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Dr Steve Eichhorn

Senior Lecturer in Polymer Physics and

Location: E12, Materials Science Centre
Tel: 0161 306 5982
Professional biography
Ste!e Eichhorn "ra#uate# in $h%sics &rom the 'ni!ersit% o& (ee#s in 1993 an#
su)se*uentl% complete# a Masters #e"ree in $aper an# +orestr% ,n#ustries
-echnolo"% at .an"or an# 'M,S- in 199/05. 1e then 2ent on to #o a $h3
#e"ree, "ra#uatin" in 1999 on the su)ject o& the 43e&ormation
Micromechanics o& 5e"enerate# Cellulose +i)res4. 1is aca#emic
appointments ha!e )een as a temporar% (ecturer in the 3epartment o& $aper
Science 6then separate &rom the School o& Materials7 in 199898 an# as a
:isitin" 5esearch Scientist &rom 199891999. ;&ter this perio# he 2ent to 2or
un#er the super!ision o& $ro&essor .o) <oun" 6no2 1ea# o& the School o&
Materials7 as a post#octoral research associate 61999920027 an# 2as
appointe# as a (ecturer in the Materials Science Centre in 2002 an#
promote# to Senior (ecturer in 2006. 1is research interests are at the
inter&ace )et2een natural an# )iomaterials research 2ith particular emphasis
on cellulosic materials an# composites. 1e has research projects that also
in!esti"ate the structure propert% relationships o& natural materials 6seashells,
&in"ernails etc7. ,n terms o& techni*ues, 3r Eichhorn has particular e=pertise in
the use o& 5aman spectroscop%, s%nchrotron =9ra% #i&&raction an# molecular
#%namics0mechanics mo#ellin" o& pol%meric materials. 1e is a mem)er o& the
;CS Cellulose an# 5ene2a)le Materials #i!ision, the ,nstitute o& $h%sics an#
the 5o%al Societ% o& Chemistr%.
Current research projects
-he in!esti"ation o& the structure0propert% relationships o& seashells
usin" s%nchrotron =9ra% #i&&raction, nanoin#entation an# 5aman
spectroscop% 62ith $ro&essor .o) Cerni an# 3r $aul Mummer%7
-he use o& re"enerate# cellulose &i)res as hi"h per&ormance
rein&orcement in composite materials
-he &un#amental structure0propert% relationships o& cellulose &i)res
62ith 3r Mie >il#in"7
Composite Micromechanics usin" 5aman spectroscop% an#
s%nchrotron ?9ra% #i&&raction 62ith $ro&essor .o) <oun"7
Structure0propert% relationships o& &in"ernails 62ith 3r 5olan# Ennos 9
+acult% o& (i&e Sciences7
-he 'se o& Cellulose as a -issue En"ineerin" su)strate 62ith 3rs 'lijn,
@ou"h an# Sampson7
Mo#ellin" structure0propert% relationships in nano&i)rous assem)lies
62ith 3r .ill Sampson7
Molecular #%namics0mechanics mo#ellin" o& pol%mer properties
$h%sical properties o& plant cell 2alls 62ith $ro&essor Aen Ent2istle7
.iomimetic Cr%stals an# Mechanical $ropert% Enhancement 63r +iona
Mel#rum, Chemistr%, .ristol7
@reen Composites 63r ;le= .ismarc, Chemical En"ineerin", ,mperial
3a!ies, 5.B., .ennett, B.;., Eichhorn, S.B., 5ieel, C., <oun", 5.B.
2008. $ro)in" the ,nternal @eometr% o& a >o!en Composite 3urin"
3e&ormation 'sin" an ?9ra% Micro#i&&raction ,ma"in" -echni*ue.
;pplie# $h%sics (etters, 91, 0//102.
Ent2istle, A.M., Aon", A., Mc3onal#, M.;., Ca!aranjan, C., Eichhorn,
S.B. 2008. -he 3eri!ation o& the Micro&i)ril ;n"le 'sin" >i#e9;n"le
S%nchrotron ?9ra% 3i&&raction on Structurall% Characterise# Specimens.
Bournal o& Materials Science, /2, 82639828/.
+arran, (., Eichhorn, S., Ennos, 5. 2008. -he Microstructure an#
Mechanical $roperties o& 1uman +in"ernails. Comparati!e
.iochemistr% an# $h%siolo"% ;9Molecular an# ,nte"rati!e $h%siolo"%
1/6D S118.
Aannan, $., Eichhorn, S.B., <oun", 5.B. 2008. 3e&ormation o& ,solate#
Sin"le9>all Car)on Canotu)es in Electrospun $ol%mer Cano&i)res.
Canotechnolo"%, 18, 235808.
Sh%n", <.-, Eichhorn, S.B., <oun", 5.B., 3a!ies, 5.B. 2008.
,n!esti"ation o& ,nter&acial Stress9-rans&er in a $.E0$ol%prop%lene
Micro#roplet Composite 'sin" S%nchrotron Micro&ocus ?9ra%
3i&&raction. Composite ,nter&aces, 1/, 3519359.
Mottershea#, .., Eichhorn, S.B. 2008. 3e&ormation Micromechanics o&
Mo#el 5e"enerate# Cellulose +i)re9Epo=%0$ol%ester Composites.
Composites Science an# -echnolo"%, 68, 215092159.
<oun", 5.B., Eichhorn, S.B. 2008. 3e&ormation Mechanisms in $ol%mer
+i)res an# Canocomposites. $ol%mer, /8, 2918 6+eature ;rticle7.
Aon", A., 3a!ies, 5.B., Mc3onal#, M.;., <oun", 5.B., >il#in", M.;.,
,))ett, 5.C., Eichhorn, S.B. 2008. ,n&luence o& #omain orientation on
the mechanical properties o& re"enerate# cellulose &i)ers.
.iomacromolecules, 8, 62/9630.
Sh%n", <.-., .ennett, B.;., <oun", 5.B., 3a!ies, 5.B., Eichhorn, S.B.
2006. ;nal%sis o& ,nter&acial Micromechanics o& Mo#el Composites
'sin" S%nchrotron Micro&ocus ?9ra% 3i&&raction. Bournal o& Materials
Science, /1, 681396821.
Scurr, 3.B., Eichhorn, S.B. 2006. ;nal%sis o& (ocal 3e&ormation in
,n#ente# 5e"ions o& Ensis sili*ua Shells 'sin" 5aman Spectroscop%.
Bournal o& Materials 5esearch, 21, 309993108.
Bar!is, M.C., Eichhorn, S.B., Sturco!a, ;. 2006. :i)rational
Spectroscop% o& Cellulose 'n#er Mechanical StressD Spectral
$rocessin" 'sin" .an#shi&t 3i&&erence ,nte"rals. .iomacromolecules,
8, 268892691.
Eichhorn, S.B., .ennett, B.;., Sh%n", <.-., <oun", 5.B., 3a!ies, 5.B.
2006. ;nal%sis o& ,nter&acial Micromechanics in Micro#roplet Mo#el
Composites 'sin" S%nchrotron Micro&ocus ?9ra% 3i&&raction.
Composites Science an# -echnolo"%, 66, 219892205.
Eichhorn, S.B. an# 3a!ies, @.5. 2006. Mo#ellin" the Cr%stalline
3e&ormation o& Cati!e an# 5e"enerate# Cellulose. Cellulose, 13, 2919

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