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The most delightful winter climate

in the United States!
FURNACE That is a fair description (if the
desert Southwest. The air is warm and
CREEK INN dry and pure. The desert landscape
has been sterilized by the intense rays
of summer's sun. Rocks are clean;
FURNACE CREEK views to distant mountains are crystal DEATH
i, EUROPEAN PLAN ,.< Spend a few days, a week, or a life- VALLEY
time on (he desert. Get close to the
nature that transcends everyday prob-
lems and conflicts. Enjoy viewing the
distinctive vegetation of the desert: HOURLY TOURS
Enjoy this luxurious desert oasis Joshua, Saguaro, Smoke trees, Yucca, OF FABULOUS LUXURY
for rest, quiet, recreation: golf, Palo Verde, Date palms.
tennis, riding, swimming, tour- Overnight Accommodations
ing, and exploring. Sunny days, For the more active and adventur-
cool nights.Excellent highways. ous, this is a recreational paradise. European from $6 dbl.
For folders and reservations
write 5410 Death Valley Hotel Rivers and lakes of the Southwest offer M o d . A m . from $13 d b l .
Co., Death Valley, Calif. Or fishing, boating, exploration and the See your Travel Agent
phone Furnace Creek Inn at ever-present scenic beauty. Golf, ten-
Death Valley. Or call your local nis, riding etc. continue unabated or write—
travel agencies. Special discount
through the winter. CASTLE HEAD OFFICE
1462 N. Stanley Ave
Stove Pipe Wells Hotel Hollywood 46, Calif.
Death Valley
California NOW IS THE TIME
Home of the Famous Annual
Confirmed or Prospective BURRO-FLAPJACK Places to see
RIVER RATS Stove lJipc Wells Hotel was until his
death in 1950 owned and operated by DON'T MISS IT!
Plan now for a George Palmer Putnam, renowned
author and explorer. It continues un- See and hear the talking colored pictures
SHARE-THE-EXPENSE der the personal management of Mrs. "Romance and Sox lAfo of the Date" con-
tinuous showing H a.m. to fi p.m. Free
RIVER TRIP IN 1955 George Palmer Putnam. admission. Shield's now and modern Ro-
mance of the Date Theatre. Also see the
Season: October 1 to June 1 rose garden, one of the largest, in ('alii".
Write to: Shield's Date Crystals and the world's
finest desert fruits. On Palm Springs
GEORGIE AND WHITY Highway ZVz miles west of Tndio. We shi.">
IN JOSHUA TREE everywhere. Write for free brochure.
737 W. 101st STREET Comfort, quiet, modest rates
Reserve by day, week or month with Herbert
and Anne Brown, owners; also—
RIVER EXPEDITIONS Box 353 Elev. 3000' Phone 7561

Enjoy exploralion, safe adventure and

scenic beauty in the gorgeous canyons of
Utah and Arizona. Staunch boats, experi-
enced rivermen. For 1955 summer schedule THE BARRETT RANCH
or charter trips anytime write to— "Where It's Slimmer All Winter"
I. FRANK WRIGHT A comfortable place to spend a week-end or the entire winter. Away
from smog, fog, snow or rain. Humidity is almost nil.
Far from the irrigated districts on the warmest, driest part of the desert
Blanding, Utah Season November 1—June 1.
A dozen completely furnished modern houses, 1 or 2 bedrooms, with
In lndio. Date Capital of tin- World complete privacy. Air cond., electric refrig., modern bath facilities, etc.
RANCHO LAS ADELFAis GUEST COTTAGES A Naturalist's Paradise. Wonderful bass fishing; boating; prospecting:
In California's desert playground—heated exploring. Evening campfires with a jolly crowd. Very informal.
swimming pool; quiet, restful; ideal ac-
commodations (kitchen optional).
Located in the California Desert just a mile West of the Imperial Dam
A Desert Oasis amidst Palms & Oleanders For folder write:
Highway 111, 500 ft. W. of Fairgrounds BARRETT RANCH, Rt. 2. Box 258, Yuma, Arizona
lndio. Cal. (Rec. by Duncan Hines, AAA)

Dec. 1-3—Farm Bureau Convention
of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M.
Dec. 4—Palm Springs Desert Museum
Field Trip to Dolomite Mine off
Palms to Pines Highway, Palm
Springs, California.
Dec. 5—Lecture "Indians of Califor-
nia" by Arthur and Donald Barr,
Southwest Museum. Los Angeles,
Dec. 6-17—National Resources Con-
ference, Albuquerque. N. M.
Dec. 10-12—Pilgrimage and celebra-
tion by Tortugas Indians, Las Cru-
ces. New Mexico.
Dec. 11 — Achones Procession after Volume 17 DECEMBER, 1954 Number 12
Vespers, Church of Our Lady of
Guadalupe, Taos, New Mexico.
Dec. 11-12 — Sierra Club's Camping COVER Indian Watch Tower at Grand Canyon. Photo
Trip to Stein's Rest Oasis, near by Carlos Elmer, China Lake, California
lndio, California.
Dec. 12—Desert Sun Ranchers' Ro- CALENDAR December events on the desert 3
deo, Wickenburg, Arizona.
Dec. 12—Jemez Pueblo "Matachines," RECREATION Atop Nevada's Highest Peak
Santa Fe, New Mexico. By LOUISE TOP WERNER 4
Dec. 12 — Feast Day of Nuestra
Senora de Guadalupe celebrated en GHOST TOWN Old Fort Schellboume of Pony Express Days
eve (Dec. 11), Taos and Santa Fe, By NELL MURBARGER 9
New Mexico.
Dec. 12-13 — Dons Travelcade to POETRY Forgotten Acres, and ether poems 13
Tucson, Gila Bend, Ajo, Saguaro
National Monument, from Phoenix, FIELD TRIP Gem Hunting with a Nevada Prospector
Arizona. By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 14
Dec. 16-24—Nightly pageant-proces-
sions (Posadas) depicting search TRAVEL On the Trail of Coronado
for lodgings by Mary and Joseph By THOMAS B. LESURE 18
in Jerusalem, Mesilla, New Mexico.
Dec. 18—Palm Springs Desert Mu- FICTION
Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 22
seum Field Trip to Magnesia CONTEST
Springs Canyon, California. Picture-of-the-Month announcement 22
Dec. 18-31 — Illuminated "City of LETTERS
Bethlehem" Christmas panorama, Comment by Desert's readers 23
Climax Canyon near Raton. N.M. PHOTOGRAPHY
Pictures of the Month 24
Dec. 19—Dons Travelcade to Vulture
Mine. Wickenburg. From Phoenix, CHRISTMAS
Mexican Christmas at Douglas
D ec . 24 — Ceremonial Dance, San By JESSIE KENNEDY 25
lldefonso Pueblo, Santa Fe, N.M. DESERT QUIZ A test of your desert knowledge 26
Dec. 24—Night Procession with Cedar
Torches. Taos Indian Pueblo; Cere- NATURE Clown of the Wastelands
monial Dances after Midnight Mass,
San Felipe, Laguna. Isleta Pueblos, By EDMUND C. JAEGER 27
Santa Fe, New Mexico. NEWS
From Here and There on the Desert 29
Dec. 24—Procession of the Virgin.
Taos Pueblo, Taos, New Mexico. MINING Current news of desert mines 33
Dec. 24—Christmas eve in Spanish
villages, N.M.; bonfires for El Santo LAPIDARY Amateur Gem Cutter, by LELANDE QUICK . . 34
Nino (the Christ Child) lighted
before houses and in streets, also HOBBY Gems and Minerals 35
before candle-lit Nacimientos (Na-
tivity scenes). INDEX Of Desert's 17th volume 42
Christmas Week—Nativity Plays, Los
Pastores and Las Posadas (old COMMENT Just Between You and Me, by the Editor . . . 46
Spanish plays) in St. Joseph's audi-
torium and in homes of descendants BOOKS Reviews of current Southwestern books . . . 47
of settlers. Taos, New Mexico.
Dec. 25 — Ceremonial Dance, Taos
Pueblo, Taos, New Mexico. The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert,
Dec. 25—Deer Dance, Taos Pueblo, California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948, at the postoffice at Palm Desert,
California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office,
Santa Fe, New Mexico. and contents copyrighted 1954 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
Dec. 25-28—Dances at Jemez, Santo must be secured from the editor in writing.
Domingo, Tesuque, Santa Clara RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor BESS STACY, Business Manager
pueblos, Santa Fe. New Mexico. DAVID W. ZANDER, Sales Manager EVONNE RIDDELL, Circulation Manager
Dec. 26 - - Turtle Dance, San Juan Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
Pueblo, Santa Fe. New Mexico. unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for
Dec. 26-Jan. 1 — Southwestern Sun damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub-
Carnival. El Paso, Texas. scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue.
Dec. 26—Desert Sun Ranchers' Ro- SUBSCRIPTION RATES
deo. Wickenburg, Arizona.
One Year $3.50 Two Years $6.00
Dec. 31—Deer Dance, Sandia Pueblo.
Canadian Subscriptions 25c Kxtra, Foreign 50c Extra
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Dec. 31—Annual Pegleg Smith Liar's Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
Contest, Borrego Valley, California. P. O. D. Older No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California

Sierra Club members on the summit of Boundary Peak, highest point in Nevada.
Front row, left to right: Rosie Balsam, Roland Kent, Ken Rich, Jr., John Delmonte;
second row: Dick Woodward, Lloyd Balsam, Art Widmer, Louise Werner, Jill
Johnson; back row: Walt Collins, Leader Brad Brush, Elgin Pierce, Ken Rich, Sr.,
Polly Connable, John Nienhuis. Soon after this picture was taken, the climbers
scrambled down a ridge, across the state line and up Montgomery Peak, California.

Atop Nevada's Highest Peak

Thanks to the perfection of light plastic gear and dehydrated foods, with such an impressive position and
a hiker can now go out and live comfortably for three days out of a altitude.
knapsack that weighs 25 pounds or less. And that includes the luxury We decided to explore Nevada's
of a down sleeping bag and an air mattress. Here is another of Louise highest point on a Fourth of July
Werner's delightful stories of fun and adventure on high mountain trails weekend, approaching it from the east.
—with many useful hints for those who go in for backpacking. Driving from Los Angeles to Owens
Valley via highway 395, we turned
northeast at the town of Big Pine,
Photos by Niles Werner over Westgard Pass into Deep Springs
Map by Norton Allen Valley and crossed the line into Fish
Lake Valley, Nevada, where the road
EVER crossed a dary Peak." Boundary Peak is the became 3A. We left the black-topped
state line at 12,800 feet above highest point in Nevada. Beyond it road at the Highway Maintenance Sta-
sea-level? You can do it in the the ridge falls rapidly to foothills and tion in Fish Lake Valley, turning left
White Mountains, a desert range that disappears. on a fair desert road that took us 13Vi
stretches for 30 miles along California's We members of the Desert Peaks miles to road's-end at 8000 feet in
central eastern border and then slips Section of the Sierra Club, a group Trail Canyon. The total mileage from
over the line into Nevada. Immedi- devoted to exploring the desert moun- Los Angeles was 340.
ately the ridge soars to 13,145 feet, tains of the Southwest, naturally felt A stream watered the meadow
to a point appropriately called "Boun- the attraction of a desert mountain where the road ended. A board table

and bench and a ring of sooty rocks
around a pile of ashes indicated a well-
used campsite. It was a clean and
pleasant spot, uncluttered by the piles
of cans and bottles which mark the
stopping place of the litterbug.
We changed from the cool clothing
which had made our drive through
the desert in July more comfortable,
to the warmer, sturdier garb recom- i*^
mended for climbing at high altitudes:
trousers of rough twill with voluminous
pockets (military ski and marine pants
are favorites), a red plaid shirt, a cap
with visor to shade the face, boots
with rubber lug soles and three pairs
of woolen socks.
Foot comfort is of prime importance.
One who has not solved his foot prob-
lems will hardly enjoy mountaineering.
Some like close fitting boots. Person- From Boundary Peak, highest point in Nevada . . .
ally, I find a boot most comfortable
when it is large enough to hold in-
soles in addition to three pairs of
woolen socks, and still allow the foot
play. You will seldom find a boot
salesman who has tramped the trails.
He will sell a boot that looks good
and feels good in the shop. The hiker
is interested in how the boot will feel
after his feet have pounded the rocks
for hours. Niles and 1 are in the habit
of carrying three pairs of woolen socks
with us when we go to try on new
We were to carry our knapsacks
about two miles up-canyon to the
highest available water, camp there
overnight, climb Boundary Peak the
second day, camp another night and,
knapsacking back to the cars, drive
home the third day.
My knapsack bulged with a four
and one-half pound down-and-feather
sleeping bag, mummy type, a two
pound plastic air mattress (a luxury
recently added as a concession to age),
a one and one-half pound rubberized
nylon ground cloth, two dinners, two With a pause to view Fish Lake Valley below .. .
breakfasts and two lunches (three
pounds), nylon parka and wool sweater . . . We dipped across the border to California's Montgomery Peak.
(14 ounces), a billy can to cook in, a
cup and spoon, quart canteen (to be
filled next day for the climb to the
peak), scout knife, flashlight, matches,
dark glasses, first aid kit including
sunburn salve and moleskin for blis-
ters. Ten years ago a knapsacker could
not eat well, sleep warm and be gener-
ally comfortable and prepared for emer-
gencies on a mountaineering weekend
such as this with less than a 40-pound
pack. Today, with nylons, plastics
and improved dehydrated foods, he
can do it with 25 pounds or less.
Animal trails meandered up the
canyon. A grouse boomed in a wil-
low thicket, a hollow sound with a

' j , ftlfe
Some of our friends were already
TO U. S. HWY. 95
camped in the highest part of the can-
yon that afforded both water and level
space, at about 9500 feet. On the
north the sage-covered slope, olive
drab with shadows, went up to 11,000
feet; on the south a lower, more grad-
ual slope bristled with dark green
pinyon pines. The stream, here little
more than a trickle, cut through the
turf. A quarter mile to the southwest,
beyond a jumble of boulders, a tongue
of snow hugged a trough in a yellow
slope that climbed up to a ridge be-
yond which hid Boundary Peak, our
objective for the morrow.
Sparrows riddlc-dee-deed in the
willows as we washed up and gathered
wood to cook our dinner. A Clark's
crow scoffed from a pinyon pine when
we unpacked our dehydrated meal.
As an experiment we had brought a
new—and "improved," the manufac-
turers claimed—brand of dehydrated
food. The vegetable stew weighed
about an ounce per serving. To two
servings we added a 7-ounce can of
veal loaf. A package of biscuit mix
promised, on the label, to make dump-
lings when mixed with water and
cooked in the stew. We dropped a
dumpling in the stew. It changed its
mind and became gravy.
The same biscuit mix promised to
become a pancake batter when stirred
with water and powdered egg. We
poured a little on a greased aluminum
foil pie plate set on the coals. It spread,
filled the plate, puffed up until tv/o
inches high, browned beautifully on
both sides and ended up as a short-
cake on which we poured dried peach
sauce. Tea and sugar completed a
dinner that had weighed only eight
ounces per person in our packs.
• • * - . \ -

The sun sank behind the head of

the canyon and immediately we felt a
nip in the air. It was hard to believe
mysteriously aloof note in it, and soon domestic horse can follow. In sum- we had sweltered in Fish Lake Valley
the plump gray bird fluttered into our mer they crop the grass in the high that noon at a temperature above 90.
path and whirred noisily away. meadows; in winter they paw the snow Six hours later and 4500 feet higher,
Birch and willow thickets gave way from the frozen sage and gnaw at it took a wool sweater, a parka and
to a spongy meadow where wild onions scrub pine, greasewood and rabbit a roaring campfirc to keep us warm.
mingled with iris and tomato red col- brush. Half a dozen of them watched
umbines above a cloud of blown dan- us from near the top of an 11,000 Knowing the leader would be wak-
delions. The spiralling leaves of skunk foot slope that enclosed the canyon ing us at daybreak, we didn't linger
cabbage decorated the stream's edge, on the north. Their hoof-prints and long around the fire.
and wild roses caught at our clothes. droppings along our trail indicated that Sinking into the buoyant depths of
"The Mountain's Pride," a pink and the stream was a popular rendezvous. the new air mattress, I felt entirely
blue penstemon, stood off by itself, The canyon climbed so gradually repaid for the extra two pounds it had
too dainty to join the others. we hardly realized we were gaining weighed in the pack. Buoyancy is not
Trail Canyon is one of the few re- elevation. Contouring up the slope a the only recommendation for an air
maining refuges of the wild horse in little, to avoid particularly dense thick- mattress. In high altitudes a AVz pound
Nevada. Though their ancestors were ets of willow and birch, we passed down-and-feather sleeping bag alone
domestic horses who strayed from immense old pinyon pines whose bases sometimes hardly keeps the camper
ranches in the valleys below, these had been washed bare on the lower warm. An air mattress under it, how-
animals in their battle for survival side, exposing unbelievably large rami- ever, insulates him from the cold and
have become like mountain goats, fications of roots that had developed damp that comes up from the ground.
climbing the rocky slopes where no bark for protection. Breakfast over, Leader Brad Brush,

: Wm. • .. • j ... • %, • • • . . r-- • • • ..

Climbing up the backbone, the yellow slope of scree—finely broken rock into
which footsteps sink and slide back—fell behind and the hikers' pace quickened
to Boundary Peak ahead.

a young accountant from Glendale, sail over the ridge. Lloyd and Rose- Ken Jr., with youthful eagerness,
California, gave the call to start. marie Balsam, Polly Connable, Art attacked the scree aggressively with the
Though the sun would not hit camp Widmer and Jill Johnson together ex- result that he moved a lot of scree
for some time yet, the snow tongue amined some quartz specimens they downhill without gaining much head-
that marked our route lay white against had picked up among the granite. Walt way. "Take it easy," warned his father.
the yellow scree to the southwest. El- Heninger took advantage of the rest "Save your energy." And that's about
gin Pierce, John Delmonte with son to lean on his cane and tell an anec- the only way you can make headway
James, 15, and Dick Woodward fell dote. Back at camp Clem and Lee on scree: place your foot lightly, trans-
in line immediately, as usual. These Todd were just starting, with Assistant fer your weight with a minimum of
powerhouses never need a second call. Leader John Wedburg bringing up the motion, and you will do a minimum of
As they crossed the stream and tra- rear. The job of assistant leader is not sliding.
versed a meadow thick with yellow a popular one, since he must keep the
mimulus, John Nienhuis, Ken Rich rear end of the line always in view, Unstable as the scree was, rosettes
with Ken Jr., 10, joined them, scaring sacrificing the opportunity of climbing of stonecrops had anchored in it.
up a jackrabbit that streaked off with the group. Another of his duties Patches of fragrant white phlox at-
toward the jumble of boulders ahead. is to carry the first aid equipment. tracted swarms of small blue butter-
flies. Corsages of cinquefoil glistened
"On the map, Boundary Peak, The long yellow scree slope stretched yellow, as if security were not impor-
Montgomery Peak and Mt. Dubois up to the ridge. We had left all trails tant.
appear to be close together along the behind. Scree is finely broken rock The longest scree slope comes to
ridge," said Roland Kent, 14. "Why that has eroded off above, poured down an end, and so did this one. From
can't we climb all three today?" Any and covered the slopes below. We the top of the ridge our campsite in
argument that experience might put avoid ascending on scree whenever we the canyon bottom 1500 feet below
up against such youthful exuberance can because footsteps easily sink and still lay in shadow, but sunlight flooded
merely went in one ear and out the slide back in the soft stuff. This one the upper half of the north slope.
other. He had to see for himself. we couldn't avoid without going a long Something stirred among the sage there
way around. So we called on our and Walt Collins picked up the wild
The vanguard waited at the snow patience and went at it, resting often horses in his binoculars, in about the
tongue for the others to catch up. on outcropping boulders that seemed same spot we had seen them the day
Walt Collins paused to watch a hawk like islands of stability in a sea of scree. before. We could now see over the

At 13,000 feet most of us were fornia without a customs official ask-
pressing into action recesses of our ing us whether we carried any citrus.
lungs we never use at sea-level. One From the summit of Montgomery
or two felt nauseated. Some took salt Peak, Roland Kent, the eager young-
tablets. Clem Todd, whose family is ster who had expressed a wish early
in the citrus industry in Riverside, Cal- that morning to climb three peaks in
ifornia, told us that laboratory tests one day, looked over toward the third
show that we lose Vitamin C through peak across a 2000 foot drop and said
our pores as well as salt. That may no more about it.
explain why climbers so relish citrus
at high altitude levels. Tensing Norkey, Returning over Boundary Peak, we
the Sherpa who climbed Mt. Everest, wrote our names in the aluminum reg-
spoke repeatedly about his craving for ister box the Desert Peaks Section had
"lemon water." placed there in 1947. In the interven-
ing six years nine parties had signed
A climber can usually overcome al- in, three of them Desert Peaks groups.
titude nausea by conditioning, expos-
ing himself gradually to high and higher Ladybugs swarmed over the sum-
altitudes. Once overcome by nausea mit boulders and flying ants an inch
he may not get over it until he goes long wanted to share our fruit cock-
down, but the chances are that if he tail and sardines. It had taken five
tries it again soon, he will go higher hours to climb both peaks. We con-
before becoming nauseated. An ounce gratulated Ken, Jr., on being the
of conditioning is worth a pound of youngest to have accomplished that
antidotes. feat.
Altitudes between 12,000 and 20,- From the summit back to camp took
000 feet stimulate one who is condi- less than three hours. The scree that
tioned to them. It may be that he had slowed our ascent let us down in
absorbs a stimulant from the rarified a hurry. We sank a boot into it and
atmosphere, possibly cosmic rays. slid a yard, sank another boot and
About 12 airline miles south of where slid two yards. We literally skated
we were climbing, the University of down.
California was studying cosmic rays
on White Mountain Peak, 14,242 feet Though thousands of motorists drive
Ken Rich, Jr., 10, carried his 10- up Owens Valley every summer, along
high, the highest peak entirely sur-
pound pack two miles to this camp- the western base of the White Moun-
rounded by desert in the United States.
site, then up the next day to the top tains, few recognize that here is the
Whatever the cause of the stimulation,
of Boundary Peak. highest desert range in the country.
it sharpens the senses and makes one's
spirits soar. Unlike the Sierra Nevada whose spec-
11,000 foot ridge to a mesa dark green tacular beauty is displayed on the other
with pinyon pines. People who climb together to these side of the valley, the White Mountains
But our route lay in the opposite altitudes develop a peculiar rapport. save their charms for those who ex-
direction, where the ridge humped They will drink from the same canteen plore them.
skyward. Pinnacles thrust up out of without fear of germs; they will share
it like vertebrae on the backbone of a their food, their wraps, their socks—
anything they have considered worth JACK MITCHELL VICTIM
dinosaur. Sudden gusts of wind rattled
carrying in their cut-to-the-bone packs. OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT
among the boulders as if through dry
paper. Up here it felt more like No- We have yet to hear of any ill effects Jack Mitchell, widely known in the
vember than the Fourth of July. from such unsanitary behavior. The West as the owner and guide at
expansive feeling lasts for days after Mitchell's Caverns in the Providence
Rounding a pinnacle we surprised coming back to sea-level. Mountains of California, met a tragic
a rosy finch pecking away at a pitted death October 28 while he was doing
snow patch. Not many birds venture The scree slope had fallen far below
where it lay glaring in the midday sun. a good turn for one of the visitors at
to an altitude of 12,000 feet. The the Caverns.
rosy finch, a mountaineer at heart, has We pulled up over a hump and lost
discovered in these lonely high snow sight of it. Dead ahead an easy incline According to the report received at
patches a never ending food supply. led to the summit of Boundary Peak. Desert Magazine office, a visitor's car
Every sunny day the perfectly pre- Any direction presented the eye a got out of control and lodged against
served bodies of insects thaw out on roller coaster ride along snow-etched one of the cabins near the Mitchell
the surface: butterflies, moths and ridges, up over pinnacles, down pinyon home. In an effort to help the motor-
other winged insects, who sailed up covered slopes, into deep canyons, ist, Mitchell crawled under the auto
on air currents, never to return. Spiders across salt flats and up to lakes and with a wrench. When the car was re-
are often seen high up on glaciers. mountain peaks. leased it rolled downhill, dragging Jack
Seeds, too, are carried up. with it. Finally it fell over a low wall
The White Mountain Range itself
If you ask a human mountain stretched southwest. Half an airline and Mitchell was crushed beneath the
climber why he climbs mountains his mile away, across a 300 foot dip in weight of the vehicle. Mrs. Mitchell
answer is likely to be somewhat un- the ridge, Montgomery Peak in Cali- and others lifted him into another auto
clear. The rosy finch has a perfectly fornia curved up to 13,442 feet. Most and started for Needles to take him to
understandable answer. He climbs of us scrambled across, pausing in the a hospital. He died before reaching
in order to eat from a deep freeze lower part of the saddle to drink from Essex. Mrs. Mitchell plans to make
that Nature automatically keeps well our canteens a toast to the fact that her home with her daughter, Mrs. Al
stocked with his favorite foods. we were crossing the line into Cali- Beauchamp in Needles.

Old Fort Schellbourne
of Pony Express Days
Bounding from his lookout post un-
In the bareness of the Steptoe Valley of Schellbourne, Nevada, der the wagon, a brown-and-white
are the ghostly remains of a once lively town, where Pony Express shepherd dog came racing to meet me
riders, on their round-the-clock schedule stopped for fresh horses. Nell —his tail wagging a violent welcome.
Murbarger tells the story of this town and of the last surviving inhabitant
she met there. "He grows lonely for people," said
a soft voice. "We both do . . ."
headquarters whenever they are at Raising my eyes from the dog, I
By NELL MURBARGER Schellbourne, I turned back past the saw approaching me an old man. In
Photos by the Author building toward the kitchen door. The the half-light of the dying day, he ap-
Map by Norton Allen station was unoccupied but in the rear peared to be ancient, I thought—as
was a battered old sheepwagon, its ancient as Abraham! Only a small man
open door framing a yellow rectangle —no taller than myself and slight of
/ * * E V A D A ' S BRASSY SUN had of lamplight. build—his head was bare, his shoes
ff, at last been swallowed by the
pine topped heights of the Egan
Thomas Mulliner, early day stage driver, is the last survivor of the old
range, and the blue shadows of eve-
ning were beginning to gather in the mining camp.
canyons and steal across the wide bare-
ness of Steptoe Valley. It was supper
time, and I was hungry and tired. I
had already covered more miles than
I ordinarily drive in a day, but a fool-
ish sort of urge had kept drawing me
I wanted to camp that night at old
Fort Schellbourne.
Schellbourne has been a ghost town
for nearly 70 years and has always
been one of my favorite camping sites.
Its cold spring water and shade would
make it a desirable stopping place even
without its great historical interest; and,
of course, there is always a possibility
of finding there my good friends, Ruth
and T. C. Russell.
The Russells own the old town —
lock, stock, and barrel—as well as a
lot of surrounding land. But since they
also operate a full-time business at
Tooele, Utah—nearly 200 miles dis-
tant, over unpaved roads—the time
they can spend at the ranch is much
less than they would prefer.
Two years had passed since my last
visit to Schellbourne. I couldn't see
that my two years absence had brought
any appreciable changes. The moun-
tainous old willow trees and cotton-
woods flanking either side of the street
still met overhead in a green arch, their
boughs interlacing until the road
seemed to pass through a long, dark
tunnel. Here were the same old stone-
and-log buildings and pole corrals; and
if the old brick stage station and post-
office was a trifle more frayed at the
seams, it still appeared good for many
a year. As this rambling relic of Over-
land Mail days serves as the Russells'
I prepared supper and washed the
iyfc SOi-DH/LL dishes. And then, while the lamplight
flickered on those 90-year-old walls,
we sat in the shadows, by the crackling
fire, and talked of the days when Ne-
vada and Utah were young.
His mother, said Tom Mulliner, had
come West as a baby girl, riding in a
Mormon handcart pushed across the
plains by his grandmother. His father
was a teamster hauling freight to all
the prominent Nevada mining camps
of that day.
"That was in the 1860s," he said
Tom had been born at Lehi, Utah.
He had spent his boyhood around
horses, and soon as he was judged old
enough to be entrusted with a team
and load, he had followed in his
father's footsteps, hauling supplies to
the mining camps and ore to the mills.
He had teamed into Ophir and Mercur,
and Cherry Creek, when these present-
day ghost towns were seething with
activity. He had driven stage and
freight wagons, and had carried the
United States mail on horseback from
Gold Hill, Utah, to Cleaveland, Ne-
vada—a 50-mile route through heat,
drouth, blizzards and mountainous
For 80 years this man had cast his
lot in the bordering counties of Tooele
and White Pine—mostly around min-
ing camps—yet, he had never engaged
in mining, himself.
"I tried it once," he said. "For about
a week! But I couldn't stand it under-
ground. I had to get out in God's sun-
shine, again; out where I could see
the sky, and feel the wind—and be
around horses."
As the old man continued to weave
stories of pioneer days in the Steptoe
country, the time slipped away un-
noticed by either of us until the hour
was late. With a murmured apology
for remaining so long, my host refilled
broken, and the garments that hung "Oh, no!" he said. "It's going down the wood box, wished me a pleasant
loosely on his thin frame were patched fast—and it makes my heart bleed to good night, and returned to the sheep
and faded. Yet, looking at that man, see it! It didn't look like this when I wagon that was his home.
it seemed to me I had never met a was teaming through here, 50 years
more noble-appearing soul. ago . . ." Spreading my bedroll on a bunk be-
It was his face and eyes that told And then he remembered his role side the stove, I blew out the flame in
the story. They were kindly and com- as host. He introduced himself as Tom the lamp and lay down in the warm,
passionate; and I knew, instinctively, Mulliner, current caretaker of the place, soft darkness. It was very still and
that here was a person who would and insisted that I permit him to cook peaceful and as I lay there in the quiet
never be guilty of casting the first stone. some supper for me. When he learned dark, I reviewed the eras of history
Covering the lower portion of his face of my plans to camp there, overnight, this town had witnessed—history told
was a full beard, as soft and white as he was equally insistent that I should me that evening by Tom Mulliner, who
fine silk floss, and a rippling cascade not stay outside, but should occupy had helped to make it; history gleaned
of white hair fell to a point well below the Russells' living quarters in the old
stage station. in the past from old emigrant diaries,
his shoulders.
and yellowed newspaper files, and
Introducing myself, I inquired for Preceding me into the large, old musty records kept by three genera-
the Russells—only to learn that they fashioned kitchen, he struck a match
tions of men.
were at Tooele. I remarked that Schell- and touched its flame to the wick of a
bourne seemed to be bearing up well kerosene lamp. Then he kindled a fire Among the first white persons to
under the passage of time. The old in the old cook stove, and set a tea look upon the Steptoe Valley and its
man shook his head. kettle of water over the flame. sheltering ranges had been Howard

Egan, of Salt Lake City, an ex-major
in the Nauvoo Legion. To prove his
contention that a central route across
Western Utah Territory would be
shorter and otherwise preferable to the
circuitous Humboldt River trail, Major
Egan had loaded himself and supplies
on a single mule, and in ten days
— September 19 to 29, 1855—had
ridden from Salt Lake City via the
present site of Schellbourne to Sacra-
mento, a distance of 700 miles! Never
before in history had such a feat of
saddle endurance been known, nor has
it been equalled since.
Major Egan had proven his point;
and with inauguration of the first Over-
land mail line in 1858, the stages of W.
A. Chorpenning were routed to follow
the trail thus pioneered. Every 12 or 15
miles along this course were located
relay stations where spent horses might
be changed for fresh teams. One of
the stations so established was Schell
Creek, later to be known as Schell-
bourne. The Pony Express and the
first nation-spanning telegraph line later
followed substantially the same route
and utilized the same station facilities.
With these vanguards of civilization,
the first white settlers entered the re-
gion as station tenders and hostlers—
and political troubles began brewing.
For untold centuries of time the
grassy meadows fringing Steptoe Val-
ley had been occupied by large Indian
camps. With fish in the streams, pine
nuts in the hills, and abundant wild
game everywhere, the region had con-
stituted a desirable home and the red-
men were not too willing to relinquish
it to their white brothers—many of
whom did not always behave in broth-
erly fashion. While their smoldering
resentment never ripened into large-
scale battle, nuisance raids became a
scourge on the land.
Pony Express r i d e r s , p o u n d i n g
through the mountains on their around-
the-clock schedules, were shot from
ambush; mail coaches were attacked,
drivers and station tenders slain, cor-
rals and barns burned, and horses
Even after discontinuance of the
Pony Express, mail stages continued

Top — According to legend, this

earthen-roofed log house served as
a relay station jor the Pony Express
and Overland Mail.
Center—Formerly the postoffice of
Schellbourne, this old adobe is head-
quarters for the Russells during their
infrequent visits here.
Bottom—Ruins of the Wells Fargo
Bank, unoccupied for half a cen-
tury. The tall doors are of iron. •:
DECEMBER, 1954 11
to rumble through Schell Creek for a a bank should have had need for so out seeing the Russells; and while I
number of years, and Indian raids on many doors and windows—five pairs was stowing my few belongings in the
these carriers became so flagrant that of great, tall openings — each more car, he hurried to fix for me a sackful
a company of cavalry was assigned to than twice the height of a man, and of fresh eggs, a jar of cheese, and a
protect the station. With this develop- each with its heavy iron shutters, now bag of cookies for my lunch.
ment, the place was renamed Fort green with age.
"If Ruth had been here," he said in
Schellbourne and soon afterward be- From the bank, we went on across his soft voice, "she'd have fixed you a
gan taking on the dignified airs of a the ravine and up the slope to the good meal. Ruth's right handy that
town. cemetery, a small fenced plot in the way. But the old dog and me — we
Silver ore had been discovered in midst of meadowland and wild flowers. mean well, but we're not much good!"
the nearby ranges, and Schellbourne Searching through the deep matting As the work-knotted hand of the old
had blossomed into one of the first of grass, we found three graves with teamster dropped to the shepherd's
mining boom camps in White Pine wooden crosses, but without identify- head, the old dog thumped his thin tail
county. Additional dwellings and busi- ing names or dates. Three other graves in answer and raised his brown eyes
ness houses sprang up, and three quartz were marked with cut sections of iron to the faded blue eyes of the man.
mills were built. wagon tire, hammered flat, and riveted
For all their spectacular beginning, together in the form of crosses. Into They were still standing so as I
Schellbourne's mines did not hold up these three iron crosses had been chis- drove out of the yard and started down
well under intensive operation, and by eled three names—William, Eliza, and the long, green tunnel of willow trees,
1885, most of her frame buildings had Marshal Burke—the people who had and back toward the highway.
been trundled across Steptoe Slough, clung to Schellbourne for so many • • •
and up the mountain to Cherry Creek, years after it had been forsaken by all
and a majority of her citizens had re- JOSHUA TREE MONUMENT
moved to more promising fields. "You've seen our goldfish, I sup- For the protection of Joshua Tree
With this development, Schellbourne pose?" asked the old man. And I had National Monument and other scenic
became a ghost town, with William—• seen them; but because it was a good desert areas against vandalism and
"Uncle Billy"—Burke, as its last loyal morning for musing and dreaming, we commercial encroachment, 48 repre-
defender. When there was no longer wandered on across the meadow slope sentatives of Southern California
any possibility of the place "coming to the big spring that waters all this groups dedicated to the conservation
back" as a mining camp, the Burkes valley. And there, in that clear pool, of natural resources met at a campfire
had acquired the townsite and adjacent swimming lazily around the dark roots program at the mouth of Deep Can-
valley as a ranch. and dark rocks, were myriad pieces of yon in Coachella Valley, October 23
living flame—the mysterious goldfish and made preliminary plans for a per-
"The Burkes were still living here of Schellbourne.
when I first made the acquaintance of manent organization.
Schellbourne, more than 50 years ago," No one knows whence they came, Harry C. James of the Trailfinders
Tom Mulliner had said. nor how long they have been there. presided at the informal campfire meet-
Despite the generations of phantoms Possibly some pioneer woman or girl ing. He proposed that the association
that must have been prowling those had owned a cherished bowl of gold- be formed for "the purpose of safe-
rooms—the restless spirits of teamsters fish, and when she died or moved away guarding for wise and reverent use by
and Indian fighters, and Express riders to some new location, her pets had this and succeeding generations those
and miners—I slept undisturbed in the been turned into the pool to shift for desert areas that are of unique scenic,
old stage station. themselves. However it happened, the scientific, historical, spiritual and re-
fish thrived and multiplied. And now, creation value."
At sunup I rose and crossed the they are big enough to fry—had one
kitchen, and looked out the back win- an appetite for fried goldfish!—and He suggested that the immediate
dow. The old sheep wagon was still their numbers have increased until they concern of the organization be the
standing there in the yard, the same fill even the stream that flows out of preservation of Joshua Tree Monu-
as the night before; but the old man the spring and down the ravine. ment.
was nowhere to be seen.
We went on to prowl about the other The mining interests want to open
Kindling a fire in the stove I started the Monument to prospecting, and fail-
typing notes gathered the previous day. old buildings and corrals, including
the log structure that legend has set ing in that, to have the park restored
About seven o'clock came a soft knock to the public domain for all kinds of
at the door. It was my venerable friend apart as the one-time relay station of
commercialization. A second group
from the sheep wagon. the Pony Express. While the building is composed of business men who are
looked old enough to have housed the seeking to have a trunk line highway
After we had talked a bit, I men- Pony Express, there is no known proof
tioned my wish to get some pictures built through the heart of the Monu-
that it ever served those frontier mail ment. Since the groups seeking these
of the place, and asked if he would
riders. The old Army fort, too, has concessions are well organized, James
care to walk over to the old Wells
Fargo bank building with me. disappeared, along with the three pointed out the urgency of organizing
quartz mills. All that is left of the those who would guard the integrity of
"Why, yes!" said the old man, with town's ancient past are a few old log the park area.
a twinkle. "But I must warn you— and stone buildings, five pairs of pon-
you can't cash any checks there!" derous iron shutters, two rows of great Selection of a name and the form-
And so, with the dog padding at old trees, a pond full of goldfish, and ation of a permanent organization was
six old crosses in a graveyard. delegated to a board of seven directors:
our heels, and the soft dust rising in Harry C. James, chairman, Margaret
little puffs with our every footfall, we With our circle of the townsite com- Lutz of Twentynine Palms, Dr. Hairy
walked up the willow-shaded lane to pleted. Tom Mulliner and I returned Weber of La Quinta, Roderick Leap
the old bank. We examined the splen- to the stage station, and I said I must and Richard Keller of Thermal, Dr.
did stone masonry represented in its be going on my way. My host ex- Ernest Tinkham of Indio and Randall
front wall; and we speculated on why pressed regret that I should leave with- Henderson of Palm Desert.

f A
•r i I",


tafte/i near the old mining camp of Garlock by Henry W. Smith

Berkeley, California Portland, Oregon
If there be hills I will not fret; By LAURA LAVIGNE Beside the desert smoldering fire
If there be sky I can forget Phoenix, Arizona The while thin wind-blown flames expire
All of those small oppressive things, Still life! He dreams alone. His search for gold
The cold world's slurs, the hard world's Here droops an open sagging gate, Only the future can unfold.
stings. A strip of grayish splintered wood.
Calm are the hills like Olivet. The loop of wire—no hand of late As he reviews the wasted years
Has placed upon its weathered post. Of lonely toil his vision blurs
One shall tramp trails with dew gems wet, As still a deep insistant urge
Climbing the crag's high minaret, The frosted-red brick fireplace stands, Of hope renews its upward surge.
Finding the balm that stillness brings— Charcoaled chips upon the hearth;
If there be hills. Two tongues of iron-rusted bands Now, digging down with drill and pick
Half buried in the barren ground. Within the rocky soil, a flick
Then—when the years and life are met, Upturns a stone with yellow gleams
When friends grow few and fewer yet, A wheel hub-four spokes still intact; That shows iron pyrites golden seams—
And dreams of youth are gone with wings, The boot of brown without a heel
I shall look up as one who sings With leather stiff, unyielding-cracked Fools' gold—again the futile quest
A quiet song sans all regret, Into an ancient time-worn fret. With which he long has been obsessed—
If there be hills! In search of treasure, win or lose,
• • • The bent horseshoe—a bit of glass The lure of gold Man still pursues.
Sun-amethyst, I bend to touch, • • •
OUT OF THE AGES, SHIP OF ROCK And see a green-striped lizard pass;
By BESSIE BERG A lightning proof that here is still— SMOKE-TREE SHADOWS
Rio Linda, California Life! By AMY VIAU
This great rock sweeps upward jike the soul • • • Santa Ana, California
Of all humanity throughout all time, The lovely smoke tree casts a lacy patch
WESTERN DESERT Of shadow on the sandy desert spread
Rising above its talus to a goal By ALICE MOORE REGAN
Belayed in the sky, atop the climb, Through sunny day, but through the moon-
The far perspective—by endurance won Fresno, California glowed night
From the corroding ages. In the sun, Invoke the keeper of the stars to make It lays a blue medalion down, instead.
Above the surge of storm she stands and Across the desert waste, a path of light
none For those who journey in the well of night,
And guide their train until the day shall
But the strong in heart attain her view-
sublime! break. Sitent Stcvu"
Before the sun and drowsing creatures wake,
• • • Breathe deep the desert scent, the acrid bite By TANYA SOUTH
I DWELL IN THE DESERT Of hoary purple sage—and pray the bright, Men often speak of silent stars.
By MORGAN MILLS Horizon peaks surround a cool blue lake. How know they stars are still?
Sun Valley, California Perhaps our untrained hearing bars
In fancy I've lighted the desert stars How primitive and strange these barren The harmony they fill.
Each one, as the twilight goes, sands,
Thinking—they'll make a friendly light Where weathered cross and broken rim of The music of the spheres! How few
As the wind and the darkness flows wheel, Have heard that cadence clear!
Through the vast warm mother-desert Mute evidence beside the trail, reveal The flea might think us silent, too,
To light the traveler's way The fiber of all pioneering bands Because it fails to hear.
Or light the dreams of a lonely soul, Who, faced with perilous unknowns, appeal
Or a plane or a wandering stray. To God, and onward traverse virgin lands.

DECEMBER, 1954 13
Small pieces of bluish and pinkish agate and many colored jasper, which are
washing down from the hills, upper left, can be collected right in the old Nevada
Scheelite-Rawhide road from Highway 50. Wash just beyond the long low ridge,
upper right, is turnoff to the gem field.

Gem Hunting With a

Nevada Prospector
By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 1 first met Sullivan when he was
Photographs by the Author living near Dead Horse Wells, a his-
A veteran Nevada prospec- toric watering place at the edge of
Map by Norton Allen tor told Harold and Lucile Rawhide Dry Lake. He had followed
Weight of a field where calcite mining most of his long life and had
7 HERE HAVE BEEN times in
my rock collecting when a full
canteen was more important
than the finest specimen, and I believe
geodes, jasper and agate could
be found in abundance and
lead them through little known
been in on the boom at Rawhide, and
later at the Lucky Boy strike near
Hawthorne, Nevada.
trails to the Fairview Flats area,
most desert rockhounds have known where on a dark, volcanic He had returned with the three of
such moments. But not until I stood slope, the Weights found a us to see if he could re-locate the
with Carl E. Sullivan on the slopes of Rockhound's paradise. geode field he had first seen nearly a
the Fairview Range in western Nevada half century before. The road we were
some time ago did I realize how simple following goes northward past the Ne-
our water problems are compared with vada Scheelite mine and eventually
those of our Southwestern predeces- the present Frenchman's station on connects with Highway 50 near
sors, the prospectors. Highway 50. He charged us a cent a Frenchman's station.
Every experienced collector on the gallon.
As we set out, Sully cast cautious
desert carries not only the water his In 1950 "Sully" had invited Eva eyes at the white cumulus clouds, al-
party will need, but ample surplus in Wilson and Lucile and 1 to his old ready building towering castles in the
case the car's cooling system develops stamping grounds in the Fairview deep blue of the Nevada summer sky.
trouble or a breakdown forces him to Mountains to show us the gem material "Don't camp in washes in this country
walk out. he had seen there many years ago— during the summer rainy season," he
The old-time prospectors not only at a time when he was more interested said. "Unless you're about 200 feet
had to make sure their own supply of in gold and silver than in pretty rock above the stream bed. We have real
water was adequate, but their animals specimens. cloudbursts. Usually in the day, but
also must be watered. "There's geodes," he told us, "cal- three out of ten hit at night."
Sullivan was one of the old-timers. cite geodes and jasper and agate." He At Nevada Scheelite, a big Nevada
"In 1911," he said, "I prospected these had first seen them in 1907 when as a tungsten producer about nine miles
mountains with a buckboard and two boy he came this way with his father from Dead Horse Wells, we zeroed
burros. But I worked only half time in a freight wagon. The freight outfit the speedometer. Less than two miles
at prospecting. The rest of the time I made only 12 miles a day, and Sully farther, the road swung to the right
was hauling water from the French- had time for side-trips into the moun- over a summit, continued northeast
man's spring, which is three miles from tains along the way. through a valley scarred by old freight-

ing trails, then headed north, still drop-
ping, through a winding passage —
Sully called the Narrows — between
colorful little hills of green, yellow,
ash and red.
Our interest in the area where Sully
was leading us had been whetted by
accounts that our friend Hallie Jones
—a friend to all rockhounds visiting
Nevada—had given us regarding beau-
tiful cutting material southeast of
Frenchman's Station. Hallie — who
operates Jones Farm House restaurant
at the junction of Highways 50 and 95,
a few miles west of Fallon — also
showed us spectacular flowery yellow
in clear chalcedony which she called
Gold Leaf Jasper, found in that field. I in
We had supposed she and Sully were
talking about the same area. But at
the bottom of the Narrows we crossed
a great wash which cut the darkish hills
to the east. It and the clifflike red >
butte to the northeast were the land-
marks Hallie had described for her
field. And when we crossed the wash,
eight miles from Nevada Scheelite, the
little road she had told us about made
a reverse Y up its bank, heading into
the hills.
"There's lots of jasper and good ag-
ate up there, too," Sully said. "You
can find small pieces washed down
from those hills in the roadbed for the
next few miles. But my turnoff is
about five miles farther." After climb-
ing out of the wash and around a little
hill and heading down the bajada we
stopped to hunt along the road. Sure
enough—among the wheel marks and
especially to the east of the road, were
hundreds of little broken bits of blue
and pinkish agate, pieces of chalce-
dony and agate nodules, and small
chunks of jasper.
Approximately 12.4 miles from Ne-
vada Scheelite we turned sharply east-
ward on a little trail apparently unused
for a long time and difficult to follow.
With Sully's guidance we reached a
group of rounded reddish granite knobs
and outcrops, 2.7 miles from the turn-
off. An old arrastre told of efforts to
grind treasure from the stubborn rock.
Arrow chippings of brilliantly colored
jasper, particularly near two small sea-
sonal waterholes, indicated more an- Carl E. Sullivan, Nevada miner and prospector with one of the big calcite
cient—and possibly more successful— geodes from the field he passed through on his way to the Rawhide Rush
exploitation of local mineral resources. in 1907.
Sully led us north and east to a
volcanic canyon, a striking contrast to Heavy clouds had been building up the bed of the wash, three-tenths of a
the surrounding granites. Here, in the all morning and soon it started to mile from the Y. Then it vanished
soft dark crumbled rock and ash were sprinkle. Remembering Sully's warn- completely and there was evidence of
the rocks he had promised. Some of ing, we headed back for the main road recent and violent flood runoff with
the calcite geodes were large—eight and reached Dead Horse Wells in a great boulders in the wash, large up-
inches or more across — with beauti- drenching rain. rooted shrubs and mud-coated rocks.
ful crystal-coated interiors, but there Next day, with the storm breaking But the bed of the wash was firmly
seemed to be few of them. There were up, we explored the field Hallie Jones packed and we had only occasional
many smaller geodes and agate nod- had described. The road which trouble in following it. Almost im-
ules and quantities of vivid red and branched up the wash beside the red mediately, it branched with a striking
yellow banded and patterned jaspers. butte was well marked until it entered formation of pale greenish tufa mark-

DECEMBER, 1954 15
00.0 Nevada Scheelite road turnoff
from Highway 50; 2.2 miles
west of Frenchman's Station,
31.8 miles east of Fallon.
07.0 Take old Nevada Scheelite-
Rawhide road, which angles
southeast from the new. Road
is not maintained. Watch for
cuts and washes.
09.6 Watch for left branch, heading
east to base of Fairview Moun-
tains at approximately this
mileage from Highway 50.
(12.4 mi. from Nevada Scheel-
ite) Follow trail to end, 2.7
mi., to Sully's field.
14.0 Old main road drops into large
wash with branch road angl-
ing left along high, red butte.
Follow branch road, keeping
left at branches in the wash,
into gem field from one to
three miles from Y. (Y is 8
miles from Nevada Scheelite).
20.2 Old main road rejoins new
Nevada Scheelite road. (1.8
miles from Nevada Scheelite.)
22.0 Nevada Scheelite mine.
22.6 Road Y. Left (south) branch
to Dead Horse Wells, 8.3
miles. Right (southwest branch
to Rawhide, 5.5 miles).

ules scattered over the surface and

there must be a thousand veins of
rockhound rock buried or partly buried.
Ten minutes' walk and an hour's dig-
ging at a surface exposure gave us
better gem jasper than any we had
found before.
Carl Sullivan did not go with us on
this trip. He had moved to Luning,
and when we visited him there, we
found things had been changing with
him too. At the primary, just held, he
had been nominated for state assembly-
man from Mineral County.
"That means no more prospecting?"
I asked.
Sully grinned and shook his head.
"I'm through with following the booms,
but I'll never quit prospecting. There
ing the left branch, which leads into large pieces of high grade were found. are times when it seems I have to get
the collecting area. Again this summer we returned to out in the hills. I remember the first
And we soon found that it was a that Fairview field for the first time in few nights I spent in Rawhide in 1907.
splendid spot for rockhounds. About nearly four years. We found changes, I tried sleeping in a tent boarding
a mile from the road to nearly three indeed. Nevada Scheelite had grown house, on one of those narrow cots.
miles, and particularly to the north of to a company town of 145 persons with Just couldn't get any rest, and I kept
the wash on the dark, rolling brush- the mill working 120 tons a day. The rolling out of bed. I told my landlady
covered hills, we found the same types camp had its own school and power it wasn't any good—I was too used to
of material as in Sully's field in greater plant and daily mail and supply serv- sleeping out in the sagebrush. When
quantity and variety and over a vastly ice. And a new, direct county road I came back in to bed that night I
larger area. There were thousands of had been cut through from the mine found she had tied sprigs of sagebrush
little nodules of calcite, agate and to Highway 50. all around my bed. And I slept well.
quartz and some larger ones, fine pieces Though nothing had been published "No," he went on, "I'm still in min-
of vein agate, common and gem-grade about this field—there was evidence ing. Partner and I have an iron de-
jasper and jasp-agate in all shades of that either a large number of rock- posit right up here in the Pilot Moun-
red and yellow and some green, gold hounds had been there or that a few tains we're expecting big things from.
leaf in red, in black and in clear or rockhounds had done a great amount And Mineral County, you know, has
bluish agate. Much of the jasper had of digging and breaking. But there still almost all the minerals. We've even
calcite, iron or manganese in it, but are great quantities of jasper and nod- found tin. Non-metallics—why we've

a world of them. Glauber salts, diato-
maceous earth, salt, talc. When near
supplies are exhausted, businesses are
going to reach out. And they're going
to reach into Mineral County!"
He shook his head. "And there are
so many places I want to look into.
And, by the way —- I've run across
• ••••-* I *
some petrified wood. Maybe next time
you're up we can take a look at it."
And next time we will. Not just
for some pretty Nevada wood, though.
Badgered as we are now by doom-pre-
dicting commentators and experts and
panels accenting the futility of it all,
we desperately need the upsurge of
faith in freedom which comes through
being with men like Sully.
• • •
One hundred and sixty million years
ago, a sea reptile called Ichthyosaur
swam in a part of the Pacific ocean
that covered western Nevada. This
was long before the California Sierras
were uplifted from the ocean waters
and when Nevada had a sea coast. The
creatures looked like giant porpoises
and had fins and paddles like whales
and fishes. The Ichthyosaur tribe dom-
inated the seas for 100 million years,
disappearing toward the end of the
Cretaceous even before the whales
made their first appearance in the seas.
The bones of the Ichthyosaur buried
in mud and ooze that has now become
solidified into shale and limestone,
turned into heavy stone.
These bones were found in a quarry
which is the old sea floor uplifted 7000
feet above its former level—the bones
resting just as they were deposited and
swept by waves long ago. The quarry Above—In the main collecting field at the southern end of the Fairviews.
lies in West Union Canyon in the Sho- Beautiful gem jasper and jasp-agate and small nodules are found in quantity
shone Mountains of Nye County, Ne- on the slopes and hills across the wash.
vada, which is a 2Vi hour drive from Below—Branch wash which is followed to the main collecting field at the
Fallon. southern end of the Fairviews is marked by this striking greenish tufa
Mrs. Margaret Wheat of Fallon, an "monument."
authority on archeology recently told
how these ancient bones were found.
She was assisting Dr. S. W. Muller of and in some respects is unequalled." trailer courts are filled and motor
Stanford University eight years ago in At this time 11 monsters have been courts and hotels are reserved for weeks
that area in collecting small shells. It found, 50 feet long with 9 foot pad- in advance. Big plans are unfolding
was at that time the bones were first dles and eye sockets one foot in diam- for the community as a result of the
noticed, but Dr. Muller not being in- eter. mining activity. A $3,000,000 build-
terested in old bones at that time dis- Because of the interest shown by ing program is underway, including
regarded them. Mrs. Wheat however, the many visitors to the site, the State construction of office buildings, re-
kept them in mind and in subsequent of Nevada may take over the present modeling projects and a sharp increase
trips began sweeping off the top layers quarry to preserve and protect it for
public use and make it a national in home construction. Work is ex-
of dirt. She realized it was an impor-
tant find and visited Dr. Charles L. monument.—Fallon Standard pected to begin soon on the multi-
Camp at the University of California. • • • million dollar Steen ore processing
Dr. Camp who is one of the three Uranium Boom at Moab . . . mill which will employ 300 to 400
best known paleontologists in the Moab, Utah, and neighboring Mon- persons. There are already more than
world, became interested, and taking ticello and Grand Junction are in the 500 producing uranium mines on the
a crew with him to the Shoshone midst of a uranium boom. Moab's Colorado plateau and the AEC reports
Mountains, found what he calls "the population has jumped from 1200 to the number grows by 20 each month.
most remarkable deposits of its kind more than 4000 in the past 18 months, —Pioche Record

DECEMBER, 1954 17
Panoramic view from the shoulder of Rose Peak, one of the most impressive sights on the Coronado Trail. A long
the Arizona highway, from Clifton to Springerville, the scenery ranges from thick desert cholla forests to breath-
taking mountain views of aspen, juniper and pine.


Bulldozers and road-graders have been at work since Coronado Miami, into the sandy San Carlos In-
and his conquistadores trekked over Arizona's White Mountains in dian Reservation where dust devils
quest of the Seven Cities of Cibola over 400 years ago, but the rugged swirled with the slightest breeze, past
beauty of the terrain has not changed. Bear, deer, mountain lions and triple-domed Coolidge Dam whose
wild turkeys still roam the forested slopes. The Coronado Trail—120 large lake seemed like a misplaced
miles long—is known as one of the most scenic drives in the Southwest puddle of water in a vast desert ex-
—and here are a few suggestions as to what may be found there. panse, and through small trading posts
like Bylas where Apaches were gath-
By THOMAS B. LESURE ered in quiet groups drinking soda pop
Map by Norton Allen or munching ice cream cones. Then
—with a verdancy that was dazzling
compared to the chalky brown desert
FRIENDS in Arizona spoke trip from Phoenix to Clifton, thence —we entered Safford where thick fields
glowingly about the Coronado over a winding road that goes over the of cotton and grain stood green as a
Trail — how the phantoms of White Mountains and down to Spring- result of the life-giving waters brought
Spanish conquistadores still seem to erville. The Coronado route actually by the Gila River District Soil Con-
ride over its wildly beautiful moun- can be covered in a few hours, but servation Project.
tains and along its rugged canyons, we wanted to make a leisurely journey
how ore specimens lie waiting to be Except for this one bright splash of
that would give us ample time to enjoy fertility, the face of the land appar-
picked up, how big game animals roam the scenic beauty of this mountain
the virgin forests and fighting trout ently has changed very little in the
terrain. more than 400 years since Francisco
fill its streams, how ghost towns stand Our introduction to the Land of
almost within the shadow of smoking Vasquez de Coronado and his arm-
Coronado came as we approached the ored conquistadores crossed this re-
smelters. The Coronado Trail, they
agricultural center of Safford, 175 gion on their harsh and disappointing
told us, is one of the most dramatic,
most unforgettable motor trips in the miles east of Phoenix via U.S. Route search for the legendary riches of the
Southwest. 70. All that first day after leaving Seven Cities of Cibola.
Phoenix, we drove over erosion-rav- Coronado himself described the land
Intrigued by their insistence, Nancy aged desert land streaked with jutting as one vast area of desolation where
and I recently loaded our three chil- mesas and wrinkled mountains—past each succeeding mile brought "only a
dren into the family car for a three-day the copper towns of Superior and worse way through mountains and

dangerous passes." With the excep-
tion of the 40,000 acres of farmland
now watered by the Gila, Coronado's
description still holds true.
Beyond the perimeter of the Gila
Project, we could see that the desert
still is king. To the south, rising in
hazy-blue isolation from the desert
floor, juts 10,720-foot high Mt. Gra-
ham, called by Coronado the Sierra de
las Flora or Mountain of Flowers. To
the north, like a movie backdrop, rise
the phantasmal Gila Mountains. And
all around — just beyond the green
fields—are the rough, broken escarp-
ments of low-slung mesas.
After an overnight stop in Safford,
we headed eastward on U.S. 70 for
about 10 miles, then veered northward
on U.S. 666 toward Clifton where the
Coronado Trail officially begins. At
first, we drove through thick cholla
"forests" standing like fuzzy cactus
sentinels along both sides of the road.
But as we climbed gradually from the
desert floor through low hills capped
by chocolate-colored rock castles and
odd conglomerate formations, the
cholla gave way to dense clumps of
whip-like ocotillo and squat prickly
pear heavy with purple fruit.
A little more than seven miles from
U.S. 70, we crested a high knoll from
which the land ahead looked like a
huge painting. Far to the left, the
creamy-gray smoke of the copper
smelter at Morenci rose lazily above
the mountains. Directly ahead lay a
terraced array of high mesas and rug-
ged peaks whose pastel shaded emer-
ald, gold, amethyst and sapphire slopes
looked like a huge pile of natural jew-
els in the haze-shrouded atmosphere.
And spread out below us—like the
top of an oven-crusted cake—was a
high, arroyo-streaked desert plateau
frosted by the vivid, green-clad banks
of the Gila River that cut across its "Coronado" narrow gauge locomotive that once hauled ore cars from
breadth. Metcalf to Clifton. It now rests in the center of Clifton as a lonely relic
Soon we were driving among the of Arizona's first railroad.
colorful buttes and canyon-cleft moun-
tains of Clifton where we stopped at Hannagan Meadows Lodge, located about halfway along the Coronado
the office of the weekly newspaper, Trail, is one of the many resorts and sportsmen camps offering tourists
The Copper Era, for a chat with edi- reasonable accommodations.
tor Al Fenn and his assistant, Mrs.
Hildred Brown. ber the days when the only way sup- 1909. See this urea?" he asked, indi-
Times have changed a lot, they told plies could be brought into Clifton cating a large smelter, "That's where
us, since the '80s when Clifton was a was by mule-drawn freight wagons most of Clifton is now. There's hardly
rip-roaring frontier mining town in coaxed over rough trails. It was tough any trace of the old smelter left."
which four or five shootings a day going, he explained, but nobody seemed "Where is the copper smelting done
were commonplace. In those days, to think too much about it. I couldn't now?" I asked.
tough miners, gamblers and outlaws help wondering, though—as I remem- "Up at Morenci. It's about five
ran the town and were just as likely bered the broken terrain over which miles from here—on the top of the
to blast at each other as they were to we had just passed—how they ever mountain. That smelter is the fourth
blast out a glory hole in search of gold. did it. Were men different in those one in the area—and there's enough
Now, a quiet, almost somnolent, air days, or just a bit more determined? copper around here to keep it going
grips the town and only a few old Mr. Fenn interrupted my thoughts full blast for at least another 40 or 50
prospectors scour the hills and canyons by saying, "Come over here. I'd like to years."
in hopes of a strike. show you something." In the square outside the news-
A number of pioneers still living in Pointing to an old picture on the paper's office stands an antiquated lo-
Clifton, Mr. Fenn continued, remem- wall, he added, "This was Clifton in comotive that once hauled gold and

DECEMBER, 1954 19

copper ore from nearby Metcalf to the at the chance to add new treasures to of S- and U-turns into the Crook Na-
smelters in Clifton. their hoard of toys, filled their pockets tional Forest where desert vegetation
Yes, times have changed in Clifton. —though, I must admit, to them any was replaced by increasingly thicker
Even the old Cliff Jail nearby—blasted old rock was just as good as a hunk stands of aspen, juniper and pine. The
out of solid rock in the '80s to house of ore. road seemed to cling to the edge of the
some of the West's most dangerous About five miles north of Clifton, brown and green hills until suddenly
desperadoes—now is almost hidden by we rounded a curve and entered Met- it leveled off and dipped into the Gran-
a modern service station. calf. When gold was discovered here ville Recreation Area where picnic
I went into the old jail, going down in 1872, the town quickly mush- tables were almost hidden by a heavy
a wooden staircase that led through a roomed into a community with 2,000 canopy of trees.
large trap door to two iron-barred, inhabitants—each intent on claiming Here the pavement ended and ex-
rock-walled cells. As I walked through his share of the wealth. Shootings, cept for a few small stretches of as-
the cramped rooms, an ironic picture outlaw raids and Indian attacks helped phalt the rest of the trail to Alpine was
came to mind. Here, in one of these to enliven the early-day diggings, and dirt and gravel. We found most of the
same cells some 75 years ago, the jail's the old Coronado Railroad hauled the road well-graded except for the section
builder languished for a while. Seems rich ore over its nine-mile track to near the Mogollon Rim where the go-
he celebrated the jail's completion by Clifton. Then the gold played out, the ing was rough and the road narrowed
investing his pay in mescal juice and price of copper fell and Metcalf went to a path reminiscent of the trail
shooting up old Hovey's Dance Hall. the way of so many boom towns built blazed by Coronado over this same
He was promptly arrested — and be- solely on the hopes of continued bo- area in 1540.
came the jail's first occupant. nanzas. Not so many years ago, this whole
Leaving Clifton, we headed up the Now Metcalf is a ghost town—alone forest-mountain area was alive with
Coronado Trail (U.S. 666) into a with its memories and dogeared with mountain lions which roamed the
tantalizing atmosphere of yesteryear. age. Stark, roofless walls and crum- woods at will, killing off the livestock
Just north of the town, the road ran bled, weed-covered foundations — brought in by pioneering cattlemen.
through ragged sand and rock hills weathering back into the ground — Government hunters have exterminated
honeycombed with scores of gloomy, mark the bubble that burst. But per- most of them, but sportsmen told us
abandoned glory holes. It looked as haps most symbolic of Metcalf's his- there are still enough of the big cats
though almost every miner in creation tory was a brace of battered ore cars around to provide hunters with fine tro-
had made his mark on the hillsides. clinging like cockeyed acrobats to the phies. And along with other big game
Soon we were among mountainous side of a steep hill above Chase Creek. —such as bear, elk, antelope, deer and
slag heaps and huge, blue-streaked Desolate, forgotten and useless now wild turkey — they help to make the
boulders that tumbled haphazardly that their mining days were over, they back country along the Coronado Trail
down to the banks of trickling azure were like a symbol of high hopes a fine sports area.
and rust-tinted Chase Creek. All dashed on the brink of eternity. What As the highway climbed gradually
around us the rocks and cliffs were would their tale be if they could toward 8,000-foot high Gray's Peak,
vivid with the tell-tale color of copper speak? We could only guess. For like we saw more and more impressive
ore. We pulled off the road and be- all ghosts, they presented only a silent, views of the seemingly endless sea of
gan browsing around. In short order haunting reminder of the past. mountains that mark the Trail's scen-
we picked up several good copper spe- North of Metcalf, the Coronado ery. At times the mountains—misting
cimens. Even the children, delighted Trail corkscrewed upward in a series from dark green nearby to blue and

mauve in the hazy distance—seemed some of the sportsmen with whom we
like weathered pyramids stacked close- talked were concerned, it was. Plenty
ly together above emerald sands. At of big game in season, they told us,
other times they rippled away in tiny fighting trout in the nearby streams and
bumps as though the land were afflicted lots of woodland trails where we could
with a rampant case of goosepimples. hike to our heart's content or "let the
But no matter what their appearance, rest of the world go by" while com-
they had one thing in common; a wild, muning with the wonders of nature.
primeval beauty unspoiled by any Leaving Hannagan Meadows — re-
mark of mankind. luctantly, I must admit—we continued
About ten miles past the Granville the drive northward through alternat-
Recreation Area we entered the Cor- ing forests and small, thickly-grassed
onado Trail's thriving cattle country— meadowlands carpeted with a riot of
marked by numerous side roads lead- wild flowers. Suddenly, Linda shouted,
ing to ranches like the Double Circle. "Gobble, gobble, gobble!" and pointed
This particular ranch, incidentally, was to the edge of the road ahead. Sure
the scene of many incidents that char- enough, there was a wild turkey se-
acterized the early Arizona frontier. dately preening itself just off the road.
Once four Texas train robbers who But, seeing our car, it paused for just
sought refuge at the ranch by taking an instant, then scurried into the sanc-
jobs as cowpunchers were traced to tuary of the woods.
the Double Circle by a posse and a Linda was all for stopping and giv-
desperate gun battle ensued. The four ing chase, but it was getting late in
bandits were killed, then buried where the day and we still had 45 miles to
they fell. In 1861, White Mountain drive before reaching the end of the
Apaches staged an ambush on this Trail in Springerville. So we drove
same ranch. Sixty men, led by Cap- on—past Beaverhead Lodge, the Blue
tain Pinkard, made a valiant effort to River junction which leads to Indian
fight their way out of the trap. But cliff dwelling ruins, across the Camp-
the wily Apaches, skilled in the school bell Blue River and a half dozen forest
of hit and run massacres, slaughtered trails into Alpine, set in a long, nar-
all but one of the men before taking row, pleasantly green valley.
off into the hills.
The rain began again when we
Before long, we eased over the stopped in Alpine to telephone ahead
shoulder of 8,787-foot Rose Peak on for motel reservations in Springerville.
the top of the Blue Range—and into But nobody seemed to mind. "The
one of the most spectacular mountain Madonna of the Trail, an 18 foot
high granite statue designed by Au- woods need it badly," a storekeeper
scenes of the entire trip. It seemed in Alpine explained significantly. "A
that all the other vistas had been com- gust Lienback and erected by the
good soaking will cut down the fire
bined in this one to bring forth a radi- DAR. It is one of 12 similar statues hazard."
ant and far-reaching panorama. There erected from Maryland to California
was only one thing to do. We stopped to commemorate the old covered Then, changing the subject, he
to absorb this inspiring scene of natural wagon trails. It is located in the asked, "See many wild turkeys?" When
beauty. center of Springerville. we told him we'd spotted one, he
shook his head and replied, "That's
Past Rose Peak, we dipped into strange. Usually folks see a lot of 'em."
heavy pine and aspen forests again, of tall mountain ferns, into Apache
going by picnic areas and numerous National Forest and a torrential down- We also learned that Alpine is one
trails leading to retreats like Sheep pour. The rain prevented us from fol- of the principal sportsmen's centers
Saddle, Hogan Corral and Strayhorse lowing any of the off-shoot trails like along the Coronado Trail. Hunters
Canyon. Then, we hit the roughest those to K P Cienega Forest Camp, and fishermen like to use its motels,
stretch of the entire drive. The road Blue Lockout and K P Creek. But it cabins, restaurants and stores for bases
became rocky and washboardy, and didn't stop us from seeking a veritable of operation. And those who like to
quickly narrowed to a little more than roadside garden of blue, purple, orange, make pack trips into wilderness areas
one lane as we started up the face of can make arrangements there for
red, yellow and white wild flowers
10,500-foot Mogollon Rim. The speed- horses and guides.
whose kaleidoscopic colors seemed
ometer reading dropped to 10 miles like a rainbow. Other focal points for pack trips
an hour as we bumped up the road. are Greer, Beaverhead, Diamond Rock
Curious, chipmunk-like ground squir- It was still raining when we reached
Hannagan Meadows whose lush fields and Reed's Lodges, and Sprucedale
rels peeked over the rocks along the Ranch. Rates are said to be reason-
side of the road as if to see how we are rimmed by tall stands of fragrant
able. Sportsmen have a choice of
were making out, then bounded off pines. Then, as suddenly as it had packing into either the 7400-acre Mt.
into the woods. How, I wondered, did started, the rain stopped. The sun Baldy Wilderness Area east of Alpine
Coronado and his men ever get up peeked through the low-scudding where the Little Colorado River rises,
this precipice? It's difficult enough clouds and the clear, bright air was or into the Blue Range Wilderness
now with a road. What must it have spiced with freshness. Area, south of town, whose 216,000
been like without even a path? acres comprise one of the largest areas
We felt that Hannagan Meadows,
with its fine forest camp grounds and in the Southwest still relatively free of
Five miles later we topped the rim human development.
— for another fine panoramic view. sportsmen's lodge and cabins, was like
Then we went through dense growths a miniature Shangri-la. And as far as The road from Alpine to Springer-

DECEMBER, 1954 21
ville—a little less than 30 miles long
—is entirely paved, allowing for fast
travel. However, we loafed along,
reveling in its surging beauty of
rolling hills, exquisite meadowlands
Hatd Rock Shotty
and wholesome forests. More than all
else, we enjoyed its greenness—a ver- of Death Valley g C$£i
dancy that was so arresting in this sun-
browned state of Arizona that it came
as a captivating and satisfying surprise. "Dusty?" repeated Hard Rock
Shorty in answer to a question the old one on a pinyon tree
We found Springerville a typically asked by one of the dudes who growin' beside the road. After
Western crossroads town where In- was loafing on the lean-to porch the storm wuz over he went back
dians from the nearby Fort Apache at the Inferno store. to git it and found it hanging jest
Reservation roamed the streets or where he put it—on a limb 19
"Yep, I've seen times when feet above the ground.
loaded their pick-up trucks with sup- they wuz a heap of sand blowin'
plies. We also found it was fully aware in the air. Back 30-40 years ago "Down here in Inferno it wuz
of the tremendous fishing potentialities we had a dust storm the old- kinda dusty too. It wuz so thick
along the Coronado Trail and in the timers still talk about. we dug tunnels to git over to the
surrounding White Mountains. Enter- "That wuz a real duster. cabin across the road. But the
prising natives had posted such home- Blowed 43 days and nights with- funniest thing was that gopher
made signs as "Worms—10c a Dozen"; out countin' Sundays and holi- that started drilling holes in the
"Worms That Get Results" and "Well- days. Dust wuz so thick you dust so he could git up to air.
fed Worms." could walk on it. Pisgah Bill wuz He musta spent a lot o' time doin'
Well, I didn't want any well-fed drivin' a freight wagon in from it fer when the storm quit and
worms that day, but I did want to get Tonopah, an' for over 30 miles the dust settled down it left him
more information about recreation them mules wuz walkin' on noth- and his holes jest sittin' there
along the Coronado Trail. So I in' but dust. He busted a single- outside the postoffice window.
dropped into the National Forest Head- tree comin' through the pass an' Foolishest lookin' gopher you
quarters on the second floor of the when he'd replaced it he hung ever saw."
local Post Office. Briefly, here's what
I learned:
The best trout fishing is to be found
in the waters of Crescent and Big
Lakes, Grant and K P Creeks, the
Luna Reservoir, and the upper East
Fork of the Black River. Fishing in
Judges Partial To Pictures of L i f e . . .
the Fort Apache Reservation requires The judges in Desert Magazine's Picture-of-the-Month contest are
a special permit which can easily be glad to consider all kinds of subjects—sunsets, landscapes, odd rock
obtained at Indian settlements or formations, unusual plants and flowers, ghost towns, mines etc.—but
sportsmen's centers. There are more in making their selections each month they have a wee bit of prejudice
than two score picnic and camping in favor of photographs which show life—human interest and animal
areas on or fairly near the Trail and shots. There is a wide range of possibilities in this field of photography,
visitors are welcome to use them with- and most readers are partial to pictures showing some phase of life.
out charge. Forest rangers only ask The contest is limited to black and white photographs, and they should
that campers observe the usual rules be well lighted and well composed photos with strong contrasts.
of good woodland behavior and fire
prevention. Pack trips require special Entries for the December contest must be in the Desert Magazine
arrangements at the already mentioned office. Palm Desert, California, by December 20, and the winning prints
centers, and no one should attempt a will appear in the February issue. Pictures which arrive too late for
wilderness trip without competent one contest are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; second
guides and adequate supplies. prize $5.00. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication $3.00
each will be paid.
When we left Springerville the next HERE ARE THE RULES
morning for the return trip to Phoenix
—remembering the Trail's many scenic 1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed
on glossy paper.
and natural wonders—I couldn't help
thinking that Coronado didn't recog- 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and
place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day, etc.
rode right over his El Dorado and 4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest
never knew it! But maybe it was just month.
as well. If he had realized its riches, 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert
the ensuing years might have com- Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures.
pletely changed the face of the land. 6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the
And the Coronado Trail wouldn't be desert Southwest.
calling me back as it is now—not for 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made
a day but for a real, leisurely sojourn immediately after the close of the contest each month.
in a land where, just for the asking, I Address All Entries to Photo Editor
can enjoy a wealth of scenic and recre-
ational attractions enriched by more *DeA&it PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA
than 400 years of colorful history.

Limns picture of Erik Barnes rappelling with who are selfish would deliberately de-
bare legs is unusual. Good climbers stroy our natural beauty.
do not generally expose their legs that On one occasion, in a Monument
way. The other pictures were fine. area, five persons emerged from a car
I noticed that you put the "Petri- armed with shovels, pliers and sacks
fied" coyote in quotations. It might intending to carry off a 16 inch mound
better be called mummified or just cacti in bloom. When I informed them
Oxygen in the Air . . . of the law and penalty for this action,
dried—but it is news just the same.
Maxwell Air Base, Georgia they drove away without the cacti, but
We read the stories of animals, people,
Desert: adventures in living on the desert and were furious at such a restriction. For-
Your comment in the September the poems. I'm glad to see Tanya tunately, I don't think we have too
Desert that deep breathing in hot South back in September's issue. We many like that.
weather is an aid to one's comfort like stories of Indians and would like EMERSON HEER
interested me. a good long story of John and Louisa • • •
When I read your statement I won- Wetherill. They were great people.
dered if it could be that deep breath- English Sparrow Problem . . .
JOHN R. LEACH Joshua, California
ing increased evaporation of moisture
in the lungs and hence cooled the body Desert:
from the inside — something like a Would Retain Boating Trips . . . How can we get rid of English spar-
dog's panting keeps him cool. So far Los Angeles, California rows? They are back again, and as
I have not found any studies on the Desert: usual the other birds — the cactus
subject. If you know of any experi- wrens, desert sparrows, flycatchers,
In your column, "Just Between You
mental data I'd like to hear of it. even linits and woodpeckers, have
and Me," August issue of Desert, you
Another possibility is mentioned in gone. It has been suggested that we
express the opinion a "swap" for a
Collier's for November 18, 1950. use poison bait, but we feel it is too
more accessible area in Utah would
"Keep up with the World," page 8, dangerous for other wild life. Can
be preferable to preserving the can-
quotes a U.S. Government report (title Desert readers suggest an answer to
yons of Dinosaur National Monument.
not given) as saying: our problem?
Though my visits to that state have
been brief, I fully agree Utah has some
"There is less oxygen in a cubic foot HERBERT and ANNE BROWN
of hot air than in the same amount of superlatively colorful and scenic areas • • •
cold air. which should be protected from dev- Deming, New Mexico
"Oxygen is of course a vital require- Desert:
ment: its restriction even in small However, where in any of our pres- In the May issue, Gilman Taylor of
amounts over a long time may either ent monuments can one experience Barstow, California, asked about rat-
diminish the effectiveness of all bodilyanything comparable to the boating tlesnake markets. If Mr. Taylor is
functions or force the body to learn trips on the Yampa and Green Rivers. interested in capturing them for sale,
to use the available oxygen more ef- The trip through the Lodore Canyon I would suggest he contact Don Shupe
ficiently. There is some indication thatis an exciting and memorable experi- of Socorro, New Mexico.
both effects probably do occur, but ence and under the guidance of com- JERRY REESE
their full significance for tropical ac-petent boatman is not a hazardous
climatization, if any, remains to be undertaking. PAPAGOS FEAR LOSS OF
explored." If for no other reason, it does seem LAND TO WHITE MINERS
that Dinosaur's rivers should be pre-
Apparently there are still interesting Papago Indians of Southern Arizona
served and developed for the enjoy- may be in danger of losing parts of
possibilities to be explored concerning
ment of those who derive benefit, both their reservation. John Denton, a Tuc-
man's ability to get along in the desert. son attorney at a meeting of the Asso-
spiritual and physical, from this form
ALONZO W. POND of recreation. No information has ciation for Papago Affairs said the
reached me that the access roads can- Papagos are the only tribe on a reser-
Comments of a Reader . . . not be improved and extended, and vation in the nation which does not
Portland, Oregon the trails laid, so that the monument have the right to minerals under the
would be more accessible. land. This provision was made by
Desert: President Woodrow Wilson when he
I have been a reader of Desert from LORETTA MIESS
set aside the two million acres as a
the start and it has gradually improved reservation in 1916.
in reading and general appearance. Protect Our Natural Beauty . . . Though various changes have been
Your addition of color was an im- Ontario, California made in Indian affairs bills, each time
provement, and I am sure if it were Desert: a rider has been added denying the
used on the inside would help the Our government and those who are Papagos mineral rights. As a result,
appearance, too. Keep up the quality responsible for making some of the it is now possible for prospectors to
of paper stock. I sometimes think the important areas of our country into stake out land on the reservation and
Rockhounds get too much space, but National Monuments, are indeed if they can prove there is mineral un-
I know that they represent thousands worthy of praise. The protection of der the stake, can file a claim and
of outdoor people, too. this beauty from the destructiveness of work the land. Miners with claims on
I am a retired pharmacist, retired mankind is so important, for without the reservation can cause hardship for
mountain climber and retired botanist. it, there would soon be little beauty the Indians by forcing them to move.
You may have read of the Leachs in left to enjoy. The Papago Indians are especially
the New York Botanical Magazine or I have been amazed at the destruc- concerned because of the large scale
Horticulture (Boston), or Christian tiveness of travelers in these protected uranium hunts being staged in various
Science Monitor. The story of the four areas. Many are just thoughtless, and parts of the state. Every time a plane
boys on Shiprock is a good one and when informed of their negligence, co- flies over the reservation, the Papagos
Douglas Kelly is a good writer and operate. However, others are some- worry for fear it might be carrying a
knows his climbing language. But the times rude and belligerent. Only those geiger counter.—The Phoenix Gazette

DECEMBER, 1954 23

"Pop" Clanton of Jetome

This fine photograph of the ex-
prospector of Jerome, Arizona, won
Robert J. Bochek of Scottsdale, Ari-
zona, first prize in Desert's Picture-
of-the-Month. Taken with a Rolliflex
3.5, Plus X film at f. 11 in 1/100

Vfrgin'm City Church

Age and serenity are reflected in
this photo taken at Virginia City, by
Nicholas N. Kozloff of San Bernar-
dino, California. Awarded second
place in the contest, the picture was
taken with a 4 x 5 Speed Graphic,
SXX film with G filter at 3. 32, 1/50

Mexican Christmas... at Douglas
In Douglas, on the Arizona-So-
nora border, there is enacted each t£g
year a simple and touching Christ-
mas drama in which the Mexican
working people and their children
play the roles of biblical charac-
ters. This is the procession of Las
Posadas — a ritual which origin-
ated in the teachings of the padres
who first brought Christianity to
the desert Southwest.

Photo by Ray Manley

NE DECEMBER evening in my
home town of Douglas, Arizona,
I heard the chant of strange
music. It came from the outskirts of
town, where the streets wind off into
the desert and become mere trails
through the scrub brush which grows
on hillsides.
I went out to the gateway. Coming
down the roadway I saw a cluster of
figures in some semblance of forma-
tion. Many lighted candles were held
high, their flickering lights casting
weird shadows on the marchers.
It was a procession—the enactment
of the first Christmas as interpreted by
the devoutly religious Mexicans of our
community—Las Posadas they call it.
As the procession passed my gate I
could dimly make out two leaders, a
man and a woman, each carrying a
statue. Following them, two by two,
were the candle-bearers. The women
were modestly draped in dark shawls
with rebozos on their heads. There
were boys and girls of all ages, some
too small even to carry candles. The
men wore working garb—jackets or
sweaters over Levis. They were sing-
ing as they marched.
I recognized some of them — my
neighbors in Douglas. There were
Rosario and Laurita. Old Pablo was
stumping along with his cane. Then
came Roberto and his esposa, Rosita.
In this Christinas drama, Joseph and Mary are symbolized by statues
Lorenzo and Mercedes were holding
the hands of their little ones, Conchita carried by the singing processionists.
and toddling Manuelito.
I followed them to a lone adobe in supplication. They were asking en This is Maria, the mother-to-be of
house, with lights streaming from its nombre del Cielo, in Heaven's name Jesus," outside they sang with reverent
to give lodging to Maria and Jose, pathos.
tiny windows like beacons. At the
"come fatigued from afar." The answer came back: "Why
doorway the marchers, tired from their
As from an invisible choir an answer should we give haven? You may be
long walk, broke ranks and clustered thieves."
poured out in song from within the
about the doorway. The door re- house. The words were the age-old The door of the adobe remained
mained closed. answer of the innkeeper who did not closed. The little group of people out-
Then as from a signal, those waiting recognize the Holy Travelers, "Go side the house disbanded and began
outside raised their voices in a kind of away, there is no room in this inn." to go quietly to their homes.
wail. The leaders held out the statues "Shelter we ask you. I am Jose. Even to the uninitiated eavesdropper

DECEMBER, 1954 25
it was the prelude to the Christmas Cdnticos de Navidad, the Christmas The Mexicans who sing their sor-
story. Would it be continued? hymns and litanies ring out. rows and sing their joys give us Christ-
"Yes, we will make another Posada To these faithful and simple people, mas as it was handed down by their
tomorrow night," Pablo answered my El Nino, The Child is indeed born padres. Their fathers learned it from
anxious question. "And the night after, again each year. Las Posadas, the miracle play brought
until Christmas." At midnight above the strumming from Spain so long ago. Thus in this
"Es costumbre," it is the custom, of guitars, the Christmas greeting, Feliz desert town the customs of the Old
Pablo went on to explain. "It is Las Navidad! comes from everyone's lips.
World survive.
Posadas. You would call it the Search- This is the call to fiesta.
The night of December 16 is the
beginning of the Search. For nine
nights the begging continues from
house to house. It commemorates the
long and weary journey of Mary and
Desert Quiz This month's Desert Quiz is a break for the
tenderfoot—it's easier than the average. But
it covers a wide range of subjects—geography,
history, botany, Indians and the general lore of the desert country. Twelve
Joseph across the desert and celebrates
the birth of the Christ Child in Beth- to 14 is a fair score, 15 to 17 is good, 18 or over is excellent. The answers
lehem. are on page 45.
Mary and Joseph are symbolized by 1—Highest mountain in the United States is in—Arizona Cali-
plaster statues. Nazareth is the neigh- fornia . Nevada . New Mexico Utah .
borhood from which the actors gather.
The roadway into our town from the 2—Indian signs incised in the rocks properly are called—Petroglyphs
south becomes the countryside of Ju- Hieroglyphs . Lithographs Pictographs . ....
dea. The adobe houses selected by the 3—Pyramid Lake is located on the reservation of the—Pima Indians
neighbors and friends represent las Navajos __. . Paiutes . Hualpais . ... .
posadas, the original inns which re-
fused shelter. La Posada, the ninth 4—An Indian wickiup is a—Dwelling _. . Type of boat . Basket
for storing food Ceremonial headdress .
adobe house chosen for the final scene,
stands for that Inn of Bethlehem where 5—Roosevelt dam is constructed in the—Colorado River Gila
the Blessed Babe was born. River ...„_.. Salt River . Virgin River .
The ninth night of Las Posadas is 6—The Joshua tree is a species of—Yucca . Palm Fern
Vispera de Navidad, Christmas Eve. Catalpa..... ...
On that evening, the neighbors gather 7—Jacob Hamblin was a—Guide for Kearny's Army _. . Mormon
together for the last procession and missionary Mining engineer Stage driver
are in gala dress. The shawls are gay
and mantillas replace rebozos. Two 8—San Xavier del Bac in Arizona is the name of a - - Mountain
little girls wear white and the wings Range Postoffice River . Old mission
of angels. Several boys carry shep- 9—The Indian cliff dwelling known as Montezuma Castle is in—Ari-
herd-crooks and wear jumpers made zona New Mexico Utah California
of sheep skins. Looking as if sud- 10—Correct spelling of one of the most common plants on the desert is—
denly called away from their flocks in Ocatillo Ocotilo Ocotillo Ocotilla
the hills, they portray those first shep-
herds who followed the Star. The 11—A traditional Navajo hogan always faces the—North.— ... South
Mariachis with their guitars and violins East . West
and gourd-shakers have joined the ex- 12—Bisnaga is the name of a desert—Reptile __ __. Bird _ ... Rodent
pedition. These strolling players wear Cactus
beaded jackets, bright sashes, braided 13—Palm Springs, California, is located at the base of—Mt. San Ja-
bell-bottomed trousers, serapes thrown cinto . San Gorgonio Telescope Peak ..... . Turtle Moun-
gracefully over shoulders, high-crowned tains
and broad brimmed sombreros se-
14—Casa Grande Indian ruins in Arizona are under the administration
curely anchored by chin cords. of—National Park Service Federal Indian Bureau ... Ari-
To the music of the strings the zona State Park system Pima tribal council
marching song changes to a lively
15—Moab, Utah, is now the hub of rich—Gold mining operations
tempo. The wayfarers seem to dance
Silver mining Tungsten Uranium
along the road. When they arrive at
the brightly lighted adobe which is the 16—An Indian metate is used for—Grinding meal Killing game
Posada de Navidad, the Inn of the Herding sheep Driving out evil spirits
Nativity, they announce themselves 17—The Bill Williams River is entirely in—Arizona Nevada
triumphantly as Maria y lose. California Utah
"Enter honest Jose, enter with 18—Camino is a Spanish word meaning — Mountain Dwelling
Maria," sing the hosts in welcome, this place Horseman Highway or road
time opening the door. 19—The annual Don's Trek each year at Phoenix has as its destination—
The leaders place the statues of Camelback Mountain Roosevelt dam Superstition Moun-
Mary and Joseph by the crib which tains Tombstone mining camp
stands in the corner of the living room. 20—The book, Wonders of the Colorado Desert, was written by—George
As the image of the Infant Jesus is Wharton James Chase Van Dyke Saunders.__.
placed in the straw of the manger,
every one kneels in prayer. Then the


The Roadrunner—clown among desert birds. Photo by George M. Bradt.

Clown of the Wastelands . . .

The Mexicans call him Paisano, but to you and me he is the Roadrunner
—a rugged individualist in his native habitat, but a friendly neighbor with a
fine sense of humor under the proper circumstances. Dr. Jaeger tells of his
strange experiences with this bird with wings which it seldom uses.
Curator of Plants
Riverside Municipal Museum

SIX years ago on a shyly came up to me with a pet road- around ever since," continued the
warm summer morning I was runner held in his arms. "That's our mother.
driving over the arid brush Old Roady, mischievous Old Roady," "At night he stays in the house with
covered hills of southern Riverside said the mother. "The children just us, roosting either on the limb of a
County in California. I thought I was have to show him to everybody. He's piece of brush we put up in the corner
in an almost wholly uninhabited area such a big clown, so sociable and for him or upon the top of our iron-
when all at once I dropped over a hill chummy, everybody likes him." case clock. When he roosts on the
and virtually into the dooryard of a clock it is funny to watch him as he
The bird sprang to the ground and backs his tail up against the wall and
family whose friendliness was at once made off to the brush, no doubt dis-
apparent. then squats down on the clock-top
turbed by the presence of a stranger. with his head facing us. He never
Their house, set among giant gran- "The boys brought him in from out in seems disturbed either by the ticking
ite boulders, had beside it a garden the brush where they found the nest of the clock or the loud striking of the
plot planted to corn, beans, and mel- whHe he was just a little chick. He gong each hour. The strange thing is
ons. One of the small boys rather soon got used to us and has hung that he goes to bed regularly just when

DECEMBER, 1954 27
its dusk and doesn't mind when we discovered their pet caught in a trap eyes saw food there. Repeatedly he
walk about in the room with all lights put out to catch rabbits which were would leap up and grab a cicada and
on or carry on conversation. eating up the garden. Old Roady had another and another.
"He's up soon after daylight begging caught one foot in the trap and it was Roadrunners are great dust bathers.
to get out-of-doors. First thing we almost severed by the clasping jaws Often I see where they have "wal-
know he's up on one of those boulders of steel. They begged me to tell them lowed," fluffing their feathers and flip-
taking his sun bath—feathers all puffed what could be done. When I saw how ping their wings to better stir up the
out and often with tail hanging down the foot was dangling by a mere piece fine dust particles. It is their way of
and wings spread out. He basks in the of skin I told them that the only thing suffocating parasitic ticks and biting
sun for about 15 minutes then goes to do was to amputate. bird lice.
for his morning frolic. He jumps or "But then our Roady can't run and The fun-loving paisano is a born
flies from boulder to boulder about as hunt any more. He'll die if he can't gamester and enjoys out-witting birds
fast as he can, clownishly tipping his run won't he?" of prey. Not long ago I saw a road-
body from side to side; then slips to I assured them that while he might runner make sport of a Marsh Hawk
the ground and runs at breakneck not get around like he used to, he'd which evidently intended to make meat
speed around and around one of the probably get along on the stump very of him. The Marsh Hawk at times is
big rocks or a clump of cactus. After well even as I'd seen stump-legged given to hunting on the ground. When
this bit of clowning he usually makes blackbirds do. I came upon the two birds the road-
for the brush and we may not see him While the roadrunner was held by runner was going around and around
again until noon — probably because one of the boys, with scissors I re- a creosote bush while his avian enemy
he's out hunting for his breakfast of moved the foot. We put mercuro- was doing a dashing half-run, half-fly
beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, and chrome on the stump, bound it with in pursuit. Each time the hawk about
lizards. Sometimes he devours horned adhesive and put Old Roady in the caught up the roadrunner deftly slipped
toads. He seems to prefer the big in- shade. There I was told he stayed for over to another creosote bush and let
sects, not the little ones. At times he several days while "thinking it over." the ludicrous merry-go-round chase go
comes down to the house to eat water- As the stump healed he made attempts on again. Hs seemed to be enjoying it
melon and scraps of meat I have saved to run by putting it to the ground. highly. After eluding the enemy for
for him. If the cat's around he spends Relying more upon his wings and less three or four minutes the strong legged
a lot of time annoying her by dashing on his legs, he soon was back at his roadrunner ran off at a tangent into
up to her while chattering his beak. If hunting again, even doing most of his some thick brush and the surprised
he gets too fresh and very close she old tricks and making visits to the hawk disgustedly gave up the pursuit.
tries to strike out and bat him with neighbors.
her paw but never yet has she hit him. I have not seen a great number of
Old Roady's just too quick even for This taught me how really resource- roadrunner nests but all I have dis-
a cat. ful and intelligent a roadrunner is. covered were of the same pattern—a
Every new experience 1 have with this bunch of loose sticks haphazardly put
"There's one animal he doesn't fool remarkable bird makes me admire together on the branches of a cactus,
with, that's the dog. He's afraid of more and more its sagacity. a mesquite tree or scrub juniper. Like
even the smallest pup. Not long ago I was walking over some of the tree-dwelling cuckoos the
"Old Roady has a great time when some flat ground among the mesquite ground dwelling roadrunner, also a
I sprinkle my weekly wash. He loves thickets near the Salton Sea. As I cuckoo, lays its eggs at intervals but
to have me dash a few drops of water parted the brush I came upon a clear- may begin to incubate as soon as the
on him too. If he can find a piece of ing where the clay was full of deep first one is laid. This means that the
cotton or a fuzzy milkweed seed out cracks. The blocks of dried earth in young are often different sizes and
in the yard, he brings it in his beak between the fissures had separated into ages. The hen is a close "sitter" and
and with head held high runs all over great laminated flakes curled up around always because of her somber colored,
the house with it. He sometimes goes the edges. In the middle of this open striped body, well camouflaged. If
out in the garden and brings in every space I noticed a roadrunner with his disturbed she slips off the nest with a
thing from bits of leaves to broken long beak prying up and then actually cleverness that always amazes.
glass. He frightened a neighbor when turning over these warped clay plates. This unique bird of the plain and
he came up to her carrying in his As often as he turned over a clay plate brush covered arid mountain borders
beak a living snake. Her screams only a cricket which had been hiding be- is almost what we call unsocial; seldom
seemed to amuse him. Our neighbor's neath the curled-up edge, jumped out do you see two together. But once
little children think Roady's about the only to be gobbled up by the clever you have seen one you may be almost
worst ever. If he comes upon them bird. certain to see it many times in the
while they are barefooted he dashes same vicinity. The hunting ground
up with chattering beak and begins to Sometimes he came upon a winged
insect that attempted escape by flying. seems fairly well restricted.
peck at their toes. If they have on
shoes he goes after the buttons." These he sprang at and dextrously On recent trips to Sonora and Chi-
snapped up in mid-air before it had huahua in Mexico, I found the road-
I asked, "Does he ever go away gotten three feet away.
from home?" runner much more common than in
The keen eye of the roadrunner any parts of the southwestern United
"He's a regular bum," spoke up one scanning a bush will see well camou- States. In Mexico one may frequently
of the boys. "Sometimes he goes as flaged cicadas which I cannot detect. see eight or ten of the birds in a day's
far as a mile away calling in turn on At one of my desert camps where I ramble. In our country this fine bird
all of our neighbors. Often he acts just stayed for nearly a week a roadrunner is becoming rarer and rarer. Like a
as silly at their houses as he does at often came to pick up food scraps I Beduoin it loves the wild open spaces.
ours. They all know and love him." had purposely thrown out for him. It is the unusual paisano that takes
Several days later I again visited the Then he would go hunting for insects up residence near human habitations,
little farm where Old Roady lived. But in the brush around the camp. I but when he does he makes of himself
when I arrived there were sad hearts searched the brush with my binoculars, a good and quiet neighbor, amusing
among the children. They had just but could see nothing. But his keen you with his unpredictable tricks and

The Wandering Colorado . . .

Hete and Ihete on the Oesett... YUMA — A joint commission in

search of a permanent boundary be-
tween California and Arizona has been
ARIZONA The Hard Way . . . established. Wayne Aiken of Phoenix
Giant Telescope Moved . . . GRAND CANYON—Five Univer- heads the Arizona delegation, and Col.
sity of Mexico geology students with Rufus Putnam of Los Angeles is the
FLAGSTAFF — The navy's giant their instructor Ing. Carlos Castillo Te-Chairman of the California group.
reflector telescope will be moved from jero, professor of geology at the school,They will try to settle the question,
Washington to a site atop a peak near tackled the arduous descent of the "What to do about the wandering Col-
Flagstaff. $156,800 will be spent to Grand Canyon the hard way—-by foot. orado." The river once satisfied every-
construct facilities to house the 40-inch"The better to study the canyon strata one as a natural boundary between the
scope. The move was sought by navy and other items of geological interest," two states but shifted as much as 20
scientists to take advantage of North- said Professor Tejero, who has made miles in the past 100 years in some
ern Arizona's clear atmosphere. The six trips to the bottom of the famous spots. Engineers and mapmakers have
reflector telescope, considered one of gorge. "The Grand Canyon is the best submitted their ideas and the conferees
the finest of its kind in existence has place in the world for geological stud- were in general agreement except in
been in operation at the observatory ies," the professor stated and the the Cibola and Mojave Valleys above
in Washington since 1934.—Phoenix climbing experience gained will be use- Needles and Yuma.—Phoenix Gazette
Gazette ful in making a descent into Mexico's
Barranca de Cobre. The group will
odd ways and giving you opportunity make the expedition into Copper Can- Increase in Canyon Visitors . . .
at early morning to hear his strong yon accompanied by other geologists GRAND CANYON—Park officials
and forceful trumpeting cuckoo-like in March.—-Casa Grande Dispatch of Grand Canyon report a gain in the
call. • • • total number of visitors during Sep-
The fleet running Chaparral Cock, Antivenom Again Available . . . tember. The figure is 95,919 com-
as this bird is sometimes called, was pared with 92,360 a year ago. Public
TEMPE — Thanks to hundreds of
first brought to the attention of Ameri- Arizonans and an Arizona State Col- campgrounds remain open until the
can naturalists by Dr. William Gambel lege Professor an antivenom for black winter weather closes the approach
who published a description of it in widow spider bites once again is avail- and entrance road. The south rim re-
1845. This is the same William Gam- able nationally. The fact that no black mains open the year around.—Coco-
bel after whom the sweet-singing Gam- widow serum was available was first nino Sun
bel Sparrow, a winter visitant in much learned last March by Dr. Herbert L. • • •
of the southern desert area, is named. Stahnke, director of the poisonous ani- New Campground . . .
The Gambel Quail, appropriately called mal research laboratory at Arizona AJO—A new campground area has
the Desert Quail, so common in the State College in Tempe, when the lab- been completed at Organ Pipe Cactus
creosote bush deserts, also commemo- oratory in Pennsylvania said they were National Monument, with spaces for
rates in its name the brilliant young out of spiders. He appealed to the 62 trailers. Jim Eden, superintendent
Philadelphia naturalist who visited the citizens of Arizona and they in turn said, running water and comfort sta-
southwestern United States near the responded with thousands of the spi- tions have been installed but electricity
middle of the nineteenth century. ders.—The Buckeye Valley News is not available.—Phoenix Gazette
I recently heard a roadrunner's call
at mid-day in May. He was sitting
atop a mesquite in the park at the
headquarters building of the Joshua
Tree National Monument. It is the
only roadrunner's mid-day vocal effort
I have ever heard.
A recent newspaper article tells of
an effort of so-called sportsmen to
again get the roadrunner off the list
of protected birds. Their argument
was that roadrunners eat many baby
quail, therefore the hunters should be
allowed to kill them off. Like so many
arguments put up by thoughtless and In the spacious foyers of the Desert Magazine's beautiful Pueblo
selfish persons, this one is based on along Highway 111, twelve miles from Palm Springs and ten miles
hearsay, and is a willful distortion of from Indio, in an atmosphere of the old Southwest, is presented an
fact. ever changing exhibition of the finest work of more than fifty of the
As far as feeding habits are con- Southwest's best known artists.
cerned the roadrunner is a most ex- Visitors are always welcome at the Desert Magazine's art gal-
emplary bird; occasionally it may eat lery, and there is no admission charge. The gallery is open seven
eggs of small ground-nesting swallows days a week from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., under the direction
or even a young bird, feathers and all, of Harriet A. Day.
but the great bulk of its food consists
of harmful large-sized insects such as Adjoining the art gallery is the Desert Book and Crafts Shop
cicadas, grasshoppers, crickets, and where all the current Southwestern books are available for those who
beetles. At times insect food makes are interested. Visitors may browse at will in the restful atmosphere
up to 90 percent of the diet; the re- of the gallery and book shop. The sign over the door reads: "Friend
mainder is of ticks, lizards, and oc- or Stranger, you are welcome here."
casionally a snake.

DECEMBER, 1954 29
Wants Ban on Prospectors . . .
PHOENIX—The United States De-
Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 10c a Word, $1.50 Minimum Per Issue
partment of Agriculture is seeking a
permanent ban on mineral prospecting
and filing of mining claims on nearly
18,000 acres of forest lands in Arizona.
The agriculture department hopes
BOOKS — MAGAZINES ADD BEAUTIFUL Black Obsidian from through the proposed exclusion to set
Oregon to your collection. Three Arrow- aside 65 tracts in Coconino, Sitgreaves,
BOOKS FOUND—Any title! Free world- heads $3.00; three bird points $3.00; spear
wide book search service. Any book, point $3.00; knife $3.00—all for $10.00. Tonto, Coronado and Gila national
new or old. Western Americana a spe- Chiefs headdress $85.00; medicine man's forests for picnic grounds, permanent
cialty. Lowest price. Send wants today! headdress of buffalo hide and horns camp sites and public recreation areas.
International Bookfinders, Box 3003-D. $50.00; Leggings, Breech and Bustle, —Morning Sun
Beverly Hills, California. beautifully embroidered and well pre-
served $100.00; ladies' buckskin dress • • •
BACK ISSUES DESERT—and all other heavily beaded and fringed very old and CALIFORNIA
magazines. FREE search service for out- beautiful $400.00. Buckskin vest entirely Honor for Mrs. Coffman . . .
of-print books. Send us your wants. We beaded front $200.00. Paiute papoose
buy books. Cherokee Bookshop, 1656 carrier beaded, fringed and old $100.00. PALM SPRINGS — A portrait of
Cherokee, Hollywood 28, Calif. Yurok papoose Cradle $25.00. Flat head the late Mrs. Nellie Coffman of Palm
parflechc $40.00. Profusely illustrated Springs, founder of the famous Desert
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES catalog of baskets, stone work, beads and Inn, will be hung in the "hall of fame"
other items 50c. Penning, 158 Dolorosa.
COACHELLA VALLEY: (1) Date stand San Lorenzo, Calif. now being established in San Fran-
and going business on Palm Springs High- cisco by the California Historical So-
way with 20 acre going ranch. $58,000. REAL ESTATE ciety. Mrs. Coffman's portrait will join
$20,000 down only $1500 per year on
balance. (2) Beautiful desert cottage on VIEW LOTS—Palm Desert Heights. Just those of Luther Burbank, Herbert
lovely landscaped dune, surrounded by above Desert Magazine Block. Near Hoover and other noted Californians.
10 acres young grapefruit trees. Just the Shadow Mountain Club, school, church, —Hemet News
right distance from the race track. $50,- markets, bus. 70x100, $1200 up. Paved, • • •
000. Write Ronald L. Johnson, Thermal, gas, d e c , water. Restricted. For brochure
Calif. write Box 65, Palm Desert, Calif. Progress of Tramway • • •
PALM SPRINGS—A meeting was
CAFE, SERVICE STATION and five rent- A REAL BUY! 40 acres l'/i miles. N.W.
of Cima. $750.00 (full price). $30.00 called by the San Jacinto Park Author-
als for sale. Fully equipped (living quart- ity recently, to discuss the progress of
ers). Going business. Also want partner down, $17.00 per month. Act now! Pon
to promote new town. Real opportunity. & Co., Box 546-DM, Azusa, Calif. the Mt. San Jacinto-Palm Springs tram-
Come and stop with us. Ocotillo Wells MISCELLANEOUS way. A consulting engineer is due to
Inn, Highway 78, San Diego County; or arrive soon from the east to study the
write Box 86, Del Mar, California. URANIUM CLAIMS with merit, wanted traffic situation and estimate the rev-
for development. Will give liberal over- enue that can be expected from the
RARE BUY: Rock, gem and antique shop. ride. Can furnish bank reference. Give
One B.R., stone and redwood, built 1949. detailed description of property in first operation of the tramway.
Large display room. Five acres, 569 foot letter. Rex R. Moore, 2904 Liberty Bank
highway frontage, good well. Near San Bldg., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. GHOST TOWN ITEMS: Sun-colored glass,
Diego. $12,200. Owner will carry own amethyst to royal purple; ghost railroads
paper. Kilbourn Realty, P. O. Box 535, INT. 4 x 4 TRUCK. Excellent condition. materials, tickets; limited odd items from
El Cajon, Calif. Cab, Winch, compressor, steel bed AVi camps of the '60s. Write your interest—
x 7!/2 x V-A feet. $1300. Lawrence Box 64-D, Smith, Nevada.
FOR SALE OR TRADE: Our camp house McArthy, Box 948, Redlands, Calif.
and house trailer. Lease on Colorado DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar
River; lots of shade. Lights and water PINE CONES — Decorative, interesting, postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses. Len-
furnished reasonably. 8 years accumula- genuine. 5c each plus postage in lots of wood, Barstow, California.
tion gem stones, over a ton cutting rocks. one dozen or more. Box 221. Big Bear
Emery Hughes, Box 518, Earp, Calif. Lake, Calif. NEW CALIFORNIA State Topographic
Map 64 x 90" $2.50. Lost mines of 10
IMPORT-EXPORT! Opportunity profitable, STEREO 3D SLIDES—Gorgeous Colorado Southwestern states, with map $1.75.
world-wide, mail-order business from mountain and Utah desert scenes. Realist Sectionized County maps: San Bernar-
home, without capital, or travel abroad. size original Kodachromes. Sample selec- dino, Riverside $1.00 each, Inyo, Mono.
Established World Trader ships instruc- tion four of my best stereo slides $2.00. Kern, Los Angeles 75c each. Imperial1,
tions for no-risk examination. Experience List free. Will C. Minor, Fruita, Colo. San Diego 50c each. New series of Ne-
unnecessary. Free details. Mellinger, vada County maps $1.00 each. Joshua
A98C, Los Angeles, 24 California. SILVERY DESERT HOLLY PLANTS: Tree-Twentynine Palms area $1.56. Town-
One dollar each postpaid. Greasewood ship blanks, all sizes. Lode or Placer
location notice forms 5c each. Topo-
INDIAN GOODS Greenhouses, Lenwood, Barstow, Calif. graphical maps in California, Nevada,
6 PERFECT ANCIENT FLINT arrowheads Utah, Arizona and all other Western
SPECIAL: Lariat Ties, braided, %" genu- states. Atomic Energy Commission Air-
$2.00. Fine double bladed tomahawk ine turquoise stones on slide, $3.95. borne Anomaly, Uranium Location maps.
$3.00. Grooved granite war club $2.00. Larger stones $4.95, gift boxed. Diorama Westwide Maps Co., 114VS W. Third St.,
Perfect peace pipe $5.00. 6 fine bird ar- Studios, 1225 N. Anita St., Tucson, Ariz. Los Angeles, California.
rows $2.00. 2 flint knives $1.00. 6" to 7"
perfect spearhead $7.00. AH offers $20.00. BUY SURPLUS MACHINERY: Tools, GOLD PROSPECTING CATALOG—List-
List Free. Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas. trucks, jeeps, etc., from government. List ing, placer and lode maps, steel gold pans,
$1.00. Send to Government Surplus Bul- mining and mineral books, books on lost
CLOSING OUT: We are in a hurry to letin, Box D213 East Hartford 8, Conn. mines, pocket magnifying glasses, min-
dispose of remaining Indian Artifacts, eral collection sets, blueprints of dry
better bargains than ever, dealers wel- PINKING SHEARS—Only $1.95 postpaid. washers and wet washers you can build
come. Danrels Indian Trading Post, 16299 Chromium plated, precision made. Man- yourself. Catalog and Gold Panning Les-
Foothill (Highway 66) Fontana, Calif. ufacturer's Christmas overstock. Guaran- son — Free. Old Prospector, Box 729,
teed $7.95 value or money refunded. Desk 5, Lodi, California.
TOMAHAWK PIPE — Cast in gleaming Order by mail. Lincoln Surplus Sales,
bronze with hand carved wooden stem. 1704 W. Farwell Ave., Chicago 26, 111. WILD ANIMAL and Bird Movies. 8 mm.
Authentically reproduced from 18th Cen- or 16 mm. Beautiful color or B&W. Also
tury model. Ideal for den or trophy room. FREE "Do-It-Yourself" Leathercraft Cata- 2x2 color slides. Free catalog. Wild Life
$12.00 postpaid, Charles Wray, West log. Tandy Leather Company. Box Films, Rm. 19, 5151 Strohm Ave., N.
Rush, New York. 791-E7, Fort Worth, Texas. Hollywood. California.

Borax from Death Valley . . . Museum Is Tourist Attraction . . . roads. New Mexico is a corridor state
DEATH VALLEY—Death Valley CARSON CITY—A brief history between Texas with the fourth largest
is noted for its toll of human life in of the work undertaken and a look automobile registration in the nation,
gold rush days but it has become an into the future of what may be one and California with the highest. New
important factor in the saving and of the West's outstanding museums Mexico ranks fortieth but must build
prolongation of life. Borax, a famed was the report given by Judge Clark J. roads to handle the volume of neigh-
product of Death Valley is now an im- Guild, chairman of the board of the boring states.—Artesia Daily Press
portant additive in many fields of Nevada State Museum. The museum
chemistry. Boron, non-metallic deriva- occupying the former United States
tion from borax is widely used in pre- Mint which was up for sale by the
serving fruits, making eyewash, tooth- Treasury Department when Judge
paste and many other products. Its Guild requested that the state be given
use in fabricated wall boards creates the opportunity to purchase it, is an
a fire-preventive thus saving life and outstanding tourist attraction. Last
is used to prevent disease in vegetable year over 140,000 visitors toured the
and plant life. The annual production building. The late Major Max Fleisch-
of borax in the United States is 715,- mann's contribution—a 300 foot-long
000 tons; the bulk of which comes from mine under the building, true to scale
Death Valley.—Phoenix Gazette is one of the main attractions. Judge
• • • Guild urged every Nevadan to take an WHAT EVERV MAN WANTS!
Fire Destroys Historic Palms . . . interest and see that historic Nevada Clever Map and Blueprint Header clocks
distances on any flat surface $2.75 ppd.
BORREGO STATE PARK —San items be given to the state museum.—
Diego County's largest brush and for- Fallon Standard MARSHUTZ OPTICAL CO.
est fire burned itself out in the San 5.11 So. Olive St. Est. 1S87 Los Angeles
• • •
Ask for Booklets on Magnifiers, Binoculars,
Ysidro Mountains recently after dam- Lahontan Reservoir Water Low . . . Scopes, Weather Instruments.
aging over 600 historic palm trees in FALLON — The Lahontan Reser-
the upper reaches of Palm Canyon, in voir level is still dropping and will
Borrego State Park. Flames were pre- probably hit the low storage point of
vented from spreading to scenic groves 60,000 to 70,000 acre feet reports 1000 TRAVEL SCENES
of palm trees at lower levels in Palm Harry Richards, Watermaster. The
Canyon by Park officials who stood Carson River flow into upstream Buck-
by all night.—Borrego Sun land ditch is increasing, however water
• • • is not coming down to Lahontan and
NEVADA probably will not until upstream SPECIAL OFFER
Monument Brings Fame . . . storms occur. The district hopes to To Introduce readers of DESERT to our
FALLON—A new role is in store maintain a flow of 400 second feet in 2"x2" COLOR SLIDES for home projec-
tion, we are offering a FREE 20 page
for Fallon and Tonopah as they will the Truckee River all winter which will catalog and a FREE sample color slide.
eventually become known as the gate- be possible if Lake Tahoe's level re- Travel, Science, Nature, National Parks
and the southwest. Write today to —
ways to the Ichthyosaur state or na- mains high enough. Although an ade-
tional monument. This was a state- quate water supply will be assured KELLY D. C H O D A
ment made by Nevada State Park locally by a normal winter, there will BOX 588 STANFORD, CALIF.
Chairman Thomas W. Miller, who re- be no oversupply unless the Sierras
cently spoke before the Rotary Club have an unusually heavy winter, the
of Fallon and also commended the water master said.—Fallon Standard
activities of the Fallon Rock and Gem Looking for a PUBLISHER?
Club in collecting funds to protect the • • • Do you have a book-length manuscript you
would like to have published? Learn about
site of the famous Ichthyosaur dis- NEW MEXICO nr unusual plan whereby your book can be
published, promoted and distributed on a
covery in Nye county. He stated that Hopi Chamber of Commerce . . . professional basis. We consider all types of
work—fiction, biography, poetry, scholarly
too many attractions have been al- GALLUP—Hopi Indians are con- nd religious books, etc. New authors wel-
lowed to deteriorate and that Nevada sidering a Hopi Chamber of Com- able come. For more information, write for valu-
booklet D. It's free.
should protect these sites.—Tonopah merce. Willard S. Sakeistewa, secre- VANTAGE PRESS, INC.
Times Bonanza tary-treasurer of the Hopi Tribal 6356 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif.
Main Office: New York 1, N. Y.
• • • Council in letters to chambers of com-
New Radar Station . . . merce in many Southwestern towns
WINNEMUCCA — Winnemucca states that many of the younger gen-
Mountain will be the location for the eration feels the organization would JOSHUA TREE AREA
new $716,188 Air Force radar station. help to bring modern business methods LOW PRICED CABINS
U.S. Government Tracts
Road improvements to the top of the to the tribe.—The New Mexican S10-S20 per acre. Roads, water, electricity
mountain will also be made.—Hum- • • • planned. Joshua Tree-29 Palms area.
No. 1 Map SI.50 plus (i cents postage
boldt Star
• • • Needs New Roads . . . E. B. MOORE CO.. INC.
More Skeletons Uncovered . . . SANTA FE — The New Mexico Exp. on "The Great American Desert"
No Smog. No fog. Elevation 3000 feet.
FALLON—A total of 11 specimens highway department is appealing to Locator, 200 Hwy., Joshua Tree

of Ichthyosaurs have now been uncov- the federal treasury for money to con-
ered in the Berlin area near lone. The struct new roads. The highway de-
skeletons of the pre-historic animals partment in stating its position said "EVERYTHING FOR
are at four different levels in one small the state has long suffered an inade- THE OUTDOORSMAN"
acreage, uncovered to a depth of 15 quate road system because of its ob- SLEEPING BAGS, AIR MATTRESSES

feet by a crew working under the di- ligation to build and maintain long
and many other items
rection of Dr. C. L. Camp of the routes to carry the traffic of other
Van DeGrilt's Sporting Goods
University of California.—Reese River states. Gasoline tax from such traffic 717 W. 7th St., Los Aiicoles 14, California
Reveille falls short of meeting the cost of the

DECEMBER, 1954 31
Canyon May Be State Park . . . wood Culbertson, president of the New Unusual Fossil Track . . .
CIMARRON CANYON—Northern Mexico Cattle Growers Association. MOAB — A discovery of unusual
New Mexico's spectacular Cimarron Amateur as well as experienced pros- interest was made by engineers in the
Canyon is being considered for devel- pectors have been invading ranches Coyote Wash area. An engineer gath-
opment as a state park. The site has using every type of transportation ering rocks found a track imprinted
long been one of the state's more pop- from the burro to the airplane. Ranch- on the surface of one of the rocks.
ular fishing spots. State Park Com- ers are asking that prospectors contact Study and investigation by Geologist
missioner, Lee Robinson said that when ranch headquarters to determine the B. Geekie Cobb estimated it to be
use of the area becomes great enough ownership status of the lands on which the track of one of the first flying
arrangements will be made for his of- they are trespassing, to keep gates creatures, made about 175,000,000
fice to take over jurisdiction from the shut, prevent grass fires, avoid molest- years ago. It stood five feet tall and
Game and Fish Department for park ing livestock and to follow other sim- although it flew had no feathers. This
development and construction of camp- ple courtesies. — Torrance County creature, a type of reptile, lived long
ing and picnicking facilities. — The News • • • before the time of the dinosaur.—The
New Mexican Gift for Santa Rosa . . . Times Independent
• • • SANTA ROSA—The Rock Island • • •
Problem for Ranchers . . . Railroad has donated to the city of Protection for Wilderness . . .
ESTANCIA—Prospecting in every Santa Rosa property worth $250,000. HIGH UINTAHS — Regional For-
corner of the state is creating a serious It includes three lakes and a water ester C. J. Olsen reports that U. S.
problem for ranchers reports Sher- system. Indian dances and old-time Forest Service is having difficulty in
Spanish dances were a part of the keeping vehicles out of the High Uin-
celebration held at the little "City of tas primitive area. These forests were
Here's Natural Lakes." This gift may be the set aside to maintain wilderness values
Mouth-Watering News start of a new era for Santa Rosa.— free from artificial influences and are
Santa Rosa News valuable not only for recreation but
for those who love • • • for long-term scientific observations as
native Southwestern Water Consuming Cedars . . . well. They are open to hiking, riding,
CARLSBAD — Plans are being camping, mountain climbing, nature
cooking. made to cut a channel through the salt study and just plain enjoyment, but
cedars that clog the Pecos River. The they are not to be traversed by automo-
'Food of the Conquerors' Pecos River is vital to a large area in biles or jeeps or their wilderness
New Mexico. Loss of water to salt spoiled by lodges, cabins or hot dog
by Margaret Abreu cedars, excessive saltiness in places stands. The High Uintas comprise
and other problems have plagued en- 243,957 acres of timber, meadow,
$1.00 gineers for years. The decision was water and mountains. Strong measures
made after a great deal of discussion are being urged to stop this violation
Now available through your as the cedars screen out sediments by jeepsters so that this beautiful wil-
bookstores. Or you may have which otherwise would enter Lake derness can be kept in its natural state.
McMillan and other reservoirs, but at —Salt Lake Tribune
a FREE copy with a $2.50 the same time they consume great • • •
year's subscription to New amounts of water.—The New Mexican Petition for New Monument . . .
Mexico Magazine, the color- • • • PROMONTORY — A petition has
UTAH been presented to the National Park
ful voice of the "Land of Monument Ranger Passes . . . Service asking that the Golden Spike
Enchantment." VERNAL — Dinosaur National site at Promontory be made a national
Monument lost its chief ranger, Charles monument. This site was the meeting
New Mexico Magazine E. Smith 47, who died of a heart ail- of the east and west trains in 1869, the
ment. Mr. Smith was employed by historic completion of the first trans-
Box 938 Santa Fe, N. M. the National Parks service for 14 years continental railroad. Pictures have
and came to Vernal from the Teton been taken in black and white and
National Park, Wyoming, where he in colored slides for presentation to
TWOFOKQNE! S3rved as district ranger. He had stress the present neglect. Governor
WEST i i crammed with
served at Dinosaur National Monu- Charles H. Russell of Nevada, Gov-
TRUE articles and photos on loir
mines and buried treoiure, bod-
ment since September 1, 1953.—-Ver- ernor Goodwin S. Knight of California,
men, Indians, ghost towns, out- nal Express • • • the Utah Historical Society and several
-ser and ranch l i f e - t h e REAL THING! Prosperity for Ute Indians . . . other organizations support this move.
our great wild, rugged West. BLANDING—New homes are be- —Box Elder News
Hunlmg, fishing, boating, guns,
ere. . . weit of the Mississippi. ing built on the east side of the high- • • •
OFFER: 12 issue subscriptions to
way between Blanding and Bluff by Scenic Highway Finished . . .
BOTH magoiinei for the price of
TKUE WEST alone Hush bills,
the Ute Mountain Rehabilitation pro- CEDAR CITY — T h e long-sought
check or money order 53 TQ. gram. The funds for this project are highway connecting U.S. 91 and 89 is
BOX 5 0 0 8 - M , A U S T I N 3 1 , TEXAS
set aside by the Tribal officers with now completed and a scenic loop trip
the Indian Service acting in an ad- to Utah's national parks and Cedar
visory capacity. Efforts are also being Breaks National Monument can now
made to start the Ute Indians in the be enjoyed. A $485,000 paving job
High Power
BINOCULARS livestock business. A land purchasing is now finished and the 43 mile road
30 DAY FREE TRIAL program is now underway as the In- designated as Utah 14, which links
Money Bock Guarantee
dians do not have enough land to be- Cedar City with Long Valley Junction
Easy Pay Plan come permanently established. The provides access to Cedar Breaks, Nav-
/ Catalog & Book
"How to Select Binoculars"
tribal officials are making every effort ajo Lake and miles of high plateau
Dept. D92 43 E. Green to make the Utes self-sustaining. -— and mountain country in the Dixie
BUSHNELL Pasadena, Calif. San Juan Record National Forest.—Salt Lake Tribune

Quartz and chalcedony are the lapidaries' Credit for a new program which is being
delight and from them are fashioned more enjoyed by members of the San Diego
gems, both cabochon and faceted, than any Lapidary Society goes to a new member, A Complete Lapidary Shop
other gem material. They are cheap, abun- Blanch Wright, who has found a painless Only $43.50
dant, of large variety and color and hard way to learn about mineral and gem materi-
als. The program is patterned after the • Ideal for apartment house dwellers.
enough to cut well and take an easy, lasting • Polish rocks into beautiful gems.
polish. This chemical union of silica and T.V. program "What's My Line" and is
oxygen produces clear quartz crystals, star called "What's My Rock." • Anyone can learn.
A panel of four members for each rock • Instructions included.
quartz, rose quartz, smoky quartz, amethyst,
citrine, aquamarine, cat's eye, tiger eye, is chosen, with a master of ceremonies and Write for Catalog. 25c
aventurine, chrysoprase, quartz containing a "professor" who checks the books on the
inclusions of rutile, tourmaline, asbestos, harder questions. A half-hour is allowed ALLEN LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT
actinolite and other minerals, clear chalce- for the program, or three stones—which COMPANY — Dept. D
dony, chalcedony in various shades of red, ever comes first. The panel is first placed 3632 W. Slauson Ave., Lot Angel.j 43, Cal.
blue, green and brown, opal, common and facing the wall while the material or a sign Phone Axmimter 2-6206
precious onyx, sardonyx, petrified woods, with the name is shown to the members.
jaspers in a multitude of colors, and agate Then the panel is turned around to face
including banded eye, moss, iris, flame, the members and the fun begins. Such i i
plume and varigated. questions as "Is the mineral over 7 in hard-
Some of the quartz and chalcedony came
ness? Is it found locally? Is it a rare Min-
eral? Can it be faceted? etc., are asked.
Gem Stones Serais
from volcanic hot springs, brought out by Excerpts from an article by Ed Soukup, in Write Your 'Wants' to Men-ell's
hot waters and deposited from solution. Shop Notes and News monthly bulletin of
But most of it was cast out from the original
magmas that formed the rocks of the earth's
San Diego Lapidary Society.
• • •
crust. Excess silica not needed in rock 329 E. Alosta r Hi way 66)
mineral formation was forced to the top of At the first Community Fair in Las Glendora
the magma chamber, there to collect with Vegas, members of the Clark County Gem GENUINE TURQUOISE
other excess elements and much water into Collectors planned to display rocks and W to Vx" Baroque 20 for $1.00
a silica rich mother liquor, or residual minerals October 20-24. Their field trip Vx" to %" Baroque 5 for $1.00
magma. When the magma finally consoli- was to be held October 16 and 17 at Bull- Baroque Bracelet Kits, includes baroque
dated into rock, this mother liquor still head, Arizona, near Davis Dam, where a stones, glue, chain, bell caps and jump
liquid due to its water content was forced construction company left large piles of rings—Complete set: $3.50
out into cracks and crevices of the enclos- river rocks. Members expected to find fire Earring Kits—$1.25
Special Fed. and State Tax incl.
ing country rock. They were very hot and agate, quartz crystals and garnets.
as they traveled through the openings in
the earth's crust, deposited their minerals
in their order of solubility as they cooled
down, with quartz and chalcedony being PROSPECTORS
the last to go out of solution. It's color is
due to the oxides of the metals, and other OVER $3,500,000 IN REWARDS PAID
substances it came in contact with in its
journey through the rocks. Excerpts from
an article by Charles W. Clark in the Rocks FOR URANIUM BY THE ATOMIC ENERGY
and Gems, the San Fernando Valley Min-
eral and Gem Society monthly bulletin. COMMISSION! COUNT THE FEATURES
The Delvers Gem and Mineral Society
of Bellflower, California, planned a field The
trip October 23 and 24 to Shark Tooth Hill
about 10 miles N.E. of Bakersfield, up the
Kern River. Dale Clifford reported in the
Delvings, the Society's publication that this
deposit, while now on the side of a hill was GEIGER COUNTER
once the bottom of the great inland sea
which covered what is now the Sacramento
and San Joaquin Valleys. When this area
dried up, it was probably the last puddle $»TIME CONSTANT
of water, which accounts for the millions
of teeth deposited there. METER
Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains
Cuff Links — Neck Chains See Our Nearest Dealer or Write—
Bezel — devices — Shanks
Solder — Findings
Send stamp for price list No. 3
440 N.W. Beach St.
NEWPORT. OREGON 7619 Melrose Ave., Hollywood 46, Calif.

DECEMBER, 1954 33
542 Blythe California, Highway 60-70.

G Em fllRRT A D V E R T I S I N G
10c a word
. . . Minimum $ 1 . 5 0
7 miles West. California fire agate semi
preforms. Top polished, you finish $2 50
to $20.00. Large stock other material.
No price lists.
IF YOU ARE interested in gems, minerals
ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It BEAUTIFUL FREE GOLD — Specimens or jewelcraft and want to know where to
will pay you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock $1.00 each. Return if not satisfied. Prices buy anything connected with the hobby,
Roost. We buy, sell, or exchange min- to dealers. J. N. Reed, Box 102, Cabazon, where to go after rocks, what to read
eral specimens. Visitors are always wel- California. about the crafts, you need The Rock-
come. Ken-Dor Rock Roost, 419 Sut- hound Buyers Guide. This book has 192
ter, Modesto, California. FOR SALE: Beautiful purple petrified pages of absorbing information, the name
wood with uranium, pyrolusite, manga- and address of nearly every dealer in
ROCKHOUND PARADISE. Stop and see nite. Nice sample $1.00. Postage. Maggie America, field trips in 9 states and Mex-
our display. Agate rough and slabs. No Baker, Kingman, Arizona. ico. Only $2.00 postpaid from Lapidary
junk. Minerals, fluorescent minerals. Sat- OPALS AND SAPPHIRES rough, direct Journal, Box M, Palm Desert California.
isfaction guaranteed. Write for prices. from Australia. Cutting opal, 1 ounce LOVELY BAROQUE GEMS: For making
P. G. Nichols, Prop., Sun Valley Trailer $5, $10, $20, $30 and $60. Blue sap-
Park, 3922 No. Oracle Road, Tucson, phires, 1 ounce $10, $30, and $60. Star today's jewelry. Bracelet finding kits. Bola
Arizona. sapphires, 12 stones $10, $20, and $30, necklace kits. Caps, chain, jump rings,
MINERAL SPECIMENS, cabochons and etc. Post free and insured. Send inter- stone cement. Faceted stars, faceting gar-
cutting materials of all kinds, western national money order, bank draft. Aus- nets, rough star sapphires, goldstone,
jewelry. Beautiful travertine for book- tralian Gem Trading Co., 49 Elizabeth golden citrine, aquamarine, India moon-
ends, paper weights, spheres, etc. Write St., Melbourne, Australia. Free list of stone, fine sagenite agate. Fire opal by
for prices. Eighteen miles south of Battle all Australian stones rough and cut, 16 pp. the piece, the ounce or the pound, Mexi-
Mountain at Copper Canyon, John L. can banded agate, Siam zircons, maderia
James, Box 495, Battle Mountain, Nev. ONYX BLANKS, unpolished, black 25c or red. Rutillated quartz, clear smoky
each, red, green, blue 35c each. Perfect quartz. Dark and light amethyst, lapis-
GENUINE TURQUOISE: Natural color, cut titanium. Fine cutting and polishing lazuli from Persia and Afghanistan. Fine
blue and bluish green, cut and polished at reasonable prices. Prompt attention to specimens. Cut slabs. Open every day
cabochons — 25 carats (5 to 10 stones mail orders. Juchem Bros., 315 West 5th in the week. Drop in and see us. H. A.
according to size) $3.50 including tax, St., Los Angeles 13, California. Ivers, 1400 North Hacienda Blvd., La
postpaid in U.S.A. Package 50 carats (10 FIFTY MINERAL Specimens, %-in. or Habra Heights, California.
to 20 cabochons) $6.15 including tax, over, boxed, identified, described, mounted. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS: 1 lb. of tumbled
postpaid in U.S.A. Elliott Gem & Mineral Postpaid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 729, gem stone mixed for $7.50, or 10 lbs. of
Shop, 235 E. Seaside Blvd., Long Beach Lodi, California gem stone rough mine run of Texas agate,
2, California. Horse Canyon agate, Death Valley agate,
McSHAN's GEM SHOP—open part time, GEMS A-PLENTY: Beautiful baroque Howlite, Obsidian Geodes, for $3.M).
gems, large variety, tumble polished all
or find us by directions on door. Cholla over, $10.00 for one pound (about 100 You pay the postage. Hugh Dial, 7417
cactus wood a specialty, write for prices. stones). 10 lbs. of top grade gemstone Jamison Ave, Reseda. Calif.
1 mile west on U. S. 66. Needles, Cali- prepaid for $7.00. Wholesale price to ROCK COLLECTORS ATTENTION. To
fornia, Box 22. dealers on baroque gems and gemstone see the finest variety of rock and mineral
in the rough. Satisfaction guaranteed on specimens in the West, come to the
every sale. San Fernando Valley Gem Trailer Rock Store, 69-457 Highway 111.
Shop, 6329 Lindley Ave., Reseda, Calif. Every rock for sale. Chuckawalla Slim

1W... Find Overlooked A TREAT to every collector or Rockhound.

Lake County Diamonds Specimens —
the Rockologist, Box 181, Cathedral City,
$1.00. Elmer Bigley, 922 6th St., Colusa, HOWDY FOLKS! We have beautiful ba-



roques semi-polished by nature from
Pisgah Crater. Necklaces, $2.25. Earrings,
$2.25. Choice—gold filled; sterling silver
chain. 3 stones, $1.00 with tips. Morton
Sawed, unU'immed pieces, none smaller Minerals & Mining, Route 1, Box 221,
than half inch; sampler of one piece each
of Arizona Jasper, chrysocolla, moss agate, Barstow, California.
Shattuckite, petrified wood, Norwegian
moonstone, verdite, sodalite, green quartz: FREE FOLDERS for Prospectors, rock-
All nine pieces, identified, postpaid hounds, lapidaries and jewelry makers.
guaranteed SI.00 Write us your particular interest and
P.O. Box 5012, Phoenix, Arizona needs. Also free descriptive book list
upon request. The Gem Finders, 4416
Lennox Blvd., Lennox, California.
10 BEAUTIFUL mineral specimens $6.00.
MR. AND MRS. Ask for list of other fine specimens, cut-
ting material, also ultra violet specimens.
DETECTRON'S DESERT TRAVELER: Jack The Rock Hound, P.O. Box 245,
Carbondale, Colorado.
MODEL DR-290 Audiometer — Want your
lovely rocks sawed and

— Want gems cut from materials you've THK PROSPECTOR'S CATALOG

MULTI-TUBE RADIATION DETECTOR We are pleased to announce the advent of
found? a new Minerals Unlimited Catalog, specifi-
cally designed for the amateur or profes-
— Want Christmas gifts made to your sional prospector. If you are interested In
order from desert rocks? Geiger Counters, Mineialights, Blowpipe Sets,
The DR-290 is extremely sensitive—as Gold Pans or any of the other equipment
low as .020 MR/HR. It is now possible THEN - O'BRIEN'S is the place to take necessary to a field or prospecting trip,
to locate important deposits in areas pre- your work. We do it at a very reason-
send 5c in stamps or coin for your copy.
viously checked with less sensitive in- able cost. Estimates free.
1724 University Ave., Berkeley, California
struments. Not affected by heat.. Avail-
able with detachable meter and cable Come in and look us over. You'll see
for airborne use. Low cost operation. full stocks of rough and finished gems,
Rugged, compact and lightweight. and all necessary equipment and sup- FAMOUS TEXAS PLUMES
plies for you amateur gem cutters and Red Plume, Pom Pom and many other types
SEE YOUR DETECTROK DEALER silversmiths. of agate. Slabs on approval. Rough agate.
8 lb. mixture postpaid, $5.00. Price list on
THE DETECTRON CORP. O'BRIEN Lapidary Equipment Co.
DEPT. 2 1
1116 N. Wikox Ave. - Phone HO 5-5424 17 miles So. on Hwy 118
HOLLYWOOD 38, CALIFORNIA Box 453, Alpine, Texas

GLACIERS WERE NATURE'S not take back and the debris of its labors President Addison Avery of the Chicago
FIRST CUTTERS OF STONE was scattered over the earth beyond its mar- Rocks and Minerals Society was scheduled
ginal limits. In the glaciated part of Indiana to deliver his popular lecture on the abo-
One of the earth's most amazing phe- the original bedrock is covered by many rigine's use of stone and metal at the So-
nomena is the fact that most of North feet of outwash and eroded soil. If we ciety's October meeting. He was to appear
America has repeatedly been covered with could see those bedrocks we would note in full Indian regalia and display and de-
ice. This glaciation should be of interest scratches, pits, grooves and chatter marks scribe specimens from his large collection
to the lapidary, not only because it provides which the ice made on its movements south. gathered from 28 states—artifacts of arrow
him with cutable stones but because the Thus it is that Harrison County Flint is our
glacier itself was a glorified cutter of rocks. and spear heads, knives, scrapers, drills,
only gemstone found in place in Indiana. axes, celts, digging tools, pipes and cere-
The ice was the abrasive, or lap, and the Excerpts from the Evansville Lapidary So-
earth the gem. The surface of a hard rock monial objects. He was to describe the
ciety's monthly News Letter. methods by which Indians obtained raw
which has been grooved, scratched and • • •
pitted is, in reality the surface of a cab or stone material and the method of making
faceted stone magnified thousands of times. The American Prospectors' Club of Los the artifacts.
Recalling the two field trips we made to Angeles planned to meet October 12 at the • • •
New Harmony and Vincennes, it is a bit Inglewood Recreation Center to view a film The San Fernando Valley Mineral & Gem
difficult to picture the conditions which "California and it's Resources." The Society planned to have its tenth annual
caused the pebbles we found to be in south- monthly meeting was scheduled October 14 Show at Victory Van Owen Playground,
ern Indiana. But the numerous kettle lakes and Miss Fran Campbell was to tell of her October 23 and 24. The Society recently
and bogs in northern Indiana, the striated recent trip to New Mexico. celebrated its 15th anniversary.
bedrock and even scratched pebbles all bear
witness to the advance and retreat of this
huge body of ice.
Such a moving mass was a most effective Mineralight Makes Rich Tunosten Find in Nevada
erroding agent—a huge plane literally sciv-
ing off the surface of the earth over which
it moved. It was also a huge conveyor belt
which carried with it all that had been
removed. What it carried south it could

I was collecting
minerals for fun... but

Each of these
from just two recent
Editions of MINING
The model L3TSM-55 Oremaster is more sen- RECORD...refers
sitive than some instruments selling for lo a find made
twice the price. It is not affected by tem-
perature changes or vibration, and is very Nith a Mineralight
reliable, economical to operate, strongly built, Ultraviolet
and reasonably and quickly serviced if ever
necessary. (Any model Oremaster can be
serviced in our laboratory within thirty
minutes after receipt.)
The model L3TSM-55 has the following fea-
1. Three supersensitive Geiger tubes. (This
Oremaster will still operate even though
2 of the Geiger tubes are out or broken.)
2. Three miniature electronic tubes. "This is without doubt one
3. Powerful 3y2" built-in speaker for use "Yes, we had with us one of the world's major de-
in car, climbing over rocks, and in of your lights, which we "We use the Mineralight posits of Scheelite...would
snake country — wherever you can't used. Without the light we in all our prospecting. It probably never have been
watch the meter. would have never located has been very valuable in discovered without a Min-
4. Big supersensitive AV2" meter with: the tungsten." locating uranium."
a. Eight meter ranges—two for airborn eralight."
or mobile use in locating radio-active —Ira C. Lambert. —Wm. H. Baldwin. —W. H. Hooper.
areas, five for prospecting the areas,
ore samples.
b. Eight meter speeds, giving you four
meter speeds on the supersensitive
ranges and four on the regular ranges.
5. Heavy aluminum rustproof case which Many a Mineralight user will tell you that what started as a hobby produced a
is light-weight but strong enough to
stand on. bonanza. For in addition fo providing odded pleasure and excitement for collectors all
6. Large comfortable handle, which makes over the world, this magic black-light lamp has often located hidden values by the ton!
carrying it a pleasure.
7. Weight approximately seven and one- Tungsten, uranium, mercury, zirconium and many other valuable minerals are readily
half pounds, length seventeen inches,
height four inches, and width five inches. identified with Mineralight, You do not have to be an expert to make these identifica-
8. Powered by two one and one-half volt tions. Anyone can do it quickly and easily.
flashlight cells, two No. 455 Eveready
forty-five volt B batteries, and one No. Mineralight will make your mineral collecting more interesting —more thrilling-more
467 Eveready sixty-seven and one-half
volt B battery. exciting. And there's always the possibility that the magic of Mineralight may light your
9. Tropicalized for use anywhere. way to a fortune.. .as it has done for so many others.
10. Directional for quick detei'mination from
which direction the radiation is coming.
11. Fully guaranteed as are all Oremasters.
The list price on the model L3TSM-55 is $295.
Easy payment plan available if desired Fill out and mail
Dept. D South Pasadena, California
coupon today,for free
We service all makes of counters Please send, me complete information on your Mineralight prospecting
catalog, prospecting
instructions and illus- lamps, and name of dealer nearest me
WHITE'S ELECTRONICS trations ot minerals NAME
121* 'M' Street Sweet Home, Oregon in glowing colors.
Note: Specifications and prices subject to ADDRESS _
change without notice CITY STATE

DECEMBER, 1 9 5 4 35
The last field trip of the 1954 season for the transparent slice in place. The last ANCIENT GEM STONE
the Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois transparency shown, with its three-dimen- IS ALWAYS POPULAR
was scheduled October 17. The Gray Quar- sional inclusion and the extraordinary color
ries at Hamilton, Illinois, was to be the and form of a modern art impression, par- Alexandrite is a very interesting, and
destination to collect geodes. This trip was ticularly thrilled the members. valuable gem of the chrysoberyl family and
planned especially for the ladies so that • • • was named alter Czar Alexander II of
they could collect without climbing hills or The San Antonio Rock and Lapidary Russia owing to the fact that it was dis-
wading creeks. Society of San Antonio, Texas planned to covered in the Ural Mountains in 1833 on
• • • have a Show at the Witte Museum Auditor- the day on which he became of age. This
gem is pleochroic, or showing three colors,
At the September meeting of the Gem ium October 30 and 31. has a hardness of 8.5 and is composed of
and Mineral Society of San Mateo County • • • Beryllium oxide and aluminum and has a
of Burlingame, California, the president, The fifth anniversary of the Compton specific gravity of 3.5 to 3.8.
Lloyd Mabie, using an ordinary slide pro- Gem and Mineral Club, of Compton, Cali-
jector and home movie screen, projected fornia was scheduled to be celebrated, with Chrysoberyl is found in pegmatite dikes
"live" transparencies, revealing exquisite all past presidents attending, October 12. and may be gray, greenish-yellow, yellow,
line, form and color of thin rock slices. To A large birthday cake was to be served, brown or bluish green. A variety of chryso-
do this, Mr. Mabie removed the customary with members participating in skits and beryl may contain inclusions like micro-
slide holder from the projector and held other entertainment. scopic needles, which, when cut en cabo-
chon. shows a marked chaloyance and is
called "cat's eye." When properly faceted
this strange characteristic appears very
beautifully and the gem is much sought
TIN OXIDE $1.50 PER POUND and valuable. From The Voice, monthly
bulletin of the El Paso, Texas Rockhounds.
If you buy $5 worth of Basic Lapidary Supplies from the following list.
A $10 purchase entitles you to buy 2 lbs. Tin Oxide at $1.50 per lb. The Montebcllo Mineral and Lapidary
A $25 purchase entitles you to buy 5 lbs. of Tin Oxide. Society of California is planning to purchase
mineral identification cards with the society's
NORTON CRYSTOLON GRINDING WHEELS . . . name imprinted on them to be used for
show cases. This will give a uniform ap-
Size 6x'/2" 6x1" 8x1" 8x1 W pearance to the display. The society planned
80 grit $7.50 a field trip to the Santa Rosa mountains, to
100 grit .. $2.65 $3.60 $5.35 7.50 $11.35 be led by Al Carter, October 3.
220 grit 2.95 3.95 5.90 8.25 12.50
320 grit 3.35 4.50 6.70 9.40 14.20 The Humboldt Gem and Mineral Society
Shipping weight 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 5 lbs. 6 lbs. 9 lbs. of Eureka, California, is pleased with the
Crystolon Wheel Dressing Brick 6"x2"xl" 95c success of its first annual gem and mineral
show. In two days an estimated 2,000
CRYSTOLON ABRASIVE for the Lapidary . . . people visited the show. Percy Hollister
Grit Size 1 Pound 5 Lb. Lots 10 Lb. Lots 25 Lb. Lots and Glenn Nash are credited for most of
80. 100, 120, 18, 220 $ .83 $ .52 $ .39 $ .30 the planning and work.
2F (320), 3F (400) .38 .57 .41 .32
Graded 400 1.09 .73 .57 .48
Graded 600 1.35 .94 .78 .69
Available in 120. 150. 180. 220. 330 grits
Dry Rolls
2" wide, 25 ft. long—$2.00; 150-foot roll—$ 9.00
3" wide, 15 ft. long— 2.00; 150-foot roll— 13.25
10" wide, 5ft.long— 2.00; 150-foot roll— 39.77
12" wide, 5ft.long— 2.25; 150-foot roll— 47.70 M.D.R. No. 53 — 8" Cab Unit
Wei Rolls
3" wide, 10ft.long—$2.00; 150-foot roll—$21.60 IT'S NEW! A COMPLETE GEM
10" wide, 40 in. long— 2.60; 150-foot roll— 71.25
DURITE SANDING CLOTH in round disks . . .
Available in 120. 220. 320 grits SANDS, GRINDS AND POLISHES
Wet Dry
6" 5 for $1.00; 25 for $ 3.90 8 for $1.00; 25 for $ 2.25
8" 3 for 1.10; 25 for 7.00 5 for 1.00; 25 for 4.10 Features make this the greatest
10" 2 for 1.15; 25 for 11.00 3 for 1.00; 25 for 6.45 cab unit of all time: integral, cast
12" 2 for 1.65; 25 for 16.00 2 for 1.00; 25 for 9.45 base—self aligning ball bearings
—full 8" wheels and saw—ad-
4" diameter by .205" thick $ 7.80 10" diameter by .040" thick $14.80
6" diameter by .205" thick 7.80 12" diameter by .040" thick 18.20
6" diameter by .032" thick 7.80
14" diameter by .050" thick 25.20 ONLY $125.00!
16" diameter by .050" thick 23.60
8" diameter by .032" thick 10.40 20" diameter by .060" thick 39.20 Less motor. FOB Los Angeles, shipping
8" diameter by .040" thick 11.40 24" diameter by .060" thick 50.60 wt. 83 lbs., crating charge S5.00. Plus
sales tax in Calif. Price subject to change
When ordering please state arbor hole size without notice.
Member of American Gem and Mineral Suppliers Association Send for Literature

1633 E. WALNUT ST.

M.D.R. MFG. CO., Inc.
1853-D W. Jefferson Blvd., I'll UK 2-7889

GREENSTONE FOUND Dr. Robert Berg, head of the Geology Residents of Coachella Valley, California,
Department of the University of Wichita have long been wanting a museum and
IN LIMITED FIELD was scheduled to speak on the geology and plans are now under way. David MacKaye
A mineral which Minnesota holds as a minerals of the area and mining history, and the Community Council for Adult Ed-
virtual monopoly is the Greenstone found at the October 24 meeting of the Wichita ucation have plans for a building to be
in the vicinity of Ely. It is not a gemstone. Gem and Mineral Society. located in the County owned property called
It is a part of the oldest or basic earth form- • • • Patton Court, located next to the fair-
ing rock in the Archeozoic era, the Kee- A film on Alaska was shown to members grounds in Indio. One of the night classes
watin period. It is a part of the mineral rich of the Coachella Valley Mineral Society in at the high school is starting to work on
Laurentian Shield extending out of Canada October. A future field trip to a nearby the larger display to be housed in the mu-
and into the United States. fossil area was described by Gaylon Robert- seum: a panorama to eventually extend from
The best guess is that it is more than 2 son, field trip chairman. Santa Rosa peak to the loshua Tree National
billion years old and came into being by • • • Monument. From the Lik'n Lap, monthly
Fossil mammals of the Santa Fe, New bulletin of Coachella Valley Mineral So-
extrusion in the form of a basalt. It still ciety.
shows in its altered form a peculiar ellip- Mexico area was to have been the topic
soidal shape to the amygdules which would for discussion led by Ted Galusha of Es-
indicate that the flow of lava solidified panola at the October meeting of the Santa
under the water of some long-departed Fe Gem and Mineral Club. Mr. Galusha
Minnesota sea. The greenstone area has is a noted collector of fossils and worked
for the American Museum of Natural His-
Our Christmas Gift to You
been traced for 70 miles in an almost un- Slashed Prices for Early Shoppers
broken line from Vermillion Lake to Moose tory in New York.
Lake. The stone crops out on the surface The manufacture and identification of
(Make Your Own Christmas Presents)
in hills and ridges and typical specimens synthetic gems was to have been the dis- Excellent Polish — Various Materials
may be taken in the road cut on the west cussion led by Ken Stewart of the Stewart
Gem Shop at the October 21 meeting of Vi-lb. (approx. 30-35 pieces) $3.00
edge of the town of Ely. 1 lb. (approx. 60-70 pieces) $5.50
People in many parts of this country are the Wasatch (Utah) Gem Society at the Bell tips to glue on gems. Sterling silver or
familiar with this material called "Ely Forest Dale Club House. gold filled—per dozen $1.60
Greenstone." It belongs in your collection • • • TOP QUALITY—SUPERIOR CUT
as an example of the oldest rock in Minne- Dr. Frederick Pough of New York, well TITANIA
sota—perhaps in the world. From the Rock known mineralogist, gem authority, and $10.00 per carat
Rustler's News the monthly bulletin of the author presented an illustrated lecture to Beautifully styled Ladies' Solitaire in 14K
Minnesota Mineral Club. the Colorado Mineral Society in October. white or yellow gold set with .90 to 1.00
Dr. Pough was a staff member of the Ameri- ct. Titania $16.50
can Museum of Natural History in New Handsome Man's Solitaire in 14K white or
York for 17 years as Curator of Mineral- yellow gold set with .90 to 1.00 ct. Ti-
A pot luck supper and meeting was ogy. A new gem mineral brazilianite, a
tania - $27.00
planned October 11 by the Twentynine yellow phosphate first found in Minas GENUINE AGATE MARBLES
Palms Gem & Mineral Society, with a spe- Geraes, Brazil, was his discovery and he Mixed sizes,5 W to3 1", per doz $7.50
cial invitation to Marine personnel in that also is the author of the popular "Field Individual /s" to A", each 75
area to attend. Rocks found on summer Guide to Rocks and Minerals." Dr. Pough EARRINGS (made from agate spheres)
Unique, attractive. In Sterling or Gold
trips by the members was to have been the is now doing research on artificial colora- Filled, per pr $2.75
discussion of the meeting. A field trip four tion of diamonds and other gems by cyclo- LARIAT TIKS (The latest sport tie) with
hours from Twentynine Palms was sched- tron bombardment. 18/13 mm. cabochon, blue, red yellow $2.65
uled October 16-17. CUFF LINKS (Sterling) 30/22 mm. cabochon,
swivel base. Available in rhodonite, jade,
malachite, aventurine, tigereye, agate, etc.

M-SCOPE REWARD State stone desired, pr

Assorted Material, per lb



Drilled drops (approx. %" long), doz...$1.00
Nuggets (approx. %" diameter), doz $1.00
for uranium discovery! Mixed Cabochons 2 mm. to 8 mm. round.
200 stones for $1.00
Frogs and Turtles. These make up into novel
earrings, pendants and brooches, each $ .75
Gold filled wire for wrapping, 10 ft $1.00
DEALERS: Send letterhead to receive
wholesale price list
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded


"20th Century" prospectors — hunters, ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA
(Please add 10% Federal Tax and California
fishermen everywhere, take Goldak's new residents add 3% Sales tax, plus postage)
U-238B geiger counters on every trip! The
U. S. government offers $35,000 reward for
MODEL T - 1 0 $115.00
uranium deposits! JOIN THE THOUSANDS
USE OUR TIME PAYMENT PLAN who's hobby is gem cutting,
World's most sensitive uranium locator, jewelry making, mineral col-
• GEIGER COUNTERS the U-238B geiger counter is ideal for lecting. Send only $3.00 to-
• SCIKTILLATORS day—for 12 monthly issues
prospecting on your next trip out-of-doors. of national how-to-do-it mag-
© MINERALIGHTS Not much bigger than your hand, the azine. Sample copy 25c.
IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT U-238B is easily carried in any pack. Yet DEPT. J - 1 2 , PALMOALE, CALIF.
this amazing bantamweight locator costs

LESS than you thought possible!
Write today for complete, free details! GEIGER COUNTER


formation on proper instruments for pros-
pecting-ore recognition charts-how to file

FISHER RESEARCH LAB.,INC 60LDAK COMPANY claims, etc. Prices on complete line, Geiger,
Scintillation Counters, $39.95 & up. Pros-
pect for uranium fortunes. Write now.

Palo Alto California 1559 W. Glenoaks Boulevard DEALERS INVITED.

5 0 6 0 HOLLYWOOD BLVD., Dept. D M

DECEMBER, 1954 37
Nearly a hundred members and friends STONE-CUTTING BROUGHT LEGENDARY STONES
of the Shadow Mountain Gem and Mineral FOOD TO ABORIGINES OF THE ANCIENTS
Society of Palm Desert, California, en-
joyed a potluck dinner October 1, at the To the rockhound, rock means potential Scarabs are a familiar form of modern
Palm Desert Community Church. John W. cabochons or faceted gems, but to the In- jewelry with an ancient origin. The shape
Hilton, well known artist, author and ex- dians of California, it meant life itself. The is that of a beetle which in ancient times
plorer of the desert, entertained with sev- Paiutes used rocks to a greater advantage was to have been the means by which the
eral songs, accompanying himself on the than did other tribes. To them rocks used sun was propelled across the sky. Ancient
guitar. One of the songs he sang was in grinding allowed them to make food of scarabs are made from carnelian, amethyst
his own composition, "The Forty-Niner" seeds, acorns, nuts and dried meat. The and clay.
adopted as the official song of the Death Paiute used stone to obtain some of his Modern scarabs are not expensive and
Valley '49ers. Mr. Hilton gave an interest- game. The weapon was made of obsidian neither are they difficult to make—except
ing talk illustrated by colored slides de- (volcanic glass). in harder stone. In serpentine, ricolite,
scribing a trip he had taken into Mexico in Steatite was used for beads, which along catlinite (pipestone), or soapstone they can
search of a lost amethyst mine. with small shells were worn for ornaments be worked with the simplest tools. Grind
and used for cash. The Steatite beads were or shape en cabochon whatever size you
thick disks, about one-third of an inch in may choose. Jn soft stone a tiny steel
diameter and one-fourth inch in height. motor drill or burr will cut the lines of the
These were strung on buckskin. Obsidian
Handmade Sterling Rings splinters were used as drills for making
design. This may even be done with a hand
tool and a small amount of patience. In
Suitable for Agate or Petrified Wood. holes in these disks, and in the shells. Ob- harder stone a diamond drill or point should
$7.00 per Doz. sidian was also used to make holes in buck- do the work.
3 assorted samples, postpaid for $1.75 skin so it could be laced or sewed into gar- Scarabs have been in style for over 5,000
HANSEN NOVELTY CO. ments. Excerpts from an article by John years. A pair in earrings, a pin or a ring
W. Dixon in the Fresno Gem & Mineral will not only bring you right up to date—
Society's monthly bulletin Chips.
but according to the ancient Egyptians—a
bit of luck as well. Reprinted from tie
Minnesota Mineral Club bulletin Rock
Rustler's News.
/4%e • • 4
The field trip of the Compton Gem and
Mineral Club, of Compton, California, for
e Seen October was scheduled to be at the Black
Mountain, north of Hinkley, October 30
Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla and 31. Material to be collected, nodules,
Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry geodes and opal. Gerald Backus was to ie
field trip chairman.
Big Bug Creek, a two hour drive from
Bracelets. Rings, Necklaces, Earrings Phoenix, was the field trip planned by the
and Brooches Mineralogical Society of Arizona October
24. November 5, members planned to dis-
SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH play their collections at the Arizona State
Write for Folder With Prices • • •
ELLIOTT'S GEM SHOP Those gorgeous rocks we gather
As on desert trails we roam
235 East Seaside Blvd. LONG BEACH 2. CALIF Never seem to look as good.
Across from West End of Municina1 Once we get them home.
Auditorium Grounds
Hours 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily ExceDt Monday

We offer you immediate delivery from the
mosi complete line of Geiger counters, Scin-
SAWS! GRINDS! tilla tors, Nucliometers, Metal Detectors anc
^SANDS' BUFFS! 12" bench model, $72
16" floor model, $110 Mineralights in the West.
Everything in-
cluded except 20" floor model, $155
Real rockhounds saws
Write us
motor. Use. oil
Hillquistocces-I favored for their big for specific information—
capacity and lifetime
series. Ideal for 1 HILLQUIST DIAMOND SAWS construction. "Magic-
beginners. Only I I Cut Faster—Last longer-Cost
Brain" automatic feed
$42.50 compl°"»J I Less. Available in all sizes.
for above $46.3
HILLQUIST TRIM SAW I You'll swear by 'em, not at 'em!
135 N. Sirrine Street
The "Cadillac" of trim saws. Exclu-
Mesa 3, Arizona
sive "up-and-down"
i\arbor. "No-splash"
Before you buy any lapidary
equipment • send for our big Immediate Delivery
plastic guards.
Precision rock
clamp cmd guide.
Complete with 8 " FREE CATALOG! wheels. From
blade, $62.50


I Drills finest holes
New type metals detector.
metals from black magnetic sands. Ideal for
locating gold nuggets, placer deposits. De-
l o t high I The most popular drum tects metals under sal* water. Locates
1545 W. 49 St. SEATTLE 7, W N . I sander made. Patented
I speed and saws coins, jewelry
I discs up to 1 Vi". I "quick-lock' screw makes ^j»s on b e a c h e s .
I Exclusive ramrod I it easy to change sanding R Free from
I action prevents I cloth. 3"x7"-$9.50 false detec-
core plugging. tions. Each
unit supplied
with two dif-
I Bigger than the Gem-Master. Handles ferent search
HILLQUIST COMPLETE FACETER I up to a 10" saw. Saws, grinds, ^ coils. Ask for
Only $62.50 complete with 31 I sands, polishes, laps, facets,. -* free litera-
^ index plates. You can cut a n y l I cuts spheres — does every ture.
faceted form quickly and I
easily. The equal I
of faceters I CO., DEPT. DM
costing twice I 2018 N. DAYTON
the price. | PHOENIX, ARIZ.

The Seventh Annual Show of the Holly- and devote his time entirely to his business slides presented by Webster Parker were
wood Lapidary and Mineral Society planned of selling minerals and prospecting equip- entitled "Earth is Born," from Life Maga-
October 9 and 10 was to be held at Plum- ment. zine. The club planned a field trip to
mer Park, Hollywood, California. Catherine • • • Searles Lake gem and mineral show at
Clarke, a graduate of the Chicago Art In- Trona.
stitute, was to paint rock formations and The Third Annual Gem and Mineral
picture agates during the show. Grab bags Show was planned hy the Cedar City Rock
and a Cherry Tree, with gifts of earrings, Club of Cedar City, Utah, October 1 and DIAMOND BLADES
gem stones and trinkets wrapped in red 2. The show was to be displayed in the "Tre«t uourself t o the best"
cellophane paper, to be drawn during the lobby of the College of Southern Utah "Treat yourself to the best"
show were to be featured. memorial fieldhouse. Colored slides were Heavy-Duty Super Standard
• • • to have been shown on two outstanding Siiper-Chgd. Charged Charged
field trips and fluorescent rock exhibits were $ 9.03 $ 7.98
The Santa Barbara Mineral and Gem to be featured. 11.50 10.44
15.23 14.02
Society, of California, planned to have Pro- • • • 22.26 18.53
fessor C. Douglas Woodhouse of the Uni- The Hemet-San Jacinto Rockhounds plan
29.40 25.67
versity of California, Santa Barbara College 32.76 29.08
as speaker October 6. The talk was to be to open a class for juvenile enthusiasts to 63.60 43.20 36.12
be devoted particularly to Indian artifacts. 77.95 51.97 39.84
on "Minerals of Butte, Montana and Coeur 93.24 65.73 51.40
The club held its October meeting at the 149.62 125.73
d' Alene district, Idaho. He was to show home of the Misses Francis and Martha 226.00 188.05
specimens of this area. Wilcox with 24 members attending. Colored State Arbor Size
Q • • Kales Tax in California
Allow for Postage and Insurance
Charles Gritzner of Mesa, Arizona, has
announced that after four years of service Covington Ball Bearing Grinder
as a guide in the remote regions of Arizona, and shields are
he is going to discontinue his guide service furnished in .1
sizes and price
r a n g e s to suit
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES1' your require-
ments. Water and
grit proof.
Find war minerals! Here are a few of the
40 or more strategic rarer minerals which COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW
you may be overlooking in the hills or in
that mine or prospect hole: columbium, tan- and motor are com-
talum, uranium, vanadium, tungsten, nickel, pact and do not
splash. Save blades
cobalt, bismuth, palladium, iridium, osmi- and clothing with
um, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, titan- this saw.
ium, tin, molybdenum, selenium, germanium,
manganese, cadmium, thallium, antimony,
mercury, chromium, etc. Prices booming; BUILD YOUR OWN LAP
many much more valuable than a gold
mine: cassiterite now $1000 a ton; bismuth
$1500 a ton; columbite $2500 a ton; tanta-
WITH THE me WON and SAVE with a COV
INGTON 12" or 16' . ap
Kit. We furnish u—rv
lite or microlite $5000 a ton; tungsten $3
pound; platinum $90 ounce, etc. Now you
DEALERS SPECIAL @ thing y*M. need. .S.-IM'
for new iree laplriai.*
can learn what they are, how to find, iden-
tify and cash in upon them. Send for free
Here is the ideal field instrument for Uranium COVINGTON
copy "overlooked fortunes"—it may lead iMulti-Feature
to knowledge which may make you rich! prospecting. It's ultra-sensitive, low in cost, light- lfl" Lfipidary
A postcard will do. weight and small in size. Unit Does
The model 117 "Special Scintillator" is made eTerything
DUKE'S RESEARCH LABORATORY by Precision Radiation Instruments, Inc., manu- for you.
Box 666, Dept. B, Hot Springs, New Mexico facturers of the famous Model
111 "Scintillator:' COVINGTON
Contact your nearest dealer 12" 14" *
or write direct for free complete or 16" W
Power Feed
catalog on instrumentsfordetect- Diamond
inq Uranium and other metals. Slab Saws


l)t$niutn 2235 DSS S. La Brea, Los Angeles 16, Calif.
Please send free Catalog.
Used by the U. S. Government
Oetectot! Professional
Send for New Catalog, IT'S KHKK
Covington Lapidary Eng.
! City_ _Zone State-


Now you can check mineral Postpaid

specimens for uranium with
this amazingly sensitive, inexpensive optical
radioactivity detector. For prospector's, en- "HOW TO BE A
gineers, experimenters, hobbyists, everyone
interested in atomic energy. Now being used
in atomic energy laboratories and major
universities. Indicates radioactive content
with sparkles of light. Sturdy, durable,
portable as a pocket watch; needs no power
source. 30-power magnification. Has eye- Send for this iree booklet today. Also
positioning rubber shield. Supplied with
radioactive standard for exact specimen ask for free illustrated literature cov-
readings, uranium ore sample, carrying
pouch and complete instructions. FULL
ering geiger counters, scintillators,
WRITTEN GUARANTEE. and mineral locators.
Valuable data on radioactive ores, field, lab
and mill methods, maps, in 54-information- MAKE USE OF OUR
packed pages. Everything you need to know
about this vital new field. $1 postpaid. You TIME PAYMENT PLAN
can send for Handbook or Geigerscope sep-
arately—better yet, order both today! Send
check or Money Order to
KEN RESEARCH SALES 1961 University Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.
881 Main Street Haekensaek 10, N. J.

DECEMBER, 1954 39
TWO RARE MINERALS MAY are coarse, and the cavities in which it is
• Specializing in • found are large and of irregular branching
FINE FOREIGN GEMS Members of the Minnesota Mineral Club
shapes as compared to the round or oval
AND MINERALS masses of mesolite. It is white and diver-
are having difficulty in defining the differ- gently fibrous. Its microscopic characters
Lapidary Equipment and Supplies ence between Thomsonite and Mesolite. The
Gem drills—Jewelry tools—Sterling differ from mesolite in the spreading and
monthly bulletin of the Club, Rock Rustler's often fern-like forms which the fibers a*-
Jewelry Mountings—Books—Mineralights News quoted an article published by N. H. sume as they radiate and develop from a
SUPERIOR GEMS & MINERALS Winchell in 1898: common point.
4665 Park Blvd., San Diego 16, California "Thomsonite-—The characteristics of this "Mesolite—the most collected zeolites in
Open 10:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. mineral are somewhat different from those Minnesota. This mineral is usually white
Closed Sundays of mesolite. It is not known to possess but varies from white to pink and to green,
those peculiar cat's-eyes markings; its fibers these colors alternating in superficial bands
forming colored circlets or rosettes which
with its hardness have rendered it a mineral
NEW gem. It is strongly radiated in fine fibers
which are long and rigid, differing from
F-6 thomsonite, whose fibers are coarser and
somewhat irregular in direction and shape.
COUNTER SOLD HERH The East Bay Mineral Society of Oakland,
California, planned a field trip to Clear
$14900 Lake October 23 and 24, where jadeite,
green agate and quartz crystals were to be
collected. On October 21, Robert Deidrick
was to talk on Gold, demonstrating with
LARGE, COUNTS-PER-MINUTE METER actual panning of gold with participation
Jder on strap. Hoi
by the membership.
he f i e l d . Check i l l
RANGES-0-500, 0-5000 counts per m The Cheyenne Mineral & Gem Society
held its October meeting at the Carnegie
DS-234 Library. Dr. R. A. Houston of the Univer-
sity of Wyoming was guest speaker and
SCINTILLATION D e t e c t r o n Super- told of trees filled with uranium worth
Sensitive Radiation $150,000 that have been found in the ur-
Detector. Ideal f o r anium rush. In such discoveries the original
Gun type. Ultra hi-sensitivrty for detecting deep ura- tree has been replaced by uranium minerals
aerial or mobile search. G operating nium deposits by grid-
ranges—25, 5, 1, .25, .05 and .025 while retaining the shape of the original
map survey. 3 ranges 0-25, 0-250, an tree. He exhibited a large sample of this
MR/HR. Will operate in tempera-
tures from 35°F to 110°. 3 con- 0-2500 counts per sec. Excellent for phenomenon. There were 85 members and
trols-zero set, range and time
constant. Tropicalized, water- $
airborne use. Meter calibrated in $
counts-persec. 545 guests present at the meeting.
proofed and shock-proofed.
Most Sensitive $1295.00
• • •
H. L. Zollars, the Editor of The Voice,
the monthly bulletin of the El Paso Mineral
OTHER PROSPECTING EQUIPMENT and Gem Society of El Paso, Texas, has
V-43 MINERALIGHT-ldeal for field use in Uranium Prospecting, devised a way to stimulate interest in the
Mining, Ore Sorting, etc. Has a 6 bar quartz tube. Thumb-tip switch. study of gems and minerals by members
Built-in flashlight for white or ultraviolet light. Reflector, tube and filter of the Society. Each month he prints a
protected by metal guard. With carrying case and straps. Wt. 6U lbs. quiz, the answers can be found in rock and
$77.50 mineral books. The first member who sends
V-43 BATTERIES-6 V. Hot Shot $3.75 in the answers, with at least 13 out of 25
M l 2 MINERALIGHT— lightest, most compact field unit available. Built-in flashlight with 2-way correct, receives a tumbled gem for each
switch for white or ultraviolet. Pure fused quartz tube. Weighs only 3'i lbs $39 75 correct answer.
• • •
M l 2 BATTERIES for above. 6V. lantern type 90c
The Delvers Gem and Mineral Society of
MOD. 27 Dc Lu R-Wilh meter. MOD. 711 METAL DETECTOR-Will del Bellflower, California met at the Ed C.
Depth ronge 7 ft. $110.00 Lewis School in Downey to hear Mr. Marion
21 ft
Spears of the Western Trails Museum talk
ALSO AVAILABLE- Many other models Geiger Counters from $55.50, Scintillation on the Silverton, Colorado Mining District.
Counters, "Lalcewood" Chemical Test Kits, Gold Pans, Books for prospectors, etc. His talk was illustrated with colored slides.
NOTE: Order fro tliti ad. 5 0 % Deposit with C.O.O.'l. A l l prices F O B C o m p t o n , Calif. He told of the early days in mining and
OPEN TUESDAY EVENINGS TIL 10:00 gave details of assaying ore, the use of
crucible and cupel and a 30-pound hammer
for breaking up ore in the old days. The
1409 S. Long Beach Blvd., Dept. 15 field trip was to be at Boron and Castle
COMPTON ROCK SHO Compton, Calif. Phone NEwmark 2-9096 Butte for petrified wood.

B U L L E T I N S 2-A & % U B A R O Q U E S U P P L I E S F R E E
No. 2-A—Listing Kits, Findings, Mountings, Stones, Tumblers, Supplies, and Accessories.
No. 3—Special mountings cast to your stones in modern design and universal wrap around mountings.
9 STONE ASSORTMENT, approximately V2" size 9 for $1.80 rHOKFR & R R A r F I P T m m r KITS
9 STONE ASSORTMENT, approximately % " - % " size 9 for $2.70 CHOKER & BRACELET FINDING KITS
,, . . . . , ., , , Everything you need except the stones to
All one kind or assorted—your choice while stocks last. assemble a 9 stone bracelet. Kit Includes: 7",
No. 191 Bracelet Chain; 9 Caps; 9 No. 187
Jump Rings; 1 large Jump Ring. 1 heavy
Spring Ring. S.S. or G.F., complete.
Bracelet Findings Kit KB91 $2.25
Choker Findings Kit KC91 $3.00
Vi" Kit complete with 9 stones—$3.95
%" Kit complete with 9 stones—$4.85

Please allow for approximate postage, insurance, 10% Fed. Tax, California residents add 3% sales tax.
2732 Colorado Blvd.—Tel. AL 1488

By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal

There seems to be some confusion about ably that is because there are so few stone
the rewards for finding uranium that we quarries here. However there are many
discussed in this space in October. Several stone yards where rock is for sale from
persons have told us that they have found quarries all over America. B. W. Morant
uranium and nothing ever came of it. It of Monrovia, Calif., writes that these places
seems appropriate therefore to state again are prolific sources of nice and interesting
the terms upon which the Government re- specimens and if you live near a stone yard
wards uranium finders. we suggest that you visit it and see what
The Government has established a three you can discover.
point program for rewards. They have Mr. Morant writes that he thought the
guaranteed minimum prices for uranium only rock of any interest in stone yards
ore until March 31, 1962. They have guar- was the flagstone types from Arizona and
anteed a $10,000 bonus for each discovery Nevada but now he finds many ornamental
of 20 short tons of ore that will assay 20% stones from other states. "My first experi-
uranium content. We wrote that a circular ence," he writes, "was when I needed a
describing the new policy in detail is avail- rock to take to my club's Christmas party.
I did not have anything unusual to take
able without cost from the U.S. Atomic
Energy Commission, Box 30, Ansonia Sta- along to the party for my donation and by HILLQUIST
tion, New York City. chance I stopped at a stone yard in Pasa-
dena. Upon looking around at the rocks COMPARE!
We emphasize that the reward is not displayed I came upon a cream colored rock • Put the Hillquist Gemmaster beside any lapidary
given for the mere discovery of uranium, that did not look very exciting at a distance. machine — cheaper, flimsy "gadgets" or units that
so do not expect to get $10,000 just because sell at twice the price. Compare construction! Com-
Upon examining it at close range however pare ease of operation! Compare how much you
your geiger counter or other instrument of- it contained more full size fossils than I get for your money and you'll say, "I'll take the
fers evidence of uranium ore. Take the ore have seen in a rock for many years. The Gemmaster!"
and have it analyzed for uranium content yard man told me that he thought the ma- Here is a worthy companion for our larger and
before you start spending the money. terial came from Texas, near Austin. (It more expensive Hillquist Compact Lapidary Unit.
Geiger counters will click in thousands of was probably the turitella limestone from Tho smaller in size, the Hillquist Gemmaster has
places where it would not pay to mine Ihe which Clay Ledbetter of Austin fashions his many of the same features. It's all-metal with spun
uranium bearing ores. paper weights). aluminum tub. You get a rugged, double-action rock
clamp, not a puny little pebble pincher. You get a
Since writing the article we learn that "I recently visited the yard again and full 3" babbitt sleeve bearing and ball thrust bear-
under the program the production of ur- this time I found some very nice blue-gray ing. You get a big 7" Super Speed diamond saw
anium has doubled in the last 18 months slate filled with iron pyrite crystals and 1 and all the equipment you need to go right to work.
and the Engineering and Mining Journal also saw some nice agate that was cuttable.
recently stated, in a special report, that the The yard man said it came from Death USES ALL ACCESSORIES
You can use all the regular Hillquist accessories
recent activity marks the beginning of the Valley and that the slate came from Ver- with the Gemmaster: The Hillquist Facetor, Sphere
greatest mining boom in American history. mont." Cutters, Laps, Drum and Disc Sanders, etc.
More than 8000 persons are now employed We wrote an article one time about a
in the industry, about 1600 of them being WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG
field trip a society took in Portland where
employed in the processing plants. There they examined the building stone in many
are 550 producers shipping ore from the J COMPUTE, READY TO USE! YOU GET ALL THIS-
of the important buildings in Portland and
Colorado Plateau alone. tried to identify the materials. Los Ange-
The government itself is drilling about a les is a poor place for such a field trip be-
million exploratory feet a year while pri- cause so few buildings are made of beauti-
vate enterprise is doubling that figure. A ful stone due to rigid earthquake construc-
total of 461 properties has been certified tion requirements and because the newer
as eligible for bonus payments and very buildings are being made of terra cotta. BIG 7 Diamond Saw • 6" % 1 " Gri
Wheel • 6" Felt Buff • 6" Backing Wheel
nearly four million dollars have been paid concrete and other materials that are sup- 6" Disc Sander . Double-action Rock
under the program. posed to be more beautiful and more en- Clamp . Oil Feed Cup • Water Feed
during. Hose X Clamp . Dop Sticks & Dop W a x *
Next year 170 miles of access roads will Polish, Compound, Etc.

be built at an estimated cost of $2,500,000. However we doubt the enduring quali-

Until June of this year the government had ties. Too many modern architects forget that BUILT FOR LONG SERVICE!
No other low-cost lap unit
built 993 miles at a cost of nearly $6,000,- the only things our ancestors have left us gives you full 3" sleeve
000. from the ages before recorded history are bearing, ball thrust bearing
and pressure lubrication.
our chromosomes and their lapidary work
While many deposits have been found —the "seven wonders of the world," and
on the Colorado Plateau it is expected that all of them stone. They included the pyra- L tfA
new discoveries will develop at a fantastic mids the hanging gardens of Babylon, the
rate at many other spots. The newest hot Colossus of Rhodes and other monuments.
spot is the Kern River country near Bakers- And then, more recently there were the Taj
field, Calif. One department store in Bakers- Mahal and the Great Wall of China. But
field is reported selling 20 geiger counters the quarries are closing at many locations
a day. The sale of counters in the Los
Angeles area has increased fantastically.
because of the diminishing demand for
stone and the old time stone mason is dis- ALTA INDUSTRIES
appearing from the scene. 2123 W. ENCANTO BLVD.
Perhaps the prospectors will make more
money in the uranium boom than was Two years ago we visited the granite and PHOENIX, ARIZONA
made in the California gold rush but there's marble quarries in Vermont and hauled MANUFACTURE AND DESIGN
no thrill like seeing the stuff as you find it home a souvenir chunk for our yard. But we
rather than hearing it—if your battery's understand that even those quarries are New 10-12 inch powerfeed slabbing
working. just about holding their own despite the saw unit.
increasing population because modern cem- 16-18 inch powerfeed slabbing saw
eteries have abandoned stone memorials
and so many public monuments are being unit.
In the club bulletins that we receive from made from prosaic and unromantic concrete. New 10 inch trim saw unit.
the east we find that many of the field trips
are visits to local stone quarries and we Mr. Morant has projected an interesting
8 inch trim saw unit.
never remember reading of a field trip to thought however. A visit to a stoneyard Plain and ball bearing belt sanders.
a stone quarry by a California club. Prob- may prove very rewarding. Send postal for free literature.

DECEMBER, 1954 41
A Blue Range Wilderness Area, Ariz. Dec p21 Apache Vengeance Oct. p43
Air-conditioning Jul p6 Blythe, Calif. Sep p25 Treutlin, Theodore E. (translator),
Alpine, Ariz. Dec p21 Bony Tail Fish May p31, Jul p27 Pfefferkorn's Description of Sonora
Amargosa Desert, Calif Mar pl2 Book Reviews— Sep p43
Amboy, Calif. Nov. p6 Adams, Ensel, Death Valley Jul p43 Utah Writer's Project, Utah
American Potash & Chemical Co Jun p l l Adolph, E. F. and Assoc, Physiology of (Amer. Guide Series) ...Jul p43
Anahoe Island, Utah ..Nov. pl6 Man on the Desert Nov p43 Walker, M. V. (Editor), National Parks
Andesite Apr p6 Anderson, Andy, How to Carve and Monuments of Utah .Jun p43
Animal Life— Characters in Wood Mar p43 Wallace, William Swilling,
Antelope Dec p20 Arrington, Leonard J., Orderville, Utah: Antoine Robidoux . Sep p43
Bear Dec p20 A Pioneer Mormon Experiment in Eco- Weight, Harold O.,
Beavers Oct p l l nomic Organization Dec p47 Lost Mines of Death Valley .. Feb p43
Bighorn sheep Mar p4 Beebe, Lucius & Clegg, Charles, Legends Botany—
Burros Oct p23 of the Comstock Lode Dec p47 Bladder-pod Sep pl2
Coyotes Feb p9, Sep. p26 Benson, Lyman and Darrow, Robt. A., Bristlecone pines ..Sep p31
Deer.Jul p31, Aug p33, Sep p22, Dec p20 The Trees and Shrubs of the Southwest- Cactus Aug pl5
Desert woodrats Jun p l l ern Deserts Jul p43 Catsclaw Apr p4
Ground sloth Feb p5 Berton, Francis, A Voyage on the Chaparral ....Feb p20
Javelina Sep p24 Colorado Aug p43 Cheese-weed _ . Sep pl2
Kangaroo rat May pl9 Browne, J. Ross, A Tour Through Chinch-weed Sep pl2
Kit fox Apr p5, Mar p21 Arizona, 1864 Apr p43 Cooper dyssodia Sep pl2
Mountain Lion Dec p20 Browne, J. Ross, Explorations in Lower Croton May p20
Packrat Jan p26, Mar p21 Calif. 1868 ..Aug p43 Desert mistletoe Apr p42
Pocket mice Apr p5 Burt, Olive W., Young Jed Smith, Dicoria May p20
Squirrels Dec p21 Westering Boy Apr p43 Dropseed May p20
Wild horses Feb p20, Dec p6 Clements, Lydia, The Indians of Death Evening Primrose Aug p20
Yellow-bellied porcupine Jul pl4 Valley Sep p43 Greasewood Feb p20, Apr p4
Antiquities Act., U.S. Jan pl3 Cohen, O. Roy, Borrasca _ ...Mar p43 Great Basin sage Aug plO
Apache National Forest, Ariz Dec p21 Cosulich, Bernice, Tucson Jan p43 Hackberry tree .... ... _. Jul pl4
Apple Valley, Calif. Sep pl5, Oct pl4 Counselor, Ann and Jim, Halogeton Aug p32
Archeology— Wild, Wooly and Wonderful.. Oct p43 Hole-in-the-sand-plant Sep pl2
El Paso Gas Co. Pipeline Excavations Cummings, Byron, Indian rice May p20
Jan p13 Indians 1 Have Known Aug p43 Ironwood ... Apr p4
Mystery of the Vanished Gallinas Dockstader, Dr. Frederick J., The Ka- Joshua tree Jan p2l
Febpl6 china and the White Man Nov p43 Juniper .... Apr pp5, 16
Cave Find near Lake Mead May p32 Fenton, Carroll and Mildred, Lichen Jun p l l
Pre-Folsom Man Discovery Sep p32 Our Changing Weather Jun p43 Mesquite .. Apr p4
Architecture Jul p4 Ford Times, Mojave beardtongue Oct p24
Argus Mts., Calif. Jun plO Ford Treasury of the Outdoors... Jan p43 Mojave desert poppy . Jun p26
Arizona Indian Commission May p29 Fox, Maude, Ocotillo Apr p5
Arizona, Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson Both Sides of the Mountain May p43 Organ pipe cactus Jun p4
Sep p22 Graham, Col. W. A., Orocopia sage Oct p24
Atwater, Jane, Author of— The Custer Myth _. ..Mar p43 Palm trees Jan plO
Lost Wells-Fargo Gold. Apr pl2 Gregg, Josiah, Parish larkspur Aug plO
Legendary Lake of the Paiutes..~Hov pl4 Commerce of the Prairies Dec p47 Penstemon . . Dec p6
Atwater, Jane and Adrian (Close-ups) Grodzinski, Paul, Peyote Aug p29
Apr p34, Nov. p25 Diamond Technology ...Aug p41 Phacelias, purple Nov p8
Aylward, Dorothy Douglas, Author of— Hayes, Jess G., Porophyllu Sep pl3
Life on the Desert Oct p20 Apache Vengeance Oct p43 Pygmy century plant Jul pl4
Aztec Well, Calif. Oct p24 Houston, Eleanor Jordon, Sage ... Apr pl6
Death Valley Scotty Told Me Jun p43 Sagebrush Jun p28
B Jaeger, Ellsworth, Saguaro ... Nov p22
Backpacking Jan p4, Apr pl4 Land and Water Trails Feb. p43 Saltbush Apr p4
Bagwell, Mary L., Author of— Mason, Miriam E., Sand verbena May p20
The Lost Dutchman Mine..-Jan ppl8, 24 The Major and His Camels Feb p43 Spineless cactus Apr p 17
Bagwell, Mary L., (Close-ups). . . J a n p24 Mitchell, John D., Lost Mines and Buried Stonecrops Dec p7
Baker, Joseph Apr p8 Treasure Along the Old Frontier Jan p43 Tamarisk Oct plO
Ball, Clinton C. Mar pl2 Morss, Noel, Clay Figurines of the Tepary beans Apr pi7
Binnewies, Fred J u n p31 American Southwest Nov p43 Turpentine bush Sep pll
Birds—Attracting, Aug pl7; Arizona Car- Nadeau, Remi, The Ghost Towns Verbena Sep p!3
dinal, Sep p27, Arizona Blue Jay, Feb p9; of California Dec p47 Vinegar weed __ Sep p 12
Feeding, Sep p27; Broadtailed Humming- Olin, George, Wildflowers—
bird, July pl4; Book-Review—Song Birds Animals of the Southwest Desert Sep p43 Feb p27, Mar pl6, Apr p6, May plO
in Your Garden, Mar p43; Cactus Wren, Pough, Frederick H., Field Guide to Yucca Jan p29, Apr p5
Sep p27; Canyon Towhees, Feb plO; Rocks and Minerals Feb. p43 Bear Gulch Sep pi9
Cormorants, Nov pl5; Desert Quail, Feb. Rennie, Ysabel, The Blue Chip.Jul p43 Bighorn Sheep Mar p4
ppll, 12; Gray Titmouse, Feb p l l ; Hum- Ross, Edward S., Boundary Peak, Nev Dec p4
mingbird, Mar p23; Mountain Chickadee, Insects Close Up Apr p43 Bristlecone pines Feb p31
Feb pl2; Mourning Dove, Aug pi8, Sep Rountree, Lester, Bucksbaum Toll Road Apr p6
p27; Pelican, white, Nov pl6; Poorwill, Ronnie and Don Apr p43 Buena Vista Canyon, Nev. May p5
Nov p21; Quail, Aug pl8; Ravens, Jun Santee, Ross, Bullion Mts., Calif. Nov :p6
p l l ; Rocky Mt. Nuthatch, Feb plO; Sea Lost Pony Tracks Jan p43 Burdick, Clifford L., Author of—
Gull, Aug p23; Stephens Whippoorwill, Sierra Club of California, Going Light They Wouldn't Be Civilized Jun p4
Feb pl2; Western Mourning Dove, Feb with Backpack or Burro May p43 Burdick, Clifford L. (Close-ups) .. Jun pi8
p l l ; Woodhouse Jay, Feb p l l ; Finch Smith, Phil D., Burridge, Gaston, Author of—New Source
Rosy, Dec p8; Marsh Hawk, Dec p28; Knots for Mountaineering Aug p43 of Water for Desert Lands Apr pi8
Roadrunner, Dec p27; Turkey, Dec p20. Stewart, George, The Opening of the Burro-Flapjack Contest, Death Valley
Black Canyon Creek, Ariz. Oct p27 California Trail Oct. p43 _: Jan pl2
Black Canyon, Nev. Aug pl3 Storm, Barry, Burroughs, Hulbert, Author of •— Where
Blackford, John L., Author of— Thunder God's Gold Sep p43 Lake Mead Meets the Colorado ...Feb p4
Wings in the Desert Feb. p9 Sunset Magazine,
Black Mts., Calif. Apr p7 Sunset Western Garden Book May p43 c
Black River, east fork, Ariz Dec p22 Terres, John K., Cabrias, Julian . Nov plO
Black Rock Desert, Nev Aug p25 Songbirds in Your Garden Mar p43 Cady Mts., Calif. Nov p8
Blue Range Mts., Ariz. Dec p21 Tevis, Capt. James, Calico, Calif. Jan p9

California Fed. Mineralogical Societies Erickson, Carl, Author of— Head, Alton Feb pl4
....Feb p38, Mar p9, May p39 Don't Blame the Ranchers Sep p25 Henderson, Randall, Author of—•
Camping— Ernst, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence May p5 Old Indian Waterhole Jan plO
Death Valley Campground Apr p27 Field Day at Coon Hollow Mar p9
On Desert Trails with a Naturalist; We Climbed an Old Volcano.....May pl5
I—Campfires Apr p4 Fairview Range, Nev. Dec pl4 We Built for Summer Comfort Jul p4
Letter: Fires Jun p27 Fall, J. C. May p8 Boatride in Desolation Canyon Oct p9
Organ Pipe Cactus Farnsworth, Dr. Read Jan p4 Hesperia, Calif Jul p31, Aug pp9, 33
National Monument Area Dec p29 Faulhaber, Charles E. Mar p9 Hibben, Dr. Franlc Feb ppl7, 32
Schedule of Sierra Club Summer Trips Fig Tree John Jan p l l Highways and roads, trash along—
Jun p33 Fish .May p31, Jun p31, Jul p27 .....Jan p28, Feb p42, Mar p21, Apr p31
Canyon Springs, Red Canyon, Calif. Oct p24 Flagstaff, Ariz. Jul pl5 Hiking—Jan pp4, 28, Feb p42, Mar p21,
Cargo Muchacho Mountains _. ...Sep pl8 Forbes, W. J. May p7 Apr ppl4, 31
Carney, Clifton and Charlene Feb p24 Fort Union, Texas Sep p32 Hoge ferry landing Sep pl8
Carrizo Wash, Calif. Sep pl9 Fossils—Jan p l l , Sep p31, Oct p32, Nov Hole-in-the-rock Spring, Death Valley
Castle Dome Mts., Ariz. Apr p8 p30, Dec pp31, 32 - J u l p 17
Castle Dome Plain, Ariz Apr p8 Franciscan Order . - Jan p28 Hole-in-theJ^ock, Utah ... Jun p22
Cattle Springs, Nev. Jan p8 Hole-in-the-sand-plant Sep pl2
Cave Hills, Calif. Jun pl6 Homesteading—
Chase Creek, Ariz. Jul pl9 Gadsden.Jas Mar pl3 Tract opened at Twcntyninc Palms
Chief Tecopa, Paiutes Nov pl2 Gadsden Purchase Mar pl3 Apr p32
Chocolate Mts., Calif. J a n p27 Gallenkamp, Charles, Author of— Life on the Desert Apr pl7
Christman, A. B., Author of— Mystery of the Vanished Gallinas Feb pl6 Apple Valley homesteaders, editorial
"Burro" Schmidt Apr p7 Raphael's Last Deer Dance _ ..May p l l _ Jun p42
Chuckawalla Mountains Nov p21 Gallina R., N. M. Feb pl7 Cabin on Lizard Acres .._. Sep pl5
Clark Mountain, Calif. . Jul pl3 Gamble, Dr. William Dec p29 Five Acres of Desert Freedom Oct p4
Clark, Sen. Wm. Andrew Jul pl4 Gavilan Wash, Calif. Sep pl9 Hoover Dam Mar p23
Clemens, Sam (Mark Twain) May p7 Gem and Minerals (Collecting Areas)— Horses, wild Feb p20
Clifton, Ariz ......Jul pl9, Dec pl8 Castle Dome Plain, Ariz Apr p8 Hot Weather, Jokes about Jul p24
Clifton, Henry ...Jul pl9 Coon Hollow, Calif Mar p9 Hunter, Bev Apr ppl4, 16
Coachella Valley Mineral Soc... Mar p9 Eldorado Canyon, Nev. Aug pl2
Coal Creek, Utah Oct pl2 Gem Hill, Rosamond, Calif .Oct pl6 I
Cody, Buffalo Bill Nov p24 Hauser Beds, Calif. Mar p9 Imperial Gables Sep pl9
Coffey, Frank Oct p23 Limestone Gulch, Ariz. ...Jul pl8 Indians—
Collins, John Jan plO Pisgah Crater, Calif. Nov p5 Administration of Jul p9
Colorado River ___ Feb p4, Dec p29 Potato Patch, Calif. Mar p9 Arts and Crafts Jan pl7, May p32
Colt, Samuel Apr p43 Travertine Point, Santa Rosa Mts., Calif. Ceremonials—records of Indian chants
Compton, Mel (Close-ups) Mar p25 Jan plO Apr pp27, 29
Cooking Mar plO, Apr pp4, 16, 28 Twin Buttes, Calif Mar p9 AlUndian pow-wow, Flagstaff—Jul pl5;
Coon Hollow, Calif Mar p9 Whipple Mts., Calif. Jun pi3 Navajo's Blessing Way, May p29, Jul p29;
Cooper dyssodia Sep pl2 Wiley Well, Calif. Mar p9 Pueblo Deer dance, May p l l ; Smoki
Corn Springs _.. Oct p24 Gems and Minerals (Specimens) — dances, Aug p42; Hopi Snake dance. May
Coronado Trail, Ariz Dec p 18 Agate— p28, Aug pp4, 42
Cover, Tom May p22 . Apr p8. Mar plO, Aug pl2, Dec p29 Education _.. Jun p32, Oct. p20
Coyotes Feb p9, Sep p26 Andesite Apr p6 Food Aug p6
Crompton, Bob (Close-ups) Jul pl2 Chalcedony Nov pl7, Dec pl5 Health — Jan p29, Apr p29, May p29,
Crook National Forest, Ariz. Dec p20 Chalcedony roses Aug pl2 July p29, Aug p29
Croton May p20 Crystal clusters Aug pl2 Legends Jul pl7, Aug p5, Nov pl5
Crystal Creek, Utah Jan p6 Diatoms Aug p37 Pictographs ... Mar p7, Jul p42
Cnster, Maj. Gen. Geo. A. _. Aug pl2 Garnets Jan p l l Prehistoric Jan pl5, Feb ppl6, 32
Geodes, Calcite Dec pl4 Tribes—Cahuilla, Jan p l l ; Chemehuevi,
D Jade --- - Oct p35 Jun pl4; Havasupai, Jul p29; Hopi, Jan
Dead Horse Wells, Nev. Dec pl4 Jasper—Apr p8, Jun pl3, Jul pl8, Nov p5, pl7, Aug p4; Navajo, Jan p29, Apr p25,
Death Valley—Jan pp32, 42, Feb pp22, 23. Dec pl4 Jul plO; Paiute, May p31; Nov ppl2, 15;
31, Jul pl6 Moss Agate Nov pl7 Pueblo, May p l l ; Seri (Mexico), Jun p4;
Death Valley Encampment— Petrified palm root Apr p8 Ute, Oct plO, Dec p31
Jan p42, Feb pp22, 23, Mar p27 Petrified wood..... .._ .. Apr p8, Nov pl7 Indian Mesa, Calif. __ Sep pl9
Death Valley 49ers — Jan pp31, 42, Feb Plasma-agate ... Oct pl6 Indian rice May p20
pp22, 23, Mar p27, Jun p42, Aug p31, Quartz monzonite Oct pl7 Indian traders Aug pl9
Oct pi4. Sandspikes ....Apr p8 Insects—
Deatfffyalley Scotty — Feb p25, Mar p42, Geology Jun plO, Nov pl7 Black Widow Bites, Antivenom Dec p29
Jun ppl8, 42, May p23. Gerke, Margaret (Close-ups) .. Oct p21 Book review Insects Close Up Apr p43
DeCourcy, Dr. May p23 Ghost Towns— Mormon crickets Aug pp23, 33
Deep Creek, Utah Jan p6 Calico, Calif Jan p9 Pinacate beetles May p20
Dehydrated Food Dec p6 DeLamar, Nev Jan p20 Tent caterpillars . Aug pl4
De La Mar, Capt. John Jan p22 Dun Glen, Nev. May p8 Ives, Lt. Joseph C... Jun pl4, Aug pl2
Delamar, Nev. Jan p20 Gila Bend, Ariz. Sep p25
Deming, Oscar, Author of— Hesperia, Calif Jul p31, Aug pp9, 33 J
Government Sheep Herder Mar p4 Metcalf, Ariz. Jul p20 Jacumba, Calif. . . May p31
De Niza, Fray Marcos Mar p4 Unionville, Nev. May p5 Jaeger, Edmund C , Author of—
Desemboque, Mexico Jun p4 Gilbert, G. L. Jan p7 On Desert Trails with a Naturalist: I—
Desert Climate Aug p20, Sep p25 Goldpanning Jul p35 Desert Campfires, Apr p4; II—Exploring
Desert Homes Jul p4 Gold Rock Ranch, Calif.. Aug pl7, Sep pl8 the Kelso Dunes, May p 19; III—Giant
Desert Living Jul p4, Aug p20 Goodwin, T. R. Feb p31 Steeples of Lime, Jun plO; IV — Clark
Desert Travel Apr p28 Goulding, Harry Aug p42 Mountain Wonderland, Jul p i 3 ; V—The
Desolation Canyon, Utah Oct p9 Granite Well, Calif. .. Oct p23 Ghost that Refuses to Die, Aug p9
Diatoms Aug p37 Gray Canyon, Utah Oct pl4 Desert Plants You Can Tell by Their
Dicoria May p20 Green River, Utah Oct p9 Odors . Sep p l l
Dos Palmas Sep pl8 Ground Sloth Feb p5 Bird that Sleeps all Winter . . N o v p21
Double Circle Ranch, Ariz Dec p21 Burro Man of Corn Springs Oct p23
Douglas, Ariz. Dec p25 H Clown of the Wastelands Dec p27
Dun Glen, Nev. May p8 Haile, Fr. Berard Jun p32 Jaeger, Edmund C. (Close-ups) —
Hall, Dr. Harvey Oct p24 .Feb p26, Mar p5, Nov p25
E Halogeton Aug p32 Johnnie Mine, Calif. _ _ Mar pl2
Earthquake Valley . _ Nov plO Hanus, Charlie and Nell Jan p8 Johnson, Albert M. Feb p25, Jun p4
Echo Park Dam—Jan p33, Feb pp4, 33, Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley Johnson, Jill Apr pl6
Mar p31, Apr p27, May p33, Aug p42 each issue Jones, Raymond Smith and Adell, Authors
Eldorado Canyon, Nev. Sep p25 Harris, Shorty Jul pl7 of—Last Wagon Through the Hole-in-the-
Emmons, Glenn L. Jul p9 Hazen. Guy Jan plO Rock Jun p22

Jones, Adell (Close-ups) Jun pl8 Jun pl4; Wiley Well, Mar p l l . Petroglyphs .. ....Nov pl7
Joshua Tree National Mon., Calif. Mexico—Tiburon Island, Sonora, Jun p6. Peyote Aug p29
Jun p42, Nov p2fi Nevada—Delamar Ghost Town, Jan p2; Phelps-Dodge corp. Mar pl9, May p42
Joy, Ella Brison, Author of— Desert Game Range, Mar p4; Eldorado Phoenix, Ariz. _ Sep p25
Life on the Desert May p21 Canyon. Aug pl3; Unionville, May p6. Phoenix Dons Mar pl9, May p42
Joy, Ella Brison (Close-ups) May p28 New Mexico—Gallina Indian Ruins, Feb Photography (contest winners) —
Julian Parra Wash, Calif. _ Sep pl9 pl8; Boundary Peak, Dec p6; Fairview Adrian Atwater, Keith Wiliey Jan p9
Valley Gem Hunting Section, Dec pi6. Adrian Atwater, Willard Luce—Feb pl5
K Utah—Zion National Park. Jan p6; Pyr- Hulberl Burroughs, Willard Luce Mar p23
Keeney, Jim _ ... Feb p 14 amid Lake, Nov pl6. Adrian Atwater,
Kehama Mine, Nev. .. -Jan p8 Maps, Gadsden Purchase .. -.Mar p 14 Nicholas N. Kozloff Apr p23
Kelly, Douglas E., Author of— Mariachis - Dec p25 Clinton L. Hoffman,
Scaling the Ship of the Desert.— Sep p5 Martinez, Maria Jul p33 Hubert A. Lowman . May p4
Kelly, Douglas E. (Close-ups) Sep p28 Mather Point, Grand Canyon Jan p29 Harry Vroman, Valdis Avots Jun p21
Kelso Dunes, Calif. .. ....May pl9 Mattress, plastic air Dec p5 Clinton L. Hoffman. Willard Luce Jul p23
Kelty Pack Apr pl6 Medina, Raphael —May pll Andrew Crofut,
Kennedy, Jessie, Author of— Meeker, Ezra -Feb p21 Alexander Wiederseder Aug p2
Mexican Christmas at Douglas Dec p25 Metcalf, Ariz. .. Jul p20, Dec p20 Willard Luce,
Kerley, Joe, Author of— Midway Well, Calif. .. -Sep p20 Dr. J. Robert Lindsay Sep p4
Navajos I Have Known . Apr p25 Miller, Dr. Alden - ...Jul p l 4 L. R. Fantozzi,
Kershaw Canyon State Park, Nev.—Jan p20 Mining— Nicholas N. Kozloff Oct pi5
Keynot Mine, Calif. Apr pp 14. 16 American Girl Mine, Calif-. Sep p 18 Dick Randall.
Keynot Peak, Calif. .. — Apr pl4 Hedges Mine, Calif. .. - S e p pl8 Henry P. Chapman Nov p23
Knight, Harry __Nov p24 Mesquite Diggings, Calif. Sep pl8 Robert .1. Bochek, Nicholas N.
Nevada Scheelite Mine ._ - Dec p 14 Kozloff . Dec p24
Tropico Gold Mines, Calif- Oct p 16 Photography (covers) —
Labbe, Chas. H. .. ... Mar p l 2 Tumco Gold Mines, Calif. __ _ - Aug p 17 Daughters of the Nile
Lake l.ahonton, prehistoric, Utah Nov pi7 Uranium Oct pl8, Dec pl7 Chuck Abbott . Jan
Lake Mead, Nev. ....Feb p4 Mitchell, Ray C. - ...Jan p41 Beavertail Cactus in Bloom,
Langley, Dama, Author of— Mogollan Rim. Ariz. Dec p20 Ralph Cornell . ...Feb
Indians' Choice in Washington Jul p9 Mollusks - Nov pl8 Bryce National Park, Utah,
Revolt Against Ancient Gods. Aug p4 Molina. Juan ...Jun p4 Robert J. Morris Mar
Lapidary— Mona Tank, Calif. .. -...Sep p20 Come and Get It, Josef Muench Apr
Amateur Gem Cutter, by Lelande Quick Mono Craters, Calif. — Jun p31 Saguaro Blossoms, Hubert Lowman .May
each issue Monument Peak. Calif. Jun pl4 Red Walls, Rushing Water,
Dopping _.Jan p41, Mar p41 Moomaw, Jack C , Author of— Esther Henderson ___ Jun
Sanding Jun p41 / Made a Vase of Jade . Oct p35 Kofa Palm Canyon, Chuck Abbott Jul
/ Made a Vase of Jade ._ Oct p35 Mopah Peak, Calif. _ -May pl5 Navajo Sandpainting, Josef Muench Aug
Tumbling gems Mar p32 Morenci, Ariz Jul pi8 Deer at a Desert Water Hole,
Las Posadas _ — Dec p25 Mormons Jun p22, Aug p23 Lewis W. Walker —Sep
Las Vegas, Nev Sep p25 Mt. Baldy Wilderness Area. Ariz.. Dec p21 Painted Desert, Syl Labrot.... ....Oct
Laudermilk, Jerry „ Feb p5 Mountain climbing— Prospecting on the Rio Grande,
Lavic, Calif. __ Nov p7 Apr p42, Sep p5, Dec p4 Josef Muench Nov
Leadabrand, Russ, Author of— Mueller, E. J., Author of—A Tumbling Indian Watch Tower at Grand Canyon,
Lost Gold of Indian Gully Nov plO Mill for the Amateur Mar p32 Carlos Elmer Dec
Leadabrand, Russ (Close-ups) Nov p25 Mueller, E. J. (Close-ups) ..... - M a r p25 Pictographs Nov p26
Lederer, Gus __Oct p23 Mulligan Peak, Ariz. —Jul p21 Pillsbury. Dorothy, Author of—Bulldozers
Lederer, Muriel, Author of — Uncle Sam Murbarger. Nell, Author of— Followed the Archeologists .... - .Jan pi3
Bought a Cactus Garden __..Mar pi3 Golden Ghost of the Nevada Hills Pilot Knob, Calif. .. Jun pl2
Lederer, Muriel (Close-ups) Mar p25 ....Jan p20 Pinnacles National Mon., Calif. ...Jun pit)
Lee, Betty, Author of— Nevada Ghost Town Where the School Pisgah Crater, Calif Nov p5
Cabin on Lizard Acres Sep p 15 Bell Still Rings May p5 Pond, Alonzo W., Author of—Increased
Leigh, Randolph Jan p3 1 Josie Pearl, Prospector on Nevada's Black Comfort and Efficiency in Summer
Leonard, Melvin and Martha May p6 Rock Desert . —Aug p25 Heat -Aug p2()
Lesure. Thos. B., Author of— Murbarger, Nell (Close-ups) May p28 Pond, Alonzo W. (Close-ups) . Aug p2()
Trek for Lost Gold _..Mar p!9 Porter. Willard H., Author of—
On the Trail of Coronado— ... Dec pi8 N He Rode with Buffalo Bill Nov p24
Lilly, Ben Feb p20 Navajo Center. Ariz. ... Apr p8 Potato Patch, Calif. -Mar p9
Limestone Gulch, Ariz- Jul pl8 Needles. Ariz. Sep p25 Powell, Major John Wesley -Oct p9
Lockwood, Charles Ballou, Author of — Needles, landmark, Utah . Nov p 17 Pratt, Helen, Author of—
Why Utah Loves the Sea Gull. . Aug p23 Newberry. Dr. J. S. Aug pl2 Life on the Desert Feb p24
Lockwood, Charles Ballou (Close-ups) Nusbaum, Dr. Jesse .. -Jan pl.3, Sep pi3 Pratt, Helen (Close-ups) .. Feb p26
-..May p28 Price, Edna, Author of—The 'Other People'
Lost Mines— Oatman Massacre _ -Jun p29 Who Come to the Waterholes Jul pl6
Lost Arch Mines May pi5, Jul p27 Oliver, Harry, Author of— Primary water Apr pl8, Jun p28
Lost Black Mesa Placer _ Oct p27 Let 'Er Blow Mar pl8 Promontory, Utah Dec p32
Lost Cement Mine Jun pl9 l20°m the Shade ___ -Jul p24 Pyle, Ernie ._ Aug p25
Lost Dutchman Mine Orderville Creek, Utah Jan p5 Pyramid Lake, Nev. Nov pl4
Jan pl8, May p43, Jun p27 Oriflamme Mountains, Calif. Nov plO
Lost Gold of Indian Gully Nov plO Orocopia sage Oct p24
Lost Mule Shoe Gold - Sep pl8 Osborn. Margaret, Author of— Quartz monzonite ....Oct pl7
Lost Pegleg Mine May p22 Robber Rat of the Desert ... Jan p26 Quick, Lelande, Author of—
Lost Sewing Basket Mine Feb pi4 Osdick, Pete Apr p7 Amateur Gem Cutter. each issue
Lost Wells-Fargo Gold Apr pl2 Ouray, Utah .. —Oct plO R
M Rainbow Natural Bridge .. —Sep pi3
Madonna of the Trail Monument, Pace, Frank and Vilate .. —Jan p20 Rainmaking May p32
Ariz Dec p21 Pachalka Springs, Calif. _ Jul pi3 Rampart Cave, Ariz. Feb p5
Madrid, N.M. Jun p32 Painted Rock Dam, Ariz. _ -Sep p29 Ranch 4S, Calif. Sep pl8
Maps— Palm Springs Tramway, Calif Jun p29 Ransom, Jay Ellis, Author of—
Arizona—Castle Dome Plain, Apr p8; Patton, Gen. George Apr p31. Jul p31 Petrified Flotsam Along the
Clifton-Morenci area, July pl9; The Co- Pearl. Josie -Aug p25 Colorado Apr p8
ronado Trail. Dec p20 Pegleg Liar's Contest Mar p27 Gem Hill on the Mojave -Oct pl6
California—Earthquake Valley, Nov plO; Pegleg Well, Calif. _ ...Jan p27 Ransom, Jay Ellis (Close-ups) . ..Oct p21
Clark Mt., July pl3; Kelso Dunes, May Perceval, Don (Close-ups) .. ....Nov p25 Rattlesnake Creek, Utah —Oct pl4
p20; Keynot Peak, Apr pl4; Lost Mule Peterson, Catherine Venn, Author of— Reavis, E. A. Jan pi8
Shoe Gold, Sep p20; Pisgah Crater, Nov. Five Acres of Desert Freedom Oct p4 Reclamation—
p6; Pinnacles Nat. Monument, June pl2; Petrasch, Herman ...Jan pi8, Jun p27 New Source of Water for Desert
Stein's Rest Oasis, Jan pi 1; Whipple Mts., Petrification Apr plO Lands . Apr p!8

Imperial Valley, east mesa Sep p31 Twin Buttes, Calif. - Mar p9 Wilson, Henry E. W. .. Jan plO
Wellton-Mohawk Sep p29 Wilson, Tom _... Jul pl7, Sep p26
Red Cloud Mine and Springs Oct p24 u Wilton, Grace M. Author of—
Reiss, Stephen Apr pl8, Jun p28, Nov p42 Unionville, Nevada . —May p5 Life on the Desert ... Nov pl9
Reptiles— V Wilton, Grace M. (Close-ups) Nov p25
Chuckawallas _ _ Jul p23 Vargas, Glenn ... Mar p9 Winnemucca Mts., Nev. __.. Dec p31
Collared lizard ...Feb p24 Vinagre Wash, Calif. - S e p pl9 Winters, Wayne (Close-ups) Feb p26
Rattlesnakes — Jan p27, Mar pp21, 22, Virgin river, Utah .... Jan p4 Wiser, Jacob Jan pl8
May p28, Jul p27 Virgin, Thos. Jan p7 Y
Snake-bite treatment Nov p26 Von Dornum, Rae, Author of—
Tortoise Nov p7 Life on the Desert .._ . Jan p8 Yarnell, Harry May p23
Roadside parks Jan p28, Feb p21 Von Dornum, Rae (Close-ups) Jan p24 Yuma, Ariz. Sep p25
Rock Creek, Utah Oct pl2 Yuma Test Sta., Ariz. Apr p8
Rock Springs, Ariz. _ Oct p27 w z
Rose Peak. Ariz. Dec pIS Walbrecht, Freda, Author of—
Through the Narrows to Zion .. Jan p4 Zion Narrows, Utah ___ Jan p4
s Walbrecht, Freda (Close-ups)...
Walker, Carl and Margaret
Jan p24
Aug pl7
Zion National Park. Utah . Jan p4
Saline-Valley, Calif. Nov pl2
Walker, Lewis, Author of—When Wildings
Salt Creek Wash, Calif. .. Oct p24 Come to a Desert Water Hole.. Sep p22
Salton Sea, Calif. Mar p29, Nov p29 ANSWERS TO QUIZ
Walpi, Ariz. __ Aug p4
Santa Clara pueblo, N.M. ..May p l l Walzer, Jacob Jan pl8. Mar pl9 Questions are on page 26
Schmidt, Wm. H., "Burro", Apr p7, May p31 Weight, Harold O., Author of—
Scott, Walter (see Death Valley Scotty) 1—Mt. Whitney in California.
Crystal Roses of Eldorado . Aug pl2 2—Petroglyphs.
Selvas, Carita, Author of— Gem Hunting with a Nevada
Life on the Desert .. Jul p25 Prospector Dec p 14 3—Paiutes.
Shafer Trail, Utah _ . Mar p31 Indian Jasper in the W hippies - - J u n p l 3 4—Dwelling.
Shepherd, Shep, Author of— Lost Mule Shoe Gold Sep pl8 5—Salt River.
Lost Ledge of Mammoth Canyon Jun pl9 6—Yucca.
Nature's Tumbled Gems at Pisgah Nov p5
Shiprock, N.M. Sep p5 Weight. Harold and Lucile (Close-ups) 7—Mormon missionary.
Shoshone, Johnny Jul pl6 8—Old mission near Tucson.
...May p28 9—Arizona.
Sierra Club of Calif. Werner, Louise, Author of—
.. Apr pl4, May p 15. Jun p33, Dec p4 10—Ocotillo.
Atop Nevada's Highest Peak . Dec p4 11—East.
Smith, Cap and Olga, Authors of — Birds Trail to Key not Summit Apr p14
Are Welcome (it Gold Rock Ranch 12—Cactus.
Wetherill, John and Louisa, 13—Mt. San Jacinto
Aug pl7 Plaque in Memory of Sep pl3
Smith, Cap and Olga (Close-ups)- Aug pl6 14—National Park Service.
Whipple, Lieut. A. W.._ -Jun pl4 15—Uranium prospecting and mining.
Smith, Lloyd Mason . Jan p42, Mar p5 White Mountain Peak. Nev. Dec p8
Smith, Pegleg May p22 16—Grinding meal.
White Wash. Calif. -Sep pl9 17—Arizona.
Smith, Pricilla Jun p29 Wiley, A. P. Mar p9
Smith, Shine _ Aug p42 18—Highway or road.
Wiley's Well, Calif. Mar p9 19—Superstition Mountains.
Smith, Stanford and Arabella . Jun p22 Williams, Fred and Betty Lee (Close-ups)
Jul 20—George Wharton James.
Snails Pi4 - Sep p28
Snake-bite Treatment Oct p26 Willow Spring .. Sep p20
Soledad, Rosamond, Calif. .. Oct pl6
Sonovia natural water tank Sep p20
Spanish windlass
Spell, Les _
Splitter, Henry Winfield
Apr p28
Jan pl2, Feb p22
-May p22
State of California
For Offices, Realtors, Lumbermen, Sportsmen and Miners. With Township, Range, Section,
Squaw boots Jan p17 Mines, Roads, Trails, Streams, flail roads. Elevation, National Forests, Power Lines, etc.
Squaw and Her Basket, landmark, Utah The maps are white prints well drafte< . kept reasonably up-to-date alw ays. Endeav< r is
made to produce best, accurate, serviceable map from most authentic data
Nov pl5 (TO ORDER: Place check mark n front of name or names of Maps desired*
Stage Routes— _Alameda 20x30 SI.25 Plumas 33x40 1.50
Butterfield Route, Calif. Nov plO Alpine 17x23 1.25 Plumas 27x22 1.25
Old Bradshaw or Chuckawalla Trail, , Amador __ 20x30 1.25 Riverside 27x98 5.00
Calif. Sep p20 Butte 29x33 1.2" Riverside 18x66 2.50
Calaveras 21x31 1.25 Sacramento 26x32 1.25
Stein's Dr. Oasis,
L. Jan plO
Oct p26 Colusa 24x25 1.25 San Benito 19x38 1.25
Stenmark, Dick (Close-ups) Sep p28 __Contra Costa 19x28 San Bernardino, No. */a or So. <& 7.50
Stevens, Ed _. _1_ __ — Mar p27 Del Norte 24x25 1.25 San Bernardino—N.W. VA 3.75
Eldorado 24x39 1.25 San Bernardino—S.W. 'A 3.75
Strobel, Lee. Author of— Fresno 28x50 2.50 San Bernard ; no—N.E. 3.75
Life on the Desert - ..Apr pl7 Fresno 42x75 5.00 San Bernardino—S.E. VA 3.75
Strobel. Lee (Close-ups) Apr p34 Glenn 18x33 1.25 San Diego 38x4!) 2.50
. .Humboldt 20x36 1.25 San Diego 26x34 1.25
Superstition Mountains, Ariz. JIumboldt 30x56 2.50 San Francisco .. 36x40 1.25
Jan pl8. Mar pi9 _Imperial 31x51 2.00 San Joaquin 22x3-1 1.25
Sutcliffe Stage Coach stop Nov pi7 Jnyo ... 67x!)2 1 5.00 San Luis Obispo 35x56 3.00
Inyo. East and West Half, ea. 7.50 San Luis Obispo 38x24 1.25
Kern ...38x78 5.00 San Mateo 20x32 1.25
^Kern 26x58 2.50 Santa Barbara 36x38 1.50
Taylor, Fenton, Author of— Kern 18x38 1.25 Santa Barbara 33x23 1.25
Jasper in Limestone Gulch Jul pl8 Kings 27x29 1.25 Santa Clara 25x33 1.25
Temple of Sinawava, Utah Jan p4 Lake 24x36 1.25 Santa Cruz 19x24 1.25
Lassen 26x30 1.2." Shasta 34x49 3.00
Thompson, Louis Switzer, Author of— Lassen 38x55 3.00 Shasta ...33x24 1.25
Life on the Desert _ ...Mar pl7 . _Los Angeles 42x44 3.00 Sierra 16x31 1.25
Thompson, Louis Switzer (Close-ups) , Los Angeles 33x35 1.25 Siskiyou 39x62 4.00
Madera 23x50 1.50 Siskiyou ...26x43 2.00
Mar p25 Marin 23x24 1 25 Siskiyou 20x32 1.25
Thoroman, E. C. Author of— Mariposa 29x33 1.25 Solano 22x25 1.25
Lost Black Mesa Placer . - Oct p27 _Mendocino 36x48 2.50 Sonoma 29x36 1.25
..Mendocino 24x30 1.25 Stanislaus . .. 34x30 1.25
Tiburon Island, Mexico Jun p4 Merced ...34x36 1.25 Sutter 21x24 1.25
Toles, Elsie and Myriam, Authors of— _Modoc 34x41 1.50 Tehama 26x48 2.00
We Learned About Birds by Feeding Modoc 28x24 1.25 Tehama ... 17x32 1.25
Mono 23x67 3.00 Trinity ...33x52 3.00
Them . -_ --Sep p27 . Monterey 42x52 3.00 Trinity ...23x34 1.25
Toles, Elsie and Myriam (Close-ups) .Monterey 28x31 1.25 Tulare 38x49 2.00
Sep p28 _ Napa 20x28 1.25 Tuolumne 31x43 1.50
Nevada 22x38 1.25 Tuolumno 20x28 1.25
Trail's Canyon. Nev.— Dec p4 Orange 23x24 1.25 Ventura 27x34 1.25
Travertine Palms, Calif. ...Jan plO Placer 26x46 1.50 Yolo 25x28 1.25
Jan plO Placer 30x17 1.25 Yuba 22x29 1.25
Most maps drawn to scale of Va inch to the mile. Obtainable flat j r folded
Trona, Calif. .. .._.. Jun p l l
Troy Dry Lake, Calif Nov p6 Also Maps of OREGON, IDAHO and WASHINGTON
Tucson, Ariz. ....
Turpentine bush
Turtle Mountains, Calif.
Sep p25
Sep p l l
May pi5
WORLD'S MINERALS 2417 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland 12, California
TEmnlebar 2-3870

DECEMBER, 1954 45
Quit between Uou^and MQ


MANY YEARS I have been one of those who Perhaps it is time we should start writing letters to
opposed the efforts of the Western Mining Council our Western congressmen, asking them to go over to the
to have California's Joshua Tree National Monu- Pentagon and explain that there are now over two million
ment thrown open to prospecting and mining. I share Americans making their homes on the Great American
the view of other conservationists, that there are certain desert, and another ten million who have a recreational
scenic areas in the West where the natural beauty of the or commercial interest in desert terrain.
land should be held inviolate against commercial exploi- 1 agree with the Inyo Associates and the Western
tation—and that Joshua Tree Monument is one of them. Mining Council—it is time for a congressional investiga-
But now—when another issue is involved—I find tion of the high-handed manner in which desert terrain is
myself in complete accord with the policy of the Mining being usurped by military and naval personnel without
Council. I refer to the recent announcement that the regard for the interests of the American citizens involved.
U.S. Navy is about to establish a gunnery range of ap-
proximately 900,000 acres in Saline Valley in Inyo
County, California. Speaking of conservation, we have a practical problem
The Mining Council has joined forces with the Inyo to solve at our Palm Desert home. We seeded the patio
Associates in opposing this latest invasion of desert lands with clover, and then Cyria planted petunias, stocks and
by the armed forces. They are planning to ask for a con- snap-dragons around the lawn. The jack rabbits which
gressional investigation, not only of the Saline Valley come in on their nightly foraging expeditions, like clover-—
proposal, but of the entire program of naval and military but they like petunias better. Cyria replanted them once
usurpation of public and private lands. —and now the rabbits have devoured the second planting.
Many millions of acres in California, Arizona, Nevada Yes, I know about the remedies—shotguns, poison,
and New Mexico have now been closed to all travel, either wire fences and all that. But Cyria likes rabbits no less
recreational or commercial, and posted with "No Trespass" than petunias, and wouldn't harm one of them for the
signs. The alarming fact is that these military reservations world. And wire fencing is ugly—and a nuisance.
continue to expand in peace time no less than in war time. The rabbits haven't bothered the stock and snap-
It appears that the army, the navy, the marines and dragons—and that seems to suggest the answer; plant
the air force each insists on having its own private hunting flowers which are less appetizing to rabbits than clover. It
grounds—even though in some instances the actual use is sort of a trial and error method. If anyone knows a
of the terrain for target purposes is limited to a few days better answer we are interested.
in the year.
No one would want to deny the armed forces the
range they actually need for necessary gunnery or bomb- One of our backyard visitors everyday is a roadrunner
ing practice. But the various branches of the armed forces which comes in to our drip fountain for water. 1 was
are notorious for their lack of coordination at times—and especially interested in Edmund Jaeger's story of el
some of us would be interested in knowing, for instance, paisano, as the Mexicans call him, in this issue of Desert.
why an aerial gunnery range is needed in Saline Valley For years there has been controversy in some parts
when it is but a few minutes' flight to the vast Tonopah of the desert area as to whether or not the roadrunner
gunnery range. should have the protection of state laws. Some of the
I do not know just how these transfers of public land sportsmen favor killing off the birds on the ground that
to military reservation are brought about, but I presume they eat the eggs of quail and other birds which nest on
they are accomplished by a few inter-office telephone calls or near the ground.
and memoranda in Washington. I can imagine one of the Dr. Jaeger knows more about these birds than most
generals or admirals looking over a big map of western people, and when he says they deserve protection I
U.S.A. and spotting an area with no towns and lots of believe him.
white space—then sending to the Department of Interior The impulse to kill, except in self-preservation, is a
a requisition for a 500,000-acre bombing range. Of course barbaric thing—and the degree of a man's enlightenment
things are never quite that simple in Washington. But it may be measured very accurately by the extent to which
is certain these reservations are established by agreement he lives by the creed: "Live and let live."
between officers and civilian personnel who have little The late Aldo Leopold once wrote: "The thing which
knowledge and no interest in the rights and desires of is missing (in our civilization) is love; some feeling for.
American citizens who will be penalized. No public as well as some understanding of, the inclusive community
hearings are ever held, and no opportunity given for of rocks and soils, plants and animals, of which we are
organized opposition. a part."

Utah State Agricultural College, has

published a monograph, Orderville,
Utah: A Pioneer Mormon Experiment
in Economic Organization. The mono-
graph is an excellent presentation of
a Utopian project which lived 10 years,
had some degree of success, and then
OF OLD GHOST TOWNS OLD MINING CAMP was dissolved as a communal organi-
"What might have happened had As Lucius Beebe and Charles Clegg zation for the same reasons that all
California's mountains contained no point out, Legends of the Comstock such schemes have failed—the inequal-
gold is one of the great 'ifs' of history," Lode is not a new contribution to the ity in the productive capacity of hu-
writes Remi Nadeau in The Ghost literature of Virginia City in its golden man beings.
Towns of California. But the gold was noontide, but rather an anthology of
there and it brought steamboats, rail- all the best liked stories of that period.
roads, telegraph lines, commerce, fi- So many of them are in one book or Books reviewed on this page are available at
nance, agriculture and industry to another, often hard to obtain by the Desert Crafts Shop, Palm Desert
make California one of the leading eager scholar of Western Americana.
states in the nation. Here are ten chapters on episodes
Remi Nadeau in his collection of and people during the glorious time of
western folklore, compiled for Fort- Virginia City and Nevada when the
night Magazine, takes the reader on Lode was running high, written in an I T H E FtOWtR'NC CACTUS
a fascinating tour of the old mining easy, informative manner with all the
towns starting with Coloma where the hurrah of that period.
first surging excitement of the gold The reader will enjoy them all —
rush started, to the last big gold rush from Adolph Sutro, who, after thirteen
in Death Valley's Harrisburg Flats. years of battle, finally saw his dream
The stories are short, descriptive and of the great Sutro tunnel come true—
filled with amusing incidents. Grass to the first night at John Piper's splen-
Valley, Nevada City, Downieville, did Opera House on top of the mine-
Feather River, Old Shasta, Placerville, shafts of the Comstock.
Cerro Gordo, Panamint, Bodie, Old Included are many photographic
Calico and Siskiyou are but a few of views of the Comstock, both past and
the ghost towns presented. How these present, which add to the vitality of
teeming, roaring towns finally faded the book. Lucius Beebe and Charles
into deserted and empty ghost towns Clegg are well versed in the lore of
makes enjoyable reading. the West—carrying on as they are The
Published by Fortnight Magazine, Territorial Enterprise, famous frontier
68 pages. Illustrated with Woodcuts, newspaper. The book which catches the
Paperbound. $2.50. Published by the Stanford Press, unsurpassed beauty of
• a a Stanford, California. Paperbound, 76
pages. $2.00.
• • •
The Flowering
One hundred and ten years have Written by Leonard J. Arrington,
passed since Josiah Gregg first pub- associate professor of economics, the Cactus
lished Commerce of the Prairies, a Edited by RAYMOND CARLSON
scrupulously accurate guidebook to Photographs and technical data by
prairie travel, living and commerce. It. C. and Claire Meyer Proctor
A favorite of historians, ethnologists,
naturalists and collectors for genera- 137 glorious photographs, 82 in
tions, the book is available again with FOR brilliant color, catch the cactus
HOLIDAY flowers of the Southwest at the
a wealth of additional information height of their astounding beauty.
gathered from Gregg's newly discov- GIVING! The text by Raymond Carlson,
ered diary and collection of hundreds editor of Arizona Highways, de-
of his letters. scribes all the main species of cac-
tus, the best time of year to see
A sensitive scholarly man, Josiah them, the areas most easily ac-
An authoritati cessible to tourist travel, and how
Gregg joined a caravan of traders guide to pros*
pecting for to grow and transplant cactus. A
bound for Santa Fe in 1831 and soon atomic ra.ufia detailed map shows just where
developed a fascination for prairie life. each species is to be found in
And during the 10 years he engaged Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colo-
in Santa Fe trade, he took copious MINERALS rado, Nevada and California.
notes on the life and landscape of the FOR ATOMIC ENERGY There is a special section on the
American prairies. By ROBT. D. NININGER, U.S. AEC best way in which to photograph
flowering cactus which deals with
He covered a wide field, geography Tells what to took for, where lo look, how all the problems faced by the
of New Mexico, the Indians, early New to look for uranium, thorium, beryllium.
Includes extensive appendices on mineral amateur, and there are detailed
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Published by University of Okla- At yonr bookstore, or write
homa Press. Many original half-tones D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, INC.
A t a l l bookstores
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250 Fourth Avenue, New York 3, N. Y.
pages. $7.50.

DECEMBER, 1 9 5 4 47

No. 6-1 No. 45-2

Sensational new type. Holds
Cementing to Baroque Gems well and is comfortable
Sterling Silver or Gold Filled Sterling Silver
.SI.-10 pr. — $".00 doz. pieces
4 for $1.00-$2.25 doz. Gold Plated
SI.20 pr. — $6.00 doz. pieces
No. 87-3
No. 14-4 No. 59-2
With W disc for Cementing to Baroque
Gems. This and our No. 67-13 Cuff Mount-
Cementing to Baroque Gems Flat disc 1/2" with soldered
ings Match.
Rhodium, Gold or Copper Plated on ring. Rhodium or
$1.30 per doz. Gold Plated Rhodium or Gold PI. 50c ea.—$4.50 doz.
$1.35 dozen


By Robert D. Nininger CUFF LINK MOUNTING
of U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Vl" disc
Published late September, 1954 Our largest seller No. 21-11 CHAIN
For Cementing Baroque
$7.50 per copy Gems. Rhodium or Gold, Rhodium or Copper Plated
This is a complete handbook to prospecting Gold Plated 50c f t . - 1 0 ft. $3.00
for atomic energy minerals written by the 60c pair—$3.00 doz. pieces
Deputy Asst. Director for Exploration of the
Atomic Energy Commission. No. 67-17 No. 7-VI6"
Holds stones securely BEAD (TWO HOLES)
Nickel or Gilt Plated All sizes available
No. 39-1 80c pr—$4.00 doz. pcs. Sterling Silver $1.25 dozen
Gold or Rho-
dium Plated
f Sterling Silver or Gold Filled
No. 54-4 35c doz.—$1.50 gross
4 for $1.00
$2.25 doz. No. 55-17 35c doz.-$2.00 gross
We stock all sizes

No. 101-3
No. 43-16
7mm. diameter
'Sterling Silver or Gold Filled $1.25 doz
Rhodium or Gold Plated No. 92-1
$1.25 doz. Copper Plated 80c doz.—$8.00 gross

No. 77-6—Pendant Mtg. With pinback and Co Id Filled Wire for Ca;oque Gems
18x25 mm. oval. S. S. Safety Catch
Rhodium PI. $1-25 ea. Rhodium or Gold Plated 16 ga. - 5 ft. $1.60
S11.25 doz.
4 for $1.00-$2.00 doz. 18 g a . - l O ft. $1.95
Ster. Sil. (Polished—no 20 ga.—10 ft. $1.30
plate) $1 ca.—$10.50 dz.
22 ga.-lO ft. $1.00
Gold Plated 50c ca.— No. S2-4
$4.50 doz. 24 ga.-lO ft. $ .75
26 ga.--10 ft. $ .60
No. 65-4 — Brooch Mte. FLEUS-DE-LIS
Same as above but with-
out ring and with pin
for wearing as a brooch. With Pinback
Sterling Silver Rhodium Gold or Rhodium Plated We Stock a Complete Line
Plated $1.50 ea.—$15 dz.
Gold Plated — $1.00 ca. 4 for $1.00-$2.25 doz.
of Copper Jewelry Parts
$9.50 doz.

Please add 10% Federal Excise Tax to all items listed except G. F. Wire and Copper Items
California Residents Add 3% Sales Tax—Postage Extra



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