover 5—xhe Colorado River has no shoreline in one of the following states—
and Russell. The latter told me, in California— New Mexico Arizona Utah
answer to my question—"Did he and 6—When winter rains bring abundant flowers to the desert, the most
Cover thoroughly believe in the exist- common species seen on the sand dunes is — Desert lily.- ... En-
ence of the Pegleg gold when they left celia Verbena Poppies
Riverside to look for it?"—that Tom 7—Before the basin was submerged in 1905-6-7 the floor of the present
Cover had in his possession a nugget Salton sea yielded large quantities of—Borax Salt Pum-
from the Pegleg Mine, and a map of its ice stone . Gypsum
location when they made their journey 8—The term "Desert varnish" refers to—A gum that oozes from the
to the desert. stems of a creosote bush The silky sheen of the petals of cactus
Pegleg did not make the trip from blossoms Lime deposited on rocks by mineralized water—
Yuma to Los Angeles, on which he An organic coating that covers desert rocks over a wide area _
found the gold, in 1836 but in the 9—Mescalero is the name of a tribe of — Navajo Indians
early '50s, and he did not have a Yumas__ _. . Apaches Hopis
party with him, but was alone. 0—The Kaibab plateau is—On the north rim of Grand Canyon
I have been convinced that the Peg- West of Cedar City, Utah Overlooks the Rio Grande .
leg story is true for 57 years and there Home of the Hopi Indians
will have to be more evidence than 11 The fowl often referred to as the "Cuckoo Bird" is a—Swallow
Jasper presented to make me change Roadrunner . Quail Woodpecker
my conviction. H. E. W. WILSON 12—The Dons Club, dedicated to preserving the lore and traditions of
• • • the Southwest, is located at — Albuquerque Phoenix
Jasper Bight About Pegleg , . . Jerome . Nogales
Del Rosa, California 13—Filifera is the species name of a desert—Cactus Yucca
Desert: Lizard Native palm
James A. Jasper's story of Pegleg 14—The Gila River flows westward into—Salton Sea Death Val-
Smith in the March, 1957, Desert ley Sink Green River Colorado River
sounds like a sober reflection to me. 15—Driving from Albuquerque to Taos, New Mexico, by the shortest
Personally, I wouldn't go across the paved route, the largest city you would pass through is — Santa
road to look for a lost mine—even if Fe Gallup... . Carlsbad Tucumcari .
someone said there was a mine over 16—Most conspicuous mountains seen from Flagstaff, Arizona are—The
there. For one thing, a more accurate Catalinas ....... The Wasatch range . The San Francisco
description of supposedly lost discov- peaks La Sal Mountains
eries, such as "lost pockets" or "lost 17—Uintah is the name of an Indian reservation in—Utah— . New
lenses" often are lacking. And lost Mexico . Arizona . Nevada
mines such as Scotty's Death Valley 18—Closest important town to the Petrified Forest National Monument
gold may never have been found in is — Winslow . Holbrook Springerville . Farming-
the first place. ton _..
In the same issue Nell Murbarger 19—The book, Wonders of the Colorado Desert, was written by—Carl
tells the story of the Nevada prospector Eytel . George Wharton James James Smeaton Chase
Ed Smith and it seems somewhat of a John C. Van Dyke
mistake to me for you to give direc- 20—Butterfield is the name of—A stage line that crossed the Southwestern
tions to the homes of solitary desert desert 100 years ago Discoverer of silver at Tombstone
dwellers such as Smith. Considering First governor of Arizona The man who captured Geron-
the way people get around these days, imo.-
there is a chance that marauders will

MAY, 1 957 27
Angeles, with her growing pains, not
only wants to steal all of Arizona's
water, but again is proposing to dump
the rubbish of 4,000,000 people out
Below Average Rainfall Lowers
Forecasts fot River Runoff...
here along with her smog and smoke.
Next in line is the baling of sewage in
order to keep her beaches clean—and
then trying to ship it to the desert.
JACK E. MARLOWE Most areas of the Southwest re- of average is forecast for the creeks
ceived below average precipitation dur- near Winslow.
ing the month of February, resulting The outlook for November to June
Sun Turns Glass Quickly . . . in a general lowering of the estimated streamflow in the upper Gila Basin is
stream runoff for this water year (No- poor with streamflow expected to be
Twentynine Palms, California vember, 1956, to June, 1957), the near 30 percent of the 1938-52 aver-
Desert: U. S. Weather Bureau said. age if precipitation for the remainder
It is a common belief on the desert The Colorado River Basin above of the season is near normal. Outlook
that it takes from three to five years Glenwood Springs, Colorado, had near for the Verde and Salt Basins is much
of exposure in the bright sunlight for normal precipitation but the rainfall more favorable because of the high
old glass to take on faint tinges of was somewhat spotty and some sta- precipitation during January.
color. tions reported amounts much below These are waterflow predictions for
Last year I moved to the high desert normal. Over the upper Gunnison the Rio Grande Basin where rainfall
and my neighbor showed me pieces of Basin above normal precipitation was varied from about 80 percent to 100
glass that had started to turn color received, while the watersheds of the percent of normal: Upper Rio Grande
after only two years of exposure. They Uncompahgre and Dolores rivers had at Del Norte, Colorado, 90 percent;
were lying in partial shade and had less than normal. Rio Chama inflow to El Vado Reser-
not received the full benefit of the sun's Streamflow for most of the Colorado voir, and Rio Grande tributaries in
rays during this period. above Cisco, Utah, is expected to be Colorado along the San Juan Moun-
I placed several pieces of "old glass" near the 1938-52 average. Only in tains, near normal; Rio Grande at
in my backyard in mid-August. Within the Uncompahgre (77 percent) and Otowi Bridge, New Mexico, 76 per-
three of four days several pieces had Dolores (74 percent) river basins is cent; Pecos River inflow to Alamo-
become opaque with a hint of orchid the runoff expected to be much below gordo Reservoir, 60 percent.
coloration. In two weeks they had a average. Runoff of the Colorado at The story was much the same for
very definite cast. Cisco during February was near aver- the Great Basin where February rain-
age, and the March through September fall over the higher watersheds of the
After this amazing start, I took flow is forecast to be 4,500,000 acre- Wasatch Range was from 70 percent
down a trunk in which I had stored a feet or 95 percent of average. to near 90 percent of normal, and
few antique pressed glass and cut glass over the lower valleys of Salt Lake
pieces and placed them in my sun glass Rainfall over the Green River basin and Utah Lake less than 65 percent
garden. This was in early October averaged about 50 percent of normal, of normal. The Ogden and Logan
when the sun's rays were no longer but slightly above normal amounts fell areas reported near normal amounts.
so direct and the days were becoming over the upper Yampa and White Streamflow forecasts are: Bear and
shorter. But despite this, several pieces River watersheds. Stream flow near Logan, 90 percent of the 1938-52 av-
began turning within a few weeks. the 15-year average is forecast for the erage; Upper Weber River, 90 percent;
upper Yampa and White rivers, and Lower Weber River, 75 percent; Provo
Next I put my wine bottle collection runoff for most of the upper Green River, 94 percent; Inflow to Utah Lake,
—some of pressed glass and all beau- in Wyoming and the Utah tributaries 88 percent.
tifully shaped — in the glass garden is forecast to be from about 75 to 85
which is so located as to receive sun- percent of average. Except for the San Pitch River drain-
light from dawn to dusk. Along with age area in the northern part of the
these I put a number of clear glass Precipitation over the San Juan Ba- Sevier Basin, precipitation during Feb-
pieces that were dull and uninteresting. sin, averaging only 75 percent of nor- ruary was much below normal over
Some hobnail pieces have taken on an mal, was in sharp contrast to the Jan- this drouth-stricken area. Forecasts
opalescent cast; a beautifully shaped uary precipitation when monthly for the basins are: Sevier, 55 to 65
etched yellow glass has acquired a amounts ranged as high as 450 percent percent if precipitation for the rest of
golden sparkle and other yellow pieces, of normal. Streamflow forecasts vary the season is near normal; Beaver
evidently seconds, are showing a red- from 105 percent of the 1938-52 aver- River, 65 percent.
ish-purple. age at Rosa, New Mexico, to 93 per-
cent of average downstream near Bluff, Outlook for the Humboldt Basin is
I have noticed one thing regarding Utah. poor with less than half the 15-year
those pieces that turn slowly—in a few average anticipated. February precipi-
days it is possible to tell what color- February precipitation over the tation over the Truckee and Carson
ing the sun is going to bring out. All Lower Colorado Basin was much be- River basins was near normal, while
old glass does not turn blue or purple, low normal. February was also one it was below normal over the Walker
of course. Orchid, golden yellow and of the warmest Februarys on record, and Owens River basins. About 70
amber are common colors and I have and on March 1, no snow was reported percent of average water-year stream-
one bottle that seems to be taking on below 8500 feet. Runoff during the flow is expected for the Carson and
a greenish cast. month was very high in the Salt and Walker rivers, with runoff of the
Verde Basins. The water-supply out- Owens River near Bishop, California,
This is a wonderful hobby—especi- look for the Little Colorado River at expected to be near 80 percent of
ally when you remember that it doesn't Woodruff, Arizona, is for an expected normal. The water-supply outlook of
take years or even months for results. November to June streamflow of 74 the Mojave Basin is poor—between
MRS. RUTH ROWAN percent of average. Near 120 percent 33 and 51 percent of average.

formed him that doves eat as many
Hete and Here on the Desert cantaloupe seeds as they do weeds.—
Calexico Chronicle
• • •
ARIZONA Most of the money is earmarked for
schools, water development and tribal Permanent Dam Completion Nears
Way Clear for Paper Mill . . . welfare. Set aside as a scholarship BLYTHE—Palo Verde Valley's 80-
SNOWFLAKE — Sale of 30-year fund was $5,000,000, but the council year struggle against the frequently
timber pulpwood cutting rights in decided to postpone appropriation of treacherous Colorado River is nearing
northeastern Arizona by the U. S. For- the money until an agency—such as an end as work on the $4,677,000
est Service has opened the way for the U. S. Treasury or a private invest- permanent diversion dam 11 miles
construction of a pulp and paper mill ment firm—is named to administer it. northeast of Blythe was at the half-
near Snowflake by Southwest Lumber The extensive program will be financed way mark. Workmen expect to finish
Mills, Inc., the buyer. More than 6,- by the Navajos' income from oil and the entire project, including canal
000,000 cords of timber are available gas leases which amounted to $33,- modification on the California side and
to Southwest on its bid of $1.10 a 000,000. Other revenue comes from levees on the Arizona side, early next
cord on approximately 1,600,000 acres uranium, coal and forest products. Tri- year. Total cost is expected to exceed
on Kaibab, Coconino, Sitgreaves, bal leaders also appropriated $20,000 $7,000,000. Upon the completion of
Apache and Tonto national forests in for the reservation's first television sta- the dam, the temporary rock weir built
Arizona and Cibola, near Grants, New tion, tentatively planned for the Win- with the help of the federal govern-
Mexico. Southwest must construct a dow Rock-Fort Defiance area.—Phoe- ment in 1945 will be demolished. This
pulp mill by March 1, 1962, as a con- nix Gazette weir was built to offset the drop in the
dition of the contract. It would have • • • river level as the result of the con-
a minimum 200-ton daily capacity.— struction of Hoover, Parker and other
CALIFORNIA dams on the Colorado.—Palo Verde
Phoenix Gazette
Boat Basin for Salton Park , , , Valley Times
MECCA—-A $63,890 contract has • • •
Taxable Land Acreage , . .
been awarded for construction of a Recreational Facilities Urged . . ,
PHOENIX—Less than 16 percent boat basin at the Salton Sea State Park. WASHINGTON, D. C. — Senator
of Arizona's land area is potentially Plans call for parking facilities for 50 Thomas H. Kuchel of California, citing
taxable property, the State Department cars, a concrete boat launching ramp growing pressure on the Nation's nat-
of Mineral Resources disclosed. Of and a gravelled roadway. Future plans ural resources, has suggested to Fed-
the state's 72,688,000 acres, the Fed- include additional camping and pic- eral officials the time may have come
eral government owns 51,550,000 nicking areas in addition to those al- to tighten laws covering the utilization
acres. This figure includes 19,410,000 ready in the park. Parking facilities
acres of Indian Reservation or trust will eventually be expanded to provide
land. The state itself owns slightly for an additional 150 cars and the
less than 10,000,000 acres, or 13.67
percent of the land area, leaving only
three-acre boat basin and entrance GLORIOUS flDVEHTURE
channel will have a depth of about 10
11,200,000 or 15.41 percent in the feet. This will include a graded beach
form of potential taxable property. on the east side of the basin. The
The state has the largest percentage entrance channel will be 40 feet wide
of unsurveyed lands in the nation— and 300 feet long.—Banning Record
32.64 percent or 23,726,169 acres.— • • •
Phoenix Gazette
Legislature Kills Dove Bill . . .
SACRAMENTO—A legislative bill
Restoration, Funds Givea . . . which would have outlawed dove hunt-
TOMBSTONE —- The city's 180 ing in California was killed when it
restoration members contributed $3428 was referred to an interim committee
of the $4242 county total during 1956, after three hours of spirited debate.
and from mid-1955 to the end of Jan- Proponents of the measure sought to
uary of this year, members had brought place the doves on the protected song
in a total of $7738. These funds will bird list, maintaining that they ate det-
be vised to restore and convert the rimental weeds. Senator William Beard In the Canyons of the Colorado
historic county courthouse into a mu- of El Centro, who opposed the bill, and San Juan Rivers
seum.—Tombstone Epitaph said Imperial County farmers had in- Sturdy boats and skilled boatmen-guides
insure safe and thoroughly enjoyable passage
• m • through the most colorful canyons of the
Norvctios Outline Program . , . Southwest desert.
WINDOW ROCK — A $9,000,000 Mexican Hat or Hite, Utah, to Forbidden
long range development program for Beautiful Canyon and return
the vast Navajo Indian Reservation GLEN C A N Y O N If the Glen Canyon damsite is closed to
was approved by the Tribal Council. in Utah only navigation, motors will be installed for return
trip from Forbidden Canyon to Hite.
Hite to Crossing oi the Fathers
• • • . • : ; . • • • : ; . •

Lower Glen Canyon closed to boating by Lee's Ferry to Lake Mead

Government order during building of dam. 18-day trip in July
Transportation arranged from river Special charter trips may be arranged.
V to your car or plane Wrile for 1957 summer schedule and rates.

; >
/ * ! •


f •,':•'• i ' - l - V C i ' : • . • '.• •'• •' •• • • ' - " ••" -: •'•- • • ' •"••'.:•» Western River Tours — Richfield, Ctali
• ' : :
: / • " • ' • ' • ' * • : > • . < • . . : - . ' • . • . • • , • • • • : • . • ! . - . . • • : .
P.O. Box 427 Standing, Utah

MAY, 195 29
PAN GOLD: $1 for 75 panning areas in
25. California counties. Geological for-


Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 12c a Word, $2.00 Minimum Per Issue
mations, elevations, pertinent notes. Pan-
ning pans $2.75, $2.25. Leather nugget
and dust poke $1. Fred Mark, Box 801,
Ojai, California.
GHOST TOWN ITEMS: Sun-colored glass,
amethyst to royal purple; ghost railroads
BOOKS—MAGAZINES FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo and materials, tickets; limited odd items from
Zuni jewelry. Old pawn. Hundreds of camps of the '60s. Write your interest—
SCIENTOLOGY — The Fundamentals of fine old baskets, moderately priced, in Box 64-D, Smith, Nevada.
Thought, by L. Ron Hubbard. The basic excellent condition. Navajo rugs, old and
book of the theory and practice of Scien- new, Bayeta, native dyes, Two Gray Hills. LOST MINES, buried treasure, uranium
tology for beginners. The answer to fission Artifacts and gems. A collector's para- or water—we can help locate from a dis-
and fear. Send $1 to C. I. Clark, Box dise! Open daily 10 to 5:30, closed Mon- tance of 20 miles to 5000 foot depth.
313, Palm Desert, California. days, Buffalo Trading Post, Highway 18, The Geotest Company, 1833 Marney
Apple Valley, California. Avenue, Los Angeles 32, California.
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices!
You name it—we find it! Western Ameri- RARE ITEMS for interior decoration, col- ANTIQUE WALL phones. Excellent con-
cana, desert and Indian books a specialty. lectors. Authentic Navaho, Hopi and dition. $9.95; two $18.50. Luscious pur-
Send us your wants. No obligation. In- Zuni jewelry, old pawn. Large collection ple sage honey—raw, thick. Organically
ternational Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, old Indian pottery, baskets, kachinas. No grown dried fruit, nuts. Free circular.
Beverly Hills, California. catalogs but inquiries invited. The Nav- Tontz Honey Farm and Country Store,
aho Shop, 1133 N. La Brea Avenue, old highway 71, Elsinore, California.
HAVE REAL fun with desert gems, min- Inglewood, California. ORchard 4-8717. Open every day.
erals and rocks. The rockhound's how-
to-do-it magazine tells how. One year VERMONT MAPLE syrup—direct from
(12 issues) only $3.00. Sample 25c. Gems MAPS sugar orchard to you. Guaranteed pure
and Minerals, Box 687-D, Mentone, Cal. Grade A syrup. All shipments postpaid
SECTION1ZED COUNTY maps — San and insured. Check or money order must
WESTERN TRAVEL Books: Send for Bernardino $1; Riverside $1; Imperial accompany order. $8.95 per gallon;
our mapped list of Books on Western 50c; San Diego 50c; Inyo 75c; other Cali- $4.75 per Vi gallon. M. G. Corti, Wal-
Travel and Rock Collecting. 101 titles fornia counties $1.25 each. Nevada coun- den, Vermont.
to choose from. Scenic Guides, Arizona ties $1 each. Topographic maps of all
$1.00; California $1.50; Colorado, $1.50; mapped areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest
Nevada $1.50; Oregon $1.50. Save by W. Third St., Los Angeles, California. Beautifier." For women who wish to
mail! We pay postage. Scenic Guides, become beautiful, for women who wish
Box 288, Susanville, California. TREASURE MAP 17x22 shows the loca- to remain beautiful. An outstanding des-
tion of 50 of the most famous Lost Mines ert cream. For information, write or call
and Treasures of the west. Printed in gay Lola Barnes, 963 N. Oakland, Pasadena
CLUBS—ORGANIZATIONS 6, Calif., or phone SYcamore 4-2378.
colors. Portrays the romance of the Old
JOIN A REAL Prospectors and Rockhounds West. Ideal for hanging in game room
or den. In addition you get the history ASSAYS. Complete, accurate, guaranteed.
organization. Amateurs welcome. Many Highest quality spectrographic. $3 per
benefits for members. Membership $2.50 of how each of the 50 were found and
lost. Data and clues to their location. sample. Reed Engineering, 620 S. Ingle-
year, includes publication "Panning Gold." wood Ave., Tnglewood 1, California.
United Prospectors, 701 Vz East Edge- The result of 9 years of prospecting and
ware, Los Angeles, California. research by the author. Send $1.50 to
Prospector Milt, 3915 Lamont, San Diego
TREASURE HUNTERS—Join active hunts 9, California. and disposal of Federally-owned land.
on June 1, Treasure Hunter's Day. Arm- With the steady growth of population
chair hunters welcome, too. Local chap-
ters now forming. Interesting Circular REAL ESTATE and increase in travel and outdoor
free. Treasure Trove Club, Williamsburg, activities, there is serious danger that
New Mexico. PRIMITIVE RANCH for sale, Yaak, Mon- future generations of Americans will
tana. 320 acres, commercial timber, trout
river. Eight log buildings. Elk, moose, lack scenic, educational and inspira-
deer, grizzlies, bobcats. Pack trails, ideal tional features for recreation, Kuchel
PAINT OILS: Exciting home-courses. Trial for Dude Ranch. Hay—96 to 100 tons said in letters to the secretaries of
lesson $1.00, specify landscape or still- per season. Write V. Magnant, 9325 N. Agriculture and Interior.—Inyo Reg-
life. Folders free. Prickett's Desertwind 7th St., Sunnyslope, Arizona.
Studios, Millerton, New York. ister
NEAR ANZA, house, barn, well, $3300. 40 • • •
INDIAN GOODS acres or less, $300 an acre. 971 Barbour,
Banning, California. River Case in Recess . . .
FIVE FINE Prehistoric Indian arrowheads
$2.00. Perfect stone tomahawk $2.20. Ef- GOVERNMENT LAND for sale, five acres, SAN FRANCISCO—Recessed un-
figy pipe $5.00. Perfect flint thunderbird cabin 16x18, new well, plenty of water. til May 6 while special master Simon
$3.00. Flint fish hook $3.00. List free. Highway 91 near Yermo, California. Mrs.
Myrl Harris, Box 512, Barstow, Calif. H. Rifkind recovers from a collapse
Five offers for only $12.00. Arrowhead, is the trial of the Colorado River water
Glenwood, Arkansas. CHOICE HOMESITES and acreage. Salton case involving the long-standing Cali-
AUTHENTIC INDIAN Jewelry, Navajo Sea vicinity. Low as $1495, $95 down, fornia and Arizona dispute over the
Rugs, War Bonnets, Squaw Dresses, $25 month. Pon & Co., Box 546 DA,
Azusa, California. water. Before ordering the recess, Rif-
Squaw Boots, Fine old Indian collection.
Pow-Wow Indian Trading Post, 19967 kind ruled that California could intro-
NICE SHADY oasis planted to grapefruit, duce evidence aimed at upholding the
Ventura Blvd., East Woodland Hills, Cal. tangerines. Good house, swimming pool,
33 acres, Coachella Valley. $85,000. principle of "prior rights." Arizona
IROQUOIS MASK $25.00; pipe-tomahawk
$27.50; catlinite peace-pipe $12.50; 5 ar- Ronald L. Johnson, broker, Box 162, has contended this evidence was irrele-
rowheads $1.00; strand trade beads, $1.00. Thermal, California. vant.—Nevada State Journal
Iron pointed African spear with shaft • • •
$7.50. Paul Summers, Canyon, Texas. MISCELLANEOUS
SELLING 100,000 Indian relics. 100 nice BOLO TIE, set with your favorite snapshot
ancient arrowheads $25.00. Small grooved or initials in gold. $2.98. Swigert's, 2218 Wilderness Area for Jarbidge . . .
stone tomahawk $2.00. Large grooved Louella, Venice, California.
stone tomahawk $3.00. Perfect spear- JARBIDGE—Part of the Humboldt
head over 8 inches long $20.00. Flint JERUSALEM, HOLY-LAND; also Vatican
scalping knife $1.00. Indian skull $25.00. City, Rome, Italy; beautiful viewcards National Forest near Jarbidge may be
Ancient water bottle from grave $7.00. 15c each or 10 for $1.00. S. Laurie, 915 established as a wilderness area, the
List free. Lear's. Glenwood, Arkansas. East Adams, Tucson, Arizona. U. S. Forest Service announced. At

present there are no Nevada areas so Federal Register and the lands are not Danger to Water Supply Seen . . .
designated. The 68,827 acres covered subject to disposal until classified. The SANTA FE — An official of the
by the proposal include the beautiful lands were formerly livestock trail U. S. Geological Survey warned resi-
Jarbidge Mountains and the headwaters lands known as the Fern ley Trail, Love- dents of the High Plains of Texas and
of Mary's and Jarbidge rivers. Eight lock Trail, Imlay Trail, Golconda Trail, New Mexico that they face serious
mountain peaks with elevations of 10,- Battle Mountain Trail and Wells Trail water shortages if well-drilling is al-
000 feet or over are included in the and in general are barren lands not lowed to further lower the water table.
area.—Pioche Record conducive to agriculture. Inquiries Increased well-drilling in this area is
• « • should be made of the Manager of the draining an underground supply which
Wild Horse Controversy Brews . . . Land Office, P. O. Box 1551, Reno. won't be replaced for centuries, said
CARSON CITY—Calling for more —Reese River Reveille Albert Fiedler, assistant chief of the
humane methods in the rounding up of USGS's ground water supply branch.
wild horses in Nevada, directors of NEW MEXICO The Roswell basin of New Mexico also
the Washoe Horsemen's Association faces a real problem in this regard.—
Villa Raid Monument Proposed . . . New Mexican
and the Nevada State Horsemen's As-
sociation voted against the passage in COLUMBUS — Residents of this • • •
the legislature of a bill concerning the southwestern New Mexico border town
are discussing the possibility of erecting UTAH
trapping of mustangs. In essence, the
bill would permit hunting of wild a monument to commemorate the
Ute Indians Win Land Case . . .
horses by aircraft. A Sacramento, Pancho Villa raid and the eight civili-
ans and nine U. S. soldiers killed by SALT LAKE CITY — T h e Indian
California, newspaper reported that its
article concerning the rounding up of the Mexican revolutionary leader's Claims Commission decided that the
wild horses in Nevada, has caused a troops. Columbus, population 300, Uintah Ute Indians of Utah are entitled
flood of reader comment and residents does not have even a highway histori- to payment for approximately 7,000,-
of Applegate, California, have pro- cal marker to indicate the raid which 000 acres of land taken from them by
tested the "slaughter of wild mustangs occurred early in the morning of March the white man in the 1860s. In two
in Nevada by the pet food companies." 9, 1916, and precipitated the expedi- cases pending since 1949, interlocu-
The State maintains that under present tion into Mexico led by General John tory decisions rendered unanimously
laws, the county issues permits to hunt J. Pershing. The monument would also by the Commission favor the Utah
horses, not the State.—Nevada State commemorate the first invasion of the Indians, holding that they were owners
Journal United States by a foreign power since of the land until it was taken by the
the War of 1812, and also mark the United States for its own use or dis-
place where Army aviation received position to others under public land
Historic Roundhouse Razed . . , its baptism of service, for planes took laws or given by the United States to
SPARKS — Wrecking crews began off from a crude strip at Columbus to
razing one of the best known land- KENT FROST JEEP TRIPS
support elements of the Pershing ex- Into the Famous Utah Needles Area
marks in Sparks—the Southern Pacific pedition.—Las Cruces Citizen Junction of the Green and Colorado rivers;
Indian and Salt creeks; Davis, Lavander,
roundhouse. The historic structure • • « Monument, Red, Dark and White canyons;
once was a main repair and service Ft. Burgwin, Restoration . . . Dead Horse and Grand View points; Hoven-
weep and Bridges national monuments.
shop for steam locomotives in the SP TAOS — An endowment provided 3-day or longer trips for 2-6 person parties
—S25 daily per person. Inclndea sleeping
system, but shop service was discon- by the Wichita Foundation of Wichita, bags, transportation, guide service, meals.
tinued last year when the company be- Write KENT FROST, Monticello, Utah.
Kansas, will make it possible for the
gan replacing its steam engines with restoration and reconstruction over a
diesel. The roundhouse operation was 10-year period of Fort Burgwin in the
moved from Wadsworth to Sparks in Pot Creek area south of Taos. Plans Be Sure to Visit
1904.—Nevada State Journal call for the complete restoration of
the old fort, erection of a small his-
Special Stamp, Coin Asked . . . torical museum on the site and the RHYOLITE
CARSON CITY—-Another attempt recreation of some old Indian works 4Vz Miles from Beatty
to have the Federal government issue in the neighborhood. The fort was Last Bonanza of the Golden West
a special postal stamp and silver half established following the 1848 Indian —HISTORIC SITES TO SEE—
dollar to commemorate the centennial uprisings. The cavalry post existed The fabulous H.R. Depot—Old Cemetery—
of the discovery of the Comstock Lode Bottle House — Forgotten Gold Mines —
from 1852 to I860.—El Crepusculo Skeleton Bldgs. of yesteryear and many
was reflected in state senate resolu- • • • other strange Death Valley Phenomena.
tions. A major celebration is planned Route Beautification Is Goal . . . Courteous Information with Your Depot Hosts
in 1959 by the state on the 100th an- HOUSTON, Texas—The Old Span- MR. & MRS. H. H. HEISLER
niversary of the beginning of digging ish Trail Highway Association an-
in Gold Hill and the discovery of silver nounced plans for making the nearly
in Virginia City by Henry P. T. Corn- 2500 miles of highway from Jackson-
stock.—Nevada State Journal ville, Florida, to San Diego, California, 1000 TRAVEL SCENES
• • • the most beautiful highway in the
Public Lands Open for Filing . . . world. Each area and state along the
RENO—Opening of 48,220 acres route will be invited to participate in
of reconveyed public land for filing the planting of roadside trees, shrubs
was announced this week by E. R. and flowers of all kinds. The planting SPECIAL OFFER
Greenlet, state supervisor of the Bur- of memorial groves of trees, each hon- To introduce readers of DESERT to our
eau of Land Management at Reno, oring the pioneers and builders of the 2"x2" COLOR SLIDES for home projec-
tion, we are offering a FREE 20 page
These lands will not be open to mining individual areas, will be stressed, to- catalog and a FREE sample color slide.
location or mineral leasing as the for- Travel, Science, Nature, National Parks
gether with plaques commemorating and the southwest. Write today to —
mer owners have retained the mineral points of historic interest along High-
rights. Applications will not be ac- K E L L Y D. C H O D A
way 90 and affiliated routes. — Las 732 URSULA ST. AURORA 8, COLO.
cepted until notice is published in the Cruces Citizen

MAY, 1957 31
a Colorado Ute Indian band. In fur-
ther trials, the exact acreage of the land
will be detailed and the amount of
compensation the United States must
pay will be decided. Values will be
established as of the date the land was
taken from the Indians.—Vernal Ex- McGill Nevada . . . Magna. Utah . . .
press Work force reductions in Kennecott Cop- Utah Copper Division of Kennecott Cop-
per Corporation's Nevada Mines Division per Corporation has scheduled construction
• • • and other mining operations in Nevada of a $16,000,000, 75,000 kilowatt power
Land for Dean Requested . . . were announced. At mid-March approxi- plant addition to its central generating fa-
KANAB—The Department of the mately 150 people had been released by cilities at Magna. Completion of installa-
Interior has issued a withdrawal notice Kennecott at both Ruth and McGill. Recent tion of generating equipment should come
drops in the price of copper together with within two-and-a-half to three years, it was
on 73,600 acres of San Juan County market demand fluctuations were blamed estimated. Both natural gas and coal will
land which it proposes to trade to the for the work force curtailment. A total of be burned under the boilers and the new
Navajo Indians for tribal lands at the 25 miners were laid off work at Getchell plant will employ the revolutionary "re-
mine due to the cutback on federal sub- heat" cycle which effects economies in fuel
Glen Canyon Dam site just below the sidies under the minerals purchasing pro- consumption. Another $2,000,000 in expan-
Utah-Arizona border. Congress must gram. It was reported that additional lay-
approve the trade. — Southern Utah offs were expected there. Nevada Scheelite sion projects also was announced by the
News mine and mill southeast of Fallon reduced firm which brings the 1957 project totals
its crew to 10 men for necessary mainten- to $18,000,000, excluding $12,000,000 to be
• • • ance and cleanup work for the same reason spent during the next two years for a new
Paiute Bands Given Autonomy . . . given by Getchell. Scheelite was operating ore haulage tunnel from the bottom of the
SALT LAKE CITY — F o u r small with a force of 150 men last fall when a Bingham pit to the Copperton assembly
reduction to 60 took place. The Kaiser yard.—Salt Lake Tribune
bands of Paiute Indians in Utah, com- fluorspar mine near Broken Hills was closed • « •
prising 232 members, will take over by ore depletion. Sulphur, Nevada . . .
full responsibility for management of • • • Open pit mining processing and shipment
their own affairs, the Interior Depart- Washington, D. C. . . . of native sulphur for agricultural purposes
ment said. The bands affected are The Interior Department has revised its is underway at Sulphur, 60 miles north of
Shivwits with 130 enrolled members regulations governing mineral leasing of Lovelock on the Western Pacific Railroad.
Indian land in order to stimulate wider Expansion and improvement plans for the
and 27,520 acres of tribal property; competitive bidding and more active devel- operation were announced by mine officials.
Kanosh, 42 members and about 6000 opment. The new regulations provide that At the present time, five men were working
acres; Koosharem, 34 members and the maximum area that may be covered the mine, removing 35 tons of sulphur ore
440 acres; and Indian Peaks, 26 mem- by a single lease for development of min- daily. The expansion plans call for the
erals excluding coal, is 2560 acres. The erection of a plant to convert the ore to
bers and approximately 9000 acres. new regulations also provide that no limit pure sulphur. Daily treatment of 150 to
In addition to the tribal holdings, indi- be set on the amount of Indian land an 200 tons of ore are expected to yield 100
vidual members of the Kanosh band individual lessee may hold under more than tons of pure elemental sulphur in the future.
own a total of 1840 acres and mem- one lease in a particular state. The old —Lovelock Review-Miner
regulations limited the holdings of an indi- • • e
bers of the Koosharem group 240 vidual lessee in a single state from 640 to
acres which have been up to now in 960 acres for all minerals except coal, oil Virginia City, Nevada . . .
Federal trusteeship. and gas. The coal limit under the old Geology of the Virginia City quadrangle
regulations was 10,240 acres.—Salt Lake has been printed in book form and is now
• • • Tribune on sale. Geologic mapping of the Virginia
Alien Herders to Enter U. S. . . . • • • City and the Mount Rose quadrangle by
WASHINGTON, D. C—The Im- Lucerne Valley. California the Geological Survey, Department of the
migration Service will allow the entry C. M. & H. Mining Company of Tooele, Interior, was done in the field and com-
of 200 alien sheepherders as tempo- Utah, has begun operations at the old Bes- pleted in 1952. Area covered is 230 square
semer Iron Mine, about 31 miles east of miles. The book is on sale by the Superin-
rary agricultural workers for three-year Lucerne Valley. An estimated 200 tons of tendent of Documents, U. S. Government
stays on a rotating basis. Officials say ore will be trucked daily to a loading ramp Printing Office, Washington, D. C , in paper-
this will provide an assured supply of at Permanente Cement Plant. It was ex- cover form for 65c. It is listed as Survey
pected that the ore, graded at over 60 per- Bulletin 1042-C.
experienced herders who can be util- cent iron, ultimately would be shipped to • • 9
ized to meet a recurring employment Kaiser Steel Mills at Fontana. — Victor Aneth, Utah . . .
problem in our domestic wool industry. Press
• • • The Texas Co. completed two wells in
• • • mid-February, one of them the largest pro-
Bagdad, Arizona . . .
Recognition Due Historic Site . . . ducer yet in the Aneth field. The two wells
Wah Chang Mining Corporation is con- totaled an initial potential flow of 4622
PROMONTORY — The Golden ducting development and exploration work barrels of oil daily. With the completion
Spike Monument at Promontory may at Copper King Mine near Bagdad. The of these two wells, Texas Co. completed
soon be made a National Historical mine has a production record of about 18 of its 23 drilling operations for a total
Site, according to Conrad Wirth, di- $2,000,000 in copper and zinc. Its shaft initial potential flow of 19,346 barrels of

rector of the National Park Service.

Find lost or hidden treasure with new, im-
proved metal detector. Works around salt
water. Has no ground pick-up. Find coins,
has been retimbered to the 600 foot level oil per day. Five of the wells have been
and some cross-cutting and drifting com- plugged, but one will be re-worked. —
pleted.—Pioche Record Pioche Record
• • •
The California State Mine Board will
hold an open meeting at Bridgeport on
jewelry gold and silver—Civil War relics. June 21 for the benefit of mining interests
^^^^^^^^^ A pro f i t a b 1 e Find Valuable in Alpine, Inyo and Mono counties.—Inyo
: Also scintilla- Strategic Minerals! Independent
•?:«;, ••;;.'•••• ,-v«v,.-: tion counters. Uranium—Tungsten - line
•HH ture.
Mercury—Zircgntan We are pleased to announce the advent of
a new Minerals Unlimited Catalog, specifi-
ELECTRONICS Outdoors for fun and profit? cally designed for the amateur or profes-

1 • '

• : •
' .

V !



• • • ,

. .


• • • :

• • . . . • : • •
• • • • : -
Take along an ultra-violet Mineralight!

Write Dept. D for free prospecting information kit!

sional prospector. If you are interested in
Geiger Counters, Mineralights, Blowpipe Sets,
Gold Pan or any of the other equipment
necessary to a field or prospecting trip,
send 5c in stamps or coin for your copy.
ULTRA-VIOLET PRODUCTS, INC., San Gabriel, California 1724 University Ave., Berkeley, California
Calais PHOENIX, ARIZ. v /

Wells, Nevada . , . URANIUM NEWS
Sale of seven barite claims on Dry Creek,
50 miles north of Wells, to the American
Colloid Company of Chicago, was an-
nounced by the partner-owners of the claims,
Utah Uranium Mine Sells
For Record $17,000,000
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Butler of Dry Creek GEIGER COUNTER
Ranch and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saunders The largest transaction on record in the
of Elko. The property, known as the Jungo history of Western uranium mining saw the
claims, brought its locators $35,000. — exchange of the Cord Uranium Mine in
Nevada State Journal Big Indian District, San Juan County, Utah,
mm* for $17,000,000. The E, L. Cord partner-
ship of Reno, Nevada, sold the mine to
Denver, Colorado . . . Jen, Inc., a privately-held company.
Captain A. B. Miller reported that the E. L. Cord, former president of Auburn
U.S. Navy feels the oil shale lying along Automobile Company and producer of the
the flanks of the Rocky Mountains may Cord car, has about 12 partners in the firm
prove a potent source of fuel for jet air- which obtained the undeveloped properties
craft. Miller, director of the Navy's petro- in the uranium district a few years ago.
leum and oil shale reserves, voiced the hope
that Congress would allow funds to reopen The mine has over 500,000 tons of 0.7 (For Uranium,
the oil shale research plant at Rifle, Colo- percent U308 ore and has been producing Thorium, and ':
rado, for jet fuel tests. The U.S. Bureau of from 5000 to 6000 tons of ore monthly Rare Earth Minerals)
Mines spent $14,000,000 in research at the since November of last year. About 60
now-idle plant.—Phoenix Gazette miners and surface mine workers are em- The new OREMASTER "Rockhound" is
• • • ployed at the property.—Salt Lake Tribune a SUPER Geiger Counter that excels
many $500 instruments. It is sensitive
Holbrook, Arizona . . . enough ior airborne and mobile pros-
An oil and gas leasing boom erupted in Every U.S. City to Have pecting, yet weighs only five pounds.
land in Navajo and Apache counties be- Big 4V2" Super Sensitive Meter. Power-
tween boundaries of the Sitgreaves National Atomic Plants in Future
ful built-in speaker, bismuth tube, water-
Forest and the Navajo Indian reservation, L. J. Beaufait, Jr., head of the technical proof, indicates the direction of radio-
following unconfirmed rumors that Stan- division of Tracerlab Corporation, predicted active deposits, and numerous other
dard Oil Co. of California was about to the United States would have over 1500 features.
drill test wells in the Dry Lake vicinity atomic plants producing heat and power
west of Snowflake. Oil continued to make Send for free literature and pholo!
big news in the Paradox Basin where Pan by 1980, and eventually every city, big or PRICE ONIY $129.50
American Oil Corporation, Davis Oil Com- small, will have an atomic, plant to replace
existing fuel plants. Fully guaranteed
pany, Gulf Oil Corporation and other con-
cerns have made significant new discoveries. Beaufait said the increased use of atomic Terms if desired: $35 down
A drilling boom is predicted during the energy throughout the world is based on $10 per month
summer by oilmen, primarily caused by the ability of scientists to solve one key Largest stock of used instruments of all
the construction of the 50,000 barrel-a-day problem—the disposal of atomic waste ma- makes. Expert servicing.
crude oil line from the Four Corner's Re- terial safely. Rays from these materials are
gion to Los Angeles, started in March.
Exploration as well as development work
dangerous for from five to 20 years and
others for several hundred years.—Phoenix
1218 M. Street — Sweet Home, Oregon
is expected to rise. Gazette
• • •
Miners Delivering Ore to
Mexican Hat Buying Station
Producing mines in the Monument Val-
ley, Oljato and Mexican Hat areas are now
delivering ore to the newly completed Texas-
Compton Rock Shop
Zinc crusher and sampling plant at the METAL DETECTORS
Mexican Hat. site.
All ore is being purchased under the AEC • Battery test switch
Circular 5 system. As soon as the road • Head phones with clear signal
from Bears Ears to the Goose Necks is
completed, ore from the Happy Jack mine • Great sensitivity • Low cost operation
in White Canyon is expected to add greatly • One nob control • Easiest of all to operate
to the flow of ore to Mexican Hat.
MORE ACCURATE, it's the first METAL DETECTOR designed SPE-
CIFICALLY for detecting placer gold, nuggets, and other small metal
ANSWERS TO DESERT QUIZ objects. Depth range 7 feet—comes complete ready to use.
Questions are on page 27
1—Blossom of the ocotillo is red. MODEL 27—instructions included $110.00
2—Prayer for rain. MODEL 711—with 2.1 ft. depth range $138.50
3—Lost Dutchman mine in the Su-
4—Philip St. George Cooke. MINERALIGHT—Complete line from $14.95 up to $114.00
5—New Mexico. Send for Complete Information
8—An organic coating that covers
desert rocks. complete with diamond, in leather case.. $ 10.50
9—Apache. PENSCOPES — 20-40 Power $ 12.00
10—North rim of Grand Canyon.
13—Native Palm.
14—Into the Colorado River at Yuma. FOR THE WOOD WORKING HOBBYIST WE NOW STOCK A
15—Santa Fe.
17—Utah. (buy from an experienced wood worker)
19—George Wharton James. Ciomkion. cfyoak ehhoh
20—Butterfield built a stage line
across the Southwest 100 years 1405 S. Long Beach Blvd. 3 blocks south of Olive
NEmark 2-9096 Open Friday Evenings Compton, California

MAY, 1957
Big Uranium Production
An AEC official has forecast an approxi-
mately 50 percent increase in uranium pro-

PERMIT, LEASE REGULATIONS duction on the Western Slope of Colorado

by 1959.
Allen E. Jones, manager of the Grand
Junction AEC office, said uranium produc-
A new procedure for issuing uranium military reservations and reservoir areas. tion on the Western Slope is expected to
prospecting permits and leases on govern- Not affected are public lands open to entry increase from its present $38,000,000 per
ment lands controlled by agencies without under the mining laws and lands under year to $56,000,000 in 1959.
authority to issue such papers, was an- AEC control subject to lease under existing "At this time we see no drastic reduction
nounced in Washington. regulations. in our total operations at Grand Junction,"
The Interior Department's Bureau of "Permits and leases will not be issued he said. However, the AEC official ex-
Land Management will assist the Atomic under this regulation for lands administered plained there might he some changes when
Energy Commission in administering the by the United States for national parks, the federal government's ore buying pro-
program. monuments or for wildlife purposes," the gram comes to an end in 1962.
Applications for permits and leases should announcement said.—New Mexican Jones said vanadium production is ex-
be filed with the BLM's land office for the pected to increase as well, bringing addi-
state where the land is situated. The AEC tional revenue to miners in Western Colo-
will approve and issue any permits and rado.—Dove Creek Press
leases. Atlas Purchases Control • • •
The new plan applies to such lands as Of Rio De Oro U-Mines Boundary Study to Determine
Atlas Corporation has acquired control- Uranium Mine Controversy
ling interest in Rio De Oro Uranium Mines,

A study of a portion of Utah's southern
Inc., of Albuquerque, Floyd B. Odium, boundary in San Juan County is planned
Atlas President announced. Rio De Oro by the State Land Board to determine
has two substantial ore bodies in the Am- whether a few tons of Utah have been
Offers unlimited opportunity for rock collector or Ura- brosia Lake area north of Grants, New nibbled off in a mine originating in Arizona.
nium prospector. Make it your career or hobby. We train Mexico, and the only mine to date in that The subterranean nibble alleged by Radium
you at home. Diploma course. Send for Free Catalog. area producing ore in commercial grades Hill Uranium Corp., which holds a state
MINERAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE and quantities. It has mined and sold ap- lease in the area, has caused a loss of
Desk 7 • 159 E. Ontario • Chicago 11
proximately 20,000 tons of ore to date. several thousand tons of uranium ore.
Radium Hill had a survey taken of the
area and it showed that individuals operat-
ing a mine under a Navajo Indian tribal
lease in Arizona had followed a uranium

Prospectors' Headquarters vein ahout five feet into Utah.

A study by the operators of the Arizona
mine showed that the northernmost drift in
the mine had missed the state line by sev-
eral feet. The state said the only thing to
GEIGER COUNTERS AND SC1NTILLATORS do is to conduct an independent survey.—
The "Snooper" Geiger counter—model 108 ..$ 29.95 Salt Lake Tribune
The "Lucky Strike" Geiger counter—Model 106C . 99.50
The "Professional" Geiger Counter—Model 107C 149.50 • • •
The "Special Scintillator"—Model 117 _ 299.50
The "Deluxe" Scintillalor—Model 111B 495.00
Ranchers Exploration Has
Eight Percent of U-Ore
ULTRA-VIOLET MINERALIGHTS An organization of New Mexico land-
owners estimates that eight percent of the
Model NH—Operates on 110 AC only 14.75
nation's uranium reserves are on land held
Model M12—Operates on batteries only—with battery 40.65
Model SL-2537—Operates on batteries or 110 AC—without case and batteries 39.50 hy the firm. Ranchers Exploration and De-
With No. 303 case and batteries 01.00 velopment Corporation based its estimates
With No. 404 case and batteries liR.IIO
on recent figures released by the Atomic
Energy Commission which showed an esti-
BOOKS mated U. S. reserve of 60,000,000 tons,
"Prospecting with a Geiger Counter" by Wright .60 most of it in New Mexico and nearly 19,-
"Cranium Color Photo Tone" 1.00 000,000 in the Ambrosia Lake area alone.
"Cranium Prospectors Hand Book" 1.00 The landowners formed the company in
"The Uranium and Fluorescent Minerals" by H. C. Dake 2.00
1954 with the aim of negotiating a share of
"Popular Prospecting*' by H. C. Dake 2.00
"Uranium, Where II Is and How to Find It" by Proctor and Hyatt 2.50 the uranium royalties back to them from
"Minerals for Atomic Energy" by Nininger 7.50 the larger mining companies. The company
"Let's Go Prospecting" by Edward Arthur _ 3.50
now owns royalty interest in 100,320 acres
in McKinley, Catron, Valencia, Socorro
MAPS and Torrance Counties.—Grants Beacon
Map and Geology (Uranium and Mineral Districts of California) 1.50
• • •
Map of Kern County (New Section and Township) 1.50
Map Uranium and Minerals (The Nine Southwest States) 1.00 J. S. Wisdom of Goldpoint, Nevada, re-
Book and Map "Gems and Minerals of California" by McAllister , 1.75 ported that he has sold his uranium strike
Book and Map "'"Lost Mines and Treasures of the Southwest" 2.00
made in an old patented gold mine for
$500,000 of which he received $10,000
OTHER SUPPLIES down and the balance at $500 per month.
Mineral Hardness Test Set 2.00 A California firm bought the mine.
Kadiassay—Uranium Test Kit 14.95
• • •
Mercury—Detector Fluorescent Screen ... 6.75
Scheelite Fluorescent Analyzer .. 6.00 A proposal for a new uranium mill in the
Fluorescent Mineral Set—10 Specimens—boxed 2.51) Ambrosia Lake area of New Mexico was
Mineral Specimen Boxes (35 named Minerals) 1.50
submitted by Phillips Petroleum Co. to the
Prospectors Picks (not polished) 4.40
Prospectors Picks (polished) 4.75 Atomic Energy Commission. The mill
12" Diameter Steel Gold Pan '. 1.25 would have a capacity of 1500 tons per day.
t6" Diameter Steel Gold Pan 1.70
—New Mexican
All prices F.O.B. Los Angeles EXPLORE FOR
Add 4 % Sales Tax if you live in California TREASURE!
Find wealth lost or bur-
Member of American Gem & Mineral Suppliers Association ied for years! Search for
gold and silver coins, bul-
lion, and other valuables
Metal locators. Used world-
wide. Guaranteed. Terms.
3632 West Slauson Ave., Dept. D Open Monday evening until 9:00 Los Angeles, Calif. Fisher Research Lab., Inc.
Dept. D-l Palo Alto, Cal.

n W
it II L L

Solar wrought cuff links.

as varied makes for more artistic latitude.

Aside from these differences the making
of jewelry is much the same as with an
electric kiln. A formed piece of metal is
coated with gum tragacanth and sprinkled
with powdered enamel. In the kiln, the
enamel flows out and fuses to the metal.
If desired, additional designs can then be
added and re-fired. The official pins are
an example, with a rich blue enamel back-
ground and a design added in liquid gold
and re-fired at 1200 degrees.
The plastic lens is capable of a maximum
of more than 1500 degrees temperature

Clean — Graded — Good Color

op rejects, above sizes, per ounce

Drilled Nuggets, Our liest Quality
inch .. ...35c each, 3 for $1.
inch 50c each, 3 for 1.
to 1-inch 75c each, 3 for 2.
nimum order $2.00. Tax and postage pai
wail No C.O.D.

Operator adjusting the plastic fresnel lens to control the focal point of LOST MOUNTAIN GEMS
sunlight on the ceramic brick oven. P.O. Box 3012 Phoenix, Arizona

'Solar Wrought' Jewelty From an

June 13-14-15-16

Inexpensive Sun-Powered Kiln... National Guard Armory

East 3rd Ave. and Logan St.
Joint American and Rocky Mountain
Federation Convention and Show
Woodruff and Parser Trophies
Here is a practical and modern hobby suggestion—combine the to be awarded
Southwest's abundant sunshine with the lapidary arts and come up Competitive Exhibits
with "solar wrought" jewelry. For less than $10 you can make a solar For information write to:
kiln. E. E. PARSHALL, publicity
2620 So. Pearl St., Denver 10, Colo.

The theme of the World Solar Symposium sent the solar kiln, consisting of a plastic
in Phoenix—"The Sun at Work"—was no Fresnel lens, a simple mounting and a ce-
idle boast. Even the handsome enameled ramic brick oven, to Phoenix where the
pins worn by the 200 officials were sun- Fine Arts group took over.
made; fired in a solar kiln! Solar jewelry-making isn't easy, and one
While more spectacular equipment va- artist says a third hand would help when
porized metal at 7000 degrees, ran tele- juggling the lens in a stiff breeze. The
phones and radios and pumped water, the small focal point, or hot spot, limits the
Fine Arts Association set up shop with a size of pieces that can he fired and obvi-
ceramic oven and made jewelry on the ously work ceases when the sun sets or goes GENUINE PEDREKA ONYX
spot. With designs created by local artists, behind a cloud. approximately %-inch diameter in various
striking colors and patterns, set in gleaming
cufflinks, earrings, and pins sold almost However the solar kiln does give more white finish, sturdy action back cuff link.
before they had time to cool. Each piece control than is possible with a conven- Cuff links per pair $4,00
was stamped "Solar Wrought," something tional electric kiln. Some artists like the Alligator tie clip 2.00
unique in jewelry. idea of being able to see the powdered tax & postage paid — no C.O.D. please
Scientist Paul Magill of the Stanford enamel fuse during the operation. And the THE TRIBAL CRAFTSMEN
P. O. Box 5012 — Phoenix, Arizona
Research Institute thought up the idea. He fact that the heat can be positioned as well

MAY, 1957 35
and handymen are interested in it for melt- Fresnel lenses may be purchased cheaply
ing and soldering operations. The sun
provides pure, uncontaminated heat and
this fact is of great importance to metal-
from surplus suppliers, and the wooden
frame is simple and inexpensive. The whole
kiln may be made for about $10 or less,
and once built the heat is free. So when
Gem Show Calendar
Copper is used in the solar jewelry, being
favored over aluminum, steel and the preci-
ous metals because it is inexpensive, easy
you hear someone mention "heavenly" jew-
elry these days he may mean just that!
• • •
For May andJune
to obtain, very easy to form, does not cor- One of the largest and most valuable These gem and mineral shows are sched-
rode and can be coated with very little exhibits of Chinese jade ever shown in this uled for May and June:
processing. This gives Arizona a wealth country is planned by the Pioneer Museum May 3-5—Texas Federation of Mineral
of the two main ingredients for solar and Haggin Galleries in Stockton, Califor- Societies, annual show and convention,
wrought items. The idea is taking hold nia, for this spring. Exact dates for the Bexar County Coliseum, San Antonio.
fast, with schools offering craft classes show have not been set. There will be no May 4-5—Glendale, California, Lapidary
featuring the solar kiln. admission charge. and Gem Society's 10th annual show at
Civic Auditorium.
May 4-5—5th Annual San Joaquin Val-
ley Gem and Mineral Show at fairgrounds,
Stockton, California.
May 4-5—Tourmaline Gem and Mineral
Society show at Grossmont high school
between La Mesa and El Cajon, California.
May 11-12—8th Annual Gem and Min-
eral Society of San Mateo County show at
fairgrounds, San Mateo, California.
May 11-12—Coos County Mineral and
Gem Club's annual show at Community
Building, North Bend, Oregon.
May 17-19—17th Annual Amateur Hand-
crafter Gem and Jewelry Competitive Ex-
hibition of the Chicago, Illinois, Lapidary
Club. Hamilton Park Field House.

EXCITING. May 18-19—Fifth Annual Five-Club Gem

Show, Camas, Washington.
May 18-19—Everett, Washington, Rock
and Gem Club show.
ON JANUARY 1st, WE RELEASED May 25-26—East Bay Gem and Mineral
Society's annual show at Foothill Masonic
The New 1957 iHXHXlYJSW Edition of our Encyclopedia Temple, Oakland, California.
and Super-Catalog of, the Lapidary & Jewelry Arts, May 30-31, June 1—Annual Rockhound
Round-up of the Rollin' Rock Club of
YOU MAY PURCHASE THESE AT: Here's W h a t O n e Customer Says a b o u t Alpine, Texas.
$1.95 for Paper Bound Copies our E n c y c l o p e d i a . June 1-2 — Grand Junction, Colorado,
$ 2 . 9 5 for DELUXE Book Binding Your catalog & "Bible" is getting more valuable to me Mineralogical Society's annual Gem and
Mineral Show at Lincoln Park Auditorium.
A d d 2 5 c f o r Domestic Postage & Packing or every day. Removed my first batch of tumbled stones June 7-9—Wyoming State Mineral and
50c f o r A. P. O.'s, Foreign, or U. S. Territories. yesterday and they turned out swell, fhonks to your Gem Show at fairgrounds, Casper.
This is a book of 2 4 0 PAGES VA" x 11" in instructions in the "Bible". June 8-9—Mt. Emily Gem and Mineral
size, the equivalent of 4 8 0 r e g u l a r textbook I . D. iushey, Bakersfield, Calif. Club's gem and mineral show at V.F.W.
Hall, Brookings, Oregon.
size pages. EIGHT COLORS o f ink are used. June 13-16—1957 National Gem and
Mineral Show and Convention of the
of NEW and V A L U A B L E information for the American Federation of Mineral Societies
and the Rocky Mountain Federation of
JEWELRY CRAFTSMAN and GEM CUTTER. It is an,out- Mineral Societies, Denver, Colorado.
standing NEW B O O K —not just, D catalog. It IS June 15-16—Paradise, California, Gem
excellent f o r SCHOOLS and their CRAFT and Mineral Club's annual show at Veterans
TEACHERS. Memorial Hall.
June 21-22 — Gem County Rock and
THREE STAR Mineral Society's annual show at Emmett,
O N E P R E M I U M OFFER N o . H E E < \
June 22-23 •— Rogue Gem and Geology
APPROVED METHODS OF DOING THEM AND IS FILLED ! Club's 5th annual show at fairgrounds,
contains 3'GENUINE ROCK CRYSTAL FACETED STARS as Grants Pass, Oregon.
WITH ILLUSTRATIONS and INSTRUCTIONS DESIGNED t o illustrated. Regular VALUE $3.45. N O W $ 1 . 5 0 • • '•
FULFILL YOUR EVERY REQUIREMENT. WITH the purchase of an E n c y c l o p e d i a . THREE NEVADA GEM CLUBS
IT LISTS 2 2 0 0 i t e m s —machinery,.tools,-supplies N O T E : Word your order like this: PLAN SHOW ON JULY 20-21
for gem cutting and jewelry making. Baroque gems, I No [233 (PoinfDrilled) . . . . . . S ,1.50*
The Nevada Gem and Mineral Show is
books, Jewelry metals and parts. Gilding metal and I Encyclopedia . . . . . . . . . 1.95 scheduled for July 20 and 21 at the Recrea-
topper forms for enameling. T O T A L PRICE of the 2 items . $3.45 tion Building, Idlewild Park, Reno. Parti-
cipating clubs include the Washoe Gem and
DEALERS: SEND FOR Dealer Information Y O U GET BOTH ITEMS for the Mineral Society; Pyramid Gem and Mineral
G o l d Filled ACCESSORY REGULAR PRICE OF THE STARS. Club, both of Reno; and the Lahontan Gem
Add 10% Fed. Tox to DEI & 25c postage and Mineral Club of Fallon. Show officials
SPECIAL OFFER No. S-I94 have invited all other clubs and individuals
contains all metal parts needed to make complete interested in displaying to contact Claude
necklace and earrings from stars in P-84. REGULAR R. Mowry, 3325 Smith Drive, Reno. Two
field trips are planned in conjunction with
VALUE $4.05— the show.
N O W I f o r $ 3 . 7 0 * 3 for $ 8 . 3 0 • • •
*Add 10% Fed. Tax to S-I94 Now on display at the Victor Valley Gem
C a l i f o r n i a r e s i d e n t s K9-27 P l e a s e a d d 4 % s o l e s t a x . Shop at Hesperia, California, is a 178
pound turquoise nugget, thought to be the

4.icn:<.i:irs. inc. r,:rts:

largest in the world. The huge stone is of
gem quality and about 50 percent spiderweb
formation, according to Walt Pilkington, the
gem shop owner.

CONVENTION, GEM SHOW NEW BOOK DESCEIBES of Olaf P. Jenkins, chief of the Division
IN DENVER, JUNE 13-16 CALIFORNIA MINERALS of Mines, the book was written by Profes-
sors Joseph Murdoch and Robert W. Webb
The Colorado Mineral Society will be One of the most popular and useful vol- of U.C.L.A. and the University of Califor-
host to the 1957 National Gem and Min- umes in the mineral science and rockhound nia at Santa Barbara, respectively. These
eral Show, June 13-16, at the Colorado circles again is available. Bulletin 173, same two men wrote the "Minerals of Cali-
National Guard Armory, East Third Avenue Minerals of California, which has been out fornia" bulletin preceding this one, in 1945.
and Logan Street, Denver. The combined
American and Rocky Mountain Federation of print for several years, recently was re- Published by the Division of Mines; 452
is sponsoring the show in conjunction with printed by the State Division of Mines. pages; bibliography; $3.00.
its convention. The new edition is revised, with new » • •
Both competitive and non-competitive dis- minerals and mineral locations added. The The Santa Clara County Gem and Min-
plays are planned. Society or club mem- hard-cover book lists 523 minerals and 2000 eral Society's annual show is scheduled to
bership is not necessary to display non- references to the published data on the min- be held at the IES Hall in San Jose, Cali-
competitively, General Chairman )ames F. eral localities. Prepared under the direction fornia, September 21 and 22.
Hurlbut said. And displayers will not be
charged entry or registration fees, but space
is limited. Those desiring information should
write to A. Ermish, 1774 Kingston Street,
Denver 8, Colorado. QUALITY
The Woodruff Trophy is to be awarded
to the best qualifying mineral display and [LOW PRICES — VARIETY!
the Parser Trophy will be given for the COMPARE OUR PRICES — YOU WILL FIND THEM
first time to the best lapidary display. THE LOWEST of any MANUFACTURER. N O W AVAILABLE
Walter Pilkington's onyx dinner ware and
A. G. Parser's diamond display are among IFOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY!
the outstanding show exhibits planned.
• 9 •


If you want to enlarge or repair a ring
shank and it is not practical to remove the VARIETY of KEY CHAINS a t the 4 CAPS & 4 KEY CHAINS
setting, take a potato and cut one end so it LOWEST PRICES. O N L Y $ 1 . 5 5 — YOU SAVE $ 1 . 6 5
will stand; next cut the potato's top off and You get 2 #14-6 RP, 2 #14-6 GP, I
insert the stone in a slit on this surface, #39-7 RP, I #39-7 GP, I #39-14 RP,
leaving only the ring area to be soldered
exposed. The potato will absorb the heat & I #39-14 GP. If it were possible to
and protect the stone. buy in small lots, the cost would be
When using chrome oxide for polishing No. 39-7 $3.20.
jade, mix it with a solution of one part KEY RING ONE SAMPLE OFFER No. S-3
water to one part vinegar. This will help I " Round Chain contains 8 items.
the polish grab to the buff.
Chain will not kink. N O W I for $1.55, 3 for $ 3 . 8 5
After polishing agate with chrome oxide
the green residue on the stone can be re- No. 3 9 - 7 RP 3 for $1.00
moved by soaking the agate in muriatic ldz$3.25 3dz$8.8O it W I L L P A Y Y O U to CHECK OUR PRICES If
acid for a short period. This acid will at- you ore buying elsewhere, you are probably paying
tack chromium readily and also will attack 6 dz $14.65
chrome oxide and break it down so that it No. 39-7 GP 3 for $1.00 too much SEND FOR DEALER INFOR-
can be brushed off. The acid will not ldz$3.25 3dz$8.8O MATION.-
damage the agate or jade. — Daroll Al-
6 dz $14.65
bright in the Verdugo Hill, California, Gem No. 14-6
and Mineral Society's Rockhound News
and Views BELL CAP i n ! gr •lots
SPHALERITE INTERESTING GEMS For PROMPT SERVICE, buy from Grieger's, No. 14-6 RP 6 for $1.00
DESPITE SOFTNESS, CLEAVAGE l d z $ l . 5 O 3 d z $ 4 . I O I gr $13.60
Inc. Greiger's are organized to give you 24
Clear gem quality sphalerite produces No. 14-6 GP 6 for $1.00
beautiful faceted stones because of its high HOUR SERVICE.
ldz$1.5O 3dz$4.10 I gr $13.60
refraction and color dispersion. The scar- Grieger's have an efficient and loyal STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS used in this advertisement
city of suitable material, lack of hardness staff of employees who take a personal RP for
and easy cleavage prevent this mineral from RHODIUM PLATED
enjoying a more highly regarded position in interest in serving you. • i •. GP for GOLD PLATED
the gemstone world. d i for DOZEN
q r (or GROSS
The name sphalerite is from the Greek
word meaning deceitful and was given be- -14 6 dz lots. Thi s listing is only a part of Grieger's huge
cause of the mineral's frequent occurrence No. 39-! variety. Get our Encyclopedia now. It LISTS
with and resemblance to galena. Its com- / 4 " KEY RING 2 2 0 0 items—all comparable values.
position is zinc sulphide, invariable with With %" Round Chain
other elements present. These other ele- YOU MUST BE SATISFIED with every
ments give it its color, for in its pure state Chain will not kink. order you receive from GRIEGER'S
it is colorless. Common colors are yellow- No. 39-14 RP 3 for $1.00 INC.
ish-brown when transparent deepening to an I dz $3.20 3 dz $8.60
almost opaque black. 6 dz $14.30
Some sphalerite fluoresces orange in ul- No. 39-14 GP 3 For $1.00 MUST BE SATISFIED or the
traviolet light. Fluorescent sphalerite also
shows the remarkable phenomena of tribo- 1 dz $3.20 3 dz $8.60 matter WILL BE ADJUSTED TO
luminescence, that is, it emits flashes of 6 dz $14.30 YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION.
orange light on being lightly stroked with PRICES QUOTED APPLY ONLY TO THOSE QUANTITIES MENTIONED
a hard substance such as steel or stone.
Sphalerite is very common and is preva- PER ITEM AND COLOR OR LARGER MULTIPLES THEREOF.
lent in most of the mining regions. Its ADD 1 0 % FiDERAL EXCISE TAX EXCEPT WHERE NOTED.
typical associate is galena, but often it is C o l i f ar ni a r e s i d e n t s K9-4I P l e a s e a d d4 % s a l e s t o x .
also intimately associated with pyrite, chal-
copyrite, tetrahedrite, arsenopyrite and lead-
silver minerals.—R. Brock in the Compton,
California, Gem and Mineral Club's Rock-
, I XI C

MAY, 1957
GEMS A-PLENTY: Beautiful baroque gems,
large variety, tumbled polished all over,
G E m fliflRT A D V E R T I S I N G
12c a word . . . Minimum
$10.00 for one pound (about 100 stones).
10 lbs. of top grade gemstone prepaid for
$7.00. Wholesale price to dealers on ba-
roque gems and gemstone in the rough.
Satisfaction guaranteed on every sale.
CHRYSOCOLLA SPECIMENS, some with FIFTEEN FOSSILS for $2.50 postpaid. San Fernando Valley Gem Co., 5905
free gold. $1 prepaid. Rocks and Min- Florida pleistocene or Florida pliocene. Kester Ave., Van Nuys, California.
erals, Box 156, Lone Pine, California. Fifteen shells for $2.50, postpaid, Florida
marine shells or Philippines. Complete FIRE AGATE—ground to show the fire,
C. EARL NAPIER "for rocks." 19 Lake set of Desert Magazines for sale. South- you finish it. $2, $3 and $5 each. B&H
View, Boulder City, Nevada. Free guide eastern Mineral Co., Box 2234, Lake- Rock Shop, 29 Cherry Lane, Granbury,
service to collecting areas. land, Florida. Texas.
FOR SALE: Beautiful purple petrified wood FIRE AGATES! $1, $3, and $5 sizes.
with uranium, pyrolusite, manganite. Nice VISIT GOLD Pan Rock Shop. Beautiful
sample $1.00 Postage. Maggie Baker, Choice gem cutting material 20 pieces $2. sphere material, gems, mineral specimens,
Box 7, Hackberry, Arizona. Swigert's, 2218 Louella, Venice, Calif. choice crystals, gem materials, jewelry,
baroques, etc. Over 100 tons of material
COLORADO MINERAL specimens, cut- ICELAND SPAR—double refraction, clear, to select from. John and Etta James,
ting and tumbling materials. Send 2 cent $1.50-$2.00. Fluorescent calcite, blue, proprietors, 2020 N. Carson Street, Car-
stamp for list and terms. Dealers please pink—$1.50. Phosphorescent calcite (will son City, Nevada.
write for wholesale list. John Patrick, fluoresce) $1.50. Tiger-eye, $1.00. Ver-
Idaho Springs, Colorado. miculite, $1.50. Dolomite (pure white)
$1.50. Agate-jasper. R. V. Coleman, 812 ROCKS—opposite West End Air Base, ag-
12 POUNDS OF beautiful Colorado min- Montana, San Antonio 3, Texas. ate, woods, minerals, books, local infor-
eral specimens, $8.00 prepaid. Ask for mation. No mail orders please. Iron-
list of others. Jack the Rockhound, P. O. OPALS AND SAPPHIRES direct from wood Rock Shop, Highway 60-70 West
Box 245, Carbondale, Colorado. Australia. Special—this month's best buy: of Blythe, California.
Rough opals to cut ring and pendant
WE ARE MINING every day. Mojave stones; one green fire opal; one transpar- TUMBLED GEMS of the desert for sale.
Desert agate, jasper and palm wood, ent jelly opal; one blue opal; one white- Agates, jaspers, obsidians, etc. Mixed
shipped mixed 100 pounds $10.50 F.O.B. red opal; one black opal; one boulder lots $4 per pound. T & J Rockhounds,
Barstow. Morton Minerals & Mining, opal. All six stones for $15. Free air- 9000 National Blvd., Los Angeles 34,
21423 Highway 66, R.F.D. 1, Barstow, mailed. Send personal check, international California.
California. money order, bank draft. Free 16 page
list of all Australian Gemstones. Austra- LARGE VARIETY mixed tumbled stone—
OPALS, DEEP red, blue, green, golden, lian Gem Trading Co., 49 Elizabeth
flashing in all colors of the rainbow, Street, Melbourne, Australia. tigereye, agates, obsidian, palm root,
direct from the mine, 15 for $5.00. 10 quartz. 40-60 stones in pound—only $4.
ringsize stones, (opal, amethyst, etc.) Free: matched preforms with every pound
ground and polished, ready to set $5.00. GEMS OF THE desert, tumbled polished purchased. Route 1, Box 369, Beaumont,
Kendall, Sanmiguel d'Allende, Guana- baroques. Mexican lace and carnelian California.
juato, Mexico. agate. Death Valley jasper agate, rose
quartz, petrified wood palm, black fig, HAVE REAL FUN with desert gems,
many others. General mixture, $6 pound. minerals and rocks. The rockhound's
Mexican agate slices and various cuff link how-to-do-it magazine tells how. One
preforms. Slabs and findings. Earring year (12 issues) only $3.00. Sample 25c.
& ctt a name? size tumbled turquoise $8 pound, larger
size $1 ounce. Price list. Golden West Gem
Gems and Minerals, Box 687-D, Mentone,
Co., 7355 Lankershim Blvd., North Hol- California.
lywood, California.
Fffandsome design RONETA AGATES of Fire finished in
precious gem style from chalcedonic
OPALIZED WOOD 65c pound plus postage. quartz, hardness of 7-plus, specific grav-
important Extra features A. B. Cutler, Box 32, Salmon, Idaho. ity 2.62. Rare, individual gems that never
Slabs, tumbled, I. E. Cutler, Gearhart, fade. Every gemstone has sparkling bub-
Oregon. bles of fire varying from sunshine
fceader in the field yellow to red gold, or with shades of
SURPLUS TUMBLED gems. Less than green, and other colors from the desert
wholesale. Mixed material and sizes. rainbows. Years of research showed how
Cr ong life Petrified wood, rose quartz, agate, obsid- to reveal volcanic fires within layers of
ian and others. Two pounds for $5; 10 pearl white and desert browns, in designs
pounds $22.50 postpaid. Western Min- intricate as snowflakes and as individual-
%f uiet operation erals, Box 61, Boulder City, Nevada. istic. Gems of rare quality. Write for
prices, sizes and description of finished
OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through stones. Juanita Mines and Laboratories,
l r nparalleled convenience Friday. Other hours by appointment or Ervin E. Spiers, 123 No. Main, Blythe,
when home. Residence back of shop. California.
Mile west on U.S. 66. McShan's Gem
inexpensive to buy Shop, Box 22, Needles, California. THE CONTINENTAL Minerals welcomes
GENUINE TURQUOISE: Natural color, your orders and inquiries about massive
blue and bluish green, cut and polished and also crystallized mineral specimens.
Sturdy construction Cabochons—25 carats (5 to 10 stones No cutting material. Free list. New,
according to size) $3.50 including tax, more complete spring-summer list avail-
postpaid in U.S.A. Package 50 carats (10 able at the end of this month. Box 1206,
M wenty year's experience to 20 cabochons) $6.15 including tax, Anaconda, Montana.
postpaid in U.S.A. Elliott Gem & Mineral
"HILLQUIST" — The one perfect Shop, 235 E. Seaside Blvd., Long Beach
2, California. Bloodstone, or heliotrope, is a dark green
name when you are buying fine chalcedony with bright red spots. While
lapidary equipment. chalcedony is widely distributed throughout
the world, bloodstone is found in quantity
SEND A POST CARD FOR PERSIAN TURQUOISE only in India, the Ural Mountains and the
YOUR FREE CATALOG TODAY New Shipment of Persian Highgrade Hebrides. Occasionally the various Cali-
Native Cut Cabochons fornia jasper locations will yield a brown
Wholesale Only — Send for List and red-spotted stone that is called "Cali-
Lapidary Equipment Co., Inc. LOST MOUNTAIN GEMS
fornia bloodstone." Attractive cabochons
1545 W. 49th St., Dept. D-2, Seattle 7, Wash. can be cut from this material. — Gerald
P. O Box 5012 Phoenix, Arizona Hemrick in the Contra Costa, California,
Mineral & Gem Society's Bulletin

tary; Otto Mont-Eton, treasurer; Dottie small ones, the lapidary using imagination
New Gem-Mineral Brissaud, federation director; and M. L.
Leonardi, Glen Schafer, Laurence Darnell,
A. J. Tankersly and Dorothy Baker, direc-
and artistic ability to create attractive de-
signs, endeavoring to cause the rays of light
which enter tlje stone to be refracted to
the best advantage.
tors. The organization's annual show has

Club Officers been scheduled for October 19-20.

When two or three dozen such stones are
thus faceted, tumble them with other rocks
of the same hardness, taking into considera-
tion that they will not need to be tumbled
New officers of the Verdugo Hills Gem as long as the very rough ones. They should
and Mineral Society of La Crescenta, Cali- The long "lost" mines of Southern Mex- be placed in the drum after the main charge
fornia, are Will Wright, president; Joe ico which were believed to have provided of broken rocks has been ground for some
Barnes, vice president; Marie Garrett, secre- jade for tribute to Montezuma, were never time, with the hexagonal type drum well
tary; and Gene Judson, treasurer.—Rock- lost but merely kept a profitable secret for filled to avoid too severe striking of stone
hound News and Views centuries by villagers in the state of Guer- upon stone.
* * * rero.
This is the belief of Dr. Thomas Clem- When the charge of polished and bur-
The Gem Collectors' Club of Seattle, nished baroques is cleaned and inspected,
Washington, has elected the following new ents, USC professor of geology, who re- the faceted stones will stand out promi-
officers: Sam Jensen, president; Lula Rob- cently returned from a 10,000-mile jeep nently, their unequal faces highly polished
erson, vice president; Norman Harvey, trip through remote sections of Mexico. and the sharp divisions rounded enough to
treasurer; Mrs. Everett Hore, secretary; and He brought back specimens of the high- make them smooth and attractive. Mounted
Adolph Kietz, Roy Anderson, Willard Baker, quality jade which is being sold to tourists fiat by cementing or capped for display in
Ralph Gustafson and Mrs. Mary Witte, di- and gem dealers by residents of the area. chain jewelry, they are very attractive and
rectors.—Nuts and Nodules The Mexican government holds the min- different.—Harry Zollars in the El Paso,
* * * eral rights to the area, which probably is Texas, Rockhounds' The Voice
The Miami, Florida, Mineral and Gem being worked by Indians who have not filed
Society recently elected these new officers: claims and have avoided attention. Dr.
Albert B. Wilson, president; Tom M. Hay, Clements believes the valuable jade deposits
first vice president; J. Gordon Earley, second exist in the vicinity of Taxco.—Los Angeles DIAMOND BLADES
vice president; Neal M. Brock, treasurer; Times
and Mrs. M. S. Harley, secretary.—Chips Heavy-Dnty Super Stand.
and Facets FACET COLORLESS *BAROQUES, Sup.-Chgd. Cligd. Chgd.
RETUMBLE FOR NEW BEAUTY 6 S $ 11.55 $10.50
* * *
Sol Stern was elected president of the
1 "
II 10" Stale
«" Arbor 15.45 14.05
Most rockhounds who process rocks in 19.80 18.00
Whittier, California, Gem and Mineral So- a tumbler often lay aside those stones f 12" Size 26.60 24.24
14" 41.60 36.50 33.20
ciety. Serving with him will be Sylvia Bums, which are clear and colorless, or nearly so, 16" 46.80 41.60 37.80
first vice president; Bob Bannantyne, second and to most people not nearly as pretty as 18" 76.50 52.15 47.40
vice president; Gertrude Bowcutt, treasurer; those with color and figure and designs. 20" 84.90 57.75 52.50
Eunice Berry, secretary; and Gene Golsan, M" 102.40 83.30 75.70
Also, in nearly every batch of baroques 30" Send 179.10 Sis. tax
Bill Burns and Mrs. Howard Lucy, directors. which are finished by tumbling, there are 36" Postage 267.60 in Calif.
* * * some specimens which are not as attractive State arbor size—Send postag e—Tax in Calif.
Recently organized was the Monrovia, as the person doing the tumbling supposed
California, Rock Hounds club. Officers are they would be, and they generally are dis-
Ross Porter, president; Walter Dovoni, vice carded or presented to some beginner or
president; O'Deal Fear, secretary; and Mrs. young person interested in gems.
Joseph Connor, treasurer. A method has been devised by which
* * * these clear, light-tinted or otherwise unpop-
Amateur lapidaries of the Pomona, Cali- ular rocks may be transformed into delight-
fornia, area have organized the Pomona fully beautiful baroques. Free Catalog shows 17 Covington -jSfe-
Rockhounds Club. Officers elected were After a selection has been made of the vertical type grinders and polishers.
Tom Starkey, president; Fred Warren, vice sort of rocks mentioned above, either tum- i ,™« 6 Covington Trim Saws
president; Mrs. John Perdew, secretary; and bled or broken in preparation for tumbling, i Lo choose from in latest
I. Free Catalog. ^
John Salado, treasurer. Club meetings are grind a flat base on each stone on the
scheduled for the first Tuesday of every grinding wheel or horizontal lap, using 220
month. abrasive grit. Then dop the stones and
* * * grind out all pits, soft inclusions, etc. Next
New officers of the Searles Lake Gem step is to grind promiscuous and vari-sized
and Mineral Society of Trona, California, flat faces or facets over the entire portion
are Orvie Ross, president; John O. Coppom, of the stone above the base, these facets
vice president; Dulcie Archer, recording extending down to the flattened portion if
secretary; O. N. Cole, corresponding secre- they approach this area. Large facets meet
Select any one of 7
Covington Slab Saws
from latest Free Cata-

0 Multi-Feature Lapi-
?<n{ dary Unit. Free Cat-
alog shows 8 Cov-
ington H o r i z o n t a l s
Petrified Wood. Moss Agate, Chrysocolla models. If
Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry
:t;"V V;.-, 'a;
Bracelets. Rings, Necklaces. Earrings
and Brooches
Build Your Own
Write for Foider With Prices


ELLIOTTS GEM SHOP Send for latest Catalog showing Covinglon.
the largest lapidary equipment line In
235 East Seaside Blvd. Long Beach 2, California America. IT'S FHKM.
Across from West End of Municipal DEALERS WANTED
Auditorium Grounds
Hours 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Except Monday
Covington Lapidary Eng.

MAY, 1957 39
both synthetic and natural sapphire. The


By DR. H. C. DAKE, Editor of The Mineralogist
new synthetic rutile (titania) may also be
polished with micron diamond grits. In cut-
ting the facets on sapphire, 100 grit Norbide
may be used to good advantage, but some
gem cutters prefer to cut the facets on an
iron or zinc lap using a micron size diamond
The colored transparent varieties of gem properly, and stones of this kind will grit of from 20 to 50 size.
spinel, when cut facet, offer attractive pos- tend to work loose in the mounting and
sibilities as a gem stone. Spinel, with a rattle when worn. The tin lap is most excellent in placing
hardness of eight and a relatively high index It is suggested that on the average, sawed the final polish on sapphire, using a micron
of refraction (1.71), is widely used as a slabs intended for cabochon cutting should size 0 to 2 diamond powder, and kerosene
commercial gem stone and can be added to be cut about one-eighth of an inch thick. as the lubricant in place of water. Since
the gems cut by the "amateur." A low crown on a large cabochon is ob- kerosene has a wholly different surface ten-
This magnesium aluminate, occurring in viously harder to polish than a steeply slop- sion from that of water, it is preferred by
a wide range of pleasing colors, when cut ing crown surface, but if the material is many gem cutters in working with either
into standard brilliant styles gives forth a worth cutting at all, it is worth doing the natural or synthetic sapphire.
good play of light and sparkle. The colors job properly. Even a slightly rounded sur-
include blue, green, yellow, brown, red and face is much easier to polish than one which
sometimes white. The various shades of is quite flat, and this is especially noted on
red often are termed spinel "ruby." the large cabinet size specimens.
Where the material is deeply colored,
styles other than brilliant can be used to
best bring out color. In recent years quan-
Often the amateur, lacking experience,
will finish a large number of cabochons of
assorted sizes. Where no regard is given
to the thickness of the stone in general and
tities of synthetic spinel have been sold to THE LAPIDARY'S
the jewelry trade, and with the high hard- the slope of the bezel angle, it will be neces-
ness and range of colors, the artificial gem sary to recut many of these if the stones STANDARD OF VALUE
is proving popular. are to be used in the jewelry trade.
When cut in standard;, brilliant styles the
main crown facets should be cut to 37 The sands of beaches in various parts of
degree angles and the main pavilion facets the world often are of a distinctive color, Congo Dia Blades — Sizes
at 41 degrees. These angles have been found due to the dominance of some colored min- Range from 4" to 24" in
satisfactory by numerous experimental cuts. eral. We have many examples of this inter- Light, Standard, Heavy
Cutting of the facets can be readily accom- esting feature in various parts of the world. and Extra Heavy duty.
plished by medium grit silicon carbide or For example, Makapuu beach on the Ha-
Norbide. waiian Islands is composed of a large per-
Polishing of the facets isv done in the Highland • « / • -

centage of olivine sand, hence presents a Park

same manner as with topaz. Compared distinct green color. The noted beaches at (
to topaz, spinel is easier to polish, possibly Nome, Alaska, carry large quantities of Trim Saws V'
due to the fact that spinel lacks the marked garnet, hence the sand is quite reddish in Compact and
cleavage present in topaz. color. The ocean beaches along the north- rugged for long
In the cutting of colored stones in brilli- ern Washington coast also carry large lasting service.
ant styles, eight culet facets can be added amounts of garnet, and often are referred K-4 Trim Saw
to good advantage, making a gem with 65 to as "ruby" beaches, or sands.
facets in place of the regular 57 facets. The Along the coast of North Carolina may
eight culet facets are placed about the apex be noted typical green sand beaches. At A Leader
of, the stone ijy cutting a flat surface on many places along the southern Oregon
the edges of the eight main pavilion facets. coast, magnetite sand has been concentrated, In Its Field
In short when the eight culet facets are to comprise the black sand beaches. At
added they occupy the same relative posi- Highland Park Power-feed
other points quartz sand is the dominant Slab Saws. Sizes range
tions as to the eight table facets, which are constituent, giving the beaches a dazzling
on the crown of the gem. The eight culet from 12" to 24". Metal
white color. In some parts of the world, or Lucite hood.
facets are indicated only in colored stones. mica is dominant in the beach sands, giving
Culet facets placed on material like color- a still more dazzling effect in bright sun-
less 1 quartz and topaz, appear to detract light. In India we find various typical col-
from the gem. ored beach sands including greens and reds.
% -fi %
Highland Park Combination Unit
E. P. -Van Leuven calls attention to the For many years, prior to the introduction Available in all sizes. Perfect Combination
fact that tne amateur gem cutter often will of the modern ".micron" grits polishing pow- Unit for Lapidary work. Handles sawing,
finish a cabochon too thick to bring out the ders, it was customary to polish sapphire on grinding, .sanding and polish iner. Excep-
best beauty in the gem. tionally quiel operation
an iron lap using common tripoli as the
Usually, states Van Leuven, the amateur polishing agent. This method, while slow
will finish a cabochon too "lumpy" or thick. and laborious, was effective.
Carbuncles, asteriated stones and sometimes
opals are exceptions to this rule. The pro- In recent years, various firms have intro-
fessional or experienced lapidarist will sel- duced very finely divided polishing powders,
dom produce a cabochon over one-eighth usually sold under micron size grade. These
of an inch thick, even in larger sizes like include diamond and synthetic sapphire
brooches. grits.
Thickness may not be important in bring- These are especially valuable in polishing R-10 Combination (nit
ing out the beauty of opaque gems like tur- Arbors of all sizes—Tumblers, two models.
quoise, but in the case of translucent and Wet and dry bell senders—Lapidary units
transparent material, thickness can have a in two different sizes.
considerable influence on appearance. The BLANK MOUNTINGS
translucency of the colorless chalcedony for 32 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM
matrix of moss and scenic agate will fre- The most complete line of lapidary maclmi
quently vary from specimen to specimen, AGATE JEWELRY ery offered by any manufacturer. See these
WHOLESALE at, your local Highland Park dealer or write
and here again good judgment on the part for free literature.
of the cutter will influence the beauty of Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains
the finished cabochon. Cuif Links — Neck Chains
A Product of
A cabochon to be mounted in a standard
bezel mounting should be less thick at the
bezel edges, and a slope of about 80 degrees
Bezel — devices — Shanks
Solder — Findings HIGHLAND PARK
should be given to the stone at this point,
according to Van Leuven. This slope (to-
ward center of stone) is to enable the metal
Send stamp for price list No. 4

of the bezel to grip the stone properly. 1009-1011 Mission Street
754 N.W. Alpine St. - P.O. Box 1233 South Pasadena, California
Where the bezel edge of the storie is not NEWPORT, OREGON
properly cut, the metal will not grip the

Even with the crudest treatment or
without any treatment whatsoever, rat-
tlesnake bites would probably not be
fatal in more than 10 percent of the
MAN'S KNOWLEDGE OF Here, briefly, are a few of the inter- * * *
RATTLESNAKES COMPILED esting facts about rattlesnakes con- During the last war, there was not
IN NEW WORK BY KLAUBER firmed in the book: one rattler bite fatality among the
Probably fewer than 1000 persons The severed head of a rattler re- troops trained in the United States—
are bitten by rattlesnakes in this coun- mains dangerous (capable of biting representing 20,000,000 man years of
try each year, and of that total an and injecting venom) for at least 20 exposure.
estimated 30 to 35 die—a mere frac- minutes and sometimes for almost an * * *
tion of the highway death toll on a hour. The largest species of rattlers (East-
holiday, and a sum often exceeded in * t- *
ern diamondback) very rarely reach
a single plane crash. The chances of The heart of a decapitated side- eight feet in length. Western diamond-
being killed by a rattlesnake are even winder beat for 59 hours after sever- backs occasionally attain six to seven
less than for being fatally struck down ance of the head. Left on its back, a feet.
by lightning. Great Basin rattler suddenly righted * * *
Statistics become even more clarify- itself five hours after decapitation.
ing when we consider that the majority These examples of reflex action have The rattler's top speed, even for
of the bites sustained can be avoided resulted in the folk belief that injured very short distances is no faster than
if people would watch where they step rattlers live until sundown. a man can walk—about three miles
and where they put their hands—and an hour.
* * *
if they would leave the handling of * * *
Yet, despite this seemingly strong
reptiles to the herpetologists. hold on life, rattlers are relatively frail People who kill all snakes "to play
Yet, despite all this, unknown thou- creatures and are easily killed. Their it safe" actually make things easier for
sands of Americans shun the outdoors backbone is both delicate and vulner- rattlesnakes to survive, for harmless
because of their fear of poisonous rep- able. snakes compete with rattlers for the
tiles. * * * food supply (predominantly rodent) in
This fear and the folktales, conver- Snakes are deaf to airborn vibra- the immediate area. The introduction
sation, newspaper lineage and even the tions. They cannot hear their own of food competitors is more effect in
length of this book review regarding rattles. Experiments show that rattlers controlling rattlers than introducing
rattlers are out of proportion to the do not react to the sound of a radio,
actual degree that rattlers are likely to but will react to the heating of the (Continued on page 43)
affect us—but accurately reflect the radio's tubes. This results from their
interest they hold for us. facial pit sense organs which are radi-
Man's misinformation on these crea-
tures is unparalleled in his relation to
his physical environment in the West-
ation-sensitive and are used by the
reptiles to track down prey.
* * *
ern Hemisphere where rattlers are Drop for drop, the venom of some BADMEN is a book of fact-
found, which underscores the signifi- ual accounts on the lives and
species of rattlesnakes is 60 times more deaths of 21 notorious gun-
cance to the scientific and non-scien- powerful than the venom of others. slingers of the Old West
tific world alike of Laurence M. * * * such as Wyatt Earp, Billy
Klauber's two volume work, Rattle- the Kid, Wes Hardin, John
snakes, Their Habits, Life Histories Rattlesnake venom can be drunk Ringo, Jesse James, Bill
and Influence on Mankind. The author without ill effect. It has a slight taste, tongley, Doc Holliday, Wild
astringent at first and then turning Bill Hickok, Clay Allison, Ben
is consulting curator of reptiles at the Thompson and 11 others!
San Diego, California, Zoo and his sweetish when held on the tongue. It There are 26 authentic pho-
book is the culmination of 35 years produces a slight tingling effect on the tographs!
of research in the field and laboratory. lips. Thus a person is in no danger WELL: So long as they
when he sucks the blood from a last, with every subscrip-
It contains everything that is now sci- tion to True West ($3.00 for
entifically known about rattlesnakes as lanced rattlesnake wound. 12 issues) we are going to
give a copy of A Gallery
well as the folktales that have grown * * * of Western Badmen as a
boisus — absolutely FREE!
out of man's association with them Out of 100 bites, an average of 98Vi Man, what a BARGAIN!
before and since discovery of the New are suffered on the arms and legs; TRUE WEST brings back
bites in forearm exceed upper arm by the Old West to you as it
World. actually was. Each bi-month-
But these volumes are more than a 20 to 1; shin and calf bites exceed ly issue is crammed with
giant step from the realm of darkness thigh bites 20 to 1; hand bites exceed TRUE, well illustrated articles on badmen,
wrist 7 to 1; and bites in front of foot lost mines, buried treasures, range wars, In-
into the light of knowledge—they re- dian fights, outlaws, ghost towns, trail drives,
flect the versatility and capacity for exceed heel 2 to 1. gold rush, cowboys and ranch life—The way
if really was! The old days live again and
dedication in man, for Klauber is an move vividly through its pages. Man you
engineer by profession. The study of
rattlesnakes is his hobby.
Looking for a PUBLISHER? ought to see those authentic old photos!
SPECIAL! This is a double-barreled, get-ac-
Do you have a book-length manuscript you
would like to have published? Learn about quainted offer. Clip the coupon NOW—if
our unusual plan whereby your book can be you lay it aside, you'll forget sure.

Book Manuscripts
by cooperative publisher who offers authors
published, promoted and distributed on a
professional basis. We consider all types of
work—fiction, biography, poetry, scholarly
and religious books, etc. New authors wel-
TRUE WEST, P.O. Box 5008M, Austin 31, Texas
Here is my $3.00 for 12 issues of True West.
Send me a copy of A Gallery of Western
early publication, higher royalty, national come. For more information, write for valu- Badmen absolutely FltKE!
distribution, and beautifully designed books- able booklet D. It's free.
Name __
All subjects welcomed. Write, or send your V A N T A G E P R E S S . I N C .
MS directly. 6253 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Address
Atteu. Mr. Slocum, 489 Fifth Ave., K.T., X.Y. Main Office: New York 1. X. V.

MAY, 1957 41
Quit Jsetween you and Ma

for mining and oil concessions, and there is a promise of
7 WO WEEKS ago I drove over the newly paved
road which connects Yucca Valley and the Twenty-
nine Palms area with Lucerne and Apple Valleys
on California's Mojave desert.
additional royalties in the future.
And if you are wondering what the tribesmen will do
with so much money, the answers already are becoming
The landscape along this route is sprinkled with the apparent. Some of it is to go for education, some for roads,
cabins of Jackrabbit homesteaders—folks who have ac- and a portion has been allotted to the bringing of indus-
quired five acres of Uncle Sam's domain under the Small trial development to the reservation to provide resident
Tract Act of 1938. payrolls for tribal members.
Some of the homesteaders have constructed well-de- In 1934 the Navajo Tribal Council passed a very sig-
signed little cottages that reflect pride and creativeness. nificant resolution, providing in part as follows: " . . . all
Others have built cracker-box affairs that merely af- areas of scenic beauty and scientific interest which require
ford shelter from wind and sun. Perhaps the builders preservation be hereby reserved as Navajo Parks, Monu-
have dreams of something better in the future—dreams ments or Ruins, to be managed by the Navajos themselves
which you and I will hope come true, for not many of with the cooperation of the Indian Service, and other
us want to see our desert landscape cluttered up with ugly helpful agencies . . ."
shacks. At the time the resolution was passed, the Indians had
I have serious misgivings about a new policy which no funds with which to carry out the program. But they
Federal Bureau of Land Management recently has an- have the money now, and they have lost no time in im-
nounced in connection with the disposal of its small tracts. plementing the 1934 resolution. Recently the Tribal Coun-
Until recently, a 5-acre tract could be obtained only by cil by a vote of 62 to 0 empowered Tribal Chairman Paul
leasing the land, with the provision that a patent would Jones to appoint five tribesmen as a Navajo Tribal Park
be issued if certain improvements were made within a Commission to "survey places of scenic, historical, recrea-
year, otherwise the lease would be forfeited. Under that tional or scientific interest on the Navajo Reservation and
regulation, the Land Office has had some control over make recommendations to the Advisory Committee of
the timing and construction of a desert cabin. The rules, the Tribal Council for the establishment of Navajo Tri-
at first very lax, gradually have become more restrictive. bal Parks and Monuments in particular areas."
Now a new program has been initiated at the Los I am thinking of Monument Valley. Agriculturally, it
Angeles land office. In recent weeks many hundreds of is so arid that only a few score of Navajo families eke out
delinquent tracts have been put up for sale to the lowest a bare existence. And yet what a gorgeous setting it would
bidder at auction. The buyers are to be given the title at be for a National Park—a Navajo Tribal Park!—managed
once with no obligation as to improvements. by the Indians.
With good roads into that amazing region of many-
In other words, land which was intended by the or- colored spires and domes and buttes and pinnacles, I am
iginal Act to be classified for "home, cabin, health, con- sure it would become one of the most popular recreational
valescence or recreation" becomes pawn in the real estate areas in U.S.A.
market, to be bought and sold for speculation. A buyer The tribal resolution provides that "The Navajo Tribal
who buys in good faith for the purpose of erecting a Park Commission shall not have authority to deprive any
week-end cabin on the desert, may readily find himself Navajo Indian or his heirs of the right to continue to use
surrounded by speculative holdings whose owners have no the area of Navajo Tribal land in the same manner he was
interest in developing roads, putting down wells, bringing using such area at the time a Navajo Tribal Park or Mon-
in electric service or any of the cooperative improvements ument was established embracing such area."
which are necessary to create comfortable living quarters.
And that is the way you and I would want it to be—
If the Small Tract Act is to serve the worthy purposes where as visitors we would find the Indians—perhaps in
for which it was intended, then it appears that more better hogans than they now occupy—tending their flocks
restrictions, rather than less, should be imposed upon those and weaving their rugs in the traditional manner.
who would share in this distribution of the public's domain. I hope the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the National
We whose homes are in this land of far horizons do Park Service will cooperate with the Indians in carrying
not want our landscape to become the pawn of get-rich- out their program—not in the role of bureaucrats telling
quick speculators. the redskins what to do, but rather as sympathetic friends
* * * and advisors. The Navajos can do the job. I have no
Those who have always regarded the Navajo Indians doubt of that. They have a reverence for the Good Earth
as a poor and impoverished tribe of native Americans will which is not being taught in the white man's schools and
have to revise that estimate. During the past year over churches—and perhaps from them we may learn some
$33,000,000 has been paid into the Navajo tribal fund more effective ways to deal with Jitterbugs and vandals.

For most Americans the peninsula of
to know before undertaking a difficult
journey in a foreign land.
Distances are carefully logged from
(Continued from page 41) Lower California has remained a land point to point, and scenic sidetrips and
of mystery — a land inaccessible ex- detours noted. There is a listing of
their natural enemies. No animal feeds cept to the most venturesome explorer. the 31 missions established by Jesuit,
exclusively on snakes. Having no railroads except along a por- Dominican and Franciscan fathers, how
* * * tion of the California border, few roads to reach them, and what remains of
Function of the rattle is to scare and most of them very bad, and little those long abandoned.
away enemies — not to secure prey, communication with the rest of the The guidebook not only covers
mates or help from other rattlers. A world, the greater part of the 800-mile roads, but also includes information
rattlesnake's first line of defense is con- span from the California border to the for those who would meander the
cealment. If this fails, it will assume Cape of San Lucas is arid and unin- peninsula by sea.
its coiled position and threaten with habited. Sectional maps and a folding key
rattle, hissing and darting tongue. Even And yet those who have had the map provide the traveler with all the
then it will attempt to escape. Its last will and fortitude to explore its long place names along the various routes.
resort will be to strike out with its coast line, its mountain ranges and In fact this book is an indispensable
fangs, and in some instances will not canyons, its mineralized areas and nat- reference guide for those who hope
eject venom which it tends to conserve ural botanical gardens, report that it some day to extend their motor tour-
for securing prey. is a land of amazing variation and ing to Baja California.
* * * charm, Published by the Arthur H. Clark
Far from loving to bask in the, And now, thanks to 15 years of Company, Glendale, California. 218
desert heat, rattlers must find shade painstaking work by two hardy Ameri- pp. Index and bibliography. Halftone
quickly or perish for they are cold- cans, much of the uncertainty regard- pictures. Paper bound $5.25. Cloth
blooded and thus take on the tempera- ing travel on the peninsula has been bound $6.00.
ture of their surroundings. If they are removed. Peter Gerhard and Howard
subjected to intense heat for 10 or 15 E. Gulick have written a travel book,
minutes, they die, even at tempera- Lower California Guidebook, which Books reviewed on these pages are
tures that would be only mildly un- not only gives detailed information re- available at Desert Crafts Shop
pleasant to a man. garding roads, accommodations and Palm Desert, California
* * $ mileages, but contains a wealth of data Add three percent sales tax on orders
The myth that rattlesnakes charm as to transportation, customs, fiestas, to be sent to California
or fascinate their prey has no basis language barriers — in fact all the Write for complete catalog of
in fact. In most cases of alleged fas- things that an American would want Southwestern books
cination the prey's failure to escape
is due to its having been struck by the
rattler before the observer came on
the scene.
* * * . . . A work that no
Rattlesnakes are found at altitudes
as high as 11,000 feet. They tend to
be more prevalent in arid regions— Desert Library,
perhaps in part because of the more
favorable conditions of their food sup- Private or Public,
* * * Should Be Without , , .
With prompt first-aid measures and
doctor's care, a rattlesnake bite is very
rarely fatal. Klauber recommends that LAURENCE M. KLAUBER'S
children who have no instinctive fear
of snakes be taught a moderate fear
of them, but not the hysterical reaction
that many adults show.
Published by the University of Cali-
Their Habits, Life Histories and Influence on Mankind
fornia Press in two volumes; illustra-
tions, graphs, charts, maps; bibliogra- (see review starting on page 41. this issue)
phy and index; 1476 pages; $17.50. A two-volume compendium of everything scientifically known
about rattlesnakes, together with the folklore that has grown
up about these dangerous, fascinating reptiles. Published by
Desert Best Seller List* the University of California.
1. Goodbye, Death Valley
Burr Belden $1.25 Two Volumes, 1476 pages, 238 illustrations
Geological Story of Death Valley $17.50 plus 40c postage
Thomas Clements .... .'$1.50
3. Ghosts of the Glory Trail California purchasers please add 3 percent sales tax
Nell Morbarger ..... $5.75
4. Wild Palms Order by mail from
Randall Henderson $ .50
5. Death Valley Tales
Death Valley '49ers, Inc. __$1.00 Dmrt Mi$0ilii$ Book Shop
*Based on March sales by Desert PALM DESERT CALIFORNIA
Magazine Bookshop.

MAY, 1957 43
To Gem Fields • Lost Treasure Ureas • Ghost Towns • For
MflPS Hiking and ExploratiM • For Travel in the Desert Country
The maps published each month in Desert Magazine are accurate guides to the places you will want to visit. Over
400 of these maps have appeared in past issues of Desert. Many of these back issues are still available. Here is a
classified list —at a special price.

LOST TREASURE—6 of them with maps ROCK HUNTERS—Maps with all of them
Nov. '51—Buried Treasure of the Chiricahuas. MAP Jun. '46—Agate, chalcedony, etc., Arizona. MAP
Jul. '52—Lost Mine with the Iron Door. Jul. '46—Minerals at Calico. MAP
Aug. '52—Lost Gold of the Vampire Bats. Nov. '51—Cave of the Crystal Snowbanks. MAP
Sep. '52—Lost Lead of Santa Clara. MAP Apr. '52—Garnets Aplenty at Stanley. MAP
May '52—Beauty in Those Ancient Pebbles. MAP
Oct. '52—Lost Pima Indian Gold. Jun. '52—Petrified Wood Along Butterfield Trail. MAP
Nov. '52—Lost Silver Ledge of Santa Catarina. Jul. '52—Agate Hunting Along the Gila. MAP
Dec. '52—Troopers' Lost Gold. Aug. '52—Black Agate in Milky Wash. MAP
Jan. '53—Lost Treasure of Carreta Canyon. Nov. '52—Fossil Shells in Yuha Basin. MAP
Feb. '53—Quest for the Peralta Gold. Dec. '52—We Explored an Old Nevada Lake Bed. MAP
Mar. '53—Gold Behind a Waterfall. Mar. '53—Ghost Town Prospector. MAP
Apr. '53—Lost Treasure of Sonoyta. MAP Apr. '53—There's Color in the Old Placer Mines. MAP
May '53—Lost Mine of the Blond Mayo. May '53—Harquahala Bonanza. MAP
Jun. '53—Lost Lode of Sierra Sombrero. MAP Jun. '53—Field Day in Muggins Hills. MAP
Aug. '53—Lost Blue Bucket Mine. Aug. '53—South Pass in Wyoming. MAP
Sep. '53—Lost Breyfogle. MAP Sep. '53—Crystal Field at Quartzsite. MAP
Nov. '53—Lost Copper Mine. Oct. '53—Gem Stones in the Bradshaws. MAP
Dec. '53—Lost Desert Queen Mine. MAP Nov. '53—Agate-Seamed Butte at Bouse. MAP
Dec. '53—Gem Stones in the Peloncillos. MAP
Jan. '54—The Lost Dutchman Mine.
Apr. '54—Petrified Flotsam Along the Colorado. MAP
TREASURE HUNTER'S SET. 18 Magazines $3.00 Jun. '54—Indian Jasper in the Whipples. MAP
Jul. '54—Jasper in Limestone Gulch. MAP
TRAVEL, EXPLORATION—Maps with all of them Aug. '54—Crystal Roses of Eldorado. MAP
Oct. '54—Gem Hill on the Mojave. MAP
Jun. '46—Hopi Trek to the Land of Big Water. MAP Nov. '54—Nature's Tumbled Gems at Pisgah. MAP
Jul. '46—Palm Hunters in the Inkopah Wastelands. Dec. '54—Gem Hunting with a Prospector. MAP
MAP Feb. '55—Agate Hunters in the Apaches. MAP
Nov. '51—Cave of the Crystal Snowbanks. MAP Mar. '55—Gems of Monte Cristo. MAP
Apr. '52—Valley of Thundering Water. MAP Apr. '55—Doodlebug Trail, into Agateland. MAP
May '52—Goblins in Flame Colored Stone. MAP May '55—Bell Rocks in the Big Sandy. MAP
Jun. '52—Murray Canyon is a Challenge. MAP ROCK HUNTER'S SET, 30 Magazines $5.00
Jul. '52—Tribesmen of Santa Cartarina. MAP
Sept '52—We Climbed Rabbit Peak. MAP GHOST TOWNS—Maps with 10 of them.
Oct. '52—Glen Canyon Voyage. MAP Jul. '46—Ghost Town of Calico Hills. MAP
Nov. '52—Desert Trek in 1904. MAP Nov. '52—Ghost of Baxter Mountain. MAP
Jan. '53—We Climbed El Diablo. MAP Dec. '52—I Remember Bodie
Feb. '53—Boatride in Mojave Canyon. MAP Feb. '53—Ghost Fortress in New Mexico. MAP
Mar. '53—Where Hungry Bill Once Lived. MAP Jul. '53—Man Who Bought a Ghost Town. MAP
Apr. '53—The Ancients Were Here. MAP Oct. '53—Silver Strike at Belmont. MAP
May '53—We Climbed Coxcomb Peaks. MAP Dec. '53—When Troopers Came to Nevada. MAP
June '53—A Day in the Chiricahuas. MAP Jan. '54—Golden Ghost of the Nevada Hills. MAP
Jul. '53—Boat Ride on the Big Bend. MAP May '54—Nevada Ghost Town. MAP
Aug. '53—Historic Pass of the Wind River. MAP Aug. '54—The Ghost That Refuses to Die.
Dec. '54—Old Fort Schellbourne. MAP
Sept. '53—Seldom Seen Canyon in San Jacintos. MAP. Oct. '55—They Found New Wealth in Fairview. MAP
Oct. '53—Mexican Tour for Motorists. MAP
GHOST TOWN SET. 12 Magazines $2.00
Nov. '53—We Climbed Telescope Peak. MAP
Dec. '53—Graveyard of the Dinosaurs. MAP
Jan. '54—Through the Narrows to Zion. MAP COMPLETE YOUR FILES
Apr. '54—Trail to Keynot Summit. MAP AH back issues of Desert Magazine are now available except
May '54—We Climbed an Old Volcano. MAP Volume 1, Number 1, published in November, 1937. When some
Jun. '54—Seri Indians of the Gulf of California. MAP of the issues were exhausted, we bought them back from the
Sep. '54—Scaling the Ship of the Desert. MAP owners, and for these we charge from 25c to $2.00 each, accord-
Oct. '54—Boatride in Desolation Canyon. MAP ing to what we paid for them. All others are available at the reg-
Dec. '54—Atop Nevada's Highest Peak. MAP ular single copy price. If you'll send us a list of the copies you
Feb. '55—Cattle Ranch Among the Palms. MAP need to complete your files we will advise you as to the cost.
Binders, each hold 12 copies, are available for all back volumes.
Many of the above magazines are newsstand returns, but all of them are complete and in good condition. The supply
of some issues is limited, and we reserve the privilege of substituting other copies which include maps of the same
general subject.

Order as Many of the Above Issues as You Wish Magazines may be ordered by specifying month
One Copy 25c; Six for $1.00; 12 for $2.00 and year only, or by sets
Several issues are duplicated in the above sets. There
are 40 different issues and this entire set is $6.00. THE
Each binder has space for 12 copies PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA

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