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Los Angeles, California
It's true that winter's on the wane,
For daylight hours are showing gain.
If drab and dry the desert lies
Beneath the cold and cloudless skies.
I do not moan, for this I know—
The desert will awake and glow
As wave on wave of colors flow—
If there is rain.
I love the desert's calm repose
In garb of gray and mauve and rose—
Its tinted dawn—its sunset skies—
Its silent mountain peaks that rise
Like sentinels to guard the plain.
From all that hunger to obtain
Possession of the vast domain—
If there is rain.
We lift our eyes and pray there will
Fall blessings from the skies until
The dormant life without a sound,
Springs up in legions from the ground.
Buds will appear mysteriously,
To bloom in grace and purity,
Where there is none but God to see—
If there is rain.
• • •
Kirtland, New Mexico
The tawny, untamed desert stretches on
In sandy dryness of unnumbered years.
No civilizing thing yet interferes
As endless time is marked from dawn to
No point of conquering plow yet penetrates
The wastes that lie around the stony peaks
In desolation. There the redman ekes
A meager living as he concentrates
His energy upon a flock of sheep
That draw scant strength from scattered
wisps of grass.
Unchanged, unchanging as the decades pass.
The frontier stops, and progress is asleep.

Winslow, Arizona
Mariposa Lily. Photograph taken by Josef Muench in the Petrified Forest The chaparral cock—droll desert cuckoo!—
National Monument of A rizona. Is an arrogant, feathered brigand,
Who, having adapted himself to his home.
Grows fat on the lean of the land.
His diet may shock some folks, but it's true
Grangeville, Idaho That his daily delight is to munch
Ventura, California On lizards and centipedes, spiders and bugs.
Today my mind is free from care. The desert night hurled down a thousand With a scorpion thrown in for lunch.
For 1 am desert bound. stars
I'll inhale the soft warm air, And bathed my soul in quiet ecstasy. The shade of a rock, or a cholla, will do
Absorb warmth from the ground. From din of bruising city strife I came For this bird of the sun and the sand,
No more ice to gnaw away To calmly look, and lo, it rested me. Who, like Robin Hood, does his quota of
The marrow from my bones; good—
The desert sands I find today
Will case my frozen moans. Let's give the brave fellow a hand!
• • o
I'd rather live en desert sands
Alone until I die,
Than live in far more settled lands
Where drifted snowbanks lie. By TANYA SOUTH Montebello, California
In drifted sands I'm at my ease Give me a Dream. And I shall rise When atmosphere is crystal clear
In minimum attire. And struggle upward, daring, doing, And skies are deepest blue,
Give me cactus for my garden, please. Searching with boundless Faith the And desert flowers like clustered bowers
And desert sun for fire. skies, With tints of vivid hue
• • o And endlessly my Dream pursuing. limbrace the earth with fresh new birth
RANDOM PATTERN Dreams are the core of mortal Fate. As far as eye can see
They are the root, the source of With fragrance sweet, and seem to greet
By ANONA MCCONAGHY With gladness, you and me,
Downey, California Man.
Crisscrossed tracks in morning No height can be attained, no state, In splendor fair, I stand and stare
Before wind plies her broom. Save one can weave some Dream With deep humility,
Reveal nocturnal frolics to span. Proud of this land from God's own hand
In sand dune rumpus room. He gave to you and me.

Feb. 2—Candlemas Day Ceremonial
Dances at San Felipe, Cochiti and
Santo Domingo Indian Pueblos,
New Mexico.
Feb. 2-5 — Imperial Valley Carrot
Festival, Holtville, California.
Feb. 2-5—$15,000 Open Golf Tour-
nament, Phoenix, Arizona.
Feb. 3-5—Parada del Sol, Scottsdale,
Feb. 4-5 — Rodeo, sponsored by
Mounted Police, Palm Springs, Volume 19 FEBRUARY, 1956 Number 2
Feb. 5—Desert Sun Ranchers Rodeo, COVER Prickly Pear Blossoms
Wickenburg, Arizona.
Photograph by HUBERT LOWMAN
Feb. 5—Dons Travelcade to Jerome POETRY
and Montezuma Castle National February and other poems 2
Monument, from Phoenix, Arizona. CALENDAR February events on the desert 3
Feb. 6-12 — Southwestern Livestock HISTORY
Show and Rodeo, El Paso, Texas. Bradshaw's Road to the La Paz Diggin's
Feb. 7—Pancake Race, Clayton, New By FRANKLIN HOYT 4
Mexico. FICTION Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 8
Feb. 8-12 — Open Golf Tournament, EXPERIENCE Before the Law Came to Borrego
Tucson, Arizona. By H. E. W. WILSON 9
Feb. 10-11—Square Dance Festival WILDFLOWERS Flowering predictions for February
and Fiddlers Jamboree, Phoenix, 10
Arizona. MINING They Mine "Living Silver" from the Hills of
Feb. 10-12 — University of Nevada Nevada, by NELL MURBARGER 11
Winter Carnival, Reno Ski Bowl. NATURE Termites on the Desert
Feb. 10-12—19th Annual Invitational By EDMUND C. JAEGER 16
Tennis Tournament, Racquet Club,
Palm Springs, California. BOTANY The Vallecitos' Strange Tree
Feb. 10-13 — Outdoor Art Show, By PHILIP CURTI 17
Phoenix, Arizona. FIELD TRIP Red Rock Canyon Gem Trails
Feb. 11-12—Jaycee Silver Spur Rodeo, By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 18
Yuma, Arizona. CLOSE-UPS
Feb. 11-12 — Western Saddle Club About those who write for Desert 22
Stampede, Squaw Peak Mountain, GARDENING Potted Plants in a Desert Patio
Phoenix, Arizona. By RUTH REYNOLDS 23
Feb. 13—Audubon Screen Tour series, CONTEST
Ogden, Utah. Picture-of-the-month Contest announcement . . 24
Feb. 15—Major League Spring Train- PHOTOGRAPHY
Pictures of the Month 25
ing begins, Giants at Phoenix, Cubs LOST TREASURE
at Mesa, Orioles at Scottsdale, In- Treasure Canyon of the Coso Ancients
dians at Tucson. By RUSS LEADABRAND 26
Feb. 16-19—Western Air Force Con- LETTERS
ference Four-Way Ski Meet, Reno, Comment from Desert's readers 29
Nevada, Ski Bowl. DESERT QUIZ
A test of your desert knowledge 30
Feb. 16-22 — Riverside County Fair NEWS
and National Date Festival, Indio, From here and there on the Desert 31
California. Current News of desert mines 36
Feb. 17-18—Square Dance Jamboree, URANIUM
Progress of the mining boom 37
St. George, Utah. HOBBY
Feb. 18-19 — Indian Dance Show, Gems and Minerals 40
sponsored by Dons Club, Phoenix, Amateur Gem Cutter 45
Arizona. COMMENT
Just Between You and Me, by the Editor . . . 46
Feb. 19-26 — Ninth Annual Cactus BOOKS
Show, Desert Botanical Gardens, Reviews of Southwestern Literature 47
Phoenix, Arizona. The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert,
Feb. 21-25—Maricopa County Fair, California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17. 1948, at the postoffice at Palm Desert,
Mesa, Arizona. California, under the Act of March 3, 1870. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office,
and contents copyrighted 1956 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
Feb. 22-26—Better Homes Exposition, must be secured from the editor in writing.
El Paso, Texas. RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor EUGENE L. CONROTTO, Associate Editor
Feb. 23-26 — La Fiesta de los Va- BESS STACY, Business Manager BVONNE RIDDELL, Circulation Manager
queros, Annual Rodeo, Tucson,
Arizona. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for
Feb. 25-March 4 — California Mid- damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub-
winter Fair, Imperial, California. scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue.
Mid-February—Mid-Winter Ski Car- SUBSCRIPTION KATES
nival, Aqua Piedra Ski Run, Tres One Year S4.00 Two Years $7.00
Ritos, New Mexico. Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra
February—Arts of the Navajo, South- Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
west Museum, Highland Park, Calif. P. O. D. Order No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California


portion of the old Bradshaw road between Tabaseca Tank and Mule Spring
(now dried up) is now in the Navy's Chocolate Mountain Bombing range, and
although the route is passable for 4-wheel drive cars, it is open to the public only
on weekends.
San Bernardino, thence over El Cajon
pass and along the old Mormon trail

Bradshaw's Road to to Fort Mojave, across the river from

the present site of Needles. From Fort
Mojave it was a tedious journey over

the La Paz Diggin's the trail to the mines at La Paz.

Gold-seekers, always in a rush,
wanted a more direct route from Los
Angeles and San Bernardino to La Paz.
Among them were impatient men who
sought to blaze a new route through
When word reached Los Angeles in the early 1860s that a rich the San Gorgonio portal to the Salton
placer gold field had been discovered along the Colorado River at La Sink and thence through the Chocolate
Paz, there was a stampede of fortune hunters. But it was a slow-moving Mountains to the Colorado.
gold rush, for the only known routes to the new field required a detour William D. Bradshaw of Los Ange-
of nearly 200 miles. Bill Bradshaw, former trooper with Fremont, solved les, who was described by writers of
the problem by blazing a new trail across the Southern California that day as a bold, courageous adven-
desert—the Bradshaw Road. For a few years, until the gold played turer, was one of the first to recognize
out, it was the most-traveled route across the California desert. Today the need for a direct route to the rich
only a few of the old waterholes—and the wagon ruts—remain. placer diggings. Stories differ as to
whether it was Chief Cabezon of the
By FRANKLIN HOYT Pass Cahuilla Indians, or one of his
Map by Norton Allen tribesmen, who drew a rough sketch
for Bradshaw, showing the waterholes
along the old Indian trail which ex-
URING THE winter of 1862 Reaching the mines was not easy. tended across the desert eastward to
Pauline Weaver was trapping Perhaps the most comfortable way to the Colorado River.
beaver and prospecting along do so was to board one of the ships In May, 1862, with this map as his
the Arizona side of the Colorado River. which regularly sailed down the coast only guide, Bradshaw rode out of San
About 10 miles north of where the from San Francisco and around the Gorgonio Pass to the river. In a few
present highway crosses the river at tip of Lower California to the mouth days he returned, and the San Bernar-
Blythe he found flakes of gold spark- of the Colorado River. Here the miner dino newspaper told the advantages of
ling in the bottom of a little gulch. could buy a ticket on one of the steam- the proposed new road which Bill
Panning out two or three dollars worth ers which puffed 300 miles up the river Bradshaw announced he would build
of the yellow metal, he placed it in a to Fort Mojave. But the sailing ships without delay. Although wagon travel
goose quill for safe keeping while he were slow. A faster way to reach the over the new route at first was difficult,
continued his trapping. A few weeks mines was to take one of the stages it saved several days' time over the
later in Fort Yuma, Weaver proudly which jolted and bounced out of Los Fort Yuma and Fort Mojave routes,
displayed his golden quill in all the Angeles to Warner's Hot Springs and and within a few months was the most
saloons, and the Colorado River gold thence along the route of the old But- popular route to the diggings.
rush was on. By summer the Los An- terfield Stage line to Yuma, Arizona. Hubert Howe Bancroft, an enter-
geles newspapers were printing stories A rough 60-mile trail continued north prising San Francisco book publisher,
of 150 Americans, 500 Sonorans, and parallel to the Colorado River to the sent one of his employees to the mines
2000 Indians working the placers near scene of the new mining strike. over the new road and the bookstores
the little village of La Paz. An alternate route passed through were soon selling a little volume en-

picture of Indian Wells, one of the watering places on the Bradshaw road,
was taken by C. C. Pierce in 1903. The bearded man with the pipe was George
Wharton James, the author, and facing him with the straw sombrero was Carl
Eytel, Palm Springs artist.

titled A Guide to the Colorado Mines. From White Water the wagon track The next good water was six miles
Thousands of these booklets were sold skirted the base of Mt. San Jacinto, from Sand Hole at Indian Wells, then
but only two copies are now in exist- following the route of the present state called Old Rancheria. In order to
ence—one in a private collection and Highway 111 to Palm Springs, which avoid deep washes and projecting spurs
the other in the State Library at Sacra- was then known as Agua Caliente. The of the Santa Rosa Mountains, the
mento. road followed present Indian Avenue, Bradshaw Road ran north of Indian
The Guide advised the miner to pro- one of Palm Springs' main streets, to Wells. To reach water travelers were
vide himself with a rifle and revolver the Indian village located near the hot forced to detour two miles south where
for protection against renegade Indi- springs. Here the Guide offered the the wells were located along a sandy
ans and if the party was large it should information that the Indians were wash surrounded by cool cottonwood
also take a shotgun for hunting rabbits Christianized and "have a large settle- trees. These wells and the cottonwoods
and quail. From Los Angeles it was ment, and cultivate the land, raising were washed out in the 1927 flood, but
suggested that the miner take the main corn, barley, vegetables, etc., all of the sandy wash may still be seen a few
wagon road to San Bernardino which which they readily sell to whites, when hundred feet north of the highway.
passed through San Gabriel, El Monte, they happen to have any on hand. . . . From Indian Wells the present high-
San Dimas (then known as Mud The proper place to camp here is one way goes east to Indio, but the Brad-
Springs) and Cucamonga. San Ber- mile east of the village, where animals shaw Road turned southeast along the
nardino was the outfitting center for will not disturb the Indians' patches edge of the hills through the old Indian
travelers over the Bradshaw Road, and of corn and grain, which are unfenced village of Torres and on to the vicinity
here horses could be secured and pro- and where there is fine water and grass of the Fish Traps where the road
visions purchased before beginning the a few hundred yards south of the road. turned sharply to the east and passed
long haul over the desert to the river. Agua Caliente takes its name from a through the Indian settlement of Mar-
From the Mormon village the road large spring of warm sulphur water tinez where there was water in a few
passed about two miles southwest of three or four rods to the left, as we deep wells about a quarter of a mile
the present town of Redlands and then enter the village from the west. It from the road.
twisted up San Timoteo Canyon to the forms a large pool, of proper depth "This is another Indian village, much
future site of Beaumont. Here the and temperature for bathing, for which scattered, but containing several adobe
Bradshaw Road through San Gorgonio it would be well adapted were the mud structures, makes a more pretentious
Pass began. cleaned out." appearance than the others. Corn and
Near Cabazon the route swung south After leaving the beautiful oasis of sometimes barley can be had here. The
of the present highway, crossed Snow Agua Caliente, the road meandered place is embowered with mesquite
Creek, and forded the White Water through deep sand easterly for about trees, which grow with great luxuriance,
River, "a large stream of pure cold 11 miles until the next water hole was the bean being gathered in large quan-
water, coming down from Mount San reached. This was Sand Hole, "a tities by the natives. It forms an ex-
Bernardino, and which after crossing muddy pool about 400 yards east of cellent food for animals when they get
the road twice, runs along it for a mile the road, and which, as it consists only accustomed to its use."
and a quarter, when it bears off to the of a collection of rainwater in a small Leaving the Indian settlement of
north-east, and after running a few clay basin, is always bad, and dries up Martinez behind, the dusty road took
hundred yards, sinks in the sand." early in the summer. a course almost due east through the

FEBRUARY, 19 5 6
through San Gorgonio Pass to White
Water and Agua Caliente.
At the Indian village of Torres there
was an epidemic of measles and the
children were dying by the dozens.
"The weather was very hot; children
with skins spotted with the disease . . .
would be sprinkled with water ejected
from the mouths of the squaws to cool
them off. . . . Generally the Indian
huts were made of stout posts about
five feet high with sides and roof
thatched with boughs and coarse grass.
Into several of these I saw them pile
infant corpses with clothing and vari-
ous other things and set them afire."
At Martinez, Fairchild became dis-
gusted with the slow-moving wagon
and taking a companion with him, set
out oh horseback. The first day they
traveled at a leisurely pace and reached
77ie ruins of the old Bradshaw Canyon Springs stage station along Salton Dos Palmas in plenty of time to make
• Creek may still be seen today. This picture was taken in 1937. camp before dark. From Dos Palmas
the two men traveled in an easterly
direction over the high mesas, but
present town of Mecca, and along the road. Plenty of good water, and a found no water all day and that night
route of Highway 195 until it reached moderate amount of bunch grass. No were forced to make a dry camp. The
a point about four miles east of Mecca. fuel." following day they reached Tabaseca,
Here the trail continued easterly along Between Tabaseca and the next where there were two springs of fair
the Mecca Hills until it reached the water at "Chucolwalla" there were 18 water but no grass for the hungry
next watering place at Palma Seca, miles of hard going, more than half of horses. "Here we found the shells of
Lone Palm or Soda Springs, as it was it through heavy sand. Here there was a large tortoise the flesh of which had
sometimes called. This was 12 miles plenty of water, grass and wood, but evidently been eaten by Indians. . . .
from Martinez "with heavy road most the miner was cautioned that his horses I carried one into camp and cooked
of the way. Here there are several should not be allowed to graze "as its flesh. . . . Though there was con-
deep pools of limpid, but very bad there is a species of cactus in this siderable meat upon the carcass of the
water, being strongly impregnated with section of the country very abundant, reptile, I admit that I did not relish it
soda and sulphur. There is but little which, fastening upon them when suf- as well as I did the ordinary plain
grass, and as animals do not like the fered to run loose, causes great trouble. 'jerky' — perhaps on account of the
water, it affords but an indifferent The Indians will bring enough grass manner of cooking.
camping place." to keep an animal a whole day for a Stopping at Tabaseca only long
Although there was heavy sand most couple of bits." enough to eat and allow the horses
of the way, the traveler would be wise Between Chuckawalla Well and the to drink, they hurried on to "Chuca-
to struggle on seven more miles to Dos Colorado River there was a devilish wallah." At this spring they found
Palmas where there was "a deep pool stretch of 35 miles. "About one-third water, but still no feed for the horses
of soft soda-water, but of a more pal- of the way heavy sand, one-third sharp, because the grass had been eaten by
atable kind than at Palma Seca. It volcanic stones, hard on the horses' the horses of other parties which had
discharges a large stream, which, flow- feet; balance, good road. Water is re- preceded them. Their rations were
ing down, has caused several acres of ported to have been found half way almost gone so they decided to camp
salt grass and tule to spring up near across this stretch since the writer until the wagon arrived. During their
by. Animals do not much relish this passed over." The river was reached second day at Chuckawalla a welcome
kind of feed, and the traveler will do below Blythe, and there were six miles visitor arrived—a "squaw man" who
better to take his stock three miles to of hard traveling through deep sand lived with the Indians near Warner's
the southwest, where there are several and around numerous sloughs until the Ranch and who was traveling alone
large springs or ponds, of better water, Bradshaw Ferry was reached. This across the desert with his burro. "His
with an abundance of cane grass, on primitive ferry crossed the river near business upon the desert trail I did not
which they will do well. Enough mes- the present highway bridge between learn, for it was not 'good form' to be
quite here, as there will be found at Blythe and Ehrenberg. too inquisitive." He was well supplied
nearly all camping places, from here Early in September, 1862, Mahlon with jerky and pinole which the Indian
on, for fuel." D. Fairchild traveled over the Brad- squaws had made from parched and
After leaving Dos Palmas the road shaw Road, and his diary tells an in- pulverized grass seeds. "To us it was
continued east for several miles and teresting story of the dangers and hard- first rate diet at that juncture, and he
then turned north along Salton Creek. ships of this desert road to the Colo- gave us a liberal supply, with came
Passing through a narrow canyon, or rado River mines. Fairchild and his seca galore, for which he would accept
the Big Wash, as it was commonly companions arrived at San Pedro on no coin."
called, the road then turned southeast the steamer Brother Jonathan, and the For four days they camped at
again toward the Chocolate Mountains. following day started out over the Chuckawalla, impatiently waiting for
About eight miles from the mouth of wagon road for San Bernardino, camp- the wagon. Finally, on the 7th of Sep-
the Big Wash another good camping ing overnight at El Monte and Cuca- tember, Fairchild and his companion
place was reached at Tabaseca Tank, monga. From San Bernardino the decided not to wait any longer but to
located "two miles west of the wagon miners followed the customary route push on to the river. Traveling mostly

at night because of the extreme heat,
they reached the Colorado in two days.
"We had reached Bradshaw's ferry,
opposite the town of Olivia, now
Ehrenberg. The ferry was established
by William Bradshaw, a former mem-
ber of Fremont's expeditions. A rude
boat capable of carrying wagons and
a limited number of animals, attached
to a rope spanning the stream, the cur-
rent being the propelling power, com-
prised the affair. . . . On the 10th day
of the month, the wagon and party we
had left at Martinez arrived, all well,
but with animals pretty badly used up."
It was several months before the
Bradshaw Road was universally ac-
cepted as the best way to reach the
mines. Advocates of the Fort Mojave
route claimed that the new road was
dangerous because of the scarcity of
water and the chances of getting lost.
During the summer of 1862 the new
road suffered a severe setback when
the Charles Yates party of five men,
and the Garrett family of father,
mother, and five children, became lost
on the Bradshaw Road and all died
of thirst. Commenting on these trag-
edies, a letter in the Los Angeles Star
said: "I traveled on the well known
road to Fort Mojave. If the parties
that were defeated on the Cabazon
Desert had gone by the Mojave route,
they would now have been at the mines,
and none would have lost their lives."
The new road became accepted,
however, and by the fall of 1862 most
of the miners were using this route.
Bradshaw did his part in popularizing
the road by giving enthusiastic inter- This sandy wash near Indian Wells was part of the route followed by
views to the newspapers and by guid- Bradshaw freight wagons and stages.
ing miners over the new route. In
August of 1862 he personally led a
party of 150 miners from San Bernar- stage left San Bernardino with 35 pas- followed the Bradshaw Road to-a point
dino to La Paz. sengers, "not counting the driver and about one mile east of Dos Palmas
Freight wagons and pack trains be- a Chinaman." where the road to Yuma branched off
gan operating over the road soon after About a month after the first coach toward the south. Late in February
it opened, but it was not until early in clattered into La Paz, Hall and Wilkin- Pat Murray, one -of the drivers for
the fall of 1862 that the first "coach son were murdered by a disgruntled Banning and Company, left Yuma over
and six" came dashing into La Paz. station keeper near Dr. Smith's ranch the new route with one passenger and
This was the first stage of a new line in San Gorgonio Pass. The employee some freight. Half way between Yuma
from Los Angeles to the Colorado was arrested and brought to trial in and Dos Palmas he lost the trail be-
River, established by Warren Hall and San Bernardino, but the jury believed cause a station camp had been re-
Henry Wilkinson who were working his story that he had shot in self de- moved, and they wandered for three
for the Alexander Company of Los fense and he was acquitted. After the days without water. In desperation the
Angeles. With more than $5000 in death of Hall and Wilkinson the Alex- horses were turned loose, and they led
gold dust in the "boot," the stage ander Company abandoned its ill- Pat and his passenger to Frink's spring.
raced back to Los Angeles in four starred venture. For the next few years
open freight wagons continued to carry The newspaper account of this near-
days, setting a new record. For a few cargo and passengers to the mines, but tragedy said that it was understood
weeks the stages operated regularly apparently there was no regular stage "that the stock of Banning and Co.
from Los Angeles to the river, usually line in operation. have been removed from the newly
carrying a full load of miners who were laid out road to Fort Yuma branching
willing to pay the $40 fare. Concord For a short time during the winter from Dos Palmas, on the line to La
coaches were built to accommodate of 1867 Banning and Company, one Paz. It is unnecessary to say that the
nine passengers inside, and six more of the leading Southern California road was utterly impracticable, a desert
could be perched on top, but more transportation companies, tried to use country of nearly a hundred miles ren-
than double this number were some- the route through San Gorgonio Pass dering it impossible for stock to travel,
times crowded on. It is said that one for its stages to Yuma. This new route with sand up to the hubs."
Uncle Sam gave his approval to the City the distances between watering the Bradshaw Road from La Paz to
Bradshaw Road in 1868 when the Post places were much greater. In one place San Bernardino in the spring of 1866.
Office Department announced that it there was a pull of 55 miles without He later wrote that the road was not
had abandoned the old mail route from water of any kind. well marked and that he had difficulty
San Bernardino to Prescott, by way of With all of its advantages the Brad- following it in places. "Indian trails
Cajon Pass and Fort Mojave. A new shaw Road was never very successful. led out in all directions, and our only
contract was awarded for carrying the Articles in the San Bernardino news- clue to the right path was . . . two con-
mail over the Bradshaw Road to La papers complained that it ran in an spicuous mountain piles." He camped
Paz, Wickenburg and Prescott; mail "angling, crooked, roundabout course, at the oasis of Palm Springs where
for Fort Yuma was taken off at La Paz over deep sands, and entailing 40 miles there were two palm trees and near
and sent down the river on the steam- of unnecessary travel." In 1872 Franc the palms a "low, deserted cabin with
ers. Until the completion of the South- V. Bishop wrote a letter to a friend wide, overhanging flat roof, which had
ern Pacific Railroad, almost a decade who asked the best way of getting to long ago been thatched with palm
later, buckboards and light wagons the mines. It was easy, he said; just leaves."
continued to carry the mail over this take the stage from Los Angeles to During the 1870s the wife of an
route to western Arizona. San Bernardino, and from there to army officer stationed in Arizona trav-
Compared with other desert roads Ehrenberg and you are in Arizona. eled by stage from Tucson to San Fran-
of the west, the Bradshaw Road was "You would have a pleasant ride to cisco over the Bradshaw Road. When
well supplied with water, the average San Bernardino, see a queer pretty the coach pulled up at the Chuckawalla
distance between water holes being town and lots of Mormons, but having station for lunch they found that Indi-
about 10 miles. Between Chuckawalla seen it had better return to Los Ange- ans had made a raid and gotten away
and the river it was necessary to travel les, for between you and the Colorado with most of the food during the night.
35 miles without water, but later a well lie 300 miles of desert travel, and more The meal was cooked and served by
was developed half-way across this than likely there are no covered stages the station keeper who stood at her
stretch. Along the old Mormon trail running. So take the steamer." elbow with a "battered, grimy, and
between San Bernardino and Salt Lake Clarence King rode a mule across unclean looking coffee-pot," and asked,
"will yer have coffee, tea, cocoa, choc-
olate, or milk?" Then before she had
a chance to reply he added, "Yer'U
have to take coffee, dam'it, for that's
all there is."

Hatd Rock Sfiotty In the spring of 1876 the Southern

Pacific Railroad finished laying its
tracks down the San Gorgonio Pass to
White Water. Arrival of the railroad
of Death Valley spelled doom for the Bradshaw Road,
but for a few months it had more traffic
than at any time during its brief history.
The station wagon which had "Pisgah Bill went out to the Instead of taking the steamers
just stopped at the gas pump in spring to git some water to wash around Lower California, many trav-
front of the Inferno store bore up a little. Time he got back to elers bound for Arizona found it more
Kansas license plates. the shack the wash pan wuz half convenient to take a Southern Pacific
The clerk was busy in the store full o' sand. Bill went ahead and train out through San Gorgonio Pass
and Hard Rock Shorty walked did his scrubbin' an' when he to the end of the line where they could
out to see what the tourist wanted. started to throw the water out board "new first-class coaches" for Eh-
"See you're from Kansas," he he saw somethin' shinin' in that renberg, Wickenburg, Prescott, Phoe-
drawled, "back where they have sand in the bottom of the pan. nix, Florence and Tucson. The stages
all them cyclones." "He took another look an' left two or three times a week, depend-
The visitor grinned. "Yep, it then let out a yell— ing upon the arrival of trains from Los
blows back there once in a Angeles and San Francisco, and the
" 'It's gold, Shorty, it's gold!' trip to Prescott took four days.
while," he agreed.
"I've heard about them twist- "So we got busy an put out all By the spring of 1877 the railroad
ers," Shorty continued, "an' how the pots an' basins an' tubs we reached Pilot Knob and the stages to
they do a lot o' funny things like had around the place to ketch as Arizona abandoned the Bradshaw
liftin' the cookstove right outta much o' that sand as possible. Road and began running their coaches
the kitchen without breakin' the "After the sand quit rainin' Bill into Yuma. AH along the new railroad
fried eggs in the skillet. got busy pannin' the stuff. Got towns began to spring up—Beaumont,
"We had one o' them torna- a lot o' fine gold an' some nug- Banning, Indio, Coachella, Thermal,
ders out here ten twelve years gets as big as a pea. Had $167.50 Mecca. With the building of these
ago. That's what started my worth of gold when he got towns new roads were constructed and
partner Pisgah Bill, to lookin' fer through. old roads improved. Some of these
that lost mine o' his. "An Bill's been lookin' fer the new roads followed the Bradshaw
"Wind blowed so much sand placer field where that cyclone Road, but stretches of the old stage
we had to shovel our way out picked up that sand ever since. route were abandoned. In some places
to the woodpile to get mesquite An' between times he's readin' only a track remains—in others drift-
fer the stove. Next day it died books and writin' to the scientific ing sand has covered the road until not
down a little, but they wuz so fellers hopin' he'll get a clue to a trace is left. From Dos Palmas to the
much dirt in the air it rained where the tornader started from Colorado, Riverside County maps still
sand fer three days after the wind an' how it got here. Yep, them show the Bradshaw Road as an unim-
quit blowin'. cyclones does funny things!" proved road, still traveled by a few
hardy prospectors and desert rats with
their burros and desert automobiles.


Before the Law

Came to Borrego Creek in October, 1902, for a winter
of prospecting and search, Collins had
a tale of trouble to tell me.
Two of these men wearing six shoot-
ers had called on him and ordered him
Many people ask how Collins Valley in the Borrego State Park of to leave Coyote Creek. They killed
California got its name. Here is the story, as told by a man who was a his cow and later killed one of the
witness to some of the tragic events which took place in that remote burros. Then they set fire to the brush
desert wilderness over a half century ago. fence in the night, trying to burn down
the house while the family slept within.
By H. E. W. WILSON These men asserted that one of them
owned the land on which Collins had
filed. At the San Diego land office
John learned that the man had made
FEW YEARS ago a memorial home. He left his tent and camp equip- a mistake in the section number when
plaque was erected along Coy- ment with me with the understanding he filed and therefore did not own the
ote Creek in California's Bor- that when I went back to Los Angeles land.
rego State Park as a tribute to Captain 1 would return it to him.
Juan Bautista de Anza and his band Soon after I arrived the government
Collins used his four burros to pack surveyors working on the Indio Quad-
of courageous settlers who came this my gear to a site near his house. We
way in 1776 to establish the first white put up the tent and built a mesquite rangle, camped near the Collins home.
colony in California at Monterey. John became well acquainted with
fence around it to keep the stock away. them and told them of the trouble.
Nearly 125 years later, another For 13 months, over a period of four They investigated and found that a
staunch white man came to Coyote winters, John Collins and I prospected section marker had been moved a
Creek and tried to establish a home and hunted for lost mines. When one quarter of a mile. John presented this
there—a man whose courage should makes desert trips with a companion information to the county authorities
be remembered, even though no mon- or partner and the two work, eat and who had one of the three men arrested,
ument ever has been erected to honor sleep together, they get to know each and a trial was set before the justice
him and his fine family. other very thoroughly and that was the of the peace at Ballena in San Diego
•I am referring to John Collins for case with John and I. He was a fine County.
whom Collins Valley was named. man, liked by all who knew him, and
The lawyer who was sent from San
he liked everyone. He was a real man,
My acquaintance with the Collins Diego to prosecute the case was the
family began in early October, 1900, with no prejudice toward race, color or attorney for the two men not on trial,
when Frank Hike and I went to Coyote creed. and the whole affair was a gross mis-
Creek on a prospecting trip. We drove When an Indian rode up Coyote carriage of justice. When the judge
from Los Angeles in a Studebaker farm Creek, John would always invite him bound the defendant over to keep the
wagon drawn by two fine horses. We into his home where Ella Collins would peace for six months, Collins re-
camped along lower Coyote Creek be- give the traveler something to eat. The marked, "Gentlemen—you have this
cause of its splendid water supply. Indians all liked John and were willing day laid a premium on crime."
One day Hike walked up the creek to do almost anything for him. Leaving Ballena we encountered a
and came to a little clearing in which Bernado Segundo was chief of the snow storm and the whole party in-
was a house built of native materials, tribe on the San Ignacio Reservation. cluding John, Mrs. Collins, the three
occupied by a man, his wife and their He had been educated at the Sherman children, three burros and myself took
three small children, two boys and a Institute at Riverside and spoke very refuge in a farm house near Julian,
girl—the Collins family. good English. He told John many owned by a man named Johnson. The
When Frank told me about it I was things about the Indians and the Salton snow was so deep it was a week before
quite surprised. We had traveled from Sink desert country where his people we were able to return to the Coyote
Julian to Borrego Spring, and across formerly had lived. I met Segundo Creek homestead.
Borrego Valley to Coyote Creek in a twice and liked him very much. When Collins told Johnson about
raw desert so uninhabitable that it But, all was not peaceful in the the trial, the latter volunteered to get
seemed to be about the last place on area. the owner's permission so the Collins
earth to which a man would bring his About 25 miles north of the Collins family could occupy a vacant log cabin
family. But Collins had the heart of a place, in the Coahuilla district, were at the Ella mine situated between
frontiersman. three men who banded together, for Julian and Banner on the old Canyon
We became better acquainted with reasons known only to themselves, to road, if they decided to leave Coyote
the Collins family. Then my partner drive Collins from his home. One Creek. But Coyote Creek was their
decided to return to the city. He sug- lived in an apple orchard, the other home and they did not want to leave
gested that I get Collins to help me two were brothers and had a cattle it unless they had to.
move my camp outfit nearer to his ranch. When I went back to Coyote Arriving in Collins Valley a scene

of desolation greeted us. The house,
wagon, and my tent, had been burned
to the ground. It was evident three
separate fires had been started, and the
Winter R$in$ Heeded to Assute
tracks in the soft ground left no doubt
that it had been done by the man who
was under bond to keep the peace. We
were certain of this because the horse
Wild flower Display This Season...
usually ridden by the man had a de-
Prospects for a lavish showing of no sprouts are showing," writes Fred
formed foot, requiring a special shoe,
wildflower color in the desert areas this W. Binnewies, superintendent of the
the track of which could be readily
season are not too promising accord- Death Valley National Monument. "If
ing to early reports from Desert's no rain is received in January, then
I advised the family to leave, since Southwest correspondents. However, the outlook will be poor indeed."
it appeared unlikely that we could ex- these reports from various sectors of At Lake Mead National Recreation
pect any protection from San Diego the Southwest were based on a Decem- Area the situation is the same. Writes
County authorities. John drove back ber survey, and are not a conclusive Park Naturalist O. L. Wallis: "So far
to Julian and arranged to occupy the forecast of what may be expected. we have had little moisture this fall—
cabin which Johnson had secured for Generous rainfall in January would the weather has been relatively warm
him. completely alter the situation. — actually it has been shirt-sleeve
Then he returned with the wagon to "The desert is very dry, the plants weather! During February our wild-
pick up what few possessions were left are brittle and no wildflower sprouts flowers, especially the brittlebush, be-
at the homestead. He was able to sell are showing yet," reports A. T. Bick- gin to bloom down along the Colorado
his pigs to Mr. Vandeventer who nell of the Casa Grande National Mon- River and Lake Mohave portions of
ranged cattle further up the creek. The ument at Coolidge, Arizona. Bicknell the Lake Mead National Recreation
creek road had been washed out so it adds that his area had a very rainy Area. Generally the blooms at the
was necessary for him to pack his 28 summer, but only a trace of rain since higher elevations come a few weeks
hives of bees and the few chickens he September. later, but, we will have a better idea
could round up two miles on the three Jane S. Pinheiro of Lancaster, Cali- of the wildflower situation after Janu-
burros to where the wagon had been fornia, tells much the same story for ary."
left. He was a skilled packer and I the Antelope Valley in the high Mo- John G. Lewis of the Saguaro Na-
never knew a man who could throw a jave Desert. Despite the moisture tional Monument at Tucson, Arizona,
more expert diamond hitch. shortage, however, Mrs. Pinheiro re- is of the opinion that "the wildflower
ports that the Antelope Valley always picture appears to be no better than
The Indians did not want John to has wildflowers although the great average for the coming spring in south-
leave, and Segundo offered to rebuild masses of color occur only occasion- ern Arizona. We have had excellent
the cabin and guard it for six months ally and unless the rains come in rainfall for the year as a whole, but
if he would stay. But John felt that January, they will not occur this spring. most of this came in late summer and
the lives of his family would be Also from the high desert, where has long since been absorbed or evap-
jeopardized if they remained, for he the flowering season starts about a orated. A good rain that fell in early
would be away on prospecting trips month later than on the Colorado Des- December has pretty well dried up
much of the time. ert, comes word from Samuel A. King now and the weather has been warmer
I remained with the Collinses in of the Joshua Tree National Monu- than normal and very dry. There are
their new cabin home for six months, ment. He reports that the area has no wildflower sprouts showing yet."
and John and I made numerous desert had above normal precipitation for the But, by way of compensation, Lewis
trips from Banner. year and some protected perennials reports that if the warm weather con-
have come into flower during Decem- tinues, the ocotillo may send forth its
The family remained there for sev- ber. January precipitation will be
eral years and then moved to Signal blossoms in late February.
needed, however, for a fine spring dis-
Hill at Long Beach. play. • And the dry and warm situation pre-
We did not find anything of value vails in California's Coachella Valley.
on our prospecting trips, but I learned "There has been practically no rain The record storms that hit northern
much about the desert, and it had a this fall, except for one light shower California around Christmas time failed
fascination for me which has resulted in the north end of Death Valley, and to reach the desert.
in my return to the Borrego country
at every opportunity.
Tom and John, Jr., the two Collins DESERT FLORA RECOVERY was recorded and the interval between
boys, are still living. The latter's ABILITY DISTINCTIVE FACTOR effective rains was still longer. They
daughter married a ranger and they The chief distinction between desert came to the end of the dry period with
reside not far from the log cabin at the plants and those of moister lands lies scarcely a leaf left—as miserable a
old Ella mine. not, as we are lead to believe, in their lot of plants as one ever saw. How
Today, many people wonder how ability to get along with scant amounts they ever became green again is little
Collins Valley got its name—and this of water, but in their power to endure short of a mystery.
is the story of the unfortunate family long-continued wilting and to recover Desert plants are great drinkers and
which sought to establish a permanent from it unharmed when the rains come almost reckless spenders of water when
home there—and had to leave because again. they can get it. In fact, in many cases,
they came to the frontier when it was Creosote bushes near Bagdad on they aopear to be more improvident
still beyond the range of the laws the Mojave Desert stood through the with their water supply than plants
which normally protect American citi- long drouth of 1909-1912 when for of humid regions!—Edmund C. Jae-
zens. 32 months not a drop of precipitation ger's The California Deserts


ANTIQUE two-pipe open-hearth furnace was built by MODERN mill equipment at the Red Rock quicksilver
Walter Dunnigan's father in the late 1920s. mine is inspected by Walter Dunnigan.

They Mine "Living Silver"

From the Hills of Nevada
After 25 years of mining mercury, Walter and Roberta Dunnigan lines, the elder Dunnigan began roam-
know that you must take the good with the bad in this business of ing restlessly from one mining camp to
boom and bust. Their Red Rock mine is one of the few continuous another. Shortly after World War I
producers in the nation—proof that they have learned their lesson well. he drifted to Fish Lake Valley in
And the happy years they have spent under the Nevada sun has Esmeralda County. There he obtained
taught the Dunnigans something else — they would not trade their work on the old Patterson ranch.
isolated stretch of mountainside for the city life they knew before Although he was not a prospector,
becoming quicksilver miners. the elder Dunnigan spent much of his
free time prowling idly through the
By NELL MURBARGER nearby hills and canyons, and one day
Photographs by the author came up on an unusual formation a
mile above the mouth of Dry Canyon
Map by Norton Allen on the east flank of the White Moun-
tains. It reminded him of formations
ALTER DUNNIGAN'S Red Walter and Roberta Dunnigan knew found near the Knoxville and Manhat-
Rock mine is not the most little of the mercury business when tan quicksilver mines in Lake County,
important producer of mercury they arrived at Red Rock. They were California, where he had been em-
in the West, or even in Nevada; lifelong city dwellers. Tall, red-haired ployed in his youth.
neither is it the largest or deepest or Roberta had been employed for nine Suspecting he had found a good
oldest mine, nor is its ore the richest. years in the auditing department of mercury prospect, the old boomcamp
Yet, I consider it a very remarkable Montgomery Ward & Co., at Oakland; teamster staked claim in 1927 to
institution. and Walter was a 13-year employee what has since become the Red Rock
So far as I have been able to learn, of Union Oil at Oleum, California. mine. And scarcely had the dust set-
it is the only quicksilver property in Walter's father, George Dunnigan, tled from building the location monu-
Nevada that has produced continuously was responsible for their conversion to ments when he began urging his son
through high prices and low for the mercury mining. He was known as "a to quit his good job, come to Nevada,
past 30 years—and all this time under good man with mules," and had en- and help develop the property. Three
the same family ownership. In this gaged in teaming supplies to Tonopah years later, with considerable reluc-
day of fast profit and quick turnover, and Goldfield, Nevada, during their tance, Walter yielded to his father's
this latter fact alone is enough to make great boom days. As the booms sub- entreaties, but Roberta still was not
it an outstanding mine. sided and railroads replaced the freight convinced that quicksilver mining held

FEBRUARY, 1956 11
promise of a secure future. She con- Forest. There, in the pinyon pines seems a little silly—since the canyon
tinued working in the city until 1932 and jumpers at 7115 feet elevation, abounds in deer —- but we've never
when she followed her husband to Red the Dunnigans have their attractive killed one in all the 25 years we've
Rock. She applied her nine years of frame home, electrically lighted by lived here. We'd rather make friends
auditing experience to the assorted their own power plant, and complete with them, even if it meant going with-
problems incident to living in a small with modern plumbing. out meat altogether!
rock cabin, cooking, washing and "We still have to haul our water "We make pets of all the wild
keeping house for Walter and his from Chiatovich Creek, but it isn't too things—even the skunks!" she laughed.
father, hauling all domestic water from big a chore," says Roberta. "We haul "Last winter a little civet established
Chiatovich Creek in the next canyon, it in a 100-gallon tank, mounted on living quarters under out kitchen floor.
and driving 75 miles over unpaved the back of a Model A Ford truck and We could hear him bobbing around
road to the nearest town for supplies. a couple of trips each week supplies and playing under there, and he would
After the death of George Dunnigan, all our domestic needs—including the take the food we put out for him. He
Walter and Roberta had no obligation modern plumbing!" was a real gentleman—a harmless little
to remain at the mine. They were free The water from a small spring, too neighbor. We were looking forward
to go back to Oakland, to their old mineralized for drinking or cooking, is to the time when he would take a
jobs and old friends and the life they piped down the mountain a distance bride and raise a family; but when
had known in the days before Red of two miles for mining and milling spring came, I guess he thought he no
Rock. But, by then, it was too late. operations, and to irrigate a 100 square longer needed the protection of our
They had become quicksilver miners foot garden plot. Here the Dunnigans house for he returned to the woods.
and Nevadans. The prospect of ever produce practically every vegetable We're wondering if he'll come back
returning to the city was frightening. adapted to the short growing season to us again this winter."
In the 25 years since Walter Dun- imposed by this northerly latitude and The Dunnigans are rockhounds and
nigan moved to Red Rock, it has lost high elevation. Neither dry beans nor have an elaborate lapidary outfit, built
some of its remoteness, but is still iso- winter squashes, they have found, will by Walter in spare moments from scrap
lated enough to satisfy almost anyone mature; and sweet corn, although tasty, materials, and from it has come a
with a hankering to "get away from it forms only very small ears. But, ex- beautiful collection of cabochons and
all." Dyer, the nearest postoffice, is cept for a few such crops, the roster polished cabinet specimens. On the
30 miles away; Tonopah, the closest of their garden reads like the index of living room walls hang several hand-
town is 76 miles away; and Goldfield, a seed catalog, and provides a large some frames of agate and obsidian
the county seat, is 102 miles distant. portion of their annual food needs. arrowheads and spearpoints, all col-
In each case, the last leg of these Enthusing to the self-sufficiency of lected within a mile or two of their
journeys lie over an unpaved mountain the Dunnigan place, I suggested they home, and Roberta told of finding a
road that climbs more than 2000 feet likely could get all the wild game they large petroglyph-covered rock in near-
in 10 miles, and lifts the traveler from needed for meat. Roberta nodded. by Trail canyon, where smoke-black-
the glaring heat and greasewood-cov- "Yes, that's true. We wouldn't have ened caves, once the dwelling place
ered flatness of Fish Lake Valley to to buy a penny's worth of meat—but of ancient man, are also found.
the cool, bracing air of Inyo National we never kill anything. Maybe it My original business at the Dunni-

4^% \

Roberta Dunnigan had her doubts at first about becom- Walter Dunnigan holds an old hand-welded quicksilver
ing a mercury miner, but they have long since disap- flask from the famous Almaden mine of Spain. Tall
peared. She alternates her duties between homemaking, flask on step is modern American and stubby one elec-
tending a large vegetable garden and helping out at trically-welded flask from Almaden. All carry exactly
the mine. 76 pounds of mercury.

gans was to get a story on quicksilver determined the best features of each ter the water passes through the jig it
mining—an annoying fact of which I and shuffled them together in one of runs into a settling basin. We pump
was reminded every time my gaze my own contriving." it back and run it through again and
strayed toward the south. There, across Walter's jig is an oversized adapta- again until the water is practically
a juniper-speckled flat, lay a brightly- tion of the placer gold rockers and worn out."
tinted waste dump. Back of the dump long toms of the early Gold Rush days. Scooping up a couple of pounds of
stood an aluminum-colored mill, and Quicksilver ore, crushed to egg size the pulverized concentrates recovered
back of the mill rose a hillside pocked and smaller, is dumped in the top of a by the sluice, Walter panned the ma-
by tunnels, cuts and glory-holes, and chute tilted at a 30-degree angle. terial in the same manner placer gold
bound by a spiderwebbing of roads Water, running over this crushed rock is washed free from gravel. When he
and trails. and sand at the rate of 132 gallons a finished, the tail of color in the bottom
"That's the Red Rock mine," said minute, washes the material down the of his pan showed none of the buttery
Walter. "It's not the greatest mine in chute, meanwhile ejecting the sand and yellow gold, but resembled dark iron
the world . . . but it's faithful. It is finely pulverized mercury concentrates. rust, scattered through with a few
in its 28th year of continuous produc- A shaker then carries the remaining small, vermilion nuggets.
tion and still going strong. Want to pieces of rock and ore to the tail of These nuggets or granules, Walter
take a look at it?" the chute where each piece is scrutin- explained, are almost pure cinnabar—
Riding in his 1930 Model A Ford ized by a sorter, usually Roy Griswold, the red sulphide of mercury — and
pick-up, which Walter claims can do or Roberta. Pieces of rock containing heated to 1300 degrees Fahrenheit
anything a jeep can do and twice as cinnabar in visible quantities are re- both they and the dark, sand-like con-
good, we drove past the mill and over moved for retorting, together with the centrates are transformed into the
that winding maze of roads to a point pulverized concentrates, and the re- shimmering, quivering quicksilver of
half-way up the hill where the Dunni- maining valueless rock is permitted to commerce—that strange, liquid metal
gans' one employee, Roy Griswold, travel over the tail of the sluice into known to the ancient Romans as Ar-
was working at the business end of an a waiting dump car. gentum Vivum, the living silver.
animated sluice-box arrangement Wal- I remarked that their spring must Mercury mining, said Walter, is one
ter calls "The Jig." While he does not have a good flow for them to use 132 of the world's oldest industries. Rec-
claim to have invented the machine, gallons a minute to operate the ma- ords of mercury production date from
he admits having built it. chine. Walter shook his head. 300 B.C. and Romans in the time of
"After studying the designs of sev- "No," he said. "Actually it flows Nero were mining the great quicksilver
eral similar arrangements," he said, "I only about four gallons a minute. Af- deposits in their own land and in

FEBRUARY, 1956 13
the appearance of a small community
rather than the home of only one
1 man and his wife. Leading away to
the right of the buildings, our eyes
could follow the winding course of the
little mountain road as it left the cool
pinyon belt to spill down the sage-
grown fan toward the flatness of Fish
Lake Valley, at whose northern end
lay the dead white lakebed where Ne-
vada's borax industry once had flour-
ished. Still farther to the east, rose
the Silver Peak range, whose rugged
heights, on this mid-July day, carried
only a fraction of the snow that lay on
the 13,145-foot crest of the White
Mountains at Boundary Peak, only
half a dozen miles to the west.
Driving back down the hill we
passed the two-pipe open hearth fur-
nace built by Walter's father to free
the liquid mercury from the ore, and
continued on to the modern plant
where the Dunnigans now accomplish
this far more efficiently and with much
less risk to health than was possible
under the more primitive method.
Equipped with a 30-ton Gould ro-
From r/ie Dunnigan home, right center, it is 75 miles to the town where tary kiln furnace, the present plant
these quicksilver miners buy their supplies. Fish Lake Valley and Silver transforms raw ore into molten quick-
Peak Range are in the background. silver in 30 minutes or less, and is
capable of handling 25 to 32 tons of
Spain, where one mine—the Almaden authorities on industrial matters even concentrates in a 24-hour shift. Cost-
—has been worked constantly for 2000 have expressed the opinion that this ing $65,000 to install, a mill of this
years. Awed by its lethal properties, new use in batteries will absorb more type is economical to operate and re-
fascinated by its many uses, and mysti- mercury than previously required by covers from 95 to 98 percent of the
fied by its volatile nature and its abil- all other users combined. quicksilver, said Walter. Only one
ity to change form at normal tempera- From the jig we drove to the top of man to a shift is required to oversee
ture, early alchemists gave to this the hill over a series of one-way roads its operation; the Model A Ford en-
strange metal the name of the Greek which began as sweeping systems of gine that revolves the brick-and-as-
divinity, Mercury, personal messenger sampling trenches and resulted in dis- bestos-lined rotary kiln burns only a
of the gods. Regarding the element as closing several new deposits which gallon of gasoline per hour; and the
half natural and half supernatural, the have been worked profitably. One heating unit, which maintains a tem-
ancients further accorded it religious vein so revealed produces close to 60 perature of 1200 to 1600 degrees F. in
significance and tied it into the cycle pounds of quicksilver from each ton the roasting drum, burns from seven to
of life and death and creation. Not of rock—or at the current price of nine gallons of diesel oil per ton of ore
until the 16th Century, when alchemy $300-plus per 76-pound flask, approxi- in the course of 24 hours operation.
surrendered to chemistry and metal- mately $240 a ton. Due to the present
lurgy, did the true nature of quicksilver Leaving the roasted ore in the form
system of bulldozing the ore from shal- of vapor, the quicksilver passes through
become known. low tunnels and glory-holes, consider- a series of condenser pipes and is ulti-
But before going to Red Rock I able waste rock is necessarily included
could have named only three definite with that from the actual "paystreak," mately deposited in special containers
uses for mercury — silvering mirrors, which means the material passing filled with water. Having a specific
gauging temperature in thermometers, through the jig runs only about .5 per- gravity of 13.6, the liquid mercury
and amalgamating gold. To this brief cent, or 10 pounds of quicksilver to settles immediately to the bottom and
roster, Walter added several even more each ton of ore. the covering water effectively seals off
important functions of mercury, such the poisonous fumes which formerly
as its widespread use in pharmaceutics, The present custom of working the presented a grave hazard to anyone
electric apparatus, munitions, indus- mine by the open-cut method has
who worked around mercury.
trial and control instruments, and anti- proven highly successful and has done
fouling paint. much to offset the rising cost of labor. "In earlier times, the spectre of 'get-
The older portion of the mine, de- ting salivated' was an assured hazard
One of its newest uses is as an veloped by the senior Dunnigan, is of mercury mining and milling," said
important component in an improved entirely underground, comprising 4000 Walter. "Some men would get sali-
dry cell battery, developed in 1944. feet of tunneling. vated after working as short a time as
Chief advantage of the new battery, As we stood at the highest mine two weeks; others might work several
according to Walter, is its ability to workings on the brow of the hill, we years before the ill effects were first
function well in both high and low were almost directly over the Dunnigan noticed. But the end was inevitable.
temperatures and high humidity, its camp, which with its maze of looping Teeth loosened and fell out, the whole
long shelf life, and its much greater roads, sheds, power plant, machine system was affected, and there was no
power for the size of the unit. Some shop, and sundry other buildings, had known cure."
"Naturally," said Walter, "we use
every possible precaution. Although
I handle the concentrates with my bare
hands, I never roll a cigarette without
first washing my hands." Even the
minute amount of mercury carried to
the lips on a dust-smudged cigarette
paper may be sufficient to plant the
lethal poisoning in a man's system.
Quicksilver, in other ways as well,
is a tricky commodity. Due to its
great concentration of weight in liquid
form it is especially difficult to trans-
port. Back in the dim aisles of an-
tiquity some ingenious person devised
for this purpose the so-called quick-
silver flask, an iron container shaped
like a bottle. Evidently these vessels
proved more satisfactory than any
used previously and for more years or
centuries than anyone knows, the iron
and later steel flask has been accepted
throughout the world as the standard
shipping container for mercury.
Although flasks originating in dif-
ferent nations and from different mines
show variances in quality of workman-
ship and design, the general shape is
the same and regardless of other vari-
ances, each flask must hold exactly 76
pounds of quicksilver. The empty
flask weighs 15 pounds and filled ap-
proximately 90 — an amazing weight
when concentrated in a cylindrical
tube five inches in diameter and 12
inches high.
Due to the fact that quicksilver
flasks enjoy the common exchangea- Dunnigan, left, and Roy Griswold at work on The Jig, a home-made
bility of milk bottles and box cars, the
device for sluicing concentrates from quicksilver ore.
stack of empties waiting to be filled
with Red Rock mercury exhibited
many variations in workmanship and mainder came from Yugoslavia and time peak of $340 per flask, with
design. various other countries. Foreign quick- black market buyers reportedly offer-
"When we ship quicksilver there is silver carries a duty of 25 cents per ing as much as $450 to $500 a flask.
no assurance that we will get our same pound, or $19 a flask. As a result of the current high prices,
flasks back," said Walter. "Sometimes Due to a combination of factors numerous mines have reopened, and
we get flasks from foreign countries. the close of World War II sent. the public interest in prospecting for
This—" indicating a neat but rather mercury market into its worst tailspin "quick" has soared to heights barely
chubby container—"is a modern, elec- in years, and from 1946 through 1950, short of uranium.
trically-welded flask from the Almaden the price of quicksilver on the New What will happen to the quicksilver
mine in Spain. See, the name is York market averaged less than $84 mining industry when the government's
stamped in the iron here on the end, a flask. Coupled with the rising costs guaranteed price program ends on De-
'Almaden, Espana.' And this crude of labor and materials, this adverse cember 31, 1957, is something even
old lunker, here, is a very old, hand- market forced one after another of the experts do not claim to know, and
welded flask from Almaden. Whether the country's quicksilver mines to close, the manner in which the mercury
old or new, one serves the purpose and in 1950, according to the U.S. market responds to withdrawal of fed-
about as good as another, and all types Bureau of Mines, mercury production eral support will likely be cause for
are worth around $1.25 each." in the United States dropped to its making and breaking millionaires.
Despite self-sufficiency in most com- lowest point in 100 years. In that But come fair weather or foul, high
modities, United States' production of year only 16 quicksilver properties in prices or low, it is my guess that the
mercury invariably falls far short of the nation reported any production, Dunnigan home in the pinyon-juniper
the demand. In 1953, for example among them the Red Rock. belt of Nevada's White Mountains will
quicksilver mines in the United States In an effort to restimulate mining still be one of Earth's favored places.
produced only 14,337 flasks, or 14 of this vital element, for which no The soft call of mourning dove and
percent of the 100,000 flasks required satisfactory substitute has been found, quail will still fill the quiet air at day-
to supply the country's industrial needs. Uncle Sam, in 1954, adopted a three- break. The rain will fall, and the sun
Of the imports required, some 66,000 year quicksilver program carrying a will lay softly warm on the rocks and
flasks came from Spain and Italy, the guarantee of $225 a flask. For some hills—and the little Red Rock quick-
world's leading producers of quick- strange reason the immediate effect of silver mine will continue to put forth
silver for the past 20 centuries; Mexico this price support program was to send its small but vital quota of argentum
supplied 13,637 flasks, and the re- mercury quotations soaring to the all- vivum, "The Living Silver."
FEBRUARY, 1956 15

Termites on the Desert...

The next time you come across a clump of bunch grass that appears legs and appropriately is called the
to have been spattered with mud, examine it closely. Chances are a black-legged termite.
colony of termites are busily devouring the stems beneath the mud. All species have social caste systems.
Contrary to the widely held belief that the desert is termite-free, many The majority in the colony are usually
species of these diligent and destructive insects thrive in the Southwest. white to tan bodied, wingless workers;
others are big, brown-jawed soldiers;
•*v By EDMUND C. JAEGER, »D,Sc. a few are queens, given over to egg
Curator of Plants laying.
Riverside Municipal Museum Examine the next termite colony
Photographs by Stanley 'Phair you find and note these different kinds
of individuals and their major and
FRIEND OF mine cbntemplat- galleries is the Arizona termite, Ami- minor differences with the aid of a
ing the purchase of a desert termes arizonensis. magnifying glass — something you
home asked his real estate Watch for such termite work on should always carry on your desert
broker for a certificate of inspection your next desert walk. These highly walks.
guaranteeing that the structure was specialized social insects mud cover
free of termites or so-called white ants. By diligent search you may turn up
not only grass and shrub stems, but three or four different species in a
"Why go to that expense?" asked also the fecal droppings of animals and
the agent:* "We don't have termites on single day. Each is identifiable by
pieces of fallen wood from trees. peculiar structural differences and col-
the desert. I've never heard of such
pests around here." Break open the fragile earthen tubes ors of the members of the colony as
and perhaps you will see the slow- well as by the kinds of galleries they
My friend asked me later if this was moving insects busy at their work of
true, to which question he received a work in.
devouring the dry plant materials
very definite negative reply. which constitute their only food. Most I suggest you take some notes and
The signs of termite activity are in make a few drawings, no matter how
termites are able to utilize this woody
evidence in many places on the desert, crude. It is in this manner that you
material as food only because they impress on your mind the things you
particularly in summer after thunder- harbor single-celled protozoan para-
showers or cloudbursts. Among the see. Moreover, by sketching the in-
sites in their intestines which pre-digest sects, you are better able to note small
many desert oddities are the structures, the cellulose. Strangely enough, the
really tubes of soil, which certain of similarities and differences you would
Arizona termite needs no such food otherwise never notice.
these very diligent insects leave as evi- predigestors.
dence of their work on the stems of The Sahara and other deserts have
shrubs and grasses. Some stems of Other light-shunning white ants termites which build mud galleries and
bunch grass are almost completely work in dead wood of desert trees and sand tubes very similar, if not identical,
covered with saliva-moistened soil so shrubs and in the wood of houses to those made by termites on our
that they appear to have been spattered where there is a bit of dampness. These American deserts. Some of the sand
with gravy-like mud. The termite toil- do not mud cover their food. They tubes they build are unusually large,
ers, working day and night, devour live and thrive in the dark galleries constructed by termites called Psam-
most of the enclosed grass stems, leav- they build within the wood. motermes (Greek sand termites or
ing the mud tubes intact. The insect One peculiar species I sometimes woodworms) by the scientifically-
responsible for these strange shelter find in wood has, unlike others, black minded specialists.

The mud galleries of desert termites on bunch grass. -• A lump of vegetable refuse mud-covered by termites.

The I.-.*

Strange Tree illll
Here is a tree that starts off to be a colossus
and ends up a dwarf. The result is a curious
plant that has held the interest of botanists and
desert travelers for many years—and will con-
tinue to hold that interest so long as the strange
Elephant Tree sends its short, crooked branches
into the desert sky.
Massive lower trunks of Elephant Trees taper rapidly
giving the stunted plants a striking appearance.

7 HE STRANGE, the odd and the

peculiar never fail to fascinate,
and on the isolated hillslopes of
eastern San Diego County, California,
soms, and yellow-tipped creosote
bushes—is seen the darker green of the
leaves of the major stand of California's
green of the bark and the blue of the
single-seeded berry.
Proof that this is the Elephant Tree
Elephant Trees. is in the dark red sap that flows like
may be found a shrub with an ele-
phantine trunk and blood-like sap, Named in honor of the sixteenth blood when the bark is cut. The shrub
intriguing to both botanist and layman. century botanist, Joachim Burser, this will more readily bleed in summer than
Although varieties are known in the unneighborly shrub does not grow in in winter, and the oil exuded has an
Gila Range of Arizona south through groves. The two specimens that I aromatic smell similar to turpentine
Sonora and Baja California, the Bur- found in closest proximity in this or varnish. In Mayan and Aztec times
sera microphylla, or Elephant Tree, group of a hundred were 30 feet apart. the wood was burned as incense in
has an extremely restricted distribution From beneath a gray boulder, the temples and, until quite recently, medi-
in California, principally on the west- obese, foot thick trunk appears, hesi- cinal properties were ascribed to its
ern side of the Colorado Desert on the use in the treatment of venereal disease
tantly wondering whether this arid and
rocky slopes of the Vallecito Moun- and scorpion bites. Indians also use
desolate region would accept him in the bark as a source of dye and tannins.
tains. A few of the trees have been its desert vegetative association. Satis-
found near the base of the Santa Rosa fied, the twisted elephantine trunk, Of all the California shrubs, surely
Mountains of California. within a foot of the ground, separates this is the strangest: blue berries, yel-
The Split Mountain Road south- into two or three branches, each about low-green paper-like bark turning to
wards from Ocotillo on State Highway half the size of the base stem. Further reddish brown on the twigs, dark green
78 affords the only accessible route to crooked branches taper rapidly, and leaflets and blood-like sap of deep red
these strange plants in the Vallecitos, the fronds of tiny green leaflets, remi- make a unique color combination. The
but the comfort of modern transporta- niscent of the pepper tree, lend a pleas- Elephant Tree has a trunk that appears
tion ends where an almost indistin- ing color contrast to the yellowish from the ground as if to bear a con-
guishable trail wanders westward from
the tarmac, threading its way through siderable tree, but the branches taper
ocotillo, mesquite and cholla. Endeav- rapidly toward their tips. Some bot-
oring to avoid the boulders that in- anists believe this is caused by frequent
crease in number and size as one freezings back in the plant's early years.
approaches the alluvial fan debauch- The Elephant Tree ranges in height
ing here from between two eastward- from six to 15 feet, but some 30-foot
reaching rocky spurs, the path mean- giants have been found in Mexico.
ders with the wash it follows. At an It is a shrub whose resin has been
elevation of 500 feet the trail, which
may be traversed by jeep for a short used for the healing of man's wounds
way, leads into an amphitheater be- and for the amelioration of God's
tween the spurs and the higher Valle- wrath. Of a sub-tropical family of 15
cito mass ahead. A trifle higher up genera and 400 species, but a single
the sloping baiada scattered over an genus and a single species is native to
area about a mile long from southwest - California, and that, with unelephantine
to northeast, and about half as deep, reserve, grows hidden in the arid rocky
amidst ocotillo with their flaming blos- washes of the mountains of Vallecito.

FEBRUARY, 1956 17
Red Rock
Canyon Gem
Trails ...
Rock collectors have been following the
gem trails in California's Red Rock Canyon for
many years—and the material is not as plentiful
there as in former days. But there is more at Red
Rock than merely beautiful stones, as you will
realize when you read Harold Weight's story of
his most recent trip to this fantastic area.

Map by Norton Allen

Both of them came from Red Rock.

I had found them in the middle 1930s,
while spending several days scrambling
over and across cliffs, mesas, buttes
and gulches there.
At that period my consuming in-
terest was infra-red photography. Red
Easter Sunrise Services at Red Rock Canyon attract an Rock's magnificent erosional forma-
increasing number of people every year. Photograph courtesy tions seemed expressly designed for
Paul Hubbard. that film's harsh contrast and haze-
eliminating, sky - darkening properties,
and I gave the canyon a thorough go-
? IN THE Mojave Desert part endowed with natural wonders, there ing over. Rocks, so far as I was con-
of Kern County, California, would long ago have been agitation cerned then, could be divided into two
efforts are under way again to to make Red Rock a national park. It classes—pretty and not pretty—and I
convince the State Division of Beaches is a sort of California Bryce—smaller wasn't looking for either kind.
and Parks that Red Rock Canyon than the Utah park, true enough, but Nevertheless, when I was clambering
should be made a California State more friendly and more approachable. over that big backbone of Red Rock
Park. To those of us who have known My introduction to the wonderful southwest of Ricardo, I found myself
and loved Red Rock's beautifully col- red canyon could hardly have been among rocks so outstandingly in the
ored, spectacularly eroded sedimentar- more ideal. It came in the late 1920s pretty class that for a time I forgot
ies and volcanics through most of our when we arrived among its looming photography. It was a long way back
lives, it seems strange that anyone cliffs at dusk, with just light enough to the car and I was festooned and
should need convincing. to set up camp. Then, well after dark, loaded with camera and equipment so
Of course, that isn't the whole prob- a full moon swept above the easterly that I did not have even a free pocket.
lem. When I wrote to the Parks Divi- ramparts to half display, half conceal, But I felt I just had to have those two
sion about it, they explained that this with unearthly beauty and mystery, the special pieces, so I hauled them back
area was proposed many years ago ridged promontories and shadowed in my shirt front.
but, "Its acquisition has not been real- coves in the great battlements beside About two years after that the rock
ized, mainly because of the lack of which we had halted. Later years re- fever really caught up with me. In
matching funds which are necessary vealed more but no greater beauties those pre-military days, when the pub-
to assist in its purchase." These out- as my interests in desert history and lic domain was public, collectors could
side funds are required by the beaches in photography and in rock collecting hunt almost anywhere in the Western
and parks appropriation bill of 1945, all drew me back to Red Rock again deserts and it was several years before
which stipulates that each dollar spent and again. I worked around to Red Rock on a
by the state in acquisition shall be Going through some old boxes a few real collecting trip. On that trip, with
matched with another dollar from other months back, I came upon two of the my mother and father, we found that
sources or by donations of lands of first pieces of cutting rock that I ever south of Red Rock a rough trace of a
equal value. brought home. One was a big chunk road led west from the highway and
This geological and scenic wonder- with green and yellowish moss threads then northerly, to a spot behind the
land is unique and unexcelled in Cali- in chalcedony, the other a colorful familiar formations. And there was
fornia. In some states less abundantly jasp-agate in greens, browns and reds. abundant jasper, agate and chalcedony

Some of the most striking and most frequently visited sections of Red Rock Canyon
are privately owned, but so far remain open to visitors through the generosity of
the owners. But Utterbugs could quickly change the "Keep Clean" on this sign
to "Keep Out." Photograph by the author.

in various mixtures and colors, on the World War II. The rockhound areas was racing around smoothing roads
steep slopes and in the gullies which in Last Chance Canyon and the El and additional camping areas for new
form the side of Red Rock not seen Pasos, to the northeast, are extensive arrivals.
from the highway. We found cutting and I knew that in them petrified wood The tranquillity and friendly activ-
rocks both as float and in ledges. We and opal, as well as the jaspers and ity of the scene was in striking contrast
also found evidence that rockhounds agates of formations like those in Red to the greeting I remembered in that
had been hunting and working hard Rock, were still being found. But the same area when I had been picture
around these hills and gulches for a spot at the western edge of Red Rock taking so long before. On that occa-
considerable period of time. that I had in mind is limited in extent. sion I learned in a forceful way that
Examining those two rocks 20 years It is close beside a major highway to Red Rock was mining country. I had
later I was surprised at their quality. one of California's tourist attractions. driven through this cove and as far
Often the "high-grade" I hauled home It has been known to rockhounds eastward as a wandering trace of road
at the beginning of my rockhound ca- almost since the beginning of the would take me. There I found an
reer seemed poor stuff in later years. hobby. If any field was cleaned, it interesting angle on a huge cliff I had
Wondering whether more of that grade might well be. It would be interesting never seen pictured before.
was left at Red Rock, I recalled a rock- to learn how it had fared.
I fixed my camera on the tripod and
hound gathering of a few nights before. Red Rock is hot in summer and composed my picture carefully, squint-
There Red Rock had been suggested can be very cold in winter, when winds ing frequently through the small view
for a possible field trip. And the cry from the Sierras and the upper Mojave finder and doing quite a bit of general
—so familiar to field trip chairmen— sweep down through it. Easter Week, fussing. During this, I was dimly con-
was "Aw, that's cleaned out!" Lucile and I decided, should be a per- scious of another car racing down the
Rockhound collecting fields do be- fect time to visit the canyon. The trail I had used at a clip which left
come exhausted. Especially today, weather should be pleasant, the wild- great dust streamers rising into the
with an expanding hobby and a de- flowers well hi bloom. We might even air. But I paid little attention to it
creasing number of collecting areas. be on hand for the Easter Sunrise until, while I was exposing the shot,
But the cry of "Cleaned out!" often Services which attract an increasing the car swerved into my side track,
means that a little work will be neces- number of people to Red Rock each swung across it to block any chance of
sary to obtain good rock or that the year. my escape, and halted.
fellow doing the hollering does not
want too much competition around We arrived in the canyon the day Out of it piled a grim and authentic-
before he has completed his own clean- before Easter, with the weather unex- looking Western character with an
ing. pectedly hot. Many cars and trailers enormous revolver strapped to his hip.
already were camped against the great He demanded to know what in the hot
While I had driven through Red cliffs in the cove to the west of the desert I thought I was doing. Simply
Rock frequently, I had not stopped to highway where the services were to be taking a picture, I explained. The
hunt rocks there since shortly after held. A busy little jeep hauling a drag Westerner snorted his disbelief and

FEBRUARY, 1956 19
stomped over to investigate my camera the canyon. But it was a surprise to values per yard made any expensive
minutely. me that any mining claim in Red Rock development unprofitable. Though
Wherj he came back, he seemed would be considered worth shooting good sized individual nuggets were
convinced that probably I was telling over. Later I learned that there had found, by 1895 the California Bureau
the truth. And he explained that—my been a real gold excitement in the of Mines reported only seven dry-
camera being a very tiny one on the canyon in early days. Oldtimers say washers in operation. But the strikes
top of a very tall tripod — he had there were strikes in the 1860s. The at Red Rock and elsewhere in the El
thought that I was surveying. And I big rush came in 1893, in this same Paso Mountains—particularly at Black
was pointed right at one of his gold area of the canyon. The original dis- Mountain and Goler—were credited
claims. And he had been having coverer reportedly took out $150 in with bringing the rush of prospectors
trouble with attempts at claim jumping. which a few years later resulted in the
four days, went to Mojave, came back
He had thought I was one of the unre- discovery of the Yellow Aster and the
with a partner, and took out another birth of Randsburg. There has been
constructed trouble makers. $260 in two days. The gold was placer, only intermittent mining since then—
As he clambered back into his car, hauled down to the little intermittent the most recent rush being by person-
still unmollified, he gave me a last stream in the canyon to be worked. nel from Edwards Air Force Base who
scowl. "You want to be careful," he When the word got out, hundreds not long since announced a uranium
warned, "or one of these days you of hopefuls made the rush to Red strike in the canyon.
may get shot." Rock. But there was no water for With those early miners came an-
I moved to more peaceful parts of real placer operations and the over-all other kind of prospector who brought
the Red Rock area to the permanent
attention of the scientific world. That
was the geologist H. W. Fairbanks,
who, in 1896, published a description
of the spectacularly exposed Red Rock
formations. Much earlier—in 1875—
they had caught the attention of G. K.
Gilbert, working on the Geographical
and Geological Explorations West of
the 100th Meridian, but Fairbanks
gave the first details and discovered
the first fossil remains in the region-—
leaves which were identified as belong-
ing to the Eocene period.
Other investigations followed, the
principal ones made by expeditions
headed by C. L. Baker, J. P. Buwalda
and John C. Merriam, from 1911
through 1915. The results were pub-
lished by the University of California
in 1919, in Merriam's Tertiary Faunas
of the Mojave Desert. Merriam named
;, \ Jasper the beds the Ricardo formation, for
the little station and postoffice just
north of the most colorful sections of
Red Rock Canyon. From that Ricardo
y ^ y -KOEHN ••••
formation came quantities of teeth and
'(/••••'•'• '•' • D R Y L A K E '•' fragments of fossil bone which, when
patched together and identified, be-
came what has been declared one of
the largest and most important assem-
blages of mammalian fauna known
Wogon Wheel Shi. from the Pliocene of western North
Apparently these creatures found
their graves in a huge freshwater lake
which developed in Indian Wells and
Cantil valleys in the Pliocene and in
which 7000 feet of Ricardo sediments
and volcanics were deposited. No com-
plete skeletons and few unbroken bones
have been found in these sediments.
It would seem possible that the animal
population suffered from the geological
violence taking place at that time.
According to T. W. Dibblee, Jr.,
Geology of the Saltdale Quadrangle,
California, the El Paso and Garlock
faults may well have been created dur-
ing mountain-making upheaval at this
period's beginning. Vulcanism which

' v1-"- r-.•'•;" =:'-H.'.::

" ii •••***•

« «

* ; x*; •WE . I
Rock presents its ornate front to the public, but its comparatively drab rear
yields prizes for the rockhound. Here a vein of chalcedony with white moss is
exposed on a slope favored by Mojave asters. Photograph by the author.

followed, deposited huge ash beds and Canyon, a few miles northeast of Red to the north, crossing a sandy wash.
extruded red andesite and breccia. Rock, in the El Pasos. In the wash was a cattle fence and
After a peaceful period it started again, Over the land had wandered giant gate which I did not remember from
with tuff breccia and four flows of camels as well as smaller versions, my last visit. But there was no "Keep
basalt. Then, after Ricardo sediments pronghorns, early forms of grazing Out" sign on it and we judged it was
and flows were laid down, a new and horses and large browsing horses and to keep the cattle in rather than us out,
tremendous upheaval, believed a local deer. There were long jawed masto- so we passed through, closing the gate
dons, rhinoceroses, saber-toothed cats, as we had found it. There are no
effect of the rising of the Coast Ranges,
caused thin wide flows of Black Moun- dogs and bear-dogs, with rabbits and spectacular cliffs at the back of Red
tain basalt, activity along the Garlock weasels as more familiar inhabitants. Rock, but we were close beside small
and El Paso faults, and the uplifting dark hills. Among them we found
of the Rand Mountains. On our last trip to Red Rock at chalcedony, including veins of clear
Easter-time, we found the coves along with mossy white at the edges. We
A picture of this part of our South- the highway occupied with campers. found jasper, some of it with green
west in the Clarendonian age of the We sought a more secluded spot for moss. I picked up one large geode.
early Pliocene has been built up from our own campground, and turned west There was a scattering of banded agate.
the flora and fauna found in the Ri- on the old trail I had followed many
cardo formations. According to the years ago. There were even more flowers here.
Geology of Southern California, re- In a matter of minutes the desert The almost bare white limbs of the
cently published by the California Di- closed in around us. There was no Indigo bushes on the steep slopes were
vision of Mines, the country was a other car or human in sight and only sprouting beautiful purple peas. On
sort of early California version of the an occasional heavy thunder to remind the slopes over which we scrambled
present African veldt, "a woodland- us of the nearby highway. Beautiful were little pink globe mallows, tiny
savanna association, with chaparral clumps of beavertail were blooming pink gilias and lavender gilias, bloom-
and some arid subtropical scrub near- on and near the slopes. Pincushion, ing white Rafinesquia, thistle sage and
by. Precipitation was about 15 inches pale sand verbena, small and medium Mojave aster.
yearly. Summers were hot, but win- blazing stars, cream and yellow eve- We continued on the narrow, deeply
ters were mild and probably frostless." ning primrose, chia, malacothrix and rutted road, rounding the massive
Plant remains which experts identified the pink stars of the canchalagua slopes which enclose Red Rock's fa-
were live oak, pinyon pine, locust, brightened the land around us. On the miliar formations, and angled east
cypress, acacia, buckbrush, "desert nearby slopes I found yellow and again. Here we searched over a great
thorn" and palm. Some of this ma- brown jasper, little seams of chalce- reddish slope which, I was sure, was
terial was found among the famed pet- dony, small natrolite nodules. the very one where I had picked up
rified wood collected in Last Chance We followed the curve of the hills my first pieces. And to prove it, I

FEBRUARY, 1956 21
• • • • • . . • . • . . • • • • • • • • •

"Bradshaw's Road to the La Paz

Diggin's," in this month's Desert, is
the first article written by Franklyn
Hoyt for a popular magazine although
several of his works have appeared in
scholarly historical journals. Hoyt is
a history teacher at Mt. San Antonio
College in Pomona, California.
He is a native of Riverside, Califor-
nia, and in 1941 was graduated from
the University of Redlands. After
four years in the Navy, Hoyt entered
III the University of Southern California
where he received his Ph.D. degree.
His specialty is California History.
The Hoyts, who have two children,
John, 8, and Nancy, 4, are camera
enthusiasts who enjoy traveling to far
off places for their photos.
"We are making rather vague plans
at this time to drive to Fairbanks,
Alaska," writes Mr. Hoyt.
Brown, green and red moss jasper, threaded with chalcedony, from the Red * * *
Rock Canyon rock fields, and a cabochon cut from it. Photograph by the G. Philip Curti, who wrote "The Val-
author. lecitos' Strange Tree" in this month's
issue, is credited with making the first
comprehensive study of the Borrego
found material which seemed to match warmed the rich red of the andesite Springs, California, area. It was while
exactly the two chunks I had hauled above us, the owls were still calling making this study that he became ac-
home so long before. We came upon questioningly from the dark coves of quainted with the Elephant Tree found
other scattered pieces of jasper in Red Rock. The nearby canyons be- in that vicinity.
greens, tans and browns, some red came alive with the varied warble of Curti was born in San Francisco,
flecked. Some, with moss patterns, the finches. Doves spoke softly from but spent most of his life in London.
would cut into beautiful stones. the wash below. The early light spilled During the war he was a pilot and
And we were satisfied, again, that on down the slope and illuminated a navigator in the RAF. He is currently
the cry of "cleaned out!" certainly did little wild garden of globe mallows as connected with the Department of
not apply to this field. True, the ma- the small dawn wind made them dance Geography at UCLA.
terial was not as abundant as it had and tremble. On a green ledge already * * *
been. Probably it had been pretty well warmed by the sun, an early-rising New address of the National Spele-
high-graded of its finest material. But gridiron-tailed lizard pumped himself ological Society is 1770 Columbia
good pieces still could be found, more up and down, genuflecting toward the Road NW, Washington, D.C., advises
was weathering out all the time, and east. The sun cleared the ridge and Dr. W. R. Halliday, author of "We
more could be dug out. Explored the Winding Stair Cave"
across the wide wash a mockingbird which appeared in the December, 1955,
We collected until dusk, then turned broke into clear, full-throated music.
back. With the Jeep we could have Desert.
followed the road on through to a Bathed in the beauty of those golden
junction with the highway above Ri- notes and in the ever-renewing promise BLACK WIDOW'S VENOM MUCH
cardo, but we had no desire to camp of the desert dawn, I felt a twinge of STRONGER THAN RATTLESNAKE'S
in the crowded main part of Red Rock. sorrow for the rock collector back The black widow is the principal
Instead we found a little cove in the there in the city who had cried that spider in the United States with poison
hills at the edge of the big wash. Dark- Red Rock was cleaned out. Even if sufficiently toxic to affect a healthy
ness fell shortly after supper, and with he had been right about the rocks, he adult. The poison is neurotoxic, that
it a pleasant coolness. But sleep came would still have been wrong. There is is, it affects the nerves.
so much more to rock hunting in the Weight for weight, the venom of the
slowly, with snatches of our conversa-
desert than the bringing home of a car- black widow is now believed to be
tion recurring, conjuring up the strug- load of rocks. And there is also, in
gling weary remnants of the Forty- more virulent than that of any other
such wonder spots as Red Rock, al- poisonous animal. It is rated as six
niners who had escaped Death Valley most a guarantee of expanding hori-
and made their way through these times stronger than that of the cobra
zons. Even as the canyon once made and 15 times that of a prairie rattle-
bright canyon walls, of the bandit Vas- me forget my photography to look at
quez thundering through after a raid snake. It is indeed fortunate that this
beautiful rocks, it may make rock- spider is so small. In 217 years only
on the stage station farther north. hounds drop their picks to gaze at 1300 bites were recorded, with a death
We watched Easter Dawn from our beauty and next time perhaps they will rate of four percent. Outdoor Hazards,
bedrolls and when the first light bring cameras along. Real and Fancied by Mary V. Hood.

Each desert home may become

Potted Plants in a lovely oasis if its occupants will

give thought and effort to its land-
scaping. Where water is in short

a Desert Patio ...

supply, the problem of growing
things may best be solved with
potted flowers and shrubs — and
here are some suggestions from
Ruth Reynolds of Tucson for those
who are interested in decorating
By RUTH REYNOLDS Or, why not get one of those indus- the yard or patio with a movable
trial hand trucks? A small lightweight landscape.
IN T H E Desert one?" I asked.
Southwest is half spring, half "Because," answered my husband,
winter, and many plants in the In the first group almost any flower
"we don't have any potted plants." I —from the petunia to the rose—can
desert garden are now in a dilemma— agreed that we didn't have—yet.
enticed into bloom by the warm day- be pot grown successfully. Even the
time sun and chilled into retreat by This is an increasingly popular type very common African Violet or ger-
the cold night temperatures. The of gardening — a type many people anium can be dramatized by the gar-
gardener too is perplexed—tempted to consider less, rather than more, work dener's ingenuity by using them in
get things going in the garden but aware than regular gardening. A potted gar- numbers and grouping them effectively
that there is yet too much danger of den can be confined to a concentrated for bright color accents.
freezing weather. area, protected from extreme tempera- In the garden I have in mind, the
ture changes. All the work of water- foliage plants predominate, and texture
In contemplating this period of un- ing, weed and insect control is reduced
certainty I began thinking of potted and form as well as color shadings are
to a minimum and each plant can be characteristics to be considered by the
plants and portable gardens. When given its own best soil to grow in and
I mentioned the idea to Ted his pot gardener, especially if she is in-
its own particular diet. fluenced by an artist-designer-gardener
thoughts turned immediately to "tub
toting" and who was going to do it. Plants suitable for potting are nu- like my friend, Helen Gardiner Doyle,
merous and varied. They are divided who has turned the small patio and
"Don't worry about that," I told into two main classes—those grown brick paved terrace of her desert home
him. "Only a few plants require tub- for flowers and those for foliage, al- and art center, Hacienda Bellas Artes,
size containers and the nurseries now though many plants fit equally well into a green oasis where the native
carry dollies with which to move them. into both categories. and the exotic combine to create an

Handsome carved door in keeping with the patio's Potted Saguaro and cocoa palm, right foreground, enjoy
Spanish motif is framed, from left, by rubber plant, fan the sun at the edge of the patio walk. Palo Verde in
leaf palm and sweet potato plant that could pass for a background grows in a brick lined island giving it the
philodendron. In background is a privet tree. - : appearance of being potted too.

FEBRUARY, 1956 23
artistic setting to be lived in the year Among plants more commonly used the holes in the bottom of the container
around. indoors were the jungle natives—the with pieces of broken crockery, adds
Mrs. Doyle, I must admit, has the easy-to-grow philodendrons, including a layer of charcoal, then a layer of
advantage of having planned ahead for the dramatic, huge split-leaf Monstera peat moss and fills in with potting soil
just such a display. Her husband, Luke as well as the more familiar vining —a large percentage of which is peat
Doyle, is a contractor and the two of oxycardium, with small heart shaped moss, except for arid climate plants
them together designed and built their leaves; a rubber plant and a Strelitzia which do well enough in a more com-
house. The home is Spanish in style Reginae from Hawaii. pact soil. For the more acid-loving
and it encloses, on three sides, an inner Plants more tolerant of sun but plants—bougainvillea and camellia—
court or patio where plants can be sensitive to cold are shrub-formed a little soil sulphur may be added.
placed in direct sun, in the shade of bougainvillea, camellias and hibiscus. Once the plants are established they
a sheltering wall or under the over- All of these make attractive plants are fed and watered according to their
hanging roof. even when not in flower. requirements.
The unpaved central part of the In choosing plants and arranging
patio is in grass, and the focal point them an artist would of course be Most thrive on a balanced fertilizer,
of interest there is a palo verde tree adept^achieving a nice balance be- applied in liquid form. A completely
with the free-form outline of the pav- tween the tall and the low growing soluble fertilizer with a 10-20-10 anal-
ing reaching out to encircle it so that plants; harmonizing or contrasting the ysis—four tablespoons to 12 quarts of
it appears to be potted too. shades of green—the dull with the water—is a good formula, higher in
On a recent visit to this desert ha- bright, the glossy textures with the phosphorus than in nitrogen and po-
cienda, 14 miles from Tucson, I found softer or rougher ones. tassium. In fertilizers there is a differ-
Helen unoccupied, for the moment, Containers, according to Helen, ence between soluble and completely
with teaching art, painting or designing should be in keeping with the archi- soluble, so manufacturers' directions
and as eager as I to talk about plant- tectural styling. The more modern the should be followed carefully.
growing. It was then and there that I architecture, the more modern the con- How frequently a plant should be
became a pot garden enthusiast, in- tainers. However, the pot should never fed and watered depends upon the
fluenced by Helen and her portable outshine the plant and, obviously, plant, the temperature and humidity.
garden. should be large enough and only large As a general rule a once-a-month wat-
The first thing that impressed me enough to accommodate its root sys- ering with the above solution is suffi-
was her use of some rather common tem and accentuate its best features. cient to feed each plant according to
plants — a shrub sized potted olive Helen likes small redwood tubs painted its size and need, the larger plants in
tree, a nepal privet tree, an 18-inch a dark, dull green for larger plants larger containers receiving more than
high saguaro, fan leaf palms, cocoanut and clay pots of assorted sizes for the smaller plants. An exception to
palms—all requiring little or no pro- plants of smaller sizes. Many of these this rule is made for flowering plants
tection from sun or frost. With their pots come from Mexico. which may be given double the amount
roots confined, their growth had been Her gardening, after plants and con- of fertilizer to the given amount of
retarded and their attractiveness en- tainers have been selected, begins with water.
hanced. drainage. To pot a plant she covers Each plant's water requirement must
be carefully gauged. Over saturation
leaves the soil waterlogged and airless.
Too little water results in the obvious
Ptofif Ftom Yout Photos. . .
If your hobby is photography and if you use the desert's wide
drying up of soil and plant.
In most small containers the soil is
kept sufficiently moist with one or two
stage to work upon, then you will want to enter the Picture-of-the-Month waterings a week, while larger contain-
Contest this month and every month. Any subject will do—from the ers require water less often. When
timeless flow of an ancient lava bed to the miraculous birth of a new there is doubt the soil beneath the
wildflower—so long as the picture is from the Desert Southwest. Two surface should be checked.
cash prizes are given each month for winning entries. All plants benefit from an occasional
Entries for the February contest must be sent to the Desert Maga- washing to clean them of dust and
zine office. Palm Desert, California, and postmarked not later than insects—mealy bugs, thrips, red spiders
February 18. Winning prints will appear in the April issue. Pictures —which helps keep them attractive.
which arrive too late for one contest are held over for the next month. At this point I persuaded Ted to
First prize is $10; second prize $5. For non-winning pictures accepted read this manuscript.
for publication $3 each will be paid.
"What do you think?" I asked
HERE ARE THE RULES brightly when he finished.
1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed
on glossy paper. "I think," said my husband, "I'd
2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and better start looking around for that
place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day, etc. hand truck."
4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest "Oh yes," I agreed. And then I had
month. an idea, two ideas really. "You know,"
5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert I said, "we could put some sort of roof
Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures. over our brick terrace . . . and wquldn't
6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the
desert Southwest. it be nice if I had a little lath house—
7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made just a tiny one, where I could pot the
immediately after the close of the contest each month. plants and keep them until they were
ready to display—"
Address All Entries to Photo Editor
Ted was overcome with enthusiasm,
PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA I guess, for his answer was quite un-

Pictures of
the Month
Spider Web
L. D. Schooler of Blythe, California, repeats
as the first prize contest winner with this
striking study of a spider web stretched across
the fork of a cholla cactus skeleton. Schooler
used a Rolleicord camera, plus X film, flash,
f. 22 at 1/50 sec.

Second prize winner
is this photograph of
the Ragtown Crossing
Monument near Fal-
lon, Nevada, photo-
graphed by A. L. Seel-
ing of Santa Barbara,
California. Camera
data: Rolei 3.5 Xenar
lens, Ansco Supreme
film;f. 11 at 1/100 sec.

FEBRUARY, 1956 25
Somewhere in the rugged Coso
Range on California's Mojave Des-
TREASURE CANYON OF ert is a hidden canyon where the
ancients are said to have stored
a rich treasure in gold and artifacts

the Coso Ancients in caves. Here is the story of the

man who learned about this treas-
ure from an aged Indian—and who
believes that he once located the
caves—only to lose them again.
By RUSS LEADABRAND This tableland, cut by endless rocky
Photographs by the author ravines and tortuous arroyos, knows explorers in the area — the single-
few watering places. The lonely Joshua blanket burro prospectors—often stood
Map by Norton Allen trees stand sentinel here and the coyote in awe of the vast canyons filled with
is familiar with the evening ridges. the Ancients' writing.
(ROODING OVER the northwest Few roads invade the Coso badlands The Paiutes who still lived in the
corner of California's Mojave even today and in those days of the area told Bishop that the Coso Range
Desert is the bleak Coso Range, late 1920s when Frank Bishop was was a place set apart—a place that
a grim, burned series of volcanic cones prospecting the Panamints and Argus once belonged to the "old people."
and wind-scoured crags that crowd up Range there were many blank spots Some of the Indians hinted of other
to an apex at Coso Peak, 8160 feet. on the map between Brown and Dar- things in the dark range and these
The Coso Range rises out of the win. stories intrigued Bishop. Indians in
melancholy salt flats of the China Lake This was the haunt of early man the Mojave, like Indians elsewhere,
country to form a wide, somber mesa. and he left his mark. The first modern are not talkative. But one Indian pros-
pector dropped a couple of references
to a hidden canyon. The remark
stuck in the back of Bishop's mind.
He had seen gold in the Argus
Range and had reason to suspect that
there was more of the yellow stuff in
the neighboring hills.
Snow fell early on the upper desert
that year and the gaunt, gray giants of
the Sierra scarp were dusted with
white when Bishop stopped off at a
cabin near Brown on his way back to
The Indian prospector was inside
and they spoke again of the Coso back
That night, before the pale light of
a kerosene lamp, the Indian showed
Bishop a strange necklace.
It looked incredibly old, yet the
sinew stringing was still tough for it
had been well preserved.
The tiny red shell beads were laced
together in an overlapping pattern.
Single flat beads, scarcely a quarter
inch across, were laboriously pierced
by some tireless ancient with a stone
There were three pendants on the
necklace. At first Bishop took them
to be green-black stones—dirty pieces
of tarred obsidian. He rubbed one
of the stones. The grime came away
under his touch.
The pendants were pierced gold
nuggets, each the size of an acorn!
The Indian wouldn't part with the
necklace, but in the yellow smear of
light on the rough table he drew a
map—a map that was to lead Bishop
across hundreds of strange miles in
Invokern —
the years to come.
Ridgecres It was a rough map that the Indian
drew with a gnarled finger across the

It is in a rugged terrain such as this that the hidden canyon and its caves of treasure
are believed to be concealed. Petroglyphs are evidence that the prehistoric aborig-
ines spent much time in this region. At the top, Fred Morgan of Pasadena, Cali-
fornia, who guided the author into the Coso range.

rough pine boards—a map to a hid- discover even stranger things at Little dying sun making long shadows across
den canyon in the Coso Range. Lake at the foot of the Cosos. the inhospitable range Bishop at last
Within the canyon, the Indian said, Two years passed before Bishop looked down into the box canyon. He
were the caves of the old people. It returned to the Cosos. In the months camped at the canyon entrance that
was from such a cave that the neck- that followed he criss-crossed the night.
lace with the gold ornaments had come. Range and in these wanderings saw The next morning he discovered why
Dry caves, dust dry, where rain or many incredible sights. Indian writ- he had been unsuccessful in his earlier
wind never touched. Caves where the ings were scattered throughout the searchings.
old people may have been buried in vast rocky ravines of that forbidding The yard-wide mouth of the box
the strange custom of the ancients with range. canyon, which opened into a larger
arms and legs folded and covered with Bishop crossed fields of glass where wash, had been covered by a cave-in.
a giant basket; caves where the tools the obsidian shards sliced the soles of The only way to find the canyon—
of labor and war were still scattered his shoes. There were alkali fields little more than 100 feet in length—
under the dust; caves that white men hidden in secret valleys. On the rims was to stumble upon it from above as
had never seen. of these dry lakes he found the rem- he had done.
nants of old Indian campsites. Arrow- Bishop climbed over the rubble at
The map contained landmarks to points and stone implements were com- the canyon's mouth and stared in as-
a small box canyon. Entrance to the mon in these areas.
canyon was through a rock crevice tonishment at the sight before him.
scarcely wide enough to admit a man. Every day there was something new It was almost as the Indian had de-
The opening appeared in the side of and strange, but the hidden canyon scribed it. A narrow canyon, one wall
a rocky ravine. Inside, a shadowy slot escaped his search. covered with petroglyphs, the other
cut across the floor of the range. On With summer almost spent the pros- perforated with cave mouths.
one wall were Indian writings, the pector despaired of finding the cave The caves had obviously been used
petroglyphs of the old people. On site. At sunset one evening he was as places of habitation. Soot from in-
the other wall, high above the floor crossing a long purple plain some- numerable fires had made great smudge
of the narrow canyon, were the dozen where in the vicinity of Lamotte smears up the sheer canyon face above
shelter caves. Springs when he noticed the dark line the yawning holes.
of a ravine on the edge of the flat. But the caves were too high to reach
The map etched itself in Bishop's It was in an area that he had from the canyon floor. There were
mind. He took the vivid mental pic- searched before, but the distant line handholds on the face of the wall, but
ture with him back to Los Angeles. aroused his curiosity. Bishop could not climb up them.
The museum people with whom he It was a walk of a hundred yards
checked doubted that Indians in the Exploring the canyon floor he found
and on the way he passed a low wall obsidian points, scrapers and chips in
area had used golden ornaments but of stones. profusion.
they did not discourage Bishop. They In a few moments he reached the Later he climbed back up to the
didn't know it then but they were to ravine and with the last rays of the rim of the canyon hoping to reach the
for roads in that country went in the
wrong directions. The peaks had
shifted. The landmarks had vanished.
Nowhere could he find the gray
peak and the red cinder cone. The
hidden canyon with its caves of mystery
was lost again. Bishop looked for a
week and then gave up.
Things have changed even more in
the Coso Range since Bishop tramped
over them.
The U. S. Navy has taken over most
of the country for its giant Inyokern
Naval Ordnance Test Station at China
Lake. The old roads into the country
are lost or closed.
Once you could enter the range from
Darwin, Brown or Coso Junction.
Now the Darwin and Coso Junction
roads are fenced off. To enter from
the south, through the enormous ord-
nance station, requires security clear-
ance and special permission.
The Navy has been zealous about
protecting the known petroglyph can-
yons. But the only ones who drive
the terrible road up Renegade Canyon
out of the salt flats onto Wild Horse
Mesa today are the security patrols.
They stick to the well-defined jeep ruts
and leave the exploring to the wind
and the wild burro.
IRS Recently the Southwest Museum es-
tablished that Little Lake, not too many
miles from the Hidden Canyon area,
Petroglyphs are everywhere in this rugged country. This glyph resembling a was once the home of Pinto and Gyp-
ladder stretches from the bottom to the top of a ravine. sum Cave man—proof that the old
people walked these lava hills at least
8000 years ago.
caves from above, but his single piece Bishop marked the canyon as well Somewhere in the back country,
of rope was too short to stretch down as he could in his memory and also possibly near Lamotte Springs, there
to the cave mouths. There was no made pencilled notations of a gray is a small box canyon. Staring from
way to reach them. peak on the left and a red cinder cone one wall of this rocky cul-de-sac is a
From the opposite side of the can- to the right of the canyon. row of cave mouths. These dry caves
yon he tried to peer into the caves. Five years passed before he returned may contain the ornaments of ancient
In one he saw, or thought he saw, a to the Cosos. The unfriendly range man—smooth, water-worn nuggets of
piece of matting or a basket. - had changed. The tire ruts that pass gold.

Somewhere in the bleak, burned Coso Range is the Lost Canyon of the Ancients.
The Renegade Canyon road, foreground, leads to the Wild Horse Mesa.

••. ^Sfi'isfciij'fiKi'ii I S # l

^af# i l l
tation to our friends north of the
CRAIG BURNS, M.D., President,
Central Andean Rocks and
Minerals Society
• • •
"Highest" Rockhound Society . . . Moccasin Arch in Reverse . . .
La Oroya, Peru San Francisco, California
Desert: Desert:
I recently became acquainted with I don't generally find fault with your
Desert Magazine and each time I pick covers but I must take exception to
up a new issue I am tempted to write the December, 1955, issue.
you a letter. Now, with an issue in Having traveled and painted consid-
front of me, I take action on my im- erably in the Navajo country, and be-
pulse. ing very partial to the Monument
Valley area, I was amazed to discover
I have thought that perhaps you and you had printed the picture of Mocca-
your readers would like to know about sin Arch in reverse, and then labeled
the "highest society" in rockhound it "Window Rock," which is something
circles in the world — The Central else again, being located at least a
Andean Rocks and Minerals Society. hundred miles away at the Navajo
Our meeting place, the last Friday of Agency.
each month, is Mayupampa School,
La Oroyo, Peru; La Oroya is at an Hold the picture up to a mirror,
altitude of 12,200 feet above sea level then compare it with one you must
and there are mountains all around! have of the famous Moccasin Arch
Our membership is cosmopolitan, con- or better still, drop in sometime and
sisting of 11 North Americans (9 U.S., look at the painting I made of it on the
2 Canada), 4 Peruvians, 3 Germans, spot.
3 Argentinians, and one each from the CHARLES L. REED
Above —• The Lima to La Oroya
following countries: Austria, India, highway at the continental divide. Dear Chuck: You are right—and
Switzerland and Great Britain. Ac- Altitude here is 16,000 feet above I have no alibi. Apologies to you
cording to our constitution, meetings sea level. Below—Cluster of quartz and all the Navajo Indians and
are conducted in English. crystals from the Andes Mountains Harry Goulding for transposing
There are both advantages and dis- of Peru. those two lovely arches.—R.H.
advantages to being the highest mineral
society in the world. One of our ad-
vantages is that we are in the middle too. Actually, the tops of the Andes Ccttalpa Club Formed . . .
of tremendous mining activity and it are sedimentary and the predominent
is an easy matter to get a first-class fossil is the ammonite, a large circular Lenwood-Grandview, California
geologist or mining engineer to talk snail-like animal looking like the pres- Desert:
at our meetings—be he Dutch, Swiss, ent-day chambered nautilus. It is com- A group of us are in the process of
Australian or North American — the mon to find specimens a foot in organizing a Desert Catalpa Club
only condition being that he must diameter. Then there are the usual whose main objective it will be to
speak in English. appearing small fossil snails, several sponsor an annual festival in June
types of fossil shells, and fossil sand- when the Chilopsis linearis (known
Another advantage is the wealth dollai (somewhat of a rarity here). also as Desert Catalpa, Desert Willow,
of collecting material. Rockhounds Desert Orchid) blooms.
are an oddity here, and mining super- But, let's not forget the disadvan-
intendents readily give their approval tages. First, there is the high altitude. We plan to hold our first festival
for our visits to their dumps and mines It takes a period of adjustment before in 1957. In the meantime we are
just for the novelty of the situation— one can search ardently for minerals launching a campaign to introduce the
and perhaps for someone to talk to. here, since one must often go even plants to home gardeners by sponsor-
Of course women are not allowed in higher than La Oroya for most of the ing a home-planting contest with cash
the mines—an Indian superstition in minerals. The principal mines are at and other prizes. Judging will take
the Andes, probably originating with 14,000 to 15,000 feet above sea level. place in June of this year.
the early Spaniards who also felt that Did you know that you can scarcely In my work here I have developed
a woman brought bad luck to a sailing make wood burn at these altitudes? some very fine color variants ranging
vessel. However, the climate is ideal and the from white to maroon, almost purple
high altitude produces no serious or and cerise—and some of the plants
The mines in the Central Andes lasting effects. have a very fine fragrance.
yield beautiful specimens of quartz,
pyrite, sphalerite, galena, bismuthinite, The second disadvantage is that we TED HUTCHISON
argentite, tetrahedrite, realgar — the don't have many visiting rockhounds
list goes on and on incorporating 17 —-in fact, we dont' have any. Nobody Small Price for Liberty . . .
different metallic elements ending with to show our fine specimens to besides
indium and thalliuir. Most of the ourselves, and nobody to take around China Lake, California
world's indium comes from the Cerro to the finest places, mineralogically Desert:
speaking, of course. Perhaps we are I would like to present the other
de Pasco Corporation's huge smelter just too far south or too hidden. But
side of the military land-grab question
in La Oroya. we would welcome any fellow rock- in which you have repeatedly expressed
This is good fossil-hunting territory, hound and herewith extend our invi- the opinion that the Government has

FEBRUARY, 1956 29
usurped too much desert land for mil- this country be well armed. This does But, someone asks: "What about
itary bases and test areas. not only mean that we be well sup- the sea? Why not test the weapons
As an employee of one of these plied with existing weapons, but that there?" In the first place, we do not
desert test bases (Naval Ordnance Test we continue to develop new ones. control the sea beyond the three-mile
Station at China Lake, California) I Surely, no desert dweller will dis- limit. If a fishing boat wants to wander
feel I must come to the Government's count the value of preparedness. into a test area, we can ask it to leave,
defense and explain why desert bases As we develop newer, longer range but we can't force it to do so. If fish-
are needed. weapons, we must have adequate space ing is good an important test may be
The present international situation in which to test them. The desert is an delayed.
being what it is, it is imperative that ideal place for this work. Another problem is weather. In
weapons testing we need to see and
photograph what goes on. The clear
fill!** ^ m s ' s Desert Magazine's monthly test for atmosphere of the desert is far su-
VIIIIZ those who want to become acquainted with perior to the foggy, stormy weather so
the Southwest desert country. In these ques- often found at sea. And, too, the deli-
tions you'll find a bit of geography, history, botany, mineralogy and the cate instruments used in weapons test-
lore of the desert and its white and Indian population. There are no ing need solid ground under them and
penalties if you miss—and a lot of satisfaction in making a good score. would be useless on the rolling deck
Twelve to 14 is fair. 15 to 17 good, and 18 or better exceptional. The of a ship.
answers are on page 39. I regret as much as anyone that
1—One of the following reptiles is venomous: Chuckawalla Horned some very interesting country is closed
lizard .„ . Gila Monster . . . Desert tortoise . to the public. I regret that desert bases
2—A mescal pit was used by the desert Indians for: Storing food have to exist at all. In some happier
Cooking mescal ........ Burying the dead Ceremonial pur- time we can hope that they can all be
poses abolished and the public domain
3—Tahquitz was a god of the: Apache Indians . Cahuilla Indi- opened up to all. In the meantime,
ans . Paiute Indians . Hopi Indians _.. ... however, they seem to be a small
4—Gem stone most sought by the Indians of the Southwest is: Tur- enough price to pay for our liberty.
quoise - . Garnet . Topaz . Tourmaline CHARLES E. HENDRIX
5—Squaw or Mormon tea is made from the stems of: Common sage Dear Mr. Hendrix—Desert's po-
Nolina . .. . Desert holly Ephedra sition is this: We have no quarrel
6—The home of the Chemehuevi Indians was along the banks of the: with the purpose of the Army, Navy
Rio Grande . Colorado River ... . Gila River San Juan or Air Force to establish adequate
River... training and testing facilities on the
7—The study of tamarisk would properly be undertaken by a: Zoolo- desert. But, we do object to the
gist Botanist... Archeologist... Herpetologist policy of having 17 of them within
8—Rappel is a term commonly used in: Skiing ........ Hiking the desert areas of California, Ne-
Mountain Climbing . Swimming vada and Arizona. A great deal of
9—The Tarantula Hawk preys on: Mice . Rabbits. . Fish this range area is lying idle much
Spiders of the time—unused but closed to
10—Kaibab is the name of a forest in: Arizona Utah New all civilians. It is our view that if
Mexico . California the operations of the three branches
11—Among students of the desert the name Philip A. Munz is associated in their training work were co-ordi-
with: Mining . Archeology Botany Reclamation nated as they must be in the event
12—The Indians who live in a tributary of the Grand Canyon are: of a war, then the ranges could be
Hopi Papago Havasupai Pima . reduced to one-third of the present
13—Obsidian is an: Igneous rock ..... Metamorphic Rock Sedi- number. We think they would con-
mentary Rock . Conglomerate stitute a more effective defense force
14—Marcos de Niza was: The founder of Tucson A friar with in wartime if they practiced some
Coronado's expedition . First white man to navigate the Grand co-ordination in peace time.—R.H.
Canyon The padre who proved that California was not an • • •
island Why Kill Porcupines? . . .
15—The highway across the top of Hoover dam links: California with
Arizona California with Nevada Arizona with Nevada Portland, Oregon
Utah with Nevada Desert:
16—One of the following cities is not on U.S. Highway 66: Albuquer- I am at a loss to understand why
que Flagstaff Tucson Barstow Utah hunters are being urged to kill
17—The army officer in charge of the first camel caravan across the United porcupines (Desert, December, 1955,
States was: Kit Carson Lieut. Beale Lieut. Emory p. 3 0 ) . As a person who was saved
Gen. Kearny from starvation by eating porcupines
18—Historically, the name Butterfield was associated with: The capture —the only animal I was able to catch
of Geronimo._... . The Gadsden Purchase The Mormon mi- —I realize their value—and also rea-
gration to Utah The operation of the first transcontinental lize that they destroy trees and stock
stage line to Southern California are injured once in a while by them.
19—Kayenta is a town in: Utah.— . California New Mexico But, do they destroy as much timber
Arizona as do careless loggers or careless smo-
20—Hohokam is the name given an extinct Indian tribe in: Death Val- kers and campers?
ley Salt River Valley of Arizona Imperial Valley of Can it be that man is excusing him-
California Tribesmen who built the cliff dwellings in New self from self-inflicted losses by point-
Mexico ing a finger and gun at the porcupine?

Ancient Spear Points Found . . .

Hete and Urn on the Demi... BISBEE — Big game hunters who
killed huge mammoths in Arizona 10,-
000 years ago have again left their
ARIZONA Wetback Labor Declines . . . tracks {Desert, Oct. '55, p9). Mem-
Canada-Mexico Highway . . . PHOENIX—Executive Vice Presi- bers of the staff of the Arizona State
dent C. B. Moore of the Western Museum under its director, Dr. Emil
KINGMAN—Delegates to the In- Growers Association declared that Haury, have unearthed mammoth and
ternational Five States Highway Asso- users of Mexican laborers "are watch- buffalo bones together with spear
ciation Convention have urged the points in the San Pedro Valley near
swift completion of unimproved sec- ing carefully to see that no illegal labor Bisbee about 15 miles from the Mexi-
tions of Highway 93 in order to elevate (wetbacks) is used in their fields." can border. At least three and possi-
that route to the status of a major Moore said the immigration depart- bly four mammoth skeletons were in-
Canada to Mexico highway. The fed- ment "to a large degree has cleaned termixed with buffalo bones, five spear
eral highways numbering committee up the wetback situation."—Phoenix points, a stone knife, scraper and a
has been asked by the State of Arizona Gazette big stone that was probably used as a
to designate 93 as a United States chopper.—Phoenix Gazette
Highway from Kingman south to the • • •
Mexican border. It is presently a U.S. Park Plan Endorsed . . .
route only from the Canadian border Coyote Poisoning Begun . . .
to Kingman, but a state route from YUMA — The Arizona Recreation
Association has endorsed, in a resolu- SNOWFLAKE—Control of coyotes
Kingman to Mexico.—Mohave Miner through the use of Compound 1080
tion, plans for a widespread state park is underway in Northeastern Arizona
• • •
system proposed by the Arizona De- reports Vernon L. Frazier, U. S. Fish
Navajos Seek Industry . . • velopment Board. Arizona is the only and Wildlife representative. Lethal
WINDOW ROCK — The Navajo state in the Union without a park stations will be set up at strategic lo-
tribe opened a $300,000 campaign to system, the Board reported.
change its way of life from pastoral cations and when they have served
to industrial. The money, to be taken their purpose, usually by March, they
from tribal funds for industrial devel- will be picked up and destroyed, Fra-
opment, was appropriated by the Tri- zier said. The stations consist of car-
Deer Kidnappers Warned . . .
bal Council in a 68 to 2 vote. How casses or other baits treated with
PHOENIX—Game and Fish De- Compound 1080, a lethal poison for
the money is to be used is up to the partment officials report that an unusu- which there is no known antidote.—
Navajo Advisory Committee and the ally heavy epidemic of deer snatching Holbrook Tribune-News
tribal chairman, Paul Jones. — New has broken out in the state among
Mexican persons who, with the best of inten-
• • •
Hopis Elect Council . . .
tions, take fawns home with them. In
spite of these good intentions, how- GLORIOUS DDVEnTURE
HOPI RESERVATION—The Ho- ever, such acts are really heartless and
pis in their 12 self-governing villages to be condemned by all thoughtful citi-
went to the polls recently to elect rep- zens, the department declared. Ninety-
resentatives to the tribal council, the nine times out of a hundred the mother
number being governed by population. of the fawn is hiding nearby when the
The Hopis elected a tribal council after would-be rescuer blunders onto the
organizing under the Indian Reorgani- fawn. Because of her tremendous sense
zation Act in 1935, but by 1942 of smell, sight and hearing, there is no
dissension became so great the coun- more chance of a doe losing her fawn
cil was disbanded. Later, it was reor- than there is of a human mother mis-
ganized, but has functioned in only a placing her baby. It is normal for the
quasi-official manner. The Hopis have doe to nurse her fawn only a few times
steadfastly refused to unite, even each day and to depart for long
though their reservation has been en- stretches of time to feed. Kidnapping
circled by the huge Navajo tribe. The fawns is as serious as shooting the
new tribal council will be recognized animal and will be treated accordingly, In the Canyons of the Colorado
by the U. S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. the department said. — Casa Grande and San Juan Rivers
—Phoenix Gazette Dispatch Sturdy boats and skilled boatmen-guides
insure safe and thoroughly enjoyable passage
• • • through the most colorful canyons of the
Southwest desert.
Indian Alcoholism Hit . . . SAN JUAN AND COLORADO RIVERS
Stove Pipe Wells Hotel
WASHINGTON, D. C. — Indian Death Valley Mexican Hat to Lee's Ferry
Commissioner Glenn L. Emmons said California
7-day trips scheduled in May and June
$200 for each person
he hopes soon to be able to take some GLEN CANYON OF THE COLORADO
positive and practical steps to deal Home of the Famous Annual Hife, Utah, to Lee's Ferry
with the problem of alcoholism among BURRO-FLAPJACK 8-day trips in August and September
American Indians. Emmons' state- $150 for each person
ment is in reply to criticism of the Stove Pipe Wells Hotel was until his Lee's Ferry to Lake Mead
situation voiced by Federal Judge Carl death in 1950 owned and operated by 18-day trip in July
Hatch in Albuquerque. Hatch said George Palmer Putnam, renowned Special charter trips may be arranged.
there has been a growing number of author and explorer. It continues un- Write for 1956 summer schedule and rates.
der the personal management of Mrs. J. FRANK WRIGHT
intoxicated Indians since repeal of fed- George Palmer Putnam.
eral and state bans against sale of Season: October 1 to June 1 P.O. Box 427 Blanding, Utah
liquor to Indians.—Phoenix Gazette

FEBRUARY, 1956 31
CALIFORNIA Farm Labor Contract . . . Palo Verde Bids I n . . .
MEXICO CITY — Negotiations BLYTHE—The new permanent di-
Sierra Nevctdcrs Studied . . . were opened in Mexico City for a new version dam on the Colorado River to
LONE PINE—Dr. Daniel I. Axel- contract to send Mexican farm hands divert water in Palo Verde Irrigation
rod, UCLA professor of geology, has to U.S. fields. The Bracero question district canals will cost almost half a
completed an extensive study of the long has been a sore spot on the Mexi- million dollars more than engineers'
fossil plants on the Sierra Nevadas. can conscience, observers report. Al- estimates for the project. This was
His research has helped establish ap- though the Mexican is pained to see revealed when bids from seven con-
proximately when the life zones on the strong young backs of his country- struction firms were opened at the
the mountains were established; when men heading north to be bent in stoop U.S. Reclamation bureau office in
evolution began to operate in them; labor, statistics show why every con- Blythe. The two low bidders were W.
and why there is such a diversity of tracting center in the republic is E. Kier of El Segundo with a bid of
life in the area. Dr. Axelrod's fossil swamped with thousands of applica- $2,009,760 for construction of the
studies indicate that 15,000,000 years tions every year. Seventy percent of earth and rock fill dam, and Haddox
ago the range was a gentle slope that Mexican families survive on less than and Fisher of Yuma with a bid of
reached a height of probably no more 10 pesos (80c U.S.) a day. Another $1,144,892 for construction of levees
than 3000 feet.—Inyo Independent 23 percent manage on between 11 and and drains.—Palo Verde Valley Times
27 pesos daily. The 50 to 75c an hour
paid by U.S. farmers looks like big
Open Border Urged . . . money to the Braceros. Mexican offi- Fish Adapt to Salton Sea . . .
WASHINGTON, D. C—Immigra- cialdom insists it is not equivalent to SALTON SEA—A first-rate sports
tion Commissioner Joseph M. Swing what the U. S. Worker gets for the fishing area may be developed in the
urged early easing of entry require- same work.—Salt Lake Tribune Salton Sea, investigators believe. Two
ments for Cubans and Mexicans and • • • types of fish—pan-sized gulf croakers
denied the move would open the flood- Trail Use Declines . . . and large, gamey corvinas—seem to
gates to Communist infiltration. Under MT. WHITNEY—While use of the be adaptable to the tepid waters of
proposed agreements with Cuba and Mt. Whitney Trail declined slightly the vast desert body of water. The
Mexico, the government would drop during the past summer, the registra- croakers were introduced in 1950-51,
visa requirements for visiting Cubans tion on the July 4 weekend set a new and have multiplied rapidly. The cor-
and Mexicans.—Yuma Sun record for that holiday period, figures vinas were only planted two years ago,
compiled by District Ranger Roy but are increasing at a rate that prom-
Saarni showed. A total of 6010 per- ises good fishing in two or three years.
Coyote, Bobcat Hunt . . . sons registered on the trail during the —Indio News
LONE PINE — A two-day Inyo summer, a decrease of seven percent
County coyote and bobcat hunt was from the 6470 of last year which was
to be held January 7 and 8, according the record season. Approximately Water Appeal Denied . . .
to the county board of supervisors. 2100 hikers reached the top of the DESERT HOT SPRINGS — In-
Those registered for the hunt were mountain, a drop of 17 percent from terior Southern California communities
eligible for a $2 bounty for each ani- the 2519 of the previous summer. •— may be barred from receiving Colorado
mal killed.—Inyo Register Inyo Register River water following a ruling by the
• • • Metropolitan Water District rejecting
a request by Desert Hot Springs for
Trout P l a n t i n g S e t . . . annexation to the Western Muncipal
LOS ANGELES—At least 75 per- Water district. The community's ap-
cent of the catchable-size trout planted plication was denied on the grounds
in Southern California next season by that the MWD can only legally serve
the Department of Fish and Game the coastal plain of Southern Califor-
/FURNACE will be not less than seven and a half nia.—Desert Sun
inches long and will average five to
CREEK INN the pound. Increasing the size of
catchables to be planted over the for- Park Site Studied . . .
mer program centered on a six to eight LONE PINE—A representative of
FURNACE CREEK to the pound trout, is in line with the the Department of Parks and Beaches
expressed wishes of sportsmen and the was in Lone Pine recently to investi-
RANCH .* recommendation of the DFG.—Inyo gate the possibility of establishing a
Register state park in the Alabama Hills. Nu-
merous local organizations have been
actively urging creation of a state park

For folders and reservations

OLD WEST at Alabama Hills since 1948.—Inyo
If you like the OLD WEST, you'll treas-
ure TRUE WEST—only slick-paper mag-
write 5509 Death Valley Ho- azine of its kind. Each bi-monthly
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Or phone Furnace Creek Inn articles written by top authorities.
Plenty of action photos, too—all about
Lookine for a PUBLISHER?
at Death Valley. Or call your the Old West: BAD MEN, LOST MINES, Po you* have a book-length manuscript you
local travel agent. BURIED TREASURE, RANGE WARS, would like to have published? Learn about
INDIAN FIGHTS, OUTLAWS, GHOST- our unusual plan whereby your book can be
TOWNS, TRAIL DRIVES, GOLD RUSH, published, promoted and distributed on a
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able booklet D. It's free.
-K i years of TRUE WEST 112 issues! $3.00
* A years of TRUE WEST 124 issues) .....$5.00 V A N T A G E P R E S S , I N C .
Rush bills, check or M.O. to:
6253 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif.
Main Olfice: New York 1, N. Y.
TRUE WEST • P.O.Box 5008-M» Austin 31,Texas

NEVADA Pyramid Rancher Sued . . . Bctrbary Rams Surveyed . . .
NIXON — Uncle Sam, who may ROY — A scientific expedition,
State Sues Navy . . . soon be sued for $200,000,000 by the armed with high-powered rifles, field
HAWTHORNE — A legal action Pyramid Lake Indians, recently filed glasses and kibitzers is trying to deter-
has been filed by the State of Nevada a lawsuit in their behalf, a civil action mine if the nation has a new big game
in district court seeking to compel the charging W. J. Cerasola of Wadsworth animal to hunt. A group of 60 per-
Navy to comply with Nevada's water with trespassing on the Indian reserva- sons invaded the 30-mile stretch of
laws. The action involves six wells tion at Nixon. The suit seeks $1000 the cliff-rimmed Canadian River can-
used by the Navy to supply water for general damages from the Wadsworth yon, seeking 25 Barbary rams, part of
the Hawthorne Naval Ammunition rancher plus a $561 penalty provided a herd of about 200, the only wild
Depot. The complaint alleges that the by Federal statute. The suit charges group of its kind on the North Ameri-
federal government must comply with that since June, 1954, Cerasola has can continent. Purpose of the hunt
Nevada laws governing appropriation driven his cattle on the reservation on was to gain more information on the
of underground water.—Nevada State eight separate occasions without per- sheep. The scientists hope to learn
Journal mission of the Indians.—Nevada State specifically what the animals eat, if any
Journal parasites bother them, and their habits.
• • • —New Mexican
Quake Shifts Valley . . . Traffic D e a t h s H i g h . . . • • •
FALLON — Dixie Valley between CARSON CITY — The National Farm Sizes Increase . . .
Fairview Mountain and Westgate Safety Council reports the mileage
shifted eight feet during the December SANTA FE—New Mexico's farms
death rate in Nevada last year was and ranches continue to diminish in
16, 1954, earthquake according to re- 10.5 persons per 100,000,000 miles number and expand in size. This is
cent findings of the U. S. Coast and of travel, compared to the national one of the main trends noted by Vin-
Geodetic Survey. The quake, one of average of 6.5. Although the state's cent T. Ximenes of the University of
the major shocks of modern geological 225,000 residents own only 100,000 New Mexico's Bureau of Business Re-
history, shifted the Westgate area ap- automobiles, out of state traffic will search in an analysis of the most re-
proximately four feet south and the send an estimated 3,000,000 automo- cent U. S. Census of Agriculture. Rea-
Fairview Mountain area about four biles carrying better than 8,000,000 sons for the trend, started in 1940:
feet north. Several hundred scientists passengers through the state by the attraction of cash wages in the larger
are expected to visit the area next end of 1955.—Nevada State Journal cities; lower commodity prices; short-
spring, according to Prof. David B.
Slemmons, assistant professor of ge- • • • ages of water; and higher cash require-
ology at the Mackay School of Mines. NEW MEXICO ments for mechanical equipment. —
—Fallon Standard Lovington Press
Land Transfer Pushed . . . • • •
SANTA FE—Floyd Lee and Dee Low Unconstitutional . . .
Gambling Winnings Up . . . Brownfield, leaders in the promotion SANTA FE—The law which sup-
CARSON CITY — Nevada's legal- of the range-saving Taylor Grazing Act porters called a boon to attract new
ized gambling industry was expected of 22 years ago, are at work on an- industry to the state has been thrown
to set a new record in 1955 in terms other land reform that observers pre- out as unconstitutional. It violated the
of gross winnings. The state gaming dict will lead to all the federal public constitutional ban on government aid-
board reported that gross winnings of domain being ceded to the states. The ing private enterprise, the state su-
34 major casinos in the Las Vegas, process is expected to follow the course preme court has ruled. Passed by the
Reno and Lake Tahoe areas alone for that led to the federal government re- 1955 Legislature, the act permitted
the first nine months of 1955 were cently ceding the tidelands to the states. municipalities to issue revenue bonds
about $11,000,000 higher than for the The program is being carried forward to acquire industrial or business prop-
same period of 1954. Preliminary by the New Mexico Land Resources erties for leasing to private interests.
figures for 1955 show the present Study Council, not initially organized —New Mexican
gambling tax will yield $3,955,532 or with the idea of getting the federal
slightly more than double 1954's col- land for the state but to try to bring (Advertisement)
lections.—Nevada State Journal order to federal land operations within
the state. It was only after the program
was developed that observers con-
ceived that if successful it would lead
People 60 to 80
Carson Loses Out . . .
CARSON CITY — Statistics show
to the federal government giving its
lands to the state.—Will Harrison in
We Have a Letter
that Carson City is no longer the na-
tion's smallest state capital. Montpe-
the New Mexican We'd Like to Send Vou...
lier, Vermont, may now claim that . . . but we don't want to send it
title, and general consensus among without your permission!
Carson City businessmen is that some- 1000 TRAVEL SCENES It will tell you how you can apply
thing must be done to regain the "title," for a $1,000 life insurance policy to
held for so many years by the historic help take care of final expenses
Nevada city.—Territorial Enterprise without burdening your family.
And you can handle the entire
SPECIAL OFFER transaction by mail — with OLD
Cast loose to follow the sun...explore the
To introduce readers of DESERT to our
2"x2" COLOR SLIDES for home projec- obligation. No one will call!
tion, we are offering a FREE 20 page
byways, relax by a rippling stream... enjoy catalog and a FREE sample color slide. You can give us permission to
the sea, the woods, the mountains, with all Travel, Science, Nature, National Parks
the comforts of home. Write for free booklet! and the southwest. Write today to — send this free information by simply
AIRSTREAM TRAILERS INC. mailing a postcard or letter (giving
K E L L Y D. C H O D A
write dept P
age) to Old American Ins. Co., 1 W.
9th, Dept. L248M, Kansas City, Mo.

FEBRUARY, 1956 33
INTERESTED IN Prospecting for Gold
and Industrial Minerals? Join United
Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 12c a Word, $2.00 Minimum Per Issue
Prospectors and read Panning Gold.
Write for application: United Prospec-
tors, 701V4 E. Edgeware Rd., Los Ange-
les 26, California.
URANIUM MAP of Southwest. Geiger
counters, scintillators, snooper, $29.95
INDIAN GOODS WARM, BEAUTIFUL 80 acre desert par- up. Free catalog, or better, send $1.00
cel overlooking Coachella Valley. Owner for authentic uranium map of Southwest
5 FINE ANCIENT Indian arrowheads, $2. will guarantee big well at his cost. $500 Desert and catalog. Harry's Geiger
Flint eagle ceremonial, $2. Perfect Fol- per acre. One acre near Box Canyon. Counters, 360 So. Hawthorne Blvd.,
some, $5. Spearhead, $1. List Free. Lear's Has domestic water. Price $1850, will Hawthorne, California.
Glenwood, Arkansas. consider trust deed or late model car.
Lovely Palm Village home, pool, garden, INDIAN PHONOGRAPH Records. New
priced for under real value at $50,000. Singers! Latest Songs! As well as many
BEAUTIFUL OBSIDIAN arrowheads from For any type Desert Real Estate write old-time songs and chants—all completely
the Klamath Country. Black $1.00; gray Ronald L. Johnson, Box 162, Thermal, authentic. Write for free record list No.
$1.50; translucent $2.00; profusely illus- California. 5. Canyon Records, 834 N. 7th Avenue,
trated catalog 50c. Moise Penning, 158 Phoenix, Arizona.
Dolorosa, San Lorenzo, California. UNSURPASSED gasoline station and trailer SILVERY DESERT HOLLY plants: One
camp. Location in most beautiful part dollar each postpaid. Greasewood Green-
BEAUTIFUL TURQUOISE and Silver jew- of the Imperial Valley, California. Close
elry by the Pueblo Tribes — Authentic to deluxe hot dog and coffee shop now houses, Lenwood, Barstow, California.
Navajo rugs. The Bradleys, 4639 Cren- doing a paying business. Location on HAyE REAL FUN with desert gems,
shaw Blvd., Los Angeles 43, California. U. S. Highway 80, 24 miles west of El minerals and rocks. The rockhound's
Centro, California. Frontage 400 feet how-to-do-it magazine tells how. One
SIX FINE Ancient Indian Arrowheads— with 3 level acres. Price $3500 with year (12 issues) only $3.00. Sample 25c.
$2.00. Fine granite Tomahawk —$2.10. water and electricity to property. Write Gems and Minerals, Dept. J10, Palmdale,
Effigy pipe $4.00. Perfect flint thunder- H. D., P. O. Box 151, Plaster City, Cali- California.
bird—$3.00. Flint fish hook—$3.00. List fornia, for full particulars.
free. Arrowhead, Box 1249, Hot Springs, BUY SURPLUS DIRECT from govern-
Arkansas. ment at tremendous savings. Farm tools,
MISCELLANEOUS machinery, feed, truck, jeep, tractor.
OLD INDIAN horn spoon, $1.75. Fine, Hundreds of others. List $1.00. Box
old Indian basket, $3.00. Five ancient DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar 169-Daa East Hartford 8, Connecticut.
arrowheads, $1.00. 24-inch strand Cali- postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses, Len- FIND BURIED TREASURE, gold and sil-
fornia Mound trade beads, $1.00. Abalone wood, Barstow, California. ver, with Goldak's sensational 3Vi lb.
shell pendant, $1.00. Have other relics, "Find-It" locator, only $49.50. Write for
beadwork, pipes, pipe-tomahawks. Also GHOST TOWN ITEMS: Sun-colored glass, free literature on complete line of mineral,
want to buy or trade for all kinds old amethyst to royal purple; ghost railroads metal locators; Geiger and scintillation
Indian material. (Have Indian-Western materials, tickets; limited odd items from counters. Goldak, 1541 W. Glenoaks
books, guns, swords, Navajo rugs—sell camps of the '60s. Write your interest— Blvd., Glendale, California.
or trade). Paul L. Summers, Canyon, Box 64-D, Smith, Nevada.
BUILD YOUR OWN real swimming pool! sional Hunter! Join Forestry, Park, Fish-
OVER 600 fine old baskets. Many rare Fun for the entire family! Easy plan and ery Services. Good Pay! Opportunities
Navajo rugs, both old and new, Bayeta- instructions, only $1.00. Delta Pools, Box Open! Free! Revealing "Select-Job Chart,"
Germantown. Artifacts, gems, and fine 604, Stockton, California. details, job-getting secrets. Write Home
Indian jewelry. Open daily 10 to 6, closed Study Educators, 1036-33 La Brea, Los
Mondays. Buffalo Trading Post, Highway SECTIONIZED COUNTY MAPS — San Angeles 19, California.
18, Apple Valley, California. Bernardino $1; Riverside $1; Imperial
50c; San Diego 50c; Inyo 75c; other Cali- NEW! Uranium detector kit, $8.49. Guar-
fornia counties $1.25 each. Nevada coun- anteed. Postpaid. Free catalog. CMG
BOOKS — MAGAZINES ties $1 each. Topographic maps of all Industries, Box 611-DM, Laramie, Wyo.
mapped areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114
W. Third St., Los Angeles, California. LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest
BOOKS FOUND—Any title! Free world- Beautifier." For women who wish to
wide book search service. Any book, FOR SUPER SHARP knives use patented become beautiful, for women who wish
new or old. Western Americana a spe- "Rolit" sharpener. Guaranteed. $1.25 to remain beautiful. An outstanding des-
cialty. Lowest price. Send wants today! postpaid. "Rolit," 392 W. Center St., ert cream. For information, write or call
International Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, Springville, Utah. Lola Barnes, 963 N. Oakland, Pasadena
Beverly Hills, California. 6, Calif., or phone SYcamore 4-2378.
STAMP COLLECTORS lists. Old Ameri-
WOOD AND WEEDS. Fun with dried cans free. All Southwests available. Col- KEY RING of Beauty and Utility. Beau-
things by Frances Bostic. Sixteen illus- lections purchased. Hammond D78J, tiful gem stone of either squared or irreg-
trations of dried arrangements with text. Crystal Beach, Florida. ular shape mounted on attractive domestic
$1.35 Postpaid, Desert Crafts Shop, Palm or exotic wood. Each Key Ring carries
Desert, California. PAN GOLD: $1 for 75 panning areas in with it the name and origin of the gem
25 California counties. Geological for- stone. Also common name of wood, the
WANTED—Back issues of Desert Magazine. mations, elevations, pertinent notes. Pan- botanical or scientific name as well as
Will pay $5 for Nov. '37; $1 for Apr. '38; ning pans $2.75, $2.25. Leather nugget origin of wood. Equipped with chain for
$1.50 for Sept. '38, in good condition. and dust poke $1. Fred Mark, Box 801, keys. $1.50 plus federal excise tax. E. F.
Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California. Ojai, California. Dival, 515V2 Geneva Street, Glendale 6,
REAL ESTATE good condition. Regular $15—now $9.95.
Two $18.50. Six $50.00. Tontz's, Dept.
Range Feed Increases . . .
SAVE, BUY DIRECT from Government, 31, Elsinore, California. LAS CRUCES—The United States
Surplus Farms, land, homes, etc. List Department of Agriculture's Office of
$1.00. Box 169-DMA, East Hartford 8, GOLD PROSPECTING CATALOG—List- the Agricultural Statistician says the
Connecticut. ing, placer and lode maps, steel gold
pans, mining and mineral books, books on New Mexico range feed supply is much
VIEW LOTS — Palm Desert Heights. Just lost mines, pocket magnifying glasses, larger this year than for the last sev-
above Desert Magazine block. Near mineral collection sets, blueprints of dry eral years. The office said that al-
Shadow Mountain Club, school, church, washers and wet washers you can build though ranges are becoming dry, live-
market, bus. 70x100, $1200 up. Paved, yourself. Catalog and Gold Panning Les-
gas, elec, water. Restricted. For brochure sons — Free. Old Prospector, Box 729, stock is entering the winter in good
write Box 65, Palm Desert, California. Desk 5, Lodi, California. condition.—New Mexican

Navajos Report Tiger . . . Project Gains Support . . . Dinosaur Display Planned . . .
GALLUP—Drivers for the General WASHINGTON, D. C. — Spokes- VERNAL—A life-size, 15-foot high
Services Administration and Navajo men for two conservation groups have and 76-foot long dinosaur skeleton
Indians reported seeing large cat tracks given Rep. William A. Dawson of Utah model is planned for the front lawn
which a professional government hun- written assurance that they no longer of the Utah Field House of Natural
ter said are not those of a mountain will oppose the upper Colorado stor- History at Vernal. More than 500
lion. Immediately speculation cen- age project now that Echo Park has concrete castings will be made and
tered on the incident four years ago been deleted. President Richard West- assembled. The dinosaur model is a
when a circus wagon was wrecked wood of the American Nature Associa- diplodocus.—Vernal Express
about 50 miles north of Gallup and a tion and Carl D. Shoemaker of the • • •
lion and tiger escaped and were never National Wildlife Federation have Lake Bed Studied . . .
recaptured. Others believe the "tiger" agreed to withdraw their opposition to OGDEN—Southern Pacific Railroad
may be a giant jaguar which has mi- the project.—Salt Lake Tribune engineers and scientists are conducting
grated north from Central Mexico.— • • • extensive studies of the bottom of the
New Mexican Great Salt Lake to determine the most
Cloud Seeding Progress . . .
• • • feasible route for a solid earth and
MOAB-—The result of four years
10,000 Deer Killed . . . (1951-55) of cloud seeding operations stone fill across the central part of the
SANTA FE — Reports from 13 over Southern Utah by Water Re- lake to carry trains. Eventually the
major Game Department checking sta- sources Development Corp. of Denver, fill is expected to extend 13 miles,
tions showed New Mexico hunters Colorado, show benefits of from 10 connecting the ends of existing shal-
bagged nearly 10,000 deer, 434 tur- to 30 percent of normal precipitation lower fills. The new road across the
keys and 12 bears during the general to the target area, the corporation re- lake will by-pass the world-famous
hunting season. However, State Game ported.—San Juan Record trestle which spans the 75-mile long
Director Homer C. Pickins estimated and 31-mile wide lake. — Box Elder
that the total deer kill will reach ap- News
proximately 30,000 when complete re-
ports are in.—Alamogordo Daily News
• • • New and Improved one with a cross handle for hand op-
eration and a model that can be oper-
Indians Shun U.S. Move . . .
Products for ated with an electric hand drill.
It is designed to bore holes of ideal
size and depth to apply enough com-
Congress of American Indians execu-
tive council, representing some 200,-
Desert Living mercial fertilizer to keep shade trees
in good foliage, flowering shrubs
blooming more abundantly, and fruit
000 Indians from 20 tribes, went on trees bearing at peak capacity for sev-
record opposing national legislation eral seasons with one feeding.
which will withdraw federal guardian- NEW CHEWING GUM AIDS
The auger is sold in hardware and
ship of Indians. The Council, headed MOTION SICKNESS VICTIMS
department stores and other garden
by Joseph R. Garry, Plummer, Idaho, A pharmaceutical company, Chas. supply outlets. Additional informa-
declared that "the legislation which has Pfizer & Co., announced development
tion can be had from the manufacturer,
passed will mean abrogating all treaties of a chewing gum that prevents mo-
A. B. Chance Company of Centralia,
between the United States and Indian tion sickness. The new product, Bona-
Missouri and 815 Tennessee Street,
tribes. It will be the end of all con- mine chewing tablets, will protect trav-
San Francisco, California.
tractual relations between the two elers against queasy feelings for 24
parties." The Indians said they were hours at a stretch, the manufacturers
not too concerned over the withdrawal claim. A dose of one or two tablets is
of government services, but were con- effective for all types of travel. You'll want to keep those
cerned over the status of Indian lands. The first travel gum ever marketed,
The Congress' annual convention will Bonamine is especially useful for chil-
be held at Salt Lake City in September dren since it eliminates the need for a
of this year.—Salt Lake Tribune which appear each month in
water "chaser" and can be taken at Desert Magazine—maps which
• • • any moment. will be your guide on many de-
Dugway Surveyed . . . The gum contains a compound of lightful excursions into the great
TOOELE — The Bureau of Land meclizine hydrochloride in sugar coat- desert playground.
Management announced the comple- ing. Clinical tests conducted by the
Attractive loose-leaf binders em-
tion of official surveys of the boun- Armed Forces aboard troopships and
during airborne operations showed that bossed in gold not only will
daries of Dugway Proving Ground, the
preserve the maps, but will be
Army's vast experimental chemical the Bonamine contained in one piece
af gum will protect a traveler up to a beautiful addition to your
warfare range southwest of Tooele. The
24 hours. home book-shelf. Each binder
Dugway area originally was estimated
• • • holds 12 copies. Easy to insert,
at 279,000 acres, but actually is closer
NEW AUGER DESIGNED TO they open flat.
to 286,000 acres, according to the
BLM. A survey of the Cedar Moun- FEED TREES AT ROOT LEVEL Mailed postpaid for
tain portion of the proving ground's A new small and inexpensive auger $2.00
eastern boundary for a distance of especially designed for applying plant
more than 18 miles now definitely food to the feeding roots of trees,
establishes a line which since 1942 had shrubs, and hedges has been put on
been designated only as "the summit the market. It bores a hole 2 inches
of Cedar Mountain Range." — Salt in diameter and up to 36 inches deep. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA
Lake Tribune The new product comes in two models,

FEBRUARY, 1956 35
Santa Fe, New Mexico . . .


Henderson, Nevada . . . Salt Lake City, Utah . . .
Officials of the New Mexico Economic
Development Commission believe there is
a good chance for development of an im-
portant mica industry in Northern New
Mexico and perhaps in other portions of
the state. Sam Glassmire, Los Alamos
geologist, is preparing a detailed report on
The American Potash and Chemical Corp. Kennecott Copper Corporation has pur- mica deposits for the EDC which will be
of California has purchased control of the chased the Butterfield mines in the Oquirrh presented to the Office of Strategic Materials,
Western Electrochemical Co. at Henderson Range south of the big Bingham copper pit Office of Defense Mobilization, the Depart-
for $5,000,000. The Henderson plant man- in a million dollar deal. Seller was Samuel ment of Commerce, and other federal agen-
ufactures fuel for Jato units for the armed S. Arentz, Salt Lake mining engineer who cies interested in stockpiling the strategic
forces and insect control chemicals such as had obtained a lease and option to buy the material. The federal government recently
DDT.—Humboldt Star highgrade lead-silver-zinc producer from announced that a substitute for mica will be
Combined Metals Reduction Co. In all sought.—New Mexican
o » © about 3800 acres of land were included in • • a
Drake, Arizona . . . the transaction. Most of the claims on the
Plans for a $6,500,000 cement manufac- property are patented. These original min- Tempiute, Nevada . . .
turing plant in Northern Arizona were an- ing claims establish the property as among Wah Chang Mining Corporation an-
nounced by officials of the Republic Cement the oldest in the state. Some of the loca- nounced that tungsten production at its
Corporation. The plant is expected to pro- tions go back as far as 1870.—Salt Lake largest operation, the Lincoln Mine at Tem-
vide employment for 81 persons. It will be Tribune piute, has reached approximately 825 tons
located at Drake, midway between Prescott daily, with 700 tons per day milled on a
and Ash Fork. Plans call for a daily pro- 24 hour per week basis. The company's
duction capacity of 2500 barrels of gray Boron, California . . . California operations are centered around
the Black Rock M^ne, 32 miles north of
cement and 750 barrels of white cement.— Isbell Construction Co. of Reno, Nevada, Bishop where production totals approxi-
Phoenix Gazette has been awarded the contract for prelim- mately 700 tens per day and 500 to 600
G c o inary stripping of dirt in the Pacific Coast tons per day are milled at the company's
Washington, D. C. . . . Borax Company's open mine development mill and the remainder shipped to a nearby
Western miners apparently have no seri- project at Boron. The contract calls for cu:;tom mill.—Nevada State Journal
ous objections to a new regulation limiting removal of 10,000,000 tons of dirt from
the borax deposit. Open pit mining opera- • • •
the size of hard rock mineral prospecting
permits and leases on certain federal lands. tions are scheduled to start early this year. Tucson, Arizona . . .
At least they have not made objections —Boron Enterprise Wesley P. Gross, president and general
known to Interior Department officials ad- manager of San Manuel Copper Corp., and
ministering the acreage restrictions on lands Magma Copper Co., announced recently
acquired by the federal government through that the San Manuel mine will reach full
Grass Valley- California . . . production of 35,000 ore tons daily by mid-
purchase or other means. The new regula- The Idaho-Maryland Mine Corporation, 1956. 7 he new mine is located 45 miles
tion limits to 10,240 acres the total holdings largest gold mining concern in the Grass northeast of Tucson on State Highway 77.
of one permittee or lessee for one mineral Valley area, reported it is experiencing a At full production, Goss estimated 1850
in any one state under combined prospecting boom in tungsten mining and will erect a men—500 more than at present—will be
permit and lease. The Interior Department's new mill. Approximately 22,000 pounds of employed. The mill operation is expected
Bureau of Land Management recently an- concentrate have been delivered since Au- to produce about 400,000 pounds of copper
nounced it would suspend action on pend- gust and the ore is running 75 to 80 per- daily, and about 18,000 pounds of molyb-
ing applications in excess of 10,240 acres. cent. The new mill is planned for a site denum and molybdenum sulphites.—Phoe-
This will permit officials to study testimony at the New Brunswick mine.—Pioche Rec- nix Gazette
presented at a recent hearing on the regula- ord
tions, during which Eastern miners protested • • •
the acreage restriction.—New Mexican • • •
Washington, D. C. . . .
• • • Oro Quay Park, New Mexico . . . Congress will be asked to authorize funds
Moab, Utah . . . Onego, Corp., has discovered what ap- for construction of a concentration mill for
pears to be one of the most important gold the nation's stockpiled manganese. Rep.
Atlas Uranium Corp. has blocked out John J. Rhodes of Arizona said he will
copper ore valued conservatively at $2,- deposits ever found in New Mexico on
Oro Quay Park in the San Pedro Mountains, submit the proposal as the result of studies
500,000. The discovery was made on two made by the house interior committee's
Atlas claims in Lisbon Valley, southeast of 47 miles southwest of Santa Fe. Besides
gold, copper in abundance and iron ore of subcommittee on minerals. At the present
Moab in San Juan County. Wells have been time most of this nation's stockpiled man-
drilled to assure an ample supply of water high quality have been located on the 400
acre property acquired by Onego. — New ganese is of too low grade for direct use in
for a processing mill. Ore lies near the steel-hardening processes.—Phoenix Gazette
surface so that economical strip mining will Mexican
be possible.—Dove Creek Press • • • • • •
Ruth, Nevada . . . Salt Lake City, Utah . . .
Kennecott Copper Corporation announced
Removal of an estimated 2,000,000 tons that it will cease being landlord to thou-
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" of earth that tumbled into the Kennecott sands of employees in four western states
IN THE RARER MINERALS Copper Company's huge open pit mine at as a result of a $5,000,000 deal with John
Find war minerals! Here are a few of the Ruth was expected to begin as soon as the W. Galbreath & Co., Columbus, Ohio, real
40 or more strategic rarer minerals which cause of the accident was determined. One estate firm. Many employees in company
you may be overlooking in the hills or in worker was buried by the huge slide and housing will be given an opportunity to
that mine or prospect hole: columbium, tan- two others were injured.—Salt Lake Tribune own their own home. Affected are the
talum, uranium, vanadium, tungsten, nickel, company towns at Copperton, Magna and
cobalt, bismuth, palladium, iridium, osmi- Garfield in Utah; Ruth, New Ruth and
um, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, titan- McGill in Nevada; Ray and Hayden in
Arizona; and Hurley and Santa Anita in
ium, tin, molybdenum, selenium, germanium,
manganese, cadmium, thallium, antimony, RADIUM MINES, INC. New Mexico.—Salt Lake Tribune
mercury, chromium, etc. Prices booming; 140 N. VIRGINIA ST. • • •
many much more valuable than a gold Lone Pine, California . . .
mine: cassiterite now $1000 a ton; bismuth Saline Valley and other areas threatened
$1500 a ton; columbite $2500 a ton; tanta- with mining closures through military ac-
lite or microlite $5000 a ton; tungsten $3 Why not deal with a prewar corporation? quisition, came in for outstanding support
pound; platinum $90 ounce, etc. Now you INCORPORATED 1940 at the recent Western Governors Minerals
can learn what they are, how to find, iden- Policy Conference. The governors recom-
tify and cash in upon them. Send for free FOR SALE: Uranium, Germanium, Rare Earths, mended that Congress investigate Federal
copy "overlooked fortunes"—it may lead lands withdrawn from mineral entry to
Claims in three states.
to knowledge which may make you rich! determine whether some could be returned
A postcard will do. to private owners. They also recommended
WANTED: Claims of uranium and all other
DUKE'S RESEARCH LABORATORY that hearings be held before future land
rare elements. withdrawals and that further withdrawal
Box 666, Dept. B, Hot Springs, New Mexico
should be opposed.—Inyo Register

Happy Jack Changes Hands
BOOM DAYS IN URANIUM In Record Transaction
The famed Happy Jack mine was sold
w Titanium recently in the largest uranium transaction
in history. Fletcher Bronson, his son Grant
and Joe Cooper, all of Monticello, sold it to
a new uranium mining and processing firm
to be known as the National Mining and
Milling Corporation for an outright cash
payment of $10,000,000 and additional pay-
The Grand Junction Operations Office of areas. One firm, which several months ago ments with a guaranteed minimum over a
the AEC believes there was more activity was granted a contract to build a modest- 10 year period that could bring the total
on the uranium fields of the Colorado sized concentrator, has now requested a price to a maximum of $30,000,000.
Plateau at the end of 1955 than there was new contract which would increase input The letting of an option to buy the prop-
in December, 1954. capacity up to six times that originally pro- erty and its final sale occurred almost simul-
Sheldon P. Wimpfen, manager of the grammed. taneously. T. R. Gillenwaters of Grand
Grand Junction Operations Office, said there Junction, Colorado, and Los Angeles, rep-
had been a seasonal decline in letters re- Wimpfen added that he was never con- resented the Bronsons and Cooper in the
ceived and inquiries made at the AEC's vinced "uranium fever" was a good thing original negotiations for an option with the
office, but he rejected current stories that for the industry or for the public if it led Barlu Oil Co. of Dallas, Texas. National
the decline in interest reflected a failure to to speculation. Mining will take over the option from Barlu.
find large ore bodies in the area adminis- The new firm plans to cover mining, mill-
tered by his office. There has been so much interest, in fact,
Fifteen proposals were made to him from on the part of mining, oil, chemical and ing, metal reduction and nuclear reactors,
various parties seeking establishment of mills engineering firms in uranium that the Grand should the latter prove a profitable venture
serving rapidly developing uranium ore Junction Office is preparing a sample pro after research work is done. National Min-
ing plans initially to mine the Happy Jack
forma contract for purchase of uranium and to construct a uranium processing mill
concentrates for study by interested parties. in the White Canyon area, probably at Hite,
Such contracts are only guides and do not Utah. However, a company spokesman said
Infant Uranium Industry preclude the necessity of negotiation with the plans of the new company go much
In Adjustment Stage AEC on concentrate purchasing.—Salt Lake farther than the Happy Jack property. —
Tribune San Juan Record
Uranium, viewed as a new industry akin
to the early days of railroads, oil and auto-
mobiles, is now in the confused stage inevi-
table whenever any new industry is launched
and is in its early struggles to find its place
in the world. Dr. Donald M. Menzel, physi-
cist and director of Harvard observatory,
What is happening to uranium has oc-
Prospector's Headquarters
curred to almost every new industry in i'lic "Snooper" OciKor counter—Model ION $ 2:>.9.">
history, he points out. Dr. Menzel is con- The "Lucky Strike" Geiger Counter—Model 1(1(1 1)9,80
vinced that uranium is only now at the The "Professional" Goiger Conntei—Model 107 ISD.30
The "Special ScintMIator"—Model 117 290.50
beginning of its importance in the future The "Deluve" Srlutilllltor—Model 111B 403.(10
development of worldwide industry. Only
recently has its full impact en the world's ULTRA-VIOLET MINERALICHTS
future begun to be organized. Accepted at Model N i l — O p e r a t e s o n 110 AC only H.7S
first as an important and vital item in war Model M I 2 — O p e r a t e s o n b a t t e r i e s o n l y — w i t h b a t t e r y 40.05
munitions of amazingly destructive power, Model SI.-2537—Operates o n b a t t e r i e s or 110 AC w i t h o u t case & b a t t e r i e s SO.5(1
it has moved ahead to a place where its With 303 ease and batteries 01.00
With 404 case and batteries 0(1.00
future is limitless, as indicated by nuclear
powered submarines and aircraft carriers,
and the steady advances being made in nu- CHEMICAL TEST KITS
clear powered plants to develop cheap elec- Kit for 1-1 Minerals (Uranium not included)-. 10.95
Kit for :UI Minerals (Including Uranium) 31.25
tricity as a sideline.
Dr. Menzel expressed concern over the BOOKS
limitation on the government's uranium "Prospecting With a (leister Counter" by Wright (id
purchasing program: "Some persons have "Cranium Color Photo Tone" '.. 1.00
voiced concern because the government's "Facts Voll Should Know .About Cranium" by It. W. Kamsey 1.00
"Uranium Prospectors Hand Book" 1.00
program to buy uranium runs only until The Cranium and Fluorescent Minerals" by II. C. Dake 2.00
1962. The prospects are good that demands 'Popular
P l Prospecting"
P i " by
b II.
C Dake
Dk " 2.00
by private industry for uranium power will "Cranium, Where It Is and How to Find It" by Proctor and Hyatt 2.50
be able to support the uranium industry well "Minerals for Atomic Energy" by Nininger 7.50
"Let's go Prospecting" by Edward Arthur 3.50
before that time. However, it seems unbe-
lievable that the government could refuse
to extend the present legislation if the MAPS
growing uranium industry should require Map and Geology (Uranium and Mineral Districts of California) - 1.50
Map of Kern County (New Section and Township) J.50
such assistance."—Reese River Reveille Map Uranium and Minerals (The Nine Southwest States) 1.00
Rook and Map "flems and Minerals of California" by McAllister 1.75
Book and Map "Lost Mines and Treasures of the Southwest" 2.00

Prospectors Seek U-Ore Fluorescent Minerals set—10 Specimens—boxed 2.50
On Candian Lake Bed Prospectors Picks (not polished)
Prospectors Picks (polished)
A Salt Lake City, Utah, firm will engage Mineral Specimen Boxes (35 Named Minerals) 1.50
Pocket Camp Stove 0.95
in underwater prospecting for uranium ore 12" Diameter Steel Cold Pan 1.25
in the Beaver Lodge Lake north of Saska-
toon, Sask. Treasure Uranium and Re- All prices F.O.B. tos Angeles
sources, Ltd., a subsidiary of Treasure Ur- Add 3% Sales Tax if you live in California. 4% if in Los Angeles
anium and Resources, will use underwater Member of American Gem & Mineral Suppliers Association
scintillation equipment to prospect its claim
in the area — three-quarters of which is
under the lake, says Dsvid A. Robinson,
Secretary of the firm. If response is favor-
3632 W. Slauson Ave. Open Monday evening until 9:00 Los Angeles 43, California
able, core drilling through the ice will be
conducted.—Mining Record

FEBRUARY, 1956 37
Uranium Discovery in Yuma, Arizona, uranium seekers were Fluorescent Light Aids
Grand Canyon Reported encouraged by a recent report from Gila In Lithium Discoveries
County that 60 uranium claims near Tonto
Richard Wyman, superintendent of West- Basin were included in a lease-option agree- Fluorescent mineralight, invented for the
ern Gold, reports that the Golden Crown ment recorded with Tom Frates, represen- Nevada Massachusetts Company and a his-
Mining Company, a subsidiary of Western tative of the Boswell-Frates Co. of Tulsa, toric aid in tungsten exploration and other
Gold and Uranium, Inc., is now drilling Oklahoma. The 60 claims are owned by mineral discoveries, has a new use in dis-
and developing a uranium deposit that ap- the Conway family of the Tonto Basin area. covering lithium, a potential new atomic
pears to be one of the largest yet found If the buyer exercises its option, a total of energy source.
in the United States. The deep rose glow of eucryptite, an ore
$1,270,000 will be paid to the family.—
The property is known as the Orphan Yuma Sun of lithium, has been added to the long list
Mine and is located on the south rim of of fluorescent colors which the mineralight
Grand Canyon on the only private property fortune seekers are look.'ng for.
within Grand Canyon National Monument. Others in this class are the yellow green
Some assays showed three percent U3O8 Book Describes California fluorescence of uranium, the bluish green
and minable vein widths of 40 feet are Uranium Discovery Potentials of zinc, the golden yellow of zirconium, the
indicated. The deposit is in a mineralized bright blue of thallium in solution and the
sheer zone in the Coconino sandstone. — Where to Look for Uranium in California
is a comprehensive study of the state's ur- black ultra-violet absorbing vapor of heated
Washington County News mercury. Lithium is the lightest metal
anium mining potential by counties. Author
• • • Lee Raymond provides complete bibliogra- known.—Lovelock Review Miner
Geologist Says New Mexico phies with each county discussion for those
interested in more technical research. The
Leads in U-Ore Reserves author also touches on the more basic phases Fourteenth U.S. U-Ore
Albuquerque geologist Henry S. Birdseye of uranium hunting: where a prospector is Mill Approved by AEC
predicted that New Mexico will one day be allowed to hunt uranium, what he should The AEC and Continental Uranium, Inc.,
the leader in every aspect of the uranium take with him, what he should look for, of Grand Junction, Colorado, have signed
industry. where to send samples for identification and a contract for the construction and opera-
He said the enormous ore reserves of the assaying, etc. tion by Continental of a uranium processing
Ambrosia Lake district near Grants, com- mill at La Sal, Utah. Construction of the
bined with anticipated increases in the state's Published by the Western Mining Maga-
plant was expected to begin in December
milling capacity, should put New Mexico zine, P. O. Box 787, Sonora, California. with completion scheduled for summer.
out front in the future. Paper cover, tables, charts, seven maps of
Birdseye said security regulations prevent the state showing physiographic provinces, The new uranium mill will be owned and
knowledge of detailed information on pro- copper deposits, lead-silver-zinc deposits, operated by Continental and the entire out-
duction rates, ore tonnages and grade of known pegmatite areas, known fluorspar put of uranium concentrates will be pur-
ore among states. But, certain clues, he deposits, known coal deposits, cobalt and chased by the Commission. La Sal is in
said, show that New Mexico almost cer- bismuth minerals, 40 pp., $1.00. San Juan County on the northern edge of
tainly is far in the lead among states in the famous Big Indian Wash mining district.
proven tonnages of uranium ore. Completion of the La Sal mill will bring
"At least I 1 major ore bodies are now Nuclear Metals Corporation is negotiat- to 14 the number of uranium processing
known in the Grants area," Birdseye de- ing with the Atomic Energy Commission mills operating in the western United States.
clared. He described a major ore body as to establish a uranium mill in White Can- Nine mills are producing uranium concen-
one with blocked-out reserves in excess of yon, San Juan County. The firm has been trates and four others were still in various
100,000 tons of ore.—New Mexican successful in getting 383.4 acres of land stages of construction at year's end at Edge-
two miles east of the junction of White mont, South Dakota; Moab, Utah; Tuba
Canyon and the Colorado River set aside City, Arizona; and Maybell, Colorado. —
San Juan Record
— Annual Inventory — for a mill and townsite.
Initial publication of the withdrawal from
• • •
CLEARANCE SALE the Public Domain was contained in a
November issue of the Federal Register.—
AEC Approves Work on
Major Utah U-Ore Find
Factory-to-You Prices! Salt Lake Tribune
A penny stock company has been certi-
fied by the AEC to develop a "major occur-
New Uranium Ore, Coffinite, rence" of uranium on the Colorado Plateau.
The occurrence is the mine being developed
Discovered in Mesa County jointly at Indian Creek, 39 miles northwest
of Monticello, Utah, where ore reserves
Coffinite, a new uranium mineral, has valued at $3,000,000 in place have been
been discovered in Mesa County, Colorado. confirmed.
Coffinite has a high uranium content, but
can be identified only by means of X-ray Boyles Brothers, drilling and mine con-
studies. Initial discovery was made at the tracting firm of Salt Lake City, took over
La Sal Number Two mine in the Gateway development of the property on a 50-50
area. Since then, coffinite has been identi- basis after initial discovery had been made
fied in Wyoming, Arizona, Utah and sev- more than two years ago by Royal—a firm
eral foreign countries. Some deposits are which raised its initial capital by selling
black and shiny, heavier than other pitch- shares at six cents each.
blende type ores, other deposits are of a The AEC describes the property as a
reddish tinge while still others are black channel of some of the nation's purest pri-
and powdery.—American Prospectors Jour- mary grade uranium ore determined to date
nal to run a distance of 3000 feet. The ore
averages eight feet in depth on the face.
Reg. $139.50 URANIUM SCOUT The channel varies from 70 to more than
TREASURE HUNTERS a hundred feet in width. The company has
De Luxe Geiger Counter.... $ 7 9 . 5 0 been shipping at a rate of 85 tons daily from
New type metals detector. Distinguishes a small (12 man) three-shift operation
metals from black magnetic sands. Ideal for
Reg. $249.50 SCINTILLA - DYNE locating gold nuggets, placer deposits. De- employing two front end loaders. Initial
tects metals under salt water. Locates coins, incline shaft and mining tunnel is in 500
Scintillation Counter $165.00 j ewel ry on
beaches. Free
feet on the 3000-foot long channel. — Salt
from false de- Lake Tribune
Reg. $35.00 C-18 Geiger Counter 1
. ' • : ; , . " . .
tections. Each
unit supplied
' ; * : ' > • • •'•: • , • ' > • • - • : . • • • • • : : • :

(pocket-size) $21.00 with two dif- THE PROSPECTOR'S CATALOG

• . . . ; ,

ferent search . • i • •

We are pleased to announce the advent of

ACT NOW! - SUPPLY LIMITED! coils. Ask for a new Minerals Unlimited Catalog, specifi-
• •; " •

free l i t e r a -
• : • • • : • . • . • • • • : : • " " ' : • . . , • • . . * , ' • •

cally designed for the amateur or profes-

FREE 1956 Spring Outfitting Catalog ture. . : • . •

sional prospector. If you are interested in

GARDINER Geiffer Counters, Mineralights, Blowpipe Sets,
r I A II r n Research
... ! . . ••••• ' ,

' • • • • • / '' • J
^ ' > $ ~ •••• ' " ^ - i ^ ELECTRONICS Gold Pan or any of the other equipment
necessary to a field or prospecting trip,
I I 0 II C If Laboratory, Inc. • • • • " • • / . • • ' •
2 5 4 5 E. INDIAN send 5c in stamps or coin for your copy.
1961 University Ave., Palo Alto, California SCHOOL ROAD MINERALS UNLIMITED, Dept. D
PHOENIX, ARIZ. 1724 University Ave., Berkeley, California

The uranium ore body that set off the
year's biggest rush of exploration activity
has finally been reached. The Mid-Contin-
ent Exploration Co. shaft is close to 400
feet down and is into the ore. Claud Jones,
d ta TZecovet superintendent, reports miners are making
entries into the ore. This initial mine in
New Mexico's newest mining area came to
The nation's biggest uranium mill was Jack Knaebel, manager of the uranium life amid nationwide publicity last summer.
scheduled to go into operation at the first mill, explained that the necessity to find a —Grants Beacon
of the year, mass producing the source of better way to take uranium from ore out
atomic energy by a new process. of the firm's Jackpile Mine paved the way
Anaconda Copper Mining Co. will open for the creation of the plant.
the new division of its giant Bluewater, New DESERT QUIZ ANSWERS
Mexico, mill which will use sulphuric acid The company will not shut down its car-
to leach uranium from sandstone ore. The bonate leaching mill. That part of the Questions are on page 30
massive plant will supplement the com- operation will continue handling ore from
pany's original carbonate leaching mill, built Anaconda's first mines, in limestone about 1—Gila Monster.
to handle limestone ore. A new subsidiary eight miles north of the plant, and from 2—Cooking mescal.
plant to make acid from sulphur shipped the Santa Fe Railway's big Haystack Moun- 3—Cahuilla Indians.
in from Texas is already in operation. tain Mine to the northwest, which also is 4—Turquoise.
in limestone. 5—Ephedra.
It" will mean, however, that Anaconda 6—Colorado River.
Atom Electricity Predicted will cease accepting ore from smaller oper- 7—Botanist.
By AEC Chairman Strauss ators, one of the principal reasons being 8—Mountain climbing.
Atomic Energy Commission Chairman that all its ore crushing apparatus will be 9—Spiders. The Tarantula Hawk is
Lewis Strauss said there is justification for hard pressed to handle its own production a wasp.
believing economical electricity from the and that from Haystack. 10—-Arizona.
atom may be attained in the U. S. sooner While the sulphuric acid mill has been 11—Botany.
than even the most hopeful predictions. under construction, the original mill has 12—Havasupai.
Strauss clearly set out in a speech in been handling both limestone and sandstone 13—Igneous rock.
Cleveland recently that he is highly opti- ore, but the acid mill will handle the sand- 14—Friar with Coronado's expedition.
mistic about the nearness of competitive stone ore much more satisfactorily, Knaebel 15—Nevada and Arizona.
atomic power. He said it may arrive "pos- explained. Together, the two mills will have 16—Tucson is on Highway 80
sibly sooner than even the most optimistic four times the capacity of the original plant. 17—Lieut. Beale.
of the prognosticators believe."
Jackpile, on Laguna Reservation land, is 18—Operation of the first transcon-
"There are areas of present-day research tinental stage line to Southern
where break-throughs could occur to upset one-half mile wide and one mile long. One
all our calculations," he said. "There is of the principal parts in the leasing agree- California.
both justification and need for optimism." ment calls for employment of Lagunas 19—Arizona.
He did not supply any details, however.— wherever possible. — Alamogordo Daily 20—Salt River Valley of Arizona.
Pioche Record News
• • •
Rep. Cliff Young of Nevada said recently
that developments in Washington have
aroused renewed interest in establishment
of a small-scale experimental nuclear power
plant in his state. Recent invitations have
been made by the AEC to open the way

for American industry to develop, fabricate,

construct and operate experimental nuclear SCINTILLATORS • NUCLIOMETERS • GEIGER
reactors. Nevada's chances for such a plant
will greatly depend on its success in inter- COUNTERS & MULTIPLE TUBE COUNTERS
esting industry in the potentials of the state,
he said.—Nevada State Journal
• • • Demonstrators on Hand Offered at a Substantial
Magnet Cove Barium Corp. of Houston, Discount
Texas, will have its Battle Mountain, Ne-
vada, plant in full operation by the first Bank terms arranged on approved credit in California
of the year, according to W. E. Edgar,
resident manager. The mill, with a capacity
of 200 tons per day, will be operated on a WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT
24-hour schedule.
Senator George W. Malone recently re- FINDINGS CAPS ETC. MINERALIGHTS
ported that the federal government has in-
vested $1,499,321 to assist in Nevada ex- GRINDING WHEELS CHEMICAL KITS
plorations for strategic minerals. A total STERLING SILVER MORTARS & PESTELS
of 52 contracts have been issued in the state
from April, 1951, to October, 1955. Tweny- BAROQUES BOOKS
one of the contracts involved a search for MINERALS MINER PICKS
tungsten; 14, lead-zinc; three each for cop-
per, lead-zinc-copper, manganese and mer- CUTTING MATERIAL HARDNESS TESTING SETS
cury; two for uranium and one each for MOUNTINGS JEWELRY TOOLS
antimony, fluorspar and corundum. — Eu-

domhton cfyoah cShoh.


Get your share of fortunes being made in Uranium and 4 blocks south of Olive Street
other Minerals. Be a MINERALOGIST. We train you at
home. Diploma course. Send for Free Catalog.
Open Daily except Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Tuesday Evenings till 9:00 p.m.
Desk 7 • 159 E. Ontario • Chicago 11

FEBRUARY, 1956 39


Much remains to be learned about the
polishing of gem stones. The average lapi-
dary is content to know that under certain
conditions which he can bring about, the
surface molecules of a gem will "flow" to
NEW TRANSPARENT GEM OVER 800 KINDS OF form a shiny film, slightly harder than the
A new- gem quality material, amblygonite, Two most common members of the igne- During the critical period when the buff-
has been discovered in Brazil. The new ous rock family are the granites, which pre- ing wheel can be felt dragging or pulling
gem is transparent and dichroic in two dominate in intrusive rocks, and the basalts, on the stone, these molecules, for reasons
shades of yellow. Tests made by the Gem which predominate in extrusive rocks. Every not yet determined, will flow almost like
Testing Laboratory of London indicate that extensive formation of igneous rock is cut liquid to fill tiny sanding scratches and
its hardness is approximately 6, the specific by joints that are arranged in more or less smooth out much the same as water in a
gravity 3.029, refractive index 1.609, 1.626 well-defined sets. The joint system may glass. Water is also harder on the surface
and 1.637 and the composition (LiNa) Al divide the rock mass into roughly cubical than underneath. This is known as surface
POf F,0H. Mrs. Betty Campbell of the or rhomboidal masses. Sometimes the joint tension. Polishing is a rearrangement of
Washington Lapidary Club has cut a faceted system forms columnar masses of basalt. the gem surface, not simply a very fine cut-
stone of amblygonite and reports that it The important minerals of igneous rocks ting operation as once believed.
handles like synthetic rutile. The stone re- are quartz, feldspars, hornblende, augite, Not all materials respond to the same
sembles beryl, but is distinguished by its biotite mica and muscovite mica. polishing technique. This explains the va-
strong birefringence. — Oklahoma Mineral
and Gem Society's Sooner Rockologist Over 800 different kinds of igneous rocks riety of buffing wheels and polishing com-
have been recognized.—The Mineralogist pounds found in the lapidary shop. Soft
material such as onyx is usually buffed on
cotton; gems of about quartz hardness do
BLUE-GREEN SPANGOLITE IS well on leather. Since it is in this range
STRIKING GEM MINERAL The Monterey Bay Mineral Society will that most amateurs start, it is suggested
hold its ninth annual gem and mineral show that the leather buff be the first one ac-
Ford and Alice Wilson report that Spang- at the Y.M.C.A. building in Salinas, Cali- quired. Minerals of the hardness of 7, 8
olite is in several ways of more than usual fornia, on Feb. 25 and 26. Doors will be and even 9 polish well on a hard felt buff,
interest. The color of this rare basic sulfate open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on the 25th although many emeralds and star sapphires
of copper and aluminum is a striking bluish and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the 26th. are still both cut and polished on horizontal
green, a color that can be described as fall- laps.
ing between the blue of azurite and the
green of malachite. The beginner might do well to try one
Chester L. Baker was recently elected of the finest of many polishing compounds
Spangolite forms tiny, transparent, hex- president
agonal crystals which may be hemimorphic, Gem Society. of the Oklahoma Mineral and on the market, Levigated Alumina, on all
i.e., with the termination at one end differ- kell C. Yount,Also elected were Mrs. Has- but the tougher, harder stones. These he
ent from the other. It was first described Markwell, secretary; vice president; Mrs. Alvin can more readily polish with Linde "A"
Ruby Powder.—Ralph E. Hagemier in the
65 years ago as coming from a locality then —Sooner RockologistO. C. Bundy, treasurer. Indiana Geology and Gem Society's Geolo-
and still unknown "some 200 miles from gem
Tombstone, Arizona." Subsequently, the
mineral has been reported from six other
localities in the world: Sardinia; St. Day, Ed Reardon was unanimously elected
England; Grand Central Mine, Tintic, Utah; president of the San Fernando Valley, Cali- New officers of the Long Beach, Califor-
Majuba Hill, Pershing County, Nevada; fornia, Mineral and Gem Society. Also nia, Mineral and Gem Society are Frank
Czar Mine and Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, named to office were Maurice Hebner, vice Pyles, president; John Gunning; vice presi-
Arizona; and Metcalf Mine, Clifton-Mor- president; Mrs. Selma Stang, secretary; dent; Marguerite Bunch, secretary; Harvey
enci District, Arizona. — El Paso, Texas, Henry Hasbach, treasurer. — Rocks and Hardman, treasurer; Carl Brenner and Nor-
Mineral and Gem Society's The Voice Gems ris Bunch, directors.


February 16 through 22, 1956 — Indio, California

Arabian Nights Pageant See the Date Festival and spend a week
in California's Desert Playground—Palm
Camel Races • Horse Show Springs, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage,
County Gem & Mineral Show Cathedral City, La Quinta and Desert Hot
Springs are but a few minutes' drive from
Dazzling exhibits of dates,
the Fairgrounds.
citrus, and the products of
7 exciting days and nights at America's
the California desert most unique exposition


a ten-penny nail or horseshoe nail will do.
It only takes a few minutes to flake out
a rough point, but polishing it down with
tiny, evenly spaced flaking to give it form
and taper, a straight edge on each side, and
an overall faceting to catch the light re-
quires somewhat more time. The average
shard was worked into a jewel-like arrow-
There is as much profit in discarded and a hole to keep the rough glove in place. head in about an hour.
broken objects as one's ingenuity can de- He found the most efficient tool to be the Ransom made one variation in the an-
velop. Jay Ransom of El Segundo, Cali- Indian's carved prong of a deer's antler cient's technique—he utilized the rock-pol-
fornia, makes amethyst colored arrow points which has a rather sharp tip. Due to the isher's drill made of a fine copper tube
from common desert glass. natural curve, this tool can be given con- turning in diamond bort. With this he drills
Desert glass, so familiar to travelers in siderable pressure at the point of contact holes in the bases of the most beautifully
the Southwest, gets its color through years between the hard tip and the edge to be colored points and arranges them on a gold
of lying in bright sunlight. Old glass takes flaked. Where a deer horn is not available, chain.—The Mineralogist, Portland, Oregon
on the best color because its makers used
manganese to "decolorize" the green effect
of iron compounds in the glass-making sand.
Under the action of ultra-violet light from
the sun, the manganese is converted slowly
into the purple permanganates. The longer
a piece lies in the sun, the deeper the ame- For a LIMITED TIME the factory has asked us to sell "factory seconds"
thyst tint. Usually glass requires from three of this wonderful polishing agent which normally sells for $20 per lb.
to five years to show the faintest tinge; 40 Actual professional tests show this to be perfect for polishing cabochons
years produces an extraordinarily deep color
of outstanding beauty. and for use in tumbling barrels. DEALERS WRITE FOR DETAILS.
QUANTITY IS LIMITED but we should be able to fill orders until the
Ransom, a writer whose hobby is mineral end of the year. 8 oz. $2.00; 1 lb. $3.70; 5 lbs. for only $13.90.
and gem collecting, uses the same technique
the ancients did in manufacturing their
points from obsidian.
After the shard has been roughed into
general shape by tapping on the bench sur- If you buy $5 worth of Basic Lapidary Supplies from the following list.
face with a tack hammer, Ransom turns to A $10 purchase entitles you to buy 2 lbs. Tin Oxide at $1.50 per lb.
simple pressure-flaking with the tip of a A $25 purchase entitles you to buy 5 lbs. of Tin Oxide.
blunt instrument. To protect his left hand
against the sharp slivers of glass, just as
the ancient arrow-makers did with a piece NORTON CRYSTOLON GRINDING WHEELS . . .
of rawhide, Ransom cut a piece of leather Siie 6xVi" 6x1" 8x1" 8x11/2" 10x11/2"
to fit the palm, inserting the thumb through
80 grit $8.20
100 grit $2.90 $3.95 $5.85 8.20 $12.40
220 grit 3.25 4.30 6.45 9.00 13.65
320 grit 3.65 4.90 7.35 10.25 15.50
Friends of C. H. Smith will regret to Shipping weight 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 5 lbs. 6 lbs. 9 lbs.
learn that he died December 17 at the Holly- Crystolon Wheel Dressing Brick 6"x2"xl" _. .$1.05
wood Presbyterian Hospital where he had
been taken late in November for medical
treatment. "Rocksmith" as he was known
to collectors and lapidaries, was one of Grit Size 1 Pound 5 lb. Lots Grit Size 1 Pound 5 lb. Lots
Southern California's veteran hobbyists who 80, 100, 120, 180, 220 $ .90 $ .56 Graded 400 1.09 .75
had endeared himself to all who knew him. 2F (320, 3F (400) .94 .60 Graded 600 ..... 1.35 .98
Five years ago he and Mrs. Smith erected
a comfortable cabin in the woods at Mock- DURITE (Silicon Carbide) ROLL SANDING CLOTH—
ing Bird Hill near Applegate, Oregon, for Dry Rolls-Available in 120, 220, 320 grits
their retirement. Mrs. Smith plans to re- 2" wide, 25 ft. long-$2.15; 150-foot roll—$ 9.60
main at the Oregon cabin where the home 3" wide, 15 ft. long- 2.15; 150-foot r o l l - 14.10
will always be open to the many friends. 10" wide, 5 ft. long— 2.15
12" wide, 5 ft. l o n g - 2.40

DURITE SANDING CLOTH in round disks . . .

ALTA INDUSTRIES Dry Type Available in 120, 220, 320 grits Wet Type Avail, in 150, 220, 400, 600 grits
2133 W. Encanto Blvd., Phoenix, Arizona 6" discs 8 for $1.10 25 for $ 2.40 6" discs 5 for $1.00 25 for $ 3.90
8" discs 5 for 1.10 25 for 4.40 8" discs- 3 for 1.10 25 for 7.00
LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT 10" discs 3 for 1.10 25 for 6.90 10" discs 2 for 1.15 25 for 11.00
MANUFACTURE AND DESIGN 12" discs 2 for 1.10 25 for 10.10 12" discs 2 for 1.65 25 for 16.00

New 10-12 inch powerfeed slabbing CONGO OR FELKER DI-MET DIAMOND BLADES
saw unit. 4" diameter by .025" thick $ 7.80 10" diameter by .040" thick... . $14.80
16-18 inch powerfeed slabbing saw 6" diameter by .025" thick 7.80 12" diameter by .040" thick _ 18.20
units. 6" diameter by .032" thick 7.80
14" diameter by .050" thick 25.20
8 and 10 inch trim saw units. 16" diameter by .050" thick 28.60
8" diameter by .032" thick 10.40 20" diameter by .060" thick.__ 39.20
Plain and ball bearing belt Sanders. 8" diameter by .040" thick 11.40 24" diameter by .060" thick .... . . . . 50.60
Send postal for free literature.
When ordering please state arbor hole size
All types in stock. Blue, green, Jelly, white,
opal chips. Faceting material, slabs, fine
specimens. Opal prices on request.
H. A. IVERS Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4185 — Catalina Station, Pasadena, Calif.
1400 K. Hacienda Blvd., Fhone OXford 7124$ 1633 EAST WALNUT ST. PASADENA 4, CALIF. .
La Habra, California.

FEBRUARY, 1956 41
—new book portrays desert trips, areas
GEfll m i i R T A D V E R T I S I N G
12c a w o r d . . . Minimum
visited, minerals, personalized experience
by rockhounds. Your name may be in-
cluded. Advance sale—$3 copy. Delivery
90 days. Retta Ewers, 5893 Grand, Riv-
erside, California.
OEMS OF THE DESERT. Highly polished NOTICE: After August first we will be
baroques tumbled variety. Agates, jasper, located at 2020 North Carson St., Carson BLANK BEZEL Mountings in sterling, gold
rhodenite, petrified woods. General mix- City, Nevada. Mail address, P.O. Box or plated brass, for your polished stones.
ture, $6.00 pound. Also findings, send 117. Gold Pan Rock Shop, John L. and Your designs executed to order. Write
for price list. Dealers wholesale prices. Etta A. James, prop. for cost list No. 4, Jewelry Accessories,
We do commercial gem cutting. Tur- 5435 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, 27,
quoise our specialty. Prices on rough tur- FOR SALE: Beautiful purple petrified wood California.
quoise invited. Golden West Gem Co., with uranium, pyrolusite, manganite. Nice
7355 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, sample $1.00. Postage. Maggie Baker, TUMBLED GEMSTONES — variety of
California. Kingman, Arizona. stones and colors, mixed sizes; Vi lb.
$3.50. Vincil Brubaker, 5318 West Ave.
McSHAN'S GEM SHOP—open part time, L-12, Lancaster, California.
ROCKS—opposite West End Air Base, ag-
ate, woods, minerals, books. Local infor- or find us by directions on door. Cholla JEWELRY MAKERS attention. Folder
mation. Ironwood Rock Shop, Highway cactus wood a specialty, write for prices. with 60 modern, original designs for
60-70 West of Blythe, California. 1 mile west on U. S. 66, Needles, Cali- pendants, necklaces, earrings, etc. No
fornia, Box 22. soldering. Complete set $1 postpaid.
Dills-Gould, Box 87, St. Helena, Calif.
OPALS AND SAPPHIRES rough, direct HAVE REAL FUN with desert gems,
from Australia. Cutting opal, 1 ounce minerals and rocks. The rockhound's FINE CRYSTALLIZED Minerals and mas-
$5, $10, $20, $30 and $60. Blue sap- how-to-do-it magazine tells how. One sive ore specimens direct from western
phires, 1 ounce $10, $30 and $60. Star year (12 issues) only $3.00. Sample $25c. mines. Mmeralights and specimen kits
sapphires 12 stones $10, $20, and $30, Gems and Minerals, Dept. J-10, Palmdale, for prospectors. No cutting material
etc. Post free and insured. Send inter- California. handled. Write for free list. Rocky
national money order, bank draft. Aus- Mountain Minerals, Box 1204, Idaho
tralian Gem Trading Co., 49 Elizabeth ICELANDSPAR — double refracting rhom- Falls, Idaho.
St., Melbourne, Australia. Free list of behedron-type crystals. Several crystals
all Australian stones rough and cut, 16 pp. — 50c. Send for catalog with other GIFT AND LAPIDARY Store for Sale.
minerals listed. No CODs. Satisfaction Fixtures, tools and merchandise. Excel-
GENUINE TURQUOISE: Natural color, guaranteed. Ryzelite Minerals, Box 455, lent location. Good lease. W. G. Hurrle,
blue and bluish green, cut and polished Golden, Colorado. 3825 7th St., Riverside, California.
cabochons — 25 carats (5 to 10 stones
according to size) $3.50 including tax, ROCK COLLECTORS — Attention! For
postpaid in U.S.A. Package 50 carats (10 better rocks visit the trailer rock store,
to 20 cabochons) $6.15 including tax, 69-457 Hiway 111 between Palm Springs PROPER CUTTING ORIENTATION
postpaid in U.S.A. Elliott Gem & Mineral and Palm Desert. Open any day you find RESULTS IN BEST GEM COLOR
Shop, 235 E. Seaside Blvd., Long Beach us home. Mail address: Box 181, Cathe-
2, California. dral City, California. The Rockologist In cutting stones possessing easy cleav-
(Chuckawalla Slim). age, it may be necessary to orient the stone
BEAUTIFUL FREE GOLD — Specimens so the cleavage direction is not parallel to
$1.00 each. Return if not satisfied. Prices GEMS A-PLENTY: Beautiful baroque the direction to be polished, rather than
to dealers, J. N. Reed, Box 102, Cabazon, gems, large variety, tumble polished all letting the most attractive color be the con-
California. over, $10.00 for one pound (about 100 trolling factor.
stones). 10 lbs. of top grade gemstone
COLORADO MINERAL specimens, cut- prepaid for $7.00. Wholesale price to In colored stones, maximum of beauty
ting and tumbling materials. Send 2 cent dealers on baroque gems and gemstone of color and, to a lesser extent, brilliancy,
stamp for list and terms. Dealers please in the rough. Satisfaction guaranteed on is the desired aim. To produce maximum
write for wholesale list. John Patrick, every sale. San Fernando Valley Gem brilliancy, light falling upon the table and
Idaho Springs, Colorado. Co., 5905 Kester Ave., Van Nuys, Calif. crown facets should be refracted and then
reflected and finally emerge from the crown.
The polish should be near to perfect smooth-
ness as possible. Thus a maximum amount
GRINDS! I of light is reflected from the exterior of the
12" bench model, $72
16" floor model, $110 I facets on the crown and also from the
Everything in- I interior of the facets on the base. Dirt on
20" floor model, $155
eluded except I
motor. Uses a l l !
Real rockhounds saws the base of a stone permits unnecessary
favored far their big leakage of light through the base and thus
capacity and lifetime
sories-ldealforl HILLQUIST DIAMOND SAWS construction. "Magic-
reduces brilliancy.
beginners. Only I Cut Faster-Last Longer-Cost
Brain" automatic feed I
$42.50 complete1 Less. Available in all sizes. Spots of desirable color are sometimes
for above $46£5_
HILLQUIST TRIM SAW You'll swear by 'em, not at'em! placed near the cutlet in order to improve
The "Cadillac" of trim saws. Exclu- the appearance of an otherwise colorless
s i v e "up-and-down"
^arbor. "No-splash"
Before you buy any lapidary or faintly colored stone. This is frequently
equipment-send for our big seen in sapphires and amethysts. By varia-
plastic guards.
Precision rock
tion from proper proportions the color of
clamp and guide.
Complete with 8"
blade, $62.50
a pale stone is frequently improved; this is
done by increasing the thickness of the
stone, but this results in a sacrifice of bril-
liancy.—Victor Henry, Jr., M.D., in the
HILLQUIST GEFDRILL-HOLE SAW_ ' " i n n * " V S l I l p 0 CO
I Drills finest holes •HILLQUIST DRUM SANDER Wichita Gem and Mineral Society's Quarry
lot high I The most popular drum Quips
1545 W. 49 St. SEATTLE 7, W N .
Ispeed and saws I sander made. Patented
I discs up to 114". I "quick-lock' screw make:
I Exclusive ramrod I it easy to change sanding
• action prevents I cloth. 3"x7"- $9.50 In terms of all the common elements,
I core plugging. the earth as a whole has been calculated to
I Furly automatic. HILLQUIST COMPACT LAP U N I T consist of: Iron as metal, 31.82 percent;
I Bigger than the Gem-Master.
HJLLQUiST COMPLETE FACETER I up to a 10" saw. Saws, grinds, nickel, 3.16 percent; oxygen, 27.71 percent;
Only $62.50 complete with 31 I sands, polishes, laps, facets, silicon, 14.53 percent; aluminum, 1.79 per-
^ index plates. You can cut anyl UUUUUM^r^rOuWl Takes I cuts spheres ~ does every cen; iron with silicon, 7.94 percent; mag-
faceted form quickly and I Big! Ru99e°!."Valuable for pro- I thing and does it better. nesium, 8.69 percent; calcium, 2.52 percent;
easily. The equal I 2" * 12" wh»to.vai ^ ^ (a5 ,, I Thouands m use. sodium, .39 percent; potassium, .14 percent;
of faceters I i kak or any°" $S350 I
"costing twice I
Everything inelU' sulphur, .64 percent; phosphorus, .11 per-
the price. I
cent; all others, .56 percent. — The Earth
lot $122.50 Science News


COLORADO PLACER MINER separation of the gold from other heavy the lighter material is rocked out in the
TEACHES TRADE TO VISITORS materials takes place. usual manner. Extreme care must be ex-
Spitz uses a small home-made wire bas- ercised here for the gold can easily be lost
William C. Spitz of Denver, Colorado, over the side of the pan.
is one placer miner who has become tired ket of V4 to \*2 inch mesh to shake the
chasing poachers off his "diggin's." He de- gold bearing materials into the upper part Next, Spitz places a handkerchief over
cided, instead, to cash in on them. For 25c of the long torn. This basket serves two a magnet and works it around the remain-
a person Spitz allows them to visit his dig- purposes. First the gold bearing material ing materials in the pan. This removes the
gin's, examine his equipment and receive a is quickly and evenly fed into the long torn; iron. When the handkerchief is taken from
lecture from him on placer gold mining. secondly, the larger stones which remain in the magnet, the iron falls to the ground.
His diggin's are located on Clear Creek near the basket can easily be discarded. The garnets are picked out with tweezers
Central City, Colorado. Crystals of yellow iron pyrites, hematite, and then the gold nuggets are removed in
For equipment, Spitz has a sluice box, magnetite, garnet (almadine) and other the same manner. Spitz uses a large eye-
a dam to divert water to his diggin's, a long heavy minerals are found with the gold in dropper to pick up the flour gold.—Norm
torn riffle and the standard gold pan. He the diamond shaped depressions. Moore in the Compton, California, Gem
demonstrates how it all works, and then After the mat is rinsed in the gold pan, and Mineral Club's Rockhound Call
for $1 he allows the visitors to use his
equipment for 30 minutes and put their
newly gained knowledge to practice. All
the gold they take out they can keep.
The sluice box carries water to the long This is b u t a small portion of GRIEGER'S I N C . stock of
torn riffle. The box has holes drilled in its
sides to allow just the right amount of water BRACELET CHAINS KEY CHAINS NECKLACE CHAINS
to run into the riffle. The flow must be
great enough to carry the lighter rocks If you do not have our FREE CATALOG # 5 5 1 , send for if.
down over the riffles and yet not so great
as to wash away the gold. No. 39-5
The long torn is one-foot wide and
about 10-feet long. Instead of cleats across KEY RING I"
its bottom, Spitz uses only two cleats to & I" FANCY
hold a common floor mat in place. This CHAIN
mat contains hundreds of small diamond THIS ILL
Chain will nor kink.
shaped depressions which catch the gold RHODIUM PLATED
and hold it far better than do the ordinary No. 26C-6
cleats. This mat can easily be taken up NECK CHAIN — 18" 2 for $1.00
and rinsed off into the gold pan where the YOUR COST—78 c each I dz $3.85 3 dz $8.65
in I doz lots. GOLD PLATED
On fancy display card, jump rings made 2 for $1.00
NEW GUIDE TO PETRIFIED from as large as 19 gauge wire will fit in dz$3.75 3 d * $8.45
FORESTS OF U.S. PRINTED these links for hanging baroques.
YOUR COST—24c each
A new guide to the petrified wood collect- STERLING SILVER RHODIUM PLATED
ing areas of America has been issued by $I.IOea 3 for $2.80 I dz $8.35 in 3 doz lots.
the Mineralogist Publishing Co. of 329 S.E. GOLD FILLED
32nd Ave., Portland, 15, Oregon. DEALERS WRITE FOR PRICES
Petrified Forest Trails by Jay Ellis Ran- $l.25ea 3 for $ 3 . 1 0 I dz $9.30
som is a thorough coverage of the many
localities where rockhounds can collect pet-
rified wood. The author adds to the value
of the handbook by presenting the broad,
general geologic picture of each collecting NECKLACE
area as well as details concerning specimens foldover clasp. Any of
taken. Several fine photographs of interest-
ing specimens are included in the book.
The author describes the origin and
physical properties of petrified wood and
carboniferous age forests. Eighty pages,
paperbound, $2.
• • •
SHOW BEING PLANNED These bracelet chains are ideal for mak-
Directors of the Midwest Federation of No. 28-3
BRACELET CHAIN 7" ing of baroque bracelet jewelry. The
Mineralogical and Geological Societies and clasps are the foldover type which allow
the American Federation of Mineralogical STERLING SILVER RHODIUM PLATED
Societies announced that the July 12-15 easy hooking. Any of our jump rings will
95c eo 3 for $2.15 I dz $7.60
joint convention and show in the Twin fit in the links.
Cities will be the largest gem and mineral GOLD FILLED YOUR COST— 73c each
show ever held in the midwest. Ninety $I.IOea 3 for $2.50 f dz $8.80 in I doz lots.
commercial booths and 750 feet of tall
glass-front display cases will hojd exhibits
in three inter-connected exhibition type
buildings. Unlimited free parking, free camp No. 28-4 These bracelet chains ore ideal for mak
grounds and trailer park and many other BRACELET CHAIN 7" ing of baroque bracelet jewelry. The
features are planned by the show directors. RHODIUM PLATED clasps are the foldover type which allow
• • • easy hooking. Any of our jump rings wil
3 for $1.00 I dz $ 2 . 7 0 3 dz $ 7 . 3 0
Harvey Pierce is credited with discovery fit in the links.YOUR COST—20c eac
of the sandspike collecting area on Signal GOLD PLATED
in 3 doz lots.
Mountain, Mexico. The discovery was made 4 for $1.00 I dz $2.45 3 dz $ 6 . 6 0
in 1936 and since then Pierce has donated PRICES QUOTED APPLY ONLY TO THOSE QUANTITIES MENTIONED
over 6000 specimens of this phenomena to
colleges and museums throughout the na- PER ITEM A N D COLOR OR LARGER MULTIPLES THEREOF.
tion. Over 40 varieties have been classified ADD 1 0 % FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXCEPT WHERE NOTED.
varying in length from half-an-inch to three- C a l i f o r n i a r e s i d e n t s — P l e a s e a d d3 % s a l e s t a x .
feet. For some unexplainable reason 90
percent of all sandspikes are found pointing
to the west. The spikes are usually found
buried in sand mounds, some as much as
4.1(11:4.i:it*S. I n c .
six feet below the surface.—Coachella Val-
ley Mineral Society's Lik 'n Lap

FEBRUARY, 1956 43
The old-fashioned sandstone wheel of NEW GEOLOGIC MAPS OF
Pn1yimjQtcm. DIAMOND BLADES every well equipped farm became an antique
\JjV ^-\- «• "Treat uoar-self to the best" shortly after the first artificial abrasive, sili- CALIFORNIA NOW AVAILABLE
con carbide, was crystallized by Dr. Edward Eight sheets of the new geologic map
G. Acheson in his laboratory in Monanga- of California are now available in prelim-
hela, Pennsylvania, in 1893. Since then, inary form, the State Division of Mines
two other important artificial abrasives have reports. The eight sheets include: Death
been discovered: aluminum oxide and boron Valley, Long Beach, San Luis Obispo,
carbide. Silicon carbide is the most com- Bakersfield, Los Angeles, Trona, Santa
monly used in lapidary work and, chances Maria and Santa Ana. Scale of the sheets
are, is the kind of wheel you are now using. is 1:250,000, on a topographic base pre-
—Paul Martin in Gems and Minerals pared by the U. S. Corps of Engineers and
the Geologic Survey.
The maps are in three colors and geologic
Arbor Size CRYSTAL COLLECTORS MUST formations are indicated by contact lines,
x in California but are not colored. Price of each map is
Allow for Postage and Insurance USE EXTREME CAUTION one dollar plus three cents tax for Cali-
Most important in collecting crystals is fornia residents. Orders should be sent to
Covington Ball Bearing Grinder that the specimen be taken in perfect con- the Division of Mines, Ferry Building, San
and shield H arc Francisco 11, California.
furnished in 3
dition. A specimen with marred crystals
sizes and price
loses much of its value. The collector must
r a n g e s (<> s u i t
take into consideration the fact that crystals
are of varied hardness and, more important, Nine Riverside County clubs will partici-
your require- pate in the gem and mineral exhibits at the
meii<8. Water and
of varied degrees of tenacity. An advanced
collector wilt treat all types of crystals as County Fair and National Date Festival at
delicate, fragile and brittle specimens. Crys- Indio, California, on February 16-22. The
COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW tals should be properly wrapped for their entire exhibit will be under one roof, in the
trip home. Very fragile material must be new Junior Exhibit building. Many of the

is* and motor are com-

pact and do not
splash. Save blades
and clothing with
this saw.
placed in boxes on cotton or similar soft
material. More durable specimens can be
wrapped in tissue or ordinary newspaper.
Never wrap two specimens together.
displays will feature rocks of the nearby
desert area and some hobbyists will be at
the show during fair week to explain the
exhibits to both beginners and experienced
A detergent soap and warm water usually
BUILD YOUR OWN LAP will clean the crystal once you have it safely
and SAVE with a COV-
home. Follow this with a soft brushing. Opal is an amorphous (haying no definite
INGTON 12" or 10" Lap
Some crystals will not clean in this way and form) form of silica containing water. Pre-
Kit. We furnish every-
you may have to use acids. Experiment on cious opal contains between three percent
thing you need. Send
poor specimens of the same material before and 9 percent water, while common opal
for new free lapidary
attempting to clean the better specimens. may contain as much as 22 percent water.
catalog. Crystals are stored in many ways and —Verdugo Hills, California, Gem and Min-
of course, labelling the specimens is very eral Society's Rockhound News and Views
COVINGTON important. Include the name of the crystal,
16" Lapidary where discovered, chemical composition, the
Unit Does Dana number and other information that The Rohr Aircraft Rockhound Club of
everything is felt pertinent on the label. Chula Vista, California, installed new offi-
Arranging your crystals according to the cers recently. Seated were Geoffrey Baker,
elements is not difficult. Any mineralogy president; Lee Weatherbie, vice president;
COVINGTON Barbara Furlong, treasurer; and Joyce Baker,
12", U" book will describe the elements contained secretary. On the board of control are Lyle
or Ifi" in each mineral.—Jack Schwartz in the
Power Feed
Montebello, California, Mineral and Lapi- Sheverman, Nathalie Black, Bob Marra,
Diamond Ruth Weatherbie, Paul Fisher, Charles Dib-
Slab Saws dary Society's The Braggin' Rock ble, Bill Furlong and Bill Bennett.
8AVJS • • •
Mary Frances Berkholz, California Fed- The Eastern Arizona Gem and Mineral
Used by the U. S. Government eration field trip chairman, urged rock- Society has filed 20 placer mining claims in
Send for New Catalog, IT'S Fit UK hound clubs to file mining claims on local Limestone Canyon, near Clifton, Arizona,
DEALERS WANTED collecting areas as a means of safeguarding in order to reserve that area for future col-
them for future rockhounds and for other lecting by hobbyists. All rockhounds have
Covington Lapidary Eng. members of the hobby.—Coachella Valley been invited to collect at the club's claims.
REDLANDS D, CALIFORNIA Mineral Society's Lik 'n Lap —-Gems and Minerals

Elected president of the Gem County

Rock and Mineral Society was E. C. Brook-
Ate ins. Other officers who will serve with him
are Mrs. Zella Kent, vice president; Mrs.
Myrtle Albee, secretary; Mrs. Grace Mon-
Ifiaccve 'Seat Aoa&ttty roe, treasurer; A. R. Albee, federation di-
rector; Mrs. Cora Holman, publicity chair-
Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla man.
Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry
Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings for
and Brooches AGATE JEWELRY
CHOICE COLORS AND PICTURES Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains
Write for Folder With Prices Cuff Links — Neck Chains
Bezel — devices — Shanks
ELLIOTT'S GEM SHOP Solder — Findings
Send stamp for price list No. 3
235 East Seaside Blvd. Long Beach 2, California
Across from West End of Municipal O. R. JUNKINS & SON
Auditorium Grounds 440 N.W. Beach St.
Hours 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Except Monday NEWPORT, OREGON

Easy does it when holding stones for

AMATEUR GM CUTUR shaping on the grinding wheel. By resting

the stone on the forefinger and supporting
the upper back corner with the thumb, or
back of both upper corners with two thumbs,
PROPER USE OF SILVER ORIENTING ASTERIATED QUARTZ you can shape the top on all sides without
SOLDER IS STRESSED FOR BEST CABOCHON RESULTS fear of gouging the stone or the wheel. A
One of the most important items in jew- A six-rayed star is exhibited by asteriated damp tip of the forefinger will hold your
elry work according to Raymond Addison quartz when it is cut so that its optic axis cabochon safely against the side of a vertical
of the San Jose, California, Lapidary Soci- runs through the center of the top of the smoothing wheel when working on the flat
ety is silver solder. The wrong kind of cabochon. The optic axis can be located
with a simple apparatus consisting of two bottom of the cab. A padded arm rest,
solder can produce failure and difficulties proper lighting, and freedom from annoy-
and there are many silver solders on the pieces of polaroid, a means of supporting
market that have no place in jewelry mak- them in a "crossed" position and a light ing spray are aids for relaxation.—Minne-
ing—solders, for instance, that are made source. The latter can be any source that sota Mineral Club's Rock Rustler's News
for industry and are used to solder steel, gives a beam of light smaller than the piece
copper, brass and other metals. As a rule of polaroid. A small hole cut in a cigar
these are unfit to use with sterling silver box containing a light bulb will do.
because they are usually yellow in color Place one polaroid over the light source
and many of them have high melting points. and support the other a few inches above
Producers of fine metals make several it with a bracket or other means. To "cross"
solders, each melting at different degrees the polaroids, turn on the light source and
of heat. It is very important that you know while looking directly into it through the
at what heat a solder will melt. For in- two polaroids, rotate one of them until the
stance, if one is making several soldered position of greatest darkness is reached.
joints on the same piece, it is better to use With the polaroids "crossed" you are
a solder with a higher melting point for the now ready to examine the rough piece of
first joint and one with a slightly lower quartz which is held by hand between the
melting point for the last joint. The reason two polaroids and examined in the same
is obvious—the first joint will not be affected manner as for "crossing" the polaroids. The
when you make the second weld. A bezel, piece of rough quartz must be free of large
for instance, will not come unsoldered when surface opaque areas that do not pass light
you put on the safety catch. readily, and the location of the optic axis
Usually, two grades of solder are all the is best done in a dark or dimly lit room.
amateur jewelry maker needs, one that melts Step 1. Slowly rotate the piece of rough
at about 1350 degrees and one with a 1150 about a vertical axis. If one piece of rough
degree melting point. It is best to specify remains dark while being rotated 90-degrees,
the melting point when ordering solder from its optic axis is vertical. Mark it. Slice the
a manufacturer rather than merely ordering piece of rough perpendicular to this axis
by solder number for these numbers vary and use the cut as the base of the cabochon.
with the producers. Usually the quartz will not remain dark
Shun the use of high-heat solders. Sterl- while being rotated, but will be alternately
ing itself melts at just a little higher tempera- light and dark. This means the optic axis
ture than the solder, and trouble is in store is not vertical. The optic axis can still be
located by making a series of rotations about
HILLQUIST *without motor.
for you if high temperature solders are used.
—Gems and Minerals imaginary axes. For brevity in the follow- tOMPARE!
ing directions, an imaginary horizontal axis • Put the Hillcjuist Gemmaster beside any lapidary
pointing away from the person who is machine — cheaper, flimsy "gadgets" or units that
manipulating the piece of rough will be sell at twice the price. Compare construction! Com-
EASY WAY TO MOUNT STONE called the north-south axis. An imaginary pare ease of operation! Compare how much you
horizontal axis runing from right to left get for your money and you'll say, "I'll take the
AS A LASTING LAPEL PIECE will be called the east-west axis. Gemmaster!"
Here is a worthy companion for our larger and
The simplest way to mount a rare speci- Step 2. Rotate the piece of rough about more expensive Hillquist Compact Lapidary Unit.
men as a lapel piece is to lay the stone its vertical axis until it become dark; then Tho smaller in size, the Hillquist Gemmaster has
on a piece of 18 gauge silver, trace around rotate it about the east-west axis. If the many of the same features. It's all-metal with spun
it with a sharp awl and then draw flanges piece of rough remains dark, carry out aluminum tub. You get a rugged, double-action rock
at strategic points on the outline. Flanges Step 3. If it is alternately light and dark, clamp, not a puny little pebble pincher. You get a
must be long enough to anchor the stone skip Step 3 and carry out Step 4. full 3" babbitt sleeve bearing and ball thrust bear-
tightly when bent up around it, but not so ing. You get a big 7" Super Speed diamond saw
long that they detract from the stone de- Step 3. Rotate the rough 45-degrees and all the equipment you need to go right to work.
sign. Cut out the silver pattern, solder a clockwise about the vertical axis then rotate USES ALL ACCESSORIES
pinback on the reverse side, lay your stone it about the northwest-southeast axis until You can use all the regular Hillquist accessories
in place and very gently ease the flanges the piece of rough become dark. The optic with the Gemmaster: The Hillquist Facetor, Sphere
into place. axis is now vertical. Mark it. Slice a piece Cutters, Laps, Drum and Disc Sanders, etc.
of rough perpendicular to this axis and use
If you want something more ornate, lay the cut as the base of the cabochon. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG
your stones on a large piece of paper and Step 4. Rotate the piece of rough about
make several tracings of the shape — and the vertical axis for approximately 90-de-
then let your imagination go to work. grees until it becomes dark, then carry out
You will eventually come up with some- Step 3.
thing pleasing. Cut the background sheet
on 16 or 18 gauge silver from your pattern. The final check on whether the optic axis
Make it enough larger than the stone to is vertical is to rotate 90-degrees about the
take care of ornamentation. Excess metal vertical axis. If the optic axis is vertical
I BIG 7" Diamond Saw • 6" x 1 " Gi
can be filed off after the soldering is com- the piece of rough will remain more or I Wheel . 6 " Felt Buff • 6" Backing Wheel
pleted.—Ernestine Thomas in the Minne- less uniformly dark, depending somewhat | 6" Disc Sander • Double-action Rock
sota Mineral Club's Rock Rustler's News on surface irregularities. If the final check j Clamp • Oil Feed Cup • Water Feed
| Hose & Clamp • Dop Sticks S Dop W a x *
reveals that the optic axis is not vertical, | Polish, Compound, Etc.
grasp the piece of rough in a new position
and start over with Step. 1.—Georgia Min- BUILT FOR LONG SERVICE!
eral Newsletter No other low-cost lap unit

When polishing a thin slice of material, gives you full 3" sleeve
such as iris agate, dop it to a larger piece bearing, boll thrust bearing
and pressure lubrication.
of agate and then proceed to sand carefully,
bringing the stone in contact with the sander From Australia comes the news of the
for only a few seconds at a time. The discovery of a 820-carat black star sapphire
larger piece of agate will tend to draw the near Ruby Vale. The stone is the size of
heat away from the thin specimen.—Lapi- a golf ball and may be the largest star
dary Journal sapphire ever found.—The Mineralog

'EBRUARY, 1956 45
By RANDALL HENDERSON The experience of other communities provides ample evi-
dence that these fears are well justified.
Y NEIGHBORS in the Coachella Valley of
California are about to make a very important Americans of this generation have grown up with the
decision—and since the problem is one which idea—if they stopped to think of it at all—that pure air
sooner or later will confront many other communities and good water are inexhaustible resources. Every cham-
in the Desert Southwest I want to bring it out in the open. ber of commerce was seeking more industry—and any
industry which brought a jingle to the cash register was
Coachella Valley is a small community — approxi- good.
mately 10 miles wide by 40 miles long, almost entirely
encircled by mountains, with a year-around population of Unfortunately, that is no longer true. The pressure
22,000, and a winter population of double that number. of increasing population and our growing dependence on
the gadgets of factory production have brought us to the
We have two main industries—agriculture and resorts. time—whether we like it or not—when we must evaluate
Last year the 49,594 acres in cultivation produced crops our air and water resources and determine whether or not
valued at $26,152,000, of which grapes were No. 1 and they arc to be conserved. Many years too late, Los Ange-
dates No. 2 in gross returns. Tomatoes ranked third and les has come to this realization—and recently announced
grapefruit fourth. that future applicants for industrial sites are to be screened
The resort industry includes accommodations and as to their use of water and their potential for air pollution.
services for visitors who range all the way from transient
tourists to recreation and health-seekers who remain In a little valley, rimmed in with mountains as we are
through the winter season. While no exact figures are here in Coachella, we cannot have both heavy industry,
available, the estimates of our resort income range from and a prosperous resort and agricultural economy. It will
$22,000,000 to $34,000,000 a year. not take much heavy industry to give this valley a per-
petual overcast of smudge—and if that time comes we will
The agricultural industry centers in Indio at one end have killed the goose that laid the golden egg—for agri-
of our valley and the resort industry at Palm Springs, 25 culture cannot thrive in such an atmosphere, and the
miles away, at the other end of the valley. Palm Desert is winter tourist business will go to Nevada or New Mexico
half way between. There is no sharp line of cleavage. — to places like Wickenburg and Sedona in Arizona
Some of the finest date gardens are on the outskirts of where far-sighted community leaders have taken a firm
Palm Springs, and Indio derives millions from transient stand against any industry which pollutes the air or con-
and seasonal tourists. taminates the soil.
So much for the background of the controversy which
now threatens the peaceful co-existence of our community. Heavy industry is necessary. There are places for it
Indio, not satisfied with the multi-million dollar agri- where the water supply is abundant and geographical
cultural and resort industries we now have, wants to add features permit the free movement of air. Undoubtedly
a third—manufacturing. Directors of the Indio chamber the time will come when chemical and mechanical inven-
of commerce have announced that they want industry— tion will solve the problems of atmospheric contamination.
light, heavy, any kind of industry that will increase the But that probably is many years away.
local payrolls. They have already approved the construc- If a community wants heavy industry, the good old
tion of an ore reduction plant not far from their city limits. American tradition of free enterprise gives to every group
They like to refer to this policy as "progress." the right to determine what its economy shall be. But
Palm Springs and our Woman's Club here in Palm there should be no illusions. Heavy industry does not mix
Desert, realizing that the main tourist attractions of our with a prosperous agricultural and residential community
valley are its winter sunshine, pure air and the beauty of where people come for retirement, health and recreation.
our snow-capped horizon, and that the air pollution of One of the things I have learned about my neighbors
factories and truck traffic of heavy industry could destroy during 45 years on the desert frontier is that in every com-
all this are against it. munity there are always two groups: (1) Those who have
Many of the fruit and vegetable farmers in Coachella come to this desert community to establish permanent
Valley share this view. They have visited the Los Angeles homes. They are the folks who build for the future. (2)
coastal plain on the other side of the mountains and have Those who come to the new community to make a stake
seen what an almost perpetual cloud of thick brown smog and get out. To them, life on the desert merely is some-
is doing to the vegetation in such places as Riverside and thing to be tolerated and money is the only thing that
San Bernardino and Pomona and Santa Ana. They are counts. It is a sorry day for the future of any town which
afraid of what will happen to their grapefruit and dates entrusts its policy-making functions to those whose only
and leafy vegetables if heavy industry comes to this valley. stake in the community is to-get-rich-and-get-out.

sketch, notes on each trip, map of the

THE DESERT THAT LIES by the Arizona Pioneers' Historical
travels and photographs of mission
Tubutama. Number one of the Great
Southwest Travel series. 82 pages,
with index. $7.50.
• • •
"There are places where the creo- Jacobo Sedelmayr was born in Ba- TEAM BORAX WAGONS
sote bush is a more useful plant than varia in 1722, and like his predecessor, Nearly everyone knows about the
cotton. . . . We must live for something Jesuit Francisco Kino, entered the 20-mule team borax wagons which
besides making a living. If we do not Spanish mission field in America. He freighted across Death Valley in the
permit the earth to produce beauty was assigned to the mission of Tubu- 1880s. In motion pictures, radio and
and joy, it will in the end not produce tama for 16 years, then to southern television—and on the shelves of the
food either." missions, and "set up the finest record grocery stores wherever borax is sold
These are the conclusions of Joseph for exploring north country and per- —the 20-mule teams have been glam-
Wood Krutch, naturalist-philosopher, haps for missionary efficiency." orized.
whose home is on the desert near Tuc- His first account, Relacion, narrates But detailed and authentic records
son, and whose most recent book The his explorations of 1744 from Tubu- of that colorful episode in western
Voice of the Desert, is one of the most tama mission to Gila River, up the mining history have seldom appeared
illuminating interpretations yet to be Colorado to Bill Williams Fork. The in print—and it is to fill this gap, and
published on the botany and biology second is a log of the journey in 1749 to reconcile some of the contradictions
of the desert world. into Yuma country. The third is the of previous reporting, that Harold O.
Krutch's book is for those who diary of an unknown ensign among Weight has compiled the third booklet
would see beyond the mask of the soldiers stationed in Caborca and their in his Southwestern Panorama series:
desert to the processes — sometimes trek down the Colorado, accompanied 20-Mule Team Days in Death Valley.
complex but always interesting to an by Sedelmayr. His letter to the Vice- Insofar as has been possible Weight
eager mind—by which the denizens, roy in Mexico City in 1751 is the obtained his material from original
both plant and animal, survive and fourth account, explaining the need for sources — from old-timers who knew
multiply in this arid land. missions along the Gila and Colorado the men and their mules and from the
While the author is a scientist, sci- rivers. records of that period.
entific observation means little to him The translating of Peter Masten The new publication is in two edi-
unless it contributes to the vast fund Dunne, S.J., Chairman of the Depart- tions, the first being a limited printing
of knowledge which human beings ment of History, San Francisco, pre- of 750 copies which contains the 1883
need to retain a proper sense of values serves the vision and zest of the mis- report of California State Mineralogist
in charting their own lives. sionary explorer's writings. Jacobo Henry G. Hanks. A second edition
Since men and women are a part of Sedelmayr is worthwhile, factual read- without this report also is available.
the same world and the product of the ing of life in the southwest in the latter Published by Calico Press, paper-
same creative forces as are the dip- part of the eighteenth century. It is a bound, halftone illustrations and map.
podomy and the saguaro—and have beautifully printed volume with hand- First edition 44 pages, $1.25. Second
many of the same problems to solve— set chapter headings, biographical edition 36 pages, 75c.
the observations of a scientific man
who is also a philosopher are interest-
ing to the layman no less than the FROM A NATURALIST, I have learned more about this desert in an
scholar. evening's reading than in 40 years of tramping over the arid terrain. I
While Dr. Krutch is a comparative have been reading Joseph Wood Krutch's latest book, The Voice of the
newcomer to the desert, his five years Desert. It is a most revealing story about the lowly things of this desert
on the Sonoran llano at Tucson have land.—Randall Henderson, editor of Desert Magazine
been years of intensive study, and The
Voice of the Desert, is the second SEND NOW FOR YOUR
volume to come from his studio, his
previous desert book, The Desert Year, COPY OF
having been published in 1952. Tn
the east he is widely known as a
teacher, drama critic, biographer, jour- The
nalist and public speaker. His Ph.D.
degree was granted at Columbia Uni-
versity where he held a professorship VOICE of the
of dramatic literature.
Published by William Sloane Asso-
ciates, New York. 223 pp. Half tone
illustrations. $3.75. A Naturalist's Interpretation
• • •
The four original manuscripts nar- Desert Crafts Shop —- Palm Desert, Calif.
rating the explorations of Jacobo Sed-
elmayr, missionary frontiersman in Ari- 223 pages, illustrated—$3.75
zona and Sonora, are translated and
annotated for the first time by Peter (Please add Sc pstg.. California customers add 3% tax)
Masten Dunne, in the book published

FEBRUARY, 1956 47
by M. H. Frost. Ideal gift for anyone prizing WESTERN DESERT, L. Benson and R. Dar-
choice book on natural history. In splendid pho- row. This revised edition has all the information
tographs and text is caught the fascination of the a beginner in botany will need for identifying the
Desert wildlife and plant life. 95 pp $2.50 perennial vegetation in the entire Southwest. Ap-
pendix, 115 illustrations, 9 in full color. 437 pp. $8.50
Jaeger. Fine handbook on desert flora, almost W26 ANIMALS OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERT,
800 species described and illustrated by line draw- G. Olin. One of the series of the Southwestern
ings or photos. Includes material on discovery and Monuments Association; an invaluable book on
naming of plants, animal associations, Indian and the desert-dwelling animals; habits, detailed draw-
pioneer uses, explanation of botanical names. $5.00 ings, charts. Paper-bound. 112 pp $1.00
W8 FIELD GUIDE TO WESTERN BIRDS, Roger Terres. A treasury of information on feeding
Tory Peterson. Method of field identification, birds, building houses, charts of seasons, gardens
especially helpful to layman. Profusely illustrated that attract hummingbirds, lists of songbird food
with drawings showing characteristic markings ob- ratings in the U. S. Illustrations, construction
served in flight. Field-marks, size, manner of plans. 274 pp $3.95
flight, voice range. 40 pp. halftones, 6 pp. full
color $3.75 W28 INSECTS CLOSE UP. Ed. S. Ross. Splendid
pictorial guide for photographer and collector.
W9 POISONOUS DWELLERS OF THE DESERT, Includes 125 photographs, drawings, also how-to-
Natt N. Dodge. ". . . should become as much do-it sections on finding, mounting, and photo-
a part of the kit of any desert visitor as his can- graphing insects. 80 pp $1.50
teen." Description and habitat of giant desert
centipede, scorpions, black widow spiders, kissing W29 WILDLIFE IN COLOR, Roger Tory Peterson,
bug, bees, Sonoran coral snake, rattlers, Gila Mon- sponsored by National Wildlife Federation.
sters, and others. First aid. Illus., index, paper. 450 full color illustrations by 18 of America's lead-
$ .50 ing wildlife artists. Arranged by wildlife com-
munities, with accompanying text. Pocket size,
W16 WILD PALMS of the California Desert, Ran- paper $3.75
dall Henderson, Editor of Desert Magazine. W30 THE FLOWERING CACTUS, R. Carlson, G.
Most interesting and descriptive stories of the M. Avey, R. C. and Claire Meyer Proctor.
wild palms that grow in—Palm Canyon, Andreas More than 80 magnificent full-color photographs of
Canyon, Fern Canyon, Eagle Canyon. Photos. Map. the cactus flowers in full bloom, with explanatory
$ .50 text. Treasured gift for every visitor to the South-
west, or lover of flowers and photography. 95 pp.
Natt N. Dodge. Written for those who, lack-
ing a scientific knowledge of botany, would still W31 THE VOICE OF THE DESERT, Joseph Wood
like to learn the names of the more common Krutch. In which a Naturalist explores the
species of desert flowers and shrubs. Both the rich, intriguing, unexpected variety of life on the
scientific and common names of 145 species are Southwestern desert. 223 pp $3.75
given. 110 Illus. paper cover $1.00
ning. Humorous drawings, informative text
W17A FLOWERS OF THE SOUTHWEST MESAS, make this an easy-to-read book for everyone inter-
Pauline M. Patraw. Identifies by an easy-to- ested in the "Who's Who" of the desert cacti life.
follow color key, the common plants of the Pinyon- 107 pp $2.25
Juniper Woodland extending from about 4500 to
7500 feet in elevation. Descriptive drawings by Add 5 cents a book for postage
Jeanne R. Janish. Paper cover, index, 112 pp. $1.00
California buyers add 3% tax
Jaeger. A fascinating book of a naturalist's Send orders to
experiences with the jackrabbit, the packrat,
the coyote, the canyon wren, the sidewinder, and
scores of birds and animals and reptiles of the
Southwest Desert. Illus. Index, 239 pp $5.00 PALM DESERT- CALIFORNIA

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