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September 21, 2014

Faithbuilders (E. Hall)

9:00 Sanctuary Worship
Childrens Classes (Info in Room 11)
Youth Classes: (N. Forum)
Salt, Adult Class (N. Room)

10:30 Watermark Worship
Childrens Classes (Info in Room 11)
Pathnders, Adult Class (N. Room)
High Flight, Adult Class (E. Hall)

Praise Songs

In the Calm


Morning Prayer

Word in Song
Where He Leads Me
Katy Statler

Sara Perrine
The Story: Rebuilding the Walls
Rebuilding Community

Closing Song
Bind Us Together

Closing Prayer
CoreFit & More Tu & Th, 4:15 p ..............
Mens Bible Study Wednesday, 6:30 a ..........
Adult Choir Wednesday, 7:00 p .....................
Womens Bible Study Thursday, 6:45 a .....
*Mens Bible Study Thursday, 7:00 a ........
Roots (Young Adults) Thursday, 7:00 p ....
Womens Bible Study Friday, 9:30 a .....
KP Prayer Group Saturday, 6:30 a ...........
CrossFit ...........................
Chain Gang (Craft) 2
Monday 10 a .......
Reap What You Sew 2
& 4
Wed. 9 a .....
* on break
Regularly Scheduled Programs
Frank Shirvinski
Lead Pastor
Nic Glyshaw
Youth Pastor
Katy Statler
Ministry Director: Youth
Nicole Moran
Preschool Director
Jenny Statler
Interim Worship Leader
Kiefer Ireland
Childrens Ministry Asst.
Sara Perrine
Minister, Missional Groups
Mary Cartwright
Minister, Pastoral Care
Sharon Hostetler
Ministry Director:
Connections & Events
Stacy Shirvinski
Executive Director: Community
Impact, Families and Children
WorkOut for Haiti!

Among the many reasons to love
Crossfit Chaparral, this team loves to
do good! We recently raised money for
Family Promise and now are doing the
same for our team traveling to Haiti!
Please join us on Saturday, October 4th,
at 9:00 a.m. for this event!

Donate Today at
Helpful Info
Communion/Lords Supper
All followers of Christ are welcome to
participate in our Service of
Communion. If you have prepared
yourself for this very special moment
with our Savior, you are invited to His
table. (1 Corinthians 11:23-30) Please
take the emblems as they are passed
and partake when you are ready.
Some prefer to take it before passing
it along.

In all of our services, a special time
for giving is set aside. Participation is
an act of worship and voluntary.

We have a friendly, well-sta!ed and
impeccably clean nursery located on
the north side of the narthex. Please
see an usher for directions.
Prayer: Irv Ekelund
Sympathy: Dan Marty passed away
Wednesday. Please keep Dorothy and
her family in your prayers. 6451 E. Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 480-991-9878

9/28 11:45 NO Childrens Musical Practice ... ....
10/5 9:00 a Interfaith Food Drive Campus ... .... ..
10/5 4:00 p Congregation Mtg East Hall ... .... .....
10/11 5:30 p Sage Kick-O# O#site . .... ...............
10/12 Flu Shot Clinic O$ce . .............. ...............
10/31 5:30 p Autumnfest Campus . .... ................
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67'"8+, 9'/. lck up a yer,
bags or boxes Loday and ll
Lhem Lo show supporL for our
communlLy. lood wlll go Lo
lCM (lnLerfalLh Cooperauve
MlnlsLrles) ln hoenlx.

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Congregauon 8eLh lsrael ll Lhe lCM
Lruck. ConLacL Sara errlne
lLems needed:
lood (eanuL
8uuer, 1una,
Canned MeaLs,
urled 8eans, 8lce,
Canned veggles),
LolleLrles, baby care lLems and clean
cloLhlng (new or genLly used).
Sage Event: Fall Kick-Off
Bly and Karla Hostetler will be
hosting our Fall Event on Saturday,
October 11, at 5:30. Bring an
appetizer, side dish or dessert.
Brats and Short Ribs will be
provided. Sign up in the Narthex
or online at
We want to get to
know you! It helps
our sta# so much to be
able to put names with
faces. We would like to
get photos of all our
families to make sure
we have current
contact information,
allergy info on children, etc. Also,
please be sure to join a small group if
you truly want to be connected to your
Church family.
A Flu Shot Clinic will
be on campus Sunday,
October 12. If you want
Walgreens to file your
insurance, paperwork
and a copy of your insurance card
are needed by October 5. Paperwork
can be picked up in the narthex
today and next Sunday. Walk-ins
are welcome on the 12th, but you
will have to file your own insurance
for reimbursement.
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Now on Wednesdays!!
Jr High will
meet from
6-7:00 p.m.
and Sr High will
meet from
7:30-8:30 p.m. - with a time of
worship and food in between.
We will be meeting every
week for small groups unless
otherwise informed.
There is no
Christmas musical
rehearsal next
Sunday, 9/28, for
children. We will
see you back on
October 5th!
Autumnfest is Coming
October 31st from 5:30-8:30!
It is time to stock up on
candy for all the kids
who come to play!
Help us by picking up a
bag or two of candy -
and, YES! chocolate is
ok! Bring it to Church
the next few Sundays!

We will also be needing volunteers!
We will need EVERYONE ;-) to
volunteer for at least one time slot to
oversee a game! We promise you
will have as much fun as the kids!
If you have seen !e black round table
clo!s, please ca" !e o#ce.

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