Anti Vaccine Nurse-Midwife Exposed

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Aborigln<ll Ord lbrres 5tn:at

Islander health prac:llc.e

Chinese medlc.lne
Medical radohon procnce
Nu"ng and Mtdwl!ery

Private and Confidential Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

19 August 2014


Action taken in relation t - f t e r assessment

I refer to the letter advising you of the assessment of the complaint about
If &the practitioner).
On 14 August 2014, the Queensland Notifications Committee of the Nursing and
Midwifery Board of Australia decided that ._.professional conduct, is or may be
unsatisfactory and took relevant action under section 179 of the Health Practitioner
Regulation National Law, as in force in Queensland (the National Law).

Relevant action includes:

• Cautioning the practitioner.

• Accepting an undertaking from the practitioner.
• Imposing conditions on the practitioner's registration.
• Referring the matter to another entity for investigation or other action.

The National Law precludes information being provided that is not available in the public
national register of health practitioners.

Thank you for taking the time to raise your concerns. This matter has now been closed.

If you have any queries, please contact AHPRA on 1300 419 495 or qld- .au quoting the reference number below.

A/Manager, Notifications

Reference Number: 00281247.kb


Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

111 m1 ~111111111 ~m rn1H111
SECTION C: Mandatory notifications
14. Are you a health practitioner, YES D~ Go to next question NO Ill~ Go to question 17
an educator, or an employer?
15. Are you reporting notifiable
conduct about a health a Notifiable conduct in relation to a registered health practitioner means the practitioner has:
(a) practised the practitioner's profession while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs; or
practitioner or a student? (b) engaged in sexual misconduct in connection with the practice of the practitioner's profession; or
(c) placed the public at risk of substantial harm in the practitioner's practice of the profession because
the practitioner has an impairment; or
(d) placed the public at risk of harm because the practitioner has practised the profession in a way that
constitutes a significant departure from accepted professional standards.

NO D~ Go to question 17

...,. Please choose from below

D HeaHh practitioner D Student

I have formed the reasonable belief that the practitioner has behaved in a way that I have formed the reasonable belief that
constitutes notifiable conduct as he/she has: the student this notification is about has an
impairment, that in the course of the student
Please select
undertaking clinical training may place the public
D practised the practitioner's profession while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs
at substantial risk of harm.
D engaged in sexual misconduct in connection with the practice of the practitioner's
D placed the public at risk of substantial harm in the practitioner's practice of the
profession because the practitioner has an impairment, or
D placed the public at risk of harm because the practitioner has practised the
profession in a way that constitutes a significant departure from accepted
professional standards.

16. How did the conduct come to

your attention? D Directly observed by me (e.g. as part of care team) D Via another person/word of mouth
D Disclosed to me by the person this notification D Record review, audit
is about
D Other (specify below)
D Via patient(s)

SECTION D: Your description of what happened and/or your concerns

17. On or between which dates(s)
Estimated dates
did the conduct take place?
Li1LI1l2 a 1 41 to

1& Where did the event(s) take

Mark all applicable
Ill Hospital - inpatient D Pharmacy
D Hospital - outpatient D Other (specify below)
D Practitioner's office/consulting rooms
D Primary care facility
D Patient's home I I
19. How many patients were
Number of patients affected
affected by the conduct?
1£1 Don't know D 2+ (please specify number of patients below)

r ..,
IOI ~1111111111111 ~11111 IWI
20. Were any patients harmed
Mark all applicable
by the conduct?
0 Don'tknow 0 Minor physical harm
O Noharm 0 Significant or major physical harm
llJ Latent or potential harm (e.g. exposed to radiation, O Death
risk of infection)
0 Drug dependency
0 Other (specify below)
0 Minor psychological or emotional harm
0 Significant or major psychological or emotional harm

21. Please describe what happened

Please describe what happened or what you are concerned about, including the place, date and time the events occurred.
Where appropriate, please include details of the type of treatment involved, names and contact details of any witnesses .

........... .. 9n.25.r.Jla.r~h.?014:~~€l.~()rnrn€ll1ti>()!JrnrE!garcli11g.thE}.rE}quirE!~ ..ttepatitisE~···

.va~~i11ation at. he~ .Pla.cE! of er:riployr:rie11~.(~f)e .atta.c~E!~ ~~reensh()ti;). _.~\(i~ed apf)~~()n .PC>Sting. ()n. t~at forur:ri .. .
.t~a,t df)spitE! knovving. ~~.El. Hepa,titi~ ..B. va~ci nati()f1. is. a.~oncliti()n. of her ernpl()Y'!'E}nt .~hE!. ~a.s ~novvillgly. r€lfu~et1. ~().~()f11PIY .. .
.wit~. tha.t. ~Of1(1iti()l1 ·. Shf). t~E!n fu rthe~. a,dvisecl.thf). person. to cla,irri .a.. religio1:1s €! the. "ac~i11a,ti()n, .t1e~pitf) .thf)re.. .
.~€ling .11(). religi()n vvi~~in. j\ustralia, ~ha,t ha,s va.~<:i ne ref1Jsa.1 a,s part ()f t~E!i r belief ~yi;tE!rn. .....
.f=urt~E}r. ~()€!~. C>l1.t() statf). t~a.t the .l-iE!PCititis. E3. "a~~ina.ti()n .is. for ()Illy, .11e>t f()r t~e ... .
pr()tecti()f1 ()~ t~epC1tiE!f1t .l"his i~(if)lllOnstra.~ly fa,lsE!.a.11.~ is utterly ~1:1rprisi11g.c()'!'if19 from a. registerf)d ~E}(llt~ carE! ............ .
.Pr(lctiti()ner.. Il1e.!)p~E3ad.of.if'lfE3C:tiou~.cli!)E:)Cl,Se!) •.. i11c:l1Jdif'l9.l-iE3PCl.titis.B,.fr()l11.'!).1()Patier1t~.i!). !)().vven ... .
.c1()c:u111entE)d.. a.s. to. not 11E3€ld.sut>ste1ritia.ti()n, _ . t a . t e s . this .i~.vvha.t vva.s t()lcj. t(). her. t>Y .h.eir. E3111Pl()yE3r,. hovveiveir a.s. a. ...
.~egistereicj.he(\{<:>vvttiat.t.~ei.i.nf9r111atio11.given.toh.eiri!).inc:()r.rE3C:t~ .. .
.cle111011stra.tE:Js a.blatar1t. cjis.regard .f<:>r Jhe .\IV€llfe1re of .tiE3r pa.tieints a.ncJ. fE)ll()vv C()lleagues .t>Y. ~110vvingly. cli!)s.emina.ti119 ............. .
such false information .
... ... .. ... 1.beliE)\fE) - s . €l.rl1Pl()yed. as.a.. nu rs€)/rnic1'1\fife. a.t. the. Cit>C>\1€l.Queiens.1a.11cl. facility.. f>()tE)ntia.Uy eJ<p<:>sing ...
.neo11a.tes .10 tl1E3 Heipatitis..13. virus .bY. refusi 119 .t(). comply vvi1h.. tile c;()n.cjiti()l1!) of i!) .una.c:c:E3Pta.ble ..A11 ...
.i11fa.nt .vvhC>. C:()ritra.cts. l::fE3PC1titis .13 .i!> .a1.a.n .i11crE3(lSed.ri!)~ f c:>r.c()ndition!) !)IJCh. a!). li\{E)rf(lilure. e111d .hepa,t()c:a.rc:inorna., ..111 a11..
.a.r€la. .\! .a.. high. ra.tei .()f c:onte1c:t. vvith.t>l()()cj. C111d gth.E:lr .t>ody.fl1Jid!),~as a11. inc:r€la.sed.. ri~~. of .exp()~IJrE:l. t() .
.tf E3patiti!) .13·. pe~pite!)1Cl.tions.. her. €lrnPl()yE)r vv<:>LJ Id. ha.\f€l. a.. clutygf .C:Ci.':E3 t<:>. th€). E).rllployeE) .1C>.t.':E3Cit her. !)~()IJlci she.. .
.t>e E3XP()Sed. arid c;()ntract!).13. - I s ( ) . ha.sJh€l. p()tE)ntial.t().Pa!)s. tfE:Jpa.ti.tis.. Bori .to the.111()t~E:)r, .wh(). C:()IJld .. .
.t~ein .unkn()vvi ngly p(ls~ .th€) .if1fE)c;tion. ()n .to sub~E)qlJE)nt chil(jrE)n. a.s vve.11. a.!> dE:JVE)l<,>p ctir()11ic co11cjitio11s.h€l.r!)€llf:....
... .... - e f t 1 s a . I to c:<:>.rl1PIY vvith t> Pra.c:tiCE3 vvi1h.<:>ut a c1<:>C:l,l.rl1€)ntal 111ecjic;al eJ<e111ptio11 to va.c:cina,ti()n
.c;onsti tl,ltE)!). Cl. sig 11ific;(lnt. cjepcirtu rE). fr().rll. c:u rrem e1c:cepted. Pr()fE3~Si()nal !)tC111clards. C111ci !)tlOU lcj. tJE) .invE:Jstig(ltE:)d '. ....

~ Attach additional sheets if more space is required, with your name clearly marked on each page .

r ....,

6. Who is the health practitioner/ . .

student this notification is •rst •~ ~
about? _ _
Middle name(s)


Previous names know by (optional)(e.g. Maiden name)

Profession/specialty (if known)(e.g. nurse, podiatrist)

I Nurse I
Place of employment (e.g. clinic, health service)
Site/building and/or position/department (if applicable)
laueensland Hea h



State or temtory (e.g. VIC, AC1)/lntemational province PostcodelllP

Country (if other than Australia)

7. If we need to speak to you, YES O NO [lJ

will you require an interpreter? ...,.
Please tell us what language

8. Are you making this YES 0~ Go to next question NO [lJ~ Go to Question 14

notification on behalf of a

SECTION B: About the patient

9. Do you have the patient's YES 0 0
consent or knowledge?
You may still make a notification without the patient's consent or knowledge. It is preferable,
however, for you to inform the patient of your actions and request the patient to complete
Consent authorisation form A, attached to this form .

r ..,
VACCINE FREE AUSTRALIA Members Events Photos Files

. ·,:

Im a Dental Nurse and we were taught in college that it was compulsory to

have the Hep B shot when you start any job.
Does anyone know if the Heb B shot is actually compulsory? I remember i
was supposed to give proof when starting my job but i think they forgotten
about it as it was 7 yrs ago! haha Will i legally loose my job if I'm not

~nd 2 others like this. ../ Seen :Ji 97

~hink they can make it a condition of employment but you can

get it waviered ...... .I do not think its law here in Australia.
·, Li~~e 0 3
k thats good. cos there is no way im getting it!
Like 0 1
ey can iust not employ you and employ someone else,
but I don't think anyone's lost a job they already have for not vaccinating. The
Old ambulance just doesn't take on new staff without it.
Like 01
.. ut since I was employed by them 18 yrs ago they have
never ask-ed for boosters. The imports and uni grads need proof of vaccination
status though.

his is a good video to listen to regarding vaccination by Dr

enpenny. http:l!t.;. naturalnews.cornt'v'.asp ..
· ·' ' Li~~e
••m•.11Here·s some info on fluoride they wont tell you.
ps:nwwwfaceboor:coml. ../Fluori•je ... :211706275677622 ...
Lire 1 o
hey cannot legally force you to vaccinate. The
ental technicians/nurses at the dentist I go to have not been asked to get a
vaccination. but my dentist is anti-vax. , '..."'
.:. , •:., ., .'1: . : : ::: : >.· Li~:e 0 5

~e logic here is so totally absent again. Hep 8 is not a

I ~~spread to patients. So if you don't get the shot. shouldn't that
be your own responsibility? .A.s a dental nurse you could be bitten oy a patient,
but the patient won't be bitten by you. Ifs ridiculous.
··- Like o5
. I work for OLD Health and in 2012 they wrote a
po 1cy making the ep B shot a condition of employment. It states in the policy
that if an employ·ee can't or won1 provide evidence of the vaccine. when asked
to do so. they will oe asked to have a booster course. If they refuse that also
their employment will oe terminated. The only exception is for a person who
has a religious objection. In that case the person will oe moved out of the
clinical area into a job without direct patient contact.

I was employed in my current role 13 y·ears ago. I did provide evidence of Hep
B vaccine then (as t had it in order to do nursing. I didn1 know any better at the
time}. They cantfind my records. They told me a few months ago to either give
them evidence of the vaccine or have a booster course.

I can't get the evidence now as it has oeen destroyed oy my old GP's office
(they only keep records for 7 years) and the uni did not keep the records either.

I said I will not accept a booster for religious reasons. They told me I HAVE to
as it is a condition of employment.

I asked:

How am I any different now to the person I have oeen over the last 13 years? I
have been deemed good enough to work in my job for all of that time.

I have met your conditions of employment that is why I got my job 13 years ago.

Me: Why do I have to get a booster? Answer: ·10 protect yourself from the risk of
getting Hep s·.

Me: So it is only for my personal protection. Not to protect patients . .A.nswer: yes
that is correct.

Me: Well I am not worried about the risk. I will accept the risk for myself and
sign a waiver saying t will never sue OLD health if I get Hep B from a patient.
A.nswer: You can1 do that. You have to have the booster or you can1 work for
OLD Health any more. It is a condition of employment.

I ask:ed: How am I any different from the multiple staff who have had multiple
booster courses and have not produced antibodies (so they are not immune to
Hep 8)? These staff are still allowed to work in the clinical area so why would I
be discriminated against because I have a religious objection to vaccines?
Answer: Eventually we will move all non immune staff out of clinical areas.

Me: RE.ALLY????? I would think that would be deemed discrimination based

on a disability. If a person·s ooc:ty is unable to produce antiOOdies it is a
disability to produce antibodies. To remove me from the clinical area because I
have a religious objection would be discrimination because of my religiosity
beliefs and practices.

They asked me how firm I am in my stance. I said I will not under any
circumstances accept a vaccine and I will take this as far as I need to. I said I
would take legal action if need be.

Since this conversation I have not heard another word. All has gone quiet. I still
work in my job. I am not asking any questions. I am happy to let sleeping dogs

I have found that:

.A. nurse in Townsville who left her permanent job and then returned; and upon
return was asked to provide evidence of Hep B or have a booster: who refused
based on conscientious objection reasons: had her employment with OLD
Health terminated.

It seems that the only at:>solute legally upholdable obJections are those nased
on religious beliefs. All other basic human rights are able to be overruled for
"the greater public good". The only oasic human right that cant be overruled for
any reason is the right to hold ~·our own religious beliefs and to practice those
beliefs without discrimination oecause of them.

From this perspective when standing up to an employer who is trying to force

vaccines on you as a condition of employment. it is wise to state your reasons
wholly and solely as t>eing of a religious nature. If you start to question the
safety or effectiveness of vaccines (conscientious objections} they can say i•our
objection is not truthfully of a religious nature.

If you ever need information about what my personal religious objections are
let me know.

I wish you luck. Stand strong and do not give in if they ever try and force you.

It is only if people stand against forced vaccination that we will have any chance
of holding on to our rights to refuse!
:, ;,r Li Ke i'.:i 5
~ly husband worked for qld health and was injured by the
hep b vac.i swear if i could go back in time i would -:_ ·
-.c::., ·.: ·:r - ·: ~ Like ~ 6
~he problem with this is that ifs unconstitutional. I'm not a

but I do know that the Australian constitution says that nobody can be
forced to undergo a medical treatment. "Get a vaccine or get fire er
makes it an obligation and thats unlawful. But when its about vaccines
nobody seems to care about the constitution.

I wonder how difficult it is to forge a vaccination certificate. Has

anyone ever tried that? Here I give an explanation why I think
vaccinations themselves are a religion: http/ \.vww :1outuoe.comtwatch?

v=vvxoYEwq2o01 I fully admit that ifs a

stretch. but I still think I have a point. lfwe can somehow mal<e a
strong case for this kind of reasoning, then we can simply state that
nobody has the right to force their religious practices on us. End of story.
-::::..;.: .:: , .. - , .. Like ~8
~oth my son and daughter were at Wollongong
I ~be Registered nurses both had to stop their studies. and
therefore their future careers because of this policy coming into effect, despite
their purely religious objection. They were told no hospital would accept them
for clinicals so they would not be able to complete their course. Sadly unless
you are a yes person you are not welcome. t suggest find a better career than
so called health. that allows you to believe and act on your beliefs .

1 --.-
. : :.1.;,.<:.:1 c< . ;, : · Li~~e ~ 5
can you provide a link to the Old Health policy
·requiring' the Hep B shot a condition of employment (or upload it if it is not
· online)? I have lool<ed up Old Health and it talks about recommendations. not
requirements: http Nwww health.qlc!.gov.au1 ... 1health .. .!healthcare.asp
.~ - Li~:e ~ 5

ou are so strong! I would have been stumbling all

d not been able to get my point across.
•·' Li Ke
e relevant policy varies from one state to another.
u are in WA, so neither the Old policy (relevant t o - o r the NSW
policy (relevant to ?
children) and how those policies are implemented
in those states are especially relevant to you. In fact. as a dental nurse you are
not even in the public system. so not even WA Health policy applies. Just looks
like the typical bullying that cannot be backed by anything at all.
-:·-~·>·1 c:1. ·~~: : .• :: :,:~·: Like i:J5

* will do my· best to share it. Br@win HancocK if you don1 mind
gMng me your email address I will forward it to you. I find technical sharing of
things on Facebook a bit of a challenge.

Li Ke ~ 2
··-~ applying to commence a bachelor of Law this July. My
on m doing this is to be able to help others stand up against forced
vaccination. I also hope to help Midwives and Nurses defend themselves when
unfairly accused of wrongdoing in their practice. When something goes wrong
medically it generally lands in the lap of the nurse or MidWife. They usually can't
afford to defend themselves and so they get railroaded .
.· Li~~e iJ 7
••.,anks so much guys! you are all going over and beyond to
answer my question! you are all amazing! my email is
- · • '· Lire iJ 2

.......l!CJll•••••-Y advice is play things as low key as

possible. Hopefully they will forget to follow up on your vaccine evidence. If they
do ask again just say you will get it and then maybe you will accidentally forget
, ·-: · . . , · ' - Lire iJ 2

~ually they havnt said anything at all. i was just interested.

I was never anti-vax when i started this job and knew i "had'" to get one but i
didnt because i simply dont lil<e needles! tot Glad i didnt get one back then! · ·~ ·
..., . _ .: li~'.e iJ 3
••--•-llll!.!"t'lave you considered taking legal action against
OLD Health for causing her husband physical harm?
•. _;~ : : ; ' Li~:e iJ 2

• • •l'abulous thread. It is so great to these conversations

happening here and not just watching the Americans worl<ing it all out
- Like iJ 4
••ltJoutd never get a doctor to diagnose it as from hep b
needle.the best thing they come up with is menieres disease
: Like iJ 1
···~ierd! Never heard of that before.
Same with the kids at school. I never provided the certificate. They never asked
LiKe iJ 2

ould like to know more about the religious exemptions. and if

ifs possible to get them in order to stucty nursing? rm in Qld, but rm in the
situation where I could move anywhere. if I had to. Can anyone tell me if its
possible to get an exemption due to allergies too? I've asked Ors. nurses.
scientists &just random people on the off chance
Lii-:e iJ 1
ah. uh, that posted before I'd finished ... Do one is able to tell me.
rm allergic to a few vaccine ingredients & wondered if thafs a possible angle?
Li~~e iJ 1
. . . . . . .IPttp:i'lchurchofcl .co mi'
•'_. U~;e iJ 1
~In order to file and receive a religious exemption to vaccination,
• ~t have to be a member of a specific church that opposes vaccination
and your belief in an organized religion (Catholic. Protestant, Jewish. Islam.
etc.) should not preclude you from exercising religious belief exemption to
vaccination; however you must be prepared to explain and defend your
religious beliefs regarding vaccination when questioned by state officials
You can daim a religious exemption to vaccination if you hold a sincere belief
that use of one or more vaccines violates your spiritual beliefs or ability· to obey
y·our conscience aner seeking guidance through prayer or study of scripture·
from: http: I/articles. mercol nil. .. 11ega1-va ccine-exe nipti on s ...
. . I ' Li~:e 0 3

••IS9'Jo -I was told the allergy had to be an anaphylactic type one or

else it doesn1 count!
" : ' . : Li~:e o2
••••~lot of religions have beliefs that could give vaccine exempton
eg: Catholics wouldn1 agree to aborted fetal tissue: Seven day aciventists.
being vegetarian( I think) wouldn1 agree with animal matter;Jehovahs
witnesses wouldn1 agree with blood products. Just to name a few··.:
~ ,.. · , · . Like o1

ii!S! :tame Thank you. I am!

Thats interesting. I am doing a completely different course degree currently. but
• my heart isnt in it. I would love to switch to nursing if I can. Hmmm :::
. : · Like o 2
arious Pagans. +I think some Rsstafarians oppose vaccines

'··· W:e 0 2
your allergy to one of the ingredients in the vac? eg. egg
·.I : ' ·. Like

••••••aihe trouble is with nursing that at the moment even

hen you get trained its difficult to get a job, especially without the hep b.
Darwin university was the only one that may have taken my kids on, my eldest
contacted every other nursing university in Australia and they all sprouted their
policy. NSW was the first to introduce their policy re health/ nursing/ physio/
students. The other states have quickly followed. The NSW nurses association
is also part of the problem as helped write the policy· and then crowed abOut
their part in it.
·· •• · Li~:e o3
- . I am allergic to lots of things, but for this topic - eggs. peanuts.
• east. antibiotics. and dogs. Which should in theory cover me for all Hep 8
vaccines. flu +polio. I have documentation of (aquired I natural} immunity to
everything else.

~ haven't worked for OLD Health for about 10 years and it was
~rior to my Vaccine questioning ...... .lik:e a Good Nurse I went off and got Hep 8
vacc. not once. not twice out 3 times and still held NO immunity to Hep 8. What
I was told at the time is they estimate about half of the staff who have had
immunity in the past will lose it anyway ....... so this is just insanity.
- Li~:e 5 o
you have three courses of three injections?

IP f haven't worked for QLD Health for about 10 years and it was
prior to my Vaccine questioning ...... .like a Good Nurse I went off and got Hep B
vacc. not once. not twice out 3 times and still held NO immunity to Hep B. What
I was told at the time is they estimate about half of the staff who have had

~ •1 immunity in the past will lose it anyway ....... so this is just insanity.
' , !

;. .

!1'9 r

6 5

did you have three courses of three injections?

- h a d 2 full courses and then one of the third ...... they then tested
..... ~gain a.~d told me it was pointless doing the last 2 as I was not ho Icling any
immunity.......the Dr told me it was not unusat. out again this was 1Oish years
ago .....
~! Li~:e 6 3
oes not matter if y'Our religious belief is only your own and
not part of established religious doctrine. Eg. The catholic faith does not say
that Catholics can't accept vaccines. however individual Catholic's might have a
personal faith issue that makes their personal religious objection legal and

My personal religious obiections are for the following reasons.

1. Some vaccines are produced using human diploid cell lines originally taken
from aborted babies. God does not agree with abortion. To God abortion is
murder. It is against the 6th commandment- thou shalt not kill.

2. Viruses used in the vaccines are grown in a medium. Usually these are
animal based eg. Chicken embryo. monkey kidney, dog kidney etc.

According to virology (how viruses work): When a virus passes through a

medium it drops some of ifs viral DNA and picks up some of the DNA of the
medium. Eg. A virus grown in dog kidney is highly likely to be carrying dog DNA

Nhen this virus is injected into human tissue (medium) in a vaccine. it is highly

likely that the virus will drop some of the animal DNA in our human cells and
carry away some of our human DNA.

This is called a mutagenic effect (changing our DNA).

The vaccine information inserts themselves say in big bold type: lhe
carcinogenic (cancer causing), mutagenic and effect on fertility of these
vaccines has not been tested. This is proof that the vaccine manufacturers
cannot guarantee that the vaccine will not change our DNA and result in us
becoming part human and part animal at a genetic level.

God desires us to be his pure human genetic creation and so it is against His
will for us to taint our DNA with animal DNA

This situation was predicted in the bible where it says: as it was in the days of
Noah so it will be in the days ofthe Son of Man.

Basically this means:

In the days of Noah fallen angels had babies with human women and created
a race of giants who were a genetic mix of humans and angels.

These beings were evil and created terrible suffering and death on the earth

God sent the flood to cleanse the earth of this evil and purify the human race
once more.

Vaccines are satan·s latest plan to taint and change human DNA

There are reasons satan wants to do this which I can share later if you need it

It would be wise to have scripture references ready. Google is an easy way of

getting them.

I would advise applying and being accepted into the course first and then
broaching ~·our religious exception after that.

Try not to alert them to your objection until you absolutely have to.

I hope this helps

. •. - a l s o add to-xcellent list the Revelations re
. sorcery which the actual translation is pharmacopeia (revelation 18) I believe
· what we are seeing is part of the deception to destroy humanity, as we are
made in His image.
u~:e 02
llad to get hep A and 8 when I was a needle exchange
officer as it was part of the OHS guidelines for employment. Six months after

the 3 hep 8 shots my doctor tested me for antibodies of which there were none
so I had to do the whole set again.
'.: : .· , · ",,. Like o 2



http /.•'N>f'Nv. m edi care au stra lia. gov au/ .Jma-co ns c1entiou s...
·' ·· Like o3
p '/ith every vaccination you also get injected with toxic
• sut>stances that cause cancer. neurological & autoimmune problems
including Alzheimer's. And you are also getting injected with animal DNA (that
corrupts your own DNA) & a myriad of animal viruses & diseases.

http:Hwww.~·'•=K 1 rn3Tio~;l/U4.
; '' ' Like 0 2


: : :·, : Like
. . . . _ . I thin I< the religious oDJectlon doesn1 need to be too
. . ~d. If I would need to explain mine I would sticl< with a few basics: 1.
God gave us a sKin to protect us from dangerous substances in our
environment. Sticl<ing a needle through that protective sl<in to inject those toxic
substances goes straight against Goers intention with the human t>ody. 2. God
created the earth perfectly and everything has ifs place. Trying to Dully viruses
and bacteria away means you thinK God made a mistal<e. 3. God created
humans and animals. If He had wanted humans to have animal matter in their
DOdies He would have created us that way.
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