Misguided Missile. Contest Chuck Glider. Article&Plan. Aeromodeller March 1953

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Misgwided ilIissile
THI ' . l ( l ; .
ar c. gener al l y speaki | | g.
r \ o t vl es oI
I cl , 0' L
el i , L. r,
f i t st l y t hc spof l s t ype, usual l \ '
found in kits, \vhich possess a reasoDable glide but
larely the high cliDrb Deeded fo! contest 1vork, and
the contest type u'here the glide is olten not rDuch
irnproved but more altitude is gaired on thc cIi b.
nrodel is of the latter type.
Design follorvs aerodynal)ically on powcr duta-
tion lincs. l'o stop loopiDg rrrdet power (of thc
launch) the C.G, is moved as far aft as possible
without the rrodel diving i1l if it gets its nose do\4'n.
Pol)'hedral is used to give a rapid roll out of the
cnd of t he cl i r)rb. Thc f i D i s pl aced uDderDeat h f or
aerodynarnic reasons and :tlso to raise the C-G.
stightly i4 thc invertcd positjon. From the struc-
tural point of vielv tle Juselage shape ancl rving
posi t i (D \ 1i l l be not cd as unusual , t he shape bei ng
adoptcd to temove three iDherent lvcak poirlts on
nomral chuck glidcr fuselages. Thcse points are
under the rving, just alt oJ the trailing edge, an(l
ahead of the tailplanc. The wing position
gives a vast anaL neccssar)' iicrease ilr the strength
oJ the \\-ing seat.
Construction. Tlris Jollorvs norrual practice but
the Iollorving poinls Dra)' l)c helplul. Iirst note
that selcction of good (not hard) 1\'ood is essential.
I put the dihedral brealis in as follows. The 1\-ilrg
is scorcd on the top sur{ace rvith a hard petrcil and
then cut halJ \ya! through fron tlle bottolD. ,\
sttaight edge is ne\t placed on top oJ thc Niirg
level with thc breali on the plan.
free end oI
Borker introduces you to contest
chuck gliders by woy of this high
18 inch model.
tho wing is then pulled up to the dihedral. The
crack thus foII ed is liberally sr)rcared top and
bottonr lvith Britlix. The dihedral sLould be
checked during drying as the cernent rvill dra',v as
1t ctrles,
Sevelal coats of cement should be aDplied to all
j oi nt s. Tl r c st r ai 3ht l eadi ng edge i s ; r ai ni ai ned
almost out to the tip to allow a cellulose tape
leadiDg edge to be afiixed iJ desired. I do not think
that the super finishes olten recorrrmended for
chuch gliders are worth rvhile and only add rveight.
CHUCK GLI DI NG l N B. C. 2. 49. Ogg t esrs hi s Leopard-ski n
Speci al
However, if your x'ood is very soft a thin coat ol
dope will harden the sudace, sanding afterwards
of course.
Please do not stick lurnps oJ clay round the nose
or rivet chunks o{ lead in holes for the nose weieht !
I t
j s' nearl y
as easy r o f i t i t i n f l ush wi t h t he f usei age,
is neater, and doesn't knock off and spoil the tdm.
Trirnrnin, and Flying. Note ! Instructions
given are for right hand chuckers; Ieit hand
thro$'ers should alter the fiI1ger grip to the other
wing and follow instructions looking in a mirror I
Trim for glide with the C.G. between the position
shewn and half inch ih Jront, U possible, tdm for
t 70 March, 1953
tum with lelt rudder only lor a start, This one
control will cause less confusion and allow you to
leach a leliable trim sooner. From this point,
reaching optimum trim usually consists of tighten-
ing the glide circle while still maintaining a rapid
climb without too much turn. At this Doint vou
can l ry al l l be warpi ng t ecbni ques y6u knbw.
Howeve!, do not {orget that warping a big tailplane
like this on one side oDly car give a strong aileron
efiect, e.9., if you warp down the trailing edge of
the tailDlane on one side to stoo a stall and if it
happens to be on the inside o{ the turn, you rnay
find that it merelv decreases the turn and stalls
the model further.-
There are several difierent flight patterns which
can be tried, but the two most used are :-First,
a launch in a steep right bank is followed by a
right spiral climb; the spial widens as the power
dies until the model is circling left on its dowlrward
glide. Second, the model is thrown almost straight
ahead aDd upwards with a slight right bank; the
model climbs almost straisht and flick rolls at the
end i nt o i t s gl i di ng al t i l ude. Thi s i s t he met hod
I favour at the moment.
For launching I recomrnentl the grip shewn in
the photograph, although the grip with a finger
behind each trailing edge can also be used. In the
latter case another finger grip stiengthener will be
required. The old method of merely grasping the
fuselage between finger and thumb does not give
such powerful or consistent resDlts
rt{oooR H^No L^!i H.D
tuFllad 5tr!!dr9.I [0$l Ar m||'
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