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OBJECTIVE: The objective of is this part is to provide an users perspective to the research
process. It starts by differentiating the decision process from the research process. The first part
focuses on the role that the marketer has to play during the research process to ensure
information collected is appropriate for marketing decisions. The second part would discuss the
different analysis techniques for marketing research.


1. An overview of the Research Process
2. Conceptualization of the research study
Case: Rating of business schools.
3. Formulating Research Questions
4. Research Design
5. Cases Suncoast Bank and Brightface Toothpaste
6. Instrument and Questionnaire development Case: Wolff Drug Company
7. Qualitative Research
8. Sampling
9. Mid term
10. Case discussion: Hamilton Power tools.
11. Introduction to data analysis
12. Project proposals
13. Project proposals
14. Univariate analysis
15. Factor Analysis
16. Case: TV
17. Multi Dimensional Scaling
18. Discriminant Analysis
19. Cluster Analysis
20. Review

The assignment would simulate a competitive bidding situation. Two groups (of 5 members each) would
bid for a research study. The teams are required to work independently and present a research proposal on
a given problem. The topics would be assigned randomly to the groups.
Process of Competitive bidding:
The groups working on a topic would form the agency groups.
1. Two teams would act as clients for every problem.
2. The agency groups would make a formal presentation in front of the client groups. While an
agency group is presenting the other group working on the same topic would not be allowed to
sit inside the presentation room. The research proposal has to be submitted at the time of the
3. After all the agency groups make their presentations, the client groups would evaluate the
agency groups and decide which agency group is the best (Please note that the client groups
would be required to give a critique on the proposal (presentation).
4. The groups would be required to do exploratory study before formalizing the research proposal.
5. The proposals would be evaluated by the other groups on the following parameters:
Conceptualization of the topic (5marks), formulating the research questions (5 marks), research
design (5 marks), sampling (5 marks) presentation (5 marks) and report (5 marks).
Engine oils for 2 wheeler and three wheelers have traditionally been sold loose at petrol pumps
and branding was not important. However, presently a lot of advertising is seen for engine oils.
The company wishes to study the impact of advertising on the purchase of engine oils.
A US based trading house of branded (luxury/ extreme high end) cosmetics/ fragrances/ fashion
accessories market very high-end luxury brands, through primary retail outlets in India. The
company wishes to evaluate the success of the high end products launched/ marketed in India.
In pure coconut oil segment it is difficult to differentiate amongst the brands on the basis of core
product features. Moreover the positioning statements of the major brands are almost the same.
All the brands advertise themselves as 100% pure coconut oil and all of them are of edible
grade. The price variation is also not significant. However, it has been seen that the brand loyalty
is very high. The company wishes to understand the reasons for the brand loyalty for pure
coconut oil.
An oral care company wishes to understand the impact of retail level sales promotions during the
purchase of toothpastes.
A cigarette company wishes to understand the impact of display and point of purchase
advertising during the purchase of cigarettes.
An aggarbatti manufacturer wants to study the buying behaviour for agarbattis and wants to find
out the extent of brand loyalty during agarbatti purchases.

Data collection
The two groups working on a topic (for proposal presentation) would merge into one group.

Based on the feedback received from the other groups a consolidated research proposal would be
prepared. Primary data should be collected, analysed a report should be submitted.
Dates (tentative)
Finalizing the groups June 25
Allotment of topic June 30
Competitive bidding Aug 13 & 16
Submission of critique Aug 20
Submission of final report Day of end term

Breakup of marks
Initial proposal 20 marks
Inputs (critique) of other proposals 2*5 10 marks
Data collection and final report 10 marks

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