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(a) Define the term Biodiversity.
(3 marks)

The variability among living organisms (2 marks) from all sources including inter
alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of
which they are part (1 mark); this includes diversity within species, between species
and of ecosystems (1 mark) (source: CBD, 1992) (1 mark).

(b) Explain the five (5) values of biodiversity and give an example for each value.
(10 marks)

1. Utilitarian values: food (rice), medicines (tongkat ali), structural materials (wood)
2. Intrinsic/ecological /services values: pollinators, decomposers (insects),
watershed, replenishing oxygen, tourism.
3. Aesthetical values: beauty, green colour to emotional development (plant, flower)
4. Moral values: right to live, uniqueness
5. Cultural, religious values: Elephant, Cow to Hinduism
2 mark for each value & example OR any other relevant answer.

(c) There are six (6) different groups of living things that form biodiversity. Briefly
explain each of the groups.

Six groups of living things:

1. Monera: ancient/early cell (nucleus unbounded), prokaryote - bacteria, viruses
2. Protista: eukaryote, one celled - protozoa, algae
3. Fungi : Plant-like (not mobile/attached; autotrophic), No chlorophyl, enzymes
digest food , autotrophic (make own food), no chlorophyll; enzymes digest food
(decomposing organic matter) - mushroom
4. Plantae Lower plants (reproduction : spores), Non-vascular mosses
(Bryophyta), Vascular- Ferns (Pteridopyta), autotrophic, mostly + chlorophyll
5. Animalia Heterotrophic does not make own food, consume various kinds of
food (no chlorophyll), heterotrophic
6. MAN


(a) Biodiversity can be explained from three levels- genetic, species and ecosystem.
Explain each of these biodiversity levels.
(6 marks)

(b) Using small meshed nets to harvest marine and aquatic animals is bad for
biodiversity. Demonstrate this statement from the ecological concept of


(c) Describe the six (6) issues to be addressed when formulating management plan for an
*jawapan cari sendiri


(a) Define briefly three (3) most common air pollutants in the air and source of the
Most common air pollutants in the air

Volatile organic compounds e.g. methane (CH4), benzene, tuolene, xylene
Anthropogenic sources: combustion, industrial processes
Natural sources: plants and animals

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) harmfil to the ozone layer
Anthropogenic sources: industries (aerosol propellants, cleaning solvents;
refrigerants; plastic blowing agents, etc.)

(b) Distinguish between point and non point source of water pollution. Give two (2)
examples of each source.

Point source pollution contaminants that enter a waterway through a discrete
conveyance, such as ditch or pipe (sewerage treatment plant, factory, etc.)

Non-point source pollution diffuse contamination that does not originate from a
single discrete source. It is often accumulative effect of small amounts of
contaminants gathered from a large area

(c) Discuss on the relationship on these environmental phenomenon:
(i) Green house effect
(ii) Global warming
(10 marks)
Green house

the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere keeps the temperature on Earth
suitable to live natural greenhouse effect

Human activities alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere by emitting
greenhouse gases (mostly from the use of fossil fuels)
Natural Earth dynamics + anthropogenic activities = enhanced greenhouse effect

Global warming
variation in the Earths global climate or in regional climate over time

These changes can be caused by processes internal to the Earth, external forces
(variations in sunlight density), and more recently, due to human activities

Brings negative impacts on human health, food security, environment, economic
activities, physical infrastructure, and biodiversity

Surface and atmospheric changes
Changes in snow, ice, and frozen grounds
Oceanic climate change


(a) Differentiate between in-situ and ex-situ conservation. Give one example for each of
these methods for conservation.
(6 marks)

In-situ and ex-situ conservation are techniques used for conservation of species or
ecosystem (1 mark).
In-situ means making conservation in its site of origin (1 mark).
Example is conservation of a forest/river/mountain (1 mark).
No organisms are taken out from the site (1). It normally involved conservation of
larger area (1 mark).
More reliable method for conservation (1 mark).

Ex-situ conservation involve taking out species to be conserved out of its place of
origin (1 mark) and reared elsewhere (1 mark).
Example rearing animals in zoo/wildlife sanctuary/arboretum/seed bank/gen bank (1
Normally involved smaller area (1 mark).
However need special requirements to conserve eg electricity supply, expertise etc (1

(b) Explain the present concept of conservation and elaborate how the concept is related
to sustainable development.
(9 marks)

Present concept of conservation covers three aspects : rehabilitation, protection and
sustainable use. (3 marks)

Sustainable development : using resources for development in a way that does not
jeopardize the future generation to develop their society. (3 marks)

Conservation covers three aspects to ensure continuous availability of resources
through many generations and that ensure socio-development can happen and remain
continuous (sustainable development). (3 marks)

(c) There are two locations: A and B. A is a tropical rainforest with a size of 500
hectares, and long and thin in shape. There are many animals and plants species in
this forest. B is grassland with a size of 300 hectares, and circular in shape. Between
the two sites:
i. Which is easier to manage A or B and why is it easier to manage?
ii. Which is more important to conserve A or B and why is it more
important to conserve?
(10 marks)
i. B is easier to manage since size is smaller, shape is circular edge effect less,
biodiversity smaller, less interactions. (6 marks)
ii. A is more important to conserve since species richness is higher and we must
conserve biodiversity and tropical forest ecosystem with its rich biodiversity.
(3 marks)


(a) Define disaster and give two (2) examples each for natural disaster and man-made
(7 marks)
Disaster means incidents that happen in a sudden manner, complex in nature, resulting
in the loss of lives, damages to property or the environment as well as affecting the
daily activities of local community (3 marks)
Natural disasters eg. Tsunami, earthquake, typhoon, hurricane, (any two 2 marks)
Man-made disasters : landslide, chemical, radiation explosion, transportation disaster,
coastal erosion (any two 2 marks)

(b) Explain the four (4) Rs in disaster management.

Able to tell what the four Rs readiness (preparedness), response, recovery, review (4
Able to explain either through a cycle diagram or explaining each term:
Readiness : how well a community is ready to face disaster
Response : how a community/agency proceed during disaster
Recovery : after the disaster how agency, government/ community goes back to
normal situation
Review : when community/agency/government review what had happen, how the
disasters were addressed and learn from lessons and draw up mitigation procedures to
reduce risk of disaster.
(1 each x 4 marks )

(c) In terms of physical damage, how could you minimize damage due to (i) tsunami and
(ii) landslides. Give three (3) ways to minimize disaster for each disaster.
(10 marks)

(i) Know the early warning signs and heed the warning signs, construct building
on higher land, establish physical wave breakers, establish and maintain
mangrove along shoreline (5 marks)

(ii) Know early warnings and heed signs, development on slopes must follow
guideline, no cutting of hill sides, maintain vegetation, allow for proper
drainage to ensure no water log, construct buildings away from hill slope
(5 marks)


(a) Quality of life should not be confused with the concept of standard of living. Based
on that term, what does quality of life means?
(5 marks)

- Quality of life should not be confused with the concept of standard of living, which is
based primarily on income. (2 marks)
- Instead, standard indicators of the quality of life include not only wealth and
employment, but also the built environment, physical and mental health, education,
recreation and leisure time, and social belonging. (Any 3 points = 3 marks)

(b) One aspect that repeatedly occurs when discussing environmental management is
environmental education. Give several approaches in environment education to people
especially to young children about the theme of Preparing for the Future.
(5 marks)
-The use of renewable energy sources; wind, solar and biomass in environmental
education programs play an important role in demonstrating the values (1 mark)
-The need for innovative pursuit of renewable energy that will sustain life and
productivity well into the future (1 mark).
-Recycling and Reuse approach (1 mark).
-Transportation, communication, construction and energy industries all benefit from
the improved efficiency created through responsible implementation of
environmentally friendly programs and technology (1 mark).
-Environmental education programs teach and train people about developing and using
resources efficiently in order to save money, time and materials Give example of
explanation (1 mark).

Or any relevant approach.
Basically any 5 points= 5 marks

(c) One of the prominent international environmental conventions is Kyoto Protocol.
What is the purpose of this protocol?
(7 marks)

International response on climate change (2 mark)
Commits develop countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 5%
within the 5-yr time frame (2008-2012) (2 mark)
Three mechanisms: (3 mark for each 3 point)
Emissions trading
Joint Implementation
Clean Development Mechanism

(d) Why economic planning is of importance in the nature conservation practice?
(8 marks)

- Cost is the important factor that determining the successful of conservation.
- Influenced the cost and need of environmental conservation
- R&D
- To enhance sustainable development
- Balancing economic growth and nature conservation

(4 points x 2marks)

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