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Testing Course

explaining the
ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Syllabus
1.1.1 Why is testing necessary Why do we test?
(the common answer is :) To find bugs!
...but consider also:
To reduce the impact of the failures at the clients site (live defects) and
ensure that they will not affect costs & profitability
To decrease the rate of failures (increase the products reliability)
To improve the quality of the product
To ensure requirements are implemented fully & correctly
To validate that the product is fit for its intended purpose
To verify that required standards and legal requirements are met
To maintain the company reputation
Testing provides the products measure of quality!
Can we test everything? Exhaustive testing is possible?
-No, sorry time & resources make it impractical !but, instead:
-We must understand the risk to the clients business of the software not
functioning correctly
We must manage and reduce risk, carry out a Risk Analysis of the
Prioritise tests to focus them (time & resources) on the main areas of risk
1.1.1 Why is testing necessary - Testing goals and objectives
The main goals of testing:
Find defects
Assess the level of quality of the software product and providing related
information to the stakeholders
Prevent defects
Reduce risk of operational incidents
Increase the product quality
Different viewpoints and objectives:
Unit & integration test find as many defects as possible
Acceptance testing confirm that the system works as specified and that the
quality is good enough
Testing metrics gathering provide information to the project manager about
the product quality and the risks involved
Design tests early and review requirements help prevent defects
1.1.2 Why is testing necessary - Testing Glossary
A programmer (or analyst) can make an error (mistake), which produces a defect
(fault, bug) in the programs code. If such a defect in the code is executed, the
system will fail to do what it should do (or it will do something it should not do),
causing a failure.
Error (mistake) = a human action that produces an incorrect result
Defect (bug) = a flaw that can cause the component or system to fail to perform its
required function
Failure = deviation of the component or system from its expected delivery, service
or result
Anomaly = any condition that deviates from expectations based on requirements
specifications, design documents, user documentation, standards or someones
perceptions or expectations
Defect masking = An occurrence in which one defect prevents the detection of
1.1.2 Why is testing necessary Causes of the errors
Defects are caused by human errors!
Why? Because of:
Time pressure - the more pressure we are under the more likely we are to
make mistakes
Code complexity or new technology
Too many system interactions
Requirements not clearly defined, changed & not properly documented
We make wrong assumptions about missing bits of information!
Poor communication
Poor training
1.1.2 Why is testing necessary - Causes of software defects -
Defects taxonomy
(Boris Beizer)
Requirements (incorrect, logic, completeness, verifiability, documentation, changes)
Features and functionality (correctness, missing case, domain and boundary,
messages, exception mishandled)
Structural (control flow, sequence, data processing)
Data (definition, structure, access, handling)
Implementation and Coding
Integration (internal and external interfaces)
System (architecture, performance, recovery, partitioning, environment)
Test definition and execution (test design, test execution, documentation, reporting)
(Cem Kaner (b1))
User interface (functionality, communication, missing, performance, output)
Error handling (prevention, detection, recovery)
Boundary (numeric, loops)
Calculation (wrong constants, wrong operation order, over & underflow)
Initialization (data item, string, loop control)
Control flow (stop, crash, loop, if-then-else,)
Data handling (data type, parameter list, values)
Race & Load conditions (event sequence, no resources)
Source and version control (old bug reappear)
Testing (fail to notice, fail to test, fail to report)
1.1.3 Why is testing necessary - The role of testing in the
software life cycle
Testers do cooperate with:
Analysts to review the specifications for completeness and correctness,
ensure that they are testable
Designers to improve interfaces testability and usability
Programmers to review the code and assess structural flaws
Project manager to estimate, plan, develop test cases, perform tests and
report bugs, to assess the quality and risks
Quality assurance staff to provide defect metrics
Interactions with these project roles are very complex.
RACI matrix (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed)
1.1.4 Why is testing necessary What is quality?
Quality (ISO) = The totality of the characteristics of an entity that bear on its
ability to satisfy stated or implied needs
there are many more definitions
Testing means not only to Verify (the thing is done right)
but also to Validate (the right thing is done)!
Software quality includes: reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and
RELIABILITY: The ability of the software product to perform its required
functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time, or for a
specified number of operations.
USABILITY: The capability of the software to be understood, learned, used
and attractive to the user when used under specified conditions.
EFFICIENCY: The capability of the software product to provide appropriate
performance, relative to the amount of resources used under stated conditions.
MAINTAINABILITY: The ease with which a software product can be modified
to correct defects, modified to meet new requirements, modified to make future
maintenance easier, or adapted to a changed environment.
PORTABILITY:The ease with which the software product can be transferred
from one hardware or software environment to another.
1.1.4 Why is testing necessary - Testing and quality
Testing does not inject Quality
into the product, but will measure
the level of the Quality of the
Quality can be measured for:
variance (planned versus actual)
Measuring product quality:
Functional compliance - functional software requirements testing
Non functional requirements
Test coverage criteria
Defect count or defect trend criteria
1.1.4 Why is testing necessary quality attributes
The QUINT model (extended ISO model)
1.1.5 Why is testing necessary - How much testing is enough?
when to stop testing The five basic criteria often used to decide are:
Previously defined coverage goals have been met
The defect discovery rate has dropped below a previously defined threshold
The cost of finding the "next" defect exceeds the expected loss from that defect
The project team reaches consensus that it is appropriate to release the product
The manager decides to deliver the product
All these criteria are risk based.
It is important not depending on only one stopping criterion.
Software Reliability Engineering can help also to determine when to stop testing,
by taking into consideration aspects like failure intensity.
1.2 What is testing - Definition of testing
Testing = the process concerned with planning the necessary static and dynamic
activities, preparation and evaluation of software products and related deliverables,
in order to:
determine that they satisfy specified requirements
demonstrate that they are fit for the intended use
detect defects, help and motivate the developers to fix them
measure, assess and improve the quality of the software product
Testing should be performed throughout the whole software life cycle
There are two basic types of testing: execution and non-execution based
Other definitions:
(IEEE) Testing = the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences
between existing and required conditions and to evaluate its features
(Myers (b3)) Testing = the process of executing a program with the intent of finding
(Craig & Jaskiel (b5)) Testing = a concurrent lifecycle process of engineering, using
and maintaining test-ware in order to measure and improve the quality of the
software being tested
1.2 What is testing Testing schools
Analytic School - testing is rigorous, academic and technical
Testing is a branch of CS/Mathematics
Testing techniques must have a logic-mathematical form
Key Question: Which techniques should we use?
Require precise and detailed specifications
Factory School - testing is a way to measure progress, with emphasis on cost and
repeatable standards
Testing must be managed & cost effective
Testing validates the product & measures development progress
Key Questions: How can we measure whether were making progress, When will we be done?
Require clear boundaries between testing and other activities (start/stop criteria)
Encourage standards (V-model), best practices,and certification
Quality School - emphasizes process & quality, acting as the gatekeeper
Software quality requires discipline
Testers may need to police developers to follow the rules
Key Question: Are we following a good process?
Testing is a stepping stone to process improvement
Context-Driven School - emphasizes people, setting out to find the bugs that will be
most important to stakeholders
Software is created by people. People set the context
Testing finds bugs acting as a skilled, mental activity
Key Question: What testing would be most valuable right now?
Expect changes. Adapt testing plans based on test results
Testing research requires empirical and psychological study
1.3 General testing principles
Testing shows presence of defects, but cannot prove that there are no more
defects; testing can only reduce the probability of undiscovered defects
Complete, exhaustive testing is impossible; good strategy and risk management
must be used
Pareto rule (defect clustering): usually 20% of the modules contain 80% of the
Early testing: testing activities should start as soon as possible (including here
planning, design, reviews)
Pesticide paradox: if the same set of tests are repeated over again, no new bugs
will be found; the test cases should be reviewed, modified and new test cases
Context dependence: test design and execution is context dependent (desktop,
web applications, real-time, )
Verification and Validation: discovering defects cannot help a product that is not fit
to the users needs
1.3 General testing principles heuristics of software testing
Operability - The better it works, the more efficiently it can be tested
Observability - What we see is what we test
Controllability - The better we control the software, the more the testing process
can be automated and optimized
Decomposability - By controlling the scope of testing, we can quickly isolate
problems and perform effective and efficient testing
Simplicity - The less there is to test, the more quickly we can test it
Stability - The fewer the changes, the fewer are the disruptions to testing
Understandability - The more information we will have, the smarter we will test
Suitability - The more we know about the intended use of the software, the
better we can organize our testing to find important bugs
1.4.1 Fundamental test process phases
-Test Planning & Test control
-Test Analysis & Design
-Test Implementation &
-Evaluating exit criteria &
-Test Closure activities
1.4.1 Fundamental test process planning & control
1. Determine scope
Study project documents, used software life-cycle specifications, product desired
quality attributes
Clarify test process expectations
2. Determine risks
Choose quality risk analysis method (e.g. FMEA)
Document the list of risks, probability, impact, priority, identify mitigation actions
3. Estimate testing effort, determine costs, develop schedule
Define necessary roles
Decompose test project into phases and tasks (WBS)
Schedule tasks, assign resources, set-up dependencies
4. Refine plan
Select test strategy (how to do it, what test types at which test levels)
Select metrics to be used for defect tracking, coverage, monitoring
Define entry and exit criteria
Measure and analyze results
Monitor testing progress, coverage, exit criteria
Assign or reallocate resources, update the test plan schedule
Initiate corrective actions
Make decisions
1.4.2 Fundamental test process analysis & design
Reviewing the test basis (such as requirements, architecture, design,
Identifying test conditions or test requirements and required test data
based on analysis of test items and the specification.
Designing the tests:
Choose test techniques
Identify test scenarios, pre-conditions, expected results, post-
Identify possible test Oracles
Evaluating testability of the requirements and system.
Designing the test environment set-up and identifying any required
infrastructure and tools.
(see Lee Copeland (b2))
1.4.2 Fundamental test process what is a test Oracle?
The expected result (test outcome) must be defined at the test analysis stage
Who will decide that (expected result = actual result), when the test will be
executed? The Test Oracle!
Test Oracle = A source to determine expected result, a principle or mechanism to
recognize a problem. The Test Oracle can be:
an existing system (the old version)
a document (specification, user manual)
a competent client representative
but never the source code itself !
Oracles in use = Simplification of Risk : do not assess pass - fail, but instead
problem - no problem
Problem: Oracles and Automation - Our ability to automate testing is
fundamentally constrained by our ability to create and use oracles;
Possible issues:
false alarms
missed bugs
1.4.3 Fundamental test process implementation & execution
Test implementation:
Develop and prioritize test cases, create test data, test harnesses and automation scripts
Create test suites from the test cases
Check test environment
Test execution:
Execute (manually or automatically) the test cases (suites)
Use Test Oracles to determine if test passed or failed
Login the outcome of tests execution
Report incidents (bugs) and try to discover if they are caused by the test data, test
procedure or they are defect failures
Expand test activities as necessary, according to the testing mission
(see Rex Black (b4))
1.4.3 Fundamental test process prioritizing the Test Cases
Why prioritize the Test Cases?
It is not possible to test everything, we must do our best in the time available
Testing must be Risk based, assuring that the errors, that will get through to the
clients production system, will have the smallest possible impact and frequency
of occurrence
This means we must prioritise and focus testing on the priorities
What to watch?
Severity of possible defects
Probability of possible defects
Visibility of possible defects
Client Requirement importance
Business or technical criticality of a feature
Frequency of changes applied to a module
Scenarios complexity
1.4.4 Fundamental test process evaluating exit criteria and
Evaluate exit criteria:
Check test logs against exit criteria specified in test mission definition
Assess if more tests are needed
Check if testing mission should be changed
Test reporting:
Write the test summary report for the stakeholders use
The test summary report should include:
Test Cases execution coverage (% executed )
Test Cases Pass / Fail %
Active bugs, sorted according to their severity
(see Rex Black (b4) & RUP- Test discipline(s5))
1.4.5 Fundamental test process test closure
Verify if test deliverables have been delivered
Check and close the remaining active bug reports
Archiving the test-ware and environment
Handover of the test environment
Analyze the identified test process problems (lessons learned)
Implement action plan based improvements
(see Rex Black (b4))
1.5 The psychology of testing
Testing is regarded as a destructive activity
(we run tests to make the software fail)
A good tester:
Should always have a critical approach
Must keep attention to detail
Must have analytical skills
Should have good verbal and written
communication skills
Must analyse incomplete facts
Must work with incomplete facts
Must learn quickly about the product being
Should be able to quickly prioritise
Should be a planned, organised kind of
Also, he must have a good knowledge about:
The customers business workflows
The product architecture and interfaces
The software project process
Testing techniques and practices
Rex Blacks
Top 10 professional errors
Fall in Love with a Tool
Write Bad Bug Reports
Fail to Define the Mission
Ignore a Key Stakeholder
Deliver Bad News Badly
Take Sole Responsibility for Quality
Be an Un-appointed Process Cop
Fail to Fire Someone who Needs Firing
Forget Youre Providing a Service
Ignore Bad Expectations
(see also Brian Maricks article)
1.5 The psychology of testing
The best tester isnt the one who finds the most bugs, the best tester is the one who
gets the most bugs fixed (CemKaner)
Selling bugs (see Cem Kaner (c1)
Motivate the programmer
Demonstrate the bug effects
Overcome objections
Increase the defect description coverage (indicate detailed preconditions, behavior)
Analyze the failure
Produce a clear, short, unambiguous bug report
Advocate error costs
Levels of Independence of the Testing Team:
Low Developers write and execute their own tests
Medium Tests are written and executed by another developer
High Tests written and executed by an independent testing team (internal or external)
Testers Agile Manifesto (J onathan Kohl)
bug advocacy over bug counts
testable software over exhaustive (requirements) docs
measuring product success over measuring process success
team collaboration over departmental independence
2.1.1 The V testing model
2.1.1 The V testing model Verification & Validation
Verification = Confirmation by
examination and through the
provision of objective evidence that
specified requirements have been
Validation = Confirmation by
examination and through provision of
objective evidence that the
requirements for a specific intended
use or application have been fulfilled.
Verification is the dominant activity in
the Unit, Integration, System testing
levels, Validation is a mandatory
activity in the Acceptance testing level
2.1.1 The W testing model dynamic testing
2.1.1 The W testing model static testing
2.1.2 Software development models - Waterfall
2.1.2 Software development models - Waterfall
Waterfall weaknesses
Linear: any attempt to go back two or more phases to correct a problem or
deficiency results in major increases in cost and schedule
Integration problems usually surface too late. Previously undetected errors or
design deficiencies will emerge, adding risk with little time to recover
Users can't see quality until the end. They can't appreciate quality if the
finished product can't be seen
Deliverables are created for each phase and are considered frozen. If the
deliverable of a phase changes, which often happens, the project will suffer
schedule problems
The entire software product is being worked on at one time. There is no way to
partition the system for delivery of pieces of the system
2.1.2 Software development models - Rapid Prototype Model
2.1.2 Software development models - Rapid Prototype Model
Rapid Prototype Model weaknesses
In the rush to create a working prototype, overall software quality or
long-term maintainability may be overlooked
Tendency for difficult problems to be pushed to the future, causing the
initial promise of the prototype to not be met by subsequent products
Developers may fall into a code-and-fix cycle, leading to expensive,
unplanned prototype iterations
Customers become frustrated without the knowledge of the exact
number of iterations that will be necessary
Users may have a tendency to add to the list of items to be prototyped
until the scope of the project far exceeds the feasibility study
2.1.2 Software development models - Incremental Model
2.1.2 Software development models - Incremental Model
Incremental Model weaknesses
Definition of a complete, fully functional system must be done early in
the life cycle to allow for the definition of the increments
The model does not allow for iterations within each increment
Because some modules will be completed long before others, well-
defined interfaces are required
Requires good planning and design: Management must take care to
distribute the work; the technical staff must watch dependencies
2.1.2 Software development models - Spiral Model
2.1.2 Software development models - Spiral Model
Spiral Model weaknesses
The model is complex, and developers, managers, and customers may find it
too complicated to use
Considerable risk assessment expertise is required
Hard to define objective, verifiable milestones that indicate readiness to
proceed through the next iteration
May be expensive - time spent planning, resetting objectives, doing risk
analysis, and prototyping may be excessive
2.1.2 Software development models - Rational Unified Process
2.1.3 Software development models Testing life cycle
For each software activity, there must be a corresponding testing activity
The objectives of the testing are specific to that testedactivity
Plan, analysis and design of a testing activity should be done during the
corresponding development activity
Review and inspection must be considered as part of testing activities
2.2.1 Test levels Component testing
Target: single software modules, components that are separately testable
Access to the code being tested is mandatory, usually involves the programmer
May consist of:
o Functional tests
o Non-functional tests (stress test)
o Structural tests (statement coverage, branch coverage)
Test cases follow the low level specification of the module
Can be automated (test driven software development):
o Develop first test code
o Then, write the code to be tested
o Execute until pass
Also named Unit testing
Good programming style (Design-by-contract, respecting Demeters law)
enhance the efficiency of Unit testing
2.2.2 Test levels Integration testing
Target: the interfaces between components and interfaces with other parts of
the system
We focus on the data exchanged, not on the tested functionalities.
Product software architecture understanding is critical
May consist of:
o Functional tests
o Non-functional tests (ex: performance test)
o Component integration testing (after component testing)
o System integration testing (after system testing)
Test strategy may be bottom-up, top-down or big-bang
2.2.2 Test levels Component Integration testing
Component integration testing (done after Component testing) :
Linking a few components to check that they communicate correctly
Iteratively linking more components together
Verify that data is exchanged between the components as required
Increase the number of components, create & test subsystems and finally the
complete system
Drivers and Stubs should be used when necessary:
driver: A software component or test tool that replaces a component that takes
care of the control and/or the calling of a component or system.
stub: A skeletal or special-purpose implementation of a software component, used
to develop or test a component that calls or is otherwise dependent on it. It replaces
a called component.
2.2.2 Test levels System Integration testing
System integration testing (done after System or Acceptance testing) :
Testing the integration of systems and packages; testing interfaces to external
We check the data exchanged between our system and other external systems.
Additional difficulties:
Multiple Platforms
Communications between platforms
Management of the environments
Approaches to access the external systems:
Testing in a test environment
Testing in a clone of a production environment
Testing in a real production environment
2.2.3 Test levels System testing
System testing = The process of testing an integrated system to verify that it meets
specified requirements
Target: the whole product (system) as defined in the scope document
Environment issues are critical
May consist of:
o Functional tests, based on the requirement specifications
o Non-functional tests (ex: load tests)
o Structural tests (ex: web page links, or menu item coverage)
Black box testing techniques may be used (ex: business rule decision table)
Test strategy may be risk based
Test coverage is monitored
2.2.4 Test levels Acceptance testing
Acceptance Testing = Formal testing with respect to user needs, requirements,
and business processes conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies
the acceptance criteria and to enable the user, customers or other authorized entity
to determine whether or not to accept the system
The main goals:
establish confidence in the system
is the product good enough to be delivered to the client?
The main focus is not to find defects, but to assess the readiness for deployment
It is not necessary the final testing level; a final system integration testing session
can be executed after the acceptance tests
May be executed also after component testing (component usability acceptance)
Usually involves client representatives
Typical forms:
User acceptance: business aware users verify the main features
Operational acceptance testing: backup-restore, security, maintenance
Alpha and Beta testing: performed by customers or potential users
Alpha : at the developers site
Beta : at the customers site
2.3.1 Test types Functional testing
Target: Test the functionalities (features) of a product
Specification based:
uses Test Cases, derived from the specifications (Use Cases)
business process based, using business scenarios
Focused on checking the system against the specifications
Can be performed at all test levels
Considers the external behavior of the system
Black box design techniques will be used
Security testing is part of functional testing, related to the detection of threats
2.3.2 Test types Non-Functional testing
Non functional testing = testing the attributes of a component or system that do
not relate to functionality, e.g. reliability, efficiency, usability, maintainability and
Targeted to test the product quality attributes:
Performance testing
Load testing (how much load can be handled by the system?)
Stress testing (evaluate system behavior at limits and out of limits)
Usability testing
Reliability testing
Portability testing
Maintainability testing
2.3.2 Test types Non-Functional testing - Usability
Usability testing = used to determine the extent to
which the software product is understood, easy to
learn, easy to operate and attractive to the users
under specified conditions
People selected from the potential users may
be involved to study how they use the system
A quick and focused beta-test may be a
cheap way of doing Usability testing
There is no simple way to examine how
people will use the system
Easy to understood is not the same as easy to
learn or as easy to use or as easy to operate
2.3.2 Test types Non-Functional testing - Instalability
Instalability testing = The process of testing the installability of a software
Does the installation work?
How easy is to install the system?
Does installation affect other software?
Does the environment affect the product?
Does it uninstall correctly?
2.3.2 Test types Non-Functional testing Load, Stress,
Performance, Volume testing
Load Test = A test type concerned with measuring the behavior of a component
or system with increasing load, e.g. number of parallel users and/or numbers of
transactions to determine what load can be handled by the component or system
Stress Test = Testing conducted to evaluate a system or component at or
beyond the limits of its specified requirements.
Performance Test = The process of testing to determine the performance of a
software product. Performance can be measured watching:
Response time
Resources utilization
Spike Test = Keeping the system, periodically, for short amounts of time,
beyond its specified limits
Endurance Test = a Load Test performed for a long time interval (week(s))
Volume Test = Testing where the system is subjected to large volumes of data
2.3.3 Test types Structural testing
Targeted to test:
o internal structure (component)
o architecture (system)
Uses only white box design techniques
Can be performed at all test levels
Used also to help measure the coverage (% of items being covered by tests)
Tool support is critical
2.3.4 Test types Confirmation & regression testing
Confirmation testing = Re-testing of a module or product, to confirm that the
previously detected defect was fixed
Implies the use of a bug tracking tool
Confirmation testing is not the same as the debugging(debugging is a
development activity, not a testing activity)
Regression testing = Re-testing of a previously tested program following
modification to ensure that defects have not been introduced or uncovered as a
result of the changes made. It is performed when the software or its environment
is changed
Can be performed at all test levels
Can be automated (because of cost and schedule reasons)
2.4 Maintenance testing
Maintenance testing = Testing the changes to an operational system or the
impact of a changed environment to an operational system
Done on an existing operational system, triggered by modification, retirement or
migration of the software
Release based changes
Corrective changes
Database upgrades
Regression testing is also involved
Impact analysis = determining how the existing system may be affected by
changes (used to help decide how much regression testing to do)
3.1 Reviews and the testing process
Static Testing = testing of a component or system at specification or
implementation level without execution of that software, e.g. reviews (manual) or
static code analysis (automated)
Why review?
To identify errors as soon as possible in the development lifecycle
Reviews offer the chance to find omissions and errors in the software
The target of a review is a software deliverable:
Use case
Test case
3.1 Reviews and the testing process
When to review?
As soon as an software artifact is produced, before it is used as the basis for the
next step in development
Benefits include:
Early defect detection
Reduced testing costs and time
Can find omissions
If misused they can lead to project team members frictions
The errors & omissions found should be regarded as a positive issue
The author should not take the errors & omissions personally
No follow up to is made to ensure correction has been made
Witch-hunts used when things are going wrong
3.2.1 Phases of a formal review
Formal review phases:
Planning: define scope, select participants, allocate roles, define entry &
exit criteria
Kick-off: distribute documents, explain objectives, process, check entry
Individual preparation: each of participants studies the documents, takes
notes, issues questions and comments
Review meeting: meeting participants discuss and log defects, make
Rework: fixing defects (by the author)
Follow-up: verify again, gather metrics, check exit criteria
3.2.2 Roles in a formal review
The formal reviews can use the following predefined roles:
Manager: schedules the review, monitor entry and exit criteria
Moderator: distributes the documents, leads the discussion, mediates
various conflicting opinions
Author: owner of the deliverable to be reviewed
Reviewer: technical domain experts, identify and note findings
Scribe: records and documents the discussions during the meeting
3.2.3 Types of review
Informal review
A peer or team lead reviews a software
Without applying a formal process
Documentation of the review is optional
Quick way of finding omissions and defects
Amplitude and depth of the review depends
on the reviewer
Main purpose: inexpensive way to get
some benefit
The author of the deliverable leads the
review activity, others participate
Preparation of the reviewers is optional
Scenario based
The sessions are open-ended
Can be informal but also formal
Main purposes: learning, gaining
understanding, defect finding
Technical Review
Formal Defect detection process
Main meeting is prepared
Team includes peers and technical domain
May vary in practice from quite informal to very
Led by a moderator, which is not the author
Checklists may be used, reports can be prepared
Main purposes: discuss, make decisions,
evaluate alternatives, find defects, solve technical
problems and check conformance to
specifications and standards.
Formal process, based on checklists, entry and
exit criteria
Dedicated, precise roles
Led by the moderator
Metrics may be used in the assessment
Reports, list-of-findings are mandatory
Follow-up process
Main purpose: find defects
3.2.4 Success factors for reviews
Clear objective is set
Appropriate experts are involved
Identify issues, not fix them on-the-spot
Adequate psychological handling (author is not punished for the found
Level of formalism is adapted to the concrete situation
Minimal preparation and training
Management encourages learning, process improvement
Time-boxing is used to determine time allocated to each part of the
document to be reviewed
Use of effective checklists
3.3 Static analysis by tools
Performed without executing the examined software, but assisted by tools
The approach may be data flow or control flow based
early defects detection
early warnings about unwanted code complexity
detects missing links
improved maintainability of code and design
Typical defects discovered:
reference to an un-initialized variable
never used variables
unreachable code
programming standards violations
security vulnerabilities
4. Test design techniques - glossary
Test condition = item, event, attribute of a module or system that
could be verified (ex: feature, structure element, transaction, quality
Test data = data that affects or is affected by the execution of the
specific module
Test case [IEEE] = a set of input values, execution preconditions,
expected results and execution post-conditions, developed for a particular
objective or test condition, such as to exercise a particular program path or
to verify compliance with a specific requirement
Test case specification [IEEE] = a document specifying a set of test
cases for a test condition
Test procedure (suite) specification = a document specifying a
sequence of actions for the execution of a series of test cases
4.1 Test design test development process
2. Develop test cases
Use cases are used as input
Test cases will cover all possible paths of
the execution graph flow
Test data should be specified if necessary
Priorities of Test cases should be assigned
Traceability matrix (Use cases x Test cases)
should be maintained
3. Develop test procedures
Group test cases into execution schedules
Factors to be considered:
a. Prioritization
b. Logical dependencies
c. Regression tests
Traceability from test condition to the
specifications (requirements) is a must
Risk analysis is a best practice
1. Identify test conditions:
Field level
Group level
Capability related:
Trigger conditions
Constraints or limits
Interfaces to other products
Validation of inputs at the following
levels of aggregation:
Field / action / message
Record / row / window
File / table / screen
Product states
Behavior rules
Architectural design related:
Invocation paths
Communication paths
Internal data conditions
Design states
4.2 Test design categories of test design techniques
Black box: no internal structure knowledge will be used
White box: based on the analysis of the internal structure
Static: without running, exercised on specific project artifacts
Each black box or white box test technique has:
A method (how to do it)
A test case design approach (how to create test cases using the approach)
A measurement technique coverage % (except the black box Syntax testing)
Other taxonomy:
Specification based: test cases are built from the specifications of the module
Structure based: information about the module is constructed (design, code) is
used to derive the test cases
Experience based: testers knowledge about the specific domain, about the
likely defects, is used
4.3.1 Black box techniques equivalence partitioning
To minimize testing, partition input (output) values into groups of equivalent
values (equivalent from the test outcome perspective)
Select a value from each equivalence class as a representative value
If an input is a continuous range of values, then there is typically one class of valid
values and two classes of invalid values, one below the valid class and one
above it.
Example: Rule for hiring a person is second its age:
0 15 = do not hire
16 17 = part time
18 54 = full time
55 -- 99 = do not hire
Which are the valid equivalence classes? And the invalid ones?
Give examples of representative values!
(other examples)
(see Lee Copeland b2 chap.3, Cem Kaner c1, Paul Jorgensen b7 chap.2.2,6.3)
4.3.1 Black box techniques all-pairs testing
In practice, there are situations when a great number of combinations must be
tested. For example: A Web site must operate correctly with different browsers
Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0, Netscape 6.0, 6.1, and 7.0, Mozilla 1.1, and
Opera 7; using different plug-insRealPlayer, MediaPlayer, or none; running on
different client operating systemsWindows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP;
receiving pages from different serversIIS, Apache, and WebLogic; running on
different server operating systemsWindows NT, 2000, and Linux.
Test environment combinations:
8 browsers
3 plug-ins
6 client operating systems
3 servers
3 server OS
1,296 combinations !
All-pairs testing is the solution : tests a significant subset of variables pairs.
4.3.2 Black box techniques boundary value analysis
Boundaries = edges of the equivalence classes.
Boundary values = values at the edge and nearest to the edge
The steps for using boundary values:
First, identify the equivalence classes.
Second, identify the boundaries of each equivalence class.
Third, create test cases for each boundary value by choosing one point on the
boundary, one point just below the boundary, and one point just above the
boundary. "Below" and "above" are relative terms and depend on the data
value's units
For the previous example:
boundary values are {-1,0,1}, {14,15,16},{15,16,17},{16,17,18}{17,18,19},
{54,55,56},{98, 99, 100}
Or, omitting duplicate values:
(other examples)
(see Lee Copeland b2 chap.4, Paul Jorgensen b7 chap5)
4.3.3 Black box techniques decision tables
Conditions represent various input conditions
Actions are the actions taken depending on the various combinations of input
Each of the rules defines a unique combination of conditions that result in the
execution of the actions associated with that rule
Actions do not depend on the condition evaluation order, but only on their
Actions do not depend on any previous input conditions or systemstate.
(see Lee Copeland b2 chap 5, Paul Jorgensen b7 chap 7)
4.3.3 Black box techniques decision tables - example
a, b, c are they the edges of a triangle?
(however, some additional test cases are needed)
4.3.4 Black box techniques state transition tables
Allow the tester to interpret the system in term of:
Transition between states
Events that trigger transitions
Actions resulting from the transitions
Transition table used:
(see Lee Copeland b2, chap 7)
4.3.4 Black box techniques state transition tables - example
Ticket buy - web application
Exercise: Fill-in the transition table!
4.3.5 Black box techniques requirements based testing
Best practices:
Validate requirements (what) against objectives (why)
Apply use cases against requirements
Perform ambiguity reviews
Involve domain experts in requirements reviews
Create cause-effect diagrams
Check logical consistency of test scenarios
Validate test scenarios with domain experts and users
Walk through scenarios comparing with design documents
Walk through scenarios comparing with code
4.3.5 Black box techniques scenario testing
Good scenario attributes:
Is based on a real story
Is motivating for the tester
Is credible
Involves an enough complex use of environment and data
Is easy to evaluate ( no need for external oracle)
How to create good test scenarios:
Write down real-life stories
List possible users, analyze their interests and objectives
Consider also inexperienced or ostile users
List system benefits and create paths to access those features
Watch users using old versions of the system or an analog system
Study complaints about other analog systems
4.3.5 Black box techniques use case testing
Generating the Test Cases from the Use Cases
Most common test case mistakes:
1. Making cases too long
2. Incomplete, incorrect, or incoherent setup
3. Leaving out a step
4. Naming fields that changed or no longer exist
5. Unclear whether tester or system does action
6. Unclear what is a pass or fail result
7. Failure to clean up
1. Identify the use-case
2. For each scenario, identify one
or more test cases.
3. For each test case, identify the
conditions that will cause it to
4. Complete the test case by
adding data values.
(see example)
4.3.5 Black box techniques Syntax testing
Syntax testing = uses a model of the formally-defined syntax of the inputs to a
The syntax is represented as a number of rules each of which defines the
possible means of production of a symbol in terms of sequences of, iterations
of, or selections between other symbols.
Here is a representation of the syntax for the floating point number, float in
Backus Naur Form (BNF) :
float = int "e" int.
int = ["+"|"-"] nat.
nat = {dig}.
dig = "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9".
Syntax testing is the only black box technique without a coverage metric
4.4 White box techniques Control flow
Modules of code are converted to graphs, the paths through the graphs are analyzed, and
test cases are created from that analysis. There are different levels of coverage.
Process Blocks
A process block is a sequence
of program statements that
execute sequentially.
No entry into the block is
permitted except at the
beginning. No exit from the
block is permitted except at
the end. Once the block is
initiated, every statement
within it will be executed
Decision Point
A decision point is a point in the
module at which the control
flow can change. Most decision
points are binary and are
implemented by if-then-else
statements. Multi-way decision
points are implemented by
case statements. They are
represented by a bubble with
one entry and multiple exits.
Junction Point
A junction point is a point at
which control flows join
(see Lee Copeland b2, chap.10)
4.4.1 White box techniques statement coverage
Statement coverage = Executed statements / Total executable statements
if (b) {
In case b is TRUE, executing the code will result in 100% statement coverage
4.4.1 White box techniques statement coverage - exercise
Given the code:
if (x) {
if (y) {
else {
else {
x T T F F
y T F T F
a a a a
b b
e e
How many test cases are needed to get 100% statement coverage?
4.4.2 White box techniques branch & decision coverage - glossary
Branch = a conditional transfer of control from a statement to any other statement
= an unconditional transfer of control from a statement to any other
statement except the next statement;
Branch coverage = executed branches / total branches
Decision coverage = executed decisions outcomes / total decisions
For components with one entry point 100% Branch Coverage is equivalent to
100% Decision Coverage
4.4.2 White box techniques branch & decision coverage - example
Decisions = B2, B3, B5 each with 2 outcomes = 3 * 2 = 6
Branches = (how many arrows?) = 10
Q1. What are the decision and branch coverage for (B1 B2
B9) ?
Q2. But for (B1->B2->B3->B4->B8->B2->B3->B5->B6->B8->B2-
>B3->B5->B7) ?
Answers: 1. 1/6, 2/10 2. 5/6, 9/10
4.4.2 White box techniques LCSAJ coverage
LCSAJ = Linear Code Sequence and J ump
Defined by a triple, conventionally identified by line numbers in a source
code listing:
the start of the linear code sequence
the end of the linear code sequence
the target line to which control flow is transferred
LCSAJ coverage = executed LCSAJ sequences / total nr. of LCSAJ seq.
4.4.3 White box techniques data flow coverage
J ust as one would not feel confident about a program without executing every
statement in it as part of some test, one should not feel confident about a program
without having seen the effect of using the value produced by each and every
Data flow coverages:
All defs = Number of exercised definition-use pairs / Number of variable definitions
All c(omputation)-uses = Number of exercised definition- c-use pairs / Number of
definition- c-use pairs
All p(redicate)-uses = Number of exercised definition- p-use pairs / Number of
definition- p-use pairs
All uses = Number of exercised definition- use pairs / Number of definition- use pairs
Branch condition = Boolean operand values executed / Total Boolean operand
Branch condition combination = Boolean operand values combinations executed /
Total Boolean operand values combinations
(see Lee Copeland b2, chap.11)
4.5 Exploratory testing
Exploratory testing =Concurrent test design, test execution, test logging
and learning, based on a quick test charter containing objectives, and executed
within delimited time-intervals
Uses structured approach to error guessing, based on experience,
available defect data, domain expertise
On-the-fly design of tests that attack these potential errors
Skill, intuition and previous experience is vital
Test strategy is built around:
The project environment
Quality criteria defined for the project
Elements of the product
Risk factors
4.6 Choosing test techniques
Factors used to choose:
Product or system type
Products requirements
Available documentation
Determined risks
Schedule constraints
Cost constraints
Used software development life cycle model
Testers skills and (domain) experience
(additional materials: Unit Test design, exercises)
5.1.1 Test organization & independence
Options : independent team or not?
Testers are not influenced by the other project members
Can act as the customers voice
More objectivity in evaluating the product quality issues
Risk of isolation from the development team
Communication issues
Developers can loose the quality ownership attribute
5.1.2 Tasks of the test leader
Plan, estimates test effort, collaborates with project manager
Elaborates the test strategy
Initiate test specification, implementation, execution
Set-up configuration management of test environment & deliverables
Monitors and controls the execution of tests
Chooses suitable test metrics
Decides if and to what degree to automate the tests
Select tools
Schedule tests
Prepare summary test reports
Evaluate test measurements
5.1.2 Tasks of the tester
Test Designer
Define test approach (procedure)
Structure test implementation
Elaborates test case lists and
writes main test cases
Assesses testability
Define testing environment details
Define test approach (procedure)
Write test cases
Review test cases (peer review)
Implement and execute tests
Record defects, prepare defect reports
Test Analyst
Identify test objectives (targets)
Review product requirements and
software specifications
Review test plans and test cases
Verifies requirements to test cases
Define test scenario details
Compares test results with test
Assesses test risks
Gather test measures
5.2.1-5.2.2-5.2.3 Test planning
Test plan = A document describing the scope, approach, resources and schedule of intended
test activities
It identifies amongst others test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who
will do each task, degree of tester independence, the test environment, the test design
techniques and test measurement techniques to be used, and the rationale for their
choice, and any risks requiring contingency planning.
It is a record of the test planning process
IEEE 829: Test plan contents:
Test deliverables
Testing tasks
Staffing and training needs
Risks and contingencies
Test plan identifier
Test items
Features to be tested
Features not to be tested
Item pass / fail criteria
Suspension criteria & resumption
5.2.1-5.2.2-5.2.3 Test planning
Determine scope
o Study project documents, used
software life-cycle specifications, product
desired quality attributes
o Identify and communicate with other
o Clarify test process expectations

Determine risks
o Choose quality risk analysis method
(e.g. FMEA)
o Document the list of risks,
probability, impact, priority, identify
mitigation actions

Estimate testing effort, determine costs,

develop schedule
o Define necessary roles
o Decompose test project into phases
and tasks (WBS)
o Schedule tasks, assign resources,
set-up dependencies
o Develop a budget
o Obtain commitment for the plan
from the stakeholders

Refine plan
o Define roles detailed
o Select test strategy, test levels:
Test strategy issues (alternatives):
Preventive approach
Reactive approach
Model (standard) based
Choosing testing techniques (white
and/or black box)
o Select metrics to be used for defect
tracking, coverage, monitoring
o Define entry and exit criteria
Exit criteria:
Coverage measures
Defect density or trend measures
Residual risk estimation
Time or market based
5.2.4 Test estimation
Two approaches:
based on metrics (historical data)
made by domain experts
Testing effort depends on:
product characteristics (complexity, specification)
development process (team skills, tools, time factors)
defects discovered and rework involved
failure risk of the product (likelihood, impact)
Time for confirmation testing and regression testing must be
considered too
5.2.5 Test strategies
Test approach (test strategy) = The chosen approaches and decisions made that follow from the
test project's and test team's goal or mission.
The mission is typically effective and efficient testing, and the strategies are the general policies,
rules, and principles that support this mission. Test tactics are the specific policies, techniques,
processes, and the way testing is done.
One way to classify test approaches or strategies is based on the point in time at which the bulk of
the test design work is begun:
Preventative approaches, where tests are designed as early as possible.
Reactive approaches, where test design comes after the software or system has been produced.
Or, another taxonomy:
Analytical - such as risk-based
Model-based - such as stochastic
Methodical - such as failure-
based, experience-based
Process- or standard-compliant
Dynamic and heuristic - such as
exploratory testing
5.3 Test progress monitoring, reporting & control
Control: identify and implement
corrective actions for:
Testing process
Other software life-cycle activities
Possible corrective actions:
Assign extra resource
Re-allocate resource
Adjust the test schedule
Arrange for extra test
Refine the completion criteria
Monitoring - Test metrics used:
Test cases (% passed/ % failed)
Defects (found, fixed/found, density,
Test Coverage (% executed Test cases)
Defects remaining
Coverage metrics
Identified risks
5.4 Configuration management
IEEE definition of Configuration Management:
A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to:
identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a
configuration item,
control changes to those characteristics,
record and report change processing and implementation status, and
verify compliance with specified requirements
Configuration Management:
identifies the current configuration (hardware, software) in the life cycle of
the system, together with any changes that are in course of being
provides traceability of changes through the lifecycle of the system.
permits the reconstruction of a system whenever necessary
Only persistent objects must be subject to Configuration Management,
therefore, the data processed by a system cannot be placed under
Configuration Management.
Related to Version Control and Change Control
5.4 Configuration management
Configuration Management activities:
Configuration identification = selecting the configuration items for a system
and recording their functional and physical characteristics in technical
Configuration control = evaluation, co-ordination, approval or disapproval, and
implementation of changes to configuration items after formal establishment of
their configuration identification
Status accounting = recording and reporting of information needed to manage
a configuration effectively, including:
a listing of the approved configuration identification,
the status of proposed changes to the configuration, and
the implementation status of the approved changes
Configuration auditing = The function to check that the software product
matches the configuration items identified previously
5.4 Configuration management
In Testing, Configuration Management must:
Identify all test-ware items
Establish and maintain the integrity of the testing deliverables
(test plans, test cases, documentation) through the project life
Set and maintain the version of these items
Track the changes of these items
Relate test-ware items to other software development items in
order to maintain traceability
Reference clearly all necessary documents in the test plans
and test cases
5.5 Risk & Testing
Risk = a factor that could result in future negative consequences,
expressed as likelihood and impact
Project risks (supplier related, organizational, technical)
Product risks (defects delivered, poor quality attributes (reliability,
usability, performance)
The risks identified can be used to:
Define the test strategy and techniques to be used
Define the extent and depth of testing
Prioritize test cases and procedures (find important defects early)
Determine if review or training activities could help
5.6 Incident management
Incident = any significant, unplanned event that occurs during testing that
requires subsequent investigation and / or correction
The system does not function as expected
Actual results differ from expected results
Required features are missing
Incident reports can be raised against:
documents placed under review process
products defects related to functional & non-functional requirements
documentation anomalies (manuals, on-line help)
test-ware defects (errors in test cases or test procedures)
The incident reports raised against products defects are named also bug
5.6 Incident management
Recommended Bug report format
Defect ID
Component name and Build version
Reported by and Date
Error type
Summary and detailed description
Attached documents
Bug statuses
Issued just been reported
Opened programmer is working to solve-it
Fixed programmer thinks thats repaired
Not solved tester retested but the bug is
not solved
Deferred programmer or PM decided to
postpone the decision
Not-a-bug programmer or tester
discovered that it is not a defect
Closed bug is solved and verified
6.1.1 Test tool classification
Management of testing:
Test management
Requirements management
Bug tracking
Configuration management
Static testing:
Review support
Static analysis
Test specification:
Test design
Test data preparation
Test execution:
Record and play
Unit test framework
Result comparators
Coverage measurement
Performance and monitoring:
Dynamic analysis
Load and stress testing
Specific application areas (TTCN-3)
Other tools
6.1.2 Tool support - Management of testing
Test management:
Manage testing activities
Manage test-ware traceability
Test result reporting
Test metrics tools
Requirements management:
Bug tracking
Configuration management
Individual support:
Version and change control
Project related
Department or company related
6.1.3 Tool support - Static testing
Review support:
Process support
Communications support
Team support
Static analysis:
Coding standards
WEB site structure
SQL database management
6.1.4 Tool support Test specification
Test design:
From requirements
From design models
Test stubs and driver generators
Test data preparation
6.1.5 Tool support Test execution and logging
Record and play
Unit test framework
Test harness frameworks
Result comparators
Coverage measurement
Security testing support
6.1.6 Tool support Performance and monitoring
Dynamic analysis:
Time dependencies
Memory leaks
Load testing
Stress testing
Watch for possible mistakes!
6.2.1 Tool support benefits
Repetitive work is reduced (e.g. running regression tests, re-entering the
same test data, and checking against coding standards).
Greater consistency and repeatability (e.g. tests executed by a tool, and
tests derived from requirements).
Objective assessment (e.g. static measures, coverage and system
Ease of access to information about tests or testing (e.g. statistics and
graphs about test progress, incident rates and performance).
6.2.1 Tool support risks
Unrealistic expectations for the tool (including functionality and ease of
Underestimating the time, cost and effort for the initial introduction of a tool
(including training and external expertise).
Underestimating the time and effort needed to achieve significant and
continuing benefits from the tool (including the need for changes in the
testing process and continuous improvement of the way the tool is used).
Underestimating the effort required to maintain the test assets generated by
the tool.
Over-reliance on the tool (replacement for test design or where manual
testing would be better).
Lack of a dedicated test automation specialist
Lack of good understanding and experience with the issues of test
Lack of stakeholders commitment for the implementation of a such tool
6.2.2 Tool support special considerations
Test execution tools:
Significant implementation effort
Record and play tools are instable when changes occur
Technical expertise is mandatory
Performance testing tools:
Expertise in design and results interpretation are mandatory
Static analysis tools:
Lots of warnings generated
Build management sensitive
Test management tools:
Interfacing with other tools (Windows Office, at least) is critical
Test tools future is much debated (see)
testing in Visual Studio Team System 6.2.2 Tool support
use Test Driven
Development methods
manage Unit Testing
analyze code coverage
use code static analysis
use code profiler to handle
performance issues
manage test cases
manage test suites
manage manual testing
manage bug tracking
record / play WEB tests
run load tests
report test results
6.2.2 Tool support testing in Agile distributed environment
6.2.2 Introducing a tool into an organization
Tool selection process:
Identify requirements
Identify constraints
Check available tools on the market (feature evaluation)
Evaluate short list (feature comparison):
Quick pilots
Select a tool
Note: there are many free testing tools available, some of them also online
( )
ISTQB Foundation Exam guidelines
K1: The candidates will recognize, remember
and recall a term or concept.
K2: The candidates can select the reasons or
explanations for statements related to the topic.
They can summarize, compare, classify and
give examples for concepts of testing.
K3: The candidates can select the correct
application of a concept or techniques and/or
apply it to a given context.
40 multiple (4) choice questions
1 hour exam
Score >= 65% (>=26 good
answers) to pass
50% K1, 30% K2, 20% K3
Chapter 1 - 7 questions
Chapter 2 6 questions
Chapter 3 3 questions
Chapter 4 12 questions
Chapter 5 8 questions
Chapter 6 4 questions
Example: (see others)
Which statement regarding testing is correct?
a) Testing is planning, specifying and executing a program with the aim of
finding defects
b) Testing is the process of correcting defects identified in a developed
c) Testing is to localize, analyze and correct the direct defect cause
d) Testing is independently reviewing a system against its requirements

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