Desert Magazine 1957 March

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"Do you mean hold it like this?"

asked three-year-old Dru Schavan-
augh when Western author Nell
Murbarger told her to hold that pose.
Dru is a member of the Ute-Uncom-
paghre tribe and lives at Vernal,
Utah. Miss Murbarger's prize win-
ning photo was taken with a Rollei-
cord camera on Eastman Verichrome
Pan film, 1/60 second at f. 16.

Lunch Time...
L. D. Schooler of Blythe, California,
wins second prize in this month's
contest with this photo of a desert
tortoise busily munching off the tip
of a cactus pad. Schooler used a
2!/4 x 3Vt Graphic Camera, Ansco
Isopan sheet film, 1/100 seconds at
f. 22.
Feb. 20-Mar 13—Brownell McGrew
Exhibit, Desert Magazine Art Gal-
lery, Palm Desert, California.
Mar. 2-3—Salton Sea Excursion, Si-
erra Club. Camp at Finney-Ramer
Lake Game Refuge south of Ni-
land, California. Excursions set for
1:30 p.m. Saturday; and Sunday
Mar. 3—Dons Club Lost Dutchman-
Superstition Mountain Gold Trek,
from Phoenix, Arizona.
Mar. 7—Cattle Rustlers Ball, Wicken-
burg, Arizona.
Mar. 9—Desert Museum Field Trip Volume 20 MARCH, 1957 Number 3
to Carrizo Canyon, from Palm
Springs, California.
Mar. 9-10 — Sierra Club backpack
hike to Martinez Peak. COVER The Stone F a c e in Hidden Valley, Joshua Tree
Mar. 10—Out Wickenburg Way Style National Monument, California
Show, Wickenburg, Arizona. By ARTHUR B. MOORE
Mar. 10 — Eighth Annual Almond
Blossom Festival and Parade, PHOTOGRAPHY Pictures of the Month 2
Quartz Hill, California. CALENDAR M a r c h events on the desert 3
Mar. 10—Western Saddle Club Gym-
khana, Phoenix, Arizona. MEMORIAL Desert Memorial for Patton's Army
Mar. 11-17 — 22nd Annual Palm By ELIZABETH WARD 4
Springs, California, Men's Invita- FIELD TRIP Jasper Trails in the Barstow B a d l a n d s
tional Golf Tournament.
Mar. 13-April 3—John Hilton Ex- By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 7
hibit, Desert Magazine Art Gallery, CLOSE-UPS About those w h o write for Desert 12
Palm Desert, California.
Mar. 14-17—Phoenix, Arizona, Jay- POETRY Old Fort Churchill a n d other p o e m s 13
cees World's Championship Rodeo, WILDFLOWERS Flowering Predictions for M a r c h 14
State Fairgrounds. World's longest FICTION
horse-drawn parade opens event on Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 14
14th. LOST MINE Pegleg's Mine—Fact or Fiction?
Mar. 16—Desert Museum Field Trip
to Lost Palm Oasis, from Palm By JAMES A. JASPER 15
Springs, California. DESERT QUIZ A test of your desert k n o w l e d g e 16
Mar. 16-17 — Sierra Club camping PERSONALITY
trip to Magnesia Springs Canyon, Ghost Town Prospector, b y NELL MURBARGER 17
Rancho Mirage, California. NATURE The Busy World of Desert Ants
Mar. 17 & 31—Desert Sun Ranchers By EDMUND C. JAEGER 21
Rodeo, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Mar. 19 — Ceremonial Dances and HISTORY Inscription Rock
Feast Day, Laguna Indian Pueblo, By JOSEF a n d JOYCE MUENCH 23
Mar. 22-24—Dons Club Travelcade Cattle Drive to Winslow, b y BILLIE YOST . . 24
to Hopi Villages and Petrified For- GARDENING Exotic Blooms in the Spring G a r d e n
est, from Phoenix, Arizona.
Mar. 24—Maricopa County Mounted By RUTH REYNOLDS 25
Sheriffs Posse Second Annual Na- LETTERS Comment from Desert's r e a d e r s . . . . . . 27
tional Match Calf Roping Cham- CONTEST
pionship Contest, Phoenix, Ariz. Picture-of-the-Month Contest a n n o u n c e m e n t . . 27
Mar. 24—Bandollero Tour to Bor- FORECAST Southwest river runoff predictions 28
rego Springs, California, from NEWS From h e r e a n d there on t h e desert 29
Yuma, Arizona.
Mar. 24—Southern Arizona School MINING Current n e w s of desert mines 33
for Boys Horse Show, Tucson. URANIUM Latest d e v e l o p m e n t s in the industry . . . . 34
Mar. 24-26 — New Mexico Cattle
Growers Association Convention, LAPIDARY A m a t e u r G e m Cutter, b y DR. H. C. DAKE . . . 36
Albuquerque. HOBBY G e m s a n d Minerals 37
Mar. 26—Visitors Club Outing to
Cave Creek and Balanced Rock, BOOKS Reviews of Southwestern Literature 41
from Phoenix, Ariz., Adult Center. COMMENT Just Between You a n d Me, b y the Editor . . . 42
Mar. 27-31—Maricopa County Fair
and Horse Show, Mesa, Arizona.
Mar. 28 — Visitors Club outing to
Canyon Lake, from Phoenix, Ari- The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert,
zona, Adult Center. California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948, at the postoffice at Palm Desert
California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office
Mar. 29-31—NCAA Ski Champion- and contents copyrighted 1957 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
ships, Snow Basin, Ogden, Utah. must be secured from the editor in writing.
Mar. 30—Desert Museum Field Trip RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor EUGENE L. CONROTTO, Associate Editor
to 49 Palms Oasis, from Palm BESS STACY, Business Manager EVONNE RIDDELL, Circulation Manager
Springs, California.
Mar. 30-31—Flower Show, Woman's Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for
Club, Phoenix, Arizona. damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised Sub-
Mar. 30-31 — Sierra Club camping scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue.
trip to Spring Tank Canyon near SCBSCKIPT1OX RATES
Desert Center, California. One Year $4.00 Two Years $7.00
Mar. 31—Dons Club Travelcade to
Ray-Hayden Mines, from Phoenix, Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra
Arizona. Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
P. O. D. Order No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California

MARCH, 19 57
Desert Memorial for Patton's Amy...
Rapidly taking its place in the annals of Southern California desert In this peaceful desert region today
history is that busy period during the early days of World War II when there is little sign of the teeming war
General George S. Patton trained and developed his fast-striking time activity, although more than a
armored corps there. This is the story of efforts made in recent years half million troops were trained during
to set aside a small portion of this terrain in lasting memory to this World War II, in this wide expanse
daring army leader and the men who served under him. from the Nevada line to the Mexican
border. Their various camps were
By ELIZABETH WARD widespread, but few scars remain on
the desert's face except a few rutted
THE southwestern slope p of is the site of a proposed
pp War Memor- roads and dim airfields. Gone are the
Southern C l i f i ' Iron
California's I M
Moun- i l Park.
ial Pk C i d
Contained ihi this
within hi 500 extensive buildings, equipment and
taia in the rugged
gg desert countryy acre area are two imposing
pg stone altars materiels.
where G l G
General George S S. P '
Patton's ffa- bbuilt
i l bby the
h troops andd a hhuge relief
lif The heat waves shimmering over the
rnous tank corps fought its war games, map constructed by Army Engineers. tan desert floor emphasize the stark
background for the enduring rock
shrines, triumphs in beautiful masonry.
One altar is heavily squared, built of
rough sandstone boulders. Six hun-
&:• dred yards away, the other is classic
in its design, with the cross outlined
in lighter stones. Back of the granite
chancel, Gothic windows frame inspir-
ing views of colorful Iron Mountain.
MEMDRIHLPRRK JCT. A curiously still, elusive spell seems
to pervade the area, as if in mute testi-
mony of the desert's healing of even
the pangs of war.
Flaming ocotillo, pungent yellow
greasewood, dry yucca and blistering
sun are typical of this vast area where
free-wheelmg maneuvers on a grand
scale, representing great enemy num-
bers as well as our own, were held.
The character of desert training—
the varied terrain, sparse vegetation,
rugged mountains, steep defiles and
rolling dunes, were particularly valu-
able in conditioning a soldier for actual
combat experience. His mind was nec-
essarily always on the alert—he knew
he could die of sunstroke, thirst or
starvation unless he learned the judici-
ous use of water and supplies. The
desert taught the soldier to be self-
sustaining, as it had prospectors and
pioneers before.
The scattered units of the Desert
Theater of Operations, as the com-
£•; Palen-%, bined camps were known, were en-
\ : Dry Lake '•$""" larged until even the desert was
crowded. When the training was over
and these divisions of troops, tank
destroyers, artillery, signal corps and
others were deployed to their various
contingents, the officers in charge were
justifiably proud of their men. They
had the ability to take it. The desert
climate and isolation took its toll of
morale, but it developed leaders as well
as fighting men.
Soldiers like General Walton Wal-
ker, later killed in Korea; and Major
Generals Robert Crow and P. W.
Wood became the most dynamic

Soldiers' altar in the open desert country near Iron Mountain. Many miles from
civilian churches, the troops regularly attended services under the desert sky.
Photo courtesy Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

armored leaders in the war—the repu- shifting sand, is a reminder of a grim overseas to capture Tunisia, storm
tation of the Armored Divisions grew and busy time. It reproduces in nat- Sicily or plunge ashore at the Nor-
as legends. ural color the panorama from Yuma mandy beach. The outdoor church
But, of them all, the name of Gen- to Needles, from Salton Sea to the under the desert sky smiled a bene-
eral George S. Patton, "Old Blood and Arizona mountains. It was constructed diction, and toughened combat veter-
Guts" to his men, stands out brilliantly. of concrete to exact scale, showing ans did not forget.
In the desert he labored mightily to roads, waterholes and mountains, and From far places they sent back news
turn green recruits into efficient sol- proved invaluable. Over the now sag- of their buddies—often tragic news—
diers, and succeeded well as their offi- ging ramp, orientation classes were and the epitaphs of these men who had
cial records show. held and desert points and plans of trained on the desert were engraved
maneuvers were illustrated. Mechan- in the granite for perpetuity. Some
It was at Patton's headquarters camp ical warfare was new and terrifying.
that the two enduring rock shrines may have found final resting places on
General Patton had a job to do and foreign soil, but their memorial is on
were constructed, in contrast with the an over-all picture of the desert gave
total lack of the usual civilian facili- the desert.
him a psychological advantage.
ties. Here they still stand, giving the Many hope these altars will stand
visitor insight into the creative beauty The shrines served a far different as long as does Iron Mountain tower-
of men who had little of beauty in purpose. Before the rough rock altars, ing behind them, and it is here, where
lives that were dedicated to destruc- religious services were held regularly the Colorado River Aqueduct winds
tion. and attendance mounted steadily. Men through the mountain bringing life to
who were on their way, division after Southern California, the American Le-
The huge relief map at the eamp, division, received their final briefing gion proposed a memorial park be
windblown and almost obliterated by at headquarters camp before sailing established on approximately two sec-
MARCH, 1957
This huge relief map was built a few miles west of the Iron Mountain pumping
plant by Army Engineers with Patton's forces in 1942-43. The map measures
130 x 160 feet and represents an area of 32,000 square miles of Southern California
desert country. Photo courtesy Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

tions of government land in honor of have been more obstacles and delays other visitors have added their pleas
the doughty general and his men. due mainly to the involved financial to those of the Legion and other serv-
The Metropolitan Water District aspects of the project. ice clubs, notably the Native Sons of
now patrols the proposed site, doing Since the end of the war, many the Golden West, in urging the desert
what it can to keep the shrines in good soldiers have returned to the shrines memorial.
repair. Officials of the company have to kneel in thanksgiving and in rever- Actor Leo Carrillo, descendant of a
expressed their continued interest in ence to the memory of those not re- pioneer California family as was Pat-
the project and Mrs. George S. Patton turning. The boys who trained here ton, enthusiastically supports the mem-
has given consent that the general's came from all corners of the nation orial. Declaring that the state has been
name might be used, but expressed and on vacation trips to the west coast lax in preparing a suitable memorial
hope that the boys would be remem- some take the off-trail road from Des- to one of her most famous native sons,
bered, too. ert Center or the new cut-off from Carrillo pointed out that an appropri-
The Legion brought the case to the Twentynine Palms. They show their ate memorial rightly could be erected
attention of the state senate interim families, with more than a little pride, in this San Bernardino County location
committee on public lands, which re- the rugged terrain in which they for the general's grandfather, Don
sponded favorably. Public interest learned the bitter art of fighting a des- Benito Wilson, was a county pioneer.
mounted and when the veterans' or- ert war.
Don Benito owned a ranch near
ganization requested his consideration To reach the shrine drive 34.7 miles Colton and discovered and named Big
of the area as a National Monument, north of Desert Center on the paved Bear Lake after leaving Los Angeles
Senator Wm. F. Knowland made a Rice road to the Pumping Plant turn- where he had served as the old pueblo's
special trip to the desert shrine. Con- off and then proceed 2.6 miles up this first city clerk.
sidering it worthy of higher notice, road. A narrow graded road leads from
Senator Knowland took up the matter this point to the first of the altars While efforts to have the domain
with the Department of Defense and about three-quarters of a mile distant. set aside as a state park have been
received from it endorsement of the There is no entrance fee. fruitless so far, the granite boulders
project. Encouraged, he introduced a A route seasoned desert travelers still stand, carved with fading senti-
bill to authorize the monument. like is the new county road leading ments attesting to the valor of soldiers
east from Twentynine Palms. Forty- who fell in the field of battle.
Congressman Harry Sheppard sub-
mitted a similar bill but both were six miles from that lovely desert city, Whether there ever is official recog-
blocked by the War Department which past Dale dry lake, Sheep Hole Moun- nition or not, the symmetrical altars,
felt that too many war memorials were tains and Cadiz Valley, the new route built by the hands of desert fighters,
being rushed through and suggested joins the Desert Center-Rice highway speak for the men who will not as-
action on the state level. So the propo- eight miles below the Pumping Plant semble again. The people for whom
sition was whipsawed back to Sacra- turn-off. the war was fought will not forget—
mento and here it rests today. There Many of the returning veterans and the desert shrines will remain.

cliffs and weird buttes, weather-sculp-

Jasper Trails in the tured from the ancient sediments.

This one-way road was narrow and
twisty in places, with abrupt little
grades, rough stretches and spots that
might be soft after storms. But for
Barstow Badlands... the most part, as it wound through
Rainbow Wash, Rainbow Basin and
Steamboat Canyon, it was good desert
road. Any experienced desert driver
Here is a field trip for those were winding up a wash among the of any car with reasonable clearance
who would hike back through the whites, buffs, pale greens, lavenders •hould be able to negotiate it. That
twisted and torn pages of Mojave and reds of tuff, clay-ash and breccia, was not true of some of the side trails
Desert geological history—into the and through basins and valleys crowded along which Mary guided us. They
Barstow Syncline, a vast sedimen- with astonishing formations, fantastic are for four-wheel-drive or walking.
tary bed worn by the relentless
forces of erosion into a fantastic
land of deep fissures, strange Looking out from a deep fissure in the Barstow syncline. In places this
buttes and furrowed walls. Col- gash can be spanned by the outstretched arms, but the walls tower up
lectors can find here prized speci- hundreds of feet.
mens of jasper, fossil bones and
lichen-encrusted volcanic rocks.

Photographs by the author
Map by Norton Allen

UCILE AND I had twin goals

one bright and windy day last
fall when we headed north from
Barstow, California, on the Camp
Irwin highway: to explore the fan-
tastic badlands of the Barstow syncline,
and to relocate a field in that area
where I had collected my first gem
rock nearly 20 years before.
Our friend Mary Beal of Daggett,
famed Mojave Desert botanist, and
her friend, Grace Smith, were with us.
Mary was going to guide us through
the badlands, which she first visited
with the late Dix Van Dyke when the
only approach was by winding, rutted
wag&.i ro?ds.
In those days the ancient down-
folded sedimentary beds seldom were
visited except by prospectors or sci-
entific fossil-hunting expeditions. The
fossil-diggers still find treasures there,
and the uranium excitement brought in
a new wave of prospectors. But most
of today's visitors come primarily to
marvel at this wonderland of erosion
which has become a major scenic, pho-
tographic and geologic attraction of
the Barstow region. And though the
scientists named the whole exposure
the Barstow syncline, some of its parts
are far more widely known as Rainbow
Basin, the Fossil Beds and Owl Can-
And now it is far easier to reach
this spectacular corner of the Mojave.
Seven miles out on the pavement, we
turned left (westerly) onto a good
bladed road with an inconspicuous
white arrow-sign: "Fossil Bed." Three
miles further we turned right (north)
where other signs read: "Fossil Bed"
and "One Way." Minutes later we

MARCH, 1957
For full scenic enjoyment of this won- we had eaten lunch, Lucile found a and helped seal away the bones of the
derful country, a lot of hiking should fine small piece of petrified bone. At dead.
be done, anyhow. several other places in these badlands Some of the creatures that inhab-
One cannot appreciate the height or we picked up shattered bits of fossil ited this lost land we would have
fantastic erosion of these formations skeletons. What kind of animals had known—the ancestors of rabbits, chip-
until actually climbing among them. they come from? We wondered. What munks and pocket mice, and some
One dark gorge in a great breccia had this country looked like when those hawks, gulls and ducks. Certainly one
cliff was so narrow it could be spanned animals were alive? of them would have given a downright
with outstretched arms. Yet the water We present-day rovers of the Mo- homey feeling to any desert rat — a
had sheared so sharply down through jave wouldn't have recognized this land beaked, horny shelled poke - along
the formation that those walls towered back in late Miocene times—15,000,- known as Testudo mohavense. Our
almost vertically for hundreds of feet 000 years ago—when these sediments own desert tortoise seems to have dif-
above us. And the tiny sand-floored were laid down. It wasn't swamp or fered from this character only in that
cove at the head of the crevasse was jungle or heavy forest, according to Grandpa was about twice as big.
actually undercut into the cliff. Brac- paleontologists who have made en- But others among the Barstow fauna
ing against the wall and looking up the lightened guesses about the matter. would have startled us. For in this
dark curve of the sedimentaries to the But there was more water and vegeta- roster were camels, mastodons, saber-
small far patch of blue sky, we felt as tion—running streams and lakes, sabal toothed cats, bear-dogs, hyena-dogs,
if we were standing in the ruins of an palms and grasslands. And there was sizeable extinct creatures called oro-
ancient cathedral. a great deal of vulcanism that dumped donts, and at least three varieties of
Returning to the Joshua tree where ash and dust into the lakes and streams primitive horses.
As their story is pieced together
from the debris of the Barstow syn-
cline, these creatures apparently did
not perish in some unusual personal
or mass catastrophe. They were not
caught in a La Brea-type tar pit nor
buried by an ash fall. They died in the
usually violent manner which was nat-
ural to them, and their bones were
weathered and scattered before being
entombed by the relentless accretions
of time.
But the era itself — the Miocene
(less recent) segment of the Tertiary
age—and others since, did know earth-
making violence. And these sedimen-
tary layers arc folded and twisted
around the sides of an ancient granite
mountain as if some incalculable force
had thrust them up its slope. In places
they are both under and overlain by
flows of volcanic rock.
The syncline itself was divided by


00.0 Barstow (Junction of Highway 66
and 91).
07.2 Left branch to Barstow syncline
and Rainbow Basin (see below).
Continue ahead on Camp Irwin
SAN BERNAROINO 08.1 Leave Camp Irwin highway for
left branch, marked Superior Valley.
10.2 Faint auto trail, branching right,
DETAIL OF JASPER HILL AREA leads to southwest edge of jasper
field, about .2 of a mile in.
? 10.3 Right branch. Follow il to about
10.4 where another right branch
ends at northeast edge of jasper

07.2 (From Barsiow) Leave Camp Irwin
highway for left branch,
08.8 Right branch leads to mouth of
colorful Owl Canyon. Continue on
main road to
10.2 Take right branch, beginning of
TO CAMP IRWIN HWY, one-way road into Barstow syn-
6 BARSTOW cline and Rainbow Basin.

C. L. Baker, an early investigator, into
five beds. They are, from bottom to
top: Basal Breccia, rock fragments
several hundred feet thick; Tuff-Brec-
cia, over 1000 feet of finer fragments
with much more volcanic ash, cream
through red, purple, brown and green;
Fine Ashy and Shaly Tuff, 500 feet,
ash toward the base and compact mud-
stone toward the top; Resistant Breccia,
1000 feet of gray, brown and red ash
and coarse rock fragments, which
weatiiers into the characteristic bad-
land formations; Fossiliferous Tuff,
grading from breccia to sandstone, the
top portions of which have weathered
Most of the fossil bones have been
recovered from the top stratum, with
some from the breccia immediately
below. The first specimens to be
brought to scientific attention were
gathered by H. S. Mourning, accord-
ing to John C. Merriam's Tertiary
Mammalian Faunas of the Mohave
Desert, University of California Press,
1919—still the most complete account
of the beds. In 1911 C. L. Baker of
the University of California, began
working in the syncline. An expedition
led by Mourning and J. P. Buwalda
collected extensively early in 1913.
Since, the Frick American Museum
and many other groups have worked
in this area.
As rock collectors, we naturally con-
sidered the possibility of the fossils
from that point of view. They are
curious and fascinating mementos of
times long past on the Mojave. For
that reason—-and because they make
striking talking pieces —- we wanted
samples. And since the bones were
scattered to begin with and since bro-
ken bits of them have, for countless
years, been washing down from the
top layers through the wastes of the
badlands, we felt such bits could be
picked up without paralyzing scientific
research. Wholesale excavation is not,
of course, a weekend pastime for ama-
teurs, nor do these fossils offer any-
thing of value to the gem cutter.
But I was certain that more reward-
ing rock was to be found not too far
away. That certainty went back to the
1930s. At that time I was an addict
of deep sea fishing. But each damp

Top—Some of the strange erosional

features of the great sedimentary
beds exposed north of Barstow.
Center—the Magnificent display of
erosion in Owl Canyon.
Bottom—One of the great walls in
the syncline. Bits of fossil bone,
which have washed out from upper
layers, can be found scattered
through the basin, left. Note figure
in left center. : : • • : . . • . • : . . . . . . ; , . • •

MARCH, 19 5 7
tended to return to that first field to
see what else was there. Though the
roads had changed in the years be-
tween—the Cave Springs route being
replaced by the Camp Irwin highway,
old mining trails washing out, new ones
being opened—I thought I knew the
mountain I wanted. And though it
was much later than we had planned
when we came out of the syncline, I
drove back to the paved highway, fol-
lowed it another mile toward Camp
Irwin, then turned left (northerly) on-
to the Superior Valley road. A reddish-
brown butte I recognized lay just to
the east of this road. It was only two
or three miles away, but the sun was
almost on the horizon when we fol-
lowed a trace of auto trail to its north-
western base.
Even when 1 climbed swiftly over
the steep slopes in the gathering dusk,
I was not certain that I had guessed
right. But in a matter of minutes 1 saw
a bright chunk of rock in the small
drainage channel I was following. Ex-
0/ /oji?7 feone of Barstow fauna, found in Rainbow Basin area. Speci- amining it closely, I saw it was a beau-
men at right still is cemented in breccia. Those at left were washed out tiful piece of reddish moss jasper of
from the upper tuff beds. Pictured below are plume, moss and thread cutting quality. And in the remaining
jasper specimens. twilight I found several more bits of
gem jasper.
We had to be back in Twentynine
Palms by morning. Obviously, another
trip was imperative and a week later
we were heading back. Along with
us this time was Elma Marvin, artist
friend of Twentynine Palms. But the
weather had changed, fall plunging
suddenly into winter. Leaden clouds
covered more than hall' the sky as we
turned off at the reddish mountain,
this time following a faint mining trail
at its southwestern edge. From this
trail we headed into a small cove be-
tween the main mass and a greenish
spur at the western end.
The wind was icy as we hiked up
the wash. But the bits of highgrade
jasper we commenced to find, almost
immediately, kept our minds from the
cold. A little exploration showed that
it was scattered from the wash to the
first peak of the mountain in an arc
gray dawn when I would be heading I've never gone back to deep sea around the northwestern, western and
out from some sport fishing dock for fishing. southwestern slopes. Most of the pieces
the waters off Catalina, my mother That first trip, Dad drove as close were small, and though we located
and father would be driving out into as possible—taking an old mine road several places where the broken and
the desert. When I came home with off the Cave Springs road—to a red- discontinuous veins crop out, we did
blue fin or yellowtail or white sea bass dish-brown buttc north of Barstow. not find the jasper in large quantities
to carve up, I would find the kitchen And I found that it was interesting to anywhere. But there is enough of it.
sink already appropriated. Dad would hunt bits of chalcedony. We went in cabochon sizes and larger, scattered
be soaking, scrubbing and gloating over again to the same place. On one trip, over a wide enough area to supply
pieces of rock, each of which he treated climbing high into a saddle of the prizes for a good many rockhounds.
as something precious. mountain, I found pieces of feathery And it includes a high percentage of
They were unusual rocks—pieces of yellow jasper in clear chalcedony with highgrade—moss, plumes, feathers and
pinkish chalcedony, I learned later. included bits of brownish opalite. Soon threads of reds, yellows and greens in
Still, I was uncertain whether people we started traveling to collecting fields clear chalcedony and sometimes forti-
acting that way about rocks were to all over the Mojave and Colorado des- fication agate. Much of the material
be trusted out alone in the desert. So erts. closely resembles that from the Lavic
one weekend I went along, as a sort After realizing just how good those and Cady areas.
of guardian. pieces of cutting material were, I in- We were chilled and hungry by the
time we had collected a good selection larly noticed that here those on the dug pile of earth. Looking into the
of rock. To hunt shelter, we drove west and southwest slopes were as small slanting hole above it, I discov-
back to the Superior Valley road and bright and fresh-looking as the others. ered a desert tortoise blinking back
around to the other side of the moun- Jerry Laudermilk gave a fine review at me. Apparently fooled by the warm
tain where we had stopped on our of lichens in Desert Magazine (March, fall into staying out late, he now was
earlier visit. The trail ended in a nar- '42) in which he described them as "a hastening to dig in for winter hiberna-
row gulch in which there had been case of peonage," in which an alga tion.
some quarrying or mining operation. and a microscopic fungus grow in more
or less friendly cooperation—with the "Hello, oldtimer," I said.
When we had finished lunch, the
edge of the cloud bank was almost alga doing all the hard work. He blinked again, doubtfully. Then,
over us. Shafts of sunlight breaking Since it looked as if Elma and Lu- in slow motion, he retracted his head
through with increasing frequency cile were going to take a bit of time into the shell. The feet and absurd
made rockhunting more pleasant. to choose the prettiest and most varied little pig tail followed. There was
There was more of the jasper on this lichen rocks to take home, I hiked up something so decisive about the action
side, too, though it did not extend far to the ridge of the mountain to explore that I was certain he wasn't coming
to the east. But Elma Marvin almost it on to the east. It was a rough climb, out again.
immediately found rough volcanic almost vertical in places, but the mag-
rocks which she considered finer prizes nificent panoramas across the Mojave Smiling, I looked up to go on my
than the jasper. These were pieces —especially of Barstow, Calico Dry way. The sun was now below the
from pebble to boulder size covered Lake, Daggett and on over the Ord cloud bank and its brilliant shafts were
with lichens, some with four or five Mountains where black storm clouds spotlighting some of the eroded beds
kinds on one rock—exactly what she were boiling — made it worth-while. of the Barstow syncline in the valley
had been seeking for her cactus garden. And then, in a saddle near the eastern to the west. My eyes were drawn back
Lucile, exclaiming that they were in end of the mountain, I came upon a to the dusty little creature in his shal-
the biggest variety she had ever seen, quartz ledge with kidneys of the iden- low hole. How right I had been to
identified the colors as bright orange, tical feathery yellow jasper and brown- call him oldtimer! His family probably
primrose green, lavender, chrome yel- ish opalite which I had found in the can claim title as the oldest on the
low, sienna, mustard, chartreuse, blue- '30s. Mojave. Only a few miles away to
lavender and black. Some botanists Down near the level of the great val- the west were the tuff beds from which
say lichens occur normally on north ley slope, as I made my way back to the carapaces of Testudo mohavense
or northeast slopes, but Lucile particu- the car, I stumbled over a little freshly had been dug. Here at my feet was

Looking east at the reddish-brown mountain near Barstow where cutting grade
jasper is found in the dark upper area, center and right on out of the picture.
Specimens also are found in center and right foreground.

MARCH, 1957 11
"Desert Memorial for Pattern's
Army," in this month's magazine, was
written by Elizabeth Ward who is well
known to Southwestern readers for
her book, No Dudes, Few Women,
published in 1951. Currently she is
preparing a second book, South of the
Mrs. Ward's early writing career
began in New Mexico as a newspaper
reporter and magazine editor. Mar-
riage to a government range rider took
her to the Navajo Reservation where
she shared his rugged life among the
Indians 90 miles from the nearest post-
office. Later her husband was trans-
ferred to the Papago area in Arizona
where he supervised a special livestock
improvement program. The Wards
' : . .,.:• " . , . „ • • . v

now live in San Bernardino, California.

* * *
Lucile Weight and Elma Marvin dig red and green jasper from a fractured Until his death in February, 1942,
vein. James L. Jasper was regarded as one
of the greatest living authorities on
the geography and history of the Colo-
a bit of life that had bridged 15,000,- ting on the tortoise. But should he pass rado desert in Southern California. He
000 years almost unchanged. from the scene, he leaves quite a record had served as a supervisor in San Di-
Today, it would seem, the tortoise for Man to attempt to beat. His family ego County prior to the time when a
is lacing the severest crisis of his long goes back many, many millions of new county was formed in the Imperial
career. Trona rockhounds, recently years before the Miocene; his fossil Valley, and since his supervisorial dis-
scouting the Mojave from Ridgecrest remains have been found in almost trict included the desert region as far
to Hinkley, reported they did not see every continent. Will Homo sapiens east as the Colorado River, he made
a single large specimen, though there be around to enjoy life even as much frequent trips into the area. Some of
were many up to six inches across. as the tortoise 15,000,000 years from the old sign posts which he erected
Since it is largely during their earliest now? We can hope so and we can along the old Butterfield trail were still
years that these creatures fall victim work for that end. in place in recent years. His conclu-
to such enemies as the coyote—who Is there a lesson for us in the fact sions as to the character of Pegleg
can chew through the smaller, softer that this cautious and retiring fellow Smith, published in this issue of Desert
shells—the big tortoises must be fall- (with a good stout castle to retire into) Magazine, were based on the hearsay
ing victim to Man's destructiveness and still is ambling unconcerned on his of old-time prospectors whom the
thoughtlessness. meditative way while the infinitely supervisor met in the desert, some of
superior types from the point of brain, whom claimed to have known Pegleg
In the old days these peaceable rep- muscle, armament and bulk — the personally. At the time of his death
tiles supplemented the food supplies saber-toothed tiger and the mastodon Jasper was in his late '80s and was
of Indian and prospector, but the race —have vanished? It is a curious thing making his home in Glendale, Cali-
survived handily. Today many are that of late considerable thought has fornia. * * *
killed ruthlessly and purposelessly by been turned to the ways of the tortoise
those whose perverted nature is satis- "Cattle Drive to Winslow" in this
—wide dispersion, holes in the ground
fied by the destruction of defenseless month's Desert was written by Ber-
and strong shelters—as last hopes for
life. More are carried off to cities to netta "Billie" Yost of Flagstaff, Ari-
preserving our records and our lives.
die in captivity or in attempts to re- zona, a newspaper woman on the Ari-
turn home. I hope every desert lover It may be said that the tortoise hasn't zona Daily Sun and long-time resident
will do his best to reverse this trend. gotten far in the last 15,000,000 years of the northern part of the state.
Contempt, boycott and social disap- —from an evolutionary standpoint or Mrs. Yost's parents were pioneer
proval are powerful weapons. in actual physical distance. But in settlers of Arizona Territory, her
fact as well as fable, he is living evi- father arriving in 1882 and her mother
I thought about it as I drove back dence that the race is not always to in 1895. Mrs. Yost's grandfather, John
from the quiet desert to the world of the swift, survival not always to the P. Williams, built the first trading post
ever faster and more powerful auto- strong. in Blue Canyon 100 miles north of
mobiles, louder entertainment, bigger And for those of us who can take Winslow in 1882 and her father ran
and more deadly weapons, multiplying advantage of it, perhaps the tortoise the Keams Canyon Trading Post for
political crises, expanding mental ill- offers another lesson: for his long T. V. Keams for a while before moving
nesses—and the little man's helpless survival he had chosen the sunlight, to Red Lake.
sense of shrinking liberties. the peace and the wide horizons of Mrs. Yost started her newspaper
In the matter of survival, I'm bet- the desert. career at the Winslow Mail in 1927.

Old Fort Churchill. Photograph by Nell Murbarger


Desert Hot Springs, California
Gardnerville, Nevada...
He was such a young roadrunner bird, By K. C. JONES
You picked some wildflowers yesterday, and
Out to explore the place. Fallon, Nevada so did 1,
He "cased" the patio, took a drink, Solitude surrounds We plucked with ruthless hands in passing
Then looked for a breathing space. Your crumbling 'dobe walls; by,
The carport had the draft he sought. Across your old rhomboid A gentian blue, a shooting star,
He hopped on my coupe, A long mauve shadow falls. Some trilliums—we wandered far,
Spread out his wings and heaved a sigh: And broke a spray off here and there,
"Best spot I've seen today!" The jangling mule-team bells, That hung o'erhead in perfumed air,
The skinner's strident yells, And once or twice a whole plant came
Refreshed, he took his outward way. Hoarse camel-cries—and smells, Up by the roots—a living flame
What ho! His hackles rose! Band-music's martial swells Next caught our eye—
He wagged that tail from side to side— You didn't stop to think—no more did I.
All stilled.
And "rushed" the new green hose! We didn't stop to think how many months
• • • A Pony's flying feet went by—
DOWN A DESERT HILL Rushing down your street; Snaring the sunset's gold, the blue of sky,
By JEAN HOGAN DUDLEY Cries of "Paiutes at war!" The palely-shimmering rose of a straying
Culver City, California So often heard of yore; moonbeam,
Some limpid crystal from a wildwood
As I drove down a desert hill stream.
I glimpsed a moon-white flower, grown The dashing First Dragoons
Marching to lively tunes— Too precious, woven in life's fragile strands,
Against the rocks, as pale and still To be thus rudely snapped by vandal hands.
As any blossom I had known. All these are passed and gone Nor knew the struggle of each tiny seed
Into oblivion. Just to keep living and to give heed
I had no time to stop and turn To the divine command to blossom forth,
To see the dream-soft blossom there, No one would ever know To spend its perfume — to make glad the
To touch its petals, or to learn Your former pomp and show! earth.
What scent it showered on the air. Now only crumbling 'dobe walls
'Cross which mauve shadow falls And when we saw their stricken little faces
And yet all day I've wondered why Remain. Looking up bravely from the polished vases,
I didn't wait and gaze my fill . . . Then in our inmost hearts, too late, we
It seems we're always rushing by knew
White flowers, down some break-neck hill. They had left their greatest beauty where

THE DESERT IS WHERE The Gift they grew.


The old departs. The new comes forth,
Pomona, California With promise of a higher worth. Beaumont, California
Back in the east they said to me, The Star of Hope shines bright. No When the wind blew in I used to complain,
"The desert is no place to be. more And close my ears to the song;
All sand and cactus; just wait, you'll see, Need I bewail, decry, deplore But my greeting now, is a joyous shout,
The desert is no place to be." The lack of opportunity. When I hear the wind come along.
I'm in the west and the east is gone. Whatever be Fate's harsh decree,
Life showers abundance, too, our way, For I am a child of the sand and sun,
I know now that the east was wrong. By giving us Today. And I like the whistling cry
The sand is warm, the mountains are: strong. Of this airy orchestra of the spheres . . .
The desert is where my heart belongs. When wind comes frolicking by!

MARCH, 1957 13
parts of the park. Ocotillo was coming

Desert Storms Send March into leaf during the first of February
and some Encelia farinosa is in leaf
with scattered specimens in bloom
along Coyote Creek.

Wildflower Hopes Soaring . . . A. T. Bicknell, superintendent of

Casa Grande National Monument at
Coolidge, Arizona, writes that these
plants should bloom during late March
Generous amounts of rain and snow But rain or shine, the following plants and early April: California poppy,
fell over most portions of the South- can be expected to start blooming, or brittle-bush, coulter mallow, evening
west in two separate January storms, to be in full bloom, during March: primrose, bladder-pod, scorpion weed,
and the prospects for an abundant dis- desert lavender, desert alyssum, blad- fiddleneck and crownbeard.
play of wildflowers were heartening. der-pod, chuperosa, chia, creosote,
paintbrush, mallow, woolly-marigold Philip Welles of Lake Mead Na-
Meredith B. Ingham, Jr., park nat- tional Recreation Area, Boulder City,
uralist, reports that Death Valley re- and toward the end of the month, the
Joshua tree, nolina and several species Nevada, says visitors can count on en-
ceived its first good rain in many celia and sunray along about the mid-
months and that the chances for a fine of cacti.
dle of March, and with a little more
March display are excellent. March Jane Pinheiro of Quartz Hill in Cali- moisture, sundrops, evening primrose,
and April will be the period of peak fornia's southwestern Mojave desert desert dandelions and perhaps purple
bloom for evening primrose, phacelia, reports that the last time her area re- mat and a few pink gilia.
five-spot, Mojave aster, monkey flower, ceived the precipitation it did in late
desert-star, gravel ghost and nema January was in 1948 which resulted The January storms have left well-
while desert gold should reach its peak in a bumper crop of royal blue desert soaked ground in Southern California's
in March, Ingham said. lupine and Mojave lilies—as well as Coachella Valley, and the best wild-
poppies, thistle sage, birds-eye gilia flower display in many years is pre-
Lucile Weight reports the high des- dicted. This low desert area generally
ert of California moist and this, to- and pale sand verbena.
comes into bloom three to four weeks
gether with an unusually mild season, From the west-central Mojave Des- before the high desert areas and warm
indicates a better flower season than ert near Barstow Mary Beal sends word February days may bring a profusion
the earlier drouth period had led ob- that gentle rains have refreshed the of flowers in early March.
servers to expect. The lower levels of desert there and the wildflower possi-
the High Desert were showing green bilities are good, although no plants
growth at roadsides in the last week are yet in evidence.
of January. Nearly two inches of rain was re- NAVAIOS TO USE OIL MONEY
Bruce W. Black, park naturalist at ported by Carl Whitefickl, park super- TO BETTER RESERVATION LIFE
Joshua Tree National Monument, says visor at Borrego State Park, who also
moisture is deep and he is hopeful that said a variety of green shoots have Navajo Tribal Chairman Paul Jones
his area will see a profusion of bloom. appeared in the desert soil in various announced plans for a program to bet-
ter the daily lives of the Navajo Indian
people. Over the Christmas holidays
the tribe received $33,000,00 in bo-
nus payments for leases of oil lands
and Jones said that for the first time

Rock Shorty in tribal history his people have suffi-

cient money to undertake the major

of Death Valley Present plans call for improvement

of water resources, the development
of other resources on reservation lands,
the establishment of industrial plants
"Fishin' in Death Valley?" wuz full of 'em. Ketchin' got so such as a new sawmill, building of
Hard Rock Shorty repeated the good 01' Pisgah Bill put up a communities, increasing scholarships
tourist's question. Then he pulled sign in front o' his shack. 'FISH- for Navajo students, the building of
out his corncob pipe and settled IN' TACKEL FER RENT'. additional administrative offices and
back on the bench in front of the a long-range land purchasing program.
Inferno store as his memory "Bill did purty good fer a
traveled back over the 40 years couple o' months. Then busi- Jones said now was the time to plan
he had lived in the Valley. ness dropped off an' along late for utilization of coal, gas and elec-
in August Bill decided to go over tricity to bring the benefits of modern
"Yep!" he said finally. "But an' ketch some seafood fer his- living into the homes of his people.
that wuz a long time ago. We self. Also suggested was a program to im-
had good fishin' fer a little while prove roads on the reservation.
back in '27. That wuz the year "Bill's seein" wuzn't very good The proposed program also entails
we had the big cloudburst up in an' he sat on a rock over there a suggested $5,000,000 trust fund that
the Panamints. Water come down fer three days afore he discov- would provide an annual $200,000
outta the hills and filled that ol' ered that the lake'd dried up an' scholarship fund.
lake bed over in Lost Mule val- he wuz fishin' in a mirage. But
ley plumb full. Jones reminded his people that the
he had a little luck at that. money required to better the condi-
"Dunno where the fish come Caught three lizards an' a side- tions of those living on the reservation
from, but fer a time the pond winder." belongs not only to the Indians of this
generation but to the children and the
children not yet born.—New Mexican

Pegleg's Mine - Fact or Fable?
By JAMES A. JASPER others, Pegleg made a trip to California,
hunting and trapping on the way. It For 121 years men have suf-
F THERE is one subject which was during this trip that he claimed he fered and searched for Pegleg's
quickens the pulse of the tender- found and lost the rich gold mine—a lost mine on the Colorado Des-
foot and desert old-timer alike, day's journey west of their camp on ert of California. But they seek
it is the story of a lost mine. the Colorado River—which bore his in vain, believed the late James
name and for which he is remembered A. Jasper who once represented
I have lived on the rim of the des- today. this area as a San Diego county
ert for over 40 years and have hiked supervisor prior to the forma-
over many miles of drifting sands It is significant to recall that this
year of supposed discovery—1836— tion of Imperial County. Pegleg
chasing golden phantoms. Often my was a dissipated horse thief
trail has crossed those of desert rats was six years prior to the first recorded
gold discovery made in California in who had no scruples about
going to some place in the middle of sending men to their death in
nowhere—led there by the fairy tales 1842 by Francisco Lopez in a canyon
north of Los Angeles, and 12 years search of non-existant treasure.
of the Lost Pegleg Mine. Jasper maintains.
before the gold discovery in northern
This man Pegleg—Thomas L. Smith California by William Marshall which
—was a native of New Hampshire and touched off the big rush.
a brother of Jedediah Strong Smith,
the pioneer who blazed the trail from If Pegleg had been so unfortunate the American River in partnership
the Great Salt Lake Valley to the as to have found and lost a gold mine, with Silas Gaskill. The two men netted
Pacific Ocean. Jedediah was a fear- evidently he was lucky in hunting and $20,000 in a few months and when
less adventurer who made two trips to trapping, for he showed up in Los their claim petered out Pegleg returned
California, the first in 1826 and the Angeles in 1839 with a valuable lot to his Utah hangout and resumed his
second in 1827. He was on his third of fur. former occupations, adding illicit traf-
trek when murdered by Comanches After disposing of his pelts he went ficking in stolen horses to the list.
in 1831. to Steamboat Hot Springs in Southern For the customer who brought a
Utah where he established a permanent pint of whiskey, it was said, Pegleg
Jedediah's adventures were in no camp, and following the polygamous
way connected with his erratic brother, gave first pick of the horses he wanted
custom of the Mormons, took to wife out of the stolen herd; for a plug of
Pegleg, who never spoke of his early five Indian women, gathered around
New England days or made mention tobacco or a bit of spare ammunition,
him a bunch of their relations and set- one could take second pick.
of his famous brother. So far as I tled down to a life of hunting, trapping
have been able to learn, their trails and rustling stock off the big Mexican In the late '50s, Pegleg organized a
never crossed after leaving the paren- ranches. There was an abundance of party to conduct an extensive search
tal home. feed on the open range, Pegleg was an of the Colorado Desert for his lost
First mention of Pegleg was made expert rustler and soon he accumulated mine. But when it reached the last
in 1825 when he and a man named Le a sizeable herd of stock. known waterhole before entering the
Dukes made a trip to the Sevier River desert interior, the Indian carriers de-
on a hunting and trapping expedition. I knew two men who were intimately camped during the night with all the
They found hostile Indians on the acquainted with old Pegleg, and they supplies. Pegleg led the party to San
Sevier, however, and shifted their base described him as a notorious "booze Bernardino where it disbanded and
of operations to the Mojave Indian fighter" who when drunk was abusive gave up the search. It was whispered
Reservation on the lower Colorado and made life a veritable hell on earth about that old Pegleg pulled a fast one
River. But their reception there was for his wives. His skill with a rifle was on his partners by employing his wives'
not pleasant either, so they moved on known far and near by the Indians relatives as packers and then ordering
to the Moqui country where they spent and his services were in great demand them to make off with the winter's
some profitable years hunting and in their numerous tribal wars. He al- supply of grub.
trapping before going to the Great ways threw in with the tribe that prom- In 1863 a man in San Francisco
Salt Lake Valley where Pegleg re- ised him to greatest percentage of the named McGuire claimed he had found
mained until 1836. war loot. the lost Pegleg mine and backed this
In that year, in the company of On one such expedition he is said up with rich quartz specimens. He was
to have stopped a poison arrow with a man of means and not a grafter.
one of his legs, and knowing prompt With a party of five adventurers he
action was necessary to save his life left San Francisco for the mine. The
he exhibited a degree of nerve seldom group was last seen alive on the San
if ever equalled by amputating the Felipe Ranch as it headed into the
wounded leg with his belt knife and desert. A few months later their
a meat saw with the help of an Indian bleaching bones were found half bur-
woman. When the stump healed, he ied in the desert sands by a prospector.
made himself a wooden leg and picked In the '80s the Breedlove Party of
up the name, Pegleg. San Diego, composed of three men,
When word of the gold discovery made a try for the lost Pegleg. They
at Coloma in 1848 reached him, Peg- outfitted for a month's outing and fail-
leg joined the stampede and spent 18 ing to return at the appointed time a
months putting down prospect holes search party went after them. The
and alcohol—mostly alcohol. In 1851 rescue team found their lifeless remains
he was mining on the middle fork of a few miles north of the Mexican

MARCH, 1957 15
border. The prospectors apparently of good water. That incident alone But, once feel the pull of the desert
had lost their way, lost their heads and should have provided sufficient warn- and a man always returns. A prom-
wandered around in circles, discarding ing to those not familiar with the Colo- inent Riverside resident named Couver
their clothing in frenzy before dying rado Desert not to enter it without a became interested in the story of the
of heat and thirst in sight of the Yuha trusty guide who was familiar with its lost Pegleg and made numerous trips
Spring where there was an abundance perils and knew its waterholes. into the desert in search of this treas-
ure. Like many others he made one
trip too many and in 1886 never re-
turned. He was last seen in Clark Val-
This is the hour for the monthly test—to see ley. A substantial reward was offered
now m
Ml III 1 "7* uch progress you are making in your
acquaintance with the Southwest. So get a
for the recovery of his remains and
numerous search parties combed the
pencil and relax in an easy chair. Don't make hard work of it for St. desert sands far and near but no trace
Peter doesn't put any black marks against you for the quiz questions you of Couver was ever found.
miss. Anything less than 12 correct answers is a tenderfoot score, 13 to
15 is good, 16 to 18 excellent, and if you get more than that you are very- The tales of tragedy and toil con-
smart or very lucky. The answers are on page 35. nected with this mine go on and on,
and I am convinced that Pegleg's story
1—On a westbound trip across the Southwest desert, when you crossed
is a delusion and a myth, deliberately
the Colorado River at Topock you would be entering—Utah . _ .
concocted by this man for the purpose
California ._. Nevada... . Arizona of receiving free drinks in the saloons
2—The Wasatch Mountains are visible from—Tucson, Arizona where a good lost mine tale afforded
Las Vegas, Nevada ... . Salt Lake City... . Albuquerque, New diversion and was worth a treat. He
Mexico._._. . played the game without pretext or
3—Death Valley was given its name by—Death Valley Scotty .. . care for consequences, sending many
Jedediah Smith . . . Pacific Borax Company . Members of the a credulous prospector to his doom.
Bennett-Arcane party of '49ers
4—Next to English, the language most commonly spoken in the South- Pegleg Smith entered the historic
west is—Spanish . French ... . . Chinese . Portuguese spotlight in a haze of mystery and
5—John Hance was—Governor of New Mexico . A guide at Grand made his exit in the same manner.
Canyon . Discoverer of Carlsbad Caverns . A Mormon When on his death bed he gathered
missionary his wives around him and told them
6—If you wanted to spend a night in Fred Harvey's La Fonda hotel you that all arrangements for the disposi-
would go to—South Rim of Grand Canyon . Ogden, Utah tion of his body were made. When
Palm Springs . Santa Fe, New Mexico the end came, three strangers took his
7—Tuzigoot is the name of—A Ute Indian reservation in Utah .A body away and no one, not even the
National Monument in Arizona . A river that flows into the Indian wives, knew who the men were
Great Salt Lake . A weapon used by Indians for killing small or what they did with Pegleg's remains.
8—First name of Dc Anza, the Spanish captain who led the first colony SCIENTISTS CLAIM GAINS IN
of white settlers into California was—Juan Bautista . Juni- SALT WATER CONVERSION
per ..... Francisco . Marcos Progress in using the sun's energy
9—The ingredient most common in the sand found on the floor of the to convert salt water to fresh water is
desert is—Quartz . Hematite . Manganese . Mica . . claimed by the Interior Department.
10—Ed. Schiefllin was the name of the man credited with the discovery Research conducted by the depart-
of—Gold at Goldfieid . Silver at Tombstone . Potash at ment's office of saline water since 1953
Trona . Casa Grande Indian ruins . shows that use of solar heat to distill
1 1—Mesa Verde National Park is best known for its—Geysers salt water has promise of economical
Waterfalls Caves . . Indian ruins large-scale fresh water production. In-
12—The Navajo Indian reservation extends into all but one of the follow- terior Secretary Fred A. Seaton said
ing states—Arizona . Nevada. . New Mexico. Utah this is particularly true in the South-
13—Javelina is the name commonly used in the Southwest for—A species west where solar intensities are high,
of wild hog found in Southern Arizona A spear-like weapon provided simple stills can be made
used by the Cocopah Indians __ . Birds that nest in fissures in the cheaply.
rocks. . Members of the lizard family . David S. Jenkins, director of the
14—The astronomical name of the North Star is—Venus . . Jupi- saline water office, said multiple-effect
ter . Polaris .. Mars distillation is one way of increasing
15—The famous Mormon Battalion of 1846 was organized to—Aid Gen. output. In this method, heat absorbed
Kearny in the conquest of California . Help colonize Utah __._ . in evaporation is recaptured in con-
Open a new Northwest trail . Guard the Santa Fe trail densation and made to evaporate addi-
16—Indians who call themselves "Dine" meaning "The People" are— tional water.
Hopis . Yumas Navajos _.__.. Apaches .... Dr. Maria Telkes of New York Uni-
17—Tallest tree native of the Southern California desert is — Joshua versity, working under contract with
Tree. . . Washington palm__._ . Palo Verde. . Mesquitc the department, has developed a 10-
18—Indians who come to the Tonalea Trading post generally are — effect solar still which is capable of
Paiutes ... Apaches . Hualpais Navajos . producing about six times as much
19—Jojoba is the name of a shrub which grows only—At Upper Sonoran fresh water as a single still.
Zone elevations . . On the floor of the dry lakes Around The DuPont Co., under a contract
the alkali seeps known as cienegas . In canyons where there is recently signed with the department,
running water ___ ... will provide plastic materials for con-
20—Canyon de Chelly National Monument is in — Arizona struction of prototype stills for experi-
Utah New Mexico . Nevada. .. ... mental tests on salt water conversion.
—Salt Lake Tribune

vWW horses and wild burros once roamed the hills and flats near Teel's
Marsh in the background. Only a jew of the little wild jacks remain today.

Ghost Town Prospector ...

Ed Smith was a successful rancher—until he began investing in arrived. However, come on in the
wildcat mining stocks. Like most humans, he learned the hard way. cabin," he invited. "We'll find some-
After he had lost his ranch and everything else he owned, he decided thing to talk about . . ."
to seek a new fortune where he lost the old one—and he became a Ed Smith's home consisted of a
prospector. At 87, he's been at it 41 years, and he admits he hasn't single room, ingeniously fabricated
recovered all he lost—but he has found a healthful and satisfying way
of life on the Nevada desert. Ed Smith, 87-year-old miner who
has lived in Marietta since 1919.
Photographs by the author
Map by Norton Allen

7 WICE BEFORE I had made the a man's midsection, a pair of grease-

75-mile drive from Tonopah to smudged hands and a grease and per-
Marietta, Nevada, in an effort spiration-smudged face.
to locate Ed Smith. Ed, however, is Unfolding his long thin length, like
about as elusive as a drop of quick- a carpenter's rule, the desert man rose
silver in a goldpan. He's here, there to his feet and came forward to meet
and everywhere—all at once! me.
With mining claims scattered all Introducing myself, I mentioned that
over the Excelsior Mountains, income I had made two previous trips to
property at Las Vegas and various Marietta without finding him at home.
other irons in his busy fire, he hasn't "That so?" commented Ed Smith,
much time to sit around waiting for dryly. "Well, you wouldn't have found
chance visitors. Naturally, there are me this time, either, except I had to
many other folks who own mines in lay off work to make some repairs on
the Excelsiors and are easy to locate; that cussed old track. I oughta be at
but not many live in a ghost town 45 the mine. But, now that you've got
miles from the nearest postoffice or me cornered," he grinned crookedly,
telephone, and practically none is 87 "what was it you wanted?"
years old. When I explained that Jack and
Such being the case, I'd have driven Grace Callahan of the neighboring
to Marietta a dozen times, if necessary, ghost town of Columbus had said he
to have located Ed—but I was lucky! was known as the "Mayor of Mari-
My third trip to that former borax etta," and that he could tell me about
camp found an old truck parked in the that place and Teel's Marsh, scene
yard of a cabin I knew to be Ed's, and of an early-day borax development,
from under that vehicle protruded a the old man shook his head, almost
brace of men's feet and two short crossly, I thought.
lengths of trouser legs. Soon as I cut "Oh, no," he said, "there's not much
the ignition and my car's motor died, I can tell you about Marietta. I've
those feet and legs began wiggling lived here 37 years, it's true—but the
backward, to be followed, in turn, by camp was a ghost town long before I

MARCH, 1957 17
•!,, -'•v;;;f*;"'"'-?-;p'. •. TO H A W T H O R N E ' ; -,_


from logs, railroad ties, adobe, flat- ors were making millions without even The trail was a long and weary one.
tened coal oil cans, corrugated sheet- turning a hand, and 1 got a wild no- Day after day, month after month, his
ing and a few pine boards. Although tion I had to cut myself in on that prospecting pick delved into the hid-
the place was quite adequate to meet free-for-all jackpot. Once I made my den secrets of the rocky ridges, the
the needs of a bachelor miner, Ed in- wants known, of course, it wasn't long sandy washes, the hills, the mountains
sisted on apologizing for its appear- before some mining gentlemen came —and night after night found his lonely
ance. to oblige me. 1 repeatedly invested in campfire burning amid the crumbling
"I don't usually live in a dump like the stock they ottered, and sat back ruins of former boomcamps which
this, but my other house, up nearer to wait for the profits, which didn't time had changed to ghost towns.
my gold mine, recently was destroyed come. In the course of his quest for elu-
by fire," he explained. "All I saved "In a final desperate effort to hold sive treasure, the erstwhile grape
was a little bedding and a few clothes. my stock—just in case it might prove rancher one day stumbled upon the
"Here — " he offered, "take this to be all the company claimed — 1 old borax-mining town of Marietta on
chair by the door. Maybe you'll catch mortgaged my California ranch. That the north shore of Teel's Marsh.
a little breeze, now and then . . ." was the end. When the mine still Though the camp, even then, was de-
Ed Smith was born in Alabama dur- failed to produce anything more sub- serted, there was something about the
ing the chaotic period of reconstruction stantial than promises, my creditors place that appealed to him and two
that followed the Civil War. foreclosed and, in 1915, 1 walked off years later—in 1919, when he was 50
Throughout the troubled years when the place with scarcely more than the years of age—Ed Smith returned to
he was growing to manhood, he could clothes on my back. establish his permanent home.
visualize much more opportunity for "I was 46 years old," reflected Ed "And did you eventually 'find it
advancement in the Far West of Buf- Smith. "I had worked hard all my where you'd lost it?' " 1 asked, a trifle
falo Bill, Jim Bridger and Wyatt Earp life. All 1 knew was farming. But I injudiciously, perhaps. Ed Smith
—and in 1890, at the age of 21, he had lost my money through mining grinned.
left Alabama for the frontier. Estab- and something seemed to be driving "I haven't found all of it," he ad-
lishing himself near Fresno, California, me to find it where I had lost it. mitted. "But I'm still working at it!
the young Southerner eventually ac- Possibly I felt the only way to regain And I'm not even one little bit sorry
quired a fine ranch on which he farmed my self-respect and self-confidence was that things happened as they did —
160 acres of grain and 100 acres of to beat the game that had beaten me, losing the ranch, I mean. I've had a
table grapes. or maybe I had been bitten by the good life, a wonderful life! During
"I had a good house and outbuild- mining bug. I don't know. In either the 41 years I've been prospecting,
ing, my land was fertile, and I liked case, I quit farming forever and headed I've discovered more mines than you
farming," said Ed. "But 1 couldn't for the desert." can shake a stick at! Gold, silver, lead,
let well enough alone . . . Broke and a little bewildered, Ed copper, uranium—you name it, I've
"Nevada was having the greatest Smith passed the winter of 1915-16 found it! Some I've developed and
mining booms of her history! Close in an abandoned dugout near Bradbury worked; others, I've sold outright. I
on the heels of Tonopah came Gold- Well in the southern part of Death haven't become rich, but I've always
field, Rhyolite and Rawhide — one Valley, and the following spring saw been self-supporting, I still have my
great stampede after another! Invest- him tramping restlessly over Nevada. health and peace of mind—and I still

own some good mining properties, too!
Come outside a moment!" the 87-year-
oldster jumped nimbly to his feet. "I
can show you a couple of my mines
from here.
"My best silver mine, the Silver
Belle, lays just over that ridge—" his
pointing finger leaped across a dozen
miles of rough country to the skyline
of the dry Excelsior range whose
rocky summits, pushing upward to a
height of nearly 9000 feet, rim Mari-
etta's world on the west and north.
"And up yonder—" this time he indi-
cated a mine dump visible on the
mountainside north of his cabin, "—
that's one of my gold mines. Good
mine, too! Plenty of ore in it that'll
go $12.50 to the ton—but who can
pay miners $16 a day to take out
$12.50 ore, especially when it's neces-
sary to truck it several hundred miles Road from Belleville to Marietta, looking northwestward toward the Excel-
to a mill? Only way such ore can be sior Mountains. White flat in middle distance is Teel's Marsh.
handled at a profit is to mill it here
and ship the concentrates—but you Scarcely more than a stone's throw Borax Smith got his start at Colum-
can't run a mill without water. south of Ed's cabin, the thin brush of bus."
the desert gives way to a glaring flat "No." Ed shook his head. "Smith's
"I've got a good lead mine, too," 6000 acres in extent. Unsoftened by first borax property was right here at
continued Ed Smith, "and 11 uranium blade or leaf, this is a dead white void Teel's Marsh."
claims . . ." where every passing breeze awakens When Francis Marion Smith — no
I asked if there had been much a cloud of dust; where heat waves rip- relation to my new friend, Ed Smith
uranium excitement around Marietta. ple crookedly, mirages appear and —arrived at Columbus in Esmeralda
"Oh, yes!" grinned the old miner. vanish like images on a screen, and County, Nevada, in the summer of
"Scads of excitement — but no ship- sinuous dust devils wheel and caper, 1872, he found the mining and refin-
ping! Last summer every hill in these climb and die. ing of cottonball borax in full swing
parts was swarming with prospectors "So that's Teel's Marsh," I mused. there, said Ed. Under the system then
looking for uranium. They all staked "Yep. That's where old Borax employed, the white borax crust was
claims—and now, they're all out look- Smith got his start." collected from the surface of the marsh
ing for buyers!" I looked up in surprise. "I thought and shoveled into huge iron tanks to
be boiled, separated and crystallized.
All that remains of the old cemetery at Marietta are a few fallen pickets of Since a great quantity of fuel was
the fence that once enclosed it. needed to keep these tanks boiling, and
fuel was a scarce article in that desert
area, Francis Smith saw a chance to
make a stake for himself. Locating a
wood ranch in the hills 10 miles north-
west of Columbus Marsh, he built a
small cabin, hired a couple of men to
help him and began supplying boiler
fuel to the primitive refinery at Colum-
bus. One day, in that same summer,
while scouting about for new sources
of wood, Smith came upon another
* •'.•'••V • v r ; ^ f " : ^ i b > ^ * white flat—Teel's Marsh—where the
• :
; . • / " • . - encrusted surface had much the same :
•••• ' • • • • . -

appearance as that of the flat at Co-

^ ' • • • • • •

lumbus. Gathering a few samples of

, . • • • • • • • ' • • • • ' • / • : • :• ••: V • '

the material, Smith took them to an

assayer at Columbus who subsequently
informed him that he had brought in
specimens of the richest cottonball
borax ever known!
Smith hastened back to Teel's Marsh
where he located the entire flat under
the Saline Laws of the State of Nevada
which allowed 160 acres to each claim.
Almost before the location notices were
filed, however, the state law was
amended to place borax in the mineral
category, thereby limiting claims to 20

MARCH, 1957 19
even if only for a little while. Like I
told you, I have some good mining
properties. They're worth every bit of
$150,000 to any man who can develop
and work them. But my time's running
out! I don't know whether I'll be able
to sell them in the few years left to
me, and I want to leave some money
behind when I go.
"It isn't so much that I want to
leave it to kinfolk—all the kin I have
are nieces and nephews in Alabama,
and they're pretty well fixed—but near
the place where I was born there's a
home for crippled children. They're
doing wonderful work, but they're al-
ways short of funds. 1 want to leave
them a fine big legacy—a lot of money
Roofless walls of the large general store building at Marietta formerly so they won't have to scrimp and save,
owned by Francis Marion "Borax" Smith. and can buy all the things they need
for awhile, at least, and maybe take
care of a lot more crippled children.
acres each. This meant that all the "That adobe ruin over yonder," he It must be terrible," he said, "to be
ground Smith had staked out at Teel's continued, "is the old Marietta saloon. crippled . . .
Marsh had to be relocated—thereby There used to be a fancy picture on
giving potential claim jumpers a mar- one of the inside walls. Maybe it's "About 10 years ago I got to think-
velous chance to profit. Some of these still there." ing about all this and it seemed to me
opportunists were run off by Francis Floundering over heaps of crumbled the best way 1 could be sure of helping
Smith at gun point, others he dispos- adobe and broken lengths of splintered those kids was to get hold of some
sessed through court action or bought and heat-twisted boards, we made our real estate in a good prosperous town
out. In time he came to own the en- way into what had been the interior where it was certain to increase in
tire area of Teel's Marsh, where borax of the building but was now completely value as time went on.
production got under way in the fall exposed to wind and weather. "I decided on Las Vegas. I'd been
of 1872. "There she is!" said Ed, nodding doing pretty well mining, and had
After operating for a number of toward the west wall of the building saved enough money to buy five resi-
years under the firm name, "Teel's where remaining remnants of plaster dential lots and a five-acre tract in
Marsh Borax Company," Francis revealed the painted figure of a woman Vegas Heights, and I built a modern
Smith found he had accumulated suf- clad in red, white and blue, with a house on one of the parcels. That was
ficient capital to purchase 16,000 golden crown on her head. She was 10 years ago. Since then, land prices
acres of borax lands at Columbus, standing beside a painted vine decked at Las Vegas have increased by leaps
where he formed the Pacific Borax in blooms of impossible hugeness, and and bounds and still are climbing. I
Salt and Soda company. The newly over her hung a painted banner bear- think 1 made a good investment. It's
acquired property together with his ing the single word. "Marietta." going to be valuable property some
original holdings at Teel's Marsh made day, a right nice legacy!"
him the largest producer of borax in "That sign—" chuckled Ed. "You
For several moments neither of us
the West. Both plants continued in might call it 'The Last Word in Mari- spoke. Ed Smith's gnarled forefinger
active operation until the 1880s, when etta.' " traced some circles, cross-lines and
richer deposits of borax—in the form We wandered back up the street,
triangles in the dust, and he looked
of colemanite — were discovered in past other stone and adobe ruins which out across the dry sweep of the desert.
Death Valley, said Ed. had, in their day, housed restaurants,
"When I was a younger man," he
Francis Marion Smith — by this blacksmith shops and all the other went on, "I always figured I'd like
time known throughout the nation as establishments that men of the frontier
to retire for a few years before the
Borax Smith—continued on from his deemed necessary to their well-being end. Maybe go to some city, get some
first properties at Teel's Marsh and and pleasure.
good duds and take life easy for awhile.
Columbus to the ownership of other After the breathless heat of midday, But now, I don't know."
borax deposits and, eventually, to or- a cooling breeze had sprung up in the
ganization of the Pacific Coast Borax southwest and the brassy desert sun "Huh-uh!" 1 said. "You wouldn't
company and ownership of railroads had dropped far enough so that Ed's like it—not any more than I would!"
and other far-flung business interests. cabin cast a narrow rectangle of wel- The 87-year-old Mayor of Marietta
"I guess you know that he had a big come shade. Seating ourselves on the nodded thoughtfully. "I don't sup-
general store here at Marietta?" asked ground in this little shade-island, we pose so." A little nest of crinkles ap-
Ed. "Would you like to see it?" leaned back against the rough walls. peared around each of those keen old
We drove down the street a short I asked Ed about his Las Vegas prop- eyes, and a smile stole across that
erty and how he had happened to buy weathered face. "After I'd laid around
distance to what Ed termed "the main it.
business section of town," and here town a couple of weeks, I probably
he showed me the roofless walls of a "Well," he hesitated. "It's sort of a would be as mean and cantankerous
large stone building, still standing four- long story. You see," he continued, as an old she-wildcat with cubs! I'd
square and plumb. "I've always figured that in this land have to come back to Marietta to
"That's it!" said my guide. "All of wonderful opportunities, it's a dis- sweat the meanness out of me, and
once I was here, I'd just naturally
that's left of it. I understand it was grace for a man to die broke. I've start looking for another mine!"
a right busy place when Smith was always wanted to make a high mark
running it back in the '70s . . . in the world—to amount to something. And I'm sure that's how it would be.


The Busy World of Desert Ants

The observation and close study of ants long has proved a fascin- line of living workers. Their dispro-
ating endeavor to both the scientist and layman—and for good reason. portionately robust heads and elongate
The high degree of social achievement, cooperative living and fulfill- jaws indicated that they were soldiers.
ment of duty by these lowly insects often put to shame man's feeble Not one of them was carrying a leaf.
efforts along these lines. In the same line were a few much
smaller ants assigned an undetermined
By EDMUND C. JAEGER, D.Sc. role. Empty-jawed, they too moved
Curator of Plants, Riverside Municipal Museum back and forth among their burden-
Drawing by Morris Van Dame bearing sisters—I say sisters because
all the workers of an ant colony are
MY good camp cora- elongate leaves of the Sonora Palo specialized modified females.
pardon, Stanley Phair, and I Verde. Others carried edgewise leaf- That these ants sleep is an undoubted
undertook to compile a record lets of an Acacia. Those traveling the fact for as soon as it was dark not one
of the miles I have covered on foot, outward journey, of course, carried was to be seen, the last of the leaf-
burro-back, and by automobile during nothing. bearing workers having entered the
the 50 years I have been following the We traced the insects back to the nest soon after sunset; nor did they
desert trails. We came up with a fig- opening of the formicary or nest and appear and reform their lines until
ure of 485,000—and what good miles found them entering a finger-size hole about a half hour after sunrise.
they were. I am glad to report that two feet up on the side of an arroyo I took leaves from several of the
my enthusiasm for the open road and bank, a wisely chosen location which returning workers and for only a mo-
the by-paths of the arid land has not protected them against flood waters. ment did they seem puzzled. Almost
diminished with the passing years. Here they were joined by another line immediately they turned and in obedi-
In December, when the Christmas of workers coming from another direc- ence to a long ingrained instinct went
holiday came, I packed my long-used tion and carrying exclusively the dry right back along the line to the chosen
camp equipment in the station wagon leaflets of Acacia. tree where they plucked new leaves.
and was off with two companions on a We retraced the first ant column Judging from the number of individ-
1600-mile journey into the small-tree back to the wide spreading Palo Verde. uals in the populous ant colony and
desert of northwestern Sonora, Mexico. It was a source of 50 yards away. Just the amount of leaf-material, green and
The fourth night's camp was in a why this distant tree was selected must dried, these insects were taking into
little opening among the Organ Pipe be left to conjecture for there were their store house, I assumed that their
cactus, brilliantly green-barked Sonora other Palo Verdes which appeared just subterranean chambers were large and
Palo Verde, Ironwood and Tree Oco- as green much nearer the ant nest. The that the connecting galleries were
tillo. In scouting around for easy-to- tiny workers were crawling up the tree many. They probably honeycombed
break deadwood for our campfire one trunk to the topmost branchlets to nip the soil for considerable depths.
of the lads came upon living lines of off with their strong jaws the bigger- Down beneath dwell specialized
those extraordinary ants called leaf- than-themselves leaves. workers which never appear above
bearers. Noticeable among these leaf carriers ground and whose job it is to cut up
Here before us was a path three were a number of giant-headed choco- the leaves and pack them away in the
inches wide thronged with thousands late colored fellows—really the most nest gardens. These pulverized leaves
of third-inch long reddish ants earnest- ponderous-headed ants I've ever seen. furnish the damp material upon which
ly crawling back and forth. Most of Very deliberate movers they were, the ants plant and cultivate special
those going toward the nest were car- doubtlessly assigned to patrol duty and ambrosia fungi which furnish their
rying banners over their backs, the spaced about every 10 feet along the food. These they guard and tend in

MARCH, 1957 21
a most skillful manner, keeping them bearded ant) with black head and only evidence of their dwelling is a
free from mould and bacteria. The thorax and reddish abdomen. They small hole in the ground with only
ants cause them to produce modified have specialized combs on their fore- slight accumulations of excavated sand.
forms of growth or "white masses" by legs which they use to remove dust Several inches below is the squat oval
an agglomeration of fungal threads or and sand from their bodies. To clean chambers where certain individuals
mycelia. That these special food the combs they pass them through the hang from the roof and are fed nectar
masses are due to a very special culti- strange beards of long hairs on the or honey until their bodies become
vation is proven by the fact that when underside of the head. enormously distended and serve as liv-
taken from the ants' nest and cultivated On the beautiful grassland-arboreal ing honey jars. Later when the need
by human experimenters the fungi pro- deserts of mid-Sonora is found a small arises they disgorge this sweet food.
duce only ordinary conidia or fruiting Harvester Ant which collects great Among the most curious things I
bodies instead of ant food masses. quantities of certain grass seeds. These see while on my desert wanderings are
I have seen other kinds of leaf-car- are taken underground where the chaff large collections of disjointed or sev-
rying fungus-growing ants in the warm- is removed. The straw-colored chaff ered body parts of shiny black ants.
er southern deserts of Arizona, Cali- is brought up and deposited in unusu- These always are found close to the
fornia and northern Mexico. Some of ally large and attractive crater-like openings of abandoned ant nests.
these transport flowers to the nest as mounds about the nest entrance. Some- Sometimes the accumulations consist
well as leaves. Most appealing is the times the accumulations may contain of whole teacupfuls of ant heads or of
sight of these ants carrying the small several bushels of seed husks, and are heads and torsos, seldom of whole
bodies. It is the last evidence of
dreadful carnage accompanying fierce
raids and battles where warriors and
workers of the attacked ant colony are
slain and the pupa carried off by fero-
cious armies of formicine robber ants,
to be hatched and reared as workers
and fighters for new masters in new
homes of captivity.
Some day I will see one of these
battles between ants. Highly interesting
and instructive it will be to observe
the tactics of offence on the part of
the aggressors and to witness the brave
fight to the end by the unfortunate
victims whose heads and mutilated
bodies are to be the final evidence of
their valiant struggle for survival.
Next time you go to the desert try
out the sport of ant watching. If nec-
essary get down on your hands and
knees and observe the intelligent in-
sects with a magnifying glass as well
as with the naked eye and you will be
amazed at what new pleasures will be
yours. Maybe you will be convinced
Craters of Harvester Ants found in a sandy wash near the Saltern as was the great American student of
Sea in Southern California. Photograph by the author. ants, Dr. William Morton Wheeler,
that next to the human brain the brain
elongate trumpet-shaped flowers of Ly- unusually conspicuous because several of an ant must be among the most
ciuin, the thornbush. One could easily feet around them the earth is bare of marvelous bits of material in the uni-
think of them as a host of miniature all vegetation. These ants, like the verse.
bandmen carrying their unusual instru- leaf-carriers, are day workers only and Some creatures we learn about, but
ments to rehearsal. during sunny hours they are seen ants we can learn from—lessons of dili-
Perhaps ants are not more plentiful spreading over the land in every direc- gence, efficiency, pertinacity, sacrifice,
on deserts than elsewhere but merely tion. However, guards with heavy jaws loyalty, devotion to the good of the
more noticeable because of the usual stay on duty during the night just group and the great value of teamwork.
sparseness of vegetational ground within the formicary entrance. It al- Indeed it is difficult to avoid the con-
cover. Unusually conspicuous in sandy ways is interesting to visit these nests clusion that most ants have acquired
washes are the crater-like hills of cer- at night with a flashlight and then place the art of living together more per-
tain Harvester ants. Their sand and a straw within the nest entrance to see fectly than have homo sapiens.
gravel mounds often are four or even the alert guards quickly move up and Perhaps like myself you have won-
up to eight inches high and one to two seize the offending straw in their jaws. dered what the origin of the word ant
feet across and with encircling spaces There is a medium-sized amber- is. The philologists tell us that it is
cleared of all vegetation. Often we colored desert-dwelling ant I always derived from two Teutonic word ele-
find such craters in close groups, each can depend upon being active at night. ments, the privative a and maitan, to
the center of activity of a particular It has a very special appetite for syrups, cut or bite, i.e. the insect is "the biter-
ant colony. From each run long lines jellies and spilled sugar. It is known off." The Old English word for ant
of black-bodied workers going to and as the Honey-pot ant and will quickly was aemete. This became altered to
returning from the forage fields. The discover any supplies of its favorite amete and finally to ant. The word
big Bearded Harvesters belong to the foods, even crawling up on tables or emmet for ant still is provincially used,
genus Pogonomyrmex (Greek for occasionally into automobiles. The I am told, in some parts of England.

Introducing a new series for Desert
Magazine readers—

— in which will be presented out-
standing photographic essays of the
Desert Southwest's most significant
historical settings. At these locales
was shaped the destiny of the Great
American Desert. Desert Magazine
takes pride in announcing that the
photographs for this series will be
supplied by the distinguished pho-
tographer Josef Muench of Santa
Barbara, California, and the text by
his wife, Joyce. The first Historic
Panorama in this series tells the story

Along the legendary road of the
Spanish Conquistadores to the elusive
"Seven Cities of Cibola" is the "auto-
graph album"—first signed by white
men in 1605 and now protected as
El Morro National Monument in New
Mexico. The road led not to the riches
they dreamed, but to battles and
wounds for soldiers and martyr-death
for some of the Padres. The long story,
told in fragments on sandstone walls
sheltering a precious water supply, is
without equal in the colorful history
of our country.
In quaint old Spanish language, chis-
eled out perhaps with sword or dagger
by some literate under-clerk, is the
oldest inscription. Passed by here the
Adelantado Don Juan de Onate, from
the discovery of the Sea of the South,
the \6th of April of 1605.
Names of other pathfinders, Don
Francisco Manuel de Silva Nieto, Gen-
eral de Vargas, the Bishop of Durango,
Don Feliz Martinez are still decipher-
able along with later pioneers, rolling
west after the Spanish flood had sub-

Top photograph—El Morro Rock.

On the lower part of this sandstone
cliff is the remarkable record of
pre-historic Indians, Spaniards and
pioneer Americans.
Bottom photograph — Inscription
Rock. Visitors examine some of the ^
hundreds of names carved on this
great rock face.

MARCH, 1957

Cattle Drive to Winslow ...

A girl of 13 helping her father drive a herd of wild Indian cattle to He shouted a warning to me, but
the railhead . . . a desert storm . . . stampede! From this memory-filled his voice was lost as the ground shook
wild night the author adds another chapter to the stirring story of with the thunder of pounding hooves.
pioneer Arizona . . . There was only one thought in my
By BILLIE YOST mind: "Save the cattle!" I forgot com-
pletely my personal danger and dis-
1 WAS a girl of 13 I drive. Fifteen miles a day is enough comfort. I only knew that it was up
helped my father drive a hun- to push animals if you want them to to father and me to check that running
dred head of wild Navajo cat- arrive in good condition. The first mass of beef. Walter and Little Gam-
tle to market. night out everything went fine. The bler were lost somewhere in the black
We lived at Red Lake, an isolated cattle were rounded up, accounted for night.
trading post in the heart of Navajo- and they seemed neither scared nor "You've got to stop them! You
land 45 miles northwest of Winslow, overly tired. Calves nuzzled their must save them!" kept pounding in
Arizona. This is a country of much mothers and my big lazy bull settled my brain. In sudden horror I recalled
sand, no shade and unbroken horizons. down for a good night's rest. father having said that he had bor-
Mother often said I was my father's The second day also was without rowed the money to buy this bunch.
shadow. 1 wanted to go everywhere trouble. Even I was becoming hard- "Oh, dear God!" I prayed in teenage
he did and, as I was a tomboy, he ened to the job. Long hours in the fervor, "Help us stop them!"
usually let me accompany him to saddle did not tire me and after the It seemed hours passed before the
places where he would not consider cattle were settled we sat around the faster animals forged ahead and the
taking mother or my sister, Esther. campfire and ate our supper of dutch herd became less packed. Father then
The September I was 13 he asked oven biscuits, bacon, fried potatoes closed in on the lead, and gradually
if I would like to help drive the cattle and coffee. crowded them from their hell-bent
we had bought from the Navajos to Father was beginning to relax from course. He swung them into a circle
Winslow for shipping. Mother was the strain of getting his beef to market. and the herd started milling. Soon
horrified, but I was so thrilled with The end was in sight. By the next Walter and Little Gambler rode into
the prospect of taking part in a cattle night he would have a nice roll to put view. We were safe and the stampede
drive—and father so sure I could do in the bank. The cattle represented was over!
it—she finally consented. his profit for a year of hard work, for
Father, my older brother, Walter, At daybreak we found the cattle
the trading post barely paid our living split into small bunches that were scat-
our Indian helper, Little Gambler, and expenses and its own overhead.
1 were to make the trip. Mother, my tered over a wide area. It took three
other brother, Roy, and Esther were After supper it was my turn to ride long days of hard riding to round them
to run the trading post during our night herd with father. As I mounted up. A few had been killed and others
absence. I noticed thunder clouds boiling up missing, but the loss was not great and
Herding cattle is an exciting and over the San Francisco peaks and dis- father was audibly relieved when he
dramatic experience. Always there is tant lightning flashes to the west. exclaimed, "that darned banker won't
tension because the slightest disturb- Suddenly an extremely violent elec- get his pound of flesh this time!"
ance can cause a stampede and no trical storm broke. The lightning As we started the final drive, my old
western story writer has ever exagger- flashes lighted up the countryside and bull, the steers, cows and calves moved
ated the dread a cowboy feels at the the air smelled of burned sulphur. along restlessly. It was a noisy, un-
call, "They're stampeding!" Static electricity danced off the catties' happy herd with cows bellowing for
A milling mass of frightened cows, horns and down their backs. I was their lost calves and calves wailing for
bellowing, snorting, trampling each frightened. Walter and Little Gambler their lost mothers. I felt a great relief
other to death and running off precious rushed into their saddles and soon were when we arrived at the Winslow stock-
pounds of weight, is a fierce and fright- circling the herd with us. yards.
ening sight. Fortunes have been lost Four people to handle a hundred We corralled the cattle and then col-
and men killed because a scrap of frightened cattle seemed like poor odds lapsed into our beds. But, at dawn
paper has blown across the path of a to me. The storm grew in intensity as we were up to assist with the loading
moving herd. it moved over us. When the lightning of our cows into the stock cars and
1 was on a tough job. The sun beat flashed we could see the cattle moving then our job was over.
down unmercifully. Father placed me about restlessly. Suddenly the whole
at the rear of the herd to prod an old heavens split wide open with thunder- Our return trip was uneventful and
bull who insisted on lagging behind. ous crashes, rain gushed from the when we arrived at Red Lake we were
Also I had to tend the pack horse that clouds and all hell broke loose. rested and in good spirits.
carried our grub and bedding. I was The nervous cattle sprang up and That evening, when we sat down to
in the center of our personally stirred- charged pell-mell in a panicky run, supper at our oil cloth covered table,
up dust storm and choked and gagged headed for destruction. I raced beside mother sent a gentle commanding
until I thought I would die. Father father in a vain effort to control the glance to all of us, bowed her head
saw this and tied his big blue bandana terror-stricken animals and I heard and in her clear sweet voice asked a
across the lower part of my face ban- the full tide of his fury burst forth. It special blessing. She thanked the Lord
dit-style. This helped with the dust but probably was the last time an Arizona for His care and His goodness in help-
increased the stifling heat. cattleman has cursed rain in this ing us get the cattle safely through to
We figured on three days for the parched land. Winslow.



Exotic Blooms in the Spring Garden...

The coming of spring brings For the most part I remain faithful biscus)—all of which can be made to
fresh—and different—blossoms to to the standbys which have given me bloom in the desert garden.
the desert garden as plants once so much pleasure with so little care. The vining passion flower (Passi-
thought to be unsuitable for the But on certain balmy days of spring flora) is most at home here, being
desert are now grown here—and I go along with the dreamers of mag- somewhat tolerant of alkaline soil and
with startling success. Camellias, nolia blossoms, bright bougainvillea desert sunshine. It is a hardy plant
gardenias, hibiscus, magnolias blooms, the passion flower, gardenia, which thrives best in a light fairly fer-
as well as the familiar pomegran- camellia or the Rose of Sharon (hi- tile soil. There are several varieties
ate, lantana and bird-of-paradise
combine in the desert garden to Exotic flowers that can be grown in the desert garden: camellia, top left;
produce what is truly a fantasy bird-of-paradise, top right; and gardenia "Mystery," bottom. Photographs
of color. by Helen Gardiner Doyle.

ARCH BRINGS a wealth of

bloom to the garden; often
it brings a bright-feathered
cardinal to the boughs of the pome-
granate bush there, and with the March
winds over Tucson come rumors that
the red-headed turkey buzzards which
winter in Mexico have been seen wing-
ing above the twin spires of San Xavier
del Bac where, it is said, they re-ap-
pear as regularly as do the swallows at
By these reliable signs I should
know that spring has arrived. But
what really convinces me is the little
miracle of a small wildflower's appear-
ance beside the path I sometimes take
across a vacant lot to the corner gro-
cery. It blooms there faithfully each
year — a lonely, golden thing — and
always takes me by surprise.
On so many days there is no flower
there along the path—and then one
day I come upon it, so bravely blos-
soming in the hard unfertile sand and
suddenly, for me, spring is here!
It is time to rejoice in the year's
awakening; time perhaps to indulge in
flights of fantasy—in which the gard-
ener's thoughts inevitably turn to the
spade and the hoe, the seed packet
and the nursery plant, and often soar
away into realms of the most lovely
and exotic bloom. And in this spring
of 1957 this is quite permissible. Even
the desert gardener may now give a
very free rein to dreaming and plan-
ning—and planting.
This has not always been so. Only
short years ago, "It won't grow here,"
was a stock expression. Today few
people would venture saying that of
any plant, although probably there are
many plants which will never adapt to
the desert, just as there are many
plants which adapt easily to our gard-
ens but are coveted—hopelessly—by
people in other parts of the country.

MARCH, 1957 25
but the P. alato-caerulae is the one Being a tree, the magnolia will re- my birthday. Having too little faith
most widely planted. In this area, un- quire a larger hole than the shrubs in the little straggling thing and his
less protected from frost, it grows as which need holes at least two feet in gardening methods, I once ungraci-
a perennial, making a quick recovery diameter and as deep. Lining the holes ously referred to it as his plant. And
from a winter freeze. It climbs by with heavy tar paper helps prevent he, many times during the ensuing
means of coiling tendrils and needs a alkali contamination. years, has called my attention to his
trellis for support. Its foliage is heavy Both magnolias and camellias have thriving bloom - laden "buckberry"
and thickly dense and its flower is surface roots which should never be bush. He says he can't remember its
famous for its beauty, fragrance and disturbed by cultivation or by the name but I think that is just his pet
symbolic portrayal of the passion of planting of flowers in their beds or name for my lantana. Later I planted
the Lord as interpreted by early Span- basins. a pinkish lavender and white one which
ish missionaries who discovered it in These three aristocrats' requirements never seems to do quite as well. Now
South America and, according to leg- for sun and shade, heat and cold vary I should like to have the new hybrid
end, saw in the bloom's lacy crown but slightly. All require some shade semi-trailing Goldrush, with soft yel-
the crown of thorns—or halo; in the but it is most essential to the camellia low flowers. The profusely flowering
five stamens the crucifixion wounds; which is less sun-loving and more trailing lantana (lavender) is lovely
and in the 10 petals the 10 apostles. hardy to cold than the others. in planters and window boxes and it is
The flowers — white with pink and However camellias and gardenias go the most cold-hardy variety. The others
lavender shadings — are about four well together. A bed under a wide suffer frost damage but with the dead
inches across. roof-overhang to protect them from wood pruned away in spring they are
Other varieties include the P. mani- both sun and cold would be fine for as good as new—or better.
cata with bright red-and-purple flowers both, with camellias to bloom in spring Perhaps the most carefree plant of
and the P. racemosa with deeper red and winter (there are many varieties the garden is the pomegranate. It too
flowers having purple and white with varying blooming dates) and gar- is often a conversation piece and, to
crowns. There are also fruit bearing denias in summer. Mystery, the "cor- unfamiliar eyes, is strange and exotic.
varieties, not widely available. sage" gardenia, blooms in June. Viet- But even to familiar eyes it never is
chi, a smaller flowered, smaller foli- monotonous. It blossoms with bright
About equally adaptable is the hi- aged, low and spreading type blooms
biscus. The hardy Rose of Sharon red bell-shaped flowers in early spring
profusely then also, and continues to and its glossy dark green leaves clothe
(H. Syriacus) thrives well in a shel- produce some blossoms throughout the
tered, sunny spot. Unless favorably it densely. During summer its fruits
year. Both have glossy green leathery form and in autumn they hang lush
located, it will die back to the ground foliage.
in winter but will benefit by a protect- and red upon the branches. Finally
ing six or eight inch high mound of So much for part one of a spring the leaves turn to gold and drop, leav-
dirt at its base. In Tucson this showy fantasy, all or any portion of which ing bare branches for only a short
shrub whose history goes back to the may be realized in the desert garden. while before the pomegranate con-
Holy Land, is becoming quite popular, And now to come to earth among some tinues its cycle of surprising beauty.
the scarlet and pink flowered varieties old familiar friends—the pomegranate, There are non-fruiting varieties,
taking precedence over the white and the lantana, the bird-of-paradise. some pink, some red with double flow-
purple. These and other easy-to-grow shrubs ers. All grow rapidly to about 10 feet.
may have become over-familiar to And the fruit-bearing Wonderful bears
The bougainvillea is definitely a some people, but to others they surely its very best in the desert garden and
borderline plant (vine) where temper- have endeared themselves by their needs no pampering at all. A comfort-
atures drop to freezing. But few peo- adaptability and their generous gift of ing thought to come to earth with,
ple, having once seen this vine's daz- bloom to even the poorest garden. after a two-way spring flight of fancy.
zling display of color—scarlet, magen- And that — the poorest — was just
ta, purple-red—can ever forget it. And about what my garden was when, years
many will go to great lengths to pro- ago, I planted a few Bird of Paradise NAVY DROPS PLANS FOR
vide it with the rich, moist soil it {Poinciana gilliesii) seeds in a thin SALT LAKE BOMB RANGE
requires and will either protect it or layer of top soil and saw them come Plans for a bombing range over
enjoy it while they may, even if only up, grow to shrub size and then bloom Great Salt Lake have been withdrawn
for a summer. in less time than it takes many annuals by the U. S. Navy and a search is now
Magnolias, gardenias and camellias to flower. Only a few, pruned to form being made for a site outside Utah.
all have two things in common. They compact shrubs, remain but their ex- Many Utah organizations protested
are among the most exquisite flowers otic long red-stamened yellow flowers against the proposed use of the area,
on earth, and they abhor alkali — a and lacy fern-like foliage are what first contending that a serious air conges-
trait which the desert gardener must catch the eye of visitors to the garden, tion problem would be created. Utah's
humor by planting them in an acid and many are the seed pods which congressional delegation requested that
soil. The best mixture is predomin- have gone home with friends and rela- the Navy withdraw its application.
antly peat moss acidified with a little tives from the East and Midwest. Meanwhile, an Air Force spokesman
manure and sulphur. And the new But I have never known of this revealed plans for an air-to-ground bal-
soil conditioning iron chelates should lowly shrub becoming established there. listic missile range to be established
not be overlooked. Its home is on the desert and it is not near Winslow, Arizona. The govern-
Until recently the evergreen mag- to be confused with its prouder rela- ment is seeking to lease 75 square
nolia has been regarded with skepti- tive, the P. Pulcherima, the Red Bird miles of Navajo Indian reservation
cism in this area although a beautiful of Paradise, native to Mexico or the lands for the "impact area." The range
specimen has been growing and blos- genus Strelitzia, the tropical evergreen would be five miles wide and 15 miles
soming on the University of Arizona Bird of Paradise with broad banana- long.
campus for a number of years. Now like leaves and huge bird-like flowers. The impact area would be sur-
magnolias are gaining acceptance as About the second thing to go into rounded by another tract of Navajo
a fairly good risk at our altitude of our ground was a lantana, a red-orange and Hopi land 20 miles wide and 100
2400 feet, and probably are a safer flowered one which Ted planted for miles long which would be a "re-
risk at lower elevations. me in an extremely casual manner, on stricted area."

yam was known as Hayfield Dry Lake, and and Pt. Barrow. We pan for gold,
the aqueduct planners designated it as hunt jade and many other minerals
a possible reservoir. and rocks which abound in Alaska.
When the system was completed BETTIE LUND GARY
water was turned into the dry lake, • • •
but to the amazement of the engineers More Safety on the Desert . . .
the reservoir did not fill. Before the Springfield, Illinois
Litterbugs Are Litterlouts . . . test was over, a violent thunder storm
Desert: ' Oreg°n with a rainfall of cloudburst propor- Desert:
After viewing several losing battles tions hit the area but it too had no Your editorial comment in the De-
in the war against the so-called Litter- effect on the dry lake. Water disap- cember issue concerning the belief of
bugs, I offer the following line of peared rapidly into the ground and the tenderfoot Americans that the desert
attack: lake would not hold water. is a place of sudden death is so true.
Substitute the word Litterlout for Last February I had the pleasure of
I cannot remember the exact figures
Litterbug so that the Lout who has spending a night out on the desert.
but following the test the level of Salton
always considered himself as "cute as Just another girl and myself miles
Sea was raised appreciably.
a bug" ever since his baby days, will away from everybody. It was an ex-
find himself in proper perspective. PAUL J. LINSLEY perience I shall never forget and hope
CECIL C. MOORE • • • to repeat. But when I told my rela-
Desert Rat in Alaska . . . tives and friends what we had done
Rainbow Bridge Not Threatened . . . Anchorage, Alaska they were shocked. Wasn't I afraid
Amarillo, Texas Desert: of snakes? Didn't I know there were
Desert: Thanks to your magazine the long poisonous spiders and scorpions in the
I agree with the editorial stand dark cold Alaskan winters are filled sand? And didn't I have sense enough
taken in your January '57 issue against with a spot of sunshine and memories to be frightened away out there away
the construction of a bulkhead dam of home. from all civilization? Wasn't I afraid
to protect Rainbow Bridge from the During the war I managed Heron of Indians?
backed-up waters behind Glen Canyon Airport at Blythe and owned and With the exception of my brother,
Dam. operated a flying school there. Many who is a desert lover, people think I'm
I have visited Rainbow five times, times I have flown over and marveled just a little crazy. I wish they could
twice hiking from Rainbow Lodge and at the mysterious stone outlines of have been with us that night under
three times from the Colorado River oversized men on the hills north of the stars. We had a campfire of mes-
when I was making solo trips on the that town. quite, and to keep it warm and glow-
river from Hite and from Mexican Hat I am a member of a very popular ing through the night, ironwood. Our
to Lees Ferry. and active rockhound group here camp was in a large wash which my
It is with relief that I read the recent known as the Prospectors Club. We western-born companion assured me
Bureau of Reclamation report that the meet weekly and during the spring, was safe. A huge flat rock made a
dam will only have a maximum eleva- summer and fall make field trips to natural table and never had food
tion of 3700 feet above sea level. The the far corners of Alaska including the tasted so good! We had no fancy
abutments of Nonnezoshie, with an northern points of Nome, Kotzebue sleeping bags or air mattresses, but
elevation of 3732 feet, will therefore
not be covered by the waters of Lake
I hope Gregory Natural Bridge and
other arches in the side canyons of the
Escalante also are above the high water
Desert Photographers..
mark. Sunshine, shadow and subject. These are the three most essential
Certainly an access road should be factors involved in producing good photographs—and the Desert
made available above the dam site for Southwest offers all three in bountiful quantities. Each month Desert
those who would like to see Glen Can- Magazine gives two cash prizes to winners of our easy-to-enter contest
yon again and ride the rapids of the which is open to both professional and amateur photographers of the
San Juan before they are drowned desert scene.
forever beneath the waters of the new Entries for the March contest must be sent to the Desert Magazine
lake. office. Palm Desert, California, and postmarked not later than March
Of course I realize the necessity of 18. Winning prints will appear in the May issue. Pictures which
Glen Canyon Dam, but no recreation arrive too late for one contest are held over for the next month. First
facility that could ever be created along prize is $10; second prize $5. For non-winning pictures accepted for
the shores of Lake Escalante will re- publication $3 each will be paid.
place the beauty of Glen Canyon. HERE ARE THE RULES
BURTON G. ODELL 1—Prints must be black and whits, 5x7 or larger, on glossy paper.
• • • 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and
place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour oi day, etc.
Whittier, California 4—Entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th oi the contest month.
Desert: 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert
I read with interest the item in the Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures.
6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the
January '57 issue regarding the probe desert Southwest.
for a giant underground water reservoir 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial stafi, and awards will be made
east of Mecca near the mouth of Box immediately after the close of the contest each month.
Canyon, California. Address All Entries to Photo Editor
Years ago when the Metropolitan
Water District aqueduct was being con- 'Dt&ent PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA
structed, the area above Box Canyon

MARCH, 1957 27
slept on the ground, making places
for ourselves in the sand.
Until the moon came up the stars
were near enough to touch. And in
the stillness of the night the wind came
Forecast Is For Below Average
whispering down the wash, bending
the smoke trees gracefully before it
and gently touching our faces. While
the night was still young the moon
Water Runoff In Southwest
The water-supply outlook for the cent; Humboldt River, less than 50
rose and bathed the desert in beauty. major streams of the Southwest is for percent; Truckee River, 75 percent;
Stately saguaro stood out in relief and less than average streamflow, the West and East Walker Rivers, 70 per-
the cholla gleamed like silver. And United States Weather Bureau reports. cent; Carson River, 70 percent; Owens
if there is anything more lovely than The latest available data, however, was River, 86 percent; and Mojave River,
a smoke tree in the moonlight I have compiled prior to the mid-January 33 percent.
yet to see it. We could hear the little storms which brought rain to most of The story is much the same for the
scurryings and rustlings of small night this area. Rio Grande Basin: Rio Grande River
creatures about their business. And I Precipitation over the drainage area at Chama, New Mexico, 49 percent;
could hear the silence. Blessed, peace- of the Colorado River Basin above Rio Grande at Otowi Bridge, New
ful, soul restoring silence. Cisco, Utah, was variable with the Mexico, 43 percent; inflow to Elephant
You probably have surmised by this extreme headwaters of the Colorado Butte Reservoir, 30 percent; inflow
time that I am a lover of the desert River receiving amounts ranging from to Alamogordo Reservoir, 60 percent;
and every cactus and shrub in it, to 60 to 85 percent of normal while the Arkansas River, 70 to 85 percent; and
say nothing of its wildlife, large and lower valley stations generally received Canadian River near Cimarron, New
small. I don't live in Illinois, I just amounts near 50 percent of normal. Mexico, 50 percent.
exist here between visits to my be- Thus the expected streamflow is: head-
loved west. water area, 85 percent of the 15-year
And I'll take my chances with the average; Colorado River near Cameo,
snakes, the scorpions, the tarantulas, Colorado, 80 percent of average; Colo- WHEN AN AFRICAN BUSHMAN
the black widow spiders and the Indi- rado River near Cisco, 70 percent; WANTS A DRINK OF WATER
ans and be far more safe than crossing Taylor River, 90 to 100 percent; Un- The unusual method by which the
the street in the city. compahgre River, 70 percent; upper Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert of
MARY L. WOLFER Dolores River, 60 percent; lower Do- South Africa extract water from sand
• • • lores River, 50 percent; upper Du- was revealed by British Colonel Lau-
Needs Sunflower Seeds . . . chesne River, 90 percent; lower Du- rens van der Post, who served in this
chesne River, 74 percent; Strawberry region during the war. These natives,
Bloomington, Indiana Reservoir inflow, 78 percent; and who have been forced out of the areas
Desert: Green River, 83 percent. where the best water supplies are avail-
I am making a scientific study of
sunflowers (Helianthus), and I need The water-supply outlook for the San able by other tribesmen, have discov-
seeds of the three desert sunflowers. Juan Basin is very poor, 60 to 65 per- ered that certain sands hide water and
they have evolved a technique of suck-
I thought perhaps some of your read- cent of the 1938-52 average in the ing it out of these sands which only
ers might be able to help me. northern tributaries and 50 percent of
they know and which they guard very
The first of these wild sunflowers is the main stream at Farmington, New jealously, he reported.
Helianthus anomalus which has pre- Mexico, and Bluff, Utah.
viously been collected in northern Ari- Precipitation over the Lower Colo- "I have seen (hem do it," said Col.
zona (Beaver Dam, Hopi Indian reser- rado Basin during the four months van der Post. "A Bushman goes about
vation and Monument Valley) and September to December has followed with either a reed or a kind of stick
Utah (Wayne County and Juab Coun- the pattern of the past four years in which he hollows out, and he takes
ty). This sunflower is rather similar that it was much below normal. it to this place of the secret sands—
to the common sunflower of roadsides Amounts for the period averaged only these sip-wells, as the Bushmen call
but is somewhat smaller and has a 25 percent of normal. November to them—and there he will pick some
lighter green leaf. June streamflow in the Little Colorado grass and tie it to the end of this hol-
The second is Helianthus tephrodes, Piiver Basin, even with normal precipi- low tube to keep the sand from getting
a perennial, which is readily recognized tation for the months of January into the opening; he will then dig down
by the densely hairy leaves which are through June, is forecast to be only with a grubbing stick or with his spear
white in color. It is found in Imperial 20 percent of average. The situation three or four feet into the sand, put
County, California, and has been col- is slightly better for the Verde and the stick in and pack it very tightly.
lected in sand hills near Yuma, Holt- Salt Rivers where 25 percent stream- Then he will take an empty ostrich
ville and Kane Springs. flow is predicted. eggshell, which has a tiny opening at
The third is Helianthus niveus which Assuming precipitation for the re- the top, and put that down next to
is similar to number two but has a mainder of the season will be near the tube.
more grayish cast to the leaves. It is normal, forecast for the water-year "Then he will put his mouth to the
apparently rather common on the west streamflow for the Bear, Logan, Ogden tube, kneel down, and start sucking
coast of the northern half of Baja Cali- and Weber Rivers in the Great Salt
very hard, and within a minute—and
Lake Basin range from 85 to 95 per- it is a most miraculous thing to see—
I will certainly appreciate receiving
specimens or seeds of any of these cent of average. Other forecasts for the water suddenly comes out, and as
sunflowers and I will be glad to repay streams of the Great Basin: Provo he sucks in at one corner of his mouth
the postage. River, 96 percent; American Fork, 84 he squirts the water out at the other
CHARLES B. HEISER. JR. percent; Spanish Fork, 65 percent; into this hole in the egg."—London
Botany Department upper Sevier River, less than the mini- Calling through the courtesy of Lloyd
Indiana University mum of record; lower Sevier. 50 per- E. Caldwell, San Francisco, California.

Guli Road Reported Under Way . . .

Hete md Then on the Dmrt. . . YUMA—The long-awaited and oft-

promised paved road to the Gulf of
California is reported under way. Ac-
cording to reports received in Yuma,
ARIZONA OK Corral Restoration . . .
the blacktop paving has been started
Opposes Indian Land Project . . . TOMBSTONE—Work currently is at Rillito, about half way to the Gulf.
underway to restore the OK Corral The route from San Luis to Rillito
PARKER—Plans approved by the where frontier lawman Wyatt Earp
Indians for reclaiming 65,000 acres already is surfaced. The distance from
and his companions staged their- fa- San Luis to the gulf is about 75 miles
of fertile land in the Colorado River mous gun fight with lawless elements
Indian reservation under a long term and at present the rough trail connect-
of the territory. Sponsoring the proj- ing San Luis with the gulf cannot
lease to white farmers have met with ect is the Tombstone Lion's club which
opposition from an unexpected source. safely be traveled in passenger cars.—
hopes to complete the work this year.
J. H. Moeur, chief counsel for the —Tombstone Epitaph Yuma Sun
Arizona Interstate Stream Commission, • • •
stated that he was opposed to the • • •
project until litigation between Arizona Lake Mead Shortcut Dedicated . . .
and California over the rights to Colo- PHOENIX — The newly - paved Monument Travel Increases . . .
rado River water is settled by a su- shortcut road between Phoenix and TWENTYNINE PALMS — Total
preme court decision. This reservation the Lake Mead recreation area was visitors to Joshua Tree National Mon-
land—60,000 acres in Arizona and officially dedicated in January. State ument for the travel year ending De-
5,000 in California—is known to be Highway 93, a 123-mile route through cember 31, 1956, amounted to 312,-
the most fertile undeveloped land area some of the state's most isolated areas, 889 persons. This is an increase of
remaining in the Southwest. The In- will cut off nearly 100 miles from the 32,330 visitors over the 1955 travel
dians, lacking the capital to develop distance between Phoenix and King- year.—Desert Trail
it themselves, have given tentative ap- man through Ashfork. The one-time • • •
proval to a lease under which the Mid- wagon trail has been re-aligned and De Anza Highway Urged . . .
western Land Development company paved in small sections during the past BORREGO SPRINGS — Construc-
of Catron, Missouri, would clear, level five years.—Yuma Sun tion of a highway in the northern part
and install an irrigation system on the of Borrego Valley to follow the his-
• • • toric De Anza Trail through Coyote
total acreage in return for a long term
lease. At the end of the lease the land Driest Year on Record . . . Canyon into Imperial and Yuma val-
would be turned back to the Indians PHOENIX—Only 2.82 inches of leys was urged in a resolution adopted
in a high state of cultivation. While rain fell in Phoenix during 1956 mak- by the Borrego Springs Chamber of
it is recognized that the Indians have ing it the driest year ever recorded. Commerce. Besides the historic sig-
a right to water for their valley lands, First official precipitation records for nificance attached to the route, the
the Arizona Stream Commission ques- Phoenix were made in 1895. Prior to chamber pointed out that the highway
tions the right to develop the land for 1956, the driest year on record was would provide a shorter and cooler
the use of white lessees. The Indian 1947 when 3.00 inches of rain fell.— farm to market road for Imperial and
Tribal Council has indicated that it Phoenix Gazette Yuma valley farmers, and also a scenic
will send representatives to Washing- • • • mountain and desert trail for tourists.
ton if necessary to defend its right to —Borrego Sun
Mexico Extends Labor Pact . . . • • •
enter into the lease.—Yuma Sun. WASHINGTON, D. C—The Mex- Mushroom Rock Topples . . .
ican and American governments have DEATH VALLEY—One of Death
agreed to an extension to June 30, Valley's most famous landmarks, the
Huge Electric Plant Planned . . . 1959, of the agreement providing for curious-shaped boulder which resem-
YUMA — A $20,000,000 electric importation of Mexican workers to bled a giant mushroom with its roughly
generating plant is scheduled for con- work on U. S. farms. Under the agree- rounded head and slender stem, is no
struction in the Yuma Valley begin- ment, negotiated in 1951, about 450,- more. Erosion had carved growing
ning in March. Plans for construction 000 Mexican workers were permitted holes in the stem and it gave way
of the 160,000-kilowatt electric plant, to enter this country to supplement the during a wind storm, toppling the huge
and formation of a power generation domestic farm labor supply, mainly on rock over on the rough alluvial fan.—
pool with two Southwestern utility farms in the Southwest. Farmers can Inyo Independent
companies, were revealed by the Ari- contract for workers for a minimum
zona Public Service Company. The period of six weeks and a maximum
plant will be located on an 80-acre period of six months.—Yuma Sun
site four miles west of Yuma. It will do you need
be built in conjunction with California peace of mind?
Electric Power Company and the Im-
perial Irrigation District. The three OUR LAST TRIP nerves jangling from the frantic pace of
modern living? need a tranquil pastime
companies serve southwestern Arizona
and southeastern California. — Yuma COLORADO RIVER —an outlet for your creative ability?


Sun Here's your last chance to enjoy this 10 Like thousands of other people, you can
day wilderness trip— fnd pleasure and relaxation in spare
Hite, Utah, to Lee's Ferry, Arizona time painting. All details sent without
KENT FROST JEEP TRIPS obligation—write today!
Into the Famous Utah Needles Area Dam Construction Begins Soon
Junction of the Green and Colorado rivers;
Indian and Salt creeks; Davis, Lavander, V/rite for free information and
Monument, Red, Dark and White canyons; sailing dates
Dead Horse and Grand View points; Hoven- THE SOCIETY OP AMERICAN ARTISTS
weep and Bridges national monuments.
3-day or longer trips for 2-G person parties
—$25 dally per person. Includes sleeping

bags, transportation, guide service, meals. 1816 L. Street—Sacramento 14, California

Write KKNT FROST, Montieello, Utah.

MARCH, 1957 29
GHOST TOWN ITEMS: Sun-colored glass,
amethyst to royal purple; ghost railroads


Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 12c a Word, $2.00 Minimum Per Issue
materials, tickets; limited odd items from
camps of the '60s. Write your interest—
Box 64-D, Smith, Nevada.
Pioneer. Wanted Old Timer who wishes
family name kept in limelight, can also
REAL ESTATE SCIENTOLOGY — The Fundamentals of be assured posterity will know of him. If
Thought, by L. Ron Hubbard. The basic he will join me with money to expand a
CHOICE HOMESITES and acreage. Salton book of the theory and practice of Scien- well established Folklore publication.
Sea vicinity. For full information write tology for beginners. The answer to fission Would welcome someone with a colorful
Pon & Co., Box 46 DA, Azusa, California. and "fear. Send SI to C. Isaac Clark, name, and good taste, some money, and
Box 313, Palm Desert. California. knowledge and love of the West. Write
FOR SALE: On Colorado River in Arizona, Box N, Desert Magazine, Palm Desert.
desirable combination residential and HAVE REAL fun with desert gems, min- California.
business or professional property, includ- erals and rocks. The rockhound's how-
ing sufficient space for 8 to 12 unit motel, to-do-it magazine tells how. One year TRAVEL UNITED STATES by horseback
present arrangement of residence and of- (12 issues) only $3.00. Sample 25c. Gems via picture postcards of Pack Train Fam-
fices ideal for retired doctor. Good year and Minerals, Box 687-D, Mentone, Cal. ily. Sample 10c, eleven all different $1,
around trout and bass fishing. Insured different card every day for year $9, story
title. Write Box 186, Bullhead City, Ariz. BOOK BARGAINS—occult, philosophical, $1. PTF, 1544G Maiden Lane, Spring-
religious, metaphysical. Rare, out of field, Ohio.
CLEAN METICULOUSLY farmed 80 acres print, collector's items, etc. List 10c.
in heart of Coachella Valley showing Aladdin, P. O. Box 812, Ffemet, Calif. JOIN A REAL Prospectors and Rockhounds
$20,000 net. Ronald L. Johnson, broker. organization. Amateurs welcome. Many
Box 162, Thermal, California. SCENIC GUIDE to Arizona by Johnson. benefits for members. Membership $2.50
New 1957 edition, completely revised. year, includes publication "Panning Gold."
ROCKHOUND PARADISE — Variety of Accurate maps, pictures and descriptions, United Prospectors, 701'A East Edge-
specimens, cutting material, unexplored alphabetically arranged. Price $1.00 post- ware, Los Angeles, California.
Indian ruins, old mine dumps, uranium- paid. Scenic Guides to Oregon, Nevada,
bearing rock within easy reach year- Colorado and California by Heald, $1.50 LADY GOD1VA "The World's Finest
round. Several societies, widely-known each. Send for our "Selected List of Beautifier." For women who wish to
authorities. Good roads, utilities, good Books on Western Travel and Rock Col- become beautiful, for women who wish
water available. Lush desert growth, lecting." 37 titles to choose from. Ad- to remain beautiful. An outstanding des-
mountain scenery, excellent health angle, dress—Scenic Guides, Box 288. Susan- ert cream. For information, write or call
good labor market. Combines advantages ville, California. Lola Barnes, 963 N. Oakland, Pasadena
of proximity to city with isolation. Modest 6, Calif., or phone SYcamore 4-2378.
building lots to quarter sections. Reason- DESERT MAGAZINE Back Issues wanted.
able terms and prices. Darlington and We will pay $5 for November, 1937 is- SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps •— San
Palmer, Realtors, P.O. Box 214, Cave- sue; $2.00 for February, 1939; and $1.00 Bernardino $1; Riverside $1; Imperial
creek. Arizona. for March, 1939. Must be in good con- 50c; San Diego 50c; Inyo 75c; other Cali-
dition. Mail to Desert Magazine Circula- fornia counties $1.25 each. Nevada coun-
PRIMITIVE RANCH for sale, Yaak, Mon- tion Department, Palm Desert, California. ties $1 each. Topographic mapj of all
tana. 320 acres, commercial timber, trout mapped areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114
river. Eight log buildings. Elk, moose, W. Third St., Los Angeles, California.
deer, grizzlys, bobcats. Pack trails, ideal INDIAN GOODS
for Dude Ranch. Hay—96 to 100 tons FIVE FINE Prehistoric Indian arrowheads $200 MONTHLY Possible, sewing baby-
per season. Write V. Magnant, 9325 N. wear! Fast, easy; big demand! No house
$2.00. Perfect stone tomahawk $2.20. Ef- selling! Send stamped, addressed envel-
7th St.. Sunnyslope, Arizona. i'viy pipe $5.00. Perfect flint thunderbird ope. Babygay, Warsaw 108, Indiana.
$3.00. Flint fish hook $3.00 List free.
Five offers for only $12.00. Arrowhead. ANTIQUE WALL phones. Excellent; con-
BOOKS—MAGAZINES dition. $9.95; two $18.50. Luscious pur-
Glenwood, Arkansas.
INTERESTED IN Nevada? A new minia- ple sage honey—raw, thick. Organically
ture album just printed contains 10 fine FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo and grown dried fruit, nuts. Free circular.
Koclachromes of historic mining towns Zuni jewelry. Old pawn. Hundreds of Tontz Honey Farm and Country Store,
around Nevada, with brief descriptions fine old baskets, moderately priced, in old highway 71, Elsinore, California.
excellent condition. Navajo rugs, old and Open every day.
and locations. "Historic Highlights of
Nevada" available now for just 25c in new, Bayeta, native dyes, Two Gray Hills. LOST MINES, buried treasure. We can
coin or money order to: E. W. Darrah, Artifacts and gems. A collector's para- help you locate them, 20 miles to 5000
P. O. Box 606, Winnemucca, Nevada. dise! Open daily 10 to 6, closed Mon- feet depth. Geotest Company, 1833 Mar-
days, Buffalo Trading Post. Highway 18. ney, Los Angeles.
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! Apple Valley. California.
You name it—we find it! Western Ameri-
cana, desert and Indian books a specialty. 5 FINE ANCIENT Indian arrowheads, $2. Tramway Opposition Mounts . . .
Send us your wants. No obligation. In- Flint eagle ceremonial, $2. Perfect Fol-
ternational Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, som, $5. Spearhead, $1. List Free. Lear's, IDYLLWILD—Although the con-
Beverly Hills, California. Glenwood, Arkansas. troversial San Jacinto Mountain Tram-
way Project appears to be dead as a
WANTED TO BUY: Indian relics, large result of the refusal of the State Park
ORIENTAL BUTTERFLIES" or small collections. Write to: Robert Commission to renew its contract with
1 n RARE
RARE S t 50 E. Frazee, Box 316, Valley Center, Kans.
' •* DIFFERENT • PPD. the sponsors of the project, dedicated
EXQUISITE COLORS 2 ANCIENT ARROWHEADS, $2.50; 5 wildlife enthusiasts are determined to
ALL SPECIMENS PRESSED OPEN. gem points, $2.50; 3 different strands
bury the project so deeply it can never
trade beads, $2.50; spearhead, flint knife be resurrected. So that the park may
R. T. W A T E R S (DIRECT IMPORT) and scraper, $1.50; old Indian basket
1383-95 K. 2B St., Brooklyn 10, N.Y. (Paiute, Modoc-Klamath) $3.00. Prices continue to be regarded and managed
of pipes, tomahawks, beadwork, yumas, as a primitive area, and to prevent
folsoms, on request. Paul Summers, Can- any renewal of the expired tramway
yon, Texas. contract or the writing of any other
IMPORTED SEASHELLS contract for commercial use or open-
AH Different Varieties MISCELLANEOUS
Raeh \';tmed—Area Found ing of the park, the Idyllwild Citizens
12 Perfect Shells
a Pool? Read "Let's Build a Swimming
Group is presenting legislation through
Assemblyman Ernest Geddes and sev-
(5 Shells—50c)
R. T. WATERS, (Importer) Pool!"-—$1.00. Want to Pan Gold? Read eral co-sponsors for the repeal of the
"Gold Panning for Profit"—-SI.00. Both
1SS3 East 20th Street, Brooklyn 10, N.Y.
Books $1.50. J. Robertson, Box 604, Mount San Jacinto Winter Park Au-
Stockton, California. thority Act.—Hemet Mews

Glamis Road Slow-Up Charged . . . 000 acre feet was recorded. Runoff the Pershing County farm bureau and
BLYTHE — Senator Thomas H. during September, 1956, was about water conservation district. A resolu-
Kuchel, expressing great surprise at 184,000 acre feet, second lowest ever tion was adopted requesting the North-
continuing delay, has asked Navy Sec- recorded for the month of September. em Nevada Cloud Seeding Committee
retary Charles Thomas to expedite On April 25, 1956, the storage in Lake to continue the operation. — Nevada
payment of $660,000 to Imperial Mead was 10,679,000 acre feet, lowest State Journal
County for construction of an alternate since 1937 during the original filling • • •
sand hills crossing between Niland and period.—Palo Verde Valley Times Cricket Invasion Feared . . .
Blythe to replace the road through the CARSON CITY — Nevada is in
Chocolate Mountains Bombing Range NEVADA danger of another serious invasion of
closed for many years to facilitate naval Ask Park Status ior Fort . . . the crop-devastating Mormon crickets
aviation training. According lo Ku- MINDEN — Legislative action to this summer, the State Agriculture
chel, the Navy has hampered action permit the state to accept title to the Department announced. The insects
on the long-needed project. The con- Genoa Fort and Stockade was recom- are expected to swarm into the moun-
troversy over closing of the road across mended by the Douglas County com- tain area western states, with Mon-
the Chocolates is in its eighth year.— missioners. The Nevada Park Com- tana, Nevada and Wyoming due to
Palo Verde Valley Times mission cannot accept title to site of suffer the most.—Nevada State Journal
• • • the first white settlement in Nevada, • • •
without specific legislative authority.— Historic Lands Sold . . .
Sen. Charles Brown Honored . . . Nevada State Journal RENO—Announcement of an ex-
BISHOP — Desert pioneer Charles • • • change of Nevada and California prop-
Brown was honored for his 32 years Divorce Business Slumps . . . erties revealed new ownership and
of public service when the new audi- RENO — Reno's famous divorce management for the historic Winne-
torium at the Eastern Sierra Tri- business slipped slightly in 1956 from mucca and Milk ranches north of Reno
County fairgrounds in Bishop was the previous year's level. There were in Washoe County. Approximately 20
dedicated in his name. State Senator 4420 divorce actions filed in the city square miles of ranch lands lying west
Brown has been elected to five four- last year compared to 4458 in 1955. of Pyramid Lake were involved. —
year terms and prior to that served Although final figures were not avail- Nevada State Journal
as an Inyo County supervisor.—Inyo able, there were enough figures to • • •
Register show that the 1956 marriage license Commissioners Endorse Park . . .
• • • business was ahead of 1954 and 1955 ELY—The Nevada Association of
Colorado at Record Low . . . in Reno.—Nevada State Journal County Commissioners, meeting in
BLYTHE—For the fourth consecu- • • • convention at Las Vegas, endorsed
tive year the runoff of the Colorado Cloud Seeding Asked . . . the proposed creation of the Great
River has been much below average, LOVELOCK — Cloud seeding for Basin Range National Park in eastern
reports the Bureau of Reclamation. Pershing County was urged by the White Pine County. The park would
During the past four years only 63 per- county chamber of commerce meeting embrace the Mount Wheeler-Lehman
cent of the 33 year average of 12,500,- in conjunction with representatives of Caves areas.—Ely Record

Desert Magazine
MAPS are valuable

Display and Combination Sample Rooms
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One coupon to a Room.

MARCH, 1957 31
Predator Problem Increases . . . Indian Leader Honored . . . Arizona state line probably within this
ELY—Livestock men in the Ely AZTEC — The 1956 George B. year and to Kayenta, Arizona, 26 miles
area are concerned over what they Bowra Navajo Indian Achievement south of the line, within fiscal year
term a rapid increase in predatory ani- Award was presented to John Blackie, 1958, Commissioner of Indian Affairs
mals and the extensive damage they an uneducated Navajo who has spent Glenn L. Emmons announced. Utah
are doing to sheep herds. Some ranch- the majority of his 65 years fighting has extended its federal-aid secondary
ers estimate 15 percent of their herds for the preservation of the old tradi- system from Mexican Hat to the state
have been destroyed by predators. tional ways of his tribe, yet giving line at Goulding's. From Blanding
They believe the predator control pro- ground to new ideas and urging his southwest to Mexican Hat (52 miles)
gram administered by the U.S. Fish people to abide by the law and respect oiling of existing roadway presently is
and Wildlife Service in cooperation the rights of others. Blackie is a under contract and the state proposes
with the Nevada Fish and Game Com- leader in the struggle against the use to advertise soon for provision of a 24-
mission, is failing to accomplish its of intoxicating liquor by his people. foot bituminous road linking Mexican
purpose and that a bounty system The Navajo is sending his six children Hat to the state line. The Bureau also
should be adopted instead, or at least to school although he himself does not plans replacement of five bridges be-
to replace a large portion of that pro- speak English.—Independent Review tween Kayenta and Tuba City as part
gram.—Ely Record of the current-year program.—Moab
• • • Lad Walks 90 Miles *Home . . . Times-Independent
FENCE LAKE — A 16 year old • • •
NEW MEXICO Navajo boy, Samuel Garcia, who
Pueblo Claim Studied . . . G l e n C a n y o n Bridge Bids I n . . .
walked 90 miles from the Fort Wingate KANAB—A California contractor
TAOS—The Indian Claims Com- boarding school near Gallup to his
mission has taken under consideration home at Fence Lake, will not be re- has submitted a low bid of $4,139,277
a Taos Pueblo claim to title to the quired to return to the vocational for construction of the nation's highest
Blue Lake area and recovery or com- school managed by the U.S. Bureau steel arch bridge across Glen Canyon,
pensation for another 110,000 acres of Indian Affairs, it was learned. Sam about 900 feet downstream from the
in and around Taos. The Blue Lake was rounded up with several other dam site. Final decision on awarding
area, covering 30,000 acres, is in Car- children whose parents are on the wel- the contract will come from the Denver
son National Forest. In 1933, the fare roll by Navajo Police who were office of the Bureau of Reclamation
tribe was given a 50-year lease to Blue instructed to move them to Wingate. after it studies all bids. The engineers'
Lake, but now the pueblo seeks full Sam's father, however, is a successful estimate for the job was $2,944,750.
title, arguing that constant encroach- sheepman and is not receiving welfare The bridge will tower 700 feet above
ment by tourists and fishermen have assistance. The boy did not. stop to the Colorado River and extend 1271
interfered with its right of worship eat on the long walk which took three feet from rim-to-rim across Glen Can-
and desecration of a tribal shrine. — days and two nights. After a night's yon which has nearly vertical walls.
New Mexican The span of the arch of the bridge
rest at home, he attended school at will be 1028 feet making it second
Fence Lake and the 26 students in his only to the steel arch span of the Bay-
class celebrated his homecoming with
Fishing Line FREE! ice cream and cake.—Grants Beacon
orme Bridge in New York City. The
big bridge will be 40 feet wide with
Speed Limit Now" 70 MPH . . . a 30 foot roadway and two sidewalks,
SANTA FE — New Mexico's state each four feet wide.—Southern Utah
speed limit is being relaxed to 70 miles News • • «
per hour following a decision handed Dinosaur Visitor Record . . .
down in a test case. The 1953 legisla- VERNAL — Dinosaur National
ture raised the speed limit to 70, but Monument's visitor total for 1956, 73,-
despite this action the official limit had 000 persons as of December 1, was
We've been eating loco weed here at
WESTERN SPORTSMAN and may be tempo- been regarded as 60. The new speed the largest in the monument's 41-year
rarily off our rockers, but you can depend
on this offer being guaranteed—no "catch" limit does not apply to those stretches history. The rebuilding of U. S. High-
whatsoever. of highway where traffic engineering way 40 at the height of the tourist
We hiive a big supply of the famous Gude-
brod bait casting fishing line, 15 Ib. test. It
studies indicate slower speeds are season and the closing of the quarry
retails at $2.60 per tOO-yds. (Two 50-yd. spools called for.—New Mexican after Labor Day did not interfere with
in a handy plastic box.) Man, it's terrific! • • • the establishment of the new record.
SPECIAL! So long as the line lasts, we'll UTAH
send you a 16-issue subscription to Western Over 1000 people made boat trips on
Sportsman ($2.40) and this line ($2.60)—a
$5.00 value for just $2.00!
Reservation Road Improvements . . . the Green and Yampa rivers in the
1 told you we'd been eating loco weed! MONTICELLO—Blacktopping will monument.— Vernal Express
WESTERN SPORTSMAN is crammed with be completed on the main north-south • • •
articles on hunting, fishing, Old West arti- route through San Juan County to the Drouth Worst in 300 Years . . .
cles, guns, boats, fishing tackle, true adven-
ture, tips and Information on our great, wild,
rugged West. It's a different, real he-man's
magazine on a very masculine country—the Weather Bureau reported that South-
22 western states.
IMPORTANT! Don't lay this magazine down
1000 TRAVEL SCENES west drouth conditions as of mid-Jan-
without cutting out the coupon below—or uary probably are the worst since the
you'll forget it sure and miss the greatest 17th Century. The Bureau declared
offer of our publishing history!
that the severity of the drouth has in
P.O. Box 5008M, Austin 31, Texas
general equalled or exceeded that of
Boys, I want that $5.00 bargain for $2.00!
SPECIAL OFFER any other drouth occurring in the same
Send me 16 issues of Western Sportsman area since the beginning of precipita-
and, as a premium—absolutely FREE!—two To introduce readers of DESERT to our
50-yd. spools of Gudebrod line in the handy 2"x2" COLOR SLIDES for home projec-
tion, we are offering a FREE 20 page
tion records in about 1850. It added
plastic utility box.
catalog and a FREE sample color slide. that tree ring data suggest that there
Travel, Science, Nature, National Parks
Name and the southwest. Write today to — have been no drouths of substantially
Address, greater severity in Western and South-
KELLY D. C H O D A western states since about 1670 and
City State 732 URSULA ST. AURORA 8, COLO.
perhaps not since 1570.


C a r s o n City, N e v a d a . . .

MINBS tni MINING Offered at no charge to residents of Ne-

vada and at 50c a copy for those sent out-
side the state is the reprint of the booklet
"Nevada Mining Claim Procedures." The
supply of "State and Federal Mining Laws"
compiled by the State Mine Bureau at Car-
Ely, Nevada . . . Reno, Nevada . . . son City is exhausted but a planned new
edition has been deferred until the comple-
The development of a new geo-physical Development work on the Galena Hill tion of the recodification of Nevada laws.
tool, the magetometer, which not only is lead-zinc-silver mine, 11 miles southwest of —Nevada State Journal
valuable in prospecting for mineral deposits Reno, is progressing satisfactorily, company
but also will determine the depth of sedi- officials reported. Much core drilling has
mentary rock layers which overlie igneous been done on various sections of the prop-
rocks, was disclosed by Dr. C. N. Steenland erty to determine the direction and extent Indio, California . . .
of Houston, Texas, at a meeting of the of the principal veins, the amount of over-
Eastern Nevada Geological Society. Dr. The Western Mining Council's Desert
burden to be removed, and also to check Chapter has asked Congressman D. S.
Steenland said the magetometer was par- the potentials of the numerous feeder veins.
ticularly useful in oil exploration.—Pioche Saund to introduce a bill which would per-
—Nevada State Journal mit mining and prospecting in Joshua Tree
National Monument. The chapter said there
is much evidence in the state and county in
Yuma, Arizona . . . support of this proposal.—Coachella Valley
Las Vegas, Nevada . . . Sun
Holken Mining Company, with a five Sale of the controlling stock of U. S.
year contract with the Federal government Lime Products Corp., with attendant ex-
to produce highgrade manganese concen- EXPLORE FOR
trates, has begun operations at its mill near pansion of the company's Southern Nevada TREASURE!
Yuma. Ore for the mill is being mined in holdings, was announced. Flintkote Co. Find wealth lost or bur-
has taken control of the company. Largest led for years! Search for
Imperial and Yuma counties and delivered gold and silver coins, bul-
to the mill at the current rate of 100 tons expansion planned is the establishment of lion, and other valuables
a day. With a few additions the mill can a plant at the Apex holdings, on the mesa with M-Kcope Treasure-
Metal locators. Used world-
process 400 tons a day, the company an- north of Las Vegas. The new plant will wide. Guaranteed. Terms.
nounced.—Yuma Sun give work to an estimated 100 men. — Fisher Kesearch Lab., Inc.
Pioche Record Dept. D-l Palo Alto. Cal.

San Juan Basin, Utah. . . .

Plans for a 515-mile line to pipe crude
oil from the San Juan Basin to eastern New
Mexico and Western Texas were announced.
Texas-New Mexico Pipe Line Co. said it
expects to build a line that will have a 50,-
000 barrel a day capacity. The announce-
Prospectors' Headquarters
ment represents the first formal confirma- GEIGER COUNTERS AND SCINTILLATORS
tion by the Texas Co., which shares control The "Snooper" Geiser counter—model 108 $ 2D.W5
of the pipeline company, of its apparent The "Lucky Strike" Geiger countei—Model 106C 99.50
rejection of a bid to join Shell Oil Co. and The "Professional" Geiger Counter—Model 107C 149.50
Standard Oil Co. of California in construc- The "Special Scintillator"—Model 117 ... 299.50
The "Deluxe" Scintillator—Model 111B 495.00
tion of a crude line from the basin to Los
Angeles.—New Mexican
Model NH—Operates o n 110 AC only 14.75
Model M12—Operates on b a t t e r i e s only—with b a t t e r y 40.65
Salt L a k e City, U t a h . . . Model SL-25S7—Operates on b a t t e r i e s or 110 AC—without case and b a t t e r i e s 39.50
With No. 303 case and b a t t e r i e s 01.00
J. D. Archer of Salt Lake City filed a W i t h No. 404 case a n d b a t t e r i e s oo.OO
potash lease application covering nearly
1,000,000 acres of public domain in Grand BOOKS
and San Juan counties. It is believed that
this is the largest single application ever "Prospecting with a Geiger Counter" by Wright .«>0
"Cranium Color Photo Tone" 1.00
made for a specific mineral in the history "Uranium Prospectors Hand Book" 1.00
of the 1920 mineral leasing act.—5a// Lake "The Uranium and Fluorescent Minerals" by H. C. Dake 2.00
"Popular Prospecting" by H. C. Dake 2.00
Tribune "Uranium, Where It Is and How to Find It" by Proctor and Hyatt 2.50
"Minerals for Atomic Energy" by Nininger 7.50
"Let's Go Prospecting" by Edward Arthur 3.50


IN THE RARER MINERALS Map and Geology (Uranium and Mineral Districts of California) 1.50
Find war minerals! Here are a few of the Map of Kern County (New Section and Township) 1.50
Map Uranium and Minerals (The Nine Southwest States) 1.00
40 or more strategic rarer minerals which Book and Map "Gems and Minerals of California" by McAllister 1.75
you may be overlooking in the hills or in Book and Map "Lost Mines and Treasures of the Southwest" 2.00
that mine or prospect hole: columbium, tan-
talum, uranium, vanadium, tungsten, nickel, OTHER SUPPLIES
cobalt, bismuth, palladium, iridium, osmi-
Mineral Hardness Test Set 2.00
um, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, titan- Radiassay—Uranium Test Kit 14.95
ium, tin, molybdenum, selenium, germanium, Mercury—Detector Fluorescent Screen 6.75
manganese, cadmium, thallium, antimony, Scheelite Fluorescent Analyzer 6.00
Fluorescent Mineral Set—10 Specimens—boxed 2.50
mercury, chromium, etc. Prices booming; Mineral Specimen Boxes (35 named Minerals) 1.50
many much more valuable than a gold Prospectors Picks (not polished) 4.40
Prospectors Picks (polished) 4.75
mine: cassiterite now $1000 a ton; bismuth 12" Diameter Steel Gold Pan 1.25
$1500 a ton; columbite $2500 a ton; tanta- 16" Diameter Steel Gold Pan 1.70
lite or microlite $5000 a ton; tungsten $3
pound; platinum $90 ounce, etc. Now you All prices F.O.B. Los Angeles
can learn what they are, how to find, iden- Add 4 % Sales Tax if you live in California
tify and cash in upon them. Send for free Member of American Gem & Mineral Suppliers Association
copy "overlooked fortunes"—it may lead
to knowledge which may make you rich!
DUKE'S RESEARCH LABORATORY 3632 West Slausen Ave., Dept. D Open Monday evening until 9:00 Los Angelas, Calif.
Box 666, Dept. B, Hot Springs, New Mexico

MARCH, 1957 33
Ely, Nevada - . . Randsburg, California . . .
Resumption of gold mining operations is
Kennecott Copper Corporation announced
that underground operations were concen- planned at the Black Hawk mine near
trated in the Minnesota Hi ore body which Randsburg. Bel Air Mining Co. has over- Private U-Mill Investments
lies above and south of the Deep Ruth ore hauled the mill at the mine and is getting
body. The Minnesota Hi ore has to be the mine in shape for new operation. Bel Reach $50,000,000, AEC Says
mined before the mining of the Deep Ruth Air plans to mill its gold at the mine site. The estimated investment in the privately
ore body can begin since it lies within the —Mining Record owned uranium mills in operation in this
Deep Ruth projected caving area. The • • • country at the close of the year amounted
company anticipates that the Minnesota Hi to $50^000.000, the AEC announced.
project will be completed some time this Goldfield, Nevada . . . Twelve mills now are operating, includ-
year. Mining and development of the com- Monarch Milling and Mining Co. has 15 ing AEC mills, with a capacity of 8960 tons
pany's newest pit, the Veteran, is proceed- men employed at its Goldfield operation. daily, and eight more mills are contracted
ing rapidly. When completed, it will be The mill has been put into working condi- for. These are expected to be finished this
nearly 2500 feet long, 1500 feet wide and tion and a retort is under construction. year or early in 1958 to make a combined
800 feet deep.—Ely Record About 100 tons of cinnabar now are at the U. S. mill capacity of 12,985 ton? daily.
mill awaiting treatment.—Buttle Mountain The AEC recently announced a rew com-
Scout mission policy to remove much of the
Blctndlng, Utah . . . • • • secrecy heretofore enshrouding actual pro-
duction of uranium, ore reserves regarded
A half interest in 42,746 acres of gas and Washington, D. C. . . . as proven by exploratory work and as to
oil leases owned by Four Corners Uranium Relief for tungsten, asbestos and fluor- the development of a civilian nuclear indus-
Corporation and Out West Uranium and spar miners has been proposed in a bill try in the United States.
Oil Company was sold to the Standard Oil introduced in Congress by Senator George
Company of California for an initial cash W. Malone of Nevada. About $30,000,000 • • •
payment reported to be in excess of a half has been requested to continue government Uranium Firms Enter
million dollars. The area is near Blanding buying of those minerals included in the
and the old Bears Ears Road passes through purchase act of 1956. The original $21,- Joint Bid for Mill
it for a distance of eight miles.—San Juan 000,000 extending the Malone-Aspinall act Sabre-Pinyon Corporation and Homestake
Record of 1953 and appropriated last August, was Mining Co., both operating in the Ambrosia
exhausted for tungsten, asbestos and fluor- Lake Region of New Mexico and both
spar early in December, 1956. — Nevada negotiating for AEC contracts to build
State Journal uranium processing mills, have combined
Vernal, Utah . . . • • •
forces to apply for a contract for a single
big mill.
The Uintah Basin's oil reserves are the
largest known in the world but have re- Johnsville, California . . . The new arrangement calls for a mill to
ceived the least amount of exploratory at- The historic Sunnyside Mine eight miles handle 1500 tons of ore daily. Homestake
tention, the Oil and Gas Journal reports. west of Johnsville is being reopened by T. and some other producers previously had
The basin holds an estimated 400 to 600 L. Park, Los Angeles mining engineer and submitted a joint proposal for a 750 ton
billion barrels of oil, but it is entrapped in oil operator. Contract crews have been per day mill. Under its limited partnership
sands and shales which would cost so much driving on a 350 foot drainage and working agreement with Sabre-Pinyon, Homestake
to extract that it cannot compete with oil- tunnel to tap the old McCray Ridge Chan- is to have complete charge of the develop-
well oil at this time.— Vernal Express nel which yielded nuggets weighing five, ment and operation of the uranium mines
eight and 15 pounds in years past. The 15 and supervise, design, construct and operate
pound nugget, said to be one of the largest the proposed mill.—Grants Beacon
ever found in a California placer deposit, • • •


sold for $3276. At the present price of gold
it would be worth more than S7000. The Scientists
Sunnyside Claim was located in the 1890s Atomic Energy Process
by the late B. L. Jones of Quincy.—Nevada
Unveil New
A cold fusion method of producing
GEIGER COUNTER State Journal atomic energy without using uranium or
• • • million-degree heat was announced to the
Hamilton, Nevada . . . American Physical Society by Dr. Louis
W. Alvarez, head of the University of Cali-
The Hamilton Corporation, which has fornia discovery group. The process—still
under bond and lease a group of claims a laboratory phenomenon—has produced so
situated three miles south of Hamilton, has little energy so far that the most sensitive
started work on a main cross adit designed instruments are necessary to measure it,
to cut the vein zone at a level of about Dr. Alvarez said. The energy involved only
250 feet. Inside installations are planned a few hundred atoms of hydrogen.
for the sinking operation of up to 3000 feet
in depth. Principal ore in the mine is lead- ticleThecalled
new process involves an atomic par-
silver. The mine is in the White Pine min- together thea negative mu meson that pulls
nuclei of a heavy hydrogen
(For Uranium, " -. ing district which was a prolific producer atom and a light
Thorium, and of high grade silver ores as well as of lower Ihcm into a heliumhydrogen atom and fuses
atom. The fusion causes
grade lead-silver ores. In the late 1860s the two hydrogen nuclei to lose some weight
Rare Earth Minerals) 30,000 persons lived in the towns in this
The new OREMASTER "Rockhound" is district including Hamilton, Treasure Hill, which is converted into energy. The reac-
a SUPER Geiger Counter that excels Eberhardt, Shermantown and others. — tion is fundamentally the same thing that
happens in a thermo-nuclear reaction. —
many $500 instruments. It is sensitive Eureka Sentinel New Mexican
enough ior airborne and mobile pros- • • •
pecting, yet weighs only iive pounds. Rumors of a rich uranium strike were
Big 4V2" Super Sensitive Meter. Power- >t> 4> TREAS U R E $ $ $ heard in Holbrook, Arizona, recently. Lo-
ful built-in speaker, bismuth tube, "water- Find lost 01 hidden treasure with new, im- cale of the bonanza is said to be the Central
proof, indicates the direction of radio- proved metal detector. Works around salt Little Colorado River Valley, about equal-
active deposits, and numerous other water. Has no ground pick-up. Find coins, distance between Holbrook and Winslow
features. jewelry gold and silver—Civil War relics. but several miles to the north of the river
,.,»„ A profitable

ll 1
Send for free literature and photo! hobby. itself.—Holbrook Tribune-News
PRICE ONLY $129.50 Also scintilla-
tion counters.
Fully guaranteed Free l i t e r a -
Terms if desired: $35 down
$10 per month
Largest stock of used instruments of all
makes. Expert servicing.
aft,, "f-
• & ;
' • ' • • • •



• •
Offers unlimited opportunity for rock collector or Ura-
nium prospector. Make i t your career or hobby. We train
' " ' • ' •
2 5 4 5 E. INDIAN
you at home. Diploma course. Send for Free Catalog.
1218 M. Street — Sweet Home, Oregon . • - ;


Desk 7 • 159 E. Ontario • Chicago 11

Questions are on page 16
Nation's Atomic Development 1—California.
2—Salt Lake City.
3—Members of the Bennett-Arcane
The Atomic Energy Commission set in gram but the first since Strauss urged new 4—Spanish.
motion a new plan aimed at speeding the steps to encourage greater efforts in this 5—A guide at Grand Canyon in the
nation's development of atomic power. increasingly important field. early days.
Chairman Lewis L. Strauss announced Strauss outlined the goal of the program 6—Santa Fe, New Mexico.
the first invitation for public and private as the early development of reactor tech- 7—A National Monument in Ari-
groups to propose reactor projects under nology "to the point where they will be zona.
a liberalized program of AEC assistance. economic in competition with kilowatt pro- 8—Juan Bautista de Anza.
The invitation is the third under the com- duced from conventional fuels." 9—Quartz.
mission's power demonstration reactor pro- 10—Silver at Tombstone.
The new invitation calls for submission 11—Indian ruins.
of proposals as soon as possible. In con- 12—Nevada.
trast with previous invitations, each pro- 13—A species of wild hog in Southern
posal will be considered as it is received Arizona.
Rich Uranium Strike rather than after all plans have been sub- 14—Polaris.
Reported in New Mexico mitted. There is no time limit for turning 15—To aid Gen. Kearny in the con-
in proposals—another departure from the quest of California.
The AEC announced that shipments of past—but the commission does stipulate that
high grade ore have been received from 16—Navajos.
construction of all plants proposed must 17—Washington palm.
the La Bejada region in Sandoval and Santa be completed by June 30, 1962.
Fe counties, New Mexico. The La Bajada 18—Navajos.
mine, 17 miles southwest of Santa Fe, is No limit is placed on the type or size 19—At Upper Sonoran zone eleva-
an abandoned copper mine. Operators ex- of reactors proposed, except that "they tions.
pect shipments to average 100 tons per day. should make a significant contribution to- 20—Arizona.
Ore from the mine was said to assay .48 ward achievement of commercial utiliza-
percent uranium. tion of nuclear power."
Lone Star Mining and Development Co. Groups submitting proposals must put
has acquired mineral leases on 680 acres up funds for plant construction but the THE PROSPECTOR'S CATALOG
of acquired Federal lands on the old La commission will help in research and de- We are pleased to announce the advent of
a new Minerals Unlimited Catalog, specifi-
Bajada Grant on which the mine is located. velopment. cally designed for the amateur or profes-
—Sandoval Journal sional prospector. If you are interested in
In still another break with the past, the Geiger Counters, Mineralights, Blowpipe Sets,
AEC will waive for five years under some Gold Pan or any of the other equipment
necessary to a field or prospecting trip,
Future U-Strikes Will Be circumstances the charges it normally levies send 5c in stamps or coin for your copy.
for the us.1 of nuclear materials used in MINERALS UNLIMITED, Dept. D
Made with Drill, Expert Says reactors.—New Mexican 1724 University Are., Berkeley, California
Jack Turner, Moab, Utah, uranium mil-
lionaire, still recommends family-style pros-
pecting, but he suggests these amateur get-
rich-quick hunters had better prepare them-
selves for disappointment.
"There always is the possibility of a big
strike," Turner conceded, but he added that
Compton Rock Shop
the chances of finding it with a geiger METAL DETECTORS
counter are far less than with a drill.
"The Colorado Plateau has been geiger- I • Battery test switch
countered to death," he said, predicting that • Head phones with clear signal
99 percent of future uranium discoveries
there will be made with a drill.—Phoenix • Great sensitivity • Low cost operation
Gazette Model 27 • One nob control • Easiest of all to operate
MORE ACCURATE, it's the first METAL DETECTOR designed SPE-
A revolutionary new type uranium proc- CIFICALLY for detecting placer gold, nuggets, and other small metal
essing plant, for which spectacular labora- objects. Depth range 7 feet—comes complete ready to use.
tory success already is claimed will soon
be operating on Millers Flats below Tono- MODEL 27—instructions included $110.00
pah, Nevada. The unit, a product of the
Radio Chemical Corporation, is the result MODEL 711—with 21 ft. depth range ..$138.50
of many years of research into the devel-
opment of a sound and economical flow-
sheet for the recovery of both simple and MINERALIGHT—Complete line from $14.95 up to $114.00
complex uranium ores. The 50-ton mill is
expected to be completed this spring.—Ely Send for Complete Information
complete with diamond, in leather case $ 10.50
PENSCOPES — 20-40 Power $ 12.00
Strategic Minerals!
(buy from an experienced wood worker)
Outdoors for fun and profit?
Take along an ultra-violet Mineralight! domfiton J\oak <J>hoh
Write Dept. D for free prospecting information kit! 1405 S. Long Beach Blvd. 3 blocks south of Olive
^ULTRA-VIOLET PRODUCTS, INC., San Gabriel, California , NEmark 2-9096 Compton, California

MARCH, 1957
manner. The crown and pavilion portions


By DR. H. C. DAKE, Editor of The Mineralogist
are first roughed out to the correct size and
proportions. The flat and smooth bases of
each are then cemented together with any
first grade transparent doublet cement, and
placed in a small clamp until the cement
has set. Duco household cement, or some
The home gem cutter may obtain rough the larger facet cut stones, those weighing similar quick drying doublet cement may
titania (rutile) for facet cutting. Synthetic over two carats. To date this yellow color be used. Cements of this kind are insoluble
rutile is one of the most remarkable and has not been removed, but it is expected in water, alcohol, and most other common
most brilliant of all gem materials, natural that manufacturing refinements will elim- solvents. If it is required to separate the
or manufactured. Unfortunately this man- inate this objectionable color, to produce doublet, this may be readily done by soak-
ufactured material has a distinct yellow a gem of great overall beauty. Another ing in acetone, which is a solvent for the
cast, which does detract from the other- disadvantage of titania is its low hardness, cement.
wise great beauty and "life" of the gem. hence it will not stand rough finger ring
This yellow cast is especially noted in wear without developing scratches.
The manufacturers of synthetic titania of- In finishing cabochons and flat surfaces
fer the following suggestions for facet cut- of gem materials having a distinctly fibrous
ting. structure, the sanding and final polishing
always should be done at right angles to
The best angles for the crown facets are,
main 30 deg.. star 15 deg. and girdle 35
deg. The main pavilion facets are 40 deg.
and the pavilion girdle facets 41 Vi deg.
This is for the standard brilliant cut with
the direction in which the fibres rest. This
is especially true with a gem material like
tiger eye, it being next to impossible to
attain a proper final finish if this technique
57 facets, including the table facet. The is not followed.
STANDARD OF VALUE table facet may be from 0.4 to 0.6 the There are other gems where some diffi-
diameter of the stone at the girdle. The culty may be encountered with the fibrous
KUV TIIK BKST smaller table will render this portion of structure, but perhaps none as prominent
^ FOR 1-ESS the finished gem less conspicuous.
as tiger eye. Other fibrous species include
I Congo Dia Blades — Sizes
Range from 4" to 24" i n
f Light, Standard, Heavy
The following polishing technique is sug-
gested by the manufacturer of titania. Cut-
ting of the facets may be done on a dia-
chrysoberyl (cat's eye), jade, tourmaline,
agate, malachite and a few others. In most
of these species the fibrous structure may
and Extra Heavy duty.
mond lap using 400 grit diamond powder. not be noted by the unaided eye, but may
However since this material is soft, a fine be clearly revealed under magnification. If
Highland grit silicon carbide will quickly reduce the difficulty is encountered in polishing any of
facets for polishing. these gem materials, try polishing the cabo-
Trim Saws Preliminary polishing may be done with chon or fiat surface from one direction only.
10 micron grit diamond, on a tin lap, using By experimenting from different directions
Co in ]i ;i r 1 an d olive oil as a lubricant and vehicle for the the correct angle direction will be found.
rugged for long polishing powder. Final polishing is done
lasting service. on a 50-50 tin. lead solder lap, using Linde Difficulty also may be encountered in
K-1 Trim SHU "A" polishing powder. The Linde "A" pol- polishing a large flat surface, like the table,
ishing powder, used with water, gives a on certain facet cut gems. This difficulty,
good clear polish, said to he superior to that however, usually is not due to any fibrous
A Leader of one micron diamond powder. Since this structure, but a case of sloughage in dealing
gpff In Its Field
material is soft, it is advised that the lap
not be scored, except possibly in the case
with a material having a marked cleavage
in one direction. This difficulty often may
Highland Park rower-feed
of polishing a large table. be overcome by redopping (he gem, and
Slab Saws. Sizes range polishing from the opposite direction. In
from 12" to 24". Metal Ihe case of topaz, with a very marked basal
or Lucite hood. A number of gem cutters are experiment- cleavage, a change of direction will not aid
ing with making doublets of titania. Since in eliminating sloughing during (he final
.1-2 & ,1-8
titania is quite soft, the desire is to make polishing. Topaz should be so oriented that
slab San- a doublet, using some harder gem material the basal cleavage will be about five to
for the crown portion of the facet cut stone, eight degrees off the basal cleavage, and
Highland Park Combination Unit and titania for the pavilion portion below not exactly parallel with same.
Available in all sizes. Perfect Combination the girdle.
Unit for Lapidary work. Handles sawing,
If difficulty is encountered in polishing a
grinding, sanding and polishing. Excep- A number of gem materials have been large table on a facet gem, there is one
tionally quiet, operation. tried for the crown portion including quartz, final and usually quite effective manner of
topaz and the many colors of synthetic sap- dealing with it. Simply go to the felt buff,
phire. Some spectacular results have been and in a matter of minutes, an excellent
obtained by this new cutting method, but polish will be attained. This, however, is
more experimental work remains to be not regarded as skilled facet cutting, for it
done, to determine the best angles of cut- will be noted by Ihe trained eye that where
ting both the crown and pavilion portions, the crown table facets meet wilh the table
and the most suitable material for the the edges are not sharp as they would or
crown portion. should be normally, but will appear slightly
E-10 Combination Unit These doublets are made in the customary rounded.
Arbors oi all sizes—Tumblers, two models.
Wet and dry belt sanders—Lapidary units
in two different sizes.
The most complete line of lapidary machin-
ery offered by any manufacturer. See these AGATE JEWELRY
at your local Highland Park dealer or write WHOLESALE
for free literature.

A Product of Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains

Cuff Links — Neck Chains
HIGHLAND PARK Bezel — devices — Shanks
Solder — Findings approximately %-inch diameter in various

MANUFACTURING CO. Send stamp for price list No. 4 striking colors and patterns, set in gleaming
white finish, sturdy action back cuff link.
Cuff links per pair $4.00
1009-1011 Mission Street O. R. JUNKINS Alligator tic clip 2.0(1
tax & postage paid — no C.O.D. please
South Pasadena. California 754 N.W. Alpine St. — P.O. Box 1233
NEWPORT, OREGON P. O. Box 5012 — Phoenix, Arizona

Ems y New Officers
Clubs Announce
AiResearch Lapidary Society, Maricopa
Named By Many
Spring Season
Lapidary Society and the Mineralogical
Society of Arizona have scheduled the an-
nual Phoenix, Arizona, Gem and Mineral
Show for March 1-3 at the Agriculture
Building, State Fairgrounds.
Gem Societies
The Humboldt Gem and Mineral Society
Gold nuggets will be featured at the of Eureka, California, has elected Dale
show with several collectors showing prized

Show Dates
Laing president for the new year. Other
specimens found in Arizona and other officers are Robert Mountz, vice president;
states. Also scheduled for display is Keith Florence Swanston, secretary-treasurer; Dor-
Hodson's black fire opal mined at Virgin otha Laing, librarian.
Valley, Nevada. The stone weighs seven
The following shows have been scheduled pounds.
for the coming months: Lapidary equipment displays, a continu-
March 1-3—Phoenix, Arizona, at Agricul- New officers elected by the Compton,
ous showing of films, dealer displays and California, Gem and Mineral Club are Don
ture Building, State Fairgrounds. other exhibits also are planned. Helmich, president; Dan Brock, vice presi-
March 2-3—Pasadena, California, Lapi- • • •
dary Society at Davis Memorial Building,
March 9-10—Tucson, Arizona, Gem and DIAMOND BLADES
Mineral Society at Pima County Fair- Dates of the annual Glendale, California,
grounds. Lapidary and Gem Society's show have been Heavy-J>iuy buper Stand.
Sup.-Chgd. Chgd. Cligrt.
March 16-17—Castro Valley, California, advanced to the first weekend in May, the M $ $ 11.55 .$10.50
Mineral and Gem Society at San Lorenzo 4th and 5th. Theme of the event is "Rock- •:..••:'
State K "
15.45 14.05
High School. A rbor 19.80 18.00
hounding Is Family Fun" and club mem- -

• • • " • •


• • • ; •

• :
• •

March 16-17—San Luis Obispo, Califor- bers plan to emphasize that phase of the •• •..•••.:: I P 41.60 36.50 33.20
nia, Gem and Mineral Club at Veterans hobby in their displays. Glendale Civic • •••: : u s -
46.80 41.60 37.80
Memorial Building. Auditorium, 1401 Verdugo Road, will be
i ;•• 70.50 52.15 47.40
,W 20" 84.90 57.75 52.50
March 23-24 — Snohomish, Washington, the scene of the show. • its 24
" 102.40 83.30 75.70
Lapidary Club at New Armory. • • • Send 179.10 Sis. tax
;#'• 36" Postage 267.60 ill Calif
March 30-31—Santa Monica, California, CALIFORNIA FEDERATION State arbor size— -Send Dostac e—Tax in Calif.
Gemological Society at Joslyn Hall.
April 27-28—Southwest Mineralogists at
Palestine Masonic Temple, 41st Place and The California Federation of Mineralogi-
Figueroa St., Los Angeles, California. cal Societies reports the following informa-
April 27-28—CRA Rockhounds of Po- tion regarding these collecting areas in the
mona, California, at Ebel Club House. state:
April 27-28—San Jose, California, Lapi- Willow Creek jade area—open to collect-
dary Society at Women's Gymnasium, San ing, but Lime Kiln Creek still is closed. Free Catalog shows 17 Covington -A-
Jose State College. Plymouth chrysoprase — owners have vertical type grinders and polishers.
May 3-5—Texas Federation of Mineral closed this area because collectors failed ' , 6 Covington Trim Saws
to close gates, etc. to choose from in latest
Societies annual show and convention, Drake's Bay—good hunting for whale- Free Catalog.
Bexar County Coliseum, San Antonio. bone has been reported. Best material
May 4-5—Stockton, California, Lapidary found in rock piles at the base of the white
and Mineral Club and Mother Lode Mineral cliffs.
Society's San Joaquin Valley Gem and Min- Leadpipe Springs—at present permission
eral Show at New Agricultural Building, is not being granted by the Navy because
San Joaquin County fairgrounds. it feels the area is dangerous due to the
May 4-5—Glendale, California, Lapidary large number of unexploded shells still
and Gem Society at civic auditorium. present. Collecting to be allowed at a later
May 11-12—Gem and Mineral Society of date.
San Mateo County, California, at fair- Morgan Hill poppy jasper — new area Select any one of 7
grounds. Covington Slab Saws
reported open for field trips. Charge of $1 from latest Free Cata-
May 24-25—East Bay Gem and Mineral per person made here. log.
Society at Oakland, California. Rosamond rhodonite — opening depends
• • • on fire hazard. Collecting by permission Multi - Feature Lapi-
only from the Tejon Ranch Co., c/o Wm. dary Unit. Free Cat-
PASADENA SOCIETY PLANS E. Moore, Jr., P.O. Box 1560, Bakersfield, alog shows 8 Cov-
California. ington H o r i z o n t a l
The Pasadena, California, Lapidary So-
ciety will hold its second annual Lapidary
show on Saturday and Sunday, March 2-3 TURQUOISE NUGGETS
at Davis Memorial Building, Farnsworth
Park, 620 East Mountain Curve, Altadena. Clean —• Graded — Good Color Hf]
The show is scheduled to be enlarged this VB to V2-inch size, per ounce... $1.00
year to include the exhibition rooms on 3 ounces (about 60 nuggets).. 2.00 BUILD YOUR OWN
LAP and save. Free
both floors. The upper floor will contain Shop rejects, above sizes, per :>unee-... . .25 C a t a l o g shows 13
lapidary and dealers exhibits, and the lower Drilled Nuggets, Our Best Quality
Build Your Own
floor will have a complete working lapidary Items.
with members demonstrating the various /2-inch - - 35c each 3 for $1.00
processes. A snack bar and other special %-inch 50c each 3 for 1.25 USED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT
features also are planned. % to 1-inch 75c each 3 for 2,00 Send for latest Catalog showing Covington,
tile largest
g lapidary
p d a r y equipment line in
Minimum order S2.00. Tax and postage paid. A i IT'S FR
No C.O.D. America. IT'S FREE.
The eighth annual Emmett, Idaho, rock DEALERS WANTED
show will be held in conjunction with the LOST MOUNTAIN GEMS Covington Lapidary Eng.
Gem County Cherry Festival on June 21-22, P.O. Box 5012 Phoenix, Arizona
reports the Gem Rock Club of that city.

MARCH, 1957 37
dent; Ray Wakeman, treasurer; Ruth Giles, Wally Usher was elected president of the Glenn Myhre has been named president
recording secretary; Pat Helmich, corre- 328-member Lockheed Employees Recrea- of the Tacoma, Washington, Agate Club
sponding secretary; Nina Krienkamp, his- tion Club's Rockcrafters Club oi Burbank, along with Fay Marsh, vice president; Rich-
torian; and Reggie Edwards, librarian. — California. Others named to office were ard Brass, secretary; Ellen Green, treasurer;
Rockhounds Call John Bidwell, corresponding secretary; Lot- Roy Merdian, director; and Cliff Messinger,
tie Cave, recording secretary; M. H. John- federation director.—Puget Sounder
son, treasurer. Special runoff elections are * * *
The San Francisco, California, Gem and planned for the offices of vice president and New officers of the Nebraska Mineral and
Mineral Society has elected the following federation director.—Psephite Gem Club are John E. Hufford. president;
officers for 1957: Alden Clark, president; Lloyd C. Fowler, vice president; and Mrs.
Walter Eyestone, vice president; Eleanor E. C. Eisele, secretary-treasurer.
Learned, secretary; Frances Carlson, cor- Elected as new officers of the Evansville, * * *
responding secretary; Tom Colman, treas- Indiana, Lapidary Society were Ed Love,
urer; Irene Bachelor, librarian; Ted Bhend, president; Roy Gerard, vice president; Alta Elected as new officers of the San An-
curator; and Lee Anderson, hostess. — The Aulsebrook, secretary; and Herbert Muth, tonio, Texas, Rock and Lapidary Society
Mineralog treasurer.—News Letter were Calvin Mansell, president; Lester Sun-
vison, vice president; Mary Schug, secretary;
and Russel Ware, treasurer.
* * *
Members of the Indianapolis. Indiana,
Geology and Gem Society elected these
new officers: Ralph E. Hagemier, president;
Jesse P. Harvey, vice president; Mrs. Mar-
tha Ahrendt, secretary; Fred S. Smith,
treasurer; and Mrs. Elsa H. Smith, editor.
:•: * *

Thomas V. Harwell recently was elected

president of the Riverside, California, Gem
and Mineral Society. Serving with Harwell
will be Clarence Wunderlich, vice president;
and Kathryn Skinner, secretary-treasurer.
New members on the board of directors
are Lynn M. Skinner, Lloyd E. Holmquist
and Francis A. Sloan.
;*: :J: ;!;

Fred Cross was elected president of the

ON JANUARY 1st, WE RELEASED, Rawlins, Wyoming, Rockhounds, along with
Gail Willis, vice president; Peg Miller, sec-
y Edition of our Encyclopedia retary-treasurer; Duke Parrish, correspond-
and Super-Catalog of the Lapidary & Jewelry Arts. ing secretary; and Louis W. Cassinat, di-
rector at large.
YOU MAY PURCHASE THESE AT: Here's What One Customer Says about * * :|:
$1,95 for Paper Bound Copies our Encyclopedia. The Mineralogical Society of Salt Lake
$ 2 . 9 5 for DELUXE Book Binding Your catalog & "Bible" is getting more valuable to me City, Utah, announced the following new
A d d 25c for Domestic Postage & Packing or every day. Removed my first batch of tumbled stones officer slate for the coming year: Dr. Olivia
yesterday and they turned out swell, thanks to your McHugh, president; Leon Stanley, vice presi-
50c for A. P. O.'s, Foreign, or U. S. Territories. dent; Mrs. O. J. Reiter, secretary; Dorthy
This is a book of 2 4 0 PAGES 8V2" x 11" in instructions in the "Bible". Rogers, treasurer.
size, the equivalent of 4 8 0 regular textbook H. D. Bushey, Bnkersfield, Calif. * * *
size paqes. EIGHT COLORS of ink are used. Elected to head the San Fernando Valley,
California, Mineral and Gem Society for
Ihe coming year were Maurice Hebner,
of N E W and V A L U A B L E information for the president; Hilton Stang, vice president;
JEWELRY CRAFTSMAN and GEM CUTTER. It is an out- MarMae Enbody, secretary; and Dee Par-
standing N E W B O O K —not just a catalog. It is son, treasurer.—Rocks and Gems
excellent for SCHOOLS and their CRAFT
AND SCOPE. IT SUGGESTS THINGS TO DO—THE MOST Now available to gem and mineral hobby-
ONE PREMIUM OFFER No. -HOE* j ists is Grieger's new 1957 Red Cover "En-
WITH ILLUSTRATIONS and INSTRUCTIONS DESIGNED to i l l u s t r a t e d . Regular VALUE $3.45. N O W $ 1 . 5 0 dary and Jewelry Arts." This is the 25th
FULFILL YOUR EVERY REQUIREMENT. WITH the purchase of an E n c y c l o p e d i a . anniversary edition of the supply house's
IT LISTS 2 2 0 0 i t e m s ^ m a c h i n e r y , tools, supplies popular catalog and in addition to the wide
N O T E : Word your order like this: selection of items offered for sale, includes
for gem cutting and jewelry making. Baroque gems, I No. GEE) (Point Drilled)'...... ." . . . $ 1 . 5 f instructive articles covering a wide range
books, Jewelry metals and parts. Gilding metal and I Encyclopedia ._..•'. . . . . . . . 1.95 of subjects, including Facet Cutting, How
copper forms for enameling. ...j to Cut Cabochons, How to Polish Speci-
T O T A L PRICE of the 2 items . . . $3.45 mens, How to Hard Solder, Care and Use
D E A L E R S : SEND FOR Dealer Information Y O U G E T B O T H I T E M S for the of Grinding Wheel and many others. The
Gold Filled ACCESSORY R E G U L A R PRICE O F T H E S T A R S , j space devoted to these illustrated features is
'Add 10% Fed. Tax to D I E & 25c postage equivalent to 84 pages of a regular textbook.
SPECIAL OFFER N o . S-194 The catalog lists over 2200 different items,
contains all metal parts needed to make complete many of which are illustrated. Jewelry mak-
necklace and earrings from stars in P-84, REGULAR ing tools and supplies, tumble polished gems,
VALUE $4.05—
jewelry parts, cut gems, gem cutting ma-
chinery and supplies, lapidary-jewelry books,
NOW I for $3.70* 3 for $8.30 blank mountings, jewelry metals, ultra vio-
*Add 10% Fed. Tax to S-194 let lamps, preforms and rough gem stock
are some of the items carried in stock by
California i d e n t s K9-27 P l e a s e a d d 4 % s a l e s t a x. Grieger's.

GRI1 E<c. Box 4185, '§*

1633 E. Walnut St
Pasadena 4, Califj
A nremium offer for purchasers of the
encyclopedia catalog is described in a Grie-
ger's advertisement in this section of the
o CATAMNA STATION, magazine.

Here correctness of identification and spell-
Judges Tell What They Look For ing are the important factors. Neat hand
printing in India ink is more attractive than
a typed label. But most important is that
the information given on the label be cor-
In Picking Winning Displays ... rect and complete as to common name,
chemical name or formula, where found or
place of origin.
What do the experts look for when they showmanship and here it is best to use Workmanship is perhaps the most im-
are judging your competitive show display? simplicity unless one is a true artist. The portant consideration in judging lapidary
This was the question put to a panel of overall effect should be without distraction. and jewelry cases. This includes symmetry,
prominent members of the gem and mineral Crowding is a common error of the begin- shaping and polish. In jewelry mountings,
hobby at a recent meeting of the Mother ner.
Lode Mineral Society of Modesto, Califor- originality is the keynote.—Mother Lode
nia. On the panel were Mrs. Nathalie Ma- Also important to the judges is labeling. Ghost Sheet
honey, long time secretary of the California
Federation and an officer of the East Bay
Mineral Society; Julian Smith, lapidary and
jeweler of Modesto; and John Parnau, well
known mineral collector, also of Modesto.
They pointed out that the first order of
GRIEGER'S Parade of Values
business for any exhibitor is to be com- Watch this page for new offerings. Don't buy elsewhere until you have compared our low prices
pletely familiar with the rules of the show CONGO DIAMOND SAW BLADES No. P-64 RARE GEM PREFORM
he is participating in and to understand the Y O U S A V E up to 2 0 % PREMIUM
various qualifications and categories of the
event. After the judging, the competitor on your cutting cost per
should study his score card and attempt to square inch because CONGO Two ring size cabochon preforms, per-
correct the weak points of his display. BLADES COST LESS. fectly shaped and cut from the RARE
Quality of material, of course, is the first C O N G O B L A D E S have PHOSPHATE NODULES from Fairfield,
thing the judges look for in mineral displays.
This includes such factors as color, crystal been standard equipment on Utah. This material is not familiar to most
arrangement, texture, clarity, physical con- all of the Highland Park saw cutters because it is scarce. Preforms will
dition of the specimen (freedom from flaws, units we have sold in the last 3 years. They have contain yellow PSUEDOWAVELLITE, gray
cracks, soft spots, etc.) and amount of visi-
ble material identified. The panel em- proven ENTIRELY S A T I S F A C T O R Y . WARDITE, perhaps some green VARIS-
phasized that quality is judged in compari- CITE and other rare minerals. REGULAR
son with specimens of like material and not BUY THE BEST FOR LESS VALUE $ 3 . 0 0 - N O W $.95 with $10
against more showy minerals. BUY CONGO IMMEDIATE order. YOU SAVE $2.05.
Variety also is important in a winning ORDER BY NUMBER DELIVERY
display. This includes the non-duplication Add 10% Federal Tax to P-64.
and rarity of the specimens. & PRICE ONLY,
Y O U S A V E up to 2 0 ! / 2 % when you buy the
The total effect of the display's back- STK NO. EACH premiums on this page. With a $10.00 order you may
ground, lighting, arrangement, neatness and
suitability all add up to showmanship, a K7I-5 6 " x . 0 2 5 " x y 2 " $9.40 buy one premium, with a $20.00 order you may buy
third important consideration. The experts
suggested that the exhibitor pay particular K7I-6 6" x .025" x % " 9.40 2 premiums, etc. YOU MUST ASK FOR THESE premiums
attention to avoiding the mixing of lapidary K7I-9 6"x.032"xy2" 10.15 W H E N Y O U P L A C E Y O U R O R D E R .
work and minerals unless entered in the 6"x.032"x % " 10.15
mixed class. The object of showmanship is K7I-I0 No. M65-I SILVER SHEEN
that the displays be seen, be interesting and K7I-I7 8"x.032"x y 2 " 12.40 OBSIDIAN —OREGON
be remembered. K7I-I8 8" x .032" x s/8 " 12.40 When properly cut, cabochons of this
Lighting is a highly important factor, the 8" x .040" x '/ 2 " 13.60 interesting gem material will display a
panel ruled. The light should come from K7I-2I
above and incandescent type lighting en- K7I-22 8"x.040"x % " 13.60 bright "SILVER SHEEN" chatoyancy
hances the display more than does fluor- 8" x .040" x % " 13.60 when held in the sunlight or under an
escent lighting. K7I-23
9" x .040" x 5/8 " 15.40 incandescent lamp. THIS IS EXCEPTION-
Arrangement is still another factor in K7I-26 I0"x.040"x V " 16.70 ALLY CHOICE material.
K7I-29 I0"x.040"x % " 16.70 No. M 6 5 - I SILVER SHEEN OBSIDIAN
Topaz cleaves so easily that a cut stone, K7I-30 10" x .040" x % " 16.70 I Ib $1.95 3 lbs $4.45 6 lbs $7.90
if dropped, often cracks. Topaz takes its
name from Topazios, which means "to K7I-3I I2"X.040"X '/2" 21.55
seek" for the earliest known deposits were K7I-33 I 2 " X . 0 4 0 " X s/s" 21.55
on an island in the Red Sea which often No. P-46
was surrounded by fog and therefore diffi- K7I-34 I 2 " X . 0 4 0 " X % " 21.55 /
cult for the local mariners to find. The K7I-35 12" x .050" x Vi" 24.15 GRIEGER'S
stone's cleavage is parallel to its basal 1Ib.
plane, almost perfect. It has a hardness of K7I-37 14" x .050" x % " 27.70 TIN OXIDE
No. P-46
eight. Today Brazil is the chief source of K7I-42 I 4 " X . 0 5 0 " X % " 27.70
this stone.—Rockhound News and Views TIN OXIDE PREMIUM
• • •
K7I-43 I 4 " X . 0 6 4 " X % " 32.30
In order to get a high polish on rhodon- K7I-46 I 4 " X . 0 6 4 " X % " 32.30 OFFER
ite, finish sanding it on a partly worn 600
grit sander and then use a good polishing
K7I-47 16" x .050" x %" 33.00 Every one needs Tin Oxide. This is the
compound on an eight or 10 inch saddle K7I-5I 16" x .050" x %y/ 33.00 Finest Quality Tin Oxide for Polishing
leather disk, advises Earl Chamlee of the K7I-52 16" x .050" x I" 33.00 Gems and is the same grade we have
Gem Stone Ranch, Redding, California. K7I-53 I 8 " X . 0 6 0 " X % " 45.40 sold for the past 25 years. ONE PRE-
Your cobler or saddle shop has this heavy MIUM OFFER N o . P-46 contains I Ib of
saddle or shoe sole leather for sale. Use K7I-60 I8"X.075"X % " 58.00 Tin Oxide. REGULAR VALUE $ 2 . 6 5 -
it flesh side out. It also works well on jade. K7I-64 20" x .060" x I"
• • • 50.25 N O W $1.59 with a full $10 order.
K7I-73 24" x .075" x I" 77.60 YOU SAVE $1.06
Among the interesting exhibits planned
for the Third Annual Tucson, Arizona, K7I-I0I
Please add adequate postage & taxes where indicated. California resi-
Gem and Mineral Society's show, March
9-10, are Erna Clark's "dinner of rocks" dents — Please a d d 4 % sales t a x t o a l l . DEALERS: SEND FOR Dealer Information
and Grant Ostergard's "working water All merchandise supplied ot prices prevailing at time of shipment. K9.3J
wheel" made entirely of polished pieces of
petrified wood. The show is scheduled to
be held at the Pima County Fair Building
in Tueson.
4. It I i:4.i:IK'S. I n c . '£XtX.

MARCH, 1957 39
PAN GOLD: $1 for 75 panning areas in
25 California counties. Geological for-
mations, elevations, pertinent notes. Pan-
GEfll fllflRT A D V E R T S I N G
. . Minimum
$2.00 ning pans $2.75, $2.25. Leather nugget
and dust poke $1. Fred Mark, Box 801,
Ojai, California.
HAVE REAL FUN with desert gems,
SURPLUS TUMBLED gems. Less than AGATE, VEIN and Nodules. Chalcedony minerals and rocks. The rockhound's
wholesale. Mixed material and sizes. "desert roses" — fine jasper nodules or how-to-do-it magazine tells how. One
Petrified wood, rose quartz, agate, obsid- what you can use. Postpaid, on approval. year (12 issues) only $3.00. Sample 25c.
ian and others. Two pounds for $5; 10 You pay whatever you value the material Gems and Minerals, Box 687-D, Mentone,
pounds $22.50 postpaid. Western Min- at. Any amount, to 500 pounds. C. Earl California.
erals, Box 61, Boulder City, Nevada. Napier. "For Rocks." Box 153. Boulder
City, Nevada. CALCITE CRYSTAL groups. Drousy $2;
S1MI VALLEY Mineral Company. Mineral $3; $5. Ask for list. Jack the Rockhound,
specimens, lapidary equipment, faceting, OPALS, BRILLIANT colors, direct from
mountings, custom jewelry, cabochons. mine, 15 for $5.00. 10 ringsize cabochons Carbondale, Colorado, P. O. Box 245.
rough and polished gemstones. Free min- (opal, amethyst, onyx, etc.) $5.00. Ken-
eral identification and field trip informa- dall's, Sanmiguel d'Allende. Guanajuanto, GEMS OF THE desert, tumbled polished
tion. Mineralogy classes. Phone: Fire- Mexico. baroques. Mexican lace and carnelian
side 6-2130. On Highway 118 between agate, Death Valley jasper agate, rose
Santa Susana and Simi. Box 214, Santa TUMBLED GEMS of the desert for sale. quartz, petrified wood palm, black fig,
Susana. California. Agates, jaspers, obsidians, etc. Mixed many others. General mixture, $6 pound.
lots $4 per pound. T & .1 Rockhounds. Mexican agate slices and various cuff link
OPALS AND SAPPHIRES direct from 9000 National Blvd.. Los Angeles 34, preforms. Slabs and findings. Earring
Australia. Special—this month's best buy: California. size tumbled turquoise $8 pound, arger
Rough sapphires; six large black star size $1 ounce. Price list. Golden West Gem
sapphires; three blue faceting sapphires; Co., 7355 Lankershim Blvd., North Hol-
BIG VARIETY of very highly polished ba- lywood, California.
three huge sapphire specimens. The lot roque gemslones, domestic and imported,
$18. Free Airmailed. Send personal including amethyst, tigereye, bloodstone, OPALIZED WOOD 65c pound plus postage.
check, international money order, bank agates. Apache tears, rhodonite, aventur-
draft. Free 16 page list of all Australian A. B. Cutler, Box 32, Salmon, Idaho.
ine. Postpaid, taxpaid, $9.00 pound. $5.00 Slabs, tumbled, J. E. Culler, Gearhart,
Gemstones. Australian Gem Trading Co., half pound. Choice rough combination,
49 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Australia. including Eden Valley wood (Wyoming), Oregon.
amethyst with agate, silver, lead, etc. OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through
FIRE AGATE—mound to show the fire, (Colorado), Escudilio agate (New Mex- Friday. Other hours by appointment or
you finish it. $2, $3 and $5 each. B&H ico), opalized wood (Washington), tur- when home. Residence back of shop.
Rock Shop, 29 Cherry Lane, Granbury, ritella agate (Wyoming), snow-flake or Mile west on U.S. 66. McShan's Gem
Texas. mahogany obsidian (Utah), cinnabar in Shop, Box 22, Needles, California.
opalite (Nevada), rhodonite (Colorado).
THE CONTINENTAL Minerals (formerly Postpaid, taxpaid, 8 pounds $8.00. The
Rocky Mountain Minerals) welcomes Gem Shop. Ruidoso, New Mexico. GENUINE TURQUOISE: Natural color,
your orders and inquiries about massive blue and bluish green, cut and polished
and also crystallized mineral specimens. Cabochons—25 carats (5 to 10 stones
No cutting material. Free list. This GARNET, KYANITE. sillimanite, picture according to size) $3.50 including tax,
month special: Nice Azurite crystal rock, fossil, dendrites and stylolites sam- postpaid in U.S.A. Package 50 carats (10
clusters and rare earth minerals. Box ples—from Idaho—50c each. We pay to 20 cabochons) $6.15 including tax,
1206, Anaconda, Montana. postage. Write Erma Jeans Mines, Koos- postpaid in U.S.A. Elliott Gem & Mineral
kia, Idaho, Box 414. Shop, 235 E. Seaside Blvd., Long Beach
VISIT GOLD Pan Rock Shop. Beautiful 2, California.
sphere material, gems, mineral specimens, LARGE VARIETY mixed tumbled stone—
choice crystals, gem materials, jewelry, tigereye, agates, obsidian, palm root, GEMS A-PLENTY: Beautiful baroque gems,
baroques, etc. Over 100 tons of material quartz. 40-60 stones in pound—only $4. large variety, tumbled polished all over,
to select from. John and Etta James, Eree: matched preforms with every pound $10.00 for one pound (about 100 stones).
proprietors, 2020 N. Carson Street, Car- purchased. Route I. Box 369, Beaumont, 10 lbs. of top grade gemstone prepaid for
son City, Nevada. California. $7.00. Wholesale price to dealers on ba-
roque gems and gemstone in the rough.
ROCKS—opposite West End Air Base, ag- BEGINNER'S MINERAL Study set — 20 Satisfaction guaranteed on every sale.
ate, woods, minerals, books, local infor- rocks, minerals, ores. Descriptive folio San Fernando Valley Gem Co., 5905
mation. No mail orders please. Iron- included. Exceptional. $2.00 postpaid. Kester Ave., Van Nuys, California.
wood Rock Shop, Highway 60-70 West Mineral Lore. P. O. Box 155, Del Rosa,
of Blythe, California. California. FOR SALE: Beautiful purple petrified wood
with uranium, pyrolusite, manganite. Nice
sample $1.00 Poslage. Maggie Baker,
Box 7, Hackberry, Arizona.
'ffy&te /tie 1&e COLORADO MINERAL specimens, cut-
ting and tumbling materials. Send 2 cent
stamp for list and terms. Dealers please
write for wholesale list. John Patrick,
Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla Idaho Springs, Colorado.
Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry HAVE BROKEN purple bottles, onyx, ur-
anium, lead-silver-gold, copper, cinnabar,
peridots, opalites, talcs, petrified wood,
Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings geodes, photoglymps, tungsten — some
will lamp, some gem grade. All collec-
and Brooches tors items. Sacked 35c pound; hand
SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH picked samples 50c pound. J. S. Wisdom,
Write for Folder With Prices
ELLIOTT'S MM SHOP New Shipment of Persian Highgrade
Native Cut Cabochons
235 East Seaside Blvd. Long Beach 2. California
Across iroin West End cf Municipal Wholesale Only — Send for List
Auditorium Grounds LOST MOUNTAIN GEMS
Hours 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Except Monday P. O. Box 5012 Phoenix, Arizons

jects. With exterminationists on the

one hand crying for the destruction of
all species whose habits run contrary
to man's interest, and sentimentalists
at the other extreme shedding tears
for mice eaten by coyotes and coyote
MILLIONS OF YEARS OF fascinating observations of the insects, pups eaten by owls and owls eaten by
LIFE ON THIS PLANET plants and animals which are his cougars and cougars eaten by para-
At some point during the estimated neighbors. His discussion of the dif- sites borne to them by mice, it is re-
4.5 billion years since the earth planet ference between "pets," and animals freshing to get a level-headed true
came into being, some atoms of inor- which are becoming "civilized," will conservationist's middle-ground judg-
ganic matter became the cells of or- delight every owner of a dog. ment about one of Nature's more gifted
ganic matter—and life began. It has Dr. Krutch's two previous books, children. Such a view is presented in
been a long and tedious process—the Desert Year and The Voice of the Carroll Dewilton Scott's Here's Don
emergence of man and the larger mam- Desert have been best sellers in the Coyote, interesting and light reading
mals of today from the amoeba of desert region. with built-in appeal for everyone—
millions of years ago. Published by Houghton Mifflin. from coyote haters to coyote lovers.
But Dr. Joseph Wood Krutch has Sketches by Paul Landacre. 227 pp. Scott tells the story of a fictitious
undertaken to span this vast period of $3.75. coyote, Don, from his puppy days to
time in an interesting and stimulating • • • adulthood. Nearly every one of the
book for the layman—The Great Chain BOOKLET DESCRIBES WAYS TO incidents in Don's life are based on
of Life. DOMESTICATE DESERT FLORA the author's experiences with coyotes
Even among the one-celled crea- Desert homeowners interested in spanning 45 years. He presents these
tures, life was not as simple as humans landscaping with native plants will wel- observations in a most entertaining
generally assume, and as changing and come a booklet by W. Taylor Marshall and dramatic manner.
more advanced forms of life appeared (Desert, May '56), Introduction to The sum total is insight into life on
the process became ever more complex. Desert Plants. The author is director the coyote's level—not merely what he
But it is a fascinating story, and Dr. of the Desert Botanical Gardens at eats and when he eats—but how he
Krutch has told it well. Also, he has Phoenix, Arizona. lives out his philosophy, "make a liv-
raised some questions for which the The first part of the book is devoted ing, amuse yourself, keep out of trou-
scientific world has yet found no to a general discussion of the four ble."
answers. types of plants found on the desert— Man vilifies the coyote because an
For instance, in a discussion of the succulent, xerophyte, mesophyte and animal slaughters a deer or a sheep
Darwinian theory of natural selection, annual. Using simple language, this (Continued on page 43)
the author raises a very serious ques- short passage is an excellent founda-
tion as to whether the more or less tion for a wider knowledge of desert
mechanistic rule of the survival of the flora. GUNFIGHTERS
fittest is an adequate explanation of
all the life we see about us today. He
The concluding section of the book
concerns the culture of plants in each
writes: of these four groups. There is no sub- BADMEN is a book of fact-
"That the case for natural selection stitute for experience when it comes ual accounts on the lives and
as a factor—and probably a very im- to the sometimes exacting task of do- deaths of 21 notorious gun-
slingers of the Old West
portant one — is almost unassailably mesticating desert plants, and Marshall such as Wyatt Earp, Billy
strong I have already admitted. It has made this his life's work. He in- the Kid, Wes Hardin, John
does take place, and unaided it may cludes helpful suggestions intended to Ringo, Jesse James, Bill
possibly be capable of producing or- insure the best possible results in this Longley, Doc Holliday, Wild
Bill Hickok, Clay Allison, Ben
ganisms better fitted for survival than interesting and profitable home garden Thompson and 11 others!
their parents. But whether or not it venture. There are 26 authentic pho-
alone is sufficient to account for every- Published by Desert Botanical Gar- tographs!
thing that has happened is quite a dif- dens as Science Bulletin No. 3; with WELL: So long as they
last, with every subscrip-
ferent question." line drawings by Arthur Douglas and tion to True West ($3.00 lor
12 issues) we are going to
The author does not undertake to halftone illustrations; bibliography and give a copy of A Gallery
index; 49 pages; paper cover; $1.25. of Western Badmen as a
define the unknown factor which he bonns — absolutely FREE!
suggests may enter into the evolution- Man, what a BARGAIN!
TRUE WEST brings back
ary process. He admits frankly he the Old West to you as it
does not know. No one knows. COYOTE TALE TOLD WITHOUT
actually was. Each bi-month-
But this book is not devoted en- APOLOGY, SENTIMENTALITY ly issue is crammed with
TRUE, well illustrated articles on badmen,
tirely to academic discussion. The Wildlife, especially the so - called lost mines, buried treasures, range wars, In-
author's home is on the desert near predators, often are controversial sub- dian fights, outlaws, ghost towns, trail drives,
Tucson and he is a close observer and gold rush, cowboys and ranch life—The way
it really was! The old days live again and
constant student of the natural life move vividly through its pages. Man you
around him. He brings to light many Looking for a PUBLISHER?" ought to see those authentic old photos!
SPECIAL! This is a double-barreled, set-ac-
Do you have a book-length manuscript yera quainted offer. Clip the coupon NOW—if
would like to have published? Learn about
our unusual plan whereby your book can b« yon lay it aside, you'll forget sure.
published, promoted and distributed on a
i Considered professional basis. We consider all types of TRUE WEST, P.O. Box 5008M, Austin 31, Texas
work—fiction, biography, poetry, scholarly Here is my $3.00 for 12 issues of True West.
by cooperative publisher who offers authors and religious books, etc. New authors wel- Send roe a copy of A Gallery of Western
early publication, higher royalty, national come. For more information, "write for valu- Badmen absolutely FREE!
distribution, and beautifully designed books. able booklet D. It's free.
All subjects welcomed. Write, or send your Name
MS directly. V A N T A G E P R E S S , I N C .
GREENWICH BOOK PUBLISHERS, IJfC. 8253 HoHy-n-sod Blvd., Bottywood 88, Galif.
Atten. Mr. Slocum, 489 Fifth Ave., N.Y., N.T. Main Offloe: New York 1, N. Y. City state

MARCH, 1957 41
Metureen Ifou and Me



7 HANKS TO Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of

Minnesota, Congressman John P. Saylor of Penn-
sylvania, and a number of co-sponsors including
Senator Kuchel of California, there is now before Congress
dices which today keep our world in a state of tur-
moil. Humans are confused in a world in which so much
that the scientists are telling us is in direct contradiction
to the stories which come from a book we Christians
a measure designed to preserve some of the desert and have always regarded as sacred. Somehow, our religion
mountain terrain of our nation in its original state as and our science must be reconciled. I believe it can be
natural wilderness—just as we inherited it from the done. In the meantime we need natural sanctuaries to
Creator. which earnest thoughtful persons may retreat, for it is
only in such an environment that we may seek our
It is not intended that these areas should be closed answers in truth and beauty and humility.
to Americans, but rather, that portions of them be
closed to commercial exploitation—closed to any enter-
prise which would disturb the natural balance of Nature.
As Ernest Swift, executive director of the National Wild- Now I know why the writers send me so much
life Federation, has pointed out, they would not be poetry—ten times more than I can possibly print. Read-
recreational areas, but rather sanctuaries where members ing Arnold Toynbee's An Historian's Approach to Re-
of the human family could find the peace and beauty of ligion, I found this phrase: "There can be no self-expres-
the landscape and its plant and wildlife world undisturbed sion without an audience."
by man's enterprise. So, bless their hearts, the poets must send their verses
If you wonder why the human species needs sanctu- to editors. Else, where would they find an audience? The
aries I can only suggest that you read the records of tragedy of this buy-it-on-credit age is that so many people
slaughter on the highways, of juvenile delinquency, of are so busy meeting the monthly payments they do not
mental patients in the hospitals, of intoxication and crime have time to discover the beauty expressed in good poetry.
and vandalism, in the daily newspapers. Yes, we need I do not enjoy returning poetry to the writers—and
places where adults may go and where youth may be yet I have to do it many times every day—not always
taken to get acquainted and commune with the good because it lacks merit, but because an editor has to eat—
earth and its creatures as God created them—away from and no one ever heard of a poetry magazine that could
the sophistries of a crowded and materialistic civilization. afford to pay an editor's salary.
To such a place went Jesus Christ in preparation for his When poetry is rejected, we check one or more of the
ministry. following reasons:
Somehow, the idea seems to have gained prevalence Subject is not essentially of the desert
that the earth and all that is on it were created for the We are oversupplied with poetry at present .
sole benefit of man—to deface, to destroy, and to kill if
it seems to serve the purposes of a particular individual or This is not poetry, it is merely rhyme
group. Anything that does not serve the immediate physi- We seldom publish blank verse
cal needs of mankind is regarded as worthless, We suggest you check the metrical composition of
All of which would not be so tragic if man was always your poem
an enlightened creature. But we humans have come such Our poetry limit is 24 lines
a few rounds up the ladder of evolution—our vision is We accept only contributed poetry ___ .
so obscure, our emotions are so undisciplined! Because They are all honest reasons except No. 2. Sometimes
the coyote kills a few chickens the state makes war on I check that one to save face for the author of a poem
the coyote, and the rodent population increases to the which I think is very bad.
point where it does tenfold more damage to the human I check No. 3 on the list only when I know the poet
food supply than did the coyote. We have so much to personally, and am sure that he or she has a good sense
learn! of humor.
The bright side of the picture is that the scientists But I like all the poets—good, bad and humorless.
today are finding answers which will enable us to discard This will be a dull drab world indeed if folks ever quit
many of the ancient myths and superstitions and preju- writing poetry.

barrel in a Utah country store, taking more enjoyable and worthwhile for
BOOKS... time out whenever he deems necessary
to drop in a joke or a personal observa-
tion or a bit of horse sense philosophy.
those who buy and use this book.
Written by Betty Woods and edited
by New Mexico Magazine editor,
(Continued from page 41)
Heroes of the story, of course, are George Fitzpatrick, the state's top
now and then—as if the coyote had uranium millionaires Charlie Steen, tourist attractions—from the village of
a choice in its way of life. The truth the prospector who proved a man isn't Anton Chico to the Zuni Salt Lake—
is that in the coyote man has a worthy a failure if he keeps faith in himself, are succinctly described in a charming
competitor, for the coyote, unlike so and Vernon Pick, the determined man style which quickly puts the reader in
many other wild creatures, has adapted who almost killed himself walking, a vacation mood, and never bores. In
himself to man. Actually he succeeds climbing, hiking and crawling after his the time it takes to warm your car
in taking food out of man's mouth Delta mine. engine you can read the pertinent back-
only when man is careless in the build- Look is writing about a land ob- ground of the town, ceremony, land-
ing of his chicken house or sheep pen viously dear to his heart. He knows mark or outdoor area you are about
or in the policing of his barn yard the Plateau's history, geography and to visit.
and watermelon patch. geology — and he knows its people, The 101 trips, each with a thumb-
The coyote's existence depends on both the old timers and the tenderfeet. nail map, and each described in the
hunting and at this he is a master, He has a word too for the penny same amount of space on two pages,
taught by Nature that death is the stock market, what to do with the include as varied a vacation fare as
price for not using brains, patience uranium once you find it, what the one would wish.
and courage to conquer all who stand future holds for uranium, and even a
in the way of his survival. layman's interpretation of Einstein's Published by New Mexico Magazine;
theory which made the U-Boom pos- spiral binding; colored photos; 202
Best of all, the book is neither an pages; $2.00.
apology nor a simpering fountain of sible in the first place.
sentimentality for the coyote. Published by Bell Press, Denver,
Colorado; illustrated; 224 pages;
The biological survey hunter, the $2.75. Books reviewed on these pages are
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appreciated their rodent - eradication
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of this earth—making a living, amus- 101 Trips in the Land of Enchant- Write for complete catalog of
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Published by Westernlore Publishers,
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The uranium boom -—• one of the
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piled into a highly entertaining book,
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Desert Best Seller List* from
1. Ghosts of the Glory Trail
Nell Murbarger $5.75 Desert Magazine Bookshop
2. Lost Mines and Buried Treasures PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA
John D. Mitchell $5.00
3. Good-Bye Death Valley
L. Burr Belden $1.25 Miss Murbarger's 328-page book, published by Desert Magazine Press, includes 24
4. Death Valley Tales pages of halftone photographs — Guide for Ghost Town hobbyists — Ghost town
Death Valley '49ers, Inc. $1.00 directory of Nevada, Eastern California and Western Utah — MAPS of some of the
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MAR 1957
Here is a selected list oi books for those who would become better
acquainted with the history, the geography, the wildlife, and especially the
courageous men and women who were the pioneers in the great Southwestern
region which we call desert.

I)!) DEATH VALLEY, The Pads, W. A. Chalfant. n:57 WE FED THEM CACTUS, by Fabiola Cabeza
Standard handbook, again ir print. Geography, de Baca. Daily living on a big New Mexican
climatology, water, geology, mining, plant and ani- ranch before the "Americano" influences were felt,
mal life. Endmaps, photos. Papsr cover S1.95 from the clays of the buffalo and Comanche to the
founding of modern towns. 186 pp ....$3.50
towns, legends, oases, history, Indians—from 1>38 WESTERN MEN AXD DESERT GOLD, Lee
the Border to Nevada, from the Mojave and Death Early and Aim Morhard. Stories, songs, and
Valley to the Grand Canyon. 357 pp., index $4.00 poems of Death Valley region. Written "from the
inside out" by two men who understand and know
1)14 LAND MARKS OP NEW MEXICO, E L the desert and mining. Paper $1.00
Hewett and M. L. Mauzy. Showing the thou-
sand and one scenic wonders oi' New Mexico, the 1)3!) GEOLOGICAL STORY OP DEATH VALLEY,
landmarks and culture surviving in Indian pueblos. Thomas Clements. Written by the head of the
More than a guide -book, lavish with fine photo- Department of Geology at the University of South-
graphs. 194 pp $4.50 ern California, in language the layman can under-
stand, of that fascinating area. Illus., paper...$1.50
rama of the Southwest, Edvin Corle. History, D40 THE MANLY MAP AND THE MANLY
legend and lore—the rich past and alluring present STORY, Ardis M. Walker. One of the epics of
of Grand Canyon. Index, 312 pp $3.75 southwestern history: that of the heroic struggle
of Win. Lewis Manly and John Rogers and their
IV1G. ON DESERT TRAILS WITH EVERETT companions through Death Valley. Reproduction
RUESS. Story of a writer-artist who disap- of their map. Paper __ $1.00
peared in the Utah wilderness in 1934. Letters,
diary notes, block prints, photographs $2.75 D41 DEATH VALLEY IN '49, William Lewis
Manly. Written in his own words, the classic:
1)27 LOAFING ALONG DEATH VALLEY TRAILS, of Death Valley crossing; the day-by-day amazing
William Caruthers. From a store of excellent account of how Manly and his party survived in-
material gained through 25 years on Death Valley numerable hardships. Photos, map $6.50
Trails, this is "a personal narrative of people and
places," of such people as Shorty Harris, Charles 1)42 THE DESERT IN PICTURES, published by
Brown and many others. Illus. 186 pp $4.25 the Palm Springs Museum. Striking photo-
graphs of the geology, geography, flora and fauna.
1)30 SHADOW OF THE ARROW, Dr. Margaret Edited by Edmund Jaeger. Paper $ .50
Long. New edition of the story of those valiant
men and women who crossed Death Valley in 1849. 1)43 PIONEER NEVADA. Splendid reprints of a
Brilliant research report. 345 pp. Illus ...$5.00 series of newspaper advertisements based on
pioneer incidents of significance in Nevada history.
D32 THE MIRAGE SALESMAN. About Harry Published by Harold's Club, 204 pp. paper $2.25
Oliver, by his daughters. .A. whimsical desert
digest of refreshing nonsense. 112 pp §3-00 1)44 THE COLORADO, Frank Waters. Rivers of
America series. The stirring story of the Colo-
D33 DEATH VALLEY, Ansel Adams. A 56-page rado, its character, background, people and its fu-
condensed pictorial edition for those who would ture. Told against a background of desert and
cover fabulous Death Valley's history and scenic mountain country. Illus., 400 pp $4.00
wonders in two hours' reading time. Excellent 1)45 THE LIVING DESERT, Walt Disney. Ex-
photographs by Adams, with history guide points citing and factual story of the teeming plant
and map by four associates. Paper $2.50 and animal life of our Western deserts. Based on
D35 PHYSIOLOGY OF MAN ON THE DESERT, the motion picture "The Living Desert." Excellem
E. F. Adolph and Associates. Report of field colored photographs, glossary. 124 pp $2.95
research into the many factors involved in man's 1)46 NEW MEXICO, Land of Enchantment. E. B
survival on the desert — heat, water, clothing, Mann and Fred E. Harvey. Story of the land
shelter. Charts, maps, photos. 357 pp. paper bound. and its people, from cave-dwellers to nuclear physi-
$3.50. Cloth. $5.00 cists. Maps and photos. 295 pp $5.00
Tribute to, and story of. Mrs. Juliet Brier, den. Story of the heroic trek of the Jayhawker
member of the memorable Jayhawker party in party through Death Valley in 1849, written in
their "shortcut" to California, including her recol- condensed but vivid detail. Illus. 64 pp. paper.
lections of Christmas Day, 1849. 78 pp $4.00 $1.25

Mailing Charge is 8c for each book

California buyers please add 3% sales tax


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Desert Magazine Pueblo in Palm Desert

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